Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 23, 1887, Part I, Page 3, Image 3

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offlcs , on furniture , pianos , her ogwafrons ,
p ron l property of al ] kinds , and all other nr-
tlelMof vwu * . without removal. 819 8. 13th ,
overlllngham'gCommlulon llore. All busl-
ne s strictly confidential , 818
TT10U SALK llpetnurant fixtures and furnl-
JL ! ttiro. Will poll nt a sacrlflco. Cnll quick.
No. 603 North Sixteenth 8t. 64523'
" 17 OH SALK A grand bargain for some ono
JU wanting a clean strek of groceries In Oma-
1m ; Mead A 8. 1'.th at. C31 27
I pOH SALK Manufacturing business t-nlnb-
1 llshcd In Omnhn , 4 years ; lnig st Undo In
Oo city ! will brnrclo'CM Investigation ; ninonnt
of capital required , nbutit $ I,60U. Addrc s 1) 4.
lloo olllco. 00321 *
AFlHSTClass nnd paying HcMaurant for
snlo. $ l,500tor $ - ! . ' onpltnl nil thnt Is
needed. Full particulars on addressing , I ) n , Ilco
onico. _ 6oa 34 *
iXCMANOi-An : : uncumhorcd Knn ns
farm for mortgaged elty property. Ad
dress I ) 2 , tloo onico. 5 > ll 23 *
UsfNKSfTcilANCK-Stock Orocerles nnd
Mcntmnrkot for sale , Finest location in
Omnhn. Doing nn excellent business. Address ,
C , 17 , llun O 111 co. 6
mOTHADK for Western Lnnd-Ono ( rood pay-
JL Ing hotel with 1(1 ( rooms In llrst-cln ° s condi
tion In n town with two rallronds ; nlso black-
flmlth shop nnd tools In same town. Address
Hobt. i : . K. Mcllor , .Mnlvcrn , Iowa. 603 26 *
"I7HIl SALK Hotel Invoice , now , In a booming
* - town , central locution , client ) bargain. Will
trndo for stock. Address J. Krebcok , IIIuo
BprlngR. Nob. _ 53 _ 24'
THOU SALK Now and clonn stock of drugs
JL' nnd books In ono of the host town * In con-
trnl Nebraska , doing n line business and Issuro
to Increniu , stock will lurolco about J3rno. must
fell Boon Address C 07 , Ilco onico. 518 si *
"IjlOlt 8AIi : llotrl OmnlbtlK. lined R montli" .
-L Address , It ) dor , Strointnirk' , Nob.
C-11 20 *
SAt.U-MIIK dairy , 20 cows , 1 bnll,2
- horpo , milk wnirim nnd llxtiiro * . ovorytlilnir
complcto , cows nil Ircsh nml llio best ml k
ronlo In thu city : call or address J. W. I'onny ,
: wtli nnd Oriint st. 47H 23
TDTiS iTTifSsITl fANCIN-HtoCKdrocorlcTTorsnlo.
SNo bctlfr Inciitliin In Omiihii titles now
norniro f.'WU a dny. Huslt & Srjlbj218 S. 16th st.
riio Mutchntidlxo for Inrmi nml
J wild land. U. J. Cnswoll , loom It ) , Iron
Ilnnk. UIIHI
" 1710H SALK Now stock of ladies' furnishing
V goods , together with store ilxtitins. llusl-
ness In full conduct with good trade. Location
best on Howard St. , occupying H rtoro lnsiimro |
Of solid brick. .1 , F. Hammond , 115 H. Kith st.
TTTHAI , ! : Or trmlo for nu > rchnnd'lBi > . 040
ncros of Ni > 1 fnrm Innd near flrnnd
Islaiul. 0. .1. Cinmn 815
HOUSES lots.rnrms.l.ntKiimonoyloaned ,
llcinli.roniu 3 , llarkor block S. W. cor.
ir.tli . nnd rnrniuists. SV (
FOIt SALE llnidwnro IlnsmoBi Wo offer
oiirnliclf nnd hcnvy hnrdwnra buslnoss for
Kilo , tOKOthor with our lonso nml ( rood will ,
Tinito lurpcst In tlio city nnd location the best.
Tit-Urine Irnm the btiolncM cmide for soiling-
The llnuin Hnrdwnro Co. , lO''s O st.i Lincoln.
TJMtSONl7 \ " guarTiTiTooTs" , , _ . . . .
Jwith nil silver plated knives , forks and
spoons at Moody's China Store , HtU N Hlth s > t.
Prices the lowest. Call and boconvlnccd.
021 13
ACOMl'Mrn : nml perfect set of abstract
liookn In the olllco of It , 0. Patterson , 15
mill Iliu-iioy. n'17
I > iilS : iNAI < Mr . Dr. Nannie V. Wnrrcn
clnirvojnnt. Medical nnd business Medium
Itoom No. 3,121 North IDth et. , Umnhn , Nob.
\nig \ | iup , A llbiirnl inward will bo paid
for his ruimn toj. J. HuthlntrtonMillard hotel.
B20 2,1 *
T.OST A Locket , rnn-shnpod , Inlnld with
JLJ Bold. Flvu ilolinrH mwanl pa.'U If left nt
Itlloy & Dillon ' , IIIJ'J Dou liia st. f.'JH 2U *
LOST At charity ball In the diosslntf room ,
ono whlto gntln fan , handpiuntod , with
upplo blossoms. The Under will obllgo by loav-
this ollloe. 41)3 ) SI *
M ADAM ALASKA. Claravoyiint and palmist ,
612 Honth Kith st. Ml
SOLID gold spectacles only $ ri a pall nt Frank
and Son k Co.V , 220 S. 14th st. 048 23
rpAKIJNOTICK I have on hand a largo qunn
JL tlty of timothy , clover nnd millet seed for
pnlo. Write for prices. W. G. Uoston , David
City , Nob. 571 f. 20
200 lots at $150 ench Monday and Tuesday.
1LT \ Hill. 42 23
" \T KHHAS1CA Cultivator and Hoiisokcopor. "
JICstabllshcd 18 .
- j euro. Departments HK-
rlcultiiial.llvu Block , housekeeping ( a valuable
collection of receipts In each issue ) , and gen
eral mleccllancouH reading , Including sliort
Rtorles and poetry. $1.00 n your. Vnluablo
premiums. Sample copy free. H. S. Smith ,
rub , Itoom 3 , Wlthnoll llloelOmaha , Nub.
STHI'.Ltpoctndes to suit all sights only $1.XJ (
a pair at Frank & Son & Co. , 220 South 14th
Btreot. 018 23
VIOLINSguitars , banjos , mu sic boxes , etc. ,
hrciit bargains nt Fnuik & Son & Co. , 220
South 14lh street. 048 23
GUNTS gold and silver watches , bargains at
Kl auk A ; fen & Co. , 220 South 14th btieot.
BHILLIANT Parisian diamond MU rings , solid
gold , only $3.60 , at Frank mid Sou Ac Co.'s ,
2208.14th st. 0432-1
neil UKNT Siitaro ] piano , $ i montnlv. A
! llnano. 1513 DougHs. 010
lK laigcut nddltlon to Omaha Is flco. H.
Hoggs' ndd Just north of U. P. shops.
612 23
3ADIF.3' soil ! gold fclom winding watches
J only $20 at Frank and Son & Co.'s. 2JO S.
14th St. 04323
VjIlOHTIIAND-In ten lessons. No Blunting ;
k3 no position ; rapid na Hneech. Instructor ,
60cents. Pcrinu'BSIioitliand Institute. Deiiolt ,
Mich. 18' ' ) t 10 *
BUY n lot In flco H. Hoggs' addition Monday
and Tuesday for $150. Prices udvanco to
$2:0 Wednesday morning. 012 23
I AD IKS' diamond collar buttons onlv $9.
'I Prank ami Son & Co. , 22. ) S. 14th st 013 23
"T3TOK KIJNTMJrgunsT$3 per
X1 1E13 Douglas. 60U
IOTS for $150 at private Fain Monday ami
J TneKlry , all day , at Hoggs k Hill's lent
uutntu olllcu , 1408 Ftirimm. 612 23
D IAMOND STUDS only $10. Frank and Eon
.V Co. . 2-10 S , llth st. 04 * 23
MOHTGAfll'.S Purchase money mortgages
on Improved Omuhn real estate , bought
nt No , 21 Frcn/lcr block ; apply lietneon 2and 3
p. in. 297
DIAMOND KAHUINflS only $10 ut Frank am
Son A. Co ,220 S. Hth bt. 018 23
T71O11KHNT Squnro I'latio | U monthly. A
JD Hospo. 1513 Douglas. Oil
I * roit
Dl AMOND 13-1 carat stone , combination rmj ,
nnd stud at a bargains Frank .V Sot
& Co , 220 S llth sll cut , 61S 23
FOH SALK Good sound borne suitable for
any Imslnoss. Grocery n. e , cor. 25th ana
California st. idl 25 *
ILTOlots lit $160 each Monday nnd Tuoedny
Hoggs .v Hill. 612 23
OKALSAFKTY HAKOH-Only $2 nt Frinkl
Son \ CD'S2W S 14th btreet. CIS 23
FOH SALi-Stamping : Patterns cheap ; am
slamtdiigdono toonU-r. Mrs.J W. Mor-
rl&ons , r > 0i In\import. ) Wi F12
rplli ! ImviX nddltloii to Omaha is
JL Hogyb'add jiibt noilh of t' . P. tthops. .
642 23
fj OH SAI.B-Tho best buggy In the woilij for
JL1 the Hcnl lUtate lluslness , Columbus Huggy
( o.lliHlarnovKt. ;
Bl'V a lot in floo. II. Hoirvti' addition Mondnj
and TuL'hday for $1JO. Prltes advanced to
Wednesday inornmir. 642 2J
HOIl S.U.i : Genuine diamond enrrlnt-'g $10 u
. ' Frank .V Son \ Co' * , 22U S 14th st. UtS 23
TIWHRALi : A u-oo.1 A year old horse , harness
' nnd buggy. Knijulin at llJa Duutrlaa 61. IHJ.
L'liS for flM nt private etdu Monday nm
i'iieAdiiy , ull dny , at llo 'b S : Hill's rcu
i tt Ut1 otlii't' , Hi d I'lirmiiii. 0)2 ) 23
3ALU Ol THADK-Ono 2il hand elde-
bar 1'Ui.vy ' , one d hand phavton , 01.0 do
wagon. Ctie-ip. A , Hospc , ISl.UJoutihn .
7ol J * ( )
K-Hrllilant I'annant diamond cur
rwvt , Holiil gold , only jJ.iO ( a ( Frank A Son
' 643 23
1& l"t8 at S1W ouch Monday nnd Tueslay
i l'c- ' * * * * iu'i ' 01 * * * - _
I t. ' ! Al. ' T > po-w rltcr , JlW. J. H. Hftjnea
A ? Joit-j ) , uu lia , Ifft
TUT. largest addition to Orr.nha Is Geo. H.
Hoggs' ndd just north of U. P. shops.
612 23
moil SALK-SolId gold Mom-wlndlng Klgm
L1 watches , only $35. Frank A Son St Co'i , 220
S Hth Bt. C48 23
FOH SALH Furniture and lea e ot six-room
hoiifo , time on part. Cull 1203 North 27th
street , two blocks from Hcd Car line. E7)
1TANTED Hey to do chores around house
> for his Hoard. D. L. Mcflucko , &I2S s 10th.
631 25
" \\rANTKH Salesman to see my specialties
' In commercial prlntlnfr , note heads and
tatcmrnts , nnd envelopes , etc. fl.50 per 1.000.
UK comml slon , trnvallnir and local agent *
wanted. Send for samples , The Peoples'
Printer. Klrnsvllle , Mo. JnnZ 1C233U *
WANTKD A trnvcllncr salesman for
Ncbrnskn , either on commission or salary ;
tate experience nnd former occupation.
iVcbor Wn on Co.Chlciiffo , 111. 01.123
WANTKD flood men on the Hond to Intro
duce the ( Irontcst nnd Most I'soful Invcn-
Ion of the Present Ago. IX i ) . Gianirrr 218 S
Oth st. 6'J3 23 *
WAN A I'.D 3KOod mnn agents , $ > per ilny
mndo easy l > y culllnir 11U N lOtli , Crounso
blk , room 4. H. O. Hello Islo. 67A
W CTKI-Skilled nccountnnt will nccopt
eltuntlon 1'ob. 1 , 1S87. Address 0 Ki lloo
offlco. B49 25 *
WANTit : boy or young man hnvln ? n
good horse nnd living In south part of
city , to carry a route on Dally livening lloo to
South Omaha. 403
\\TANTKI-Mon , woman , boys , girls to earn
T T $70 per month at their own homes costly
iutflt of samples , n packako of goods and full
nformatlon for lOo to help pay postage. Ad
dress H , C. Howell k Co. , lUitland , Vt.IMflO
IMflO *
"l\rANTIJn no sober. Intelligent men of good
address to try n lOo meal nt Norrls' res.
tnurnnt , 101 810th St. l.V )
A HUNTS In the city or country can makof "i to
-cVflo n day snlllnar our spo-laltioj. X. W.
Noveltycomnanv. 1217 Farnam st. fl2 !
WANTKD Two Saloslndlcs for drygoods ;
must lie flrct-class Saleslnillcs nnd well
recommended ; address , whore formerly em-
iloyed nnd salary wanted. Address D. 7 , Hee
olllcu. fill 23
\\7"ANTii : ) 75 good Olrls for domestic ork ,
T > to call nt 122 N 15th st. Oil 28 *
WANTHD At onco-12 experienced hands
at ovoiall uork. ( Jeo. Stiles , lltli and
l.oavenworth streets. i > 5 2. " >
\\7AM'iD : 1st class Marcher nt once tit I
T T X. L. Steam laundiy , 171'J Cumlngs.
i 23
) Dmlng room ulrls with good mf-
oicncoat Arrado Hotel. ( L'l 24 *
WANTF.D-CompetontHirl nt 2535 St. Marys
nve. 044 20 *
WANT13D A mlildlo ngcd wtiimin for son-
oral liontouork , 1U1U Harnuy st.
01323 *
VAN'I ED A good cook. 3 In family , (114 ( N
> 22d. 6211 2.1
rANTKD Good cook and Lnundtcss. 202 N.
It-Ill et. 6SI !
W fANTlID Dining-room glrU. with good
rofoicnccs , at Arcade Hotel. 02125 *
\Y 'ANT13D 2 good strong glrla at the Paxtou
hotel. Apily atoiico to the stewaid.
010 23 *
WANTKD Good girl for general house-
uorn ; good wages paid , 312 N. Jofler'
son , bet. Chicago nnd Davenport. 694 21 *
L'ANTKD A lauudicssat the COZFCIIS.
W ANTRD-fllrl for general house work.
Mrs. H. 13. Cov , 8.i2 S. lUli St. MS 2'n !
WANTI3D A competent eorvniit.ako a sec
end girl , In small family with only ouo
child : good wages. l21St. ! Marj-'s ave. 499
A good girl for general hoiiso-
work , good wagoj paid. Apply to .Mrs.
W. J. Ilrontch , 2126 Dodge ht. 339 22"
TVTANTIIO An elderly women to cook In
T small family , no washing or housukoep-
ng. 1020 Cathorlnost. 3. )
\\7ANTI D Dining-room girl and dish-
T ' wnslior. IiKinlro Mlllur'a Hustaurant , 1001
N 10th st. 222
WANTKD-Oood girl , English or flormnn ,
rook , washer and Ironor. Imiulre 2 U
Cnss St. D47
\\7 ANTI3D M ladles & gents to loirn tolo-
> t graphy. Prospect irood for position when
competent ; nddrcsn W. J. D. , Itoom 1. Crouna
blk.Omaha. 1:17 :
\\7ANTKD Young man of 28 , w ith two year's
' iKcpoilonco , wants a situation minor ns
bookkeeper or salesman In Drygoods or Hoots
nndSlioc's ; can speak Gorman ; bostrefcionces.
Addre5s D. 0. Heo ollice. IliO 24 *
\\ANTED , Situation ns cooks by man and
TT wile. Moat , piihtry or shott order ami
oyster cooking. Address C. L. Hnnehett , 215
MM in 13th stioct. U57 Sl
\VANTKD Situation as housckccoor In smnll
> lauilly. Addres.8 1230 Sixth avenue ,
Council Ulutfs. U15 23 *
W ANTKD Dressmaking in private families ,
1H09 Chicago. 025 23 *
WANTRn Position ns house-keeper in pri
vate family , or to help with light woilc.
Experience. Address Mrs. J. A. Hurton , city.
673 24 *
WANTKD A situation by n younir man of
several years' experience In boots and
bhocs. lints and gents'furnishing goods. Good
salesman. Cunglvo reference It required. Ad
dress C , K. U. , box 42 Alnsworth , Nob.
57223 *
AX'ANTKD Situation ns clerk In store , dry
> goods preferred , by n young lady. Host
references. Adili ess 0 Oi , Itco. 63'i 2.1 *
" \VANTKO A nurse , who is willing to help
Tl around houso. Address N. C.'JS1 Wtica-
ton st. 601
WANTRD Situation In store by young man
of S3 ; had experience In Groceries. Ad-
dross. C. ( Kl. Hcc pllieo. 623 23 *
WAM'KD A reliable , sober , No. 1 bar
keeper with host of references , would
like to obtain a situation. Address 0 4S. Hoe
olllco. 411 23 *
\\ANTID ! To learn ilrj goods or grocery
> trade by n young man of unroproaoh-
able character and habits. Have oxporlenco as
Fcliool teacher. Host of reference , try him.
Address418 B 13th Ht. COo 29 *
WANTKD-A south room between 16th and
21st and Davenport nnd Cuss HIS. Ad-
dross.stnting terms , llox 401 Omaha i1.0. b2523
\\7AN'llD-Torentby Feb. 1st good K or 10
' T room liou'o with modern Improvumciits , In
good location , addiosu staling location and
terms. King A' Tumpluton.
In care of CHt/oni' Hank , 24U3 Cunilng st.
IU7 24
WANTKD Hy n gentleman nnd wife , ono or
two furnished rooms , suitable for par
tial housekeeping , a little out fioin the center
nnd on high land and convenient to horse ears ,
Addrot-s D 1 , Hue olllco. 692 23 *
\\TANTKD To exchnngo 80 acres Improved
' Innd , Blx mlles from Hortrand , Neb. , for
hnrdwiuo or furniture. F. C. Schrouder fc Co. ,
Hortrand , Nob. 690
) -Teams , 3UJ S. llth st.
" \\rANTKD-To rent a 7 to 8 room house nbout
the middle ot January. Address , II. 40 ,
Hce Olllcu , giving location and torma. 752
WANTKD To buy llvo to twenty ncros In-
side of or near Omaha. fl\e | descrlp
tion , price and terms. Address , V'M , lloo ollice.
\\7ANTBIJ -A roller top doiU in gooil condl-
tlon , Address stating length und price.
Cash , Hotel Mlllard. BflJ ill *
WAN I'KD A young man dmiriM Instruction
on the guitar from a competent teacher.
Address H 41 , Hco o'tleo. 7'tt '
fOlt HKNT-Six-room house , two blocks Iron
-I street cart > . It. P. Huiumond , room 3,15
Douglaii bt. Ii4'j ! 23
IVoit HKNTFivnroom bouse , 1101 Davon
1 portsticct Knuulro 1010 F.iiimm street
up stairs 6.M 24 *
11OH HKNT Lnrpo burn ; will accommodate
1 6 horses. Kmiulru { .TO Howard st. 608
FOH HKNT Ilons-J of ten rooms , modern
Improvemenis , xood locution , thcup. Kd-
w In Davis , 15UU Fainam st 56' }
IJIOH HKN'l'tlrooinliouse. . burn , hard" * iiui ]
-L1 soft water , 2.'d st Grace , luiulront
600 2
33 FKlJTon Doliro nagood m u corner ; cnsh
$8.000 ; $12,0) ) for u fuu-divjd. ( ! . M.
CooperISOJFari'um. 43J S31
JT OH HKNT The lower story of n new house
- 4 rooms und 3 closet u , lu rue kltcnon nm !
collar , porch , turnacu. hot und cold Wntur. gas ,
clcclrlu bells tor $25 per month , Iniiilro207 | h ,
2ju rt near Varimin. 413 2J *
1T1OH HirsT Slvroom h jusb wl7h barn. $15
1per month. Corner lllh aud Vlnton. In-
ulruun tueiiiUoj. JJ1
FOR RENT 10-room homo with largo stable ,
very cheap to right party. Marshall & Lo-
beck , 151)9 ) Fnrn .m. 221
FOH HF.NTHy Fob , 1st , ten room house ,
modern Improvements , 15 minutes walk
from P.O. On st car lino. Inqulro at 1103
Doughs st. UO
OH HKNT A barn for 4 head of horses. In-
nulro of M. F. Martin. 87
5TT HKNTA'nlco 5-room cottage. by"s7T.
Peterson , s. o. cor. 15th and Douglns.
"IjlOIl IUNT- : Broom house , citr water , street
JL ? cars , 1 < miles irom P. O ! 5-5 per month.
D. C. PattersonOmaha Nntl banic. 7IU
FOIt HKNT-Larito barn with wntcr rrlvl-
leircs. Apply nt IjlS Chlcngo t. TOJ
Poll IIKNT llotHo , 4 rooms , corner 1'hl
Sheridan nnd Howard ts.
House , 0 rooms , alt modern Improvomcnts ,
Harnoy and 20th sis.
Now brick itoro , north inth st
4 now stores HnscaU'g hotel , south 13th
st . J1.1 per month.
Ilrlckwarohouso on R. It. track ana pivoJ
nrd tory tlnrkor bulldmff , ISth nnd Tarnam ,
M fort snuiiro.
C. B. Mayno. ISth and Harnoy. 227
FOIt Fir.NT-If you wnnt to rent a hou o , call
on Ilonawn & Co. , opposite postodlco , 533
" 171011 ItRNT Sutlablo for Johhlnir House'oc-
JL : end and Third Doors , 3)xllM ) wltli base
ment nnd oloviitor , entrance irom front on
Douglas st. , and ontrnncoonproundlloor from
rear to olovntor. Address A 33 , Ilco odlco.
I/IOK HCNT 9 room house S. W. cor. 7tn nnd
JL1 Pncltlo. Inquire M. K. Martin. 213
FOH IIKNT Six new brick stores with base-
mcntfcorner Klovonth nnd Howard : cholco
location ; all conveniences. Lonvltt Ilurnhnra ,
Itoom 1 , CrclKhton block. 627
J OHURNT-Ononowoottntro , 7 rooms , $3iJ.
Throe now 2-story honsos , # 19 , ono nt $3" > ;
wellloentod. all conveniences. Lonvllt Hum-
hamItoom 1 , Crolifhton block. 127
Foil HKNT 80 acres adjoinm ? city north-
west , sultabloror dairy or market
Applylo Thoo. Williams , lloo Olllco , 914 Fir-
nam , 89 ?
F IOU KliNr-Stora 22iCO , lllfl Jackson st.
ron , HKiiT uootis.
FOH Itr.NT-Nlcelyfuihishcd front room 2J5
b'outh 26th street. 51 2 ! ) '
10U HKNT Itooms with first-class board.
102.1 Capitol in oniie. 6.13 25 *
UJNI' rooinrB"aT"B7W'Cilliiliip8
sticet. Terms $ d per month In advance.
053 25 *
F1 IlKNT Olllco rooms in ilruenlir bloek
- ' cor 13th and Do < liro. Inqulro ofla\ls& )
Hothorlnglon , Mlllaid hotel bllllaul room
Ola 23 *
FOH HF.NT rnrnlshod house eight rooms ,
convenient to U P depot. Address C 62 ,
Ilco olllco. 018 21 *
F" HUNT Furnished room IOU9 rnrnani. 015
Ij > OH HKNT F.lognntly futnishud front loom
with alco\ and closet 111 S Ibth st.
630 20 *
F 'OH ' HKNT Furnished rooms 1015 Dod'-ost.
FOH HUNT Large , nicely furnished front
room , 1'JOO Farnnm st , | < ; U2 23
FOH HINT : ,1 furnished rooms , 02.1 S , Ifith. 4
blocks south ol opera house ; prlje , 10 ,
S15 and $20 5W ! 24 *
FOH HUNT Unfurnished rooms , fl I to $7.
IniUlro801S.2Jd | street. 470 2. )
POH HKNT-Il nlco front rooms In the brick
MOCK on lion-aid st. between IGtb and 17th
Bts. Lee , Nlohol & Co. , Wlthncll block 5q4
FOIt HRNT Ip k room In the Om.ihn Heal
Kstato i\-chnnge. : Mead & Jniiilcson.218 8
loth. 6fU
I7IOH HF.NT Tuo unfurnished rooms for light
Jboil so-keeping. In Uoomor's block , corner
Klghth ami Howard. nil
FOH HUNT -At 801 Howard street , ono block
Horn Cro//ons house street ear every llvo
minutes a largo front loom , turnlshcd newly ,
for $12.50 per month. OT !
TOH HI'.NT-'Iwo front roomsineuly fui nlshed
JD for light houtokccping , 120' ) N luth ht.
525 23 *
FOH HUNT Pulto of roomsiirnlshod ! or un
furnished bed rooms , three blocks Item
lioyil's opera bouse. Address C 55 , Heo olllcc.
476 24'
FOH HUNT Furnished rooms for light house
keeping , lleeineis block , cor StU i llow.ird.
FOH HI5NT Furnished front pirlor. $8 per
niontn. S2J South 15th street. 42923'
IT'Oll HUNT Furnished rooms.nlsodavlioard-
ors wanted nt 1720 Cnss st. 40" . 2:1 : *
I71OH HiNT : Nicely riirnlslio.l room. Hof <
L ncc8 required. 10J7 Douglas. B37-
POH HUNT Furnished room. A. llospo ,
1511 Douglns St. 911
F [ HI'.NT 3 rooms unfurnished suitiblo
IJ for hoiisokooplna1 , 1017 N 20th st ; apply to
M. F. Martin , 310 S ! 5th st. 10J
FOH HUNT Two south front rooms , single
or en suit ; also front room , llrst lloor , wither
or without lire , 1512 Cnss st. ; i5--2fi *
FOU HUNT A nice , light bisement. Inquire
of Leslie & Leslie , lijthaml Dodgu stH. 308
F OH Itr.NT Nlco rooms nt 13JI Farnam st ,
ono block west of couit house , south side.
I/IOH HKNT 3 rooms suitable for houso-
J2 kooplnir. 71lPiiclU3st. llent , Jlfi.OJ.
LpOH KENT Neatly fui nlshod rooms , Blnglo
D or double , 1418 Howard Street , KtJ
TT1OH HKVT Klogiint rooms on street car
JL' line , b.ith anil gas , s. w. cor 20th and
Webster. 132
HKNT Furnished room , furnace , comfortable -
fortablo In coldest weather , and gas. Inquire -
quire 1U.II Fnin.uu , 111
F IOIt HKNT 3 nlco newly paporoJ rooms ,
watorln kitchen ; sulmblo for housekeep
ing. Price. $12.50. 1(111 ( N. 20tli St. Apjly to
owner M. F. Martin 310 8. 15th st. IU4
FOH HENT Furnished room. 714 N. 10th St.
13'1F7 '
FOH HKNT-Hooms nleoly furnished at nil
prices , trom $ s , $10 , ; 12. < 15 a month each.
60fl South 18th btroft , north St. Mary's avenue
upstairs. 21JflO
FOH HKNT Four unfurnished rooms
for housokuopln , ? to small family , lo
cated on Georgia ave near htreot carssurround
ings pleasant and will rent cheap to good
paiticsreforiiiicurequired. ; Address A. 6.1Hoe
offlco. 247
T7KK HENT Suite of newly furnlsho 1 TOOTH
JU in new house ; modern conveniences : to
gentlemen. H > , ' 1 Dodge st , 260
" " " ' * * "
| TOH"8A'Li : rlliioTnow7"iilx-room house ,
-t ? reaily for occupancy ; two blocks Irom
streetcars , llargnln. L. 1' , Hammond , room3 ,
1522 Douglas st. OM 21
T ITlloVTitAPHED maps of Ceo II Hoggs' " a *
JLj dltion i onily Monday morning. 01223
BUY a lot In fleo. H. HoggB' addition Monday
and ' 1 ucsday lor $ I5U. Prices advanced to
$250 Wednesday morning. 012 2J
I/IOH SALK Corner 15th and Pacitlc. 4 houses.
J- Mill bo track propoity. H K. Copson , 1527
H. 181 hut. 60124 *
rplli : largoit addition to Omaha Is ( Jeo. H.
JL HogtV add just north of U. P. shops.
012 23
BUY n Jot in Geo. II. Hoggs' addition Monday
undTnosd.iy tor $ l.Vl. Prices ojvanced to
$253 Wednesday morning , 042 23
Q GOOD houses on largo lot 21th and Chicago
et , t-nsy terms. E. F. Moicnity A : Co. . iUJ :
Douglas 012 23
T ITIIOGIIAPHKD maps of flee H Hoggs' nd
LJ dltion ready Monday mornhiir. DI2 2.1
rpHB largest addition to Oinnhn U ( TooTTT
J ll"gt > ' add Just noith of U. P Bliops.
BUY a lot In fleo. II. lloirgs' nddltlon jFotiThTy
and Tuesday for $150. Pi Ices advanced to
? 50 Wednesday moinmg. flu 2.1
f ' \ KO. II. HOGGS' addition on gali > Monday and
V J Tucbdny ull duy. HOB'BS A : Hill , 14US rnr
til. ; 23
BUY n lot In flee II. Hoggs' addition Monday
and Tuesday for $150. Prices advanced to
i 25) Wednesday morning. (112 23
M AKK f.VW for every 4100 Invested In fleo. II
Hoggs' addition , ou 23
I OT3JUB5 , 2-story fnmo house , a rooms ,
Ijcity water , etc. , for B.ilo with or without
house Kimulrci tor prices and terms. Groirory
\ HU'ilc-yl2jS ' 15thst 65.J
Ul K map pnbllthod in Ilco to-day of George
k ; H liogvs mammoth addition. Lots ml to
lw sold at j > iU tes.ilo Monday and Tuesday at
fliifii'h. ' Don't tall lo get jour bhuio of lots.
IloL't-i \ IMI , 141 Farnnm et. Oil 23
LOTS for $ ! / ) nt prlvalo sale Monday and
.nudity , all day. at Ho-gs Hill's rou
e-lato utJUe , ll J 1-uruuin. CI' . ' 23
' " * " " '
GEO- . .HOGGS' AiUltlotu
til ! l
B.\llfi\1XS In1 Oni hi and Counull Illuffs.
Nebraska and Iowa l.-xnds for * Me If you
wnnt to make n loan on Improved ronl e tnto
come nnd ? eo n ? . Money on hand ; no delay.
Hooni \Mthnell blocs , Kills llros. , cor 15th
nnd Hnrncy. " 607
( i KO. H. HOGGS' Mlddlon on f ale Monday nnd ,
V r Tuesday nllday. Hoggs & Hill , 140S Fnr-
nnm. _ ei2jy
BfY a lot in fleo. H. Hoggs' addition Monday
nnd Tuesilnj for $150. Prices nd * nnced to
\\cdncsd.iyjtiornlng. ) . CUS1
F 6Fl lIXCHANrtK-for "Nebraska lands , city
property or good notes , a c.'eau stock of
rlotlilnc : Invoice $1,100. Address 1) , 320 N. Wth
St. , Omaha , Ncb. _ 607 24
GKO. 11. "HOGGS' Tdditiou. G4223
1200 lots nt $150 oacli Monday and Tuesday.
Hoggs .V Hill , CIS 23
HAM ) SAI.K of lots Monday nnd Tilpsdny.
B4223 lloKKS.VHIll.
1200 lots at f IW each .Monday and Tuosdny.
Hotfirs .V Hill , fi42 2.1
MARK $600 for every $100 invested In fleo. H.
Hoggs' nddltlon. 04J 23
/"iTo. : H. HOGHS' Immense New Addition ;
V.I l,2tvi lots will bo sold nt private saloon Mon
day and Tuesday at $150 each. Hoggs k HIM ,
1403 Farnam st. 042 2.1
a * 0 HUV or sell real estito , to borrow (1 ( per
cent money , or cot an abstract of title , go
to the olllco of H , C. PattersonI5tn , nnd Hnrnoy.
GHAND SALK of lots Monday nnd Tue dny.
612 23 Hoggs & 1111.
GJKK map _ published In.llcq to day of George
mammoth nddltlon , Lots all to
ho sold at prlvnto ale Monday nnd Tuesday nt
? l.Vloacli. Don't fall to qot ) our share of lots ,
lllll , 140S Knrnnm st , Ml 23
" 1 HANI ) SAMIofiots Monday nnd Tuesday.
JT CU2.1 Iloirirs & lllll.
1TIIOGHAPHF.D mnpsofOcoIl Hoggs'ad-
J dltion rcnly Momlnr morning. 6222.1
H. now addition boat nnytliltiif over
offered In Omiiha. Halo of lots Monday nnd
Uncsday. HORKSlllll. . , 24 21
Till ! larccst addition to Omniii is tloo. H ,
Hogfc'.s1 add Just north of U. P. s'lops. '
fil. 23
Q.KO. II. HOGGS' Addition.
1710H SALi : Four elegant two-story houses
Jnnd lots , oueeottagi'.on stieot cnr and near
cnhlocnrline. Will glvo you a bargain. C. W.
Cain,2i" 0 Ohio st. 612
HAND SALKof lots Monday nnd Tuo'dny.
04223 Hoggs & lllll.
H. Hoggs' now addition bent anythingocr
offered In Omahn. Sale of lots Monday nml
Tiles-day. Hoggs .V Hill. 521 :13 :
/"i io. : II. IIOOOS1 nddltlon on sale Monday nnd
V 1 Tuesday all dny. Hoggs & lllll , 14')8 ' I'm-
num. 042 23
LOTS for $15) ) at prlvalo snlo Monday anil
Tuesday , ull day , ut Hoggs & Hill's real
estate olllcc , 1408 Fntnatn. 012 3.1
MAK1J $500 for every $ IUO Invested In Oeo. 11.
Hoggs' nddltlon. 612 23
90 lot ? in AIhrlglit's Choice from J3JO to $350.
J SlOcash and SH ) per month. K. F. Morearty
& Co. , 1320 Douglns. 012 2,1
/"i HANI ) SALi : of lots Monday nnd Tuesday.
VT C4223 HOUS& lllll.
I AND In lown nnd Ncb-nakn to trade for city
Jptoporty and pay dltloronco
King ATomploton.
At Cit I/en's Hank , 2408 Ginning * t. C.M 20
LlTllOC.HAPIinDmapsof Oeo II llogss' nil-
dlMon readj Monday tcornlng , 042 2.1
SF.i : map published In Ilco to-day of George
H. Hoggs' mammoth mldltlon. Lots ull to
be sold nt prlvnto sale Monday and Tuesday at
$160 each. Don't fall to get your slmionf lots.
Hoggs & Hill , 140 $ 1'arnnm h-t. 012 23
1200 lets at $150 ench Monday and Tuesday ,
lloirgs .V Hill , 012 2. )
/jiO. ; : II. HOGQ3' Addition.
C42 23
OMAHA leal estate better than government
bonds. Full lot on 21th Btroot Ju t oil1
CnmingsuitU ImDioyoments , rents for * 75.00
per month , flO.OOU. . ' . U Hloo & Co. 442
GUO. H. HOOOS' nddltlon on snlo Monday and
Tuesday all day. Hoggs ic Hill , 1108 Far
nam. (142 23
LlTHOfiKAPIini ) mans of Ooo II Hoggs' nd
dltlon ready Monday morning. 012 2J
lJ 11. Hoggs' now addition bent an > thing c\er
ntforod in Omuhn. Halo of lots Monday nnd
TuesdajHoggs & Hill. 04221
lilargest : adilition to Omntm Is flco. II.
ItOL'irs' add just north of U. P. shops.
042 23
SKK map published In Hco to-day of George
H. HoggH' mammoth nddltion. Lots all to
bo sold nt private sale Monday and Tuesday at
JIW ) ench. Don't fail to get your eliaro ol lota.
Hoggs & Hill , H08 Farnnm st. 012 23
T OT UOxlfiS feet , 3-story frame house , 3 rooms ,
J-Jclty water , etc. , for sclo with or without
house , r.nmilro for prices nnd terms. Ciog-
ory & Hndley,3JO S. 15th st. 55J
/"I KO. H. HOGGS' Addition.
012 23
BUY n lot In Gco. H. Hoggs' nddltlon Monday
nnd Tuesday for $150. Prices advanced to
$250 Wednesday tnornlnc. 612 23
RUSH & SELIIV'S ndd. to South Omaha ,
lloautlful lots , only $ V ) down. 791
LOTS for $150 nt private snle Mondny nnd
Tuesday , all day. at Hoggs A ; Hill's real
estate ollice , 1403 Fatnnm. 043 2J
JL' H , llo/gs' new nddlt'on ' boat anything ever
offered In Omnhn. Sale of lots Monday nnd
Tuesday. Hoggs & Hill. 012 23
LITHOGHAPHKD maps of flee II Hoggs' ad
dition icndy Monday inoiiiintr. 012 2:1 :
BAHGAlN-Mlddlo one-third block 34 , 44\80-
with 11-room house , modern Improve ,
mentR ; one-half cash , { 0,600. A nlco east front
on 18th and Hurt streets , that will bo paved this
year. A splendid homo for some ono. George
M , Cooper , 1509 Farnam st. 43723
J 200 lots nt $150 each Monday and Tuesday.
Hoggs A : Hill. 01323
SOUTH OMAHA lots in the best additions.
K. C. Patterson , 15th nnd Hiirney. 637
rpHK largest addition to Omahn is flco. 11.
JL Hoggs' add just north of U. P. shops. CTZ3
012 23
_ Uargaln ,
Hargaln ,
Wo have It now. Got tlio ownoi tied up to
Fid ) . 1 , Never will bo another chiinco to get a
IlnoliomoliXo thissoheap Goto 1311 Georgia
ave and take n look at the splendid house end
ground i there Consider that they are with
in ono block of stroo * cursschool and church.
Don't let this opportunity to piocuie n good
bargain or handsome residence slip. 1'rlco
$4hOO , $2.400 cash , $5'JO May 1.18S7 , $700 May 1.
Ih88. $1,200 Nov. 1 , IWW. M , A. Upton k Co. . 160U
Furinim. Telephone 73- 25
TT10H CLEAN SI'KCI'LATION.-Lots in floo.
JL' n. Hoggs' now nddltlon , boat anything over
ollcred in Omnhn. Snlo of lota Monday and
Tuesday , Hoggs & Hill. 612 23 J.
BUY a lot In flco. H. Hoggs' addition Monday
and Tuesday for $ I5U. Prices ad MI need to
$250 Wednesday morulng. Cl'i 2.1
HMOUH PLACE , tno supoTiToddltlon of nil
South Omuhn. H. 0 , Patterson , 15th and
Hnrnoy. 697
LOTS for JI60 at private solo Monday and
Tuesday , ull dny , at Ho gs & Hill's real
I'btnto ollice , 11U Farpam. 612 23
* ) flxl 5fccton 20th ttrcot , 157 feet from St.
Mlary.siuo. Kuqulie for prleea. ( Jregory k
Hndley. 320 S , Ifitll bt. 65J
I 200 lots at $ no cnch Monday nnd Tuesday.
-L Hoggs & lllli ; C12 2.1
OMAHA real bettor than goveriimon
bonds. Tlilrtcciith street , 40 feet trent
on 13ih street lietncen Dodge nnd Capital
avenue , with Imiirotoments worth ,
: r.,500 : 60 lect front , South 13th ftioet.lm-
proM'd. 110,00. ) . J , L. Hlco A ; Co. , over. Com
mercial b ink. 442
rnili ; largest addition to Onmlni Is ( leo. H
JL Hoggs' add Just north of U. P. ttiopg.
012 23
AllMOl'H I'LACi : und Harris k Patterson's
annex aio the t i > best South Omalia addi
tions U. C. Patturton , Agt. , 15th and Hiirney
Afl'.AI ) !
- " No. 31h South Cith St.
Lot , fronting 2 streets , 25th and Pacific , 8
houses , J.1UJ FBJJterms. .
Hi'st lot in Orchard lllll with 6-room house ,
barn , well , cistern , fiult and shade trees , f IUK ) .
Kasy terms.
S W cor lltu nnd Pacific , 63x132,3 fine cottages ,
Lot fronting on Convent and 21th sts. Im
prorements worth $ V < J' . - houses , city nnd
cistern water , $ iicwj Knsy terms.
6-room cottage and lot , 2.-IU and Charles ,
Sf2.00)iOJcashbaleisy. )
N Kcor orr.tniind Luavonworth. 2 houses ,
rents lor $75 per mo , lot OlvM. Bou business
piopcrty , $ I2.00a Mead i Jauileaoi. , 318 S I5tl4
ttrctt. = 21'J
BUR lot In fleo. H > ttoigf * ' addition Monday
and Tuesday for $150. Prices ndvnncod to
F250 Wednesday morning. 6(2 ( 23
TOTS for $150 at prhnto sale Monday nnd
J ' Tuesday , nil dny , nt Hoggs A Hlll'o real
estate olllcc. H03 Fni'nnm. 61223
> OTlf5 feet on SOth stT 1S7 feet from St. Mnry'g
t'nve. Knquiro for prices. Gregory & Hud ley ,
320 S. 15th M , 55 * ,
1 2CO lots nt * I50 cnch Mondny and Tucsdny.
I Hoggs A Hil ! . R42 2,1
FOH SALK A32J-ncro fnrm with house , barn
and crib , on the U. P. Hy. , nnd only one-
half mile from n good rnllwny town , with
churches nnd scnoolj. Prlco $8,003. Apply to
UMils Hr.idford , cor , Oth nnd Douglns , Onmhrx ,
nMlKlnrgeM addition to Omahn Is flco. 11.
JL " Hoggs' ndd Just north of U. P. shops.
K o'NTXK PLACK-H.O Pnttcrson.agciit.TMh
nnd Hiirney. 697
BUV a lot In Qeo. H. Hoggs' nddltlon Mondny
and Tuesday for $150. Prices advanced to
$ . ' 50 Wiilnn'day morning. 012 23
IOH n good South Omaha lot go to H. C. Pat-
Jtcrson. . ISth and Harnoy. 6'J7
IOTS for 15) nt prl\ato sale Mondny and
J Tuesday , nil dny , nt Hoggs k Hill's rcnl
cstnto olllce , 1403 Fnrnntn , 04J 2.1
Members Omaha Hcnl Kstnto Kvchnngc ,
Hoomsl i 3 , Hcdlck Illk , S20 S. 15th st.
Corner on Dodgo,66x132. Improved and
renting for $ .1.000 per your $83,000
Corner on llth si , Ili2xl3- , near south
end of viaduct 10,000
44x132 , Improved , half block from
Union freight depot site ( only $ .WOOeash ) 12,000
2\132.3-story brick business block , on
ono of the 'nst streets In the city , rents
for $ MIX ) per year. Half interest tor . . P.CVlO
Corner on Pacific st..0(1x82,2 houses ,
renting for $ ! < 0 per month 8,603
Corner Leavenworth and 15th , CflxOO , 2
houses 12 , ( 10
rinest 4 lots In Kllby I'laco 6,200
Thornell'ft add , lot 5.UH- houses ,
renting lor $50 per month 0,001
Lot Iiixl4. > fronting SI. Mary's nve :
this Is the heM and cheapest building lot
: n the market ; terms made to suit O.SOO
' . room house on Virginia ave near
Leavenworth st. , ea < t front , nice homo , 3.SOO
I < ot on Georgia ave , .1. 1. Hodlck'H
sub 3,000
Kasl Iront , Georgia ave , Hansoom
plaeo 2,250
West front , Georgia ave , Hanscom
place 1.750
Kn t Iront , Virginia nvo , Hnnscoin
place 2,100
West front , Cntheimo St. , Ilanscutn
place l. "
Dandy lot on ! 12d st , Hnnscoiii place. . " , > )
Fine lot In Sunny Sldo I.VW
Double corner In Dwlght .V I.Mnnnn s 1,200
Heniitlful lot , east front , Coburn's ndd. 8,000
Corner lot in Oak lluist , a snap )
Kasl front lots In Thoriiburg Plaeo. . . . flOO
1/ots in sub illvof block il , \N est Omaha lr > 00
llnst lot In Utloti Place 1.250
HiHlnesilots on Leavenworth st. , nt
$801to 1.S01
Wo have lots to every addition to the great
city of Omnh.i nt winter prices. Invest jour
spare chaiiRO In some of thorn before the
spring aiU mice , and it will ho sure to win.
South Omaha ,
Hiislness lots on N aml2'3th st $1,500
Hus'noss lots on M O P 8t , nt $5)0 to . 70i )
Full Iotsnixl50,25th ) and 2lith sts near 1' 1,700
Hcsldcnco lots ir , every good addition.
Como and see us.
Oregory A Hndley ,
Hooms 1 and 3 , Hedlck's block , 3209. 15th st.
G HO. H. HOOOS' Addition.
Git. 3
- | 200 lots nt $150 each Mondny nnd Tuesday.
X Hoggs .VI1111. 0122-3
Oncrrs on North Satindcrs , cheap. Moroaity
A : Co. , 13JO Douglas. 013 23
rpIlRlirgrst addition to Omaha Is flco. II.
JHoggs' add Just north of U. P. shops.
042 23
G F.O. H. HOGGS' Addition.
EAST SIDE , Hlmebaugh Ar Pnttoraon's Sub
division , Saundor.s .V Illmobaugh's Addl-
tljn and Aimoiir place , are the best additions
to the city. Huy now bofoio the prices are
raited. H. 0. Patterson , agent , Kith and H.irncy.
BUY a lot In Goo. II. Hoggs' addition Mondny
nnd Tuesday for $160. Prices advanced to
$250 Wednesday morning. 042 23
CALL and BOO the fullest and most complete
Bet of abstract books of Douglas county
now in the olllceof U. C. Patterson , 15th and
Hnrncy. 697
IOTS for $150 nt prlvnto sale Monday nnd
I Tuesday , all day , at Hoggs & Hill's real
o -tntc olllco , 1403 Farnam. C4i 23
ArholcoPlocoofgroundon20th street lust
south trom St. Mary's avo. Gregory & Had-
ley , tf-'O S. 15th st , 552
G F.O. II. HOGGS. Addition. C4223
1200 lots at $1V ) each Mondny and Tuesday.
Hoggs & Hill. 61223
TCTOH SALH An improved fnrm of 320 acres
-C in Gngo county , Nobrnska , 10 miles north of
Beatrice , nnd 3 miles from PicKoroll Station , on
1 * . P. Hy. ; news-room house , largo barn , well ,
wind mill , orchard containing 120 npplu trees ,
130 ucrqs under cultivation. 13) ncrcs fenced ,
largo caltlo hhed , wnjron shod , cno room for
3.WJ bushels of coin , hog and cattle corrals ,
plenty of water tor stock , large cottonwood
srovo. This Is ono of the best farms In Gage
county and n bargain at $10,500. One-third
cash , balance In 10 yeais nt 0 percent Interest.
To trndo lor Omnhn ronl estnto. ono team of
largo woilc horses , new sot double work harness
nnd now wnuon.
Two business lots 22x81 ft on Leavonworth
street , cheap , $3,030. Holler A ; Campbell , room
11.50'J Farnam bt 210
T UK largest addition to Omaha Is fieo. II.
Hoggs'add. just north of U P. shops.
SOUTH OMAHA--3 Jots in Albright's Annex
n ( f22" > ouch. A rare bargain. Husli Jc
Solby , 218 S. 15th. 788
G KO. H. HOGGS' Addition.
642 33
BUY a lot in floo. II. Hoggs' addition Mondny
and Tuesday for $1W. Prices advanced to
$25T Wednesday morning. 012 23
"O Iniy or sell Sontti Omaha lots go to the
. oulco of It. 0. Patterson , 15th und Hnrnoy.
IOTS for $150 nt private Palo Mondny nnd
J Tuesday , nil day , nt Hoggs & Hill's real
citato olllcc , 1403 Furnam , 042 24
A Cholco pfe.ce of ground on 20th street just
J Vsouth from St. Mary's avo. Oregory .V Had-
loy,3 , > OS. IStliSt. 653
G KO. II. HOGOfa' Addition.
012 23
L20 > ) lntsiit $160 each Monday and Tuesday.
Hoggs & Hill. 642 2.1
GENUINK IIAHCAINS Two corner lots in
Hiirdotto court , only 4 blocks from Sunn-
dor's Htreot cars. W. .M. Hushmnn , Itoom 10 ,
Uiishmnn Ulock.N 15 cor lOtb and Douglas.
T HK largest addition to Omaha Is flco H.
Hoggs' add , just north of U , P. shops.
C12 23
OMAHA real estate Is bettor than govern
ment hoiida-Husinoss property on Saunders -
dors st . 1-7 ft , fiont $10,0)1) ) : 6.1 ft. fiont
$7,750 ; 6' ! ft , Iront Improved , $6,509 ; paved In
frontfid ft. front by 13J to 23.1 . st. $0,00) ! 60 ft.
front corner Improved $0,500 ; 00 ft. corner
$5,750 ; 01 ft. front , cor. alloy $1,001 ; 120 ft. liont
$10.000 ; 121 front $1,200 ; 7 ft. front , corner ,
$5,600 ; 50 ft. front SI.500 ; 60 ft. front $1.2.10. J.
L. Hlco & Co. , room 6 , over Commercial Nat.
Hank. . 412
" 1 F.O. II. HOGGS' Addition.
JT 613 23
GF.O. H. HOGGS' addition on sale Monday and
Tuesday all duy. Hoggs & Hill. 14UH Far-
mini. 42 23
" \fAKK $600 feretory J100 Invested in flee , H.
i > I Hoggs' addition. 012 23
BUY n lot In flco. II. Hoggs' addition Mondny
and Tuonday lor $150 , Prices advanced to
$250 Wodni'bday morning , 642 " 3
SOUTH O.MAHA-Wo huvo for silo two syn
dicate lots $1,075 0) each , llrst payment only
$100 , bill , monthly or iiuarioily.
Also corner and adjoining lot In Hlock 2V
$2..W ) Flrbt p'lymont , J7.V ) .
Hot loin In Hiisti .V-einy'aadd. $5'loiio-tdiitli ) )
eush , balance monthly or quarterly. Abstract
with every lot.
Albright' * Annex lots $3 < > to fM ) , ? M cash ,
liuhinca monthly or niiiirtorly.
Hush A : Sc-lby , 218 S 15th. 7W
/ KO. II. HUGOS' Audition.
] OT3 for $15' ' ) at pi Irate bide Monday and
-i Tiie'duy , all day , nt Hoggs k Hill's real
stu to olllco , liOt I'm num. f2 2'J
BAHGAIN- lots , 11X150 o icli , on Culllornlu
and Cass st. Inside propurty. All for
f 1,200 , 1-3 cash. Wherocanyou find us good
lots for tlie money itisldu the city limits , linn-
clier , 1511 Farnam Bt. ffl 25
] 200 lots at tIW each Monday and Tuesday.
Hoggs & Hill VI23 !
Foil SALK Two lotscarnrr on Ixiwo nvo , in
West Oimtlu,2 blocKisiuth of Furnaiu St. ,
both lor.Jt X ) .
Corner In II > miai-n Pln-o , 3 blocks from
street cnr. 1 block from church anl school ,
"corner lot on South 11th st. Cheap at $ .
Heller & Campbell , room 1,15JJ , riir umhi. _
. II. HOGGS' Addition.
GKO II. HOGGS' nililltton on sale Monday nnd
Tuesday nil dny. llof & lllll , HO * Fnr-
nrun. 643 1
II115 largest Addition to Omalin Is fleo. H ,
- Hoggs' add , Just north ot U. P. shops.
012 2-i
KOt'NTZR Pt.ACK-H. C. Pnttersoii. neenti
15th and Hartley. 6 7
BUV a lot In floo. II. Hoggs' nddltlon Monday
nnd Tuesday for $150. Price * advanced to
$250 Wednesday morning. 642 2J
Mo tTFvTtifui lot A
brlght's Annor. JVM ; $ , V ) do n , Iml. $ IU per
month Also 3 more , fl.OJJ , une.thlrd rush.
Hush A-Selby , 218 S. ISth. TW
LOTS for $150 nt private snlo Momlny nnd
Tuesday , nil dny , nt Hoggs A : Hill's real
ostnteotlleo.HOS Fnrninn. 01J 23
H OtlSKSiots.Fnrras.l.ntids money loaned.
Ilcmls , room.'l. Hnrkor block , 3. W. cor.
16th nmi Farnain sts. 694
LOT on S 13th street , f.Vlrt , f 50 cash , bnlanco
ensy. 11 r. Morcnrty & Co. , 1320 Douglas.
012 2.1
I 200 lots nt t\M \ each Mondny nnd Tuesday.
-L | lrpffgHill. . f,43 , 21 !
MAIIA IIKA'IJ is : PATHS in-rriii : THAN
( lOVIJHXMKNT HONDS-Cornor lot on
Nicholas st. with truck on alloy $ IVJJ. .1. L ,
Hlco \ Co. 44 J
012 23
TUir.lnreost nddltlon to Omnhn Is ( leo. H
IIOKKV add , Just north of U. P. shops ,
012 23
Housns l its.rnrmsLands moniy loaned.
Homls. room 3 , Harko blocK , a W. cor
Ifilli ami rnrnnm sts. ftPl
Bit V a lot In ( Uo. H Hoggs' nddltlon Monday
end Tuesday for JLVl. Prices advanced to
250 Wednesday morning. (1(2 ( 2.1
AHSl'HCrSOF n ririlTndTitlos to rent eslnto
gunrRiitce < l Midland ( luarnntce .V Trust
company , l.Wi rnrnani st. Ill f <
G " UO. H. HCKVOS' Addltloiu
012 2.1
3VOT8 for fl.'iO at private snln Monday nnd
t Tuesdaynil dny. nt Hoggs t Hill's lonl
cstatn ollice , 140S Fill num. 643 2,1
AHAHHlinrgnln ; 4D aeren of land very cheap
In line , win in southern climate , lor par-
tloi lam adding H 4i ; lloo nico. _ _ 73SJ2S *
T-'OUlots at fl5J each Monday and Tuesday.
J IIOKCS& lllll. rl2 23
ITKMl SALK-To-day : Corner Ocorgla ave
X1 nnd Diipont ( f7lK ) cash ) a bargain M,20) )
No\v honao and 5J ft. lot , Walnut lllll , ( WOO
engh-i2iuo. ) :
List your sale and rnntal property with us.
Wlso \ I'armnlu , 1" > U I rornam. t'J" 2-1 *
rpllii\icst : ! ( addition tn Oin lia 1" foo. ! H.
JL Hotrgs' add. just nortn of U. P. ehop-i
"I710H SALi : On lo or Farnam street , 44\13- ,
f suitable for business purposes. Cnrrlo &
Vollum. i\posltlnn : Itullillinr. r > 47 2.1
G KO. H. IIOOOS' Addition.
612 23
(5OVKHNMLNT HONDS I ) t In llllleko
additional miles north on inth street , on level poor lota 209 to 30i ) until Feb. 1st.
One tenth down bill , to suit. J.UHIco.V- . ,
Solo Agents 442 _
/ " < KO. II. HOGGS addition on Rt\lc > Monday nnd
VT Tuesday ml day. Hoggs & Hill , I4iis Fnr-
tiatii. CU 23
BUV n lot In ( eo. II , Hoggs' addition Monday
and Tuesday for $150. Prices advaiu-ed to
$250 Wednesday mornliu ; , 012 23
M 1AKI2 $500 for every $100 iiucstcd In ( leo. II.
Hoggs'addition. 04223
RtTSII&SKLHY,21S S 11th , have ovelnslvo
sale of cor. lot , Shull's add. Great Bargain -
gain $1W1
2lots. Orchard Hill , each 1,000
Hamilton st. lot , bargain l,2oO
Mnrsh'R add , on Loa\enwortli , per foot . . . 10) )
Sherman avu , Paddock add , US It 7,000
Lowe's add , M It , blk O , monthly pay
ments 1,203
Lowe's add , lot 0 , b l.OOT
lluplnosscor , Lo'ivonwoilh , onst of Holt
line 2,000
Harnoy st wholesale district , 25 ft , to trndo
for city Improved property.
House and half lot , N22nd st $2,250
South O in nlm lots on monthly payments.
/ iTKOTlC HOGGS' nddltlon on sulo Mondny nnd
VJ Tuesday nil day. Hoggs Ic Hill , 1408 Fnr-
mun. 01 ! 23
M AICi : $500 for every SIOO Invested In floo. II.
Hoggs' addition. (112 ( 23
Sii : : map published In Hco to-day ot freorgo
, . H. Hoggs' mammoth addition. Lots all to
ho sold at private t-.ilo Momli'V nnd Tuunday at
$150 each. Don't fall to get j our share ol lots.
Hoggs .t lllll , 1JOS Farnam bt. 012 23
T OTS for $1HI nt private bale Monday and
JJ Tuesday , all day , nt Hoggs & lllll B real
estate ollieo , 1IU8 Fninam. 042 23
Uu. H. HOGGS' ' Addltion ;
f 612 23
M AKi : $500 lor every $100 Invested IP Gco. II.
Hoggs'nddltlon. 64223
SKI : map published In Hen to-day of Grorgo
II. Hogfr'H mammoth addition. Lots all to
bo sold at private snlo .Monday and Tuesday at
$ l50oieh. Don't fall to get your slmro ef lots.
& Hill , 1408 Farnam bt. 012 2.1
FOH SALi : Two corners , California and
Pleasant nmlCassand Pleasant , $ . ' ,000 , lor
either lor llvo days only. 'I hey 1110 daisies , nco
them Huncher , s-olo agent , 1511 Farnam Ht.
OJ3 27
GKO. II. HOGGS' nddltlon on sale Monday nnd-
Tuesday all day. Hoggs & Hill , lli ( )
num. 042 23
1 2(10 lots at $160 each Monday nml Tuesday.
JL Hoggs & Hill. ( ' 12 22
M AKi : $500 for every $103 Invested in Oco. II ,
Hoggs' addition. 01223
S IKK map published In Hen to-day of fleorgo
II. Hoggs' miimmoth addition. Lots nil to
bo fold at nrlvnto sale Monday and Tuesday at
J150 each. Don't fall to get your slmro of lots.
Hoggs A : Hill , 1403 Fnrnam ft. 1)42 ) 23
1 Hy.M. A. Upton
1MW Farnnm Street ,
Telephone 73.
Huslness Prohorty.
8 K. cor. 21 ih and Fnrnam , 6l > ixl42. flood
house and Irirn. This Is good business prop
eity , anil nn nwtul good purchase at $16.000 , to
February 1 , t'len $10,000-$8,00(1 ( cash. There is
$5,000 In this i'i six months.
Most of I the business property advertised
last week has bcon cold or withdrawn. Tlio 116
feet on Fnrnnm that wo told you was a bargain
was Bold lor $17,001. Wo Hold It ngnln the next
dny for $18.00) ) . $20oo won't buy it now
Half a million dollars has born paid by oaetorn
capitalists lor Omnun business property in tlio
last ninety days. All bought to Improxi ) . Don't
got oil the "old saw" that this thing hat got to
stop. " Oinnhn is not going "to slop " Nulthur
will the nppioclatlnn of Her Inuldo pioporty.
About the ilospollernl farms \ \ o liavn nothing
to say. Wo me not in that business. M. A. Upton
Co. , 150'J Farnnm. Telephone 73. 014-24
WICK map puhllRiiod In Hoe to-day of floorgo
H. Hoggs' mammoth nddltlon , lots all to
bo > ! ' ! at private snlo Mondny and Tuesday at
$ l50cai'h. Don't full to got yonrbliaro of lots ,
Hoggs & Hill. 1403 Farnnm st. B42 2.1
rpIIF. iRrgou addition to
JL HOBES add just nortn of U. P. ihops.
612 23
G . II. HOflGB' Addition ,
642 23
LOTS In Hammond k Donncllv'H ndd to South
Omaha. Morearty k Co. , 1320 Douglas.
012 23
SHK map published In lire to-day of ncorgo
H. Hoggs' mammoth addition.Ol.ots all to
bo sold nt prlvuto sale Monday and Tuesday at
$ lVench. ) Don't tall tn get your share of lots.
Hoggs A : Hill , 140S Fninam st , (112 ( 2.1 .
Uy n lot In flee H. Hoggs'addition Monday
and Tuesday for $160. Prices advanced to
$250 Wednebdjy morning. 012 23
PAKH $500 for every $100 Invested In Geo. II.
U Hoggs' addition. 012 23
SA , SLOMAN , HralKstnte.
1612 Farnnm St. , room S.
A line of choice Inside property at prices
which nronot inflated and which will prove
both safe and profitable Investments
Douglas pt bet 20th and Mnnxii3 : . . . . $ 8,000
Furnuiii t hotaitli nnd Kid , 23xl3J. . „ il.vm
Farnam bt hot 20th and''id.SlxKU 15.0X )
Furnamet oor In Juromo inrK 2.6TX )
Fui minis ( . ' ( jr 3l t l.'Wil'U in.o.jf )
West Omaha 1(6x187 ( , line bUht 10,0'X )
I.e.nenwoilh tor 2let improved 12WI
llownid tt ntinrlOth , 'tlxftil 0,4lx )
Leuvonuorth tit near Holt Line , 1UOAI27 . 2/1)0 )
Len\cii orth H Muyncplacocornnr . . . 2Hr : )
llanie > st imar ) lh , 174x170 , Improved . 36,001 st. nonr Viaduct , 40x120 4uQij
Huslnc69lot , South Oniiilm . . . 1,40)
llnslno.-s lot , South Omaha IKD
Hcdiord Place , lot II.block H . . . . 1,000
Acres In LukKsidu . . 3VJ to 4 > 'j
Lots In Jinome I'lirK , Ktibl Fronts , nuar
I'limum street . 1,6)1
lx > ti In Wakely add near cnnninvlactory 31) )
Farnam St.cor xonthrndK Front . . 3,0) )
Cholcii lots In Orchard Hill $750 to &
KKK map published in Hcu to-day of Gcoige
H. Hogg * ' mammotli addition Lots ull lo
bo t-old at prhalo ill ; .Monday and 'J'ncsluy at
> . Don't ( an to KCI 11 Jr lii toof tots
Hill , 1(03 ( Fariiuiu at , CV11
r O. H llonflS' mldltlon on sale Monday nnij
Tuesday all day. Hojg * .V Hill , 140 * Far
iinm , BIS yi
LOTS For $1.10 at private cnlo Monday nml
Tuescay nil day , nt Hoggs .V Hill's rest
eMate olllco 1403 1'arnnm. f U 8"
G KO.ll , HOGGS' Addltloii. "
C43 Kl
Sl'.K map published m Heo to-day of flporco
H , liners' mammoth addition. Lots all to
l > i > fold nt private snlo Monday nnd Tnesdnv at
$ lMcltei ! , Don't fall tn get jour shim of lot * .
Hogps & Hill , 1(08 ( Fnrnam st. f-43 SJ
R ACHINto subdlvldo In Ttrtlo sub. $1,530 ,
l Clnrkson * lleixtty.CIOSo. Htlist. MS1
KO. II. HOGGS' Addition.
C.I3 . 23
120.1 lots at SIM ench Mondny nnd Tuesday ,
i. Hoggs * Hill. 643 SJ
_ _ _
A MAN who Is posted us to the value ot Hon
F.stato In this city , knon.s n bargain when
bosccslt. Wo hn\o tour , vlx : l"ino. bu lne j ,
lot , 6'l\i'.n ' feet , and goo.l 2-story y-room house
on I'lflconth tieotbot een.lones nnd Lcnvcn.
worth , MO.OJrt ; owner asks $ I2HV ) for adjoining
lot , same sc | , Huslness hou o and lot , 22x13.1
feet , on CUmlng street , * IVX : ) , 6-room inittngo
nnd lot IMxIHI fi-et , on Canrlos street. between
Tw only-eighth nml Twenty-ninth pts. f 1,000 ;
tine locution. We nlso hno on sniuo street nml
In fainti bloek n line now S room house , with alt
modern Improvements , on rornorlot WK100 ft.
nice new barn , splendid locution , $7,0 0 ; $3 , OU
rasn , bnlanco easv terms llcsldcs the nbovo
wo hnvp n largo list of property In dllfcrcnt
partsof thee ty that wo will takn pleasure lit
show Ing any desirous of purchasing , List yollt
pioporty with us. King .V Tcmpleton , nt CHI
7cn'sHnnk , 240s Onmiiigst. ft > 9 24
T ITHOflHAPIIF.D maps oflco i S3nd
LJ dltion ready Monday mnrnlnqr , 012 S3
GKO. H. 1100flS'-lmiiienseNewAddltiont
1,20,1 lota will bo sold at prlvnto sale on Mon
day nnd Tuesday nt $150 ent-h , Hoggti .V ll'll ,
1408 Fatimmst , 012 2.1
/ lOHNl'.H LOT. nnnr t-cbool , nnd two
V blocks from par Hue , w llh ; l lumpen ;
routs lor ( .is pcrmoiilh.only. . , . $3,800
A full lot nn Hurt st , with house rout
ing at $1.1 per mo . 4,800
A n leo home for some ono on n corner
lot NI.XI25 , hoiitio of H rooms , furiinro ,
shade trees , hit go burn , eveiytlilng com
plete . . . 7,000
Corner lot In lloitsol .VStcbblns' Addi
tion for n few dtivs only , at . 1,75(1 (
Lots In Orchard Hill , nice location . 750
40 acu-s , with gioMj , good house ,
stabli's , cribs , etc. , per acre . . . 2pO
This ti act imionr HiMison I'laco. "Lots In nil
pans of thoclU" on "easy inrms " Wo have
n demand for "houses and lots" in good loca
tions , by "ca h eu tomors ' ir you want your
piopcrty sold , scud us a desei Iptlon ol It , Of *
Ilco , No. HIM I'miuim .1. L. Vlereon A : Co.
6(0 ( 24
Tninfl 1 1 A PI I K ( rol nio/us' nil-
l-l dltion le.idy Monday morning. 042 2J
* "
G K ( ! II. HOGflS'-lmmoii'o New "Addition ;
1,2011 lots will bo sold nt ptlvato snlo on Mon
day and Tucsda ) nt $1.0 facli. llogge ft Hill ,
1 HIS Farnnm st. 043 M
FAHMns icros nil fenced. House
n nnd good barn. Double corn cribs. Hog
houses. ! KX ) tent doiihln she Idlng , Wind mill.
llescivolr. flood oivhnrd. Hi ) acres Koeded ,
40 acres In clover. Plenty of running watorln
pasture Situated In Pottawntiinilo county.
loua , 12 miles cast of ( " 0111101 ! IHiUfc , and 7
miles fiom tno ralliond M-iUnns. TorniH $31 ]
per acre , one halt cii'h anil balancn on time nt
six per cent inteicst. Clark k French , 151(1 (
Douglass ! . M'.l 2
_ _
LlTIIOfl IUl'HKO miis7ir | flooll Bows' ad-
dltion ready Mondaj moiiilng. 04223
Kbril. HOOflS'-linmenso New Addition ;
1,200 lots will lie sold at prlvnto snlo nn Mon
day nnd Tuesday at $150 each. HoggB .V lllll ,
HIB Fatnam st. 012 2.1 i
Bit. HALL A-CO.,115 S.FIttcoeth SL.otrertho
foilowliiL' bargains ;
Two loin In HIIUIdoNo. 1 $2.iiOl (
Ono lot Impioxcment Association addition 1,100
Onolotcornermpr'nl ! Ass'c'n add 1.750
Ono business lot South Omaha 4,000
Ono business lot South Omaha. . 8W\ (
Alsnburgalm In all parts of Omnhn and Soutll
Oin-ihn , and aero propoity In Hyde Park , .
610 25
. II lloirgs' nd-
d tlon ready Monday morning. 642 23
( "iio. : II , HOtlflV Immei o Now Aildltlon ;
t 1,20(1 ( lots will bo sold at prlvnto sale on Mon
day nnd Tuesday at $150 each. Hoggs & Hill ,
141H I nrnnm fit. 012 23
FOH SALlfl "
HoiiKoond lot In Hodgorn add.
Walnut lllll. House 7 looms nnd lot.
Omaha View. Lot $ S50.
Tine Honie. 1 bloek from street cnrs. All
Improvements. Kasv term's. oJi _ _
Two lots In Patrlck'N add with houses. " 7'5H
Ono ho < so 11 rooms mid ono bouso li roomf , 3
cist ems and well : rlftcin nitcrcd $9,600 , $4,000
cnsh , 1,2 and 3 years.
Lot in .Mavno'n second add ohoai > ,
Tomer lot In Wnohlngton Hill. $125 00.
Lots In Kllby Pliicn , on easy tunas.
Wo alsohmo propoity In various parts of the
city. Point * and see us , CuriloA Volliira. Kx-
position llnildlng. 017 23
Gl'O. II. HOGI'S' Immenpo Now Addition ;
1.20)lol.swlllbo ) sold at private Riilo on Mon
day and Tuesday at $150 each , llnirgs & Hill ,
140S Fiiiimm st. 042 23
GF.O. II. 110008 * ndilltion on pnlo Monday nnd
Tuesday all day. Hoggs k Hill. 1404 Fnr
nam. 042 2:1 :
WANTKD Second hand liirnltiiro at 1410
DouglaoMticot. 051 21 * f Tl
FOH S A LK Four special contrnots In Kount/e
Plaec at n biiignln If told at once. Ad
dress C 59 , lloo olllcc. 193
MAKi : ? r,0) ) for every $100 Invested In flno. II.
Hoggs' addition. 642 23
GKO. II. HOGGS' Immi'iiso Now Anllllon ;
l.'OO lots will bo cold nt privatepala on Mon
day and Tuesday at $150 each. Hoggs k Hill ,
14U8 Fillnam .st. 04223
THK largest addition to
Hoggs ! add just noith of U. P. Miops.
6 1 23
RKR map publlsned In Heo to-day of fleorgo
H. Hoggs' mammotli addition. Lots nil to
bo sold at private sale Monday and Tuesday nt
$150o-icli. Don't fall to get yovr sharn of lota *
Hoggs A : Hill , 140,1 J arniuii Ht. _ 612 13
GF.O. II. HOGGS' ImmeiHo New Addition ;
l/'OOIots will bo sold at prlvnto salu on Mon
day and Tuesday at $150 oaoh. Hoggs \ Hill ,
1108 i-'arnnm st. 612 2.1
OMAHA real estate Is bettor than govern
ment bonds Hlght beautiful I esldetieo
lots opi > oMo | Kount/o Place In flisim' ad
dition $700 to $ RO ) each , just placed on the
market. J L. Hlco * l'a..Holonifi'iitB 14'i
LOTS lor $150 at private sale Monday mid
Tuesday , nil dny , al Hoggs k Hill's real
estate ollice , 1408 Farnam. 012 23
AVKNUK-3'i feet block from Leaven-
worlh , 2OJ5l760 rash. Hush k Stlby , 1
_ _
GUO. : II. HOfiflS' Immense Now Addition :
I 1,200 lots will ! > u sold at pi IvatoHiloon Mon
day and Tuesday at $150 each. HoggH .V lllll ,
1408 Fill iiani St. 642 Kl
_ _ _
12UO lots at $160 oacii Mondny and Tursdny ,
Hoggs .t lllll. 012 23
Our now addition
Acres $ 'M ) to f't'5 | ) or aero ,
Near South Omaha ,
And hydlcuto Hill.
Maisluill It lyobooV ,
10S 15'JJ K.irn-un.
GflO. II. HOflGS' Immi-ii'o Now Addition ;
1,200 lots will bo Hold nt prlvulofiulo on Mon
day and Tuenlny at $ I6U eiieb. Hnggfl & Hill ,
1408 Fin nam st , 012 23
fllllKlnrgeut nddltlon to Omnhn Is fleo. II.
L Hoggs' add jutt north of U , P , ahops.
OMAHA real estate better than government
bonus , Huslnois property on Farnnm
strout , 67 foot front , with Improvements wortlt
$0,01)0 , f 16,000 ; 41 feet front , with Improvements
worth $20,000 , $00,000 ; 60 foot trent coiner ,
J29,0iO J. L. Hlco k Co. , over , Commercial
National bunk. 44JJ
LOTS for $15) ) at prhnto sulo Monday and
Tuesday , nil day , at HOICKS k Hill's real
osiiuo ollieo , HUH Fiiriium. 013 23 J
IF you have inside properly that you wish u >
Fell i.t fair prices , list It with us , us wo hnvn
customers who wish to Invest In that class of !
piopcriy Itoom 17 , Wltlinoll block , Kills Hro , .
coricth and llarnoy. 007
1200 lots at $151 ouch Monday and Tuesday
J Hoggs &J1IIJ. J14J33
H WAN .V CO , , Kren/or block , 15th 8topp.
postolllco. Our turn next Great oiclto.
mont. Figures won't Hci 20/XlO.OOO,000OiJ3XjO (
lots sold slnco Jan. Ut , and still wo liavu cholco
bargains loft
Huslncsa lots on Furniim nnd Hniney. i
" " Douglus and Dodge.
" " Capitol uvcntin and Davenport ,
" " cbchigo and CBM.
" " Ciimmlngs nnd Suundcia.
" " IlownidandlOtJi.
" " Kin und 10th MS.
600 lots nloinr on the lines of i no to cable road !
ow boliiii built Fiou pantos for all.
P. S. Hub out ( ill but one of our ciphers und
come and ego us. G09 2 }
largoit addition to Omaha la Goo. , II ,
' add jubt r.ortti of U. P , Bbopv.
OMAHA real < fltuto belter tlian gorornmont
bond * ) , Two bouiitlful Wiiehtiiirlun D'liiaro
lots $2.i..0 . ) L. Hire k to. , noli ) uuciua. 1 < J
12-jniom at $ )6u ) Monday und 'rue ciaj'l
lllll. CJ3 2J