Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 23, 1887, Part II, Page 10, Image 10

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The Story of an Ambitious Young Wife
\Vith a Penniless Pnrse.
How n Strlnccnoy In tlio Matrimonial
Market Would Work Points from
an Experienced llnnlmntl
Trainer Montana Bachelors.
Kvcr True.
CatttH't Mti&ittne.
Joyoui at ticnrt as a summer day ,
A msslo stands by the mentlow way ,
And looks nt a fnco thut Is very dear ,
Anil wondeis in words that know nothing ot
'Will ' you bo true , lovewlll you bo true ?
Will > ou love me ns I love > ouV
Will love grow stronger as years roll on ,
And bo truest when youth and beauty Imvo
Will you bo true , love ? will you bo true ? "
.loyons at hrnrt on tholr wciidlnc morn ,
Husband and \\lfa walk homo through the
coin *
And cnch seems to hear the old-time song
Aft , hand In hniid , they nandor alone ;
"Will you bo true , love ? will you bo true ?
Will you Io\o mo as 1 love you ?
Will Io\o crow stron'erns ( years roll on ,
And be truest \vheiiyoiitli and beauty have
"Ullljoubo true , love ? will you bo true ? "
.Jo > ous at heart when their hair Is gray ,
IIu bmd : and wife toRutherstray ,
Anil hand clasps htuiu ns they pass alom ? ,
And the heait of unch Is Ktad Vilth SOUK ;
"i ou have been true , love I you have been
tine !
Jjnvliiir mecll ns 1 hnvo loved you 1
Ami time nml change , and iood ami 111
Jlnvu linked us closer and closer still
JI carts ever true , love I heaits over tiuol"
A TOOP JJnn'H Wlfo.
Tlioy were a happy and hopeful bridal
couple. The llfo irjon widen they had
rntcrcd was like a now ami unexplored
country , but Clarence meant to work
hard and felt little or no doubt in regard
to their future. Ho had bcun head book-
hooper for many years and had the
jiromlso ofsonietlung bettor yet the com
ing scabon.
They rented n house in the pleasant
part of the city , kept a servant , and
{ Stella were the handsome clothes that
had been provided at the time of her
marriage , Hut toward the end of the
iirslycar of their wedded life Ins firm
was said to bo under heavy liabilities and
the anniversary of their marriage found
the house bankrupt and Clarence out of
n. situation.
"I shall find .something by and by1 the
husband said bravely.
It was at this trying Umo that n little
speck of humanity was put into Stella's
arms , and Its feeble cry told that tlio re
sponsibility of motherhood was hers.
"I am the happiest man alive , " Clar
ence exclaimed , caressing wife aud baby
boy. "Lot pride go to the dogs , Stella1
ho added , remembering that now his re
sponsibility was greater than before ,
"i'hoy arc in want of workmen at the
How city hall. I'll take my hammer it
will give us bread. "
He went out in the early morning and
came homo late at night , his handsome
lace glowing with lovo. Hut tlio very
thought that her husband was brouglit
clown to the level of a commou laborer
hurt her. The little privations she en
dured won icd her , and in a little while
Ihu swcct-tcinporcd woman became
moody and down-hearted.
"J low can you expect mo to live among
Buch surroundings' " was her appeal
when lie begged her to cheer up. "It is
cruel of you. 1 want to go homo to my
own friends. "
The warm glow came to his face and
liedicwhor tcndoily toward him with
out a word , but there was a look piteous
to see in his handsome eyes. Then came
ti day a little later when it did seem that
inatter.s had come to a crisis. The city
iinll was finished and Clarence mut look
for something new. They had moved
nbout a great deal , hoping to find a place
in which the fretlul girl-witc would bo
"These people arc all alike , you know ,
nnd 1 may as well be in ono place as an
other , " was her reply when he suggested
that they move.
" 1 have heard of something now this
morning , Stella , and 1 am going to New
York on the next train. "
" You are always hearing of something
now , " was the quick reply ; "but what
does it amount to ? "
"I am hoping for something bettor ,
nnd think 1 have found it now. Are you
going to kiss mo good-by , Stella ? " ho
uski'd. "J may bo gone si day or two. "
' No ! " she replied coldly ; "you'll be
back soon qnough. "
"Hut I might never return , you know. "
"Seoityoii are not back again in a
day or two with the same old story , "
Clarence turned quickly and loft her.
Khe heard him cross tlio room , and know
lie bent over Freddy's crip and kissed
the little sleeper again and again.
" lln'll come back beforo'ho's really
gone , " whispered she , gomgtoward the
door ; but a turn in the street hid him
Jroin sight. Ho had gone without bid
ding her good-by.
"Well , we've been married long
enough to bo done with such nonsense , '
elio said by way ot consolation , yet there
was a terrible pain in her heart.
She sat still till Freddy awoke , thru
with a cry of anguish she ran across the
hall to the nearest neighbor.
"Please conto , Mrs. Wilson ; my baby
Is dying. "
Mrs. Wilson camo. for , though rough
in manner , she was kind in heart.
"He Is in a fit. " she said the moment
IP fiho saw the child. "Hold him .so till I
d run homo and get some medicine. Such
women ain't lit to bo mollier * . "
The hour for Clarence's arrival had
passed , but only remorao came. At last
thu strain became too great , and the
wife's chastened and softened nature
succumbed.ami good Mrs , Wilson hud two
liatlents , When Clarence came ho found
Ids wife rehearsing in penitent tones the
welcome .sho had prepared for him.
When at last Stella awoke from the
liorriblo dreams her husband was bend
ing over her.
' Clarence , " she said , very softly at
first ; "Clarence , " she repeated , putting
lior arms about his neck , "if you'll for-
glvo mo I'll kiss you. O , so many times ! "
Foolish fellow ! Ho cried like n baby ,
"Listen , Stella. " no said , as soon as ho
could command his voice ; "Listen : 1 did
got thn situation , ami you can have
everything you want , " touching his lius
to cheek and forehead , "and you are
poing to have such a pretty house In
jtJrooklyn. "
"All 1 want is your love , " clasping him
close , "and that l-'reddy gets well , i am
ready to bo a poor man's wife , "
Women Can AiVoril to bo Single.
Hoston Kecord : The common talk
i.s among young men that they cannot
nflord marriage , because wives are such
un expensive luxury , and altogether such
an impediment that no ono can utl'ord to
liavo ono unless ho is very rich or is will
ing to remain very poor. This kind of
twaddle is BO much in vogue that it will
probably seem heresy to take any other
view of the case , but bearing in mind
the innumerable stories of beating and
mutilation , and even murder , inlYictod
upon women by drunken and ugly hus
bands , it scorns to be about time to stait
n crusade to bring about n resolve on thu
part of women not to get married. They
run about twenty timea as much risk in
biicli an operation as the man does , and
if the latter cannot "aft'ord" to take unto
himself a wife , the majority of women
can well afl'ord , on their part , to remain
binglo. Within twenty ywarn wo predict
thut clubs for women , and an increased
independence in earning a llvolihood.nnd
a pencral better statin for tinmarnoa
women , will result in a serious dimum-
lion of llio marriage rato. And , when
women arc not to bo got for llio asking ,
mr-n will be moro careful of them. A
little "corner" In tno marriage market
would not bo a bad thing.
A Joke WhlciiaufnortOiU a Hcollty.
Henderson ( Mo. ) Democrat : Early last
Friday morning on a Mississippi steamer
there'were added to our-company of
travelers a pair who looked very Ilko run
aways ; the Gentleman , a tall , raw-boned
specimen of the "half-horse , hnlf-aliga-
tor" class , and the lady a talr match for
him. Among the passengers from Napoleon
leon h a solemn-looking gentleman who
hns all along born taken for a preacher.
About ! ) o'clock last night I was convers
ing with the "reverend" individual when
n young man stepped up , and addressing
him remarked : "Wo'ro going to have a
wedding and would like lo have you ofll-
clato. " "All right , sir , " he replied
laughingly , and wo stepped into the
ladies' cabin , whore snro enough the
couple stood waiting. There had boon
several "kissing games" and several
mock marriages cone through with dur
ing the evening , and I supposed that this
was merely a continuation of the sport ,
and so thought the preacher who 1 could
see Imd a good deal of humor in himand
was inclined to promote general good
feeling nnd merriment. The couple
stood up before him a good deal more
solemn than was necessary in mock
murringo , I thought and the "preacher- "
asked the necessary questions , and then
proceeding in the usual way announced
them "husband nnd wife. "
There was a good deal of fun after
wards , ami when it was over 1 loft the
cabin and so did llio "preacher , " who re
marked to mo that ho liked to see the
young folks enjoying themselves nnd
took a good deal of pleasure in con
tributing to their fun , but ho did not see
why they selected him to act as the
preacher. Just then some ono called mo
aside and tlio old gentleman stopped into
hi ? state-room , which was next to mino.
When 1 returned the door stood open and
thn "preacher" stood just Inside , with his
coat and vest oil * and ono boot in his
hand , talking with the gentleman who
had played the "attendant , " and who , as
I came up. remarked :
"Woll , if that's the case , It's a good
joke , for they are dead in earnest nnd
have gene to the same state-room. "
The old gentleman raised both hands
ns ho exclaimed : "Good heavens ! you
don't tell mo so ! " and rushing , just as ho
was , boot in hand , to the state-room indi
cated , commenced an assault ou tlio door
as if ho would break it down , exclaiming
at each lick :
"For heaven's sake remember 1 ain't a
preacher ! "
The whole cabin was aroused , every
state-room Hying open with a slam , when
the door opened and the "Arkansas
traveler , " poking out his head , coolly re
marked :
"Old boss , you're too late. Guess we'll
stay hitched1 ! '
Views or a Jlnslmml Trainer.
Chicago Lodger : We've been talking
with a woman who has trained several
husbands , and is now a candidate for an
other trial as a gooil wife. She makes
sonio observations , gained from her
varied experience , that are valuableand ,
as this is the bridal season , wo think
She says it is easy enough to win a
husband ; it is morcdillicult to keep him.
That any attractive little dumpling with
bright eyes and a coaxing voice may
gather in a noble husband.
She insists that noble husbands arc
thicker than red noses on a toboggan
slide , but it takes a master hand to draw
out that nobility and keep it at homo.
It requires soothing , she says , but iitlin
wife understands her business she can
direct things so that her husband will
think it delicious when she asks him to
bring up a scuttle of or got up in the
middle of the night to kill a burglar.
She says it is useless to try to describe the
magic power a devoted wife may exercise -
ciso over her husband. Her logic con
tends that there is somchingin the great ,
rough , earnest nature of a man that can
be won quicker and easier witli gentle
ness and tender steak than by a billions
course of broom-handle reasoning
with bread and milk diet.
A husband with such a wife will not
think that because ho gets up to warm
the baby's milk near the lire , or to jook
for burglars , and is otherwise obedient ,
it is because ho has no backbone. It is
simply because he is the husband of the
woman of whom ho ought to be and is
Young ladies , if you expect to marry yon do yon must draw
your own conclusions. This widow is
certainly a clover woman. She is not
especially a sweet-minded woman , nor a
superior creature. Sim simply studies
her husbands , learns all their idiosyn
crasies , and acts with nil'cctionato dis
None MulCirls With Money.
Panama Star and Heiaid : Marriageable
girls in Bolivia will probably serenade
thu members of the present assembly.
In most countries these gentlemen would
become decidedly unpopular among the
lair sex , and would find few partners
when inclined to dance. Tlioy would
also have the majority of the omcors ot
any army against them. They have
passed a law which should result in a
revolution of some sort or other , which
reads as follows : "No ollicer , fioin the
rank of sub-lieutenant to captain , will bo
allowed to marry , unless he can prove
that tlio lady with whom ho wishes to
marry possesses a dowry of at least
$1,000 , , " This seems a now order of pro-
ccduro. Holivian legislators express a
poor opinion of their oliicers in thus
coolly throwing the onus of their support
on the weaker sex. "Fortune hunters"
uru , despised in most countries , hut hero
wo Iind that in a republic all the sub
alterns are compelled to become fortune
hunters or remain single. Legislators in
Bolivia want the women to support the
warriors. Novel legislation , which
nut be productive ot good results.
At n Deuciiilior Wctldlnc ,
Harper's Ha/ar ; At a recent December
wedding the bridesmaids carried largo
bunches of holly with glossy leaves and
red berries , the llowera then in season ,
lust as the eldest sister of this bride clioso
Easter Idles1 for her maidens in Easter
week. For the mid-winter wedding the
ten ushers wore white hyacinths for bou
tonniercs , white satin scarfs and pearl
scarf pins ; their pearl colored gloves hail
wide stitching in pearl color , ami weie
precisely like thosu worn by the groom ,
The bride carried a pr.iyer book with
soft white leather cover and a "posy" of
long stemmed Parma violets. Her gown
was of white silk muslin over satin , the
tulle veil had a white lace border. In
stead of Mil patterns of pearl beading on
nut modistes now bead the wedding
gown after they are cut out , sowing pen
dant pearls on net for slnoves and panels ,
nnd sometimes adding a wide bor
der of pearl on the train.
Tasteful dresses for bridesmaids are
of largo meshed Brussels net with
the Y shaped neck simply edged with
white feather-edged watered ribbon two
inches wide , laid in its full width , and
having a bow on the left shoulder. The
net sleeves are a single pull' , reaciiing to
the elbow , and there should bo n sash of
very wide watered ribbon.
Wlicro tlio Fair Sox IB In Dciunml.
There are 110 Ic s than 30,000 bachelors
in Montana , kn says nn enthusiastic resi
dent , and every ono of them is in need of
a \ \ ifo. These young fellows have no
time to ffo courting thenioelves , and
much of that sort of thing is done by
proxy. They are entirely too busy
amassing fortunes , either at sheep-hord
ing , CRttlc-growinff , or mining , in which
at least 80 per cent of them are bound to
bccomo millionaires sooner or later.
There is the greatest possible need in
Montana for young girls and maidens ,
old women nnd old maids , lee , for that
matter , each and every ono of whom
would fill a long-felt want. Domestics
arc in nlcjh demand.
For Knanncinent Rlngq.
Boston Glebe ! The ancients attributed
marvelous properties to many of the
precious stones besldo the opal. A par
ticular stone was regarded as sacred to
cnch month of the year , a meaning or
language was given to cnch , and it was
supposed that good luck and prosperity
would bo insured to thobo who were con
stantly the slono belonging to the month
in which they were born. It is still cus
tomary among lovers find friends to
notice the signllicancn nllnclied to the
various stones in making birthday , en
gagement and wedding presents.
The stones sacred to the different
months and the language of each are ns
follows :
January , garnet ; constancy and fidel
ity in every engagement.
February , amethyst ; a preventive
against violent passions ,
March , bloodslonc ; courage , wisdom ,
nml firmness in nllllction.
April , diamond ; denotes faith , inno
cence and virginity.
May , emerald ; discovers false friends ,
and insures true love.
Juno , agate ; insures long llfo , health
nnd prosperity.
July , ruby ; discovers poisons and cor
rects evils resulting from mistaken
August , sardonyx ; insures conjugal
Scptemben , ' "sapphire ; frees from en
chantment , and denotes repentance.
October , opal ; denotes hope , nnd
sharpens the sight aud faith of utho pos
November , topaz ; fidelity and friand-
ship , and prevents bad dreams ,
December , turquols ; gives success , es
pecially in love.
fc'Among other stones the moonstone
protects from harm and danger ; the hch-
otropo or : bloodstone enables ono to
walk invisible ; the pearl is an emblem
of puiity , and gives clearness to mental
and physical sight ; nnd the cat's-oyo en
riches the wearer.
n Doctor.
M. Quad in Detroit Free Press : There
are a good many features about that
throat disease called quinsy. You can
novcr mistake it for the small-pox , nnd
you never havc-a suspicion that you may
have fallen from the roof of a third-story
building and broken forty or more bones
in your-body. You go to bed feeling in
excellent spirits and willing to pay 120
cents on the dollar. Soon after mid
night as soon after as the ailment can
make it convenient -yon wake up with a
horrible back ache and a bad chill. Yon
needn't flatter yourself that you are com
ing down with diphtheria , typhoid fever
or some other disease which will cause
your friends to anxiously inquire if you
have made your will and own a lot in
Elmwood. You are simply booked for a
fourteen days' wrestle with a common ,
onu-horso atFair , and the sooner you set
tle down to it the better for all con
You may gargle all the gargles over in
vented , but tlio throat grows worse. For
two or three dajs the doctor can place
the handle of a spoon on your tongue and
gel a sight of what is behind'ml.\ousud-
Jcnly discover in your mad career that
you have "shut your head. " The jaws
have taken a great liking to eacli other
and the doctor has to quit. Then you 11
turn to llaxsi'od poultice. It doesn't do
anybody good as anybody can saj' , but
you'll try it. Furthermore , you'll get a
hot compound of hop- > and vinegar and
try steaming. That never helped any
body , but it's fashionable to try it. All
the irlands nnd eouls and tendons from
the car down to tlio shoulder begin to
tighten up , the crevice between your
teeth closes at last , and there you aro.
If some butcher cart hasn't run
overyou and knocked some of your teeth
out it won't bo any use to try soups and
gruels. If you've got two or three places
where the gruel can sneak in you'll pres
ently wish you hadn't. Every time YOU
swallow you are lifted sixteen inches oil'
the chair , and it's a health lift which you
get tired of after three or four attempts.
The other day when my eyes were
swollen nearly shut , my jaw "sot , " every
gland and cord as sore as a boil and my
windpipe nearly closed , the doctor looked
mo over and made a little speech. I shall
remember his every word for the next
hundred years. He said :
"Well , something has got to be done.
Your throat lias got to bo lanced. I've
been expecting for a day or two that it
would come to this. "
And ho lay back in his chairand licked
his chops yes , sir , smacked his lips like
a boy eating a ricii plumes !
" \os , I'll bo nn after dinner , " he con
tinued , sighing heavily to think he
wasn't equipped then. "You'd better lie
down and prepare yourself. "
1 tumbled into bed , wondering if I'rov-
denco would take him oil' during the
forenoon , and slept to dream that I was
on a dissecting table and twelve medical
students were carving away at my body.
Providence spared thu doctor. Ho dulii't
even have a narrow escape. Ho was on
hand soon alter dinner , a smile of satis
faction on his face , and ho was followed
by a mock-looking young man whom he
introduced as a medical student.
"Now. " said the doctor , "don't got ex--
cited. Wo shall first chloroform you ! "
I tried to groan , but it was only a
wliec/.e something like a summer's gale
blowing into an old oyster can.
"And then wo shall wedge your jaws
apart. Here are thn pine wedges to do
it. It will , of course , bo a couple of
weeks before the cords and glands got
over the ollect , but there's no way of get
ting around it. "
1 tried to groan .somo more , nnd the
doctor laughoj. Ho said it reminded
him of the blgh of a tired lioiso as ho lay
down to rust.
"Didn't have time to sharpen this lance
at home , " ho wont on , as ho began to
hone it on a strop. "If you wore a wo
man you would bo .squeamish , but as it is
you won't caro. I expect to lance it in
about three places. It ought to relieve
you at oueo , but it will bo MHHU daybo -
tore tlu ) cut heals up. Uoad about Lo
gan's death , I presume ? Sav , James ,
get him that rocker. Did you bring tlio
chloroform up ? Pour it on this handker
chief and hold it to his no = o until you see
that ho is gone. Whore's the wedges and
hammer ? Now como with your hand "
Something down my throat gave a
throb and a twist and a , open llow
my jaws , and out came the quinsy with n
"You you wretches ! " I gasped , find
ing my voice for the first time in live days.
"Now , James , just see there ! " ov-
claimed the doctor in tones of mingled
disgust and despair. "Just see what no's
gone and done ) Hero was the llncst case
Pvo had in six monthsand IIU'H gone and
busted it ! i felt in my IJOIHM that I
ought ( o have collared him this forenoon ,
and here's the proof. James , we will
KO. "
"Doctor , shall I nso any gargle ? " I
called after him.
"Humph ! "
"And will you come in to-morrow ? "
Hut lie never turned or spoke. He
walked down stairs as still'as a poker ,
climbed into his cutter like a martyr , and
when once ho had the lines he woke thu
old horse up with the whip until ho made
a mile in two and a half. He hasn't boon
near me since. I expect hu's greatly put
out , and that ho hopes I'll have a relapse ,
but did I do anything to him ? Am 1 to
blame that ho left hU wedges and ham
mer behind.
An Ever Discreet We Too Seldom Moot , a
Qnoon Among Qncens Young Qirl ,
The Worries or AVoincu nml How to
lessen Them Woman's nifjlits In
Cnnndn niut Knnchcs in Cnl-
Iforula Gossipy Notes.
The Model Aincrioan Olrl.
A practical , plain youne clrl ;
JS'ot nfralil-ot-the-ralnyouiiR plrl ;
A poetical posy.
Arutldynmlioiy ,
A hclpct-ot-sdl j OUDK girl.
At-lioinc-ln-lior-i > laoe youiiK Rlrl {
A noviT-w Ill-lace younsrfilrl ;
A teller seicno ,
A llfo pure and cloin ,
A prlncess-of-pfaco young girl.
A wcnr-her-own-linlr yountr drl ;
A frct'-foin-a-staro young slrl ;
Impiovt's every hour ,
No sickly sumlowcr ,
\veaUh-of-iare-scuso young girl.
Plontv-ot-room-ln-hor-sliocs yonnc clrl ;
No liiilulijci-ln-bliu's young Rill ;
Not n batij ; on her brow ,
To fraud not n bow ,
Sho'snjiist-vvhat-slio-scems young girl.
Not a remlcr-ot-trasli voting girl ;
Not a chcnHowelcd-flnsli young girl ;
Not a slppur of nun ,
Not a cliower of KUIH ,
Aniaivcl-of-sciiso young girl.
An carly-rctlrlne vounc girl ;
An active , aspiring young girl !
A morning at Iscr ,
A dandy dlspiscr ,
A progressive , American girl.
A lovci-of-pro e young girl :
Not a tmn-iin-your-nosa young ghl ;
Not irivcu to splutter ,
Not 'utterly tutor , "
But a matter-of-fact young girl.
A rightly-ambitious young girl ;
Jtcil-iliH-itiost-dollcIous young giilj
A sparkling clear eye.
That H.IVS " 1 vslll try.1'
A suiC'to-succtod joiing girl ,
An honestly-courting young girl ;
A ncvcr-scpn-lllitlne joung ghl ;
A nutot and pure ,
A modest , demure ,
A fit-for-a-wlfo young girl.
A sought-ovcrywlicro young girl ;
A fulure-most-fnir young gill ;
An evoi-tllscreot ,
Vo too seldom meet
This quecn-among-queensyoung girl ,
of JLiltcrary Women.
New York Mail and Express : "It is
said that actresses have superstitions and
vagaries in a more marked degree than
any other women , " said an old littera
teur to a Mail and Express writer. "Hut
that is a fallacy which should bo cx-
pluilutl ; it docs them a great injustice.
Literary women have more oddittos than
any class. New York is the homo ot a
majority of women who desire to live by
their pen , unit in no other city can they
be studied to better advantage. Many of
them bellovo in iheosophy , transmigra
tion of the soul into animals , pantheism ,
Moh'immcdanism , nthcism , evolution ,
ami many other isms that place them out
of the pale of Christianity. Hut they arc
not orthodox even in what they profess to
believe , and have many queer ideas and
notions in connection with their religious
faith. Now I know a young woman wheat
at times is a charming' writer who imag
ines that her soul several hundred years
ago inhabited the body of a great gen
eral. Her theory is that the soul never
goes to another world and becomes a
spirit , but merely leaves the casket or
body of one person at death to iind a
homo in another just born. By this means
the immortality of the soul is explained.
Her idea i.s that at times , bv some frealc ,
the soul or life principle in a dog gets
into the body of a man mid produces a
monitor. No man , she argues , can over
become immortal until his soul has been
refined and punliod by inhabiting for
several centuries tlio body of a woman.
The inconsistency ot such a belief is ap
parent , but no amount of reasoning can
convince her that nature works on a
more original soul plan than the one she
believes in. This woman is practical out
side of this crotchet.
"People can bo great and have peculiar
beliefs. General Stonewall Jackson
thought that eating black pepper gave
him rheumatism in his loft leg. Another
literary woman , who pt'rlmps ' is destined
to make a stir within a few years , is an
out-and-out atheist. Yet she goes to
church and believes that number thirteen
is a bad number ; that Lto turn back when
once started on a journey is bad juck ; and
when the left car burns a friend is talking
about her. She can begin with Aristotle
and I'lato , and by ingenious reasoning
show that these worthy ancient philos
ophers wore simply beautiful talkers and
did not believe what they preached. She
thinks Empcdoclcs the wisest man of the
ancients because ho jumped into the cra
ter of Vesuvius to make his followers
think he had ascended to hea\en. Mine.
Hlavatsky converted several to her be
lief in theosophy , and they still relate
wonderful things of that disciple of
( iautama ,
"One woman who can turn out three
or four bright articles per day firmly be
lieves that she lw already boon in the
Nirvana htato tor over a thousand years
and has just come upon earth for a brief
period before going buck again. She as
serts that Edwin Arnold , the author of
' Asia ' is and hold
the 'Light of , a seer
spiritual communication with ( iantama
in older to get inspiration to write the
'Great Renunciation. ' This woman has
children and they attend Sunday school
regularly. The father , however , is or
thodox and thinks Gautama and his
Nirvana a humbug. Many female writ
ers , especially those who drop into po-
etrv.imagino they rccmvo spiritual inspi
ration from authors who have long been
dead. 1 could mention one vvho o name
is frequently in the papers , who firmly
believes she receives material aid from
the other world. Strange , too , with this
belief she i.s not at all superstitious about
signs or omens. She mis been sadly
clupod by several notorious mediums
whom the press has exposed , yet she has
faith in the ability ot CGI turn persons to
trot a ghost out at any momnnt when the
lights are turned down ami the audience
away from the stage 1 attribute many
of the eccentricities in female writers to
the fact that they try to keep up their
physical animation by the tree use of
htlmulants. A gentleman had a daugh
ter who was writing a novel. She grew
paler and thinner every day , but scorned
to haven wondcifu ! amount of anima
tion at times , especially about the time
Kliu sat don to write. Ho was at a loss.
how to account for it , as she took little
exercise. One day Ids wifu confessed to
him that the daughter was using stimu
lants freely to assist inspiration , bho
said the ( laughter had road that Ouida ,
who was almost a sMuton , used stimu
lants to got up steam to linish u uouil ,
and why not emulate that successful
writer ? The stinmlant'rock T advise all
women writers to avoid. Have your
isms , your superstitions' , yoiiroinoiis , and
your vagaries , butahun liquid inspiration.
The namoi of tho.-.o women ? O , no ; 1
would botnv contiil J co if 1 divulged
their names. "
Women's Worries.
Chicago Tribune. If you are of a norv-
ous. excitable teiiipormont ponder upon
these lines , fr.-sh Irani the ready pen of
Lady John Manners "Certain worries
are supposed to belong specially to
women. The management of servants
\i \ sometimes considered very diflicult It
used to bu said , 'A good mistress imlkes a
rv coed servant , ' ami undoubtedly kind-
nr. s and consideration always draw people
ple together , oven when in different po
sitions. Though wo should save our
selves much worry by once for all rccoc-
nizinp that no one is perfect , yet I think
that by studying our servants1 little pecu
liarities wo may hope to avoid the fre
quent Changes which are so trying. For
instance , if wo have any reason to think
that n servant's memory Is defective , it Is
a very good ruin to give ovcry order In
writing. Indeed , irmnv pcoplo muko a
point of wilting orders for their carriages
and horses ; ana I remember a gentleman
who thoroughly understood the art of
dining ) who always had a slate beside him
at dinner on wliich ho wrote any remarks -
marks ho wishes to make for the chef. I
knew a cook-housekeeper in n family
which was unavoidably rather harum-
scarum , sudden orders being sometimes
given for many additional places at the
table. The orders were given by word
of month , but that remarkable woman
never made a mlstakp during the many
years I know her. Wlicn complimented
one day on her peed memory she pointed
to a slate on which she always wrote
every detail nl once. Perhaps some of
us women hayo too great a tendency to
adore our friends and worry them , ns
well as ourselves , oy being too demon
strative and expecting too much in 10-
turn for our attachment. Always let your
presence bo desired , was the advice given
by a man of the world to a lady anxious
to keep her friends. Always treat your
friend as if he might bccomo your enemy ,
and your enemy as if ho might some day
bo your friend , is n maxim that would
save much heartburning. Among minor
worries dress certainly Is one to some
women. Hut if wo remember that every
period of llfo has its own charm I think
this anxiety would bo lessened. To deli
cate persons the little precautions essen
tial to preserve health arc of ten very wor
rying ; but if they recollect how precious
their health is to lo\ing friends they
would probably rccognl/.o that in taking
care of themselves they are sparing
much anxiety to others. The warm wrap
may bo taken by the delicate person in
order to spare friends anxiety ; while per
haps the busy man of letters will lake
more exorcise for health's sake if ho
knows that these who love him will bo
grateful to him for so doing. "
Womnti SHfTrnKO In Cnnatln.
Toronto Globe : Experience is showing
that the woman's vote is hcnscforth to bo
reckoned as a powcriul factor in the
election of municipal councils and school
trustees. Tor good or for evil this vole is
a great fact. It is hero , and it is hero to
stay. More than that , wo think that very
finv will hesitate in saying that in so far
as it has been tried it hasTbcon lor good.
Of course a good many woman will give
their votes unreasoningly and without
intelligence. Hut is this not also the
case with a great number of men ?
There Ss no fear of the possession of
the franchise either unsexing woman or
leading them to neglect their families ,
the more copccially as it so happens , as
the law now stands , that many of those
who have votes have no families , and in
many cases may not oven bo household-
era.Of course it is often attempted to
frighted the timid by telling of all the
logical and terrible "consequences likely
to llovv from such a concession The
question is not one of consequences but
of right , and if it is right and fair that
women who pay taxes should have a
voice in their disposal , as wo certainly
think it is , then let them receive not the
concession but that right , lot the consequences
quences behat they may.
llio Woman of Corfu.
Imagine , for example , this lady clad in
a voluminous gown of blue satin worked
with ilowers , with a white lace covering
over her shoulders ; an enormous head
dress of white muslin girt by a vast
wreath of natural pink roses and orange
blossoms , with ponderous gold earrings
reaching to her shoulders ; necklace and
bracelets of gold , ami a thorough breast
plate of antique goldsmith's work. She
is a marvelous spectacle , and sits still
with her brown eyes in a IKod stare ,
moving only when absolutely necessary ,
and then with the utmost care lor her
decorations. Other ladies have towering
coilVures ot white and crimson ; diessos
of blue , scarlet or green , and silver
buckles in their shoes ; and they arc all
dotted with bits of gold. Another pic
turesque detail is the old Greek feminine
headdress of a crimson skull-cap with a
! old coronal , from which a thick gold
tassal hangs at one side. Civilization has
ousted this pretty and becoming head-
; lress from Athens and the Greek cities.
Corfu merits the moro praise , theicfore ,
For preserving it. Nothing could better
liarmoni/.o with the regular features
which are still a characteristic of the
native Greeks. The Corlioto woman ,
liowcvor , hcein to have moro in common
with the southern Italians than with the
Women on California Knuclies.
Mrs. M. V. Gorton , in Hrooklyn Maga-
//mis : The woman often sliow the wear
and tear of their isolated positions , with
out compensating social interests , moro
than do the men , who are .surrounded by
iiien interested in the same pursuits. Love
of Inxuroiis clothing amounts to a pas
sion in the women ot all classes. About
their homes they go dressed as elegantly
as in the fashionable streets ot ban
Francisco. This is the result of the wish
of husbands , sons and fathers , for the
MSihle display ot tlieir wealth speedily
shown. Too hurried to build the good
homes which they need , all ru-hirig along
the heated raco-cour.s-e that leads to sudden -
den wealth , they deck their women as a
means ol establishing their claims to so
cial importance , and to compensate them
for the real hardships of llieir lonely
lives during much of the time.
The icligioiis , educational and moral
tone of the community is largely uphold
by women , anil a reverential bearing is
adopted toward them , which is beautiful
ami very gratifying without doubt. 1 ho
immense si/.u of the ranches , however ,
tends to isolation , and the maddening
monotony of the llfo is very trying to the
moral stamina ono day is very much
like another for months during the heated
term , day after day , week after week.
Sunday included. With the
neighbors live miles awav. what cheer is
to bo found in the last Parisian styles ,
eighteen months late : or in tlger's-oyo
jewels in bracelets and broaches , all the
way from the Capo of liood Hope and
"loo lovely for anything , " just sent as
the latest thing out ot Tiflimy's ; or a
ohasi'd silver tea-service , with ac'oom-
panymg pottery of the Doulton make ; era
a lovely pug , King Charles , with trap
pings to match the Parisian suits , when
the jewels- and dresses are to bu seen only
by the Chinese cook and Mexican and
Indian vacqnoros , neither of whom can
speak ten consecutive words In English ;
and the tea-sorvico to be used on a pine
table built in the dining-room , ungraceful
as a golhio death's-head and cross-bones ;
or of a King Charles , when there is not
even ono feminine heart to bo wrenched
"by the black beak of ouv.yv"
Women In
Much has been written lately regard
ing the reason why there are no great
female composer * . The following IdtiU
may throw some light on the matter :
There can bo no doubt that , in other
arts besides music , women hu\o achieved
but litthi that can lay claim to immortal
fame. Perhaps the principal reason of
thU is that their ailections are too exclu
sively personal. A girl vvdl assiduously
practice on the piano a ? long us that will
assist her in fascinating hoc suitors. Hut
how many women outside the ninks oi
teachers continuo their praotico after
marriage from the impersonal love of
music itself * Needless to say they have
no tirno , for ovcry hour devoted to emo
tional refreshment stroncthons the nerves
for two hours extra labor.
No doubt tlicro Is something coralo in
the ardent afl'oction with which n pro
fessor hugs his pot theory regarding the
Greek dative , or the origin of honey in.
flowers , and In the ferocity with wnloh
ho defends it against his best friends , if
they happen to oppose it , Hut such com
plete devotion to abstract theories is ab
solutely necessary to the discovery of
oriffinnl Ideas ; ami as woman are rarely
able or willing tocmcrco from the haunts
of personal emotion , this explains why
they have achieved proatnc.s in hardly
anyjart but novel writing , which ischlclly
concerned with personal emotions.
Among great performers , on the ether
hand , there nro as many talented women
as men , if not moro. Hut It is a fact that
oven the best lady pianists seldom learn
to Improvise in nn interesting manner.
A malicious bachelor has suggested that
if , in teaching harmony , the chords were
made personal by calllngthcm "Charley"
and "William" instead of "tonic" and
"dominant , " women would soon learn to
inprovlso charmingly.
GonMp Tor ttio Imdlos.
Little Itliodo Island has 11,000 moro
women than men.
Eleven American maidens aio now en
gaged to marry foreign titles.
Twenty-eight of the thirty-nine count
ies of Washington tenHory have elected
women as school superintendents ,
Mrs. Hannah Enston has loft to Char
leston , S. C. , the sum ot $100,000 for the
purpose of "making old ago comfortable. "
The first candidate for admission to
Hrown University under the now rule
admitting women is a graduate of Provi
dence high school.
Caroline W. Hal ) , daughter of the
Hoston architect , Joan 11. Hall , recently
received a medal at the Academy of Fine
Arts , Milan.
Mrs. Ilachol Francis , who died recently
in Atlanta , ( Jo. , left about $ yo,000 , which
she had made mostly from her dairy and
truck farm.
Laura Hrldgeman , the wonderful blind
woman , has returned to the Institute for
the blind at South Boston. Slio is now
nearly lifty-sovony oars of ago.
Among the many pursuits which have
been invented for women a German in
vention consists In the task of going from
house to house and dusting and watering
the drawing-room Ilowers and plants ,
which are too often neglected.
A lady student took the first place at
the first professional examination ot the
Koyal College of Surgeons in Ireland ,
recently hold in Dublin. She is now at-
tcnding the wards of ono of the Dublin
clinical hospitals in company with the
ordinary class of students.
The founder of kindergarten schools
in California is Mrs. Sarah 15. Cooper of
San Francisco. IWamly by her own
energy she aroused interest on the sub
ject and has built up nearly a score of
Nourishing schools. Mrs. Stanford binco
the death of her son has generously endowed
dewed several such institutions.
What woman may do is aptly shown by
Signora Enfcrma Uralam-lJini , the well-
known contralto singer , who has by dili
gent training converted her voice to a ,
perfect tenor and is singing tenor roles in
St. Petersburg. This opens the way for
women eventually to sing bass , and from
singing bass to the ballot-box is but a
step. Truly allairs are brightening.
The Prussian State railways have for
some lime past employed women ai
guards at crossings.Vorlcconsists chiefly
of the closing aiid opening of the bars
and the lighting and sweeping of cro sings -
ings , and the women in most cases are
the wives or widows of guards. Their
pay is from twelve to twenty cents per
day.A .
A winsome centenarian , .who o hand
some face has but lew wrinkles and whoso
intellectual faculties are still undimmed
is Mis J. ithcrspoon Smith of New
Orleans. Her husband was a grandson
of John \ \ ithorspoon , a signer of the
declaration of independence , and ono of
her nephews was John C. HrccKinridgc
of Kentucky.
Haltic Davis has started a new industry
lor enterprising women. She goes to a
small town and la\s siege to the heart ot
some susceptible man. If all goes well
she contrives to have a speedy marriage
announced and then skips the day before
the ceremony with all the presents and
the wardrobe which she manages to ob
tain on credit. She has worked the
scheme successfully inscveral Now York
In Philadelphia women make a crooil
living as professional "lampcis. " They
contract to call each day and trim and
keep in perfect order the Jainps of the
household. The nifital , I he chimneys , the
shades , and the wicks are kept immacu
late and the oil can fresh , arid the relief
to the average housoheep < ir is worth
moro than the slight fee required.
In Sacramento two rivals for llio hand
of Sadie Hemmel settled their claims oya
game of poker. She had bjou unable lo
decide between them and finally agreed to
abide the result of the game. All three
got into a wagon and started for a drive.
On the wav they halted and the girl held
the horses "while the game was played. It
resulted in favor of J. U. Humphrey , and
Sadie took him for boiler or worse.
The oldest old maid in the world , a
woman named Honoltc. has been discov
ered at Audi , in France. She is 109 years
old , born the year before our declaration
of independence. She was grown up
when Napoleon passed through her na
tive village , and the hundred years seem
only a little while ago to bur.
Every year the municipal authorities
in Paris award a pn/.o of 100 to the
most meritorious , best conducted , nml
cleverest ypnntr needlewoman , to enable
her to establish herself tis n dressmaker.
As may well bo supposed , the candidates
nro numerous enough. A Mile. Eugenia
Hrcton has juit succeeded in carrying off
the prizo.
Mine. Una Morgonstcrn states , in her
"Almanach dcs Damns. " that there lira
COO women writers In Germany , Of these
thirty are at Dresden , twenty at Leipzig ,
seven at Stuttgart.tifty at Vienna , eighty
at Herlin , twelve at Cnsscl. Hanover and
Frankfort-on-tiio-iMain. The remainder ,
among whom are many princesses ami
countesses , arc disseminated iu the small
towns and provinces ,
Mrs. Clarissa Ka.vmond of Wilton Is the
oldest woman in Connecticut. She will
bo 105years old next April.and this Is her
dally dclicato diet : Forbrcakcst she likes
to have weak colloo , broad , coke , nml
buckwheat cakes , lloiled potatoes nml a
cup of tea make up her usual dinner ,
but as she Is fond of condiments the po
tatoes are well seasoned with salt.puppori
and plenty of vinegar. Supper Is her
light meal just broad and butter and hard
cider. Mrs. Raymond likes cider , and she
likes it hard. 'I ho beverage warms her up
ami puts life into her and makes her
feel young again.
SutTarcil Fearfully it ml Cm ml.
Mr. Jerry I * . Thoma * . rro < Metit of tlm
Gourd Club , Contnil 1'nrk Hotel , Mull
Blrect nml 7th avenue , Now York , will c i
"l.uit summer I cufloivj foarfnlljltli
ncurnleln iinil could not pet 11115rott ,
nUht or tiny I trim ! St. .Incoln Oil nnij
obtnlniJ tlio fitnl night's ra t lu VYODk *
ami was cured. "
SnfTorcil 10 Yuars ami Cured.
I'ottatovvn , fa ,
I liavo been n sufferer from iionnilcla
for ten jenri : tried nil kinds of retnndlot
wllliout roller , mid h id chun upnll liono
I tried n boltloot s | .IneolmOII. ami It
lion affected Piieli wondeiful relief , I roo-
ommcml It to nil. C11A.S , LAW , Jn.
HufTcreil Z Yours and Cmcil.
noonovlllo , Mo.
Tor tlio lnt fUn yeiui 1 suffeied ilninrt-
fully from ncuralKia nnd nnrunin pain lu
myliend. It nffeeled my fneo and eCJ.
FO Unit nt times 1 \ > ns mmlilo tonttend
tonnywork. I procured n boltlo of St.
Jncolx Oil nt onco. nnd nftor the tlrnt np-
plication to tlio ufToctocl parts , I full In- relief. I consider M .Inuolii oil
the bo < t remedy for ln lnntnnooin relief
of ner > ous und neuralgia twins , mid \\lll
hcro.iftcr IIOUT bo without It.
SnD'orcd Seicrnl Ycnrb Cured ,
Mn MnryK Sheod , lllOMnrylntid Ave ,
Washington , n. O , stnto * , for KOV-
oral \enrs cho Imd sttfturcd tnrrllily with nourulcln nml could Iind no roll of.
In n recent nttiiek , ( ho pain wm Intenso.
She tenolvoil tolrySt Jacobs oil Hub-
lilnjf the parts nrtutted three times only ,
nil pnluanlshcd , nnd has not returned.
TnEl'IIAItl.nS A.VOGI.U2IICO .nalllmorc Mil.
aUECUAltI.LBA.VOUEM.UC0.11alllmcrfJ. :
And Loi'ars ' of WolS-Bred Horses
AUi AlmontiU , let dniu OiiTimoby
OltlKNTAI.NO. 1W ! > . b > Alinont T.iiflilnlnir , ho
liy Alnuint 3,1 , 11 diini KentticKy Central ,
uconPJ : ' . ! ! : t-lml bv llnl-nrn , ho by Alux-
nniler'fl Abdnllnli , Biro ol AlmontJ.I.
ItKGAIiUrr. hroHii mm o , and jciiilinw lllly , by
All'Ilnm , I.IH ! duo to foal April 17tlilS87 ,
to All 'I lino.
CAUHY WOOliVVOIlTH , blown imuo , by All
Tlmo , 1st < biin lie ahitl.
NHIJUASIvA ( T.NTUAI. , cliubtnut roll , two bind
loot vrbltu , Hind by Oilumnl HUH , 1st diun
Cnrr > Wooduoitli : L'nd. llejrnlutt. Ho Is
ono of tlio llnpst colts I Inuo rnlsod.
r/AJIIIiHTINi : : . buy colt , shed by All 'iltnc , 1st
dam llosmli'tl.
DOMjY UIJHD. ilnrk bny lllly. fouled In ' 81 ,
Hired \ ) \ OrlonUil.lbt iliiiu l.iuly All Tlmo ,
bv A II 'rime.
ANMli f CAM INOIIOHN , dinb buy lllly. fouled
in 'HI , slrul by Oriental. 1st flam by Kill
iind by Volunteer Chlot , ho by Volunteer
Tor tull particulars , dhcct to '
Guru of Onmlia Merchant's Express Co.
MK. ;
Tlio abov a stock can bo seen nt any tlmo , on
20th St. , One JJIock North of Lake St.
If tlio oSln11loii8 nronot Hold Ihoy will in nun
the Bi-asoa ol ' 7 nl the above pluco All Tlmo nt
G-enl. Insurance Agent
And Heal Hstuto Hrokur ,
lloom lOriiljfhMu Itloclc , Oniahii. Inmirnnco' )
M i lltua In lollulilo companion InUopondcut ol
boa ul ju't'H.
Makes and Sells
These Goods.
Millar d Hotel Block , Omaha.
Callutour bUMOMimfitl uJxi Imtrol " ( 'HPHIIKI ) OAT.MKAI , " liHlfonUa plain , lirnlth-
fnl diet , nirroounlo In Hie tnsto.miil ileh In iniirlhliinoiil Cooks In 15 inliiiiloi , nml IH lur
bolter thminiii Oalincnl piopiuod lj the old luocosd. Hue tiulow how Inr > ou cuu muko u
! ! . | Poncho * . . . . fi 00 JOCmis MiiBt.u.1 Hurdlnes . . ( I 00
1111,1.3 . ( JrunuUti-il hnnni IJ I l.isJiH.nirJ . > tt J
IsH.ta.iliiiKcrHnapa 1 00 H , Tnploca . J DO
Tim M\Y : t ASH < .no ( im : iioisic ,
WARREN V. BHOV/N , N. E. Corner Bt. Mary's ' Ave and 10th SI. , Omaha
NO HI.xuji in" rni7.isi iviitY : VIIAK OVKII A MII.I.IOV IIISTIIIIIUIII : >
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