Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 24, 1887, Page 8, Image 8

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Bnt Cno Founded on Pacts ,
nimllna the Stock Ilnncc * of the Tor
rltorlcH to Uniatia With Bauds
of Steel.
The Rock Island folks hnvo entered
Nebraska with their road and the Union
Pacllic will tills year build several hun
dred miles of track In Kansas. The
Northwestern and HurhnRton are pcno-
tratlnp ; the great cattle ranges of Wyom
ing and Colorado , and pushing toward
Idaho and Oregon. The Choyono &
Northern , 11 branch of the Union Pacific ,
has fixed Its terminus at the boundary
line of the Hritlsh possessions , which will
take thai road through the heart of Mon
tana. The Missouri Pacific h building
extensions nil over eastern Nebraska and
planing others northwest from Omaha
to Yunkton aim southern Dakota.
It will bo noticed that every one of
these lines rntHato from a common center
and that they cover a territory that forms
one quarter of the area of the United
States. They permeate the greatest grain
producing regions in America , nnd cross
lliu stock ranges from which half the
\rorlil is supplied with food. Every one ,
from Its northern , western or southern
terminus , sends the products of the coun
try it traverses to the east by way of
Omaha , their common eastern terminus
on the Missouri-river.
The stock yards at South Omaha were
inaugurated two jears ago by men who
foresaw what the west would need
a homo market , and detcrmcd
to give it to thorn. Their judgment
was not at fault. Their enterprise has
met witli success which has surpiisutl
oven themselves. Even now there Is a
business done in South Omaha which
makes it look as important as did Omaha
proper as late as 1880. There will bo a
greater increase of trade and population ,
more building and business done there
this year than there was done in 188. " ) and
1880. There xvill bo uoublo this amount
next year and when the railroad building
above mentioned , and now contracted
lor , is finished and the horsps , cattle and
Rlicop from all the western feeding
groundK from Oregon to Texas are landed
at the Union Stock yards of South Omaha
as they will be. what a great market will
that make ? Chicago and Kansas City
see what is coming and are both jeal
ous. They have noticed the course
of railroad construction and gathbrcd
from it the only conclusion that any
one could come , vo , viThat : Omaha
is bound to bo greater than they are and
nothing can prevent it.
While the stock market at this point
was great last year it was nothing to
what its future , as settled by the railroad
engineers , is destined to be , and South
Omaha must always be , tlio head center
ot the stock trudo , if not. in time , of the
grain trade also. It will build out in all
( lirections.firbt towards this city and then
to the westward and southward. The
syndicate lands will first bo
filled with cottages until the
outskirts of the old and the young city
shall mingle together. Then a revolu
tion will drive the incoming population
further toward the prairies and their
dwellings will bo replaced by business
blocks , as the trade center shifts south
ward to meet tlio growing necessity of
closer relations with the packers and
business men of South Omaha.
This is no idle dream. It is what must
inevitably como to pass if tlio judgment
of the bcfct western men is to bo depended
upon or if one is permitted to believe the
practical evidences doily to bo soon on
every side. It is no stretch of the imag
ination to think that it may all bo accom
plished within five or ten years from now.
If one were permitted to view that
length of time into the future , what a
change it would make in the course of
many. Then might be seen along the
river banks in front of this city the
grimy entrances to a scorn ot slopes load
ing to the coal mines which had grown
to supply the inhabitants of the Missouri
vallov with fuel. U.iclc of those
would bo the railroad yards and
coal yards , the warehouses of the
St. Louis barge line and , in the distance ,
toward the norfh , factories and foun
dries. Shops of a scoreof gicat rail
roads , where the cars and locomotives
are manufactured from materials gath
ered from the mines niul forests ot the
mountains. South , a busier scene , where
trains from all the western states , for
there would bo no moro territories , un
loaded their herds of cattle and droves
of horses and sheep before a hundred
vast packing houses , the smoke from
who'o furnaces hung like a pall on the
horizon. A city of yr > 0,000 , ; its center in
what is now South Omaha.
This one of the most prominent men
in the far west predicts for Omaha with
in a decado. In that case , land in South
Omaha would bo a valuable investment
if it had to bo hold for two or three
years , but it is stiro to Uoublo insklo of a
year , when the owner can fcell or hold.
In this connection it may bo mentioned
that C. E. Maynu it the exclusive ngont
for the South Omaha Syndicate lands ,
which are now platted and on sale by
him on easy terms. One should go nnd
FOO him on the subject , at all events for
there is a great future ahead for this
propoity and when it is too late there are
many who will sigh to think of what
might have been. Now is the time to
I'1 buy and hold to build ou or as a profita
I'1f f ble investment.
ITCO rides to and from Hanson Itfomlti } ' .
Remember this will bo the last day on
which no interest will bo eharced on de
ferred payments , O. K. MAYNK ,
N. W. Cor. 10th and llarnoy ,
W. L. McUAOUi ; , Opp. P. 0.
I-ots sold in South Omaha this week.
There are not many loft. When thcso
lots are soiling at double the present
pnco , within tlio next eight months , what
will you say if you neglect to get one of
them ? The terms are imsy. Take a ride
from my olllco to the llttlo city Monday.
No charge , whether you buy or not.
C. K. MAVNB NW. cor. 15th and llarnoy.
Food KorTlioiiRhr.
If a street car line is built out the
Military road to IJenson , connecting with
the business center of Omaha , with
boatiful graded streets , and over 10,000 ,
beautiful shade nnd other ornamental
trees planted ou the lots In Uonson what
will each llfty foot lot bo worth ono year
fiom now ? Which would a man of good
common sense prefer a lot In Uonson
four mlles from the postollico with a
street car line to his door or a lot in 501110
addition two miles from the postolllca
with no street car line ? Woguarantoo to
build and operate a line of street cars to
Uonson to plant on each lot a number of
trees , to grade the streets and otherwise
beautify the place , in the center of Henson -
son , wo have reserved for a park forty
acres which wo will make us bountiful as
money and art can do. Wo want to sell
a curtain portion of the lots to get build
ings started , and to got people interested ,
nnd for that purpose have placed the
prices and terms very reasonable but as
soon as the number of lots wo dc.siro
to boll are disposed of wo will
luiso the price on the balance , and at the
rate they uro going now , the time for the
ntlvauoo is not tar oil' . On all sales made
before 8 p. in , Monday we will charge no
interest on deferred payments , but after
( hat time the iisuul rates of lutorest will
bo charged. Take advantage of this fact
u' M < wJay , We Will run carriugcs
from our offices to Benson and return all
day Monday for the accommodation of
those who wish to look at the property
and select lota. C. E. MATNE ,
N. W. cor. Fifteenth and llarnoy.
Opposite Postofu'ce.
A Cftso In Which Judgment nnd Cau
tion , Ilnvo Prevented All
Danger or Disaster.
There have been some frightful rail
road accidents this winter , and the loss
of life and property has been very groat.
In most cases the disasters have been the
result either of carelessness or malicious
ness. Almost all would have proved un
avoidable had proper caution or precau
tions been taken. It is the same In
many , if not every department of life ,
and not only the steel highway but the
highway of life and the royal road to for
tune are strewn with wrecks which
should never have occurred.
There was no such mistake made , how
ever , when "Benson , " the now addition
four miles northwest from the postolllce ,
was purchased and laid off into hand
some residence lots ; and people who in
vest in that locality will not find them
selves stranded , with worthless property
on their hands. This tract has been fa
mous as the Crolghton farm and was
purchased entire for the present purpose
at a round sum. It is now put on the
market In lots varying from lifty
feet to ten acres in size ,
and on the easiest terms 10 per cent
cash and the balance in mouthy pay
ments. This oilers a rare opportunity to
those wanting to secure a home , es
pecially when it Is known that the streets
of the new addition will bo graded and
parked , that 10,000 evergreens nnd
catalpas will bo planted on the lots in
the spring , and that a street car line con
necting "Benson" with the city will bo
in operation as soon as the track can bo
laid. A guarantee of this is put in every
contract and deed.
The sale of these lots is conducted by
C. E. Maync. N. W. corner 15th and llar
noy and by W. L. McCaguo , opposite
postollico. It is certain that Benson is to
bo mudo the most beautiful and accessible
suburb around the city and with the
street cars running it will have advant
ages superior to those of four-fifths of the
additions not half so far out , for rapidly
traveling to and from the city. It must
bo conceded that Benson is bound to be
come the grandest and loveliest of all tlio
additions existing or yet to bo proposed ,
and the thoughtful householder and
shrewd speculator will hasten to take ad
vantage of the oiler and secure property
that is bound to double in value before
the year la ended.
California has two convicted murderers
whoso gray hairs nro anything but a
crown of honor to them. Uuorgo Jones ,
who killed Lorcnz Until , is eighty yp.irs
old , and very feeble. N. B. button , who
who shot Alexander Mai tin , is over sev
enty , but vigorous and well preserved.
If you are aillictcd with ihoumutisin ,
neuralgia , gout or other bodily pain , or
if you have a sprained wrisl or ankle you
ought at once to procure a bottle of Sal
vation Oil , the greatest euro on earth for
pain. It only costs io ! cents a bottle.
"Lot the poor Indian ! " dying withcojd.
Won't some "uootl Samaritan" send him
a bottle of Dr. Bull's ' Cough Syrup ?
The South Omaha Land company have
appointed C. E. Mayno solo agent for the
sale of their lots. Ho will show the prop
erty and furnish all desired information
upon application.
[ Signed ] W. A. PAXTON , President.
Benson ,
The coming fashionable residence sub
urb of Omaha. It will contain parks ,
lakes , boulevards , and handsomelv deco
rated avenues. An experienced land
scape gardner has been engaged by Mr.
Uonson to lay out the grounds , and no
expense will bo spared to make Benson
the most beautiful place within reach of
Omaha. Take a carriage at C.E.Mayno's
ofiicc , 15th and Hartley , and visit Benson ,
or , if you cannot spare the time , buy a
lot anyway. You cannot miss it.
Between my oflico and South Omaha
Monday free of charge. Take a ride and
see the liveliest little city in Nebraska ,
outside of Omaha. C. E. MAYNE ,
N. W. Cor. 15th and llarnoy.
Grccnongh's state of Washington , on
the east of the capital at Washington ,
has been tampered with by some irrever
ent vandal , and the 1'atlier of his coun
try is now cross-eyed. A resolution call
ing the attention of congress to the mat.
tor has been introduced.
Uriiptlon of tlio Skin Cured.
BnocKViLLE , Out. , Canada. Lcc. ) ' . ' , 'P5.
I have used BUANDHUTII'S PILI.S for the
past fifteen years , and think them the
best cathartic and anti-bilious remedy
known. For some live years I suffered
with an eruption of the skin that gave
mo great pain and annoyance. I tried
dillcrcnt blood remedies , but , although
gaining strength , the itching was unrc-
liovod. I finally concluded to take a
thorough course of Brandroth's Pills. I
took six each night for four nights , then
then five , four , three , two. lessening each
time by ono , and then for ono month
took ono every night , with the happy re
sult that now my skin is perfectly clear
and has been so ever since.
Names Toll.
Just call at my olllco andsno the names
of the purchasers of lots in South Omaha
the past week. The list contains the
names of the most conservative business
men in Omaha Hunkers , lawyers , physi
cians and laoorors , men that have studied
the situation carefully , and are satisfied
that South Omaha property is gilt cdgo.
O. E. MAYNE , Agent for the South Unui-
ha Land Co , N. W. Cor. 15th and liar
Free titles to and fro in Hanson Monthly.
Heaiember this will bu tlio lust tiny on
which no Interest will bo charged on de
ferred payments. 0. E. MAVNL\
7J. W. Cor. intli and Hurney.
W. L. McUAGUK. Opp. P. O.
A Ilommr.n.
The commissions on sale made by C. E ,
Mayno the past week amount to over
$30,000. and ho believes that tlio Pales in
South Omaha and Uonson next week will
beat that. Surely no bettor property for
speculation was ever placed on tlio
Omaha market than tiio two places named
above. And not only will Mr. Mayno
reap u well deserved harvest , but all tlio
purchasers will make a handsome thing
of it.
Mrs. Mackny , who is now staying at
Mrntono with the Prince and Princess do
Galatro Colonnn. will proceed to Homo in
n few days to visit her bisturtlio Comtcsso
do Tclfoner. Mrs. Mackny will not ro-
tuni to Paris before April.
Undue exposure to cold winds , rain ,
bright light or malaria , may bring on in-
llummnlion and soreness of the oyes. Dr ,
J. II , McLean's. Strengthening Eye Salvo
will subdue the inllnmuiation , cool and
soothe the nerves , aud strengthen weak
and failing Kyo Sigiit. 25 cents u bottle.
Lots gold In South Omaha this week.
Thcro are not many left. When these
lots are selling at. double the present
price , within the nest eight months , what
will you say If you neglect to got one of
them ? The terms are easy. Tiiko a ride
from uiy olllco to the little city Monday.
No charge , whether you buy or not.
C , E. MAYSE , HW. cor , 15UumU Uarney ,
1,200 , LOTS AT $150 $ EACH
In Gcorgo H. Bogga * Immense New Addi
tion to Omaha.
Grand Private Sale on Monti nj and
Tuesday , AH Day , January
21th and SBtti.
ON MONDAY and TUESDAY wo will sell
at private sale , at the olllco of Hoggs &
Hill , 1403 Farnam street , these (1,200) ( )
twelve hundred lots At $150 each , one-
fifth cash , balance at $10 per month or
at such other easy terms as may best suit
purchasers. The above prices
will bo good for thcso two days
only , after which there will bo
a heavy advance on prices. Thcso
lots are on the highest land in the whole
valley , precisely 3 } miles north of the
Union Pacific shops. They arc-just whore
they will bo needed for railroads , warehouses -
houses , lumber and coal yards , packing
houses , car shops , foundries , cornice
works , agricultural warcroonn and the
thousand other kinds of business that
will bo siiro to follow , and are at the same
time good residence lots. The prospect
for an Immense increase in value
cannot bo overestimated when wo con
sider the fact that the Iowa roads cannot
got a foothold anywhere in the city , except -
copt by building a now bridge In the
vicinity of these lots. That a bndco will
bo built thcro can bo no reasonable doubt.
These lots are unlike other lots now in
the market in the fact that somebody will
bo compelled to buy them , and that , too ,
nt about your own price at an early date.
The longer you hold them the greater
price you will realize when you do sell.
They will not spoil on your hands ; you
will not fool that you are liable to lose on
them should a llttlo reaction come.
This is the ono nnd only investment open
to-day In all Omaha where you run no risk
whatoverof losingand have immeasurably
greater chances for profit than can bo ot-
fered you anywhere on any lots or real
estate. Remember Monday and Tuesday
Jan. " 1 and 25 , atourofiico , 1408 l-arnam
St. . 1,200 lots at private sale $150 each ,
only on these two days.
1408 Farnam St.
At Jjast.
For two years 1 have boon trying to get
some one of means to join mo in a
scheme that 1 have felt positive must
succeed ; that was to buy a large tract of
land not too far out , easy of access from
the city , to lay it out in different sized
lots , and by building a street car line to
it , and by making it beautiful by plant
ing trees and ornamental shrubbery ,
grading the streets , making alpark , etc. ,
to make it in fact the finest suburb in
Omaha. WhenErastus A. Benson , a cip-
italist from Davenport , la. , viiited Omaha
last month 1 laid the matter before him
and ho agreed that if a suitable tract of
land could bo found , to go into it. After
carefully studying- the map in every di
rection I made up my mind that John D.
Croighton had the only piece of
land largo enough , and after com"
over it carefully I was convinced
that a more beautiful site could not bo
found. A few days afterward the pur
chase was consumated and E. A. Benson
was the owner of the finest 800 acres of
land within a radius of many miles of
Omaha.V. \ . L. McCaguo thinking my
plan a good ono joined me in the matter ,
and our contract with Mr. Uonson
fully guarantees every promise wo make
and a great deal moro. IJefore the first day
of March the tics and rails for the car
line will bo distributed alone the Military
road and as soon as it is possible to work
at it the line will bo built and put in op
eration. Mr. Benson has contracted for
10,000 evergreen trees to bo planted
early in the spring. None to bo less than
0 tcct high and all guarantclul
to live or bo replaced. Many thousands
of other shade and ornamental trees will
be planted. We know that an acre of
ground which wo sell for ? 100 to ? 500
now will make 5 lots that will bring $200
to toOO each as soon as the street car line
is in operation. For a homo Hensnn of
fers inducements inferior to none , and
for speculation tlio lots are cheaper
than nine tenths of the ndditionshalf
the distance from the business cen
ter , where street car lines cannot be
built. C. E. MAYNK.
For further particulars call at my oflico
or at W. L. McCngue's ollicc , opposite
the postoilice.
Notwithstanding tlio state law which
allows the sale of eitlcr in quantities of
live gallons and more , but forbids its sale
in Ichs quantities , tiio juice of tlio apple is
sold all over the state of Maine by the
glass , and cider tippling lias become a
great evil , especially in the country. The
Good Tompjiirs of Maine are about to try
and Mop this , and will ask-tlio legislature
to make the law moro stringent.
A Iindy of O5 , Cured After .JO Years.
Mrs , Lydia E. Pinkhani , "J now sit
down to inform you of the good your
Vegetable Compound lias done for me.
I am now sixty-live years of age , and 1
have been troubled with the falling of
the womb forty years and have spent
hundreds of dollars doctoring with d ill-
ore nt doctors but got no relief , I got
discouraged and quit and siiflcicdon. I
nave taken various medicines but re
ceived no benefit. Last fall I was so bad
that I employed another tloetor , that was
recommended to mo as ono of tlio best
for such complaints. I took his medi
cine two months but to no cll'ect. Then
1 had tumors and kidney complaint very
bad and was confined lo my bed. Then
I saw your compound FO highly recom
mended that 1 thought I would try once
moro. 1 have taken ten bottles of your
Compound and two bo.xo.s of pills , and
am now able to bo on my foot the most of
the tune. I have no bearing down pains
andcun ivalk a mile easily. I never ex
pect to bo a sound woman , but I urn so
much bettor than I over expected to bo
that I want to recommend it to any ono
suflering with tlio sumo complaint. "
Mrs. E , A. W. , Napoleon , Jackson Co. ,
CuiTla on
Between my oflice and South Omaha
Monday free of charge. Take a ride nnd
ECO the liveliest little city in Nebraska ,
outside of Omaha. C. E. MAYNE ,
N.V. . Con 15th and Harncy.
Lots sold In South Omaha this week.
There are not many left , When these
lots are selling at double their present
price , within the next eight months , what
will you say if you neglect to got ono of
them ? The terms are easy. Take a ride
from my ollico to the little city Monday.
No charge , whether you buy or not.
C. E. MAYXC , N\V. \ cor. IGth and llarnoy.
Carrlncf-s ,
Free rides to and from Henson Monday ,
Remember tins will bo the last day on
wnieh no interest will bo charged ou de
ferred payments , 0. E. MAYXK ,
N. W. Cor. 15th and Harnev.
W. L. McCAGUC. Opp. P. O.
Rent EbtMto Transfers.
Deal estate transfers fllod Jan. 21 , 1687 ,
reported for the UEES
David H Archer and Edward Alnscow
trustees , to the public , plat Of Llpton place
sub of jnrt S K } < of a , u , 13 , as lies H and K
or right of way of Omaha aud K P H Jt Uedl-
Alleh N Fleming to A L K&oje , lot O.blk 5 ,
Plaluvlow. w a-S'JOO. '
Ohas A Dakar ami Louis D Holmes to the
lota 10,17 , iaiP ; , 20. of Weiss sub dedication.
Acnes fiootti to 11J Kocssla. lots 5,10 , blk
4 , Hrookllne ldn e , S. 00 per ycnr.
Fred W MMctier find wlfo , to Henry Wclr ,
ct Mlot.blk "V" Lowes add toOmabn ,
w d Sl.fioo.
Fred W Meifcher find wlfo to H M Wolr ,
etnllotl , a , Omatm View add to Omaha ,
w d 81,800.
Louisa A Ltwehlln and Fred W to II M
Wclr. et a ! lous , blk 2 , Omalm Ylow , w d
Alary A Lonchlin and husband to Jno P
Hawkins , lots f , S , 5,0 , 7,9,0 , Ucllalr , w d
" 6 A Llndnulat and wlfo to Qco H Payne ,
ot al loto 7 blk a Kllby olncp , w d SS,4uo.
Edward CassadT and wlfo to Jno J Ma-
honor , et al 13,105 acres In G , 14,13 , w d
Joseph Barker and wlfo to Mary A Lough-
Illi. lots 5 , 8 , Hollalr , W d-8500.
Alex B Stevenson to Sowol H Wlleox , lot
4 blk Bsiibof lot in , Uonllelit. wd S7M ) .
Jno P Murphy to Ida Wilson , win CO ,
llanscom nlaco add to Omaha , w d 81,000.
.Moses P O'Urlcn to Ueo W lloldridge , 5
acres In 5,14,13 , w d-S5,273.
Henry Lovl to Patrick lloctor , lot 15 blk 3
Jettcrs It add to S Omaha , w d 8750.
Moses ( Jllllnsky and wife to Patilci : Hector -
tor t , lot 10 blk 1 Jettcrs 1st add to South
Omaha < , w d S750.
Low Is Schroder , trustee to Michael Lee , lot
IS and 14 In blkn llrown 1'aik add to Houtb
Omaha , w d-Sl,100.
\V A S Gibbon and wlfo to Thos Glfford ,
lot 8 blk 8 Cote Hrilliante , w d-S400.
Sarah Ito enbcrR to W E Clark et al lot 34
llnrtmans add to Omaha , w d 31,000.
Tim Omaha Heal Citato and Trust Co. , to
OlafN\Vestnn.tnt2blkSaiimcNnnd ! : } ! llimo-
b.inehs add to Walnut Hill , w d $575.
W A SUwo to Smiley N Chambers ct al E
10 tt of N W ' { blork ' * ' " Shlniis Ud mid to
Omaha , w d S3.100.
Newton E liarkalow to Mary A Davis , lot
4 liarkalow place , w d Sl.OjO.
Julius IloolcK and wife to Moses Qlllnsky
N X K lift ) It , lot 7 blk 1 Kountzcs 4th add to
Omnlm , w d SUMO.
AURiisttis'ltmmizo et al to Win W Marsh ct
nl lots 1 , 0 , C , blk 0 , Foriest Hill add , w d
Alonzol ) Hunt and wife to Jno H Burns ,
lota blk 1 Patrick's add , w d-81.750.
Jno H Hums to Jennie K Sto\oi'.s , lot liblk
11'atrlek's add , w d-53.1V ) .
Oeo W Lojran to the public , plat of Stanton
place , being a sub ot lot 1 blk 17 West Omalia ,
Egbert E French and wife to Jennie Mitch-
cock , lot 14 blk 10 Central park , w d-S ± i" .
Larmon P Pruyn and wlfo to Jno W Fos
ter , loll ) Smith's park , Omaha , w d 82,500.
W J Council \\ilntoMaryKliurns ,
lot 13 Dlk 23 Hickory place add to Omaha , w
AugustusKount70 and wlfo to Hugh G
Clark , lot 8 blk 14 Kouutzo's yd add , w d
Augustus Kountzo aud wlfo to Hueh Q
Clark , lot 7 blk 14 Kouutzo's 3d add , w d
leo ! H Dopgs ct al to Walter Jl Samlford ,
lot 11 blk 10 Omaha View , w d-S'J7ii.
F E Winning to Gco M Kibble , lot 3 blk K
Sattndors ite llluiebaugu's add to Omaha , w
Minnie MIchoclsnn and husb jo Catherine
Stiannalmn , lots 0 aud 10 blk ! ! nrexol's sub
of lots lil , C'i , M Okohomn , w d 53.100.
1) LThomas aud wife to D Skolnikowsky et
al , lot 5 blk I Kountzo's 4th add , w d 81,000.
Anton ICranda et al to Katerlna Kianda ,
n K lot S3 blk 0 Kountzo's 3d add to Omaha ,
q ? 53.
Anna M G McCormlck ct al to Lewis Bcrka ,
lot IS blk 13 Deer Paik add to Omaha , w d
KateiinaKranda to Lewis Bcrka , n } lot
32 blk 0 Kountie's 3d add to Omaha , w d
Win E llawloy ct al to Gee Tilden , lot 3 blk
3 Exchange place , w U S700.
Uyron Keed ot al to Gee F Juffery , lots 20
and 30 Rcea's 2d add , w d 52,000.
Gco E Hertrand and Gco W Kieeiey to Gco
EHcrtiaud and Gee W Niceley , lot 28 blk 5
Paddco'c place ; w d-Sl,000.
Poatagc Stamps of Almurd Vnltio.
London Daily News : What will people
not collect in this curious ago. and what
will they not pay for things apparently
valueless. Few objects can seem less de
sirable than an old woStago stamp , yet
our Paris correspondents inform us that
postage stamps ( Ire at a uremium in the
capital of taste and of pleasure. A well
known dealer offers 1 15s for every Tus
can stamp earlier than 1800 , and 10 for
particularly line samples. Mauritius
stamps of 1847 are estimated by the pur
chaser , mind at 2,000f. , and postmarks
of British ( iiiianu of 1830. from 500f. to
l.OOOf. Eighty pounds for a
soiled bit of paper that has
no beauty to recommend ill
Probably no drawing of equal size from
the very hand of Kaphael or Leonardo
would DO priced nearly .so high as these
grubby old stamps. Yet the drawing
would bo not only u thing of art , beauti
ful in it&clf , but also a personal relic of
the famous artist whose pencil touched it ,
while a stamp is a relic of nothing but
some forgotten postal arrangement with
a . colony. Wo do not know , moreover ,
how ' much the dealer will ask for
stamps when once ho gets hold of them ,
and has rich collectors at his mercy. In
no trade do tlio buyer's price and the
seller's price difi'er with such wide mar
gins as in the commerce of curiosities ,
especially , perhaps , } u the book trade.
Absolutely Pos-e-
Thi&Spowder never varies A marvel of rcngth and wholesomeness More
economic than the ordinary kinds and
cannot be sold in competition wMi the mul
titude of low 'est , short weight alum or
phosphate powders. Sold only in cans ,
Uoyal Baking Powder Co,1463 Wall street ,
New York.
Importer's ' Prices
Wo wish lo clear out our Entire Winter Stock this month If possible , ami necessity requires that
our prices should be very low In fact so low that it will pay yon to Iniy winter yootls uVOTT as ft mat-
tcr of Investment , tliouyh yon may not absolutely need them until next winter.
Our overcoats and heavy suits arc oolny now at a nominal jlattrc. They arc greatly cut In price ,
far below your expectations , Wo don't say how much. What docs It amount to when wo say f 90.00
Overcoats reduced to fl'-l.OO ; or $15.00 Suits reduced to $10.00 ? You must arc the yoods , yet the In
formation which we will give and use your own judgment ,
The balance of our I'm Jackets and rests are selling now for less titan the mere cloth would cost.
One lot we are selling now for $7.00 which Is of all wool Chinchilla leaver with flno Casslniero
lining and sold before the reduction for $ JL'-i.GO.
Our heavy weight Gents' furnishing gooas , such as Underwear , Wool JFostcry , Cardigan and Jer
sey Jackets , etc , , have undergone a general overhauling. Prices are cut right and left and should betaken
taken advantage of before sires arc badly broken.
All goods inarlcccl in plain figures and at strictly one price.
Cor. Douglas and 14th sts. , Omaha ,
Tills limb is on ilie
t improved plan. The
Uest , Lightest and Easiest
to inannge and the most
durable limb made. I
have had thirty five years'
experience \veirinpman-
nlacturing and adjusting.
Will give special rates
Until March 1st. My
beet limb for ? G5. Former price $1CO.
Circulars sent free.
Oil N. 17th St. , Omaha , Nob.
cr J wormy Veins f u > scrotum on.n ihr\ \
Debility. * c.
Mlo Crndlo-
.Ircultr Free.
State Agents
\H \ P1
Omaha , Neb.
RESTORED. A\Iolmo' !
youthful linpruJencpOAUrirv :
rviviflwwc * rrcm&turo Oecny , hcrron
- . Ilch.lltTljOitN ! nhoodilc.1havinKlrltHlUl
cvetr known rcmr'tv , tuu diKcnvpriMl n himplti
< lf-ciiri > , K-lilch hi will end FREE to lil fellow sufff rnr- .
A.l.lrru.C. J. hi VHO.N. Tint "fHi-n ilol lli . New Ymk llty
Wlll eeml tlio KKMAllLU FOKTUN1 !
'niuit : : , inc. . LOUD IIYUON'S DIUAM :
HOOK , 10c. , I'AI.MISI'UV. : : r.c. All thico , 40c.
'MKS , Now York city. Kicvantly Illustrated.
Nebraska National Bank
Paid up Capital $250,000
Surplus 40,000
H. W. Yatps , President.
A. E. Tou/alin , vMre President.
W. H S. Hughes , Cashier.
W. V. Morse , John B. Collins ,
II. W. Yatcs , Lewis S. Kccd.
A. E. Toiualin.
Cor 1'Jth and Farnam Sts
A GevscrA Banking Ihisincss Transacted.
N. W. HARRIS & Co.
RfflWJlC of CountlcB , Cltlos nml othnrgof
MwRUU htah Kt ado boupht nnU sola ICaslcrn
offloa 6S Dovonslilie uU Boston. Correspond
ence solicited.
Red Star Line
Carrying the nolfflum Koynl nivl Unltotl SttUoa
Wull.bullliu evury t-ntuidiiy
Between Anhyern & Haw York
Salon from { GO to $75. Excursion trip from
tllO to fl-i. Second Cabin , outward , f5 ;
prc'jmld15 , ; oicurslon. fW. Bto rna imssueo
at low ratoa. I'oter Wrlarht & Bouu , Oouora
Ag-entB , U Uroadwur. Now VorK.
Henry 1'undt , I.'IH Mrniumst. ; I'aulsen ie Co.
HliS farnnm st 11 > , O rrcicwun J K * I'm twin
Dealers In jrcnornl na
tural history and mil
Eoum supplies. Artltl-
clul uyod , Kriissos. utu.
Custom work of nil
kinds will retfJio ;
IiromptutttiUtlon ,
IOU Cupltol
A larifo number of re 'ordeil rurohoron and
Cljilos'jHlo ' flliilllons. AUu Homo llrotl Oolis
r.vcry itiiiuutl Kusrmiltol a breeder. J'rlcei
rcaoonnlileuiul tormj t-ai-y Ourtlnck lias been
EuloLtoJ with rolurtnua to both IriUhldual
merit nu < l iioillgrac. A lur o uunibur of our
Stallions ' 're ucclimiitril and Colts of tbelr get
win 1)0 tbuwii. York Is or. tbu II. & M. 11. It , ,
two lioure' ride weat pf 1/liiLolii. ror tutu-
lOKUfiKAd further niromMlon. ddrc6i
Lawrence Ostrom & Co.
Is Death to Consumption ,
Malaria , Sleeplessness ,
Chills aud Fevers Or Insomnia , ni
Typhoid Foyer , Dissimulation ,
Indigestion , 01 Food ,
Dyspepsia , Ten Years Old ,
Suiglcal Fevers , No Fusel Oil ,
lo od Polsonin Absolutely
. . . , . nt I Imve oxnmlnol tlio a KF.fiTC OF noiMUlON WIHSKV. rpc Ucd from IjAW
.r.vr.wtim'ii.v , nndI f mi-Hi ihoiutiiu lo ha '
porleotlr true
from I'lincl nil nml nil ether ili < l tfr-
oua fluustimces nail strictly puic. 1 cbecriiillr rnsninmninl thus mm for Fumllynii I M 'dlclnul iniriioset
ForpnlebyPrucsljIn , WlnoMnrclmnt nnii fl'rocors'iivorrwlic. ' ' iVlco SlS' ' ! porlliittl ! ' . ' " " "V " '
If not fotin < l nt thii aliovu , hiilr ilozon tiottli1 * , OXIIT HH . plnin bovua will bo sout to flny ndilrcs )
lu tbo
Unlictl btutcj .
or CntmUi. uti rccolpt ot Biz uollara i
LAWRENCE OSTROM & Co. Louisville , Kf
Wliolesale and Distributing Agents ,
DRUG co.ana i
11TLEY ,0 DILLON , Wlioleiula Liquor DmlcrOmaha. .
Families supplied by OLADti'lOXK ItliOS. U CO. , Omaha.
JL T. CLAJIK J > Jttr ( ) CO. ,
Thi > rn la not n oooklnc nppnriitiin roulo nilnn t'J
Poll.l . Oren Door , UutllmttlieloMlnwfilijLtof n.cuUli
from lnuutr-Ilvuto fortr per lent , of tlio moat rniulxd.
In other worJn , a rib of l n > t , weighing tan found * it
rnaaUxl tnodlum to ffnll-tlnim will IOMI tltrnui'ounilfl ,
The oamo roasted in the Charter Oalc
Xtanffo unlnir the Wlro Oauzu Ovoa Coop
loses about ono pouiul.
Tonllonmnnttatlirlnk l > to lo an Inrr" Portion ot
Its Jjlron uml lluvor. 'J ho fllin.i < ! n nutncl > uralu , kail
SftllD FOR lUUSTHATED CIRCULARS AND PRICE LISTS. U boiometf louttti. tululuvu ou J ujij
I' . KENNbV , . GOUDOM. < ; i.IJJ , ! : & I'AC.I.K I'KANKIIH.
DALLAS & LI/1 SON , . HASTIM.S. N J JOHNSON , , Moinii .
K. C. nitKWLK , . HAV SI-KINGS. J J McCAHKKTY , O'Ntui Cmr.
H AIKDftCO , . NmiBAikACnv. K HA/.l.iWOOIJ : , , . UscroiA.
KUAUSE , I.UIIKLK U WELCH , . . . COIUMHUS. 1 A I'ADUKN ft SON. t" rimum ,
Display at thotr warerooms , 13O5 and 13O7 Farnam Street ,
the largest assortment of Pianos and Organs to bo found at
any establishment west of Chicago. The stock embraces the
highest class and medium grades , Including
11b.f u
Prices , quality and durability considered , are placed at the
lowest living rates for cash or time payments , while the long
established reputation of the house , coupled with their moat
liberal Interpretation of the guarantee on their goods , affords
the purchaser an absolute safeguard against loss by poasIbM
defects In materials and workmanship.
1305 A. 130 ? FARNAM OTFlEtt'O