11 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : BUND AY , JANUAKY 28 , 18S7.TWELVE PAGES. ii y- The Melancholy Fate of a Journalist With MI Original Idea. CABLEGRAMS ON THE CRISIS. The Conl Oil Con nnd tlio Car Stove , Bltnlccr.pcnrc on Ice Montnnn Tur nips ntul Otlior Jiuinlnoiti Talcs. The l'.lgit ! Man In the night Place , s. ir. iv.17. He'd phcnonilnnl capacity For inylh and unveracltv. And details most Impossible ho'd give with perspicacity ; With legends most apocryphal Itelentlessly ho'd talk you full , And tell the truth In trembling fear , but lie with creat audacity. Ho would sit and calmly chronicle Tales absurd and uuc.uionlc.al > \ Ith an air of perfect Iranknessantl without n smllo f > nrdiiilcal ; Misty legendary fancies That you read of In loMinnces , -With nn autocratic accent and a manner his- tnonlcal. And ho told with creat verbosity , Anil llnenal velocity , Lies of most artistic llnlsh and phenomlnal monstrosity ; Llcb that shamed the rare of liars Since the time of Ananias , That would make the creat Munclmusen Kieen with jealous animosity. Hut his talnut cave him station And superb remuneration , 1'or ho woikod upon a paper at a princely compensation ; On an cntcrprlslnir journal Jle cave his oath diurnal , And swore by aflhlavlt to Its monstrous cir culation. Original Idea. Philadelphia News : "What the news impors of this country really need , " said n long-haired , red-nosed , lantern-jawed man who walked into the News olllco yesterday afternoon , and betrayed his western training by speaking of n live- cent piece ns a "nickel , " and his clothes as an "outfit , " "is startling originality , combined with brevity. People ple have got tired of rending a solid par agraph a quarter of a column long just to llml out thai John Smith wns held in $1,000 ball on the charge of wolloping his grandmother. What you want is to present the facts in a manner that will immediately catch the eye and nt the pamo limo toll the story. Now , hero's the way I propose to write up that kind of an item. It just knocks the old style silly. " The long-haired man sei/.ed a piece of paper and wrote on it for Iwo minutes. When ho had finished the paper was ready for the printer in this shape : "John Smith ! "Grandmother Thumper ! "Guilt Denied ! "Same Old Gag ! "N. G. ? 1,000 Hail. " "There , " said the western innovator , "you have the whole story in a few words. It conveys the idea exactly. Ev- . crything can bo modeled on the same plan. Take a divorce case , for example , what could bo moro simply beautiful than this : "Double Harness Dropped I "Hrown vs. Hi own I "Excess of Mother-in Law ! "Old Lady Kicks ! "No Use ! "Split ! "Murder cases can go the same way , and people who object to horrible detail will nave no chance to kick. All tlio name , you tell the story. How docs this strike you : "Skinny Hrown ! "Sand Uacr ! "Hill Hoggs , SUIT ! "Defense , Drunk ! "N.G. "Hemp ! 1" "Isn't that the quintessence of brevity and expressiveness ? Doesn't that rather discount the chump reporting methods of the day ? " Then , In a confidential whisper , "lend mo a 'bit' until the morning. Won't charge you anything for the suggestion. The first attempt to ntili'/o the now style wns made at the Central Police sta tion this morning , as follows : "Western newspaper tramp ! "D. D.I "Assets throe cents ! "Thirty days I" Cnliletrrnms on the Crisis. Take ono Hismnrck twinge of neuralgia. Add a bonliro al Sofia. Stir in a prince lying around loose. Sprinkle with a few Moscow rumors. Season witli a French cabinet resigna tion. Servo hot. A Slight. "Got nny lost boys down llioro ? " called a woman through the telephone as she got police headquarters yesterday. "We've got one. " "What's his name ? " "Why , ho won't give it. Ho says that owing to a misunderstanding with liis Ktopmother ho has temporality separated himself from tlio pa " "Thai's him , " she interrupted , "and I'll be down In half nn hour nnd wallop thnt misunderstanding out of him or bust every linger on myspniikitig-hand. Don't lot him temporarily withdraw before I get thoro. " Tobocr or Not Tohojr. Tobo. , or not tobog : that Is the question ; Whether 'tis wiser In n man toshnlllo O'er slides nnd slip tips of unclenncd sidewalks - walks , Or to take sled against a hill of Ice. sir , And by a scoot-down , get there ! To slide ; to slip ; To soar ; and , by that slip , to reach the end , The wind-up , nml the thousand bruising bumps That lloh Is prone to 'tis a comhustlcntion Devoutly to bu dished ! To slide ; to slip ; To slip ! Pel chance to Hop ; aye , there's the For In that slip down hill what scrapes may come ; When wo have scratched up nil this mortal hide , And skinned our paws ; there's the respect That makes calamity ot that long slide ; For who would bear the cuts and smarts of consts ; Tht ) steerer's wrong , the starter's stupidity , The pangsof o'erturned loads , the crushed- up sleigh , The twenty-live cents out , nnd tho.smnrts f'That .patient merit bears when sued girls snicker , When ho himself might his quietus take Oil a toboggan' , ' Who would ride n sled To tieoot and gasp under a horse blanket , lint that the dread of not being fashionable- Thai awful bete nolr , liom whoso frown No tobo/ganer letnrns masters tlio hill , And maKe.s us rather take the IIH wo fear. Thau lly In hastefiom the toboggan slide 1 In the Hamo Lino. Texas Sittings : The Coal Oil Can and the Hailroad Car Steve met the ether day nnd shook hands with that cordiality observed between two individuals en gaged in the same line of business , who do not compete with each other save in a friendly way. "How does the now year open up ? " asked the Oil Can. "First-rate for mo. " replied the Car Stove , cheerfully , "wisiiiess was u little dull betoro Now Years , on account of the prolonged mild weather , 1 suppose ; but with the cold snap that followed 1 had all that I could do , Why , in ono day I burned up half a doion cars and roasted " " i about a score of passengers. " f Y "That was a pretty good start for the ( now year I should say.1' returned the Oil Can. "it isn't often that I can got my work In on so ninny at a time. Yon nmy have observed , though , that f havu inled you gomuwhat in u railroad smash- ip. Ion often tind mo hanging around , ready to assist in the general conflagra tion. " "Winter Is your bcstseason , I believe , " said the Car Stove. "Of course ; because there nro moro ( ires built. Yet the kitchen girl kepps up the record pretty well in nil seasons of theycar. 1 am such a help to start the fire , you know. " "Yos , " nddcd the Car Steve , with a % vlckcd wink , "antl you start the kitchen girl , loo. " "jcou L-et Ido. Hut what's all this talk about banishing stoves from cars1 "Talk , and nothing else. It nlwnvs > ronks out in thenowspaners immediately nfter we hnvo burned up a lot of passen gers ; but it subsides soon after , and we hear no more nbout it until there is another nccldent. " "Ain't you nfrnid the railroad mana gers will substitute porno other system of heating cars , and thereby throw you out of a job * " "No dnngcr of that , " replied the Car Stove. "Why not ? " "My unsophisticated destroyer of kitchen on girls , railroad companies never adopt measures for saving human llfo unless they can save money by it. Stoves are the cheapest healers for cars , and that settles it. " "Yon have a prospect of carrying on nn oxlnnslvo business for some time yet , " remarked the Oil Can. "Yes , i think so. There is only ono fellow thai I'm afraid of. " "Who is thatV" "Public Indignation. When that is fully aroused and it mav be , some day , when 1 have roasted too many prominent iconic the B.imo day legislation may janisli us from passenger-ears and wo shall bo compelled to operate elsewhere. " "That day is far distant , I tliinU. " "And 1 think so , too.1 replied the Car Stove , cheerfully , mid they parted in the groalest good humor. A Kallwny Accident. JfnmMcr. Wo sat within n railway car , A man named Jones and 1 , Whllo 1 fond glances bent afar. Unto a damsel ni li ; And thus by optic tuloernph The trip was swlltly whiled. Her glances mingled with our chaff , And once 1 thought she smiled. "lly Jove I" said I to Mr. Jones , My now conquest to air , j In most enthusiastic tones. "Yon maid Is passing fair , And ever since I sat mo hero She's wafted glances pi'it. Sim's pretty.and it would appear She Is Inclined to lllrr. " Said Mr. . ) . , "Nav. think you soV" ( I know not well the youth ) , "Well , If you say so , wo will go , And speak to her In sooth , " So over to her side wo sped , My mind with sweet words rife , And Jones , the villain , blandly.said , "Aw Mr. Smith my wife.1' ' Too Young to Toll the Time. Columbus Dispatch : A voting man re cently returned homo to his faithful and ' wake'ful snouso so near daybreak that you might call it early in the morning. "My dear , how late you nro to-night ! 'Where in tlio world have you been ? " was the greeting ho received from his be- nighl-gowucd wife as ho shulllcd up stairs. "Lato ? ( hie ) 'Tishn't late. What uiaksli you ( hie ) shink 'slnlo ? " " \Vliy \ , the chickens nre crowing. Don't you hoar ? " "Slnek'ns ? Shpring ( hie ) shick's. They don't ( hie ) know what chime "tiss. " " The Vorblnji Jinn. "O , yes , I Clnlslmnseil , " says the man , Who skips from veib to noun ; 1 dined nnd turkeyed a la mode And curry-sauced It down. 1 rcMauranteil everywhere ; I whlskycd , neored and alea ; Cigared i on havanas rare And on regalias waled. I New-Yearseil , too , on viands lich , And Icliamnagned myself : Or Tomcd and Jenuycd , can't tell which , Kxpuiutltured my pelf. 1 rcsolntioncd on that day As spirits thiobbed my Load ; Hut when the p.ugs next panged away , I Just coektalled instead. It Downed Him. Wall Street News : "My son , " said the old man as he blotted the chock am : passed it over , "you are going out to begin the battle of life. " " "Yes , father. " "Go firmly resolved not to cheat , lie , indulge in false pretences or use under hand measures. " In about throe months a ragged , hun gry , weary yoting man ascended the steps of tlio family mansion , and the father exclaimed : "Why , William , what has happened ? ' "Did business according to your injunc tions , and haven't got a red left ; " replied William , as ho hung his lint on the old familiar peg. Transmutation. Humbler. When Edwin and talr Angellno Were lovers and engaged , If she attempted any work He straight became cmagcd , Ho ran to do her small commands And placed the kids upon her hands. Hut now that Angellno is wed Her cares are far Irom light , And Edwin's love has grown so cold That things aio dliT'ient quite , In Idleness around hastan < K And leaves the "kids" upon her hands. She Guvo Him ItaoK Hit ) Iicttcra. She cave him bade his letters With her line jiutrlelnn air. While a tlngo ofgetitle sadness Mane her seem moiu duly fair. And thus the bond was severed , Whllo their love was In its spring , She gave him back his Ictteis Hut she kept his diamond ring. A .Montana Turnip. Chicago Herald : "That's a good-look ing diamond you nro wearing , " said a far westerner to a waiter in tlio restau rant at the Northwestern depot. "It's a two-karat stone , " said the wnit- cr , loaning over the counter. "What did it cost ? " "Two hundred dollars , " " 1'vo got something bore myself , " snir the oater , going down Into his pocket am pulling out a big gold nugget. "What do you call that ? " asked the waiter with a short breath. "No karat about that stone , " said tlio western man , weighing the nugget in the palm of his bund. "That , sir , is a Moil tana turnip. " In thn Jiigli Chair. Chicago Herald : A hansom cab driver had just vaulted himself into his sea when a Clark street gamin opened his mouth and yelled : "llnlgh , doro ! who put baby in tlo big ! chairr" Philadelphia will begin this month special work townrds a grunt religious revival. All the Kvangoncal churches ot the city have united without respect to denomination , and thus -100 congrega tions will bn represented in the etl'ort The city has been divided into eight sec dons , nml every family iu each soctioi will bo visited nnd ellbrts mndo to induce non-churchgoers to join some congrega ( ion. In addition there will bo spccin services nnd preaching in public hulls ii each section of tlio city , nnd the bes preachers of the town will tnke ttirnsii holding Sunday afternoon services.t HI Frequently accidents occur in the household whloh causa burns , cuts sprains and bruises ; for use in such case : Dr. J. H. McLean's Volcanic Oil Liniment mont has for many years boon the con atuut favorite family remedy. Square lanterns perforatednnd adornc'i with largo opals nnd agates of various colors , liml universal favor , COMFORTS IN COZY COTTAGES Where People of Moderate Means Have the Better of Rich Neighbors , LET IN THE FREE , FRESH AIR. Mnlnrln , Colds nnd Consumption Ilntclicd In Hot Houses Little Tillies for the llonso Dcoo- rntivo Notes , That Boy. SI. Jxjtito OlMrrcr. Through the house with l.itish nnd shout , Knees threadbare ntitl elbow nut , Mamma hears , with anxious douut , That boy. Vain are nil the lessons taught , In onushort hour they nru forgot : Ucntlc manners learnoth not 1'hat boy. Thus she muses while slio tries To soothe the wakonetl baby's cries ; Whllo to other mischief hies That boy. With aching head this mother inlldj Looks to the luturo for her child : Still heedless yells , in accents wild , That boy. She heais the dread , unearthly tone , And stifles something Itko a groan. To sonic bad end will surely coino That boy. 1'atlenl mother , wait awhile , .Summon back thy loving smllo Soon will graver care beguile That boy. . Soon the bov "with check of tan" Will bo the brawny , bearded man. i If lliou wouldst trust and honor then That boy , Tiust him now. and lot thy care Shield Ills soul from every snare That waits to capture , unaware , Tnat boy. A Cheerful Cozy Home. Phlliulelpltm Tress : A cheerful , cozy homo. There is nothing like it. There , after nil. is where people of inodorato means have the better of their richer neighbors. Thut is , they manage ns a rtili ! to turn their houses into nonius. There's ; i Ing diucronco in the two words , ns you well know ; and it's n mistake to imaglno nowadays that ono must bo wealthy to beautify one's home. Marion Foster \Vuhburu : shows this very plainly and cleverly in the latest issue of Good Housekeeping. First nnd foremost , she says , a homo should not bo ugly that is , us the lir.st step toward the "beauty re sulting , " the deformity must bo gotten rid of. To retain the tidy carpet that won't wear out , ami pile rich-colored rugs upon it , is poor souse nnd poor econ omy. A Royal Worcester vase on a bare marble mantel , glaring white , or elab orately blackened and gilded , is ns much out of place as a bunch of roses in a coal scuttle. The lincst evergreens or etching will not appear to advantage on a white wall. So , oven if the ugly carpet is not worn out , it must go ; to make way for something which , it it bo only ingrain , will be sott in color and inconspicuous in pattern. A carpet which intrudes itself upon notice puts the rest of the room out of countenance. The bookcase cannot hold its own against it , and the little evi dences of culture shrink into obscurity. Even if the carpet cost ? 3 a yard and was the result of it long pinch of economy , if it bo ugly lot it tro. Forget its cost , and face ( irmly the fact that your best efforts to attain beauty will fail as long as there is any deformity present. Hut it need not go for nothing. Send it to the auc tioneer's I. ) ' . ! sure it is a largo shop and you will often bo surprised at the amount you will receive for it. There are many of the unrc'gonorated who look only to the money value and durability of an article who will contend for it and give you a fair price _ . You might set Ihc price and order that it bo not bold beneath it. Then , if it is returned to you , send it with whatever other scraps of carpet you may have to a carpet-weaver and have it made into a really lovely nnd durable rug , at 7o cents a square yard , about u' J cents lirusscls width. This is excellent advice , but you may not agree witli all she has to say. For instance : Don't attempt upholstered chairs ; they are very expensive , very cumbersome , and usually very ugly. Some enthusiasts insist upon it that they are unhealthy because of the quantity of dust they secrete almost generate ; and , indeed , an upholstered chair that has boon in a sick-room Is liable to becomq a source of danger. Chairs made of rattan are cheap , durable , comfortable to the point of luxiinousncss , portable , cleanly , everything that a chair should bo. Plush cushions make them neb- looking ; ribbons make them dainty ; and either can bo removed at will. I5ut even in the way of rattan , n word of warning may be tutored. Don't attempt to bring a willow copy of the starry firmament into your parlor. Stars are all right in the heavens , but out of place on chair backs. They prove that they are dis gusted at such treatment by .steadily re fusing to shino. Japanese fans and new moons were never intended to join forces in the support of the broad back of the master ot the house , ami ought not to bo expected to look lovely wlulo doing it. Such designs are idiotic. They cost more than the simple and nppropiiate patterns , nnd ono may combine economy nnd good sense by shunning them. Hut hero is an instructive bit ns to your library : A book-case is an indispensable addition to your parlor , unless there is a separate library. Have Dimple shelves , about live in number , rather deep , with a iilaco on top lor busts and vases. The big things with glass doors are abomina tions which sometimes have to bo toler ated because they protect line books from dust. Hut our poor housewife is not apt to have such snperllno books and can af- iord a little extra dust for the sake of the extra convenience and beauty. And don't attempt to cotnblno a writing-dusk nnd bookcase. Those combinations nre always - ways clumsy nnd expensive , with glued ornaments , machine carving , ami much veneer. It would bo utterly out of piano in such a quiet and tasteful homo ns wo nro suggesting. Hookcases of live shelves may bo had in cherry for ! ? ! > or in oak for the same price. In walnut they are hard to iind , but cheaper when found. Ono may bo made to order by n common carpenter , of pine shellacked , if the woodwork of the room is so , or stained walnut if the woodwork is dark , or cherry to match the other furnltnro. These need not coma to nioro than § 5 , or ninybo loss. Each shelf may have n llap of pinked leather tacked to its lower edge with brass-headed nails to fall over the tops of the books on the shelf below. Airing the House , Detroit Tribune : 'if trcsh-nir banks could bo established , EO much a share , perhaps people would think it such an indispensable luxury ns to bo indulged in at any cost. Hut as it is as free as all outdoors - doors , waiting at every crack nnd cranny of the house to rush in and make pure air ( it to.brcatho.itisnotniuchconsidored , even if it is not strictly shut out and called unhealthy. A traveler riding through ono of the small places near the \ \ Into mountains , In summer , noticed that every door anil window of the farm house's were tightly closed ; only the sta bles had openings to admit the delicious mountain air. lie was not surprised to hoar that the people of that place were troubjod with malaria nnd almost every other disease human beings nro heir to. A lady said that for years she took cold so easily that life was a burden. She weather-listed nil her windows , nnd oycn slutled cotton iu the keyholes , and always were heavy furs when she went out in winter. Iho utura sue tried to guard against cold the- worse she grew , till finally she had to stay within doors for weeks at n time. Thnn she turned over a new leal. The window of her bedroom vrns let down from the top , and so con tinued through the coldest weather. At last she coul'-l sleep comfortably with Iho wind blowing rignt across her bod. She went out every day. fairwoathcr or fowl , nnd censed to swathe her neck in so many folds. She can now get through the coldest weather without being n pris oner to the house , or even catching cold. Mothers do not consider health enough to the bedrooms. They are often small , carpeted and crowded with furniture. It Is such n ITnulsanco to sweep such cramped quarters that it is let go for weeks. Dust collects under the bed , or namented ncrhaps with its silken crazy- quilt and elegant lace pillow-shams , anil the ono window is kept tightly closed. Then the mother wonders why the baby should catch cold so easily nnd have a croupy couch. The most healthy way is to linvd no carpet , but mnts in front of bed nnd bureau , nnd have the lloor wiped over every week. Heavy curtains should bo abolished. Let nothing impede the sun and air coming in for hours every morning. A celebrated doctor says : "Tho very best cosmetic nnd eye-bright * cner that can bo recommended , ns well as one of the best prescriptions a physi cian over gives for any nnd nil the ills that Ilcsh is heir to , is sleep , sound , re freshing sleep , and plenty of it. And ono of Iho great secrets of getting it is plenty of fresh air iu the bedroom. " Ijlttlo Tidies About the House. A dainty spread for a baby's bed is of cream serge with pink clover blossoms strewn over it. The border iso dgud with pink nnd white cord. A table-cover of gray-bluo satin sheet ing has a flight of swallows embroidered across it. The birds are worked In the natural colors and form nn cll'eetivo de coration. A pretty bag for holding dusters is of cream Inieu , embroidered with disks in various colors. The top of the bag is faced with turkey red , and the drawing strings nro of pink and green ribbon. A cream plush table-cover has the border ami the center of Indian em broidery applied with gold thread in ta pestry stitch. The lining is pale-blue satin , and a tassel fringe with nil the tints that are found in the embroidery finishes this rich cover. Homo Decorative Notes. Sapphire blue antl gray 3s an ofl'cctivo combination. Hlllinrd cloth is nn excellent founda tion for a lambrequin. Kgg stains can bo removed by rubbing witli common table salt. Squares of gold lace are an extremely pretty addition to a plush chair. A novel card-receiver is a porcelain ] > ug dog , holding iu his mouth a brass umbrella- . Small thermometers attached to brass toboggans are among the popular oddi ties. Lemonade sets of L'omona glass have a novel frosted ell'eet , and nre refreshing to behold. Square dinner plates grow in favor , and the newest nre a perfect study of ar tistic decoration. An inkstand in perfect imitation of a silver ipx , with head of richly chased silver , is a novelty. The newest bottles for aromatic salts are made of antique silver , chased in Etruscan designs. .Japanese teapots , being a square of copper with bamboo handles , are to bo the thing at 5 o'clock teas. Italian wino jugs are now decorated with iridescent metallics or bronzes , and linished with fancy ribbon bows. Spots of grease may bo effectually ; re moved from the most delicate fabric by the application of dry buckwheat Hour. A mixturcofi , water and a little com mon soda issaid , to possess rare ellicacy in cleansing old painted surfaces for a repainting. Sprays of grass may be beautifully frosted by dipping them in a solution of gum arable and sprinkling them with powdered glass. MUSIC < AND DUA&1ATIC. Stella Kees Is no lonzur with the Kdmiind Collier company. New VoiU ladies nio organl/lng anti-hat theater pat He ? . The Tlirro Guaidsmen is being rewritten by Frank Mayo. Sip. Capello is to reside permanently In Sun Francisco. D'Knnery Is said to bo about ninety , and to hnvo written a play lor every year. "Prison to 1'nlace" has been shelved by Dominick Miuray. It was too weaK. Johann Uartholdi , the Danish composer , has written nn ope'ra on the Lornlol legend. Will S. IJIsing. n popular tenor , who 1ms boon ill at Philadelphia , Is slowly recovering. W. . ) . Florence and wlfn will shortly piny an engagement at the Walnut , 1'hiladel- phln. Once more dm information Is imparted that this Is Mile. Khea's farewell tour season in America. There Is some talk of forming n corpora tion In London to produce English opera on a largo i-cale. TlioCerinan theater at .Moscow has boon closed "on account of the Itutlircrenco of the public. " On January 24 the Third AvonnctheaUre , Now Yoik , will leduco its prices to the leally popular ones of 10 , so and JiO cents. Klrhnnl Mniibllcld opous at the Union Stiiaio | theater. Now Voik , February 21. 1'rlnco IvQrl will be the nttiaction. Annie I'lxloy will be on hand with "Tho Deacon's Dauzhter" at tiio Union Sfjuaio theater , New York , some time In April. Mine , .laimiiseiiok will make her fmmvoll appearance at the fhrsinnt Htieet Opera house , 1'hlliidclphln , the weekot February 14. "The Commercial Tourist's llride , . " ac cording : to the Connecticut papers is a success. Agnes Ilcmilon plays the leadlnc part. part.Louis Louis Aldrlch will likely presnnt "Mv I'.trtner" In London and thn Itrltlsh prov inces fora season of se\en imuitlu ) , begin ning In , lunn next. Mrs. James Drown Potter need not tiiko to the hta-'o to mnkfl a livlinr. as her husband recently cleared 5100,000 In ono day by a colTec speculation. Laura Moore , the little prlmn donna who sings " ( ialatou"onco a week In the American Opera company , nuts 51SO for It about Sl.ftO n minute durlni : that shoit opera. Hartley Cnmpliell is said to ho much stronger , physiehillv. than over before , and the doctor * now say there Is a chance of his being restored to reason , Joim S. Ularke , the American comedian , met with great enthusiasm in Ir.Maml. Tint Dublin Freuman b-ivs he Is "nn nctor Conned in natuie s merriest mood. " Dr. Hum ( Jrlilln. Mary Anderson's step father , has sailed for Kuropo In order to glvo that nitlst the bonetit ot hlsdnewder jiulg. munt in matters iclatlng to the Lyceum then ter , which she u'ccnUy leased. Her engagement - ment will begin In September. The stockholders of the New York academy of music , It .seems , niitgettlii' . ' tired ol paying assessments , ami are eener.illy in fa\or of leasing or selling the piopurty , It Is salil the success of the Metropolitan opera hou-a gave the old acailomy Its quietus. Henry K. Abbey nnd ( iustavo Ambers are the chief bidders for thonrailomy. It is said Minnie I'.tlmer will Ml cnga--o- incuts in this country next season , appearing In "Fiou-Krou , " n now comedy by Fied Mars * den called "Pert , or Mv Stepmother. " an op eretta entitled ' 'Tho Klin : and K-eper. " and thoeomedyof the "Little TieaMito. ' Out lieio In the wild , untntoied west the people would llko to see M. S.M. I' . ( M v sweetheart , Minnie Palmer ) attempt "Frou-Frou , " Lawrence Unrrett's clothes and armor In "Itlonzl" are worth S'-.OOO. His lirst dies * Is ot black bioailcloth , His coronation robe Is of gold plush. , embroidered with bullion , edited with cloth of void , dotted with Jeu el . and worn over a blue and gold brocaded gown , In the cathedr.il scene ho wears white stamjiad plush , with the ( injures out lined In gold. , in thn last act ho it clad In a red plush gotvn , with jewels at the ueclc waist. * ' BOOMERS OF BILIOUS BILLS , Proposed Legislation that Will Not Amount to a Pinch of Snuff , SPECIMEN STATUTE STUFFING. A Great Soldier Among Civilian * nnd n Great Civilian Among Soldiers Seine Laws In Umuryotio Klstcnco. LINCOLK , Neb. , Jan S . dcnco of the Hun. ] When Hlackstono wrote his commentaries , that wise old English soul , ho certainly had no idea that he was to have so many misguided disclplc , nnd ho little thought that in tlio name of "Law" so many serious moral laxities would bo tolerated. Ho taught as the first definition that "law is n prescribed rule ot action. " He should have said : Law is a proscribed rule of ruin , success or defeat as the case may bo. While this would have been true in any souse , it would also have remained a sort of nn admired nnd ambiguous prop osition through all the years that lawyers nml law arc to exist. Cnleb dishing , ono of Iho greatest of American lawyers , once said : "Hob law of Its technicalities , half of the litigation would cud , two- thirds of the so-called lawyers would bo compelled to atlopt some other profes sion. " One of the grontest troubles noticeable in the average law-maker or legislator , is his insane desire to poltuco himself into cheap notoriety , by plastering his name al the head of some bill , drafted , drawn and conceived by some outside person , the motive , method and meaning of which arc as strange to him as Greek to a Commanche Indian. The ether dav I read n long , tedious and wickedly windy composition entitled "n bill for an act , " etc. , from which no satisfaction regard ing its intent could bo gained. The statesman introducing this measure , filled with pent-up eloquence and itching to get a "whack" at the house in urging its'passago , was toiind , nnd 1 asked : "What was your idea in introducing a bill identical with a law already in force though not enforced ? " "Well , " said the follow , conveying a sort of Randolph Churchilllsh importance , "I'll bo d - d if I've paid much attention to these hero tilings. Some of my consty- tttents thought 1 oughter introduce it , ycr sec. Do you think they'll have a kar oos ? " Such was Iho wisdom being sacrificed at jfU.OO per day. In the bills introduced thus far. many of them to pass , many to bo killed , there is presented for weak mankind's perusal a stately stack of inconsistencies , ambi- tion-gratiliers and roput-ition-sprcaders. To give the devil his dues , is a "Weakness I possess , and to that end 1 am induced to say that Colonel L. W. Colby ( no matter how he obtained his military title ) has introduced some valuable bills. The method in his madness is not yet appar ent , but as it is understood that the dashing colonel never does anything- pleasure , there is A oocoAXL'TTO ijn ni.i.r.n witli milk , back of all this cll'ort lo servo his state. It will bo remembered that four years ago , when Colby mndo a path to defeat , while running for judge , his principal argument was references to his record made in the legislature. While all good nnd clover people fully appre ciate his legislative ellbrts , his record out side Iho legislature deteated him. It is announced by his friends that ho is to be a candidate again , and in his eyes paradise is secondary compared with the possession of Judge Hroady's ollicial robes of ermine. Among his many bills I notice one that is wondortul. Senate lile No. 0 , introduced by the militia-man , proposes that the days on winch general elections are held shaU be made public holidays. While , ns n nation or state , it has been often questioned if we have enough public holidays , but what good reason can bo given for prohibiting the cashing of checks , giving of rates , no transacting general business on electioe dav ? Many citi/.ens live a long dibtaucr Irom the place of voting. They often nay their taxes and transact general business on election day almost impossi ble to attend teen other days. by reason of distance and general inconvenionoa. It is understood , anyway , that on election day all clerks or servants have the right to go and exercise this right , making them sovereigns , but why all banks antl public offices should be closed is n ques tion needing nn explanation. The festive chattel mortgage fiend would never sleep again if a bill intro duced by J. W. I'tichs .should pass. Jt undertakes to .siy that a man shall not under any pretext , receive , take or re serve for the use of money , whether di rectly or indirectly a greater rate of in terest than 10 per cent per annum. The chattel mortgage business nas assumed wonderlul proportions in this state. The man who is a lender charges the borrow er 10 per cent interest , about 50 per cent for his trouble , which amount is taken from the original , and the cost of filing and recording , drawing and releasing papers all performed by the monied man , makes it possible for the borrower to believe that Shakespeare had ociin in the chattel mortgage business when ho wrote : "Neither n borrower nor n lender bo. " Under the present beautiful system of doing men up with neatness nml dis patch , a mini can go to where a sign "Money to Loan" hangs on the outer wall , and if lie possesses a cow , a horne , a wagon or a cultivator , free from all in- cumbrances , he can negotiate a loan at sixty days for the fctin ; ot $50. The papers are drawn up , the interest ndded and deducted , the "treasure" taken away , nnd out. of the original ? 50 ho tnkcs nbout $80 or ? 85 awny with him , At the end of sixty days , if you hapoon to bn walking down by the back yixrd , Just ns thoRoldon sun is setting in the west , you will ob serve THE ClIATIEti MOnTOAOK MAN milking the cow. nnd swearing vocifer ously because she is not a solf-milkcr ; while In the distance a hnlf starved and poorly clnd family tnko their coffee with out milk , Mr , 1-uehs should make his bill read to the ctlcct that a man who would give or take n chattel mortgage should bo fined. Mr. Sullivan , of Platte county , has in troduced a bill which will add strength nnd make township organization through out the state probable. His bill is lo the effect that whore a bridge is over MM feet lone , in nny township , * the county shall pay for its building. Colby , introduces n bill making eight hours a legal day's work. House roll No. 3. , by Wat on Tyson , makes the liquor Jaw more stringent , especially on election days. Ho provides for n line of $100 lor soiling or giving awav intoxicating liquor on election day. It is generally understood that in towns nml cities there is nbout 10 pev conl of Iho electors whoso wavering allegiance is cemented by gin-mill gratuities , nnd what effect total prohibition would have on election day , is a problem so improb able to imagine Hint the subject is dis missed. Fuller of Gage introduces a bill mak ing passenger rates uniform throughout the state on nil classes of railroads nnd in nil localities. It wns Senator Van Wyck'a wonder why people in the east ern part of the Btnto should ride cheaper than those poorer farmers living in the far west , beyond nn imaginary line , nnd us railway legislation is hard lo bo se cured , this bill of Mr. Fuller's will be watched with interest. AIIOUT COl'NTY Tltr.ASl'linii- ! " . C. J. Harrison introduces house roll No. II , which , should it become a law , would make the election of a county treasurer an easier task than now. it provides Unit the county tieasuror shall doposite all money belonging to the county with some bank or banks , and receive therefor the best rate of interest possible. The interesl so earned to con stitute a part of the iund earning it. This bill , if a law , would deeido consid erable. As the law now roads , the treas urer and county are both prohibited from receiving interest , The consequence is , in counties whore there are two or more banks , each bank has a preferred cnndi- date said candidate making a promise , often iu writing , binding himself , if elected , to deposit all funds in such a bank. For this ho receives the "support" ot certain inlluoncos. The new proposi lion would certainly bo acceptable. J. C. Watson introduces a bill regulat ing the use and rental of telephones. In stead of paying imormons routs for the hello machine , he proposes that whore one machine is used n sum not greater than ? 'J.50 per month shall bo charged , and when two or more telephones are rented by the same individual , company or corporation , a sum not greater than § 12.00 per month shall bo charged. COUXTV .IULHIKS. J. P. Lindsay , ot the far west , whoso homo is at Heaver City , comes down with a bill which savs no person shall bo eligible to the office of county judge un less twenty-five years of ago , and a law yer , regularly admitted to practice as an attorney in I he slate , nnd is nn attorney in good standing. It may be true that n man should be twenty-livo years of age , but it is a fact that among the many hundred county judges who hnvo held office in Nebraska during the last twenty years , these who were not lawyers gave the best satisfaction. The small salary paid the judge , will not allow n good lawyer to squander his time in that capacity. Mr. L. is doubtless hedging and expects to run for judge next year. The clearest case of where mem burs are throwing themselves away for bun combe , is witnessed iu the do/en bills for normal schools. Hamilton county , the homo of Ageo wants one ; Geneva wants one , Ked Cloud wauls one , and a half do/.en other counties. The treasury would bo depleted if half the bills would pass. A law is needed limiting the duties of the legislature to legitimate busi ness. To enact laws needed and neces sary is supposed to bo their duty. They construe it thai the treasury is a grea't grab-bag , nnd too mriiiy deluded and misguided statesmen bend their pin hooks , and fish for appropriations. A i. FAIIUIIEOTIIUH. 11UMG1OUS. There arc now IU Congregational churches in Cnllioinia a net gain of eight dining the last year. The Voting Men's Christian associations now have S-)033l ! ) ) : ! in property , buildings ami secuiitie-i. There are -tG,14.r German Methodists In the United btates , with 5tt"J piobattonersand 0 > ministers. The hospital Sunday collections this year In London have yielded ' , ' 00,000 , the largest amount ever obtained. The gospel Is pieached in the United States by members of the Lutheran church in ihlitcen dlllerent languages. The Now South Wales Congregational Union reports n-celpts lor tlio p.ibt year of over thirty-nine thousand pounds. The number of candidates lor the minis try of the Episcopal chinch In the United States Is : ui. a smaller number than at any time since IbfiS. Mr. Spurgeon says of the t-'alvatlon Army : "it it were wliied out In London , r.,000 e.Mia policemen could not till Us place in the re pression ol ciimc and disorder , " The Income of the board of foiolgn mis sions during Its last ilimiiclnl year , liom nil sources , was 8715,101. That of tlio Amerlean board during Its last Iliiiinelal year w.is SUM- The Union Mission , of liuir.do. N. V. , un der thn direction of Miss Anna W , PIOSMM- , has closed its lir.st yeai , and lepoilsJWI uov pel meetings. vith an attendance of iiO.OO'J and OQ conversions. Inn , Hnnparlnn. Hohemlnrii foils ! ! , Slavic , Arable , Mrcck , Anncnlnn , Hebrew awl Portuguese tuguese , The first theological seminary of the Re formed F.pl-copsl denomination , which U bolmr erected In West Philadelphia nt n cosl of 8200,000 , is nearly completed , nnd will be open for the reception of students nt the bo * plnnlntr of the coming school year. The In stitution will bccln Its work free of debt nnd nn endowment of SW.MO. Ht. llnv. Or. llcrzog , Knm.in Catholic bishop of Urcslnu , Is dead. The see ot JJres- lau Is one of these that remained vacfcnt for several years under the application of tlio May laws , through the refusal of Tope Plus IX. to accept tlio nominations of moderate churchmen by thn ( lermnn government. Forstcr. the pi luce-bishop , died In exile In 1SS1. Under the accommodation finally ncrccd upon between Leo XIII. and the gov ernment nt Iterlln. Ur.licrzog was appointed and confirmed , llo was n far less notnblo person than Dr. llcrzog \ \ ho was chosen In 1310 bishop ot the Old Catholics ot'Switzer land , IIONISY K ' - LAD1I2S. Kpaulctles nnd "i opes" of beads , or deli cate passementerie , nio used upon woolen diesses. Mrs. Agnew and Miss Doilco have taken their scats as mumbcis of the Now York. board of education. A novelty In dress buttons arc largo ball * of wood showing the train , stained , highly polished , and mounted on silver ntul steel eyes. eyes.Wide low collar : ) , exposing ( ho throat , nro to bo worn , and It Is predicted that hlzli col lars and lull niches nio soon to bo aban doned. A tiny capote of Jetted velvet la trimmed with a largo fan of nslics of roses \clvet and n black aigrette. The strings nro ot blade velvet. In ilch toilets the principal plaits are fastened by full bo \\hllellght materials have the llouiiecd trimmed with a band ot ilbbon. Mrs. George Sago , of llnrlan. Iowa , la re ported to Imve tiavoled U.OOO miles In pursuit of her husband , \\lio last fall lan of with the hired girl. Dodlces of velvet hnvo panels cut In ono with them , and term an exceedingly handsome - some combination with stilped wool skirts nnd drapery. Metal bead ami mother-of-pearl and carved wood anchors , plus and fancy heads , brooches , buckles nnd ornaments arc used to , excess In mllllnciy. J A circular of brown serge IB lined with J dnik-rud India silk. The high collar has n I delicate design of popples mid wheat ears cmbioldercd upon it. , 1'ellsscs of gray plush , lined with pink , nro coming In vogue for bibles' wear. The hood must match the pelisse and bo tied with softt pink-satin strlncs. Open-worl : fillk with hcrrlng-bono effects has lines ot tiny silk dots. A cicam ground has dots of blue , and n ulnk giound dots of golden yellow and while. A I'm Is correspondent writes that white coiduroy Is used for simple homo costumes ) and combined with plain white woolca ma terial It Is used lor te.i gowns. Mrs. Nettle (5teon , the "queen of Wall , Street , " who owns several southern lailroadn , i is said to bo living at Far Uockaway this i winter , paying § . " 5 per week for board. i Mrs. Nancy Goimnii , who Is nincly-oiia yeais old , at n recent lUiptlst festival hf Now Haven , sang a sonir of her childhood In n most agreeable and vlcacious manner. Kxtremcly low sandals of broimi kid , dec orated with small buckles of old paste , nro to be worn tills \\lnter with the Grecian and other classic toilets which are to prevail. Carriage cloaks aio very long. They are usu ally ot some color lather than black , and . aio made ot eloth , velvet , or plush. They are ' elaboiately trimmed with loathois , furorbcad ombioideiy. A rich and refined silk fnbtle has Inco and matchtsse altcrnntlntr. In the thick stripe Is a diamond , outlined by a surah weave , thus ptcscntlng three tones ot the color produced by the weaving. There Is a revolt against small bhcls and feathers of the same lor millinery oinaments among these ladies who wish to pul n stop to tiio slaughter of the 1'otest birds of America , and tlio whole world. The plaid and fancy velvets have not been a success this hcasoii , despite the many efforts made to popularize them. Slrlneil ones , with alternate silk Miipes of a little lighter shade , are much moic popular. Nine llttlo liouiangeis within two years twins , triplets ami qiiadiupletb Is the start ling record ot Mrs. Uonlnngcr , of Branch county , Michigan , i'itv that the queen's bounty Is not an Institution ol this lepublic. A woman who was lost In the woods of New Hampshlie lor three days said that tlio mo t hhe suffered fiom was In not having her knittinir along , and she blamed lieiself a uood deal lor not blinking a hand-glass with her. her.The The most elegant pints do suede 1110 lined with or inther ( need with black kid and h.xve black buttons. Allhlmilesof lan color and also delicate lavender nro fashionable in these glo\cs. The length Is four buttons and i " 4 close wrist. The favorite dress for afternoon receptions is made of gray silk : ono ol'tlie soft silvery shades Fiunchgray. This Is combined with plush of the same wliadn or biocnded silk witli 1 tones of ] ) ale blue. Scarlet Is also a popular Kg I combination with these mays , and the hand some dicas ol'gray silk had a wait of poppy * red crape. The fawn-colored cover coats that appeared In tliu autumn are still been upon the avenues ono line days , and are extremely becoming pniticularly when tlio miilT and long boa are of black lur , cither lynx or marten. These cover coats , howover.must ho made by a skill ful tailor , lit accurately , and be made with what aio known as"tallor seams"tlmt Is lap ping oor each othor. AJNow York lady of moro indolence than \\it keeps herself well up In the fashionable wlms by means ol the pumper nnd the pol-i islier. Not being willing to devote herself to study to meet the lefpiiioments of Intel lectual society , she adopted this method : "I had hoard of the pumper ; some of the glils I used lo know employed him : and HO L co to him three or four times n week ami get filled up with Information about anything L want to know. 1 go to the polisher icgularlv every day , tell him wheio 1 oxnect logo and whom I expect to sec , ami then he gives mo a lot ot blight thingH to Kay ami queer little Ideas to sandwich In. nnd runny Htorlon to toll \\illprolialilylio npiopos lo the con versation that I .shall engage In. That man has been woith his wolght In gold to me. " Far better than the hnrsh treatment of iiiedie-iiie-s which horribly gripe the pa tient and destroy the coating of the stomach. Dr. J. ll. McLetin'H Oliilla and Fever Cure , by mild yol cfi'oetivo action , will cure. Sold nt HO cents n bottlo. SAY WHAT YOU WILL , PROPERTY ON SALE BY THE Considering location and prices , is the best investment in the market A thorough investigation will convince Lots in Washington Square , city wato Loin on North 20th fctrcct , $3,000 lo tlio most skeptic : ! ) . 1'roperly well bought in front of overylot , § 1,800 to $3.50(1. ( 51.0'W. ' is twice sold , uiul persons vvho Imve pur Lots in Summers tV Ilimobaiigh'H add Wo nlh'p havn some valuable mil nil chased through Saunders iv Ilimebaiigh to Walnut Hill. $150 to sfiioo. Only two property fur sale. Firnt cliio.s corner on have never failed to make money. Con blocks1 from Kelt Line depot ; payments ledge ) , paying fl.COO rent , for iJ,000. ? : ! ) stant increase of business tolls the story. easy. I'n.yiiieiits eiwy. Fair dealing , courteous treatment , live Lots in Mt. Pleasant addition , ? 3.V . ) to -H feet on Fnniam , in biiBlnnsi part , and let live policy must win. Their largo ? 17''i. 10 percent down , balance fc5 and fw.ooo. list of inside property is of the bust nnd monthly payments. 11 foot , Improved , on Douglas St. , be the grand Improvements in and around Luis In Saunders & Himebaiighs High tween mil nnd imii , $ : :0,00 : < ) , n bargain. their five additions , with Hull Line ac land 1'urk add , from $17r to50 enoh 11 foot on Farnain , well improved , for commodation nnd street cars noon to Ten per cunt down , * 10 monthly $15,000. come , must certainly result in largo prof payments , The cheapest property in Call nnd KOO us. No trouble to show its to investors. Nothing risked , nothing or hear the city. property. gained , iio wise nnd buy from the ' Lot and two houses in Omnha View , Omaha H-ini Kslnto and Trust Co. , IB01 Lots in Kilby i'laco ? 1OCO toiJl.fiOO. $ : iWO. ! Thid U u bargain. Jmvstiirnto. Fnrnani St. , where success will bo sure to Lots in Cntalpa l'lac8UCOlolJOO. ! Lot on Farnain stin West Knd , 50x follow your purchases , Head the follow * Lots on Saunders street$1,000 to f 1,500 180. * 5C03 ; ono third cash. ing partial list- 1504 =