* , * * & * * u' t * * + - < ' * Xt > S--tfr-fi- * ' * * ' W * -W * * THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : FRIDAY , JANUAKY ai. 1887. DAILY BEE. , - 1SHED EVERY MORNING. Bnlly ( Moral/it ndltion ) Incluaing Sunday Out , Ono Your . $10 OT rorflUr Montln . fi to J-'orThrPo Moulin . SCO Tlio Oinnhn Smulriy UEE , mailed to finf fulihesg , Ono Vonr. . . . 200 OMAtH OrrtfT. No. 1 > 1 ANM Olfl KAnvAM STiuttcr. tlr.w Venn orrim , H.XIM S , mtm'Nr HKII.IIIVO. WABUINUTU.V on ICE , No. DH I'OUIITIKNTII Sf IIIET. All communto.ilion1' rolntlnr ; to no rs torlul matter should Ixs nd'lressoJ to the KDI- TOU or me HF.K. KUSINESS t.r.TTF.n11 : All 1 > UflriP < ! * letter * nnd rumlttnnce * ehould bo Rililro'Miod to Tim HIB : ri'iu.i.tiiiNil COMPANY , OUIIM. Unirtt , eliwks ntnl j > o lonico onion to baiim < lc ] > ny l > lo to the onltrot tlio compim * * , THE EtE PUBLISHliFcfipm , PROPRIETORS , E. KOSEWATEIl , EmTon. TUB nAltiY KKK. Sworn Stutrnicnt. of Circulation. Btntoot Nclirnskfx , ! „ . * )8 > s < County of DoiiKliv . ) (5co. H. Twchtick , ppcrot.iry of The Hco PnbllslilnL' company , docs solemnly BWC-.TT Hint the nrttml circulation of the Dally Ueo lor the week ending Jim. Ulli , lSi > 7uis ns follows : Hniurdny.Ui. ) ! H . 1IW.10 auiiilftv. Jan. ! i . KWfi .Mommy. .Jan. 10 . lln ( ) ' TiiPMln'y. ilnn. 11 . IV I Wcdiifiilnr , .Jan. ! ' , . W-TUO y , .inn. 13 . . . .R7" > Friday , Jan. II . .13,740 Avcrncc . 13.003 , KO. H. T/.SCIirCK. Subscribed mid BWOIII to hcforn mo this 10th day of January A. 1) . , IbbT. N. 1' . Knit. , ISKAM Notarv 1'ubllc. Oro. Jl. Tzscliuck. holnjr first duly sworn , deposes nnd snys thnt ho Is hecrctary of tlio ] ! ( > o I'litillshhiK company , Hint the nctnal nv- rraeo daily circulation of the Dnllv UPC for the iiionlh of January , 1680 , wns 10.HT8 roples , for Ffhrunry " , 18.W , , 10,6'Jj copies ; for March. IbNl , 11.K17"copies ; for Aplll , 18N5 , 12.UU copies : lor May. 1SN5 , K.4W copies ; for Juno , 38M5. 1U.2U3 copies. ; for .July , lbMlWiH ! copies ; forAtiL'tiM , Ib1 , 13-lfi-l coiileflrforSeptoiiihor. 38 ! > r , iiox ; : ) copies ; for October , lbW5 , 12Ob'J copies ; lor November. IbSO , 18,3-13 conies ; for December , IbSO , 115,237 copies. Gio. : H. Tzsmncit. Sworn to nml subscribed bo fore mo this 1st dny of January A . 1) ) . 18S7. | S1JAJ.J N. I' . Fi-iu Notary Public. HOODT.I : got tlicro ngnm in California. Mr , lluarst has boon elected senator. Alii. Smm : > was not given n cliancoycs- tordny to repeat his dirty trick of Wed- . . .iicsdiiy. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ EXCTMINTIU : : Lincoln is still at fever hunt , and will remain so until the ponl- tico of a nomination relieves the inllam- luntion. TATIUCK GAUVIV : voted for McShano on tlio lliird ballot. Mr. Garvcy values his position in tlio railroad employ inoro than his pledges to his constituents. Tin : Douglas county dolcgntion cast an almost solid vote yesterday for Van "Wyck , only onomombcr failing to record his vote for the people's eandidatc for the BOiiatc. GINIHAI : : , VAN WVCK is making a maj- niiicunt light against the horde of rail road attorneys and deadbeats who are spending money like water to encompass his dofeat. ANTI-MONOPOLY votes cast for a rail road attorney would bo dillicult to explain - plain to curious constituencies. This is the almost insurmountable objection to the Thurston boom. Tiir.itn is a largo attendance of the slalo bar at the capital , but Jaw , equity nnd jurisprudence all give waj to tlio two pressing questions of "what do you know" and "what will yon take. " IP General Ha/en's olllco is to bo filled , Captain Grcely would bo an admirable appointment , lint ( ho ollico should be abolished. A brigadier general of the weather is as nineh nn absurdity as a captain of the lior.so marines. COLON ! ' . ! . MOHUISON is a candidate for the position of national railway commis sioner. The nomination would give gen eral satisfaction if the colonel would plcdgo himself in advance to a "horizon tal reduction" of railway rates. NONI : of the legislative committees have yet been able to hold. ; v meeting , but the clerks don't mind that. Their salary of $3 a day continues without regard to wind , weather or business. That is tlio chief beauty of a legislative sinecure. Foil a candidate who lias bccu killed oQ'n score of times during the past week , General Van \Vyelc exhibits remarkable staying powers. The Lincoln correspon dents should change the brand of their favorite tarantula juice and got now in spiration. , THE bill for oil inspection should include - ' cludo n proviso for the investigation of the railroad oil rooms at the state cap ital. Every boltlo should be branded with its proof test for the protection of Bach members as are not case hardened to legislative liquids. Itiu.a to create ofliccs paid with the foes collected should bo promptly amended by substituting the salary for the fee system. The state Is entitled to whatever fees may bo collected from pub- llo business. The fee system is being generally abolished throughout the coun try , Nebraska can well all'ord to join the procession. SCHOOL ventilation In Omaha a < 3 pre sented by tlio report to the board of edu cation seems to bo at a heavy discount. The sanitary condition of our schools is of the highest impoitanco , much more so than the employment of any particu lar architect. The report of the com mittee of the board of education should bo framed as a standing memorial of the Incompetence of former building com mittees , THE senatorial struggle is still in prog ress. Another ballot lias been followed by another adjournment. The strength displayed by General Van \Vyek \ und the staying powers of his following Imvo surprised and disconcerted his op ponents , while they have fairly rollected the public sentiment throughout the state which , regardless of party , la anx iously awaiting his election in response to the popular will. Up to the hour of writing the opponents of General Van Vfyok have failed utterly in combining upon a candidate who could hope to se cure the Van \Vyck \ strength In cuso of a break up. The situation remains practi cally nnpha.ngod with the man of tlio people - plo leading all opponents by more thau a ecoro of votes , A Motley Mol ) , A conservative estimnlo of the number ol dcadbcats and political bilks who are boingnininlalned at Lincoln by the rail roads places the fooling nt two hundred , men and boys. Sixty rooms in hotels anil private blocks arc at the disposal of the corporation rtmnrrs-in. A horde of btittonholcra and gm suckers , whoso only employment during the session is to hang around the hotel lobbies and way lay members , are supported out of the secret tcrvico fund of the railroads in re turn for what work they may bo able to accomplish in assisting to further corporate legislation or to obstruct measures which fail to meet with the approval of the general managers and political attorneys of the monopolies. The railroad lobby is omnipresent. It confronts the rural member at every point from tlio depot to the capitol. The political history ot Nebraska has never recorded such a gathering as la now assembled at Lincoln in the interests of the confederated mo nopolies. Men who have been rejected by their neighbors ns unlit to represent them in the halh of the legislature , olli- ciuls whose name * have been subjects of investigation by grand juries for fraud in ofllcc , bridles1 ? barristers nnd small bore watd bums , without visible means of sup port nt homo and without the respect and conlidenco of their acquaintances at homo or abroad , arc all on hand in the service of tlio corporations banded together in the freemasonry of dead- bcatism and hopes of future employment. 11 is a curious and motley mob. Us mo and character shows how thoroughly the railroads are out of politics. The Now Senators. Twelve states New York , Pennsylva nia , Massachusetts , Michigan , Illinois , Maine , Missouri , Minnesota , Connecticut , California , Delaware and \Vcst Virginia completed the choice of United States senators on Wednesday. In seven of these states the present senators were ro- elected. The other five will bo ropro- Honted in the senate after the 3d of next March by now men. The vigorous bat tle which was waged in Now York for several weeks between Miller , Morton and liiseock resulted in favor of the lat- tor. After a number of ballots the sup- norlcrs of Morton went over in a body to liiseock , and with one desertion from the Miller ranks gave him the nomination. Air. liiseock is iv representative in con- gress , where ho has served several terms. llo is one of the acknowledged leaders of the republican side of the bouse , and is a man of ability nnd force. Ho will suc ceed Warner Miller , and will doubtless bo an improvement upon tliatgcntlcman who has not made a remarkably stronger or brilliant record. Pennsylvania re places John I. Mitchell with M. S. Quay , whoso strength nnd claims consist chiefly in the fact that ho has been a shrewd and successful manager of the political machine under Cameron direc tion. llo will undoubtedly continue in the control of Cameron in the senate , and there is no reason to expect that ho will prove to bo a great acquisi tion to that body. He will , however , bean an undcviatmg supporter of tlio particu lar intciests of Pennsylvania and her de mands. Michigan elected I1' . W. Stock- bridge to succeed O. D. Conger , who is ono of tlio ablest and strongest men in the body. The senator-elect is a man of largo wealth , ample avoirdupois , and of a genial and jolly disposition. His experi ence of public nflairs has not been ex tensive , und his usefulness will depend upon the value of his judgment in practi cal affairs. Samuel J. 15. McMillan , of Minnesota , will bo succeeded by Gush- man 1C. Davis , nnd from what is said of the latter that slate will not lese by the change. Davis is a lawyer of high standing , and as governor of the slate , to which ollico ho was elected in 187 ; ! , ho made an excellent record. He was com mended to the convention ns friendly to n wise and judicious reform in methods of taxation and as a pioneer in favor of the control of corporations by the stato. Tlio leading democratic paper of Minnesota seta spoke of him as "tho ablest , as he is the truest , exponent of republicanism in Minnesota. " The vacancy caused by the death of General Logan will be filled by Charles H. Farwoll , the term expiring March 3 , IS'Jl. Mr. Farwoll has been in congress , and to his knowledge of public duties ho adds a wide and successful ex perience in practical afl'atrs. The senators who will succeed them selves are Ihiwcs , of Massachusetts , who received n largo democratic sup port ; Halo , of Maine ; llawloy , of Con necticut ; Cockrell , of Missouri ; Hearst , of California ; Gray , of Delaware , and Uamdcn , of West Virginia. Of these Dawes , Cockrell nnd Hearst oncountcrec a more or less vigorous opposition , and as to the first named ho doubtless could not have been ro-cloctod without the votes of the opposite uarty. These elections do not change the relative standing of the political parties in the senate , nor h it apparent that tlio new material whicli will bo introduced , regarded as a whole will very much improve that body. PropoHlne to Strike Rnolf. A policy of retaliation upon Canada for its unjujl and unwarrantable trcatmcn of American fishermen has been formally urcseutcd to the consideration of con gross. On Wednesday n bill was intro duccd from the foreign relations committee too of the senate to protect the rights o American fishing , trading nnd other vcs sols , and American fishermen. It cm powers the president , whenever he shal bo satisfied that American vessels nnd crows in the waters nnd norts of the Brit ish Dominions of North America nro do med or abridged in any of the privilege secured thorn by the treaty law , or are un justly vexed or harrassed in the enjoyment mont of such rights , or shall bo preventci from purchasing supplies ns provided fo by treaty , to issue a proclamation deny ing vessels and crows of the liritish Do minions of North America any entrance to the waters and ports of the Unitci States , such proclamations to bo qualifiet nnd limited in the discretion of the preei dent. Several penalties are prescribe for the violation of suoh proclamations The report accompanying the bill con strucs the thrco-milo limit in the treaty to mean Ihrco miles from shore irrcspec tivo of headlands. It also refers to Cana d < an legislation relative to this matter a especially adopted to harrassing and cm barrassing American fishing and otho vessels. The committee found thai commercially the most important advantage tago to American vessels with cargoes o the privilcgo ot entering Canadian port is whoro. there are railway connection , with the states. Otherwise the right ha ittlcvalue. The matter will probably ome up for notion at an early dny. If congress adopts tli.s retaliatory > olicy , and there is no doubt that it will , ho consequences will be more serious to ho vessel interests of the Dominion thane o those of the United States , and the Canadian government will encounter in his an added clement of opposition to hose now arraj'ed against it. Wo have lot at hand any data showing the num ber of Canadian vessels which annually enter American ports , or of American vessels that go into the ports of the Dominion , but it is probable there arc hrce of the former to ono of the latter , it seems impossible , however , that the Jominion government can have failed to sec that Iho proposed action on the part of the United States was inevitable if it persisted in its unjustifiable policy , and t must bo assumed that it is fully prepared - pared to accept any consequences that may result. Its whole policy , as we showed some days ago , has been to aggravate the issue , obstruct the way tea a fair settlement , and force the United States into : v retaliatory position , from what motive it is not easy to determine. The object evidently sought seems low pretty certain to bo iltamcd , with the efl'ect of placing a new barrier between the com- nercial relations of the United States nnd Canada , to the greater disadvantage of the latter. It i.s not easy to conceive of a more blindly , foolish policy on the part of the government whose people can ill all'ord to maintain an attitude of eoinniorci.il hostility and independence toward a powerful nnd opulent nation ivlth which they cannot hope to compete , but whoso friendship would most surely contribute to their prosperity. Interest in the situation promises to bo speedily confined to the Canadian people , who must determine from practical results whether they will endorse a continuance of the policy which has thus far brought Lhem no advantage , has added largely to the pubMo debt , and promises to bo still more damaging to their welfare. Ccntomilnl or the Constitution. The proposal to celebrate tlio centen nial of the federal constitution is taking form f in n way that promises the fulfill ment of that purpose. On Tuesday the president 1I I sent to congress a message con voying \ a memorial of the executive com mittee of the sub-constitutional centen nial commission proposing to celebrate the t ltb of Soplomber , 1802 , in the city of Philadelphia ] , "as the day uuon which nnd i the place whore the convention that framed the federal constitution con cluded their labors and submitted the re sult for ratification to the thirteen states then comprising the United States. " 'Iho president expresses his great interest in the movement and the hope that "fitting measures may bo enacted by congress which will give the amplest opportunity all over these United Slates fora mani festation of the all'ection and conlidenco of a free nnd mighty nation in the insti tution of tiio government in which they are the fortunate inhcritnnts and under which unexampled prosperity , has been enjoyed by all classes and conditions in our social system. " In the senate on Tuesday a joint resolution was passed providing for the appointment of a joint committee of live senators and eight rep resentatives to consider tlio expediency of holding in 1803 an interim tionnl exhibition of the industries and productions of all countries. The steps thus taken will introduce the matter tor to public attention and discussion , and wo can see no good reason to suppose that the patriotism of tlio country will not respond favorably to the project. The hundredth anniversary of tlio assembling sombling of the convention whicli framed the constitution will occur on the 1-ltli of May next. It was composed of delegates from all the states except Hliodo Island , and was presided over by George Wash ington. The convention completed its labors and submitted the constitution for the ratification of the states on the ITth of September , 1787 , and two years later the organic law framed "to form n more perfect union , establish justice , insure domestic tranqullity , provide for the com mon defense , promote the general wel fare , and secure the blessings ot liberty to ourselves and posterity , " had received the ratification of eleven of the states and went into ofl'cct. Tlio work of the con vention Do Tocquevillo declared to bo "a great discovery in modern political science1 nnd Gladstone has said of it that it was "the most wonderful work over struck oft'at n given time by the brain und purpose of man. " The wisdon : of the authors of the constitution is at tested by nearly a hundred years of successful government under it , during whicli the nation has achieved un paralleled growth and prosperity. If the proposed celebration shall take place in 1893 the great work accomplished by the representatives of little more than three millions of people , very poor in all mate rial conditions , but rich in courage nnd patriotism , will bo commemorated by great nation of nearly sixty-five millions of people , of almost boundless wealth , and with every resource nt commam" that can insure a still further growth am prosperity tlio extent of which it wouk bo idle to attempt to forecast. Tliero is danger of ono obstacle to the proposed celebration , as intimated in the message of the president , and that If local competition. There may bo a strong opposition from Now York to the plan of centering the celebration at Philadelphia , on tin ground that tlio first prcsidout under the constitution was inaugurated in Nov York nnd therefore tlio government hat its constitutional beginning in that city As between those two cities , however , i is probable the popular verdict would bo in favor ot Philadelphia , where the grea work of the constitutional convontior was entered upon and consummated. IT is an interesting political fact thai no United States senator from Massaehii setts who has boon olootod to servo n fill term has failed to bo re-elected , if hi party had a majority in the legislature as long as ho could or would servo. 11 was continued in the ollico until ho dieter or resigned , unless ho was snporcedod n senator of dillerent political allegiance "It is this policy , " says the Uoston Ikr aid , "which has given the state an inll- enco in the national councils out of al proportion to its population and wealth , ' It is also noted that New York has ro oleetod but thrco of her senators Sila : Wright , William 11 , Sqward and Koscoi Conkling. There are other states besides sides Massachusetts which in forme years pursued the policy of ro-clecUntf cnators andin cury case to tluir ml- until ? ? . It is umr.iestionnbly a wise otirso where men prove faithful to their rusts nirl to the interests of the people. FOK a state so small as Now Jersey lee iiuch space is ph en to it in the asso ciated press reports ot its legislatives do- ngs. I-'IBMI OP IMIUSTUY. The cliairmakeis have had a busy , early winter. Two new slass factories arc to bo erected n Florida. A new structural steel plant will likely bo erected In Uhlcaico. The production of coke In 1SSO was 'JO per cent creator than in is fi. A Whpellnijnnll firm turned out week before - fore last 8,000 kegs of nails. Technical education Is receiving a ureat ileal of attention In Orinnny. Jce-mnklnK machines of extraordinary ca pacity mo belmr erected In ( lie south , The Cincinnati tinners will demand nn ml- vnnco of'JO per cent In wnec.s on May 1 , Pimm mnkcrs have had quite n rush of or- ters ; n treat ninny pianos have been sold lately. The electric llclitlni : companies me expand- K their capacity nud In suuiu ea cs doub ling It. A. Uoslon concern has ju t lecelved nn order fioin Denmark for corrugated bra s- tube radiators. Textile uianufnrturlnc establishments nrer mletly Incteasliiic tlieir machinery in view of n heavier demand. The westcm jobblnc Inteiests elnlin Hint they did S5 ! percent more business last year than they did in 1SS3. Nearly nil the Industrial ori nlnillons ol Iho country deinnnd tlio le-estnbllslimeiit ot the proRiesslvo income tax. Krnpp , the German innnufaetuier , has taken an older for f > 0,000 Ions of steel rails from tlio Victorian covernment , \n Alliance ( Ohio ) firm Is eompleliiiK shems of 050 tons whicli will cut steel plate 10 feet loii ) ; nndy Inches thick. Tlio Knights of Labor or their leaders mo ndvising greater seciccy , paitly because o the disposition of newspapers to ctitlclse them. A. Dubuqiio concern will ship next week a carload of harrows to St. Petersburg ; their plows have already a good sale in that country. The trades nud labor nssemblles of the Ohio vnlloy and U'hcullni : nnd vicinity will hold n grand fair nnd Industrial exhibition on February 1 MO. The jobbers In dry goods nnd camels , etc. , west of the Mississippi river nro ( leal- Ing more largely with the distributive centers along the Atlantic coast. The Introduction of electrle lights into fac tories nnd mills throughout the country has been reported , nnd every precaution has been taken to prevent the possibility of lire. The sugar producers of. ( he world me to hold a world's convention sometime soon in Delgitim to consider the best means of con trolling Hint rapidly Inciensing industry. A year or more ago Wheeling manufsic- tmersof iron trembled because the .steel rail had crowded out their puddling fuinaees. Natural gns 1ms caused the stalling up of nil 1 of them. 1t Ami still another silk mill Is to he stalled at Linden , Union enmity , X. .1. The exodus from I'ateison cannot boiuoldeil , as It is im possible lo suiii nil the .silk icmilicd for niiiiiulncturiiis operations In Hint city. The Incionso In Hie manufacture of win dow irlass during the past two years was as 'JO to- ! ! ! . The class inaiiufnctnici * Imvo 3r hard pioblem to solve in netting better pi Ices without letting in more loiciL'ii iritis. The Fall Ulvcr print cloth innnuiaclurcrs have sold 1,000,000 piuces for fiitme delivery , and the piodnctivo capacity is Irom 0OU , ( > , ( KK 0 > to 10OJO,000 pieces per > ear. Slocks hnvo not been ns low lor years. Wages have been increased 10 pur cent , Some shrewd Japanese have been visiting the I'ateison silk mills. Two of tlio pmly nro silk lunnufnctuiers. They me heie to pick up points. . The Cooke spinning trnmes , making 10,000 to 1'J.OOO revolutions n minute , lilted them witli wonder. A Philadelphia firm has now under con tract seven largo steel plants , both Hessemcr nml open hcaiHi , nnd bus inquiries from a good many companies who contemplate In vesting lar o hums of money in iron and steel making enteipiiscs during the year. A scheme Is on foot to supply New Yoik city with natural iras. The company expect to lay " * > 0 mile.s of.six-Inch mmns capable ot withstanding piessmoof one pound to the squaio inch. Knoincli gas will bo ( mulshed each nlternoon to supply the night's requiie- mcnts. The cabinetmakers nnd furniture maim- factuiers have disposed ot tlio bulk of their fall supplies , nud nro sold up much cleaner than usual. The employes wr.nt the waires nnd hours of labor settled now or soon , and by way of pioparation are stiengtlieiiing their associations. Tlio lumber manufacturers nnd dealers have business enoimh bttfoio them to keep prices , for good dry lumber especially , very lirm. l-iargo lumber regions have been opened in Virginia. Tennessee , Michigan and Wisconsin , mid fnctoiles nro going nearer to the woods. A Philadelphia corporation has opened n vein of Iron ore In Nottli Carolina iXW feet wide , wJiich gives 40,000,000 tons of ore In sight. It makes nsupeib steel. A railroad Is beinir built from South Carolina through this ere recion to tlio Ohio river , by which this ore will bo delivered to furnaces that may want It. Several now Iron-mnking establishments nro to bo erected in both northern nnd south ern cities , nnd a largo volume of money will be Invested ns soon ns the season opens , The demands for piping nro RO far ahead of tlio facilities for simply that no less than seven now works are hiked of In various parts of the country. The Pennsylvania rnllroail company has Just built thlrty-oiio sixty-ton engines , with four driving wheels , whicli can draw forty- live loaded freight cms with as much ease ns the largest ongliig now on Hie surface can draw tliiity-tivo cars. All th < i bridges mo being Htrcngllicned to stand the weight of these monsters. Prices in some Uiltlsh manufacturing cen ters Imvo tnken mi upwaid turn. Linings , worsted coatings nnd ehovlot cloths n'-o being exported in Increasing Humilities. The Brit ish textilematiutnclincra look for n shnrp Im provement In demand during this year , nnd , nro quite confident Hint prices will bo better. The farmers have been imcuurngeil to culti vate llax. lit The wages of common labor have been ml- vnnced throughout tliotrduntry , soulli ns well ns north , nnd should tjm present Industrial activity continue for n few weeks longer or townrdtho opening of spring It Is qnito probable Hint n fmtlier ndvmicii will bo de manded , especially ns common labor Is much morogeneinlly organized now than It was ono or two years neo. > The best reports concerning po-operatlvo enterprises nro not very encouraging. Tlio workincmen tlieiusclvfs' me slow to pat schemes on their leol , mill tliuy ralso numer ous objections nnd tlirq > ? Innumerable obsta cles In the way ot theseiiilertakini.'s. ) Whllo they Imvo creditable evidence ot what can be done , the meat bulk piofcr to hang on to the weekly Etini'iid mid drag idong the best wny possible. In cnmniprclnl circle * tlio possibility of n decline In the value of raw materials in spite ot the prc.se.nt general Improving tendency has been recognised , Jubt nt present the iiuuiulactur-TS in all dliecllons have the nd- vmttn Q mid nro endeavoring to hold It. The new productive capacity that will bo nddeil after April 1 will overtaKe tint demand , no matter what it may be , and create a icac- tion which will be inoro or less severe as onr expanding consumptive capacities deteimliie. Oneot Hin laigcst engineering undeiiak- Ings now In progress is liioconstiiiciion of the Illinois steel bridge at Cairo. Tlio .ap preaches will be a milo mid n half In length nnd Hut bridge piopcr n mile , making the en- tlio hrldgu ( our miles long and litty-two feet nbovo lildi water mark. The stiuctnio will bo the finest on HID Ohio. It will bo Imlshoil within Hueo years , An6tlur uxtenslvp rail- Is to bo built at Fort MaUUou , Iowa. It \ \ III bo bn'll ' hy Juno 1 , ISss. About twenty very heavy railroad bridges are pro jected across the wi-stern rivers , to be con structed during the next eighteen months , nnd no doubt nil of them will bo built If the present encouraging condition of things shall continue. A 1'lon for "O'JHtles In Hie Air. " A m Id the myriad troubles that meet us dny by da\ , Who would not fiom the conflict a moment turn nwny , And In n far-off fniry-lmu' ' , where men no burdens bear , Porcet nwhile our tears and loll In "Castles In the air'/ " When many n bright-lined prospect fades fast bcvond our view , And hopes which neared fruition prove shadowy and untrue , May we not In Hint dream-land , beyond all clouds nnd enre , Uehold our Paradise restoicd In "Castles In the nil ? " 0 , lliero nro lonely chambers In every homo mid beail And In life's song of sorrow each one must bear a pait ; Hutharklhat mystic melodies soon hush the vnlcnnf cnro , As pai ted hands nro clasped once more in "Castles In the nlr. " Then nnver grow discouraged though fortune fnvor not , Ando pursue life's pilgrimage unnoticed or foigot ; \Ve \ Imvo mi hour of victory nud lustrous laurels v carTer - Tor all are kings and conqueiors In "Castles In the nlr. " STATI3 AM ) TKIlltmmV. Htalo The now Standnril theater In Nebraska City was opened with appropriate flour ishes Monday night. A Council Hlull's capitalist wants to put nn and operate a foundry in Sidney lor a bonus ot $1,000. The tournament of the Stain Firemen's association will bo held at Kearney this year , and its next blate convention in Plattsmoutli. A drought of news is raging the Mate press at tlio present moment. The sonn- torship absorbs ajl the energy and abil ity of the fraternity. The bneholor boys of Sidney have gouo this season like the loaves from tlio trees in a November gale , and the harvest of marriage fees gleaned by the ministers and justices 1ms been n inoro botintiful ono. ono.John John Mclllrcovy , pt Nobrnska Citywas run in by the sheriU'of Seward county on the ehargo of horse stealing. John is a veteran crook rusher himself , having been chief of police in Nebraska City .some time ago. "How ( toes the thermometer stand ? " inquired a meek and mild-eyed wife of her husband after a brief experience with a western bli//.aid. "D-d-davucd i-i-it 1 knew they had legs , " ho answered by jerks ; " 1 d-d-don't know how they d-do in the oust but in the , w-w-ost we hang 'cm. " Iowa Hoiim. The new Catholic church nt Crcston will be dediealed no\t Sunday. The Union Investment company of Dos Moines , capital § 100,000 , l-as been incor porated. A Dos Moines constable was fined $10 for failing to appear in court and testify to the merits of beer drank by him. Kx-Ma.yor Vauglitin , of Council Illtifls , has resigned ilie olliee of curator of the state university , owing to his removal to Omaha , A raid on a deserted bur in Sioux City .Monday netted two kegs of beer. Tliev wore escorted to tiio sheriff's ollico witli great eclat. The druggists of Contovville have en tered into mi agreement not to apply for u permit to soil intoxicating lujuors of any kind during this year. At Marshallown ) on Friday : ilittle five- year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peterson died under circumstances so .suspicious that the neighbors made com plaint. An investigation is now in progress - gross and tlio testimony thus far indicates that the child canio to her deatli from severe nirl excessive beating. Wyoming. The pious residents oflJouglashavo put up the wherewith for a $5,000 church. The Boston Land it Improvement com pany of Cheyenne , capital $125,000 , has been incorporated. The Albany National bank of Lnranue , with a capital of $100,000 , has been au thorized to begin business. Clieyenneso have generously aided the caubo of salvation in heathen parts by 3f contributing * 125 toward the building of si church in Douglas. The Wyoming Central is making no preparations to build on west of Douglas lliis year , and tiio opinion is gaining ground that Douglas will remain the end of the track until the reason of 1883. Albany county stock ranges are noted , oven in the gra/.ing regions of thu IJocky mountains. At present thny support 1)1,830 ) head of eattle , valued at $1,575- 220 ; ! ) ,808 head of horses , valued at § ; ! 0- 585 ; and 00,31)5 ) sheep , valued nt $115,060. The cattle growers of Wyoming , in the opinion of thu Clioyonno Sun , have made two sci ions mistakes. The first was tlio enclosing of pastures liy wire fences. The second wag tlio attempt to acquire to government land under the present laws und high prices. IHontunn. The Anaconda smelter consumes 180 ions of coal nnd 125 cords of wood per dav. dav.Tho The total assessed wealth of Montana is over $155,000,000 , and of this f'0,000,000 is represented by live stock investments. DThe famous Drum hummon mine paid 25 percent on its capital stock last year , besides hiving up a reserve fund of $70,000. The Alice inino shipped eighteen bars of silver Saturday worth $28i81 ! , bring ing the day's .shipments up to 00,1300. , The wook'a shipments aggregated nearly $150,000. The Union nnd Northern Pacitio roads have agreed to haul the Montana Cen tral's iron for ? 11 per ton. Last spring they wanted ! ? ! J5. This will enable the road logo right ahead wilh track laying as soon as the weather will permit. " " " A Flit Olllcn AliotlNlied. Chicago Tribune : Thoollicor having Iho uniiiuo title of oil inspector of Minnesota made his report for tne two years of his incumbency on Monday , and set all classes of people to talking by the foot ing , which showed that ho had collected , in foes , the appalling Hum ot $ 14,000 , but a tritlo of which wont for clerk hire , hast 3'car ho pocketed almost twenty thousand dollars after deducting all the expenses of thn ollliso. In nil of this time but ono batch of oil , 12 ! ! barrels , was condemned , and yet for this ho received annually nlnioii half as iiiucii as tlio president of the United .States , The more the people thought about the matter thn moro they got exulted , and half a do/en boards of trade passed resolutions demanding that the ollieo to bo abolished. ( Joyernor Mo * ( Jill , discovering the kcnsation ! the affair was creating , has so fur failed to appoint anybody to tlio ollico , and to-day mem bers of both houses of the legislature made the most popular move of their earner by introducing bills to abolish the olliee , and the pressure brought by the masses will insure its almost unanimous passage. It is certain the governor will never have an opportunity to make any body oil inspector of Minnesota. A ring tail monkey from a Providence dime museum got loose and entered a church in that plaeo , Sunday , just before services , ami after truitlus- * efforts to capture hin | ho wns decoyed back to captivity by tlio use of cakes and candv. A FAMOUS OAIjK-CASH ' Kcncvvcil i'rciininllons to Tftko tip n Very Old Im\vsult. AXAMOSA , la. , Jan. 21. I Correspond ence of the Hr.K. ] Preparations nro again being made by Attorney Foster , of Chicago cage , to commence anew the famous Jones county calf-case that has been in tlio courts of this .state continuously for the past twelve years , in the district court at Waterloo. This case has com pletely bankrupted several farmers , not leaving them even their farms , nnd its continuation promises to ruin several more. Last winter the supreme court rendered a decision setting aside si judg ment of $11,000 for the plaintiff , for mali cious prosecution , they having arrested nnd tried him thirteen years ago for steal ing calves , ho being acquitted every time tlio ease has been on trial. It was sin cerely hoped the matter had dropped , as it is known it.s continuation must ruin "omo of the defendants. The plaintiff is already about ruined financially. 1) . 1) Young , of this county , who made alt assignment several days ago.leaves lia bilities over and nboro his assets , of about $15,000. Several days ago Win. Hamilton , of this city , loft for southern Kr.nsas , leav ing behind him liabilities to tlto amount of about ! ? 5oOO , with assets at about § 2,000. llo was always supposed to bo financially solid , and a man of integrity. Jones count ) * has never had such a great tide of financial depression before as that of the last year. HE WAS A pfnAFE KING. The Old Story of llonry AViiUersoii's Jilltlo Cnnio of I'okor. Chicago Herald : Like all thoroughbred Kentiickians , the editor of tlm Louisville Courier-Journal , Henry \Vnttersoii , is a great poker player. Ono evening some years ago he was in New York City , and went to seoiho first production of ( illburt & Sullivan's opera , "Tho Pirates of Pen/.anco. " Doing an admirer of pretty women and pretty" music , the perform ance caught him , nnd ho was especially taken with Iho song , "I Am a Pirate King. " llo hummed the air between tlio aets and between cloves until ho had it down pat. It was on nis lips when ho loft the theater after the performance , and the melody swelled up from ins broad chest as ho diopped into a well known resort and encountered a number of professional friends. There were Nod llarrigan , Nat Goodwin , Ned Thorne and other choice spirits , and to them Mr. Watterson lauded the new opera and chased snatches of the "Pirate King" through his puckered lips. Soon a mod est game was suggested , and the cus todian of the st-ir-oyed goddess of re form willingly consented to take a hand. Luck was not with him al tlio start , and the stackin front of him dwindled perceptibly. Ho warbled his favorite song , but the melody brought no sub stantial solace. Pretty soon there waa a jack pot. The editor picked up his hand , slid the squeezers past his good eye. and began to softly whistle the ' 'Pirate King. " Ned and Nat investigated and stayed in. Thorne dropped out. Tony Hart , who was dealing , remained in with Iho others. Nat bet ten , and Harrigan saw him. Then Mr. Watterson passed his cards in review before his valuable optie , musi cally declared himself a pirate king , and shoved up a sf'0 stack. Tony Hart gazed at him soarchinjzlv over his hand , saw that twenty and held Ins breath. Nat and Harrignu passed out , while Hilly Harry shifted to the other foot , and be gan to take a deep interest in the fun. Watterson carefully ' 'skim" his cards again and called for "ono paper. " Hail breathed ; v sit'ii of relief and wanted two cards. It was the hitter's bet , and ho felt liis way carefully with "one seed " Tlio man with the melody and uncertain vision hoisted him a blue .stack. Tony elevated him back. Then the editor again used his good eye as a reviewing stand , and the live cards moved by in single file. Again the nil * which had charmed the Louisville editor Honied up on the atmosphere , and ho shunted two blue stacks to the leeward of ihe raku-ofl1 aperture. Tony looked at him aghast , and simply called , throwing upon the table , face upward , three largo aces and two fives. Waltorson adorned the green baize with four stalwart jacks , and .softly hummed ' * ! Am a Piruto King.AH Tony witnessed his appropriation of the pot , lie responded : "I'md - d if I don' ! think you are. " Tlio OiiK'oino of an Aral ) London Times : A typical case of Arab revenge was tried the otiier day at the Constantine assizes , the prisoners being three Kabylinn natives of pronounced Arab features and complexion. The story , as it came in the evidence , was a dramatic one. Ten years ago two brothers , named Mohamed and Sliman , entered into an agreement with a neigh bor named Moliamed on Kabah for shar ing a plot of land. A good many misun derstandings arose as to the respective rights of the three holders , and early this year the two brothers attempted to evict Moliamed on Kabah. The sheikh ot Ton- dea , before whom the case was brought , decided , however , that the hitler was really the owner ot the land , whereupon the two brothers lelt Iho court , declaring they would have tlieir revenge. About a week after this scene in court Moliamed on Habuh was attacked and murdered by a number of persons while on hi.s way , early in the morning to hi.s oil mill. Suspicion at once pointed to the two brothers , who were arrested , together with a third person who had consented to join them in commuting the murder. They had endeavored lo establish an alibi and denied their guilt to the last , Out the evidence was too strong , their garments being stained with blood and tlieir ante cedents being very bail. Two of the thrco were sentenced to death , but are not likely to bo executed , as M.Urovy rarely signs a death warrant. Chicago News : A curious bill was in troduced in the house to day by Mr. Caldwell - well of Tennessee , who has been the author of several legislative oddities. It was to direct an inquiry into the ways and means by winch a statue of the father of hi.s country becamecrosseyed. . As everybody knows , the ( Ireonongh slatuo of Washington stands at Iho eastern entrance - trance of the capitol , a mm'blo figure , naked to the waist , with the inscription : "First in war , lii > t in pence , and first in the hearts ot hU countrymen.1 The preamble of Mr. Calihyoll's resolution recites that some impious vandal bus been monkeying with the figure till it now look.s crnsH'oycd , nnd the bill directs that the vision bo corrected , A JMioiioinonal Trluinpli. Friend ( to author ) How is your now play progressing , Cimrloy ? Author Finisiiudand is a great success. Kriond A great success ? Author Tremendous. 1 read it to a lot of professional critics last night and none of them liked it. A man she had never seen before stabbed a girl in the bank in Now Vork the other evening. Her thick clothing prevented u dangerous woundand owing to her fricht it was some time before . -the know she had been stabbed. The man escaped. The eastern standard tune was officially adopted at midnight of December ! )1 ) , in Pittsburg , and tlio length of thn old year was shortened by about twenty minutes , when the city hall clock was reset. A horse hidonging to Jacob Smith , of Purrysville , Ky. , got out of the ( it'lil the Other day and went hunting , ajid , After being L'uiiu half a day , ruturm-d uitu a Dockcibpoi : containing $14 in his mouth. Situftletl vill mI blocks of iho Lip on & Fowler packing houses , and within 0 blocks of the now U , & M. depot. All Iho lots arc very fin \ On Easy Terms Which will bo worth double wilhin n year , making several hundred per cent profit on the cash invested. A splendid location for a whole sale lumber yard , us Iho K. H. company has 150 feel right of way each side- the track , alibi-d ing excellent facilities for load ing or unloading. A fine opening for a brick yard adjoins the addition. Cotncr&Arclicr's ADDITION. We also have a few choice lots left in Coiner & Archer's addi tion. ! I uvc sold very rapidl } ' , and arc increasing in value every day. People are buying these lots for homes , consequently they will prove : i good investment to any- Lc 1v. Wo also have In all Parts of the City , OP Improved and Unim proved Rroperty. Call and see us before purchas ing elsa where. Place Situated within 5 blocks of the Walnut Hill depot , on the Mili tary road. JJonson'.s street mil- way will bo completed and run ning within 6 months. Prices from ! ? ! 500 to $800 , Ono tenth cash , bal easy terms. These lots will bo worth $800 as soon as the street cars are running which are guaranteed to bo running within 0 months. ' AND HooniflRwIick'sBlock ' , 1509 Farnam St ,