0 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : FRIDAY. JANUAEY 21. 1887. THE DAILY BEE , COUNClTlLUFFS FRIDAY M011NINU , JAN. 21. OFTICE , flU. 12 , PEARL STREET. Delivered by tfirrlcr in nnr port of the city nt twenty cent per week. H. W. TiLTOJf , . . . Manngcr. TKI.KPHO.NE3l fJCMNr.FfOmcr. . No. 43. NIUHT I'.imou No. S3. MINOR MI3NT10N. N. Y. ritimblnR Co. Heavy suits cheap to orilcr at Ucitcra. The amount of rcnl estate transfers yes terday was $35,1270. The very latest thlncs out in ball pro grammes at Pryor's HER job olllco. DA. Coehran yesterday sold to It. .1. Pal mer Fovonty six lots in Kailroad addition for $ r.OO. Pcri7ilt to wed was granted yesterday toJ. U. Miller and Laura ( ! . Hiclilc , both of Oakland. Something entirely new and beautiful in birth announcement cards at Pryor's UBK job oflico. New styles in invitations , regrets and wedding goods just received at Pryor's BII : ; job ollleo. .Justice Schurz yesterday married Fred Jnckman to Flora A. Walker , botli being from I'apillion , Nob. The work of piling for the foundation of the Union Paellie's new round house lias been commenced. In the district court yesterday the ease of Ktsoman vs the Ilawkuyu Instraiico company was still on trial. Carles Crump , Andrew Farroy and an unknown were yesterday before the court as victims of the ( lowing bowl. The funeral of Mrs. Alary Hughes , of StreetHvlllo , who died Wednesday night , will bo held Saturday afternoon at 'J o'clock. The jury In the case of Ila/ard against the city wan still out yesterday afternoon , with no apparent probability of agreeing on a verdict. Frank Levin has just received about a thousaud more lare coins , a collection from the east. Among them arc a num ber of old Koman pieces , and many hun dreds of years old. The lirst car of California cabbage re ceived hero tills year is expected to ar rive this morning. It is consigned to Snyder & Lcaimm. Tim industrial school connected with the W. C. A. will open Saturday , the 2-M , at 13 o'clock ' , on Williams street , nearly opposite the College Home hospital. The jury in the case of Hazard ys the city was last evening discharged , being unable to agree. It is said they stood three lor the pltiintilVand nine for the de fendant. For sale or exchange for clear land , Council Blull's or Omaha properly , a most promising am' ' fashionable trotting bred two-year-old stallion , standard bred Kule 0. Address P. li. Hunt , Harlan , la1 A rare chance to purchase a well es tablished and good paying dry goods business in a thriving town twenty miles from this city. For reasons and terms address 13. M. , UEE ollice , Council Blulls. J. Ernsdorf , who kept the PJuvnix , seems to have a hard time of it finan cially. The fixtures arc stored now. being sci/.cd by some creditors , and the establishment seems to have been wrecked. OIHcor Nightingale , of Omaha , was here yesterday after the man arrested by Ollicer llctidricks the other night , and who gave his name as Spraguc. The fel low refused to cross the river without a requisition. The married Indies' progressive euchre club will bo entertained this evening by Mrs. D. J. KoekweH and Mrs. ,7. Y. Fuller , at the residence ot Mrs. llookwell , 811) ) Third avenue. Game to commence promptly at 8 o'clock. Several persons who intended leaving for St. Paul last night were compelled to wait till to-night as the sleeper was crowded. To-night there \yill be two sleepers Jcavo Council Ihill's ! over the Sioux City route for Si. Paul with llio ice carnival visitors. The Iowa State Temperance alliance , held in DCS Moines this week , in organ ising selected L.V. . Tulle.ys , of this city , to represent the Ninth district on the committee on resolutions and nomina tions. In the election oi olliccrs , II. D. Cooley , of this city , was chosen as OHO of the vicopresidciils. Hoyal Amy lias decided to return from Omaha and rusiime the hardware busi ness here. He will occupy the buildingon Main street formerly occupied by Thomas for agricultural implements. Par * of his goods will bo shipped to-day , and he ex pects to bo fairly opened for business by the middle of February. The council is not to meet until tiie regular meeting next month unless foine occasion should un expectedly arise for a special session. The aldermen will probabably meet soon as a committee of the whole to consider the Tenth avenue project and the new ordinance proposed by the Union Pacific. The public lecture to be given next Tuesday evening in Temple hall by State Master Workman wheat , of the Knights of Labor , should be listened to by as largo a number as possible. Ho has the reputationof | being an orator , and the themes to bo discussed are of vital interest. The team and buggy hired by a ctrangcr from Field & Cole , and which wasHiipposed to have been stolen by him , lias been recovered , li appears that the fellow tried to sell it , and not succeeding and fearing probable detection , ho left the rig with a farmer named Haincs , noout ten miles east of the city. It has boon brought in and returned to the owner. It is reported that Dr. Dearborn , who bought bevonty-oipht acres on the river eolith of the Union Pacific track for 13,000 , had sold the same yesterday for 110,000. There are numerous other sales reported , thu full facts of which will not bo known until the papers are recorded The activity in real estate is startling come of the old settlers , who have been predicting that there would bo no boom. The boom is showing stronger every day. The union meetings at the Congrega tional church are increasing in interest. The attendance is larger each night. Last evening Hev. Mr. Tluckstun led the meeting , and chose as his theme "Tho Kiches of God , " The night before a queer test was put to thu audience by the leader , lluv. Dr. Cooloy. The church was full , and he asked all those who had served ( Jed for fifty years to rise , Only two responded. Then all that had served for forty years were asked to rise , Five inoro stood up , making soyon. The number steadily increased until nearly nil those there had arisen , in response to the series ot questions , gradually cutting down the time to one year. Hand at Ice rinl : Friday evening. Grand niatinco wltli muslo Saturday. See that your books are made by Moore- bouse & Co. , room lEvcrctt _ block. GeorgoHudio , real estate and nego tiator ot loans , No. 1507 Farnain street. Omuha. Bargains in Council Blulls and Omaha property. Klcctrlc door bolls , burglar alarms and every form of domestic electrical appli ances at the Now York Plumbing Co. Stoves t Stoves I Stoves 1 * or the nc.xl thirty days I will sell homing.moves at . cost/or cash ooly. 1' . 0 , uaVo SOLDIERS OF SALVATION , The Way They Receive Their Trials and Pri vations. AN EYE ON OMAHA. Tlic New Terms of Court Announced Tor Tills .Judicial District The Heal HAtntc Activity Keeping Ul > Hrlcr lilts of News. The Army of the Lord. "I heard thai the Salvation army girl who went from hero to St. Joe had nearly starved to death down there , " remarked a citizen to a cadet in the army yes terday. "Well , she didn't starve , but she did come pretty near it , " was the reply. "Wo got her up a box of grub here and sent il down to her , for she wrote that she needed it. When she left here she had only enough money to pay for her board a day or two.and she hadn't begun to got in enough from collections to pay hrr way. As soon as we heard of it , we had a box fixed up and sent her , enough to last several days or a week. 1 tell you it is not all fun or nice work to be in the army. The girls have a hard time of il part of the while. Now the girls when they lirst came hero had only enough to keep them a few days , and they had it nip and tuck to live. They slept in llio hall , and ihey lived oil'of cold food sent them from the Ugden house. The Ggdon house girls were very good to the nirls , and every day sent them a big basketful of what was left from their tables. " "How do they get a living * From the collections , or do they have a salary ? " "I'll tell you. These women are just sent to a place , and have to get along as best they can. They go to work , Mold meetings , and take up collections. The expenses for hall ront.light , fuel and such like , arc paid first. If there is anything over it applies on their salaries. The captain L'ets $7 a week , the lieutenant $ . " 5 and the cadet $3. They have to make il Ihotigh. If there is not enough taken in to pay the expenses they get nothing , but if thorn is enough to pay the expenses and their salaries too , they gel Iheir pay.1 "Out of liicse salaries wlial do they have to pay V" "They have to pay their board , pay for clothing and all that. They have to buy their own tambourines. The post owns the drums , but llio rest is owned by the soldiers personally. The post here is get- tmq so that after paying the expenses of the meetings and the salaries there is a small sum left now in the treasury. Two or three meetings last wtok though , the receipts were not enough to pay ex penses. It costs about if ! ) a day to pay for the hall , lights and fuel. The girls now board , because they have so much visiting to do and other work thai lliey have no lime to cook for themselves , and they were getting behind on their sewing ami such things. " "Do those who join have to wear uni forms ? " "No. they don't have lo. The army wants thorn to wear sonic badge or some thing to show that they belong lo Hie iirmv and so most of them do. " " "Do they have lo do away with bangs and feathers , gold ornaments and so forth ? " "No , they can wear such things if they want to , but il is not thought to be of any use to spend money for such things. The girls don't have much loft after they pay for their living , but if lliey did Ihey feel lhal they can use it to make others hettcr and happioraudso they don't care for such things. " "What about the statement that a cer tain per cent of Hie receipts has to go to headquarters , to make the high olhcers live in comfort and wealth ? " "That isn't so. There is a certain amount , 10 cents on n dollar , which goes to pay the higher ollicers and their ex penses. That is , just as in all other soci eties and churches. The division com mander , for instance , is something like a presiding elder in the Methodist church , lie looks after all the posls in Iowa , say. Well , he is allowed a certain amount and his traveling expenses , and this is paid by all the iiosts. Then there is a certain amount which is to be paid for the head quarters to bo built in Ciiicago. This headquarters will be barracks for those who got sick or worn out , a sorl of sol diers home , llie same as lite Methodists take care of their superannuated preach ers sometimes. " "How long will the army stay horcV" " 1 don't ' know. These girls will go away next week. Their tnrcc months is up. They change- every three months , and new ones come here. AVe'll have some new ones in a few days. " "How did you make oul in Omaha Iho other nightV" "Pretty well , but we got rotten-egged. That is , Ihero was one spoiled egg thrown at us as wo went by one place , a sort of grocery store and saloon. There was only one egg , and that hit one ot the fel lows on the head , and splashed on come of the others , .lust as soon as tlicro can bo a hall gel there I expect the army will start in for taking that town. " Substantial abstracts of titles and real estate loans. J. W. & K. L. Squire. No. 101 Pearl street , Council Binds. Hard and soft coal , best quality alls scs. . Missouri and Iowa wood. C. li. Fuel company , fl8'J Broadway. Telephone - phone 130. L. B. Crafts & Co. are loaning money on all classes of chattel securities at one- half their former rates. See them before securing your loans. The Terms of Court. Judges Loofbourow , Carson. Thorncll and Dcomer have arranged the following as tiie schedule of terms of courts in this district : In the county of Shelby four terms shall bo held , beginning respectively on the llth day of Jimimry , the ! ! d day of May , the 00th day of August and the 8th day of November. in the county of Audubon four terms shall be held , beginning respectively on the 10th day ot March , the 7th day of June , the 27th day of September , uud the 2'Jth day of November. In the county of Cass four terms shall bo held , beginning respectively on the 8th day of February , the Hd day of May , the llUth day of August and the 8th day of November. In the county of Montgomery four terms shall bo held , beginning respect ively on the 17lh day of January , the 7th day of Juno , the 27th day of Septem ber and the Uth dav of December. In the county of Page , four terms shall bo held , beginning respectively on thu 2M : day of February , the tfd day of May , the 2iil ; day of August and the ' . ' 5th day of October. In the county of Fremont , four terms shall bo belli , beginning respectively on the 50th day of March , thu iMth ctay of May , the ' 'Gth day of September and the 15th day of November. In the county of Mills , four terms shall bo hold , beginning respectively on the S'Jtli dav of March , the Mth day of June , the llth dav of October arid the IHth day of December. In the county of Pottawattamie. at the county FCHI thereof , four terms shall be held , beginning respectively on the 15th day of lolmiary , the 8rd day of May , tne 80th day of August aud the 1st day of November , At the town of Avooa , in said county , three terms shall bo. held , beginning re spectively on the loth day of March , the 31st day of Juno and the 13lh day of De cember. _ The Pnlt Mall Club. The Pall Mall club gave Ihe fourth of their scries of hops last evening In their hall in the Bono building. The music was all that coulo. bo wished for , and the programme , which consisted of fourteen numbers , was an excellent one. As usual about 10 o'clock light refresh ments were served , and about 1 o'clock this niorniug the company dii- banded. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. Loonils , Dr. and Mrs. Macrae , Mr. and Mrs. Dav , Mr and Mrs. Albert. on , .Judge and Mrs. James , Mr. and Mrs. Farnsworth. Mr. and Mrs. Haas , Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Brown , Mr , and Mrs. Porter , Mr. and Mrs. Klmball , Mr. and Mrs. Keelinc , Mr. and Mrs Bald win , Mr. and Mrs. Felt , Mrs. Conover , Mr. and Mri. Kverclt , Mrs. Waddfll , Misses Holcomb. Loomis , Brown , Jessie and Fannie Walker , Anna anil Barbara Mcrkel , Ik-bblugton , Farnswor'.h , Hatcher , Haas , Albright , of Fort Madi son ; ( ianlner and Mrs. Mcader , of In diana ; Minnie and Pauline Wadlelgh. of Clinton : Mrs. Unbln on , Mr. and Mrs. W. 11. Hums , Messrs , tlaas , Evans. K. W. Hart , Stewart , Baldwin , Miller. K. K. Hart , Pusiiy , Blanehard , Malmroso , Woodbury , Bowman , Everett , W. and N. Cieary , Sharp , Hughes and Pike , of Omaha ; Bebbington , Sherman , Larimer. Slnlccpcnoo Honrrcstetl. George Washington Makepeace , on be ing acquitted at Denison , lias been rearrested - arrested on the charge of grand larceny in Harrison county. The friends of County Attorney Lally resent the in timations thai the prosecution was not ably and fully conducted in the recent trial at Dcnison. It is claimed thai Mr. Lally's predecessor , now Judge Thorncll , drew iij ) the indictment , and thai thorn were in it Iwo errors fatal to the success ful prosecution of the case , one being that the money said to have been appro priated by Makepeace belonged to Haish iv Co. , when in fact it belonged to Jacob Haish , who had no partner , and there was no sueli linn. The other was in bringing the action in Crawford county , when the embi-x/lemcnt , if there was any , was at Dunlap , in another county. Personal C. L. Burpee , of Champaign , III. , is in the city. Mrs. Nick O'Brien lias gone toDanbury on a visit. Alex Malmroso came in oil' the road last night. Louis Kahlcr has gone to sec the ice palace at St. Paul. Misses Tosteviu and Bullard leave lo niglil for St. Paul. Miss Julia Ollicer icft last evening for a visit with friends at Chicago. A C Btirnhani , of Champaign , 111. , is in the city looking after ins interests here. John Dohany , who has had quite a serious sick spell , is again attending to onsincss. Mrs. E. A. Pippin and Mrs. George Hudio have gone to Mapletpn , la. , to at tend the wedding of Mrs. Pippin's sister , Miss Ella Snyder. Max Brody , who was injured by llio running away of his team recently , is im proving and now able lo be up ami about. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Sims returned last evening from their weddfng trip , and will for the present have rooms at the residence of Mr. J. E. Harkncss. Clarence Judson , who has been so long connected with Btirnhani. Tulloys & Co. and the Council Blull's National bank , has resigned his position. He will con tinue to reside here , and will soon engage in a different business here , which will in due tune be announced. He is too active to remain out of business for any length of time , and will doubtless make a suc cess of whatever he undertakes. IIiVNSCOM PA UK ADDITION. Surroumlcci JRy Improvements. The Handsomest Jjocntioti and Mo.st AcccRHlblo nody of I.iot9 For Sale ! Every facility is given buyers to inves tigate Iho merits of this beautiful addi tion , and that you may carefully investi gate its prices and terms as compared with surrounding properties , Ihoy are freely and cheerfully shown to you. It is a safe prediction thai lots in Hanscom Park addition will sell before the year is out for COO I'Eit CINT : jumn THAN present prices. Every buyer has this chance , and if you want a safe , sure and excellent Investment secure one of these lots at once. There is no bettor chance to make money , and of this you can judge for yourself when you see the ground.DON'T ' DON'T HK TALKED OUT OK IT but come and sen whether our statements are correct or not. This costs you noth ing and if you have the courage to do as others are doing may make you some money. MH. OKOItGE liUDIO is our only authorized agenl in Council Blull's for Ihe sale of lots in HANECOM I'AHK ADDITION , SUI.l'lltJU SPIUNCiS ADDITION , AMES1 1'I.ACK , IIII.I.SDAI.E , and tin unequalled list of bargains of all sorts. AMES1 HEAL ESTATE AGENCY , No. 1507 FAHNAM STUEP.T , OMAHA , NKU. Ccntcrville soft-lump coal , $3.75 per ton , delivered , Wm. Welch , CIO Main street , telephone 1)1 ) ! . Dr. llauchelt.ollico No. 12 Pearl strcel ; residence , 120 Fourth street ; telephone No. 10. Band at Ice rink Friday evening. Grand niatinco with music Saturday. All my coal is weighed by Amy , the only aiithori/.cd city weighmaster , and guaranteed to hold out 2,000 , pounds to the ton. Good soft coal at $ ! ) .CO a Ion , N. W. WILLIAMS. Band at Ice rink Friday evening Grand matinee with music Saturday. llio Iluhy .Milieu of niirnmh , London Daily News : Owing to the very great jealousy of the Burmese govern ment , the ruby mines have been care fully guarded from all strangers , and from tfiis cause our knowledge regarding them is very small. The mines are said to bo only about sixty miles northeast of Mandnlay. The extent of ground over which the rubies exist has not been pre cisely ascertained , but it is believed to extend at least over one hundred square miles , The value of these mines was reported a few years ago to bo worth annually from 12,000 to 15,000 , ; but this includes sapphires and other stones as well. The mines were wholly royal property , and the stones were a monopoly of the king. From tiiis it may bo assumed that tlu Indian government will now claim the ruby mines. The "gem bed , " as it is called , or strata in which the rubies are found , varies considerably at dlfl'urent points in its depth. Pits are sunk down vertically until a gem bed is touched , and then hori/.ontal galleries arc formed through it. These strata differ considerably in thickness ; sometimes they are only a few inches , while in others they ure found several feet in depth. The earth of the gem bed is brought up to the surface , where it is carefully washed , and the gems are secured , The most of the rubies arc email , but largo ones do turn COUNCIL BLUFFS BOOMS ! CALL AT HARKNESS BROTHERS , And select your Dry Goods and Carpers before the prices advance , We are selling elegant Patterns Dress Goods very low to close the lot. J "on never saw Jllack Silks so BLACK SILKS.J < tn as those n'c are now sell . ing. H'c are closing out this entire department to make roHHifor our Increased Carpel finch , anil arc coiitH'iiitcnllu scllliiy them oat c.vlrcinclit low Blankets , GomMtes , Ladies' ' and Misses' ' Dnderw , Etc Are bctny closed out very cheap. I'on will sare money to see onr Carpels ami llitys before yon buy. If yon want In- liratn , Jtriisscls , I'clrcl , or Moiincttc Carpet pet- ! , come a ml see ns or wrilo for prices. Onr variety of Curtains , I'onyccs , Draperies , etc. , is larye anil choice , and n-ehai-ea full assortment of I'o'cs , Hods , lirass ( , 'ooils , etc. Our worlc Is done by skilled workmen. Order * by mall receire prompt attention. Council Bluffs Iowa Harkness Bros , , Broadway , , FarmiiiL' Lands in Iowa , Minnesota , Kansas , aud ranging from $5.00 to 410.00ii"r lien" Si-l.ool . and stnto lauds in Minnusota on 30 years' time 5 per cent interest. Laud Buyers fare free. Information. J - -p ' No. 55r Broadway , Council muffs , Iowa , agent for'Freidrlkseu & Co. , Chicago. up ; the dilVieultyis to liud large ones without a Haw. The lapidaries or gem polishers are in the capital , and not at the mines. 1 ho polishing process is performed by pound ing the smaller gems and worthless stones. These arc pounded and mixed with other substances , and formed into cakes about ten inches long and four wide. The gold rubies are rubbed on this. When the stone Jias been ground down roughly on this a liner cake is employed , and the finishing touch to the gem is given by rubbing it on plates of brass or copper. Sannhires are also found with the rubies. The people employed manage to secrete small stones , and these are smuggled from the mines to the capital. After IjluhiniiiB Thiuulor. " 1 feel like thunder this morning , ' ' complained a Now Jersey citizen. "That's because you fooled with light ning last night , " reverberated his wife quicker than a llash. SPECIAL NOTICES. Fpoclul advertisements , such ns Lost , Found loLonnFor Salo. To Kent , Wnnts , Ilonrdlntr , etc. , irill bolnsortod In thlfl column ut tlio low rate of TEN CUNTS PF.K LI N K for the flrst Inscr- lonnnd i-'ivoCents Per Line for each subsoquunt Insertion. Lonvo advertisements nt our olllco No. 12 Veal street , nc.ir Uroadwfty. Council illutts. WANTS. . FOH SAL1J Choice , smooth , unimproved ICO acres close to Itralimrcl , in Hutlcr county. Nobruslm. Will Rive lartro discount trom pres ent value for cash. Address limiting , Hunyon .V Jones. David City , Neb. , or W. J. , IJeo ollice. Council 111 n ITs , la. FOHSALE Atnbnrfrnln , ! ! .r > ncros with flno Improvements , six miles cast of Council llluirs. 1'rlcolow nnd all the time needed. In- < | iiln > of T.V. . Van Sclover , Council llluirs. T710U SALE Illacksmlth nnd wniron shop. JL ! Only one In town. Kxcollcnt ImMiioss. Cnoil reasons tor Eclllng. Address C. L. Miller , Ports mouth , la. FOH HKNTfl.room houso. J35 , First live. , opposite thu park. Sullivan & Fitxgnralil. FOH HENT A now two-story frame dwelling house , containing six rooms , hall on both lloors , closets with all lied rooms. Inriro collar and good cistern. Cull on M. F. Kohter or Odoll llros. ACo. . FOH HENT The ono-Ptory frame business building , with 4-roota dwelling attach ment , formerly occiinlL'l in a candy factory mid known us No. 110 South Main street , ox- temlliiB through to 1'oarl Bt. Apply to J ! . F. HohrerorOdcll llros. & Co. FOH SAM ? -Harbor shop , KOOC ! location , jrood reason for selling. Address U , Ileo olllco. A cottairo of Jlyo or six rooms , WANTED located convenient to business ; small family , no children. Address "Crispy , " Doe olllco. WANTKD-A boy with pony to carry Uoo route. H.M.K-Old papers for Bull ) ut the Uoo FOH olDce. WANTED Parties Intending to bo married are wanted to call at the Pryor'l Dee job office to select their wcddlnK cardg. JOHN V. STNE JACOB SIMS STONE & SIMS , ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW , Practice in the State and Federal court * Hooms 7 and 8 Sliugart-Hono lilo'jk. COXTlSTOUj BLiTJiniPS FREE LECTURE AT MASONIC TEMPLE i Tuesday Evening , January 25 , State Master Workman of the Knights of Labor. M. L. WHEAT , OF COLFAX , IOWA , Cordial Invitation Extended to All. W , S , HOMER & CO , 23 Main Stf Council Jllnffs. The chcnpctt place In the city to buy CROCKERY , LAMPS , SILVER PLATED WARE , GLASSWARE , -AND- FINE POTTERY THEATRICAL WIGS , BEARDS , Grease Paints F.TC , The Finest I in ported Line of ( Joods West of Chicago. Mrs.C. t. Crillette's Human Hair Emporium No , 209 MainStrent.Council Bluffs , Iowa. FINE - FRENCH - MILLINERY , 1514 Douglas St. , Omaha , NEW IMPORTED STYLES OPEN. Ladicsbuying n ? 5 hat or bonnet , one fare will be paid ; vie , round ( rip. MELVIN SMITH. I. T. ItOnEUTS. SMITH & ROBERTS. SUCCESSOItS TO MoMAHON & GO , ibstfacts o [ Title , Loan and Rial Es tatfl Brokers , No. 238 Mala St. purchased tjic Me abstract books In this connly- hnown as the "Mediation Abstract Jloohs , " we arc now prepared to fur nish abstracts and rcsncctfallii so licit the jHitronaf/eof all those aeslr- iiuj correct abstracts of title to lands and lota In 1'otlawattainlo county. NO , 236 MAIN ST. , COUNCIL BL UFFS N. SCHURZ , Justice of the Peace Office over American Exprecc. B. XHCE , M. D. , Or otliur Tiimora roniovud without tllo i , , , , , orUmwIiiB of blood. Oror thirty yonrs prHcticnloxpcriouco. No. U 1'oiirlSt. , Council llluBn. PfConeultatlon True. Horses and Mules For all purposes , bought and sold , nt retail nnd in lots. Large quantities to select from. Several pairs of fine drivers , sin * glc or double , MASON WISE , Council Bhilli. OFFICER & PTJSEY , BANKERS COUNCIL BLUFFS , IA , * Ketnlillehea 1857 BOOK BIDING Ledgers , .lourim ! * , County and Hank Worliol'AII liliulh a Spec ially Prompt AttentiOjHo Mail Orders MOREHOUSE & CO. Koom 1 Everot Block , Council Blufls , Standard Papers Used All btyles of bind ing in Magazines and BLANK BOOKS. HKFCIIKNCES ! C. n. National llonlr , M. H. Smith A : Co. , . CllUeni1 llunk , Cf ro , WolU k Oo. . . 1rst Natloual Hank. C. II. lusuriturd OJ. , Offlcoril'useyUaakcr3C.U CLAIM Your Presents That Were Given Away By Henry Eisoman & , Go's ' Peoples' ' Store TO THE IUCKH TICKET HOLDER At the Drawing Which Took Plnco in Their Store on the Evening of Jan- \rnry 10th , 1887 The Snmo Doing Bono by 11 Committee of 1'rominout Citizens. The ( IWribiitiou of prizes wns by it cotumilti'i ! ot L'iti/i'iii , nml the tlckuts nwnnlud prixo.s tire ns follows : r No. 8s.n : , ift pri/.o Suite of Psirlo Furniture. No. . " ) .7 < I , 2mt prize Mahogany IJctl Koom Suito. No. ! i,0 ? I , Uril pri/.c Domostio Sewing No. Hii5 ) : , .1th pri/.o Twenty yards Guinoltitros grain Black Silk. No. 0,302 , fth ) prize Seal I'lush Cloak. No. 2070 : ! , , Cth prize 1'tilr White Blankets. No. 7,00'J , 7tli prize Decorated Set of Dishes. No. 2:2,0:13 : : , 8th prize Seal Skin Muff. No. 10,10t , ! , llth pri/.e A Paisley Shawl. No. 10,801 , 10th prize-A Beaver Shawl. No. 1-1,17 : . ' , lltli prize-Suit Gents' ClothhiH , No. 27.507 , 12th prlzo Gent's Fur Beaver Overcoat. No. 11,8-li ) , tilth prize Boy's Overcoat. No. 22,041 , 14th prize Boy's Suit No. 0,101 , Kith prize Infant's Cloak. No. 22,818 , 10th prize Brass Parlor Table. No. 0,320 , 17th prize 50 yards "Fruit of the Loom" muslin. No. 27.)2 ! ! ! ) , 18th prize Half dozen "Gold" White Shirts. No. 28,000 , VJth prize Silk Muffler. No. M.lot ) , 20th prize Linen Table Set. Table Cloth anit Napkins. No. 7,701 , 21stpri/.e ATwcnty Dollar Gold Piece. ISo. 28,288,22nd prize Toilet Set. No. 20 > 85 : ! , 23rd prize Doll. No. 8,0-11 , 21th prize Handkerchief Box. Box.No. . 20,07-1 , 2rth prize Hand B\c. : No. 5,022 , 20th ] ) rile Doll. No. 29,320 , 27th prize Stand Cover. No. 30,07 ! ) , 28tti prize Bottle Perfum er v. NoNe . 0,873 , 20th prize Toboggan Cap. No 21-ir.S . , 30th pri/.c Table Scarf. No. 5,530 , 81st prize Splasher. No. 9,010 , Mml prize Lunch Basket. No. 27,518. 33rd prize Hammered brass Umbrella Stand. No. 20.7(17 ( , ! Mth prize Half doz.Towols No. 8,059 , 85th prize Silk Umbrella. No. 28,833 , 30th prize Doll. No. 27,7-10 , 37th pri/.e Sot Chillis' Dishes. No. 20,103 , 38th prize Brass Broom Holder. No. 0,105 , 39th prize Silk Suspenders. No. 27,001 , , 40th prize Silk Handker chief. No. 22,125 , 41st prize Doll. No. 1-1,00 ! ) , 42nd pri/.e Half doz.ladies' Handkerchiefs. No. 8,110 , 43rd pri/.c 15 yards Calico. No. 8,228 , 44th nri/e Boy's Hat. No. 0,33415th , prize Boy's Sealskin Cap. Cap.No. . 8OSr , 4Cth prize Painted Orna ment , No. 8,000 , 47th prize Toilet Set. No. 27,443 , 48th prize Doll. No. 27,70 ! ) , 4th ! ) pri/.e Doll. No. 7.022 , 50th prize Table Cover. No. 0,077 , 51st prize Bottle Porftim er v. v.No. . 8,031 , S2ud prize Lace Handker chief. No. 22,01 ! ) , 53rd prize Child's Lace Collar. No. 22,940 , , 51th prize Doll. No. 27,401 , ontli pri/.e Doll. No. 5,123,50th , prize Tidy. No. 12,831 , , 57th prize Table Scarf. No. 5,818 , 58th prize Doll. No. 2i,827 ) , 5'Jlh prize Mouth Orpan. No. 7.200 , GOth prize Imitation Steam Piano. No. 23,070 , , Olst prize Book. No. 22,945 , 03nd prize Book. No. 211,053 , , C3rd prize Pocket Knifo. No. 12li3 ! , Olth prize Doll. No. 23,109 , 05th prize Doll. No. 20,101 , , GOth prize A Dr. Warner's Corset. No. 12,218 , C7th prize Shoulder Shawl. No. 8,730 , 08lh pri/.e Infant's Lace No. 28,283 , , GOth prizn Infant's Dress. No. 29,123 , 70th pri/.c Doll. No. 2i)18 ! ! ) , 71st pri/e Hand Batf. No. 21,03' , ' , 72nd prize Ladies' Com- ) ! ° 1)No 28,1112 , , 78r I prize Silk Mufllcr. No. 10,902 , , 74th prlzo--Doll. No. 27UIO ! , 75th prize Book. No. flO,182 , 70th prize Book. No. 2.,448 ) , 77th prize Lunch Basket. No. 22,010 , 78th prize Pair Children's No. 7.003 , 70th pri/.o Pair Hoy's Boots No 13,243 , 80th pri/.o Lace Collar. No. O.iWO , 81st prize Doll. No. 80,1110 , 82iui pri/.o Jersey Jacket - - No No , No , NoNe No ! 28'oiVl , ' 87th prize Girl's Skates. No. 23,262 , , 88th prize Doll. No. 8.0II , 89th prize Doll. No. 27,1193 , OOth pri/.o Doll. No. 0,055 , yist pri/.e Doll. No. 14,215 , ! 3nd pri/.e Necklace. No. 25,022 , 93rd prize Gold Ctitr Hutton - ton * , No. 12,820 , Olth pri/.c Locket No. 27.HSI2 , 95th prize Breast Pin. No. 0,015 , lOOLli prize Lnco kerchief. Those tlir holdlny the Inclsu tick ets wilt nlcafi : call , prcmint the same and micro tlieir jH'Cfrnln as won as HeofjEisemafl < SCo PEOPLE'S ' STORE . lilt , Hid , it 18 and : tiO ! Jlivud- Council Mull's , THE BEATON FUEL CO Will supply you with a cleaner anil better quality ot COAL Tb.in nny one in the city. A trial will con * vlnce you. No 028 Broadway. Telephone 110. WHOLESALE AND JOBDINO COUNCIL BLUFFS. -4G'/f KTMTIM / / IMl'LKMKXTA DK1JU1J , WKLLS & CO. , Wliolosfllo Agricultural Implements , Buggies , CniTlnirrs , I'to , Ho. Council IlltilTn , limn. KKYSTONF7 MANUFArTllKINU Mntitifiichircrdor niut Heftier. " In u Hand and Power Corn Shellers , Atul niuMimu line of llr t class uurluillturA Nos. 1801,1WI , , 15n ( nn.l . } M1 ? outh Main Slroef , Council llimt ! . lown. DAVID HUADLKY * CO. , Mnniif'i-rt : m t .lobliort of Agricultural ImplementsWagons , Bnggles , Srrlnf : < . > ? ! , m"1 ll11 Kln' ' ' "r Fnrra Mnclilnorr. 1JW to Ilia South Mixln Street , Council llluiti , town. COUNCIL HLUFFS CAKPKT CO. , Carpets , Curtains , Window Shades Oil Cloths. Curlnln Flit\iro \ , Upholstery Ooa Kto. No. 405 llromlwfty Council Uluffi , town. ts , roiMcco.rrc. / . PKUKdOY & MOOUE , Wholcaulo Jobbers In the Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes NOB. S8iCMn and 27 1'onrl Sts. Council Hluff * lown. ' CUMSIISKIOX. SNYDKR & LKAMAN , Frnlt and Produce Commission Mercuantj. aS4 mid -M 1'onl St. , Council Hinds. DllUaOMTS. IIAULH , HAAS & CO. , Wholesale Druggists , Oils , Paints , Glass Druggists' Sundries. Htc. No. 22 Mnln St. , nnj No. 21 Ponrl St. , Council IllulTt. O. W. UUTT3 , Wholesale California Fruits a Specialty QcnorM Commission. Kr > . 5U Brandwnr. Council niiilTfl. WIHT & DUQUETTK , Wholesale Fruits , Confectionery , -AND- COMMISSION , NOB. 10 nml 18 Puarl St. , Council S , ETC. I3ECKAIAN , STKOHHKHN * CO. , Mamifnctitrorsof nnd Wliolo.inlu Donlorala Leather , Harness , Saddlery , Etc. No. US Main St. . Council IlluITj. town. HATS , CAPS , KTC. MKTCALF mtOTHEIlS , Jobbers In Hats , Caps and Gloves. - ( T 2 nnd ! ) U Urosxdwny , Council Illuffs. JIKAVY KEELINE & FELT , Wholonftlo Iron , Steel , Nails , Heavy Hardware , And Wood Stock , Council lllul'fl , IOWA. IIIDICS ANI > TAII.O\V. J ) . 11. McDONRM ) .t CO. , IKttiibllBlicd 1S01.I No. f20 Miiin Rlrcrt , : : I Council IlluOri. < ; < ) .1I.1JISSIOHIIIUCIIAAi'B'.S , AMI ! DEA1.EIIS IX HIDES , TALLOW , WOOL , ETC. COUNCIL ULUFFS OIL CO. , WliolcBitlo Denlori In linmlnating & Lubrlcatlag 01U Gasollu EJTO. , EJTO. P.Theodore , Aioiit , Council HlutTa. Io\ra. I.UMIIUH 1'lhlXO K1V. A. OVERTON & CO. , Hard Wood , Southern Lumber , Piling , And Ilrlilffo Material gpodalllna.Wliolniitlo Lum ber of ill KlndB. Otncn No. 130 Main 31 , Council IHulTi. IOWA. 1TJNEU AND LIQTJOKS. SCHNEIDER & HKCK , Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors , JOHN L1NDER , Wholcsnlu Imported and Domestic Wines & Liquors for St. ( otthard'B Hurb Illttcra. No-U MnlnSU Council lllulli. L. KIKSCHT & co. , Wholesale Llqaor Dealers. Mo. 118 Ilroadway , Council IlliilTj. CRESTON HOUSE The only hotel in Council BlulTb having EJsoeip © Anil all mo 'crn improvements. 21G , 817 and 211) ) Main st. MAX MOIIN , Prop. Star Sale Slables and Mule Yard& BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , 0)pioalto ) | JJuuin.y Dopot. DM Horiies and mules kept constantly on hand , for sale at retail or in car Inadg. Odera prointitly lUled by contract on short notice. Stock sold on commission , SiiLL'TEit A Bour : , l'roi > riutori. 'i'fllcphono No. 1M. Formerly of Kcij Sale St\Wc ; , lit. uvt .ud 4th street.