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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 25, 1887)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; ITJESDAY , JANUAKY 2a , 1887 , 3 THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS K Oaliforaians Still Energetically Pressing Their Great Wheat Deal. - CORN RATHER QUIET BUT FIRM. Pork Prices llctter All the Wny Through the Session The De mand For Hoes Actlvo anil Values Higher. CHICAGO PRODUCE MARKET. CIIICAOO , .Ian. U. ISpccial Telegram to Iho HKI : . | The Callfornlans were prcsslm ? that wheat deal of theirs again with alt thulr might tills moniliisr. Field , l.indley & Co. wcro grabbing tor all the wheat for sale at thoopcnln ? , paying up to S-V' ' c for some. .Speculators on the slope now have the Binallcrbears thoroughly alarmed from the very energy with which they are crowding It , but them were sotno outside Intlucnccs which helped to Increase the anxiety to-day. Consols nntl all klmls of foreign securities were lower , giving excuse for Iho "war ficnrc. " A dispatch from San Finnclsco said the weather was clear nil over the state. May pork was up to S12.S2 } ' nntl the shorts were In ns much of n panic ns In wheat. , The talk , however , ran- terctl In the wheat dual , which Is engineered Trom somewhere In the vicinity of the Hnnlc of Nevada. Wheat was very unsettled with in n narrow ranee , being active and In in fern n time nnd then dull and easy , but the ranco was higher than on Saturday nnd the closing phows'nn ndvanco of ' $ c. .May hohtiotl be tween MfiJ(5. ( ; ( ' > Jf and S5Jfio was the lirstas well ns thu lust iiiotatlon. | January closed nt 7t c , February nt 7i'c ! ' nml .March nt 7UTfe. Corn wns rather quiet , hut n stronger fcclim : prevalletl , tluo ehlelly to the ndvanco In wheat , Small shorts covered moderately. Oiroilnirs weto not law and prices ad- vnnced slightly , hut nt the close were only ' * Gl.Vc hUhertlian yestoiday. Mny opened nt ItJi'e. sold atll * < o , declined to ll fiI ! ! , < . reacted ami closed nt H\@llkc. July sold nt42' < iic. : Thu Moor tallcis that Armour it Cmlahy nro buying the potk , hut this Is ilimhttul. Prices weic certainly very strong nil the way up to 812.N ) for May , which was n Htialuht nway advance of 25o ucrh.iriol. . nnd this was well sustained. It Is believed there nro n coed many small stunts out in this product nnd that they nro coming In every tiny , thus holplng along the advance. January and February ranged from 512.50(10 12.57X nml both closed at S 12.50. May sold from Sl-.M up to Sr.N' ' , ami closed 20o lower than the highest licmc. January nml Feb ruary laid closed at SG.52.Ji und .May nt S.75. ( ! CHICAGO MVB STOCK. CHICAGO , Jan. 24. ISpecial Telegram to the Hic. : | CATTM : Sellers this morning started out to get hlcher prices , ami ns buyers resisted quite strongly the market for common to fair stock was lacking In activity early. When the buyers nnd sellers got to gether It was on n bads of fully steady prices. ( ! oed to choice fat cattle of all if eights wcro In good demand nml sold nt r'lrong prices. The market became moro .ictlvo and values closed strong. Trices were not quotably hotter , but the concral market was nioio satisfactory than nt the close last week. Shipping steers , 150 : ! to 1,500 Ihs. , 81.50(715.00 ( : 1200 to ia.V ) Ibs. S4.20-4.50 ( ; ( .r,0 to 1200 Ibs , SH.50@-4.00. Stockers ami feeders , 82.104i.fiO ( ? : ; cows , bulls nnd mixed , 81.50 ® : i.75 : bulk. S2.o@2.tO : ! ; Texas cows , S2.-10 ; steers , 8:1.0013:1.25. : : llotis The tlemand was active and prices strong and lOu higher on about nil classes , the market closing linn with all sold. A few fancy heavy sold at S5.00 ( < .10 , and best packing sorts at SI.HKff'l.U" , with common at g-.W4.70. ) ) hiirht sorts sold nt S-I.50Q I.'JO. T. nnd U. sort sold nt S4.00 ( Now Yort. Jnn. ! M. JtOVKY On call Cftsyntn@5 per cent , closing at-per cent. fill HE MlIUOANTlLB I'APKK C37 per cent. BTKHMNO EXCIIANOH Active and strong : 4.b2 f for sixty dny dills ; S-J.67. ' for do- mand. ( lovnnNMitNTS Dull but firm. STofKR There was more decided weak ness shown In the stock market to-day than nt nnv tlinn since the break of Uccnmbcr Hi. Trading was accompanied hy considerable excitement , nnd the market was to n largo degree feverish nml irregular. The opening was decidedly wale , tlio general rnmo of prices being from H to % nor cent below Saturday's linal Humes. Tlieru was nn active nml well distributed business tluough- oiit the list. Prices made further slight de clines In early dealings , but the market milled In the first hour , nml In some cases the opening prices wcro exceeded. The do- cllne , however , was resumed , nnd by noon prices were materially below those of Satur day evening. Another drive was made at values early In the afternoon nnd a slight rally followed , but towards " o'clock the de cline gatheiod In force , nml was not checked until the close , which was nctlvo but weak. Hocking Valley stands alone among the active in showing an advance. Richmond it West Paint Is down : % Louisville it Nash- vlllo : i ? , and hnko Shore and Norfolk & Western preferred tyi per cent. STOCKS ON WALL , srnrtKT. V cent bonds. . . . ICO C. & N. W ill'/ o.a. preferred. , r.vj . ? . . . _ . ni ; racincO'Bof'05. Oreeon Tran. . . so Central 1'ucllic. . I'aellicMall. . . . C.&A I ) . &K iirricrrca. . . . 155 I' . T. O C. II. AU Hock Island. . . . ' ' ' ' ' tjtL.ifcS.lf. . . IX A 11. U. . . . . . . preferred. . Krmpreferred. C. , M. St. P. . preferred. . preferred. . Illinois Central. St. r. .to 47 % 1. , U. dtW If2S preferred. . . Kansas A Texas. 2S > Texas Pacific. . 21) ) Lukfl Shore OlVtUnionl'aelllc. . L. A N ' Mich. Central. . . B7 I 'pruforrrd. ! . Mo.facific 105Jff ; Western Union. .Northern J'ac. . . JOHjO.K " preferred. . . B7'd rnooucE nt.\KKKT. , Jan. 24. Following quotations nru thu a : i closing flcuros : Hoiir lull and unchaneed ; winter wheat tlour , 54.2 , ' : : soutnern. 84.10(34.20 ( ; Wis consin , 4..WO(4.30 ( ; Michigan soft gprlnc wheat , 8y.70Cil4. : ) : Mioiu-Hota bakers , sa.70 ® Y 4.'Mpatents. \ . f4.MKl.fW ; low crades. S1.0.xa S.U6 ; rye flour , quiet at ? tia5 < 2y.70 In bands. nnd 83.aOM3.40 In oVn. \Vlieat-Modonitely tactlvp , trading fair ; feellnt ; somewliat unsettled and nervous but iK : opened nbout ' .fu above Saturday's and closed stroni ; with conslderahlu ad' 'e : cash , TU o ; Murcli , bOc ; .May , ( S5 13-lOc. Corn Moderately nctiva and fair , closing etroiiK and considerably above Saturday ; rash , * 5c'March ; , Hfl c ; May , 41 11-lOc. Duts Steady and moderately active , no material CMIUIL-O In i > vlco took plnce ; cash , Wife ; March , 5c ; May , 0c. Kyo-Sleady at 5lc. llarluyDull nt WtSMi 'c. Timotliysoed PrluiH , Sl.00fill.01. Klaxwed-Sl.OJ Whlbky-Sl.18. Pork Actlvo nnd considerably stronerr ; cahhSW.WJtf5 March , 8W.57K ; May , 1'J.77) ) . Lard Moderately nctlvo and lirmcr : cabh. 80.W : March , Sa.VK ; May , J8.TJIW. ' ' CiJJulk Mcats-Slioulders , S5.HOii5.35 ; short clear. JO.COiafitt ; short ribs , SO.H07 ' Uutter liulet ; creaiflery , ; dairy , Firm ; full cream cheddars , Kl@ 18' c ; Hats , 12Jfti8cj young Americas , 13Q J3)fc ; Bklms , * " ' ' " - Hides Steady and nnchanpedj ( ireon , CUc : heavy green salted , 7Kc ; salted bull , fi'je : dry salted , UQl2c ; dry illnt , Ukiil Ic : tleacotis , 25o each. Tallow No. 1 country , sc ; No , ? , 5 cake , < c. Jtecelotfl , Shipments.'3 ' 27.000 Ifi.OOO Wheat.bu 2.5.000 s.000 Corn. Dtt 103,000 20,000 0 ts.Du 1CW.OOO 57,000 Kye , bu 2,000 1.0(10 ( Darley.ou 55,000 2COOO Now Yorlc. Jan. 24. Wheat Receipts , & \-lOO ; exports , 342.00J ; spot H' ( ! lc and op- tlons lilkc ( nlchcr , closing strong ; tin- cradcd red. WQlOc : Nt > . a red , WM&&H No. s red , OlCWl o In elevator , Wo atioat ; > c. f. o.b. , Fehruarr , closini : at IHc. uru SIH > I > j < 3itj and options hlchcr , closln.z firm ; receipt * , iO.noO ; wports , 121,000 ; ungraded , i9Hft49 ' * cNo. ; 2 , * ijfr < 9 4 c In elevator ; | 4'j c , f. o. 'b. , &Dltc aftoai ; February closing nt 4P& Oats A shade higher nml fairly active : re ceipts , 3S.OOO ; exports. IKi.OOO ; mixed western , 37MT < c : white wcstern.s242c. : Petroleum Steady ; united closed at 70Mc. Kges Knsler ; western , 2S < r20c. 1'ork A shade higher nml moderately active ; mess , 812.2Mti2.75 ; new mess , S12.75. Laid A shade metier nnd moderately active ; western steam , spot , 30.8. " . Jluttcr Quiet and weak ; western , 12Q2c ; Elgin creamery , 3Ic. Cheese Steady nnd quiet ; western flat , Il@l2tfc. Milwaukee , Jnn. 21. Wheat Higher ; cash , SO'ic ' ; February , ROc ; May , Wfc , Corn-null ; Nn. 2 , 3r. . Oats -Quiet : No. 2 , Bf. ' < c. Rye Kasy ; No. 1. Barley Steady : No. 2 , 50c. Provisions Higher ; pork , January , 812.55 ; .May , 512.77 . Clnoinnml. Jan. 2 . Wheat Strong ; Xo. 2 icd , b-PjuiS-V. .Corn Active nnd higher ; No. 2 mixed , Oats fcasler ; No. 2 mixed , CO' ' ( Syoj c. lire-Dull ; No. 2 , f.sp. Pork-Firmer at SROO. Lard-Quid ntSii.5' ' ) . Whlsk-y-Stoady at 51.13. Mliinonpoilfl , Jnn. 2t. Wheat Firm ; Xo. 1 hard , January and February , bOj c : Mav , S5J c : No. I northern. January ami February , 7 ! > ' < e ; May , Wtfe ; No. 2 northern , January nml February , 77c ; Mav , Me. Flour-Quiet ; uatents , H.50&I.UO ; bakers , S3. < Wij.70. : Receipts-Wheat , 101.000 bu. Shipments Wheat , 23.003 bu. : Hour , 12,500 bhls. In Store-Wheat , 7,321,570 bu. ; at St. Paul , Tno.OOO bu. St. Louis. Jan. 24. Wheat Strong ; No. 2 red. cash , 8l"f ( * sijc ; May. b7fSi'fi' | . Corn Firm ; No. 2 mixed , cash , 34'.f < i ? i' c ; .May , : i7f@M7J ? < c. Oats Steady ; No. 2 mixed , cash , 27fc ; May. 'JOke. Ityo Firm nl52 > < fo. Podc-Strong at s2.7r. ! . Lard-ilUicrnt SO.-10. lliilter Dull and easy ; creamery , aifS c ; dairy , 15 ( < T2le. Atternoon Hoard Wheat , strong and J c higher ; corn , 'jftf'fo better : oats , &c higher. KnnsnH City. Jan. 21. Wheat Strong ; No , 2 red , cash , 72.Ve ; March , 75e bid ; May , 7UVc bid. Corn Strong ; No. 2 , cash , 30 } c bid ; Feb ruary , aic ; May , JUJ.'c bid. Oats-Cash , 27J < o bid. Now OrlontiH. Jan. 21. Corn Meal- Firmer at S'J.25. Corn Firmer ; mixed , -I0c ; > vhltc , 50c ; yel low , heltl nt 52o. Pork SttotiK and higher atS12.75. i/nd Itelilied tierce , S0.2. ' . . Hulk Meats-Shoulders , lirmcr nt 55.CO ; long clear and clear rib , S < W7.f. Liverpool , Jan. 21 , Wheat Strong ; de mand tronil. Corn Firm. I/IVR STOCK. ClilunKo , Jan. 21. The Drover's Journal lotiortsns follows : Cattle Receipt ! ) . 7,030 ; market steady and n shade stronger ; shipping steers , SM.50@ 5.OU ; stockers nnd feeders , S2.40iUiO ( : ; eows , bulls and mixed , Sl..riOf ( . : ) .75 ; hulk , S2.oUM 2.MI ; Texas cattle , S2.4HntS.25. Hogs Receipts , ' . 10.0UO ; market active and lOc higher ; roush nnd mixed. 81.2004.75 ; packing nnd shiiinin1. . Sl.70ii.10 ( ( ; light , 84.20lfijl.R5 ; skips , S4.' . Sheen Kecelpts , 4,000 : market steady : mx- lives. $2.5n < g4.W ; wnstorn. S2.75rtZ4.oa ; Tex- ans. 82.4004I.W : lambs , S4 10 5.115. The Drovers' Journal's cnblo.-ram from Lomlon quotes excessive supplies of cattle and prices are } e lower , best Americans marketing only 11'iC. ICnnu.tR City'Jan. 21. Cattle RecelpK fiOO ; shlpincnts , none ; choice fat cows nnd butcher's stiilf strong ami 5 ( 110c higher ; common to choice shipping , steady nt $1.40 M4.40 ; stockers , S2.40i42.'JO ; feeding steers , firm atSH.OOM'J.GO ; cows. 5l.nOfiJ3.20. Hoes Receipts , 5,000 ; shipments , 2,000 ; active nnd 5 < ! lUc higher ; common to choice , S4.15g4.70. ( Ht. ixiiilHJan.24. Cattle nacelpts , 1,000 ; ehlpments. BOO ; lirm ; clioico heavy native stoerc , 84.ririZ4..K : ) ; fixlr to good sliipplng steers , si.OO'tHtO : : ; butchers' steers , lair to rholfp , Si.00@4.10 : ; feeders , fair to good. 82.70&i.i : > 0 ; stockers , j fair to good , S2.00GJ ' Hogs Receipts , 4,000 ; shipments , 800 ; nctlvo and a sliitdo higher : choice heavy and butchers' selections , 54.Ww5.05 ; packing , fair to good , St.70@t,85 ; Yorkers , medium to fancy , Sl.50ail.05 ( ; jii-js , common to good , 53.85 4.40. OMAHA IiIVE STOCK. The Week. The receipts of cattle have been liberal during the past week as compared with the weeks preceding. The market opened lirm nt the beginning of the week , nnd continued so until Wednesday , when there was a sharp decline of 10jdl5c ( , owing largely to the with drawal of ( ! . A. Hammond & Co. from the market. On Thursday the decline was very nearly recovered , but there was a , still further decline on Friday , on common cattle , of lOc. The week closed with prices n llttlo stronger. The hoe market opened the flrst of the week with heavy hogs selling at § 1.55(31.CM ( , mixed , S4.5U ( . I. < X ) ; 11 Jit , S4.K@I.50. : On Tuesday the market waslully lOc lower and continued about steady on the tliy following. On Thursday the decline was more than ry- gnlued , thetu being an advance of 15e , which prices were maintained until the close of the week. Sheep have been dull all the week and only one load has been reported sold. -Monday , Jnn. 24. C'nttto. The receipts though light wcro heavier than on Saturday. The market opened active with a good demand and everything was sold In a short time. The market was n slmito stronger than at the close of last week. Ono bunch of fancy corn fed heifers brought 83.75. Ho g. The receipts were light as usual nt the be ginning of the wock. There was a very fair demand and the pens were cleared nt an early hour. Prices were about steady with Saturday. Sheep. Them were none In and nothing dolne on arkt.'i. Cattle. . 400 Prevailing 1'rlcos. Showing the prevailing prices paid for live stock on this market : Choice steers , liBO to 1500 1IS..SI.30(44.5 ) { Choice steers , 1100 to 1300 Ibs , . , H.UO@I.40 Coed feeders . 2,75@i.OO : ( ! oed to choice corn-fed cows. . . . 2.75fttfl.2.'i Fair to medium grass cows . 2.ooxpw.50 Hood to cholco bulls . 2.0032.7fl Light nnd medium liocrs . 4.40@.50 | Good to choice heavy liogs . 4.COM4.75 Good to choice mixed hogs . 4.50&4.GO Itoprcscntntivo Mules. 8Tiiu.s. : : No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 1. . . , IWO 11.00 l..J ftO S4.0 fi. . . . Ulft 170 3fl..liaj 4.00 VJ..10IO ! t.75 ! ! . . . . 10M ) 4.0J 34. . . .11119 ! I.S5 8..12-V5 4.2U 1. . . . 050 3.85 15 . . .1390 4.30 COWS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 1..10.0 sfli.50 1..UKV ) 5H.2- ) 12. . . . U' > 3 2.70 1..1S20 3.2.J b..l2-"J 2.M 10 , . ,118S 3.10 2. . . .low a.40 i. . . .isyo 12. . . . D12 3.0J No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 51. . . .1170 S3.75 4'J ' 112i S3.75 cows AXI nui.i.s. No , Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 32. . . . 1022 82t > 0 nui.i.s. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 2. . . . law 32.50 1..15SO S2.75 2. . . . 1705 2.CO . No. AV. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 3. . . . WO 83.25 nans. No. Av. Shlc. Pr No. Av. Shk. Pr. ( VS..1W 20934.40 M..2.W 1'JO 34.0.5 bO..Utt 120 4.45 71. . . .219 20 4.H ( S..17S . . . 4.50 01. . . .251 60 4.70 S..2S7 80 4.50 69..2S8 SCO 4.70 74. . . .254 163 4.55 M..319 2sO 4.70 72. . . . 243 100 4.00 51 , . . . 3:30 : 240 4.70 60.,30.-i 0u 4.0."i S9..849 410 4.75 71. . . , 207 ICO 4.03 41. . . . 343 . . . 4.75 _ H an to ol'l'rlccs. Showing the hlgheU and lowest prices paid for loads ot Uo s on tuU market durluif the past spven-tlays and for the same time last .month and la.Uycar : Iloals3i. | Jan. 1SS7 Jnn. 15th 4.15 GI.6J 8.4J c-W.63 IVtbi , Sunday 4.2.1 < $4.G3 3.40 0.1.87JS IMth , 4.0-1 © 1.20 4.41 Ct.7S 3.25 tfr1.ii ) list , 4.10 < S < .27' 4.M a4.77' 3.51 e.l.0 2I < 1 ' 4.00 ® 4.2. > 4.40 & 4.T3 3.57' ) . ) ilrd 4.1V , l.20 Hundfiy 3.40 21th , 4.03 ft 1.15 4,40 Ol.7i Sumlay Shipment ! ; , Showing the number of cattle , hess and sheep shipped from the yards during the day. CATTLK. No , cars. Ht. Dest. 2 . N. W . Chicago 11 . Mit. . . All Slips of stock in this market are made per cwt. live wolelit unless otherwise slated. Dead hog * sell at Ka Per lb. for all weljhts. "Skins , " or lie s welching less than lO/J Ihs. no value. Pregnant sows are docked 40 Ibs. nnd stags S3 Ibs , by the public Inspector. Notes. Hogs all sold. Cattle stronger. Hos market steady. Hood butchers' stock sold well to-day. P. N. Ulerbower , Ftillerton , was hero and sold a load of cattle. C. C. Wlltsc , Fulleiton , came in to-day and sold two cars ot cattle. J. W. Harmon , Fremont ; was In with two loads of c.Utlo which sold on the market , Mr. Hennett of Honnett Iro3. ! , Wayne , was hero nml marketed two cars ot cattlo. l.obmnn & Itolhrhlld bought seven loads of cattle and Andy Haas two loads ° n to day's IIKlllU't. P.iul Itostwlck , Woodburn , wai In to-day looking over the market with the viuw oi sliipplng here later. The following had cattln on the nnrket : C. \\lltsc. I'tillurton ; FnrrlngtoiuV : Son , Lyons ; Hey , \ : Towalcc , Silver Creek. On the market wltn hogs : Packard , 1 , . & ( j. Co. , Plntnvlcw ; M. J. Hughes , West Point | ArbucklnA ! H.Vlllisca ; Howers.Vr M. , Northhoro ; M. Htitlon , R.uulolpli ; Dounnii it Dcgan , Ibrnestoii ; Wiley & Kecd. Mon- tieth : F.u-rington .t Son , LvonsV. ; . O. Du- gan , Mimlon ; A. D. Sears , darks. Win. Kr.i7.ler , Wayne , and J. A. Fr.v.lcr , hllver City , In. , had in a hundied head of corn fetl heifers which sold at 5:1.7.the : high est price over obtained at these vartls for : x hunch of hollers. Tliev were liatf , seven- eiglitM nnd full blooded shorthorns nnd bar ren. That U the class of stock that tlio Fra- zler brothers handle. OMAHA UMlOIiKSAM5IAHliH3TS. : . The Week. The most noticeable feature In the produce markets during thopast wet k has been the gradual decline In the poultry market. While turkeys were selling nt tic the first of the week with nn occasional sale nt lOe , they wrre very slow halo at the eloso of the weelc nt T&Sr. Hutter Is selling n little bettor than n wrek ago. Kggs hnvo sold nil the week ns quoted below without nnv appiecl- alilcchange. . In game them U a decline on rabbits which have been very plenty and slow sale. Apples , potatoes and other lines ot produce possess no new features. General I'roiltice. -Monday , Jnn. 23. Tlicfnlloit'litti i > rlcci urc for nntnil Ints ( if jiw'iicr ' , ns Kulil on the mcir/ict / t < t-dn\i. \ The < inn ! < nio x on fruits represent the prices < it icli trh imtxltlc iirtli'rx itre. Illicit. HrTTiit--The : reccliits me not very heavy hut the demand Is inclined to ho blow. The bulk of the butter has been selling at KMiilHt ; for so long n time that It is ilitlictilt to raise the price while 111' ) demand is no heavier linn nt the present time , nt the same time n lew sales tire made ns high as l ! > 20e : Fancy eountiy. l ! ' ( < t'-0e ; choice country , Ififiltsc ; sweet table tmtter , llca > l5c ; fair , 10 12 , ' ; c ; common , N > IOc. Knos The egg market is in verv much the same condition ns it has been lor the past week. While Ihe receipts are liberal , taking all kinds of stock together , the receipts of strictly fresh cgcs are light. There nro n u < o 1 many so called fresh eigs sold nt 2Jftd ! 24e. hut strictly fresh and bright stock that has been recnndled nt the commission houses Is bringing 25c. Pori.Tiiv Poultry Is not bringim : nulto ns good prices as n week ago. The market is glutted with tiiikeysnml there Is very llttlo sale for them at any price ; So is nbout the outside for the best stock while a great deal of it is selling for 7c. Chickens uru in tulr demand nt. Sc lor the choicest stock whll * good stock is selling as low as 7c. ( ieeso ai.d ducks sell at SC-t-Jc. ( I.V.MK The market is overstocked with snir.II rabbits , .hick rabbits are nlso in lilnril receipt but aside from that there Is very little game coming in. Prairie chickcny , quail and venison nre out of season and It Is con trary to the law for dealers to handle them. The law has never been vcrv strictly en forced , nml n irood many dealers handle them ntter they are out of season : Ducks , .Mallard , per doz , S1.75i ( 2.00 ; ducks. Teal , S1.25C'l..10 ; ducks , mixed , 81.25 ; geese , S2.f,0 < j.0 : ! ( ) : lirants. 52.00 ; Jack rco'jlts , 8i.00"small ; ; rabbits , MWZCOe. CIIKISI : : Full cream Cheddars , single , 14c ; full cream Hats , twins. 14e ; Voting Ameri cas , 14c ; fancy Swiss , l.livziOc ; Imported Swiss , 25c : Uinburgcr , 13c ; brick , i4J ® 15c. POTATOES There nre no new features In the market. The trade Is limited almost en tirely to the sale ol small lots Ironi the store. Choice stock trom store , small lots C0@ 05 . VKOKTAIJLKS Beets , rariots , parsnips and turnips nro fjuotcd : itOc1. . Horse-railihh roots 84.00ec .50 per bbl. AiM'i.Ks 'I'lie npplo market Is linn and stocks on hand are light ; Choice .Missouri stock par bbl. S3.751.00 : ; Choice Michigan stock per bbl. 84.0U. ONIONS -Home crown stock , per bu. 81.00 @ 1.40. Cm.ruv Choice stock , per doz. 40G < 4r c. LKMONH A ear of Messina lemons arrived this week In jood : shape ; Messinn per box , 85.00. OKAXOKS Vnlcnclaprcansres have arrived In the market : Valencia per cnie ; , S7.25 ; do , 3 to 5 cases , S7.00 ; Santa Anna oranges per box , 83.50. OuANiii'.BiiiKB Capo Cod , fancv. per hbl , 812.00 ; bell and hugle , per bbl , 810.00 ; Hell nnd Cherry. SU.75. UKANS Inferior stock. 75i7si.oo ; good elein ; cnunlrv , Sl.OQ ri.25 ; niedluin , linnd picked , S1.40@1.5o ; hand picked navy , 81.50 ( gl.CO. I'ltovisioxs Ham. ll-j@12c } ; breakfast bacon , Kc ; clear sldo bacon. 8J < c ; dry salt slds , 8c ; shoulders , 7c : dried beef , regular , lie ; dried beef , ham pieces , 14c ; lard , 50 lb cans , 7e : lard , 20 lb cans , Fairbanks , 7'nc ; lard , 10 lb cans , Fairbanks , 7Jfc ; lard 5 lb cans , 7ie ; lard , S lb cans , 7) c. OVSTKKS Afedlums , 20c ; standards , 2 ; selects , 30 ; extra selects , 35c ; N. V , counts , 40e. _ Grocers' f/lst. PICKI.KS Meillum. In bbK , 80.00 ; do , In half hbls , SS..W ; small. In Dbls. 87,00 ; do , In half bbls. S4.00 ; oghrklns , In hbls , Stf.W ) : do , In half bbls , 81.50. UAXNKDionna Oysters , standard , per case , 8:1. : 1501:1.25 : ; strawberries , 2 lb. per case. 5420 ; raspberries , 2 lb , per case , 82.20 ; California pears , per case , 84.50 ; apricots , per casj ; 54,00 : peaches , iw case , W.X ( ) ; whlto chor- rlcs , per case , $ n.OO : plums , per case , S'j.05 , blueberries poreaso , SI.B5 ; oxc plums. 2 lb per case , S2.50 : pincapul s , 2 lb , per case 83.205.75 ; 1 lb mh.'kerel. per doz , 81.40 ; 1 ID salmon , per doji , 81,50 ( 1.5- ) ; 2 lb goose , berries , per case. 81.75 ; 2 lb strlnsr beans , per case , 81.70 ; 2 lb lima beans , DitlKi ) FnuiT No. 1 quarter ; apples , 5"f@ Sc ; In evaporated boxes , ] 2KQil3e ; bluek- berries , boxes. iO4 < < JUc ; peaches , Salt Lake , ibhO , loc io 'c ; peachns , evaporated. 17c ; raspberries , new , 2v'c ; currcuts , 7 0jf < 37c : COKKUKS Ordinary trriidoi , HUntl.V ; fal 1515Kc ; prime. iSKQlCo ; choice , ICQlO o ; fancy green and yellow , 10(2l7c ( : old irov- ernment Java , 2024jo ; Interior Java , 10K ® 20c ; Alocha , 22jt24c : Arhucklo's roasted 20Ho ; McUuelilfii'B XXXX roasted 20Hc ; Dilworth's/JOUc ; Rod Cross , aoi/c. MATCiiES-lVr caddie. 2So ; square cases , ' 81.70 : mule square. 81.20. Ion cans , Der doz. 810.00 ; halt gallon cans , per doS5.50 ; quart cans , 83.&J. STAIICII .Mkror glass. 1 lb , Cc ; mirror Graves corn' , Ub.e e"Wngsford's corn. I'ID ! 7c Klng8tori's ) loss. i ib. 7c ; Klngsford's Kint'sfoniabulk- ' ' , 4c. OA.VBV Mixed , U3tlJ < o : stick , S fiMKe. CitACKEiis ( Jarneau's soda , buttef and OAI-S Writ's eavoa Imperial , S2.70 ; Gencrnl Hinrs Oreen butchers. SV Oc ; preen cured. 7c : drv Hint. llW-'c ; dry salt , oStlOc ; crcen calf skins , OMO c ; d.iinncod hides , two-thirds price , Tallow-Mc. ( Ucaso- Pnraowhlto , 3vfc ; yellow. 2ic : brown , I/ bheeo Pelts , 2576c. \AHxisiiF.s-lJaircl ? , per gallon ! rurnl- ture. extra , 81.10 ; furniture. No. 1. 81.00 ; coach extra , S1.40 ; conch , No. i , S1.20 : ] ) a- mar , extra , $ l.75s Japan , 70c ; asphaltum , extra & 5c : shellac , 83.50 ; hard oil linlsli , S1.5y , . . , , . , , , , . uutil , | ' iiiiiij v ' - > iw.-- w .TW > o biickwhrat Hour , per bbl , 50.00 : do. double sacks. $3.00perluimlrcd ; \ > . J. Wclshan's Xo. 1 , ready raised , forty 2' . lb packaecs In case , S4.r)0 ; do , twenty 5 In paekaues In case , S4.f > 0 ; bran , 70c per cwt ; chopped teed , 750 per plowstcclspeelilcast,4HceruciblestecIr. : ; > ic ; cast tools , do. 1'JrnjlSc ; wniton spokes , per set , S' ( : inilw , jier set. JI.M : tclloes , sawed dry , Sl.-Vi ; toncnes , each , 80c : nxel.- . pncli. 7.V * : .sntiarunnts , per lb. ( ; H(171c : roil chain , per lb. f < 412o ; innlleable. 7ojic ( ; iron wodcos , Cc ; crowbars , ( V ; ; harrow teeth , 4'sC , sjirlnif steel , 7l'c ( ; Hurilen's horse shoes. SJ.CO : Burden's tutilo shoes. $ .50. liarbed wire. In car lots. S4.0J Dor 100 His. Nails , rates , 10 to 60. S''Oi steel nails. S'.no. Shot , SUiVi ; hitckshnt , Sl,5."i ; oriental powiicr , ke s , SiBO ; do. half ke s , Si 00 ; do. quarter kc s. Sl.rx ) : blastiim kens , S'.M ; fuse , per 10 feet. Or * . Lead bar , 10 I'AIXTS IN'OII. White lead. Omaha , ! ' . P. , 7c- white lead. St. Louis , pure. ST.'Jfl ; Mar seilles irreen. 1 to B lb cans , 'Jo ; Kreucii zinc , croon seal , 12o ; Krcnch zlne. red seal , lie ; French zinc. In varnisli ns t. V0c ! : Kronch zine. 7Sc ; vermllllon , Emrllsh , In oil , 7r > e ; led. lOc : ro piiti ; . 14c : \ enctlan red , Cook- Spanish brown , -Kcfi'rince's lulneralj Colosue snlrlts. iss proof , 51.17 ; uo 101 proof , SI. IS ; spirits , second ouallty , 101 proof , S1.17 : do ISS proof. 51.10 Alrnhol. ' ' , , . ( ffl.iX ) ; tlomestie , Sl.'r.WS.OO. Champaenes , Imported. HIT ease. S'J5.00S33.00 ; American , per case. SHO.lHMIin.OU. Uuv PAINTS \Vhlto lead. Sc : French sine , 12e ; PnrU wiiltluir. U'tfc ; whltliiB , cilders , -Ji'c ; wliltiiii : , com'I , Uic ; lampblack , ( ier- inaustown. lie ; lampblack , ordinary , Sc ; Prussian blue.Wc ; ultramarine , 18c ; vamlyu- brmvn , Se ; umber , burnt 4c ; umber , raw , 4o sienna , burnt , 4c : sienna , raw , 4c ; Pane treen , uenulno.V. . Paris crei'ii. com- iiinn , 2'Jc ; cliromo crcuu , N. Y. , 20c ; vermllllon Aiiiericnn. lc ! ; inuian raw nml burnt umber , 1 tu cans , I''c ; raw and burnt sienna , 12o : vandvko brown , 1ic ! ; ro- liued lamphlack 12c ; coach black and Ivory black. 10c ; drop biaclc. lOc ; Prussian blue , 40c : ultramarine black , l c ; chrtmin crpcn.L. , M. & I ) . , Klc ; blind Khuttcr urcen. U. Ai. A IX , IGc ; Paris reeli , ISe ; Indian red , Iftc ; Viiiietian red , i c ; Tuscan , 12-Jc ; American vermllllon , L. < te I ) . , "Oc ; yellow ochre , L'e ; L. M. A O. I ) . . IHa ; coed oclire. lOc : natnii dryer , 8c ; irralnliic color. li htoaK , dark oak , walnut , chestnut and nsh. I''u. OituosAXD I IIKMICALS. Aciil , carbolic , Jpc ; acid , tartarie , fi-'c ; balsam copaiba , per I" , Mic ; l > ark sassatras , per ft , lOc ; calomel , l''rns AND SKINS Tlits lollowlutf prices are for prime , well handled skins ; Heaver , prime , clean per pound. < ii.oo :'i rt.OO ; meaty ana inferior. Sl.ouQl.S.'i. Hear , brown ami irriz/.ly , S.ri.pO@S.OO ; uubs unit yparllmt. " , S'J.OO I.OO. tiadtier , UXjiTOe. Cat , wild , 20@ < 0c ; domestic , black , iu < itr > e : do mestic , hiindry colors , /i@Se. / Fox , red , Sl.M ) © 1 'J5 : eross , i'J.OO4.)0 ( ) ; rriv.10.7)c ( ) ; silver , § 10.ff ( ! ! 10.00. Fisher. S4.UOC 0.03. OtterS4.00 ( ( JO.OJ. .Martin , S1.00@1.75. JIuskrat , win ter. Inrjre , lOc : fall. Bis ; Kitts , In. .Mink , larite , dmk , : Brf40e ; small mid pale , iri@20c. Kac- eooti. largo prime , 4Ur < tW ; small ami iiifcrior , 'J0 ( < . ' ! c. Skunk , common , Vtfl 5c. Wolf. Inrijo irrpy. Sl..Wi'J.'iO ; coyoti ; or jirairie , 75@ ! Kc. ) Doer and antelope , winter , [ , or pounu 15c ; fall and summer , per pound , UOc. Urr Ijumoor. OOA.KUS. No.l Cora.B.l , . 12,14 and 10 ft S17.50 No.3 " ' 12,14 and 10 ft 14.75 No.3 " " 12,14 and 16 ft 13.50 No.i " " 12 HandlO U 12.00 DIMENSIONS ANI > TIMilKltS. 12 ft H n id ft is ft 20 tt\z2 \ ft a ft 2lt ' 10..W 10.50 1II.CO 17.00 I8.002i.00 21.00 80 IIB.MI lo.ftu Ifi.M 17.UU 1H.OO'22.0 ' ( ) 22.00 'x8 > } < \M \ I0.f,0 17.00 18.IK,21.00 ) , 21.00 1B.50 IV.tMj 18.0022.X)22.CO ( ) IB.r. ifi.ra 17.0i ) 18.00 22.00 22.00 Ili.H ) in.r.o 17.00 itt.u-)2ono'20.oa ) ' rilll.l.VO AND I'AUTITION. 1st com. , j lnVblto I'lno I'-irtition. . . .533.00 M " " " " " . . . . 27.50 SdUora. % in. Norway Plue Celling. . . . M.OO FBNCIN'I. No. 1 , 4 A 0 Incb , 13 and II ft , roush. . .817.00 No. B , 4 it Ciiicli , 12 and 14 ft. , rough. , . 14.00 STOCK IlOAltDh. A 12 Incb. 8.1s. 400 . 5IW.OO It 13 Inch " " 4'Jl ) . lSt.50 No. 1 , com. 12 In. , B. Is. . 10. 18 & 20 ft. . . 21.00 No. 2. " " ' ' ' ' . . IH.fiO No.2 , " ' " I2.fel4ft , . 17.00 " " " " 10ft . 10.0,1 , ' ' No. 1. plan,8and ! 10 inc'li. . . . 817.SO No. 'J , plain.S and 10 Inch . 15.W ) ' 1- I'osTs-Whlto Cedar , 0 In. , Xa , 12c ; 8 In. re. , We. JL'JcUS CHICAGO SHORT LINE -OF THE BEST ROUTE frio OMHH1 aod COOKCIL BLBITS it TWO TRAINS DAILY nKTWEBJf OMAHA COUNCIL ULUFFd AND llilwaukee , St. Paul , Minneapolis , Cedar Rapids , Clinton , Dubutjuo , Davenport , Hock Island , Freonort , Kockford , Elgin , Madison , Juncivillo , Celoit , Winonu , La Crosse , And all other Impoitnnt polnti Bait , Northeast und Bouiboast Fortbroutrh tickets call on ths Tiok t Agan at liOl Karnura struct ( to I'axton Hotel ) , or a Union Pacltto Depot. PuUmau biuouurs and the flneit Dining Carl la tba world ur run on the main lin j of Ilia Ciitoiao. MtLwriumu fi ST. I'IUL lUii.WAr , ana crerr attention ll paid to putsougar * b/ courtooni ranloyei of the oompanr. li , MILLBII , Ooneral , 3. 9. TUCBBH. AuUtant Oeneral Manager. A , V. B. OAui' N7EH , Oeueral Vaiitngsr ani Ticket Agent. OHO. B. Hmrrnnn , Aailstimt Oeneral PMI O. gtr and Tlokot Agc-ut J. T , GfcAUK , GuneriU Buporlrttenaent iSTMUSHED m USED IN AIL . OOO-CIM. THE RAILWAY TIME TABLES OMAHA. U. P. l HItETl ( VIKS. COUNCllj To Sell the not Window Sash Lock Ever Invented. AKCnti make blK iirollts. Clrcii laralrcc. _ Snmplu _ uyinjill lJcts. ( _ 11.11. WlllJKI.OCIC , Fullurton. NeUruskit. RAILWAY. Omaha , Council Blnffs And Cliicago. The only road tn take for Dei .Uolnni , Mar- ghalltown , Cedar Haplrts. Clinton , Dl le , Ohio * , iro. Milwaukee and all points cant. To th people ple of Nebraska , Colorado , Wyoming , Utah , Idaho. NOVR.KI. Oregon. WnnhlnRton nnd Cali fornia , It offers superior advantages not pout- bla br any other line. Amonr n few of the numerous polntR of iu- neriorhy enjoyed by the patron * of this road betwron Oraidia and Ohloago , are IU two trnlmi a day of DAY COACHES which are the HnMt tunt human art anrt Ingenuity can create. Iti PALACB BI.KHl'IHO CAI18.which are modelt of oomfort and elognnce. Ill PAIU/JH DHAW- INQ ROOM CAltSIun uri > a indbr any. and It widely celebrated PALATIAL DtNINO CARS , the qual of which cannot be found elowhere. At Co u non Illuffs the tralni of the Union r ci- fl Rr. oonnect In Union Depot with thoM of the Ohlraffo te HortbwMtorn Hy. In Chic o the trnlnt of Dili line rnako close oonneotlon with tlio e of nil oailern llnnw. For Detroit , Columbug. Indianapolis , Cincin nati , Nlairnra Falls , nuffalo , PKt tmrr ( , Toronto , Montroal. Iloiton.New York , I'lilladefphU , Hal- tlmore , Washington and all rolnts In the enit , Mk the llokot nrent for ticket * via the "NOIITHWESTEIIN. " If you wish the h < > st ncommr > < latloni. AD Mcknt nirontR ell tlckiite rinthli lino. M.nt'OHITT. 15. I' . WILSON. Oonornl J Onnl. Pnss' WM. I1AHCOCIC , CUIcaif0'IllV. lt.BOLtEa , U WcbteruAlft Ultyl'UH Air OMAHA JOBBERS'DIRECTORY Artists' Material. A. IIOSPE , , nt. , Artists' Materials , Pianos and Organs , 1M3 Douiflnt Ftrcet , Omaha. Agricultural Implements. CHURCHILL PAJiKER , Wbolciale Dealer In Agricultural Implements , Wagons , Carrioles noa llucglej. Jones itrecl , t lwu n Uth anJldlh.Omahii. Neb. LININGER ,0 METCALF CO. , Agricultiiral Iniplcments , Woeoni.Carrlagei , llujclei , Ktc. , Wholvtlc , Omiba. LEE , FRIED cC CO. , Jobbers of Hardware and Nails , Tinware , fiboet Iron , Ktc. Acenti tor Howe bcaloi , and Mlniol l'o ilcrl o. Om li .N u. RECTOR a5 WJLHELMY CO. , Wholesale Hardware. Wettern agenti for Jtfferton Fieri Nalli. .Anttlt I'owdtrCo , Talrbanki tlandard t-calei. Corutr I llth and llaruer. Omaba. I'ARLINORENDORI'\J ( MARTIN Wlioleiale Dealers In Agrlcultnral Implements , ( Vagoni anil Bu lei. 301 , KB , W and OT , Janei it mm JOBBERSiplRECTQRY ' Butter and McSHANE iC SCHROEDER , Huycrs of Hut tor nml Eggs. R frlm tOf nrt I'tcVIng Ilounr , luh ml l.taten. worth PI. . I' r. It. U. Track.oniahn. Builders' Hardware and ScaleT. c TAYLOR , tt Scale Itopnii-Shop Mechanics' Toolt anil Buffalo PrMct. llK ( Dougliu tt , Omaha , .Nfb. Boots and Shoes. AMERICA N JFA ND SHOE COMPANY. Wholoalo Dealers In Hoots nml Shoes , Comnlct * Mark of Unbl < i > r ( Snorts MWHJS onlisml .HC S. Uth n. . Umalm. Neb , .1. T. Auntlii. Acftit. ir. r. MOUSE cO co. Toblicrs of Hoots nml Shoes. Hit r rii tu tt. , Omitiit , Nob. Manufactory , Summer ttrrvMioiloti. t _ _ _ _ X. T. LINDSElr\C CO , Wholesale Uuhhor HrnM nn'l ' Shons. Itub nndUllet ! Clothing neil 1'ctt Mooll , South UastCurncr llth and lioiiglu * . Beer. M. If EATING , Apt. for Anhcusor-Hush HrcwiiiR1 Ass'u Special nr nil > . l-"nuiM > mlwol er n > l Krlaqgpr. STO'lfX iC ILElf Lnpfor Ueer Itrowers , 1M1 North IFIh Street , Omnha , Nob. Butchers' Toots. r/.S HELLER , Dutchers' Tools nml Ciisluga of nil kinds nliraralu Mock. U15 Building Material. OMAHA LUMBERCo , Dealer In All Kind * of Huildliigr .Material at Wholesale. 13th Street nml Union 1'nelno Truck. Omnlm. Coffee , Spices , Etc. CLARKE BROS. tC CO. , Omaha Coffee nml Snico Mills. Tcn.Gotteoi.Sr lc < > . llHklni : I'ondfr. nivorln tracts , laundry lllno. Ink , Utc. llli 1C Uarcej Kiri'et.Ounun. Neb. GATES , COLE tO 'MILES , Homo Coll'oe ami Snico Mills M'f'ff Co. CotK'A KeA tura nml Splcc * Orlnilcr * . Mtinufficturcra nf Halting 1'owdcr , Kl.irnrlnK UntrncU , lllulnt ; . Ktc. Tr ) tine r.tip of nur ! ! & i > ncknin Homo Ulond lluatted OilToe. HIV UuwHM t. , Umnha , Neb. Cornice. EAGLE CORNICE WORKS , John Eponctcr , 1'rop. Manufacturer of ( Jnlvnnlrpd Iron and Cornice. 95S Duilgo and 103 and 1US N. IQtli t. . Omaha. Nob. RUEMPING < C BOLTE , Mnnufacturcrs uf Ortiaincntal Galvanized Cornices , Dormer Window , Klnn' ' .MeinllcSkrllKUtitc. ! 3103. mil t. . Ouiaha. WESTERN CORNICE WORKS , C. Specht , Prop. OMranUcd Iron Cornier. ' , etc. Sprct'nlmprovort Pat- cnt Mi-tallc ykyllulit. Mi laid MO i < . litli Ki.Oinilm. Carpets. OMAUA CA RP'ET ' CO , Jobber * of Carpets , Curtains , Oil Cloths , litiffSi Linoleums , Mnttlncs , Ktc. 1511 Douglas Btroct. S 'A. OliClLARD , Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths , Matllnfi , Curtuln ( Joodv Ktc. 1(23 Furnaui Street. Omaha. Neb. Crockery\\antl \ \ Notions. " TTTLT WRIGHT , Agent for tbu Munufaclurcrs and Importers of Crockery , Glassware , Lompi , CMmiicrs , etc. onicc , 31 * South 13th St. Omaha , Not ) . Commission and Storage. Coinniission and Jobbing : . Butter. KvcBnml Produce. ConilunmcntB felicited. llcailqimrinra for Bt < mewarn , Hcrry lloxi'ii uud < irnpo llaaVuli. 1414 Uodgotrcct , ( Mualia. PEYCKE BROS. , Comniission Merchants. Fruits , Troducoand ProrUlons , Omaha , Nrb , ' W. E. RIDDELL , Storage and Commission Merchant. cinltlfs lliittor. Eft' , Cliccio , Poultrr. ( lame , Oy ter , Ktc. , Ktu. 112 South luh street. Aff cC CO. , Produce Commission Ifcrclianta , Poultry , 1 ! 11 tier , On mo. Finlli , etc. 220 8. 14th st Oiualin , Neb , Coal anif Lime. CO , Dcalcri In JIard and Soft Coal , Office and yard , K'tli and Nicholas sts. , Omaha , Neb , ' ' QKO. K. I.AiiAoir , rrcs. C. F.OOODMAN , V. Prcf. J. A. SI'NDBHI.AKI ) , Soo. iiod Treas , OMAJIA ChiL , COKE 0 LIME COMPANY Jolibcrs of Hard and Soft Coal. 3U3 South Thirteenth Street , Omaha , Neh. J. , T. JOHNSON P CO. , Manufacturers of Illinois White Limo , And Shipper * of Coal and Coke , Cemimt , I'lnstfr , Uine , Hair , Flro Drlck , Iiruln , Tile anil Sewer 1'lpn. onico. 1'aiton Hotel , rarnnm et. , Omaha , NeU. Telephone-Kll. Confectionery. F P. FAY A CO. , Manufacturing Confectioners , Jobbcm of Kruit , Nut and Clean. Ull Farnum SU Omaha. Cigars and Tobacco. MAX MEYER liTcO. , Jobbers of Cigars , Tobacco , duns and Ammunition , 51i to 223 B. Ilthst , , 1K to lilli Farnarnst.OraalmNell , WEST FllITSCHER , Manufacturers of Kino Cigars , And Wholeiala Deulrrs In Leaf Tobaccos , Nos.lM and DON. 14th street , Omaha. JIOUSI3H C WOODLAND , Wholonaln Iio leri In Cigars , Tobaccos , I'lpcy aud Smokers Articles. Agents for I ) . IiOldersJorf & Co. , Flno-Cut and SmoK n Tabaocos , Mlliraukee , Wisconsin. No.UJ c = > NtrtUBUt aall > Mtr at. Omaha , Neb , Dry Goods. M. E , NMlTJf .0 CO , , Dry Goods , Fiirnlshiiii'Goods &Notlona 1107 and 1104 IOUK > US , cor. llth St. , Omuha.Ntb. Distillers. Olstlllurnof Mquors.AIcnholand Spirits , Importers and Jobbers of Wines ami Liquors. WILLO n'fil'MlNdH JfSTILLE'l' CO. find JLEIt ( i CO. , Impnrtern and Jobborrof Flno Wines nnd Mqunn. bulorosnufnoturvrsof Kennedy' * Kist Ilirtln llll- tcrs anil DOIUI silo Mijunrn. 1112 lluruurSt. Drain Tile , Etc. IL. It.BAfEK.I'res , J.W.IlEnr < inr.fioi. TrouB it. j. CARSONv.l'ivn. . no supt. THE UNION HYDRAULIC DRAIN TILE CO. , Office til f , Hth ft. , Omalm. Nob. Machinery nn BupplleBfor ManufaoturluK CVuicnt luain Tilu. furniture. DEWEY cC STONE , Wholesale Dealers in Furniture. Tarnam si. , Omaha , Neb , CHARLES SHirERICJf , Furniture , Hoddintf , Upholstery , Mirrors , tie. r. , lKW Dd 121Q Farnum t. , Omaha. OMAH4JOBBERSDIREGTORY Groceries , PAXTON , GALLAGHER , Wholesale Groceries and Provisions , No . tKi.T07.r09 ndilg.lOthyt.OmBha.Xeb. McCORD , BRADY C CO. , Wholesale Grocers , IStn and l-carcnworlti H . , Omahil. Hardware. w. , r. Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel , Springs , Wagon Stock. Hartlnaro Lumber , etc , 1M9 and 1811 Ilarney H. , Couth * . Wholesale Iron and Steel , aron and rarrljKO Wood Rloch. llcary llaMwa Ktc. HIT ami I2fo l.e avcnworlh t. . Onialia , Ntb. M fLTOA' HOG ERS ,0 SOXS , Stoves , Kamye ? , Furnaces , Tiles , Mantlet , ( Uatcs , llraisOoods. 1331 nnd 1333 Vatna Ktrret. Iron Works. I'AXTOX .0 riER Iron Works , \Vroneht nnd Cnsl Iron Ititlldlns Work. Iron Flalrn , UnllliiK , Drams and ( ilrdrn , Steam Knclnca. llrHiyl \\nrk , ilmoral ( foundry , Mnchlno and lllsrk tulth . Office nnj Works , I' . I1 , lly.mid Itlh oln-et. V. It. MOMANt'S" ' " , 0. SI'M.IVAN. OMAHA WIRE ,0 IRON U'OHKif , Mnnufncturori of Wire and Iron Hailing , Desk Itiiilg , Wlndoir HunritB , Flo cr fllandu , Wlro Sl n , Klo. . orders l.y ninll promptly ttendi > d to. Lumber. LOCIS IlltADFOJiD , Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Llmo , Snsh , Doors , Klo. YatdCorner7ll > nnd Douglasi Corner Uth mid Doujl.ns , CHICAGO LUMBER CO. , Wholesale Lumber , BUS. llth utri'cl.Omnha. Null. 1 : Cnlpeticr , Mnnntflr. C. tf. DJETX , Lumber. l"th and California Slrcpts , Omaha , Neb. FRED W. GRAY , Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc. Ciir.Gth nnd liouiilas its. , Omiiha. No1) . HO AG LAND , Lumber. 2 * . W. HARVEY LUMBER CO. , To Dealers Only. Office , 1403 Karnnm street , Omaha. CHAS. R. LEE , Hardwood Lumber , Wood Carpets and I'arqnct Flooring Oth and DouglU umnha. JOHN A. WAKEFIELD , Wholesale Lumber , Etc. Imported ami Anierlcnn Portland ( Vniont. Stata Agent forMllwaukco Ilydinullc Ouiunlaud llosl ( Jnlncy While Mine. Lt'ye Stock. UNION STOCK YARDS CO. , Of Omaha. Limited. John F. nerd , S'iporlntor.dont. Live Stock Commission. M. BURKE C SONS , Live Stock Cominissloiu Ono. Ilurko , MannRer Union Slock VHrdd.S. oniahav. Telephone iSJ. SAVAGE tD GREEN , Live Stock Commission Merchants , Bhlpuienu of nny nnd all kind * of Block solicited. Union aUick Vnnlf. Omaha , Neli. Millinery and Notions. I. OBEREELDER < C CO. , Importer * and Jobber * of Millinery nnd Notions , 121.1 nnd 1515 Harnoy St.-cet , Omaha , Neb. Notions. Arothoonlr Direct Importers of Gorman & French Toys & Fancy Goods InNebniftka. Chicago prices ilunllcnted without uita Inn freight. HIS Km mini .street , Omnliu. J. T. JtOBINSOJT NOTION CO. , Wholcsalo Dcnlcri In Notions and Fiirnislilnp ; Goods , 40.1 and 40j B. Tenlli St. , Dmahii. VINYARD 0 SCIINEIDEIt , Jobbers In Notions , Hosiery and flents' Furnlshingf Goods. 100r andl003 I'.nrnam it. , Omalia.Nob , Overalls. MANrf COMPANY , Manufacturers of Overalls , ' Jcana 1'ante , bhlrti , Ktc. 1102 nnd 1101 Ilou lua Htroet. ( hiiiiliu , Ni'l . Paper Boxes J. L. U'lLKJE , Sranufncturor of Pajior Hoxe < , 8.14th til. , Omiib n , NobrunKit. Ordera hy iiullia llcludand Hill rocolvo prompt alluiilluu. Printing. iREES pitiNT'iNta ' COMPANY ] Job Printers , lilank Hook JIakora , And Hook Hinders. W und Kfi Huutli Kuurtuontll ( iroet. ( ) maljNch. WESTERNNE WSPAPER UNION Auxiliary I'nhliHlicrs. OoaloralnTjpo , I'roiinii nnd I'rlnlen' Kuppllei. ! fn Hoiilh Twdrtli Ctri'Pt. Pumps , CHURCHILL PUMP CO. , Wholesale PIIIHIIB , ripe , ( Steam and Watrr Hupnllea. lleHdquartnrii fur Mail tfu-MCo't < ; oo < l . fill Karuain tt. , Omaha. Neb. A. L. STltANG CO7 , I'jpen ami EII IIICH , Btoam , Water , llallnay and Mllllnit Hupnllvi. Kto , _ MO. vannd Vli Karnain m. . thimlia , Nub. U , S. WIND ENtJlNE and PUMP COMPANY. Ilalladav Wind Mlllnj rlcani and Wiitor Hitppllct. I'lllUlbW ( ioodll , IlKltlllK , lid" . VIH HUd VM tUt' num at. , Oumha. H. K. Kollon , MUIIUKUT. Tuluphimu Nu , VIU. Safes , Etc. CO. , for Hall'H Sufo & Lock Co.s' Flru and llnrular Proof Sjfoi , Tlino I .cltn , Vault ! and Jail Work. Wit Karnnra xtrcet Onmha , Neb. G. ANDRE EN , Omaha Kafo Works. ' ManiifHCturemcjr Klruund Iluuilarl'ronfBafri , Vault Uoorn.Jiill Wi < rkhliutii. r und Wlro Work. Cor. Ulli mill Jui'Uuiim . . "iiinhn.Nub , ' Snsh , Doors , Etc , M. A. DISBROnr < ti CO. , Vi'liolcialo Mitnufacturcrtof * > Sasli , Doorn , Jilindy and ilonldiiiffs , ninricUfjfflco , lij anil Imrd tti..Oxaha.Ngb , ' ( I. M LYMAN , Sash , Door , JJIinds , Mouldings , nulldlr.u I'ipor , etc. 1(01 ( South Tlilrtconlli streot. OiuuUu , Nul . A cniniilrtu tock uj llullaer * ' Hardware. JtOHN MANUFACTURING CO7 Manufacturers , of Sash , Boors , Blinds , llonld'iik-H.Stalr Work and Interior Hard Wood Flnlili JUBI opvutd. N , K. cur. IJth and LvuvunnurtU bu. Omabu , Nub. ' Wagons and Carriages , A. J. K IMP SON , The Leading Carriage Factory , ' ( KSTAlll.mtKI ) 1BU. ) IIM and llll Dod e iliect , Onj lu.