mm m , * \ THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : MONDAY. JANUARY 24 , 1887 , 3 II BI STATE AND TEIUUTOHY. Nebraska Jottlngo. The Holt County People is dead. The bachelors of Sidney have asuplns stock of "mittens. " ' Short hand qn.til tracks are taught m the Hltiir hiali school. The big mill nt Wayne has pulverized 00,000 bushels of wheat since fall. Tobias is anxious to bond Itself for a cheese factory and another railroad 1'nc. ' Dave Fitzgerald proposes to build a inamtnoth business block in O'Neill City this year. The surveyors of the Elkhorn Valley railroad arc within sixteen miles of Snt- ton. heading for Hastings. The lawmakers of the state have al ready turned loose 21 ? bills. Hoarding houses are yet to be heard from. Three children , from the Indian agency near Hushvllh- , were lost in n late storm. No trace of them has been found. The boomer of Hcllwood , llntler coun ty , oilers : i bonus of $5,000 for the re moval of the county scat to that point. Throe cemeteries are being platted in Hastings. The boom is on. A hospital lor mutilated base bailers is now in order. The Plattc county fair ln t year netted S378.07. The next fair will be held Sep tember'2 ? to 80 , and id.OW in premiums will be hung up. The mayor of Crntc has taken hold of the "tiger" by the top knot and lired the entire munagerlisoutof town. Gambling is now at a discount. When the returns worn all counted in Plattu county it was found that the prop osition to cruet a ? ! 0,000 bridge over Lout ) river was rejected by 100 majority. Hlval editors in O'Neill City are painting each other In loud anil luminous colors , hardly equaled by the .journalistic school of realism founded by the ArizonaScal per. Thorp is n man in Alnsworlh who is FOOD to prove up Ids pre-emption who has a right to be classed as a pedestrian. 1'or hixteon months lie has walked to town , four inili ; ? distant , to work at Ills tratln. llu averages twenty-live trips a month and covered during that time a.UOO miles. Chris Wildbcck and Albert von dor Hoyden , Hhimsh residents of Grand Island , embraced each other with beer mugs a few evenings ago. Wildbcck at one time appeared to lead in thi > argu ment , when Hcydcn emphasized his point with a "stcinur , " which caught ChriH on the face and knocked him f > cnsc- less. Hoyden was locked up. Pat MeUrnlV resided in O'Neill City until recently. At an early hour on a Jrosty morning Pat caressed the milk valves of a heifer. The oH'eet was para lyzing , and when Pat awoke from his reverie a snow bank outside the. corpo ration limits enveloped him. Negotia tions for his return to the city are pro gressing favorably. A disgraceful out rasa was perpetrated on the Claiburnn family in O'Neill City last week. Claiborne was the owner of the Holt County People and struggled against great odds to secure a foothold , lamily discord and avaricious creditors finally closed Ids shop. A self-elected 'vigilance" committee , the rifl'-ralV of the town , waited upon the family , under cover of the night , anil witli a bravado that would have disgraced a border min ing camp , ordered them to pack up and leave town. The regulators met with a lively reception when they called on Airs. Claibornc. She opened lire with a re volver , but unfortunately her aim was poor ami her ammunition limited. The family disposed of their goods and left town. town Items. Vivo breweries r.rc running iu Ucs Moincs county. Kightccn miles of street railway arc in operation in Ucs Moines. This schools of West DCS Moincs cost 17,8:20 : in salaries last year. Waterloo's death rate last year was three and a half to the thousand. A block company with a capital of $100,000 will build n packing house in Clinton. S. S. Arthur , of Clarinda. laid down in a Hud Oak hotel witli a dose of poison nnd landed on the other shore. Two-thirds of the saloons In Clayton county were closed last year and the ex penses of criminals and paupers cut down $2,000. Samuel F. Miller , a former sheriff of Monroe county , is now on trial in thu district court at Ottuinwa on a chaigo of obtaining money under false pre tenses. Thousands of bushels of corn liave bi'mi cribbetl at Manic , and there seems to be no let-tip. New cribs are being built and tilled at thu rate of1,000 bushels per day. Governor Larrahcc has undo complaint - plaint to the railroad commissioners against the liurlitigton ite Quiucy of dis crimination in the coal rates charged in the state on coal shipped to the deaf and dumb asylum at Glenwood. A number of DCS Monies ladies sub ficnbcd for elegantly bound copies of "Tho Lifo of Christ. " A few days after their signatures , attached to notes rang ing from $10 to $ . ' 10 , turned up for pay ment. They are now looking for the agent with their bangs straight. A wife-boating cigarmakor called upon the editor of an Algona paper last week with the intention of keeping him- nolf in pugilistic practice. The lighting editor was in , anil the cigarmaker will henceforth conlino his endeavors to women , children and cripples. The court at Chariton last Monday sentenced tonced Margaret Kcllov to iivo years al hard labor in thu penitentiary and Jf lOt lino. Thus ends ono of the most brutal murders ever perpetrated in Iowa. Her husband was sentenced at the last terra of court to imprisonment for life. Crcslon is also running dry. The saloons are closed and water oven seems doomed to prohibit for the want of rain The railroad company is running ( tally trains to Grand River , a distance of fif teen miles , to supply the reservoir , haul ing 800,000 gallons every twenty-four hours , Samuel Klein , of Keoktik , was elected president of the Hebrew licnovolunt society of Hani It'rith for the western dis trict. The lodge has -.000 members , and $31,000 was paid In endowment to twenty- one members who die.l during 1880. Ho- ctipt.s amounted to $13,01)0 ) and disburse ments to fl'J.l 1)1 ) , An infant child of Fred Wltlttrock. of Dnbuipio , was a few days since left sleep ing in a cradle in which was also a cat belonging to the family , while the mother was absent a few moments hang ing out clothes. Upon the mother's return turn the child was found with its face terribly mutilated , a large piece being bitten from one check and an ear nearly severed. Tim eat had not previously exhibited signs of viciousucss. Dakota. Rival towns refer to Rapid City as "tho cud of the track. " The toboggan craze has temporarily shelved the demand for statehood. The long iron bridge tit IHsmarck con tracts and expands cloven inches by tlio heat ami cold. Uoadwood now exacts a liberal fee from all classes of shows , anil claims to bo the best point in the Hills for the location of an insane asylum. In the approaching spring election at Yankton ills reported thorn is a decided disposition to ignore politics , religion , prohibition anil anti-prohibition , ami uiuko buaincsd capacity the tcf t for ollico. There is a prospect of the biggest im migration to the territory in the spring ever known before1 , judging from thn number of inquiries received at the oflico of the commissioner of immigra tion. tion.The The frost has cracked the cement on the artesian well at Mitchell , and the water has had to be let out. An engineer who can construct a reservoir that will .stand the cold rlnnato of Dakota has to understand his business , Don't llauk , Spit , Cough , suffer di/.ziness , indigestion , inliamatton of the cyer , hcadaclu1 , lassitude , inability to perform mental work and Indisposi tion for bodily labor , nnd annoy anil disgust your friends and acquaint ances with your nasal twang nntl oflcn- sivc breath nnd constant effort to clean your noiu and throat , when Dr. Sage's ' 'Catarrh Kemcdy" will promptly relieve you ot discomfort anil Buffering , and your frlenes of the disgusting and need less alllictlon of your loathsome disease. MRS. HETTIE GREEN. The Now York Fcninlo Block Specu lator. Mrs. ilettlo Green , the Now York Wall street speculator and millionaire , has often been mentioned , but perhaps the readers of the Tribune would like to know more about thu strange personage. She is the sharpest woman on Wall street , and , pcrhans , the richest woman in Now \ork. She is over forty-livo jcars old and she numbers her fortune by as many millions as there are years in her life. Her mother was somewhat of an heiress , and her father hail increased the family pile to 0,000,000 at the time of his death. This fortune Hettie. as the only child , inherited , and .she at once went to work to increase it. Much of her fortune was invested in ships , but these she considered dangerous ami .sold them and placed the proceeds in good interest- paying mortgages. bho bought thu mortgages in small towns all over England , traveling about and investigating the securities for herself. Shortly after her father's death a maiden aunt of hers died and left her s ? 1,000,000 more. The $111,000,000 that Hettie Green thus Inherited she hail in creased by careful speculation to about f.iO.000,000 , at thu time she married 12. U. Grcim , of New York. Miss llettic had an ante-nuptial contract witli him where by he agreed to pay all household ex penses and to leavp her property of $20,000,000 and more in her own name. After her wedding slio kupt up her busi ness work , and through her husband she got into Wall street speculation. She did the speculating herself , however , and made while her husband lost. She could buy largo blocks of stock and would bull and bear the market as she thought best. She had made money right along , and is now said to bo worth forty odd millions. She is very economical , withal , and though her income must bo several millions a year , her total household expenses are not over ifS.OOO. She rides down Uroadway in a five-cent 'bus , carrying perhaps ilOO,000 in her reticule , and situ used to walk to parties through the snow , pull'mir old woolen stockings over her shoes to keep her feet dry and save buying rubbers.Vlicn she got to thu place ot entertainment she would pull oil'her socks and hang tlinui on the hat rack to dry. She kept her silver and securities at John Cisco's bank , and the bankers say she came periodically to the bank with a bov of whiting anil polished her silver herself. When Cisco failed , not long ago , it took two cabs to carry away the plate , and thu securities which Mrs. Green hail on deposit were found to bo over $25,000- 000. llettic Green has two children , ti boy ana a girl. The girl is thirteen and the boy fourteen years old. The boy is an invalid , and his mother says she in tends to make him the richest man in America. If she keeps on piling up money at her present rate she will prob ably succeed. i'ozzoni. No name is better and more pleasantly and widely known than that of Mr. J. A. Poz/.om. For Years he lias made him self famous by the elegant perfumes and complexion powder that bears his name the latterhaving found its way to th belles of Paris Germany and London Everybody admire beauty in ladies Nothing will do more to produce or en banco it than to use Mr. Pozzoni's pro parations. PnrlHlnn SaniHvlcli-Mcii. DTho "sandwich-man" is fast becoming an institution in modern republican Paris. A large number of men got up as perambulating advertisements may now be met on the boulevards ; some , grave as mustard pots , walk along with huge iron frames fixed on their heads and shoulders ; others appear , or rather ( Us- appeiu inside gigantic bottles or similar vessels , whereon the tradesmen's wares are conspicuously labelled. The least ob jectionable form of the eye-soro js. the poor devil between two boards , upon which inviting looking broadsides liavo been pasted In former times London used to teem with regiments of such unfortunates who , for a shilling a day consented to prome nade from bt. Paul's to Charing Cross and back again from Clianug Cross to St. Paul's , principally for the display of announcements in favor of rival news papers. The sandwicli-man made his ap pearance about two or three years ngo in Paris , where his placards attracted an at tention that must have proved gratifying o his employers. The present is not , however , the first occasion on which this peculiar illustra tion of a peripatetic advertising has been seen in the French capital , but in all for mer instances the reign of the sandwich- man was of brief duration. What Ids present term of ollice may bo , now that a new state of things has set in. is a ques tion yet to bo solved. It used to bo alleged , that ho exercised a strange in- llticnco on horses ; nnd whenever an animal took fright , the coachman de clared that it had caught sight of an ambulating poster. This may in a meas ure account for the transformation the sandwich-man has undergone In his pas sage across the channel , for in Paris he is to be seen occasionally girt round with an elegant glass-easelike acrinolinn , The In novation is altogether a disligtirement of thu handsome boulevards. And so are thosu other walking advertisements , who , in the place of boards , wear on their blttcK coats announcements embroidered in yellow letters on broad backs especially selected for this humiliating purpose. Thu French arc daily becoming more en terprising in their methods of advertising , but persons who remember what a dis agreeable sight such exhibitions used to bu in the London thoroughfares would certainly bo sorry to Unit the number of these poor fellows increase iu the streets of Paris. It shocks what every true-born Parisian poetically calls "thu harmony of the public way. " There are live or six offices open In Paris where the sandwich-men are re- milted. They receive three or four francs a day , and walk up and down a given beat tor eleven consecutive hours , "grooms" being posted along the way to keep a sharp look-out over them. The more ingenious among them contrive now modes of advertisement , which the managers of these olllccs adopt. Wo may in.tuucu the Eandwich-man. who being msido a box painted outside to .simulate a house , would now and then open a small window and look out , ex hibiting a nose as rod as that of George Agustus Sala ; while the advertisement above was for a water recommended by all the Paris doctors to Keep up the fresh ness of thu skin Another ono went with a board on which was inscribed : "Don't read what is behind ; " and of course everybody did turn round to read , the ladles among thn rc t. Still , however farcical ull this may seem , the French are deeply moved at the sight of the poor wight who takes so much trouble to find a feadcr. F1NANUIA.U Nw York. Jan. 22-MoxRT On cnll o.isy nt 3Q4' < per cent , closing ntSwr cent. I'llIMH MEKCANTILK PAPKIl 07 per ExcitAjron Dull nnd tin- chanced ; S .S2 > < for sixty day bills ; S for dcnmnd. UovKHNMfcNTS Dull but firm. STOCKS OX WALL STREET. V cent bonds. . . . ICO C. & N. W..i. I ) , b. 4U's ) 10i preferred. . m.i New4's 12S K. Y.0 112 > f 1'aclllc O's of 'M.V > 1 ( Orceon Tran. . . . SO" ? .entralPacltic. . HSJfiPaclllc Mail ftajj C.AA 14 : WP. D. &K tm-ierrcc. . . . . 151 I'.P. C _ . C. U. ttU ISS' ' Hock IMnml 12' . I ) . L. AW 1W'4 ! StL. AS. K. . . . " " D. AH. 0 2' ! preferred. . . Erie 33 C. , .M. .trit. P. . . preform ! . . 10 preferred. . . Illinois Central. 1:14 : St. P. A:0 i. , M. prefctreij. . . . lOT'f Kansas A Texas. rX"4iTexas Paclflc. . . LaknShoru 1M Union 1'acllic. . . &Si L. AN M j W.St. L.&P. . If-K Mich. Central. . . sa pieferinl. t Mo. Pnclflo Western Union. Noitheiu Pac. . . Si' ' iO. . It JcN. . . pieferred. . . &S > | | l'U01)UCKMjVllKHT. Chlcaco , , lnn. 22. rollowlnj quotations are the ' , 'M closlut ; litjtires : l-'lotir Dull nnd iiuclinugcd ; winter wheat Hour , S-J.'iVg-WO : suutncrn. g-l.lOftil.'JO : Wis consin. 84. ; Michigan pott sprint : wheat , Sa.70i(4.M ( : : ilinnesotn bakers. St.70jt ; l.iOpfttcnts. : ; SUX(34. ) ( ) ; low mailes. 'J..TJ ; rve flour , quiet nt iU. X4y."U ! In bnrtcls. nnd M.20GiMU : In sacks. Wheat -.Stiongei feellmj ami priceshlcher ; closliiK J < o above ijcsterday ; cash , TSJ c ; starch , Si'ie ' ; .May , 8.1'jc. , Corn Miine" , nioilcratcly active , closing tfc abo\u Kihlay ; cash , 30 11-iOc ; March , ! l-lGc ; May , -115-lCc. Oats l-'iiiner. with 'sCJVc advance above vestcrd.iy ; cash , ta. 'c ; 1-ebiuary , % ; il.ty , yo .i-ioc. Itye-Qulctntr.Jo. llatley- Dull at .W < SOV'c. . Tunotliy seed Primp , 51.00. Klaxsued 5-l.OJ t Whlskv-SUS. Pork Jlottcintoly active and llrm. nt 15ft ( 20u lililior \\lioleranuo ; cash. Sl.-JWl.uj ; Murch , SlU.IOct'i. ( ! ; ; Mty , 81'J.W@l'--n'f. Lard Model.itely active , steadv , and - } Uutter Dull ; creamery , 21 :50c : ; dairy , Cheese Dull but steady ; full cream clicd- dars , l2f ! ; ! itc : ; Hats , 12) ) $ < ai2fc ! ; young Americas , ISJfftUSUc ; skims , at iac , Kirns ll@'Jt . Hides Steady and unchanged ; Orcen. < % c : heavy green baited , T c ; salted bull , C'/c : dry halted , ll@r.'c ; dry Hint , ia@l Ic : deacons , ! ioe each. Tullow No. 1 country , B 'c ; No , 2 , jyjc ; cake. 4e. Kopolnts. Shipments. Flour. ! ) ! ) ' ? . -2-J.OOO 2J,000 Wheat , bu . .Tooo 11.000 Corn. Dll . 77.000 2H.OOO Onts.bu . 114,100 07,000 Kye , hii . 'J.coo i.ono Barley.oti . GT.OOO 20,000 St. IiouiH , Jan. 22. Wlieat Slrong and liiRhci : No. a red , caili , S2c ; Maich , W@ 84Kc : Mav. 8-1 j-c. Corn Hicher ; Xo. 2 mixed , cash , 34V@ a4J < c ; March , HVtfc ; May , 37 c. Oats Firm : No. 2 mixed , cash , } f < } ii 27c ; Mav. S0 ffc Hyo-.MKc. l'ofk-SttongntS12.50. LnrdSri.lX ) . WhUky 81.13. Uultcr Steady ; cieamcry , 2-l(330c ( ; dairy , 1532-lc Kansas City , Jan. 22. Wheat Stroneer ; No. 2 red , nash , Tll c usked ; I'ebiuary , 71 Jjo hid ; May. 78 % . Corn Firmer ; No. 2 , cash , 30 > c ; February , Xe ; May , 34J c bid. Oats Nominal ; 27Jio ( bid for cash. New Orleans. Jan. 22. Corn Meal Firmer at S2.25. Hog products Unsettled generally but higher. I'ork S12.50. haul Kelined tierce , 5(5.25. ( Hulk Meats Shoulders , S4..K ) ; lone clear and clear rib , SG.37 > j. Now York. Jan. 2. . Wheat Receipts , W.00 ; exports , 110.003 ; cash K@lc higher ; options advanced @J < c , closing lirm ; 1111- cradcd red. 8ril'J.-c ( ; ; N'o. 3 red , OlcX 'J- ; No. Ucd , 'JocJ ; extra red , 9l'/c ; N'o.2rcd " , 093 : ! > fc Inele valor ; tfJQCgOUc lor February , closlnc at W@e. Corn Spot J © Kc mid options K@56C higher ; moie active , closine lirm ; receipts , 20,000 ; cxpoits , r.7.000 ; unenulcd , 47K"5l48V4c ; No. 2 , 474S > 4-e In elevator , 4yj4'c aHoat , February closing nt 4Sc. Oats A shade fatroncer , but less active ; re ceipts , 49,000 ; expons , 525 ; mixed western , SGraTTc ; white western , WrtilSc. Petroleutn Steady ; United closed at71 } c. 's Quiet and linn ; western , limed , SOf-WU c. Poik Firm , with moderate demand ; mess , S12.25@li7.ri ! ; now mess , S12.75. Laid A shade higher ; western steam .spot , 30.85. Uutter Quiet ; western , 12Q20ct Elgin creamery , 15 Jc. Cheese CJuiet and IJim ; western flat , 11 ® IVJc. Mllwaukoo. Jan. 2i Wheat Firm ; cash anil February , 7& c ; May , Corn Steady ; No. 2. ' Provisions Higher ; poik , January , S12.K2X ; May , 512.05. Cincinnati. Jan. 22. Wncat Active and linn ; No. 2ied , W-f@5fi. } Corn Stoadv ; No. Sinlxcd.37@i-iC. Oats-Unll ; No. 2 mixed , SO c. live Dull ; No. 2 , COc. Pork-Nominal at S12.7& . Lnnl S0.50. Whlsu-y Active and firm at St. 13. Minneapolis , Jan. ffi Wheat Strong ; No. 1 hard , cash , Me ; February. bOc ; Alnv , 85c : No. 1 northern , cash and February , 70c ; May , 8lcNo. ; 2 northern , cash nnd February , 77c ; May , b2c. Flour Firm ; patents , S4.Wia4.70 ; bakers , S3.00aci.70. ( : K ceipts Wheat , 03,000 bu. ; Hour , 100 bbls. Shipments Wheat , IS.OOJbu. : Hour , 11,000 LIVE STOCK. Chicago , Jan. 22. Tha Drover's Journal ic-portsas follow.s : Cntllo Hecelptn. 2.000 ; market steady , shipping btecrs. SII.IBQS.OO ; stockcrs anil feeders , 2. 10 ( 3.50COWH , bulls and mixed , Sl..rX > < jfr.'iO ; bulk , S2.20"i.bO ; Texas cows , S2.10 ( 'J.40. Ho s Kecelpte , 17,000 : market steady , flrtn ; rouzh and mixed , 3M.10&4.70 ; packing and shlpnlmr , S4.40Q1.055 light , SJ.OO@ .70 ; skips , 8v-.7KRH.bO. Shcop Hccelpts , [ 200 ; market steady ; na tives. S2.70@4.K ) ; western. S2.7r/24.GO ; Tex- nns , 52.2i@4.00 ; lambs , S4.5025.M ) , Kansas City , Jnn. 2J. Cattle Receipts. COO ; shipments , none ; market steady and quiet ; common to choice shipping , S&40 Ct4.45 ; stookors , 82.50 < Jct.OO : ; teealng steers , SXiO ' ; cows , sUjUAi&oo. Hoirs-Hocolpts , 6.fiOO { shipments. 2,000 ; market opened slow nnd about steady and closed strong ; common to choice , fc4.15(34.iO. ( ( Ht. luiuii , Jan. S3. tiattln Receipts , 100 ; shipments , COO ; market steady ; choice heavy native steers , S4.0it4.8."i : ; ( ; fair to oed ship ping steers , 53.70@4.UO ; DutchcrB1 steers , fair to choice , S3.00@3.10 ; iceders , fnir to good , S2.b033.00 ; stockcrs , fair to good , S2.00 ( # llogs Receipts , 700 ; shipments , 1,000 : maiket llrm ; choice heavy and butchers' selection * . Si.b55.00 ; packing , fair to good , ; Vorkera , medium to fancy , 51.45QJ.C5 ; pigs , common to good , 53.75Q 4.3j. . OMAHA ia\'R STOCK. Saturday , Jau. )3. ) Receipts. c.ittle. . . . 100 UOKS . M.J . . l.feoo . I'rovallinK Prices. Shovvlnc the. prevailing prices paid for live stock on this maiket : Choice steers , lav ) to 1500 lb3..S4.304.65 Choice steers , 1100 to 1SOO Ib3. . . 8.WXS1.40 ( load feeders . , . 2.7.Va < ' ! .00 ( lood to choice corn-fed cows. . . . 2.7.v 3.2T Fair to medium grass cows . 2.nO&2..f.O Uood to choice bulls . 2.0032.75 Ijlghtand medium hojrs . . . . 4.40 < vl. . ' > 0 Good to choice heavy hogs . 4.COM i.7fl Uood to choice mixed hoga . 4.50 4.60 Keprcseniativo Sales. 3TKE113. No. Av. 1'r. No. Av. Pr. 2. . . . 7feO 53.0J 19. . . .1120 S3.W 10. . . . P > j2 3.15 19 . . .11CO a ) 10 . .1000 3.M 10 . . . .niO 4.10 lS.lliiO 3.0 > IS' . . " . .1310 4.05 . Co\VS. No. Ar. Pr. No. Av. Pr. S.--llM 2.50 , 12. . . < 12M S2.75 1..1100 2..VJ 11..llll 2.W CO..10H 8.W DUI.t. % Sn. Av. Pr. No. .Av. Pr. . . . .1500 S'J-50 1..1510 SiSO shii.i < N'o. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 21 . . . 73 S3.23 noos. S'o. Av. Slik. Pr No. Av. Shk. Pr , Wi..l.r.7 2U3SI.40 70..WJ W ) S4.C3 > 0 40I.SQ 7 , ' > . . . .25 ? IfiO 4.W 70..a 12J 4.riu Gr..W3 210 4.00 61.'ir eoo 4.5U , . . . . : ) : KO 4.074 00..2-iJ 40 4.M r,7 . . .2VJ M ) 4.70 77..2-13 210 I.M C.l . . .S > 9 120 4.70 OI..2.-.3 WW 4.CO OJ . . . .V. ) bO 4.70 01..2il : n:0 4.05 00 . . .205 200 4.70 50.tl2 ! 120 4.0 00 . . .Ml 40 4.70 01..UbU 200 4.G54S. . .4VJ 120 4.73 ofl'rlcci. Sliowlnc the hlchpst and lowest nrlce * inlil for loads of IIORS on this market during he seven ilays and lor the same time ast month ami last year ; Tec.Tm" ) . 1S 7 Jnn. ISdO. ctii1 4 , ( auo 11.40 PA70 Sunday Stll WUUH 4.15 < ( il6' > a. 45J.fi5 Oth Sunday < . " . > ( it.1.0) ) 11.40 ( WlfiT'i 4.40 JIM I 4.10 4.M 514.774 1 00 O4.2J 4.40 Sliowlnc the number of cattle , hns nnd ht'0 | ) shipped fiom the yards tluriiit ; the tlitj. CATTLI : . N'o. cars. lit. Dcst. 0 . N. W . Chicago 0 . . . .Mil. . . All sites of stock in this market are made iercwt. live weltrht unless othorwlsoslateil. ) ead lions sell nt Ko per Ib. for all weights. "Skins , " or ho&i wckhini : less than 10J llw. no value. I're mtnt sows uro tlockuil 10 Ibs. \iul sti ; 's W Ibs , by the public inspector , OMAHA \VHOhlCS.VSI-3 iMA.HH.BTS. Ocncritl Saturday , Jan. 22. TlicfoUoiutnit prices tire for round lots tif mwftirr , ni M ) ( < J on the tmoAtt to-iln\i. \ Tlic ; wi ( < i/lo / > iv un fruit * ) < ; r.vriin/tc / prices < it i'htrh oitMi/e onlcru nre HIM. Ui'Tiuii Tlic lecelpts aio not very heavy nit the demand Is lucliiiod to he slow. The mlk of the butter has been selling at 10Sl c or so long a lime that II is dilllcult to raise he piice wlillc UK-demand is no heavier Inn at tliopicseut lime , nt the same time a ew sales me made us high as VS Oc : Fancy oimtry , HiiS'-'Oe ; choli-n country , lGflbc ; weet table butter , ll&tl&c ; fair , lOgl c ; oiiimon , b@lOc. JCoos The egg maiket Is In very much the atnn condition' it has been for the past veek. Willie the receipts aio liberal , taking all kinds of stock together , the receipts ol strictly IroMi ejrcs are light. Theio are a ctO'l ' many so called tiesh ecgs told at 2i@ : J-lc , lint stiletly tiesli : xnd bright stock that KIS been reeauillcU at the commission houses sbilncliiK'Joc. Pot I.TIIY Poultry Is not brlnc'ne ' ( itilte as ; ootl prices as a week aio. The market is . liittcd with tin keys ami there Is very little sale for them at any pi ice ; Sc Is about the outside lor the best stock while a KM at deal of it is sellim ; for 7c. Chicken * are In lair lemaiiil at be for the choicest stock while good htock is .selling as low as 7e. Cieeso aud lucks .sell at b Wo. OASIS The market is overstocked with small rabbits , .lack rabbits are also In iiln nl ecclpt but aside fiom that there Is very little RIIIIO ; coming in. Prairie clitelten , quail nud venison are out of season nurt It is con- tary to the law for dealers to handle them. The law has never been very strictly eu- Toicctl , and a cowl many dealers handle lioiu alter they are hut of season : Ducks , Mallard , per doS1.7. . < X 2.00 ; ducks. Teal , 51.2ri ( < ? l.fiO : ducks , mixed , Sl.'J'i ; seese , " . 'J.ROSta.OO : IJrants. S'J.OO ; Jack rabbits , H.OO ; small lahbits , SOfflCOc. Ciu.iisr Knll cierun Cheddars , slncle , 1-ic ; full cream Hats , twins , l-lc ; \ ottne Ameri cas. 14c ; fancy Swiss , 15@10c ; impoitcd Swiss-5s : Limbui-Ker , 13c ; brick , i4J Q15c. l'oTATois Theteaio no new leatures in he market. The trade Is limited almobt nn- ircly to the sale of bmall lots Irom the store. Jiioico stock tron store , small lots 00@ 05c. VIOTAHLTS : Heels , carrots , parsnips and .urnlps nro rjuoted at SOc. lloise-radlbh roots 54.00 4.ftO per bhl. Arri.Es 1'ho apple market is firm and stocks on hand nre light ; Choice Missouri stock par bbl. 53.75(34.00 ( ; Choice Michigan stock pet bbl. S4.00. O.vioxs-IIomo irrowii stock , per bu. 51.00 @ 1.40. CKI.KRY Choice stock , per doz. 40@45e. hu.MONS A car of Messina lemons arrived his \ > cek in good shape ; Messina per box , 15.00. OitAxons Valencia orcanccs have arrived n the market : Valencia per case , 87.25 ; do , 1 to 5 cases , 57.00 ; Santa Anna oranges per box,83..W. CiiVNiinnniKS Capo Cod , fancv. per bb ) , 812.00 ; hell and bugle , per bbl. 810.00 ; Uell and Cherry , 8W.75. HBAN.S Inferior stock , 75@P1.00 ; good clean eonntrv , Sl.OO l.vij ; medium , hand licked , Sl.4031.5o ; hand picked navy , Sl.OO @l.fio. ritovisio.vs Ham. ll > i < Jfl2c ; bieakfast aacou , ! ) ] < jc ; clear side bacou , 8J < fc ; diy salt slds , 8c ; shoulders , 7c ; dried beef , regular , lie ; dried beef , ham pieces , 14e ; lard , M ) Ib cans , 7c : Inrd , 20 Ib cans , Fairbanks , 7' < c : aril , 10 Ib cans , Fairbanks , lc * ; lard 5 Ih cans , 7Kc ; lard , 3 Ib cans , 7 > aC. OVSTKRS Mediums , 20e ; standards , 2 ° c ; selects , 30 ; extra selects , S5c ; N. Y. counts , lOe. Grocer * PIOKI.KS Medium , in bbls. 56.00 ; do. In half bbls , 3.50 ; small , In bbls , S7.00 ; do , In halt bbls. SI.OO ; eghrkius , In bbls , SS.OO ; do , in half bbls , SI. 50. CANXKr , Si.l.y ; y.25 ; stiawborrles , 2 Ib. per case. Si20 ; raspberries. 2 Ib , per case , 82. 0 ; California pears , per case. S4.'X ) ; nnrlcots , per casj ; 84.00- peaches , p- ( case , gS.W ; white cher ries , per case , SO.OO ; pitnns. per case , 5'J.O1) , blueberries porcase , Sl.hS ; OJK plums , 2 Ib per case , 5J2.50plueappUig , 2 Ib , per case g3.205.75 : 1 Ib mi 2kercl. per doz , 81.40 ; 1 Ib salmon , per do/ , 51.50(21.55 ; 2 ID goose , berries , per case. 31.75 ; 2 Ib strlnz beans , per case , 81.70 ; 2 Ib lima beans , per case , 81.00 ; Knuir MO. 1 quarter apples , Gc : in ovaporateil boxes , 12U@Wc : black berries , boxes , 10C < Illc ; peaches , Salt Lake , IbbO , lOQlOKc ; peaches , evaporated. 15' c ; 17c ; rdspbcrrlca. new , 2-k ; ; currents , 707X prunes , new. 0)i@OXc. SUOAIIS Powdered , OJ < ( ili7c ; cut loaf , 0f(3 ( < JKc ; eran iilatcd,0)f ) ( < { 07ifc ; confectioners' A , ftJilwCc : standard oxtia C , bKW > KQ\ \ extra C.U. . < 35X ; medium yellow. 4X@-5c. COKFKKS Ordinary ( trade * , Hjfcjlfic fal ISffllSXc ; prime. 15X@iOc : choice , 10Q10 > 4o ; fancy green nnd yellow , I0@17c ; old aov- ernment Java , 20 < 5j20o ; interior .lava , . iuyviwtii a ci ua.liV | 1.70 : mtiIo6tiare81.'JO. ( | Svitiii' No. 70 , 4-pallon kegs , S1.C031.25 ; Now Orleans percallon 3bi40c ( ; ; maple syrup , half bbls , "old tlmef/ / per gallon , 7U0 1 gal- Ion cans , per doz. 10.00 ; half gallon cans , per doz. § 5.50 ; quart cans , S3.0u. STARCH Mirror 'glass. 1 Ib , Co ; mirror Kloss , a Ib , 5 > 4'e ; mirror Rloss , Olb , Ojfc ; ( Jraves corn , 1 ! bC ) c ; Klngsfonl's corn. 1 ID , 7c ; KinKSford'sglois , 1 ib. 7c ; Klnstaford's cioss , 0 Ib , 7o. ! KlnKSford'B pure , a Ib. 7e ; Klnpbforda bulk , 4c. OANDY Mixod. ' ' . ! ! ? : Btlck , CiiACKKits ( inriiean's soda , butter nnd picnic. 5 > $ c ; crcamsje ci plnger snaps city soda , 7is. i i bOAi's Kirk's savon Imperial , 52.70 ; KlrK a satinet. J3.00 ; Kirk s standard , S3.0V Kirk's white Hiissjap. S4.00 ; Kirk's whitecap - cap , 50.60 ; dome , S3.S5 ; washboard , 53.10 ; white cloud. 53.75. General Slurkots. HIDES Oreon butchers , 5f@0c ; green cured. 7c : drv Hint , llt l''c ; dry salt. 04 10c ; creen calf skins , UtfO c ; damatccd hides , two-thirds price. Tallow SJi'c. Grease 1'nmo white , SWc ; yellow , 2)/c ) ; brown , \i bhcep Pelts. 25&75c. \ AitNibiiES Jjauols , per gallon : / urnl- ture , extra , 81.10 ; furniture. No. 1. 81.00 ; coach extra , 81.40 ; roach , No. 1 , 81.30 : Da- mar , extra , $1.75 : Japan , 70c ; nsphaltiim , extra 85c ; Ehellac , § 3.50 ; hnrd oil Uniab , ri.otrn ANB JiiLLSTurFS Winter whe&t Hour , best quality patent , S'.75 ; becoiid qual ity , sy.liXis2.60 ; best duality sprinu wheat Hour , patent , S3.CO@'i70v. ; J. U'elshan's biickvheatllour. i > crbb ) . SO.OO : do. tloubl sacks , S3.00 per liundrcd ; W. J. Uelshan' No. 1 , ready raised , forty 2K N > packatre-5 in case , S4.50 ; do , twenty 5 Ib packages in ease , S4.50 ; bran , 70opercwl : chopped feed , 75c per c\vt ; white corn uval , Wc@Sl.00 ; yellow corn meal. fOaPOc per cwt ; scrcenine , WVJ75c per ewt ; hominy , Sl.M ; shorts , 70C pet cwt ; graham , Sl.ifl : hay. In bales , S7.00perton. itr.AVY llAnmr ARK iron , rate S'175 ; plow stt elspecl loast,4lccruclblestoelOXc : ; cat tools , tfo. is isc ; wapon spokes , per set , 52.0Da3. ( : 0 ; iniiw , per set , sl.'W : tolloes. eawed dry , 31.50 ; tonpues , each , Sec : aveN. each. 7e ' ; stjuaro tints. Per Ib. 01 i71c ; eoil chain , per Ib. OtflSc ; ra.illcable. 7 ( < { 0c ; lion \ \ leeOc ; crowbars , Oc ; harrow teeth , 4Sc , sprinp steel , 7.nPe ( ; Ihirdcn's Iiorso shoo , 84.00 ; Hurdcn'R mule shoes.W. . Barbed wire. In car loK S4.00 i > cr ICO Itn. Nails. rates , 10 to W. SMO ; steel nails , S3.1V. hhot.Sl.Oj ; buck-shot , Sl.M ; oriental powder , keirs S3.50 ; do. half kegs , S2.00 ; do. quarter keKS. Sl.50 : blastlne Ve , sa.35 ! fuse , per 10 feet. We. Lead bar. S 10 PAINTS ixUitVliiloleail. . Om.ihaP. P. , 7c * white lead. St. Louis , p"ure. S7.-5 ! ; tar- eelllcscrcei ) . 1 to 5 Ib cans , vie ; Kronen zinc , creen seal , 13c ; French rlnc. red seal , lie ; French rlnc. In varnish a L 20c ; Krcnch zinc. 75cermllllon. ; . Kncllsh , In I oil , 75c ; red , lOc : rose pniK , 14e ; \ enctlan red , Cook- son's , SVe ; Venetian red , American. lc ; red lend , "jfc : ehromo yellow , genuine , Smuts Colocne spirits , 1S3 proof , 81.17 ; do 101 proof. ; spirits , second quality , tt'cky ' and Pennsylvania rje * , 8'J.OoViifl.fiO ; Oolden Sheaf bourbon ani'l no whiskies Sl.VKsJH.W ) . llrandies , Imported , S5.003S.fpO ; tlomestlo , SUXXj&oo. ( } | u\ Imported , S4.M domestic , S1.2x < 13.00. ' " Imported. pprea e , ? 2S.OOQ3.00 ; ! ; American , pprcnse. SlO.OOt/ilO.OO. / Duv PAINTS-White lead , Pe : trench sine , 12e ; I'nrU wldtlnc. 2kc ; whiting , gliders , 2Jfc ; whiting. com1 ! , t'ic ; lampblack , Or- iniuistnwn , "I'-'c ; lampblack , ordinary , be ; Prussian bitip.V > eultramarluo ; , ISs ; vnndyk- jrowu , Se ; umber , burnt , 4c ; umber , raw-in leiinn , burnt , -Ic ; slenua , raw , 4c ; Pane giccn , genuine. 2oc. Paris crceu. com- noii , ftJc ; ehromo green , N. Y. , 'JOo ; ernillhon Aiiicncau. ISc : inuiau aw and burnt umber , 1 tt > cans , I''c ; raw and mrnt sienna , 12e ; Vandyke brown , I0c ; re ined lampblack I8c * coach black nnd Ivory black. lOc ; diop black , ice ; 1'riissinu Mini , Oc : ultiauiariuo black. ISo ; ehromo irreou.U , U. & I ) . , lOc ; blind r.ntl shutter green. U. M. fe 1) . , Ifo ; Pans gtcen , lie ; Indian red , lic ! ; Venetian red , S'e ' ; Tuscan , .Me ; American crmlillou. L. & 1) . , 20c ; yellow ochre , Cc ; l > . M. A O. I ) . . ISc ; coed ochro. ICe : vaten Iryer , ! < c ; cralnlug color , light oak , dark oak , Vvnlnut. chestnut and osh. I''c. " ttrnsANn IJHBMICAI.B. Acid , carbolic , - * , . ncld , tartnrlc , f > vc ! ; balsam copaiba , per Ib , fuc , : hark sassafras , per tti , 10e ; calomel , icr Ib , 7Sc , chlnchonldla , per oztoe ; chloro- orm , per 11 > , 4 c ; Dover's powders , per Ib , 81.25 : epsom salts , per Ib , a > fc ; glycerine , > ure , perlb. 3oe ; lead , acetate , nor D > , 21e ; nil , castor , No. 1. per gr.l. , Sl.ftOc ; oil castor , \o. 2 , per gal. , S1.40 ; oil olive , per gal. , 81.40 ; M oiUrnunum , Me ; opliitii , SK.20 ; quinine , ' . it W. and U. A S , , per oz , 70c ; potassium odide , per tb , S2.75 ; B.illcln. per oz. 40c ; stil- phato morphine , per oz. S2.f > 5 ; sulphur , per l,4c ; strychnine , neroz. 81.20. Kt'its AND SKINS The tollowlng prices ire for prime , well handled sklus : Heaver , irlinc , clean per pound , Sl.fiOQ3.00 ; fall.Sl.VJ. ' ) tg-.00 ) ; meaty auu Inferior. S1.00Q1.25. Bear. brown and grlzrly , S5.00 s.oO ; rubs Htul s , 82.1X1 4.00. BadRer , . ' . 'JfiOOc. Cat , , vlld , 'J0@10e ; domestic , black , lOnelSc ; do- .nestle , sundry colot.s , 5@ c. Fox , ictl , 81.00 @t iH ; eioss , S'-.00@I.OU ; grev , 40if.TOc ( ; silver. S10.OU@IO.tW. Fisher. S4.00@0.00. OtterS4.00 (50.00. ( Maitln , 81.00ftl.7ft. ( Musktat , win- ' .or. large , lite : fall. 5c ; liltts , Ic. Mink , large , laik , :5.C : < t40c ; small and pale , l. > @ 20c. IJac- -Xc. ) Door and antelope , winter , pouim 15c ; f.ill and summer , per pounilOc. . Orv LintnDor. HOARDS. No.l Com. s. 1. B. 12,14 and 10 ft $17.50 No.S " ' 12 , 14 and 10 ft 14.75 No.3 " " 12,14 and 16 tt 13.50 No.4 " " 12 HandlO ft 12.00 11IMKNSIONS AND TIMllEUS. 12 ft 11 ft 10 ft 18 ft : o rt 23 ft Vft 18.50 10.50 17.00 is.0031.00 21.00 1(1.50 lfl.f > 0 1050 17.00 IH.OU 22.00 18. . 1U.M 16. Ml 10.50 17.00 18.CXJ21.I , ) zTw ! : xio. 10.50 18.00 10.50 17.00 IB.OU ISS.OO ! .00 izia. 10. & I 10.50 in.fiO 17.00 1C.W1 1(5.60 ( 17.00 la-oo'is ' ) oo20.oo ! 1st com. , ft in WhUo Pine l'artItion..5-'W.OO 2d " " " " " . . . . 27.50 2d Com. % In. Norway Pine Celling. . . . H.OO FENCING. No. 1 , 4& 6 Inch , 12 and 11 ft. , rough. . .317.05 No. 8 , 4 Jb 6inch. 12 and 14 ft. , rough. . . 14.00 STOCK IlOAltUb. A 12 Inch , sIB. 40 C 53t' > .00 J12luch " " 42 I ) 23.50 sro. l , com. 11 in. , s. la. . 10. is & 20 ft. . . 21.00 Sro. 2. " ' ' " . . 1S.M ) No.3 , " " " 12&14ft. 17.00 -1 " " " 10ft 10.00 SHIP i.Ar. o. 1 , plain.Sand 10 Inch 817.50 No. B , plam.Sand 10 Inch 15.50 ' S2-50 No ' h' - ; < Posis White Cedar,0 In. , J s , 12c ; 8 la. rs. , UK& CHICAGO SHORT IM OF THE BEST ROUTE hoQ ( MKH and COORCIL 8LOFR it TWO TRAINB DAILT UKTWEHN OllAHA COUNCIL ULUFF3 AKD Milwaukee , St. Paul , Minneapolis , Ccflar Rnpidfl , Cllr-ton , Dubuque , Davenport , UocklBlaml.Frecport , Kockford , Elffin , Madison , Janesvillo , Bclolt , Winona , LaCrosse , And all Oder Important polnti Eait , Northeajl oud BotliUaast. For through tlokoU call oa tbo Tlokat Azoa at 1401 Faraam street ( la 1'aitoa Hotel ) , or a Union Pacific Depot. Pullman bleeoen and the finest Dining Carl U the world are run on tbo main ilius of tbo OHIOAOO , MILWAUME & ST. I'AUL UAIIATAY , and ororr attention li paid to pttisongari bjr oourteoni employe ! of the company. U. MH.LBR , Uentral Uannirer. , J. V. TUCKXH , A6Utaut tionorol Manarer. A. V. R. CAiti'jEHTEit , GonortJ rais nj r and Ticket AtrenC Quo. I. HiurrnnD , Atelstaat Qenoral FajJeo- r r and Ticket Atront J. T. CKAUK , Uoniral Suporlntondont. CDCC TDIAI .irSRPS asSi1' . . " " FHfct I KIALi&S 'U'j.'iRia ' . ' : tnd kl irti fft'n. . TtUI i * < ktrt l' . poitc- rri lrtEc . Iltt ' A. O. Ol IN Cfl. . J . * * Waill jri n Btiwt , Cfilc p , lil. 'ii.ou pei-rn i e . eixfurtb.uu. OMIKA JOBBEnS'DIREGTQRY Artists' Materials , Planog and Organs , U13 Doujlai ftrect.Omjha. Agricultural Implements. CHURCHILL PARKER , Wbolemle Dcultr la Agricultural Implement * , Wagons , Carrlasci unil llurKlrn. Janti ttreet , betwcea Utb BIU 10lUOlUilj , t\tt\ \ > , LJNINGEIt tD METCALF CO. , Ajricultural Implements , , Btc. , Wbolcialg. Om h . LEIS , FRIED cO CO. , Jobbers of Hardware and NallB , Tinware , Sheet Iron , Etc. Axenu for Howe bcalet , and Miami Pandcrt n. , RECTOR < \yiLHELMY \ CO. , Wliolcsalo Hardware. Wpi > t m nceoti for Jettetton Htcol Nalli. Auitl Vowdur Co , falrl ank. Mmidord t-calc. . Co rear lUtb aaJ llnruciOmtba , PARLINORENDQRF MARTIN Wbclcaale Dealer * lo AffricnUural JniiilemcntB , ( VagooiandBuzel * . Ml. tO > . tf and i 7. Jone t MMHI JOBBERS' DIRECTORY ' Hnycrs of But tor anil Egcs. rMornmt 1'irltlnc House , luh end worth St . V 1' . 11. II. Track , tt malts. Builders' Hardware and Scales. jfhrf/f/Ct iwr IP"TAYLo InUilers'llardwriroA Scale Hepnlr Shop MechanlCB * Tooli nntl Iluirnlo Pralts. H05 Doutlm iu , > Omaha. N b. floafs and Shoes. AJl ERICA Y JYsiND SI ! WED SHOE COMPANY. llanufncttucrs and Wholesale JJcalcrs la Hoots nml Slices , Complete tork of llnbt'f r tlocMs nlw.iji on hand MO S. 13th t. . onmha. Nell. A. T. Aimln. A > f nt. w. r. MOUSE to co. Jobbers of Hoots nml Shoes. Ill Karnam it. , Oinaba , Nrlt. Manufactory , Summer _ Mi eel , llo'lon. , c co. Wholosnln Kulilier HtnN mi'l ' Shoos. lnl > andOlloJCIo thing nuil f U lloot , South ; ailCorner Hth niul Douslns. Betr. M. ICEATING , Apt. for Anhcuscr-Uiish Hrewlnff Ass'n BliccUl llrnnd' . fnml.lluilnoltor nml Krl ncrr. " " " * " f r T > * ILhli , HOPV Growers , 1521 North m Mreet , Omaba , Nob. Butchers' Tools. lintcliers' Tools anil Supplies , CutlUK' of nil kind * Always In itock. 1J15 Building Material. OMAJTA LUMBER CO. , Dealer lu All Kindt of Hulldiiip Miitorinl lit Wholpsalo. ISth Street nml Union 1'ncino Truck , Ornnhn. Coffee , Spices , Etc. Otnalia Coffeenml Splco Mills. , , Splco . linking 1'owdcr. traits , l uudry IHuo , Ink. Ktc. 1(11-16 llarcor btrcct.Omthn. Nob. GATES , COLE tC JIllsKti , Homo Coffee niul Splco Mills M'f'f ? Co. CciiTcoIlo-istcrBRiirt Splr lrlmli ) > r , Monuf ciurer ofllnklnit 1'oiTdor , KUTorlne lIitrncM. Illulni : . Kir. Trvono cum'ot our 1-tt imcknceltomolllcnd HunbtcJ O > ) tfeo. HUK llowant et. , Om-vhii. Nvh. Cornice. EAGLE CORNICE WOltKS , John Epenctor , Prop. Manufacturer of flulvnnlr.ort Iron and Cornier. KS und 103 nml 105 T , ' , 10th it. . Oinsha , Nub. RUEMPING .0 ROLTE , Manufacturers of Ornamental Galvanized Cornices , Dormer Windows , Plnn's. ' MetricStjllulUetc. 3108. IJt'i nt. , Onmba. WESTERN CORNICE WORKS , C. Spr-cht , Prop. Gnlvnnlircl Iron Cornices , etc. Hpcct'e Improved Pat ent MetallcSkyllrflit. MIS nnd 610 8.12th M.Ouiaba. Carpets. OMAHA CARPET co. , Jobbers of Curtains , Oil Cloths , Mnoli'viino , Mattings , Ktc. 1511 Douglai alrcct. S. A. ORCHARD , Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths , MattlBji. Curtain Oood , Kto. 1133 Farnam btrcot , Omaha. Neb. Crockery and Notions. ir. L.'w RiGiri\ Agentfor tLo Manufacturers nml Importers or Crockery , Glassware , Lampi , C'blniuejri , etc. Omre , 317 South 13th St. Ota&ba , Neb. Commission and Storage. Commission and JobbhiR- . Onttcr , K KsnnJ Produce. Consignments solicited. Ucailtiuurlors for fjtnnowaro , llcrrjr Doios and ( irnpo llaeKeu. llll Doilifcetreet.Oinaba. PEYCKE BROS. , Commission Merchants. Fruits , Produce and Provltlonf , Omaha , Neb. W. E. RIDDELL , _ and Commission Merchant „ Spccliltlen Halter , Ee . Chccio , Poultry. Game , Oj-fti-rr , ICtc. , Kto. 112 Houth iuh Direct. WIEDEMAN iC CO. , Produce Commission Merchants , roultrr , Iluttcr , Gnme , Fiulti , etc. JW B. Omaha , 7 el > , Coal anif Lime. I1. MILESTONE < C CO. , Dealers la Hard and Soft Coal , Offlconnd rnrd , li'th and Nicholas sis. , Oraaba , Kob. Ynr'Vj'clepnouc , Ml. Qso. F. ljAn/.on. Pr . C. r. Goonuix , V. Pros. J. A. tiUNiKHiAXI ) , Sac. and TICSB. OMAHA COAL , COKE & LIME COMPANY , Jobbers of Hard ami Soft Coal. WJ South Thirteenth Street , Oinahn , Neb. J. , T. JOHNSON A CO. , Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime. And fhlppers of Oonl and Coke , Cement , 1'lnnttr , Uiue , llnir. rlro llrlik , Drnln , Tllo and fc-irerripe , Olhctr.utoii Hotel. rHrnum it. , Ooinua , N t > . Confectionery. < f co. , Manufacturing1 Confectioners , Jobbon of Frulli.Nuts and Clean. 12111'aruam SU Ora ba. Cigars and Tobacco. CO. , Jobbers of Cijjars , Tobacco , Guns end Auimunltlon , 51i toK3 R. 1UU St. , 1039 to il P rnitrnsl.OiuahaNetj , WEST cC FRITSCHER , Manufacturers of Fine Clears , And Wbolcialo Dealers In Leaf Tobac oii , Nc < .lM and 11U N , lllli itrcut , OnjatK. 1IOURER iO WOODLAND , Wholosala HeitlorK In Cigars , Tobaccos , Pipes ami Smokers Articles. Agents for P. LoMonlorf * Co. , Flno-Cutan < ! Book nTobaoca , Mllwuukta , Wliooniln. No.IU a NortkSliteeoth treat. Om > jfi , Neb. Dry Oootfs M. E/MIJTIfte CO , , Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods ANotious 1102 and 1101 Dounlas , cor. lilt HI.OmahaNob. Distillers , iquors , Alcohol and Spirits. Importers nd Jutbcrsof WlncnaDd l.ti uors. WILLO W SPRINGS DISTILLE'S CO. and ILKR 0 CO. , Importera and Jobbers of Fine Wlne > s and Uqaori Hole manuf 0lur rsof Kepucdt'ii K l InUIn lilt- ten ami loiniilcl.l ! < junr > . Hit llarnajr HI , Drain Tile , Etc , A 1 ll.SAl'VK.PrPs. . J.W.U nronn.Sce.4Treas It. J. CARBON. V.rrei , and Supt. THE UNION HYDRAULIC DRAIN TILE CO. , OClco 211 B. Klh st , Omaba , Neb. Macbloerr a Uupplles for WunufncturiUL' Cement Dram 'i'ilf. furniture. Wholesale Dealer In Fnruituro , t'uraaai it. , OuahR , Nsb. CHA JjL/-S SHll''EJlICK , Furniture , Uaildinf , ' , Upholstery , Mirrors , tc. IMG , 1203 and 1)10 Farns.rn St. , Omaba. OMAHIJQfiBERSDIRECTQRY Groceries , PAXTOX , GALLAGIIEli ,0 CO. , Wholesale- Groceries ami Proviilons , No tftj , 7r ( ; . T0 and Ills. IQtli St , Omiihv Nb. McCORD , 11RADY ,0 CO. , Wholesale Grocers , ISIh ami I arcnTTortli * tt,0miht. Hardware. , Heavy Hardware , Iron nml Steel , Sprlno , Wairon Wort , llanlnaro Lumber , clc. 1 _ anil HI ! llarney M. , _ G llUt ON , Wholesale Iron and Steel , wMon'5Clirrf.w ' ' ! ! ! < v'x'floc ! ! < ' 'If" * llardwarA Ktc. Hi ; and . UK l.eaTcnworth M. . tinialia , Neb. MILTON ROGJuiiS . ( TsONS , ' Stoves , Ranges- , Furnace ? , Titos , Mantlet , IHHtot , llra sCood . 1.31 and 1333 Parma btroot. Iron Works. Iron Works , Vr njht anil Cn t Iron llultdlnx Wet * , Iron Ft.ilrn , JlallTni. , lleams and ulrilpr * . btcnin Knilncii , llran V'orV , tlt.noral ffoundrjr , .Mrcblno and thtrl.tniltll ! Work , orarennJ Wotkn , U. p , lir.nndKtlistteet. K. II McMANlIS. 0. Sl'l.UVAN. OMAJIA WJRE < 0 IliON WORKS , Mnmtfncttirrr of Vivo nml Iron Kaillngs , Desk Unite , Vlndow IliiMd * . Flower Stands , Wlro Slsi'f. 1UC. IM N. liitli. Order.i bjr mall promptly nttomled to. Lumber. LOUIS Itll A DFORD , Dealer in Lumber , I/nth / , Lime , Sash , Doors , Kto. V nU-Coriipr7lh ami Douglnii CornOf Vlhnnil lliuiiUii. CHICAGO LUMRER CO. , Wholesale Lumber , Blip.KUiftrrot.OrunlinNob. r.Colpcttcr , Mutineer. C. N. DIETZ , Lumber. Utti nndCnllforrln mrorls. Omaha. Neb. FRED W. Git AY , Lumber , Lime , Cement , Ktc. , Etc. Cor. 6th and Douglas stt. , Onmha. Nub. HOAGLAND , Lumber. T. W. HARVEY LUMRER CO. , To Dealers Onl- . Ortlce , 110.1 Tarnam ; trcrtOmn1ia. CIIAS. Jl. LEE , Hardwood Lumber , Wood Carpets nud 1'arquet Flooring. Sth nnd DouitlU Oiualin , JOHN A. WAKEFIELD , Wholcsalo Lumber , Etc. Imported and American Portland Cement. Stntl AiiCBlforMllwniikoa IlTdrnullo Ccmculuiul licit Qutuvy Wullul.lme. Liyo Siock. , l vl UNION STOCK YARDS CO. , Of Omaha. Limited. John P. Boyd , b-iperlntcndant. Uv Stock Commission. M. ItURKE .I1 SONS , Live Stock Commission. O o. Ilinlc , Manager. 1 Union Btoe > Yardf.B.oamlia. Tolepliono MI. l.ll SAVAGE C GREEN , Live Stock Commlfision Jlcrchauts , ShlpmcoU of any nnd nil kinds of Stork solicited. Union Slock. Yardn. Omaha , Neb. Millinery and Notions. I. ORERVELDER C CO. , Importers and Jobbers of Millinery and Notions , 1213 and IZlSHarncy Rt.cct , Omaha , Neb. I Notions. cTs. Am the only Direct Importer * of Gorman & French Toys & Fancy Gootlj ID NobrnBkn. Chlcaco prices duplicated without udd > ' - mi Kanmin StreclOmnlin. 2' JiOJSINSON NOTION CO. , Wbolrialo Dealers In ' Notions nnd Furnishing1 Goods , 0.lBnd 04 B. Tenth St. , Omalin. riNYARD l ! SCHNEIDER , Jobbers In Notions , Hosiery and Gents' Furnishing Goods. lOOfl and 1003 Farnrun St. , Omaha , Nab , Overalls. COMPANY , Manufacturers of Overalls , Jeans Pants , gtiirts , Ktc. 1103 nnd 1104 Dou lns Street , Omahn , Neb , Paper Boxes J. L. WILK1E , Manufacturer of Paper Boxes , B.Htli St. . Omuli a , N hni kii. orders br rnallia llclteduud nlllreculro prompt attention. Printing. I' ' REES PRINTING COMPANY I Job Printers , Itlank Rook Makcra , And Dock Binders. 104 and im Houtli FouiteenUt struct. Omaha , Neb. ! 1 WESTERN NEWSPAPER UNION Auxiliary Publishers. Dealers In Typo. Preisos and I'rlnters' Supplies. 601 SouthTirelfIt ) Str t. Pumps. CHURCHILL PUMP CO. , Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings , Bteamand Water Huppllei. HeMdqnarlers fiT Mall KnostCo'aUo , ls. lllU'ornini st..Omaha , NOB. A. L. STRANG CO. , Pumps , Pipes ami Engines , Btoam , Water , Hallway and Mllllnu Hupnllei , Ktd , MOBand DM haroam ! . , Uiiialia. Ndb. U. S. If'IND ENGINE find PUMl * COMPANY. DallndavWInd Mlllat riteam and WHor f upr llOB. 1'iuoiblnK ( ioodi. llultlnf. HOIH. CIS anil ICU i ur- naujat. , Ouiulin. R K. l' lton , UaiiH TclepbwioNo.SlM. Safes , Etc. P. 1SOYER it1 CO. , Agents for Hall's Safe & Lock Co.s' Flra and Ilurslar Proof Rafoi , Tlma Ixicki , Vault * andJall Wor . 1W ) Kariuio tree Omaha , Neb. G. ANDREEN , Omaha Safe Works. llanufncturc-nof Hruand llurcUrl'rnofSHfoi.TouU Uoor , jMll Work.HtiutifH nnd Wire Work. Cor. JltUand Jackson Ma.Omaba , .Nob , Sash , Doors , Etc. M , A. DISIIROW Jl CO. , Wbolaiala Xanufiicturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds nnd Mouldlncra , Dracich office,12111 and Itard rtE.Orc h , : . G. F. LYMAN , Kash , Door , lillnds , . I'ipsr. ote. JWl K'ltith Tulrtounth Blreot , Ooibba , Hub , A cninpUiio ilocfccf Uulldera' _ llardvr t . VOI1N MA NUFA CTURINCt CO\ \ Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Blinds , Ifonld'ifs.htalr Work and Interior Hard Wood Finish Just opened , N , K tor. lib and LcaveunorlUfila. Oraubu , Nvb , Wagons and Carriages. A. J. SIMPSON , The Leading Oarrliigo Factory , ( KUIiDI ISJICll 1V.S. ) J1TJ acd llll Uodvo street , Omuka.