Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 23, 1887, Part II, Page 12, Image 12

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Borne Social Gotham Gatherings Without
Dancing1 , Dining or "Dramatics. "
American Women Queens In ICtliicn-
tlonnl Ilcnlins How They Ilulo
AmoiiK tlio Intellectual
Operatic Notes.
NEW YOIIK , Jah. 20. [ Correspondence
of the HEK. ] It is the fashion to say that
New York 1ms no society except n danc
ing and dining coterie ; that nobody cnn
ftttruct | ) coplo without offering soiuo cs-
pccinl attraction ; Hint thcro is no homo
where any , except the very youngest ,
cnn find companionship and conversa
tion , unless with the most intttnato or
nnciontof friends. lint I have fount ! out
the contrary. I went to u house , not very
long ago , where there wns no entertain
ment oll'ored , o\Hpi the company of the
guests , There was neither music nor
dancing nor cards ; there were no private
theatricals , no readings or recitations , or
bagpipes ; no lectures on art or ancient
gems ; no Nineteenth Century or Thurs
day Evenlngclub not oven a "Causeno. "
Tlioro was no assumption of Intellectual
ity , but thuro was just what constitutes
good company case and elegance and
a high duality of tone and talk.
The hostess , n woman who speaks half
a dozen languages well and has lived in
half a dozen countries , brings about her
people of various nationalities ; but the
core nnd foundation of her cliclo is the
liighcst and most exclusive fashion of
Now York. Uctwcon 10 and 12 o'clock
there wore pornans forty people inher
rooms ; several women of rare beauty ;
fiomo of them married belles , some of the
latter additions to society , others who
have been know in tlionioatdlstlnguishcd
companies in Europe nnd America for
years enough to hnvo marriageable
daughters of their own. All were well
dressed ; none in dcmi-toiletles , which
are the fault and the drawbacks to most
of the attempts to bring people together
in this way.
WIIKX TIII : WOMHN wiu , NOT miEss ,
the tone of the society Is at once lowered.
Full dress gives an air of of clcganco that
nothlnc else accomplishes and as soon as
the women come in in hiirh-bodied
gowns , and without their ornaments ,
you may call it what you please , it is not
what Is meant by . oeioty.
At tno house 1 speak of they wore their
diamonds and were drossuu as for din
ner , but they came for conversation.
Some , indeed , had dined nt the house on
that evening , and these made a nucleus
for the others. The elleet was radiant.
Von can see the result of costume and
charm at a .small uarty so much better
than nt a largo one. It was like a dinner
after the men have joined the ladies ;
only everybody did not at once begin to
think of tnkinc leave. Instead , at this
fortunate house , people ) began to arrive.
There were men of fashion and wealth ,
nnd men of distinction in other ways ;
foreigners of eminence ; Frenchmen with
illustrious associations ; Englishmen of
the aristocracy ; American painters who
are famous in Europe ; New York politi
cians who arn yet in fashionable society ;
members of congress , literary men , mili
tary men , diplomats a gathering as
various in character almost as a Wash
ington or Parisian salon could collect.
Indeed , I can think of only one liouso in
Washington where the world of fashion
can bo attracted in the same way to moot
clever people perhaps not altogether of
that world , where
TIII ; JIAUTI : voii-n ;
receives that dash of intellectuality
which it absolutely requires to prevent in
sipidity , but which , when it is possessed
makes society ono of the most exquisite
of pleasures all the more exquisite be
cause so rare in America especially , but
not to be fauna every day in any place in
the world.
The case nnd simplicity scon on the
night of which I speak , were especially
charming. The hostess cared sufliciontly
for her guests , but not too much. She
possessed not only that knowledge of the
world which is indispensable , and which
only long experience brings but a pe
culiar convnrbational talent besides ; a
faculty for touching on lighter themes ,
gossip and badinage , but Hitting from
these to others Unit only n cultivated
mind can grapple with ; a woman born
for society , and who has been able , out
of thn incongruous elements found in
Now York , to crystalline the last result of
civilization n salon. As she went about
presenting foreigners , regarding niltalk-
Ing with ono or another who .seemed at
the moment to bo out of rapport , she
exerted an influence that was very per
ceptible : it emanated while bho moved ,
like an.odor.
She is a woman talked of in the good
companies of two continents ; nml though
1 had mot her at intervals during twenty
or almost thirty years in Now York and
Washington , and London and Newport ,
and 1 know not where else nt home and
abroad ,
TIII : SEcnr.T OF unit
bad hitherto escaped me. lint I make
my submission now. I venture to say 1
know why she has succeeded. She is a
vronian of genius ; of a genius for society ,
and deserves to have lier career recorded
as well as Hccamlcr
Perhaps I may venture lo relate a story
[ hoard of her in England. She was very
much in thn circle of the prince and
princess of Wales , invited to the little in
timate pnrtles at Mnrlborougli house and
Sadringhani , and those who heard the
words have related to me that more than
once the prince would say to her : ' I
want to present a foreighnor to you ,
-fount this , an Italian ; or Monscigncur
Jliat , n Frenchman , neeauso thcru is no
ono else hero who can talk to him in Ins
own language. " So the American often
janio to the rescue of the English court ,
For the English as a rule , speak no lan
guage well but their own. Many of tlm
American women are far better educated
nnd inoro accomplished that the great
English dames. Thuv have a talelu for
society to a far greater degree. 'J hern is
nn case , a grace about them , an art of
making themselves interesting by being
interested , which is sovereign in society ;
and for this to go to waste , ns it often
dons , seems ii'idost'crntion ' of nature's
gifts that should not be allowed. The
success of ono such honso as 1 was fortu-
unto enough to penetrate , shows that
others may emulate this good oxamnlo ,
Tlioro nro all Ihqconstituents in Nun-
York of the finest company.but scattered
separated , kept apart. '
that throw Hitch a charm about life , and
make rellnoincnt possible , need not , as
eo many preach , inevitably degenerate
into vulgar ostentation , Wealth is not a
crime that all the critics and censors of
morals should hold it up to pnbllu repre
hension. It is not even neeessaril.V un
democratic , so long as it is
easily acquired. Tlm fact that
wealth opens so many door is a
proof of that society jn New York , after
nil , Is as democratic as it should be. The
American who has achieved a fortune
has a bettor position pften than ho who
has simply inherited what his father left ,
ami does nothing Jo justify fate for her
partiality. Hut every man in America
thinks ho may bo president , and almost
any woman may aspire to enter society ,
Tliu 140 boxes at the opera , all in thom
m game tier on a level , each exactly like
K every other , nro a curious exemplification
M of ilio democratic Idea. The latest comer
' shares I ho exclusive position um | privi-
[ f ' - ' of all the others. Hut I dou't iiud
that baldness and bareness in the wealth
of Now York that are sometimes ascribed
to it by those who have never seen society
hero. There are wealthy vulgarians , cer
tainly , but there nro also vulgnr people
who are not rich , just as there arc neb
people who are not vulgar.
Even those poor stockholders at the
Metropolitan opera , who built the house
and lavished their , ! nuh6y'lo , procure lor
themselves and the tnlbllc a pleasure of
the most elaborate and expensive charac
ter , have something to be said for them.
liecausc they use their boxes as such
boxes tire used everywhere else , they are
made a target for the rest of the world
who have no boxes. They do not appar
to listen to which is a study , and to enjoy
an effort. They go to the opera for
amusement , as many other people do , the
Parisians , for instance , who arc yet good
judges of art ; they might oven prefer
Italian strains , which need not absorb '
the attention , and which form a pleasant i
accompaniment to social dlvortlsoment.
It is true the people who pay $1 or $1 as
the case in ay bo , have their rights and are
entitled to their money's worth , but the
people who pay from $13.000 to $ ' , ' 0,000
for a box and an assessment of ? 2,000 or
$ : j,000 a season besides , have some
rights too. They pay all this
for their pleasure , but they
give np the sort of music hat
most of them prefer , because there is a
craze just now for the Gorman style , ami
then if they don't listen to every note
the world of auditors is up in arms.
They don't often interrupt the music , at
most not oftcnor than neoplcdotho plays
nt other theaters , nut they are criticised
and decried because they prefer them
selves and their own company and con
versation \Vaguor. \ . This may bo bad
taste , but it is not altogether unnatural
or unusual.
For after all , the whole end and pur
pose of an opera house is not music ;
neltlior in London nor Paris nor St.
Petersburg nor Vienna. If it had been in
Now York the Metropolitan opera house
would never liavo beeij built. This house
is owned and was constructed by a cer
tain number of people , in the first place
for social purposes , because they liked a
form of amusement in which they could
visit and receive their friends while a
line spectacle or performance was pass
ing on the stage , they did not go to all
the expense and trouble solely to af
an opportunity to studv harmony and
counter-part. If the student insists on ab
solute silence , that especially while the
interminable \\agucrian situations are
evolving , and if the student will have
nothing but these elaborate musical ex
positions the result may bo that the
stockholders will give HU their boxes.
and close the house , and then where will
the students be ? The stockholders as
well as the others nay for their amuse
ment , and it is in consequence of what
they nay that the musical students get
the finest ronderinjr of their favorite
master that America has ever known.
I don't advocate ill breeding or noisy
talking at great moments of the opera ;
but the students and the public should
not bo too hard On the poor rich stock
holders and unmusical fashionables.
These may not bo absolutely perfect in
taste , or some of them in manner. They
may talk too much or too loud occasion
ally , but not often , if ever intending to
annoy ; and certainly no human being
would be so preposterous as purposely to
burst into a laugh in the midst of
"Fidelio's" finest scene. The accident
which doubtless the unfortunate who was
its cause regretted more tlian the artist or
the audience , has been tortured into an
insult to the public , I am sure , unjustly.
I have not heard who committed the
offense , but it must have been inad
vertently. It scqius to mo there is some
thing to bo said { of thoi unlucky people
who own the opera house , and without
whom we could not possibly have the
Them are 305 collefiCH in the United States ,
and only 110 of this number publish papers.
Foitv thousand dollars nml a million acres
ot land have been recently Klven to the Uni
versity ot Texas.
Harvard is the latest college In the coun
try , Oborlin is second. Columbia Is tliltcl ,
Michigan fourth , ami Yale filth.
The now Harvard divinity school Is ex
pected to cost about thirty thousand dollars ,
and the erection Is going on wllhgreat'pio-
A school ot technology Is soon to bo estab
lished in Atlanta , (5a. The state h is appro
priated SGr,000 and the city of Atlanta 870,000
for the purpose.
J. A. Uostwlck , of New York , has pre
sented to the Wake Forest colloKO In North
Carolina SW.OOO in addition to the 520,000
clvcn some lime ngo ,
Coincll university will confer no honorary
demei'S heieafter , and to become a doctor ot
laws , under the new rides of the university ,
one must be examined.
The modern lauituacc convention of Amer
ica met at. Johns Hopkins university , Dcccm-
herSS. Nearly all of the principal < o ejes
In the United States weio represented.
Harvard college has been loft 5-100,000 by
the will of the Into John O. A. Williams.
This Is to bo known as the "Williams Fund , "
and Is Intended to aid needy and deserving
Durlnir the past year S13.2&J.OST , was expended -
ponded for educational purposes In the state
of Now Yoik. Ot this amount S ! > ,10j. 63
was for tenc.hors' waces. There aietlUT : : )
school teachers tind lr > ,073 school chlhlicn
hi the state.
To Blown university the will of the late
Hon. Daniel W. Lyman , ot Providence , be-
diieaths S.W.OOO for the election ot a building
t > > r any use not sectarian , to bo called the
Lyiaau Memorial , with a reversion ot half
the entire estate.
The Now York Evonlne Post discusses the
movement now on foot lor the Introduction
of industrial training tor girls In o < ir public
schools , and It dwells on tlio Iniltiuncoof
normal school training , showing that how
ever valuable this may bo In and of itsclt , It
Is not an unalloyed good In Its application to
the ( laughters ot our laboring daises.
His to bo exported that old creeds will bo
subverted wheio somany persons me turning
over Andover.
\V still ollnsf to the simple faith that the
acme of human wisdom is to know when to
la ) down a poker hand.
Philadelphia has started out another of
Ihosio loinr-li\ed phoiiomlnal "bov-pieachers. "
llu is now said to be sixteen. If he follows
the example of Harrison ho wlllicmalii a boy
until the gray hairs come ,
In a little churchyard down the Susmie-
hanin valley Is a humble tombstone Inscribed
with the name of n worthy woumu in I this
inscription In oxprc.sslvuly Inamiruio En
glish : " .Slits done what she could. "
If you would live long don't bo a day la
borer but a clergyman. Day laborers live on
an avernco about thlity-two 'years , while the
average life nt a clergyman Is slxtv-sovun
jeai > . Theie me other advantages In being
a clergyman , too.
A woman In Bridgeport , Conn. , complains
that her husband , \\hols a numibor of the
Salvation Army , makes her life mlspiable
iiioinid the hou > o by too much piaying and
sluclug and assaults upon her and the dill-
clii'ii because they do not believe In his re
ligious methods. It Is euou.'h tomakoa man
lose his hold on all the lellglon ho has to bo
compelled to break oil abruptly In the middle
of a pra\er or a h > inn to hammer his wife
and dilution because they do not Join In the
A Boston huly pioiuluontlv Identified with
Sunday school work , and who N much Inter
ested In bringing our Cldncsu icsldents
within the pile of ChrUl n ulliionco , calle.l
tiie other day upon omvji ) j -ci'h'atlid pio-
tvy a John vu'lcomt'di"V' < Jt loliislnun-
dr > \\itli evident | > le--u' atuhcu | the
gici'tiugs < o < i \-i > r t'iM ' in.'olljn , in le- to l > t i-uud y , g.ivo hi > r to under
stand licit I o n lived vety much utti'iu.liit , '
.Sunday ic 1001 , information that was exceed-
Inuly gratifying. Anxious , ho\\evtr , to re
ceive more p-acticul demonstration ot the in-
lIueiH'o of the school upon him , she asked
him if she did not th'nk It did him good.
"Yi , ylj" o.imo the convincing response ,
"wasl.oi fol lo whole cou legatlou. "
. . . .
TrantliitcA From the ftimtan nf Count Tolstoi
Jiy K. C. Wagacntr.
"God knows the truth , but he docs not al
ways Immediately disclose It. "
In the city of Vladimir thcro lived a
merchant by the name of Aksenoy. Ho
was the owner of two shops and ono
dwelling house. Aksenov was blonde ,
handsome and fond of merriment and
good company. In ids youth he drank n ,
good deal , and when under the influence
of liquor made a terrible uproar. Since
ins marriage , however , ho had indulged
but seldom.
Ono beautiful summer morning Aksenov
concluded that ho would go to the fair
ntNijni Novoyorod , but when ho went
to bid his family good-bye , his wife said
to him : "Ivan Dimltrlcviteh , thou must
not go to-day ; I am afraid tor yon logo. "
"AfraidI" cried Aksenov , beginning to
laugh ; "what are you afraid of that I'll
commit a folly at the fair ? "
"No , " said his wife ; "and 1 do not
know myself why 1 am afraid. Only I
have had a bad dream about yon. 1 saw
you return from the city , and when you
took elf your hat your head suddenly be
come as white as snow. "
At tliis Aksenov only laughed the more.
"That's a good sign , " said ho , "I shall
have good luck and bring you a magnlli-
ccnt present. " And kissing his wife
aflcctlonatclv lie took his departure.
Half way to the fair ho mot a merchant
of his acquaintance , and slopped tu
spend the night with him at an inn near
by. They supped * together , talked till
bedtime , and retired to sloop in adjoining
chambers. Ivan Dimitrievitch was not a
great sleeper , and he awoke in the mid
dle of the night restless and wide awake.
To avoid the heat of the day and travel
more comfortably , ho decided to pursue
his journey withoutwaltingfor morning.
Rousing his postilions he ordered them
to harness the horses , and after settling
hi ? account with the innkeeper ho drove
( ioing about forty vorsts ho decided to
rest again , feed liis his own
dinner at another little aubcrco by the
side of the roadway. \ \ Idle waiting for
the samovar to be lighted Dimitrievitch
seated himself upon the doorstop and be
gan to play on Ins guitar. Suddenly
there was a furious ringing of bells , a
troika dashed up to the aubcrgo , and a
tchinovik ( ollieor of the state ) descended ,
followed by two soldiers. Approaching
Aksenov he asked him what ho was doing
there and where ho was going. Aksenov
answered him very politely , then invited
him to join him in a cup of lea. The
ollicial declined and continued to press
him with questions "Where had ho slept
the night bctorc ? " "Was he alone ? "
"Had he been alone all the evening with
his friend the merchant ? " "And why
had ho left him so precipitately ? "
Aksenov , surprised at these questions ,
related all that happened to him.
"IJut why do you wisli to know ? " paid
he ; "I am neither a brigand nor a thief ,
I am traveling about my own affairs , and
no one has the right to question me. "
The ollicer beckoned to the soldiers to
approach , then turning to Aksanov said
sternly : If I question you it is as a com
missioner of police , and because the
merchant with whom you passed the
night was found murdered in his bed.
Where is your luggage ? Wo must have
Uimitrieviteh pointed out his trunk Und
bag , and they began to search them.
i-What is this ? " cried the ollicer sud
denly , holding up somethihg that ho had
taken from among the clothes in the bottom
tom of the saehcl. Aksenov looked and
saw that it was a knife all spotted and
brown with blood ; he shuddered with
teiror. "And why this blood upon it ? "
continued the ofiieei.
Aksenov wished to answer , to tell them
that he knew nothing about it , that the
knife was not even his , but ho was un
able to articulate a word.
"The merchant was found this morn
ing dead in his bed ; you were the last one
with him ; the inn was closed and you
were the only guest. Confess then { hat
you killed and robbed him , " persisted
the ollicer.
Aksenov swore by all that was holy that ,
ho had not even seen the merchant after
they parted for the night ; that lie had no
money save his own , about 8,000 roubles
all told ; and that the knife did not belong
to him ; but his voice was strangled , his
face pale , and ho trembled as with an
ague lit.
"Hind and place him in the carriage11 '
cried the ollicpr peremptorily , "and take
him to the prison. "
An inquiry forwarded to Vladimir in
regard to Aksouov's character resulted
only in the information that he well
esteemed by all who know him , although
he had been a little wild and fond of
drink. ' 'Nevertheless , " said the mer
chants and neighbors , "lie is an honest
man , and it is impossible that he could
have murdered Hia/.an and robbed him
of 20,000 roubles. "
The wife of Askonov was in the great
est distress and knew not what to think.
Her children were all yomm , ono of them
still at the breast , but she took them and
traveled as fast as possible to the city
where her husband was confined. They
at htst refused her permission to see
him , but at last Jinr prayers prevailed and
hho was allowed to enter the prison ,
whore her husband , in convict's dress ,
was chained with a horde of robbers and
murderers. She put the children in their
father's arms , tlien seating beside -
side him , begged him to tell her all that
had befallen him.
"What can bo done ? " said his wife ,
when Aksenov had finished , "MIVO to
supplicate the c/ar ; ho will never lot the
innocent suffer for the guilty. I Imvo al
ready addressed a petition to him.though
I have not yet been able to send it. An ,
Ivan Uimitriovitch , It was not in vain
that I had that dream when I saw you
with snow-white hair. Thou art gray
already with trouble ! Ivan , my dear , is
it the truth that thou liasL told mo ? "
Aksonov answered her with a reproach
ful glance , then buried his face in his
A soldier appeared at the moment and
announced that the time was up and she
must go. The bitterest drop to Aksonov
in this parting with his wife was the
knowledge that slut had doubted him and
had even asked him if he had killed the
"God alone knows the truth , " said
ho ; " 1 must trust in Him and await His
mercy. "
From chat time on he ceased to think
of sending away petitions ; ho closed
Ills heart to hope and prayed only to
( iod.
On the evidence against him Aksonov
was condemned , first to the knout , and
afterwards to transportation and hard
labor , and with wounds scarcely honied
departed with a gang of other convicts to
At the end of twenty-six years of exile ,
hardship and sorrow , Diinitricviteli
Aksenov hail become an old man ; his
hair was as white as snow and his loii
white beard fell almost to his waist. All
of his g-iioty had disappeared ; ho rarely
fenoko and never laughed , spending It's1
time when not at work in prayers to
In prison Akesnov had learned to bo u
shoemaker , and \\itli the money which
he earned from an occasional s.ilo bought
himself a Hook of .Martjrs , which ho read
whenever thorp was liglit enough in the
dungeon for him to see ; and on holidays
and fete days attended the prison chapel
and sung in the choir. The keepers
loved bun for his docility , and his com
rades held him in high esteemcalling him
"grandfather , " ami a "man of tToii. "
NO one wrote to him from his old homo
and ho did not kuow whether hit wife
and children were living or dead. Thus
the tlmo passed on.
Ono morning there was a stir of excite
ment In the prison ; a batch of now
criminals had just been brought in , and
with them intelligence from the outer
world. The convicts gathered about the
now arrivalsplying them with a thousand
and ono questions : "From what city or
village had they come ? " "For what
crime had they been .sentenced ? " etc. ,
etc. Aksenov also drew near and
listened to what was said.
Among the prisoners was a man per
haps sixty years of ago , tall , musoular
and robust. "Tho reason why I am
bore,1' said ho , "is simple enough. I WM
unharnassing a horse from a sleigh and
they took mo for a thief. I told them I
only wanted to go faster , but all the same
I am hero. Truly , 1 nm a great criminal
and should have been hero before , only ,
you see , the police didn't know it.
"And you are from where ? "
"Vladimir , 1 am a shopkeeper of that
city. Jly name is Makar , and that of my
father Seinionovitoh. "
Aksenov lifted his head. "Did1 you ever
hear them speak of the merchants
Aksenov ? " said ho. "Aro any of them
living ? "
"Of course , " said iMakar ; "they are
rich merchants now.althoiightliclr father
was sent to Siberia. "
Askenov did not like to speak of his
misfortunes , so ho only sighed and held
his tongue. His comrades were not so
reticent , however , and soon had given
the new-comer the details of his sad his-
torv. Ho was very much interested and
looked at Aksenov with astonishment
something like uneasiness. He refused to
answer any more questions and tried to
turn the subject.
Hut Aksonov would not lot him ; some
thing in the manner of the man had
moused his suspicious , and lie pressed
him closely.
"Did you over hear them speak of my
affair , Seinionovitch ? " said lie ; "and do
you remember anything about it ? "
"No , " lie responded ; "tlm earth is full
of cars , and I heard of it , of uotirso , but
it's so long since it happened that 1 have
forgotten what was said. "
"Hut do they know who killed the mer
chant ? " Aksenov continued.
"The one in who e bag the knife was
found , of course. How could it bo other
wise ? Why , Dimitrievitch , the bag was
under your head and you'd have heard
Alakar did not seem to notice the slij )
ho had made , and Aksenov said nothing
either , but more and more convinced
that ho was in the presence of Kia/.an's
murderer , got tip and left the room.
Hut all that night he could not sleep ;
the face of his wile as she had looked
when he had bade her good-bye to go to
the lair , rose up before him ; he saw her
laugh , ho heard her speak. He felt
his little children nestling in his arms
and thought himself as young , gav and
happy , romping in the garden with Ins
family about him , then seated on the
stops of the inn where they had arrested
him. Again he was under the lasli of the
horrible knout , loaded with manacles
and herded witli convicts. Auger as
bitter as death filled bis heart , and he
would gladly have died to bo revenged
upor. the wretch the brigand who had
caused it all. He prayed all night , en
deavoring to becalm inmsolt , but it was
in vain.
Thus liftccn days passed by. Aksenov
neither touched' nor spoke to Al-iknr
Semionoviteh. He never closed his eyes
at night , and spent the hours in such a
tumult of conflicting emotions that he
scarcely knew what ho was doing.
One night , as he was pacing his cell , as
usual , wondering what it was best to do ,
ho suddenly noticed that a had
been loosened behind bis bed. He
stooped to examine it. when all at once
Alakar Semionoviteh stood before him , a
frightful expression of rage and chagrin
distorting his countenance , lie would
have turned away and left him , but
Ajakar "o'zed ' him by the hand and held
him fast , telling hi-r with what incredi
ble labor lie had tunneled beneath his
coll. carrying away the dirt in his boots.
"Jveep silences and yon shall go with
me , " he said ; "say a word and 1 will kill
you ! "
"Thou hast no need to kill me , " said
Aksenov , trembling with passion ; "thou
didst that years ago. Asfor myself , 1
have no wish to escape ; but whether I de
nounce you or not God only will decide. '
Thy , next da y , when the convicts were
takojl'out to work , traces of fresh dirt
were , discovered on iMakar's boots.
An examination of the prison was made
a once and the tunnel was found.
There was no evidence against any one
in particular , and the convicts woiild not
reveal the truth , for they know the of
fender would bo whipped to death.
"Alan of God , " cried the governor of
the prison , addressing Aksenov , "you are
just and truthful ; give mo the name of
the man who did this thing1. " Scmiono-
viteh remained impassable , but Aksenov
trembled like a leaf , his lips opened , lie
struggled to speak , but the words would
not come. "If I am silent , " ho though ! ,
"they will let him oil' ; but why should 1
do tin's ? 1 believe him to bo the assassin
of Hia/.an , and yet I cannot , if 1 would ,
prove it "
"I will not toll you , " ho said at last to
the governor , fixing hisr.yes upon Somio-
novitch ; "God will not permit me. You
are master here -do with me as you will
-I will not tell ! "
To every elfort of the governor his
answer was the same On account of his
unvarying good eoiiduct , ho was not
punished ; and they failed to find out who
had made the tunnel.
The following nightas ho was stretched
upon his bed , ho heard .some ono approach
preach and lean above him. He opened
liis eyes and recogni/.ed Mnkar.
"How now. " cried Aksenov angrily ,
"hast thou still moro need of me ? ( Jo ,
or I will call the guard ; " and ho at
tempted to rise.
Hut Malar : pushed him back upon Ins
' Do not do that , Ivan , "
said he , "for 1 am hero to beg your par
don. It was I who murdered the mer
chant Uin/m : ; I who placed the knife in
your bag ; I would have murdered you
too , but a noise in the corridor startled
me , and I made my escape by the win
dow. In the name of God , Ivan Dim-
itrioviteh , give me tuy pardon ! I will
declare myself guilty at once thou Mialt
bo slit tit liberty and return to thy homo ! "
"This is all very easy to say , " Aksonov
replied sadlv : "but I have suffered too
much ; my wile is dead ; my children and
friends have forgotten mo. I have no
place logo but I torglve , all the same ; "
and lifting Alaknr from his knees , the
two old men mingled their tears to
"I will declare your innocence tomorrow
row , " said Makar , finallj ; " 1 will sutler
Jess under the lash of the knout then I
did when you refused to denounce mo-
I , the cause of all your misfortunes. "
"I forgive and pray for you , " Aksonov
replied , a great peace suddenly lilling
his soul. Ho no longer regretted his
homo , his wife or his children , he did not
even care to leave his prison.
Jklakar Somionovitchwas as good as his
word ho declared hiin'tolf the murderer
of the merchant Itiu/un , and ready to
suffer the punisnmcnt. i
Hut when the order arrived to sot
Aksenov at liberty , Aksenov was dead. "
Colored society has its hoart-btirnings.
One of the negro churches at Klborton.
( la. , had a Christmas tree , As but few of
the members could read or write , they
selected a colored damsel who had "been
to school" to write the names on the
presents , which she readily consent to do.
When the presents wore distributed and
the mimes called out , the assembly was
greatly surprised to Hud that all the
handsomest and most valuable presents
had on them the name of the girl who
did the writing. An indignation meeting
was hastily hetdv anil : l redistribution of
the presents ordered iiiiuiuduuely ,
Senator Logan's Famous Game of "Knncklo-
Down" With His Grandson.
Selection of Now llottso "Chairmen"
Stories of the \Vnr-The CIuvci1-
his Jlnnglns Clfoumstan-
tlul Evidence.
WASHINGTON , Jan. SO. [ Correspondence
of the Din : . ] Spcaklmt of General Sher
man's abscnttiilndcdness , an old soldier s.ilcl
to-day :
"An Incident happened on Tine Moun
tain , Oa. , the ovenliis that General
Sherman sent his famous dispatch , 'Hold
the forl , for lain vomhifr , ' . to Allatoona.Oelo-
bcr5 , ISM. The general received a trosh
clsar from some one cigars bclup scarce
nml he beau to shout for a llcht. Lieuten
ant J. Olaiciice Peek , of General Whlttaker's
stafl was the unfortunate possessor of a fresh
lighted cigar , and ho politely handed It to
General Sherman , who lit his own cigar and
then dcllbciatoly throw thelleutenaiit's cigar
away. A broad smile dlsplayad Itself all
around. The general was thinking ef those
million rations at Allatooua ; but It didn't appease -
pease the disgust of the lieutenant. "
* *
"Senator I.oean was very fond of plnvlna
\\l\\i \ \ the childicn , ' said a lady who 1ms lor
many years been a fieipicutcr of the Lonn
household. "The senator used to gel so nb-
soi bed when ho was plavint ; with the little
ones that ho enied nothing lor what was go
ing on aroium him. He was very fond of his
craiulson , Lieutenant Tucker's boy , about
six jearsold. I umicmberthat just one day
before he was taken 111 ho was playing mar
bles in a room with the bov. The. game was
picttv evenly innteheci and the general was
absorbed In It , While the game was at Its
height the servant brought in a card tn him.
It was that of a prominent senator. The
ccueral , who was down on his knees at the
time , ami about to shoot his mat bio , took the
caul , looked at it a moment , then said tu the
seivnnt :
" 'Tell the senator lo lake a scat , and I'll '
be them In ii\o minutes. I waul to linisli this
fame lor the boy Is ahead of me now , ' "
w *
A coed deal of talk Is being InilnL-ed In
with leforcnce to the oiirnulyatlou of the
Fittieth congress. So ninny mcmbeis were de-
tented for re-election that an almost complete
icoijE.nnizntton ot the committees will be
necessary. Mr. Randall will likely go back
to the head of the commute on appropria
tions ; Mr. Holmont to the head nt forclirn
alfahs ; Mr. Jluibert to naval alTnir-t : .Mr.
lllotint to postofllces ami post roads ; Mr.
Mntsou to invalid pensions nml Mr. Hatch to
agriculture. The great majoilty of chair
men weio elected to stav nt home. 1'iobably
the most conspicuous ot these Is Mr. Morri
son , ol ways and means. His absence will
be most conspicuously felt. Then Mr. Willis ,
of Kentucky , head of rlvcis and
haihors. General Jlrang , chairman of allntrs , who Is lelt nt
home , will bo misled In the Filtlcth
concrcss. He is a haul worker ami a hieldv
intelligent member. His S'lreastic u-ports on
bills and Ids sucistles ; ; ) > ueches will ho missed.
lie is described as "a btusaw."amt his teeth
aiesharp. Mr. Tucker , of Viigiuin , chair
man of the jmliciaiy. and ono of the best law-
yen the house has ever had. letlic-0 upon his
own volition. lie is tired ( it congiesslonal
woik ( and It will be years befoie the visitors
to H\e \ house will cease to inquire lor "that
iosv- laced man ot'elontieiice. with the south-
eiii piindofolce. . " Mr. Mitchell , of Con
necticut. another who retires because ho docs
not want more ot olllehil lite , will make a
rbango In the head of patents. Nicholas
Midler , ot New Yoik , "the jolly Dutchman , "
will go away lioin ( lie head of militia , anil
Hill , of Ohio , will snv oo < l-b\o to tenitoilcs
v hilo his eollea tie. Mr. Goddcs , will look no
mote upon war claim * .Mr. Unibonr , ot Vir
ginia , wdl dcpait fiom the head ot the Dis
trict of Columbia ; Mr. lildiiilge , ot Michi
gan , fiom pensions ; Mr. Cotib , of Indiana ,
tiom public lauds ; Mr. Miller , of Texas ,
from banking and cmiency. The clmiiues ,
In short , will ho so ntimeions as to make the
working mncliliieiy ol the Kiltieth congress
as dlflercnt f iom the present as can well be ,
coiisiilcilng that the same paity v ill retain
Very many Interesting war rcminiseencps
nio tuheaised nt the panorama of the llattle
of Hull Utiti in this city. A rotiplo ofoter -
niis were discussing war matters there this
moi nlng , when ono said :
"I was pieseut when Geneial Grant bid
President Llnlloln good-bye at Fairfax
Court House , Yiigiuia , when he started on
to Richmond with the fumy of the I'otomac.
Mr. Lincoln said : 'Geneial , 1 don't want to
hear of your lotientlnir toward Washington. '
There was a twinkle showing sadness In the
vuurloi's eyes , and for ; i sec'wd he seemed to
bis swallowing something. Finally bo le-
plicd :
' "If I do ono small boat will cairy my
the 1'otomae. '
aimy across .
"It would hnvo done any man good to have
seen the e\presslon ot gratitude and confi
dence. mixed with piide , .shining out of 'Old
Abo's' lace when General Grant said this.
Mr. Lincoln had the utmost confidence in
Geneial Giant's enuinge and tact , and when
ho lelt him ho know that Richmond would
succumb. "
# #
It is estimated by the clerks who handle
them that more than ' . ' ,000 inc.isuies have
been intioilueeil in the house since it became
evident to any wide-awake member that tlieio
Mas not | 0 least hope of action by both
houses , and that the mcastiic ? would die , nml
that one-half ot these the authors well knew
\\onluneverbeactcd upon by either house.
Kveii at this late day n call of the J'ouse will
result in the Introduction of Irom ono toiiOO
bills , when committee meetings , with a vcrv
low exceptions , have been suspended , and It
Is impossible , not to say impiobable , that nny
ol them will iccclvii attention. Asked why
this Is 60 , an old member snlil : "It Istosat-
isty the constituency. Why , f have olten
received requests liom constituents during
the last month In a congress to introduce a
bill , and \\hen 1 told them that there was nut
the least possible chance ot consideration
they urged that I introduce. It anyway. 1
have had constituents insist Hint 1 iiitiodnco
n bill on the very last day of the .session , nml
It I did not do It they would woik against
me. 1'hoy lia\e but ono opinion about a re-
iusnl to Introduce n bill on the day they wnnt
it intiodnccd , nml that Is that the member
does not care tor them. Of course , these
bills nro Intioilueeil simply to please these
neivous people. Hut do yon know that nine-
tenths' of the labor duvoted to bills and re
ports on them Is thiowu nway' . ' It Is true.
And them has been what would amount to
five years' uoik ot a Hlimlo man \\asted uiir-
Ing the past two weeks. "
# #
"Senators , althotuh they are In the midst
of excitement , ami hn\o immy living times ,
are the most exeltuble people I ever saw , "
said nn employ o ol the senate , tills morning.
" 1 have seen sunntcus. In pilvate conversa
tions , In blllinid-riionis , nt the enrd-tnble ,
and nt her e races In tact , at all placu.s
where thcro is excitement , and they lose
their heads quicker than any class of men I
know ol , conslileiing the chances they have
ot becoming eool , c.ilcnlntiiig men. I MW
0110 who was detained on the outside of the
senate chamber the other day till the mom *
Ing liour was over , mid ho had some bills to
Introduce. Ho completely lost his head and
was wild. "
# #
An old employe ot one of the leading do-
paitments hero said to-day that the aliened
minds ot the so-called retoimeis In nil the
dcpaitmentb uero Jill concentrated on the
little , diminutive , unlmpoitniit points in the
service. Any little clerical error , that would
lormcrly ha\o bwn corrected \\lthoiitnny
fuss or hubbub , now cieutes as much con
fusion nml 1a\\-wngiiiig ; asould nil attempt
tosubveittho very louiidiilloiis of the gov
ernment itself. If a tit line , or a name , or a
ttonlls accidentally omitted fiom an outer
or a letter or paper of any kind ,
at ouco the division or room in
which It was piepaied is n scene
ot an eager quest for the unfortunate cleik ,
ami when he is found ho Is passed tioni head
to head till ho finally reaches one of the high
daddies , where ho is overhauled In n siylo
and tone that makes him wish In the Inmost
recesses of his soul that ho hud 'dud a
boriiin' . " In this sort of luiinltcslmal re
form , hours and even days of valuable time
are spent , the public businessdelajei , and
peisona having business with thodepait-
ments are compelled to waMu their time and
monev In waitine till the culprit is run down
and ( liily punished. Of course , ei rors should
not occur it they can bo prevented , out they
have ahsaj i occurred and always \ \ III as long
as iiu-n are frnll and impeifect. Jn nearly
every case evwy error that would cause a loss
to the government or detriment to tlio nubile
service Is discovered and rectified before nny
harm cnn result , thanks to the system In VORUO
when the present administration caino In ,
and If anv real reforms nro olTecteit they
nmst bo effected In some other way than by
keeping m-oryboily on the qnl vivo nil the
time for clorlcnl slips or omissions.
# #
Although fiom flvo to fifteen executions
occur annually nt Ihu jail In this Jlstrlctand
hangings c.xclto but little fntl-rcst'gciicrnlly '
\\nshlngton , thoio has been n great deal
said nbout the execution of Clinorlus nt
Richmond , Vn. , on the 14th lust. Tills Is
moro because of the extreme doubt existing
In the minds of many people as to his nulli
tlmn on ncconnt of the close proximity tn the
nntlotial capital of the stnto In which the ex
ecution occurred. Washington is largely
composed of hot-heads nnd Impulsive chime-
tors , llttlo given lo sympathy ami largely be
lieving In capital punishment , but a great
deal or sympathy Is cxiueased for the man
\vlinsosoiil wns flashed Into etcrnltv full of
blood nud guilt , or spotless as to the crime
charged nqalnst the culprit who possessed It.
It Mill bo remembered Hint one of the
strongest links In the testimony that con
victed Cluvcrius wns a vvntch key found near
the reservoir from which the cmisool Lillian
Mntllson was taken n few da ) s after In r mur
der or suicide1. This watch key wns tin un- one , and was Idcntltled by n jeweler as
the property of the culprit at least the jew
eler know of no other key llko It nnd knew
that Cluvcrius imd one just like It. In nny
llitht the case can bo put Cluvurlus wn < con
victed solely upon eiictimstniitlnl evidence ,
nnd hndiho been tried In Pennsylvania or
one of tinee or four other states , where con-
vlctliiu upon cltcuinstniitlal evidence i will
not unilcr the constitution or statutes penult
n seiitetico of death , ho , would have been
nlive to-day. An Ohio statesman , discussing
the conviction and execution of Uluvcrlus ,
said :
"In my stnto a few years ago , a man
wns convicted of murderIn the
llrst dcptoo and hanged upon testi
mony four-fold .stronger than that
which condemned Cluveiius , and years
afterward It wns developed Hint ho was as In
nocent as a pGisoii could be. A whole tarn-
lly living in thu countiv was discoveied to
hn\c been intiiilcied. Theiowasa hand on
the place nnnied Wilson who had a club foot
and the thumb off his right hand who disap
peared : it the time the minder wns com
mitted , nnd , ot course , ho w.ts Instantly
charged with the crime. In looking nbout
the house footpililts ol n man having n do- '
tortneii loot were discovered ; also the pilnt
ot a blood-stained hand on thu door lacing ,
which disclosed the loss of a thumb. The
l.itiii hniid was found nnd tiled on the
stiongth of this evidence of the cilmo rtgiust
him \\ns lotitid guilty and c\ecuted. Voars
passed and a criminal lay on Ids dc.ith-bcd at
Columbus. Just bcforo hobieathed his last he
conlessed tliat ho had committed the mur
ders tor which the other man Imd .stitrered.
Examination showed that ho had the do-
toimed loot nnd the loss of the thumb on the
ilu'ht hand. "
* *
Near Munclc , Iiul. , about ten vcnis ngo , n
b.ii n wns burned ono night and n gieat deal
of piopeity destioyed. A harmless old shoe-
innKer wns charged with the arson , thrown
In jail , nnd n tew weeks nttei wnid brought to
trial. A detective who had been employed to
ferret out the uullty person , nml who inado
the nllldnvlt that the shoemaker burned the
barn , toolt the jury out to the cene ot the lire
ttiid showed that the b > mts the shoemaker had
on lilted tiacks made about the place on the
nlL'litol the hie and tiaced the tracks to the
old man's homo In thu city. Ho also produced -
duced a piece of cloth from the beat ol the
shoemakei's pantaloons , \\hlch ho found
under a splinter on a tall on the top ot tint
lenco near where the bain stood and
wheio the tracks showed that the
prisoner had lett thepiomlses. The raso was
made complete on this testimony. When the
prisoner was about to bo lound guilty it wns
discoveied that the detective , a shoit time
alter the shoemaker was thrown in jail , had
leiirned drunkenness , been aircMctl , and
thinwn Into jail aud In tliesame cell with the
pilsoncr , wheio he icmalneil o\cr night. Tlio
detective was leieased the next day , and a
day or U\o altui wards he repeated the act.
It wnsdiMjoxeied , linther , that ho had loin
the pieces ot cloth liom the pantaloons ol tin ;
piUoner whllo the latter was asleep , and
traded boots with him. and when put In jail
the second tinio had re.-o\cnan < ; cil boots.
Dining tlm inteiim between the iiist
and second time the detective was
in jail ho had gene to the faim
wheio the Iho had occurred , weaiinc tlm
boots ot the prisoner , made thu- tracks with
them and placed the piece ol cloth under the
splinter on the mil. The old man was ac
quitted without fonn when these diseoveiles
weio nindu known , but it was a hair bicadth
It Is believed by many people hero and In
Viiirinia that Clnveiliis may bavo been innocent -
cent of the murder of his cousin and con
victed upon evidence ns lllmsy as that cited
in either of the above cases ; hut the tact that
hu betraved his cousin , mined her virtue and
left her heaitlessly upon the woild , and , ac
cording to his own hypothesis , diovo her to
suicide. , makes the sympathy much less than
It would have been.
Homo Curiosities of Info Among the
Mountains of West Virginia.
Alter a silence of a few minutes , in
which the old follow had stared at me to
his content , says a WinfioldV. ( . Va. )
correspondent of the Philadelphia Times ,
and si/.eil me up from head to font , he
suddenly burst out : "Stranjrer , is 3-011
married ? " liuing answered in the nega
tive , his roomy and capacious month
broadened into a grin and said : "Wall ,
while you is out in the country you ou ht
to hunt up a gal and frit married. " And
then , turning to n great buxom hiss who
would tip the scales at 175 , ami only
sixteen venrs old his hired girl he con
tinued , r'Now , that is Ann. Sliewauts to
Kit married the wuss kind , nnd if y'all
can make it up I ffllus ? I can scrape
'round x\i \ some Hour , kill a chicken ,
churn , and give you a weddin' , " and
your correspondent thought that if he
was looking for physical.strength and de
velopment ho couldn't do bettor.
When bedtime came I was advised to
"shell oil' , " which , to my surprise , I had
to do before the family , consisting of the
old man and wife , ten children , ( a .small
crop for tins part of the country ) , ami the
fair Ann ; so , with my face n lovely crim
son , I shelled oil. Pretty hoon all the
family followed my example. From the
log rafters of the one-room hou-o , In
which the family ate , slept , cooked , ami
did everything else , thorn hung large festoons
teens of dried pumpkins , tipples ( dried
and strung ) , the clothes ot the whole
family , pieces of pork , and ondlesi other
things for comfort and winter consump
tion.On tlic table , three limes n day , we got
invariably Iried pork , sweet potatoes ,
coileo ( minus sugar ) , and forever and
eternally " .Johnny constant1 or corn
bread , and I may add , buttermilk. House
after house we stopped at , and it was
alwiivs the same nothing of the comforts
of life.
Cor | 3lhST and CAPITOL AVE. , OMAHA , NEB ,
Best fiicimicd , niiiiaratus ami remedies formicctPBi
iully treating al I Ulinln of medlcn. unit surgical cast a
\ \ KITE rouCliu'U'Lti : * < m IK-rMmUli-samUJraron
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Kklnnnil Illonil , uiiil all hurrJi.'al Operation *
Onl'rUatc , bjiecial ami Nmons Jlttease. * , hem
liml\Vtakiub , Miermalonliu3Iinioteiicy,8ylilllti. | | )
( jonortbau. Gleet. Vurlcwl . ficnlio-Urinary
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STITUTE luaUuH u djifualty o ( ttiu abutc-
r.umcit ( ,
NcurllitlorutUcTreatmnKfor SJoIVItal > rower
All C'ONTAUioniaiid from what
ever cause iir < * lucul , Huccoefully tuttedlthout
mercury ikillclnc * or Instruments ( nt by mall
pr cinrcra , tecurcly jiackeil from obtenutloii ,
Call anil consult ji , or trml lilttory of ct evlili
etarap. All communications ttrlctly conCtliritial.
fifl DftftMQ For U e of patients. Hoard nncl iitlmd.
UU HUUtUO anc ( ) reaooualilc. Addrcn alltcitcru
Gor.lStUSt. & Capitol Avc. .
Containing one hundred nnd
fourteen neves of beautiful Inud
( with trees ) nnd school house jjl-
rcady erected nud in use , UPS
southeast oC Armour Pnrlc , is
near the U. & M.'s Ashland cut
off ,
In Section 5 , Douglas county ,
one mile by chain measure west
of Fowler's Packing House , on
two section line roads.
I u vv-a
itai < > 0 nx5'ii
11 Do 81 i IC\
Will plat one hundred and four
teen lots which will readily sell
at § 400 each.
To run within two blocks. T5. &
M. Depot and Lumber Tards
within one-fourth mile.
This tract will be oft'erod for
a few days at $1,000 per aci'e.
Can be made out of this addition
when platted. Any one desirous
of purchasing addition property
will lind this a great bargain.
Land and map & ! M > WII on ap
Situated within 4 blocks of
tl.o Lip'on & Fowler packing
houses , and within ! J blocks ol
the new 13 , & M. depot.
All the lots are very I'm ) .
On Easy Terms
"Which will be worth double
withjn a year , making
several hundred per cent profit ,
on the cash invented.
1509 Farnam St