Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 24, 1887, Page 2, Image 2

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fin Important Principle Settled in Regard
to the Powers of tbo UommiEsion.
A ClcverSwIntllcr AVorlcsnn Old Game
on Capital City Ij.idlcs DCS Molncs
LJccoinliijj 1'optilnr Fur Lilt-
crnry People.
The Pharmacy Corntnlsslon'n Powers.
DF. MOIM : * , la. , Jnn. 2.1. [ Special to
theBr.n.J During the past week there has
been settled , so far as the lower courts nro
concerned , a very Important principle with
regard to the now pharmacy law. The ono
thing which the commissioners have had
most to light Is the tendency of certain drug
gists to sell liquors contrary to law. So the
commissioners made n rule that suit might
bo brought directly before It , for violations of
law , and If proven guilty Iho offending drug-
cists would have their pharmacy certlllcates
revoked. A case came up from Atlantic
where two dnicglsts were charged with sell-
Ini ; liquor M a beverage to habitual drunk
ards. Just ns the commission was proceeding
to try the case , a democratic Judeo of this
city issued a temporary Injunction slopping
the case on the ground that the commission
ers had no power tn revoke certificates until
after the holders of them had been convicted
In the regular couits of the state : In other
words denying to the commissioners the
functions of n court. The democratic judge
went out of oillco at the beginning of the year
and his successor. In passing upon Iho rase ,
dissolved the Injunction nud held that the
district court had no right to Interfere with
the pharmacy commission when It
wns sitting In n judicial capacity.
The commissioners thereupon proceeded to
revoke tlio ccrtlilcutes of the Atlantic phar
macists , which will compel them to go out of
the business of selling liquors , for any pur
pose whatever. The understanding now Is
that In any locality where the local courts do
not nfford relief against law-breaking drug
gists , the pcoplo can appeal directly to the
pharmacy commission without the Interven
tion of a court , and If the charges are sus
tained can have the druggists' certificates re
voked and drive them out of the business. It
Is a very Important stop gained , If the supreme
court docs not Interfere , as Is not probable.
There was a largo smile found lingering
around the capital the other day , when the
mall brought n nicely printed and daintily
ribboned communication to the governor
from ex-Mayor Vaughn , late of Council
Bluffs. The document purported to be a re
signation by which the energetic rustler from
the slope relinquished the oillco of "curator
of the State university , " which ho recited
had been conferred upon him some tlmo before -
fore by the courtesy of the chief executive of
the stale. The Joke of It is. that there is no
mich oillco as described , and the ex-mayor was
fcl either too Ignorant or too little Interested to
know what ho was giving up with so much
ceremony. There Is a perfunctory ollico
known as curator of the State Historical
society , an Institution located nt Iowa City.
I whore the state university Is Hltuntcd , and
i- Mr. Vaughn evidently had the two Institu
- tions mixed In his mind , and fancied that he
really had been a trustee or regent , as It Is
called , of thosinto university. Ho was at one
time appointed to the former perfunctory
Office , and It seems that ho had never Investi
gated It enough to know its nature. As ho
resigns It solely on account of his removal to
Omalm , It Is fair to assume that should Gov
ernor I'lmyer desire him to serve the state of
Nebraska In a Hlmlhir capacity bo would
kindly consent.
A commercial traveler flanging about the
Knkwood rotunda the other day ran against
an unexpected experience. Ho wns remark
ing In rather loud and boastful terms nbout
the number of places In the city ho could find
where liquor was sold openly by the drink.
A plain , biiHlness-looklng man standing by
quietly remarked : "I heard you say just now
that you could show any one a number of
places In the elty where liquor was sold by
the drink ? "
"Yes , Isald so , nnd lean do It , " was the
"We , If you have n few minutes to spare
I wish you would co and show them to mo , "
remarked the plain looking little man.
"All right , we'll start out now , " said tlio
tourist. They started and tramped , and
tramped , up Wiilnut , down Locust , through
Third , Fourth , Fifth nnd other streets , with
the little man curiously Interested In the out
come of the search. Not an open snloon did
they find , and linally the plain looking man
who wiw seeking Information remarked ,
"Well , we have traveled for about an hour ,
and haven't " found an open saloon , as you
"No , " said the tourist , "but If you would
go Into some other places where 1 could take
you , you could get all the liquor you
wanted. "
"Exactly. " replied Governor Larrabce , for
ho It was , ' 'hut no honest man wants to go
into the underground apartments and sewer
pits Into which the tratllo has been
driven , unless ho Is a detective or some other
Ofllccr looking for criminals. " The next
% traveling man that undertakes to show a
ilrangcr where liquor Is sold openly by the
Irluk , will lind out first whether ho has
tickled the governor of tlio Btat < > or not , for
Aich binds don't go very far with him.
/ A very clever swindler has been taking In
homo prominent pcoplo of the capital city In
an old out often successful way. He was a
book agent with the usual high priced book
to bo bold in Installments , at # 7 > cents a
week , nnd SO for tlio whole. Ho called on
the wired of n number ot prominent citizens
nud used the customary flattery , telling them
Jiow much ho valued their Inlluenco and
social standing , and how he had reduced the
price of the book .to them for that reason.
The bait took , and the ladles signed little
contracts for the SO as they supposed , nnd
Mr. A gout departed. Chapter two : Thirty-
two husbands are notified to call nt the bank
and pay for notes drawn by their respective
wives the amount of 530 each. The old story.
The ladles' signatures had beonnfllxed to the
iKer sum Instead of the smaller , ns they
supposed , nud thirty-two husbands have
been making violent remarks about the ras
cality of bonk agents and the simplicity of
women. The Btory ban only leaked out by
chance , ns the fiimillos concerned nro
among the most prominent in the city , and
the husbands art ) too much ashamed nt bulug
caught | n this way to have the trick exposed.
Among the ttilily-two Indies are the wives of
one bank president , two bank cashlorn , ono
prominent railway man , nud the rest aio
wives ot leading business and professional
A PAllADISli roil MTHRAIIY PKOl'I. ! : .
The capltol becoming quite n lesort for
authors ami literary people. Its law library ,
which ranks obout fifth In point of numbers
and completeness In the United Status , is the
constant resort of local attorneys , nud re
ceives many visits fiom lawyers In distant
parts of the "tale who come heio to consult
its valuable books of relVieiico. The law II-
brnry had much to do with locating the supreme
premo court permanently at tlio capital. The
Huprome judges spuiul a treat deal of their
thin * tlK'ie , nnd no part of the building Is
moro vlblted than the library. Letter writers
Hud many sources of Information under the
dual domo. and authors enjoy the uulet re
treats It ullords. and the opportunity lor con
sulting Its archives. At pn-M-ut there are
one or two authors who have takun up teml-
permanent quartets there. In one room
pot apart for lib use , ran be found
-Consul ueiieral Hyern , ougnged
in writing a war history of lown , or more
particularly a history of the pait J own sol
diers took In the war. Tills will Include n
history ot thn public nets of tlio war gover
nor , Samuel Kirl ; wood , and his relations to
tlio conllict. The old governor was one of the
noted characters of that epoch. Jle enjoyed
personal relations with Lincoln that brought
the two men very often together. It Is
known that Lincoln relied very much on the
RdVlcd nnd counsel 01 Kirk wood , ami some of
Lincoln's letters to him , If punlNird , would
uttrnct very general attention and bo an 1m-
pot tau l contribution to tlio documentary his
tory of the war. Mr. ISyerc , who Is wrltiui *
the history , was lately consul general at
Home , unit after the leturn of Mr. Astnr was
acting minister for several months. Helms
written a good deal for periodical literature ,
nud has published ono or two small volumes-
of poums. Ho expects to be enraged about a
year in wiltliiRJiis present book , uudho will
endeavor to show In It the part taken by every
Iowa regiment nml command durlna the war.
Kx-Oovernor Hue Is tilso nt the capltol en
gaged In n work of somewhat similar charac
ter. though the book he Is writing alms 16 bo
n general history of Iowa , anil not of any one
epoch. With the facilities for obtalnlne In
formation which the library and the executive
departments afford , the state house Is likely
to become a favorite resort of authors.
Manager Bryan , of the DCS Molncs ball
club , has now signed twelve men , nnd-Is
ready for the opoiilne of the season. Iho
men will report to him In > 'ew Orleans on
the nth of March , and from that time till the
U.5th the club will piny exhibition games with
members of the Southern league. An effort
Is now being made to nrraneo lor n ser lea or
games with the Omnhas on the 1.1th , Utli and of April , and between that nud the
"lOth of April for games with the Delrolts. bt.
Louis , Chlcaeo and Memphis. The regular
season of the Northwestern league will open
here In DCS Molnes on the 2d ot May.
Frco rides to and from Benson Monday.
Uomcmbor this will bo tlio last day on
which no interest will bo charged on de
ferred payments. C. K. MAYNE ,
N. W. Cor. 16th and Harnoy.
W. L. McCAOUK. Upp. P. 0.
Lota sold In South Omaha this week.
There are not many left. Wheli those
lots are Eollinp at double their present
price , within the next eight months , what
will you say if you neglect to get ono of
them ? The terms are easy. Take a ride
from my ollico to the little city Monday.
No charge , whether you buy or not.
C. E. MAYNK , NW. cor. ISth and llarncy.
Between mv otlico and South Omaha
Monday free"of charge. Take a ride and
sco the liveliest little city in Nebraska ,
outside of Omaha. C. 15. MAYXK ,
N.V. . Cor. IGth and Harncy.
Pcoplo'H Theatre.
The "Silver Spur" closed their engage
ment of a week Inst night to a packed
house. This has been the most success
ful week since Mr. Walton assumed the
management of the house people being
turned almost ovcry night. To-night the
Georgia llamliu Dramatic company
commence a wecK's engagement. Tlio
Lincoln ptcss , where this company has
been playing during the past week ,
speak in high terms of their abilities. To
endeavor to increase the attendance of
ladies at this theatre Manager Walton
will to-night only admit ladies who are
accompanied by gentlemen free. This is
a novelty and will doubtless attract a
largo number of ladies , as the perform
ances are clean , moral nnd entertaining
and any lady can pass a pleasant evening
at tbis theatre.
Between my ollico and South Omaha
Monday fruo ot chargo. Take a ride anil
see the liveliest little city in Nebraska ,
outside or Omaha. C. E. MAYNK ,
N. W. Cor , 15th and Harnoy ,
A Profitable Visit.
Dr. F. M. McCroa , formerly of Eddy-
villc , Iowa , but recently moved to
Omaha , called at C. E. Mayno's oflico
ono week ago to-da5r and selected four
teen lots in South Omaha without seeing
them. Ilo paid a nominal sum down to
bind the bargain , and before ho had re
ceived his contracts , within thrco days
from the dav of purchase ho was offered
f L-100 for Iiis bargain. A number of
others could bo cited , who have cither
sold at a handsome profit or refused good
oilers. _ _
Between my ollico and South Omaha
Monday free of chargo. Take a ride and
see the liveliest little city in Nebraska ,
outside of Omaha. C. K. MAYNE ,
N. W. Cor lSth and Harnoy.
Mrs Edith Edwards Franko left on
Saturday for Now Yoik , where she will
visit relatives. _
Between my office and South Omaha
Monday free of charge. Tsiko a ride and
seethe liveliest little city in Nebraska ,
outside of Omaha. C. E. MAYNE ,
N. W. Cor. 15th and Harnoy.
Wo guarantee that a street railway
will bo built to Benson connecting with
the center of Omaha , that it will bo com
pleted ami in operation before the first
day of Sept. , 1887. That 10,000 or moro
trees will bo planted on the lots in Ben-
eon this spring , that all lots sold before
the trees nro put out will rcecoivo their
proportion the sumo as those unsold.
15th and Ilarney.
Free rides to and from Benson Monday.
llomcmbcr this will bo the last day on
which no interest will bo charged on de
ferred payments. C. E. M VYNE ,
N. W. Cor. 15th and Harncy.
AV. L. MCCAGUK , Opp. P. O.
Lots sold in South Omaha this wook.
Tliero are not many loft. When these
lots are selling at double tlio present
price , within the next eight months.what
will you say if you neglect to get ono of
them ? The terms are easy. Take a ride
from my office to the little oity Monday.
No charge , whether you buy or not.
C. E. MAYNK , NW. cor. 15th and Harnoy.
Between my oflico and South Omaha
Monday free of chargo. Take a ride and
sco the liveliest little city in Nebraska ,
outside of'Omalm. C. E. MAYNK ,
N. W. Cor. 15th aud Harnoy.
Clianco ol' a Iiil'o Time.
Don't lot it pass without getting nt
least ono lot in South Omaha. Wo ex
pect to sell 100 Monday and then up go
the prices. C. E , MAYNE ,
15th and Harnoy.
Between my oflico nnd South Omaha
Monday free of charge. Take a ridu and
see the liveliest little city in Nebraska ,
outside of Omaim. C. E. MAYNE ,
N. W. Cor. 16th and Ilarney.
Xlio Initial Concert of the Philhar
monic Orchestra.
The now Philharmonic Orchestra , un
der the leadership and management of
Nfthnn Franko. made its first bow to the
public yesterday afternoon , in the con
cert at Boyd's opera house , A very largo
audience , numbering fully 1,000 people
or moro. was present , this circniiu-
stance being n surprise to the projuctors
of tiio n flair , as Sunday afternoon concerts -
corts have not been well patrom/.od here.
The programme wns a good one , sev
eral numbers beini : encored , It was M
follows :
March . "Greeting to America'1 .
Overture . "ltomaiulqu " . . , .Keii'r-Bela
Waltz . "Wieuorblut" . Strauss
Serenade ) String Quartette { % „
Selections . ,1'rom "Carmen" . Hlzct
Intermezzlo . "Butterfly" . ( iuugl
Cornet Solo. . . 1' , Abt
"Sleun w ll , Sweet Annul" ,
Mr. Henry LuU.
Waltz. . , . "Sounds Irom the Main" , . 1'arloxv
lutioductlon and Quartette . Vcidl
From " "
Violin Solo."Knutasto Caprice" . . . . . . Hauler
Mr. Nuihau Frauko.
Lullaby l m.i lnu Hum lotto I iKJerulf
LoveSongf j Taubert
March of um Priests . , . Mendelssohn
From "Atliullu. "
Free rides to and from Benson Monday.
Remember this will bo the last day on
which no interest will bo charged on de
ferred .payments. O. K. MAYNI : ,
N. W. Cor. 15th aud Harney.
W. L. MCOAGUK , Opp. P. 0.
The Oliurch. of All Saints Appropriate
Blessed Yesterday ,
Christ As An Advocate Sumlny'9
Sermons nncl Sports Tlio I'lilllmr *
monlc Concert Hrovltics and
Other Jjocnl Items.
Ttio All Snlnts Clnircli.
Nearly two j'cars ngo the first an-
nounccniont was inatlo that thnro was to
bo a separation amongst the members of
Trinity parish. This announcement wns
made so shortly nftcr the consecration of
ISisho'j Wortliinston , ns nlso iho deelica-
tion of the now cathedral , that It occa
sioned considerable surprise among
many of the members of the church. It
soon became evident , however , that the
Intent of those leaving Trinity was to
establish another Kpiscopatltin church , in
the western part of the city , which , whllo
being more convenient to tholr homes ,
might , nl the same time , bo blessed with
the advantages which the wealth of its
members could secure. It was decided
to call the church All Saints. Since the
tune mentioned , the leaders of the move
ment have boon working nniotly , yet
clVoctlvcly , in fact so quietly , that the
announcement , made a few days ngo ,
tiiat All Saints has been completed , took
hundreds of people by surprise. 1 ester-
clay morning , the little cdillco , which is
situated on the corner of Hartley and
Twont3--liftli streets , wns blessed in the
presence of a large congregation. The
ceremony was performed by Uishop
Worlhington. The now rector , Uov. Louis
Zahncr , was installed , nnd the sermon
wns prcaciiod by Bishop Seymour , of
Springfield , 111. In the evening at 7BO :
o clock the admission of choristers took
place and this ceremony was followed bv
cyon song. The choir of this church coii
sists of eighteen boys and nine men.
Ihoy wuro first instructed bv CarlFlorio ,
of iSo\y York City , one of the most skill
ful trainers and accomplished musicians
in this country. Since he returned homo
the boys have boon under the instruction
of Mr. 1'cnnoll , the choirmaster.
The church 6f All Saints is ono of the
prettiest in the city. It has about it an air
of eloquence and rctincmcnt , which
in every respect is emblematic of the
taste iui'1 aspirations of the people who
compose its society. The interior is very
beautiful. The side windows arc filled
with Venetian glass in geomerical forms ,
with blue headings of neat figures. The
west window is very rich in color ami
embellished by very many and beautiful
jewels. It is a gift of a member of the
vestry in memory of iiis little child. The
cast window is oven moro rich in color
and decoration , and was the gift of sev
eral members of the vestry and gentle
men of the city in memory of llishop
Clarkson. The altar and rorcdos are of
richly carved oak , in antique color , and
the panels are , too , filled with Brilliantly
decorated metals. They are the gift of a
lady of the parish , also in memory of
of Bishop Clarkson. The choir anil nave
are separated by a large screen of oak ,
richly carved , which has been built in
Chicago , but has not arrived. It will ar
rive in a few days and be in its place in
duo time.
Kcv. Bhcrrill's Sermon at the Concro-
gntlonnl Clnircli.
At the Congregational church yester
day morning the pastor , Uov. A. F. Slier-
rill , preached an interesting sermon from
the text in John 21 , ' 'If any man sin ,
wo have an advocate with the Father ,
Jesus Christ , the Uightoous. " The ser
mon is outlined as follows :
Job said : "Tho'I justify myself , my
own mouth shall condemn mo. " lie
mourned there was no daysman "to lay
his hands on us both , " in reconciliation.
The gospel is , wo have an advocate
Jesus Christ "Causa ) Patrouus" says
ono of the old writers , "A defender of
my cause before the Judge. " Before Iho
Judge of all the earth , to whom each
must give account , wo cannot answer for
"one of ten thousand" of our sins. Jesus
Christ is entered into heaven , "to appear
before God , for us. "
What are His qualities , to recommend
Him to us as an advocate ?
1. He has great power. Jeremiah
Mason , of Massachusetts , was a man of
remarkable power. Dai.iel Webster said
lie would rather meet the combined bar
of New England than Jeremiah Mason
single handed and alone. Jesus Christ
"appears before God , " the Judge , in
great power. Ho is "clotlieu with
power , " Ho has "all power" on earth
and in heaven ; able to "defend , "mighty
to save , " and if you stand beside Him ,
you are as one in the shelter of a great
2. Ho has "all treasures of wisdom and
knowledge. " Ho knows you and your
case thoroughly , the lawt the judge , all
the environment. Once , in conducting a
case , Lincoln found , at a latostago of the
trial , his client had concealed damaging
facts , which could not now be taUcn care
of , and he threw up the case ; but Jesus
Christ will sillier no surprises. Ho knows
every count against you. and how to
meet it. i'arkor Noycs , of Now Hamp
shire , had a clear , honest mind , and
a thorough knowledge of the law , yet
lacked power. Some advocates rarely
fail to antagonize botii juiiero and jury.
But Christ , Vsidos power , has perfect
knowledge your case ; of the law , in its
cyory application , of the judge , how Jto
rightly and most successfully address
3. Ho takes a deep interest in
your caso. On the morning of
trial , Rnfus Choato said to the prisoner :
"My friend , shall wo make a pull
for life , together , to-dayY" Ho had such
sympathy and deep interest in the case ,
Ho made it so completely his own before
the court , gaining upon them , and cen
tering all in himself , that an adverse ver
dict seemed Jiko condemning him to
death. Imagine the interest of Jesus
Christ in the defense of John , the beloved
disciple , or Mary of Na/.arnth , and how
Ho would make the case His own. But
He is "no respecter of persons.1' Ho is
"not willing that any perish , " and his
mighty heart would bo stirred to the
same depths in your behalf.
4. Ho has suflurcd for us , and it was
promised it should bo atoning sullerlng ,
Paul makes this the chief element in lus
intercession that ho pleads the eloquent
reasons of his live wounds.
' Oread Advocate , Almighty Vriondl
Our cause can never , nuvor fail ,
For Jesus pleads pleads the full merits
of his blood
And must prevail , "
C. Ho lias never lost a case fully com-
milled to Him and kept fully in His
hands , lie never will , Great generals
arc sometimes defeated. The aulost of
earth's advocates sometimes fail. "Ho Is
able to save to the uttermost all that
como unto God by Him. "
What arc His terms' Able advocates
for important cases require largo fees ,
Alas , then , for most of earth's children !
Hut here comes the contrast and "good
news" of the gospel. It's central word
is "Whosoever will , " "Without money
and without price. " You have only 10
como and fully commit your case unto
Him , "trust also in Him and Hu will
bring it to pass , " Remember Uiroo
tilings :
1. I'horo is only ono Advocate , ono
God and ono mediator between God and
man Christ Jesus. "Neither is there
salvation in uny other , for tluiru is none
other jinnui under heaven given among
men whereby we must bo saved , "
2. The time to secure Him is' now ,
Once two sa'lors ' , ashore on a , Pacific
ijland , ventured a robbery , relying on
Rufus Clioatc , a rotative of ono
of them , to clear thorn if detected.
The shin' which brought them in
irons to Boston , sailed into port just as
the bells of the city were tolling the
death of Hufus Choate , and they wont to
prison for lifo. JI SIM Christ dbes not
die , but vou do , and you do not know
what a Jay may bring forth. Como to
Him now ; commit your cnso to 11 im to
day , lest too late , you find yourself
condemned to nn eternal prison house.
3. This is the way you may know
ho has surely become .your advocate and
will defend you when you are following
his directions for conduct as given in His
Now Testament.
Tlio Klrst of n Series of Sermons on
the Domestic Itclntlon ,
The Rov. Dr. Fey preached an excel
lent sermon last night at the Christian
church , corner of Twentieth street and
Cnpltol avenue , on "Tho Model Hus
band , " taking his text from Kph. v:3 2-3 ; ) ,
wherein husbands arc instructed regard
ing their duties to their wives. The dis
course was the first of a series on the do
mestic relations. The young pcoplo
were largely represented in his audi
The blblo declares that marriage Is
"honorable in all" and classes its prohi
bition with "tho doctrine of devils. "
There are circumstances whore celibacy
is a duty , as whore a party has const ! tu-
tulional weakness or discaso of a charac
ter to make short and miserable the Jives
of his descendants or when u person is
conscious of peculiarities of temperament
that render constant association with
others a source of wretchedness. But to
any man possessed of a healthy , mental ,
physical and moral organization , marriage -
riago is not only a blessed privilege but a
duty which ho owes to himself and to so
ciety. Hois at oneo riveted to his place
in the system of things by nnspe akably
tender tics. Ho cannot n fiord to bo a
weathercock , earned about by the pres
sure of vagrant fancy. Such a man goes
forth with the morning sun , determined
"in the world's broad field of battle" to
"be a hero in the strife. "
A wife , when she occupies her true po
sition , is neither the superior nor the de
pendent of her husband. She is his
helpmate , his companion , the partner of
his toils , sacrifices , joys and sorrows. She
is equally interested with nor husband in
the success or failure of his life-work , and
therefore entitled to his confidence. The
marriage covenant is a mutual agree
ment , and the obligations arising from it
arc reciprocated and ho who wantonly
violates tiiis covenant or treats it as a
one-sided , .iis no bettor
then a seducer , lie has falsely won con
fidence basely to betray it. If there is on
the earth a being who idcservcs the np-
pelation of a "worm , ' ' < it is the man who
after his puru wife htis parted with her
virgin charms in his service , in weari
some vigils and domestic drudgery in be
half of her family and his , abandons her
society and amuses himself in dancing
attendance and lavishing attentions oh
other women.
But suppose n well-meaning man finds
himself disappointed in the woman ho
gains as his wife ? , He had no right to
expect an angpl but a. woman , a being of
like imperfections with , himself. But if
a man has allowed the glamour of youth
ful fancy to obscure the imperfections of
the woman he has chosen to share his lot ,
uo should do as noble souls have always
done ; make the bust of a bad bargain.
Woman possessed of a far higher idea of
the sacrcdncss of the marriage relation ,
though she shrinks moro than the man
from any publication of her shattered
ideas , is the most freqnont sufferer. Let
such a man listen to the yoico of Jcptha
mistaken , anstcro but truthful , promise
keeping Jcptha , "I have opened my
mouthto the Lord and I cannot go
back. "
Again , an obligation rests unon the
husband to give his wife his cheerful ,
loving , sympathetic society and to con
sult her regarding to Ins associates.
Love gives a woman perspicacity that
pierces appearances and out docs a
man's laborious logic.
It is not required of a husband that ho
bo a love lorn Romeo , inditing amatory
verses to his wife's eyebrow or that ho
parade in public to the disgust of sensi
ble people ; caresses and endearments too
sacred for the general eye. His conduct
should be distinguished by a manly
courtesy removed alike from the gush
of ttio spoony iovcr and the brutal coarse-
uess of tuu conjugal bruin.
The model husband gives to his wife
tiio honor ol maintenance and ho docs it
ungrudgingly. His chief solicitude is
not that ho must provide for her but that
ho cannot provide as elegantly as her
merits and sacrifices demand.
The model husband recognizes that a
woman's spiritual nature is strong ; that
religion and philantrophy form part of
her endowment at the hands of her
Heavenly Father. Ho lias no sneers for
the church mid its ministry ; ho does not
retail every instance of the weakness of
a private member ami every exposure of
clerical hypocricy with annotations and
sweeping generalizations to the soul who
clings despite her mighty disappointment
to her faith in purity , in virtue and in
Between my ofilco and South Omaha
Monday free of chargo. Take a ride and
sco the liveliest little city in Nebraska ,
outside of Omaha. CJ. E. MAYNK ,
N. W. Cor. 15th and Harnoy.
A Iottur From Sulllvnn.
I1. Fallen yesterday received a letter
from John L. Sullivan. In it the champ-
says ho expects to make a trip to Win
nipeg witli the combination , which will
then return to Minneapolis and disband
no.\t week. Sullivan ; uid Sheedy will
then go to Chicago anflJn two months
the combination will qo < reorganized in
stronger shape than cviiis-at Minneapolis ,
Sullivan says that his arm is very
badly injured. Ilo things thatTt will re
quire two months for tho. boiu-s to knit
together , and months of .rest after that
for a complete recovery. ;
Between my oillco auVi' ' South Omaha
Monday tree of chargo. , Take a ride and
sue the liveliest little city in Nebraska ,
outside of Omaha. C.-K. MAVNK ,
N. W. Cor , mil ami Harnoy.
Train lloliliery'ln Texas.
FORT Woimi , Tex. , Ja . ' 43. At 3 o'clock
this morning , as the east bound Texas Pa
cific express was pulling out of Gordon , a
small station live miles west of hero , two
masked men jumped on the encino nnd cov
ered the engineer and fireman with revel
vers. The engineer was compelled to pull
ahead till the train reached a hiuh trestle. As
soon as the engine and baggage and mall
cars had passed over the train stopped , leav
ing the passenger coaches on the trestle. At
this point the masked men were reinforced
by halt a dozen assistants. The robbers
then \vout through the express car. taking all
the money and valuables In the safe , esti
mated from 52,000 to 810.000. Tlio
robbers then proceeded to the mail car ,
where tlmy rilled twenty-eight regis
tered pockages. The passengers were
not disturbed ami their coaches buing on a
high trossle they could not uet out to render
the train men anv assistance. No clue to the.
Gall For a Gathering of tlio Nebraska Asso
ciation On Urgent Business.
St rene Talk of Kstnullslilng n Morn-
inu Sheet Which Will Give the
News Mr. Dempster Sot night
Lincoln Happenings.
FntoM TiiEmn's :
A meeting of the Nebraska 1'ross associa
tion has been called to meet at the Capital
hotel on Thursday evening of this week. At
the Omaha meeting , the annual meeting of
the association , a committee on matters of
legislation was appointed , nnd this commit
tee has prepared several matters of Impor
tance to the press nnd the pcoplo of the state.
It is absolutely necessary that the members
of the association and the publishers of the
state place the seal of endorsement on the
work prepared , If the good results are to
come , hence the necessity nnd the call for
this meeting. The bill for the publication of
the laws of the state In tlio newspapers , as
recommended by both the retiring governor
nnd Governor Thayer , Is now on its way In
both branches of the legislature. The bill ns
drafted Is practically the same as the laws in
the state of Now York and Minnesota , cov
ering the ground nnd which are received
with satisfaction by the pcoplo of those
states. In the house this bill was Introduced
by the Hon. .1. \Vatson , of Otoe , nnd In the
senate , by Hon. T. , ) . .Majors , of Nemaha.
The house bill Is now In the hands of the
committee on printing , nnd the senate bill is
In the hands of the committee on litiance ,
ways and menu * . Theio nro nlso many
vague matters nnd discrepancies In the present
laws in icgnrd to what proper legal rates are
and n careful and systematical revision of
these for the common good will bo at-
tembted. The publishers ot the stitu nro
therefore urged to attend tills meeting of the
Parties of means have been In Lincoln the
past two weeks taking ncaristul review of Iho
nnld , as they have reached the conclusion , ns
It is privately given out , that they consider
the cltv n good lield for a mornltitr newspa
per. There are n great many citizens of Lin
coln who believe the clly has reached the pop
ulation limit when n morning newspaper is
demanded , and they nro In a quiet way ulv-
iug the project a warm endorsement. It Is
understood that the State .lotirnal , to meet
this encroachment , as they term It , will the
coming month publish seven days In the
week. Hut the gentlemen having the pro
ject In view are not at all worried over what
may be dona In this line , their object being
to give the Lincoln citizens a morning news
paper with the news.
A comtr.CTioy.
In the hoy-hole report of the celebrated
caucus that settled the senatorial light there
were .some errois that crept In owing to the
dlllluultles In celling reports at all through
such an Indistinct way. In the published
reports of the caucus It was given out that
Representative Dempster , of Flllmore , was
malting motions for a secret ballot , and its
this reuort was directly opposite to the Bland
Mr. Dempster has taken In 'the entire con
test , the fact as published places him In nn
entirely false position. Mr. Dempster was
elected to support Senator Van Wycu mid all
the way through the memorable contest he
was with the general's forces and was a party
to the agreement that If they joined the cau
cus the ballot should bo nn open one and his
vote when this rule wns subjected to attempts
at breaking It was always lor an open bal
The Lincoln branch of the Irish National
League of America held a meeting at their
hall at 3 p. in. yesterday , presided over by
lion. Patrick Kuan. A number of now mem
bers were enrolled , nnd steps will bo taken nt
once for n mass meeting to raise funds for
the anti-eviction fund.
Passengers on the outgoing noon train yes
terday saw a very narrow escape on the part
of a passenger. Notwithstanding that the
dav was Sunday , this man had secured moro
liquor than he needed , and when the train
was getting up a good rate of speed golne
out of the city westward ho made up his mind
.he wanted to stay in .Lincoln. In getting elf
ho turned a half-dozcu times heels over head ,
mid crawled out of the ditch in a badly
bruised condition.
The next attraction at the Ftinko opera
house Is booked lor Thursday evening , the
27th , It being the first visit of Miss Minnie
Maddern to this city , who will present to
Lincoln for the lirst tlmo the fireside Idyl
"Caprice. "
The divorce mill was reinforced Saturday
by the addition of another case to the long
roll of litigants for liberty. The family name
of those parties In trouble is Robinson :
brutal and violent assault of the husband
against tbo wife Is the allegation set forth as
the grounds for divorcement.
A oarty who was making himself obnox
ious at ono of the boarding houses in the city
was rather roughly handled by the propri
etor yesterday. Ho was cursing mid abusing
every one and ho received a square knock
down to milct him. No complaints or arrests
were made.
A Vicious Vlrtuo.
CoimAxn , Neb. , Jan. at [ Special to
thoBiE. : | This town was thrown Into con
siderable excitement by the arrest of Joseph
O'Brian , a leaning merchant , nnd reported to
bo worth 820,000 , by a railroad detective
named Mullen , for stealing a wagon load ol !
coal trom a car , assisted by a barber named
John Knlper. O'Brhm admits taking thn
coal , but claims ho took it for charity and
drew it to a widow's house , where ho was
_ _
Free rides to and from Hanson Monday.
Remember this will bo the last day on
which no interest will bo charged on de
ferred payments. C. K. MAVNE ,
N. W. Cor. 15lh and Harnoy.
W. L. McCAOun , Opp. P. O.
llosolutloiis of Condolence.
The following resolutions of condolence
wcru unanimously passed at the last meet
ing of the Omaha Association , No. 1 , N.
A. S. K. , held in their hall January 21.
Whereas. It has pleased the Almlghtv ( ! od
In Ills divine wisdom to take to Himself the
beloved HOU of our worthy and respected pres
ident and brother , ( icorgo Uruth ; be It there
fore Resolved , That the officers and members of
Omaha No. 1 , N. A. S. K. , do sincerely HVIII-
pathlsa with our brother ami family In their
sad bereavement In thin , thnlr hour of nflllc-
tion , In the loss of nn unusually bright and
beloved sou , and commend them for consola
tion to Him who docs all things well , and
whoalono can heal their lacerated hearts ;
nnd bo It further
Hcsolvod , That n copy of those resolutions
bo presented to our beloved brother and
family , accompanied by the prayer that Hod ,
in his nllwlso providence , may FOO fit to
quickly restore the remaining member * of his
family who nro nflllcied to their customary
Signed In behalf of the association.
UAIIL UUNSO.V , I'ant President ,
JC. C. LAJIHON , Vice Pit'shleiit.
Free rides to and from Benson Monday.
Remember this will bo the last day on
which no Interest \vill bo charged on do-
feirud payments. C. K. MAVNK ,
N. n . C'or. IMIi and Hurney.
W. L. McCAGUK , Opp. 1' . O.
Saved nt Mnjjnra'n IJrlnlc.
NIAOAKA I'AM.S , Out. , Jan. 23 A sewer
a quarter of a mile In length running under
the town forms a part of the bed of n muddy
creeli which , during thaws In winter , Is
swollen Into a rushing river of large volume
which empties into Niagara river over the
precipice near the whlilpool rapids. The
river was running fifteen miles an hour last
night when Bertha Parrel ! , a.-ed four years ,
who was seated In a hand sled , * lld Into It.
Her sister Blanche , aged ten , Jumped In after
her and both wrro swept Into the sower. A
rush made for the other cud , and men so-
cuicd by roiws jumped Into the water and
waited for the chlhlntn to apm-ar. JJurtha
came lirst , under water , nuu Hlauc he fol
lowed on top. When taken out both were
apparently melecs * . but after much difllcuUy
thevwtTo lesusltatt-d. The children weio
in the water ten. minutes , must of the time
Carriages ,
Free rides to and from Benson Monday.
Remember this will bo the last day on
which no interest will bo charged on deferred -
ferred payments. C. K. SIAYXK ,
N. W. Cor. 15th and Harnoy.
W. L. McCAOUK , Opp. 1O ,
rrcnchliiK to Deaf Mntos.
Prof. McDormid of Iho Iowa deaf and
dumb institute , was in the oity ycster
day and preached to the ilcaf mutes of
this city nt the St. Mary's Avenue Con
gregational church , Prof. McDcrmid's
subject \\ns"Bo Watchful. " upon which
ho preached an excellent discourse.
Free rides to nnd from Benson Monday.
Remember this will bo the last day on
which no interest will bo charged on de
ferred payments. C. K. MAY.NK ,
N. W. Cor. Ifith and Hartley ,
W. L. McCAOUi : , Opp. 1' , O.
WnyB Thnt Are Dnrk.
William Anderson has caused the arrest
his two sons , W. II. and Lewis Anderson
on the charge of threatening to kill him ,
The boys , it is charged , drew n gun on
their father as the culmination of a family
row.Ben Conlin was arrested yesterday on
n charge of embezzlement made by A. S.
Dobson for whom Conlin lias been soiling
rugs rnd door mats.
Beware of Scrofula
Scrofitl.i Is probably more goncral tlinn any
other disease. It Is Insidious In character ,
nml manifests Itself In running soroj , pustular
eruptions , bolls , sn-cllhfgs , enlarged joints ,
abscessessoroeyesetc. Hood'sSnrs.iparllla
expels all trace ot scrofula from the blood ,
leaving It pure , enriched , and healthy.
" I was severely aflllctcd with scrofuln , and
over a year had two running sores on my neck.
Took five bottles Hood's Sarsnpartlla , and am
cured. " C. II. I.OVEJOY , Lowell , Mass.
C. A. Arnold , Arnold , Mo. , had scrofulous
sores for seven years , spring and tall , llood'a
Sarsaparllla cmed him ,
Salt Rheum
Isoncof the most dlMgreeablodlseascic.inied
l > y impure Wood. Ills readily cured l y Hood's
Sarsaparllla , the great blood purifier. *
William Spies , Elyrla , 0. , Buffered greatly
from erysipelas and salt rheum , caused by
handling tobacco. At times hla hands would
crack open and bleed. Ho tried various prop *
aratlons without aid ; finally took Hood's ' Sar-
eaparllla , nnd now says : " I am entirely well. "
"My son had salt rheum on Ills hands and
on tlio calves of Ills legs. Ho took Hood's
Sarsaparllla nnd Is entirely cured. " J. 15.
Stanton , Mt. Vcrnon , Ohio. '
Hood's SarsapariUa
Sold bj-nil tlnigRljts. jfl ; ulrforfS. Made only
liy C. I. HOOD * CO. , Aj.otlicc.irlcs , I-mYCll.M.-xm.
| OO Doses Ono Dollar
To Sell ttio nest
Window Sasti Lock
Ever Invented.
Agents mnko big pronto. Circa
liiralrvo. Siimpla by mall IDcts.
11.11. W11UICI.OCK.
Fullorlun. Nubrnskn.
lENEBiTIVK n'liKNIHH , gll-
. „ _ 'Ui.nilld. ' viMJthlngctnTrnti of
: ircirlcMA * * ' Itydirectly thrunili all k pirii.rcitor-
-i ( ! lhtm"Sv VfMo hriUh nd VlKoruui Strrnelli. Elrctrio
Current -VV r-T-lfIt Inittntlr or-we forfeit Si.GOO In cnh.
UrpaleitlmprovrmrntioTrr another bclti.
ratncntlyciirrdlnthrromnntbf. hcalrd rmmphlet4c. ttamn
The Sanden Electrio Co. 109 LaSalle ! . , Chicago
'Warranted absolutely pure
Cocoa , from vrlilcb tbccicceaot
Oil IIM been removed. Itlaatfireg
time the tlrength of Cocoa mixed
with Starch , Arrowroot orfiugnr ,
nnd U therefore far more economi
cal , coiling ttsi than one cent a
cup. It U delicious , nourishing ,
strengthening , cnilly dlgcetcO , and
admirably adapted for invalids u
well 01 for persons In hcaltU.
Sold Ijjr Orocer cierpThcre.
. BAKER & CO , , Dorciiester , Mass ,
Ono Agent Plcrrnant onlTyirjintM InaTerr town for
Tour "Truism's Tnncli" do Cltrnr nro polnffoff
Jlkn hot dikes. I Intend tliut tlioy nlinll hu well
advertised. W I' II. STKI-KNBON ,
Ilutrulo , Now Vork.
Iteccnttr llullt. Manly IVrnljUed
The Tremont ,
J. Cl'lT/.GKItALUAc SON , Proprlotors.
Cor. Bth nnd Prtts. , Lincoln , Nob.
ttite ll.W iierdaf. Htrcct ca Irom.tiouja to anr
part o : tlio e''r-
Architect ,
Omcos-31. ill nnd < 2. Itl''lmrda Uloolc , Lincoln ,
Nob. Elorntoronlltli Etroot.
UreoJorol nrcoderof
Live Stock Auctioneer
Snlo3 nmde In nil jiarts nf the U. H. at fair
rntcs. Jtoom 3 , Htnto lllock , Lincoln , Nob.
0ulloway unit Short Hum bull * for alo.
Farm Loans and Insurance ,
CorrcsDondonco In rt'iraril to lonna solloltoi
Itooin 4 , Klclmrda lllock , Lincoln , Nob.
Riverside Short Horns
Of fetrlclly pure llutoa mid Dates Tupped cultlo.
llord number * nbrint fiO huad.
J'linillleH represi'iilod : I'llborts , Crnir ,
Acomhx , llo'iiloit , lloscmf Sliurons , Moo HOSUJ ,
Kniuully Duohosso ? , 1'lnt Croolt Voun Murya ,
I'liylllsiin , J/oimiis iindTrno Ixivos.
mills lor salu. 1 1'tiru Iliuog I'ilnort. I I'uro
Dati-i L'rnjrirt. 1 " ( noof Slniron , 1 Vniinif Mnry ,
11'uio L'rulck Hlmiik anil nlliors , C'oino luni
Innnecttho hord. Addreil , CI1AB. M. 1IHAN-
Wlion in Lincoln Mop nl
National Hotel ,
And vet n uood Ulnnor f o Sea.
1'KDAWAiT 1'ron.
Prof , Chas , Luthvlg Von Seep
rroffMOrof Mpdldne At the llorijl Unlrcrjltn
KnlRht of Iho llorsl AimrMn Onlor of th i Iron
Crown ! Knlzht Comimmlcr ot Iho llOMl PpiinHU
Onlerof tinbolliii Knlglil of the Unyol I'nmUn Oij
clproftbe ItotlKanleiUIioTaller of the Legion of
TONIO ihonM not bj
l nlth thohonl * of trnclir euro nU . Hit
In nnrcnto of Ihewonln potent n'mfJr.
( iuEhlyoonTerjiint with Its mode of preparation iin.i
know H to bo not only ( irRltlmMo pliirmfirrntleil
prodiict , mlnl oiTflftnrof thn hlRh oommpmMtlijnj
' the world. lt ' " '
J,1 , }
nhlch nro dl nlTCit Inpiuo genuine Sp njl | ImpjrUl
nU nho nro Him Hown. NffTOiK , TIT *
ppptlc.ltllloin .Mnlftrloun or nnictoJ nits wo.U kl *
Majesty's ' Fawltlo CosmoticGIycerlno
Deed fcjHerrtorMHlghneMtno rrlnco" of Waloi
mlthn nobltlly. For the PKIn , Completion. KruiH
. Of i
1.IK1III ) CO' * ( Ipnulno
EU rnutec > il itbe bu Inltio iui > tn t.
MPflD l
V lUUIl.jM.cll.-.i.nKf h f rf oltr
t ttn d . lb D W clvlnle Urelhrtl
AYONS. S'lit 1. 1
lliKUIolU.Hb. " Jitxolll * I.Ct < 7 ,
Agency , 174 ruiion si. , N. T.
Poison ( ho System with NtiusoaUnir
Drups.Di'.llonio'H Kloctrlo licit Cures
Diseases Without Medicines.
Will Positively Cure Without Medicine
rnlnnlnthnbnck.lilpi.liivtil nrtlinl" ! Nervous lift
l > IIUjM.\nul > nKO , ( Imiornl Dohlllty , llhrmufttlam , IMr
nljM , NPiirnhMi , Sol ilcn , llm-n o of Klilnnr * . Spl-
nnl DISPIIKOH , Toriilil I.Ivor , ( lout , AMIimn , llnitrl 1)1-
fpnxcA , IiyKpi'pslM.OonMlimtlon. Krri > l | > nl < , liulluuv
linn , Imjioti'iicr , Cntnrrh , riles , Kpllepsjr , ARUO , " ! ' *
l > i'U > , Ifr > lroco o. Kxtmuitlon.
Koto the Following who wore Ciiretl
A..1.1toiRlnml. 11. S. IMrkor. J. .M. llnalctt , nil on of irniloi RV. . I'imilinm , KiproM
Co. : A. Orcsorv , communion inorohnnt , Hlock VurilN ,
r. Timrneml. rnlnu-r lluilv ; lluilil Poblo. the grtmt
hnrrmnnt < ' > ! . Connolly , nf the Inter -Ocean , 8. W.
lliirhs , S > ; iCrlo st ; 8M. Dnrli , Heurolnry American
HorMtmnri ! J. I. . sluuiirur.SJI .Mmllsun i > t. : J. . Hniltli ,
iortDler. lUMnillKim Bt. , nllor Chlcnc'iKI. ' W. llcllui ,
M. I ) . . Monnonliiwn.lowni Lemuel Milk , Knimnkcc ,
HI. , JmlKO I. N. JMurrjr. NnpurvlHo , III. , und lmmn ! Her
or olhorn ropro onUiiknt'iirlr rvcrjr town In thn
Union. Also i-loctrlo bells for 1m ! I in. Cull or
ftnmp for 1ll\ntrntrMt cntiiloimo. Open Onlly , nlsu
evonfinr < nml Sundays. Klppirlo Hnaponsorlos rroo
nml nil Mule lloln. Ilewnro of bonus compnnlc * wllh
in nyiilliiM-9. railing mirthless Kortiln , irlth onlyiito
H Moment * All mr ! > ll rnntnln 11 clnmunU or
Imtterlcn , ncnro linvo four tlmo * the i ) iri > r nnd
auiintltr of electricity. Honest uooJj und liourst
p.ilhinT tlio innlln.
DU.J.W.HHXK.innVnlifilis-nvChicniro ( )
iQTantor , Proprietor nnd Mnnufiietuicr.
And Lovers of Well-Bred Horses
ALL TIMK , by Almont 33,1st dniu On Tlmo b >
OUIBNTAL Nil. Ifll'J ' , by Almont Lljrhtnlnir , lia
by Almont 33,1st < lnm Kentucky Central ,
record " : : il ; sired by llnlsorn , ho by Alox-
nnclrr'n Abdullah , slro of Almont ! ) : i.
KEO Al.HTT , brown iniiro , nnd yonrllnir 1111 y , by
All Tlmo , uid duo to font April 17th , lbS7 ,
to All Tlmo.
CAHUY WOOIWOnTrr. brown moro , by AH
Tlmo.lst dam Itejfnlotl.
NEUIIAKKA CENTltAL , cliostniit colt , two html
toot white , sired by Orluntnl llllil. Istdum
Curry Wood worth ; 2nd. Itc-giuctt. Ho Id
ono iif the tlnost coltH I Inivo riilsniil.
LAMIIKUTINIi. buy colt , sfrod by All Tlmo , 1st
ilmn Hojiulett-
DOLLV JIUK11. dark tmy filly , foaled In ' 81 ,
sired by Oriental , 1st dam Lady All Tlnio ,
by AIITimo.
ANN IK SCAM 1NOIIOHN , drnb bay lllly.foali-d
In 'Bt.slrcvl by Oriental , 1st dam by fla
2nd by Volnnluor Clilof , ho by Volunteer
For full particulars , direct to
Cai-o.of Onmlia Merchants Express Co.
Tlio above stock can bo seen nt nny tlmo , on
20th St. , Ono IMock North of Liiko St.
If those Stiilllon * nro not sold they will midco
the Buiisun of ' 87 at the above place All Tlmo at
tt ; Oriental nt ISO.
Tlio Original nml Only Genuine.
Ptf and ftlwAji Rillfthlp. Bcwtrcof wi rihli-Mi ImllfttloDi.
Indliixnitbli lo LADIES. A k ) oir llruiullt rur
"Clilehrater * * Fnfllnlr'ftnd tftkv tto otb rur lucloMle ,
( l tnt < f ) tu ui for i > &nlcuUu in Iitttr br rrturn mull.
NAME PAPER. CblehKter Clirmlful Co. ,
Ittt IU Alvllxin ( xiuirr , 1'lillaila. , I'a.
Mold by HrtiicettU CTrryiThrrfu Aik fnr "CliloltcK
. . .
DEttVEIt , - - C'OIOKAI > O ,
Of the Missouri State Mvsetim of Anato
my , St. Louis , Mo.j University College
Hospital London , Gicsen , Germany and
New York. Having devoted their atten
Nervous , Chronic and
More especially those arising from impru
dence , invite all so suffering to correspond
without delay. Diseases of infection nml
contagion cured safely and speedily without
detention from business , and without the
use of dangerous drugs. I'aticnts whose
cases have been neglected , badly treated or
pronounced incurable , hhouhl not fail to
write us concerning their symptoms. All
letters receive immediate attention ,
And will be mailed KKICK lo any address
on receipt of one 2 cent stamp , " 1'iactical
Ohscrvrftfons on Nervous Debility and 1'liy-
Eical Kxhatittfon , " to which is ndded 0,11
"Kbtay on Marriage , " with important chap
ters on nisKASKH OF THIS iini'itonucTiVK
OUOANS , the whole lortning a valuable med
ical treatise which should he read ! > v all
young men. Address
im.s. s , .v i > . I > AVIEK ; < > \ ,
17.12 Ia\vruiic-t ; Nl. , ( louver , Col ,
The C. E. Mayne Eeal Estate and Trust Co
Property of every description for sale ju nil parM of the oity. l/.mds fet s-ilo lu
every county iu Nebraska ,
Of Titles of Douphts county kept. Maps of the city atato or county or any other
iufonuation deiircu , furnished free of charge upon application.
Watches , Diamonds , Fine Jewelry , Silverware
The largest stock , i'riccs the lowest. KopairinKspccmlty. All work warrant-
dd. Cornur lJoutlus aud 10U ( streets , Ouialri
Licensed \VatcliiuKker for th Uutun i'acJllo