Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 25, 1887, Page 4, Image 4

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TJJFIMS op sunsctttpttos i
Dfttlr Morni-iff Edition ) InCludliiB Sundnjr
Ilur. Ono Your . flOOl
For Blx Month * . . . 5(0 (
VorThrM4Monlhft . 8 DO
The Omntm Sunday HF.E , mailed to any
, Ono Your. . , . . , . SCO
OMAHA Orrirr , No. 014 A.xn 01 ! FAtivAn
NKW vonKOrrirr. HOOM Tninpxi llttii.niMi.
All communlentiotn rolntlni ? to news nnil edi
torial tniittor Mitnild bo wMrosscil to the Km-
Ton or THC litn.
buflno * . letter * anil remittances eliouM bo
cf&od to THE HKH ruuusmmi CUJIPANV ,
OMAHA. Drnft * . ohocKo nnil po < tnHco ( orders
to bo mfldo payable to the ordtr of the comimuy ,
K , HOSEWATKK. Kniron.
Sworn Statement of Circulation.
Btixtc of NclirnfiVn , I . , ,
County of DoiiKliu. I
( Ico. J5. Tzfchuck , secretary of Tlio Hoc
Publishing company , does nolcmnly swear
Hint the nctiml circulation of tlio Dally lco !
lor tlio week cudlng Jnn. Hist , 1S > 7. WHS ns
follows :
Saturday. .Ian. in . 13.WiO
Hundav. Jan. 1C . 1U.O.W
jvloutliivan. / . IT . l-M'-'O
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tiEo. H. T/.scmrcK.
finlifcrlbcd nnd sworn to In my iircscuco
tlilsiX'u day of January A. D. , 18b7.
N. 1' . Fnn ,
[ SEALI Notary 1'ubllc ,
Geo. II , Tucliuck , bolng first duly sworn ,
depones nnil nays that liu Is frecretnry of tlio
Jlen IMibllshlnc company , tlmt the actual nv-
prniro dally circulation of thu Dully llco for
the month of January , 18SO , was 10.Hi8 copies ,
for Febnmrv. 1&ST > , 10.6P5 copies ; for March.
JbW5 , 11 , mt' copies ; for April , 18ST , , 13,101
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Qico. II. TzRcmTcrc.
Sworn to and subscribed before mu this 1st
day of Jimuaiy A . D. 18S7.
[ SIJAUJ N. 1' . Fnir. . Notary Public
THE rallrogno democratic organ is
btill refusing to "condone , " treachery.
Judas robukliur treason would not bo
in ore refreshing m the light of the his
tory of Nobrnskn politics.
Tun Omaha freight bureau , represent
ing 100 inun In buckram in the person of
ISIr. Grilleta , didn't seeui to have the de-
Bircd ofl'uct on congress. The intur-slato
commerce bill passed without regard to
that bogus telegram.
EVEKY rose has its thorn. The Illustra
tion ( lends of the press are now dimming
Paddock's victory by publishing atrocious
portraits of the senator-elect which vary
in resemblance from likenesses of Captain
Kidd to plagnrisms on Munckacy's Christ
before Pilate.
TintEK lithographing presses broke
down in furnishing passes to the crowd of
railroad bummers and strikers in Lincoln
last week. The inter-state commerce bill
will bo a sad blow nt a former flourishing
Industry at tno state capital.
TIIK republican club of New York in
tends to give its first annual dinner on the
12th of February , the anniversary of Lin
coln's birthday. A largo number of dis
tinguished republicans have been in
vited to be present on the occasionwhich
promises to bo of exceptional interest , if
not of considerable significance.
i'E is once more agitated over the
prospects of impending war , with Franco
und Germany as the probable combatants.
French folly will attain its supreme
height in precipitating another conlhct
with the German fatherland. Such a war
would bo short , sharp and decisive. The
events of the past month should teach
General Botilnngor how fully equipped
Germany is for such a coullict , and how
isolated French arms would bo in the
great struggle * .
Tin : Western Iron association has de
cided not to make n further advance in
the price of iron. This action , it may bo
romtirked , was not dictated by any solici
tude for the consumers of iron. The fact
is that the price has been advanced until
it has reached the tariff protection limit ,
und to push it any farther will be to in
vite heavy importations. Indeed , oven
now the home manufacturers are fearing
that iron will come in at figures below
those they have established , and iho next
change will probably bo to lower figures.
Kut the mills throughout the country are
supplied with orders that will keep them
Imsy for a time at the prevailing figures ,
which may continue for some months.
Those who can wait , however , will doubtless -
loss got lower prices before the year
Dow , JONKS & Co. , the financial news
ngonoy of Wall street , charge the West
ern Union company with selling their
special dispatches to rivals , especially to
Kiornim & Co. Dow , Jones & Co. , after
BeeinK their dispatches published by ri
vals for some days , prepared n decoy dis
patch , willed promptly appeared In Kier-
nan's circulars , Kiernnn , however , de
nied the theft and said ho had the news
from the Commercial news department
of the \Vostorn Union company. Doty ,
Jones & Co , published the facts in Wall
street , whore complaints of a similar
character create much sympathy with
them. The Western Union "suspended I
an operator , " but it is not likely to rest
there mid important litigation niny grow
out of It.
A a inAT : deal of excitement has been
suddenly created in railroad circles iu
Washington by the announcement that
prominent democrats are urging strongly
upon the administration the selection of f
General Van Wyok as one of the repub i-
lican members ot thu intor-stato railroad
commission. Van W.yck is urged , accord 1-
ing to the dispatch , as more nearly repre i-
senting public sentiment on the railroad
question than tiny other republican and as
being most available in view of his near
retirement from the senate. This is very
complimentary of course , but we imagine
that tlio senator will have other
fish to fry nearer home. Without con-
Milting Van Wyok on the subject' wo
bollovo that prior engagements will keep
the general bus ; iu these parts. The de
frauded people of Nebraska , of whom ho
was the overwhelming choice , have busi I-
ness for thu senator to transact in the
next two yours which is likclj to keep
both him uud his enemies well employed.
The opening oycrturo does not always set
'lie key for the evening's concert.
by Their Servants.
On the day after the legislature con
vened I attended the tmnunl reunion of
the Loral Legion and heard Colonel Mor
row relate what ho saw nt Gettysburg.
It was a thrilling story portraying in
vivid colors the deadly nnd eventful
struggle which Abraham Lincoln pro
nounced decisive in securing for poster
ity a government for the people , of the
people and by the people. It becomes
my duty to relate the incidents of an
other battle which involved practically
identical issues. At Gettysburg it was a
hattle of bullets ; at Lincoln a battle of
If what I saw at Lincoln during the
late senatorial combat could bo trans
ferred to canvas by a great painter wo
would have a panorama as interesting as
any now on exhibition. It would de
pict scones ns dramatic as any yet put
upon tlio stage and characters as brutal
nnd beastly as Richard 111 , treacherous
ns Ingo , or bravo , dovotcd ami loyal as
Mark Antony. That Van Wyck was the
popular choice for senator goes without
saying. That ho had arrayed against
him" the confederated monopolies with
nil their mighty influence nud devilish
machinery is an open secret. But all the
powers of evil , all his personal enemies
nnd all the hireling henchmen could not
have prevailed against him had ho been
loyally supported by the men who
were elected on solemn pledges to stand
by him to the end. The people of Ne
braska will very naturally want to know
why their confidence has been so shame
fully betrayed and their well-known
wishes have been so recklessly disre
garded by their trusted representatives in
the legislature. They want to know who
was true blue and who played the traitor ;
who was firm and who lacked backbone
and deserted in the midst of battle.
The position 1 occupied both before
nud during this fight enables mo to
do justice to the tried nnd faith
ful and show up in their true light
the men who have dishonored
themselves , betrayed their constituents
and disgraced the state. Every candid
man must admit that Nebraska stands
disgraced before the entire country in pre
senting the spectacle of a commonwealth
whoso ronresentativcs are so lost to all
sense of duty , honor aud self-respect as
to nullify with impunity the expressed
will and wish of their constituents. How
was it done , and by whom ? Let me tell
you. When the legislature convened it
was plain and palpable that the Van
Wyck supporters were in the majority in
both houses. They were in position , by
combining , to organize each house nnd
place his re-election beyond pcr-
ndvcnture. The railroad lobby at
once brought all its influence
and pressure to bear to prevent such
n result. It organized a star-chamber
caucus in which two Van Wyek senators ,
Fuller and llobbins were not uhwillingly
inveigled , and captured the senate
through their votes in combination with
two democrats , Vandcmark and Campbell
boll , I heard some weeks before that
Uobbins and Fuller had been tampered
with by railroad strikers but even after
their first defection they pretended to bo
very indignant at the suspicion which I
expressed as to their fidclityto Van Wyck
and the people. Tlio sequel showed that
both tlicso men were masquerading as
Van Wyck men. Fuller 1 learn has a
brother-in-law in an important position
in the IJ. & M. employ and the pcn-pict
uro of Kobbins which appeared in an
Ord City paper after his first somer
sault is suggestive :
Ord's bobbins started south just before
the cold snap. The chirrup is nov heard
in the vicinity of Lincoln.
Tit willow , tit willow ,
I'm a peed fellow ,
A blackbird here ,
And a robin there.
Tit willow , hear us holler ,
Tit willow , 8 , S , SI
The election of llarlan as speaker was
achieved through tbo machinery of 'the
republican caucus. The chief engineer
was Mr. Whltmore , of Douglas , who
played the role of logo in this drama of
treachery nnd conspiracy from begin
ning to end with all the perfection of r
professional star. It is essential to mystery
story that wo go back and relate how this
man Whitmorc came to bo such an im
portant factor , and why ho was trusted
almost to the end in spite of his cunning
nnd duplicity.
Two years ago Whitmoro , who is
a stockraisor and farmer near Vallo ;
was nominated by the republicans o
Douglas county and elected by i
good majority to the legislature , because
of his pronounced anti-monopoly views
nnd sympathies. Ho made a very
fair record and was generally
regarded as n man whoso word was
good as his bond. Within the past two
years ho expressed himself both to Gen
oral Van Wyck and myself as an arden
Van Wyck man , nnd ho enjoyed ray im
plicit confidence until the day when the
county convention met which noml-
dated him. That convention was by a
round majority made up of Van Wyck
republicans , and 1 was never more sur-
prised than when Whitmorc , who was a
delegate , made that startling speech in
opposlon to a resolution introduced by
myself instructing representatives to vote
and work for Van Wyck. Whitmoro do-
clarcd that while ho was a Van Wyck
man , ho regarded it as unbecoming to
his manhood to be tied by instructions ,
To accommodate him I modified thoreso-
ilution , which declared Van Wyck to bo the
preference of Douglas county ropubli-
1cans , nnd was voted for by Whitmoro
innd nine-tenths of the convention. I
can renhzo now why Whitmore did not
want to go instructed. Ho had doubt-
loss already arrived at a secret under-
standing with John M. Thurston , who
had succeeded in foisting his own part-
ner and T. W. Blackburn , n railroader
ion the ticket in expectancy of becoming
the scnatoriul-daik horse. Just before
the legislature mot a paragraph appeared
in the Papillion Times which gave it out
that Thurston was Whitmore's second ,
if not his first choice for senator. This |
significant item aroused my suspicion ,
but did not yut entirely shako my conli-
dunce. 1 know that Whitmore had re-
celyed the tuppprt'of the railroad.faction
but I olsp thought that ho would not 4aro
to go back on the workingmen , who
had put him on their ticket , and
cast fully 1,003 , votes for him. It was only
after the house had organized that I
began to seriously doubt Wliltmuro's
sincerity. Ho was one of the five mem
bers of the committee on credentials nnd
ns such had deliberately consented to
throw out Fishburn , of Saline , a Van
Wyck republican who had a prima
fame right to his Beat nnd had been
placed on the roll of members by the
secretary of state. When asked why ho
consented to this unprecedented dlsfran *
chlscmcut of a county , which worked
nlso the loss of n vote to Van Wyck ,
Whitmore said ho did this as a matter of
policy. Ho regarded it ns impolitic to
oppose a majoiity of the committee nnd
assured mo ho would fight it out
in the house when the case
was reported by the committee on prlr-
ileccs nnd elections. Right hero let mo
say that Whitmoro hart committed him
self to llarlan even before the election ,
llarlan and Whitmoro had n conference
with myself and General Van Wyck in
Omaha nearly n month before the logis-
Inture met , nnd it was agreed that if llnr-
Inn wns elected speaker , Whitmoro
should not only have the pick of his otvn
committees , but his wishes should bo con
sulted in the formation of nil tlio other
committees. And now wo rcnch a point
where I must introduce another treacher
ous actor in the play just ended. Colonel
Russell , of Colfnx , had been for years
ambitious to represent that county in the
legislature. Defeated twice , because ho
was nllicd with the railroad faction ,
ho protcssed n change of heart
last spring and avowed himself in active
sympathy with the Van Wyck republi
cans. Still there was much distrust nnd
doubt nt Sohuyler nbout Russell's sincer
ity , nnd ho paid several visits to Omaha
last summer to assure mo of his loyalty
to Van Wyck , nnd made appeals for sup
port both to myself nnd John Rosicky ,
editor of the Bohemian paper , which
wields a controlling inlluonco in Colfax
county. Ho finally also enlisted Guneial
Van Wyck himself ; got him to make
speeches and by our united effort and in
fluence was duly elected. About ten days
before the legislature met Russell called
on mo in the editorial rooms of the BII : :
nnd after some talk about Van Wyok'a
prospects , asked mo what wo were going
to do about the spcakership. I replied
that llarlan was our candidate. Russell
thought Harlan's chances were poor and
intimated that ho was disposed to support
Cole , as ho was anxious to beat Ageo
and Newcomer.
"Why should you support Cole , " said
I , "any more than Agoe , when wo know
that ho is Jim Laird's man aud committed
against Van Wycic ? "
"Well , " said itussoll , "Cole would be a
medium between the two most offensive
men , nnd I think would do the square
thing. "
I asked Russell what Cole was willing
to do for him , and he said he would make
him chairman of the judiciary committee.
I then asked him not to commit him
self , as I believed that unless already
pledged to somebody else , Harlaii would
do as well by him , oven though the chair
manship lie asked for was at the head of
all the committees. Wlmreupon , I wrote
the following letter , and handed it to Mr.
Russell to mail :
OMAHA , Neb. Dec. 24 , ISSG.-.Vr. N. V.
llarlan , 3'oiTu .ZVWi. PEAK Sin : 1 have-just
had an interview with Colonel Russell , of
Colfuxwho will be one of the prominent men
In the house.
Colonel H. would make an excellent chair
man of the ju llciary committee , and unless
you have already made some arrangements or
promises , should bo very much pleased to
hnvo him appointed. Please ndvlso mo by
return mall. You can have Mr. Russell's
support , I have no doubt , if ho can be satis
tactorlly placed on the committees.
Very truly yours ,
E. RosuwATini.
Four or five days later 1 received Mr.
Harlnn's reply , as follows :
YOIIK , Nob. , Dec. 23,1SSG. Hon. E. Hose-
water , Omaha , A'cMY / DIAI : : Siu : Yours
at hand , relative to the chairmanship of the
judiciary committee. I had a gentleman in
my mind that I think would bo a pooil , competent
potent man. llo Is a lawyer of good ability ,
but if Mr. Russell Is well Qualified to I'd ! the
place , I think the matter can be successfully
The outlook scorns to bo Rood. I will bo In
Lincoln nt Capital hotel Friday afternoon
and thereafter till the light is over.
Yours , etc. , N. V. UAIILA.N ,
When the committees were announced
Russell was duly appointed chairman of
the judiciary committee , as proof of good
faith on our part. In selecting the com
tnittec on privileges and elections , Rus
sell was chosen as the lawyer on that
committee , whoso counsel would bo vital
to the interests of Van W.yck. Whether
Whitmore , who probably was advised of
Russell's insincerity had him put on this
committee I know not. Sullico it to say
that ilussell made every effort in this
committee to unseat Fishburn and Roper ,
both known to bo Van Wyck men , nnd
his ingenious pleas demoralized
our friends on the committee
so that n majority reported
ndversely in both cases , nnd their reports
were forced to the front when they conk
have benn withhold ns were these of the
anti-Van Wyck committee in the senate
Not only this , but when this Pishburn
case was up in the house , the opposing
counsel was given the floor of the house
nn hour , a thing unheard of iu any legislative
lativo body. The absence of Fishburn's
lawyer wns taken advantage of , so tha
only ono side was heard. Having dom
his wily work of beating Van Wyok on
of n vote in the committee , Russell triei
to cover his tracks by recording his vote
in the open house in favo
of Fishburn , when ho know tha
Van Wyck could no longer profit by it
During the Fishburn-King debate , Whit
more , who was expected to make the
fisrlit for Fishburn , made flippant re
marks tlmt had no weight whatever nnd down , Thus the double-dealing trai
tors inside of our camp in the very first
week of the session robbed Van Wyck of
two votes nnd paved the way for the in-
fnmous conspiracy which brought about
his ultimate defeat. How this was done ,
who played the minor roles of knaves ,
spies nnd hypocrites in the betrayal of the
people will bo told in another issue ,
Now that the senatorial election is over ,
the legislature should got right down to
business. There is an abundance of
work to bo done In thofow weeks remain
ing. Efficient railroad legislation Is de
manded , and the demand cannot bo ig
nored. A numoer of anti-monopoly members -
bers who want to put themselves right on
the record will bo given the chance.
TSio Xmviv Slto Swindlers ,
One or the most Infamous swindles of
corporate rule m this stnto is found in
the operations of the town site compan
ies which hang' like leeches on the rail
roads and suck the blood nliko from
stockholders , prdfits and a suffering pub
lic. Nebraska railroad wreckers are not
satisfied with the profits from inside con
struction ring' ? , composed of officers of
the roads which contract with themselves
for railroad construction. They have
added to this well worn device for water
ing stock and tllclnns for themselves the
profits of the robbery , that of locating the
towns along their lines and control
ling every foot of ground in Iho
neighborhood of their stations. No mat
ter what may bo the settlement m ad
vance of the line of railroad , and m spite
of whatever villages or towns may
have already been located , the railroads
claim tlio right of placing their stations
on lands purchased by their inside ring
of town site sharks and of destroying if
possible all neighboring communities to
benefit their own. The history of the
state is full of instances where nourish
ing settlements have been dismantled or
put on wheels for removal to a corporate
townsito because- railroad facilities wcro
denied to the community to force resi
dence and business upon the lands of the
town site companies ,
The most audacious and bold faced of
these corporate blood suckers is the Lin
coln Land nnd Townsito company at
tached to the IJ. & M. road. It has fat
tened from the proceeds of its reckless
robbery of the public , the advantages
which it enjoys from its connection with
the rend to which it is attached , nnd the
submission which the people nnd towns
nlong its lines hnvo yielded to its oppres
sive decrees. An incident of their
methods Is rolrvtod in another column.
The legislature owes it to the pcoplo of
Nebraska to institute n rigid Investiga
tion into the operation of these swindling
concerns , nnd to pass such remedial laws
ns will curb the worst nbuses from which
the people suffer at the hands of the town
site pals of the railroad managers and
Kncalol trim t 111(1(1 Icbnr cr.
There hns been very little time since
the Virginia senator , Mr. Riddloborger ,
entered congress that ho has not been en-
gngcd in some sort of contention more or
less discreditable to himself and damag
ing to the character nnd dignity of the
senate. Ho 1ms had several personal al
tercations with his colleagues , has been
many times personally abusive , has dis
regarded the rules of the senate repeat
edly nnd de.licd authority , and generally
has so conducted himself as to have dis
gusted ovcrj'body associated with him ,
estranged those who wcro disposed to bo
his friends , and brought upon himself the.
contempt and reprobation of nil decent
men. At the opening of the present ses
sion ho wns first heard of in n quarrel
with an officer of the senate , nnd lie
again attracts tlio attention of the coun
try by declaring war against the entire
senate. Nettled by the fact that ho is
officially and personally ignored , ho now
proposes not only to make matters in the
senate , and particularly in the executive
sessions of that body , as uncomfortable
as possible , but to lully disclose all that
transpires which is intended to be kept
from the public , having already given
evidence of this determination. By this
notion Air. Riddlcbcrgcr of course violates
his oath and renders himself liable to ex
pulsion. It remains to bo seen how much
farther the senate will permit him to go
in his proposed course.
It is hardly necessary to say that the
cause of all the Virginia senator's troubles
is due to his own conduct. Politically he
has been a disappointment , but it is his
personal habits which are entirely re
sponsible for the disrepute nnd disregard
into which ho has fallen. These are of n
nature to forbid both respect and con
fidence. A senator of whom it is said
that it is the exception to find him sober ,
either when nt his post of duty or away
from it , has no claim to the recognition
of solf-respucting men. lie is not the
sort of person that any reputable man
would care to cultivate as a companion ,
or who could reasonably expect to re
ceive consideration in any direction. I1 era
a man so entirely dominated by n dis
graceful vice as Riddlebergcr is said to
bo the penalty of isolation from tlio society
and regard of gentlemen is inevitable
and proper. Were it not that this is the
unfortunate character of the Virginia
senator , ho might depend upon a very
general public approval of his effort to
have the proposed extradition treaty be
tween the United States and Great Britain
discussed in open session. Independent
of the widespread popular feeling adverse
to the policy of secret sessions , cxctpt
under extraordinary circumstances , there
are cogent reasons why this particular
convention the terms of which the
people have been made familiar with
despite senatorial vigilance should be
discussed openly by the people's repre
sentatives in the senate , and there is less
reason for declining to do this since the
provisions of the treaty have been made
public. It is said that had some other
senator submitted the resolution of Rid-
dlebergnr for a consideration of the
treaty in open session it would doubtless
have received n largo vote. It is therefore -
fore to be regarded as especially unfortunate
tunato that the motion was made by the
Virginia senator , as the result was to
place the senate in a position from which
it will not now bo likely to recede. As to
Riddlcborgor , it is not probable that ho
will change his Imbits , but rather that
they will become inoro confirmed and
disagreeable , nnd Ills a question whether
the senate should continue to tolerate
him. It cannot do so without a still
further sacrifice of lU character aud dic-
Tlio JIcGlyiiu Cue.
Father McGlynn lias at last made a
public statement iij tlio controversy bo
tweyn himself nnd Archbishop Corrlgnn
Ho accuses his superior of misrepresent
ing his position and of misquoting his
letters. The suspended priest allinus his
linn adhernnco to doctrines of the churcl
and his submission to lawful nuthotltj
properly exercised , but denies that ho
will retract his views on the private own
ership of land until Iho pope proclaims
them contrary to the faith. He adds : "I
am theologian enough to know what the
church teaches as to the limitations o
this power of definition and the/eforo to
know that thu doctrmo of the equality o
human rights In land can no
more be condemned by the church thai
any other truth. " Hr. McGlynn's physi
clan adds his declaration that the pries
is too ill to make the journey to Rome
? cv. Dr. McGlynn's case is a lurd one at
ho best , tt is hard to bo suddenly shut
out from his useful and beneficent labors ,
ind his whole life's purposes brought to
laught , simply for entertaining opinions
vlilch without doubt ho believed ho had
a right to rntertnin in entire consistency
vitli his priestly duties. Now it scorns
hat the tragic completion of death may
'iisue. ' The end of Iho contest with
tome is not doubtful. Despite nil the
neetings for indignant protest , the re-
tisal to ncccpt the priest whom the arch-
rishop has sent to supcrccdo their pas-
or , the assertion of political independ
ence accompanying the confession of re-
Idous subservience , the rebellion of the
icoplo of St. Stephen's will cud in tlio
usual wny. Many individuals may break
iway from the church and desert it
vholly , but the church of Rome will
nako no concessions to rebels.
JcorRiuilzatlon of the Weather
The president is reported to hesitate
.bout appointing a successor to General
la/.cn as chief of the Signal service , in
lofcreiico to the growing sentiment
avorable to the civil reorganization of
lie weather bureau. The death of the lute
lend of this service was the signal for a
'cnewnl ' of the discussion regarding the
idvisability of transferring it from tlio
var to n civil department , and so far ns
vo have observed the very general sonti-
nent is in favor of such transfer , General
luv.on stoutly resisted this view , nud It
vill doubtless still find opposition in
irmy circle * , though perhaps loss Inllucu-
ial than hit , but unless the president is
n sympathy with the military opinion , as
illicially proclaimed , that "tho whole
hcory of the organization is that the
entire force of the signal corps shall bo
ivnltnble for immediate service in case of
var , " there is a very good chance that
ho wcnthnr bureau will cease to bo a
nilitnry establishment.
The popular idea is that the work of
observing and predicting the weather
s n peaceful nud not a
nililary art , and that tha director
of such work should bo quali-
led for his position by n scientific knowl
edge of meteorology. The duty required
of the bureau is to announce the "proba-
ilo approach nnd force of storms
throughout the United States for the ben
efit of commerce and agriculture , " u sor-
ice which certainly does not require sol-
Huts. This was conceded in the assist-
in co extended during the ndministra-
ion of the bureau by General Ha/on to
ho formation of slate weather services
entirely non-military in their nature.
I'licso are n'ow organized In many of the
tatc.s , and their number is increasing
Rlmost every month. The history of the
signal service shows n steady increase of
ts civil nnd scientific features , so that
.he share the army work now has in it is
relatively very small. As a separate or
ganization the signal service dates from
1800 , when there was added to tlio staff of
the army one signal officer with the rank ,
pay and allowances of a major of cav
il ry. Six years later the chief signal
officer was given the rank of eolonol of
cavalry , his corps consisting of six ofii-
ers and about ono hundred noncommissioned
sioned officers and privates , detailed
from the battalion of engineers for the
j > erformancu of military duty. In 1870 the
service was required to give notice
on the northern lakes nnd on the .sea
east of the approach of storms. Then
I was that it came into public notion and
iho weather service was instituted under
ihe able direction of General Alyor. In
1873 the work of the bureau was extended
to its present scope. Thus it is seen that
rowth and expansion have been almost
wholly in a direction purely civil and
scientific , and this must continue to be
the case in whatever possible progress
the service shall h re.ifter make.
There is no good reason why such work
should bo kept under military manage
ment and control , but on the contrary
there is reason to believe that it would be
to the advantage of the service if it wore
not so. At all events there is competent
opinion in favor or a civil organization of
the weather bureau. In 1831 , in response
to an inquiry of congress , a committee of
the National Academy of Sciences rec
ommended that the motoorolgical work
of the signal service bo put under the
general control of a non-military mete
orological bureau. Last summer the
joint congressional commission on thu
signal service , after a very thorough in
vestigation , reported that the work of
the weather bureau in civil work
in its nature and character , and
that military restraint is not necessary to
its success. In 1831 Socrutary of War
Lincoln stated that ho fully agreed with
the recommendation of the committee of
the National Academy. The army oven
is not a unic in boliving that the weather
bureau should be continued under mili
tary direction. So far , of course , as the
signal service proper is concerned , it
need not bo disturbed us a part of the
army establishment , of which it is per
haps p. valuable and necessary feature ,
but ono quite apart from the meteorolo
gical work now connected with it. It is
believed the secretary of war is not un
favorable to the plan of making the
weather bureau non-military.
A i.ONO with the statement that Lord
Dillon has bcnn paid the amount of rent
al of ins Jrlsh estates on allowing the de
sired 20 per cent reduction comes the in
telligence that 150 policemen nnd armed
soldiery wore required in another county
of Ireland to evict the tenants of nine
poor dwellings. Humanity instinctively
protests against the overwhelming brute
force that Is thus employed In the diabol
ical work of turning men and women out
of their homes nt the height of the winter
season to froe/.o , starve , beg or die , as
chance- may deal with them.
WASHINGTON' corporations rejoice with
Nebraska monopolies over General Van
Wyck's defeat.
Mr. BlfUne Is to deliver nn address on
Washington in Detroit the 22nd of February.
Henry Myers died lately In I'ralrle Grclir ,
Lit. , ayud I'M years. He Is believed to have
been the oldest man in the country.
The heirs of tlio late Haron Karl Mayer
Rothschild will build a museum at Frank
fort to contain all the art treasures left by
Mrs. Enullsn , the bride of the ox-irovcrnor
of Connecticut , U reported to bo the mosl
popular woman In the Ameilcan colony at
Kicothls season.
Once again the report comes thut Mrs.
Jaines lirown J'ottcr has signed a contract lo
uecome a professional actress. Who has
the contract to keep these icporls In circula
tion ?
C , M. Urunibllmr , n professor In the Tow.i
Wesloynn university , Is a candidate for state
superintendent of public schools as If thcro
wrro not sufficient gruinblltilu thu schools
Senator Hearst , of California , owns a
lowspancr which ho says ho never rends.
This Is nu evidence of good taste nnd sound
ludgment on the part ot the senator which
ns scarcely expected.
AVIth all the multiplicity of authors ,
royal journalists are still rate. The present
czar , however , before his father's death , used
often to contribute to the columns of Mr.
ICatkotr's Moscow ( ! < \etto.
The well authenticated stories of the enr'a
> ; uilc stricken nnd drunken condition nro
leclarcd by his ovcr-fnitliful J'all Mail
Gazette ( o bo ' 'uiuultiirntcd trash ot the
vilest nnd silliest description. "
Lady Colin Campbell Is said to have re
'used S.VX ) a night for n concert tour through
England. She says : "Walt until 1 am really
Uvorced ; then I will charge you 51,000 , , nnil
lint will bo ever so much better. "
Mrs. Senator Stanford wears 5" > 00,000 worth
of Jewels ; Mrs. William Vnmlctbllt has a
5130,000 pearl necklace ; Mrs. Frank Leslie
wears dlamonis ns big as birds' epss In her
ears ; Senator Hearst can nlTord to pay
SoOO.OOO for his toga. Thoie Is no
question but the country la climbing right
onto the top wave ot prosperity.
tieorfio W. Chlhls Is nRaln talked ofns n
candidate for mayor ot 1'hllailclphla , despite
its emphatic declination to accept the olllee ,
nud n strong effort will bo mndo to put him
forward ns the nominee of the labor party ,
Mrs. Kllen Lucy , of Oshkosh , Is claimed to
jo the oldest woman In Wisconsin. She wns
) orn In Ireland In 17S3 , married at twenty-
.wo , anil four years ago iraveleil fiom Maine
o Oshkosh alone. She Is In u-ood health nud
jhls Intr to last several years yeU
In n llo MI.
riImlrifJ / ! / | ; ( I'rcsi.
The city of Atlanta Is still furnlshlnt ; evl-
leuco that prohibition prohibits , not In that
neighborhood , but In n horn.
License Alxvnyn Successful.
Albany Journal.
As tohlRh license , It has much to commend
t , nnd has been very successful In other
states not only In restricting the sale of
liquor but In bringing in revenue for the
iucal authorities.
How to Snvo lixpcuBCR.
I'MlaMjititn Pr .
If the California democrats. Instead of
electing fioorgo Hearst to the United States
scnnto , would merely send n certllied e.hcclc
'or 52,000,000 or SI,000,000 ) it would afford just
ns effective a representation of the Interests
ind Influences which accomplished Mr.
Hearst's election. Furthermore It would save
mileage auit other expenses.
I nituiic I Tor Not.
Kiln IHifflcr inioor.
Curse nnd forget herV" so 1 might another.
One not so bounteous naturcu , or so fair ,
Hut she , Antonio , she was like no other
I curse her not because- she was KO raie.
She was made out of laughter nnd sweet
kisses ,
Not blood , but sunshine through her blue
veins ran ;
Her soul spilled over with Its wealth of
blisses ,
She was too great for lovlnp but a man.
None but a cod could keen so rare a creature ,
I blame her not for her inconstancy :
When 1 recall each radiant smile and feature
1 winder she so long was true to me.
Call her not false or licklo. 1 , who loved
Do hold hcrnot unlike the loval sun ,
Which all unmatcd , ro.uns the wldo world
over ,
And lights all worlds , but lingers not with
Fraulcin R ran ( It Says Slic Felt ns If
Struck l > y lii IitninfT.
Now York Sun : The young woman
who interrupted the performance of
liccthovcn's "Fidolio"nttlio Metropolitan
opera on 1'riday night by : i derisive
peal of laughter , which temporarily stag
gered Frauloin Urnndt ( Leonora ) , did not ,
n lady who knows her says , intend to re
flect on the singing or acting of Ifrnuloin
BramU. The young woman wns dressed
in black , nnd had her back half turned
toward tlio stage. She was seated in a
box on the grand tier of the auditorium ,
and had been talking in a tone plainly
audible to the singcra. Kr.iuloin Itrnimt
could not distinguish the words , but they
appeared to be Knglish , nnd followed
one another like Iho reports from a Gat-
ling gun. The derisive laugh was the
young woman's criticism of or answer to
: i remark made by ono of her compan
Fraulcin Brandt said last night that she
had appeared as Leonora 103 times. At
the clmialiu part of the opera , where she
embraces her husband , rlorestan ( Ilerr
Miemann ) , she lun over boon accustomed
to receive unadulterated applause , and
plenty of it. She expected the usual re
sult on Friday night when she throw her
arms about Ilerr Nicmnnn , and ex
claimed , "Oh , inein Florestnn. " Just at
that moment the derisive laugh readied
her ears.
She says she felt as if she had boon
struck by lightning. Memory and voice
failed her , and Herr Soldi had to stop the
orchestra and look nrotmd for the dis
turber , I'Vaulum Brandt says she was
never so embarrassed in her life. In re
sponse to the outburst of disapproval
from the crowded house , flho nnd Herr
Nieinaun advanced toward the footlights.
She thought nt that some enemy ,
who HIU ! could not imagine , had sought
this public way of hurting her. 'Iho
hisses directed toward thu offender and
the popular demonstration of confidence
reassured her und Herr Is'iemniin , and
they sang the duet admirably. The nu-
dience recalled them foiltimes. .
Frauloin Brandt is sum that the young
woman who laughed wns not laughing at
her. Other pcoplo who were at the opera
are sure tlmt the young woman will not
publicnlly laugh again very soon.
Tnlcnn Suddenly III.
Judge Neville , who wont U St. Paul ,
Minn. , Thursday last , was taken sud
denly ill on Saturday , and is now at the
Wuit hotel in thatcity midora physician's
cure. No serious results are uxpeetcd ac
cording to the latest advices.
Preparflil with strict r jar4 tornrlty , ( Strength , nn&
. . ' ' ' .
HoiUlifalrnxvi. Dr.l'rlro'uUikU'Kf'owlt-'rt.jEtaiiiu '
i , VaalUo , Lemon , etc. , llbYM dcUcicmsly.
Containing ono hundred and
fourteen acres , of beautiful land
( with trees ) and school house al
ready erected and in use , lies
southeast of Armour Park , is
near the B. & M.'s Ashland cut
off ,
In Section 5 , Douglas county ,
ono inilo \ > y chain measure west
of Fowler's Packing House , on
two section line roails.
This Tract
Will plat ono luuulrcil nnd four
teen lots which will readily Bell
nt § 100 each.
To run within two blocks. B. &
N. . Depot and Lumber Yards
within onc-fonrlh mile.
This tract will bo offered for
a few days at $1,000 , per aero.
Can be nmdc out of this addition
Avhen platted. Any one desirous
o purchasing addition property
will lind this a great bargain.
Land and map shown on ap
Situated within 4 blocks of
the Lip'on & Fowler packing
houses , and within 3 blocks of
the now IJ , & M. depot.
All the lots are very fun.
On Easy Terms
Which will bo worth double
within a year , making
several hundred per cent profit
on the cash invested.
Room 9 Redick's ' Block ,
1509 Farnain St ,