Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 21, 1887, Page 8, Image 8

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Hut In SOUTH OMA * A l tlio
Cattle and Hogs location or tno Stock . Vnr < 5
Cannot Conic In Without . Ilnll niul Pnt-lilm IlpiifCi. Tlicro-
rood * Tore purchnsont South Ouii\hit \
4H ! >
4W fd
Pi ] a
The only Property on Main Line of R. R. and Principal
Road to be had.
. l " | 0 | JO
oii | A\oo.i | | 01 imtoui oii puy
ii | uojjuj
fflfll 09 HxnosLI Tllffi
"Work on the Goal Shafts Vigorously
A Cliliminitn's Wife Ho Took Bella
donna llnll Notes Police
Court The Itobldoux
We till ing , etc.
Coring ShaftR ,
Tlicro nro many people who are in
clined to believe , because nothing is
being said at present concerning the re
cent coal finds on the bottoms , that the
project of boring for black diamonds has
boon abandoned. They buliovo that the
burst of exultation which accompanied
the first discovery , or 'alleged discov
ery , " as they are pleased to term it , was
premature , and that while Omaha derived
( i certain amount of free advertising all
over the country from the announcement ,
the coal will never matcriali/c. In fact ,
they openly announce that the boring
will bo abandoned , because subsequent
discoveries do not bear the first impros-
bions of the "find. "
For the benefit of all such , as well as
for the benefit of those who are in the
dark about the matter , it may bo stated
right hero that "boring" has not been
abandoned , but on the contrary , the
work is boinp prosecuted vigorously.
And that again , the < | uiliy : ( of the coal
which has been iound in noring lately
fully confirms the first reports.
Mr. Martin , the engineer , who is to bo
in charge of the work , and whoso arrival
was long deferred , Is in the city at last.
Ho is superintending the sinking ot a second
end shaft eight inches in diameter , which
is to bo "rimmed In'1 with iron tubing.
"Tho plates forthis'rimmmg'havo not
arrived yet'said Mr. 1'eter Her yesterday
day , "but wo expect them very boon , As
soon as they are put in place tlio water
can bo pu.npcd out , and the worn can be
pushed very much faster. "
"In sinking this eight inch shaft , " said
Mr. llor , "good speeimeps of coal have
been taken out. Some of them are as
largo as walnuts and of c.\ccllcnt
quality , "
Die Defense Made Ity Messrs. Coo &
Curt or.
lion. J. L. Wolmer , as attorney for Coo
& C.irtor , has tiled answers in defense to
the charges of unlawful timber-cutting
on the public domain preferred by the
United States government 'against
his clients. It may bo remembered
that cases were commenced against
the linn in the federal court in
this city ami in Cheyenne , in which dam-
nges to the -1111011111 of something like
tuo hundred thousand dollars were
In the answer filed in this court , tlio de
fendants maku a general denial ot the
statements contained in the government's
petition for damages. In the answer
filed in Cheyenne , Con A : Carter plead
several points in their defense. In tlio
first piaco it is alleged that an
act of congress inovidos that
timber may bo cut from the public lands ,
provided it is to bo used in the constiuc *
lion of railways through the public do
main. It is said that much of the timber
was. cut for ties to bo used on the Oregon
Short line branch of the Union Pacific , it is alleged that the govern
ment charges Coo As Carter with hav
ing cut timber which was really cut by
other firms , Finally the answer of the
defendants alleges \hj\t \ Coc , A ; Curler set
tled with the secretary of the interior for
nil timber cut prior to 1880 , and that not
withstanding this fact the very same
items are charged up against them.
California Kxcitrslon.
A first-class round trip excursion to
Los Angeles , including Las Vegas Hot
Springs , Santa Fc , San Diego. Riverside ,
i'asadena and Sierra Madra Villa , will
leave Kansas City January 27 at 0.25 p.
m. , via the A. , T. & S. F. . Atlantic & Pa
cific and California Southern railroads ,
returning same route , 'lickcts iJGO.OO ,
good six months. For slopping car ac
commodations remit early to C. W.
Stoyor , agent A. T. & S. F. H. H. , DCS
Moiucs , Iowa.
IjinwooU Park
lots are beautiful.
San Goon and Ills Troubles With His
San Goon , the Chinese merchant on
Tenth street , is having plenty of trouble
these days , all on account of his wife , a
Swedish girl whom ho married in Coun
cil IJluH's some months ago. Goon is
not pai ticularly handsome even from a
Mongalian standard of beauty , but George
Law , a Chinaman whom ho charges with
having Ipa astray his wife , is , Goon is
wildly jealous of Law , for whom ho says
ho will make it "heap warmoo like
hclleo. " Ho has boon in police court
several times trying to secure Law's
arrest , but so far has not succeeded.
Law , on tlio other hand , denies the
charges of San Goon and says that the
relations between himself and Mrs. San
have been eminently 1'latoiuo. Ho ap
peared before Judge Ktonberg with a
letter from San Goon's wife in which
that lady denies any improper intimacy
between herself and Law. The latter , in
proof of Ids character , "points witli
prido1' to the fact that ho is a member of
the Lincoln Methodist church.
Merchants Hotel. Omaha , Nattfirown
prop. $ 'J ponlay. Cor. 10th and Farnam
btreet cars from depot pass tlto house.
Idinvood Park is located
near enough to the great packing and
business center of South Omaha.
The Nuptials of Mr. Itobldoux and
Miss Van Acrnnni ,
Wednesday evening the marriage of Mr.
Hen Uobidoux and Miss Edith Van
Aornam , was celebrated at Christian
church , It was a yory impressive cere
mony and waswitncssed by many of the
friends of the wedded couplo. After the
ceremony , a most brilliant reception was
held nt the residence of J. A. VYnkoficH ,
2013 Farnamstreet , which was attended by
by arepresentativo social gathering of
friends and relatives. Miss Van
Aornam is the daughter of John Van
Aornam , 1581 North Eighteenth street ,
while Mr. Hobidou.x is one of the compe
tent young men in the employ of Mr ,
Tlio Atmosphere
is as pure in Linwood Park as in any
addition to the city ,
The many frieirls of Paddy Norton ,
the well known miudlo woinlit , will ten
der him a testimonial benefit at Plaits-
mouth no\t Satnulay evening , January
82il , Jack Hanloy and a number of
other Omaha talent will bo present nt
Fitzgerald hall.
Deputy United States Marshal Ray. of
Cheyenne , arrived in the city yesterday
with a requisition for the arrest of Charley
Ray M ho robbed May West , the Cheyenne
The First In Nebraska to bo Con
vened March 1.
On the first of March nc t , a Catholic
synod of Nebraska will convene in tlio
Cathedral of St. Philomcna in this city.
It will bo presided over by Uishop O'Con '
nor , and composed all the Catholic clergy
in tlio diocese of Nebraska , which in
cludes both this state and the territory of
Wyoming. Tlio sessions will continue
fo three days. Ucforc the opening of
the morning exorcises , the clergy will
meet at the residence of Rov. 1 * . Mc
Carthy , adjoining tlio cathedral ,
whence they will walk in a
body to tlio cathedral , where
mass will bo celebrated. After mass lay-
members will bo .requested to retire ,
leaving the clergy to transact tlio busi
ness of tlio meetings in private. The sta
tutes under which tlin ecclesiastical
affairs of the diocese nro now managed
will bo read nnit discussed and possibly
amended while the decrees anil recom
mendations of the late council of Haiti-
moro will also bo considered. Some of
the latter , especially those the adoption
of which is optional , and which , because
of the comparative youth ot this dioccso
would work a hardship upon the faithful.
will doubtless bo set aside. It is expected
that the synod will have a beneficial
effect upon both its members and tlio
church und people in whoso spiritual in
terest it is convened.
lilmvood Park Affords
the finest view in South Omaha.
A few very choice lots in Orchard Hill
at a great bargain.
Pniitt'E < i : Rooniis , 5 Arlington Ulk.
$2OOO ( ) Worth of hots
already sold in Linwood Park.
" ! aos c OAIIT.
A Policeman Who Thought to Pull it
in For Flint Driving.
A very amusing episode took place on
Sixteenth street last Monday morning at
12-ao o'clock , which shows how ovcr-atton-
live and yet how ill-informed may bo a
member of the force of citvguardlans. Fire
company No. 1. was coming south on the
street with tlio celerity of the wind in an
swer to tlio general ahum which was
sounded for the Thirteenth street fire.
Ahead of them was 11 cab con
taining John Donnelly , superintendent
of the American District Telegraph
wires , who was on his way to the lire , to
sco that nothing injurious hhould happen
to the wires. The oab driver whipped up
his horse , to both got out of the way of
the engine and IUUKO all haste to the fire.
While doing this the horn of the latter
was blown and both vehicles dashed
down the Biroot to its discordant
notes , A policeman heard tlio
charger and was about to assert his au
thority ami an est both drivers for fast
driving and disorderly conduct , when ho
found that the privileges of the street
were allowed thorn. Hereafter , the gen
tleman in blue will be likely to Know
when No , 1 is going to a lire.
Iln\vood Park
lots ? 200 to ? 500 , 10 per cent cash.
Two fivo-acro blocks in Albright's
choice for sale nt a bargain by
I'ICKCU ! c Roaiit : , 5 Arlington 151k.
Fine hhado Trees
ou every lot in Linwood Park.
Hull Notes.
Largo numbers of cars of oranges are
being shipped over the Union Pacific
every week. The golden fruit is shipped
In refrigerator cars , which will boused un
til March .1 , when the regular fruit cars
are. generally brought into requisition.
' 4'Vjo , Uft oJ tea. ejj rc y Jg Jjio ejjjt ,
from China , arc coming over the Union
Pacific. Both trains between Omaha and
Ogden will nearly make passenger time.
They will average eighteen miles an
hour , including stops and "dead time. "
Messrs. lUirns.Thompson and Hackney
of the Union Pacific have gone west over
the line on a tour of inspection.
"Odessa" 205 miles west of Omaha , is a
ncwlv opened station on the main line of
the Union Pacific.
A Number of New Residences
and business buildings already under
contract in Linwood Park.
C. 15. Maync's
The oflico of C. K. Maync has received
a new decoration in the shape of an im
mense tramc , enclosing photographs of
all the employes , thlrtv-livo in number ,
of this enterprising gentleman. The
pictures were taken expressly for the
work , and were made in excellent style
by W. W. Cronyn , Miccehior to Eaton.
Ijinivnnd 1'iirk Ijots
are largo and title is perfect.
Tapped the \Vrone Dottle.
Wednesday evening W. 15. Smith , of
Albion , Boone county Ncb. , arrived at tlio
stockyards on a visit to a friend , Samos- !
ncy. Soon after arrival it was noticed
that ho acted strangely and those who did
not know him ns a strict temperance man
thought ho had been drinking. In a
little while ho became very unwell and
was removed to Ids friend's room and
physicians summoned. It was supposed
that Mr. Smith by mistake took some
holladona which lie had in his possession
with porno vials of medicine. Ho was en
tirely out of danger yesterday.
lilnwood Park lints.
For sale by J. H. Gibson. 218 S. 10th st.
Par neil Social Club.
Wednesday night tno Parnoll Social club
gave anotherliticcessf ul party at Cunning
ham hall , at which njhall full of pleasure
seekers danced out a programmo of
twenty numbers. The party was man
aged by the following gentlemen : Master -
tor of ceremonies. W. H. Flankin ; floor
committee , J. lr. Price , B. Mahcr , J. F.
Fit/morris , Louis Connolly ; door com
mittee , T. J. Conway , S. R. Collins , H.
llyini , J. M. White ; reception committee ,
J. J. Floyd , James Connelly , John Ker-
Iln vood Park liota
will be worth moro money for residence
purposes in si-s months tuan anyothot.s
in South Omaba.
Homo A aln.
Alexander Mitchell , jr. , agent of the C.
M. & St. P. rend at Salt Lake , reached
this city this morning on his return from
his European trip. Ho lias been absent
for two months , during which time ho
visited a number of points of inteiest in
the old world , especially P.tris , in which
ho found many tilings to interest him.
Ho leaves immediately for Salt Lake.
IJ n wood Park IXJIH.
For sale by J. II. Gibson , 218 S. 15th st.
The I co Palace.
J. E. McClure , traveling passenger
agent for the Chicago , Milwaukee te St.
Paul road , returned this morning after
an absence of ten days in the north. Ho
paid a visit to the ice palaeo at St. Paul
and pronounces it a wonderful piece of
work. It will be stormed for the first
time to-night.
Mnwood Park LOIH.
For sale by J. H. Gibson , S18 S. 15th st.
Police Jiulgo Sttmberg went to Lincoln
yesterday mornjug to witness the fecnu-
Homo Kntcri > rine Hcwardcd ,
The Psi\ton & Vicrling iron works
have just closed a year of unexampled
prosperity , with the future outlook oven
more promising. A year ago when this
company was organi/cd the manufacture
of architectural and other iron work in
Omaha had not proven a success. Prac
tical harmonious management , however ,
has borna legitimate fruit and thisone , of
the most important of our industries , has
been established upon a safe and per
manent basis.
The stock holders have shown their ap
preciation of the management which ac
complished this , and the old boaid of di
rectors , consisting of lion. W. A. Paxton ,
Robert Vierling. Louis Vieiling , A. J.
Vierling and J. L. Kennedy , have boon
re-elected. The same oflicurs have been
continued in authority ; Hon.V. . A. P.ix-
ton , president , Robert Vicrlingice -
president , Louis Viorling , seciotnryand
treasurer , and A. J. yiorlmg , manager.
The growth of business demanded in
creased facilities , and this demand has
been mot by the company. The capital
stock has been ineieaseu an additional
$20,000 , and a further increase in a like
amount will bo made during the year ,
makintr the capital stock { -100,000. A
tract of land adjoining the present works
and Jymg to the west along the Union
Pacific railway tracks has been purchased
from Mr. Kount/o for flS.OOO , on which
will bo erected additions and improve
ments as soon as the budding t-easoii
opens. Those will consist principally of anew
now biiek fpunlry,70\120 ( feet.coro rooms
and ovens , improved cupolas , cranes und
The additions will bo eroded after the
most approved utyli ) used in eastern
foundries , and from the same plans from
which the works of Vicrling , McDowell
A : Co. , of Chicago , vtcrc constructed.
The entire additions and iinpiovemcnts
when completed will co t ovur * ; { 5,000.
The plant will then bo unequalled by any
thing west of Chicago , and unexcelled
even in that great metropolis.
It is seldom that a new enterprise
moots with Mich encouragement , hut in
this instance it is certainly deserved.
The capitalists and builders of Omaha
now feel that they can rely upon the
Ptixton A : Viorling iron works to deliver
the work at the time agreed upon. The
workmanship itself is superior to any
thing ever obtained from the east , and is
an ornament and credit to the many mag
nificent buildings on which it is to be
found in the city and throughout the htuto
Thlti company has entered a Hold all
its own. The ollicors brought with them
much eastern money and moro eastern
experience , and they bid fair by reason
able prices and earnest ollort to hoouro a
largo portion of the enormous trade of
the entire northwohtorn territory. By
fair dealing and honest work they are
entitled to patronage , and they will have
it in abundance ,
Unwood Park I OIH.
For sale by J. H. Gibson , 218 S. 10th st.
District Court ,
In the district court , yesterday morning
W.G. Hemonway brought suit ngainst C.
A. Sherwood to rooovcr l03 23 , claimed to
bo duo the plnlntiu" because ot a contract
to orcct a building for the latter.
Walter 1' . Hurllngin hues the Park
Building association , to recover $ ! ! G5.fll.
Ho claims that one Nels Andeison fur-
milled material and did work upon four
building * belonging to the association in
question , to the amount mentioned. This
claim , Anderson absigned to Burlintnn ,
and it is this which he now seeks to col
Jlallroud Men.
Yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock , apai ty
of railroad gentlemen arrived in town
Millant , and afterwards took a trip aroun J
the city. Thicr names are as follows :
James Pnxton , Now York ; A. B. IJam-
apolis and Goo. Paton. of New York.
Mr. McKissock is an old railroad man ,
having been nt dim-tout times , superin
tendent of the North Missouri , Atlantic
A : Pacific and other roads Ho is now
receiver of the Council Blufl'b A : St. Lorn1 *
roatj. Mr. Schermerhorn is superintend
ent and general ticket agent of tlio ( ) . M.
A : I. A diligent scaich failed to find the
I/iinvood Park folH.
For sale by J. H. Gibson. 218 S. 10th st.
The Mechanics of Omaha
Have arranged to start a mechanics
library for the purpose of intellectual
improvement. The sum of f2 will entitle
the donor as a leading patron and mem
ber to its benefits , which is to be supplied
first , with a choice lot of scientific and
praotical books that ticat upon e\ery
phase of the mechanical construction of
buildings ; second , by a good stock of
general literature. All parties of Omaha
who have the welfare of the Omaha me
chanics at heart , to the amount of $3 or
more , in money or the donation of a good
book or books , are ooidially invited to
oontiibuto to this library fund by leaving
their name and amount at the store of
the Omaha Book Publishing company ,
10th and Dodge streets. The same to bo
managed under the auspices of the
Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners'
Union of Omalm.
By order
Ijinunnd Pnrk ,
six blocks cast of South Omaha depot.
A Mnuimntli Social Kvent.
The Knights of Labor of Omaha and
vicinity are making arrangements to
hold a mammoth ball at the exposition
building , February 21st. The object is to
raisu fui.ds to nseist in the erreetion of u
building of their own for meeting and
lecture rooms. From the interest mani
fested and the vast number who are in-
teiosted it promises to eclipse anything
of tlio klnii that has taken place this or
any previous season in Omaha. The
object is a woi thy one and de.seiving the
support of all parties.
Fireman's Hall.
T he Park Dale Fire company No , 1
will give a ball at Miller's hall Friday
night , Jan 21 , for the benefit of the com
pany. Admission 50 cents , ladies fieo.
A Post Abandoned.
Some two years ago \\hen the out
rages weio perpetrated against the Chi-
ncso miners , and beores of the Mango
Huns wore killed , Camp Medicine liutlo
was instituted in Wyoming , by the gov
ernment , as a garrison against similar
outbreaks in the future. All danger of
further trouble being past , tlio gcu em
inent has ordeiod tlio abandonment of
this post. One company of the So\en
teonth infantry , which has boon stationed
there , has been ordeied to bleak up
Ncnv Paokinu House * .
The prospects for the ineieaso growth
of South Omaha wore never brighter.
Several of the leading paoKing establish
ments of Chicago ha\o loprohentatives
here looking over the ground with tiio
view of putting in packing houses the
Northwestern railroad is cutting its way
to the Mock jards , and will have cars
running there before July. No doubt
the city of South Oinahu vull contain
00,000 people lin-ide ot file jeurs No
wonder then that , Qouth Oniuha lots nro
selling ep
Yesterday morning ( ho overland pasf ou
gcrtram Irom the weston the UnionPuc
about an hour and a half after the sohc
ulo limp. The delay was occasioned
high winds.
Absolutely Pure.
This powder never varies. A m.irvcl ql >
purity , strength and wholchoincness. More
economical than the culinary kinclo nr J
cannot he sold in competition with the mul
titude of low test , short weight nlum or
phosphate powilun , . Sold only in cans.
Royal Making Powder Co.,403 Wall street ,
New York.
, rented ( tu
hold on , licloiv
Factory Prices !
Jiiti'iiincntiltjlitli/ ( ( it
Max Meyer & Bro
Omaha , Neb.
E. T. ALLEN , M. D.
Eye , Ear , Nose & Throert
Kooin'J Williams lUiiltlinj , ' , cor. lOlh and
Dodge 6t6 , Omaha ,
ours 8 to 12 A.m. 2 to i and 7 to 8 p. m