0 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : MONDAY. JANUAKY 24. 1887. THE DAILY BEE. COUNCJITBLUFFS MONDAY MORNING , JAN. 21. OFFICE , WO. 12 , PEARL STIIEET. DtliTtud tjcnrrlcr In nnypnrtof the city ftt twenty ctuU per vvock. H. W. TILTOX , MannBcr. TKLCTHONES ! IJcpmrPS Orncr. , No. 4J. NIGHT EUITOH No. 23. M1NOII MKNT10K. N. Y. Plumbintt Co. Heavy suits cheap to order at Rollers. "Micky" Hawk is in jail for being drunk. The new street cars arc to bo put on to-day. There is to bo no council meeting this evening. F. W. Witchcr is booked as n drunk at the police station. E. M. Forrest , the ravivnlist , will bo nt the Methodist church on Uroaclway this evening. Among the now live real estate firms is that of if. T. iirynnt Ac Co. , No. ( ! 'J8 1 Jrotid- way , whose advcrtlsoment appears in an other column. The Ladies' Choral society will meet in Mueller's music hall Tuesday afternoon , January 23 , at half past 1 o'clock. All members are requested to bo prompt. Mrs. F.V. . liuslmi'll , secretary. It is stated by the Register that the brewers of DCS Moines are goinir to sell openly over their bars with the Intention of making a test case of the law as they understand the decision of JudccHrcwcr. Justice Scluir/ has rendered another decision in favor of the registrars of the late special election against the county , the last being in favor of A. T. Whittle- fioy and John Fox for services rendered. This makes throe cases out of the eight registrars who served and received no compensation. R. N. Whittlesoy , of the ( Hobo , left last night for DOS Monies to give evidence in the case of the state against Muy Foster , who it is alleged , shot another girl in Juno last , anil who is trying to have the blame put on the shoulders of a man named llaxlur , who formerly resided in this city for a short time. Field & Cole have purchased the Ogilcn livery stables from Keller & Ilarlo , and nrc in possession of the same , the trail- Baction having occurred Saturday. J. T. 1'iold will run the Ugden stables , while W. T. Cole will remain at the rink stables. Matt Ilarlo will give his attention to his fast horses , while it is Mated that Vie Keller will locate an oflicc and enter the real estate business. Miss Dot I'utnam , the comedienne , will appear at Dohanv's February It and 10 , giving three performances. Her first ap pearance will bo in Jules Verne's great comedy' from the French , "Tho Child of the Regiment. " Miss Putnam will sing ft number of her moat successful ballads , which have gained for her quite a reputa tion and will use the same wardrobe and stage siltings as used in New York City. Miss Putnam will bo the event of the sca- Bon to the theatre-going public. Personal I'nrncraptis. It , Theme , \Vabash , Iml. , is nt the Jiochtolo. Frank Simonds , of Clarksvillc , Mo. , is at the Ogdcn. James A. Jackson and wife left yester day for St. Louis. Mrs. M. K. Mcadcr has returned to her home in Gosncn , Iml. A. A. Parsons and his son Irvin arc talking of going into the real estate business. J. F. Sophy , of Sioux City , and Matt 13. Kelley , of LcMars , were at the Ogden yesterday. J. W. Camp , of the new druggist firm of Camp & Kills , who are to open in the opqra house shortly , loft last evening for Chicago to purchase the stock for the new store. Ccntcrville soft-lump conl , ? 3.75 per ton , delivered , Win. Welch , CIO Main street , telephone l'J. ) George Rudio , real estate and nego tiator of loans , No. 1007 Farnam street , Omaha. Itargains in Council lilufls and Omaha property. W. O. T. V. There will bo a special meeting of the board of managers of the Woman's ' Christian association this afternoon at o'clock at No. 5-10 Sixth avenue. By order of the president , MIIS. G. C. ALUN. : All my coal is weighed by Amy , the only anlhori/.ed city wciphniastcr , and guaranteed to hold out 13,000 pounds to the ton. Good soft coal at iflt.liO a ton. N.V. . WILLIAMS. See that your hooks are made by Mooro1 house & Co. , room 1 , Everett block. li. B. Crafts & Co. Call at real estate and loan ngenoy of L. B. Crafts & Co. , No. G23 Broadway , lloom 1 , and list your property for ealo. If you wish to buy , call and select , as I have bargains , Buyera are constantly making inquiries. Electric door bolls , burglar alarms and every form of domestic electrical appli RUCOS at the Now York Plumbing Co. Ills Furniture Attached. It is claimed that S. S. Hoover , who has been widely known hero as n dealer in cattle , is in some iinaneial trouble. Bomo weeks ago he and his family loft here , and Saturday his household fund turo was to be shipped away , when to the hurpri.se of many they were attached by the Council 151 tills National bank on a claim of $70. It Is said that Hoover , on the 23d of December last , came into the bank , after hours , and wanted his check on OHlror & Pusey cashed for $70 , saying that Olllecr & 1'usoy were closed and ho could not get in thcro. Tim next day when the check was presented to Ollicer & Puse.y , payment was refused , ant Hoover was nowhere to bo found. It is { ( aid that the same day ho borrowed s5 ( of Conrad Lanzcndorfor , promising to re turn it the next day. When the irYot tittachinent was issued , Mr. Lanzendorfer hurried up and got out another to sccuro liis claim. The matter will probably be further cleared up to-day , Air. llo'ovei is reported to bo In the city , and will probably straighten his twisted allairs up Hard and soft coal , best quality al szes , Missouri and Iowa wood. C. B Fuel company , C3'J ' Broadway. Tele phone lltj. ( L. B. Crafts & Co. are loaning money ou all classes of chattel securities at ono half their former rates. See them before securing your loans. Substantial abstracts of titles and real estate loans. J. W. & E. L. Squire. No , 101 Pearl street , Council Blutla. Notice. The members of the 1. O. U. T. are requested > quested to be prudent at their next rogu Jar meeting next Monday evening , Jan , 84th. By order of the L.D. Jan. 31 , 1897. _ Stoves I Stoves ! Stoves I tor thfl ne.\t thirty days 1 will sell heating stoves at cost for cash only. P , C. DeVoL lr , Hanchott.olllco No. . 13 Pearl street ; residence , 120 Fourth struct ; telephone NO. 10. SflARPLY POINTED SERMON Ned Forrest , the Reformed Gambler Opena Up His Eccentricities. THE PROSPECT FOR DIRT. A Cattle Dealer In Financial Trouble President I'hclps , of Coo CollcKC , Talked of l''or n Pustornto Hero Urlcf lilts of News. A Scconit Sinn There was a largo audience nt the Broadway Methodist church yesterday morning at the opening of the revival services to bo conducted by K. M. For rest. The fame of the wonderful work done through him elsewhere had already reached here , and especially concerning the work done at Hamburg lately. Tlioro has been much curiosity to see and hear him , and doubtless there was a largo portion tion of the audience who looked into his face yesterday morning for the first time who felt much of this curiosity. The first appearance of the man and his initiatory movements do not impress one favorably. Ho appears quite young , drcsios stylish , is very nervous , quick in his every mo tion , self-confident , Nourishes his hand kerchief , twists his moustache , takes a sip of water frequently , seems bent on displaying Imns.olfith . the best possi ble dramatic oll'ect , and eager for a chance to bo hoard. Such is the impression at lirst appear ance of the man in the pul pit. Nor is the impression ma.do moro tavorablo as ho begins llio services by reading the scriptures. He shortens the "i" sound in "my1' and speaks of "mi Lord ami mi God" with an accent which conllrms the feeling that ho apes llio actor. As he proceeds in his talk , how ever , ho is so enthusiastic , his heart is so evidently in the work , ho seems to so utterly forget self , that the hearer finds , despite his lirst prejudices , a .strange liking for the man , and sympathy is awakened in his work. Ho is eccentric , but these eccentricities seem to be a part of his natural make-up , and not bor rowed or forced , llenco they are endur able , and they certainly serve to hold the attention ot the hearers closely. Fre quently as ho proceeded with his ramb ling talk , for it was no well outlined sermon , there would be an audible smile in the congregation , and in the next minute the pattiotic would be so tenderly touched by the speaker as to draw the tears from the eyes of strongmen. Just before his sermon , or exhortation , the collection was taken up. As ho picked , up the basket , and held it aloft , no re marked : "This , thank God , is no stranger in the Methodist church I bo- 'iovo in a practical religion , one that makes a man go deep into his pocket. Don't put in pennies nor buttons. A fol low who would put a button into the plato , ono of these sniart sort of follows , ouglit-to bo just buttoned right out of the door , and there are fellows who put in pennies when they ouglit to put in halves , that arc just as mean as if they put in a button. There's going to bo a big re ligious boom hero , and it takes money to keep the place warm , to pay the janitor , and the other expenses. " Then no pro ceeded to tell in his eharacteiistic way a story about a southern church , where the colored folks made these rules , that every member had to give something , they had to give according to their means , and had to give cheerfully. The basket was placed right by the altar where the preacher could see as they marched around while the imisio was going and each dropped in his money. One fellow came along and dropped in n nickle. "Stop dat music , " cried out the preacher. "Broader , you hov 'beycd ' the fust rule , but not the oddcrs. " The col ored brother caught on , and realizing that ho had not given according to his means , pulled out a silver dollar and threw it into the basket impatiently , say ing , "There's a dollar , take it. " The preacher again stopped the music and the march and called the oll'ender's ' at tention to the third rule of cheerful giving. The brother then went deep down and pulled out a $5 gold piece , and with a smile tendered it gratefully to the Lord. Then the preacher was satisfied with the compliance with the three rules and said , "All right , lot her go.1 and tUe music and the march went on. "I hope , " remarked Forrest , "that none of you will ureak any of the three rules. Now let her co. " The collection was thus started , and apparently resulted favorably. Then the speaker said ho wanted to know how many members of the church there were present. Ho was going to "whack'1 the church members , and ho wanted to know how many tlioro were to be whacked. He had them rise , and after they had taken their seats again , he proceeded. "There are too many seal- ukin , ice-cream sort of Christians. 1 think it's a good thing to first have a confi dential talk with the church members. Talk of criticism criticise if you want to. I'll give you lots of chances. I'm the worst filoppor to talk you ever hoard. 1 don't care , though , whether you like mo or not. All I want is for you to like my Master. Look over my head ; look way beyond me ; don't see mo , but look over mo. way there and see my Master hanging on the cross , bleeding. dying , what for ? Who for ? For you. 1 don't care whether you llko mo or not , but oh ! I want you to love him , I can see that some of you Christians are looking nt mo with criticism and saying , 'i don't like that fellow ; we'll just do him up. ' 1 toll .YOU , you'll find mo a dandy to do up. If you don't like my ways , if J whack it too hard to you , don't go away and kick yourselves , but cot down on your knees and pray , nray for mo. I came hero for business. Less than two years ago I was running a faro bank , and for fifteen years had been a gambler. God called mo from the table ; He put his hand on my shoulder. God is raising men from all sorts of stations to preach plain truths to the people. The preachers are too smooth. You'ro going to get plain truths , and if you don't like it you'vogot to chow it. Pin clad to NCO so many of the boys hero. No man has got a bigger heart than I for the boys. 1'vo been one of them. " After giving out his text , or topic , the story of the Good Samaritan , ho pro ceeded with his talk. "You Christians repeated the Lord's prayer in church this morning. Some of you Hod while 3011 were saying it. You don't loyo to fortrivo your fellows. You talk scandal about your neighbors. " Ho then proceeded with a graphic description of the road to Jericho , Jus own experiences in being robbed in the mountains of the west , and drew numerous pictures and teachings in his peculiar way , urging all to bo help ful in saving and healing wounded hu manity everywhere. Some portions of the discouso bordered on the eloquent , and ho stirred the congregation greatly. Ho scored those church mem bers who indulged in dancing and progressive euchre. Ho said ho didn't believe in the balls , where all a fellow had to pay was two dollars for the privilege of putting his arm about the waist of almost any woman in the room , Jt wasn't the regular thins. Ho didn't like it. "If you insist on dancing , if you will kcop on playing ouohro , you had bettor got out of the Methodist church , for I'll harrass the life out of you. " In closing ho ollbred a fervent prayer , but characterized by the same peculiari ties. . He prayed for the gamblers of the city , that "they may bo shown by Goi that they are playing a losing game Tli ! t tUey may bo given the best liam hey ever hold , the hand of God Al- nighty , which will | lcad them into better vays.1' "Unto Him That Lovcrt Us. " Rov. Stephen Phelps , D. 13. , president of Coo college , occupied the pulpit at the 'resbytcrian church yesterday morning. A * there has been some talk of calling lira to tnc pastorate of this church , tlioro was much interest felt In hearing him. Us sermon was strong , eloquent in pas- ages , and but a fceblo Idea of it can bo gained by the summary which limited space necessitates : Text : Revolutions , 1st chapter , part of he lifth and sixth verses "Unto Him hat lovrd us , and washed us from our ins in ills blood , "And hath made us kings and priests unto God and His Father ; to Him bo ; lory and dominion for over and ever. \rnen. " These are remarkable words when the circumstances of their writing are eon- lidi-rcd. They arc the outburst of a full icart. not spoken as outbursts usually ire , but written , not by the impulsive 'etci , but by the gentle John. Not by n ouiig man but ono who was ninety years > f age. the last of thu disciples , s'ot written to friends who would ympathi7.o with him , but to strang ers. They were the outburst ) f a heart that loved Jesus. John had ) ccn familiar with Jesus for years , but his was slxtv years before. He had oved him and had been familiar with inn in his humiliation , now lie had just con him in his glory. John , in obed- once to the command , had begun a letter o the seven churches in Asia ; ho had vrlttcn the introduction , but his heart vas full and ho could go no further , and mrst into praise and adoration of Htm vlio so loved us. He used no name , onlv he pronoun "Him. " 'J Ins makes it more emphatic than any other form could , [ 'hero could bo but ono who loved us inti washed us in his own blood. H is not long since 1 received a letter from a mother asking mo to pray for her laughter , who was thnn lying at the ) oint of drath. Two Weeks after that ho body of that mother was carried from ho church and the daughter's was on the oad to recovery. The .laughter had ) pen saved at the cost of the mother's ifo. Out of her great love for her laughter she had sacrificed her life. But Mich love as this all other loves are juried in the lore of Jesus , oven as the H'ightnoss of the stars is buried by the splendor of the noon-day sun. I have hoard people say they eve Jesus better than they oved the Father or the Holy Ghost , and they feared they wore doing wrong. John loved Jesus better than ho father ; and ho did God no dishonor ; ic that honorcth the sou houoreth the father. "Unto us that loved us1' Jesus always oved us. When the mother for the lirst hue pressed her child to her breast , with hat wonderful maternal joy , Jesus loved t far better than she , and all through ife , in all conditions and in all circum stances , that Iovo of Jesus follows the in- Hvidual. A man does not Iovo his amily collectively as a family " , but he aves each one , as his wife , his "John , his Mary. So with Jesus , he loves us as in- lividuals. He loved and has washed us n his own blood. Some would detract rom this Iovo , by saying that Christ felt ho necessity laid upon Him of saving the vorld. If you wore walking by a stream uul should see a little child fall in , a sense of duty would impel you to at- erupt to save it , even at the risk ot your own. But Jesus was laid under no such obligation. For years I was in the habit of daily passing a prison. I saw men enter tnoso iron-barred gates , knowing hey wore never more to come out. I Haw thorn enter with manacles on their hands and fcot. I saw them locked in the cells. saw them marching to their tasks under the eye of their keeper and the rifles of their guards. I pitied them , from my heart I pitied them , but I felt under no obligation to rescue them. And by that city of 100,000 inhabitants they were ) itiod , but none felt any obligation to escuo thorn. To have made the attempt jvcn would have been considered wrong , lor they were justly there condemned : or crimes. So with us. We were justly condemned , and Jesus rested under no obligation to deliver us. But ho loved us. Neither liavo 1 any patience witli those who say Ho did it for His own glory. There was no need of that. "All works do praise Him , " and our condemnation would have praised Him. Ho did not wash us for glory , but for love of us. "Washed us from our sins in His own blood. " It is told of a certain stream that its waters are possessed of properties that when a stone is dipped into them it be comes covered with white. It looks Jiko a pearl , but it is not a pearl. If a fork or spoon bo dipped in a certain electric bath it will become covered with a deposit of silver. If a nickel bo dipped in another electric bath it becomes covered with a plating of gold. Some ministers make use of these facts as illustrations of huw the blood ot Jesus washes us from our sins. But I have no patience with such teaching. The plated fork is not silver. The washed nickel is not a live-dollar gold piece. The blood of Christ makes us white , but it docs not whitewash us. It makes us whiter than snow. The dirtic.st place on the snow is the surface. Scrape oil'the top and the deeper you go the whiter you find it. Ho lias not only loved us anil washed us. but has made us kings and priests unto ( iod. Under the old dispensation but ono priest could approach the mercy scat , and he but oucoa year , but wo as priests unto God have constant access to the mercy scat. In patriarchal times the head of the houbo was also the priest of the house hold. You who are fathers or mothers , do not esteem too lightly your privilege of being the priest ot the household. Lay your hands in faith on the head of your child , and consecrate him to God , and see if the Father will not accept him for his own. "To him bo glory and dominion forever over and over. Amen1 All his works do praise him , all created things sing his praises. Did you ever listen to the rill as it trickles into the brook , and the brook as it flows into the river , and the river as it rolls on toward the sea. and the surging of the mighty tide as it heaves to and fro. They are singing glory and dominion unto Him forever. Listen to the breezes as they sigh , or the winds as they howl in a mighty alo. They are singing glory and dominion unto Him. The little birds in their nests at break of day sing praises unto Him. John heard moro. You sco the comet , the meteor , the stars , but John heard them rushing through space with the noise of seven thunders , singing , "Glory and dominion. " but thnro crea tion stops. The angels join the mighty chorus , and when creation stops carry on the strain , "unto Him who loved us , " but there they stop. It is only the redeemed - doomed of man who can complete the crawl song , "Who washed us from our sinsin His own blood , " Do yon praise Him with fullness of heart , with your money , with your in fluence , or do you join in this wondrous song with only a faint tqucakof praise , A Plnlu niiblncss Letter. I ) , W. Morris , wholesale and retail druggists ; lW ! Commercial street , Kmpo- ria , Kan. , Jan. 10 , 1887. CUAMUKKI.AIN & Co. , DCS Moines , la. : Gentlemen In sending to you thu enclosed order for a gross of your Cough Remedy , allow mete to say that without any exception it is the best selling goods now in the market. I have sold a great anmunt of it during the past year to the citizens of this place , and nave the first complaint to hour. It is thu best article to use for croup I ever sold , be i nt : pleasant to take , which , is an important feature when children Imyo to take mcdiciuo. LANDS CHEAP Fanning Lands in Iowa , Minnesota , Kansas , and ranciiiff from * SOO to J.10.00 per ncro. School and state hinds in Minnesota on 30 years' time 5 cent interest , Land JJuycrs fare frco. Information , etc. , given by per No. C35 Rrdndway , Council Bluflg , Iowa , ncont forFreidriksou& * Co. , Chicago. Talks AVith the Dirt Men. "What do you know ? " was the ques tion put by a HKI : man yesterday to a real estate broker. " 1 don't know anything other than that the people have not only woke up but are going crazy , " ho replied. 'I'm glad of it , though. 1'vo a couple of argo deals , but It won't do to put you on , is they might be exploded. They arc al- nest completed , and If 1 succeed outside capital will bo invested. There is more nnd more outside money being put into Jouncil liluti's propertv nach day , and at the samp time Council Hlufl's residents are Mirchasing quite lively. 1 sold two lots list Monday for $ 1GO each and Saturday they were sold for $325 each ; quite a nice ulvance , eh ? 1 see the Omaha real es- ale men are now advertising Council Hlull's property for sale ; this will have its nllect also. Many people across the Missouri are purchasing here. There's noney in all kinds ot Council IJlulVd dirt low , no matter where it's locat l. " Another real estate man said : "I've a couple of locals on now b it can't give you any pointers The Hii : : gave away several deals latnly before they were completed ; the papers wcro not made out ; but they went through all right it's lot a good idea to be too hasty in tlieso duals as they might fall through if given ntblieity bisloro the papers are made > ut. I sold some property to Chicago parties Saturday , but the deal will not bo : losud for several days yet. It takes time to work these things UPS there's ' no rinh , and if yon do catch on don't give it iway until the papers are filed. The jooplo hero have never had so much con- idenco in the future of this city as they iiivj had in the past few weeks. " "I was in hopes that the papers , and the BIK : especially , would keep quiet about the activity in real estate , " said the dealer. "The BKI : goes almost every ilace and the people get on to this aetiv- ty and know there must be something jchind it ; we've been so quiet for so uany years they'll think something biir s to happen , louscoif the papers will only lot llio thing go along without no- .ice , wo can buy up this proportv that has jccn in the hands of these mossbaeks for so many years , and get it into the hands of persons wlio will T > o willing to sell it igain at a fair advance , and not keep lolding on and raising the price every , imo they are asked what they will take for it. This will make business , and then the nipssbacks would have disposed of a quantity of their properly before they really knew there was a demand for it. A good deal of this property is already Hit of their hands , but you don't want to give away this boom ; keep it quiet i while. " "Do you know , " said a man who claims .o bo informed , as he backed up to the steve in the corridor of the 1'acilic house yesterday , "that a portion of thu real cs- ate Pales made Friday and Satur day will bo a great advantage to .his city ? 1 am authoritatively informed that at least two of them were for the mrposc of building factories. No } I am not at liberty to state anything dchnitcly > 'et , but I oxpcqt thu papers will be made jut by Tuesday or Wednesday , and then L will tell you the whole story. " "Arc you selling any of your property n the west part of the city ? " said a Br.u man yesterday morning to ono of the incorporators - corporators of the new bridge company : is he was leaning against a railing on Main street. "No. I am buying , not selling , " ho replied. "No property of mine is in the market yet ; it's not time. We haven't had any reason for soiling ; wo want to buy. When the now bridge arrangements arc in such a shape that people know it is an assured fact , and jon't have to take our word for it ; when they see work begun on it , then will bo time enough for us to put it in the mar ket , and not until then will any of my property go in , " J. W. Pcregoy , William Moore and O. D. Haigh have purchased fifty lots in the railroad addition. O. E. Rowley , of Chicago , has pur chased twelve lots in ( he western part of the city from Cook fc Morgan. E. Pratt has purchased two lots and D. C. UJcason six lots north of the transfer. Not Belf-ItisiiiK Flour. "Talk about the raise in Hour , " said a well known traveling man the other day , "wo will probably have a raise of 25 cents inside of the next two weeks. A largo portion of our flour is sent to Europe now and it hardly seems possible , but nevertheless it is a fact , wo can send flour from Topeka , Kan. , to Glasgow , Scotland , cheaper than we can from Topeka to Dubnque , lit. It only costs us CU cunts and a fraction to Glasgow while wo are compel led to pay 08 cents to get it to Dubuquo. It'll be a grand thing if the president puts his signature to the inter-state commerce bill. " Grand musical matinee at Ice rink to-day. SPECIAL NOTICES. Fpecln' ftdvortlnnnonte , puch us test , Found To Loan , For Bulo , To Ilcnt , ftiuiti. Hoarding , etc. , will Ijolnsortod In tlila column at the low rfttoof TEN CUNTS PEK UNE fortliofh-ru inaer- Ion nnd IvoCoiilaVorMnoforoacb sul > s < xiuoni insertion. Lciivo advertisements nt our oflli < i ) No. IS Veal street , near Ilroftdway , Council llluffB. WANTS. TfilOH SAW ! Choice , smooth , unimproved 100 .1 ? acres close tft lirnlnanl. m Ilullur county , Nelirubka. Will Rive lar o discount from pros- rut value for culi , Address lliiutmp , Uunvon \-Jonofl , David C'itr , Nob. , or W. J. , Jlco cilice , Council Hlulfs , In' , ; FOHSAM ! At o'ljarffatn , M3 noroswltu flno Improvements , nix miles eiifct of Council Hindu. 1'rlcolow and nil the tltno nucdod. In quire of T. W. Van Sclovor , Council lllulfs. TTIOH SAI.K lllnoksmitli and wiiRon shop. J ? Only ono In town. Kxccllnnt business. Coed reasons lor selling. Address C. L. Miller , Ports mouth , la. ' T71OH HUNT A now two-story frame dwelling JC house , containing-en rooms , nail on both lloors.closuts wltli all bed rooms , lartro collar nnd good cistern. ' Call on M. F , Itourcr or Udell llroa. & Co. HUNT Tli lone-story frame numnoss POH ? , with , 4-room dwolllntc attach ment , formerly occuplud aa n condj factory and kmwn 11 i No. 110 South Main street , ox. tenalnif through to 1'earl et. Apply to M. J ? . HohrororOdeil Ilroa. & Co , A cotttitro of flvo or six rooms , WANTED convonlont to business : email family , no children. Address "Crispy , Uee olllco. WANTKD-A boy with pony to carry Ueo route. HALU Old paper * for eala ut the Boo FUH . "XlfANTJIIJ I'artles Intending to bo married are wanted to call at the 1'ryor'n lice Job office to select their wedding curds. OFFICER & PUSEY , BANKERS COUNCIL BLUFFS , IA , Established 1MI CITY REAL ESTATE HAS STRUCK A Veritable Boom , R. T. BRYANT & CO. , XO. ! 2 § BIUDADWAV , Will show you many choice pieces of property at astonishingly low prices. THEATRICAL WIGS , BEARDS , Grease Paints KTC. The I'lncst 1m rnrtcd I.lno of CiooilsVust of ClilcnKO. Mrs. G. L. Gillette's Human Hair Emporium No , 209 MainStreet.Council Bluffs , Iowa. JOHN V. ST.VR JACOll SIMS STONE & SIMS , Practice in the State and Federal courts Rooms 7 and 8 Shugart-Bcno Blo < : k. COTJ3STCIL BIjTJininS R. BIOS , M. D. . rnnrorm Or otliurTinnora removed without IsUllLVls , ho kf0 , | ordriiwini ; of blood. Over tinny ycais practiciiloTpurlonco. No. 11 I'enrlHt. , Council Ulutls. S3r Conaultiiliou fice. , IIHLVIN SMITH. I. T. IlOnKUTS. SMITH & ROeERTS. SUCCESSOUS TO HAHON & GO , ibstacts of Titl9 , Loan and Rial Es latJ Brokers , No. 238 Mala St. piin-hitscd the" most rrlia' Me abstract boole.t In this connty- litunvn , s ttic "McMahon Abstract Itooks , " we a re now prepared to fnr- jn'i/t abstracts and reaped fully so licit the patronayeof all those acsir- ing correct abstracts of title to lands and lots in 1'ottawatlainie county. HO , 236 MAIN ST. , COUNCIL BL UFFS FREE LECTURE -AT- Tuesday Evening , January 25 , State Master Workman of llio Knights of Labor. M. L. WHEAT , OF COLFAX , IOWA , Cordial Invitation Extended to All. W , S. HOMER & CO , XX Main St. , Council Itlu/fs. Tlio cheapest plnco In the city to buy CROCKERY , LAMPS , SILVER PLATED WARE , GLASSWARE , AND- FINE POTTERY Horses and Mules For all purposes , bought and cold , at retail and in lots. Large quantities to select from. Several pairs of fine drivers , sin gle or double. MASON WISE , Council Bluffs. BOOK BINDING Ic < Iffera , Journal * , County and ItanU Work of All lUmUaSpuo Jolty Prompt Mtentionjo Mall Orders MOREHOUSE & CO. Room 1 Evcrct Hlock , Council Hinds. Stundunl Papers Used. All styles of bind ing m Mugav-Ines aud BLANK BOOKS. C. D. National Ilaat HBFEHENCKS , W. E. Smith : 4 Co. , CJllzons1 llanlc. KeeroV 1U * Co. , 1ret National Hank. C. U , Insurance Co. , Officer fcl'uwy.UiuimH.C.a Savlnji Uant CLAIM Your Presents That Were Given Away By Henry Eiseman & Go's ' Peoples' ' Store TO THE LUCKY TICKET HOLDER At the Drawing Which Took Place in Their Store on the Evening of Jan uary IBth , 1887 The Same Being Done by n Committee of Prominent Citizens. The distribution of prizes was by a committee ot citizens , and thu tickets awarded prizes are as follows : No. 28.7U1 , 1st pri/.u Suite of Parlor Furnlturo. No. 5,771 , 2nd prize Mahogouy 13cd Room Suite. No. ! l)71 ( ) , 3rd prize Domestic Sewing Machine. No. U,1.TJ ) , 4th prize Twenty yards Gulncttgros grain Ulack Silk. No. ( ! . : iW ( , fiili prize Seal Plush Cloak. No.20.a7y , , Oth pri/.u Pair White Blankets. No. 7OC'i , 7th prize Decorated Sot of Dishes. No. 22,032 , 8th prize-Seal Skin MulT. No. 10.HOJ , 8th prize A Paisley Shawl. No. lO.Bitl , 10th prize-A Hoavur Shawl. No. 1-1,47. , , 11th prize-Suit Gents' Clothing , No. 27.M7 , 12th prize Gent's Fur Denver Overcoat. No. II , * ! ! ) , lilth prize Roy's Overcoat. No. 22,011 , 14th prize Roy's Suit No. 5,101 , Kith prize-Infant's Cloak. No. 22,818 , ICtli prize Urasa Parlor Table. No. 0,320 , 17th prize 50 yards "iruit of the Loom" muslin. No. 27i)2 : ! ) , 18th prize Half dozen "Gold" White Shirts. No. 28,050 , intli pn/o Silk Mufller. No. 14,150 , 20th iinzu Linen Table Set. Table Cloth and Napkins No. 7,701 , 21st prize A Twenty Dollar Gold Piece. No. 28,298 , 23nd prize Toilet Set. No. 20,8:15 : , 23rd prize Doll. No. 8,044 , 21th prize Handkerchief Box. Box.No. . 20,071 , 25th priw. Hand 13ag. No. 5,1122 , 20th prile Doll. No. 2t2 ! , ! ! ( ) , 27th nrue Stand Cover. No. JM.070 , 28tli prize Rottlo Perfum er v. v.No. . 0,873 , 20th prize Toboggan Cap. No. 21,158 , , ! ! 0th prize Table Scarf. No. 5,530 , 31st prize Splasher. No. 0.010 , 32nd "prize Lunch Raskct. No. 27,518,33rd prize Hammered brass Umbrella Stand. No. 20.707 , 34th prize Half doz.Towcls No. 8,051 > , 35th prize. Silk Umbrella. No. 28,835 , 30th prize Doll. No. 27,740 , 37th prize Sot Childs' Dishes. No. 20,103 , 38th prize Brass Broom Holder. No. 5.105 , 30th prixe Silk Suspenders. No. 27,031 , 40th prize Silk Handker chief. No. 22,125 , 41st prize Doll. No. 14,000 , 42nd prize Half doz.ladics' Handkerchiefs. No. 8,110 , 43rd prize 15 yards Calico. No. 8,228 , 44th prize Roy's Hat. No. 0,831 , 45th prize Boy's Sealskin 'No. 8,035,40th prize Painted Orna ment , No. 8,000 , 47th prize Toilet Set. No. 27.443 , 48th prize Doll. No. 27,760 , 40th prize Doll. No. 7.022 , COth prize Table Cover. No. 0,077 , , Olst prize Bottle Perfuui- orv. orv.No. . 8,031 , 52nd prize Lace Il.mdkcr- chiuf. No. 22,010 , 03rd prize Child's Lace "NO " 22,010 , 5tth prize Doll. No. 27,401 , 55th prize Doll. No. 5,123,50th prize Tidy. No. 12,834 , 57th prize Table Scarf. No. 5,818 , 58th prize Doll. No. 20,827 , 50th prize-Mouth Organ. No. 7.200 , 00th prize Imitation Stcaui Piano- No. 23,070 , Gist prize Book. No. 22,045 , 02nd prizes Rook. No. 20,053 , 03rd prize Pocket Knife. No. 12.133 , Ottn prize Doll. No. 23,100 , 05th prize-Doll. No. 20,101 , , COth prize A Dr. Warner's Corset. No. 12,218 , 07th prize Shoulder Shawl. No. 8,730 , 03tli pri-su Infant's Lace ' ' 'N'O. 28,283 , 00th prize Inf.int's Dress. No. 20,125 , 70th prize. Doll. No. 20,018 , 71st prr/e Hand Rag. No. 21,03'i , 72nd prize Ladk'Br Com- ! ' PNo0l2'8,312 , 73rd prize Silk Muffler. No. 10.00J , 74th prize Doll. No. 27,000 , , 75th pri/.e Hook. No 30,182 , 70th pn/.c Rook. No. 23,448 , 77th prize Lunch Basket. No. 22,010 , 78th prize Pair Children's Shoes. No. 7.002 , 70th prize I'air Roy's Boots No. 13,243 , 80th prize Lace Collar. No. 0,300 , 8lHt prize Doll. No. 20,100 , B2nd prize Jersey Jacket No. 7,510 , 83rd prize Suspenders. No. 0,158 , , 81th prize Man's Gloves. No. 0,727 , 85th prize-Boy's Skates. No , 10,598 , , 80th prize Girl's Skates. No. 28,011 , 87th prize Girl's Skates , No. 23,202 , 8dth prize-Doll. No 8,011,8'Jth ' prize Doll- No. 27,003 , 00th prize-Doll. No. 0,055 , Olst prize Doll. No , 14,210 , , 02nd prl/.o Nee-Waco. No , 25,022 , 03rd prize Gold Ctilf Rut- ° No. 12,820 , Olth prize Locket No. 'J7.802,05th prUo Breast Pin. No. 7,274 , OOtli prize Sluovo Buttons. No , 8,203,07tU prize Silver Thimble. No. 30,770 , 08th prize Urciast Pin. No. 13hOO , 0th prize Pair Kid dlovcs- No. (1,010 ( , lOOlli nri/.e Lace Hand- kerchief. Those llw l < nltllnj lite lncl\i \ tick ets wilt please call , present tltcaainc ami rcclcve tlicir presents an soon < pusRlblc. PEOPLE'S ' STORE , JS03. 311 , 310 , 31S and VXO ISrotid- way , Council IHntfs. WHOLESALE AND JOBBINQ ECOTTSEa OJF COUNCIL BLUFFS. Ti 'iu i , mn , KMEXTS. UEERK , WELLS & CO. , Wholesale Agricultural Implements , Carriages , ito : , Kto. Council IllHlts , lown , KBYSTONB MANUFACTURING CO , MnmifncUircrsor ami Dealers In U Hand and Tower Corn Shellers , And ugcnorix line of flrM class MKrloiiltur * Implements. No * . U01,1531 , I MX * nn.1 . JM7 ? outh Main Street , Council Hmrs , low n. DAVID BHADLKY A CO. . Mnnur'rs n 1 Jobbers ot Agricultural Implements , Wagons , Boggles , QirrlAffp , and ixll kln-lj of F rm Mnolilnerr. 1100 to Ui South Mntn Street , Council muff * Iowa. COUNCIL Hl.UFKS CAIU'BT CO. , Carpets , Curtains , Window Shades Oil Clnlhp , Cutlatn Flitnrcs , t'i > 1iol < tory ( lee Klo. Nix IOS llroAilttftjr Couucll lO < YR. CM Aits , roHAivn , fir. I'HRKOOY & MOOH1- : , Wholesale .lobbois In tho- Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco < S Pipes Kos. CSMiiln RiiJ 27 Vo rl S'.a. Council UlulTj , luwn. UU/JfJ.SMO.v. SNYDICR & LKAMAN , STOIIAOK Fruit and Produce Commission Merchant ? . : :3,24 : nnil 2(11'uiil ( St. , Council llluiK HAHLK , HAAS & CO. , Wholesale Druggists , Oils , Paints , Glass , Druggists * Sundrlpr Ktp. No. 22 Mnln St , nnd. . Ko. Zl 1'unrl SI. . Council lllnirs. V fill" ITU. O. W. 1JUTTS , Wholesale California Fruits a Specialty General Coramlxilon. N'o. 5U lr ) mvrnr. ! Council W1RT & DUQUKTTK , Wholesale Fruits , Confectionery , -AND- COMMISSION , Noe. 10 nnil 18 IVarl St. , Council HlufTs. HARNESS. KTO. UliClCMAN , STROUItKIlN & CO. , ifnnu'Actiirorsof nnil Whnlesalo Donlonta Leather , Harness , Saddlery , Etc. N'o. Ka Mnln St. , Council DlulTa , Iowa. //.ITS , CAPS , ETC. METCALF BROTHERS , Jobbers In Ms , Caps and .Gloves. No * . :1I2 : nml 3(1 ( Ilromlwiiy , Council HlulTi. IIKAVr IIAIIDH'AIIS. KEEL1NE & FELT , Iron , Steel , Nails , Heavy Hardware , And U'ooil Slock , Council HluCTf , Iowa. IIIUIIS AMD TALLOW. I ) . II. McDONEU ) & CO. , ti : lMbll ! iud ISiA ) No KO Slain Slroct , J : i Council Blum , COIHIHISftlOX ITEHIlCIEAiVrs , AM ) DC.lLCH-i IN HIDES , TALLOW , WOOL , ETC. OILS. COUNCIL BLUFFS OIL CO. , Wholefmlo Honiara In lluminating & Lubrlcatia Oils GasMlia 3LTO. , S.Thoodoro , Atfonl , Council Illuffa. Iowa. MJiWEK FlLIXd ETC. A. OVERTON & CO. , Hard Wood , Southern Lumber , Piling , Ami lrlclo ) | MaturliU Spoclnltlca.Wliolosulo Lum ber 01 nJJ Kinds. UIHco No. 130 Mttlu St. , Council Illuiri ) . Iowa. AND LIQUUH3. SCHNEIDER & BECK , Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors , , JOHN UNDER , Wholesnlo Imported and Domestic Wines & Liquors for St. fiottlmitVa Hurl ) Illttprt. No.U IhvluSu Council UluHa. L. K1RSC11T & CO. , Wholesale Liquor Dealers , No. 116 Uromlwny , Council lihiff * . FINE - FRENCH - MILLINERY , 1514 Douglas St. , Omaha. NEW IMPORTED STYLES OPEN. Ladies buying a $5 hat or bonnet , one fare will be paid ; $10 , round ( rip. . SCHURZ , Justice of the Peace Oflice over American Exprcis. CBESTON HOUSE The only hotel in Council BlufTb having FJ re Esoeipe And all inoJcrn improvciiieiits , 210 , 817 anil 210 Main st. MAX MOHN , Prop. ' Star Sale Stables and Mule Yards. . BROADWAY , COUNCIL ULU1-FS , Oioetl ) | Dummy Dotiot , K "llorsca uri'l mules koju conBttiutly on hnnil , for sulo at retail or in oar Ioadsr4 Odors promptly lilloil by contract on short noticu block sold on coinnlbsion ; < Hiu.uTF.n - Jioi.Kr , L'ropnotors. Tclcplionu No. 114. Formerly of Kell Sale Stables , comet Ut. uvc and 4tu btreet.