IT SIXTEENTH YEAB. OMAHA. MONDAY MORNING , JANUAKY 24 , 1887. NUMBER 220 , SOME IMPORTANT MEASURES , Bills Introduced in the Lower House Which Are of General Interest. NEW RAILROAD LEGISLATION. The Provisions of Tlirco.IJIlls on tlio SulijcclVork of tlio Kahor Hep * rcfjcntntlvcs The Allou Utll. the Public AVI1I Watch. Neb. , Jan. 23. [ Special to tlio 'Jr.B.j ( Out ot the two hundred and odd bills which ! mvo been Introduced In the house nf representatives thus fur. scarcely a score have any general Interest. Hanking among the first In Importation nro the railroad freight tarllT bills , thrco In number ; the bill repealIng - Ing the railway commission law , and the bill providing for n commission with power to Jlx rates upon thd rallroadsandbilngcomplalnts against rnllrontl companies to trial bcloro juries. Of the freight tariff bills two propose to make SO per cent of the rates of ISfaO the maximum which railroads can hereafter charge. The third bill foiblds tlio exaction of ) nero thin CO per cent of the rates In opcia- tlon In Ibis. All three bills require railroad companies to post In i > conspicuous place In one depot In every county n schedule of rates , niul any overcharge violation of the rates so f-chcdtilcd shall uo punishable byllnu and restitution , beside payment of costs and at torney fees. The prohibition hill proposes a prohibitory nmemlmon't to the constitution similar to the ono In Iowa. It will ot necessity command general attention. Incidental to the proposed railway legisla tion urn two bills for lower passenger tarllf nntl Pullman car tiiTilf , respectively. The llrst piovldos that nogroatcrsum than : i cents per uillu shall bo charged by any railroad for carrying a passenger any distance. The other provides that not more than 50 cents Bhall bo charted by any Pullman car com pany for 100 miles or less , and that not moro than SI Kim" be charged for any distance within the state. The bill to prohibit holding of land by aliens will probably attract attention. It goes so lar as to prohibit the Inheritance of land bv aliens , but provides that any such land willed tool descending to aliens shall escheat to the state , and shall bo appraised , the amount of money determined upon as thu value of the land to bo paid to the alien heir or heirs by the state , There is a labor bill In the hands of the committee on labor which fixes the local day of employment at eight houis , provides for extra compensation for overtime , and re quires any individual or company employing inoio than three poisons to pay at least twice a month. Itopicscnlative Andres' bill to prevent the employment of convict labor on public buildIngs - Ings or wotks is in tlio hands of thopenl- tentlaiy committee. It reads as follows : "That In all advertisements for the erec tion or construction of public buildings or other public works , or for materials to bo used in tholr erection , consti action or com pletion , and for all supplies of every de scription to bo furnished to or for tlio use of an ) of the departments , and In all contracts made under and in pursuance of such adver tisements , there shall bo inserted a condition that no convict or prison labor whatever , or the product thereof , shall be employed or used upon any public building or other pub lic work , or In the preparation or manufac ture of any of the articles , materials or sup plies contracted to bo furnished therefor ; mid thoio shall also bo Inserted in said con tract the f nit her condition that no poison who Is not a bona lido resident within the limits of the state of Nebraska , who has not declared his intention to become a citizen thereof In the manner provided by Jaw , shall bo employed In the election , construction or completion of any public building or other public work. "That anv wilful breach of any of said conditions by any contractor shall nuthori/o and woik a forlclturo of the coutiact , and bhall constitute a complete dcfcnso In bar against any claimed action against the state ot Nebraska for any sum or sums under .said contract ; and It shall bo the duty of the olllecr letting any such contiact , upon being advised that any conlractor has knowingly violated the terms of such contract , to de- elaro thosamo forfeited. " Another bill , which has as Its object also tlio .suppression of the employment ot convict labor In indnstilal occupations which are fol lowed by workliigmen of the state , will soon bo Introduced. It will piovlde for tlio loca tion of the state penitentiary at some point In the ttato wheio there Is an abundance ! ot H to lie. All the convicts shall bo employed In dressing and cracking the btone , which shall bo shipped to the suvcral counties , pro portionately to population , and mlll/cd iu honstrnction of public buildings and maca damizing roads. The only cost to the coun ties wilt bo that of transportation ; and no county shall bo obliged to take Its proportion of stone until the bantu can be piolitably uillUcd. Five bills authorizing the erection of as many noinial school * , and contemplating an oxtmnso ot about 8200,000. are to bo handled quite vigorously. If the expressions ot mem bers are to bo taken. The general Impression seems to bo that not so many normal schools and moro attention to the study of tlio Kng- lish language In the common schools , is ii"cessary. The primary election bill provides that a violation of the tcvulatlons adopted bv any political organization by which the primary fihall DO held , mar bo punished the same as it' it worn a violation ot an election law , and also permits challenging the vote of any per son suspected ot being a member ot another political organl/.atlon or paitv , or of any person who may bo deemed ineligible to vote at an election This bill will be supplemented In a few days by ono from .Mr. Smjth , which will provide that in cities of the llrst class the registration law shall apply to primary nicotines , Mr. Watson's telephone bill meets with poucral favor. It piovldes that In no in stance bhall moro than M.50 per month bo charged as lental of telephone , and when two or moro telephones are used by the same Individual , company or corporation , the rental shall not exceed 52.00 per month for each , Kopre onlativo ItusseU'fl bill for an addi tional judge of tlio district court in the first judicial dlstilct will probably become a law within a week. Hoprcsentatlve Harrison's hill to repeal tlio act creatlnu the railroad commission is in the hands ot the lallroad committee. AKTEll THKJJATTMJ. Political Sooucs und InahlcittH at tlio Ktato Capital , liiXcm.N , Neb. , Jan. S3. ( Special to the linn. ] The sun lose this morning and looked down upon Lincoln but not upon Iho crowd of humanity that cn > twlillo blow Itsbieath ujion and contaminated the pure nlr wo again breathe. The crowd so cleverly measured in tlio truthful portrayals of the l\m's \ : editorial etchings rrom tlio capital , liavo dcp-irled-each Individual composing it , rutioatcd to his county-scat , whcio he will gloat over his Infernal villainy of defeating thejpeoplu's friend , and perhaps liquidate pome of his long-standing grocery bills with thobwag u'celved for his dishonest work. Tuesday , of course , will witness the return of many of them , but not until some of the anti-monopoly members attempt valuable railway legislation will they swarm again , I am Inlormcd by a member who "stands In" with the lallioads , that after carelully surveying the Held , the conclusion has been reached that something must bo done with the ofllco of railway oomtnlssloneis , as a majority of the legislature feels it a duty to do something to satisfy their constituents. Thobohemo now. as has boon ixicicod upon , Is to "greasy" tomu member , If possible , and to secure his services in In- tuulitciUK a meaningless amendment , in eider to cany the otllco over two jears longer. Senator Vim Wyck find wife loft for their Nebraska City homo yester- lay ultoiuoon. Up to the hour of caving their rooms were filled with friends who called to congratulate the sena tor upon his wonderful ticlit Against the combined strength of all machine politician's , and to extend their feelings of regret and In- dlcnatlon nt his deteat. The senator looked splendidly after the battle. The conscious ness of knowing that ho had been endorsed by the people whom ho has served so faith fully , and with the knowledge that he came out of tlio light \\ltli clean hands and had given no volco a chance to cry out corruption , was a thought that added chceifulness to the gloom of Although the scnalo adjourned , until Wednesday , Senator Kobblns did not go home , lln perhaps will not caie to face his constituents after Ids vote was recorded. Friends of Colby are now working up a congressional boom for the dago county schemer. H Is possible that he can sccuro the nomination. Wise heads admit thls-bnt rcmembtrlnir : the candidacy of our Howe , they In turn woncierlt Colby could .secure the office. Another congressional comet that has seen the light , and Is halted with apparent joy by many Irom the Second district , is found in the Innnouitcemcnt that Speaker ilarlan's fi lends Insist that he shall bo llm standard bearer two years hence , mid step into the congicsslonul slippers of Stinging Water Jim. William Dally , of Nemaha county , In formed me last night that ho proposed to mnko an attempt to get some member In terested and unto the enactment of a law re ducing interest In the state to 7 percent. Ho has dome very valuable .statistics upon the real estate moitguzo business which , It pros ecuted properly , would no doubt accomplish his object. Several 0. A. H. men were talking last night In one of the pioinincut hotels. They were indignant to think that tlio "bloody shirt" had been waved In every campaign In this state , and that when It came to an elec tion for a United States senator gieed ab sorbed patriotism , and oveivthlng WHS sacri ficed to their own selfish ends. Since fho senatorial election Is ove.r legls- latlvo woik promises to settle down and be come as ' 'tedious us a twice told tale. " At. . FAIIIUKOTIIKH. TO TIH3 VAITIIKUli FOUU. "Words orPrnlsc to VnnWyck'H Friends "Wrath For Traitors. HASTINGS , la. , Jan. 22. To Messrs. ( ill- more , Holmrod , Horstand Hicglns , Lincoln , Neb. ( icntlomcn : The people of the state of Iowa view with profound regret the result of the late scnatoiial contest In Nebraska. The defeat of Hon. Charles II. Van Wyck is a national calamity , and it Is attributable to the treason of men who wcro chosen to ox- piess the will of the people In ttic selection of United States senator. The day has ar rived for the people to hold men accountable for their acts as repiosentatives. The viola tion of pledges made to the people ot a county in order to obtain voles is treason In the lull- cst sense ot the woid , and the people of Iowa call upon the people of Ne braska to hold these traitors responsible and put them on tiial tor the crime of treason. If the written law will not punish them , appeal to the court ot the people ami- notify them that Nebraska is not a healthy place for such men. } on cannot make men honest , tmt you can make them afraid to do wrong If you punish them lor the cihnes tliev commit. To you , gentlemen the Immortal four who stood lalthtul to the "crand old man" wo would Ilka to expicss our thanks , but empty words cannot paint the true grati tude that permeates tlio soul of man. When such noble deeds as yours are engraved in the history of our race , your faithful devo tion to pifnciplo will bhino like the sun at noonday , when the dark deeds of the traitor cicw that sold their manhood and sold the liberties of tlio men who placed them In power are buried in oblivion. Jj. T. LriMiNo. J. K. WICK. VAN WVOK'8 DEFEAT. The Chicago Jlernld Comments on the Onuses Tlmt Led to It. CincAoo.Jan. 23. [ Special Telegram to the IIK. : ] Tlio Herald , in an editorial comment on Senator "Van Wyck's defeat , says : "It was haidly to have boon expected that Sen ator Van Wyck could bo re-elected in Ne braska. He had Incurred the Intensely bitter opposition of the railroad Interest in tlio state , and this of itself was cnouL-h to have defeated him. In addition ho had shown some restiaint under tlio monopoly taiiff lash and ho had on many occasions demon strated an unwillingness to sco the public lands tinned over by wholesale to syndicates , rings and corporations. Being opposed by corporations , rings , monopolists and land grabbers , as well as by a certain clement which will brook no Independence upon the part of a party servant , it would have been wondorf ul if the senator had been vic torious. The choice of the people of Ne- biaska ho undoubtedly was , as was shown at thu polls last fall , but It Is seen In this in stance , OH it has been In many others , that lopresontatlves of the people do not always represent them. It would bo interesting to know just how much money it lias cost Nc- biatikn and kindred rings to "down" ' Van Wyck. They have never tailed when they set out to accomplish an object of this kind. It has iccontly been learned that the subsidl/ed Pacific railroads spent S'00,000 of their net earnings for lobbying purposes not lone a o. Nobody believes that the money wan all used In Washington. Much of It was employed to defeat senators and congressmen who became troublesome thero. In this way Thurman was laid on the shelf. At some future tlmn It will bo known exactly what the elfect of Van Wyck cost tlio Interest to which he , as a representative of the people , was Inimical. Those things gen- eially conic out in time. " IC ANTIC hAHOU MOVE. Attempt to Organize the Eight-hour System In All Pnokorlcs. CHICAGO , Jan. 23. [ Special Telegram to the Uni ; . ] It Is stated to-day that the lead ers ot the eight-hour movement at the stock yards ha\c undertaken to organize the packIng - Ing house employes of the country , with the assistance of Thomas 11. Dairy , of the gen eral executive board of the Knights of Labor , with a view to making eight hours the work ing day In every packing house in thu United btates after the first of next May. Agents have been sent to Milwaukee , Cincinnati , lio&tnn , Now York , St. Louis , Kansas City , Omaha , and , In fact , every place where the packing Industry is at all extensive , toqulctly agitate the right-hour question. "In another month , " said a man who is Interested In the movement , "wo will have every lariro packing house In this country within the or ganization , and by May wo will have our plans so nicely arranged that wo can order a general strike in an hour. The packets hero have said they would willingly concede eluht liinira It thu packers clsmvhero would do the same thing , so wo concluded that when wu went out for eight hours again wo would iimko the movement general and es tablish the rule everywhcio. I predict that wo will have the most ported organUatlon In the countiy In a month or two that the pub lic ever saw In any one line of trade. An Officer Injure. * a Woman. Nr.nuASKA CJTV , Aeb. , Jan. C3 [ Special Telegram to the Hr.R. | Chief of Police Scott Hail tried to arrest a voting saloonkeeper named Jacobs last night for lighting , when the man's wife Interfered , endeavoring to get hei husband away from the police. Hall thereupon struck tlio woman a trlghtful blow on the head with a club , trom the effects of which her left arm is to-day paraljml , Indicating , as the attending doctor hays , that her brain Is injmed. The woman Is lying In a prccailoits condition , Hall claims Urn woman bit him In the arm and that ho hud to hit her to make her let go. Funeral of Mrs. WASUIXGTO.V , Jan. S ? ' . The funeral of Mrs. Yoorhees , wife of Senator Vooihees , took place from her latu icsUlenco In this city this afternoon. Among thu many hand- somulloral offerings sent ov thu friends of thu deceased , was a pillow from MrsCleve land. At i ) o'clock the remains wtie taken to the llaltimoio & Ohio depot to bo con veyed to Tcno Haute , their last resting place. RIDDLEBERGER'S ' TROUBLES , The Virginia Statesman Gives Away the Doings of Executive Sessions , SNUBBED BY FELLOW SENATORS. ndtmmtln Llrlngs Down the Wrath of the Civil Service Commissioners Susan I ) . Anthony lioba Up Serenely Capital Notes. nitltllcherKcr's hot Not a. Happy One. WASHINGTON , Jan. 2.1. ( SpecialTelegram to the I5ii.j : : Senator Hlddlebcrccr , ot Vh- glnla , Is posing as thu crushed tragedian. Ho has been describing to every ono who has asked him and to many who ha\o not the scenes which took place In the secret session of the senate last Knday afternoon. Ho tells what he said and what was said by others , and also what ho save notice to the senate. Mr. Ulddlcbeigcr's relations aiosald by other senators to be exaggerations , and they ex plain that ho was not in a condition to sec or hear accurately. Ho was at least sober enough to raise a tremendous disturbance , and Is determined to duplicate It at the nn\l executive session. The senator from Vir ginia has , with his colleagues , taken an oath never to icveal what occurs in executive ses sion , and yet In defiance of his oath ho stands In the hotel lobbies and recites the scenes of Kiiday with great detail. Ho gl\cs notice to all the newspaper men , too , that ho will furnish them full Informa tion of what occurs at subsequent executive sessions. The senators do not know what to do about it , but will probably decide to let Mr. Ulddlebcrgcr scveicly alone. Senate pecrots always leak out Very seldom Is any thing done that the newspapers do not leport as tully as they ears to , but a senator was never known before to dellboiately and will fully violate his oath In the picscnco and knowledge of everyone. Mr.-Klddlebcrger's excuse Is that tlio senate on Friday voted down a resolution ollered by him to consider the extradition treaty In open session. Ho sayslt Isamcasuie in which the public is interested and In which there are many features that would not bo agreed to If the cold light of day was turned on them. Ho pioposcs to keep the public. Informed as to the contents of tiio treaty and the conduct ot every senator toward it , whether , ho violates his oath or not. His duty to the public Is higher than his duty to the senate and that Duly made H necessary for him to violate late his oath by refusing to consider the treaty with open doors. Thcio was but one vote in favor bf Klddlobergor's resolution , which was cast by him. Mr. Itiddlcbcrgcr says , and It is true as the gospel , that such a rcbo.ution would have lecelvcd a laigo num ber of votes if it had been offered by any other senator than himself. And then no switches off on his favorite theme of conver sation thu treatment lie has received from his fellow senators. Ho complains that no motion he has ever made has boun adopted , no bill ho has inttoduccd has passed ; that he Is made the victim ol tlio rules ot the senate , and no matter who Is in tno chair ho Is always declared out of order. The bluest way to get a bill passed , ho says , Is tor him to oppose It. The most certain way to defeat one , is for him to give it a demonstration of support. Ho says ho has been Ignored In the committee room and in the senate. ; ho has been insulted leiieat- edly , has been cut on the street by his tellow- senators , who take every possible way to show him disrespect. Ho says ho has never been Inside the residences ot any ot his sen atorial colleagues , and bus only been invited to ono ot them. Senator I'almor once asked him to a dinner party , -u hlch no was obliged to decline because ho docs not own a dress coat , and Is too poor to buy one , A i.AiiuK AMOUNT orVOIIK ron NOTIII.VO. Senator Kdmunds has snubbed the civil service commissioners and they are as huffy as "wet hens. " J ast bosslon Senator Kd munds had a icsolutlon passed by the senate asking the civil service commissioners to toll congress how many and why changes had been made In the departments. The com missioners employed all their leisure mo ments during the bummer In lixlng up their report. "Uishop" Obeily had the matter es pecially in charge , and the report made out was most voluminous. It covered every thing. The most mlnuto matters were given. When it was completed a t > co writer began copying It , and finallv about S20 patjos of Jcguf cappapcr were covered and the report was sent to the senate. Hut some how Senator Kdmunds did not caio to know what ho had asked about , and instead of having the renoit refened to his committee , the piesldeni of the senate sent It to thu committed on civil service and retionchmont. When the ques tion came up whether it should bo printed Senator Sherman remarked that it was a very lareo document and that peihaps that matter liud better bo left with the committed on printing. This practically killed its pilntlner , lor last year the committee re fused to print an cxtia appendix in the civil service commissioners' report , and ceitainly they will never consent to printing a big SJO page report. Thus it seems that a whim ot one senator who thought he wanted some thing has cost the government considerable in time and money to prepare , and when fin ished tlio senator lias chanced Mis mind and does not want to ecu it and the report goes to u committee 100111 and is burled. HUSAN u. nous ui > Hiitr.\niY. : Miss Susan 13 , Anthony is hero , full of Iho and snap , grim , resolute and solid as ever ; in fact , solider than ever , and wearing tlio multifailous defeats of the last thiity years as gaily as a Choctaw chief wears his plumes of victory. She came to attend the woman's Biiflrago convention to bo hold hero this week. "These reporters. " she said , "aro so fond of Hoiilngon some triviality andirlnging the changes on It to tlio exclusion of busi ness. Now , last week , when I spoke In Chicago cage , " she wont on , "a do ? that came with a Trlbuno loporter ran across the taio and , springing up by my side , laid Ills nose on my shoulder. I prophesied to the audience then that that dog would ligtiro In the press reports moru conspicuously than anything else that was said or done , and , sure enough , the next day almost every paper worried that poor dog from paragraph to paiagraph , and his owner gave him almost n column. Why , it is absolute cruelty to animals and worse by all odds than tying a tin can to his tall. The worst of His , it was a yellow dog and an ugly brute at that. " Miss Anthony fancies she sees an improve ment in tlio woman suffrage movement. JKANNHTTB SIWVIVOUS I'JIOVIDKU TOR. Lieutenant John W. Danenhowcr , ot Jeannette - netto Arctic exploring expedition fame , now occupying a chair at tlio Annapolis naval academy , was pild Sl.OOO yesterday under an act of countess of January 3 , pioviding for the relief of tlio survivois and widows audchlldicn of those who perished In the re treat from tlio wreck of that ill-fated vessel In the Aictlc seas. This was paid on the llrnt requisition drown by Secretaiy Whitney against this appropriation , chlet Knglneer ( ieorgn W. Melville is also provided tor with Sl.OOO , and the remaining survivors jmniud In the bill will receive SWO each. The wid ows , clilldion or parents of officers and enlisted men who perished will bo paid a sum equal to a year's pay according to the rate of pay at which the name of buch do- eeaseil was berne upon the pay rolls of the steamer Jeannettc. A i-itoi'osinoN TO rr.xsiox CI.KIIKS. The proposition of Representative Craln to pension meritorious clerks is received with universal pleasure In the departments , and already steps nro being taken by the clerks and other employ to have the "num ber of years of continuous service in order to be cliirlbo to retirement on a jn'iinlon reduced from forty-thuto thirty years. It is ascertained that iu thu posioilice dop.xitmcnt aloutt there 01 B at least tuenty employeshohavo urown useless In thu service bv reason ot old age , and are drawing high salaries , thus pre\ent- lui ; the cmplc/ment of jomiBcr and moio capable men. CAPITAL IliiKF : < 3. The retired olllcors ot the at my are threat ened by ( ieneral Urairg's bill with loss ] of their longevity bay given to them by thu de , cision of the Fiipromo court In the Tyler case and are becoming frlKhlcncd. To-uay's Herald savs : "Major C. I. Wilson , paymaster of the army , has returned to Omaha a ftcrsovoral months leave of ab sence. It will bo Rood news to his many friends to learn that his tvlfn's health Is rapidly Improvlne nnder skillful medical treatment In Now York city. " THE OtiEAUAXCE UECOKD. Showing of the Country.s Bustno 9 For the Past Week. UOSTOX , Jan. 33. [ Special Telegram to the llr.i : . ] The following table , compiled from special dispatches to the Post from the mana gcrsofthcleadtngcloarlnBliousesof the Uni ted States , gives the gross exchanges at each point for the week ending January ! tt , 1SS7 , compared with the corresponding period ot Not included lu totals ; no clearing house last year. QUEEIl OAXA 01 ANJ U MHLE. The Premlcr'H Condition SalUte to Itc Unbalanced. ToitoNTo , Out. , Jan. 2A [ Special Tele gram to the 13ii : : . ] Tlio ( Jlobu publishes a dispatch from Ottawa which makes some staitling revelations as to Sir John Mac- Douald's mental condition. It says : "Sir John's petulance under advice or contradic tion makes the lives of tils ministers Insup portable. It is known that Sir Charles T up per left the cabinet because ho could not put up with Sir John , and that the difficulties between them culminated In a quarrel In a full cabinet council , nt which they shook their lists In ono another's face. A peace was patched up , and Tuppcr sent to Kngland. Since that tlmo no ono except Mr. Pope has had thu least Inllucnco against any view once adopted by the aged premier. The defeat of tlio conservative party in Ontario deprived him of much of his remaining ca pacity lor conservative thinking. When , n week after the Ontario defeat , lie decided to' bring on a general flection , and attempted to combat his rosolultt . caused stranv : < ? i scones In the council. Sir Charles Tuppcr , who was iu Kngland , wus cabled for , unknown to Sir John , and when the latter heard ho was coming to Canada , he directed him to stay where he was. Sir John held that a plot existed among his subordinates , and determining to euduro neither central nor practical deposition , ho announced lie would instantly resign unless all consented to an election. As his resignation would have killed the conservative party his colleagues made the best ot the situation and consented to go to the polls. Any day mav produce. It is stated , an announcement of the premier's condition , and the ministers are watching forSir ChailcsTuppor's arrival with lovorlbb anxiety. " ancniGAN's HOLES. Horrible Stories of InmntPB of the Infamous Dance Houses. DrmtoiT , Jan. 23. During last week a bill was introduced in the Michigan legislature to suppress the infamous dance houses In the lumber camns of the upper peninsula. The woist stories from that region arc corrobo rated by the story of ono of the victims of tlio infamous tralllc. In the Detroit house of correction are eight women who wcro sen tenced to ono year's imprisonment for being lound in ono of these dons.Vlion the house was raided nine women were captured. Ouo of these was sent to a hospital suli'urlng from a honiblo disease and the other eight were brought heie. Two of these nro in the prison hospital. One , known as Minnie , will bu re leased and will leave in a few days to go to her home in the east to die. In view ot the pending legislation the Krco 1'iess will to-morrow publish an Interview with this last named which gives an account of tlio life , the horror ot which can scarcely bo Imagined. On tlio piomisu of employ ment , .Minnie , whoso husband had deserted her In Chicago , was Induced to go to a camp near ilenomitieo by a cheap restauiant keeper named William Oalne.s , of No. Ill Halsted street , Chicago. Not until her ar il val In the lumber icglon did she rcail/o thu lifu blio was to lead , and then a lack ot funds prevented her returning' . Uy force she was compelled to do the bidding of the fiends who kept tlio hell In which she was confined. Kle.ks and beatings were trequent. The shanty In which they were penned was sur rounded by high palisades and thirteen blood hounds further prevented escape. All at tempts to communicate with the outer world ttuio fruitless. Once the attention of the authorities was attracted and n deputy filicrill called to Investigate. Ho was given 55J and lett , The Kill's story has been verified by the superintendent of the house ot eorice- tlon , alter careful Investigation. What Is published is but a hint of thu lltu led In those. duns of infamy , thu details being too levolt- ing for publication. Hit Poisoned Them With CIIICAOO , Jan , 23. Ills now certain that Lucy Heldelmoyrr was poisoned. 1'rof. II allies , of Hush Medical college , has com pleted a chemical analysis of her stomach , Ho found traces of arsenic In every vital part , which wus administered In such liberal quan tities that the only wonder is that the girl lived as long as she did , Captain Shaauk has also ascertained that Lawienco King , the girl's stepfather , who Is being held to await the result of the investigation , lived lor a long tiinu wlthacolebiatod chemist In Ceruiany , and there gained an oxtonslvo knowledge of the deadly qualities ot vaiious poisons. Ycsteiiiay 1'rof. llulnea began an analysis of tliu rumalns of Knu's third wile , wlileh wuiiiovhiimPd for that purpose last Thursday. The officers think they have a stioug ciiso of clicumstantlal evidence against Kruir. The iwiuost on the step daughter will bo resumed this week and tlio Inquiries redoubled as to the lour other deaths charged against Krug. Helms mith- orl/ed thosiilaof the two houses belonglni : to Mini In aider to raise money to del end himself in the criminal courts. ANcbrasktm KulciiloK In Chicago. CiurAoo , Jan. ei. | Special Telegram to the UKE.J A man supposed to bo C. I ) . W. Gibson , ot Wood Itlver , Neb. , committed Bill- cldu at the Allen house 1'rldav nlvht. Fall ing to come down from his room yesterday an oiHcer was summoned who broke In the door and found Uibson dead In bed. Ho Is supposed to have poisoned himself , but no cause Is known. He had been stopping at the hotel lour days. A number ot receipts were found showing him to be a member of the A. O. U. W. . of Vulcan lodge , Wood Klver , Neb. Gibson la apparently about thli ty-t } vo years of age. EXTREME DANCER OF WAR , The English Government Alarmed at the Situation in Europe , GERMANY'S INQUISITIVENESS. ShoAVIIt Ask Kranco to Explain Her Military Movements A lirllllnnt Event In Ilerlln Comments on MeGlymi. A Conflict Imminent. Loxnqx , Jan. 23. The Dally News professes - fosses to" know that there Is extreme danger of war. It says tlio government Is alarmed on account of Its having heard that ( Jermany Is likely within a few days to ask Franco to explain the meaning of the French military movements on the frontier. A 111311 LIN 13VIDNT. The Grnwl Celebration Attended by Royalty. | Cnpyr/0M / l.W.TiimM / ! ( Jonlnn Ihnnctt , ] Unni.iN' . Jan. 23. [ New Yoik Herald Cable Special to the llni : . ] The annual celebia- tlon of the kronungs and crJonfrs1 , one of the events of the Iteilln sea on , passed off to day with the accustomed pomp and magnifi cence. The kaiser and kalseroln , rather 1m- piudcntly braving the wildest Inclement weather , attended service In the Schloss chapel , The kalsorcln , who wore a superb white satin diess trimmed with ermine , was can led in by two royal pairos , plctuiesquoly attired In scarlet , The kaiser icturned to ids palace slightly Indisposed and sulTeilng from a cold and hoaisoncss. 1 am assured that tlicie Is no cause for anxiety. Ills place at the banquet In tlio welsson- saal was taken by the crown prince. The stately hall was crowded with brilliant uni forms , dresses and gorcous llvuries. Thu cro\\n prince , wearinz a dark bind gcneial's uniform , occupied the scat of honor under tlio crimson canopy , lleslde him sat the crown princess In white satin dress , the corsage very decollctto. She were yellow ostiich feathers , n long tulle veil , a diamond tiara and aiound the throat a necklace of diamonds and emeralds. Her long , white satin train , richly brocaded In gold , was cairicd by two pages In white tunics , white leather knee breeches and muslin jabots. The whole effect was less haimontous than strik ing. Immediately facing her was ( Jeneral Von Moltke. On her right I saw the I'llnco U'lllielm In scarlet Hussar unifoim , forming a capital foil for the pale , splrltucllo face or the Princess Saxo Meliilngcn , who looked cuarmlng In a low dress ot white satin and gold and a coquettish little cap with rt vail fastened around the head by a diadem ot brilliants. On the left I noticed the I'rlnccss Joliann Albrecht of Mecklenburgh , In diaphranous pale blue , the sailor prlnco Hclnnch , and a knotof foielgn celebrities and ambassadors , notably Count Schouvalell , who was untiring in his attentions to his nuighbor3tho , envoy of the grand Turk , in anotli cr corner of the hall bat two swarthy Japanese looking very nncomfoitablo in their red kepis and Kmopean tunics. The tall , handsotuo of- liccr. In dark blue dragoon uniform , dis- coursingso"Kallantly ) to a lady iu inauvo , was CountTHcrbcrt JBIsmarok. "Who's'that dapper , llltle old man with a big bald head , wearing spectacles ? " said n stranger near me. That little man was Menzel. At 2 o'clock the crown prince , rising , raised his glass and said : "Idilnk to the health of the old and now knights. " All drank standing. The band crew Wag- ncrlan , and I vanished. AMKHICANS AND CATHOLICS. A Tory Paper's Comment on the flic- Glynn Case. [ Capiirtght 1SS7l > v Jatncs Cuiiloli Dennett. ] LONDO.V , Jan. 23. | Xew York Herald Cable Special to the IJiic.J The Observer , a Sunday paper , high priced and highly spiced with toryism , editorially says to-day : "rather McOlynn has been summoned to Homo to bo icbukcd for accepting Homy George's socialistic doctrines and a gieat noise has been made all over America about the despotic attack on the liberty ot an Aiuoiican eitl/.en. There Is no countiy in tliu world , sa\o Kngland , wheio the chinch of Komo enjoys moro liberty and quiet than in the United States , but in both countries Its position may at any moment bo compromised by tlio least attempt at meddling with the civil liberty of a citi/on , whether ho bo cleric or layman. This , however , Is precisely vthat Alehblshop Coirlgan has done in trying to "gag" Father McUlynn. llo has thus pro voked the one question which the Vatican ob jects to raise in thu states : Is It possible lor an American to be both a citi/.en and a Cath olic ? Hence the authorities at liome are now Inclined to compose the. quarrel and on the whole , bide witli Father McUlynn. They will probably accept tlio doe- tor's coitllicato as a poor excuse for the refusal to make a penitential pilgrimage to Home , and If anybody bo rebuked It will bo the too/.calous archbishop. Wo Slid at the first blush that thu pope must bu unduly bcnsltlvo about the right of property If , while permitting Aichbtshop Walsh In Dublin to bless the no-rout campaign , ho excommuni cates Father McOlynn In Now York for adopting Henry ( icorh'o's doctilncs. The dlfleionco as regards honesty Is all on Mr. ( icor o's side. Ho confiscates the landlord's estate , nut by taxing It down to pralrlo value , ho gives It to the whole 'community. The no rent' campaigners confiscate tlio land lords' property , but they give It , not to the communltv , but to each other. " MICI1ARL DAVITT HONOUKI ) . /ringing AV'ordB Ily the Iriali Leader In Now YwJc. Niw : YOIIK , Jan. 2.'J. There was a demonstration - stration in Madison bquaro Garden to-night In compliment to Micluel Davltt and his wife. Nearly 10,000 pcisons weio present , Patrick Ford presided. When Davltt was presented the people made n vast deal of cheering. When T. V. 1'owdorly was rccog- nUcd thcio was not a little cheering as also when Henry George was seen among the crowd. Letters ot regret were read from Senator Sawyer ot Wisconsin , Senator Man- dcrson of Nebiaska , and a number of other scnatois and members of the house. Davitt nt the outset clioso to construe the demon- filiation not only as a ( Meeting to him , but as n token of encouragement to Krin and de fiance to her enemies. Iteferrlng to the land troubles , ho said ho would have rcgutdcd as justifiable homicide , unv shooting by the people ot Gluncoo and Glenbelgh of tlin bailllt who outraged their homes. ( Wild cheersl. That the Glcncoc people let the ballltf escapn iilho was evidence ot the law abiding character of tlio race ; and the speaker wanted to , and did "confess" to night , that he was in a measure responsible for the passive attitude of the Irish at home. Davltt't believed it unwlso to oppose un disciplined Joico Piralnst disciplined powei that would mean sura de feat , Ho thought tlio toiy government meant war to extermination , and let this policy becomu known and all the wisdom of the conservative leader could not overt some supreme ad of letallatlon. Jiut before such consummation bhall have been reached the common-sense of Kiigtishmen will have usseitcd Itself. Attention giew Intense when Uavitt at Joigth ( refeired to the case of Father McOlynn , Ho spoke of him as his friend , and snld that ho would refrain from a line of criticism , and then quoted from Me- ( Hynn's statement to IMP papers that ho did promise to make no more speeches on the Irish question , even for charity , but did not bind himself to abstain for all time from public speaking on political and social subjects. After referiliiR to Cardi nal Slmconl's action , In considering him. IDavItt said : " Herein Is tlio head and front of Dr. Mcdlynn's offense. Now mark the striking coincidence. In litfJ the Irish cause was In the death struggle of discouragement and coercion. Kvery re source of power was emplou'd to disrupt our tanks and destroy tlio Land League , and It was In that hour , wheh wo weio menaced by distraction , that Cardinal Slmeonl , at the dc- sire of English agents In Home , Joined his feeble attacks to those of Ireland's other enemies. H appears now that ho was not satisfied with his vain attempts to coerce the bishops anil prlesls of Ireland Into doing ISnpInnd'spolltlral works. Ho also aimed his llttlo thunderbolts at our friends In America boc.\n o ho was Instructed by Kngland that It was hero we found our sinews of war ; nud here , of all the friends of Iicland , Cardinal Slmeonl singled out for punishment ono of the most devoted priests and single hearted men that ( led has over called to the ministry 0110 of thu largest heat t , ono of the most catholic mind that ever donned the vestments of the Catholic priesthood : ono of the most fearless cham pions thai lieland has everglven to thn cause of human liberty. And for what ? Forsuppoit- ing this movement in Ireland , which meant to grasp robber landloidlsm ; tor supporting what Cardinal Slmeonl called , and what 1 am ptoiid to call , Irish revolution. Father McOlynn has done what bishops and priests In Irnland have done In defense of this same cardinal , llo Is awarded pulshment which the propru-aiula would have meted out to Father McOlynn , of Ireland. It Is absurd to bellcvo that Father McOlynn would leave the church to take the stump , but he claims , and 1 think rUhlly so , thorkhtto think for himself In political matters. " THE PltinST'S ANSWKK. Father McOlynn Milken n Public State ment of lllw CHRP. Ninv YOIIK , Jan. 2. ! . [ Special Telegram to the Uir..J : The statement given out by Archbishop Corrlgan has created much ex- cltcmcnt among the patishioticrs of St. Stephen's church. Dr. Shrady , Dr. Me- 01 } nn's physician , thought it was taking an undue advantage or' Dr. McGlynn for the archbishop to como out with n statement at a tlmo when the priest was too ill to make an answer , llo criticises the archbishop's state ment bovcicly. While eveiy letter written by thoaichbishop has been quoted In full , Dr. McGlynn's letteis have boon quoted only In part , those portions being chosen which would Indicate Insubordination on the pait of the pi lest. The letter wiitten and sent to the archbishop December 20 had been badly gaiDled. The fust half had been ontliely suppressed , thu part only being quoted which treated of the determination to adheru to his land thepilcs. The part suppressed gave Dr. WcOlynn's reasons foricluslng to obey the summons from Koine. Ouo icason Is ill health. The others aic of a private charac ter. Dr. Schrady claims tlieso puvatu rea sons are sufficient Iu themselves and merit consideration. Late last night Dr. McOlynn issued a statement in which ho says that tlio men- bNhop has omitted from his statement pails of his ( McGlynn's ) letters essential to n lull understanding ot the case. While ho promised in : ( vs2 and IWt to make no moro speeches on the Irish question , lie did not bind himself by promise to abstain for all tlmo to eoiiiu liom public speaking on poli tical and social subjects. llo adds : ' 'I have never rctmcted , nor without doliiR violence to my conscience could I retract , my firm conviction that God made1 , land foi ; the etjual usoof all his children , and that laws which deny their biitluigiit to tlio great majority of men aio unjust and Injurious and ought to bo abolished. I am theologian enonch to Know that the Catholic chinch has never con demned ibis doctrine as contiary to Catholic truth. If thu pope should declaio that this doctrine is contiarv to tlio Catholic laitli. 1 should then , as a Catholic , repudiate It. lint 1 am also theologian cnoimh to know what the church teaches as to the limitations ot this power of definition , and thoreloioto know that tlio doctilncol cnualitv of human lights in land can no moro be condemned by the church than any other truth. " I'oi.irnMiix cr\ii : > Tin : muiiou. Services at St. Stephen's chinch to-day were conducted as usual , excepting that no collections were made. Consldeiablo fccllnc was moused by thu fact tiiat policemen Iu uniform had been posted In the stieet , and others , In cltl/un'.s clothes. Inside the church. A committee of Dr. McGlynn's pnrshloneis met to-day and formulated a leport which will bo presented to a meeting to-mouow eveninc on the stopsof Sr. Stephen's , if the ba-ement hall is forbidden them by Dr. McGlynn's successor. FOUKCASr 01CONGIIRSS. . Which AVII1 Probably Re ceive Attention ThN Week. WASHINGTON , Jan. si. The unfinished business of thu senate Is the agi ( cultural ox- pciiment bill , but Kdmunds intends to ask that It bo temporarily laid asldu and the fish- cries bill taken up to-monow. 1C aosent is given ho will try to sccuro action on the lat ter bill to-moriow , or , at tlio latest , Tuesday night , lleck will make an early elfoit to picvcnt tmtlicr postponement of the bill to prohibit members of comriess fiom acting as nillioad attoincvs , and as ho has made con cessions to the convenience ot other sena- tois when it bcemcd to In his light to Insist upon consldeia- tion of the measure , hn is lilcdly to find hlsoppoitunlty duilnir the week. The liilt- Ish extiaditlon treaty Is the unfinished busi ness ol seeiet session , and tlio first con- venlnnt day will bu devoted to Its considera tion. In the house of lepresonlatlvcs , the I'ierco- 1'agii ( Ithoilo Inland ) contested election case will bo disposed 01 to-morrow , and thu ilvor and lunbar bill will then bo taken up. There aio three nppiopi latlon bills now on the cal endar , namelv , diplomatic , postal and Dls- trUt of Columbia bills ; and tlieio ia an accu mulation ot important measures of general legislation , among them Iho pleiiro-pnen- monlaliill , thu 1'acllle laihoad tundlng bill , the naval icoigaiii/atlon bill , thu free ship bill , and the teiritoiial admission bills , wiiosospoiibois may contest thn right of suc cession , ami thu liver and harbor hill , should that mcasuio be acted upon bcfoio the end of thu week , The AVymoro Hunk Hoitton , Cmc'Afio , Jan. 2. ) . fSpecial Telegram to the Hii ; : . | Thu ease ot thu Hank ol Wymoio Neb. , against the Fhst National bank of Chicago , came beloro Judge Haghy ycsteiday to bo tried witbouta jury. In July , 1W1 , Iho Wymoio bank honoied a draft accepted by Ijarton Adamson being assured by the Chicago cage bank that Adams'standing was uood. Thu Nebiaska bank was alterwardn obllgud to take up the paper mid sued the Flist Na tional for thu amount. It appealed that the First National had got the leport fiom lirad- street and hud mndu inquiries on the stieet concerning Adams. On tins thev recom mended him. Jndgo Ilagby was on thu noint ot do'-ldiiig that there was no negligence and no liability ol llm imity ot HID Flist National bank when the. plaintiff took non suit. rntnl flnllroad Accident. CAIIMI , 111 , , Jan. iiJ. An explosion on the west-bound Louisville it Nashville passenger train this morning Killed the engineer and Ilicman , Injured several otheis ind wrecked the entire train. A G. , V. AC biakemun slipped from a iieight tiain and wus hoiilbly mangled. She Ouuht lo SKiy Abroad. CHICAGO , Jan. 2.1. MIH. Van Xandt is quoted as sr > ) IngMy : daughter and I aio Kolny to Kurope , Wo shall proceed to Paris and take up our residence them. It Is our plan to remain In Paris until a decision is readied in the case ot Spies. " Bmnllliox In Now York. Nr.w YOIIK , Jan. 2.'WAnotiier < aso of smallpox was lound at110 Seventh avenue to-day. T1IE WEEK IN WALL STREET , Speculation On the Stock Exohtuigo Oharao- tomod By Irregularity , THE RICHMOND TERMINAL DEALl A IjUtlo History of the Iiona cnctl Movement to Depress OrcRou HtocltH Mr-ought to Ijight , Other l > e\utopmcnH K.xpootcil. _ A Week oflrrcctilar Speculation. Jsr.w YOIIK , Jan. ai [ Special Telegram to the IJiu. : ] Thotourso ot speculation on the stock exchange diirlinr the past week was characterized by great Inegularltv. VN biations between strength nud weakness' were ficquont , both conditions otlen pre vailing at the same tlmo In different shares. The Incident that attracted the most attention at the opening was the Kiehmond Toimlnal Kast Tenncsseo deal , and this maintained the prominence which southern properties had ptuvlously seemed , It soon tiansplrod , however , that theiulmd been heavy n-allza- lions in Richmond Terminal under cover ot the great boyancy which attended the eon- summation of the deal , and thereafter fol lowed the bieak of neatly olght points In the same , which was acceleiatod by the an nouncement that the Terminal directors had authorized an additional Issue of 810,000,000 of stock which they proposed to oiler to the minority of the lilchmond & Danville stock holder In pioportlon of four sh.ucs to one. After this Tci initial stock ral lied and leaded with great frequency , but subsequently settled down Into a condition ot comparative qulot , Nleklo Plato stocks BUf- fctou a. sharp break on tlio proposed assess niont , and suddenly became Inactive. Then nnthraclto coal shares loomed Into great prominence and by tholr maiked strength did much to preserve the Him tone of the maikct. Jersey Cential was conspicuous for an advance of about four points and Heading rose half as much. Sliong pools were at work In both these stocks , and the advance frightened many shorts Into covuilnp , and their purchases materially assisted the Im- proNomcnt. Somoot tlio coal and Iron stocks rosu lo the highest point yet reached. The general stock market did comparatively llttlo either way and thu usually piomlnent shares assumed meiely secondary Impoitancc , ris ing and failing frequently , but as a rule keeping within a narrow tange. The passage near the close ot tlio Inter-stato commerce bill by the house of representatives biought Pacific Mail temporal Ily to tlio liont as a gieat bull caul , but Cammack and his following , which included most of the room tradeis , soon jumped on thu maikot and brought about n general reaction. For the tlihd tlmo during the week Wall btiuet obtained yesterday a glimpse of dilTcicnt phases ol manipulation that Influenced Its action. It found out first how anthracite coal strike news may bu got , and secondly , got some light on the sluggish bull imnomcnt In Hocking Valley stock. Yesterday the lout : threatened movement to dupioss so-called Oiegon stocks was uncov- mi eied. The movement was begun In Iho maiket Friday , with sales of Oregon Kail- way t Navigation and of Oiegon > t Trans- conttncntiil stocks that carried both dpwn aoout ijij percent , This was accompanied by this comment In the financial column ot the Kvcnlng Past : "Oregon Navigation and Oregon Tninscontlnuntal wcro both weaic and lower to-day. It be gins to appear that Oregon Navigation lias not cut ned Its declaied dividends for a long time , ] ) osslbly bomu years. One of the significant tacts in this connection Is .that while thu stuck and bonds of thu Oregon Navigation company's lines inn up to about tM.OOO per mile thu roads aio estimated to have cost only about $ : tiooo ) permilu , and it is consequently difficult to account for tlio oilier S'-iooo ) er mllo. " It was generally supposed that having- signally tailed a few weeks ugo to throw the Louisville oc Nash- \ illu lallroad into thu hand.sof a receiver and to hiunsli the tiust companv that Is trustee for its bonds , the financial editor ol thu Post would ciiivo bis piocllvities. This last tlmo his lack ot memoir led him Into n urevloun lilt , for tlio runmiks quoted above rollccted not so much upon tlio present management ol Oiegon as upon the one Immediately pro- cedhu it , which built and developed the Oregon Kaihvay t Navigation linos. Of this inannirciiiciitMr. Iloiaco White , now editor ot tlio Evening Post , was a part , hav ing seived IH tieasuior of the company under Vilhird'sadministiatlon. It would bu dllli- ciilt to tell who Jell the worst when the Kvcnlng Post came out on Friday afternoon Horace White or Klijah .Smith , picsidunt of the Oiegon Hallway it Navigation com- puny. Mr. Whlto expressed his Jeollngs first In tlio following note : Klijah Smith , Ksq. Dcar Sir : I was qulto thuiidetstiuck when 1 saw In tlio financial column of thu Post this evening a paragraph about thu Oiegon Uallway it .Navigation company , and 1 sent immediately tor Faw- celt , to inqiilio what It meant. Ho tells mu ho got th item liom lira ) ton Ivus. 1 giuatly rtvrct that such blimdarlng statements should have got Into the papcis. A conec- tlon will be Inserted to-monow. Yours Trulv , HoiiAci : WIIITI ; . Mr. Smith demanded pel mission to have this note inserted in tlio papois , and It was done. It caused a good deal of u sensation , and Oregon stocks began at once to tccovoc In the maiket. The sensation , however , was the shouldering ot the lesponsibiiity upon Hiayton Ives. Mr. IV H , who is an ex-nrusl- di'tit and btlll govurnor of Urn stock ex change. Is also a diieclor of the Northern Pacific rallioad company. Ives was for a long Hum udiiectoi In both of tnu Oiegon companies , but ho voted out ot one a year ago Inst spring , and thu other last Jan uary by tlio Smith p.uty. Acidu liom any pctsoual leellng that may bu In the matter tliu view moil generally held In Wull slicet is that the picsnnt movement against Oregon stocks IH made with a view of obtaining con- tiol ot tliu companies In the Inteiestol the Northein Pacific , the two having been divorced by Villurd'n collapse. Foe a lone tlmo past the stioct has been well supplied with icpoitB derogatory to the Navigation company , and now Mr , Ives golH thn credit ol the hist ol them. Foi over a year , It Is as serted , the Mithern Pacific ban been trying to lease the Navigation propei ty , and It has be''ii Ihn practice ot mostol the olliccrs of thu Noi them Pacific to decry Its value. Hliicu thu lease of thupiop- irly to the Union Pacific ! It was supposed the ellorls lo decrv tlio Novigatlon property would cease. In the money aitlele of the Post yesterday at lei noon a retraction of tlio statements pruned above was attempted. Piesldcnt Smith said that so far as ho waa roneeinud It was not satisfactory , and time he believed thu directoiH would demand moro explicit and definite satisfaction. Mr. I ! ray- ton Ives' version of the matter , as given by his friends , Is that he based his assertion upon the leport of thu hlntory and condition of thB Navigation company piepared by hut fellow director , llrockmaii , and who was on * ol the committed appointed by the N'orthern Pacific company to Im estimate the condition ol thu Navigation company , It is nmlcistood this rcpoit Is being tre.tsured ah a gieat bear card to bo played against the NaUgatlon stock , Olllcers ot the Navigation company have not yet Intimated what toim their con troversy with Ives will tuko. A Itnllroad Pri-Hldoni'H Plan. Nr.w Yoni ; , Jan. ! ( , [ Special Telegram to thu Hii.J : In 11 Tribune Inteivlew on the Intel-state commerce bill J , C. Clarke , presi dent of thu Illinois Contra ) , Kays : "Thoro ought to bo an immediate call for a national convention of rallioad men , They ought to come together and agico to a rigid line of op eration under this. bill , obeying Itblrlctlym ever ) ru.spect. Then they ought to put up lalorion ihiougli Iroight 100 i > er cent and Kick to them. It would probably create tlio biggest panic this c.onntiy hai ever wen , but thu IN just what 1 think thecountij needs when it permits its Icghlaluiu lo pass ntaeas- uiu liUu this , "