THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : FKIDAT , JAINHJAlttf 21. 1S8T. A FINE DISPLAY OF FRUITS , i The Exhibit of ttio State Horticultural So- dot ) at Its Winter Session , A SPLENDID AHRAY OF APPLES. Tlio nicnnlnl Itoport of tlio Stntc Flsli Commission Itcndy I'or Iltrl * but Ion County Treasurers Making HilllinciitH. : fmoM run nni's ; usroi.x wnn.u'.l In the midst of the war of politics that has called 5,000 strangers within the city gales there Is displayed at tlio east uni versity building tlio fruits of peace in the exhibit of the State Horticultural society nt their winter meeting now in session. Considering the worth of this Nebraska fruit display and all it means in repre senting the progress and development of thu fruit interests of the state , the atlend- mice at this session of the society Is meagre and unsalisfaclory in numbers. There tire some 00to 10plates ! ) of apples on exhibition , as handsome specimens nnd as great in variety as any stale of double the years of Nebraska can make. These midwinter exhibits como not from : i few but many counties in the state , northern Nebraska being well repre sented , while thu old established fruit countiis ; of Washington , Cass , Otoe , Pawnee , Douglas and others make excel lent showings. Among the veteran horticulturists in the state who nro present nnd active participants are Peter Younger , of Geneva ; Hiram Craig , of Blair ; W. J. Hesser , of Plaits * month ; Samuel Barnard , of Table Uock ; K. L. Emery , of Omaha ; It. N. Day , of Tekamah ; K. N. Grennell , of Fort Cal- liounH. ; . iMaslcrs , Nebraska Cily ; E. T. Stephens , Crelc ; U. W. Furnas , Itrownvilto ; II. D. Kelley , Madison ; S. H.ebster , OrdT. ; L. Grtfl'oy , Dakola Cily. The society at this meeting pro- po o to make arrangements for higher competition in future and a very thorouirh organi/allon will have charge of the so ciety business for the coining year. TIM : risn COMMISSION of Nebraska have their biennial report now ready for distribution , and it is one of HID most complete , comprehensive and thoroughly commendable reports that has over been presented to the state. The report shown the extent and magnitude that lish culture lias reached in Ne braska , even with the very limited ex pense thus lar incurred. Thu report is illustrated with creditable plates illus- trnting tlie ponds and buildings al the stale hatchery , and accurate iliustrallvo plale.s of tlio principal lish bred and kept in stock at that place , Mr. May , of tlio commission , gives adolailcd roporl of his magnilicent exhibit that he made at the state fair , and Superintendent O'iJrion , of the hatchery , reports in de tail all the work accomplished in the year. Some of Iho statistics in the report are of much interest and illustrate in themselves the work done. There are in the ponds at the hatchery at present over r > 0OUO lish of live dillerent varieties , mostly adults , and used in breeding , 100,000 eggs being taken from the brook trout alone in tlio month of December , and tlio hatcheries have received in the past year nearly .10,000,000 lish eggs. Jhiring tlio year 1880 108,000 young brook trout have been furnished to twenty dillerent parlies for planting , most of which wont to northern Nebraska ; i,000 ) California trout were furnished parties , nnd nn.OOO lake or salmon trout were fur nished to nine dillerent parlies in caslern and northern Nebraska , Over D.000.090 young wall eyed Pike were furnished to forty diller c'lit parlies in all suction * : of Iho slalo and planted in streams. But the ( Herman carp is evidently the fish of great popu larity all over the falatc , and iho demand has'been far in excess of the supply. Two hundred and forty dillbreut parties have been supplied with n limited number of Iheso food lish representing almost every county in llic slatu. and some 0,000 carp have been distributed in this very general way. Tlio property of the state at the hatcheries and lish farm is Hated at ! ? ii,000. : In the face of this very creditable showing tlio commission ask that the alalo legislature ex tend tliu lines for the lish com mission in giving moro adequate appro priations for thu continuation of thn work. They ask that the superintendent's salary be raised to $1,200 a year and tor all im provements , expenses , apparatus , obtain ing eggs etc , , llioy ask for the coming two years for an appropriation of $12,500. , THIEVE , WILSON MOUEIIOI'SIC co. of Fremont has filed its articles of in corporation in the secretary's ollico. The place of business of the corporation is Fremont , Nob. , nnd the business to bo transacted by the company is to deal generally in live Block , grain , lumber , building material , coal , lo buy and hold real estate and erect thereon as may bo necessary. The authorized capital stock ot the company is fICO,000 , in shares of $100 each. The company is authorized to commence business wlion one-half of ' tlio capital stock is subscribed. Ttio existence - istonco of the corporation is fixed be tween the dates of January 1 , 1887 , and the same date , 1937. The business aflairs of the company are to bo conducted by n board of seven directors , to be selected annually from among the stockholders. The names of the incorporators are Hay Nye , Vi illiam U. Wilson. Honjamm F. Morohouso , Sirem B. Colson , William Fried , and Uudolph U. Schneider , all of Fremont , Neb. TWO LINCOLN COMPANIES. The Iwo Lincoln insurance companies located in this city have tiled their an nual reports with the slalo auditor , Iho Farmers' and Merchants company mak ing the following showing on Nooraska business : Premiums received , f 70,001.25 ; losses incurred , $5,710.85 ; losses paid , $0,710.85 The Lincoln Insurance company reports the following business : Premiums re ceived , $11.7111 ; losses incurred , $7,811,20 : losses paid , $ ; i,01M. Uf this business , however , only the following amount was transacted in the state : Premiums re ceived , fO.OS7.87 ; losses incurred , $1,0.5 ; losses paid , $1,025. .MAKING SrTTI.r.Ml'.NTS. The following county treasurers wore nt the auditor's ollico yeslorday making settlements : D. N. Morse , Dodsjo ; C. T. Orlllin , Burl ; N M , Ferguson , York ; C. T. Barlo , Dixon ; A. C , Corbin , Furnas , J. D. Brewer , lloono. Willnim Crimes , of Omaha , state ngent , was at llui auditor's ollico yester- ilav drawing his pay for brii.ginc a ninn i'amod William Bidwell from Wichita , jCitn. , back to Nebraska for a crime com mitted in Johnson county. Mr , Crimes collected from the state as his fees , mileage and expense of tlio trip , $133.00 , THK COMMKUCIAL 6TATE HANK of Clay Center has tiled its articles with the secretary of state , thn corporation limit of the bank to commence January 20 , 18S7 , and to con tinue ninety-nine years. The cap ital stock of this bank is $20,000 , divided into ' . ' 00 shnres , the stock to bo fully paid up at the commencement of business nnd uon.assessable , the indebtedness lim ited to two-thirds of the stock. The in corporators are William Kerr , J. W. Kmall , Otis ( J. Smith , Hugh E. McDowell , Horace N. Jones and Frank N. Tucker , 9 TIIAVEIi'S FlltST APPOINTMENTS r ol notaries public were handed down yesterday , the following residents from liilleront sect Tons of the state being commissioned - missioned : Lucius II. Felt. Hastings ; William W. Pool , Majors , Buftalo county ; & M. Nevin . Kcnrnoy- , David I. Brown , Elm Creek , Buffalo county , J.E C'obboy , Beatrice , Horace 0. Candec , Beatrice ; Charles E. White , Bc.'itncoi William B. C.ircy. Orand Island , Iconic Myycr , Lin coln ; Francis S. Palmer , Uora , Lancaster county ; Dirk II. Doedei , , county ; W. T. Olmstcad , Scward ; U. L. Whitney , Alexandria. AllOl'T TIIK CITY. Ttultro Chapman , of the Second judi cial district , has appointed Myron E. Wheeler , of Omaha , as Ins oflicial sten ographer and court reporter. The lirst term of court of the year in the Second judicial district will open next week at Platlsmoulh. If there is a newspaper man In the < tate who has not been a member of the great lobby the last few days ho should show his hand , Almost every city ollicial in the sin to has had n turn at the wheel and Judge Tillany , of Bootie , added to the list yesterday , Tlio reports of the auditor and com missioner of lands nnd buildings and the reports of the secretary of slalo are not yet received ready for distribution. It might been n good policy for the legisla ture to not nut a search warrant and sno if they would bo liahln to have the re ports during the session. ( Jeorgo McDonald was up In police court ycslcrday charged with drunken ness and resisting an olllcor. The jtnlgo made short work of his case , lining him $20 anil costs. McDonald not being able to liquidate sloops in the jail. There was a revival of business at tlio district court yesterday , that is a revival from tlie day before when no now cases were filed. Yesterday n total of ono case was commenced , the extent of the case being a mechanics lien to recover In United States court the case In forci ble entry and detainer of Chouny vs Hughs that was commenced suvum ! days atro is still on trial , and the amount involved In U causes it to bo closely contested at every point. It is expected to reach the jury to-day. Nothing but.superlative merit can ac count for the phonnmiiial reputation achieved by Salvation Oil. Jt kills pain. Price 25 cents. The Darwin theory perplexes the mul titude. They object to deeemlants from monkeys. But not even a baby objects lo Dr. Bull's Cough Syrun. A young English swell , who claimed to bo a cousin of the Earl of Shrewsbury , and who was always borrowing money on the strength of expccled remittances , has been victimizing : the upper crust of Pittsburg society. Ho left the city sud denly several days ago to accept an al leged invitation lo visit the British minis ter at Washington and it is thought he will not come back. Frequently accidunls occur in the household which causo. burns , cuts , sprains and bruises ; in such cases Dr. J. 11. McLean's Volcanic Oil Liniment has for many years been the constant favor ite family remedy. John ( Jrisby , of Wostport , Ky. , was oul on thu ice on Iho Ohio river Iho oilier day , when a largo mass broke away and began going down stream. John was on the mass , and he staid on itfortive hours , during wined ho drifted nearly twenty- live miles and had several narrow es capes from gulling into the river. Ho was rescued unharmed by a fisherman. Every day adds to the great amount of evidence as to the curative powers of Hood's Sarsaparilla. Letters are contin ually being received from all sections of Iho country tolling of benefits derived from his great medicine. It isniiequaled for treneral debility , and as a blood puri fier , expelling every trace of scrofula or oilier impurity. Now is the time to take it. Prepared by C. I. Hood it Co. , Low ell , Mass. Sold by all druggists. A grand rat hunt terminated Saturday in the vicinity of Mount Yernon. O. ft lasted sixty days. The result announced was as follows : Captain Levi Blue's side , 5,857 rat tails mid 1,077 mice tails ; Captain William Cordon's side , 2,808 rat tails and 782 mice tails. Total , 817t'i rats and 2,840 mice slaughtered , or a grand lolal of 11,232. ' "Oil ! 15ut 1 Salivated film ! " Was the actual exclamation of an honest physician , spoken of ono of his patients to whom ho had given calomel for the euro of biliousness and a diseased liver. And lie had salivated him for certain , from which ho nuver recovered. All these distressing consequences nro avoided by the use of Dr. Pierco's "Pleasant Purgative Pollnts , " a purely vegetable remedy that will not salivate , but uroduco tlio most ploasine oll'ect , in vigoratc Iho liver , cure headache , dys pepsia , biliousness , constipation and piles. 13y druggisls. Pozzom's Complexion Powder pro ( luces a soft and beautiful skin. It com bines every element of beauty and purity. Sold by druggists. The Pall Mall Gazette is not an ad mirer of Lord Randolph Churchill. The late chancellor of Iho exchequer , accord ing to the Pall Mall , is a political Flib- berty-Gibbol , whoso mind is as nimble as a lively mouse in n windy barn , and who is the most reckless of political gamblers. Didn't our girl graduates look lovely ? Yes , indeed ; they all use Pozzoni's Com plexion Powder. A new political olub is to bo opened in Now York City and the great feature ol the opening will bo a monster bowl ol of the famous Narragansett punch , con taining twenty gallons of tea , three cases of cbampagno. and exactly forty-eight other ingredients. The recipe for tins beverage catno from "Olo Yirginny bofo' do wan. " Cvor 1OO Varieties of the purest and best toilet soaps made by Colugato & Co. Cashmere Bouquet the Standard. A fifteen-year-old lad In telegraph mes senger's uniform has cut out a route for himself uptown in the fashionable quar ter of New York. He goes to houses thai have call boxes and as Us with u business air who called him. While the unsus peeling servant goes to find out ho steals what hu can lay his hands on , overcoats brlc-a-bryc , or what ulso'may bo handy , and makes oil * with it , MOST PERFECT MADE ! ona , me , um or 1'bof phat , YatUUOi wmon , etc. , daroc BJIfmfffPO Pfffmjn otfnf/ro Sr. tear. 'CIGAR-BOAT ' MAN'S" CASH , The Oalcbratcd "Winana Tatnily of Baltimore and Its Interesting History , PURSE-PROUD AND PECULIAR. Kicli and Itumantic Tliclt * Pnlntlal Illusion Old Tom nnd Iij'dln Tliiiniiison Ills In vent I vo Kccentrlclty. Chicago Tribune : Forty years ago in Ballimoro lived Iwo brothers , Thomas and William Winans. Tney were bolh railroad engineers and bolh men of genius , although far from culti vated or scientific engineers. They had both made money , and they began to foresee the fulure of railway building in About that time the czar drew that celebrated pencil mark across the map from St. Petersburg to Moscow ns a route for a protected railroad. The story is well knownbut is short enough to repeat hero. After all the engineers had given their views of the best practicable route be tween the two cities before the czar and the council of state , Nicholas took up a ruler , and , drawing a perfectly straight line by it ae/oss the map from St. Peters burg to Moscow , handed it to them as the dual route for the railroad. The llus- sians had recourse to foreign engineers , and the Wiuans took up the work. Tlio road was successfully laid , nnd a eroat fortune was secured to them , but it was not until 1801 that a locomotive was built which was a complete success. In those days Kussmn locomotives burnt wood alto gether , nnd it was only after seventeen years of experiments that the right kind of a locomotive was built. But train then on their fortunes begun to bo colossal. Thomas had married the dauuhtcr of a Russian shopkeeper. She died leaving him two children Hess Winans of Balti more and Celeste , now married to Mi1 , llutton , a young l nglishtuan in the diplomatic service. William had mar ried an English woman of tint middle class and returned to England to enjoy his wealth. Since the time that he hrst crossed the ocean on his way to Uussla in 1811 William Wiuans has never returned - turned to this country. Jn both brothers a strain of eccentricity early developed itself , and in William it took the form of a nervous dread of crossing the ocean. Never did any American become so thor oughly wr.Axnu ntoM ms corxrur. Ho often says that he would not cross the Atlantic for 121,000,000 , nor is lie even willing that his two sous , Waller and Louis , shall. Mr. Winan's mannorof on- joyinir his money is at least unique. He has but one taste , but one npliludc , but one employment in the world , and thai is in building models of steam vessels after original designs. This propensity in Thomas Winans caused him to bo called the "cigar boat man , " and a good many people thought he was a little touched on the subject , lie had n conviction that ho could build a boat in the shape of a cigar that would distance any and everything afloat , and spent hundreds of thousands of dollars in building them. He launched several , anil llioy always turned bottom upward ns soon ns they touched wnloi , which was exactly what all sciciililio men predicted. But old Thomas was blull' , rich , determined , ami not possessed of scientific principles to trouble him , .so he rode his hobby tip to the dayol his death , although he became very sensitive about it. Ho was devoted to seeing Lydia Thompson in the hey-day of her charms , but the wicked Lydia always introduced a couplet into her songs referring to the wonderful cigar boat , at which he would get up iu great wrath and quit the theater. William.sceing how his brother became sport for iho scientists , has kept his ex periments as much in thu dark ns possible , but he continues , as much from the force of habit as anything else , to work every day on his queer model , although his income - come , according to his own aeknowledg- monl , is between $2,000,000 and $ ; ! ,000OUO yearly. This gigantic sum , which maltob him. next to Kothschihl and the duke of Westminster , the richest man in Eng land , he .spends freely , but neither ho nor his family has any way of spending this vast amount. in Kensington palace garden is extremely handsome. A NOlll.i ; CAKIllAUl ; DltlVU leads up to tlio door of Iho engineer prince. The entrance hall is lofty , and the two vast drawing rooms are superb. A charming cll'ect is produced by a vast sheet of platu glass separating the two rooms , besidq which is an archway giv ing communication between the two. The carpet once laid there had a history. A magnificent ono was designed and woven nt Axminstor expressly for the mam drawing room. Attor it was laid Mr. Winans did not liku it , so he had another ono made. When the second ono came the question was what to do witli the first. Mr. Winans thought a moment or two. "Just put it down over the first , " ho said , as if struck with a sudden solution. So No. 2 , which had cost hundreds of pounds , was put down with No. 1 , which had also cost hundreds of pounds , for u lining ; and Mr. Winans bad the most ex pensive llpor coloring in London. Mrs. Winans is un excellent and un pretending woman who cares but little tor society. She prefers her home at Brighton to cither Iho London house or the Scotch shooting box , ns they call their Invorncss-sliiro place , for which they pay $ :55.000 : a year. At Brighton Mrs. Winans has established n school , where sixteen girls are educated and pro vided for. Mrs. Winans takes great inter est in thorn , and after leaving tlio school she stnrts them in life , and docs not lose sight of them , Mr. Wiuans , too , likes Brighton best , and is alwas more or less bored in Lon don. They do not entertain a great deal , but during the season give a few dinners and one or two crush entertainments A favorite method of entertaining with them is to liavo morning concerts at which they have Patti and Nilsson , and Albani , and all the highest priced song birds to warble , Mr , Winans professes to have no tnste for anybody's nitisio ex cept Pntti's. At her lirst appearance in St. 1'olorsburg he paid $1,000 for thu first choice of boxes , nt which a Frenchman remarked that Mr. Winans might have gone to Paris and back nnd heard I'atti tiin < : a do/on times for tlitUsinn. 'Iho two sons of William Winans are botli well-educaled and sensible young men , but distinctively un-American , ns the case would inevitably be. The older , Walter , married against his father's wlshec , who , although refusing to bo present at the ceremony , lias long since forgiven the young couplo. Mr , Wimins had social ambitions , and lie wanted his children to marry into titled families. But the young mun , who care more for pictures and American trotters than anything else , declined to oblige him. The deer forest which has so particu larly exasperated the English prcs-s against him is certainly conducted on in defensible principles , It is next to Lord Luvat's , the most expensive and Iho cost liest deer forest in Scotland. Besides tlio regular establishment sixty "gillies , " or deer stalkcra are required during the sea son , Mr. Winans is no sportsman , and the way the enormous deer batteaus nro conducted has no parallel except by the organlxcd bands of titled marauders who come from Enuland to oxtormhwto Iho large game of fho northwest. Mr.iii an has occasionally been I'KItSUADEl ) TO STAND , OUN IN 1IAM > , for a few hours in order to take n shot a ho numerous deer tint , nro driven by ; nit some years ho docs not even go near 'nvorncps shire. lid nlso follows the English custom so nmn/.ing to Americans ) f selling his game , and every week in he season immei c haiupcrs are shipped o market from his place. Although in ho heart of the Scotch highlands every thing that cnn add to the luxury of living tb o daintiest fruits , the newest books and pictures , anything and everything thnt heart can desire and money buv nro brought from London every day. Mr. \ \ inans ( lees not await the railways' con venience ; when hn gets ready to go or .101110 ho orders n special train , like the pioeti. Ho is very unpopular among his neigh * Liors nor , Indeed , is tioptiiarlty charac teristic of the elder Win-ins Apart from engineering nnd ship building it is very linrd to interest him in anything. He professes ' to be more cnlPita'ined by the circus , next to Patti's singing , than nuy other form of amusement. It is told of 0h him that once in Knssin nn American mannger brought n circus to St. Peters burg | , nn J , hearing of Mr. V > inans' fond ness for the art of the sawdust ring , went Uo him and suggested that he should shell out such n very considerable sum for boxes that Mr. V > inans asked indignantly if ho was expected to pay for the whole performance. "Well , I haven't the slightest objec tion , " auswetcd the man of brass. Mr. Winans was so tickled at his inefl'a- bio impudence ( hat he bought the whole houso. The night of the performance he pre-ented himself with a friend or two , mid sat out the whole thing , to the tie- light and amusement of the circus people ple , whom he made to answer his encores anil do just ns if a thousand people were present instead of two or three. The only sister of the Winans brother" married Mr. Whistler , n near relative of the artist Whistler. Her two daughters were brought up with her brother's chil dren. Ross and Celeste Winans. After tlio death of Ross Winnu's young wile , about ten years ago Neva Whistler , thu youniier daughter , married her cousin lloss. Neva was born at St. Petersburg , nnd named for the river Neva.'l hey have lately built a imignlllcent house in Balti more , on St. Paul street , which is one of Hie show houses of the town. They had bul one child , n HAiiv mm. THAT mii > OK , two or three years ngo. The child was taken ill at their country place near Bal timore , and when the doctor pronounced it small-pox both the father and mother lelt it. They paid onn of the best doc tors $1,000 to take complete charge of the case. Ho went out , took a capable nurse , and devoted himselt to it , but the poor child died a few days after. Money could not save it , and that was all the parents seem lo have had lo give it. Besides his fc > t. Paul street palace , Ross Winans has his father's old plnco on the outskirts of the eitv and his collage at Newport "Bleak House. " The old es tablishment was for many years the sub ject of curious investigation on the part of people who lived jn Baltimore. Mr. Thomas Winan.syas very inhospitable and the inside of his house was so rarely seen that marvelous tales were told about it. A high wall enclosed the grounds , and the iron gates were kept locked. It was here that the great organ was put up in Mr. Wi'inns' latter days ono of the largest organs in the country , which Mr. Wiuans occasionally hired a professional musician to play on for his amusement. "Bleak House'1 at Newport is a vast , gloomy looking place right down on the beach , where the famous "Ocean Drive" leads past it. Here much of Miss Celeste Winans' girlhood was spent. The \Vi- nans wore not society people , and Winans was biought up in great seclu sion. When Uin rest of the world of Newport was dancing and driving , the heiress of Thomas Winans was sitting on the end of the pier in an old blue flannel frock ( Khing. But when she fished it was with a rod pointed with silver. SAVED FROM Tim GUA.VI3. Mrs. Plnkliiun nrttc-rtliiin UK ; Doctors. A great many doctors are unlit to be trusted t to treat loinalo disease , but in Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound I.s have a prescription on which the most skillful cannot improve. One physician frankly paid to his patient : "If ever a woman deserved a oroun , thai woman is Lydia j Pinkham. " "It has done me more good than the doctors. " Mrs. M. P. , San hraneisco. "It has done mo more peed than all the doctors ever did. taking J'n J's fifth bottle besides those pills you sent. 1 believe if I could have had your medicine I would have now been well. " Mrs. A. B. Kaufmann , Texas. "Have taken live bottles for leiicorrhea , irregu lar j menstruation , bearing down pains , with great success. It has benelitled mo more than any doclor. Am now almost recovered. 1 am nuro if 1 had not heard ot it a year ago , I would now be in my grave. " Mrs. F 11. E. , Germantown , Pa. The business of exporting apples io in creasing. To years ago aiO.OOO barrels wore siiipped from the port of New York ; in 1885 , i02,000 ! barrels , and last year , a 10,000 barrels. Prof , Chas. Ludwig Von Seeger profooror MoJIcltio at tb Iloral t/nlrprnltr : KnlElit of the ICoj-nl Annlrlnn Orilnr of the Iron Crowns ICnutit > lor of tliu Itoritl Kntnlnb Orderof Isnbollni Knlvbt ot tha Itajal I'runl in Or- dnroftbe UodUiiulaiClierallor uf th Loglou ot ] 1 oner. etc. . oto. . Ruyat "LKiniU CO1.1) COtJA ttKKf TONIO ahouM not ba confounded with thehonlo of tnullf euro alii. Hit Innononaaof tbowordn patunt remedy. I am tlior- ouihllfCOiTOri ! nnt wltli Its mode uf propm-Jllim nuJ know it to bo not onlr A It'gltlmute ptiarmaceutloal productbutalsnwortfirof thn liigti commendation * Ithnnrocclvpcl In nil pirtsuf tln > wurM. 1C rontains CBience of llccf , Coca , Qulnlno , Iron and Oallrara. fhlcli nre dlianlred In pure genuine Hpanlib Imperial Croirn Bherrr. " InTtluiihleto nil ntm nre Hun Doirn , Nrrroui , Or- Penile. Illlloii , Mularloui or anictod wllb wuak nlj. ney , UKWAHItOPIHlTATIO.NS. HerHaJesty's ' Favorltle CosraotlcGlycerlaa Vtffl bj HIT nornllllBlino-mo rrlncn j of Wulei andtho nobility. Kor tlio Hkln. Complexion , Krup- Hont fhuiMilnB. lloilehrii' Ui ( if ilru.-elsU. 1.IISI1IU CU'b < ioiiulnu Hrntp oofHurnparllla.ii ttue bu > t b r ap rlllilollje ; inarkul. Poison tlio System with Nnusenting Dnifffl.Dr.Horno'H Elcctrlo Hclt Cures Disrasos Without Jlc'tliclues. Will Positively Cure Wffhout Medicine , , er um AHinui - OS80S , l ) ) poi > sla Ounillnvtloii , CDfllii'ln ) , Iinllnci < tlon , limiotrni-y , Caturrli , I'lloi , Upllwt ) , Auo , 1 > U- ln'tcs.Hjilroro u Kxlnaitlon. Note the Following who worn Cured A. J. HoiBlimd U S , lMri > rJ. .M lUilutt. all on Imi.rilof uaSo , K \ \ Ptfrnlmu , Am < IIMII Kiuriwi Co : A ( Ir'tturr. I'ummUe.l.m ritirchaiit Korkurd , ilj MUUIIOU t..all ol UiliMg M. I ) . tlorraontotrii.low u ; l.oituel Milk , . . - . . - , . - , . , Ill , JuilKul N Murrx Nuporvllle , III and liunUrnd of nthur * representing iitiurl ; every town In the union. AUu cloi trio b lt ( orluillt' > Cull or mil daluii lor lllu > tralo < l cuisloirje , Open ilally , ul > o evenlMii * uuj Miniluyi. Kluclrlc ho l oniorlui I red nnil all Mule lleln. lloworeof bo.-u c < lnHMiilcs wllb munrnlla.oj. alllnz worthlaii coils , with oulytltn H ( sTuineiiu All mtulu inuulil - ' clumunli or tiuitvnei , bonco huvo four tlmo * the power und auantll ) uf olectrlrlty. Hoiu.i KooJ * inU lion'at ' r lln T iho motto II.J.W.nouXE,191WaUalis-nyt'hicago { larontor , Propri tOf ud ilanufaetuter. Tft ) wluli lo cim- ' out OKI' JZntlrc Winter Slock this month If possible , ntnl necessity requires that onr itrh'cs shoitlil be very low In fact so low thnt It will i > < ty you to Inty winter ( jowls -VOW" ns a mat ter of investment , though you may not nbsolntcln need tliem until ne.rt winter * Our oi'fivonls < tml hcni'U suits arc noimj now at a nominal /lynre. Then ' " ' < " ( ircntlif rtif / priest far bcloic your expcdation * . It'e don't say how nnteh. What does It amount to when uvr say f'30.00 Oi-crcotits reduced to fl'J.OO ; or tfl'i.OO Suits rcilnccd to $10.IOi' 1'oa must sec ( lie ( /oods , yet the In formation which we will ylvc and use your own judument , The balance of our IVci Jackets and t'fsts are si-Ulnsr now for less than the. mere clotlt irottld cost. One lot wu arc selling now for $7.'JO which is of all wool Chinchilla 1 tracer with tine Cafsimcrc llninn and sold before the reduction for $ lV.iiO. Our Itcary iccitfht CentFttrnlshlntf yooas , such as Undern'car , Wool Jlosicrif , Cardigan and Jer sey Jackets , etc. , hare nndcrf/nne a yencral overhauling. J'rlccs tire cut rli/ht and left and should bo tulen advantane of before sixes are badly broken. All goods inarJtcd In. plain figures and at strictly one price. Gor. Douglas and 14th. sts. , Omaha. THE WIRE GAUZE OVEtl is THE LATEST IMPROVEMENT OMTKS Sir-reduces Practical Baking ana Boasting never before attained in any Apparatus , nnd will UMhcd3 of Beckin g ITS I , thnlnll Towl linked or Hnn ted , almuM 1m coflkM infrrnhiilrfrrdyadmllUKl lotlio oven. aiill tloii byrllFinrdlrm 1 liu claim ovtm door herutoiftroii 0'l. ' ina MiliFtituttm ; for It n door coutnlnltm n shoot otltn Oouco nontlj nfl lurpe ai tlio door itbelf. Throuuh thin Qauzo Door tUo ntr freely circulation , ( fiollitutlnn thorrorMior cooklno.and prnrtucinR food that U unoqim lied la fiimir nnd uu- trillon.nnd octuallj cooVod vrttli Ion cnu uml > Uou of IUB ! than in on even vilU ncloisd door. Itmakos nn enormous BavlnnlatnowclEnt or moat. It also proclucea larger Loaves of Bread , ronulron leu attention from the cook , and promoton the hcmltli nt the family l > r tliu iUl'MUOfl QIML1TX OS JUU tOOD COOKED IV IT. OPINION OP AN EXPERT. Jinn. M nv H. N rLcir , Itucher Domestic Koonntn r. TownStnto UnlverMty.fnjn : "M > dultt > orrit J dBmuut is tint the orcn of the Hnnre. i\i rompnrad with others is not mil j more < ) u illy linutod in ovary iurt front u well ns roar lint nun result of its MiiwrlorToutllnllpn. thofood | lacnd tlicroin Jiiliettercookml.nlilloreuln- ( iiunBwiiiUrfliivor.uiid n Inrijtr | iif > wrtlon of itiliuBt inlros. Uiuge is zautU Jusa than oay othur lor uamo wurk. tEND F03 ItLUSTIiATED CIRCUUB3 AND PRICE USf EXCELSIOR MAHF'C CO. . ST. LOUIS. CHAETEB OAK STOVES and RANGES are BOLD IN NEBRASKA an follows : MILTON' KOGUKS&SONS . OMAHA. p. KINNIY : : , . GORDON. DALLAS ( i LUTSON , . HASTINGS. E.G. HRKWKU , . HAV hiKiNOS. 11 AIRD&CO. . NnoKASKACnv. W. K. THMl'LIilON . NELSON. J n PTUUnUVANT &SON . ATKINSON. 1. KAbS& CO . CiiArwoN. KUAUSK , I.UUKCK & WELCH . Coumnus. OI.US DUOS . EDGAR. TANNELL& SWEENEY . rAlRiiURY. GEfrLEJi PAGER , . - . . . . r NKLIM. N J. JOHNSON . NORTH BIM > . I. J McCAFfKRTY , . O'NKiu. CITV. H HAZLEWOOD . OSCEOLA. T S DUKi : . . . PLATTSMOUTII. A. PEARSON . STEKLINO. , GKhl.N . STr.on-.uuno. iO PAn nN&KON , . Summon. 'HIM EKMAN & rUAKER . VSRDON- LINCOLN BUSINESS DIRECTORY Ilecciitljr Hunt. Ncitly Furnished The Tremont , J. C. F1T/.UUUALD& BON , Proprietors. Cor. 8th mul 1'Hts. , Lincoln , Nob. IlntcsIl.M per day. Blruot cars frouijiouia to anr part of ttio c'tr. ' J. II. W. HAWKINS , Architect , Once ! -3 : ! . 31 ami VI. Klcharda Ulock , Lincoln. Nob. ElevntoronlltU street. Ilipoderol Ilroertorof QAL1.0\VAYUATTI.K. FnoHTllUIlN CA rTLB F. M WOODS. Live Stock Auctioneer tinles iniulu Iu nil purls of tlio U S. ut fair rates. Itooin 3 , Btato Illook , Lincoln , Nob. Gullo-rur anil Short Horn bulls for sttlo. B. H. GOULDING , Farm Loans and Insurance. CorrosnonclouoB In rcenrrt to lonns solicited. ROOM 4 , lllcliarils Illouk. Lincoln. Neb. Riverside Short 2-Iorns Of Htrlully | ) iiru Iliitos mill Iliites Tuppuilouttlu. Hunt nutnliurb about W lioiul. rainllitH mprui'iiiitoil : r"llbort3 , CrUKgi , Acoiubi , ItcnloK , Hoiu of SlmroiiH , Moss Itoioi , Knlirbtly DuolicHioi * , flat Crook Vouinf Mury.s , rhriiibt'B , i.ouiuiH iiiurrruu LOVOS. llulU for Bald. 1 1'uru llutos I'llbnrt , I Pure Bulus C'rnjfirs , 1 Kosoof Slinion , 1 Yoinnr .Mary , ll'iliu Criilck Hlmuk nnd olhnr4 I'oinn mul liiMioct the hor.l. AilJrcss , CHAS. M. I1HAN- .SU.V , Lincoln , Xob. When in Lincoln Btopnt National Hotel , And ( 'Cl u oed Ulnnor f u ' , FEOAWAY 1'rop. "CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH. " 'Hie Orlfflnal anil Only iJfiiiifiir. lndlii | ni bl U LADIES. A L jour I'mccUt f > r < iunu ) to ui for I.rllcuUti i l.tlt * Lj return mull. NAME PAP eT-x,5ljyiil'ucrl"i"'i , ! > . iolj bj Driiccltt * TTfry" * " " - ilk ( r > ( fcli-bcv tf t Kii-U < b" I'cunrrojlJ 1'UI * . l . . ott * > loiMhroufbtrrerf or t J r4rtl > . lI , * > tKPflf < t a < w Clvulc Urethr . 'OulJ r < ilU Itli.1 ' AUulult MCI.CJ < it.i Civiale Agency , 174 Fnit n 81 , N. y. o itr.i.iAiir.K 'i'ELLLIt.lOo .MJHDHVIUJ.N'.S D1IKA.M HOOK. lOo , , 1'ALMISTHV , o. All tliito , 40c. 8KKIAL l.l AFLirr ri'llLIMIINO CO , Ilor J&I2 ! , Now York CltjEtojrnntly illiistrutcdj jlldlm Lawrence Ostrom & Oo. ' FAMOUS "BELLE OF BOURBON. " I Is Don th to Consumption , Jliiluriii , Sleeplessness , Chills anil Fevers Or Insomnia , and II Typhoid Foyer , Dissimulation , Imlteestioii , 01 Food , Dyspepsia , Ton Years Old , I Surgical Foyers , No Fusel Oil , Blood i'oisoninsr Absolutely I The GREAT APPETIZER Tills ' will certify that I have pjcamlnod the nEf.T.n OK IIOPItllON WHISICV. recolved from kAw- , ous HKNC'icOsTltHM A Co ind fnund . tti"mrne to 1)9 perfectly fruo friiin I'liii'l oil nut all ottirfr dnlotor- Kor substances ftf > by Dru and KlM atrlcllj-puro. * . Wlno Mnrctmnt 1 cheerfully nnil J. I' . rpsmnmnid HAIINI M , M the I ) 411110 . Aiiiijllrnl for Kimllv-in Climiil 1 .t Mrdlclmil , . LoulfTlllo iiurn , Ky. mil. ( Iroesr * nvorywlm IMrn - - . , , JIft pr-r tinttle. In irnotfoiinilnttlieiilmrn.linli thu United Stales or Cnnnila , on ilinonlHiitliH receipt of Bit oiiro dollars. | < p Hit , In plain bo.toi , Hill bo sent to aaf urtdroii LAWRENCE OSTROM & Oo. Louisville , Ky Wholesale and Distributing Agents , JilCITAllDSOX DltVG CO. , nnd ) ItlLKY < { > JilLTMN , U'JioleMitu Liquor DcaJeiv , f Owiilin. I < * < iinlllcitiuii > nltril bv GLADS'lONU JtliOS , 15 CO. , Omaha. JI. T. CLAJtK DRUG CO. , TOOTLE HOSE A & CO , ST. JOSEPH , MO. WHOLESALE DRY GOODS , BOOTS AND SHOES We have been closed for one week on ao count of the death of our greatly esteemed se nior partnerMilton Tootle. Having : now taken out letters of administration on our firm bus- ness , we are ready for spring trade with the lar gest stock of goods ever opened in the west. We guarantee to make prices to compete with eastern markets , and carry an assortment ample for the requirements of the largest trade. Soliciting your orders , we are , Respectfully yours , TOOTLE , HOSEA & OO. The C. E , Mayne Real Estate and Trust Co N. W. COR. 15th AND IIARN.EY , OMAHA. Property of every description for sale m all part ? of the city. Lauds for aalo Iu every county iu Nebraska. A COMPLETE SET OF ANSTIIAOTS Of Titles of Poiiclas county kept. Maps of the city slate or county , or any other information desired , lurniblied free of charge upon Application. " RAYMOND , RELIABLE JEWELER , Watches , Diamonds , Fine Jewelry , Silverware The largest stock. J'riees the lowest. Repairing a spccm/ly. / All work wurniul- od. Corner Douglas uud Ifith streets , Omaha LicensudYatchiiruker for the Union I'ucilio Itailroad company. UrDr. Snedlker'i metliod. No opor t'on No I'aln ; Nu Iietcattui ) from bminun. Adaolod to children HI well at frowa pooplo. Iluadrvd * uf uutouruph osilm mUU on Mt , All tmslnen itrictly conflda lul. ( O.NiOI/l'A'lID.N KllKE. I IIOH.V. . It. ( OOIC , Uoom C Ul | IJouKlm t OuaaUu. Nob. BRUNER & Taxidermists Doaloreln gunornl rm- tuiHl history utnliiiu ecum Hiipiillos. Ailill ulitl uyos , Krm oa ulo Custom ork of all klmlg trill rtcclvt jirornpl iiltciitlon. " Idt Capitol-A ve. OMAHA , KEIUIAS11A.