Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 24, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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AdVcrtlsemcntslindeTuils bo-10 % ib cents per
line lor the first Insertion , " ctnts for oachsub-
) 'sequent Insertion , and $1.50 a line pcrmontb
No advertisement tnVcn for lets tlmn 25 cents
Tor tlto flrst Insertion. Eovcn nerds will bo
counted to the lines they must run consecu
tively find must bo paid in advance. All adver
tisements must bo liandol In before 2 o'clo k
j'.m , , nnd under no clietimftanccs will tucybo
taken or discontinued by telephone.
Parties advertising in thc u olumns rnd hiv
Jnp the answers addressed In cnro of Tnr DEC
DfUl please nsX for ft check topnablothom to pet
their letters. M none will bo delivered except
on presentation of ehccfc All answers to ad
vertisements should bo enclosed In envelopes.
TV TONKV to loan , cash on delay.
UL J. W and II li. Bijiilro , 1413 I'urnnm St. ,
rnxton hotel building. S09
O. > | > or cent gfival hr calling nt Pnul on & Co'fl ,
* * lor lots In beutli Omabn nnd Annex.fi70
fi70 27
T OANB 1-onns Loans.
Ilcnl csinic lonni ,
CollntcrlRl loans.
Chattel loans.
Jxmg time loom.
Short tlmo loans.
Mntwy nlwnys on hand to lonn on any ap
proved security.
Investment securities bought and sold.
Oinnhn rlnnnclnl Kxchnngoi n. w. cor. Kith
nnd llarnoy. . . .
Corbet t , Mnnngor. EOJ
$100,000 to lonn on six months' to Rlx yourV
tlmn nt lowest rntoi. W. JI. Harris , room 6 ,
Frcnror block , oppP O 714J-28 *
H Allll7s A HAIUIIS. "CO 8. 1Mb fit.
Money to lonn on first class security , from
$600 upwards , VI
$600,000TO l/AN nt fl per cent. J. J. Ma-
honey , 1600 I'lirnnm. 800
f9 1T.II CUNT Mono ? .
% J It. 0. Patterson , 16th nnd llnrnoy.
$3Oouutolonn. Hums $600 nnd upwards ,
Lowest rates. Ilomla , room 8 , Darker block ,
8.V. \ . cor.fitli _ nnd Pnriinin sis N)7 )
MONIiV first mortirngo notes. The Douglas
county bunk will buy pnpnrs secured by
first tiiortgaito on city realty. 7.W
61'HU CL'M'-Monny to lonn.
Gregory fc Hudlcy ,
Jlooms 1 and 3 , Itcdiclc block , 320 8. 15lh 8t
TO LOAN Money Lonns pliicod on Im
proved real estuto In city or county for
, Wcw Hnglnnd I.onn ic Trust Co. , by Douglas
Bounty bank , inth and Chicago sts. 810
M ON HY to loan on city nnd fnrm property ,
low rates , Stownrt & Co. , Itoom n , Iron
Jlnnk. 812
MONKY TO I.OAN-O. K. Bavin A Co. Hoa
Kstnto and Loan Agents 1605 Fnrnnin st.
f ONKY TO LOAN On rcul ostuto und oho
I tola. D L. Thoinns. 815
CJ600,000 To lonn on Omnhn city property all )
P percent. 0. W.luyover 1.113 DouKlusgt ,
MONKVto lonn by the unrtorslRnprt , who hns
thn only properly orKimbod lonn aironoy
In Omnhn Jxinna of $10 to 11,000 made on fur
niture , pianos , orKnnB , horses , wagons , machin
ery , &o , , without removal. No dolayn. All
business strictly confidential. Loans FO made
that any part can bo paid at any time , each pay
ment reducing the cost pro mtn. Advances
made on fine watches nnd diamonds. Forgone
hould carefully consider who they uro dealing
with , as many now concerns are dally comlnir
Into existence. Should you nrod money , call
nd see ma. VT. n. Croft , lloom 4 , Wlthnoll
, 16th nnd Ilnrney. 818
ONEY LOANKDntC. F. Heed &Co's.Loan
offlcs , on furniture , plnnos , horsrs.wnirons ,
personal property of nil kinds , nnd nil other ar
ticles of vnlue , without removal. DIB 8. 13th ,
over IlliiKhnm's Commission store. All busi
ness Mrlrllr conlMontlnl. fiin
" 171011 SALT : llostnurant fixtures nnd furnl-
Ju turo. Will Hell at a sasrinoo. Call n"lck-
No. HOJ North Sixteenth st. 616 23 *
" 17(011 SAL1J A Brand bargain for Homo ono
JU wnmluir u clean stock or groceries In Oma-
liu ; Mend & Jnmlesonai8 8. l th st. C.I1 27
FOlt SALE Manufacturing business estab
lished In Omnhn , 1 Tears ; Inigcst trade In
the city ; w 111 boar oloxost lnfc tluatlon ; amount
of capital required , about (1 00. Addrots D 1 ,
llooonico. 00524 *
AKIHSTCliiKs nnd paying Heslnurnnt for
nnlo. (1,500 tor $2,000 capital nil that Is
needed. Pull particulars on addressingD 3. Hoe
Olllco. 6 ! ) ! ) 21 *
TO Exchange for land In Nrbrnska'or'Kansas
or stock of morchnndlsotwo brlclc duell
ing houses opposite the IOWR Htntocnpltol build
ing In DCS Molnos , In. Prlco 15,000. Address
yl > 6 Heo olllco. 017 22 *
rj10il RXCHANGH Fine residence property
JC In Idn U rove. Iowa , cost $4,700 , now , unln-
Vrumbcrcd ; nlso 320 acres unimproved laud tn
rjo'on county. lown , nndfa acres wild land two
miles Irom Ida Grove , Ida county , lown , for
dry goods , boots nnd shoes or general mor-
cbnndlso , or good lund 111 southern KnnsHs. J.
A. 1'rlnk Ida Grove , Iowa. 515 22 *
T71011 BALE Hnrgnln. Iwkory and ontnt for
JJ sale cheap If sold this week. 713 S 'nth st
610 22 *
TO KXCHANQR An uncumhercd Kansas
farm for mortgairod city nropnrtv. Ad-
( IroKS D 2 , lloo Olllco. 6U1 23 *
BUSINESS CHANCE-Stock Orocorics and
Monttnurkot for sale. Flnpst location In
Omnhn. Doing nn excellent business. Address ,
C , ITHc , i Olllco. 681
TO THADE for Western Lnnd Ono good pay
ing hotel with IB rooms In tlrst-eliiss cnndl
tlon In n town with two railroads ; nlso black' '
pmlthohopand tools In en mo town. Address
llobl E. K. Mollor. Mnlvcrn , lown. 603 2B
"I7IOH 8AL15 Hotel Invoice , now , In a booming
-L1 town , central locationchonn bargain. Will
trndn for Block. Addioss J , Krobcok , Illuo
Hprlnun , N'cb. KB 21 *
"KlOll 8AI.K Now and clean stock of drug *
Jj nnd books In ono of ihn best towns In cen
tral Nebraska , doing n tine business nnd is Hiiro
to Increnso , stock will Invoice nbout | 3tnO. must
sell soon. Address C fi7 , Ileo onico. 5IS 23 *
OH BALK Hold Omnibus , used H months
Address , It ) dor , Stromburg , Nob.
I OH BALE-Mllk dairy. 20 cows. \ bull . S
horsesmilk wniron and fixtures , everything
complete , cows nil fro ill nnd the best ml k
route In the city : call or address J. W. Penny ,
; tli nnd Grant st. 173 2H
. . . - - for sale ,
No butter Incntlon In Oinnlm. Sales now
norngo t'JM n day. Jlush & Sulhy , 218 8.15th st.
rill ) KXCHANOH Mou'lmndlso for farms nnd
J wild land. C. J. Cmmoll , room 1Q. Iron
Hank. U3131
TTIOH HAMS Now stock of ladles' furnishing
O-1 goods , together with store llxturoi.
iiefiR In fullitmdiict wllh good trade , booatlon
tint on Howards ! . , occupying } ( store in Siiuaru
of solid brick. J. F. HumniondU5 S. 10th su
Iti TJ OU BALK Or trnde for niorchandUo , BIO
It ] 4' nures of No 1 fnrm land nrnr Grnm
irnnd. U. .1. Cnnan 815
HODSr.S U > ts'nriiiR.InnH | ( ! iioiicy loaned
Hnmls.rooiiiU , HnrKur block S. W. cor
) ( jth nnd I'nrnaJists , L'H
FOH SALE Hardwnro Husmwis Wo offer
ourKhi'lf ' nnd heavy hardware liuslnosa for
inle , loielhcr nlth our louse nnd good will
Tnuio larroat In the city nnd locution the best.
Hetlrlng from tlio business rniif.e for enllh
The Hnum Ilnrdwure Co. , 10-3 O st. , Lincoln ,
* OhHftONAl-A wrlTfi'ii gunruntau In gnor
X with nil llvor plated knives , larks uui
siioon ut Moody's Phlna Store , 302 N 10th st
Prices the lo est. Cull 11114) ) Uc convlncpd.
624 13
ACOMP1.KT1' nnd purrui-t set o7abstrnri
liooKs in the otlice of H , U Pultcrson , 1
nnd lliiruoy. & 07
JAIrlw. . Dr. Nannie V.v"arFc7
clam o ) nut. Modlcnl Anil ljuslnp Mpdlum
m No. B , 121 horth ILtU st , Omahn , Neb.
THAVHD'ortol lroui Tllliiird hotel J
pug pup. A liberal reward will bo puli
for his i turn to J , J , llctHn ! toiMillui : ] hotel
TOST-A I.ockct. Fun shiipod , inlnld wlti
JU gold. . Five dollnrs rewuni paid If left a1
llllay i. DlltonB' , 13)3 ) IhuiKlus et. lii - , '
T O T At charity ball In the drc * lng room
XJono wliltu ffttlu fan , hnudpmnted , will
upple blosioins. Thu llndor will oblige by leavIng
Ing at thU QllifO. -4M 23 *
Til ADAM AI ASIvA. ClaraTOj ant and palmt !
M 512 South . 16th it.
SOLID gold spectacles only $3 a pair at i'runli
nnd Bun & . Cv.'f , 320 S. I4th st. < MS
'pAKK NOT1C15 I hnvo on band n largo < junn-
JL tlty of tlmuthy , clover and milli't > ei-d for
lale. vritu for prious.V. . U Ilojtnn. David
OltKob. . 671 f. W
V tiv'ntor end Housekeeper. "
-L > I > tabilshed ISywirs. Departments ng-
riculturftl , live Mock , housekeeping ( n valuable
collection of receipts In cnch i uc ) , nnd gen
eral miscellaneous rending , Including short
stories nnd poetry. $1.00 n year. nlunble
premiums 5nmpl ropy free. II. P. 5ralth ,
Pub. , Koom 3 , Wlthncll BlockOmaha , Nob.
STiCIipCtnclc : to suit all slrht ( only $ l.fO
n pair at Frank A Son A Co. , 220 South llth
street f.iB 23
i , binjos , mw'le boxes , etc. ,
fcrent bnrgnins at Frank A Son A Co. , 23) )
South 14th street CH 23
GKNTS gold nnd silver wntchcs , bargnlns nt
Prank A .eon A Co , 220 South llth street.
C4S 2.1
BlllLIilANTPftrMInn diamond earrings , solM
gold , only $3.60 , nt Frank and Sun A Co.'s ,
220 8. lltVsu 01 ? 1
II KKNT Pqtiuro Plnno , $ i montnlr ,
Hoapo. 1513DotigH . _ 610
U Inrgect addition to Omnhn IK Oeo. 11.
Hoggs' ndd Just north of U. P. shop * .
] A Dins' soil I gold Bt em winding wntchos
-y onlyf20 nt 1'rnnk nml Son i Co.'s. 220 8.
14th 8U 043 23
SHOHTHAND-In ten lo son ( < . No i nnding :
nopoPltlon ; rnpld nt speech. Instructor ,
ffl cents. Pcrntn'sShorthnml Institute. Detroit ,
Mich. IB'i f 10 *
LADIKS' diamond collar buttonn onlv to.
PnmK nnd Son it Co. , 22Q8..141h tt 01823
- . „ per month.
1513 Douglng. an
D iAMOND STUDS only $10. Frank nnd fan
A Co. , 220 S. 14th St. 649 23
MOUTOAOia * I'urchnso moiu-y inortpnccs
on Improved Oftinhn mil ostnto , boimht
nt No. " 1 1'ron/ler block ; apply botncon2aml3
p. m. 2U7
DIAMOND IIAIllllNnR only 810 at Trunk nnd
Hon & Co . 220 S. llth st. 818 23
IJIOKKHNT Sijunro I'lnno f.t montdlr.
JL1 Hof | > a.r > 131iouil s. All
F03 SALK I'urnltilro complcto for nn fl
roomed lioiiHo.BilHiiblo foi roomprsihouso
cnn bo rented , liinulro I50 < Cuss. 68022 *
FOR SALK Two now show cases nt I
Hoart'H. 117NKtli8t. 6M 32 *
DIAMOND 13-1 cnral stone , combination rniff
nnd stud at n ( treat bat gains Frnnk .V Sou
* Co , 220 8 14th street , 04923
T31OU BALK Good sound horeo eultnblo for
. * - nny business. Grocery u. u. cor. 25th mid
California st. COt 25 *
[ DKAI.SAl'KTY UAX.OIl-Onlr t nt Trunk *
Son & Co's 220 8 llth street. 04S SI
OIl BALK-Stamplnif I'uttoins cheap ; nnd
o order. Mrs.V ! Mor
risons , 1505 Davenport. 287 T12
"TJ OIt SAliU The bo t biiirtry In thn world for
J-1 thn Heal Kstnto lluslness , Columbus llu t'y
Co. , 1113 llnrnovBt. 2lufll
FOH8AM5 Ooniilnu diamond cariliDrx $10 at
Frank & Son k Co's , 2TO S llth et. I8 23
Foil SALK A ( rood 6 yonr old horse , harness
nnd bU Ky. Kiuiulro at 1403 Doijpiiui et , V02
TTlOtlSALi : OK TUADi ; Ono 2d hand sldo-
J bar buif fy , one 2d hand phaeton , one de
livery WUROU. Clioap. A. Hospc , 1513 OoiiRlas.
761 J ; W
Lr > OH8AW- > po-wrlter , ICO. J. . Hayncfl ,
1 lloxU25 , Omaha. H17
Foil S/VI.E Furnlturo nnd Icaso ot Rtz-rootn
house , tlmo on part. Cull 1202 North 27th
street , two blocks from Hod Car lino. C9.J
\\7ANTr.D-A boy from 15 to 17 yours old to
-work In erocory Btoro and talco cnro of
horses , npply 1902 Cumlnir st. _ fill 22 *
ANTllD A good ind COOK at 2ir > b l-'tli st.
Gorman preferred. 617 22 *
ANTKD-Ajrcnt to Boll the Nonpnrlcl Inlc
Eraser to business men of Oiimlm. Ad
dress C6S , IleooHlco. 651 22 *
_ _
WANTJ2D Male bookkeeper. Must bo thot-
oiitfhly competent. ( > lve references , . -tiuo
ape , experience and salary expected. Addiurs
C70 , lloo olllco. 6CB 2i *
\ \ TANTKD-Boy to do chores nround hougo
for his Uoard. I ) . L. llcOucke , 8028 s Kith.
631 25
WANAF.D 3ROodroon aironts. $ ' > per day
made easy by cnlllnir 111) ) N Iflth , Crounso
bile , room 4. E. O. Hello Islo. 678
ANTBD-Sklllod accountant will accept
situation Fob. 1 , 1887. Address 0 n.lloo
ofilco. 610 25 *
WANTED boy or younir man hnvlnir n
Kood horeo and living In south part of
city , to carry a route on. Dally Evening lloo to
South Omaha. 1UII
WANTKD-Mon , women , boys , srirls to earn
f 70 per month nt their own humos.costly
outlltof samples , a packako of poods and full
Information for lOa to help pay postage. Ad
dress II , C. llowcll & Co. , Hutlund , VU
J IQOflO *
_ _ _ _ _ _
\T7ANTKD 50 pobcr. Intolllffcnt men of ( rood
T > address to try a lOc uical at Norrls' res.
tnurnnt , 101 B Hlth st. 163
AOI5NTS In the elty or country cnn mmco $ " > to
$10 n day solllmr our Kpocliiltios. N.V. .
Novullyooiiiimnv.l-)7 Farnam t. 013
WANTKD Two or three Indy nnonts. AI > -
ply Tuesday nnd Wednesday , room No.
1 , dlloor , 8. K. cor. 13tli und liownrd Bts ,
OKI 21
WANTKD ninlmr room girl , nlso laundry
Blrl nt I'lantora' House , 10th and Dodiro.
Afjood Blrl for ironernl housework -
work , 2219 Cuss et , corner or Sid. Apply ut
onoo. OOH22 *
W ANTKD-A Blrl to do housework for 2.
Cull cor. 1 Dili nnd Webster , over Ilussoy's
Drj Goods store. 6itfl 83
ANTKD-A nurse girl. 2701
Newman's grocery. 687 22
T\'ANTBI > A Kood Blrl for gonornl houso-
TT work in n small family. Uerman pre
ferred. 101 south 25th St 67 ! > 22 *
\v 'ANTED A Drst-clas * cook , also n second
girl. lnqulro at 2021 Chicago st M
"IX'ANTED A good girl for gonornl house-
1 work , 2100 Fiirniira et 62122 *
WANTED A good strong girl us washer In
laundry nt Windsor Hotel. 103
" "
"ANTED-100glrl8 for house-work. Call ut
122 North 15th Street. 87 22
WANTKD 75 good Girls for domestic orlc ,
to cull at 123 N 16th st. Oil 28 *
WANTED At once 12 experienced hands
ntorernll itoik. Ueo. miles , llth mid
I-oavonworth utrcots. V55 25 *
WANTKD Dining room girls with g-ood r f
orenco nt Arcade Hotel. (121 ( 24 *
WANTED-Compotent girl nt 2535 St. Marys
nvc. | Ml SO' 9I
\VANTBD-A good cook. 2 Infumlly , 014 N
' 22d. 620 23
" \VANTI5D Good cook and Laundress , 202 N.
' ISth et. 6b'J
SrANTUD Dining-room girls , with good
T references , at Arcade Hotel. (121 20 >
\\TANTIJD ( lonil girl for general hotiac-
worn ; good wages paid. 313 N. Jeller
son , hot. Chicago nnd Davenport , 691 21 *
"Vl'ANTUl ) A luundrobs"nt thoCo om.
> > om.6S9
TWANTUn A competent corvont , nlso u dec-
> nnd girl , In small family with unlr onu
child ; good wages. 1P21 Kt. Mary's nve. 4UJ
VVrAN'riTD An elderly women to cooit in
> T small family , no washing or liousokcep-
ng. 1020 Cntliurliiust. U , " . )
WANTI D-DInlng-ronm girl nnd dish-
washer. Inquire Miller's Huitaurant , 1001
N 16th st. 223
\\rANTii-Unod : ) girl , Kngllsh or Onrmnn ,
i rook , wnsbcr and ironer. lii'iuhu 2-1- S
CilBS et , 847
* V\rANTii : > ao ladles A gents to loirn tolo-
1 gruphy Prospnct good for position when
competent ; address W. J. D. , Itoom I , Croum
blk.Onmhti in :
uxpuilunco , it nuts a Rltuntion uithor us
Vookkteper or talpinmn In Dry ( iood * or lloota
HiidMiocK ; rnii ipenk Gorman ; liostroforenoos ,
AJdicss D. 6 , lloe ollico. OJ ( ! 2J *
\V ANTHOltuatlou ns housokeouor in binall
fnmlly. AJdrcts 12jO bUlh nvenuc.
Council lllilUg. GJ5 2s *
" \\rANTKU Sliuatlno M B "gov'urneTs of
< * tvuchor In orlvwi family , by a lady a !
eight yours uzporlcnoo in to.ichtnj. Koforcnccj
irtu'ii L'ul ! or adJrms K. 1' . 1I , , J1J Eewurd M. ,
_ _ _ _ _
\\ANTii-ToJtarii ; tlry iJnoJs or jrrnpory
* tra < lo liynyiuiiiir man of iinroproacli-
Able character and bill. Its. Hnro orporliMiou us
ohool toucher. Hun of reference , try lil'ii.
\\ANrr.D Situation Tiy n competent no-
I' count tint , correspondent or salesman. Can
plvo good references. Address C. It. D , 2111
California street. . 3S122
\VANTEu-Posltlon ns house-keeper In prl-
vntofnmlly , or to help with light work.
Kxpcrlenco. Addtcss Mrs. 3. A. Hurton.rity.
T\MNTii-A : nurse , who Is willing to help
around house. AddrCSjN , C.tflWhon
ton Et. Ml
\VANTKD Itenl c tnto ns part payment fir
wcllestnl llshod drug store , on n promi
nent sticot. Address 0 04 , Ileo ollico. 631 22' _
XUAN'lUD-Torontby Fob. 1st good 8 or 10
i room hou o with modern Improvements , In
good locntlon , address stntlng locntlon and
tarms. King ATcmplcton
In cnro of Cltlrcns' Hunk , 2403 cumlng st ,
037 2i
\\TANTiD : TooichnnRo Macros Improved
' land , sir miles from Jlertrnnd , Neb. , for
hnrdwmo or furniture. 1 * . C. Schroudor & Co. ,
Dcrtrnnrl , Nob. f > W
A V AN JKDTeam * , 30. S. lltll St.
\VANTKD-To rent a 7 to 8 room house nbout
the middle ot January. Address , li. 10 ,
lice Office , giving location nnd terms. 753
WANTKD To buy nvo to twenty ncros In.
side of or near Omnhn. Give descrip
tion , price and terms. Address , C,20 , Hoe onico ,
WANTUD-A roller top desk in good coridP
tlon. AddreM statinjf length and price.
Cash , Hotel Mlllnrd. B63 31 *
WANTKD A young man rtosiros instruction
on the guitar from n competent toucher.
Address H 41 , Hoc olllco. 7 < u
OH ItENT-Flve-room homo , HOD Haven-
port street Knnulro 1010 I'unmm street ,
ypemlrg. C.1.4'
FOlt HUNT House 8 rooms ! Inrtro bnrn , well
nnd cistern , corner I'opplotuu and Vlr-
glnln uvcs. , Hnnscom place. GO ) 22'
IflOH 1 HKNT ffoiiso , corner J.MIi and iFifrfl
OS 2-J'
KKNT 1'ront room 1th bnnril rofor-
oticos roiitilrid , 1721 DoiiKliiSBt. KS 22 *
TjjIOH ltiNT : 1 cloirniit furnished loom , IfJrt
Jrnriinm : only those that want n niro room
tiood npply. IloomSM , 3d tlnur. ( WJ J *
I.i lt HliNT-Vurnlilicd rooms ; flro nnd com-
1 fortnblo. 1318 Cnpliol nvo. OSV2J'
F OU HUNT A nlooly furnl'-liod room with
board siutnblo for Kcnlleinun , ml S. I''th
st , cor. St. Mnry's avo. 688J2
" | jV5lt IIIIN'I'iN'ipely ftirni'liod rooms for
. itontluinon. 421 Soutl. llth St. , cocond
Btulrnny Irom Howard. 638 22 *
KCNT-Uomii with bonrd , 1013 Uoilffe.
_ ll HENT Lnrgo burn : will nccommndiito
( i horses. iniiulro202o : Hownrd st. TOS
I poll HUNT House of ton rooms , modern
1 Improvements , good location , cheap. Kd-
win Davis , 150J I'm mini st 500
Q3 Fii".Toii : Dodvo us irood us n oornor : cash
ft 88,1)00 ) : tl..O. . ) ) for n few days. (5. 51.
Cooper , 1WJ Fni num. 133 2a ]
F HKNT Six room house with barn. $1S
- per month , Corner llth and Vlntou. In-
ulro on proiniBOs. 1,11
FOIl HP.NT 10-room house with largo stnhlc ,
very cheap to right party. Mursh.ill iB Lo-
bock , 15uU Furnam. 221
FOH UIJNT-IIy Fob. 1st. ten room house ,
modern Iniprnvotnnnts , 15 inlnutoa wnlk
from P.O. On st car lino. Imiulro nt 110S
Douglas st , 110
FOH HUNT A bnrn for 1 ho id of homos. In-
qiilro of M. 1' . Martin. 837
TCIOlf 1U3NT A nice7Tronin cottigo , by S. T.
Poturson , s. o. cor. 15th anj Douglas
t KKNT-8room house.citvwnter , street
cars , 14 miles Irom P. O : MS per month.
D. C. PattersonOmaha Nntl bank. 71(1 (
OH HKNT-L'irEO bnrn with wntcr prlvl-
legos Apply at 181J Chicago st. OOd
FOH HUN P House , 1 rooms , corner IJhl
Sheridan and Howard Rts.
IloiiBO , 9 rooms , nil modern Improvements ,
Hnrnoy and 20th Bts.
Now brick store , north 10th st
1 now stores no ir HascnM's hotel , south 13th
st .115 per month
llrlck warehouse on II. It. track and pavoil
3rd story tlnrkor bullduv15th , nnd rnrnnm ,
C. i : ! llyno , IBtli and Harnov. 22T
POll HUNT If you want to rent n house , call
on llomiwn & Co. , opposite pojtolllco , 533
FOH BNT Sutlablo forJobbinnHousn.Soc -
end nnd Third Floors , 31x100 wltu baso-
montnnil olovntor , ontrnnco Irom front on
Douglas St. , and untrnnco on trroundllnor from
ronr to 'jlovutor. Address A 33. lloo olllco.
"I/IOH HUNT a room house S. W. cor. 7tn and
J3 Puciric. Iniulro M. F. Martin. 211
FOK ItKNT Six new brick stores with base ,
nientgcorner Klovonth nnd HownM : choice
location ; nil conveniences. Loavltt Durnham ,
Itoom 1 , Croighton block. , 027
rf OH HUNT-Ono now oott.xio , 7 rooms , J3J.
JP Throe now 2-Htory housm , < 40 , onu lit $1 > ;
welllocatod , all ponvonlnncos. Loavitt Hum-
bumItoom 1 , Croighton block. 127
FOH UKNT SO acres nljoininir cltf north-
westsuitable for dairy or market giinlmi.
Applyto Thoo. Williams , HOP Ollloo , Oil Fur-
num. f-H !
' ) U ItKNT-Sloro 22xK ( ) , 1110 jnckson st ,
TDK acni
FOIl HKNT Furnished house of sovca looms
until May 1. Doslrublu locality. Imjulra
onico Western Pattern Co. , Exposition llull < l-
T71OH linN'T-Nicely futliijheu front room 203
JJ South 25th street. 51 2.I1
ilOH HUNT llooms with nrst-clnss board.
1 1U2.I Capitol uvuniio. OJJ 25 *
FOH HUNT Three rooms ut 870 ? Cumlngs
stioct. Terms $8 per month In nduinco.
Jt S 25 *
"I71O11 HENT I'urnlshod house eight rooms ,
-L' convenient to U P depot. Address 0 62 ,
Dee olllco. (118 ( 21 *
F I OH HUNT Furnished room 1WJ Farnam ,
FOH KENT Elegantly furiiishod front room
with nlcovonnd closet 111 S 18th st.
( J30 28 *
KENT Furnished 1001113 1615 Uodtro et.
FOH HUNT Largo , nicely furnished front
room , luod rarnam st , | i022S
OH HHNT-3 furnished rooms. 82.1 8.16th. i
blocks south of operil house ; prk-o , { 10
CO I 21 *
POll HKNT : i nice front rooms In the hrlck
lilooic on Howuiil st. hetweon ICth und I7th
sta. I.eo , Nlchol & Co. , Wlthnoll block 581
F IOH HBNT Desk room In the Oin.ilm Heal
Kstuto Kxcbnnge. Mead S : Jamlcson. 21B 8
filOIl RENT Two unfurnished rooms for light
-L ? housd-kceplng. In Ueemcr's blocK , corner
Eighth and Howard. 5J1
FOH HKNTAt hOD Howunl Ftreet. ono block
from Cro/zons houso-sireot cifr every llvo
minutes n largo trout loom , turnlflUud nunly ,
for $12.60 per month. 63J
F ° U HENT-l'uriilshod room. 714 N. 10th Bt.
FOH HIINT Snlto of rnom.s.fnrnlshcd or mi-
furnUhod bed rooms , three blocks liom
Hoyd's oiiora houbo. Address C 55 , Hen olllco
170 21
FOH HUNT Furnished rooms for light houja
keeping , Hoomois block , cor othJc Howard.
- , CU
171011 Iir..Vr-Nicely furnsho. | | room. Hefer-
JenccsioiUired. | . 10)7 Douglas. 9-i 4-
H HKNT-l'urnishoa room. A. Hospe ,
i161Tliniitrla t. 911
FOIl HUNT ; ! rooms imfurnlstiot suitiblo
for housokooplnif , 1017 N'JtU st ; upplr to
M , V. Martin , 310 S IMh St. 40)
HUNT Two south front rooms , single
- or en suit ; also front room , Urtt lloor , wither
or without tire , 1513 Cnss st. 33J-2U *
FOH HKNT A nice , light basement. Imjulr
of Leslie A Leslie , 10th and Dodge Ms. 30j
JjlOH UKNT-Nlcoroomeat 1831 rnrnnm st ,
J-1 0110 block wiwt ( if court housesouth eldo.
HKNf JI roomi sultalilo for houso-
keeping. 711 Paolttost. Hunt. J15.0) .
T71OH ItRNT Furnlihua room , furnace , com
J-1 fortuble In coldest weather , miJ gus. In
quire 1U2I Kainnm. Ill
" 171011 HKNT 3 nlco newly ] uperoJ rooms ,
Jwater In kitchen ; aultubla for hoiisokoep-
Illir , Price. | l2.5a 1013 N. 20th nt. Apiy to
owner M. ft Mnrtln 3ia a 15th at.
If OH HF.NT Nontly furnUned rooms , ilnglo
or double , llli Hon arj Struct. 81S
KK.VT Mojrunt roams on streut c r
X ! line , batb * a4 gut. , . w. cor 2Jtb and
Wcbstur. 133
pOH HENT Hoems nicely liirnlst.M at nil
1 prices , from $ * , $10 , $12. $1.V * month cnch.
06 South ISth strrf t , north Syr'cMnry's nvonue
ip stnlri , ty > 213flO
TOH HUNT Four untdrnlsbed rooms
JJ for housekeeping to sm ll family , lo
cated on Georgia ave near strrdt cars.surround-
ngs plcasnnt nnd will rontt ohrnp to good
mrtiesjreforoncorequired. Address A. 63Ueo
iIDco. " ' '
FOH ilKNT Sultoof newly. yrnUhot rooms
In now house ; modern conveniences : to
c-cntlomon. 1 21 DoJae st. SW
67. g
IJIOHSALU-On onsr terms ono of the best
JP lots on Fnrnnm st , with JJ-atory tnilUlliig ,
Trloo f 10,000. Address 0 ft , o.u lloo oinco.
670 SJ
FOH IIXCHANGE-A lot 00x127 on Charles st ,
between 2jth nnd S th streets , with two
good cotlneoa , rach routing for $ l.s.U ) per
nonth. Wlllcxchnnpo for good building lot
> 'orth or West part ot the city. H. W , Hunt
ress , 150U Fnrnnm street. 50 2I
Bl'ltMNOTON OKNTKH-Moro money will
bomndolnthcso lots than In any others
hnthnvoor will be sold In .South Oman * .
'rices will bo ndvnnood soon. Hook , 1VJ ) Far-
mm. 62322
Springs Addition 1ms nil the nd-
O vantages of beln located on the nno t real-
lonco avenue In our city. 6W 22
IJ OIt SAM ! Corner l tn nnd Pacific. 4 boufo ,
JL ? 111 bo truck properly. 11 U. Copson , 1027
B. 1Mb SU COI 21 *
BAIldAINS In Omaha nml Counull IlluITi ) .
Nobrnska and lowii lands for s lo If .MHI
want to make n lonn on Improved ronlcstnto
comoiind en IIP. Money on hnnd ; no delay.
Koom \Mtlinell block , Kills Hros.cor 16th
ind Humor. K > 7
| JXlli\CHANG15-ror : Nebraska lands , city
.1 property or peed notes , a clean stock of
lothlnif-Involoo $1,100. Address 1),3J1 N. Ifitti
t. , Oniillui , Nob. 607 21
HIMiKKIinddltton , oppoilto Haircdarn'a lid-
ditlon , lots $2JO to tOJ. J. L. lllco .V Co ,
solo adonis 4JI
M' Suinlior Ppilngs Adilttlon and eouro
your lot now. 6.V ) 21
I OIIUY or soil real oslito , to borrow 8 per
cent inont-y , or itol nn abstract of tltlo , BO
to the oIHeo of It. C. I'litloHou.lRtli nnd Harnoy.
6)7 ! )
T710II SALE Four cleBnnt two-story houses
Jmid hits , oiiic < 5ttiitpoii street rnr nnd near
cabloc'ir lino. Will glvojou nbarffnln , C.V. .
Calii,2JJOQhU)8t. 612
I AND In lown nnd Nebraska to trade for city
. /property nnd pay tlllloronco
At Citizen's Itnilk , 2IOS CtimlliK fct. O.J3 20
( fHNTKK-'ho onydopot
ground The only business point wet tT
the t Slocl ; yards. Tnnt moans quick , lilir prollt.
Hook , solo ncont , 15JO rarnam. 62J 22
niIiIiClcnnddltlonnppo lta HiiBOdorn's nd-
dlllon , lots $2JO to $3UJ. J. U lllco .V Co. ,
sole nxonts. 41)1 )
H ANSCOM Park Addition. , i
Amos , i6J7 ruruam st , Solo Agents.
5'iO Xi
OJIAHAicul ostnto better tlmn government
bonds. Full lot on 21th ) street just otr
CumlnirBlth Imorovoments , iciits for $75.03
per iiiQiithilOOUJ. J. U lllco & Co. 142
LOT ilOvlRR feet,2-story frnmohouso , .1 rooms ,
elty 1x0101etc. . , for si'lo with or without
hou o. Knqulro for prices iintl terms (3rog-
\-nndlcy.320S.lhthBt. . > 652
HILLUICKnddltlonoppositeflngedoru's nd-
dltion , lota $200 to f ,500. J. L. lllco & Co. ,
solo ngnnts. 1U1
I ANSCOM Park Addition. '
Amos , 1607 Fnrnnin St. , Solo Agents.
6W 22
HJSH i SP.LHV'S ndd. to'Sbutb Omnlm.
llonntltul lots , only $ V ) down. 7U1
J.1 Ilargnln ,
Hnrgnln ,
Wo hnvo It now. Got the ownoi tied up to
Feb. I , Never will bo nnotbor chnnco tocctn
llnohomollko thlsso cheap Goto 1311 Oeorgia
nvo nnd take n look nt the splendid house mid
ground * there Consider that they are with
in ono block of stioot curs , FChool and church.
Don't lot this opportunity to tirocuio n good
buriruin or hundsomo residence slip. Price
SI.MK ) , $2.101 cash , f.W Muy 1 , 1S37 , $700May 1.
IMS. $100 ! Nov. 1,18W. ! il. iV. Upton St Co. , 1TXW
li'urniiin. Telephone 73. 2M
RUHL1NOTON CKNTEK-Tho richest Bpot
O for buyers west of the stock ynrds. Pay
them best. Hook , solo ugent , 150'J Furiiam.
623 22
ATinLL mnko you money If bouvht now In
T Hllloko Addition. J. L. lllco & Co. . Solo
Agls. 1 1
YOUH money Invested In Sulphur Springs
Addition will bring you nsuro profit.
AHMOITH PLACE , tno superb ndditlon of nil
South Omaha. 11. C. Patterson , 1'ith and
Harnoy. f > 'J7
30x105 feet on 20th street , 157 feet from St.
Mnry.s live. P-uquIro for prices. Gregory A
Hadley. 320 S , 15th St. 552
OMAHA bettor tlmn govcrnmcn
bonds. Thirteenth street , 10 toct Iront
on 13th btreot hetweon Dodge nml Capital
nvenno , ltli Improvnmonts worth $ I5 , < HJO ,
jUr,00 : M feet front , South 13th Mioct.lm-
piovpd.SIO.OOJ. J. L. lllco & Co. , over. Com-
moiciiil bank. 112
A ltMOUIl PLACK nnd Harris , v Pultoison's
nniipx nro the two best South Omnhn addi
tions. H. C. Patterson , Agt. , 16th nnd llurney.
< ULPHUH SPHINOSuddltlon sells bconusn of
? Us locution nndsalety us an Investment.
650 S3
J- 671 22
HILLKKl'nddltlon. opposite Ha'/odorn's nd
ditlon , lots e-W to.W , J , L. Kleo & Co , ,
solo agents. 491
UllLINnTON CHN'TKH-Invest for < ] ulck ,
> big protlt. Hook , bole agent , 1509 rnrnum.
62J 22
FOH SALH A32)-acro farm with house , barn
und orlb , on the U. P. Hy. , nnd only one-
half mile from u good railway town , with
churches nnd schools. I'rlco 58,00) ) . Applyto
Louis Hradford , cor. 9th und Douglas , Omaha ,
Neb. 'Ml
and Hnrncy. 6U7
SHKIt.MAN'nvcnu o lots for gnlo nt H cash
balance 1 , 21 ! , yours , H porcw't ' Interest ,
5VJ 23 Ames , 1M7 rurnaji Ht , , solo agniit
UHMNTON ( ! CKNTFiN-ThoTd"oim | ground' )
only MO ynrda from stock yArds. Thn only
uuslnes * pruporly west of stocU-i'"r'ls ' Mouiiy
iiut In now will pny 300 to 1,0'Aner ' cent In UU to
OOdayd , lloolt.Bofo lufent , ijop ; Fnrnnm
* '
fiSl 23
17IOH a ffooil South Omnhu lot to to H. C. Put
-l tcrsou. l&th ami Hurnvy. 5'J7
, _ on Shermnn ,
onpoaltu old busu bull urouiuts.
6V ) 22 Allied , JOT' Turiliim.
P OHTAU n 671 22
N'O poor lots In Hllluko udditloh. J. L Hlco A.
Co , sola agents. 1'Jl '
EAST 81DK , HlmebaiiKh .V l > iitlonon'8 Sub
division , Suiiniiors A. HlnjMiaiigirH Add I
tl'jnund Armour place , nro thif'be ; ! additions
to the uity. Huy now lioToro'llio prices lire
rulsod. H. a Patterson , ngeut.l th nnd Il.irney.
it at
OAIJ , mill sno the fullest nnd treat complotn
set of iiiistruct books of Dniigl'ia ' county
now In the olllco of It. C. Patterson , 1Mb nnd
Hurncy. . 597
ChnlcoPleoo of ground on 20th stront Just
soutli iKim St. Mnry's uvo. are0'ory & Hud-
ley , 320 8. 15th Bt. 55J
No. 318 South ISth St.
Lot , fronting 2 streets , 25th und Pacific , 2
houses , $2WO. Kasy terms.
Hestlotln Orchard Hill with 5 room house ,
burn , well , clatorn , fruit mid shade trees , $ ltX .
Iusy ] terms.
S W cor llth unU Pacific , C3xl32 , a fine cottages ,
Lot fronting on Convent and 21th t8. 1m-
provomenis worth $1OOJ , 2 housuJ , city und
ci&torn wutor , $ ilij03 Hasy terms.
6-room cottuge and lot , ' 'ttb and Ctmrlcs ,
If2,001) . $100 cash. t > al o.ny.
N Kcor of lltii und LunTonworth , 3 houses.
ronUfor:5 per mo , lot M W.'tino buslnen
propt rty , ; i2,0ja McaU A Jutaioior. , 318 L5th
street , tU
Members Onmhn Hrnl T.itnto Ktchnnpre ,
Koomsl k S , llcdlck Hlk. S20 S. 15th et.
Corner on DodfrcCflxl32. Improved nnd
ontlng for $3,000 per j ear . . . , $ 33,000
Corner on llth St. , 152x132 , near south
end of Viaduct . 10,000
11x13 ! , Improved , half bloclt from
Union freight depot site ( only fSOOO cash ) 12,000
22x132. 3-story brlok business block , on
ono nf the bLst streets In the city , rents
"or $2400 per year. Half Interest tor . 9.000
Corner on 1'nclflo ? t.Mi32 , 2 houses ,
ontlng for $80 per month . . . . . . , S/jOJ
Corner I.onvonworth nnd 15th , 60x66 , 2
IOIKCS . . . , . . ( rtO
7liiestllotsln KIHiy Pl.ico . 6,200
Thornell's ndd , lot W.\H2 , 2 houses ,
renting for $50 per month. . O.OM
I.ot fi.'xUf > frontln * St. Mnry' nvo ;
his Is the beet nnd cheapest building lot
.n the tnmkct : term * mndo to suit . C.SOO
7-roora house on Virginia nvo nonr
> nvonworth st. , cnst front , nlco homo , 0,500
hot on Georgia nvc , J , 1. llodlok's
sun . . . 3.CXX )
P.nst Iront , Georgia nve , Hnnscom
ilnro . . . . . . " ,250
West front , Georgia nvo , Hnnscom
ilnoo . 1,750
Knit front , Virginia n\e , llanscom
ilnco . , . . . 2,100
West front , Catherine Bt. , Hanscoui
; > lnco . 1/XM
Dandy lot on KM st , Hnnscom place . 2,1M
Vine lot In Sunny Side . lr < W
Doiiblocornor InDwIght A Ivmnnn > 1.200
Henlitlfut lot , rn t front , Coburn's ndd , 2.IXM
Corner lot in Oak Hurst , n snap . l.ts ) )
Knst front lots In Tlinrnburjr I'lnco , . tan
Ixtsln sub dlv of block 3 , > > est Omnhn lr > M
Host lot In Utlca Plnco . 1.2JO
llu lnosslots on Lenvonworth St. , nl
$80)to . 1.MO
Wo hnvo lots to ovcry addition to the great
cltvof Omaha at winter prices. Invest your
spnro chance In some of them before the
spring ndvnuoo , nnd It will bo sure to win.
South Omnhn ,
IlnsliKSslots on N nnd20th st . $1WO
llin'ni'xs lots on M O P st , nt $590 to . 700
Vull lots.nnxlMVrith nnd 2 lh sts nonr P 1,700
llosldenco lots ir every good addition.
Como nnd co .
Orogory * Iliidloy ,
llooms 1 nnd 3 , Hedlck's block , 320 3. IBth st.
KOTNT7.K PLACi-H. : C. Pnttorson. ngont ,
15th nnd llnrney. 61)7 )
OMAIIA-Mon bcnutiful lot Alt
O tiright > Annex. $ Wi ? 51 down , bill. $10 per
month. Also 3 mnio , SI.OJJ , onathlrd rash.
Hush > V Solliy. 818 S. 15lh. 70J
671 22
nANPCO.M 1'ark Addition Is nciiror the post-
oillcc than any addition for < nlonttlni
money , nnd Is not sold on the strength of pnpor
riuliouds or setting out shiido tn-es. 6W-22
HOIKK * Lots.Farms.Lands inonpy loaned ,
llcmls. roomil. llnrkor block , S. W. cor.
IMh nnd Farnam Ms. 691
Nicholas st. with track on nlloy $1,503. .1. L ,
Hlco A Co. 142
P011 "
57.22 .
. . SALE-Chonpo t lot In Omnhn ; 37 1-2x160
- on 1'Jth st..m > ur Cnstolnr st. school house ,
$ (175-5100 ( cnsh Sotonrootn lnu e , S. 15th St. ,
betwron Center nnd Dorces. $2SW. Improved
farm land , $13 per ucre , 1 miles from Albion ,
lloono county , Nob. Vi ill oxehago for Insldo
city pioporty. 11E. . Copson , 16i7 S , 15th st.
HOtJSKS Lots rarms.Lnnds mon"loaned ,
llomls , room ! ! , Uurko WOCK , S. W. cor
16th nnd I'arnnm sts.
A IWTUC TS OK TITLK nnd titles to real pstnto
xa. gunrnntopd Mldlnud Gunrnntoei Trust
company , 1505 I'arnam st.
AHAlin bnrgnln ; 10 ncrcs oflnnd vorycheap
In linowarm oouthorn climate , lor par-
ticulnrsnddross 1113 HOP office. 7.MJ38 *
HANSCOM Park Addition Is soiling to parties
who will Improve it. 650-22
S ULPHtTIl BP1UNGS nddltlon will rapidly
build up with line residences. 650 22
_ GOVEHNML-NT HONDS-Lots in Hllloko
nddltlon,3 miles north on 10th street , on level poor lots 203 to 300 until Kob. 1st.
One-tenth down bill , to suit. J. L. Hlco A Co. ,
Solo Agents. 142
FOH SALE An improved form of 320 neres
in Ongo county , Nebraska , 10 miles north of
llciitrice , nnd : < miles from PIcKoroil Station , on
U. P. Hy.i news-room bongo , lame bnrn , well ,
wind mill , orchard containing 120 npplu trees ,
180 ncros under cultivation , 130 ncrca fenced ,
largocattlo shod , wagon shod , cnn room fet
3,600 bushels of corn , hog nnd cattle corrals ,
plenty of water for stock , largo cottonwood
itrovn. Tnls la ono of the host farms In flupo
county nnd n bnrgnln nt (10.500. Ono-tlilrd
cash , bnlanco In 10cnrn nt 6 per cent intercut.
To trade lor Omaha real estate , ono tonm of
lariro work horses , uow sot double work harness
and now wnirun.
Two business lots 22x81 f t on Lenvonworth
street , cheap , $1,000. Helter 4 Campbell , room
11.50U Furnam st 2)0 )
SOUTH OMAHA-3 lots in Albright's Annex
af > 22" > ouch. A rnro burial n. Hush &
Selby , 218 S. 15th. 783
BUY Shermnn Avenue lots if you wnnt to
nmko money on a fair investment
WH'I' make you monny If bought now In
V > HilloUo Addition. J.L. Hicci ; Co. . Solo
Agts , 191
"O buy orcpll South Omaha lots go to the
. olllco of U. C. Patterson , 15th and Hiirnoy ,
MAHSHALL It LOHECIC , 1509 Fnrnnm street ,
membcrB Omnhn Henl Hstato 1'xphango ,
Cornorol Cullfornln and Twenty-third streets ,
no x Ml feet , onsy terms , tO.OUO
House of eight rooms , on Twenty-third , near
Cuss , ( Mx 88 feet /5 cash , J'i.flO'l. ' '
right lots , Lincoln place , one-third cnsh ,
9175 to fft.M ) .
Four lotfl in West CummluffS , easy terms , $150
to $ ! > 00.
Ixua In Mt. Plensant iiddltIoneasy terms , $300
to J.175.
Tnolvo 5-ncrolotsln Spring Vnlloy , $273 to
Alpn24 ! aero lots In mme addition.
All nn very easy terms.
We have n largo line of houses and lots on our
list nnd Invlto buyers to call nml we will show
the propprtv Marshall It Lobock , 150.1 F riiuin.
Telephone ? . ) . 022
I OTS for J150 nt prlvnto Bnlo Mondny nnd
J Tuesday , all day , at Hoggs & Hill's roul
usuito ollicc , 1409 I'lirnnm. fit : . ' 21
HANSCOM Park Addition , omv 10 minute
wnlk Irom Park nvo. street curs 650 22
A Cholro piece of ground on 20th street just
-/Vsnntli from St. Mury'B live. Gregory & Hud-
ley , 'OS. ISttist. 653
GENUINE HAHOAINS-Two corner lots m
Hiirdottocourt , only 1 blocks from Sinn-
dor's btroat onrs. W. M. Itushmun. Itoom 10 ,
Uushman Hlook , N Kcor 16tli andDoufflai.
H ANSCOM Pnrk Addition Is In theme tpop
iilurrosldonoo locality , 65023
WIIJi make you money If bought now In
lllllcko Addition. J. L. Kico & Co. , Solo
Agts. 1'Jl
OMAHA real ostnto Is bettor than govern ,
inunt bonds-lluelnvsi properly nn Sniin-
dors Et , 6 ; n , front $10OJD : 0.1 It. front
fT,760KSft : front Improved. ffi/idO : pavi'd in
frontfill ft front by 1.U to 23d st. ? 5un ; ff ) ft ,
front corner Improved Jfl.WJ : 11 tt corner
85.7.10a : 1ft. tronl.ror. nllov 81,0)1 : 12) ft. front
$10.000 ; 121 front f 1,201 ; M7 ft. front , corner ,
SV.OO : fiO ft. front JI.'W ; 5) ft. front 4I.210. J ,
I , . HlcotV Co. , room 0 , over Commercial Nut ,
Hank. 412
f,74 23
mnke > on money If bought now li
Hllloko Addition. J. L. Hlco i Co , Bole
Agts. WI
QOl'TH OMAHA-Wo have for sulo two syn-
n dicnteluta 81,07500 each , llrst piiymon t only
fllju , Iml. monthly or iiunriorly.
Also corner and ndjolnlng lot In lllook 2.1 ,
$2. M ) I'll st payment , 7JO.
licit lots In Hush iVScluy'hndd f5 , ono trfnth
oanh , balance monthly or quurtorly. Ahsf-act
with every lot.
Albright's Annex lots 8225 to 7590 , f SO cash ,
bulnuao monthly or nuurtorly.
Hush & 8ulby,2IHB IDth , 793
HANSCOM Park Addition eolMonils
und bus no ruilroads running tu Uon paper ,
fti I 22
St'LPHL'll SI'HINGS nddltlon.
650 22 Ames , U07 Fnrnnin St. ,
BAHOAlN fl lots , 41x160 finch , on Callforna
nnd Cuss st. Inside property. All for
S1.200 , 1-'lcash , Whuriiennyou lind u roof
lots for the money Insldu tlio city limits. Hun
chur , 1611 Furnum St. 'iS-i 25
T\rA'liiI the Bales In bulphur Springs AdJI
tlon. C5023
n 1LLKKE Addition , Ixtu nil level ns a lloor
J L. Hlco A Co. SuloAnts. 1'Jl
FOR SALH Two lota corner on Lowe nvo , in
We t Omiilm , 2 blocks south of Faroum Bt. ,
boUi lor $2.000. ,
Corner In Han im Pla-Je.8 bloom from
sirrct car , 1 block from church aa4 school ,
> l iii
7'oriior lot on South 13th st Ohoap nl $3.100.
Heiior Jk Cumpucll , loom 1,15)J Fkruain bt.
SIir.HMAX AVH. lot * peg os3 n rnltto stnWe
nnd Increasing very fnst , MO 22
HU9HA3KLHT,2I8 8 IMh. have oxelu lTe
saloof cor. lot , Shull's ndd. Great liar-
gnln $ I"W
! lots , Orchnnl Hill , cnoli 1/XX )
Inmllton t. lot , bargain 1,2 O
Mnrsh's ndd , on Len\enworth , per foot. . . . 10 >
Miormnn nvo , Paddock ndd.H ft 7,000
" , owo' ndJ , M ft , blk O , monthly pay-
menis . . . . . , . . i.SiW
/ < > n o's ndd , lot ft , b O 1,0)3
tii'lnojs cor , tx > avenworth , cnst of licit
line 2ftVl
Harnoy st wnol ( nlo district , 25 ft , to tr.ido
'oroitv Improved proportv.
Iou onndhntf lot. N2iif ( it ( J.Io )
South Omaha lots on monthly payments.
L _ _ 67122
UlIpTll'H SPHIN03 nddltlon is In town" " lie-
i' member this. ! M 22
HO. ItTitnnnS' linnipnso Now Asdlllont
1,200 lots will bo sold nt pilvntrsnloonMon-
lay nnd Tuesday nt $160 each. Hoggs A Hill ,
8 rnrnnm st. C42 23
largest addition to Omnhn 11 ( loo. H
Hog Bl add Just north of U. P. shops.
CU 23
[ 30UTAU
L 674 22
171011 SAI.I2 Two corners , Cnllfornln nnd
J-1 Plonsnnt nnd Cn Hnd Plonsant. $2.000 , for
either for live days only. Thpy nro daisies , see
liom. Hiinchcrsole ngout , lull Furnnm st.
C23 27
/ 1 P.O. II. HOBOS' nddltlon on sale Mondny nnJ-
V * Tuesday nil day. Hoggs i Hill , 1103 F r
num. t > 42 23
QHKHMAN ave lots In Sulphur Springs ndd I
650 22 Amos , 1507 rnrnnm St. , solo ngonts.
1200 lots nt $160 cnch Monday nnd Tuesday.
Hoggs A Hill. CI222
MAKI5 $ VX ) for every $10J Invested In Ooo. II.
Hoggs'nddltlon. 01223
14TH. 15TH nnd IflTH streets run throuirh
Hliloko's nddltlon. J. L. llioo A Co.solo
agon t s. 11)1 )
iES In Sulphur Springs WodnesJay , JI5AX ) .
ST.V. mnp published In Ileo to-dny nf Grorgo
H. lto-L"i' innminotli nddltlon. Lots till to
)0 ) sold nt prlvnto t nlo Mondny nnd Tuesday nt
* I60 each. Don't fnll to get your share of lots ,
loggs A Hill , 1103 Pariinin st. C42 23
11T1I , IfiTII and ull'II strcntn run .hrough
Hillcku's ndditlon. J. L. lllco A Co. , sole
neents. ml
TII7LKKK Addition Lots nil level as n lloor.
J. L. lllco A Co..Solo Agls. 4V1
II fLlTUKirAadltlon Lots all level as n iloor
J. U Itico A Co , Solo Agts. till
FOIl SAL15DyM. . A. lTptonCo. ,
l&OJ I'nrimm Strrot ,
Tolcphono 73.
lluslncss 1'rohortj' .
S. E. cor. 24th nnd Farnam , 6lliXl42. Oood
liouea and burn. This Is peed business prop-
city , nnd nn nwful irood pitrchaso nt f I'tOiXl , to
February 1 , then $ 10,000-J8,01)0 ) cnsu. Thcio Is
F5.000 In this In six months.
Most of | the buslni'ss properly ndvnrttsctl
last week hns bpon'sold or wllhdrnwn. The 115
feet on fnrnnin that wo told you ns n hnrtrnln
M-as sold for fl"OOJ. Vi'o colif It ntrain the next
day for f 18.00J. $20,000 won't buy it now
Half n million dollars hag been paid by tviBtcm
capitalists tor Omnhn business property In the
last ninety days. All bought to Improve. Don't
pet on" the "old saw" that this thins hns cot to
stop. " Oinnhais not polnfr "to stop. " Neither
will the nppi Delation of her Insldo properly.
About thodespollorof fnrmmve hnvo nothuiB
to PIIV. Wo nru not In Hint business. M. A. Upton
Co. , 1509 Fnrnnm. Tolcphono 73. 011-21
HANSCOM 1'nrk Addition , surrounded by
nrst-clnss houses. 5W 22
S11K map piibllsnsd in Uco to day of ( icorpo
, II. HOBOS' mammoth addition. l.Dts nil tn
bo Roldniprlvnto Rule Mondny und Tuesday nl
* 1W eiirh. Don't full to irol your bhiiro of lots.
HOCKS & Hill. UOt ) Farnntn Rt. 042 2,1
VTJ1HE larBOft addition to
JIJogjfs' ndd Just uortli of U. I1 , ihops.
671 22
3 poor lots In Hllloko nddltlon. J. L. Itlco A
Co. , sale agents. 191
a KO. II. BOHG8' Addition.
OTS In Hammond & Donnelly's * ndd to Soutb
J Onmlm. Moieurty Si Co. , 1320 DouirliiB.
(112 ( 23
SHE mnp pnbllshed In Hco to-day of "uorgn
H. HoggB' mammoth addition.OLots nil to
bo sold at private s.ilo Jlondny nnd Tiifsdny at
JWlonch. Don't fnll to got your Bhure of lots.
Hoggs * Hill , 1408 rnrnum bt. CIS 23
L 671 :
S HKHMAN Avo. I/t in Sulphur Springs Ad
dition. On the tlnost street In Oinulin.
650 23
BUY n lot In Oeo. H. Hoggs' addition Mondny
nnd Tuesday for $150. Prices 2)n
$250 Wcdnosdiiy morning. 642 2. )
TV/TAKH / $500 for every J10U Invested In Goo. IL
J.U. Hoggs'nddltlon. 642 S3
po HTAL.
172 ?
-1TH,15TII | nnd KiTH streets run through
J HllteUu's nddltlon. J. L. lllco & Co.eolc
ngcnts. 191
HANSCOM Pnrk Addition soils nt fnlr prices
nnd Is not boomed by ftroct curs , cnblo
lines nnd giinrnntoes not worth the pnper they
nro written on. 650-22
SA. SLOMAN.Hrnir.stntn.
1512 Farnnm St. . room 2.
A line or choice Insldo property nt prices
which ere not InllntPd nnd which will prove
both safe nnd profitable luvos tments
Douglns st bet 2ith ) nnd 2id : C0xl33 $ 8,000
Fiirnnm st bet20lh and23d , 23x1.12 , . n.r.0.1 .
1'nrnumst Iict20th nnilSJd.50x132 15.QY )
Fnrnnin Bt cor In Jerome park 2VX )
rnrnnm st Cor 31st IMxUK ! 15OIK >
West Omaha 166x187 , tine slvht 10,010
Lfiiivonworth cor 21ft Improved 12,6ft )
Howard st near 10th , : Uxr n 0,400
Lenvonworth fit near Holt Line , 100x127 2tOD :
Lonvonwortb Ht MayneplHco cornnr S.iflO
Hiirnoyst. nenr 20th , 171x170 , Improved. , 35oai
liitn Bt. neurA'laduct , 10x120 4,000
Huslncsslot , South OmuhR I10)
Huslnoss lot , South Omnhn 1M)0 )
lledlord PIiico , lot 11 , block U I.IKJI
Aciosln Lnkpsldn , $3"X ) to 100
Lots In Joromn Purk , Euet Fronts , near
Fnrnnin street I.60f
Lots In Wnkuly udd. near canning factory
Fnrnnm Bt. , cor Bouth and E. Front -I
Choice lots In Orchard Hill $750 to <
GKO. H. HOfidS' nddltion on sale Monday iini
Tuwdny all day. Uo/ge A ; Illll , 140S Tar
num. BI2 2:1 :
H ANPCOM Pnrk Addition lll suit you If yoi
u ant a KOOH lot utn fnlr priou. fW-2. :
GF.O. H. BOtiiJS' Addition.
f,12 2.1
IIIIKJ : : Addition Lots nil level us n floor
J. I , . Hlua * Co. . ole Agts. I'll '
SI'.K map piibllshod in Hen to-dny of ( iixirgr
H. Hoggs' miiininiith ndditlou. I.ols nil tr
bo Mild nt private pulo Monday nnd Tunsdnr n
IIMrftch. Don't fall to gel your sb'iio of lotu
Hoggs & Hill , 1108 rurnuiu st. I2 2.1
3ACIIP.S tn subdivide In Tuitln sub. Sf,5)0 )
Ciarkson .V Hoatty,7IVHo , llth fit. 5i831
/ 1 P.O. II. HOGGS' Addition.
HKHMAN AVI ! lots sold without ronric
tloiiH. Now Is the tlmo to buy. 55H23
BUHLINiTON CKNTRIl The tov tntho Tt-
nation weal of stock yurds. Thn bur/us
pi ( lilt ollorliif. Hook , solu iigent , 160U I'm noin
DI.J 22
1 SOQ lots at JIM ench Monday and Tuesday
J Hoggs & Hill. _ _ CI3 2:1 :
A MAN who Is posted ua to the value of Hen
Istiti ! In this city , knows u bai/nln whci
ho sees It. Wn Inuo inur. vU ; Kino buslni'S
ldt,0ilvii < lfei't , nnd good 2 Btnry b-ronin hotisi
on riftennth * tri'ot , hot neon .loncs and I.oiimi
ortli , tHi.OJil ; nwiior fl kn I2W ) loriidjolnmt
lot , bamn 4Ue. Huslno > > linmo nnd Int. 22xl' <
feet , on Ciimlng ptrcct , fl.'JOJ 5 rfiom roitnri
nnd lot UJxHi feet , on ( JharltM stn-c-l , butwrni
TH < 'nty-olghth and Twnnly ninth HH , H.OOO
line location. We also have on name street mi ,
In fiuno block n tine now 9 room Itnnso , with nl
modern linprnreint'iit * , on corner lot hO\lV ( ) ft
nlcu now turn , spletidl.l loi-iitinn , (7.0 ( J : t-.M
t'lisn , balniiLg cnev tor'na lli > 4uk-a tbouhoio
uolimon Inrgu list of propi-ity In itllfcrrn
purls of theolty that WH will tuun plrMuurn li
Bhoulng any deiilrou < of purchasing. IM you
property wllh u . King A : Tcmpli'ton. nt ( Jill
zen's HnnW , 210S Curaint su & Zt
n map published Irt H < - to dny of fit'Oigu
H. Hogga' mumnioth ii.ldilion. Ixiti all to
boxold nt prlvnle silo Viondny iin-l Tiio lnva
t\0 \ ouch. Don't full in got your nnro nf Inia
Hill , 14C ) rarn&ui si C12 2)
LOTS for $160 nt prvnto | sale Monday and
Tnofcnv nil dAy , nt Hoggs A Hill's real
> ? tate oinco 140S Fnrnnm. (12 m
I'll 8P1HNS Addition !
65022 Ames , 150 * Knrnnm st , solo ngtj.
HANSCOM Pnrk Addition has not R poor lot
In It , MO ZJ
FfflUKlHAPHKD maps of Ooo It Hoggs' ad-
JU dlllon ready Mondny morning , 042 23
f1KQ. n. HOGG ? ' Immrnflo Now Additions
. ' LJOl lots will bo sold nt prlvnlosalo on Mon-
nv nnd Tuesday nt $150 each. HOSRS A Hill ,
408 rnrnum st , ft(2 ( 2J
U > T , near school , nnd two
blrcks from oar line , with 3 ho mod
ents for 8.H per month , only. . . . . $3,800
A full lot on Hurt it , with lumen rent-
ngnt (1.1 per mo . 4,900
A nice homo for omo ono on n corner
ot WtlL'fi , hoiitio of U rooms , furnace ,
hndo trees , InrKU bnrn , e\eiythlng coin.
. . 7,000
Cornorlot In Houscl * Stobblos * Addl-
lon fern fvwilnm only , at . 1,7V )
Lots In Orchard Hill , nice locntlon . . 750
10 acres , with groro , good house ,
tnblo * . cribs , etc. , per nvro . . " 50
This tract n nonr ltnn on Plneo. "I/oH In nil
nrtsof thoclty" on "easy terms. " Wo hnro
domnnd for "houses nnd lots" in good loon *
lon , tiy "en h customers. ' If you wnnt your
ropcrty old , spud us n description of It. Of-
co , No. 16W 1'nrnaiu st , J , U Vivrson A Co.
(140 ( 21
n ANSCOM Pnrk Addition Is selling nl $600 to
$000 n lot. ! vfi ! _
N6 poor lots In Hllleko nddlllon. J. U Hico A
Co , , sola ngonts. 119
Genii Hoggs' nd-
dltion ready Monday morning. 642 23
G iCH. : ( HOOOS'-lmmonso Now Addition ;
1,200 lots will bo sold nt prlvnto mile on Mon.
lav nnd Tuesday nt $160 $ ach , Hoggs A Hill ,
403 Pnrnam st. MS 83
O TOPIC"lAHM.TOS aeros nil fonccd. llotiso
75 nnd good barn. Double corn crlhs. Hog
muses. 300 foot dolililo shedding. Wind mill ,
tosoivolr. Good orchard. 00 nor < > ooeded ,
0 ncres In rlover. Ploutvof running water In
msttiro. Situated In Pottnnntnmln county ,
own , 12 inllos east of Council IllulTs , nnd 7
ulles from two tnllrond stations. Terms $30
ler ncro , one hnlt caMi and balance on tlmo nt
Ix per cotit interest. Clnrk A French. 1610
) oiiglna St. P53 29
L 1THOGHAPHHImnpsorOro H Uogirs'nd-
ditlon rondy Mondny morning. 612 23
riKO. II lionos'-lmmi'ii'io New Addition ;
JI 1,200 lots Mill ho Hold nt prlvntn NaloonMnn.
av nnd Tuesday nt flW viich. Hoggs . \ Illll ,
40S rnrnnm st. CIS 23
II. HAI.I..VCO..115 S.rifteecth st.oltor the
i follnwlnir bargnlus ;
1'wolotiln IllllMilo No. 1 (2 WO
Ono lot Improvement Apsoelatlon ndditlou 1.10J
) nolotcornerIinpr'nt Ass'o'n ndd l.VM )
InobUBliioiR lot South Omnhn 1,010
3nobusliio Rlot South Omahii 2nOO
Al'obiirgalii' In nil parts of Omaha and South
Omaha , and ncro property in Hydu Park ,
Otll 25
JlTllOOHAPHUDmnpsorOoo II Hotrgs1 nd-
d tlonioudy Monday morning , ( US 23
GKO. II. 1OV ! ( ) Immciito New Aililltlon ;
] .2001ots will ho sold nt prlvntii sale on Mon-
lay nnd Tuesday nt JI50 each. Hoggs A Illll ,
408 i-nrnnm st , (14223 (
/"ir.O. H. llOtll'S' Immense Now Addition ;
JI 1.20)lotHwlllbo ) sold at pnviitn n\a \ on Mon-
lay nml Tucsdiiy lit $160 each. Hoirgs * Illll.
10 ! * rainiun Rt. 042 2B
KO. II. HOC.OS' addition on sale Mondny nnd
JT Tuesday nil dny. llogss & Hill , 140S I'ar-
miu. IH2 2:1 :
F OHSAIjH Kourspuclalcontrnotsln Ivount/o
Place ut n bnrgnln If told nt once. Address -
dress C 69 , Hoe olllco. 103
M AKi : J501) ) for every $100 Invested In ( loo. IL
Hoggs' addition. 04383
O MA11A real ostnto Is bettor than Rovcrn-
ment bonds Klght beautiful losldonco
ots opposite Koiiiit/o Place In fllsos' nd-
Oltlon fTOO to $80) ) each , Just placed on the
market. J L. lllcu & C . , flolongcnl8 142
XllIC AV15NDI' T > foot block from I.onvon-
woith2,05.750 cash. Hush & Solhy ,
218 S. 161h. 3 l
Our now nddltlon.
Aonmf Wllti. JIGS pur aero.
Near South Onmhn.
And .Sydicnto Hill.
Marshall If Lnbook ,
1GS 160 ] Fnrnnm.
OMAHA real estate better tlmn government
uonciR. lliiHlncrs property on Fiirnnm
Btreot , 57 loot front , with improvements worth
fG.OOO , f 16XX ( ) ; 44 feet front , with Improvements
worth $20 , ( K ) , fnj.OW : CO foot trout cornnr.
t-9,000 J. L. lllco & Co. , over. Coiiininrulal
Niilionnl bank. 112
IF you have Inside iiiopcrly thut you wish to
pell ut fair prices , flat It ullh us , us wo hnvo
customers who wish to Invest In that class ot
piopnrty Itoom 17Wllhnull block. Kills llios , .
corlSth nnd Harnoy. ( )7 )
COT I'i'Ciuor block , 16th Bt.opp.
postolllco. Our turn next ( Jreat oicltu-
mont. FlglUUM Won't HH. 20.000,000nOO,00'JHX ( )
IOIN sold hlnce Jnn. 1st. nnd still \\o have choice
bargains loft
lluslness lots on 1 nrnam nnd llnrnoy.
" Douglas and Dodge.
" " Capitol nvcnuii and Unvonport.
" " Chclngo and C SH.
" " Cu mini nps nnd Huundors.
" " Ilownrd nnd inth.
" " 15th and lOthpts.
500 lots along on the lines of mo 60 cable roads
o w being built. Fi no imnsos for nil.
P. S. Hub out nil but one of ourclphorR and
come nnd see us. C08 29
OMAHA roul estate better than government
bonds , Two bountiful Washington n < ) imro
lots , J2,3T.O. J. L. lllco & Co. , oln Hgellis. 143
ifWl A Irt A
Ii i I
Chronic & Surgical Diseases ,
DR. McNlENANJY.PropHotoi- .
HTrlenn ) inrB' nniniKlanil Prlvsto rractlce
\\'o have the fncllltliB , np | > anitui mid rtmcdlc *
for tboiurci'ttful trcntmcntuf ovcry form of ill * .
i ase requiring iltlicr incdl.vnl or inrgtrnl trrntmrnt ,
ircnrrctjiond with HI Long cijirrlcnra in trrat-
luj ; cmes hr letter cnablm un In treat mauy c ici
tcrentlllciilly without nclntt them
WHIT1C roil rillOHI.AK on Dcforroltlci nnd
Urnre * , Uhib Fei-l , Curinturei of the Hpli-o
DIIKAIES or WoufH. l'llf , Tumor * , C nccr § ,
t'ularrh , Ilruuchltlo , liibilntion , Klvilrlclty , Pnrnl.
yi\ \ > , i\i\\n\tff : \ \ \ \ , Kldary , yt > , Kur , HUln , Hlood null
.ul uri' ocrEllona. | )
llattarlri. Inbalnrf , llritcn , Trui nn , ani |
ill KlrdHof Mrdlcul Bud biirjlcid ApplUuccn , luau-
ufactnri'd and for i' ' .
Tin only rclitblo nledlcal Insl.lulo making
Private 1 Special' Nervous Diseases
rA Rl'fcl IA/.TV.
from H hatovcr cauf o nrodncrd , eiiccc'sfiilljr treatnl.
\Va cm runioic H/jmditio poleoii from th t/utrai
without nmrrury ,
New rritnrnllvo treatment for ln nf vlt&lpowfr.
Pull ntidroninltin or end nnmo nnd | io Milllr < ) plainly wrlttunnclo c uliunp , and uu
ivill icnd you ' In plnln nruppir , our
PRIVAT'E cincULftR TO wcr
IIVON f'ni\AiH , Brrui , ANII Ntiivoun Dittnnf ,
SKII.NAIVr KKC i , Hrritx > ToiiiiinA , IMTOIKN-
ur , Hll'lllLin , ( JuNuiuiuiEt , UitET , VAIIICUCLI : ,
KruiuTiir.K , A I > AU , m-mcnn or THE OKNITO-
UniNiiir OIIUAXI , or itiu ) lilttor j of your CMC for
en ojlnl ) ( > n.
I'trioim unable to vlult usmny be trrateilftt t\\e'.t \ \
houic , hjr ( orrrrpondcnie lilcdlLlnci tnrt Ilium
UK I n nt hy null or riirc < n SKCUHKI.y PA ( K
I' " ' " . > M mfttkii to Indlnt"
nr Nindrr. Ono liitcrTlcvv pr'
i onicnluit. J'ifty rooms for tliu n-rum
i nn nf jmticnt ) llanrd inl Atlcndau o t ;
i . ijh.opilces Addrcn nlUA'lteri to
On ! ia Medical and Surgical
nth SI . - Hnl fl.n "ii M
Hj Dr. hncdlker'f mntlioH. Nndiciat | on Nn Palm
No Detention from builmm. Adnvtod to rlilld-iu
us well as urown pnoiilo llnnlnj < l of nut'aiup'i
tlmunlali on ilia. All h'mocii ' mrlctly nuulgj
tlal. CONhllfcTA'J'ION I UKK.
1614 Oouvlnt HOiunliti. . NiU.
E. T , ALLEN , M. D.
Eye , Ear , Kose & Throat
RoomO William * flu Idinic , mr. 10th U'.J
Dodge 8U , Onulia
ours B to 1 > ! a.m. U u i ut'.d 7 to a p. iu