SIXTEENTH YEAB. OMAHA , SATURDAY MORNING , JANUA1IY 22 , 1887. NUMBEK 218. ALGERNON GETS I HERE ! The StrUasman from Beatrice Plucks tbo Senatorial Persimmon. KING CAUCUS ROOSTS HIGH. Tlio Joint Convention Elects Paddock bj Ninety-Three Votes. M'SHANE'S NEAT COMPLIMENT Pour Stalwart Van Wyckers Support the Old Man to the Last. HOW THE STRUGGLE ENDED. Details of the CloHliif ; SCCIICH in the Itcpuhllcnn Caucus The Flnul Ilullolnml the Speech of the Klect. K of the Kml. LINCOLN , Neb. , Jan. 21. [ Special to the UKI : . | The bailie Is over , and Algernon S. Paddock was elected as United States senator to succeed Charles II. Van Wyck , at the joint convention , at noon to-day. Senator Pad dock received lifty-nlno votes on the fif teenth ballot , taken by the republican caucus nt1:35 : o'clock this morning. Jlon. N. V. llnrlnn , speaker of the house of representa tives , received thirty-six votes , or nearly all of those which had been previously cast for General Van Wyck. Heforo the result was announced , nnd almost as soon as It became apparent that Paddock had received the requisite foity-clght votes. State Senator Ijlninger , who had lead the Van Wyck force In Its gallant Unlit , moved liiat A. S. Pad dock's nomination lo made unanimous , and the motion was carried with enthusiasm which was echoed by tlio walling crowd out side the closed doors with cheer after cheer. On the tenth ballot an attempt was made to boom Thurston , ami ho received 18 votes while Van Wyck got iS ! , Paddock 10 , Weaver 10 and the rest scattering. This was the critical junctuie of tlio whole caucus light. A desiierato liclit was made by Thurston's friends to get a secret ballot , and when that motion was voted down Thurston was dropped entirely and Paddock ran up on the next ballot to "XI. On the thirteenth ballot , which was taken immediately alter the twelfth had been an nounced , Van Wyck leeelved ad voles. Pad dock US , Weaver 1U. Thurston 2 , Majors r > , Cobb 2 , and Tlmyer 1. On Iho fourteenth ballot tlio vote was : Van Wyck 10. Paddock 41 , Weaver 3D , Marian , Cobb 1. During the ballot Senator Keckley said , In ex planation of his vote , that lie felt relieved of nil obligations to Van Wyck and would cast Ills vote for Paddock. As the vole Indicated n number of Hie Van WycK members then nnd there only followed in Kcckley's lead. Hcfore taking the llttccnlli an.l concluding ballot a brief recess was held. The Van Wyck men who had clung to him and those had voted for other candidates on the two previous ballots announced tliat they would combine on their second choice. The mem bers who had voted for Weaver , Cobb , Thurs- ton , nnd the other less conspicuous candi dates , determined to go en masse to Paddock , nnd so announced. Consequently , although the anxious waiters outside could only sur mise what would be thu next steii by the cau cus , It was practically settled before a name was called that Paddock would bo the nomi nee. nee.The night was ono of tlio most Intense ex citement. From 10 o'clock the auditorium hall in the Masonic temple was crowded with n restless and Impatient gathering , In which the lilcnds of the various candidates about evenly figured. When the report that the Van Wyck wing had concluded to come Into caucus was verified the Interest increased , and a thoughtful .student of political mcth- o < K who slood by your correspondent's side , expressed the opinion of ttilly two-thirds of those present by saying : "That means that n nomination will be reached bclore the day dawns. " When the forty-four men who had pledged their support to the " ranil old man" ot the new world reached the hall , they were ushered Into a small annex of the lodge room , wheio was spread for them a liaildsomu luncheon. In the telegraphed bul letins sent the HII : : tills morning it was Inti mated that the candidates were admitted to thu caucus. This was true in part , as they nil went In before the balloting began. Hut It was thought more proper that they should nol bo present alter that time , and all retired. Only ono oppintnnity was allorded an In quisitive reporter to obtain Information of what transpired within the caucus chamber. That was by means of a keyhole at the double-door entrance ( then securely locked nnd barred ) , of the room. That this was utllUcd to the fullest extent , goes without the saying. When ono man's ear became worn down to the nut ) and Ills knees gave out from pressure on the hard Door , another was anxious lor thu fray , nnd so through the long six nnd n half hours some one was con stantly "Inking In" the supposnbly sacred hccrcis of tlm republican legislative con clave. During tie ! evening the chair of the caucus was occupied by Representatives Marian nnd Wliltmorc , and later on Senator Malors wielded the navel. Two things were especially noticeable. One was the determination of the caucus to ' 'stick at It" until something should be done. Another was the splendid tribute paid Sen ator Van Wyck by his friends. Altliouuh the name of the next Nebraska senator Is P.uldock , it was only because of n determination on the part of Sen ator Van Wyck's opponents that ho should not bo re-elected , nnd to encompass Ids defeat tlio friends of Weaver hail to abandon their choice. Greater tribute to Senator Van Wyck la It that for thliteen ballots bo received the votes of nearly half of nil the legislature present , than Is it a tribute to the probable senator-elect that ho was agreed upon at the last and most desperate Minlt as the one whom the lloating opposi tion should combine upon. When the mcml es of the caucus came through tbo doors Into the auditorium gieat chccrinc and applause greeted them , Mr. Paddock was called to thu platform and in- tiodticed by State Senator Colby. Tlm speech of tlm nominee was eloquint and com mendable in sentiment , lie was followed by John M , Thurston , Chaplain Tate of the hlatosenate. Paul Vandervuoit , aud Kcpre- bentativo Whit more. All niiidu speeches which weio enthusiastically cheered. It was almost day ajaln when the hall was finally deserted. Ono ot the most lemailia ble siiimtoiiul struggles In the history of the state Is ended. The Kinul liallol. LINCOLN , Neb. Jan. 21. [ Special Telegram to the Hii : : , | The culminating session of the joint convention lor the election ot United Stales t-etmtor was the occasion of n largo attendance , nnd nt noon nil available sitting and standing space In the house was Tilled. The presence of ladies was more noticeable than nt any previous occasion. The vote of the joint convention was as lollows : Hon. A. S. Paddock Itt lion. Jno. A. McShane li'J Hon. O. ll. Van Wyck. . . . , 4 Those voting for Senator Van Wyck were : Gllmore , Ilelmiod , Ilor&t nnd Senator 11 ig- gins of Cass , The Joint Convention. LINCOLN , Neb. , Jan , 21. ( Special to the HKI : . ] As the balloting proceeded for United States senator several of the senators explained their votes. Upon his name being called , Senator HicKlns of Csss said : "I pro pose to vote for the people's candidate yet , and my vote Is for Charles II. Van Wyck. " An outburst of applause followed. Hepresentatlve Horst said : " 1 explain my vote for Charles H. Van Wyck tor this rea son , that I never found the number of votes In the caucus AS it was represented to me. My Choice Is "Vau Wyck , whom 1 consider the defender ot justice and the choice of the jeojle.of this state , although ho lias been de feated by corporate monopolies nnd by the treachery of those who pretended to be his friends , and who bartered their faith. Not withstanding this fact 1 will still show my loyalty , although I can not vote for the gentleman who Is elected , who was put there by the power of corporate wealth. 1 will show my loyalty to the cause of the people nnd vote for Charles 11. Vnn WycLV The uproar which erected this sentiment was perfectly deafening , and showed plainly hat the sympathies Of n larro majority resent. Including spectators , were on the Ido of Vnn'Wyclc. The chair then announced the vote , anil iald : "Mr. Paddock , having received a ma- orlty of all the votes cast , Is hero declared lectcd United States senator for the ensuing Ix years. " Everybody expected shouts of applause at his , but the nolso did not matcriali/e. Itepreoentatlro Ageo moved that a commit- : ec of three be appointed by tno president to ! cert Hon. A. S. Paddock , senator-elect , to .he joint convention , which was carried , and Messrs. IVIer.i , Mnlnger and \ \ hlto were lamed as such committee. In their absence , licproscntntlvo Miller aid : "I have no objection to iiny ono talk- lie to this house , nnd nin not going to say n .vord . against It ; but , sir , I feel disgusted ivhen I think of the past four days. " Uepicsentativo Acre : " 1 HM > to a point of older ; there Is no motion before the house. " The Chair : "I think we had better let the gentleman proceed. " Mr. Miller : "I say to-day that the people f the state of Nebraska have been misrepre sented wiicn we find that this convention Imd been adjourned in time and for the pur- mse of tolling the members what to do aud low to vote. " Mr. Auce : " 1 rise to n point of order. The gentleman is Impugning the motives of tills 'jody whun ho is not discussing the ones- Ion. " Mr. Miller : "This house has lost learly ono whole week walking : lown town and back again. Now I am willing to have Senator Paddock or any other man come here , but 1 think that It Is high time that the membcrsof tills house lo proceed to business. " Mr. Horst had put the explanation of his ote In writing nt the request of the chair , mil when lie sent it up Mr. Ageo said : " 1 ask for the reading of tlio explanation of the gentleman from Polk. " The secretary so read , whereupon Mr. Agce said : " 1 rise to a point of order. The expla nation impugns the motives of the. members if this legislature , Is HotjjmJliaiiieiitary and : anuot bo received. " , - " Thu representative from Loup said : "I novo that the message from the gentleman jo laid on the table. " Tills caused n burst of laughter nil around he house. Mr. Horst : "My explanation says nothing hat impugns this legislaluro. If it im- imgns the motives of tlio gentleman , t makes no difference to mo. I claim that .ho nomination of the senator was brought .bout by Ilio power ol corporate monopoly . .nil by Hie treachery of those professing to bo Senator Van Wyck's friends , aud I re- 'terato it regardless of his Influence. " Senator Colby asked If nn objection was uade to the explanation , It was not neces sary ( o have a two-thirds vote to put it on recoid , to which the chair answered that a explanation was a mailer of ptivl- _ cge and can bo madu only by leave of Iho as sembly , implied or expressed. Mr. Horst ' ' 1 think as the party who of- "cred that explanation lam entitled " Mr. Agee " 1 rise to n point of order. There .was no motion made , and the gentle- iiian has spoken twice. " At tliis juncture the serccant-at-arms said : ' .Mr. President : iour committee with the senator-elect. " Senator PnddocK was escorted to the plat- ' 01 m. Lieutenant Governor Sliedd said : 'Gentlemen of the joint convention : I have tlio pleasure or introducing to you thu Hon. \ . li. Paddock , your senator-elect. " Thu senator , whoso manner was cool and lignilicd , spoke as follows : "Mr. President , senators and members of he legislature : "I thank you from the bot- om of my heart for the distinguished honor you have conferred upon mo to-day. 1 un derstand full well lhat It is not because of any superior merit or qimlilieatlons or ability on my part beyond those possessed by the distinguished gentlemen who competed herewith mo in ibis election , bill 1 desire to say that such ability as 1 have shall be given , as it lias been in the past , in such sphcics of action as I have occupied , in the new ollico in which vott have placed me for the ujibnllilinn of this grand common wealth. When I shall enter upon ( lie duties of tills ofllco 1 .shall have been In Nebraska Ihlrly years. Never at anytime. In any place and under any circumstances , havol omitted to do whatever was In my power to do for tlio protection of thn interests of the state. 1 love every part of it. I leel myself In my humble way to bo a part of II because I have been honored in times past by the people nnd by the republican party in posllions In which I have endeavored always talthfullv nnd well to discharge the duties imposed unon mo. Hut , gentlemen , I am too weary to in- .lulge myself In any attempt at a speech here to-day. 1 know that you aru too weary to listen. Wo have gone through n rather pro tracted struggle. It is n pleasant reflection lo me , however , that the amen ities which should have been observed In this exciting contest Jiavo been observed so far as 1 have had par ticipation therein , ihave thoiricalest respect and the. strongest personal retrard for all the gentlemen who have computed lor this posi tion with me. 1 wish to thank them again. "Now , Mr. President , thanking you again for the very distinguished honor that you have conferred upon me , 1 will withdraw. " Senator Paddock , after his nddress , pro ceeded down the center nisle to where Sen ator Van Wyck was sitting , and the Jailer rliilng , lliey greeted ono another by a firm and heal ty clasp ol hands , which was hand' soiuely applauded by the spectators as an ac' tlon prompted by tlio noble Impulses of each. Upon Iho suggestion of StatoSenatorColby Senator Van Wyck was requested to access the joint convention and was received with tremendous cheers by the entire house. Ho spoke as follows : "Mr. President and gentlemen of this con vcution : 1 am liapiiv to meet with yon this day and to be asked by you to make n few suggestions upon tills occasion. I was L'lad to greet my friend , Senator Paddock , whom I met hero six years ano , and who when ho retired from tint po sition of United Stales senator greeted me with a coidlal handshaking , as 1 uiected him lo-day. [ Applause. ) 1 congratulate you and tlio stale of Nebraska lhat tlio com mission which I lay down cheerfully into the hands of that gentleman and the people of Nebraska , you have transferred into thu hands of one so eminently able nnd lit by ex periciieu and Intelligence nud by disposition to represent the people of Nebraska. 1 re iolco with him Hint thu amenities of civil ked life have been observed in tills contest nud the election which Is now , 1 trust , so happily ended. I received at your hands hU commission six years ago. Senator Pad dock six years previously laid it down Into the hands of the people of Nebraska as I lay It down to-day. Now , my friends , I you will nllow me , although I have a severe cold ( here the senator articulated with pain fnl dltllciilty ) , to say a few words , nol as lo thn mere matter of holding the office ( till Is comparatively of no imrortanco ; ) no matter tor who may be the individual whorimie sents you , the people of Nebraska , In the senate of the United States tor six years but the great principle the great btrueglo underlying this contest Is n matter of Im portanro to the people of Nebraska , and know that tbo man whom you have seletlei will as honestly nnd as jealously endeavor to protect your Interests and your rights In tli si-nati ) of the United States as bo who give up this commission has sought to do for th last fclx years. 1 have told my friends tha we had a crisis wo hail important Issues Im pending upon us. Among tills great nntloi trom ( his great state , great in the extent o its territory ; Kreat In the population whic occupies It ; great in the resources behind us Rreat In the principles , which. If fully estab sited , will make us nol only the greates pioduclng , but thogrcatestaud grandest slat In thu union we stand heru , my friends , to day. You ask only n fixed principle , becaus all Interest is supposed to be based to a ccr tain extent upon principle Thestriigglesupoi principle and with principle affects thel material prosperity ; based upon what the > consider principle the great northwest strug eles , and Interest in tlio principle whlc they consider underlies thuholo world From thu earlle&t ages until now the peopl have based tbcir principles uyou thoj [ lines which would affect the material pro- erityoftho community where th ° y exist ml the notion over which they spread , nnd o-day , and in the past and In the future here Is n strugcle a struggle which cannot jo hid nnd Cannot bo resisted that sirutrclo s based to a certain extent upon political irlnciplcs , and those principles nre good or iad as they ndect the prostxjrlty of the Indl- 'Iduals ' among them , And now' my friends , 1 feel nnd you know that there Is to-day as here has been nnd will bo In the fntine , n trucgie a struggle to-day between corpor- nle power , between organized wealth nnd the nborer nud teller and producer of this land , \o patty can live except Upon a live irlnclple , and that principle , ns 1 hnvo said , s that which nlfects the material prbsperity if tlio nation. Wo nro arrayed to-day the aborers and producers of Nebraska nro n k- ng for aid at your hands , gentlemen of the icnalo and legislature of Nebraska. The great republican parly , to which 1 have been illlcd for tlM ! last thirty years , demand nt our hands some relief for labor , some relief 'or the pioducer , nnd 1 tell you my friends , ! have n right to say to you that you cannot ildo yourselves behindadogma or party cau cus If you refuse lo obey the commands of ho people nud give lliem some relief. [ Con- lulled applause ] , 1 speak to you now ns I spoke to my ountrvmen thltty years ago. We were en- iuied ; In n struggle which was n struggle lor inmnii freedom human labor In which .ho monopoly of labor who owned he slaves In the south sought to dominate ibis tieat ; republic , and now , to-day , aggre gate and organized wealth and corporate tower me endeavoring to wield the same In- luence and bind you by the same chains that slavery did one-third of a century aio. 1 say to you In all sincerity and frankness that the people of this slatu nro demanding some relief al your hands. I know we are told sometimes nbotit the communism ot labor , and let mo say to you thai the gicalcst danger to this republic , the greatesl danger to labor and to prosperity is [ lie communism of wealth and corporate power which seeks to control this great American republic. [ Applause. ] Now the people of this state demand some relief nt your hands ; you have tbo power ; It does not all belonc to the United States. Let mo Illustrate. Yon have the power to regulate railroad transportation from tlm Missouri river to Imllnnola 200 or 2oO miles where your railroad corporations require 3If)0 for a car load of freight. Here from the Missouri river to Liverpool a car load can be carried al a less rale. Now7 you have It in your power to-day to relieve the people from such extortions and such exactions , and my Friends you know It all and 1 need not le- peal it to you. There are other things from which the people ple demand relief. To-day in the state of Nebraska and this American union two- thlrtis of all the farms are mortgaged nnd under the control of this orgaui/.ed wealth ot which 1 have spoken. We lave our ditfercnce.s of opinion in the republican party ; tliov have them in the democratic patty , and the question irises , where are lite people to bo relieved from taxatloni * My friends , you know , your people nl homo know , that Ibis day grain nnd : > ork arc raised In Nebraska , and by reason if cxhorbilanl rales Iho cost of production is j.ircly received from it. 11 used to bo our boast that the laborers of the American re public would subsist upon meal llnee times a lay , and when our poik aud beef readies thu seaboard It is encumbered with such charges that even united American labor noon the seaboard nre not nblo to enjoy the privilege of catinc meat three times a day. And you can help to solve this ( | iie. lion. Tliuro'are very great questions In the same dliection upon which the people ire demanding relief and must mvo it. The tenant class In this union are ncrensing in numbers. And w'hilo the American people can lind no reason for the duty upon lumber ot from SO cents to S3 per thousand , yet that Is sanctioned by the con gress of tlio United Slates. We find lhat really there Is no reason why sugar should not be imported into our bor ders , yet there Is taxable labor to prevent It. Laborers , producers and agriculturists are demanding some relief Ifom the congress ot the United Slates , and lliey are demanding relief from railroad ex tortion and exaction at the hands of the lecislaluro ot Nebraska. 1 have been your rcprcsentalivc , as Iho honorable 'cntlcman who succeeds me has jeen. For six years he sought diligently to idvanco the interests of Nebraska in Hie United States senate and 1 have tlio right to say tliat durliiK the ensuing six years the in terests of Nebraska will be jealously unaided In the United Stales Henato t > y the honorable gentleman whom you liave elected as my successor. 1 thank vou for the honor you did mo six years ago. 1 have honestly endeavored to discharge my duty to you and to Hie people of Ibis state , nnd now in rendering that commission into tlio hands of the people through you 1 do it with nn ex pression of thaiiKs to those who imye been my friends and the friends of Iho people ple and Hie state of Nebraska during the last six vears. J ask , gentlemen , I nsk the people of the stale ot Nebraska , Hint thev will ex tend to Senator Paddock the same kindness , tlio same consideration and thu same foibearanco they liavo extended to mo In the past and 1 prom ise you if you will .stay up his 1-ands and rally to his support , if you will not listen to bickerings and false accusations and stand by him , he will bo faithful and work for the interests of this stale , nnd there is no man of Ills experience and ability who will bo nblo to do more for the material Inter ests of the stale. If the people will only stand by blm manfully in Hie effort in which he Is engaged. " ( Applause. ) On motion of Senator Colby the Joint con vention adjourned nine < llu. Paddock's llccitptlnn nt Beatrice , UIATIIICI : : , Neb. , Jan. 21. [ Special Tele gram to the Hnu.J Heatrico Is more than jubilant over Paddock's election. The sena tor came homo to-day on a cally decorated train loaded with Deatrlcoclilxens and was met at the depot by the band , hose company. Company C , Nebraska National Guards , and about 1,000 enthusiastic citizens. Mr. Pad dock , with his family , rode up town at the head of a largo procession. Tlio crowd gathered around in front of thu Kamlall house and would not disperse until speeches woiomadoby Mr. Paddock , Senator Colby and Itepiesenalalive Fuller. In his remarks Mr. Paddock said his election was duo largely to Hie Gage county delegation , and that wlillo there were some dilfeiences among them , he hoped none of them would bo ecu Kined. A special train of about ono linn died citizens went lo Lincoln tills morning to be present at the ballot and escort the senator home. Preparations are being made for a reception to Mr , Padddck and the Gage county members at the opera house to-nior low night. Sonntor-Klcct I'aildoolf. lion , Algernon Sidney Paddock has just cnlered upon his llftv-Miventh year , having been born in Glens Falls , N. \ . , November 5,1WO. His father was a prominent lawyer of that portion of the Empire stale. Young Paddock attended the public schools for pre liminary instruction , and when thirteen years old ho entered Glens Kails academy , where he remained live years , Subsequently ho studied at Union college , Scheuectady , N. Y. , where ho remained until the com mencement of his senior year. On Hie ur gent request of a brother who was then re hiding In Detroit , tha young collegian went to the "City of Hie Straits. " Three month * trial convinced him that ho would like the "old homo" best , and accordingly ho re turned to Glens Falls and began teaching school , n position which seems to bo tlio favorable "lirst stepping stone" of America's successful men. In tlio meantime lie carrier out Hiepiogramnie by studying Jaw , After his Admission to the bar lie removed lo Koit Calhoun , Washington county , Neb. where he pre-empted a farm and located. This was In May , 1S.VT , when It was a grave quu.ulon whether Omaha was "to be or not lo be , " Senator Paddock really passed most of his time in the latter place , and during 1W" and ibS'J ' ho did some editorial work on th Omaha Republican. In ItxX ) he was chosen . delegate to tlio republican national con veil lion nt Chicago , that nominated Abraham Lincoln , and during that fall he stumped New Yoik state for the republican parly. In April , 1M1 , he was appointed secretary of tin territory of Nebraska and three years alter ward was a delegate to the convention nf Ualtlmore that nominated Lincoln for re election. On the admission of Nebraska as a stale in IbCT lie was an unsuccessful candl dale for United States seuntoi against the Hon. John M. Tliayer , now governor. In Ibou President John son appointed Senator Paddock secretary ol the utwly mmlo territory \VyouilnK \ , but ho was not confirmed and subsequently ho 1 declined the honor. During all this time he 1 was engaged In vnrWns business pursuits In Omaha , but early In 1S74 ho moved to "Jcatrlcc , Gage counly , which being south of ho Platte made him1 the more eligible .s far as the established political cits- cm of tlio state | g concerned , ns n andldato In the ensuine senatorial Unlit. Accordingly when tlio legislature met In Jan- iary , 1S7T > , bo defeated the Hon. Thomas W. 1'lpton nfter n lively contest , nnd on the fol- owing March entered upon n senatorial : crm ot six years. He always noted with the Ualwart wins of his parly In national lecls- atlon , and while not nuionc the "leaders" , ivas regarded as an Industrious representa tive , who carefully guarded the Interests of tils parly. Among the bills ho "fathered , " ivhlch weio of national Interest , , vas the "Timber Culture net , " fnmlllar n Its operations to all western" land-holders , ' .n 1SS1 lie was n candidate for rc-electlonand liter a determined HiJl't ' ho was defeated by he lion , Charles H. Van Wyck , the man ivliom lie In turn defeats In 1S37. On his re- irlng from tho.scnnto ho still continued his esldenco In Dcatrice.lwinc encaged In farm- .ng and banking. \ \ hen Hie Utah commis sion was organized Senator Paddock was made n member of H'at board , nnd ho hns given it more earnest attention perhaps than any ono connected with the work. A short 'time nzo he resigned In preparation for his aio senatorial iluhUn which helentoreil with n firm belief ot success. In fact , Senalor Paddock's marked charactcrlstlo Is his san guine Icellngs In whatever of Import ance ho undertakes. In both senatorial contests he displayed that quality In n lomarkablo deciee , expressing n lirm con viction months in advance of the election , and even In opposition to tlio opinions of Ills best iriends , that ho would bo chosen. Even during the late contest - test , when the odds trom the begin ning seemed against him , 1m never lost his commence. The senator Is not n millionaire , but is n man of wealth. Ills linnncinl good fortune was n long tlmo malbrlallzlni : . nnd nay be said lo be mainly duo to his faith In -he Inliiro of Omaha and Nebraska. For years ho was In rnlher straightened circumstances but ho never would sacrllica his landed interests. Consequently In lalo years the advance of really In Omaha , where most of the senator's properly Is located , has placed him among thq wealthy. He Is a man of line appcaranco and physique , well pre served aud active , with the promise or many years of usefulness before him. Doings ill tlio Senate. LINCOLN , Neb. , Jnji. 21. [ Special lo the Uii.l : : Tlio senate met at 11 o'clock. Mr. Sncll oll'ercd a resolution that when adjournment was tak6n It be until Thursday , January 27 , nt 10 a. m. Mr. Fuller of Wnyno asked what effect such action would have upon tlio nomina tlons made special order for lhat day. The chair was of'tho opinion that the special order would pome up the lirst thing unon reconvening olstho senate , whenever that miclitbe. It was finally named to adjourn till Tues- .lay , but a mossaio from the housonnnounccd that it had adjourned to Wednesday next at 10 a. m. , and asked the concurrence of the senate , which was agreed to. The rules weie suspended nnd n resolution ndopted to Instruct Hie commissioner of pub lic lauds and buildings to hnvo 600 conies of the reports of stale institutions printed. Mr. Shorwln of Dodge offeted a icsolutlon empowering the secretary of stale lo proemc Iransporlalion and make sufficient arrange ments for members Of committees whose duly it may be to visit nny of the public In- stitulions"whleh was adopted under suspen- ion of Hie rules. The senate then proceeded lo Iho joint con vention. Doings In the House. LINCOLN , Neb. , Jan. 21. [ Special to the UEI.J : The. lioii < io convened nt lOr o'clock tills morning flfriil-linu'iojllatcly pro- , cecdcd to the order ob.inlroiuctlon of bills. Under this head of business the following new measures blossomed forth : lly Smyth To provide for nnd regulate the admission of perM > ns ( o the degree of atlor- nny nnd counsellor-nl-law ; lo define Iho duties ol attorneys and counsellors , nnd to repeal certain sections named therein. ] } y Aiken To nrovido for the payment of claims of county treaKiirers lor money col lected by them from the sale and lease of icliool lands. Hy Unbcock To locale and establish n stale normal school nt Oxford , Furnns county , Nebraska , and makincau appropriation of S2.,000 therefor. ' Uy McCann To amend sections 0 , 14 and 2s of chapter 85 of tlio session laws of lb8T entitled "An act top ovido for the registry sale , leasing and general managemonf of all lands and lunds set'apart ' for educallonal purposes , ana for the investment of funds arising from the sale of such lands nnd to re peal the net 'to provide for Iho iculstry sale nnd leasing and general management of all lands and funds set apart for educational purposes , and for th < \ investment of lunds arising from the sale of such lands' . " After the introduction ot bills the second rending of a mass of meastiirs which had been Introduced last week was proceeded with , although it is to ho confessed Hie lead ing was scarcely listened to , as the attention of the house was chlellv devoted to dis cussion of Hie exciting incidents of Hie night before. A joint resolution fixing the lime lo which Hie house should adjourn when II did adjourn al Wednesday morniuz , 10 o'clock , was adopted after some objection and by n stand ing vote. .Sir. .Miller was called to the chair. A motion came front Mr. that the members of Iho legislature vacate their seats In favor of the crowd which was pressing from behind , Hie motion being facetious. It narrowly escaped passing , however , and was Imally labled. As soon ns Hie joint convention had ad journed the house reconvened and received tlio senate's concurrence on the Wednesday resolution. Adjournment was consequently taken to that day. This long adjournment is taken , it should bo stated , in deference to the wishes of the members \vli6 live some distance from the capital , and who have not visited their homes since coming here. They asked it , nnd voluntarily assured the house that they would not beck anolher adjourn menl during the session. Over three hundred bills are already on the rolls In both houses. Some of them , espe cially the Melklejohn-Ageo railway commis slon bill , are very voluminous , The only thing which aroused n display of Interest by thu members during the one and a half brief hours previous to the conven tion was a resolution by Mr , Kiel , ot Hall county , ns fellows : Whereas. The great state of Nebraska has been delivered into the hands ot a powerful corporation by the dramatic action of a mid night caucus ; therefore , bo it liesolved , That thu public buildings of said state builiapcd In mourning lor tlio term of thirty days. Thu resolution hime- lire until after the joint convention , when It was tabled. Thnnkliii : I > r. O afford , LINCOLN , Neb. , JanjSI. To the Editor of the lir. ! : : Dr. C. C. Galford , of Wymore , representative from ( iage county , was nom inated for lhat posltfon by the straight re publican conventional that county. Ho was not endorsed by the anti-monopolists , and theieloio owed them nothing as a party , Hut he had voluntarily made pledges to support General Van Wyck , both mlvately nnd on tlio stump. Notwithstanding thu tremendous deus pressure brought to bear upon him by the railroad crowd , and the fact Hint he was in the employ of tlio H. & M. as a sur- ceon , ho fulfilled his pledges mantully nnd nobly. In behalf ot the friends of Senator Van Wyck In my county , and for myself. 1 wish to express my thanks to Dr. G.ilford for his honorable course. White It has been nothing more than we have a right to expect Irom every honorable man , It Is still in such marked contract to the course of some others who owed so much to the sena tor's irleuds. that it Is worthy of special men tion. Dr. Gallon ! Is n talented and risiii" young man , and thu known fact that lie will bo true to his political pledges under all cir cumstances Is worth more to him than n mint ot gold. J. Hintitows. The I ml I ii mi Contest. lNDiANAi-oi.18 , Jan. 21. Contrary to gen eral expectation the joint session of the legis laluro was again wllhout result. The senate at noon took another vote , which stood as heretofore : Turple , 75 ; Harrison , 71 , and Allen 1 , The-convention then adjourned. INYLCROVER'SNAJIBNtJ ' The Intor-Stato Oommorca Bill nLaw 'When Signed By the Projidont , IT PASSES THE LOWER HOUSE. Only Forty-One Mcinbcr.i Kccoril Tholr Votes Against , tlio Uleftsuro Wlmt Its Provisions Arc Other Cun rcssiounl Doings. House. Jan. 21. After roadlnj ; the journal , the speaker stated that the regular order wjis the vote upon the adoption of the conference report on the Inter-state commerce - morco bill. Mr. llutterworth of Ohio asked unani mous consent to have a special vote upon the fouith section , nnd Mr. Weaver of Iowa asked to have n separate vote on the commis sion feature , but Mr. Crisp of Ucoigla ob jected to botli requests. Mr. Dunham ot Illinois moved to recommit the amendment to the conlercnco committee and Mr. Crisp raised tlio uolnt of order against that motion. The speaker knew of no rule which authorized re committal of a conference re port nnd sustained the point of order. Mr. O'Neill of Pennsylvania inquired whether there was any parliamentary pro ceedings by which these uentlemcn. who were embarrassed by having to vote for or against a conference bill without having nn opportu nity to divest all of Its objectionable features could bo relieved of their embarrassment ; but no response to that was madu and the vote was taken on adopting tlio conference report. It was agreed to yeas 210 , nays 41. Those voting In the necatlvo were Allen ot Massachusetts , Anderson of Ohio , Ulisa. lloutollc , linyle , Hniirif , Itrumm , Campbell of Ohio. Caswell , Dlbbcll. Ely , Kvans , Felton , Findlay , Frederick , ( lav , Ollllllan , ( Irosvo- nor , llavdcn , Hill. Johnson of Now York , Kelly , Keteliam , Llbby , Long , Markham , Martin , McICenna , Miller , Morrow , Oates O'Neill of I'onusylvanla , O'Neill of Missouri , Itauny , lloetl ot Maine , Klco , Seymour. Wadsworth , Watt. Weaver of Iowa , nnd Whltoof Pennsylvania. The Dill after being enrolled and signed bv the presiding officers of : the two bouses will bo sent to the president lor his action. .Mr. Crisp of Georgia , from tlio eommittco on commerce , reported back the resolution requesting the secretary of the treasury to make Inquiry of constructors of passenger cars aud steamboats , and any other persons ho may think capable of giving Information on tlio subject , as to the best methods of con structing and heating the samo. Adopted. Mr. lielmont of New i'ork Introduced a reselutiou calling on the president for copies of such correspondence up tp the present da > , between this and the Urltlsli govern ment as lie may decide can now be properly made public in recard to the deprivation in- Ilicted In Canadian ports on American ves sels , having the right to touch and trade , of tlio llbcity lieielotoro enjoyed by such vessels , Koferral to the committee on foreign iclo ? tlons. , 'f At Its evening session the house passed ; twenty pension bills , including ono granilni : a pension oC SiOa ! month to the widow of General Tliomas Francis Mcagher , and at 10M : ! adjourned till to-morrow. Senate. WASHIXOTOV , Jan , 21 , In tlio senate to day n petition relating to the liquor trallic In the District of Columbia was referred after debate to the committee on the District. .Numcious petitions were presented by sev cral eonators for , the amendment of. tlio oleo- . .margarlno law nmffor the' repeal otinternal ievontiG laws and "Were referred to tue com- niitteo'on finance. Mr. Urown offered a resolution , which was adopted , renucsting the president to commu nicate to the senate copies of all correspond ence with the government of Mexico in re gard to tbcseizure and sale of the American schooner liebecca in the port of Tninplco ; also coiiies of all correspondence between the state depaitment and the late Minister Jackson , with .Jackson's letter to the presi dent on the subject of his resignation. The senate then went into secret session. and when the doois were reopened adjourned till Monday. Provisions ol' the Hill. WAsmxoTox , Jan. 21. The inter-state commerce billas , agreed upon by both houses of congress , makes It unlawful for any com mon carrier subject to tlio provisions of tills act to charco or leceive from any person or persons a greater or less compensation for any service rcndeiedln | the transportation of passengers or property than it charges or re - colvcs from any other person or persons for doing a like service under substantially sim ilar circumstances and conditions ; makes it unlawful for any common carrier to make or give any undue or unreasonable prel'eienco or advantage to any particular person , company , linn , corporation , or local ity , or any particular description of tinflle. and piovides time every common earlier shall , according to their respective powers , atford all reasonable , proper and equal facilities lor tlio Interchange ol trallic between their re spective lines. It provides that It shall tic unlawful for any common carrier sub ject to tlio provisions of this act to charge or receive any greater compensation In the nggicgnte for the tians- mlsslon of passcngeis or of like kind of propelty , under substantially similar circum stances and conditions , for a shorter than fora longer distance , over the same line , in the same dliection , the shorter being In cluded within the longer distance : but Oils shall not bo construed as authorizing any common carrier , within tno terms ot this act , to charge and receive as picat compen sation for a shorter as lor a longer distance , provided , however , that , upon ap plication to the commission appointed under tlio provisions of this act , such common carrier may In special cases , after Investiga tion l > y the commission , bo authorized to chai go less fora longer than lor a shorter distance tor HID transpoitation of pissengers or property , and tlm commission may , from time to time , prescribe the extent to which such designated common carriers may bo re lieved trom tlio operation of this section of this act. That it shall be unlawful for any common carrier to enter Into any combination with any other common carrier or carriers , for the pooling ot freights of dif ferent or competing railioads , or to divide between them the aggregate or net proceeds of the earnings of cueli railroads or any portion tion thereof , and in any ease If an agreement for the pooling ot heights as afore said , each day of Its contlnu- anco shall bo deemed n separate offense. That , nfternlncty days from the passage of this act , every common carrier subject to Its provlslonsshall have printed and keep for public inspection schedules slinwini : rates , lares and charges shall not bo raised except after ten days of public notice , but that they may be reduced without previous public notice. That it shall DO unlawful for any common carrier to enter into any combina tion or agreement to prevent the carriage of freights from being continuous liom thn place ot blilpment to the place destination. It declaies that nip common cairler violating the provisions ot thu act shall be liable for the full amount of damages sustained , together with reasonable counsel and attorneys' fees. It is made a penal offense to violate any ot the provisions of this act , the maximum tinn being $5,000. Thn bill piovides fora commission to con- slbf of live persons , whoso terms ot of- lice shall bo for blx years , except lor the first appointments , which are to bo for two , three , four , live and six years , The members of this commission are to boupnolnted by the president , by and with the advice nnd consent ot the senate , 'jheir principal ofllco shall he In Washington , but they may hold sessions Inlothcr places than Washington , and a single member of tlio commission may take testimony any where , as may bo directed by the com mission. The commissioners have salaries of S7SCO each. The commissioner has power to appoint a secretary with an annual salary of 53,500 , and haswudhority to employ and fix the compensation of such other employes as it may be found necessary to u proper per- fornlaneeo of its duties , subject to the ap proval of the secretary of the interior. Tbo bill appropriates SlOd.000 for tlio purposes f this act , for tlio liiciU year ending Juuo 30 , A KUNNV ATilE IXQ. _ Witticisms Imlitlirrtl iu at tlio Plilln- ilelphlu Clover Club llnnquet. raiuvuKt.riiiA , Jan. 21.-Special [ Tclo- gram to tlio Hun. ] Senator Joseph 0. 8. lllackburn was awarded tlio honors nt the littlcth anniversary dinner of the Clover club nt the Hotel Ucllovuo last nlcht. President Handy , In his happiest vein , presented the guests for the darts of members and thalrcat- ment some of the distinguished gentlemen received was n blank surprise to them. Henry Wattorson was the first to fnll before the volley of witticism. Ho stood manfully for n time , but was finally compelled to re tire. Senator Eugene Halo , of Maine , fore saw n storm and managed to make brief re marks. Senator Joseph HlAckburn was greeted with the song , "Old Kentucky Home , " nnd then ho made n rousing speech , full of sentiment. Kx-Attorney General Urowster arose nnd told the members ho know them and declared that ono of the lost arts to the members was to know now to behave themselves. ' Colonel Tom Ochlltrep , ot Texas , was permitted to make a brief speech aud then Piesldent Aus tin Corbln , ol tlio Heading railroad , was called upon. " 1 teel greatly embarrassed , " said nMr. . 'orhlu. ( Ho proceeded no fmther. for n voice remarked , "So Is your railroad. " This sally broke up Iho picsldcnt nnd he re tired in favor of United States Treasuier Jordan , who , having witnessed the fate of others , braced himself to cope with tlio rol licking liunsters. The song , "Jordan am n Hard IJoail to Trabblo , " was Interpreted In the middle of the treasurer's remarks. Tills was more than the amlablo gentleman could stand , so he relinquished his time to Colonel A. C. McClurc. The latter was barred from giving reminiscences of bis lifoand delving in the future. Ho nominated Senator J. Donald Cameron for president , stating that he had been for Cameron for forty years. This brought bright-wilted ex-Governor IJunn to Ids feet with Hip remark , "Yes. colonel , you have been for Cameron for forty yearn , but you never look bis scalp. " The dinner was n most elaborate all'air and In keeping with H > e entcitalnments which have madu thu Clover club famous. 1)11. SALiMO.N IS.Xt'IjAlXS. lie Talks Very Stroiifjly Aliout tlio Il linois Ijlvo Htoolc Commlsulon. WASHINOTON , Jan. 21. Commissioner Column , of the department of agriculture , being asked If he had any answer to make relative to the recent communication of the Illinois stale board of llvo block commis sioners , said that ho could have nothing to say until ho received an answer from Gov ernor Ogiesby to ills communication or Is as sured that the board's letter Is to bo consid ered as such. Dr. D. E. Salmon , chief ol the bureau of animal Industry , however , In speaking of tlio mailer , said : "No personal considerations Influenced the tone of tlio commissioner's letler to Governor Oule.sby. It was wrltlcn because the action of thestate authorities seemed to practically undo Iho work of the deparlment. The com- \mi > sloncr has made no 'groundless jinit'vlclqus Jmpnlallon upon thu integrity ? of the stain commission. What they object ' 'to was a plain statement of facts. If these Yfacis rclicct upon their intnxrlty , lhat Is no Vault of the dcpnitment. 1 can say that the department has exorcised i/rcal care In sift ing the facts , nnd I believe sufticicnt unim peachable evidence Is now In our possession to establish every statement made by tlio commissioner. " The doclor says that n wilful violation of the rules apparently occurred when the board allowed animals in one of Iho distillery sheds lo bo Inoculated. The doctor reasserts all that Comnilsslonor.Colman said about re till ing a uatt , , . O AUtUo Infectfth.tKui fcldt sheds with healthy'animals , 'recites his request to hnvo the she'ds- ' disinfected , and concludes ns follows : "If the board of live stock _ commissioners can defy the governor wo hope to have .somo Inti mation of tho.fnrf from the governor himself. In reference to the personal allusions and Innuendoes with which thu communication abounds , let me say that they aio unworthy of comment. Thu public is constantly ap pealed to throughout tlio document , but its attention Is not likely to be diverted from the real Issue , vithe : plain and dangerous violations lations of Iho rules nnd regulations of the government which have not yet been sails- laetoilly explained. " Dr. Salmon says thai Commissioner Column's letter to Governor Ogiesby was not given to the press befoiu it was mailed. B12I.J/S i'ATIONT ANTKOATKU. An Aged Italian Who Discovered tlio Telephone in IHitl. CHICAGO , Jan. 21. The case of the United States against Hie Hell Telephone company to test Iho validity of the Hell telephone pat ent is made Hie occasion ot the publication here Ibis evening as lo some points which will bo employed by government counsel to combat Prof. Hull's claim to being the inven tor of the telephone. The evening Journal , in outlining the evidence , publishes an Inter view with Antonio Meucci , an nged Italian who Is hero and has in his possession many certitied papers liom tlio patent olllco which give evidence to Ills claim to have invented the telephone and tiled a caveat llvo years be fore Hell's patent was obtained. His discov ery dates back to IH-il ) , when ho was director of mechanism In the Tncon opera house , Cuba. During his leisure hours hit experimented on planto- cuke diseases by Hie aid of electricity. In the course o ! these experiments , his assistant nnd himself being in dllferenl rooms , wuie connected by the electrical circuit through Hie medium of n wire. Meucci held the win ) in Ills teeth and by tlio well known denial connection with the auditory nerve distinctly heaid tlio exclamation of his assistant In voluntarily made in experiencing Hie shock from the contact of the ether end of Ilio who with his mouth. This discovery by Mueccl led to a series ol Investigations which re sulted in Hie construction of a perfect work- In : ; model similar to llie Insliiimeiil of rrof. Hell , Ills constant struggles with poverty Interfered so In the perfection ol Ills plans that it was nut until IbTI tliathis caveat was granted , Documentary evidence now nn file in Iho secret archhes of thn patent ntllcu are also published by Hie Journal , showing that thu claims of Menccl lo Inventing tele graphing sound was reconl/ed by the com mlssioner ol patents , together with an nc knowiedrmenl of siiinrovciiicnts In IKSiiam. IbStl , and thai lli'-su claims cmlmdv in n gieat pait Hie patent issued to Prot , Hell. Democratic Fraud in Now Jorsny. Niw : Yonic , Jan. 31. ( Special Telegram to the HKK.J Commenting on the fraudn lent senatorial elections In New Jeisey the Tribune says : "It would bo only n natural and litllni' sequence of the Impudent frauds by which the democrats claim two disputed seats if they should insist upon admitting the two fraud claimants to vote upon their own cases. Hut the republican members and ol- licers of Ihe senate have full knowledge ol tlio facts and II will bo tbulrown fault if such dishonorable sharp practice Is suffered to suc ceed. The ccitihcnto of election , which usually gives prlma-laclo right to nscat and therefore power to vote on all questions until the contest has been decided , will cany with It any prlma facie right whatever In a case where fraud lias been so glarlnir and notor ious ns In ihu instance In question , and it Is for republican senators to say , wheio Hie per sons are in no way entitled lo seats , whether they shall be allowed to vote themselves Into the plaees Hiuy have tried to steal. Tlio ( jiicblloii or PasBOH. Jan. 21. The Wlhconsln Central tral iallroad to-day consented to become a paily to thu pass aieemenl among the west , ern toads , but until thu general manager * decldu what effect the passage of tlio Inter-state commerce bill will have in this re- pard no change In the present state of things will oo made. The opinion Is ad vaneed in some rniaitcrs that till passes ex cept to railroad olliclals and employes must now be called in. Dentil ot'Mrri. VoorhccH , WASHINGTON , Jan. 21. Mrs. Voorhees , wlfo of Senator Voorhees , died at their reii- donce in this city at 5 o'clock of acute per itonitis. NEBRASKA AND IOWA NEWS , Revengeful Young Men at Columbus At tempt to Wreck n Train , THEIR EFFORT UNSUCCESSFUL. L Fnlrinont Former Kcnra Arrest , Hlioois lllinsnlf and Will I'rotmhlr Dlo Many Imllottnciita FolimlntHlouxClty. Tlio Work ofTrnln AVrookcrs. Cou'Miirs. Neb. , Jan. 21. [ Special Tele- cram to the HiiK.J The construction train vorklng nt the coal chute here , while rcluiu- i\K \ from Duncan , about 0 o'clock this oven- nif , struck some obstruction alonjr the traclt vhich caused the caboose aud lint cars to mnp In an unusual manner. Michael Farrell - roll , the conductor In charge , stopped the atn aud made examination and found Iron spikes and bolts tilaced on Iho rails , and ob served a young Polander .that nrousrd his suspicion. Ho sueeceded In arresting him , when ( he man acknowledged having an ac complice. An oillcer Is now on his track and will doubtless secuto him. Thu motive eems lobe revenge , the yoiini : man having leon refused pel mission to rldo on the con- sfrucllun train. There were llvo men In tha caboose who would have been Injured if tlio wreckers bad succeeded In their hellish pur- | 10SC. Oono Wltlia Handsomer Slan. NiiiiiASKA : Cirv , Nek , Jan. 21. [ Special fclcxrom to the HKI.J : The wife of 1) . King , a boarding house keeper , left laslnlght with n handsomer mnn , leaving behind n Husband nnd Invalid child , nged six.Tim man In the ease Is James Lowery , ono of her joarders. The couple nro supposed to hnvo cone to Omaha. Heforo leaving the woman turned everything she could Into money , taking some 8M ) belonging to her husband. A Forger Shoots Himself. FAIIIMONT , Neb. , Jan. 21. [ Special Tele gram to the IJii.J : : Frank Shawl , n young married man , a miller by occupation , at tempted suicide this morning while on hl.-i way home , six miles north of thin place. Ho shot himself with n ! W calibre revolver , In- Hiding n dangerous wound. Ho had recently forged two notes. Despondency nnd fear of detection and imprisonment nro thought to lave caused him to attcmpl to lake his own life. Dr. G. W. Johnston , of this place , Bays there Is no chance of recovery. i Cr.DAtt ItAiMii.s , la. , Jan. 21. [ Special Telegram to the Hin. : | A toboggan club of thirty membern has been formed here. They will build n slide forty feet high and ICO loot stretch. Mark Morton , son of J. Sterling Morton , of Nebraska , and Maitlin Wear , daughter of John Wear , of Ibis city , were matrled last iilL-ht. A. now national bank will' bo established May 1 to succeed tlm private bank of F. Van Vechten. A. F. Averlll will bo president , and Ihero aio twenty-live stockholders. Iowa Clly IteniR. IOWA CITY , la. , Jan. 21. [ Special Tele gram lo the Ui'.i : . ] In : he district court "to- da r Iho Hurllnglon , Ceoar Itnplds & North- ofn rallwav compromised tlio McGnire suit' tor damages for injurles.rocolvod In coupling' ' cnrs. Itwill'pnv ' St200. ; * "S Soukap , tbo Shcryvillo murderer , pleads guilty aud will bo sentenced tor life. The case of W. H. Halley and Milton Horn- ley , two nttorney ? seeking to disbar eacfc other , attracts much attention. The troublw crows out of tlio prosecution of liquor cases. 1'roslilcnt of Ilio Press. DBS MOINP.S , la. , Jan. 21.--Special [ Tele gram to the Hr.M.J The executive eommittco of the Iowa State Press association met hero to-day and elected Mr. S. M. Clark , of Keo- kuk. president in place of Judge Thoninn , of Independence , resigned. It was decided to have an editorial excursion in the spring , oilher to Mexico or Southern California , the details to bo arranged by the executive of- licers. Ciitllo ThlcvcH at Work. HI.OOMINOTO.V , Neb. , Jan. 21. ( Special Telegram to the HIK. : ] The stealing ot cat tle has been for several days taking place here , seven head having been stolen from J. . IS. Kelly nnd taken to Hlverton for sale. Deputy Sheriff Carlisle yesterday secured tlio cattle and found proof of the guilt of ono James Landreth and a lelative who has been hero some time. Thu thieves have departed and are yet at liberty. Many InilioliueiitH KoMiriicil. Sioux CITV , la. , Jan. 21. [ Special Tele gram to the Hii.l : : The grand jury com pleted its work to-day and returned n largo number of indictments , the nalnru of which ' have nol been made public yet and will non ' be until the arrests ate mado. It Is believed about twenty-live ol the Indictments are against saloon men. Quito n number nro also against gambling houses , bawdy houses and Hie like. Fatal Holler KxploHlon. DBS Moixr.8 , la. , Jan. 21. [ Special Tele- grnm to Ilio HKK.J The boiler of Uio Hour- iiii. mill' at Dexter exploded this morning , tearing to pieces the boiler loom nnd killing ' the owner of the mill , Mr. W. H. Mnulsoy , Hulldlngs within tlio rnngo of a block nro moie or less shntteied by tlio explosion , The boiler was blown 1MJ yards and was only checked by the railroad embankment. Over a Conliiry Old. DAVCNI-OUT , la , , Jan. ' , ' ! . [ Special Tele- giam to the Hni.J : Mrs. Margaret Davlu , who was burrled at Coal V alloy this morn- iri7 , passed her lU.'d birthday Juno 12. ' She lost her sight live years ago but her hear ing and Intellect were sound. I : \ Tim New Trolling AHKoolatlon. I DirmoiT , Jan , 21. Thu lirst stops towards the formation of a new trotting association fl have at last been laken In the withdrawal this morning of the Detroit driving club front the National Trotting association , At a 11 meeting held yesteiday numerous communi cations from trotting and fair association ! ) ll tlnoimhotit Hieeoiinliy weiuiead , expressing dissatisfaction with the old organization ami urging the Uctiolt Driving club to issue n , call for Hie formation of the samo. Thu whole ntialr has grown out ol the retention of. Secretary Vnll by the National Trotting association , A call for a meeting at which the new organization will bo planned haa been sent out. The dale Is not bet , but thu meeting will bo held in Detroit some time In February. KxfiovcriiorUK'T'H .Munificence. DirnioiT , Jan , SI. Information of another of Kx-Govoriior AUcr'H extensive benevo lences has Just Icukcd out through tlio fuel and Hour dealers who were connected with the enterprise. Thiough his private secretary * . * ! nnd a few trusted friends ho found fXX ) needy T families during the recent cold snap , and to each of thoio was srnt a bairel ot Hour and a Jl ton ol coal orroul wood. The scenes at the delivery of the needed gilts went olten piti ful and pathetic , many ol the. lamilles being * : entirely destitute. A Sliori I'osiinnwtor Kcmovcd , Mii.wAi'KKK , Jan. VI. A special from Amaistn , Win. , cays that I'ostmaster J , 1J. Jluttou was removed from the postollico yes terday by Inspector Carrlngton , who discov ered a shortage ot & $ K In liuttoii's accounts. Ill1) bomltimen have madu good tliu loss. Legally Klriini ; I'p. LIJ n.i : KOCH. Jan. 21. In Newpoit , Arl : . ( to-day , Abu Chambers was hanued for mur- di-r > iig Julias Williams In Hint town In Octo ber , f-vj. iiolh wcie negroi-u.