Jfl G THE BEE : SUNDAY JANUARY 28 , 1887.TWELVE PAGES. THE DAILY BEE. COUNCIlTBLUFFS SUNDAY MOKXING , JAN. 23. OFFICE , MO. 12 , PEARL STREET. GellTcrcd by tnrrlCT in nnypnrtof the city nt twtnly cents per week. 11. W. TII.TO.V. . . . Manager. f ; , No. 43. NIUIIT KDITOII No. S3. M1NOK .MENTION. N. Y. Plumbing Co. Heavy suits cheap lo order at Ucitors. ,1. L. Forman was fycstorday ollercd 88,000 for his store properly. An overcoat sneak succeeded in getting away with a coat from the Ogden. F. J. Day reports real cslato sales since Monday last amounting lo over $100,000. QLco Frcpman was arrested yesterday for being drunk and Indulging in malic * ions mischief. Leave to marry was yesterday Riven A. C. Mattcson , of Chicago , and Lotlio Bar rett , of this city. Five lots In Bayliss & Palmer's addition were yesterday purchased by August Lie- bold at $ ! JO ( ) each. II. J. Chambers yesterday purchased twenty-eight lots in Central sub-division lor which ho paid $3,500. ONo less than live or six new firms have started up in the real cslalc business during lliu past day or two. Kraslns A. Bonsonyesterday contracted or about f 10,000 worth of property prin cipally in thu extreme weslcrn purl of the city.A . A real cslato dealer said last night thai in his opinion al least $100,000 worth ot properly had been contracted for during lliu day. L. Hey Mavnc , of Omaha , yesterday contracted for u block of Council Blulls property , and the dual will probably bo closed to-morrow. II. J. Palmer sold two lots yesterday on Third avenue near Sixteenlh stroel for $ ! ! UO ach , reali/.ing a handsome profit on his investment. The young people of St. Paul's church are preparing an operetta , "Tho Cadel's Picnic , " to be given at some date yel to bo lixcd nnon. A New York party yesterday purchased twcnty-llirco lots In Bryant i\s Clark's addition which may be qnilo an advantage - tago lo Ihis city. In the district court yeslerday Iho time was devoted to hearing motions , the case of Kijuman vs The llawkeyo Insur ance company going over until Monday. Cook & Morgan yesterday sold two lots on Broadway and Sixteenlh slrcol for $1,000 , andin ! the past two days have dis posed of 100 lots ranging from $10 lo $1,200 each. EJKrastus A. Benson yesterday bought nineteen and a half acres in Ricu'.s sub division al $ .J25 an acre , paying for Hie flame $ -1,1175. To-morrow evening Mrs. John N. Baldwin will entertain a large party of young people in honor of her hibtur , Miss Lou Hplcomb. Tlio evening will be passed in dancing. The Ladies Choral society will meet in Mueller's tniisio hall Tuesday afternoon. January 25 , at half past 4 o'clock. All members are requested to be prompt. Mrs. F.V \ , IJushnell , secretary. The Ladies Choral society of Council lilull's held a business meeling last Tues day , at which lliuy elected an executive committee of three , who will form a reg ular oririinizatlon and place Ihe club on a business basis. The ice skating rink has had a most successful week. It has become a very popular resort for the best classes of ladies and gentlemen , and the winter sport there allbrded is so managed as to bo heartily enjoyed by all. The deed was recorded yeslerday by which William Sicduntopf sells toLyaian IL Tower , of Omaha , Ihcsoiilhwoslquar ter , section 23 , township 75 north , range 44 west , being 100 acres , for a considera tion of $5,000. D. W. Archer yesterday purchased of F. J. Day 103 foot on Kighln slreol , near Fifth avenue , for $2,800. The property is cheap at this price , and Mr. Archer is to bo congratulated. It is understood tliat ho intends pulling up on the silo a pri- vale residence. Henry llendrickson fell mlo an uncov ered well yesterday in the cellar of No. 14 Pearl street , and in trying to get out discovered tlio well to bo inhabilcd by nils. The poor follow was almost fright ened to death when he found so many rats about him. A man residing near Crescent City was jn the city yeslerday looking for some traces of his wife , whom , ho claimed , was trying lo give him Iho "shako. " Ho said lie had no objections to her leaving the country , but wished to speak a few words with her before she got away. Whether ho succeeded or not is not known. A syndicate , consisting of C. T. Olliccr , George Motcalf , Win. llanthorno , F. J. Day and George T , Phelps have brought a tract containing over twonly-lwo acres , just cast of the driving park. They , paid $200 an acre , and can oven now eoll easily at an advance of 50 per cent , but naturally boliuvo it is worth more. The arrangumen Is for the Caledonian club banquet on Burns' birthday , noxl Tuesday evening , are such as lo ensure ft happy lime for all who participate. The Koyal Arcamun hall has been to- cured , and a feast of good tilings is being propaicd , both for iho body , the heart ulid the head. The banquet will bn served with toasls , none of Ihem to bo dry , and nftcr thu spread is cleared away thu op portunity will bo given for llio merry ihuico. As an instance of llio craze which is petting HO many in a whirl over real cs- tale now-a-days , II is narraled that re cently ono man who was talking to a real estate duulorabonl u certain picco of property asked the refusal of il at a cer tain price for just ono hour , long enough for him to taku a look at the property. The agonl would not give it lo him , but Bald that if ho , the agent , sold the lot to anybody else within llio hour , 1m would give lliu man $50 , Inside of an hour Iho ngcnt had sold to another man , and came into thu ollice of the lirsl inquirer aud handed him a check for $50. When a man can make $50 by simply asking iv question at a real estate otlfco , it is no wonder that iho world gets into a whirl. The press of the stale is presenting numerous names of possible ami avail able candidates for the position of United Btatosfunalor. In several of these lists nppear thu names of .Iiuliru Heed and Hon. J. Y. Siono , both of this city. This Is a merited compliment to these two gentlemen , and is also a compliment to Council Blull's , which Hatters itself on being able to produce even more than two men who would make first-class ton- ntors. No other city in the state has been honored by bitch complimentary mention of two of its ultirens. Il is un derstood that neither of these gentlemen lias any yearnings or ambitions for the race , and the mention of their names is without any socking or oven consent on their part. There is little or no probabil ity thai either of thi'in will bo chosen , ntul they are not seekinjj any consider- ntfon of their names. The recognition of ' their ability and of their tltni'ss lor such n posi'ion , as conceded by so many of the papers in Iowa , is , as said before , u high compliment , doubtless appreciated by tliom , ami surely so' by the city whun clnlnis them both as her own. Dr. Uanchctt.ollico No. 13 Pearl stroot- resilience , 120 Fourth sitruet ; telephone No. 10. BETTER STREET CAR SERVICE The New Oars Ready to Start Up on Speedier Time. DAY'S SERVICES AND SERMONS. The Police Still Hissing Over O'Mnl- ley's Hclcasc Vnunliai Given a ijtulciiioiit Aunlnqi the County Kent Kstatc Still Lively. Among the Clnirclic * ) . Those who tlcsira to allcnd church to day will find the needed information in the following notices of services to beheld held : llov. Stephen Phclps , D. D. , president of Coo college , preaches this morning in tins Presbyterian church , The Salvation Army will hold n meet ing in the new opera house this evening. It will b ( ! ti farewell to the olliccrs who now leave for now lloltts of battle. Saint Paul's Church Services to-day as follows : Holy communion , 10 a. in. Morning prayer and sermon on "Tho Miracle of Absent Healing , " 11 a. in. Sunday school l':15 : p.m. hvening lee * turo to men , 7'10 ! o'clock , on "Robbing CJod " The public heartily welcomed to those services. Services at Union chapel , Harmony street , to-day at U o'clock , conducted by Kev. < } . ( . Iticc , of the Congregational church. Sabbatli school atI o'clock. Prayer meetings will bo suspended for a few weeks , tin1 members joining in the union and revival services to bo hold at the M. K. church. Subject for Sunday morning at the Uaptisl church , "Christ's Lamentation Over Jerusalem. " Union meeting in the evening at the Presbyterian church. Services in the Congregational church this mornlnir. Subject of the pastor's sermon , "The Disciple's Failure. " A cordial invitation is extended. In the evening there will bo a union meeting in tlin Presbyterian church. llov. K. M. Forest , the evangelist , will hold services at the Hroadway M. K. church to-day at 10:20 : a. in. , ! ! p. m. and 7:30 : p. in. Everybody welcome. Centorville soft-lump coal , $3.75 pel- ton , delivered , Win. Welch , 015 Main street , telephone U3. George Hudio , real estate and nego tiator of loans , No. 1507 Farnam street. Omaha. Bargains in Council Mill's and Omaha property. All my coal is weighed by Amy , the only authorized city wcighmastor , and guaranteed to hold out U.UOO pounds to the ton. ( Jooctboft coal at $ ! ) . ( > ( ) a ton. N. W. WILLIAMS. O'Malloy's Kcloaac. Around poliee headquarters yesterday the theme of talk was the habeas corpus case by which O'Malloy scoured his re lease. The otlicers claim that there could be no doubt but that O'Malloy was guilty of the larceny of the $300 in Garden City , Kan. , for ho had admitted as much to them. They Had a telegram from the Kansas olliccrs toll ing tliom to hold O'iMalloy as they would bo after him as soon us they could get the requisition papers. In view of this fact , they were sorely disappointed at having O'Malley released , and allowed to skip the city. AVliat socms to excite them more even that the release of O'Malloy is that Colonel Daily , the county attorney , Bliould act as O'Malley's attorney and se cure his release , instead of help ing the ollicurs to hold him. It is understood that Colonel Daily does not consider this a part of his duty as county attorney , and that the ollenso being committed in Kansas outside of his district , lie is ac perfect liberty to act as the prisoner's attorney. If tins view is correct , the oflicors lind themselves with out any legal adviser in such cases. They are talKing of petitioning the county board to elect an attorney , so that in case they arrest a man here for a crime com mitted in another county , or another staio , they may have some legal adviser to help them hold the man until a full hearing can bo had in court. The olliccrs are naturally expected to arrest crim inals , even for crimes committed else where , and as they are not attorneys themselves they cannot very well look after the case in court , if the man seeks to get released by habeas corpus proceedings before the represent-- ; lives of the county or state inter ested arrive hero. They can hardly allbrd to pay for such legal advice and services out of their own pockets. Under the now law tlio county attorney takes the place of the district at torney , and they have supposed that they could look to the county attorney , but it seems that Colonel Daily does not con sider it his business to attend to these caf-es , and ho may bo the attorney for the prisoner. The boys in blue were yesterday study ing up the now law in regard to county attorneys , and they came across that sec tion which says : ' 'The county attorney shall appear for the state and county in all cases and proceedings in the courts of his county , to which the state or the county is a party. " Inquiry of the clerk of .Judge Aylesworth's court led to the information that the case was entitled "State of Iowa vs. O'Malloy. " It appeared that the state was a party interested , that llio court was one of the courts of this county , and that Ihn slate was seeking lo hold O'Malloy as a fugitive from justice. This puzzles the oilicur.s , but then they are not attorneys , and probably do not see all the technical defects in their course of reasoning. Another portion of the law which rallior puzzled the boys was that in which it says : "No county atlornoy sliajl bo concerned as an attorney or counsel for any other tlmn the state or county in any civil or criminal action pending or aris ing in his county , upon the same facts upon which any criminal action , or civil action , wherein the state or county was a party , has boon by such attorney com menced or prosecuted. " Colonel Daily has gained a great rep utation as being an able criminal attor ney , and especially in dcfi'iiso of crim inals. It is doubtless a little dillicult for an attorney who has been so long en gaged on the defense to suddenly turn about and enter into prosecutions with urinal enthusiasm. There is also a great dill'oroni'o between prosecutlnir and do- funding , anil its \ not always that an at torney can show equal ability in both branches of the practice , the methods being necessarily so dillorenl. Thus far there has been but little time or oppor tunity for the now county attorney to show what manner of prosecutor ho will be , but what few cases have arisen have not boon settled very satisfactorily to the olllrors of the state , 1'om Brooks , ar- rusted for threatening violence to tlio woman with whom ho is so infatuated , was practically dc.lended by Colonel Daily , and allowed to go as free as ba- fore , the c'jiinty attorney making an ( inmost pica in his behalf' , In the i-asu of Woodburn , arrested for shooting Burns , the case was dismissed on the payment of costs. In the third case , that of O'Malloy , the defendant has the benefit of tie | county attorney for his personal ad vocate. The ollieers who make those arrests arc naturally discouraged at the results. Ollicers are ( 'en.erally over anxious .to have all the prisoners eon- viotxid , but on the oilier hand , they havu the right to expect that the comity will si-o to it that men are fairly prosecuted if arrested , and the full facts brought out in court. If under the new arrangement there nro many cases , and important ones , in which the stnto furnishes no prosecutor , they think there should bo Eomo change in the law. Stoves I Stoves I Stoves I Jfor the no.xt thirty days 1 will sell heating stoyes at cost lor cash only. P. C. DnV o Improved Slroct Cnr Service. To-morrow will witness a vast change in the running of the Council Bluffs street railway , which cannot help but increase the receipts of the company , as well ns the accommodation of the public , not withstanding the extra expense that the company has of necessity been compelled to meet. There is still one great disadvantage in the very beginning of the change , and that is the now regulations are such that after 8lfi : o'clocK in the evening there will not bo a single street car out of the car barn. Should the now time schedule , as it has boon arranged , bo such that it meets the requirements of the public and n liberal patronage of iho street cars fol low , us il will be very apt to , after the public become educated up lo jumping on the cars to ride , if only for a distance of only eight or ten blocks , then no doubt the management , which rests entirely with Mr. William II. Burns who is the general agent of the Union Pacilic of this city , will .see that the cars are run later even if on longer "headway" as is used in street car parlance. The company have taken up the old rails and replaced thorn with now thirty- llvo-nound iron rails , havu built an ex tension of one mile ; put in seven new side tracks ; erected a now barn ; have dis carded the old apologies for street cars and now have eight now cars with all the modern improvements made by the old established and well known car manu facturers , the John Stephenson company of Now York City. The stock is now , the horses having boon recently pur chased and it is the intention 01 the man agement to keep tjie stock in a line con dition and not to allow it to run down. Five of the cars , numbers one to live inclusive , are to run on the Broadway line between what is known as the Old Babbitt property , the tip-town terminus and the transfer , while three , numbers six to eight inclusive , are to run on the Pearl street line from the Babbitt prop erty to the Itock Island depot. They are to run on liftecn minutes headway from 0:10 : o'clock in the morn ing until 8:50 : o'clock in the cyoning , ex cept on Sundays , when they will run on the same time table , only the first car out is at 8:10 : o'clock in the morning. Uy the now schedule it takes thirty- five minutes from Babbit's to the transfer and two minutes longer on the up trip , from Pearl street to the transfer twenty minutes is al lowed. Only two minutes are allowed at either terminus and a two-minutes' stand will bo made at the dummy depot for passengers , and to change horses ; from Babbitt's to the Kock Island depot on the Pearl street line twenty-four min utes are to be taken. The tip-town Broad way cars arc duo at Pearl street one mill- ute after the Pearl streetcars go down , but passengers coming up on the Broad way cars wishing to bo transferred to the Pearl street cars can , by informing the driver , make the connection , as he dur ing the day will signal the Pearl street cars witli a red Hag and at night by an extra red light. The Broadwav line can bo distinguished , the hour or'so that it runs after dark , by red lights , while the Pearl street cars have green lights. The lirst car out in the morning will leave the barn at 0:10 : o'clock for Bab bitt's and one at the same time for the transfer. The first car for down town on the Broadway line from Babbitt's leaves at 7o'clock for the transfer as does one on the Pearl street line for the Kock Island depot. The first car down Pearl street to the Kock Island depot leaves the bain at 0:40 : o'clock and Pearl street and Broadway at 0:40 : o'clock and leaves the Kock Island depot at 7:00 : o'clock on the lirst trip up town. Order oi' Kastcru Star. The following have been installed as the ollicers of Harmony Chapter , No. 25 , O. E. S. , for the ensuing year : W. M. Mrs. C. Brinfon. W. P. Mr. M. Duquette. A. M. Mrs. E. Huntington. Secretary Miss Emma Potter. Treasurer Mr.s. II. Miller. Con. Mrs. G. 11. Jackson. A. Con. Airs. John Keller. Chaplain Mr. Fonda. Adah Mrs. K. Cooper. lluth Airs. M. Duquette. Esther Airs. Ed Molt. Martha Mrs. Charles Judd. Elccta Mrs W. Ilayworth. Warder-Mrs. F.C.Clark. Sentinel Mr. S. S. Nash. Ii. n. Ornftn & Co. Call at real estate and loan agency of L. IJ. Crafts & Co. , No. 52 : ! Broadway , Koom 1 , and list your property for sale. If you wish to buy , call and select , as I have bargains. Buyers are constantly making inquiries. Personal Paragraph5 ! . Airs. T. A. Clark has gone to Denver on a visit. T. C. Reid , of Coon Kapids , is a guest at the Paciuc. G. S. Goodwin , of Keokuk , is quartered at the Pacilic. S. O. Downs , of Springfield , O. , is at the Paoilic house. ( r. S. Goodwin , of Kookuk , was at the Pacilio yesterday. Henry Paine , of Decorah , Iowa , was at the Ogden yesterday. J. S. Baguoll , of College Sprii'irs , was in the city yesterday. W. II. Wakoliold , of Omaha , is spend ing Sunday at the Ogdon. S. 11. Olmsled , editor of Iho News at Missouri Valley , was in Iho city yester day. George K , White , of Oskaloosa , well known in insurance circles , is at the Pacilic. T. G , Prouty , of Omaha , is spending a few days at his homo in this city toying with a pot felon. OColonol Cochran , having the fever , lias put up a mau of the city , and is now em barking in the real estate business. Air. and Airs. Will Pomfrot. returned over the Wabash yesterday from a visit to friends in Now York , Boston and Al bany. C. W. Gibson , formerly cutter for the Council Bhill's carpet company , intends going to Sioux City , wlio.ro ho has ac cepted a similar position in the sloru of T. S. Martin & Co. Charles Lawson is now occupying tlin position iu the Fnsl National bank made vacant by the resignation of Bert Jnnis , who lias caught tuu "boom fever" and gouo into the real estate business. Colonel Tarn , who is us-enthusiastic a democrat and as thorough an insurance man as western Iowa atlords , is in the city , consulting with others who are to join linn in thu organization of a now company , C. K. Ogilvio , John Gillis , Neil Gillis. Mrs. M. Oxloby , Miss Josie O.vloby and Miss Grace Mallou , all of North Bond , Neb. , are spending a few days in the city , anil guests ot the Pacitio houso. ToToTiel Cochr.in is given by a gentle man in California the refusal of the Cov house property until thu middle of the week. If thu deal is made it is proposed to erect a largo business building with all the modern improvements , Georgia , which produced Lulu Hurst , the electric girl , now claim * to have discovered - covered at Millcdgovillo a young man who can do all the feats recently per formed in Boston and Kuropo by Mind Header Bishop. . LANDS CHEAP Farming Lands in Iowa , Minnesota , Kansas , and ranging from * 5 00 to $10.00 per aero. School and state lands In Minnesota on 80 years' time 5 per cent interest. Land Buyers fare free. Information , etc. , given bv No. 555 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa , agent forFreidrikson * & Co. , Chicago. STORIES OF STUART. Incidents In the lilfo of tlio Now York Clmrnctcr Lately Dead. Xow York Times : At the Winter Har den theatre , wlioro Mr. Stuart ran Booth as Hamlet for 100 nights , something nn- prccidonted in New York at that time , ho lived the life of a bnelielor and enter tained his friends royally , though his llnances were in but a poor condition to do it. Theatrical managers who wore intimate with him at that time a crt confidently that ho lost a urcat deal of money on Mr. Booth during the last half of' the cngagomont , but ho never once Ilinchcu in his determination to complete the engagement of 100 nights. He had started out with that intention , anit.he carried itt hrongh. His passion for issuing complimentary scats could bo gratitied to the utmost and ho exercised his privilege freely. It was during this engagement that a creditor called on him with an itemized account and pressed him for payment. Mr. Stuart carefully examined the articles one by one and ob jected to several as incorrect. Finally , handing back the paper to his visitor ho remarked , with a well assumed look of contrition : "After all , sir , yon may be correct and 1 am wrong to insist , i have always held il to bo ungentlumanly , sir. to obicct to a bill which 1 never intended to pay. " After that the U.ll . was not pressed until Mr. Stuart was amply pre pared to meet it. He lived in rooms over the Winter Garden at this time and cooked his own breakfasts , as a matter of choice. Ho could broil a steak or a bird to his own taste- and it was an edu cated taste butter than any chefs in the clubs or the hotels , and many a friend can testify to the delights of a breakfast with Will Stuart in his old Winter Gar den ' 'barracks. " Mr. Stiwrt's hospitality was unbounded , and his friends , wlien they visited him , were truly welcome to all that ho pos sessed , llis country residence near New London was generally lillcd with guests , and ho was truly a royil hoit. Uu ono occasion he had invited the elder Wai- lack to visit him there , and business which lie could not neglect called him away. When Mr. Wallaek reached the house he found no host , but instead a bounteous feast spread to welcome him. On the table lay a note which road : "My Dear John I won't be back for three or four days. Help yourself. The house is yours. Stuart. " This was thoroughly illustrative of the character of the man. He had no possessions which his Iricuds could not claim. Frnlncy TaUea Conrn > jp. When W.H. Vaughaii was justice of the pence , the county board cut down his bills , deeming the charges exhorbitant. Vaughati commenced suit , and the mat ter has been hanging along in Justice Aylosworth's court for some time. Yes terday the judge rendered a decision in Vanchan's favor for over iriiOO. It is not known whether the county * will carry up the case , or submit and pay the bill. All members of the Ladies' Mu ioal so ciety and tho'io who have had invitations to become members are requested to be present at the Neally Stevens recital Wednesday afternoon and secure- their membership tickets which will admit them to all the concerts of the club , at SJ:3'J : , in Lyoa & Healy's , No. 1307 Farnam street. A boarder at Neumayer's hotel named Harry Stevens , stole Insltrunk out ot the hotel some time Friday night and skipped owing a twenty dollar board bill. Some two months ago Stevens was arrested by OHicer O'Brien at the instance of the llattsmouth authorities but after the set tlement of his allairs , Stevens returned to this city , only to leave it between two days. General Beaver and Colonel Patton , of Curwonsville , took supper in Tyrone , Pa. , one day last week. The general hurriedly devoured his meal , as he wauled to catch Iho train going east , while the colonel , haying inoro time , leisurely suited himself to his appetite. The governor-elect , when lie arrived at Lcwiston Junction , was handed a mes sage that read as follows : "Dear General Hold on to my hat until wo moot again , and I will hold on to yours. JohnPall'm. " : . A Frenchman by the name of Leroy , living in the woods at JCustis , Ale. , re cently inherited $15.000 by the death ot his grandfather in Franco. Leroy had inarried an Indian woman , and on hear ing of the fortune awaiting him in France , left his wife , made the journey there and back again , a sister of his com ing with him. lie brought his wife a present of a gold watch and chain and went back 10 his home in the woods to live as usual , Key. Mr. Spurgcon , writing from Men- tone , says ho is yet too lame to travel to England , huthofos to bo homo to occupy his pulpit in iho latter part of January. Ho has the gout. SPECIAL NOTICES. 3STOTIOS. Fpcc.'ni ' nOvortlsonuints , suuh us Lost , ro.inil Qolxiiuj , Tor Snlo , To Hunt , \ > ant ? , lioni-iUiur , etc. , will tiulneorted in this column lit the low ratoorTnNCUNTSl > iil : LINK furthollm linor- jonanil r'ivoCoiitsl'erLlMoforench snbse | uutu ln urtlori. I.t'fivo uilvorlitomunts nt our olllni No. U I'eul btrt'ct , nuar Urouarvar , Ccmnull Illuirs. WANTS. "ITlOH SAIiK Cliolco , smooth , unimproved ino -L' Horos close to Ilrnliuiivl. in Itutlur county , Nebruhka. Will lvo liinre dUcouni Irani pn-s- ont vtiluo for cash. Aildrass Ilimtuitf , Itiiiiron fe JOJIPS , David City , Nob. , or W. J. , Jlco olllcc , Council mull's , In. ' "T710U SAI.15 At n burtfiiln. - < 13' norm with line -L Improvements , xlmilus cu-t of ' 'ounull IlluIlM , 1'iloolow lind nil the tliiio nccilcil. In- ( jnl root T. W. Van ticlovcr , Council lllullH. TJ1OH SAM ? IllacUsmltlt ami WIIKOII shop. -L Only ono in town , llxacllniit.buslnoss. . Com ! ro'isona lor sellingAiMrus U , U Mlllor , Torts- mouth. In. FOIl HUNT A no\r two-slory frame dwelling liouso , uontiiinlnw fit rooms null on both lloori.vloscts with all lm.1 . rooms , lar.'o collar and Kooil cUtorn. ( all on .M , 1' . llohrer or ( Well llros. iCo. . Tf1H HUNT The. ono-siory f'ramo binmoss C bull.ilmr , with 1-room dwelling Httuoli- .nont , iormorlyuctiiiiili'l * > * a candy factory andknon-nas No. 110 Eolith Main street , ox- tonillnir thrnnirh to 1'enrl St. Apply to M. i * . Hohror or Odoil llros , 4t l-'o- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ \\rANTKI ) A cottage oi llvo or siv room * . 'i locale 1 convenient tj buslniw binall family , no children. Address "Crlopy , " lloo olllco. WANTED-A boy with pony to carry Jleo i i route. FOH H.U.U-OIU papers for dale at the lloo olllce. " \\rANTnu I'artii-s inion linjr to bo married > > uro wanted to call .u tn < t I'ryor'd lleo Job olDco to bcloct their wuUuinj cards. OFFICER & PUSEY , COUNCIL , BLUFFS , IA , Established ISit CITY REAL ESTATE SIAS STRUCK A Veritable Boom , R. T. BRYANT & CO. \ < > . i2S HftDAmVAV , 'Will show j-ou many choice pieces of property at astonishingly low prices. THEATRICAL WIGS , BEARDS , Grease Paints ivra The vnr"-'a 1 < l" ° "r Ooods Wosl or Mrs.C. L. Gillette's Human Hair Emporium No , 209 Main Slreet.Council Bluffs , Iowa. JOH.V V. Sl'.NB JACOll SIMS STONE & SIMS , f Practice in the Stain and Federal courts Rooms 7 and 8 Shugart-Bono Blonk. COXJ1TCI31 , BljXJini S R. RICE , M. D. . Or otlior Tumors l without rumn\f ! < ti,0 i5iru , ordr.iwink' of ulooJ. Over thirty yours practicaloxporlonuo. No. 11 I'ciirl&t. . Council llluUa. l33r Consultiition froo. MUI.VIN SMITH. I. T. ItOllEKTS. SiSTIS & IIQiESSTS. SU < XT.S5OUSTO UAHON & GO , Aust'acts of Tltb , Lian and Rttl Es tata Broiorj , No. 238 Mala St. jHtt'chaseri fltc' nest t'elltt * lilc abstiwt hooka in this county , - known < in tlio "McMahoit Abstract Jtoolm , " ' ' wcarcnoiit prcnui'ciUofdi'- iiixJi , ( ibstrncta and ' ' / so licit the jHitronat/cof all t 'io.se < lcslr- iny correct abstracts of title to lands and lots in JL'otlawattttmlc county. NO. 236 MAIN ST. , COUNCIL BL OFF5 H-W AT- MASONIC TEMPLE Tuesday Evening , January 25. . Stale Masler Workman of Hie Knights of Labor. M. L. WHEAT , OF COLFAX , IOWA , Cordial Invitation Extended to All. W , S. HOMER & CO , Mi Main St. , Council Blnft's. The clicnpcst place In the city to buy CROCKERY , LAMPS , SILVER PLATED WARE , GLASSWARE , AND- FINE ' POTTERY Horses and Mules For all purposes , bought and cold , at retail and in lots. Large quantities to select ( rotn. Several pairi of flue drivers , sin gle or donble. MASON WISE , Council Bluffs. BOOK MDING Ledgers , Journal * , C'miiity ninl ECiinU VorUuf'Ali ItfmN H.Sjicc- luliy Prompt Attention to Mall Orders IOREHOUSE & GO. Koom 1 Kvci'ft Block , Council Binds. Standard Papd'a L'scd All stylus of Uind iny in Magazines and BLANK BOOKS. L1. II. NiUinnal llu.ik , M. - K. Smith & Co. , Cltizons' Hunk. Upore , Well * \ Co. , Mr < ! t National Hunk , C. II. ln ur.inoo ( > . , OuicBr&i'Uo yUunliuMC.U duvm.'d llaut CLAIM Your Presents That Were Given Away By Henry Eiseman & Go's ' Peoples' ' Store TO THE LOCH TICKET HOLDER At the Drawing1 Which Took Place iu Tlioir Store on the Evening of Jan uary 16th , 1887 Tlio Same Being Done by n Committee of Prominent Citizens. The distribution of pri/.es was by a committee ot citizens , and thu tickets awarded pri/.cs are as follows : No. 'J8.ai , lit prize Suite of Parlor Furniture. No. B , 771 , 2nd pri/.o Mahogony Hod Room Suite. No. 11,071 , 3rd prixe Domestic Sowing Machine. No , 10,1:15I : Hi pri/e Twenty yards ( lUincttgros grain Black Silk. No. ( l.ilOJ , Titli prioSeal I'lush Cloak. No. iiO,37li , , Dili prize 1'air White Ulankets. Xo. 7,0152 , 7th pri/.o Decorated Set of Dishes. No SS.OIW , 8th pri/.e-Seal Skin Muff. No. 10,1)01 ) , nth pri/.o A Paisley Shawl. No. lO.Siil , loth print-- Beaver Shawl. No. 1I.17J , lllh pri/.e Suit Gents' Clothing. No. 'J7.riG7 , 12th prize Gem's Fur Heaver Overcoat. No. 11,81 ! ) , lilth prize Hoy's Overcoat. No. 22,011 , 1-lth pri/e Hoy's Suit No. fi.lOl.lfith prixe Infant's Cloak. No. 22,818 , lOlh prize Brass Parlor Table. No. O.IWO , 17th pri/.e 50 yards " 1-riiit of the Loom" muslin. No. 27.)2 : ) ! ) , 18th prixe Half dozen "Gold" White Shirts. No 28,050 , lllth prize -Silk Mulller. No. 1 l.liit ) , 2ih ( ) prize Linen Table Set. TuUlo Cloth and Napkins. No. 7,701 , 21 si prize A Twenty Dollar Gnld Piece. No. ' , ' 8,288. 22ml prize Toilet Sot. No. 20,8:15 : , 2lrd ) prize Doll. No. 8,041 , Btth pri/.o Handkerchief Box. Box.No. . 20,07-1 , 25th prize Hand Bag. No. { i)22 , ) , 215th prilc Doll. No. 2t-J ! ) , : < 5 , 27th nri/.u Stand Cover. No. ; )0,070 ) , 28th prize Hottlo Perfum er v. v.No. . 0,87.1 , 2th ! ) prize Toboggan Cap. No. Sl.-ir.S , ! ) th pri/.e Table Scarf. No. iVuit ) , yist prize Splasher. No. 11.010 , 32nd prixc Lunch Basket. No. 27,518. : Jinl : prize Hammered brass Umbrella Stand. No. 20.7(57 ( , ! Uth prize Half doz. Towels No. 8,0.7. ) , Sflih priy.i' Silk Umbrella. No. 2S,8'5 ! , Si'ith ' prizeDoll. . No. 27,740 , U7th prize Sot Chillis' Dishes. No. 29,103 , 33th prixc Brass Broom Holder. No. 5,105 , 301 h prize Silk Suspenders. No. 27 , ! ) . ) ! , 40th pri/.e Silk Handker chief. No. 22,125 , 41st prize Doll. No. 1 1,0011. 42nd prize Half doz.ladics' Handkerchiefs. No. 8,110 , 43rd pri/.e 15 yards Calico. No. 8,228 , , 44th prize Hoy's Hat. No. 0,331 , , 45th pri/o Boy's Sealskin Can. Can.No. . 8,033lOth prize Painted Orna ment , No. 8,000 , 47th prize Toilet Set. No. 27,41 ! ) , 48th pri/.e Doll. No. 27,70 ! ) , 4lh ! ) prize Doll. No. 7,022 , 50th prize Table Cover. No. 0,077 , , Olst prize Boillo Perfum er v. v.No. . 8,031 , 52nd prize Lace Handker chief. No. 22,010 , 53nl pri/.c Child's l.aco ( No ! 22,0 10 , 51th pri/.o Doll. No. 27,101 , 55th prize Doll. No. 5,128,50th pri/.e Tidy. No. 12,81 , ! I , 571 h pri/.e Table Scarf. No. 5,818 , 58th prize Doll. No. 20,827 , 50th prize Mouth Organ. No. 7.200 , 00th prize Imitation Steam Piano. No. 23,070 , Olst prize Book. No. 22,045 , 03ml pri/.c Book. No , 20,05 : ! , Ollrd prixe Pocket Knife. No. 12lji ! : , film prize Doll. No. 23.1CO , ( I5tli prize Doll. No. 20,101 , OOlh nri/.e A Dr. Warner's Corset. No. 12,218 , 07th prize Shoulder Shawl. No. 8,730 , 03th prize. Infant's Lace No. 28,263 , 00th pi ize Infant's Dress. No. 20,125 , 70th pri/.e Doll. No. 20,0 IS , 71sl pn/u Hand Bag. No. 21,01) ) , ' , 72ml prUe Ladies' Com- , ! 2 , 73rd prize Silk Mullicr. No. 10,00. , 7HI > pri/.o Doll. No. 27,0110 , 75th pn/.ii Book. No. : iO,1870th pn/.o Book. No , 23.4 18 , 77th pri/.e Lunch Basket. No , 22,010 , 78th prize Pair Children's Shoes. No. 7,002 , 7lh ! ) pri/.o I'air Boy's Boots No. 1,2I3 ! ! , 80th pri/.o Lace Collar. No. 5,350 , 81st prize Doll. No. 20,1110 , 82iiif prize .Jersey Jacket No. 7,51' , ) , 83rd prize Suspnndcrs. No. 5,158 , Hlth pri/.o Mini's tilovcs. No. 0,727 , 85lh pri.eBoy's Skates. No. 10,51)8 ) , 8 ! h pri/.e Girl's Skates. No. 28,001 , 87th pri/.e Girl's Skates. No , 23,20 J , 88rh prize Doll. No 8.01 1.8th ! ) prize Do'l. No. 27,01)3 ) , OOlh pri/.o Doll. No. 0,055 , 'Jlst prize Doll. No. 11,210 , , 1)3 ) ml prize Necklace. No. SflloM , 03rd prize-Gold CulF But tons No. 12,821) ) , Olth pri/.o Locket No. 27.MW , 05th prize Breast Pin. No. 7,271. 00th pri/e Sleeve Buttons. No. 8,21)3. ) 07tl > pri/.e Silver Thimblo. No. ! M,77i ) ! , 08'h prize Breast Pin. No. 13fcl)0 ) , aiith pri/o Pair Kid Gloves- No. 0,015 , lOOUi nrize Lace Hand kerchief. Tlioxe. the Ixiltltuu the lucky tlcl- ct wilt ] > lcasf > call , prcm-nt tlmsaino anil ivctci'o tlicirprcdcnts as noon an erailo PEOPLE'S ' STORE s. : ui , ; i/n , ftiti ana ; ixo H way , Council JiluJJ'n. . * w * v * WHOLESALE AND JOBBING KCOXTS333 O - % COUNCIL BLUFFS. AaillCl'I.TL'llAt , MH'/.K.'UBAJW. ' i ; WELLS & Co Wbolovilo Agricultural Implements , Bugles , Cnrrlnirei , Kto , Kto. Council IllutTs , lows. CO Mnnufnclitrorsof nail DcnloMln U Hand and Power Corn Shellors , .Ami ngcnnrn linn of first class nprlculturn Implements , Nos. UOt , 15J1 , Wimul.lMT South MMa Slroot , Council UitilTs Ion n. DAVID HUADLKV & CO. , Mnnufr * nnil.lobbnrs ot Agricultural Implements , Wagons , Bngg(63 ( Cimlmres. am ! nil Vlmla of Kurra Mnolilnorr. 1100 to JUS South Mnln Street , Council Ulufft , town. COUNCIL BLUFFS CAKPKT CO. , Carpets , Curtains , Window Shades Oil Cloths. Curtnln Fixture * . UpholMcrjr ( lee Uto. No. 405 Ilroml\Ty Council llluCfi , limn. ' , TOJIACCO , PKHKGOY & MOOH1- ) , Wlwlofnio .lotibon In the Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes Nos. JSMnln anj 27 1'oixrl SU. Council town. l-OJ/.Ui > 'MOX SNYDKIl & LKAMAN , STOIt.MU : Fruit andProdace Commission Merchants , I2M : mill ai I'cnl St. , council HAULK , HAAS & CO. , Wholesale Druggists , Oils , Paints , Glass , s * Siinclrlfi , Kto. No. 22 Mnln St. , nnd l ! 1'imrl St" ( - < ml"c" "lull * . t It ! ITS' . ' O.V. . BUTTS , Wholesale California Fraits a Specialty Oonoral ConnnNslon. No. CD lliamlway , Ciunicll llluir * . WIKT & DUQUKTTK , Wholesale Fruits , Confectionery , -A.N'II- COMMISSION , Not ! . IC.imcl 18 1'u.ul St. . Cotinr iXKss. ; ; rc. BKCKMAN , STllOHBKHN & CO. , Itnnn'nctnrorsof and Wlinli mlo Doilorslu Leather , Harness , Saddlery , Etc. No. Ko Mnln St. . Council 111u > rj , lowo. irrc. MKTCALl' " 1JUOTI1KKS , Jobbers In Hats , Caps aai Glnos. Nos. 313 ninl 314 nromlwny. Council UlulM. KEKLINK it FKLT , \Vholoul. Iron , Steel , Nails , Heavy liardwara , Anil Wooil Slock , Council IlluITH , low.-u IIIUKS AND TAI.I.OW. J ) . H. .MCNO.VKM ) .V CO. , ( ICnt.'ibM.iliu.l . I SlU. ) No. 830 Mnln Plrni't , ! : : Council lllulTt. -AND nnAi.iats IN HIDES , TALLOW , WOOL , ETC. COUNCIL BLUFFS OIL CO. , Wliolesnlo Donlers In Humiliating & Lubrlcitl-i - ] Oils G E3TO. , ICTO. 5.TlicodoroA'ont ( , Cuunoll lllulTs. Iowa. J.UM11KH I'lUXO KTC. A. OVBKTON & CO. , Hard Wood , Southern Lumbsr , Piling , 4-nUllrlilffO Muturliil SpooIiillli'M , U'liolosnlii Lum ber of oil Klnilt ) . Olllro Mo. 130 Alulu SL , Council llluira. Jo\vu : II'JXES LIQUUltS. SCHNKIDKK & BUCK , Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors , JOHN LINDKll , Wliok'siilo Imported and Domestic Wins ? & Liquors for St. ( lottlmrci'rt Hurb lllltcra. No.ll MuinSt. Council llliitln. L. KIKSCHT & CO. , Wholesale Liqiur Dealers. Ko. 110 lii-oiul way , Council Illuirj. FINE FRENCH - MILLIHEBY , 1514 Douglas St. , Omaha. NEW IMPORTED STYLES OPEN. Ladies buy ing a $5 hat or bonnet , one faro will be paid ; ? io , lounil ( rip , N. SCHUISZ , Justice of the Peace OHicc over American Kxprets. CRESTON HOUSE The only hotel in Council Dlullb having And all mo 'ern improvements. 215 , ai7 and ' 'IU Main el. MAX MOJIN , Prop. Star Sale Stables and Mule Kards , BIIOADNVAY , COUNCIL BLUI-FS , Opposllu Uuiumy Dopot. & g Horses and mules kept constantly on hand , for EHU ! at retail or in car loads. Odors promptly tilled by contract on bliort milieu. .SUM k tolil on commission. SiiLrrutA : BUI.I.V , Proprietors. Iclcnhoii ( < No. HI Formerly of Kml Sale Ktablca , corner Ut , ave und 4lli bt'-"Ut.