TWELVE THE OMAHA SUNDAY PART I. PAGES. PAGES 1-8. I I SIXTEENTH YEAB. OMAHA , SUNDAY MORNING , JANUARY 23 , 1SS7.-TWELYE PAGES , NUMBEK 219. ONLY ONE UNITED , All the English Parliamentary Parties Di vided Except the Followers of Parnoll. WHAT THE SESSION WILL SHOW Lord Handoloh to Explain His Resignation to the Pcoplo'it ' Satisfaction ! VERY LIVELY TIMES PROMISED Great Excitement in Germany Over the Elections to the Eoichstag. ALARMIST VIEWS EXPRESSED The Structure of War Ships Discussed By Experts in London. MANY IMPORTANT POINTS MADE Hicks-Beach Expresses His Opinion on the Terrihlo Glenboigh Evictions. SCENES OF TERROR DESCRIBED first Performance of'Gllbcrt nnd SulI hvau'ft Now Opera A KninouH Uujj- llsli Portrait Painter to Visit America Soon Other A Coniinniicr'H Views. trv > ) > v 'u'i'Wlii ' ' / / Joints ( lurttnii licnnelt. ] LONDON , .Jnn. SJ. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to tlm JiKH.J To the 1'dltoi : There Is no painllcl for tlio position \\hicli political pat UPS \\lll occupy , whQlher In rela tion to themselves or to each other , at tlm opening of paillnmont In the jubilee > ear. Tlio I'm nollltus now constitute tlio only sec tion ablu to boast that they nrn united. Tlio liberal divisions nro deeper than uvoi and would not bu settled o\en if Chambuilaln entered Into a tomiiorniy treaty at the conference. Tim basis of the confer ence , whatever jou may hear to the contrary , rests upon tlio proposal to bhelvo hoiuu riilu for n given pet ted , provided tlio liberal inlnlslcis consent to act with Glai's'ono dining the Interval. Iho 1'iiinellitesould accept this , hiving no bettei terms to looi ; foi Irom tlm other sldo ; but Martinson , and at least seventy out of tlm so\enti-lho dissentients , would decline to bo bound by any such airangcmciit. Con sequently , Chambcilaln would go back almost alone , and tlio treaty would miss liio altogether. Clrcnuistanccswill drive Hart- Innton more and mote lo the conservatives. Tlm lu k of the unionists will follow him. Llhcial diflcicnccs are , thorefoie , Irreconcil able. TiiniATixrn : : cox nnv viivnspr IT. But now another complication of most serious moment comes Into play. It will soon be quite Impossible fortlmconseivnthcs Hint a serious split Is Impending in theii own party In consequence of tlm Ipccullai incl- dents attending it. You ha\obrcn told that Chmchlll Is cntiiely to blame ; that ho acted In a lit of petulance : spoiled by popularity , cte. One side is good till tlm other side is heard. cm ncniu.'s COMING r.xiT.AXATiov. hold Randolph's explanation next Thurs day will inesent his case in different as pect. Tlio public \ \ \ \ ] find ho resigns on pilnclplcs of tlm highest moment connected with li'.ullng questions of national policy , JUKI not with tlm quest Ion of economy alone. JIo objected to fuither waste of money on war picparatlons , to the reactionary ten dency In the cabinet , to n disposition to re turn to the fossill/od toijlsm of George tlm Third's reign , to the neglect of pledges solemnly given by the country , and to a dis inclination to pay duu regard to thu InteiCbts and wishes of tlm woiklng clashes. All this will como out strongly In Lord Randolph's letters to Salisbury and Akeis Donglns thuchlet con- tcivnUvo whip. 1 foi ew mil \on to pay par ticular attention to what [ may bo said about war nnd preparations for war , and to re.ul carefully between tlm lines. Kvorjtlilng cannot bu told lor soveinlieasons , but enough will bo Indicated to bhow at ono tlnm England was diifting rapidly toward war. If Chuichlll's icsignatlon pievented this and compelled the got eminent to reverse Its couibO and sail in the opposite direction , tlm countiy will not bu long In coming to tlio conclii'lon that It owes him a debt of gi.itl tuile , ms piionnnssivi : OPINIONS. Moicovei , Chniehlll has eainest opinions of tlio Impci.Uho duties and obligations of thu coiiscivativc paity toward the worklnc eludes , and the madness of becking togo\cin tlm countiy on aibtocratlc principles nnd forming mlnlstiles of the old-fashioned lauilly paitj plan. These opinions are shared bj all tlm piogresslvonminbeis of tlio party. Thev may dlller as to his leslgnation at that Mullciilai momentbut they muhcaitlly with him In his > Iovvs. Tlmy contend that the liberals hive preached economy for liftj jearu and inner piaetlced It , and that Ib high time that conservative * sho\\ed \ them how to do it. A IJIOHOt'OH ri.KANSINQ .MICPfiSAItV , 'lliu Augean stables of tlm foiel n olllte , tlm wat olllce and the admiralty must be cleaned out , and only tlm broom of modern progressive conservatism cau bo of any iibc , 'llii'-o ideas will govern the tutuie , nnd must nequiro ascondnncy in the conservative partj ortlut paity will dc.seivedly perish. Such aio tl e feelings of a no .snialfshction of consciv- ntivcs , which will undoulitcdly find expres sion before thu session Is far advanced , How ran they be bion.'lit Into harmony with tlm Hxrltislvo , nrhtociutle , re.ictloimrj sentiment pievallng In tlm present cabinet' ! It la Impossible , nnd onu might as well try to mix milk and water. It Chuichlll shows , as ho can , Hint liU objec tions were novcr falrlj met and that ho blood almost alone In the cabinet , even the discus- bion ol hit vlivts ofttu being refi.sedho , \ \ piovo th t Ms poiltiou Hit."u was. Inconsistent with hit diitjr us a man of honor , The pub- lip , misled byt' ' . I.ocdcn newspapers , most of which be oftend d by thing thonews of his lesigua'lon exclislvely to the TluiCb , vvilldulHm justice nil the more generously beiau-oof ( he undeceived odhnr. hn hasgons tl'IOI'ljll. ' O'T > I'AinV IIACK3. Or chn tjr'n'b no 5trenth "vfJia'ovLT to the emi'urv.x'ivea. ' lie ilt bo like n Muy cat In tea garret , lie never h d .my follow ers H * ( : L.s weeks to niaUr u [ > h s mind on lin > il'nl * t 01 ijust'ons ' and n ill bu u thorn ) jr , thes'Joot ' ilia pafy be re mmy weeks aru M.r. T. wlniitry bus been recoi- , < tcu : : < J'na'rjj Jrciiu old paity iak and famllv relations. No force 1m been added1 to It from any quarter. A government so constituted li scarcely in condition tocn - turc on the In/ardous enterprise of a new coercion bill. Storm and hostile winds await it as soon as It goes out of port. WHAT cm nnm.t. wn.i no. Next Thursday Churchill will a\old oppoM- tlon , nnd clvo a sort of formal notice of the fact by sitting behind the ministers , not re turning to Ids old soatbclow the gangwaj'tlic hcad-qu'irtcrs of the cuerllhs. lint the gov ernment has driven him forth , and when Its conduct Is thoroughly understood , great will bo tlm rc-nctlon in his favor. It Is probable that Churchill will go abroid soon after the meeting of parliament o that If misfortune happens to the ministry U can never ho said ho caused It 1 hear that other resignations an ; impending. A Mr.Miinn or I'A rioixcs IN nnuiiiN. Jlie nirctlnn Ijtcltrment Widespread ( iiuid Winter Sport. irntfiht ) > ] / / /S57 liv Jamr fJonfonciiilfM { / Iti.ui.iN , Jan.22. [ Now Voik Herald Cable Special to tlm Uin.J : Soveial sensational facts stand out from the hundred Ics ci inci dents In tlm war now laglni ; In tcr- ! ( many. In his nnxictv for tlm safctv of tlm "fatherland" the KaNei has abandoned tlm icserved attitude usually assumed by consti tutional monarchy. The next great fact is tlm melodramatic political rc-ontteo of Heir \onHotinlgsen. Another Is tlio fonnalcoi- litlon of the thrco Blsmircklin factions. Tlm high nnd low conseivatl\cs and thu so called national liberals have joined hands and now stand united against the elec toral onslaughts of tlm center and Deutsch frlesslnlngpaitles , the Poles. Alsatlons and social democrats. The unanimity with which I tlm ' ministerial organs , since tlio dissolution of the relchstag , have been "parading bloody shirts" and Irving to secure the nation by conjuilng up the sncctioof French revanche , would bo crotc&quo If it vvero not so danger ous. AI.AIIMIST sr.wsi'Arni : vnnvs. The Test and tlm KreuXeltung have been conspicuous in tlm alarmlbt movement. The Kretizcluing declares that lllsmarck's speech will uiovo to liavo been tlm prologue to a tragedy. Tlm National Xeltung witlch , while piosebslng Independence , leans towaid nitlonal liberalism lakes \eiy grave view c things. "In countries , " It sajs , "where tl 3 paillaincntary sjstom Is Ilitnly rooted , final decisions may bo looked for from now elections. A new ministry rcplices the old and gives elTcct to the will of the ma- joiitj ; but with us , however , d > nasties and their governments have Independent and verily great power. They can constitution ally bo no more compelled to adout decision than the rcichstag can. In other words , if no agreement is readied , there comes a con flict and tim question of right Is traiibfoimcd Into a question of might. " Tlio opinion "of tlm National Xeitting was o\pressed to mo almost in tlm samu woids tlm other day by one of tlm must notibic men of tlm opposition. It was mlghtversusright , ho said tlio army vcisus piillament. Tlm weaker , in tlm ionir run , must go to the wall , nnd , ho added gloomily , "hero pailiamcnt is not the stronger. " A Vl.mllAJf llKfllUlTP.D. Ilerr Von Uennlgson , whoso leturn to Iho fold has Idled the hearts of the national liberals with joy , will address a gieat meet ing In Hanover to-morrow. Meanwhile ho writes to mo briefly as follows : " 1 have de cided myself ready to le-cnter tlio icichstag solely because it bcnms to mu that tlm le- jection of tlm army bill threatens grave dangci to tlm political development of Gei- manv. Under such ciicumstances It is tim duty of evcrv man who lias not definitely withdiawn from active politics to put tiib shonldei to tlm wheel , llochachtungbtioll , K. Vex 15r.NNias.EN. " PAllTY W'AIl CI1IK . Apostles of all parties are pleaching , north , south , cast and west. " 1'oiwaid with ( Jed for tiutli , freedom , rlglit" shout tlm center. "Kally round tlm kaiser , " cry tlm minis- tcrialibts. "Lot us light for our own land bliriek the social democrats ; "Nobody will light for us. " WI\TIU : While tlio battle of tlm votes goes on the Itcrliners still find time to amuse them selves. SUatine and sleighing go on mer rily In Tholrgaiten lakes , and on a scoio of other lakes which sunound the city. Tlm other nisjht a grind ice festival was held In the gardens of the Aussclungs paik. Tliogrounds were prettilv Illuminated with thousands of.Chinese lan terns and licngal lights. The military binds were playing in all directions , and hnndicds of experts joined In the skating quadrilles and polonaises which are tlm great fcatuies of these festivities. The cold has been In tense this week. Herlln looks quite Siberian , The kaiser , who braves all weathers , has thought it advisable to quit Ids favorite cor ner study in the palace for the neighboring room , w liich is less exposed to draughts and frost. ix FKIIEST IN STAXI.BY' . FATH. Stanloj's expedition for tlm icilef ot Emin Hey is being watched with lively Inteiest heic. "Never. " as a leading paper icinarks , "has a daring and devoted o.xploier been sped on his way with hcaiticrsynipithics. Whether 1m succeeds or falls ; whether 1m retuins sifo and sound , or dies like a brave soldier on tlm battlefield of humanity , undcrtakiiu Is neat and noble , and will add a pioud laurel to the glorious wreath which alread ) enclieles hlb biow. I.VI'A.NKSf bOCI Social stais heio at preiont aio the Japan ese 1'iinco Aklhito Komatsu and his wile , who tlio othei day wcio iccehed by the em peroi In plctuie-quo Japanese costumes. The prince and his Milto are making quite a coni' motion hoie. The luinross , like the othei ladles ot ( ho Japaucao coiut , affects Kuro pean toilets. At the reception In the palace nho woiu a charming sllver-aray satin dress witli purple sttipes. Her hair was trimmed In the Ihiropean fashion and Rllttcicd will diamonds , while around tier tluoat was a iiiagnlllci nt diamond necklace , MoniuWAII ; SHIPS. Tixlus on TholiC'onsli notion nnd thu Impiovcmciits Ncntlcil. | Coijiy/il | ( / IV > t < \ iiiinet LONDOV , Jan , tJ- ' , [ NuvVoik lleralu Cable SiM'clal to tlm l > ii : : . | The lectuie , rie llvcid last night b > Mi.V. . 11.Vhltu. \ . dlrec tor of naval construction , on " .Modem'a \ Ships , " beloie tlio "vioislupful hlilpwrights , ' tieati > d the subject almost entiiuly from a historical point of v lew. While inteicstlng It contained , however , little Infeimatlon nov to Amerkan naval authorities , or vtluablon the coiibtrnction of n new American navy The hall of the Maiiblon house was crowded many of the eminent bhlp-constnutorso ( ireat liiltalu b lng amoni ; the audience : The chalimnn , 1 ord Charles liersforJ , at the conclusion of .Mr. Whlte'b lecture , nuulo a rat til iu speech , much leaa reserved than th lecturer , nnd contuliiltit ; several points o great Importance. Mr. White reviewe the history ot uavnl eonstinotion , show ing tint pioxre-s Is now so rapii that 0iu9 modern llrltlah men-of-war becom obsolete nnd befoiu they ate read > comuiUslou , wheieas l > efvccn I'lf ) iipd piojjrots viat HO slow thit the Royal WiHaui ) uilt In 1GTO , was In nctlvc service until lomparlngnlso cannon , ho showed that the Jieat Harry , built In nil , carried 120 guns , ho lareest being thirty-two pounder * , against ho Victoria , built In 13.VJ , with 121 guns , the argest being sixty-eight pounders. During ho last thirty j ears n jump had been made Yom slxtj'-claht pounders to 120 ton caution , lelald great stress on the fact that the con- cst between armor mid cannon now was inoio favorable to cannon than at any period luce the first Iron-cbd was built , llo also irotmht out the \aluo of light , qulck-firlnc cannon , and stated broadly tlm opinion that ca'inons w eic the chief factor I n the conslruc- lon of modern warships. WPAVOII VIII.P TO rop.PKrto noTS. . With rcgam to the torpedo boat he did not hlnk tlm davs of lai go , costly cruisers were Glided. Lifoonbonul these small torpedo boats was almost unendurable. Few com- : nanilcis or men were able to live entirely , as ono friend of his did when at sea In n lor- > edo boat , on sheiry nnd ezcs. Ho urged hit all war ships should contain guns , lams , and torpedoes , and should not bu built with only olio means of offence. I 1111 : ivti'oitTANcT. OP PIII : > . As icgatds speed , ho bald , the Manlwakaii , nineteen knots , was the speediest crulsei jet atiuclied , but It was likely soon to bo sur- iissc'd. Ho stated tint all navnl experts iijieethat litah speed was of piimary 1111- liortance. All classes ot war vessels , oven ho great-honclads , must now nave liigh speed or bo placed at n fatal dlsadvantaze compiled with ciulsers or torpedoes. He diced the staiidaid of speed of armor-clads at from ten to eighteen knots , and torpedo ciatts from nineteen to tvvcntj-llvc. Ho [ bought sail power on fast \essoH of ittlo use. Hlgging was now being removed from several British nien-of- ivar , and no othci full-rlugcd vessels would bo built except foi small ciaft on the China .station or African coast. Ho nged stiongly mi nmple nupiopilntlon to enable ships to be completed nt tlm shortest period afiei they were begun ; also the con struction of svvllt protected crulseisnnd of : torpedo craft , as even England's gieat ship building rcsotiices would bo of no use what- vcr in an ago when war was decided bv a slunt sharp struggle , begun without warnlnc. Ho thought armed merchant vessels ot value , but not to be treated as substitutes lor regular warships. i.onn iiEnrsFOiin's OPINION. Lord Charles Herosford followed. Ho dif fered with Mr. White on many points. He thought tlm power of guns was ovei-iatcd. Tim Shah's guns would , lei Instance , have penetiated tlio Huascar five times out of seventy shots it thu conditions had been tlm same as at target tilals. As a matter of tact not oneot the. Shah's seventy shots pene trated the Unas-car. Ho stionly urged the use of many small trims In addition to large ones , pirtly because , as a necessity , the frequent firing of tlm latter .llscouragcd the ciew. llo nbstiacted belted cruiseis ns opposed to the citadel construction of tlm Iullo\ible tjpe. Ho would notdireto ram a bolted cruiser witli tlm Inflexible , bc- caiibO 1m thought the bow of thu Inflexible would collapse without banning the ciicmj. Then tlio Inflexible citadel would piobably turn tuitle. llo believed no inoio lai u ainior-cladsoiishtto be built , but that Klin- land must build them If any nation did. He praised Iho Fiench Admital Aubo for his policj In buildiui : sin ill , f.isteiniseis , able to run out in mld-Atlintlcaiul destioy British commeice. This could lie done unless. Eng land was vcrj caietul to prevent it. vipitr IIAN i MI v AS r nt'isi i : . He urged that thiitj'of thu fastest merchant .steamers should bo so anaiiged that within tinee davs of the declaration ol wai at leist halt of this numlici would bo able to stait , fullv equipped with l.tigo cannons , to all paiIs of the world , and sweep the ocean of piivateeis. Oil o wise , n single slow piiva- icei might in two weeks pioducua panic. In London and stop tlm sailing ot all Biltish merchantmen. Iln rather poohed-poolied torpei o 's as being useful , but as not Ilkelj to revolution / > n ival warfare. Ho tl. o mlit that bpeed had now taken tlm place ol bea- manshlp and should therefore be the one es sential point In action. Hu did not vvibh to suggest that big aimor-cl.idb would run away from small vessels , but to win the lnht they must bo able to steim away until they could do btroy the small ciaff , one by one , with quick- filing cannon. It would bo fatal lei a big minoi-clnd to try and fight a laigu number of small toipedo-boits 01 ciuiseis. As regards ball-power , 1m thought Itould boas sensible to take twenty hoiscs in oich train running out of London to pull tlm train In case the engine bioko down , as to put sail on war vessels. Sails aio a danger without being useful , even In case the screw wus destrojcd. llo highly approved tlm policy of tryiag the speed of all new vessels under picclsely tlm same conditions as in active wai. Thus the worse would bo warned at once , not afterward , when It was too late. Ho closed with a repetition ot the statement that tlm gieatcst danger to Kng- Hsli commeice would be In tlm first thieu weeks after war was declaied. In moving votes of thanks Mi , Lewis , mas- toi of tlio shipwrights coin pan v stated , ns proving the American interest in Mm subject of tlm Icctuio that a full account of thu pro ceedings would bu cabled iindei the Atlantic lor thu bi'iiolit of yom readers. A MUST IVIPOItTA.M1 IJl'KSI IOY , In an editorial this evening In tlm Globe , headed " .Mail Steamers Iu War Time , " the papersijs : "Lord Charles Heicesfoid dealt with thu Important question of iitllllng mall steamers In tlm event of wai. It Is satlsfac- toij to find the covernment fully alive to the necessity of treating fliis class of Milps as an auxlliry to tlm naval ii'aerve. Loid ( harles Informs us theiu aie now on tlm admiralty list thirty swift passenger steamers avail able for cruisers to protect commeice In case of n sudden declaration of war At least halt of these might bu expected k bu at homo and rapiblu of being armed , manned and dispatched to sea hi three dajs. The admiralty have , In fact , entcicd Into negotiations gotiations whcieby Iho sen leu of the most suitable steamers In war scivlco will bu ic- talned for tlm government by the payment of a moderate annual subvention. Nobody Kludges the money necessary to mike us perfectly sate at sea , and money can hardly bo laid out to aJgicater advantage than In se cm ins for the government because ot this magnificent commercial fleet nt thoEhoitCbt possible notice , 1II13 GLEXUMGH EVICTIONS. Scenes and Incident * ) of Suffering Inflicted on Tonnnin. [ Copi/i liht ( ISS7 li \ Jitiiifa ( Ionian llennett. ' ] Dum.ivlJan-'i-Ncw | Yoik Herald Cable Special to the BKI.J : The lilsh secretaty Sir Michael Hleks-Heach , has hitherto played bis men on the political chess board carefully but to-day he Incautiously moved his castle too suddenly , and sent the follow ing telegrau to Mi. Con ) heare , an KnglUh member ot par liament , and thu liish members watching the terrible Crounvflllan evictions at Glenbcigh It Is not posbible lor mo lo go to Glenbelgh , and tiom ull accounts It appears the police are only protecting and tlm nects- sari enioiccmenl of tliuir rights. Any suf- tcrliiRi.that may result are to bo regnidcd as altoo thur due to pthcrs. ( Signed ) M Hicks Beach , Down Ing street , London. All the members of parliament there in stanlly teturned this nnnly answer to Sir Michael : Having thought lit tomato that the suffer- n K Inflicted Is duo td others , it scorns to us ,011 , aio clearly bound to explain and make imblic the proof of the authority on which ho statement Is made. Wo are on tlm spot mil have made most assiduous Inquiry , nnd ivo utterly deny thcio U a shadow of loundv Ion for such a statement. CONMIEAHI : , DIM ON , H.umtMnoN , MAUONIV. : AN KVICThO TP.V VVt's T VI.i : . .Mr. Dillon sends word hero of Ids Inter- low with Mis. llioims Morlarty. who was esterday cruelly evicted with her clilldicn and husband. Morlarty onlv speaks ( Jaelle. le h id , In l&sT , worked sometimes nt Castle Island , whoie ho i'at nod six , seven or clirlit shillings a week. This year his wages were : iv o shillings and sixpence , as It was a bad jear for work. The Moriartles had blx cull- Iron at homo and three In America , who hid sent no money hohm since last Chrlslmaa two years. One , a lltllo boy who lad cone last .May , they did no blame , for ho tad not much wh n hohiided. He was llv- inc at a place snven miles from ChlcniO , the iiaino of which thov could not remember. Moilarty sometimes Ind got money from a lauchter who was In sen ice at Castle Island and had eai tied 1 In eluht months. He hid three cows hut two hid died , and now only onu rcm lined. Morhitj , tluouijh the Inter- tcrpretei , sahl , when asked how they had " "atelv managed to live , that It was hj gather- lug canlL'ieeii moss , for which they got i pence and sometimes it pence n stone , or fourteen pounds , from a mcichant in Killei- glln , nine miles awny. iiti : nvtniNo PAUTV. I need not apologise In giving the follow ing descilptlon of how tlm evlclois reached the locality ot the 'Morlarities ' , as furnished to mo to day by .vreporler of the riceiiiin's : A pirty of Haton men matched in the van , followed by tlio sheriff , who , ac companied by the biillff , drove in .1 itog cart. Ateltherbldeof the car matched policemen ; then eatno Mi' srs. ] { oo unit Hondas rcpie- sentlng the lindlord , and two ballills renrc- sentlni ; justice , followed bj a car suiroiiuded by police and lower bill I ( Ts , who piesumably symboli/cd tlm law. Affei a mat died a compiny ot fifty police , with rllles , in tlm centre of whom walked thrco Ill-looking emergency men. known during tlm day as the "three graces. " They bore iron crow bus , live feet long. This bcctlo was followed bv n dlstilct In spectoi , and lastly came a paity of baton men. Messis. Dillon , Conjbcaio and llauington , and a squad of leporteis brought up the rear of the black column , whoso progiess brought terioi to mmy a poor tenant's heait. The column set oil nt a btlsk walk , and , winding through a bliort wooded clou , came out Into a superb , locky plain , through the middle of which inns tim liver Uehey , and the Bides of which cmvn giacefully up Into lofty mountain ildges. The moiiiing air was ficsh and braciiitlm pico invlgoiatlng and the view beautiful , and at the iluht mo ment the element ot melody was supplied by the melancholy music of wanting horns blow n up among the heights. 1'iom that time to the close of dny the hoinoftho watcher was Imiid on tlm hill almost luces sanlly , and biie-Kggcd glils , men in homespun - spun fiie/es and women plctnrccqtio icd petticoits were been s > campei Ing down tlm slopes on the mad until a column of countiy people about UOO strong followed the ovict- insrputy. . , , AMIr ml : n'sti.T : wii.r. in : . Doubtless even a bettei dcsciiptlon will be furnished vvlien the jr. IVs hilng up the sub ji'ct in piilliment , for tlm delegation has a btcno.rapliei maiii > g n vcibitim itiuy of eveivthiui : said and done. It is rcgaided heio by even calm conseivatives that tlm "plan ot campaign , " both in bulking lents and emphisi/Inc evictions , will prevent the passigo ot the coercion bill soon fo bo Intio- diiccd Into pailiamcnt.n English mem ber ol pirliament lecenth , r efeniug to this , aigues , anil Heath's dUnitch ( n Kir his argument , tliat the toiies continue tlm tiadltional mibtakc of niideiiating the quick wit and ingenuity of resources and po litical gifts of the Irish. Ho writes : "I'm lush went to America fifty vars aso as paiiahs. To dny they govein its eitles , to- moi tow they may tontiol thu gov eminent. We hive tioilden on them because thej dc spall ed and had small dust in each other. To-day thej see a star of hope. 'Ihey have leai ned thualueof a secret , unit ml tiustam iibsoclatcd dlbclpline. It will take a gieit deal of good galloms to bcit thu hent out of them , inoio than the Knglish p.uli.unent will evei havoheait to cmnloy. 'Iheir conr ago is fed from over tlm sea. Theie Is no ait ! lice , ruse 01 iiiKcnius engine of waitarc , legal , political 01 social , which thov will not employ to stilko against them. This w 111 be followed by a strike against eountiy taxes. They will make the boaid of guardians a scat of conspiracy against tlm government , and every town council n nest of rebels , Kvery idle ot power left in their hands they will use to cmbariass and weaker Hie tjrant. Kveiv successive stage In tlm piocebS ot coeicion will bo contested step by step In every Kiulish constituency where tlm Irish aio numerous. WhilnoiganUiii ! ; for a policy ot passive iinlstance , they will noun the less prepare foi tlm opportunity of war.1' "It Is at hast n mospi'ci ot dlsastei am. probibly ot cjta&troplm , " bald ono to day moro oiango than nationalist. "These evic tion * at this period are the gimtest mistake lieacli 01 tlm Castle could posbibly make. " and Siillivun'H Nciv Opera \o fa\ornlly itccnnoil. [ Cuinn tlht ( IbSt I'll Junta Gurttnn llennett , ' ] Lo.vnox' , Jan. SJ. | Nevv Yoik Jferah. Cahfu-Speeialfo the Uii.J-CIIlH'i : : land bid llv an are likely to recall Sheridan's answer U n lady who asked him why hu did not wilto another biaco of comedies. That nnswe was : "I feai the rivalry of tlmauthoi ot 'Thu Hlvals , ' and diead compailson with thu author of tlm 'School ot Scandal. ' " Tlm authors of "Ituddygore , or the Witch's Cuise , " which was pioduced this rvenlnga tlm bavoj befoio an nudlfiico mainly com posed of the friends nnd admlreis of th famous pair , hive IiJn reason to diead th ilv.ilry and fear comparison witii theniithois of "I'inaline , " "I'lrtlenco , " and "Th Mikado. " Kiiendly though the audience was , U depaited looking bomewhat dib.ip- pointed. Naturally , all compared It will "Dm Mikado , " \vilch ! was so preeminently nently original In Ideas and scope , and which had such ficsh , clever heat ment from the composer. JKven eompaied with "I'lnaforo" and "ratlencc , " both tin libietto and numbers of "Kiiddygoru" fal far below the high water maik of the fame o the librettist and composer. Itemeinbeilng the operas cited , the hearing of tlm now on was like , after listenlifg to an an overdue by Mojeibecr , healing a pielude to bomu work by an Edward Solomon. The new piece U ti "Tho Mikado" vv''t , lei instance , as f novel "Tlio Fortunes of n Nigel" wa to "Ivanhoe. " Should the opera becomes - comes a "go" H > vlll bo because ( Jllberi and Sullivan have not ceased to be tlm fash Ion. However , Itulwer , who scoied will "Monej" and " " had his "Jclchelleu , failure 1 1 "The Ship Captain ; " liouclcaiilt , v\ho Aioti1 the."Slntighran , " had hla "Hello Laiuai,1 and VwMI "la gteat fallme In "Mas Madlcre , " nlthough Jenny Lind lib heio Inc. SpeaVciug < ; f tbe e - * 9tn tk t irtielt car Now York lovers of music , If they have milt glowingly upon their hones , will , In icnrlni ; the opera n month hence , kcenlv feel ho disappointment , and there will doubtless > o no avidity ntter Ullbeit's nightmare , Tlracy. " Keally , save for the brll- lancy of tlio nndlonce , jcsterday's tcss rehearsal was n pretcnlero. 'ractleilly ' , I could liivo sent n criticism this morning , but all the press men present j esterday were under honorable snil oxpiess promise to say nothing of the ilress rehearsal , but to await this evening. The plan ot the piece , nnd that It would be i burlesque or melodrama , were months inblod , but there have been many klndtcd burlcbqites In the history of the London stngo since. Tlio second title , "The Witch's Curse , " Is outlined in a pilter sonc In tlm first act , run- iin.r itoggciel wise , and which , by tlm way. s a full simple of tlm literary execution iliroughout the libietto. "limldvgoigo" Istho name of the ancestral estate of tlmbadbaio- net of the piece. Tlm curse icfers to n bin Inlllcted on the first one by a vvltth he burned in the dajs of James t'list , an Incident simi lar to one In a well known American novel laid In the time ot Cotton Mather , It inns thus : Once on a v lllaco crcen A palsied hog ho roasted ; \tiil what took place 1 ween Shook his composuie boasted , Tor as the toiturugilm Sel/ed on each vvlttiorcd limb , Thu writhing sime , mid hie and flame , Yelled forth this euisu on him : Kach lord of Hudiljgoie , despite his best en deavor , Shall do one ciimc or moro Once evciy dij forevei. 'Ihls doom hu can't defy , However he may try ; For should ho stay his hand that day , In toiture he shall die. " Tlio Saboy was sullNcntly crowded. The gallery people seemed to rest on the celling , like flies jet no < = eats fora first night at tlm Saboj are sold save in the pit and giil- leiy. I was assured at the ptluclpil box olllco in tlm city that such was tlm curlosltv that It could have alone bold 1'JOO , seats when there arc only In the house 1TOO. Mi , Suttou , ciltlc , In to daj's Issue of the Country ( icntleman , wittily hits elf such In cidents , thus : "It Ib well nigh time that an allotment hill should be Introduced at tlm Savoy. Many apply , but few aio chosen. The first perfoiininco ib really a private en tertainment , at which thos'i who aio well disposed to thu authors and nctoisaio ad- mltfcd. Hut why adveitlbcd when they aru icilly exclusive gatherings11 1 pi ay some one may enlighten me , that 1 miy sliovv my cratitudo for admission. When tlm next now ( illbeit and Sullivan Is toithcoming , I am willing toapplaudtlm pcr- loiinancc fiom hibt to last , lam willing to admit that the ' ( Jieek Hen , ' is tlm greatest of the human mind. You must qualify foi a Hist iiiiilitingat the Savoy or blow Cillbeit's trumpet , or jou haven't a cliince. On Sun day moinlnz wo bli.ill lead deseiiptions of this new veision of a sensational stoiv writ ten by the hands of favoicd fiionds. " ' Sii A i thin punctually took tlm conductors seat , looking nervous , but , witli baton in baud , soon showed confidence. Gilbert , .jvlio " seldom nttend'Thls ' first nights"w'aVactually bravo enough to bo present. Intel viewed to day on the subject ho said : "Howevei well the piecu n.ay L'o , 1 am apt to glow hotter and hotter and peihaps faint. " The com- posei was In evening d re s , wearing as a bouttaiiieic a while lose , with tlm traditional white ; gloves. Tlio ovcituio developing the opeiatic tliomcs was , musically , an uiiequil woik. Some nuts wciu as good as ai.yot Sullivan's work ; otheiswcro decidedly com monplace , In which , while j on cannot say any melodj was bouowed , itlmpaited that efltct. 'Jim oiehestiatioii thioughoiit the pulormance was mnslcnlly rich in coloi. Tlm cuttiin lose , like in "Hiilie Tajlor , " on a hslilng village on the Cornwall coast , witli thi'sea in piospectiis. On one side was the eottiiso ol the heroine , Itoso Ma > bud , ( Lconoia Uieliam , somaiio ) . 'Jho scene opens to a choius of jirofcssional biides- m lids in .short filmed muslin gowns , with odd fashioned waists , who have been waiting sK months foi tlm wedding. Tills chorus , one. of thu most chaiming in the piece , Is a giarelul movement , wliicli forms a connect ing knot , as u weie , of the musical tlueads of tlm fust act. Xoiah ( Miss rindlev , contralto ) , as n bildesmaid , interrupts with ajsoio which is iinlmpoitant. Hannah ( MIsb Jiiandiall , con tralto ) , next slugs tlm legend of the cuise , two verses of which have just been quoted. Tim musle in this Is unequal , but the cniso assumes and Is given with diamatlc power , but It was not eneoied. Then onteis Itose , thu Intended bilde , who , hoi ling u book upon etiquette , sings n ballad beginning : If somebody there chanced to be. Who loved mo in a manner true , My heart would point him out to mo And I would point him out fo jou. Tlm words thioughoiit are commonplace ami the song loll flat for , while the melody is r itching , the music is note > pceialloilglnal. ; The music seemed lee high foi tlm singer , and tlm ell'oit may bo said to have fallen flat. Soon there onteis her intended hiisbind , llobln Oakapple , n timid jouth In diab , with smooth looks , plajed by ( ieorgo ( jiosssmlth , but the chaiaitci Is ill .suited to him. Ho Is masquerading as a peasant , as did tlm son ot tlm Mikado , although ho is the rightful bare net. Tlio hippy Pilr Indulge In n duet , which delineates liohln's bash I ul ness , and Hose'-t coquotij' . In this the musle was weak , but tlm acting was excellent. 'Iho pali was encored. ThU Is followed by a choiusof brldebinalds announcing the tenor Ulthanl Foster , Itobin's fosti i-luolher , the' pait being placed by Dmwaid Lelj. lie sang n Mining Untlsh salloi ballad dcMjilptlvc ot his frigate beating a Fiench one. Thus , ap pealing to the patilotism ot the house , nnd especially to that of the galleiy , it Decamo en thusiastic. At the end of tlio ballad Lcly danced n sort of n do- ; dance decidedly moio gracutul and pleasing than these generally seen In musle hulls. The hildesmalds made gooit business by beating time with tlieii heads as they gioupcd about Lely , not unliku choriib In tlm " .M Ikndo " tlm maiden , w hero the fans keep time. Itobln next sang a patter song , making fun of his own tlmlilltj vvlllt thu refrain : If jou wish In the world to advance , You must stir and stump It And blow jour own trumpet ; Or , trust me , jou haven't a chance. It was encored on account ot Goldsmith's acting , for tlm music is commonplace nnd not up to .Siilllvtn'd usual form. Next was a pleasing coquetted loveduet between Ulchaid and Itoee , pleasing but not cspetiallj original. After this ia a somewhat taking choius of bridesmaids. At the end of this scene the interest , now flagging , was revived Uy the enhance ot Mad Mar garet ( Jessie iloiui ) , who , bin- lesqiiing Ophelia's madness much ns the biisiiuss was done In I'oolt's Hamlet trave-itle was Introduced. Hy preshivo , weird musle. frtin ) flutes alone Sullivan's orchestral music hero h much stionger , as it U Indeed throughout the upera , than his vocal. Margaret sings a scene beginning : Chocrilj carols the lark over the cot , Merrily whlbtles the clerk scratching a blot , lint the lark and the clerk , 1 remark , Comfort mo not. This Is followed by n ballad framed some- hlng llko Ophelia In Thomas' opsra. It ivas sung with sweet pathos , but the oppo- tents to.i pioposcd encore prevailed. The : ello nnd wood wind Instruments made n iomowliat ofToctlvo necompanlment. Soon enters the wicked baronet , who Is ursed by a chotusof bucks nnd blades In ich uniforms actually representing twenty IiiglMi regiments , nnd of bridesmaids. These certainly made n pretty stauo ; picture , nit not an original one , jet better than the li-aions nnd mildcns In "Patience. " The jaronet puts , line by Hue , conundrums to ho chorus , who answer In hues of two iliable * , which ellect was evidently not re garded warmly bv tlm audience. H woke .111 . , however , to a maiilau'e , participated Iu ; > v the soldiers , tlm bridesmaids nnd the \lisbcs \ Hr.uutram mid lliaham , which Is not is line as the "Mikado" inadrlral , andnullku hat It was not encored. This was preceded jy gavotte , which of couise , was gincetully ilaneed by ( iiossmlthniid tlm ladles , mid n ervlng maid plivcd by liudolpli Lewis. The second and last net occiiis Iii such u jilcttno gallery as onu sees Iu the "School for Scand il. " Thiscont ilns lull length portialts .if twenty wicked baioncK The act opens ivith a duet between Giossmltli , now come nto his estate mid tide , doomed to dally crime , and his seivaut , which was not n success , although Gto'smlth's antics and laeml pl.ij doubtless pleased the audi ence. Anolhei duel for luuor and sopiano and a ballad bj tlm sopiano had but slight ot- " : t. i\s all but Grossmllh entered , tlm staio and niidltoilum became so dull ; that Sullivan lad an electilc light at tlm end of his baton , o guide tlm orchcstiti , and Urn musi cians , dim-shaded , get over the seme. For two minutes the oicliestra .ilay descriptive dramatic music , approach ing gtand open , and suggesting what , If Sir Aithur should uvci tiy that , ho can do. Next the baioniK as the Unlit lifts , are seen to step out of thill fiamcs , each in different costumes. Ono baronet , ( that Mjiital basso of tlio late Mikndo temple ) , sings a duet with Grossmith , and thu others the chorus to a reliant , Ha , ha ! tlm dead of the night's high noon. This , with Mad Marcaret's scene , was | tlio only point which at all creatly took hold of tl.e audience , and the music , without exactly Imitating Wagner , dccldly approaches his school in ellect. Prcscntii'ly Grossmith con vinces the baionels they vainly died , wearied of crime , bj eommittini : suicide , because that is tlm woist crime of all ; theiefoio tlmj aio nil alive. So thej' agree to continue alive until Hie finale. Mad Marg- aiel iccovois liei senses and mairies tlm u\- bad bironct , all of w filch makes tlm choius of bililesmalds nappj' , and apattei duct and ballad hj the cential , to lead up to the final chorous , whleli is far from impressive , the woidb being such doggcicl as this : For liappj the lady that's kissed by tlm bee , And sipping tranqiilllj' quite happv If he. And hnppj the filly that neighs iu hoi pride lint h ippicr than any , a pound ( o a penny , Alovei is when ho embraces his bride. Dtirjng tlig jiei onmuice there wasmjuph. " ' [ R 1ii r1iviTiTiyn l"'nrs7b'eiiauso ' of the oxu- bcinnt applause Irom the friendly audience. Kut at the close the hissing with cues of 'Mikado ' , " " .Mikado , " waged a fair battle with tim nliudits. Of comso Gilbert Sullivan , "D'Ojlj-Carte , " and all tlm pel foi inei ° received an ovation at the end. On mingling with the depaitlng audience ! found tlieio was a geueial leclinc ol disap pointment , jet some asseited that this was the best ot tlmseiiusof opcias , while othcis lemarked on the gieat falling oil in libietto and music. 1C hnallj * successful , "jtudilv- goiu" will bo found so because ot the excel lent acting , rich , tasteful costumes , and tlm nncestial scene. J took ou'islon dining tlm long wait be tween the acts to poll tlm pltteis , mid also as 1 was gulii-c out. Tlicsu alniObt iineirltig critics of London successes mid good dia- matlcbaiometeis were outspoken in theii disappointment. Ccitainlj * tl o hisses liom the pit laigelv picdoinlnatcd at the close. Said onu pittei , quite ciiijrraiiiiiiatlcall ) : Flashes , bin no steadj uillllancy. " CO.H1NG ' 10 Hall , the P | nii > r , to Visit Tills Ciniiitrj' . iro/i | ) [ / I'jlit&S < l > u Jamrn ( loiilan HiiiHctt. ] LOXDOX , Jan. 22. [ Now Yoik Heiald Cable-Special to tlm UKI'Tumlc ] Hall , It. A. , will visit New Yoik iu February , " said two 01 thiec American papers latelj' . lllieielorepald a visit to Mi. Hall's plc- tinesque , tilpk-lontcd villa , called tli ( "Three Gables , " on Flt/Jolin avenue , South llampstead , to learn what his plans were. Mi. IIall's house is not t.a from tlm London lebldencc of Jenkins Vanschalelt and of .Miss Kisllake. It Is charmingly situated , and Is In the Queen Anne stjle , built of led biick. faced with vviiltostone. .Mi. Hall wa in his studio said the maid , who was pretty enoii-'h to boa model foi tlm ilval In poitalt- uie ot Sir John Millais. Mi. Hall met me nt his studio door. He K a man w ith n in ace fill , gentlemanly liguie. J should take his ago to bo about forty-live. He is ot medium height , fall complexion , witli slight , silky whiskers and mustache , which are as soft as came I'lushelie had a kind smile and a nicely modulated voice. "Oh , jes , " ho bald , as he beran lacxam Ing tlm card ot jour eoiiesponont and Us pencilled npologj"the minor lu botli ilgh andvviong. 1 made aiiangements to visit New Yoik In a short time , but not so boon ns St. Valentine month. 1 have a tow commissions but my principal object li going there Is to get the ocoin tilp , chance o. air and rccicatlon. Whoio poi traits am 1 to paint ? Ah , I ought not to .say that vet. Mj poitialtol Di.S.Weir Lltcliell , which was h last jiar'H Hojal Academj , already hangs It 1'lilladelplila , nnd theie tire portraits Ii Ameilca by me of .Mi.Vaiien \ of Jioston Edward U , Adams and others besides. I have had cxticmely kind social Invitations from America. I'eihaps 1 am nt liberty to hat that 1 am to paint tlm nurtinitof hecic taij liijaid nnd alto that ot a sou ol J. S .Morgan , the hankei. "No ; I am not neglecting my own country men , lliavo on my easels lieie Lords Hun ilelsham und Vaiboson li , and Mr. 1'Junket M. I1 , , and last , not least , tlm 1'iluio of Wales , hlghnoas' poitralt Is intended fo Ttlnlty house. I am also Iu the thick o Uojal Academj woik. "What aio my suhjictsV It Is proniatur jet to Jet the public know , but jou may say 1 willreitalnly bend my poitraitof sii George OttoTieveljiin , who , bj the way , read tlio stati ment that I was soon to goto Ameilca , nmlbecameulaimcd \ \ shoulit intcileio with lib poitrrut. I am clad to h ivo jou sit matters right as to my visit. " Clliiipsciiol Mr , Hull's woik , ob'a'm-d ' as I wasleavlng.showed that he i us > ehbis all thu hue touch of his father and grandiallu t , vvho weio great vnci.tvers. HU lalhci U best known In America by the punt of "The. Itallway Station , " ntter thu painttiu' tiy Frith , 1 ventured to assure Mr. Hall that ' 10 would meet with a wnrin welcome whenever hu re.i' hed Now Vork , and one vorlhy of tl > < > palntci of ' J Am the Itebiirrcction und the .Ife . , ' ( \llhuo funeral ) , "Wnnf , Her 1'oV- urij- , Hut Not Her Will , Consent , " ( n picture ota vvlfo pinning her wedding rlnst ) , or "No Tidings Troin the Son. " The last named ! now In the queen's possession and hangs In Osborno house. I'OlNrs Had AVoalliop Causes .Many Persons to Loa\o the I'Vcndi Capital , ( Cojij/i feM ( n JWI > .7iimr Gonlnn liennrtt ) PAIII . Jnn. Si [ Now York Herald Cnblo Special to tlm HBP. ] Cold , foggy , London weather , vmlablo with occasional rain , has driven ' from Paris to the litvlera , to Italy and f.o I'gjpt all who can get away. Among ; : hose who remain are .Mine. DoHoubrovillo nnd her husband , who me giving Imgo din- net pmtle , followed by musical icceptlona In their sumptuous npmtmonts on the Av- iniio Du Hols do Hoitlonne. On Monday iveiilngthe thlid flonil dinner will boalvon , = o called fiom tlm profusion and perfection of tlm blossoms that llleially cover the tables and snnoinul the Dresden plates' . On the last occasion roses oiilj were used In the or namentations and nothing nioio falrv-llko could " bo imagined. M. mid Mine. Do Sou- 'levllle ' will soon leave for I'loreiice. A WCIMx IN TIM : c vsi : . Vlhert , a pilnfer , iiiueh nppieclnledby New York nit collectors , Is about to sell all his woiksof nit. goods mid chattels , nt n public auction at the Hotel Diimot. Tlm sale is the lestilt of the aillst's divorce fiom his wife , decided by 11m Pmls courts list September. vlbert mauled ndnuililei ; of n well Known _ 'arls modlsto under the "leglmo do com- iiiiinanlo" law , which cnfers the dlvoiceoto i largo shmo of her ex-husband's pioncrty , .enco the bile. A celebrated lady , who for soiim time past has helped the artist lo get ' .hiouuli n eoiisldeiablo portion of his well ? arncd fortune , was the chief cause ot the di vorce. TWO jjrrn HKCPpiioK TOII.ITS. : Hero mo the descriptions of two reception toilets , worn at niccent pi I vale club enter tainment. Tim fiist had full ' ncoisage , cent 3 nndsklrtof cabalt nnd blue velvet over n of sllvei nnd white satin damask in thrco broad onraii pleats , tlm Interspaces ornamented with shell-llko scallops of Eng lish point fixed with windmill bows ot whlto satin , Narrow rovers of velvet outline the sqiiaio decolletes back and front , Tlm second dress has tlm waist and train of pale pink and gold damask over n petticoat of absinthe plush , edged with gold embroid ery ten Indies deep. A stomacher of em- broldeiy over plush matches tlm underskirt , while n band of narrow embroidery forms an apologv for sleeves. An algrutto of gieun and gold wheat eais , with n pile pink ostrich tip and a laigo diamond descent , was wont In tlm halt. AMPUIOAXS Anne u > . Colonel Oliver Pajne , tlm brother-in-law of Secretary Whitney , milvcd In Pmls last night. Mrs. Hale , vvlfoof Iho United Stiles sena tor , Kutjeno Hale , and a dunrhtcrof Senator Xach Cliandlci , Is spending the w Inter nt Versailles with her mother and children. The Misses Leslie , of Now York , nro at the Hotel iluNonmandlo. Mrs. and .Miss Han loft and Mr. Bloomllold Harriott , of New York , have gone to Genoa. Mine. Emma Nevada and Dr. Palmei were nmoiig the guests nt n fancy dress party 10- ccutlj' given In Floicncc. Mine. Nevada were her lakcmo costume mid Jr. Palmer w.'is nttticd as Lol.cngiln. Colonel and .Mrs. Hiingeiford Imegone to Home lo visit their daughter , the Countess Tel fen er. , . The funeral of thu late James toolc place to-day at the Roman Catholic chinch of Saint 1'ieiio diitChalllot , near tlio Champs F.U see * . Ills two daughfeis , Iho one married to the Coinlo do Galbileace , and the other to the Comto do Naibenno. Sara nndngicat numbci of Americans nnd Fiench people were picscnt at the fiincial. A I'ninoiiq HorHO I'lirr-liascil. fujw'W ' ' ( ' li'iJiiinen ( Jiinlon Itrnncit. ' ] tiriiMoM ) , St'ititnv , Jan. ' .kNew [ York Herald Cable Special to the UKB ] Galbraith - braith liios. , of Jonesvlllo , Wis. , puiehnsed heio to-div tlio well known stallion Eutoi- pilse , of Cannock. Ho Is admitted to bo the handsomest Uiillsh work hoiso ovei foaled. Entcipiisowon thuehampion cup nt the great diaiight hoi so show at Islington , llo will bo shipped In a few diys and will bo shown at l the Cliifa o and othu exhibitions. Slnco tlm jiuieliaso of tlio champion Clydesdale . M i . stallion , Diuld , six jears ago , this Is believed by competent judges to bo the finest draught horsorvci heeured bj' American purchasers. The price paid is not named , but Is known to bo a largo one. ' s'n Gorman LiboralH jtlnt ) Out a Policy. Hi iti.iv , Jnn. S > . Tlio German liberals of the second Hcrlln dlstiict mot to-day foi the purpose of deciding on their action In the coming election for members of the rcich stag. Three thousand olectois attended. It was resolved to support I'lol. Xlrchon aiainst You Jloltko. ( Ucielistor , In nbpocch , said It 4 was not tlmdiitvof eleclois to provide that the milltaiy Inteiests ot the emplni should bostionglviepiosonted in the roiclistng , but lather to elect to that bed v those who could nnd would defend the eivll IntmusU ot the people to thu end that Ihoiumighthua pioper eiiiiall/ation ol civil and military claims put loith. Tlio Vacant lrnli ! Klectoratrs. LOMMIV , Jnn. ! ? i Mr. Paindl , writing to the Dublin Evening Tclo raph with refer- encu to the vacancies In the Iiisli eleetoiates , BUJH It was dtelded to usk Svvilt McNenll to olH < r himself ns a cindidato In South Done gal , nnd he has consulted to inn. Mi.l'ar- nellsajs : "McNwill's ruliiin as n Protestant nationalist by u Catholic elcctoiuto will have u gieat elfcct In dispelling thu Uars nnd pinjudieesof noilhoin I'loleslnnts. " It IIIIH albobeen settled that .Mi. Ilealj hhall contest Longfoid In place ot Mr. Justin McCarthy. Another Ilond Call iNNiird. WAhiiiMUON , Jan. ! i2.-Tho hpcretaiy ot the treasury gives notice that tlm principal and accrued Inteiest of the bonds hcinlu bnlow deslgnnted will bu paid at the treasury I of the United .States nt Washington on the 1st day of Muieli , 1687 , nnd that lntcict > t on said boiidb will ( ease on that day , > ! / . ; 3 pur cent bonds bsued under act of conure-B np- pi01 I'd July I'J , IWiJ , and numbeied us fol- Jovvb : &VJ , orlflnnl iiiimber ) to original number W , both Imliwlve ; fclOO , original number)75to : ) original number.WJ.botli In- clusivu ; ettJO , oilglnnl number ICJ to oilglnnl number 24hotli Inclushu ; , oiignml numbei l-'l to original number'-,010 , both liirluslvo ; & 10.0CO , oilgluil number i\'M"i \ to oiiuiiial numbersilf : , i > otli Inclusive , 'lotal , feiiM7COJ. : , 1'aitles holding bonds called by tills ciieulur can obtain Iniinc'dhiti ) iiavinunt vvltii interest to dnto ot ini'sentution by 10- qm sting tlm samu in a lettui forwnidlng the bonds lor ledemption. iNoto-'lhcro nro now exactly s > M.OOO.OGO uncalled 'J per cunt bonds outstanding. CliiHMlfluallou i > l' iron Ore , W\sinxoro.v , Jan. 'JJ.-Attorney Ouir-ral ( inihml has given an opinion to ihn tV-ie- tai ) ol the Tii-asury In icfisd to thuda ifi- iiitioii of lion ou , Hu sav I'joquebllon ' .H to whUhul iiun me ililfil at 2W depnos Fiihienlieil > a or is not i rr * 010 of commeica Isaquoifion of fact wlm-b heeanuot be ex- ; > e < led lo de < me. In MI nming up h'fton \ hiisujs : " \\hn- cli ar iiieponJer.iiict ) oj evidence cannot bu aMueid. cilepailiiirnUI coiistrm tion t leitly up.iovi'd by uiiurtes irmal luoginlion ltu turiil the walu siu be uecuiteil at > i-a.l.i'jitt uvn ! > 'fl.eol ( live