ST. J K E * * * jt THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY. JANITAKY 2li. 1887.-TWELV10 PACKER. ( THE DAILY BEE. > PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING. Trrots op stroscnirTio * * : Dallr : Kdltion ) Including Sunday- Bui' . Ono Vonr . . . . . . . . $10 W J'orfllx. Months . fi CO For Three Months . 3 fiO Tlio Omatm .Smtilny HEE , matlO'l to any , Olio Vcar. , . SOD orrtrit. No. oil /MI Ml FAHVAM flrnecr. Nr.w VIIHK orrtrR. HOOM v. Titini'XE Urn nixn. WASUIXUTO.V omcc. No. Ms FOUHIIEXTII STiuLr. All communications relating to iinws nndr-dl- torlnl innt tor should bo addressed to the iiu- : TOII OF TUB Ur.K. nusisEM All rmplncislcUci-flnndroinlttnncrsglimiMbo > MrrMcd to TIIK HUB I'triiMfliutci COMPANY , OUAll.t , Drafts , cliec-ki nnil po tonlco orders to bo innilo jmyublo to the ordtroC the company. THE BEE POBLISHIKTSPJUT , PBOPBWOHS , E. IlOSEWATKIl. r.niT-oit. TIIK DAItiY HEB. Sworn Htntcincnt or Clrctilntlon. Btntoof Nebraska , „ County of Douglas. I ( Ico. H. Tzfchuck , secretary ot Tlio Hoc Publishing company , does solemnly swear tlmt the actual rlrrnlatlon of tlio Dally lieu lor \vcckcntllngJnn. . 21st , 18b7 , wna ns follows : Saturday. . .Inn.f \ IS.OiW Sunday. Jan. 10 UI.UV ) Alomlnv. Jan. IT U,4'- ( > Tuesday. .Inn. 18 1UOO Wednesday , Jan. 10 11.107 Tluirsdny , .Inn. SO 14,0V ) Friday , Jan. 81 U.IKO Avcracc ll.ow ono. H. T/.SCIUTK. Subscribed nmt swoin to In tnv presence tlihSM day of .laiuiaiy A. D. , 1SS7. N. 1' . I-'KIU ISKALI Xotnrv Public. Oeo. 15. Tzschtick , being first iltily sworn , deposes and says that ho is secretary of the Uco Publishing company , that the actual av erage dally circulation of the Dallv Bee for the month of January , 1880 , was lO.iltS ropier , for Fcbruarv , 188rt , 1U,5M copies ; for March , 18SO , 11 KfT copies ; for April , ISA 12,191 copies : lor May. ISbo. li-J-'W copies ; for June. 1880,12,808 conies ; for July , IbbO , lJitl4coples ! ; for August , 1S > S5 , 12,4M ( copiesfor ; September. 1880 ii. : iO roples ; for October. ISbfi , iaOSa copies : for November. 1SSO , 18U3 : copies ; tor December , ISbO , 13,337 conies. „ Qto. : 1J. Tzsciitrrre. Sworn to and subscribed before mo this 1st day of Janimty A. 1) . 1887. N. I' . FIIU : Notary Public. ContotitH of the Stiiulny Hoc. Pacn 1. Now Vork Herald Cnbleginms Sjn'cfnls to thu lSii : . General Telegraphic Kows. I'aaoS. Telegraphic .News. City News. AIl cellnny. Puce : l. General and local maikets. Special Atlvoitlsomcnts. I'ngo 4. Kdltorlals. rolltlcal Points. Pre < is Cqjnmoiits. Simdny ( iossip. Page I ) . Lincoln News. Aliscellnny. Ad vertisements. PagoO. Council Blairs News. Miscellany. Advertisements. Page 7. Social K vents In Omaha. Miscel lany. Paso 8. Genetal City News. Local Ad vertisements. Page 0. Advertisements. Pngo 10. Pouting Pildo and Poverty. "Do ni ? " a Doctor. A Afodel for Budding Maids Advertisements. I Pate 11 Half Jlmirs With Humorists. "Comforts In Cnuy Cottneos.-Musical and i JJramatio. Uoliuioiis. Honey for the La- dies. Boomers of Bilious Bills , by Al. Fair- brother. Advertlsemonts. Paul ) 1'A Causes Minus Cnuscrlo. Kduca- tlona ! . Impieties. A Trim History. Sher man "Shoots a Stub. " Advoitlsomonts. Mu. TIIUHSTON , like Samson , pulled down the temple , but he buried himself in the ruins. THK confederated monopolies fought .shoulder to shoulder to encompass Van Wyck's dofcnt. SATISFACTION that the result of the sen atorial election \vis : no worse cannot nllay reprct ; that the elioico was not tlio best possible. ISN'T it about time to stop la.vinp : out suburban ndditious aiid to build a few Buburbau homes ou the broad fields now decorated only with lonely stakes ? ScN'A'rcm DAWKS , of Massachusetts , was re-elected by the vote ? of democrats last week. Mr. Dawes should bo promptly read out of the party by the Nebraska etalwar. OI.VIKAL : : VAX Wvcic will still be a po litical factor in Nebraska politics after next March. No man with such n follow ing and such u record can be killed by a single reverse. A sruicr/r railroad has now become n necessity to every onUldo addition. At the rate property is being platted n balloon line will soon have to bo called into requisition. Tun railroad rejoicing over the defeat of Van Wyek It tempered by tlio sober rollcction that the corporations failed to supplant him with the man of their choice. Tun promised union depot still waits on the convenience of the railroad mana gers. Meanwhile tiio dangerous Tenth street crossing continues to bo used as a switching yard for the business of the railroads. A uixiiSTKit of deeds with fees amountIng - Ing to $20,000 ayoar would bo a bonanza In fact. The fco business is a relic of feudalism. Public olllelals can afford to bo content with liberal salaries and the public with tlio surplus. BISMARCK is again attacked by the gout. Tills is an unfavorable augury for the opponents of the great chancellor in the coming elections for tlio reichstag. Bis marck's gout has alway heretofore portended - tended Uismurck's victory. MH. MANIHJIISON'S private secretary writes to ids homo paper to assure it of the delight of the administration over Mr. Van Wvck's defeat , Mr. Ham speaks two words for Ids employer and none for those lor whom ho is not authorized to speak or paid to scribblo. THE old Goodrich lot on Farnam and Sixteenth street , which was sold to John A. MoShano last Juno for $50,000 , has ngain changed hands , this time at an ad vance of $20,000 over the last recorded Urico. Senatorial boomlots may fall , but the vuliio of real estate in Omaha con- tlnues to rise with a steadiness and per severance which is undisturbed by wind , weather or politics. AccoimiNd to the congressional report on the Fremont postolHco building appropriation , the Northwestern railroad propose to erect their t-hops at an. early rtayln that thriving town. What did Mr. Hughltt's request for a donation of $70,000 from the citizens of Omaha mean anyhow ? This is the question which the business men who were circulating the petition to the board of county commis sioners arc beginning to ask. themselves The People's DdTcat. There will bo general disappointment and indignation throughout the slate over the rc ult of the senatorial struggle which has ended in the defeat of Van Wyck. Hegret will not be confined to Nebraska alone , where tlio general is ncrsonally known nnd honored for lite faithful devotion to principles dear to his ronstituenls. Throughout the whole oountrywhercver the cause which ho has championed hns supporters and friends , and the oncmirs which ho has made arc understood and felt , the defeat of Senator Van Wyck will be generally regarded as an audacious blow at popular sovereignly secured through a dangerous subversion of repre sentative government , lie was the pee ples'choice. His cause was confidently committed into the hands of men chosen bj * the people to voice their will and pledged by the most solemn of all pledges to stake their all upon his polit ical fortunes. He had mntlo a brave and manly canvass for re-elcclion , appealing from the politicians to the pcoplc.and the reply was an endorsement so marked nnd so decisive that the result was not considered doubtful. Chal lenging corporate monopoly In the open field he would have won without question if the treachery of pretended friends had not come to tlio assistance of corporate corruption and tlio tremendous pressure which tlio monopolies brought to bear upon the legislature elected to elect tlio people's candidate. As General Van Wyck's cause was the people's , so his defeat is the defeat of tlio people. It will be so taken throughout the country. In the face of tlio legisla tive elections and tlio popular vote polled the rejection of Van Wyck , who ever his successor , was : v bold defiance of popular senti ment , lint there are victories more costly to the victors than the van quished. In the cud the outraged people will make the traitors and suborners of treachery pay dearly for their prize. Suc cess gained at the expense ot political rectitude and in bold defiance of the un derlying principle of representative gov ernment cannot bo more than a. transient victory. The reaction is already setting in. Within a few days bitter indignation will become a swelling tide of resentment which will roll throughout the state and will boat fiercely about the state capital. Sanitation In the HclionU. The report of the Committee of the Hoard of Kdecation at the last meeting of the school board was a painful revela tion of the gross neglect of the most ordi nary sanitary precautions in the con struction of several of our school build ings. According to the showing made by the committee a number of our public .schools have been erected on plans and specifications that would disgrace a school boy. Ventilating Hues connect with sinks , fresh air and foul air ducts arc in direct communication < vith e ch other , and sanitary raquirements , gener ally , seem to have been quite lost sight of in the attempt to secure as many rooms and as much room as pos sible in the space and from the money al lotted. It there is one place more than another , whcru the most rigid precau tions against imperfect sanitation should bo adopted , that place is the school room. An abundance of pure air and light are the two great requisites which all \\cll informed and experienced architects assume in planning such buildings. Without them tired uyes , aching heads , and wearied brains , uro the certain re sults. Many a reprimand given to rest less children would not be called for if gross incompetency on the part of the architects had not made a heavy atmos phere and foul air renponsiblo for child ish nervousness. The board of education owe it to the public to at once inaugurate sweeping re forms in the construction of our school houses. There should no longer bo fav ored architects and stock plans. The first requisite .should bo sanitary com pleteness. Other requirements can safely wait on lids. The New Chinese Treaty. The draft of a treaty which has been agreed upon between the United States and the representatives of China in this country is important as showing that the Chinese government lias concluded that its people cannot be assimilated with the population of the United States , and that it is expedient that immigration shall stop * Hie treaty contains in substance tlio provisions of the anti-Chincso re striction bill which was introduced nttho last session of congress and mot with strong opposition in the house , nnd which has been so greatly amended that its passage is considered doubtful. It is said that the supporters of the measure in the house hardly expect to carry it through at this session , and in view of this the administration has endeavored to secure the substantial objects of the bill through a treaty. The treaty , how ever , contains one important provision that is not in tlio bill. It provides that the Chinese who may bo in the United States shall bo entitled to the same pro tection of tlio laws as all other persons , a provision which it is claimed by these familiar with the history of the negotia tion of the treaty would make the United Slides responsible for any outrage upon t ho Chinuso of tlio character they have sev eral time.s been made the victims of. The period of the exclusion act is extended by the treaty to thirty years , counted , U is presumed , from the date of the ratifica tion of the treat- . The present restric tion act was fora period of seven years , four of which have elapsed , and though this Jaw is very rigid in its provisions , it has been discovered that ingenious ways have been resorted to to evade it. The principal features of the Morrow bill and of the now proposed treaty are that no Chim o laborer shall have the right to emigrate to the United States for a certain number of years ; that moans shall bo provided for the identification by photographic representations of any Chinaman who shall seek to go abroad , and that the number of Chinese that may bo brought over in any one ship or vessel shall bo limited. The treaty is a con tinuation of the acts of 1833 and 1881 , which were in the line of attempted ex clusion of Chinese laborers , commencing with the liftcen passenger act , vetoed by President Hayes , followed by the twenty years' restriction act , vetoed by President Arthur , and culminating in the measures now proposed. Relative to the Morrow bill , the report of the committee on the measure said that notwithstanding the re peated acts of legislation manifold evasions of the law have been practiced which haru blocked the federal courts of San Francisco with quasi-criminal cases which have precedence over other busi ness , nnd have failed to meet the exigcn * cics which called the laws into exist ence. Furthermore the failure of the laws to accommplish the purpose in tended by their enactment , and llio con tinued emigration of Chinese laborers , has precipitated a race conllict resulting In nets of violence that cannot bo ig nored and should be prevented by whole some legislation. Tim draft of the treaty will probably be considctcd by tlio senate at the pres ent .session , but llnaal notion may not bo had before the next congicss. It is proba bly as much of a concession on the part of tlio Chinese government as the United States could reasonably ask. Progress or Manual A writer in an eastern paper says that those not specially interested in the sub ject of manual training know little of the i-xtont to which it has found favor. At the exhibition last spring of the work dona by children in such classes through out the country it was shown that a faith in the system Is very general. More than sixty schools and institutions , represent ing many cities nnd towns , and embrac ing nil grades of manual training , from its first step in the Kindergarten to its full development in the training school , took part in the exhibition. In Now York , counting charitable institutions , there are thirty-three schools where children and young people receive technical edu cation , cither as part of their sciiool worker or as a ptnparation for permanent em ployment in branch of industry. Provision is now made in tiio public ; schools of .several largo cities for manual training. In the Philadelphia public schools kindergarten methods are used in the sub-primary grades. Sowing is taught in all grades. The industrial art school supplies instruction in drawing , design ing , modeling in clay , wood-carving , carpentry and metal work. In tlio manual training school there is instruction in free hand and mechan ical drawing , carpentry , wood-turning , use of tools , forging , management of en- cities , etc. In the lioston public schools tlio pupils are allowed certain hours in the week wlion they can work in the classes of tlio llomctiway technical schools. In Now York the importance which technical training is assuming in so many private schools and institutions is sulliclont answer to these critics who do not believe cither in the advisability or practicability of making manual train ing a part of our public school work. Steadily this principle is making its way , proving its worth and wisdom with every step of its progress , and giving assurance that its ultimate general adoption is merely a question of time. The hate l'rocs < ! or Youinang. The cause of science lost one of its most industrious and valuable workers in the death of Professor Edward Livingston Youmans , which occurred on last Tues day. More than forty years of his lite were actively devoted to scientific study and research , carried on under the allliction of a greatly impaired eyesight , which to the majority of men would have been an insurmountable obstacle to such labor. When thirteen years of age he was attacked by ophthalmia , and for some years was totally blind. Ever after wards his sight was very defective , and it frequently happened that lie was unable to road. Yet he did not give up the work for which he had a natural love , in which ho received valuable aid from his sister , Miss Annie Eliza Youmans , who was in full sympathy with her brother's inclina tions , and the results gave him a place among the foremost ot his contemporaries in the extent and value of his contribu tions to scientific knowledge. Ho was the autlior of numerous works which occupy a high rank among similar pro ductions , the best and most widely known of these being "Alcohol and the Constitution of Man , " "The Cor relation anil Conservation of Forces , " "The Chemistry of the Sunbeam , " and "The Dynamics of Life. " All these works have been accepted as standards , and widely read as well in Europe as in this country. But the greatest value of the work of Prof. Youmans was in its successful ollbrt to popularize scientific knowledge and reading. If not the originator , ho was ono of the pioneers of the plan of popular lectures on scientific subjects , nnd ho was most happily constituted to present a subject clearly to the unlearned in such matters. In 1372 , in furtherance of this purpose , ho established the I'opii- lar Science Monthly , of which ho contin ued the editor to the close of Ins life , as sisted in recent years by his younger brother , William .1. Youmans. The ser vice oi that publication in stimulating popular interest In and extending tlio knowledge of scientific subjects has boon very groat. Tlio year before starting the magazine Prof. Youmans projected the "International Scientific Series , " which Iia's been very successful , vol umes having been issued up to this ( into. It is sa'd lie was more instrumental than all other men put together in introducing and promoting tiio circulation in this country of Herbert Spencer's works , which he edited. That distinguished philosopher , whoso fame begun in tlio United States , wes also indebted to Prof. Youmans for the first serious attention ho received from the British public. Surely the work of such a lifo merits the heartiest commendation. Men ex haust eulogy and panegyric in honoring the memory of the successful soldier and politician , not always with a thought of motives or methods. The labors of the patient soldier of science , always di rected and contribute. ! to tlio improve ment and advancement of mankind , are certainly entitled to nt least n passing mention and tribute. A Vote-run Htiiilent. It is said that the veteran historian , George Bancroft , who is in the eighty- seventh year of his ncro , has turned his attention from the writing of history to the study of Shakespeare. And ho is re newing his acquaintance with the pages of the "Immortal bard" for a purpose , in which ho hopes to make the public a sharer. He has entered upon his now field of labor with the ardor of a young stuuent , and hopes if his lifo in spared to add a valuable contribution to Shakes- percan literature. What an example is this for these men , literary , professional , or otherwise , who grow weary of tlio con- tliet almost before they have passed the meridian of lifo , and instead of seeking now sources of labor are eager to surren der those they have. The veteran his torian , whose whole life has been one of plodding industry , is not only unwearied nt eighty-seven , but is so vigorous , ambi tious and hopeful thaj. ho takes upon him self a task which to 4nno has been nearly a lifo work , and ho will pursue it with his wonted care and persistence. It is to bo hoped he will live wgivo the world the result of his study of a subject re specting which there is still opportunity for enlightenment. , hni gained nothing in Van Wyck's defeat. For'iyears thu repub lican following of General Van Wyck has been the leaven which has redeemed the republican party from abject sla\ cry to the corporations. If treachery and the lavish use of monopoly money have suc ceeded in permanently alienating thou sands of republicans from the party wo fail to sec what the grand old party will gain by the result at Lin coln. The party can never bo harmonized on monopoly linos. That attempt has failed too ofleti in Nebraska for hope of future success. The conllicts and debates of the ten years' struggle have educated a constituency which has proved itself time and again less anxious for party success as such than for honest government by honest men. It has never yet failed to pay back with interest the treachery of the machine to the masses. The Ink is not yet faded on the avalanche of ballots under which an outraged re publican constituency buried forever a republican candidate nominated for con gress in brazen defiance of an over whelming public sentiment. POMTIGATj POINTS. Speaker Carlisle l.s not woikhiR for a seat in the senate , but 1C one Is oll'eted him ho will not refuse to occupy it. Plnekney Uobeitson. formerly the most prominent IK-BIO lu South Caiollna politics , is now a porter In Atlanta at 54 a week. Buffalo Express : There l.s only one thins worse than a New Jersey dcmociat In these days , and that Is a democrat of Indiana. Ben Uutler declares that he hns "a load on which it Is Impossible for trains to run olT the track. " Evidently It does not lead In the di rection of Washington. Minneapolis Tribune : "Is the word imie- wtniip lIMotis ? " Inqulics on anxious sub- sciibcr. Applied to a square republican or an honest democrat It Is. A circus performer in Berlin leans from one to another as they are Rolnc at full Sliced In opposite directions. He will prob ably come to America and enter the political aiena. General Casslns M. Clay , Colonel William Cassius ( Joodloe , ex-Commisstoncr of Internal Itevenuo Kvaus are among the candidates for the republican nomination for governor of Kentucky. I I Secretary hamar authorises the statement thatthcio is not the sltchtt-st foundation for the leport that h will shortly retiie from the cabinet Of course not. Kow democratic olllceholders die and nouoreslgn not even ( iailand. Nets Haupon , the Norwegian who has been nominated to succeed W. T. Price ot Wisconsin , will be ono of the bit ; men of the Fiftieth congress so faias she goes. Jle Is G feet 4 and weighs BOO pounds. lie has a big , round , full-moon face , ana \la \ very light In complexion. Kx-liovcrnor Foster thinks the Ohio lopuu- llcans are showinc a decided leaning towaid Sherman as their choice for the republican nomination for the presidency. It Is just possible that the view of a vacant senatoiial chair behind Mr. Sherman may warp the genial ex-governor's vision. Uriel : Pomeroy , whoso rock-ilbbed demor.- acy cannot be questioned , is evidently not cnamoicd of the administration. He says of it : "It Is sort of a ldsh-jtiiks ; combina tion between jackasslsm and egotism. There Is no more of genuine democracy in It than there Is of pine Ice In hell. " Senator Hearst will have to hustle around quite lively in Washington to win bade the expenses of his election. It Is estimated that Ills purchases of voters cost him not less than 5 50,000. Many of his especial friends In the leiiislattuo had to bo bought twice which largely Increased the cost. Preserving the Peace. JVidifclj'ifn ( ( ) ' Inquirer. When a European statesman talks of pre serving the peace of Kuropc ho means the piece that belongs to his government. A Question. AYio Voili Il'irW. Sain Jones Is creating a hub-bub In Hoston Hut will liostonlans allow iopntanco to find a place among them through an ungrammatical - cal medium' . ' It is moio than doubtful. In a Dilommn. AViu Haven JVciM. Kansas liws foi bid the H.ilo of liquor by any uxcnpt dniK stores. If a person happens to take a pieseription to a Kansas dnur stoio \.ho piopiietor does not know what to do. Will Know Where Ilur Husband ID. Clilettan 'J'tinr * , At any rate , If Miss Van Xaudt becomes Mrs. Spies she will have tlio satisfaction of knowing where her husband Is nights , and that Is not the case with mostmairled women nowadays. Tlio nit-tliofa Smile. When love was a novlco a long time ago , In-clc'd out by mamma with a quiver and bow , Ho used them as playthings , and tlucw out his darts At doves mid at spauows , and thought not of hearts. lint shooting at random la dangerous play , A lair nymph was struck by an arrow ono day ; And Cupid , who then was not so hardcn'd In guilt , Turn'd pale at the sight of the blooJ ho had split. "O , what can I do for my pretty young maid ? I'll be your physlcluu , " thu ppnliciit said ; "Come , tell mo your syinpUmis1. " "Alas ! " she replied , "A fluttering pulse and a pain In my side ; And a foveiish leellng wjion Damon is nigh. And a pan when ho leaves me , 1 cannot toll why ; O. euro HID , or shoot Damon also ; Pm sure If hushnred my feelings I'd ask for no euro. " "No , no , you shall shoot him yourself , " ho ' replied ; "I'll phe you my weapon and fight on your hide ; Prepare your aitillery , this way lie wont. 1 see him , we'llnound Jiim , make ready , present. I'll send a now light to ypur eyes , nnd give bhth j To a mingled expression , lialCarchuess , half mhth I'll show him your tooth when your little mouth bpeakH , And place a small dlmplo In one of your cheeks. " These charms In succession were fruitlessly tried ; The youth felt no fever , no pain lit his side. "Now use all your arrows at ouce. " cried the rhild ; She did so , and D.IIUOU was hers , for she smiled ! "DellirhtruUdeliKhtful ! " said Cupid : "I've found A charm of all others most ceitaln to wound ; Thouch nycs , teeth and dimples may fail tor awhile , Combine thorn and call the bright weapon a smile 1"V V i An OlUoct of Interest tou licntuctcfnn. The Louisville Courler-Joiunal , speaking of a recent dispute lu congress , says "Heed of Maine , took water. ' ' Any nmti who does such n thing ( flatways nn object of profound Interest to the average Kentuckhn. suxu.xy GOSSIP. Intere't Omaha the.itio gem ( a icain that Do HelleUlIe , who played Claude MclnottotoMNs Kose Cozhlan's "Pauline" In Omaha lecently. has left tlioCoghlan com pany owing to a disagreement with that lady. Miss Coghlau , In an interview at SI. Paul , gives the cuisc ot Ids leaving as fol lows : "After the support had been all se cured Mr. Dd llellevlllo came to mo and naked for a place for a lady friend ot his for mlnorpnrts. 1 could not receive her Into the company , b.jcau e It was nlie.vdy full , ixud besldcs.lo any ono acquainted with the man's history , It Is unnecessary to say that there \\erootherobjcctloii3 to such nn nrinnee- nicnt. From that time forth Mr , He llelle vlllo has lost no oppoituulty to make him self disagreeable. nnd tlio troubln finally cul- ndunlcd during a performance of 'The l.ady of Lyons , ' when , lost to nil sense ot profes sional courtesy , ho swore at mo and Insulted mohlleou the stago. Ot course I could not allow sucha state of thine * and refused to play Pnullneto his Clautle.nnd cast another man of the company to his pail. 1 had n con tract with him for the season , and I never break contracts , but after n day or two ho lolt the company. " Tin : Now York World.of a recent dale , lias this Interesting piece of gossip about a foim- or well-known resident of Omaha : A gen tleman who has lecently seen ex-Seimtoi William Pitt Kellogg lu the west says that ho Is ono of the most successful of the southern men who made up , after reconstruction , the small carpet-bag element In the senate from the south , lie Is supposed to bo worth some- \\hcieln the nciuhborhoud of a million del Inis. lie. owns n largo amount of real estate In Washington and hns a good deal ot piop- erty In Chicago , lie owns one entire block lu the business poition of Washington. Ho also owns some veiy valuable laiid.ln Ne braska. lie was chief justice of thesupiemo court In Nebraska before the war , when it was a territory. He Haded oil at Hint time a luirof hoises lor seven acres oi laud lu the nclghboihoud of Omaha. The other day ho sold a lot from it for ; : v,000. Tlilsreptesents the best pi Ice ever paid for any pair of ouli- nary hoises on recoul. When Mr. Kellogg made the purchase ho dio\o out to view the land , nnd when he made thn trade the owner of the land took the lior es at ouce , and Air. Kelloffg had n hard time tramping back. Ho did not think much of Ids pmchase , nnd has been very nearsolllnirlt n number of times. The whole tract to-day Is said to bo worth somowheio hi the neighboihuod of n quarter of a million. Omaha cas Is not a very healthy thing to have Iloatlns mound in the atmospheio ot dwelling houses. People cannot be too care ful about thelrgas lixtuies , which should lie thoroughly Inspected at licquent Intervals nnd kept in perfect icpair so that they will not leak. "I called nt a residence on Canitol lilll ono day not long ago , " said a gentle man , "andas nearly suffocated by the smell ol gas. I called the attention ol the lady of the house to It , and she said that was nothing as they had got used to it. " That family is making a gicat mistake , like many others in all probability , and when their health is ruined they will realize It too late. r. are several things that need regu lating at liovil's opera house. In the first place the men who are in the habit of stand ing along the rear nislo and disturbing people ple by their loud tallc should bo made either to shut up or take n walk. In the second place the tobacco chcwets who sit ou the steam registcis and squht tobacco juice on the carpet should bu oscoited to the sidewalk. Another nuisance is ( lie man wants to look in just for n few minutes and while doing so keeps the door open , causing n dratt to sweep tluough the house to the annoyance ol every one. Some one ought to sit down on him. Their First How in Public. The pupils' recital given last night nt Lyon A : Healoy's piano wareiooms by the pupils of Mr. Nahan 1'rnnko was in every wny a matked success. Mr. Fran ko has nl- loady established his reputation as n violin ist , plnnolst , vocalist and conductor , but ho certainly Is thu most excellent teacher of music that Omaha over counted among Its inhabitants. This was proved last evening by the entertainment mentioned above , and It Is hard to say who of the performers was entitled to the honors of the evening. Both Miss Hessic Morse nnd Miss Mav Wallace deserve - servo hljjh pralso for tlinir splendid perform ances on the violin as also does Mr. Ifeiliert Ilogers. Mnster Hlcgins , and above all .liilius Thlele , who Is without doubt the most gitted of all Mr. Franko's pupils. Miss Francis Under , Miss Mabel U.ib- combo nnd Miss Hose Hiadysang their num bers most admirably and the whole entw- Ulnmeut lellected gre.1t credit upon their teacher , .Mr. Nahan Fianko. 'lliu following was the Violin Solo , Faiitasle "Don Juan" . . . . . .Mo/iu t-I lollacnder Air. Herbert M. Kogors. Alia "Woo Unto Them Who Koisako Him" . Mendelssohn Miss Kianecsea Uucdor. Violin Solo-"Civatlnu" . J . Hall Miss UessloAIorse. Soncs-a ( ) "Oh , Lay Thy Cheek on Aline. Dear Lo\o" . A. .lensoii ( b ) "Dicams" . Anton Strole/ikl Miss Mabel lialeombu. Violin Solo. Fnntaslo "Lo linibler".Alard Miss May Wallace. Song " ( Sood-nlirht. Fniuwell".F. Kcuckcn AIlss Kosn Brady. Violin Solo "Ik-H-euso" . Jncoby Master Charles lligirlns. Ballade "Angels at the Window" . .B. Toms Allss Finncosei Koeder. Violin Solos- | [ i ; ] ; : : Mto-rfi. | } Jonas Miss Vliglnln Koblnsoii. Song "Angels' Seioiiado , " with violin obligate . Biaga .Missus Alabcl Bnlcomba and Air. Hnrbeit AI. Itogerri. Violin Solo ( Concerto No. ' . ) ) "Adagio nnd Allegio" . Chu. do Borlot Air. Julius Thlelft. "Meditation" . Bach-donned Alias Besslo Alorsn. Messrs. Ito ers nnd Thlele. A I'lnnotiiit Affair. About thirty employes of the firm of Alax Meyer & Co. gathered iibout n banquet board In the mu > ; luhall of the establishment last night The occasion was a faruwell supper given In honor of Air. David Silberstolnwho niter elirht years In the employ or the linn , starts into tlio clgnr business for himself. After the good things on the boird were dis posed of , speeches In honor of the guest of the evening were made by these present. The ntfnlr was n thoroughly pleasant one. nnd In Ropur.itlng all bestowed upon Mr. Silberstiiln their heartiest wishes lor Ids success In his new vcntuie , Jniiuary Hnils , The Merchants National Bank commenced suit In Judge AloCiiIlourh'd c-ourt yesterday for the collection of u promissory note of SW. SW.In In the district couit yesterday IVter Files commenced suit axainit August Freimiun jor the collection of piomlssory notes amounting to 87CO. 11. AI. Hunt nnd the Florence Land nnd Trust companj commenced suits In the dis trict courts yestordav to get nossesiion of a number of lots In Florence that arc held by I ) . Al. P.iiker , Demiis Dee , niiJ Olobb Hanson. Persona ! P "Skip" Wlllard , of the Sherman County Times , Is In town. Nick Oiiehcrt of Museatlne , la. , is in the city greeting old time friends. Air. ( Jeorgo Heiuenway. representing Aubey & hnbrey of Now Vork is In the city. Hon. C. Cl. AIcNIch. n prominent broker of Wlsnor , Neu , and a leaning politician of y , Is at the Allllard. THK ATllIiUTlC TOlW.\AMn\T. The Must Plcnsliii : ICiitcrtnlnmcnt liver Given In Oiiinlin , The one tliotu.iiul people who foisoo ) other Mil-actions lor the nthletlo touruamen at the exposition building last night wcr treated to on oof the finest cnteilninmont over ghon In the west. The work ot Join S. Prince nnd Prof. Ktiiinacrow lesulted In i programme that kept thonudlcuco wild will delight for over three hours. The inotrniumnnsopciicd by n one-mil professional handicap ineo with llre/ee llourihaii nud ( Jiegj as staiters. Hoiirlhai Mtnrted from the rcr < itcli , Hrc/ee havliK ai WO feet , and tiregg m"i leet. Thn inco wns n good one , winning by n few tcot In \ minutes nndi5 : ecoiuK The second ! featiuo w-ns \\heelbarro\\ \ \ Jnco for n half mile. The stnitors were a negro man and a white woman. The niuus- inc contest was won by the woman. Time The members of the Omaha Turnvereli nndn fi-w ambitious oulslueis entered in the loint Jump contest. Airilelntre , n member of the Tiirnrcrelii , won , clearing li ! lect am 3 Inches. Drhtgs , Wnshburueaiid r'lnnognn entnrei for n liw ynul foot raco. The men was wet by Brlgifs In eleven nnd threc-lifths seconds The high Jumping contest \MIS won by Al Ilelntze , of the Tuinvcieln , clearing uu < fee nnd two luehes. Air. Helntzo also \\oii the polo vaulting contest dealing nine feet am one Inch. Ono of the most oseltlng and pleasing con tests of the evening was the one mile bovs bicycle race tornsmer'meditl. Tim stniteis weroAIaster Dlek ( ! iay , who was given out nnd one-tilth hips the stml , Charles ( ial higher who had one-half lap the stait nut ( oorco Allner nnd Oh.irlus Dcllouo win stalled fiom the snnteh. It was n raeo for blood tiom thu .start , the entlio niidleneo Mnndlngand jelling from the start to the lluish. Mnster ( Srnv won by a lew feet closely pushed by Allner. Time , : . ' ! : W. Thu pi ize class of the Omaha Turiiveielu composed of Messrs , Alt llelnt/e , Itoo Uoseimvolg , William SchultF. . Klnwr , Aillliim Dloedel , H. ( iromme and J. I'ehschuh , furnished n number of lealures , under the direction of Prof. Kumtneiow , In hoiizontnl and parallel bar put foi malices nnd poiformatiees on the horse that moused the audience to gient enthusln < > m. This team K composed ot the best nil-mound ath letes In thu Missouri Mil ley , and ni era ] > - iieaied to a better advantage than they did last n U lit , Messrs. Frank Alittauer , Thomas Black more , Kd l.jttln and Charles Peabody \\cio the staiters In the live mile nmntetir lot the championship ot Omahn. The riders go * off in good shape and made a hot lace tiom the stait. Thu second mile was cn\eied in 0 minutes nnd " > 0 seconds. At this point Blackmoro dioppcd out of llio ineo. Pea- body. Lyttlo and Alittauer continued In a bunch , Penbody and Alittauer chancing the lend alternately. Lyttlo , who Is a now'man on the wheel , made an excellent ini-e , keep ing close on the leaders to the llnlsh. Alter n desperate struiru'lo Alltlaiier won bv t\\o lengths , Pealmdy second , Lyttlo third. Tlniu-lO : ! . ' ) - ' - : . . A do/en or moro nntcied for the lope climbing Contest Alt llelnt/e won , reach ing11 teet and 10 Inches. A half-mile walking match was won by Uic/eo , over Hulfman and ( iiczp , In \ min utes and 'J seconds. Tim bicycle r.ico between Prince and Bul lock was the closing feature ot the pro gramme. Prineo tra\o Bullock oiui lap lu li\o miles. liullock set the paeo for the lirst two miles at a thu-e minute gait when I'rluco took the lead and commenced to make ait- vantage. His g.Un was iicidu gradually and by learfidlv hard work. Ho gained his lull lap on U illoek and passed him when two laps tnmi the linlsh winnlm ; the race by thirty feet iu fouiteen minuets nnd lifty-Iivo seconds This closed the mo'-t siicc-esstul ath letic entertainment ever given In Omaha. AM US KM ISM rs. Opcninir of tlio Ilnnsovolt Or iin nt All SaiiilH' Ijast NlRht. TIKI beautiful little church ot All Saints' wns titled with a cultivated and utnuecUlivo audience last night , that enjoved to thn ut most extent the m isical ot Mr. l-'ildyM oigan play u ; With his line orchcsti.itlon , delicate shading nnd exquisite tas'e , Air. ICddy ontlcl m as nil organist. Ho plays with great tenderness at times nnd some of his most pleasing numbers were familial themes worked over. A gem wns Henri Desliayc's second pastorale , given with a dreamy , stained glass sort of effect that quite transput tud the audience. A vocal complement was supplied by Airs. Cotton , Alts , ( iimkol , Mr. Pennell anil Air. Wilkliid. Ahs. Cotton was m excellent voice nnd .sans "I will Kxloll Thee , " from Kli , w.t'i great flexibility and putIty ot tone. Air. IVnnell handled his massive barltonu with his usual enviable command ol himself nnd sang "Lord , Cod of Abraham , " from Kliinh , with the grnndeur that thu iirln demands. Airs. Oscar Cunkelsang "C'omo Unto AIo ! " liom thu StabatAlater , nnd her enunciation was n commendable leatuiuot her singing as well ns the dramatic fei\or and earnestness thai she throw Into the piece. A trio fiom Hay- don's creation , "Ou Thcco Kaeh Living Soul Awaits , " sung by Alr-s. Cotton , \V. 11. Wllkins and Air. Pennell elicited much ap plause. Tlio only fault to bo found with the entire recital \\n' a most eiili n'Jlo delay In beginning the iiio iaiiimu. r \.VTASM A , The engagement of the Ilanlon's In "Fan- tasnia" enmo to a close last night at thu lioyd. The house was packed nnd thu audience un loved thu pru-icntatlou to thu gieafost dejiee. The llaiilun's have added to their lepututlon by this engagement nnd under sinilar cii- cunistances they will always bo able to draw largo audiences- . A Grent Specialty Company. The San Francisco Dally Atla-Calltorulan says ot the Buston Howaid Athenuum Com pany , which appears nt Bo > d's Opera house on Wednesday nnd Thuisdny nights : "Theru was not n vacant seat In the house when thocmtain wns iiing up last night , nnd It the almost continuous Inn. liter and plaudits niu itny criterion , euitainlv nn audience wns nc\er better pleased. Unlike most "star specialty companies , " ihu performer : ! aiu luallvstais In their respective lines. The performance Is crammed lull of amusement and Interest , nnd Is .suit ! to inn out thu en gagement of thu company with full houses. " MI.VNIK JIAIIiit.V. : Next Friday and S.ttuiday Alinnlu Mnd- dern , the most chnimlng young woman nnd natural nctrcss now on the American .stage , will appear nt Boyd's opera house In "Caprice. " Shu Is unquestionably n talented nnd charming nctiess , as thu picss tluough- out the country universally necoid he > the highest praise. Kimenu Field snys In thu Chicago News : "There Is a certain chaini about her every movement and pose , Hint steals Into onu'.s heaitnnd holds it captive until lolcnscd by thu tail of the curtain. She has a great future before her , nnd it is only n question ot a luw years when shu will bu the leading nctiess on thu American stage. CO Ml Mi ATTK Vf IIO.V. Next Wednesday and'I'liuisilay ( ho great Boston Howard Atlicn-Arinu Star Specialty company will appear nt Boyd's opera hoiisu In a monster mitcilninmeni. On Fiiday the ehnrmlng Alinnlu Alaudein will bo seen in "Capilce. " THK WKSTKIIN Tlio Oiimlms Oliib'H Slim Chances Tim Other TCHIIIH , Thu announcement may cause home sur prise nnd regret , but it Is nevertheless n fact tlmttheru Is consldeiabln serious talk ot ills- banding thu newly organl/ed league tunm In Omaha Thu stock company \\ns foi mod timu ngonnd Alnnagur Handle put on thu way of getting n good team In ths hold. This wns done with thu hope that Omaha could u < > Into the Western leaguu and glvu thu lovers of the natlonul game n good season ol sport Thu company didn't want thu caith. It was hoped , honuu'r , that Omaha would bu nblu to i auk third or fouith nt lowest in tlio leairuo and tills would IK > glory enough for thn club's mst , year In thu Held. Thu nmna- pom thought till * was a moilcst Ambition , but they have been discouraged and their hopes dlspi'lli'd. Tlui astute young men who mould thu destinies ot thu club * ot thq Western league through.Ihu eol- limns of thu Lincoln Jimuial nud thu Hastlnu's ( Jazetto-Joiirual hu\u willed U dif- turently. Thu Hastings man has declared that thu Hastings shall bo lirst and no other cpib neater to them than fourth place. Thu Jjlncoln man U more considerate. His juit dcciees that Lincoln .shall lo.ul , Denver second. Kansas City third. Hasting ) fouith , and Topeka , St. .loo , Leavenwurth nnu Oinahn in the order named. This Is rattler discouraging but If the Infulllblo prophets U in tins way. tlio other clnbj lii the leanto nuw ns well "Snv nolhtrn ; nnt saw wood. " ( t Is Just possible thnt the onlti inav bo ro\ersed. The Lincoln dun will contain some freed men this year. The \ \ Illlnms Brothers , of Clinton. Iowa , who promises to bo phcnnml nals ha\obccn secured ns leading battery. AIIIOIIK the other members are ltclnniIe , Miort slop ; Lnwnncc. pitcher ; Suyiler , caU-lier ; Chester , of lie llilfnlo nlnp , Pallc.i , ot St Louis nud ( llenalvnn , of St Liiuis These with a number of good men chosen from the players In last years Western league w III make n staonit team for the Capital City. 'Thu ( iarcttc-Journnl man states thnt among tlm o who ha > c already signed with Hastings nro three of the old men , Khrlnht , Harris and Itohrer , Welch , ot'Allaneo. Ohio ; J. Hrcnnnn , ot St. Louis , a tutted cnlchct ; Clins. lloyt , of Kalnmn7oo , Allen. , n rcmnrk- nblu nud very promising young pllchur ; Fife , of the Chicago city lenguc.asplendid catcher ; CnmiMugh , of Detroit , a member last sensou ot ( ho ( iieat ( ieulph team of Ontario , and two cclcbutcd pitchers name wo are not nt lllnut v to give nt present , 0110 of whom Is nn ovcel- lent "left-hander , " and practices the "Pret zel ourvu" dally. 'The men who will compose llio Omaha team under Frank Bandlu's maiin umeut me \ \ . A. Kouiku. of thu Duluth team : Bixler , of Ilnxtlngs ; U. L. Vench , of ludlnuapolls , a iihenominnl twlrlerV. ; . B. ( Soodcnoinrli. and Thomas Doirlty , of ricmont ; Dnu O'Loary , ol St. Louis , nluft hntidcd pltchor : Henluy nud Jenltis , ot tlio ohl Peach Pic uluu ; llniter nnd Walsh , of Alneon , ( In. , llou e- nmn , of Biltlmorc ; Alessit : , of Onelda ; Swift of Lincoln : Biimlilecum , of Hastings nnd Crowning , of St. Louis. Y. M , C. A. 1'liyslonl Culture Oilier Notes. Secretary .loplin lias met with considera ble ; success in Ills efforts to establish n gym nasium In connection with the V. Al. C. A. Subscriptions hn\u been seemed nnd some ot the nppaintus Is nliendy In place nnd will Iw ndded to ns comu in. Until tie now building Is erected the meeting hall will bu used ns n gymnasium room. The nicmhei- Rhlp is now SI per yenr. This Includes the Use of thu llbinry , gymnasium nud games. About louooliuncs ni u In the library now , embracing books upon many subjects. The association Is In In need ol thu wotks of K. P. Koeand Pnnsv. Persons so desiring can hen ; Mud opportunity to conti Unite books where they will bo greatly nppcclnted. Mr. Knsign , solicitor for the building fund , l meeting with success nmoiii : the business v men. lie , ns well ns others who me Inter- f" ested. nru confident thnt Ihu nupiliednniuuut to commence opuintlous with can bu iniscd in nmplu time. Mr. .loplin deslies It to bo known thnt the looms ot thu association urcopen nil dnvnnd In thu oNuilng. nnd thnt strangeis wfll In ) well received. Tlio leading loom id supplied with the latest pnpet.s nnd popular periodi cals. Struiieis ran also lake books from thu llbiaiynnd lead while In the building. In connection with the above , apparatus for vniious inteiostlnu' pallor games can bo luul by nsivlng the secretary. Kloj'tric Ijlglit Oflloors. The stockholders of the Omaha Thompson- Houston Klccttlc Light company held n mectlinrvcstutday afternoon and elected the following olllcoia and directors lor thu unsu- Ing year : J. C. Uegnn , president ; J. E. Illloy , vice piesident ; ( ! . .1. Alelms , secretary nnd mnii- ncer ; Aliuot Tenell , treastner. Directors lliram Wadiwoilh , Chicago ; , ! , E. Kiley. Omaha : .1. C. Regan , Oinidia ; Cl. ,1. AlelniH , Omaha ; Thomas P. IJalluy , Kalians City , AIo. Thu icport of llio general manager show.s Hint the company has prospered during the past year , and in addition to belne freu Iroin debt is in a position to mtdcu needed Impiovn- nicnts that will c"st about 8aoi ( 0. The new trensuier nt tlio company , .Mr. Alinot Ten 111 , of Lynn Aloss , will romoxu to Oimiha at an eaily date. Thn Golden Itelt. Yesterday aftoiiioon there was a meeting of the ( iolden Belt Alining and .Milling nsso- elation at which the following dhcctoi.s weio ducted : .1. C. Cowln , W. F. Bethel , T. K. Lmlborough , 11. S. Uolllns , F. A. Nash.lolm 11. Keene , Alex .Mitchell , jr. . John A. Ale- Clure nnd C. S. Carrier. The following of- llreis were then elected : .1. C. Cowln , pioil- dent ; W , F. lloehel. vlco pic.sldent ; II. S. Kolllns , tieasurer. nnd T. K. Sudboiough , secietnry. It Is the Intention of the company to Immediately order n litty-stanip mill and with It to begin \\oiKingol the innturlal of thu mine , which latter Is situated near Hnllov. Idaho. U Is stated that thu mlnu liroiuNes a most satisfactory yield. . Y. AI. C. A. Nolim. Blblu class Sunday morning at 0:15 : o'clock. Cosp"l ! meeting Sunday afternoon at 4 o'cloek. Air. William Finnklin will lend. Theiu will be good singing and shmt talks by thu young men. E\t-iybudy is Invited. Service in the jail Sunday at 1 o'cloek. Young men's meeting on Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. Noonday pinycr meeting dally from 12:15 : lol.Vi. ! : Thu regular monthly social will bu held on Tuesday nlu'ht. Everybody Is invited whether thuy nru members or not Comu nnd ui vi ) n good time. Tlio association returns thanks to the Omaha Publishing company lor soveial nd- lltlons to thu llbrniy. Tin ; Clonraiiou Uncord. The bank clearances for the week ending vi'stcrday were as follows : Monday . SlOJOm5.7S Tuesday . BJIl'.i0.r.S . Wt'diKMday . < 1M'.H5.H ( Thuisdny . G5'V.WU ( > Fi limy . KW.flin.bT ) Saturday . 71 > , l&r > .bO Total . SI.I Per ecnt of increase , 17.9. Nipped a I 'allor Shoos. A big colored fellow made a sneak of a pair shoes from n case in front of Xlmmer- nun's shoo store on Douglas street , near Twelfth , yesterday iitternoon. 'Tho sneak was seen by n waller at the Alctropolltnn intel , who gnvu thu nlarm. Air. Xlniiiicrnian imdu a lively clinsu lor his mini , but n.-is dis united easily. 'The thief escaped. T ouN Hooh'H Itouolll. This even Air. Louis Koch , thu lending nan of the ( ieimnn comedy company , will take his benefit nt thu lioyd , wheio thu entire company will appear In the piodimtlon of the 'Hat ' Catcher of llamdln. " Air. Koch has niulu many filunds In this city alneu Ins nt- Ival. nnd they will doubtless , ns they should , ; ive him a warm reception. The county commissioner ycstcrduy nwnidcdthu county piinllni : for Ihu eiinii- us year to thu Oinnlia Republican Co. t Thu t'ommlssloiieih Instiucted the county lurk to ndveitlsu lor pioposalb for luniilnt : hu coiinty'ta grading machines dminc thu coming summer. to Weil , ilud o lUcCiilloch granted marriage ( census yesterday to the following par ies : s'rtine. Kesldcncc. Ago. I John C. Hooper . Omaha . ai ) LUII i a Cunningham. . . .Omaha . id ) llnrry Cherniss . Council Bluffs. . . ! * ! i Neltiu Hujmnii . Omaha . ' "j Altnntioii , TrJnngln Lodge , No , 51 , K. of p , , will hold i special meeting Monday evening , Jniiuary I , for tank woik nnd business. J. T. DAII.IY , C. C. lACOHSOX-Ilnnnn. wile of Peter Jncob- fion , aged 01 yeais , Januury 22 , at ! ' o'clock n. m. , at her lesldencu on Walnut and Twenteventli stn-ets. Funeial on Tuesday nt 10 o'clock. Friends nyiled. _ _ Thu Contest lu Indiana. INDIAXAI-OMS , Jan , ai. The Icglslatute net In joint session to-dny nnd took another Jiillol for United States senator. The result > > as ; Tnrple , 7 > ; llnrilson , 70 : Allen. 4. r wo members weru paired. It Is surmised Imt If the adjournment had not buon taken. he deadlock might huvu bt-en broken ou thu aoxt ballot. _ Nolirnokit unit Iowa \Vcntiior. Per Nebraska ancj Iowa : Warmer , fair vtMther.