TWELVE THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE. PART II. PAGES. . PAGES 9-12. I I SIXTEENTH YEAE. OMAHA. SUNDAY MORNING , JANUAKY 23 , 1SS7.-TWELVE PAGES , NUMBER 219. VI Tenth Street Street " 0 _ 19 f ft OS M W OS Eighth Street FOR SALE ' 13 $ ' i OMAHA , Milt. BARGAINS ! BARGAINS ! ' BARGAINS ! $150 $ , $150 $ , $150 $ , $150 $ , $150 $ , $150 $ , Now We Can Kvut All Former ' l < o' ovorv man. woman nnil child buy n ltl in duo. II. Hojjgs' noxv luldltion , fop tlio like was never oll'orod before and \\iil never bu oll'erud ii ain. $150 $ , $150 , $150 $ , $150 $ , $150 1,20OTwelve hundred lot < , all in one tirund addiiion ( i > Unialia , Inryo lots , wide stiect-i. lniMi ground , wondorfnl nrospo t' ! . TI e Iowa toads AIUST conic at'foss to Uinnlia. A now bridge M UST be built lor tlioin , of nueessity it must bo located elo o to this K1'1111"Alauufac - lories waielionsus , n.-iukin liouses , luni- bof yards , coil ; yards , oar shops , airrionl- tiinil w.-uoiiousis , and tl.o tliousa'nds of oil or kinds of iinprovcnionts tlnit must and will follow mtut and will all be lo 1 cated on tliis ground , and on these lots. $ I50I50I50J50II50 ! ! ! ! No far-FGoiiiR biis'necs mnn can dis pute what wo say , and wo challenge tlio \Vostorn \ States to .show Mioh "nnolhor win lorful chance for speculation as wo now ol'er in thou lots. Those 1,1200 lots lie on tlio high valley north of the Union I'Mcilio shop-- , only a few moments' walk from the city limits of Oinalia. The ground is at least ! > 5 feet higher than any other ground in the valley. Tiio lots arc all covered with a dense growth of young timber , which alone is worth halt lh CDH' of the lots. This locution is : i particularly pleapinjr .1 one when you trot on to the ground , untl it is a dull intulluct. indeed , that cannot figure out the glorious future in store for these lots , We Offer Tliese 1,200 , Lois FOBS TWO S AVS , -AM > - TUESDAY , At the Nominal Price of 15O Each. On SiH'li iasy : 'IVrniK as JtSii ) ' Itcht Mail IN \Vo exprot to sell all or nearly all of : lf these lots on these two da\fl , and any OIKJ who wishes to in ike an investment , Hi where there can be no | o-isiblo chance of lois , lint a sure clmncit to make fr > 00 for every $100 invcbtud , should be on hand in time to secure a choicr ; . If any one has their doubta'toiit ' their "taking. " wo will .say wo have m 0110 , without , a w ird ot advertibinir , . ' old -00 lots , and1 vfaf iiaed to fcoll any more until Aloud ty moruing at 8 o'clock. Our olllco will ho kept open on Monday and Tuesday from 7 in the morning until ! l in the IIMIII ng of each day , iiijliidint ? the noon hour , to give working iicoplu iv chaneo to secure their lots- " - Don't forget the days Monday and Tuesday. $150 Per Lot OK THESE DAYS ONLY ! ESTATE , F SI