* * * 9 , rmATTA DAILY BEE ; SUNDAY , JANUAKY 23. 1SS7. TWELVE PARES. I * BOW STOCKS WERE AFFECTED The Influence-of tha Inter-Stato Commerce Bill Distinctly Felt , BEARS CONTROL THE MARKET Jlcnry Clews of the Opinion That the Measure Will "Work Permanent injury to Valurfl An Op posite View. The Day In AVnll Street. Nr.w YOIIK , Jan. 23. fSpcclnl Telegram to ( lie ll.i.j ! Thn sentiment In regard to Blocks to-day was unmistakably bearish. While the passage of the inter-state coins rncrco bill had all along been regarded a certain , It vvns argued that It would Increase ( ho feeling of distrust abroad In regard to American securities. London was main a heavj seller and prices on London exchange weak and lower. It was claimed tlmt a gen eral selling movement had been started which would send a rood many moro stocics to this country. The political situation was considered as critical , and a good ninny war minors were circulated. In the face of con ditions adverse to n bull maiket bujors held aloof and tl > o beats prcsscdCthclr mivnntngo , Belling the w hole list off more or less. Hock ing Valley continued to break on the tall over Issue of securities and the report that shows the Hnntlngton party had secured contiol of the property. From tlio capi tals of various western Elates whoso legislatures aio now In session ramo reports of expected leclslatlon ndverso to railroad interests. Coal slocks did not break much nnd on every slump the buying wns vood enough to rnllv prices. Cliqucd storks , like Wow J nghind. Jersuy Central , nnd Heading , were well supported , nnd points wcie out that ns soon ns the character of tlio general maikct impiovcd these stocks would 1m civ en n sharp turn mm aid. 'Iho bank fltatetncnt , Miovvlni ; a HID ill Increase in the reserve , was construed as lavorablc , ospeciallj' na money was plenty and rates very low. Contraiyto cxix ctations , Ilieio was no rally at the close. Tlio bulls niade no cllort to sustain prices except In New Kndand , Jer sey Cential , and Heading , all of which were active nnd well held nt about the ton prices of tlio dav. 'Ihu rest of Iho list dracgcd dow n steadily and closed at about the lowest prices of the d.iy. The total sales weio about Loo.ooo shares. Two Opposite ) Opinions. Nr.w Yon , Jnn. ! . [ Special Telegram to the Hr.r.J On the subject of the passage of tlio Intcr-stntn commerce bill , Henry Clews said : "Tho bill must now bo accepted ns law , for It Is certain of the executive signa ture , Doing undoubtedly a popular measure with the multitude , nlthottch It Is not so with the Intur-stato railroads. It cannot fall to bo injurious to the workings ol these corpora tions , as Its effect is to dlseust and dlsorpan- 1/u methods of business. Under the law which It provides foi they will bo compelled to advance their through rates In proportion f to their local charges. This will matcilally dwarf that class of business. Stocks of rall- ro.ads ntloctcd by thu new law must become less valuable , as they will suffer by tlio Injury to business ot those loads. There has been lorsuveial dajs past considerable liquidation of stocks owlni ; to fear ot tiio passage of tills bill , and this liquidation is likely to con tinue for some claj-s , especially from London holders. " I'lio Tribune , In Its financial article , speak ing of tlio Inter-state commerce bill , says : The largo vote by whlcli tlio bill passed the homo onconraKeu the 'bears' to sell stocks Indfscriminatelv.biit there nio no Indications that the real holders of securities nro In thu least disturbed. It Is an axiom that Iho rail- xvay Interest ot thoconntiy , which Is widely distributed , and wlilch , tliioiiKh the agency ot savings' banks , penetrates every Amcii- can household which ho.s sivings laid aside , can not bo disturbed without the Inllictlon ol a greater sncrllico to eveiy commercial , mer cantile and indiistilal Inteiest in the coun try. It is for this icason that both largo and small holdciB of secmltle.s aio complacent und satittlled with the situation. Thu'bears' sell stocjw freely and , as limy have done sev eral times before , mark lower quotations. Hut neither their free offerings 1101 the losde of events and circumstances as jet have brought out any real ceitlhVates of stock. "We make no predictions , but there is noth ing visible which warrants thu belief that the ipstdtot to-daj-'s laid on values will bo any tllffcicnt from those of the numerous as saults which have been made upon the maikct since Ihu middle of last Deceuibci. " lilVE STOCK COMMISSION' M1J.V. The } ' Fix Prices nnd Klcct Permanent Oniocrs. CHICAOO , Jan , 22. JSpccial Tclcgiain to tliol5n : . | At to-day's session of coinmls- Hlon cattlemen the most Impoitaiit business before the meeting was the fixing of a uni form scale of prices for the salu of live stock , which Is as follows : 60 cents pur head for cattle , except calves , j-carlliMS and stock cat tle , w hlch shall bo S10 per c ir load , prov Idcd that parties buying boss and sheep foi New i'oik shall charge not loss than JT pci double deck car , nnd lor IJaUlmoio not less than SO per double deck car , and S t per car for single deck car loads of hogs and sheep bought foi tlie same places ; and , provided further , that all live stock dilvun Into the j'nrds shall bu sold at the following named rates , to-wlt : Cattle , 50 < * oiits per head ; calves , 2A cents per head ; sheep nnd hogs , 10 cents per Iipnd : no sales to bo made for lass than M cents. The next business of lin- poitanco was the passairo of a resolution iiled iiii ; all thu members nnd firms to dls- penso with the services ot traveling men and nil milliner ol "dinmmlng" for business. Pcinianent otllcern were elected as follows : I'icsldciit , Klmer Waslibmn , Chleajjo ; vice picslctents , S. 1 ! . Armour , Kansas City ; II. L. Newman , Last bt. Loins , and Hon. John A. McShnne , Omaha ; secretary. Chniles W. JJaker , Clilcauo ; tieasnrer , K. J. Snsky , at. Louis ; executive committee , L' . S. Moise and B. M. Allen , Kansas Citv : bamuelN. Allei- ton and James Campbnll , Chicago ; Sntuunl btiiloy and 1) , L. CassldjSt. . Louis , and J. V. lloj In , Omaha.looigo Harse , of Kansas Citv : ' K. ( ! . Wagnfri. of Chicago , nnd E J. b'oiiiy ! ! were constituted a committee on organization. The tV.-vlnvMli Hooulverfl. ST. Louts , Jan. 'JX Uocoiviirs Tntt and .llumphiojb , of thn Wabash , applied to J iidgo Treat In the United States circuit court for directions concernlnsr the operation of Iho Kol Hlvcrroail , and this moining the couit made tha following announcement : "It Is ordered th tt to avoid all confusion of j nils- diction Hocoltors Tntt nn d Huinphrojs ten der to Thomas M. Coulpjhcnttoloro nj > - polnted receiver of certain lines of tlioii - bisn , possession of the 1 > 1 Itiver railroad In Indiana , under order of tlio United btates circuit court December 10 , issfl , subject to the liens , Incumbraures nnd obligations now ex isting on tlio road , in event of thu rrfnsil of Keeolvor Cooley to accept the Lei Ulver load It Is ordered that lleceivers Tult and Humpluoys contlnuu the operation of the road In connection with thn Detroit & Hntler ro ci until further orders of this court. Tholr Identity Sol oil. Nr.w YOKIC , Jnn. ? X Inspector Ityrnea" detectives have solved the inybtciy ot the two Wulto Plains murdureri who shot each other when cornered by the pursuing crowd after tholr murder of William C , Mead. They xvera supj sfld to bo brothers. Tlioli names nro known to be John liiUbane , seventeen j cur.sold , anil Thomas HiUbint * , nlnotven yaai > oM , Uotli vveiu dlmo novel readers. TUoy wore not tuluves by trade , but came of agood famllv vvho rcsldul at North Monroe fitroct In this city , lloth have boon em ployed In n silver manutactory here. They left homo on the 20ih to co to work und havu not been nven since , Tl-o cause ot their fciidden criminal outbur.it Is unknown. A Wrrck ol' Im t Hummer. SA.XKII.VNTISCO , Jan. 'A Tlm barkcntlne " \\f. II. Dlaiuond brought information Irom Honolulu tijsUy that thu batk Diana , Cap tain Moycr , 719 tons burden , lumber lauoa from Poit Uamble. W. T. . to Sliluey , was wrK-ked on Starhiu-V Ulaud in tlm .South Pa- iilfic , August II. The captain nnd crow were KiviJ. iicvc-n : of them Ictt In a boat , which \Misplckod up and rarrled to Australia. Pour pf tlm crew wt'io left on the Ulaiui. The .vc-b- toi was owned by U A , Ilaush , ot IO\VANS ON nnvcxuc UUFOUM. I/yinftn nnd Fuller's Vlcwn On the Susar nnd Tohacco Tax. WASIIINOTOX , Jnn. C3. [ Special Telegram to the IiKL.1 Said Representative Ljmnn , of Iowa , to-day : " 1 favor free sugar , that Is from countries that do not charge export duties on It. 1 am not certain tvvhat I shall do when the tobacco question comes up for consideration. My action will depend largely oil the manner Infwhlch It Is presented. " Itcprescntfttlvo Fuller , of Iowa , sajs : "I am opposed to removing the Internal revcnuo tax on tobacco. ' ' TIU : MAMM t' or mr. COMMISSION. There Is ery little doubt , " Raid a well known Michigan man to-day , "that Sena tor Conger will be ono of the commis sioners nndtr the Inter-stnto commerce law If President Cleveland does not feel obliged to create the commission before the 4th of Maich next , In which event Mr. Conger could notsTve , ns the constitution forbids nny one serving In nn olllce who voted upon Its crea tion during the term to which he Is elected to congress , so Conger could not bo appointed till his term as senator expires. There Is no possible way of gcttlnc around It. Ihu bill provides for Immediate organisation of the commission , nnd that the other functions of the law shall tnl.o effect vvitliln nlnctvdayq. Now I am Inclined to liplievo that the president will bo prevailed upon to postpone Iho selection of commis sioners till allci March t , ns IIP wants Moirl- son ns a member of the commission , and ho cannot torvo till Ids term In the house ox- iilres. Conger Is eminent and qualified for the position and 1 bcllevo he can uet it with- outexcitlon , Ho would cm wo satisfaction nil mound. The same can bu said of Monl- son. Lx-SenntorTliiimun of Ohio lips asked Hint his son , a lawjerot Columbus , Ohio about tlnrly-llvo j'ears old , tie. appointed on the1 commission , and 1 presume ho will bo ap pointed. " iiKvnnirr's nt'i.t.'o. Public Printer Benedict is ngnln In trouble. Yesterday the house passed a n solution asking that a now report bo printed on a bill because ol bis typographical crrnis. This morning a genei.al howl of In dignation wept up fiom the members on ac count of a number of unparalleled hulls In the vole on the Intor-stato commercebill. . The Itecoid shows that certain members voted against it when they voted foi it , nnd vice veria , It Is a general mixed-tin affair , and In order that a truthful punt of tlio vote can be had niesolution was passed authorising the public printei to piint In to-moiiow's Hecont the vote as It was taken , with no mis takes. Tlio fault lies wholly with the proof icadeis , who aie anjthing but competent to perform the work. A resolution ot censure will undoubtedly be Introduced in the house it these frequent errors are not discontinued and the won : done as It should be. AltVIV JfKVV. Unsadler General Ileret , chief of ordnance , Is acting secretaiy of war during the absence in Massichtissets of Secretary KudleoU. Lieutenants Hasbrouck and Cabell , Four teenth Infantrv , who liave just been granted three months' extension ot their leaves fiom Washington leuitoiy , intend making a trip to On ope. Ily the transferor Kl Paso and Uort Bliss Texas , Irom the department of Arlrona to the depaitment of Texas , Major George F. lioblnson , paj master , Is also translerred and oideied to report by letter to Geneial Staulej- , retaining Stockton at El Paso. Armv leaves granted : First Lieutenant Ocorgo K. Hnrni'tt , Ninth cnvalij' . Foil Du Chcsne , Utah , one month extension ; Cap tain Geoige S. Wilson , Twelfth Inlaiitij' . ono month extension : First Lieutenant Joseph W. Duncan , Twenly-first intantiy. AVO months extension ; Lieutenants Alfred llasbrouek , ji. , and Heniy C. Cabell , Jr. , Fourteenth inlantiy , tlueo months p.Men- Hion. rinrrcTrY A story Is going tlio lounds of social cir cles tlmt causes consldeiable comment. When ( Jeoigo IJaneiott cavu a dinner to Jaidlnal Gibbons rerontly , the ladicn in vited were notified of thu opposition ot the church icpii entcd by the distinguished miost to dicollcto costumes. A tew of the ladies invited felt obliged to decline the In vitation becaitso they did not possess an evening diess ot the required height In neck. It Is stated , however , that ono of tlm ladles connected with the foreign legation , who Is known for her beauty and social graces , shocked Ihoso piesunt by appealing in a diess unusually low fn the neck. Xr.llItASKA. AM ) IOWA Pl SION'iiIS. Pensions were granted to the ; following Nehraskans la-da } : Wilkinson Tarrci , Osco ; John A. Stevens , Neligli ; John i ; . Shaw , West Union ; John I'aton , Uoynolds ; Martin Lane. Sheldon ; lienjamin O. Getter , Madi son ; Sam Short , Wilsonville. Pensions gianted to lowaiis : Lliza Al. widow ol Lomuil Joidan , bliawbciry Point ; rr.inklin Poirin , Albla ; Hy Stoddart , La- moni : Albert 51. Probst , Knoxville ; Samuel Jiarr , boliua ; Johnson ( ! .uln , Newton : bilas i'.ukei. Centicvllle ; and Andrew Hanna , Cedai Kapids. I'OSIAl , CIIANf.r.s. The name of the poatollho at Amazon , Franklin countj , Neb. , is clianged to Campbell , and Samuel H. bears ap pointed postmaster , vlco Whlttaker Jajno removed. Hnttou , Lincoln countjNeb. . , is chnnged to Vroman ; West Salem , Fianklln county Is changed to Hildieth , and Henry 1) ) . Cnssoll appointed postm.istei , vice Samuel Freeman , resigned. William H. ( ! r.ay was to-dav appointed postmaster at Lindsay , Platte county , Neb. , vice Peter Galllgan , resliined , ol' . r.ainotis Suit. Mir.vvUKKK , Jan. 2-J. The famous suit of Daniel Wells , jr. ; against Peter McGeoeh , the well known speculator , with whom ho was associated In the disastious laid deal at Chicago cage in Ibb3 , was decided by Judge Mann , In the countj' com t this nioinlng In i.ivor of McGeoeh , the suit beini ; dismissed wltn costs. ThcSsiiIt glow out of the failure ot the great lard deal. Wells & McGeoeh ad vanced SOO.OOO tto seltlo affairs of the stranded linn of McGeocb , Lvermcham & Co. and immediately thereat tor Wells brotuht suit ncalnst McGeoch , clmiglni ; the latter with securing , thiough misrepresenta tion , hln ( Wells' ) ball of tlio amount paid in sottlement. Thocouit decided that Wells was fully informed of tliu p.irtlculais of the dHal and that therefore thciu was no fiaud * that It was a "lump" settlement ; that it must stand In tlio absence ol detailed accounts by Wells. Fuitheriiioie , tlio judge sajs , the dealings of tlio linn vveiegambling contracts and conspiracies against public policy , and for that icason the com t could not even entertain - tortain tlio suit. The court loom w.isciowded and the decision was iccelvod with n great deal of Inteiost. Cattlemen Interview thn President. WASHIVGIOX , Jan. % Duwltt W. Smith. picsldent of the National Cattle Glowers' association ; Towers , of Kansas City , and Handcis , of St. Louis , had nn Intcivlew with President Cleveland to-day In iel.it Ion to the pleiuo-pnoumonla bill now pondlnc in con- t'less. The gentlemen wore Intioduced by Iteprcsentatlvo .Springer , of Illinois. Tlmj represented to the president thai the consoli dated catllo Inteirsts ol the country , Includ ing the proprietors ot Iho Chicago stock jauls , had united In picjiarlng a bill looking to the suppression of iileuro-pncninonl i among rattle Introduced in the senate by Miller am ! In the house by Delegate Caruy. ot Wjomlng. Tliu piovlslons of the bill were brlelly explained to the president , who exhibited much Interest In the subject and lo give It c.inun ! consideration. The P.aolllo l < 'iindln Bill. WASIIIMUOV , Jan. 2-i--Tho.oecietary of tbelieaRiiry to-day sent a communication to the house in answer to the house lesolntlons asking what would bo the lesult to the treas ury and tno effect upon debts owed the United Slates by the subbldl/ed I'.iclhc i.ill- vvnj companies if housu bill No. Uib should hteome a law. Alter giving a ( statement of the pi''scnt condition of ( tin indebtedness , wnlcn was the s imo given a tew d.iys ago In reply to a similar lesolution , the secretary sajs : The constant spiiil-annual payment ar- rhed at by tha method piusciibud In the bill Is ios than acoiiectlvcompnlt'd temi-annunl mjmentj by one-tilth of 1 iiereont ; tint Is to say , tills payment should boSl.WsUST In * stead of Sl.bil.iOl , Ihu amuunt named In the bill. _ A Kavoralilo Ueporr. W.vsinxnroJan. . IS. Kopiesentatlve HammonJ today submitted to the bouse from the judiciary rominltk-o a favonible ie- ] K > rt on Dlbblo's resolution authorl/lti ; the acci'Ptaniii by the house ol the oath uf ollice ninilo bv Itrepreaiilalivo Alkt'ii t.t hi $ ho.no In boutli C.uollna. Ali.indoncd ui Hea. LONPO.V , Jan. 2J U is reported that the Hrituh stoimur Xettuno , Tiptiin Hiitnmel from Siinderland January 1 fur Uahlmore , has 'oeuu abamloued at oca , WEEKLY BUSINESS REVIEW Demand For Money Less Urgent and the Loan Market Favorable to Borrowers. FOREIGN EXCHANGE IN DEMAND A Mttlo More Life Shown In Railroad Stock Speculation Considerable Activity i\hlliltcd In head ing Produce Markets. The Week In Ilio Commercial AVorld. CHICAGO , .Inn. 22 [ Spechl Telegram to the IJnn.J Very llltlo change to note in financial affaire. The dcnnnd for bnnk fav on has not been so urgent anil the loan market was a little more favoranlo to borrow ers. Hanker * , honctei , vero not Inclined to increase their discount lines to any n\- tent , merely placing such funds ns received on matured paper and when parties of un doubted reputation made application for loans Interest rates vvero slightly reduced by some larce institutions , Speculators asked for some accommodation , but shippers ot ( train and provisions were not in need of any extra funds ns the movement was mod erate and mainly by parties who lia\o abund ant means , t'aekerg , too , were \lttnally out of the market. The receipts of hogs \vcta light and there Is llltlo accumulation of the product. The outside demand for money has been lUht.nsstoims throughout \\esthavo Interfered with business to a great extent. Merchants reported collections lather slow In some sections and there vascry little rurieucy icoclvcd 01 forn.udcil from thoclty. 1 n Iciest rates were icpoi led at CK to 8 per cent , according lo the amount of the loin and the btandlng of the borrow ers. Itathcr moro money was Joined at Inside figures than dur ing the week previous , but the meat bulk ot the paper presented commanded 7 per cent. Money lii cnstein llnanclal centers evhlblted a little moro easiness , I'orelffii ' money markets were icported steady and rates of discount unchanged. Now Yoik o\chango was In modcr.ito supply and the demand \\.is onlj fall , Shipments of produce wcie rather light and few bills offeilnp. Transactions between banks were mailo nt par at 25 cents discount per $1,000 and the market closed with sellers at mr nnd bujcis at 25 cents discount. 1 orclgn excltanpo was In f.ilr demand nnd the ollerinirs of commercial bills weio lather light. Changes In rates vvero slUht. blilp- pers' s\ty | day bills changed hands -J.fcOJsX' ' * J.biy and closed steady nt l.bl'/CBI.blH. ' bpi'culatlons In railroad stocks snowed a little moro llfo during the vveekundet loviovv. The leading opoiators were moio Inclined to trade .mil the m.itKeto\hlblted.i little moro \oubiiess than lor soter.ileeks past. Larly in the week the market showed a little more strength , with considerable attention L'iven to specialties , and prices ruled higlici. licpoitsot combinations of lines acioss the continent and consolidations ot ccrt.iln east ern ro.uis lead to ineieased business in tlie dllleient lines directly Inteiested. Later there was moio incllnntlon to belt .inrt the passage of tiic intcr-stato commeico bill had some inlluenro In weakening the maiket neat the close and caused n reduc tion in pi IPOS forfcomo ot the leading stocks. Advices tiom London Indicated a little moro stiength early , but closed lowei again , bales on tlio new stock exchange for tlm week nggiegati'da.3COWO shares. The principal stocks dealt Inero Heading , Richmond Jo \Vcst 1'olnt , Terminal , Camila Southern , Delaware , Lackavvanna & Western , 1'rio. HocUing V.illey , LtiVo Shotc , Jjouistlllo it Xasluille , Js'ew Jeisny Cential. I'eoii.i , Iu- catur &KvansvlIIc , St. I'.uil , Noitlnvesti'm , bt. I'nul A : Umalia , lc\ns I'acllic , Wcatein Union , Xotv Yoik \ , iNcw England and Union Paclhc. Tlio loading prodneomarkets exhibited considerable actitity duiing the past week , though tlio Icelingv.is con- siderabh unsettled and lluctuitions In prices quite frequent , but conlmed within n narrow r.inixe. Stormy weather has gre illy Interfcicd with tlio ariivals of grain and ll\o stock at leading vve-ncrn markets , consequently quently shipping business lias been liijlit. Foielgn maiUcts mo Inclined to weakness , accompanied lower prices nnd IlglitPi oidcis than anticipated , wnlch Ii.ul a depiess- ine effect on the speculative mniKets and en- couiagcd lathei tieu selling for tuturu deliv- eiy. bhlppingoiders have been niainlj foi small qiiantitles toi interior points or to maikcts wheie eonce-isions in freights could bo obtained. Stocks of giain aioquito liboial in dome tlu m.ukelsiind tlio supply .ibioul is tali , with qnlto liberal quantities on passage. Stocks of pioviMons show little accumulation in thu west and tlio distiibution in domestic and foreign maikcts is quite llboi.il. Tacking thionchont the west nab been smaller than generally nnticipitcd and the week's work bliowsa tint her decieaso , wit lithe piobability that It will not bo recou'red duiing the bal ance ot the season. TKOUnrjCS. Strike nnd i'rcveiit Occnn Steamers From Ijonvlmr. Nr.w Yonic , Jan. 22. The longshoiemen attached to the Anchoi , Trench and Cnnnid lines to tlio number of 500 quit this moining. Tlio btiike was because a quantity of mer chandise which had oilginally came from the Old Dominion Steamship company was sin- leptlnnslv stowed on board the vessels. The Anchor line liau the HolUU for Gl.iscovv , the Cunard tlio Ambria lei Liverpool and tlioTraiisntlnntiqne , of the French line , und the Lachimp.igno fet Haite , all ml < cilUcd to sill during the nftoinoon. After the men loft , the llrcmoii on eicii of the throe wartes bet to work with the crow and legnlai weekly men. The men deeluo that the stiiko will bo made gcncial It the lines do not give In. A I'inkorton Man Nearly Blobbed , , Ii iisnv Cuv , .Ian. 22. A serious disturb ance among tlio stiiklng coal trimmers oc- cnried at llayonno to-night. A I'inkorton deputy was anestod for assault on an out- sidci and a constable bioiijht the piisoner from JJergen Point on a locomotite. A thousind excited men met tiio party at the depot and catheicd about the prlbonei , ciy- "Ijnch him. " Tlnuc policemen and a con- staulo vvcro being otoipowered and appealed to the leading sti liters to aid them. The cooler-headed htiikeis loimed a body guard about the p.uty .mil .liter a tuibiilent jouiney the Tinkciton man w.is lodged In jail. To Itrturn to Work Monday , Jr.iisnv CITV , J.in. 2. . The Loiillaid striken ] have expressed their Intention ot ic- turnlng to work next Monday morning. The firm will not Incieaso the wavjes and j > reposes to reduto thnworKlng lorco ol tlio factory 10 to 15 per cent. , thus thiovvini : out of umplojniPiit : xxi to 100 of thn .strikers. About 5UO of the btilkeis weio at'work to day. Hrovvers' Htriko Kndod. DHTBOIT , Jan. 23 The blowers' stilKo has at last been settled by the men conceding pretty much all the emplojers. claimed. Tlio Clovolnnd Tragedy. CI.KVU.ANI > , Jan. .i'J.-In n plain black casl.ct tit the morgue to-day jay thu body of Mis. Antlonetto C'abalck , tlio unnatuial mother who on Thiu day buteheied three of her children and fatally wounded two others and then hanged betself. Clasped to the biisom ot thu dead v/umaii was the body of baby Willie , in a white casket ncu the black ono lay the bodies of Annie and Mamie , the other two Innocents. Thousands ot pcoplo weisntti.acted to the place , and it inquired the ten Ices of a detail of police to k < vp tlio crow d In order. This nf toi noon thu bodies weio bulled at the city Inliimniy farm. No prajer was bald or other religion * service attempted. The two coffins wcie deposited In ono grave. James and Tonl.a , the little boy and girl who were so terribly wounded by the llendlsli mother , are Mill Rlivn.U tliH city hospital. Valloi C.ibelek shows signs of Insanity , and it feared that thoawiid tioublo will unsettle his reason. Kicking Against the L'opn's 1'otvor. hoMJON , Jan. 23-Tho Scottish Protestant alllaiK e has ncmt to Queen Victoria a meinor- a ! hettlnt ; forth that the ngu'rcaUons of the pap.tey In Cieat Diltam ami the supteinacy of ttm pope -irn sub\Mai\o of tlm queen's autiioilty anil of the | iuot > lu'b rluhU and lilf- crtics , and that the a , owed aim of thu papacy is tinVatican' tonqnc-it nnd babjection of Great liritalu. ' A PUGllilSTIO fiOVEH lie Fatally Injures , Hli Sweetheart's Hrothor Ni ar Ked Cloud , IlKt > Cr.oui ) , Nelv. , Jnn. 23. | Special Tele- pram to the HKE.J Yesterday ovenlne a serious affray occurred at n writing school In the country , twelve miles northwest from this city. A swell named Mot ers had been paying attentions tf > a > 011111 : lady named Walker. Miss Walker's ' family objected nnd she refused to associate with him longer. M ej ers stvoroengcanco nanlnst the whole Walker family. S. A. < Walker , the lady's brother , attended the writing school , whither Mjers followcd < it1 is said , armed with metallic knuckles , and got a friend to Induce Walker to come oulshto. Mtors Immediately knocked him down and ( hen commenced kicking and stamplne upon the prostrate man , swearing he would kill him , which ho would doubtless have accomplished but for others iiltorferlliir. In trying to use a revolver WnlKer shot him self through the hand , lie was brotuhl to Kert Cloud to da > . Several libs were broken and other Internal injuries received from wlilch ho will niobably die. The officers are after the assailant. Tlio Train Wreckers Held. Coi.t'viut ; ? , Xcb. , Jan. ' 'J. ISpcclal Tele gram to the lJii : : . I The two men engaged In the attempt to wreck the construction train last moiling near this place , were bt ought up for examination bcforo Justice Covvdery this forenoon , citing tlio names of Andrew l.cls and John Mollskl , both Pol.andcrc. They waived examination nnd were bound over to the next district court In the sum of SfOO each. KnllliiK toglto the bonds thej were committed to Jnll. The number of spikes bolls nnd pieces of Iron that were Ijlnc on tlio Justice's table , picked upnlonr the trntk , toirethoi with their twisted nnd distoited condition , made the cold shiver creeps all over the beholdeis nt the thought of tlio terrible result that might have been produced Irom such vicious and depraved conceptions of retongo. Tlio cool headed judgment exercised by Knclncer bheapy and Conductor Michael Korrell doubtless saved the company tlio destruction of tlie ti.aln and the community a sad catas- iiophe. _ _ _ _ _ _ Another Now Town. JlAtni.r.n , Neb. , Jan. 22. [ Special to the Brr.J Another new town on the beautiful divide In eastern Aiapahoocounty , Coloiado , is ready foi a boom. Wo met snrvoyoi John Smith , of the Hock Island Town bite com pany , who hab Just laid out the new town of Logan , in western Arapahoe county , Colorado rado , In tp. 1 3 , , r.1'i w. . 0 p. m. , s. c. SOP. r , nnd n. o. V , sec. 8. The quarters nro adjoining - joining and belong to A. W. Vanderman it Hto. This now town Is located on the divide roadwaj between Arlekareo and the south foik of the Kcpublican river , 150 miles duo east ot JJonvoi , on the snitey of the lloclc Island .fc Pact lie lallway. linlldlngs will bu elected and all branches of business opened nt once. A lumber jnrd. irenoral meich indlse , dims store , blacKsmlth sliop , fun * tuic.inu haulw.tre have nheady made niiaugemenls to be in business. DH. A. IjnrRO Attendance of Fcoplo from All Over Iowa. In. , Jnn. 22. fbpccial Tele- giant to the Bin , . ] ' 1 he , tuncral of Dr. itob- ertson , late president of tno state board of health , took place lieio to-day , and was at tended by a great concourse of people. Lead ing phjslclans wore plcijont from all parts of thu slate. Several posts , ol the Grand Auny of the Itepublic , tand a compant of the national gnaids joined in the pioces- sion , followed iby "the faculty and ICO students of the medical depaitment of the state university , v/ho anltcd byspccial train. Dr. Robertson's death is very deeply ilaploteit bj the medical r profession , among whom ho was foremost , l y thoold soldiers , in whom ho always took u comrade's inteiest , by tlie people gen PI ally , 'Mio icgarded him ns n very woithy and houpied citizen ol the state. _ ff Sloiix Clty-Intllctmcitts. Sioux CITV , fa. , , fnn. 22. fSjiccial Telo- giam to thu Hir.l : It is not dehnitely known what Indictments tlio grand jtny made , Thcro is a very uneasy feeling on the paitof thesaloontsts and othois. An Intoi- vlHtv w ith n le.adei of the law nnd ordei league developed the tnet tint the wai was to bo continued light along. Some of the sa- loonst- | > are known to be Indicted that are al ready ostensibly closed by abatement , but it is found that the abatement docs not ahv.xv s work. The juiy vvns laipoly composed of larmeisnnd the saloon element Istiyincto make It appear that tlio judgment against them foi this reo-son is unjust. State University President IOWA Cnv , In. , Jan. 22.f Special Tele gram to the I5ii : : . | lion. J. L. Pltkard , pres ident of the state nniveisity heie , has re signed on account ot falling health and a doslio foi rest. Ills resignation is to take effect at the close of the jeai , although the regents ot the unit cislty pressed iiiin to re main longer. He became president in 1878 , and undoi his diieetlon the state unlver.slty has had gteat growth and piosperity. A Smallpox Scare. Siotrv Cnv , la. , Jnn. 82. [ Special Tele gram to tlie Uhr. ] Cherokee , n nelgliboiing town east of Sioux City , on tlio Illinois Cen tral road , is now consldorablv excited over what is thought to bo a case ol smallpox. A me-itMgo was lecelted hero to-day concerning the scale and ordeiiiii ; all the vaccine points to bo had In the city. 1'nll particulars have not been loaincd hero as jot. An nx-Sheriff Acquitted. Orrtviw't , la. , Jan 22. [ Special Tele gram to the 15uK.J-Sam Mlllor , ox-shcriir ol Monioo county , who has been on trial hero the past wcnk , was acquitted ot obtaining money on lalbu preten-es. A I'hjslcinn Injured. Orruviw'A , la. , Jan. 2J. { Special Tele gram to the Hii : : . ] lr. It. S. ( illelnlbt , a prominent phvslclan , was thrown out of a bugylast otonlng and had his light arm and shoulder badly broken , Hound House llnrnrd , CI.OAU JlAi'ins la. , Jan. 2i. [ bpcclal Tel- eciam to tlm Ur.i..J The Chicago \ - North- wcstein lotind house burned early this mom- Ing. Ono now onglnu was destroyed. Total lobs , 512,000. _ _ _ nroken Hy a "nob , " CnnsioN" , la , Jan. 21. ( Special Telegram to the HKK.JTho twplvoyoir-oldson of C. N. Thompson had hi } l broken by a bob sled whilu coastlintltst eyenlng. fcoXGftCSS. WASinxmov , Jan. 2J , Mr. Wallace of Louisiana ollcrcd a , rosoh.tlloii , which was adopted , recltlnz that tlio in.Mhlent and sen ate have agieod to Jn\\ \ \ ratified the conven tion by which the terniH fnt the tieity be tween the United Stales j nd tlio govuunont ot the Hawaiian iblailds lias boon extended sot en > ears longer , and tlfat the treaty con tains pro-'lslons for the admission of certain articles tree of duty and iiibtiuctinz the com mittee on judlclaiy to Inquire Into thc&o facts and rfiport to tbo , liouso whether the treaty , which Involves theirato of duty to bo Imposed on any article , can bo valid nnd binding w llhout the concurrence of the house ot representatives. The committee on Judiciary reported back- adversely the resolution calling on the attor ney general for Information as to the loeal authority under which the directors of the Union Pacific IJailroadcompanyconsolldated that company with the Kansas Pachio Kail- road company and Denver Pacific P.allroad company and recognl/ed the same under the name ot the Union Pacific P.ailroad com pany , under which this last named company Issued sti cK and tiiibt bonds. Laid on the table. The report aecompanj Ing the resolu tion states that the Information desired will bo obtained If the joint resolution which passed the house a few dus airo for an In vestigation Of the accounts of the Pacific railurtds shall become a law : and that for beieiity > eai , from Witt to Garland , it has beeu uniformly held IM the attorney cen tral cannot legally clvo opinions when called upon by congiess or IU committees. 1 he committee on public lands reported back the bill Tor the forfeiture of the New- Orleans , Baton Kongo & VIcksburg land graptand to confirm titles to certain lands , with the senate amendment thereto , with the recommendation that the amendment bo con curred In. Mr. Ulanclmrd of Louisiana hoped that that would be done. ' 1 ho only purpose of tlio amendments was to protect the titles of set- Mr. Weaver of Jowa moved to rofcr the bill and amenaments to the committee ot the whole. Lost > eas , 75 ; najs , 14) . The committee on territories reported back adversely tlio bill to open land communica tions with the territory of Alaska. Laid on the table. In the mornlnel our ( ho bill Increasing the rate of pension allowed for total deafness to SJOn month was put to a vote. The oppon ents oftho bill refrained from voting nnd left the hotiio without a quorum and in this condition it remained until the moining hour expired and thu bill went over without action , Mr. Willis , of Kentucky , moved that tlio hon o "o Into committee of the whohi foi the further consideration of the river and har bor appropriation bill. Agreed to jeas , IVJs iiivs 11. A motion to lay on the table , a motion lo reconsider thl vote necessitated another roll call and then the house went Into committee of the whole. After a shfirt dUcusslon , eencrnl debate closed , the lommltteu ruia and the house ad journed , SIio Nearly Klln ! llor llnsliniuTH Para mour and Assaults M'lioir Child. Niwoitu , Jan. S1) . [ Special Teloiiam to the UKP , I A knot of young men stand ing on Last Thirl -second stieel , opposite the npaitmcnt house of No. COJ , at llll : ! o'clock last nldit , were startled by ciics oi "minder , minder , " Issuing from the front flat In the third story. In another instant a woman , paitlally dicssed , was pushed almost thiough ono of the windows , and the glass came down to the sidewalk with n lomlciash. rlho joung men tried to open the front door , but it vus locked , Suddenly the woman , with her night diess almost torn to pieces and her body covered w Ith blood , opened the dooi. nnd apparently not seeing them , she began screaming "minder" at the top of her voice. When scolni ; them she cited : "That woman will kill my baby I Docomoupl Do comcnpl" Leaving a tiall of blood on the stairs , she led them up two Ilichts to her Hat. The door lay in the middle ot the loom , buist liom Its hinges , and two of Its panels vveie broken out. In the corner near the biokcn window stood a man , paitlally dies ed , choking a woman , Shevtas about hltv jeum otngc , quite good looking nnd well diessod. She was struggling despeintelv.nnd It vvns nil ho could do to handle her. He released her us soon as ho saw the joung men , and wont into the bcdioom behind thu sitting loom , in which the struggle tool : pi ice. Theio was no need to ask any questions the woman told the story at enc , "That man theie Is my husband , Jasper GarreUon , ,1 carpcntci , " 1 hat woman tlieio Is his pai- nniour. About ten vears nno ho bccan to neglect mo nnd go after this woman. They have been living line as man and wile under the name ot lienton. They c.imo here to live on the'J'Hh ' of last May , nnd that baby In thocilb theie Is that woman's and my hus band's. Let me net at the miserable creature. 1 will tear her to pieces. " The wounded woman cowered and quailed and Implored the vounc men to piotcut her. Uy this tlmu two olllccr-i from the Twentv- tnst precinct nrilvua and * o did a sinccon. lie looked nt the wounds and pronounced them seilons though not necessaiily Jntai. Ono dec ] ) cut in thu uppei left mm was about six Inches long , liesides that slio had two bul cuts in fi out and below the chin , as though hci ns ailant had tiled to get at her throat. . Her bi cast had a cut and her wrists and hands wcic cut In many places as If she had tiled to seize tliu weapon. The wounded woman was lemoved to the hos pital and the wile was locked up. Uei hus band was so frightened that the ne had todiess him. At'PKKClATCa ITS IjOSS. Sotiovv and 15curet or tlio K. oi" Li. til V.in AVjclc's J > crcnt. Cnisiov , la , Jan. "J. [ Special to the HKI . ] The a somby of the Knights of Laboi at this place met last evening and adopted the following icsolutions on the de feat ol .Senator Van Urjck for re-cltctlon : Ill-solved , 'Hint It Is with a sense of the deepest sorrow that we loam of the defeat 01 that able champion ol the cuibu ol laboi and that eloquent advocate ol "land for the landless , " Senator duties H. Van Wjck , ot N''biasK.i. Unsolved , That in his defeat we are aiiain reminded of the powciful inlluenco and vigorousnctivitv of monopolists who nio evei ready toconsplie to otoitluovv the men nntJ measiiH's intended lo advance ( because of the people. Ke olved , ' 1 hat the defeat of Senator Chas. H , Van Wjclc for le-electlon should caiiso eveiytnend of laboi toiuncw the contest ngnliidt eonledetated monopolies , with a ilc- uiinitiation that knows no such word ns ( all , and wo cill upon oui bietluon evtuy- vvlieio to rail ) In a united phalanx to elevate tlio filcndsot labor to otlicial position- ) and combat those powerful inlluintes which nre undermining tlm foundations of 0111 govein- mi'iit and destroying thu sacred principles on which our eh 11 fabric is lounded. Kcsohed.Thata copy of those icsoliillnns bo foitvanted to the Hon. ( . 'has. II. Van Wvck , and thntthcy bo given to the piesslor publication. An Antl-i'ass 15.11. AUSTIN , Tex. , Jan. 2J. [ Special Telegram to the ln.J ! : Veblciday a bill passed the house making It unlawful foi any Judicial , executive , admlnlsliatltooi legislativoolliccr In this state , or of any disli let or county In tlio fetate , except the sheriffs constables or other peace olllccis , to nccopt free passes oi tiekets , or any device , instrument , article 01 hiibstanco that may bu reco ni/ed or accepted in lieu thuieof , Irom any lallway company , its agents or employes , or to use , canjor dlsphu the sauui upon any lallway In the stale. The penalty Is a tine not exceeding Sl.iOJ. The AVost Virginia Scnatornlilp. Cii.YHi.rbio.v , W. Va.Jan. 2. . Tlio Kn- pnbllc ins held their caucus last nl.'ht and passed lesolntlons tovolo hist for General ( ! elf lor fionntoi , then fet Kllek , liiotvn and McLean , In the oidei named. ISrovIticN. Articles of Incoipoiatlon woio filed jester- tcrday or thu Omaha Lithographing coin- pany. The capital stock Is t > r > ,0jj. The In- coiporators ate J. 1) . Jonus , Frank J , Devil n aiidi : . L. Maithlng. Supeilntsnduiu Mahoney , of the poor arm , is cuing for nearly a bundled patients , A rainbow festival will bo held at the Clulstlan church on Wednnsdty evening , January t5 ! , This promises to boa noyeltj in tlio way of entertainments. Mr. J. O. Chapman , of the firm of I ) . M. Stceloit Co. , wholesale groctrs , who bus beun very ill with pneumonia ami confined to his bed Hlntu December 2-1 , IK convalesc ing , being now nblo to hit up foi a few hours atatlme. As boon as the weatlioi will per mit .Mr , C. will co south lor a month or two to recuperate , Mr. C , F. Wilklns , ( cashier Pullman com- piny ) , wife and hlster , Heiirj C , Ilobblo ( ot HobbloUros } , and wife tetuined fiom Um etstSuurdny moinlni : from tlio very sad rlntj of the bin lal of their fathci. .Mr. Will- lam Stevens , ot Ml. Vornoii , N H. Mi. btovens was stricken with pualyuis Doeom- ber 2i ult. , and llnijered until January r vvlmn hoquietlj passed away , surrounded In his last moments bv his eniie l.inul ) of vvlto nnd liviirbildien , Mr. btotens vvas seventy jears old and a man very much lespectod by nil who know him. lining a member of the Ma sonic Jiaturnity , It was his lo'im-st that the services bu conducted bv that body. The Mineral took jil.ico Sunday , January 0 , at 2 p. m A largo delegation of Masons and KnlirhtTuniplais were present trorn Mutual andNashau. N. H. , and conducted tlio ser vice" , which weio very impressive. Mr , iStovenii leives his lamily In KUiiforUblo cir cumstances. cumstances.'I 'I III ! HdkO CUSP. CiuoAf.o , Jan. 2Tho Dally Nows' Mon treat special navs ; The court of quoeng bench this u-ornin nnnnlinously conlimed the Judgment of the Intel lor court In the Hoko extradition cane , inalnt.ilnlns Hio extradition - tradition and o tU mw Hoko to be handeil over to thu United .states authorities upon warrant of the minister of jiislti-a Hu vvlll probably bo ta.kun to Ptorlacdneiday \ next. POPULAR AND POWERFUL , Senator Van Wyck's ' Defeat Makes flini Doubly Dear to the People. * MONOPOLY BEATS THE MASSES A Day of Judgment Surely Dawning What Troachcrnus Itepnblloana Have Dotio l'"or tlio Democ racy Pen Plot nrc 9. Ltvroi.v , Xcb. , Jan 23. I Special to the ULUI When votUlilul Hjron wrote , "It Is done , all woids are idle. Words from mo nro tnlnor still , " he felt no doubt as I feel early this morning. My qtmndom friend , Algernon Paddock , has got there , and the friend to the people and fee to corporations has been laid , metaphor ically speaking , under the soil and the dew. lint not trt await the judgment day. Charles 11. Van Wjck , endorsed by fil.OOOotcis of Nebraska , will remain a prominent factor In the politics of this stUe , and will figure prominently In IbSi. When I know that forty rooms of the Capi tal hotel weio paid for by the H. & M. ralhoad company theio Is no evidence lacking to prove to mo that Van Wjck's defeat no matter who Is his successor Is a victory to the mo > t powerful corporation evci tolciatcd In tins state , the H , A : . M. railroad company. Tor that icn on Ipiedlct that a domociatle majoiltv In nine-tenths of all the counties In Ncbiaska Is a possibility and a probability for live years hereafter. Said a prominent politician of thu state to me this mot nine : "Wo will elect Van Wjck to congress In isss. MeShano can never succeed himself and Van Wvck w 111 bo the man. If tlio ma.hlno ( attempts dictation , as It did In foisting Church Howe , then wo vvlll run him Indepondcntl.v and scoop all competitors. He Isundoised bj tliopeoiilonnd KingCaucus robbed him ot his stiength and power. " There Is some mot Mod to such seeming madness. The people the agricultural dis- tiicts , have got a watchful ejo on ( .ieuoral Van Wjck. .v nvr. iMCTinn : . It was a pleasing and charmlnc sight teen en PntO'Hnvvets to-day singing nnd Hlghlnir. Ho admitted that he had been a Pnddouk iiKin fiom the start. Whether this vvlll ns- Rlst him with thn committee on claims can bo better determined when his bill foi aiding the stnto becomes n law. "bklpp" Wlllard. a bucolic editor from up the country , an orlslnnl Paddock man , N in Ills element and If ( inner Cleveland were not picsldent ono would suppose Mi. W. waste to inherit a cabinet position. Tlio happiest man on earth Is no doubt "Fatty" Plckrell , of ( ! agc. lie came no heio In the eatly session with nil unbooiiicd Pad dock boom , and to know that It lias mnter- laIJ7cd fills him with nncompasscd | oy. George Warren , of Pawnee county , a dem ocrat ot Van W > ck and anti-monopoly prin ciples , said to mo that the election of. Pad dock cut no licuic , but that tlie dufeat of Van Wjckjvould make a change in the major ities on election day. Ho says his county will go dcmociatlc next j ear or "aw ful near nr.rrA.nvn TIII : rr.oi't.n's WII.T , . P. M. Gllbeit. of Falls City , dropped into tlio UcEollicc lone enough to "ay , " 1 have giown gray headed in the republican party lojolclng In Its successes nnd sorrowing In Its dctcats. lint Hot ! iicliiing me. I shall never vote the republican ticket again , until by so dolnc the wishes of the peopleaio gratlhed. Wlij , " continued Mi. Gilbert , crowing the moro anueied as ho thought of Van Wvek's deteat , "tho ponnlo were not al lowed a lieo expression. When wo were voting tlieio at Kail Citv , Judyo Keavls In structed tlio election [ maid not to icceivo those tickets with Van Wjck posters , as it would eliminate the voters ; mat any ono who passed anv of those tickuts would bo cilmlnally liable , and It bj mlstnto they should count such tickets , such action would tlnow them out. Ueavis hinisell came to mo and said : 'Here , that Is n criminal oirenso \ouniecommitting in attaching those pos ters to thosu tickets and tlieio Is the jail. We have that jail to punish ollendors of the law , nnriwo want jou to desist liom this. ' It was Impossible with such thicits to get a lair oxpiession ot the popular vvlll. " si-NAioi ! VAN WICK'S M'l.rcir was endorsed byoverv honest man who heard it , and there was eonsideiabio ti utii in Judi'o Itioadj's remaik tliai tv.o thltdsof the icpub- llt.iiis tonlay ic retted that tlicj1 had cone Into caucus. In casting his vote , ( icorgo Heimroit , of Doticlas , enshilned bis name In the memory of his constituents. When Ills name was railed lie aioso and sain in substance : "Mr. Piesidont Although 1 went Into caucus last night and am pcihaps morally pledged to tiio caucus nominee , Mr. A. S. Paddock since 1 have lentned that baicfaeed truichcry was conspired an 1 conceived by the monopoly henchmen , through Lieutenant ( Jovcinor Shcdd. I cannot be a party to such a fi.uul nor assist in aiding them. Theioloiol cast mj vote lot Chailcs H. Ar.an AVjek. " Al. . FAIllIIKOTItKIt. A Correction. in tlio legislative joint convention Thurs day llepiCMtntntlvo Smjtli , of Douglas , ex plained his votolorSenalor Van U'jck" . Tlie confusion in the liouso and the undertone conversation going on near the Hun re- poilci at the time , made It Impossible to get tlio exact vvoids utteied. The lollowing Is the explanation \cibatliii : Mr. Piesidpiit : I wish to clnnco my vote , and In explanation ot my notion dt-slie to say that I am a democrat , always duslilni ; thofui"cessol the democratic ji.trlj' . As one ot the minority ot tills body I liavu voted for thu Hon. W. H. M linger for the olllco of United bfates senator. 1 believe him to bo a man uoilliyot the hiirh position lei which li has been named. Ills chaiacter Is pure , bis mind Is broad , and his iccord Is without ftpot. iMtly indeed would liu represent this voting stile In all her vigor , pie resslvoncss Find Kiand piomlso. Ho would stand In thn cr.aiid council chamber of thu nation the em bodiment ot the polish and scholarly attain ments of Nebraska's daughters ; the tjpo of tlio Intellectual vigor and manly woith of Ncbinskii's sons. IVarles-i In debate , un daunted in dcle.it and magnanimous In vic tory ; the Irletid of the people and of pure government. 1 would that ho roulu bo elected United States smiatoi , but I le.u ho cannot be. It Is haul to admit it , but stub born far Is compel mu lo do so , and believing that In tb.it ovnntl know the wishes of my constituents , 1 thaiign my vote to that com- imcons champion of the p ophi'i Inteiest , thu Hon. Charles H. VanWjik IMaltlnc Alllltary HeHcrv.allons. Wtsiii.vt'ioir , Jan , it } . Tlio secretaiy of the Intel lor has dlieotrd tiiocoinmlsslonci of tlm general land office to suivey and plat , picpaintory to the nppinlbcmcnt Mid sale , all of the lands omhraied In the seveial aban doned mllltniy rcsoivatlons whipli have been turned over to thu custody of th.i Inlciloi de partment , uiiilei the provisions of tlio act of JimoS , is > l. It iSHtatcd tlmt these i enerva tions have an .ucaof about TOO.O'jO acics and Includes. 801110 ot tlio choicest agrirulliiinl lands in thu several statn- . and truitoiles In which they nro located. Foil liimddl fpart ointol thuiivei ) and Foil J lo , in Dakota ; Foil lluilsnff. Fort Mel'huuon and Camp Shurldan in Nebiask i. aio among thu reser vations contained in the sei-rotary's oidcis. The Ituaxnn Indo Pulillo , W tsmziuiov , Jan. S4 With respect to the nomination of James Kioy lo bo post master at S.gourney , In. , In place of John Morrison , Hits ] ended , the sonata postoliko commltten has reported that no chargeweio made allCLting the clmacti.r for Intcviltyof Morrison or in an > way reflecting upon his uooil name. Iln was MHptindid , tlm loport deilaiob , bec.iuvi ho Is a uiuuihcr of the i i- publican pait and his pl.icii was wanted Inr a democrat , inasmuch , however , as bu doe > not desire to make a contest toi thn phue , the committee recommended tin ; couhrma- tlon of h ! Air OK ! ( 'it For KaiHiiiii.i Pnimlon Cliec-lf WASHING rex , Jan. SS.Tho penMen of fice has Information tli.it H. P Mi tcalf , of Denver , was josteidxy nnnstrd at Nortvich Conn , ch ir fed with raising a irntuinmen pension rlieck Irom SI" * to Siy . Ho will bo uiUeu to Demur tor trial. 1'ostmaHloru Coiillrinrd. WilniN'oiON" , Jan. m. The fr.liowl > ig i coiitirniatlons of postma im were inadii public by thu senate to dav : J.unus Fro- , Hiirourncy. la. ; Prank Cami'HI , O'Nt-ill . ; Anthony Uramlt , BelluvJ'-1 , la. THE CASK. The llrcaoli OrowltiR Wider nctweci * Hint nnd Archbishop OorrlRan. NEW Yonrc , JMI. 23. ISpoclM Tolcgrara to the BKE.J A friend of Dr. Mrllbnn was Interviewed this atternoon In rojard to the olfoct of Archbishop Corrlgan's letter upon the followers of the former pastor ot SI. Ste phens. lie said : "Tho friends ot Dr. Mc Ulynn are not disturbed by the statement ot Archbishop Corrlg.an. They flald that hM grace has , with seeming unfairness , loft out all that part of the correspondence between him nnd Father McUlynn which showed In favor of the priest. In the letter of Decem ber 20 , quoted by his grace as a Hat rofus.al ot the priest to po to Home , It Is said that Me- Ulynn gave Imperative personal nnd family reasons why ho should not go , nnd that whatlsBlvenasabolddollancoof the arch bishop was really but a plain statement ot Kathor McUlynn's position , which ns ha could not go to Uomo himself , ho expected the archbishop , with whom ho had had nil the discussion with the holy sec , to send to Kome. He Intended It ns a writ ten Instead of a personal nnd veibal state ment of his case to the holy pee. The nrrh- bishop knew that to give publicity to the leason clven by Father McOlvnii would dN- tress botli the lather nnd his Inmllv. Instead of sajlng that tlio elauso quoted followed after thu reasons of the priest for not going to Homo his grace quotes boldly : 'I will not gotoltouip. I have taught the uoctrlnn ot common property In land nnd 1 will 00111111110 sototeacli. ' without a woid of explanation or Intimation of the piecedlng portions of tlio letter , which was sent as an excuse by tno nilvleo of Dr. Shrady , who now declares tint Dr. Metihnn'fl health was so bad for the past six months that an ocean toy.auo would seriously endanger his future usefulness. McCilynn will write a ici ly ns soon as ho H well ; enough , and It will be a vei liable bomb In the court of Ids tnicr.1 The im-hblshop will piv no attention to the challenge of Henry Ueorge. Ho sajs ho has already denli'iMiavIiiB Issued Instructions to priests legardlin : the constitutional convention uud that Is enough. _ _ The TronliloH of tlio Coal Handler . Xr.vv Voiiif , Jan. 2J. The move ol the striking coal huaveis to prevent the handling of coal by procuring the co operation ot union boatmen , who refusal to cany coal , was checkmated today by the non-union boatmen , who nro largely In the majoritj- . They met this moining nnd formed nn organ- ganl/atlon to light tlio union. A number of deputies were discharged today , their sor- v ices being no longer required . Many of the strikers are solely in want and would return to vvotk if they dared , In llobokun tlm handling of coal in carts has been greatly obstiucted by women and children who sjm- patlibo with Iho strlkeis. They blockade the streets In liont of the carts , nnd It Is impos sible for the drlvpistogot out with their loads without driv Ing ov ei them. Trouble 13 experienced on the XowYoiksIdo of tin ) rivfi , vvlioio Knights of habor congregate nnd will not permit the unloading of boats , Death of a Ohlcauo Tafitor. * ft- ' CHICAOO , Jnn. W. llev. lr. Aithur Svva/ey , the venerable ex-pastor of the Third Presbyterian church of this city , died this morning from a stroke of apoplexy sustained twodajsago. His last sermon was the ono delivered at tlio funeial of bis irlend , thu Into J itdgo Uodgei s , ono w eek a o. _ 4ili PROMENADE CONCERT EXPOSITION BUILDING TUESDAY K January 25tli , 1887. MENDELSSOHN Mrs. Cotton , if/V.ss- il/icssrs. irillilnt and Franc. Prof. Ti'cnch , .Iccoinpiniiat. lozart Quintette Club. 2J/cssjv ? . J' i'itnlto , Lcntz , Jlojmnn , Filmier , Latooslt'y. , GO Cents , SPECIAL NOTICES Advertisements undci Ibis lioid , 10 cents par line lor tlm llrst ln oi tion.T cents for oacliBiilt- Eequont infortlon. nnd $1.50 n line per mouth No ailvoilistinouttiikoii for ICFE tbnn i3 cents lei the nrst Intci lion. Seton TrorUs VTlll b counted to Iho line ; they must inn consotu- lively nnd must bo pnlil In ailvniice. All adver tisements ruiifct bo banded In bofoio " o'clo k p , m. , imdiindor no circumstances if 111 thcybo taken or discontinued by telephone. 1'nrtics adv crtUlna In tlie columna nnd liav. Inirlho answers uJdiefsaid In cnro of TUB lire TTlllplonso nsk for ncliec'c to enable them to pot their lottois. us none will bo dullveiod except on v > rosentnllon of chcclc. All answoig to nd- vortieeiiiuiils abould be cncloitod In onvu TO I.OAJJ MOHE > . TV fON'KV to loini. ciith on nuwl.no del y. AL j , VV nnd i : . Ii. Squlro , HU I'uriiam Ht , l anon hotel building. _ S03 Ori)0i ] cent saved by calling nt Paulson ACe 8 , > lei lota In Lcutli Onmha uud Anncu. 670 ! J7 T OAKS J.onnsLoan * . uHen Hen ] c'Plnto loinu , ( "olInK iliil loans. Cbnttcl loniiH. I.oiiK' tlmo loans. bhnrt tlniu loans. Momiy iilwujs on hand to loan on any op IiroviMl Rooiirlty. JnviHtmont emgiiritleH bought nnd sold , Unmha I'iuunciJl Kxthtingo , n. vv. cor. 15th ami lliunoy. Corbttt.r Eoo.oixTto loan on elx months' lo six Jems' tlmo ntlnwi' I'V. . M. IlttrrlH , room 5 , J'teij/or block , opp I' ( ) UJ U" HAII1IIS & HAHJUP. I Moii'ij In loan on llrel clnsu B'.curJty.lrom ' upnurda. UI $ oo , OTO LOAN t 8 per cent. J. boncy , 1&/J 1 iiriinm 896 6 Pint CHN'T Money U C I'nltcison , 1'jthjina Hurney. a.17 . af Of > to loan , films tKti nnil upiturds. I jn cat ruloH. Ilonild , room a , JUrkcr block , 8. W. tor JMh uiiil ruinuiiiBtB t-U7 ' MONfcV I h Hi inorluiivo notoa. Tlio Douglal i onnt > bunk will buy puporA socurnd bjr llrit mort nKii on l" " > 7JO J'l.H CI..NT Moiiny I v > ( Jrovo'y .V llndlny , Hooms 1 ami U , Itulitk ulock , .CD B. Uth 3U aXJ LOAN Momiy Loans placed on Im- liroved mid o > lute In city or comity for Nuw KnKl'inil I.onn .V Ti u jt Co , byjouuliig ( ounly bank , IClh ninl t'hlr.i/o Ms. Bid MOVJJ'V to lor.n on t Ity and farm properly , low iMe , btow.w i Co. , Uoomil. Iron Hank. _ _ _ J fti8 M ONKi TO MAX 0 f. lUvlU 4 O ) . Jloa Kslnle und LOHII Atrnug IWj I'nrnam Bt. MON'KV rlor.OAN ( ) u rcfcfwtato ) f 'ltinmns. _ _ O'WO.OOO To Innn on Oiiuib niy jiroporly nt ij * > jxrcont. U ' .V. IMy , ovrrKlfl nuuKlB M Nito lonn ly I be ur.i'oiiliiiied. > Th"o liti thu only properly ort'nniiod lonn / iroy InOmulm fnuiuor flOtuflni mndu ou f ir- liltur , p'Hno . nigiinv , hnrsuii , w rn in eiln- ! try , 4c. . wuboul r ror l No defj'n. All biialneM Hilttlr rqnlliloiiiliU. l.onni To tnnrts that miy part ran be pnld nt uy time. r ch pay- mnit rodiiclim ilia roil pie r t . Advumes icnitAon flti' ) vBUhf. iui.1 . rt'r > non < 1 , IVrtons ihould carefully rontMrr "bo thSy are A\\or \ \ wlilj , M m ny nur mr.i prn ? r * daily rooilnjr Joto exlMcr.rf. "bouM you n i m.fn.r , ciu ' * ' Cf " " IOOP ! ! ' W' neJ Ifirnny. J18