Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 22, 1887, Page 2, Image 2

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Delegate Oaino Makes a Grand Kick on the
New Edmunds Law.
" \Ylint It Cost Sirs. IiORnn to llccolre
Iclournms of Contloloncc The
Dnkoln Stntcliood Hill
Washington NOVVB.
A Kick From Cnlno ,
" \VASiriNfnox , .Jan. 2U [ SpecialTelcrram
to the 13i.K.J < 1 asked Mr. Unlnc. the Utnli
delegate , to-day v\lmt the Mormons would do
when tlio Kdtnuiuls bill bccnino a Jaw , as it
certainly will In a few day ? . Ho said they
would resist It's enforcement , of course.
"Hy violence ? " 1 asked.
"Never , " lie replied. "Tho Mormon people
will not violate the law. They cannot bo ac-
cus d of violence. They will dUputo Its con
stitutionality and resist In the courts the en *
forccmont of n measure vUilch so plainly nnd
completely deprives a community of citizens
of the rights which are guaranteed to all by
the constitution. This Dill Is entitled an net
to suppress polygamy , or something of that
sort , but It Is an act for the suppression of
Mormonlsm. an net to crush out a rcllulou In
n country which makes Its proudest boast
that It Is the first of all nations to establish
nnd guarantee religious liberty. Itcad the
test oath section of the bill , which denies
the right of sullracu to nil who aid or nbct
or cncourago the practice of polygamy.
JS'ow , 1 am n polynamlst. 1 go to
the polls on election day. Under this
section lam asked whether I have aided or
abetted . J 'No '
or encouraged polygamy. say ,
for example. Then lam asked , MInvo jott
contributed anything to the biippoit of the
Moimon church during the jearV 'Yes , ' 1
reply , 'I ha\o given S100. ' Then I will have
to step outsldo. My votu will bo refused , like
that of everv man in Utah who has thocour-
atro to confess his convictions. The church
IMS grown and the chinch will grow under
persecution , " continued Mr. Calne. It has
never been persecuted so ruthlessly as during
the lost few years , and It has never grown so
fast or been BO prosperous. It has been so
with all religions. The crucifixion of Christ
gave Christianity Its start , the persecutions
of the Lutherans caused the reformation oC
Europe and Bloody Mary was the best friend
the Protestants over had in tlu > ) Unlted King ,
( loin. A religion founded on tlio word of God
will endure forever , and all attempts to sup
press It will react upon the head of these
engaged In them. The Mormons will resist
the enforcement of this law , nnd they will ul
timately triumph. Ills so promised us in
the word of Mod , and wo trust in It. "
COSTLY coNixir.nNci : .
"Dirt you know , " Bald a well known Illi
nois gentleman to mo to-day , "that it cost
Mrs. Logan over $ " 0 to pay for telegraphic
messages of xjondnluiico at the time ot tlio
general's death ? "
"Condolence mcssazos sent collect ? "
"xcs , a cioat many ol them were sent col
lect , but aa.hur residence Is outsldo the city
limits the telegraph company charged for
messenger service In delivering them lit tlio
ratti of 10 cents per message , nnd she 10-
colvea several hundred nii'ssnges. "
"i remember , " remarked a gentleman who
stood by , "being at Uarlield's house at the
tlmo ho was elected , and a great many mes-
uflifos of congratulations received by him
were sent collect Uno of them came Iroiu n
famous actor , who would never be con
sciously guilty of such a thing. Ho had
probably sent the message to the telegraph
ofllco bv n hotel bell boy. supposing that It
would bo charged In his bill , and the operator
inado Qarlleld pay for It. "
Keprcsont.itIvo Sprinnor , author of the bill
to admit all of U.ikota to statehood , and
democratic member of the house committee
on territories , In urging upon the committee
the necessity of adopting u resolution asking
the house to lix a day for the consideration of
territorial business , promised Its republican
members that if they would support the reso
lution ho would guarantee that Dakota mut
ters would recnivo consideration on the day
inado the special order. With tills under
standing romibllean members of tlio commit
tee on territories voted lor the lesolution ,
which was adopted unanimously. It Is now
before tliu committee on rules and It Is bo-
lluved a day will noon bo set apai t and the
liouso will pass vat ions measures of interest
to Dakota.
The comptroller of the currency to-day rcc-
ognUcd the First National bank , ot Chicago ,
as * reserve agmit of the Clti/ens' National
bank of Kar o , 1) . T. Ho also rccogni/ed the
following rcseivo agents for NoorasUa hanks :
Hanover National bank , of Ntiw Yoik. lor
tho-KirHtNational bank of Heaver City ; Na
tional itank of the Hepubllc , of Now York ,
and I tlio I First National bank , of Chicago , for
the South Omaha National bank.
A llll.r , rOH A11OI.ISII.MENT.
Senator Itlddleberger to-day introduced the
following romaikabli * bill : "A bill to abolish
the useless nnd oviravagant Mississippi river
commission . Whereas , It lias been said that
the above. Institution organized by
James I ) . Kads and Senator Handall Oihson
to wear Covv don out In his opposition to the
idiotic lovco system , and having failed thus
for in its object alter liavine spent 310 , 50,000 ,
therefore , bo It enacted , etc. , that thu Missis
sippi river commission bu and is hereby
Tensions vveiu i : ran ted to the. following
Nebraskans to-da : Uriah S. Orender , Saint
Kd ward ; Herbert . IXivls.Llncolnj.lohn W.
Wlllanl. Ulalr ; liernliniclt Olson , Hurting-
ton : Sidney Niole , JlaysCnntor.
Tlm following wi-ro granted to lovvans :
Eliza U. , widow of Knorh Woller , Musca-
tliiQ' Clulstlan , father of Nathaniel Carrlgcr ,
Bedford ; Mary 11. , mother of Christopher
li\on , Hooni" Chas. C. Shlmilck , Knox-
vllle ; Win. Pncan. Oskaloosa : 1'at McKar-
Iniid , Cllmtilug Hill ; Steiihen Perkins , Kalr-
lield ; Wm. A. I'lanUlIn , Hampton. '
Tholcavcof First Mmitmunt John Carlnnd ,
SlKth infantry , has been extended two mouths
for disability ,
The leave of Major A. M. Uandall , First
artillery , has been extended two months.
First Lieutenant A. U. Paxton , KUteonth
infantry , now on loivo , Is endured to New
York for temporary duty nt David's Island.
Lieutenants Alfred llaslironck , jr. , and
Henry C. Cabcll , jr. , Fourteenth infantry ,
are In the city Irom Vancouver bairarks.
Washington turiltury , to remain two vvcoUb.
i , AND nr.risioNH ,
Secretary Lamai has alllrmed the decision
of the land olllen in tlm ease of Martha
ll.8ackcitt.of thu Neligh land dlstrlct.dunyini . :
the application for oxtendlng her homestead
entry : also the cabo of Fred Andiews , of
Valttntlne , amending his homestead entry ,
I'l'.llftOXAI. MKM'ION ,
.1. It. Christie , of Omaha , is hero.
K. M. 1'hulps nnd wlfn , of Omaha , and K.
J , Ingorsoll and C. H. Hogg , of Dus Muinos ,
uio lit'ie.
History KliouM lie I'tCHOrvnd.
WASIIINR ION , Jan. 21. Senator Sherman ,
president pro-torn , to-day laid before tlio sen
ate a letter fiom tlio secretary of state tians-
lulttlng copies of a memorial blgnud by re | > -
rosentfttlyes of several historical societies a ltd
by nmnv eminent men of letters of theUnitcd
Status flouliu' torth the gioat value and importance -
portanco of a full and accurate digest and cat-
ulogtio of the numerous documents found In
tlm public and prlvatn archives ot Kuropo ro
tating to the hlstniy of tlm United Slates and
the peiiod between the treaty of
1'atU In 17iW , by which great Hrltaln acquired
froiuJFranco title to the nnithvvcbtcrn terrl-
torlesi > f America , and the tieatv of peace be
tween the United States and Ureat llritian
In 17S3.
Rrltlsh Kxtriiililliiii Discussed.
WASHINGTON , Jan. 21. The lirltish ex
tradition treaty , which came over fiom tlm
last session of the senate , was taken up in
eccrct session to-day and was debated for
about threu hours and a half , but no action
Hpooner Takes Lognn's Place.
WASIIINOION , Jan.21 , In the senate Mr.
Kuooner vui3 appointed on the committee-
privileges and oleetlons to till the vacancy
caused by tlio death ot ( joneial Loian.
Another noml Call llxpootoil.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 21 , It is. fxpeeted that
another call for 3 per cent boodi will be b-
within a ( \T a r
or < 7io Methoillst Institutions
ofljcnrnlnc to Unify.
Neb. , Jan. 21. f.Special to tlio
HEI..I The trustees of York college , bclne
Intormed that their college was reduced to
the grade of a seminar ) , but that the commis
sion had decided , by a vote of fourteen to
nine , that their actions \vrrc Hot and
absolute , and also being creditably informed
that the Mallallcu university hid decided not
to enter Into the university system and hail
declared themselves to bo an independent
university , took the following action at the
general board meeting on the ISth lust , :
Whereas , This board of trustees of the
Methodist Knl'copil college of Nebraska has
carefully consldeied the plan of agreement
adopted by the university commission for
the unllicallon of the educational Interests of
Nebraska ; a nd
Whereas , The literal Interpretation which
Is placed upon the plan of agreement de
prives the Methodist Kplscopal college of
York of Its cniclency as a colh-so , and takes
from It the power to confer degrees and to
exercise the functions of a college as It was
Intended ; and
Whereas. It was not madn a condition pre
cedent of participation the existing col
leges should surrender any of their right ;
and Whereas , The representatives of this college -
logo In the commission had no thought that
tlio grade of any of the existing colleges
should bo reduced , or any of their chartered
rights abrogated ; therefore.
We , tlio trustees of the Methodist Episco
pal college of Nebraska , declare our position
to be. viz :
1. Wo did not delegate to our represent
atives at the commission any authority to ro-
ducii our gradeor ; abrogate any ol our rights
granted by our charter , among which Is the
right to graduate students In the .scientific
nnd classical courses , and to confer the de
grees of A. JJ. and A. M. In cnrsu , and any
oilier degtccs which may bo deemed proper ;
nnd consenting to n reduction ot our grade
would constitute n breach of trust coniidcd
to us and would result In defeating the very
object of our Incorporation.
! i. Wo declare that any net of the commis
sion which tends to abrogate our rights or Im
pair oin standing as u college of bigli dcgieo
Is without warrant , without precedent nnd
void of authority , nnd cannot bo binding
upon the college until said act shall bo rail-
lied by this board of trustees.
a. Wo declare our Inability to surrender
these rights without absolute dissolution ,
they being veiled In us by the laws of the
state , sanctioned by the Nebraska confer
ence , and are a part and parcel of the Insti
tution Itself.
Whereas , The state of uncertainty as to
the status In which wo are placed Is borlously
Interfering with the operation ot our calling ,
creatinc a loeling of uneasiness and distrust
among the students , embarrassing the lacultv
in their woik , alienating many ot tlio friends
of tlio Institution among the citizens of York ,
sothat wocannotinduco them toc\tcnd finan
cial aid to us as n seminary our condition
being such that with tlio loss of our standing
and a reduction of the grade to that of a sem-
Inaiy we must lose our endowment notes of
SUfl.OOO , surrender the conditional pledges of
SHO.OOO nlieady seemed , yield our ptescnt
charter , suspend operations , discontinue and
abandon our institution ; while , on the other
hand , with all the rights and privileges vested
In us oy our charter , with tlm sympathy and
support , which the people of York and friends
of tno Institution now glveS30,000 , being sub
scribed on condition thntthoio shall bo no re
duction in gr.ulo wo can make the York
college selr-sustaining and perpetual. Ue-
llovlng that the cause of education of tlm
Methodist Episcopal church of the state of
Nebraska would bo disastrously alfectdd by
the Huricnder of the college and that it is im
measurably moie Important to so savowhat
wo have at York than to sacrihco It to tlm
ulterior hopes of a university , wo hereby
declare that the Methodist Episcopal college
is a college In fact , as well as In name ; that
It has lawful rights to confer the degiees o
A. H. and A. M. , and ail other degrees as
heretofore , and that it will bo bound to con
fer such degrees in the Inturo as in the past ,
tlio action of the commissioners ( and thouni-
vcrsity trustees ) to tlio contiary notwith
Whereas , Wo bcllovo wo have abundant
warrant for claiming that the college at York
Is entitled to the especial protection ot the
Nebraska annual conlerenco , it being the
hrst Institution founded witnln tlio borders
of the conference , and tlio faith of tlio con-
fcronca being pledged to Its nurture and sup
port , vvhiln by Uio action of the commission
another Institution is planted In the confer
ence as a competitor and rival to our college ,
to draw from Its lesourccs and divide Its pat
ronage , and
Wheieas , The university was located
acalnst Uio almost unanimous vote oCour
conference representatives at the commis
sion ; theretoro ,
Heaolved , That wo feel It is a peculiar
haidshlp that wo should bo asked to surrender
the labors of years and the foothold wo have
gained In order to foster a rival institution
within our rightful terrltorv.
Whereas. The trustees of Malialleu nnlvor-
Ity , who becamq a party to tlio scheme of
initicatioii , were represented by three com-
nlssioncrs and were competitors for tlio Io-
atlon of the proposed university , have ro-
onsidercd their i elation to the plan ot unl-
ication and have declared their indcpend-
; nco ot the university system , thereby do-
itroylnc every hope of the unification of the
ducat tonal Inteiosts of the state ; therefore )
Kesolved , That wo dechro the unification
uojoct a failure , that wo fcol Impelled by a
: ensu ot duty to our ttust and to .Methodist
iducatlnu in Nebiaska to declare
he Methodist Eplscopil college of Nebraska
'iilly released fmm all moral obligations
o tne pioposed Wesle > an university. Tills
.vodoln behalf of self prosorvatlon" In
lelialf of the educational intmests of the
Methodist Episcopal chinch In Nebraska ,
lellovlng our course to bo tiirht and our
aiiso to bo just , wo apppeal to our own Neb
raska annual conference and to Uod , the
, 'read head of the church , for endorsement
nnd appioval.
Kesohcil , That a copy of tlm foiegolng
esolulioiib be piascnted to tlm board ot trus-
.ens ot the proposed university at its next
Si'iiiNHFiEM ) , 111. , Jan. 21. The follovvlnc
louse committee was appointed by the
pealcer this morning : Judiciary Miller ,
ihalrman ; JllncLburn , Fuller , hlttlcr , Ylck-
ors , Necly , Allaid , Hilton ot McLean , lira-
ten , KeynolctH , llrokski. Brown of Faycttc ,
Merrill , Crafts , Archer , McKlnlay. Jonnson ,
Wells , Mahoney , Day , Taylor. Judicial Do-
lartmcnt Musslck , chalrnmn ; Docket , Cicur ,
Jones ol Crawford , White. Mojer , Cooley ,
Allen of Vurmllllon , Lovvruy. Morgan , Yo-
emus , lialccr. Smith. JoneDotbangoinon , Km-
or , lirovvn,0niiiptoll. ) Corporations DoeKer ,
chalrnmn : Metwit'1 ; , Clark.-.Miirnhy , Kuyn-
olds Uradstwvv , Hiovfn of Kayette , Him tor ,
Schartau , Herrlngton , UopnliiL'ftr. Moirltt ,
Jratts. Mnhonuy , ( IJoason , Kiirley , Cnir.
Hullmads Fnllur , chairman ; Claik , Mes-
sick , Cooluy , Cliaso , Klshnr , Knxnn , Eastman ,
baw.vtT of Lasallo , Kiut lnuur , Ciaft.s , John
son. .Merrltt , Cole , Fiirrcll , MeKlllgott. Wnlt.
Coniniorco Clark , chairman ; Allen ot
ron , Sloin , Sawyer of hnfiallu. llr.tdslmvv ,
Morgan Ciindo. Itiigtrles , Hart , IavH , Conway -
way , Furlong , Faiiell.Tiiylor , I'nrduni , ( Jh > a-
hon , Itcily. Flnancu Eistman , chairman ;
Kctony , Cordo. 1'artrldiro , Uaiiror ,
l ovvry , Vollard , lloiiardut , Allen
of Warren , Coin. Kddy , Morritt , Herring-
ton , llurlincs , Mer.lllijott. Appropiiatlons
Ijltllur , ehnlrman ; Uuby , Colliiib , btuvvart ,
WiiBhtof Moruan , Ncllis. Kcyser , Ulack-
luirn , Kishi-r , Hay. Herring-ton , Johnson ,
( Jaiupboll , I'icrci ) , vvolls , Coaverso , Smitli.
Kevenuu ( irk-r , chairman ; 1'omeioy , Milton
of lioqnuls. Pldim , Decker , Itrown of F.iy-
i-tte , liradbhavr , ( Jallovvay , l'aitrldio , . ( ones
of Cravstoul , Jlittkin&on , VicKi'in , Cratt-i ,
Moiritt , Herrington , Yociim. Campbt-ll ,
Uakcr , Davis , Symonds. Phillips. The
chaltmon ol t > omo of iliu other commlttetM
niu ; llOKaidus. of nubile ; charities ; Bl.iuU-
bum , ot banUb and banking ; Hunter ,
of llvu block : and dairy , Fisher ,
of canaN and river Improve
ments ; Jfoely , ot olcctlon ; Hoskmnon ,
sanitary alluira ; Hcliartuu , btatoand iiuinl-
clijal Indclituiliu'SStover ; , insnraneos ;
Murphy , tedwral relations : fatuwart , chilnw
Cooluy , militia ; Kindlon , it'tu'iichmi'iits ;
Horrlck , ecology ; I'.irtrhku , of iirintiiiL' .
Haider is to visit the bohllois' and s.illorn'
homo nnd tlm boldUns' 01 iihans' homo. Hills
were Introduced In thu huiuto by Senator
Funk appropriating S42.000 for the ordinary
expenses for tlio State Normal university nt
Normal ; by Senator Curtis , appropriating
glfl.000 for fncidt'iital expends for the tnlrtv-
litth general assembly and for the care of the
stale house and grounds.
The Pinkertou
JEIISEY CITY , N. J. , Jan. 21. The fou
Pinketton detectives arrested last night fo
kllllui ; Thomas llojan , were arraigned Ii
polleo rourt tliU morning. Tliumas Sheehy
was pointed out as the man who killed tlio
boy. The piisoners vveiu then remanded to
further examination.
Archbishop Corripm Generally Censured
For Hia Action in the Matter.
Two Noted PuciMstsTnlk About Sul
livan's llrokcn Ann A Mbcl Uo-
tractcil Stnnloy Starts For
Africa Foreign News.
l'o)0 nnd 1'nntnr.
LONDON , Jan. 2i , 1 a .in. [ No.-.v York Her-
nlil Cable-Special to the UirTho : ]
doming Chronicle , In a special from
lomc. says : "Father McQlynn's case Is tlm
alk of ecclesiastical circles here. As far as I
can gather the feeling , both at the \atlcan
ind In tlm propoganda Is that Archbishop
'orrlgan lias nctcd without Episcopal pru-
Icncc. Ills manner In dealing with
ho dlfllculty Is almost universally
condemned. Special orders have boon sent
round not to reveal the proceedings now
going on' to journalists. A sort of artificial
reticence , therefore , Isrovnalcd at the Ameri
can college , the motor of which Is olllclally a
cind of sub-prefect of tlio Amcrlcm bish
ops. I am Informed that Father McOlynn
ias written to the secretary In Jill capacity
as prefect of the holy ofllco. The greatest re
gret Is felt hero that the rector of St. Slo-
ihen's did not appeal to the holy see at once.
The tendency of the propaganda la to limit
ho autocracy of modern bishops , and Mr.
UcUlynu Is personally known hero. Ills
enemies have now cleverly convejod to
the mind of the pope that the suspended
iriest was wanting In sacerdotal virtue , and
hat he sacrificed tlio duties of the pastorate
o seeking worldly prestlgo. Those who know
tome will understand how this malaria ,
f raised In n quarrel with a bishop , Is gener
ally followed by some accusation against
faith or morals. Happily , In the McCilynn
aso , the holy olllcc Is doing its bast to obtain
correct Information.
ArcliblHhop's Side.
Nnw Yonic , Jan. 21. Archbishop Cord-
rlgan to-night maucs public a long written
statement in regard to the McGlynn caso.
It goes back to IBS ) , when Dr. McGlynn Is
dcclatcd to have disobeyed the mandate of
[ tome against the making of political speeches
by priests , and when under coricctlon
iromlscd to refrain from fiuthor of-
'ending , but had to bo called to
account again In IbSt. Dr. McGlynn having
nado no leply to his first summons to Koine ,
, no archblslioi ) wrote requesting EOIIIO
answer. In fi/ut dajs lie wrote that
10 could not uo to Home , and at the
> amc time reallirmed his doctrinal position
on tlio land question. A kind and
conciliatory letter was sent him bythocar-
llnal , to which ho made no answer. A ca-
blccram was then received Inviting McGlynn
again to proceed to Rome , and If ho con-
inucd to disobey directin. the archbHiop
o use his own authority In dealing with him.
This was sent to Maynn. ! ! who made no
answer whatever. Then came a cablegram
peremptorily ordering McGlynn to Homo In-
itnntly. This was forwarded by messenger
o McGlynn with tlm lequest for an answer ,
but none was sent. The archbishop con
cludes as follows : "Tho latest of this
inhappy conflict occurred tills mornlne
vhen Archbishop Jacoblni. secretary of tlio
iropaganda , cabled as follows : 'For pru-
Icntlal reasons the propaganda has hltheito
iecn slow to act in the case of Dr. McGlynn.
[ 'lie sovereign pontill has now taken the
matter Into his own hands. ' The case now
ests between Dr. McGlynn and the holy
. "
ce. _ _ _ _ _ _
Wlmt Join Smith and Chnrloy Mitch
ell Think orttin Accident.
Ifopi/Huht 1SS7 ZiJamtt ( Qonlan llcnnM. ]
Nivv-CASTin-ON-TvNE , Jan. 21. | Now
t'ork Herald Cable Special 'to the BEK.J
'Jem" Smith , the champion pugilist of Ent-
and , and Charley Mitchell are hero. They
re on a bhort tour through the north. Tbcn
hey go to Dublin and finish up in Lontlnn.
ir. Fleming , who is managing the tour , "said
o your conespondcnt that tlioy expected to
eave for America In a few weeks , but vvera
lot sure o the date. They did not
ear of Sullivan's nccfdent until
hey arrived at South Shields from London
ast evening. Ail the men were very , .sorry
o hear of the accident , but hoped ho would
eon recovorand that the matter had been
jxaggerated. Smith is an extremely reticent
nan , and allowed the others to apoak tor
tint after lit ) haU expressed his sorrow at
tearing of tlio accident. The Interview took
ilaco in the Gaiety Music hall 1n this city ,
vhcro the announcement of tliacngagemont
of the two men for two nights had attracted
largo house ,
Mitchell said : "I hope it is not so bad AS
reported. Ac all events it will not make any
alteration in our plans. Smith and I ,
.ogethcr with ourmanaiter , will visit America
repared to take on all comers. I fancy tlm
, hing is exaggerated nnd that Sullivan will
ptobably get better In tlmo for a meeting
with Smith. Smith felt very bad when ho
leard of the accident , for his ambition is to
meet Sullivan in the prlzo ring. I think If
Sullivan lost the nso of one arm ho
tvould continue to light. Lots of lighten )
liavo fractured their arms and then do no bet-
: er. For Instance , Smith broke his forearm
in a glove light In London in the early part
of his career. Ho fought ono-half hour af
terward and won , and he has been a better
since. "
man over <
Asiccd as to Knlfton's visit , Mitchell saJ ] :
Well , 1 think the public will know some
thing about the form of the two Englishmen
who have been so much bcforo the public
lately befoio wo leave tlio country. Thoio is ,
a proposal , which may come to something- ;
that Smith should enter upon a four-found
contest with his old opponent , Alt Green-
Held , and that I should meet Knifton in a
similar struggle befoio wo leave England.
Violet Giiinoroii'a lluntmn < l firings
the London Novvti to riinoy
1HS7 bu Jtwu * QontimJlcnueU , ' ]
Jan. 31. [ Now York Herald
Cable Special to the UuK.-Dcuensaude | ,
the husband of Viola Cameron , signalized
his imlval liciu by threatening the Evening
Now s with a libel suit. Thereupon the News
this afternoon prints the following editorial ,
headed "Hot faction : "
Witli rcleronco to an article that appeared
in these columns on the 13th of Uctobni , con
taining statements about Mr. DubeiiMiudo ,
Wit wish to withdraw them in the most com
plete and unqualified manner , and to express
our regret that the article was insetted ,
The whole was copied vmbatlm fiom an Issno
of the New York [ hero follows the name of
a gift enterprise journal. ] Wo took it in the
lull belief ot its truth , having no personal
feelings , hut Mmply quoting what purported
l/tgtu a truthl id account ot an intciviovv be
tween a icpoitcrot she film gtt | enterprise
personal'h name Is repeated ] and an Eng
lishman In Now York. Wo jepeat that wo
retract. Wo should not have reproduced
statements which wo am assured have no
foundation in fact , and tender this apology
to Mr , In-bensaude.
1'riishla'n , Jan. 21 , llerrran Scholz , Prus
sian mliiKtvr of finance , to-day piosented
tlio budget to the lower liouso of the Prus
sian diet. This states that the tiado of Prus
sia has Improved , decreasing the deficiency
In revenues. The grants for the provincial
district authorities of the kingdom call for
W.OJO.OOO marks Instead of 19,000,003 a $ In
the previous jeur. The lallway receipts for
thu fiscal year will exceed expenses by
JO,000UX ) marks , The receipts from income
tax will bo larger than Ueretolore , provinu
the prosperity of the urban population much
Increased. Statistics show the population i |
the rural distiicU lessoned. U ) conclusion
the budget states that thu relchstag's rejec
tioii of the army bill placed all other ques-
lens In the backrro.u/id. ( On Ihls account
ho financial mlrilp r abstained from ro-
crrlngto the devQlomiiontot Indirect taxa-
Ion. In consoquence-jif the largo exportation
of horses from MecJJenburc and Westphalia
a proposal , which forbids these export" ,
Till bo submitted to the tmudcstalli forth-
Gernintij's'Uyp on France.
Lo.vnoy , Jan. 2Lr-An Inspired letter fiom
Jcrllnsays : "In 'Jjoternment ' circles hero
ho situation Is rr rded as serious , the
) eaceful tone ot the , , I'fcnch press not being
issurlng , as It h evident the papers have
> eon ordered olliciallv' to adopt a peaceful
attitudo. There clh be no question that
i'rancols preparlnghlnilltary ; campnlirn on
ho German frontier. 'Hremalns to be seen
whether a plausiblrflcHson can bo given for
tills. "
French Cnhlnct Crisis.
PAIIIS , Jan. 21 , Tlio budget committee of
.ho chamber ot deputies , by a vote of eighteen
o six , rejected the amended budget presented
JJT M. Dauphin , minister of llnance , provld-
ng for the Issue ot bonds to the amount ol
JTO.OOO.OOO francs , redeemable In sixty-six
jcars , to meet tlio tempoiary needs ot tlio
rovernmcnt , M. Dauphin Is consequently
expected to resign and a cabinet crisis Is Im
minent. The present cabinet was formed
on thu llth ultimo.
Stnnloy Starts For AMcn.
LONDON , Jan. 21. Henry M. Stanley
slatted to day for Kgjpt. Ho goes to Urln-
dlsi , thence to Sun ? . A largo number of re
porters nnd distinguished persons gathered
at the railway station to witness Stanley's
departure. Stanley's last words were , In
reply to an Inquiry by n reporter : " 1 will
return as soon as I can. Give my kindest
regards to mv friends In America , Helglum
and England. " As the train moved out ot
the station Stanley was lustily cheered ,
Vfar Iliiinoi-H Thicken.
LONDON , Jan. 21. Humors of war arc becoming -
coming more and moro fiequcnt. The North
German Ga/ctto , National Gazette and
Cologne Ga/ctte , as well as tlio Times , Stand
ard and Dally News of London , all report
that Franco Is making elaborate preparations
to dlsnatcli to tlio German frontier stiong re
inforcements of arms.
Jacob I ill's Successor Named.
IJoMk , Jan. 21 , Monslgnor llampolla Del
Tlndaro. papal munclo at Madrid , has bcen
designated to succeed Cardinal Jacoblni as
jiapal secretary ot state.
Failure of a Steamship Coniimny.
LONDON , Jan. 21. John Potter , Jr. , & Co. ,
managcis of tlio Monarch line , ship owners
and Insurance brokers , etc. , failed. Their
liabilities and assets are both latgo.
Three Monnrchs to Meet ,
Bnnr.iN , Jan , 21. A minor is current that
: ho umperor.s of Jlussla , Austria and Goi-
many w 111 meet hero on Emperor William's
birthday. _
Kussln AVnnts Her Horses.
LONDON , Jan. 21. Orders have been Issued
n Russian Poland forblddine the exportation
ot horses to Austria or Prussia.
Death of Chesterfield.
LONDON. Jan. 21. Lord Chesterfield Is
lead , lie w as slxty-fivp years of ago.
liEVI 1' . MOUTON.
-The Ijnto Senatorial Candidate Inter
viewed on the Cohtost nt Albany.
Nnw Yomc , Jan. 81. The Trlbuno will to-
nonow publish tlie following Interview with
Hon. Levi P. Morton in recard to tlio late
contest nt Albany for the United States scn-
Uorshlp : "Wnen lyventto Albany 1 had
absolute pledges of forty-elcht votes without
counting strong assurances from friends ,
ot the support of otheis or the
speaker's personal vote or official Influence.
) n Monday inornliifr , tlio day of the caucus ,
n addition to tlilrty-livo voles on the first
ballot , I had the votes of Mr. Kimball , who
voted with my approval for Mr. Hlscock ;
Ildredge , who was deiatnod at homo by the
llncss of his vvifu ; Jlosos , who was unable
to leave his hotel to attend the caucus ; lica ,
who was 111 atLowvlIl , and who subsequently
claimed that ho had only pledged himself to
cast tlio first ballot for me , and that as when
10 arrived the hrst ballot had been taken , he
was at llbeitv to vote for Miller ; Emeiy ,
ilorton and Mabio , making forty-two in all.
lids without counting direct pledges from
six other members , whoso names I
will not now mention. To the devoted
oyalty of the thlity-slx who mu
tually pledged themselves to stand by
mo to thu end and who nt my icquestcast
their solid vote for Hiscock , 1 am under deep
obligation , since my election was of secon
dary Importance to mo as compaicd with the
interests of thu republican party , and out of
consideration for my friends 1 requested
hem to withdraw my name and
to vote for Hlscock , and 1
liavo the satisfaction of knowing
that If 1 could not secure my own election 1
could throw the dovot'on ' of my sunpoitcrs to
secure that ot a personal and political friend ,
vv ho had not been Involved In any factional
liartv contests and who was eminently fitted
to represent thu republican party , guard the
honor and protect the Interests of the Empire
into in the United States senate.
An ExtenHivo Crook.
CIIICAOO , Jan. 21. [ Special Telegram to
the UiiIn : : ] the case of "Count" Geonro
Yon Itohawski , alias Di. G. F. Kaymnn , a
young adventure ! from Germany , the grand
jury failed to find a true bill and the man
with the aristocratic prolix was accordingly
dlschaiged from jail. Ho has an extensive
criminal career , beginning with thefts and
confidence tilcKS In thti old country , which
were continued on tills side of the ocean.
In the east ho victimised prolcssorsof various
medical schools , and then hu was heard from
In Lincoln , Neb. , where lie had to leave
under a cloud. In this city ha robbed Drs.
.McLean and Keece , of tlio liusli Medical
colloire , and was finally ai rested. For some
unexplained reason the case was not pressed
before tlm grand jury.
The Tjonjjshoromen'8 Boycott.
Nnw YOIIK , Jan. 21. The bojcott by the
longshoremen's union of fioight cariiedby
the Old Dominion Steamship company pro
ceeded with Its usual vigor to-day , and both
sides the longshoiemon and the forolgn
steamship companies are waiting for the ex
pected htorm to burst. The Post says that
nearly all thu steamship companies , with one
exception , are determined to resist the action
of the strikers , and that the first bovcotted
freight handled by any of the steamship com
panies will bo the siicnal for a general strike.
The Company ,
DitCATt'it , 111. , Jan. JL The Terre Haute
& Peorla railroad conhiany , which Is a reoi ]
ganl/atlon of the lllin'ols Midland railway ,
completed Its organization to-day by electing
C. W. Fairbanks piesideut , D. H. Conklin
vice president and tieasurer , and Anditnv
Stevens secretaiy. _
A I'ollci'nmn'a Kntal Shot.
Nr.w YOKIC , Jan. 2i.-- | While a policeman
was taking some nrlnjn'ord this noon from
the Tombs police com U to thupilson below ,
two of them escaped , o/n / ) In the chase which
followed an oillcer fired two hliots , one of
which hit a joung man" namml Canalo , Ho
was taken to the , wlieio he expired.
To SuppresH Diuico Houses.
LANSING , Mich. , Jau , 41In commltteo of
the whole ibis afternoon the homo of repre
sentatives passed the liroun bill tor the siip-
presslin of infamous dance houses in the
upper peninsula , an account of which has
been given in these dispatches.
Cremated Whllo Hick.
Cor.usiniA , 8. C. , Jau , 21. The house of
Calum Uass , In Kershavv county , has been
dcbtrojed by an incendiary lire. Uass1 wife ,
who was sick In bed , nnd her two smul
children , pnrlbhcd in thu minus. Iias3 is sus
pected ot liavliu "red the house.
Judcment in Hoku's Cn o Reserved.
MoNTitEAr. , Jan. 21. After deliberating
for some tlmo on thu J. F. lloko case the fi'l
bench of the conn of appeals reserved jiuU
ment until to-morrow.
Nebraska and Iowa Weather.
For Nebraska and Iowa : Colder , fair
vv eathar.
1'nssnso of the lutor-Stntc Commerce
Hill Mnkcs n Wonk Market.
NKW YOIIK , Jan. Sl.-fSpcclal Telegram to
ho UEK.I- Washington dispatches stated
his morning that the Inler-stato commerce
illl would bo voled on In the house and was
ikely to pass by at least two-thirds nnjority.
This nnd Uio further fact that Londoji hail
been forsoveialdajs past quiet but steady
sellers of slocks made the market very weak
ind encouraged some selling of long stocks.
" > ocal news was , ( oo , not altogether rcassur-
ng. It was reported that the Lake Shoto
switchmen of Toledo were dlssitlstled and
night go out on a strlKo nt any moment.
I'he report that the now management ot the
Hocking Valley had discovered that the com-
> any had pome SUOUO,000 more bonds out
standing than was counted on undo a
ragged nnd weak market for Hock-
ng Valley. Notwithstanding the threats
if certain heavy operators that
short sellers would get toirlbly squeezed.
Sew England , Jersey Contra ! and
Heading each made considerable gains , nnd
here were no Indications that the mill pools
n them had concluded to drop their load.
Itoportsof possible foielgn complications In
creased the bearish feeling , and it was
thought that a good share of the LondoiT
selling was on this account. The bears made
rt drive at the Tiunk lines nnd Grangers , nnd
n break of about 1 per cent was secured. The
liassane of the Intcr-stato commerce bill In
thohntisn had a very depressing effect on
stocks. There was a steady decline In prices ,
nbout everything on tlm list except Pacific
Mall , which , It was expected , would bu bcno-
llted by the Inter-statu commcico bill when It
[ jccamo n law. The bull cllijuenppaiontly
withdrew their support In Reading and
Jersey Central , aim the weakness In these
stocks encouraged the bears to hammer thu
rest of the list The close was weak nt the
lowest prices of the day. The total sales
were nbout100,000 shares.
FirHt Sklrinlih Itctivcun the Heirs nnd
till ) EvCCIItOlN.
AI.IIAXY , N. Y. , Jan. 21. [ Special Tclo-
cram to lholhn. ] A skirmish between the
heirs ot the late Samuel J. Tllden and the
executors of his will occurred jcsleulay In
the hearing bcforo the assembly judiciary
commltteo on the bill Incorporating the
Tilduii trust. Executors Andrew 11. Gieono
and Itobcit Smith were present wllh their
consul , Lewis Cass Ledyard , to urge that the
bill bo icporttHl favorably upon at once.
Counsellor James Oliver , of Now York , ap
peared for Samuel J. Tlldon and asked for
an adjournment of two vvcoks or until the
executors had filed an answer to tno suit
brought by the heirs to have judicial con
structions put upon section No. 3. > of the will ,
which provides for a free public llbraiy and
cicates the tuist. The heirs claim that thu
section 1s void and invalidates
tlio will because of Its ambiguity.
Oliver sild there was no hurry
to pass thu trust bill , and although the
licirs intended , If the will was dcclaiul void ,
to deed over to the city the Tllden mansion
or Gramercy park , with its contents , books
nnd papers at Greystone , and endow the free
public library with Sli.OOO.OOO or 54,000,000 ,
they objected to the rushing tluoiigh of the
trust bill until the executors had tiled an
answer to their complaint now before the
court. Ho explained that there might bo
something In the executors' answer that
would put a dlllerent light on the matter.
The impiession made upon these who hoard
the argument wn < t that the heirs , if they win
their case , want the credit of endowing the
librarv. and that the trustees want tlio moral
support that thu passage of the act of incor
poration would give them In thu pending
_ _
National Hoard of Trade.
siti.voTox , Jan. 21. The national boaid
of trade to-day passed tlio following :
Whereas , Certain foreign governments are
dl'-crimlnaling acainst thu importation of
Ameiican productions ; and
Wiiereas , The business ot this country re-
nuires judicious revision ol thu turill ; there
llesolved , That wo recommend such re
vision of our tarilT laws as will tend to pro
mote friendly intercourse with other nations ,
but alwajs with a distinct aim to lester and
cncouingu such of our own manufacturing
Industries as are of Impoitaiit benellt to tbu
> uople at laiiro.
ASeilesof resolutions favoring changes
In laws regulating the proceduiu In the cus
toms service were adopted unanimously.
Kcbolutlons wore also pass'id favoring an
iinondiuent to the. constitution so as co allow
the president to veto separate items In an an
nual .ipppnprlatlon and declaring that itlsthd
duty ot oui gov eminent to endeavor to
make treaties \\ith forolgn governments that
will hccuio the cxttiulltion ol all fugitive
criminals. The boa id then adjoin nod to
meet in Washington next vcar , thu date to be
lived by tlio executive council.
SwIndlorH Use iiosnii's Namo.
CHICAGO , Jan. 21. A .scheme to use Gen
eral Lojjan's name for swindling pin poses
was discovered hero to-day. Solicitors lep-
lesuntlng that thuy were about to publish ,
under the auspices of the Gi.xnd Army of the
Republic , n life of General Logan , pait of the
proceeds to go to Mrs. Logan , took orders
lot books at ten contss each and sold the back
page of the cover ot the whole edition
to a number ot persons lor SM ) . When the
book came out the ad.vertlseis di coveied
their adveitisumcnt only published in a tew
copies. ThO Grand Army ol the Republic re
pudiates any connection with thu nllalr. The
printer ot the DOOKS refuses to say who the
principals In thu sehonm are.
Railroad Companies
Sr. Louis , Jan. 21. Suit lor 5400,000 dam
ages was liled In the circuit court this altei-
noon by the St. Jon AT. St. L Mils railioad com
pany against the St. Louis , lion Mountain A ;
Southern and Missouri Pacific railway com
pany tor alleged violation of contracts.
Shut Down For Want of Coal.
WAnniintfiiy. Conn. , Jan. 21. The Good-
venr India lubber glove nianut.ictoiy at
NamratucK will bo compelled to shut down
to-nuiirow far waul of coal. This will tluow
l.OOU hands Out of employment.
A Very Cold Fire.
PounHKKii"siu : , N. Y. , Jan. 21. A largo
Ice house of the Mutual Benefit Ice company
at East Park was totally damaged by lire nt
a lalo hour to-night. The loss Is estimated
nt 370,000.
A Georgia
AtmusTA , Ga. , Jan. 21. Preston Valentino
was hanged at l-n : this afternoon lor thu
murder of an old night watchman named
Vales to conceal robbery.
There nro Giglity-livo prisoners in tlio
county jail.
The bniilc clearances yesterday wore
i032,010.0i. ,
All of the saloon men have paid tlioir
license for the hist quaitor ot the your
eliding April 1.
The next promonudu concert will occur
at the exposition building , Tuesday ovun-
injr , January ! M.
The steaiii-hoatlnK apparatus in the
board of trade building ims houn started
u ] ) , nncl u mi w in full operation ,
Tlio bids for tlio county ] ) riiitin < : for
tlio uiibiiinjj your will bo opened by the
county commissioners to-d.iyutnoon.
Contractor lirunnan has nearly all of
thu stouo cut and mupared forihu com
pletion of Hie court liousu retaining wall.
Oflieer U'hito last night arrested Wil
liam -Matson , who \v.ia responsible for a
row at tliu biiloou tindur tlio JMoi chants'
National bank.
In a practice race nt tlio exposition
building yesterday Prince , Hulloek. Peabody -
body anil Mittnuur covered live miles in
15 minuted and 7 seconds.
Judge Stonberg was not in town yester
day an 1 his jilauo in the police court was
lilleil by Jndgo Anderson , who disposed
of a lot of drunks and vagrants.
The stars and stripes are proudly vvav-
in" from the J'addocL building , on
Eleventh and Douglas streets , which was
constructed by tlio now sonator-elcct.
A letter received at military headquarters -
quarters yesterday from Fott Dnciiusno
reports that tlio List troop of
infantry hai moved into tbu Uimi > orry
stockade barracks nt thai point , which
vie to bo usetl until the regular quarters
ire completed. Work on the Jattorjias
been bndly dclajed by the weather.
An aged liohcmian named Klttsok com-
ilaincd to the police yesterday that ho
md been assaulted ami robbed by n
Ninth street saloon man. A warrant was
ssttcd for tlio man'a arrest.
Ilenl Kstnto
Peal estate transfers filed Jan. 20 , 1837 ,
reported for the HIK : :
Josiali S McCormlck to Low Is S Heed , n o
kf n vv M s o ' 4 B , 1ft , W , 5 acre * , q r * l.
Oeo P. liatkitrrt nl to Jouma 1 Wlilttlne-
lam , lot 10 blk W Orchard Hill , vvd-Sl.WO.
Jno T Paulson nnd vvlfo to Ell/abcth
Hi Idee , lots 13 and 13 blk 3 Win HaRcdorn's
add to Onnha. vv d-S.VW.
liio M Doiuiirrty to Juo It Cox nnd Wrn 11
Uakrr , lots 1 to 10 incblk 3 Clovcrdnlo , vv it
Omaha Ural Kstatn nnd Trust Co to A M
\lo\n > ulor , iot 14 blk 3 Clarendon add to
Umali.i , vv d 51,700.
Archer Eke to ( irnliam l > Itradlcy , lot 3 blk
Y Slitnn'a 3d ndd to Omaha , vv d-Sl.700.
Henry M Jnckion to.lm A Onizcll , lotfi blk
S Hawthorne ndd to Omnlin , vvd Sl'OO. '
WLSolbynuO wlto to Mary II Coy , lot 3
blk ! > > S Omalm , w d SfWO. 4
Mary K Coy to Mnry H Wallace cl nl , lota
jlk Kt S Omaha , VT d S750.
Mnry II Wnllaco ct nl to Mary E Coy , lot 3
blk TM S 0'iiaha , vvd-Sl.
Clms K Collins to Chas W Hilney , lot 10
slk 11 Unnscom place , vv d Sl.WO.
J H Pnrrott and wlto to Edward K Mavne ,
ot 0 blk u sub ot J 1 Kedlck's of Ouiaha.'vv u
Anron Calm ct nl lo Bpitno Cohen , lol ft
Windsor Place extension add to Omaha , vv d
Jno C Cow In ctnl to John Avondct , lot 3
blk 20 Omiiln , w d-Slfi.OOO.
Joseph IMss nnd vvlfo to \Vnllstcln.mid- \ -
dlo U lots 10 and 11 Courtlatid Place , vv d
Kredk 11 Davids et nl to Jane S IJogers , lots
0. 7 , 8 blk 0 Hoggs & Hill's add to Oniahn , vv
Siimt T lo ! ers and vvlfo to Alex (1 flmrl-
ton , lot 15 blk 11 Imp Ass'n ndd to Omaha , w
it 81,000.
Clms W Knlney ct nl to Hcnrv Elsele. lot I )
blkOOnmna Vlovv ndd , vv d-S'.HW. '
Clms W Ita noj ct nl to Conrad Elsole , lot -1
blk f. Oiiiilm View a Id to Omaha , vv d SIKH ) .
Allen N Fleming and wile to Mlllo u J Al-
woith , lot 5 hll ; Platnrlovv , vv d i'.KM ' ,
Allen N V o uing and vvlfo to Thos 11
Ualdvvln. Inl : ' . blk 5 Plain view , vv d-SWW.
A S Millings nnd vvllo toA7a \ \ A
McAleese ut al , lots 17 and Ibblk'J Plalnv low ,
w d Sl.ltO.
I1 H Keed to Gustavo A Kngle , n 100 ft lot 0
blk 10. \ \ llcox's'Jd ' add to Omaha , vv d-S7. > 0.
A C Tronp and wife to Kugene S Albright ,
lot 1'J ' bli ; 1 Oiehaul Hill , vv il-S1.050.
( ! co ( ! Sniiiiea to Jno W Oiifllth , part sec
1U , 15,1 . also IIKSO rods of same , vv d SI.
John W ( iritllth to the public ( tttistee ) plat
of Colliding place , t art of ll , 15 , 13 , dedica
tion.Win Ii MrCiimio to the U P It U Co , 3.07
nciesin in , 15 , IS , vvd-Sl.
Goo H Uojnts et nl to.leiemUh Mnlvlhlll ,
Int 10 blk a-J Omaha View extension , vvd
Sl.ors. , f .
Jno W ( Jrllllili to Edward Oesterre'c'icr ,
lo no bile 3 JJaker placu add to Onmlia , vv d
v '
Cli'.is Ij Van Camp nnd wife to Sebastian
niumlo , lots 10 and 11 bile 1 Cottngu Pnik.
add. vvd 31,400.
Itulph 1' Gaylonl ct al to Ralph E Onylord ,
trustee , 50 lots liurllngton Place , t d sio.
Krmlna H Tidbill and hush to Jno S K n r ,
lots blk XSIilnn'syd add to Omaha , w it
Allen JI Flcmlnir nnd lutsb to Wm Mnlo-
noy. lot 4 blk 5 Pliilnvlevv , vv d-S'JO.l. .
1) Cunningham etnl to Saml S Curtis , 43
lots In Kellogg add. vv d SSMOU.
Edwin A Casey and vvlfo to Samuel S Cm-
t Is etal. M s vv } n w X and 15 > acres of
111 , 15,13 , vv 1 815,000.
Andrew Kosuvvater and wife o Eiank
Shoull. part5,8)acres20 , 15,13 , vvd SJ , 100.
For Sale.
III E. V. Smith's Full corner lot wilh
two % om\ \ houses now rented. Price
$7.5.00. This is a rare bargain.
Trj' IhoKoniiine lira/.ilian Pebble specs.
Finest in the world. C. L. Krickson ( S :
Co. , 213 N. Kith , aiasonio blocit.
Tlio deelino of rillc-shootinj la attract
ing nnicii attention anionp ; military men
in Mow York. Two years IIKIV thousands
assembled at Creeumoor to witness tlio
international matches , while to-day it
would bo impossible to gather a corpo
ral's guard to watch a contest.
A woman in Bridgeport. Uonn. , has
complained to the police that her Salva
tion Army husband vvus making life mis
erable around homo by too much praving
and singing and assaults upon her and
the children , because they do not believe
in Ins religious methoda.
Chemists say that sweetness is the only
original and genuine pleasure of taste.
They also claim that what distinguishes
one kind of sour from another is not the
taste vyliich varies only in degree of con
centration and intensity but tlio accom
panying odor.
A French lawyer asked a peasant 3
francs for a case wliloti lie had won for
him. ' 'That is Uear , " said the peasant.
"Two francs or nothing , " said the law
yer "Ah ! 'nothing1 Miits mo better ;
good ( lav ; much obliged , " leplicd the
peasant , to the surprise of tlio lawyer.
A Vermont farmer spent , the holidays
in New York City and wrote home to his
wife : "Kveiyone hero seems to bo hard
up for money. You can't go Into a store
without hearing somebody yelling for
'cash. ' "
The Humane society nt Philadelphia
keeps a boat on runners ieady to rescue
any one who breaks through the lee on
the Seliuylkill.
Causes Iti victims to 1m miserable , hopeless ,
ronfiiieil , and depressed In inhiil , very Irrita
ble , languid , -iiid die sy. U Is a disease
which ilous not tct ; well ot ItHcU. H requires
caicfill , persistent attention , nnd a icmcdy to
throw oir the causes and tone up thu ulnes-
tlvn org-nu till they perform their duties
willingly * Hood's Baf-apnillla has jirovcn
Just the i enuhea i fiueily In hunUredi o cases.
"Ihavotikenllood'g Sars-nnrllla for djs-
pcpMa , from which 1 have sufteiul two yuars.
1 tried nnny ntlier lucdlclnes , but none proved
so Mtlsfactory as Hood's 8aripaiill.i , "
'inoji.vs Cooit , llruah Blcctilu Light Co. ,
Kcw York Clly.
Sick Headache
"J'or tlio past two years I hive I.een
onilited with fcevoro headarhes and dyspep
sia. 1 v > as induced l < > try Hood's
rllKi , anil hive found relief. Uhicr-
inlly leiniiimend It to all" Mns. 15.1' .
A.N.SAIil.K , Ni'WH.VVCII , Conn.
> Ii ° . Mary C. Smith , Camlnldgepoit , Mass , .1 sufferer fiom djspepslaand slik lii.ul-
nil.u. hho took Hood's Bii ap.iillU nnJ
found It the best reineUy shu ever itid. (
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Sold by .dl drugKlsts. > i blx for Si. Marto
only by CM. HOOD U CO. , Jxmtll , Mass.
IOO Doses Ono Dollar.
State Agents
rou THU
Omaha , Neh ,
ItnnliuU tlio young ninn ,
IIiu old man , the youtlillmt
now U the season of yenr
ivltcit u
GOOD WAR ! , ]
IN one of llic
roiuFort's of life , nnd wliun
10 ( n 81 " can lie xavcd In
the pnrcliHNc ol' ono or
those elegant
iianl Tui
al such prices an Ihcsc
It IN not only the time , but
it payn to buy at the only I
two '
Parlors ,
1119 Farnam Street
where you will nnd that
llteir price * on
iinulu by Merchant Tailors
are equally low.
Keail this and !
n oi
? arnam St 1119