Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 21, 1887, Image 3

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    * M
Wheat More Active With Frequent Ilnctn-
ations in Prices.
the I'rotlRlnn Trnrtc Centers In
1'ork CntMc Ilccclpta llncx-
pcctcilly IjarRo Hou Slow
nnil Dull Quotation * .
Ciiir-Aoo , Jan. 20. ( Special TclcRram to
the UKK.I Wheat was active Inn specula
tive \vny and prices on an up and down
grade , with frequent changes , and llnally
clrm-d ' "ic belter than yesterday. Dull ca
ble. * , the dls.ippcaraiico of ? cro weather and
rain In California cncnuraired the bears , and
icported llhcral export1 ? fiom the seaboard
Kept np the spirit of the bulls. May started
at M ' c , dropped to W c , climbed to 843 < o ,
nnd left off at Wfa January closed at TTJfJc ,
Kchniao nt 7Hc , March at TS c and April at
7 ! ) c. Corn was weaker and averages lower
In sympathy with wheat. The few buy Ing
onlurs atlie for May that provcntrd a ilo-
cllnu below that lUurcycstnrdiiy were with
drawn and llin market was left without sup
port extent that given hy shorts , who bought
cjultc licoly anil absorbed the oirurlnus ot the
jlnmorallzcd longi , nnd after a 9h'c break n
rally of > fc followed. The upward course was
asslsludby the rally In wheat. May opcni'il
nt 41c. ilccllneil toI0' < c. reacted and closed
at 1 o'clock at ' < c nbovo yesterday's last sale1) ) .
July sold n\VUtViti , and closed at the top.
Oats met with lair sneculatlvo Inquiry anil
the general inaikut was steady. April so mat
lino. May sold nt JKI WV , niul closed at
'UPfic. .1 tine sold nt ! iO" 0aic and closed at
iWr. I'rovlslonsweroltilrly active but un
settled , but prices inoraged higher and the
closing sales recorded "Ke advance on mess
iiork , but no change. In hud or short ribs.
Thti trade centered In mess poll : , which
fipnncil steady , advanced Bo but nrolo
I.'i@17 > o on Ireo selling Induced by a decllno
in the prlco of hogs and tlio marked Improve
ment in quality. The decllno was only
temporary , as a strong feeling was developed
and an advance ofJJ i'io followed and
last sales were at about oiitsido pilces. May
opened at 81B.W , sold at S18.v : > , declined to
8iy.l7J < Ml'J.'iO , reacted to 812.4-X ana closed
at 12i7K. : I-ard was In fair domain ! and sold
at SO.MWO.G7K nnd S0.07 @ 0.70 and closed
at that ligurc. Short ribs soTil at Sfi.avriO. : K
Riul closed at the top. Wheat diopped back
to 84Uc for Mav on Hits curb , opening nt that
liguro at V ! o'clock. The market bung around
HJ > < c nnd b4)fc ) tlirniuliout , closing at the
latter ligure. Com was a little easy , closing
nt WKii May pork sold down to SU5.UO anil
closed at SU2.fc& ,
CiHCACio , Jan. 20. iSpcclal Telegram to
the Uin : , | OATTI.I : The run was unex
pectedly heavy , and taking tbo number left
over last nlcht , tbcro were from ID.OCO to
14,000 of all kinds on the market. Trade
opened rather slosv. Prices ruled very un
even , yet in a geneial way most salesmen
diiotcd values fully lOtTUfic lower than yes
terday , making a dcollno since- Monday of
fully 'J5c per 100 on the ordinary run of good
and useful fat cattle , of which there was a
plentiful supply , both to-day and yesterday.
The decline Is 'aigely ' on 1250 to 1450 Ib steers.
Llt'ht and handy steers of 1050 Ibs are not so
much lower , whllo big , smooth fat steers of
1000 Ibs and upwards are not more than 10 ( $
lic ! lower than Monday. As before said , the
decllno tails on the ically good and useful
medium stock , which form the great bulk of
fat cattle. Uuslness In the stocker and
feeder trade remains dull and Is liable to
remain so until there is a favorable cliange
In tbo fat cattle trade. Shipping
steers , liftO to 1700 Ibs , S4.40r5.40 ( ;
lUOOto iriMlbs , 84.00@4.00 : ! W ) to 1V00 ! Ibs.
SKl.KXaa.lO. Stuckers and feeders , weak and
about 2fto lower than Tuesday at SU.rX ) ®
RX ! ) ; butcher stock 10u lower ; cows.
Dulls and mixed , $1.7 ! > @ 4.00 ; bulk , S2.40 ®
Jloos The market opens rather slow with
n slight down turn on tancy heavy and packIng -
Ing sorts , in homo cases selling fully 5c
lower , but Inter and at the close above. The
oorts were about the sumo as at the close
yesterday. Light sorts were In good demand
all day long und generally sold about 5c
tilKher than the aveiaco vusterday. A few
lancv heavy sold at S4.h5@4.ti5 and prime
packers at 64.40 ( < M.M ) , with medium and com-
iiiorintSI.40 < 34.r > 0. Light sorts soldatSUO
© 1.75.
Now York. Jan. 20. MONBY On call
ea yntng5 per cent , closing at liner cent.
STisnuNO EXCIIANOE Dull but steady at
84b2Kf for sixty day bills ; S4.W5J4 for de
UovKHNMUNTS Dull hut steady.
STOCKS The .stock market opened fairly
steady , and the changes from last evening's
final prices , which were nbout equally divided
between gains and los c * , were for Inslgnih-
cant tractions only , In eaily dealings the
market was teverlsn and Kencrally weak. A
rally occurred Into In the Iirs4 hour and the
Improvement lasted until the atternooii.
Soon there was a decrcaso in activity and
prices became weak , The decllno was
checked In the last hour and the close was
steady , though many blocks weio at the
lowest prices of the day.
* cent bonds. . . . 100 C. & N. W
U. S.4H' " preferred.
New4' . . . . . . . . . iiHjij
' Urecon Trnn. . . .
. /cntral Pncllic. w' * * Pncllic Mall M-V
C.AA P. I ) . &K
iiruierreci. . . 155 P. C 147
C. U. AQ Kock Island. . . 120
I ) . 1 , . AW UAS. K. . .
D.AU. O preferred. .
Ens M. A SUP. .
Enspreferred. . . J preferred. .
Illinois Central. 1114. SLP. AO
} . , . AW 17 preferred. . .
KansasTexas. Sl" " < Texas Pncinc.
Lake Shore 04 % U nion Pacltic.
1 , . AN 04JW. . , St. U & P. .
lllch. Central. . . VI proftmrd. . . so
Wo.Pacino 107. Western Union.
Northt'in Pac. . . ! AN. . . 100
picfcrrtd. . . CO \
Chlonen , .Inn. 20. Following quotations
are the 2tO : : closing llmircs ;
Flour- Dull and unchanged ; winter wheat
Hour , 84.2 , ' 4.iO : : southern. 84.10 < ft < .yo ; Wis
consin. S4.20iA4.0 ( ! ; Michigan fcoft spring
wheat , S3.70(34.yO ( : Minnesota bakers. 83.7IK7C
4.30 ; patents. 84.6004.bJ : low crades. 51U5 (
2.U5 ; rye flour , quiet nt S3.85(2S.70 ( in barrels ,
and 83.20otuo : in sacks.
Whent-Modeiately active and firmer , clos-
Innnbout the same ns yesterday : cash , 77)fc ) ;
February. 77 c ; March , 7S 'c ; Alay , b4Uc.
Corn Fairly nctlvp , but weak and lower ;
cash , a = > ? < To ; March , 5 tfc ; May , 40Cc.
Oats Weak ; near hitmen wore
and Mav J ( ilCe ( lower ; cash , 25) e ; iticli ,
Harluy- Dull at 50\52c.
Timothy seed Primn , 81.03.
\ ' Poik Fair trade reported with demand
active early , closing consldcinbly nhovo yes-
terdny ; cnbh , 512,07 5 March , § 12.15 ; May ,
Lard 'finding comparatively lljtht with
llglit hhlpplne demand and no chance In
prices : cabh , 80.45 ; March S0.52 ; May ,
Bulk Meats-Shoulders , 84. ! > 0 r5.00 ; short
clear , se.5W.rA55 ; short ribs , 80.15.
Hutter Quiet ; creamery , 21XgaOc ( ; dairy ,
Chee.-.o-Qiilct : full cream Cheddars 12 fCJ
18c ; Ilats,12'4iil2 ( > fc ; young Americas , lay
Kiriw-Oulet nt
Hides btcatly and unchanged ; Orcen
0 } < : o : heavy green salted , 7 > c ;
bull , C | c : dry salted ,
drv ( lint , Ivjl4c : deacons , tiSo each.
Tallow No. 1 country , Sc ; N'o , 2 , 2 c
cake , c.
Kt'colDt-i. bhipmonts.
Flour.bbts . 15.000 23,000
Wheat , bu . 15,000 4,000
Corn , uu . 60.000 . 35,000
O ts.Du . 5 > , COO 53,000
Itye , bu . none 1.000
Uarley.ou . 24tWO 15,000
fit. Louis , Jan. 20 , Whi'nt-About steady
Vo. 2 rod , cash , SISSlJVc ; March , 8SJ < c :
May , 60'tc.
Corn Steady ; No. 2 mixed , cash , 34 %
@ 34Kc ; March , ? kc ; May , S7Kc. ,
Oats Steady ; No. 2 mixed , cash , CCc !
March , 2c ! May. HOVc.
1'ork-Strong at SlS.STJfQW.SO.
Lard-Firm at S0.2. ' > ,
Ilnltcr Firm ; creamery , 24QOOc ; dairy , 15
Afternoon Hoard Wheat Weak nnd U@
Vc lower. Corn Kasy nnd h@4C lower.
Oats Unchanged ,
Now Orleans , Jan. CO. Corn Firm ;
at 4S@43c.
Oats-Quiet at 80c.
Corn Meal Quiet and steady at S2.2. .
Hog Products Easier and not quotably
owcr ; pork , 312.0lard ; , rcllncd tierce ,
Knnsns City , .Ian. 20. Wheat-Stead v ;
No. 2 red , cash , 70 bid ; March , 7RJfc bid ;
May , S > c bid.
Corn Steady ; Xo. 2 , cash , 20Kc ; March ,
y c' May. 34Vf.
Oats No quotations.
New York. .Ian. CO.-WhCftt-lJcccIpts ,
41XK ( ) ; pxuorts , 170.003spot ; , shade lower and
fairly active ; options a shade liriiicr and ad
vanced ' < ( ? { -\c , later weakened and declined
J-Si' ( ? peIoslng steady ata reaction of l4@Vc ;
ungraded red , Ul wWc ; No. 3 red , 'Jlc ;
No. 1 red , 5c ; No. 2 red , 02' c In elevator ,
ty'ic ' , f. o.b. ; 03 c doitveted ; February ,
closing nt icJc.
Corn-Cash lirmcr and quiet ; options open
ing a shade lower , closlnu n trillo bolter ; re
ceipts. , OUO ; cxpoits. GS.OOO ; ungraded , 47 i
H 4e ; No. 3 , 4GV 111 elevator , 47'ic alloat ;
No. 2 , Fvbriiary , closing nt 4wc.
Oats-Moderately actho ; receipts , 24,000 ;
exports. STiO ; mixed western , GG@37c ; wlilte ,
western , . " ' r o.
Petroleum Sto dy ; United closed at 71 ' .fc.
Kggs-Oulct nnd lirm : western , 2W tM : ) .
Poik Steady and iroderately actl\e.
Laid Less active ; westeiu steam spot ,
" ilutter Quid nnd firm ; western , 12@2ec ;
Klirlncreaiuerv , : ! ic.
Cheese Steady and quiet ; western Hat , 11@
Harley Die iiiiinr : No. 2 , 50J < \
Provisions K.islei ; pork , January , 512.00 ;
May , S 12.25.
Cincinnati. Jan. 20. Wheat Strong ; No.
2 red , S4 $ 3s.V. .
Corn Barely steady ; No. 2 mixed , 37 ®
Oats Moderate demand ; No. 2 mixed ,
: > ic.
Hye Fnlr demand at GOc.
Pork Seal co at Sl'J.7.'i.
Lard Steady at SO. 10.
Whisuy Steady at SI. 13.
MlnncnpmlH , Jan. 20. Wheat Quiet :
No. 1 hard , cash and Febnmry , 7Sc ; Mnv.B-l'sc :
No. 1 northern , cash nnd February 7Sc ; May ,
82' < c ; No. 2 northern , cash and February ,
70e : May , bO > < c.
Flour Iluyers lioldlni ; olT ; patents , S1.50
( TC4.70 ; bakers , 553.00(33. ( 7r > .
Kecclpts Wheat. 42,000 bu.
Shipments Wheat , S4.000 bu.
Chlonco , Jnn. 20. The Drover's Journal
iciiortsas follows :
Cattle Uecoipts. 12,000 ; lOc to ISc lower
and fairly active ; chipping steers , S.10@ ! !
5.-iOstockers : nnd feeders , S2.fiOyi.rjO ( : ; cows ,
bulls ana mixed , S1.75@ .00 ; bulk , S2.loi75.
Hogs llccolptt ) , 20,000 ; market active : light
closed 5c higher ; louch and mixed. 34.50@
81.10 ; light. 8 .20@4.75 : skips , 32.75(5:3.75. ( :
Sheep Uecoipts , 5,000 ; market active and
lOc to ir blither ; natives , S2.w@5.UO : ; west
ern , S3..wa > :
St. LiiulnJan.20. Cnttlo Receipts , 1,000 ;
shipments , 1,000 ; market stiong ; choice
heavy native steers , S4.0i4.S5 ; ! ( ; fair tounotl
hhipplng steers , S3.70 ( < fliO : ; butchers' steers ,
tnir to clioh-p , S.1.404.10 ; feeders , fair to
good , S2.00i'i73-10 ; stockcrs , fair to guod ,
S2.00f(32..K ) .
Hogs Hecelpts , 2,500 ; shipments , 1.400 ;
maiket active and closed lirm : choice heavy
and butchers' selections , 54.b5S5.00 : pack-
In ir. fair to good , S4.GO@ .75 ; Vorkers ,
medium to fancy. 54.55 .55 ; pls , common
to good , S3.70tiJ4.oo.
KniiNnH City , , Ian.20. Cattle Uccelpts ,
2,000 ; shipments , l,000shippers ; slow anil lOc
lower ; cows nnd butcheis' stull about steady ;
stockcrs and feeding steers active nnd fitm.
Jlocs Ueceliits , 7,000 ; shipments , 2uou , ;
choice hdirs stead v ; common and mixed a
shade lower ; common to choice , S4.10@4.05.
Thursday , Jan. 20.
The fresh arrivals of cattle were very light
to-day , but taken with tl.oso left over from
the previous day , the offerings were liberal.
TJie market was steady on good cattle , but
weak on the common grades. There is a
coed demand for good corn fed cattle , but the
buyers are Inclined to neglect common stun" .
One loatl ol choice corn fed steers sold at
31.55 , which Is the top for this weak.
The receipts were lighter to-day than yes
terday by Duo , The buyers were all on the
ground and anxious to pick up as many
loads as possible ana tlio market opened nt
an advance of a strong lOc over yesterday.
A little later the mnrket advanced fully 5c
more and a few loads were sold at oven a
greater advalico over yesterday. The liens
were cleared at an early hour , everything
being sold. _
There weionono in and no demand.
Cattle. . 400
llogs . . . 1,000
Prevailing Prices.
Showing the picvnlling prices paid for llvo
slock on tnlH nmikct :
Choice steers , 1H50 to 1500 lbs..SI.3'Jffl4.55
Choice steers , 1100 to tSOO Ibs. . . : UK1.40 )
Coed feeders . 2.75Q 3.00
( ! oed to choice corn-fed cows. . . . 2.7.V 3.2. >
Fair to medium grass cows . 2.00(32.50 (
liood to choice bulls . 2.0CK5W.75
Light and medium hoes . 4.40 .50
Good tochoico heavy hogs . 4.COV(4.75 (
Uood to choice mixed hogs . 4.0&4.GO
Representative Hntcs.
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
SB. . . . WM 83.02 3. . . . 1220 S4.00
2..1lW : 75 20. . . .1257 4.10
H..llb3 . ' 1.75 : tO.,1259 4.10
20..10i4 : ! l.bO 40. . . . 122. ! 4.10
41..11M S.IH ) 10. . . .1274 4.15
41 . . .11G7 3.1K ) 19. . . .1320 4.55
No. Av. J'r. No. Av. Pr.
7. . . .10 5 S2.25 0..1110 S2.H5
J. . . . b70 2.25 11. . . .1171 2.-10
2. . . . 1000 2.25 33. . . . 1013 2X ( )
1..10 2.25 1..10JO 2,05
5. . . . tll'i 2.25 14. . . .1057 3.00
1..1020 SJ.85 3. . . .1245 it.10
1..1000 2.25 10..123S 3.25
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
SJ. . . .145'i 82.25 1..1410 S2.00
1. . . . 1:120 : 2.2'i'JO 2.75
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
10 . . .1070 82.50 VI. . . . 1121 S2.W )
No. Av. Pr.
72. . . . 1333 S3.GO
No. Av. Shk. Pr No. Av. Shk. Pr ,
71..20U 32034.40 78. . . . 210 . .S4.GO
60. . . . 225 1G 4.45 G4..3r4 200 4.00
G3..227 120 4.45 4U..82S 400 4fiO
G9..2JO 2 0 4.45 CO. . . .203 2sO 4.00
b7..207 100 4.50 80. , . . 229 200 4.00
02. . . . 210 120 4.50 73. . . . 204 240 4.00
00. . . . 210 K ) 4.50 81. . . . 248 100 4.00
6S..248 2Si 4.52J 03. . . . 2 7 120 4.02k
W5..20S 2sO 4.55 52. . . . ! W . . 4.05
58. . . . 2W . . 4.55 50..210 120 4.05
05. . . , 253 80 4.55 65 , , .tXl ) 1GO 4.G.1
ttJ.,2y4 K20 4.55 01. . . . 335 . . 4.75
03. . . . 204 240 4.53 60 . . .350 . . 4.75
Ilanco of Prices.
Showing the highest and lowest prices
paid for loads ot hogs on this market during
tliu past seven days and tor the same time
last month nnd lastyear :
Jan. 1&7 Jun , lfcfl.
Hill 3.hi QUO 4.20 c'u.CO
1Mb 1.00 CM.15 1.35 4M.S5
16th 4.UO ai..M tjumluy 3.40
Kill &V5 4il.l5 Ml ) I.C5 Sunrtur
Ulll 3.K ) l.l ! 4.1 6 GM-6 3.45Sunrtur
19th Sunday ' a 10 tw.inu
20th 4.U6 Ot.20 i.'n ttiits : Li5 4W.70
Showlnc the number of cattle , hoes nnd
sheep shipped from the yards during the day ,
No. cars. Jit. Dcst.
& Mil. , Chicago
Allsilesof stock in this market are made
porcwt , live welirht unless otherwise stated ,
bead hogs sell nl Jfc per Ib. for nil weight * .
"Skins , " or hogs weighing less than 10J Ibs ,
no value. Pregnant sows nro dpckcd 40 Ibs.-
and stags So Ibs , by the public Inspector.
Hogs nil sold ,
Common cattle slow.
Good cattle In demand ,
Hogs sold 105J15c higher.
Better quality of hogs to-day.
Lobmnn & Itothchlld bought 145 head of
J. Houscl , Wayne , was In with a car of
T. If. A com , North Ucnd , was looking over
the market ,
Andy Haas bough 1262 head of cattle on to
day's maiket.
591 hogs were bought by the Llpton packIng -
Ing house to-day.
J. Phllpot , Weeping Water , was n visitor
at the yards to-day.
J. T. Ooodcll , Western , Neb. , was In and
sold two loads of cattle.
F. M. HlldcbrnmU , Cairo , Neb. , was lookIng -
Ing over the yams to-day.
T. II. Wnddcll , Odell , Neb. , was In to-day
looking over the. market ,
( Jeorgc Thrush , Pmplc Cane , Neb. , was In
and sold a load ot cnttlo.
C. W. Xclglcr , Columbus , was among the
visitors at the yards to-day.
1) . N. Wheeler , Ponder , was hern and tlls-
posed of twocaisot corn-ted steers.
K. 1) ) . Cioiild , of the lirm of Oould , t Lagrange -
grange , Fiillerton , was n visitor at the ynids.
1) . H. Du/.lck , Cowles , was In and sold two
car.s of hogs which sold at the top of the
(1. II. Hammond & Cn.'s diove of hoes
bought on to-day's market numbcied 7V ,
avcriigllig201 Ib * .
A. C. Smith , of the lirm of , ) . AMiwIg &
Co. , Oakland , wiis In with two loads of cattle
tlo and a load ot hugs.
" 1 do not like such n boom as wo hnd In tlio
hog maiket to-day , " icmatked n commission
dealer , "it Is very apt to mislead bu > eis in
thuconntiy. "
A Lreiitleman who had two loads of cattle
on the morkct hero a short time ago and
refused to sell nt the price ollercd ictmncd
fiom Chlcnvo to-day. He says ho would
havn got out even , 11 no had not had one steer
Among these having cattle on the market
were the following : Veiiclo Knspor , Weston -
ton ; F. M. .lelliey , Osceola ; J. K. llouser ,
Wayne ; Kll McMullen , Vllllscr. ; ( \ W.
Swiiii ! < oii , llepbuin , la. ; Taltmulgo iV lix-
son , Kmerson.
On the nmiket with hogs : Dnrsoy Hros , ,
Davis , IewiltThomas ) : I ) . liIerU. ) ! ; llutch-
Inson , Kepublican ; 11. Ford , Itriimlield ; F. J.
Toohill. O'Neill : .John Wiggins , Duncan ;
StuattitT. , l.inncbro ) { ; W. K. Smith , St.
Paul : Hipp AL. . . Humphreys : F. H. Uerrnrd ,
Lost Creek ; Wallers llros. , Hopkins , Alo. ;
Arbuckle&Co. , Vlllisca ; .Myeis , H. V : Co. ,
Cirlswoltl , hi.
CJencral Prnilucp.
Thuisday , Jan. 20.
Tltcfollowlim ; > rcrsarc for roxmos / n/
jinulnir , ( is xolil oil the in < tit\cl lo-il < ty. ' /Vic
liUiitatloiix on fnittt rcjntyifnt tlic prices ill
ir/i/c/i / / / o ( * . / < ? c uitlcm tuc lillal.
Koi . The market continues about
steady. The bulk of the receipts ate soiling
at S3ta24f ! , while home strictly liesh stock is
HfTTint. The bulk of the best countrv
butter is selling at KiwlSe with a tew roles ot
e.xtin choice stock at l tiO-Oc ; fair to good. 15
( glO ; common , 10l2Uc.
Cini'.si : Fiillcreain Cheddars , sleclit : ; e ;
lull creniu llatstwiusiKc : ! ; young American ,
He ; fancy Swiss , l4Mir > ; Swiss , Impoited ,
SMo ; Limburger. 13e : bickl4iiir .
Poi'LTiiY 'Iho market is Hooded with
turkeys , nnd the choicest stock is selling at
7C'tbc. Chickens are In fair leijuest atVui'sc.
( ieeso and duck , C't'-'c. '
G.V.MI : Deer , antelope , prairie chickens
and ( mail are out of season , butas the law has
never been enforced they are still totiiul In the
mnritc't. Deer and nntelopn saddles , per
Ih. Sivi'Jc ; carras-s , 0@0e ; jack rabbits , per doz ,
S3.00small ; labblK 00jiXi ( ( ) ; : pialrlc chickens.
per do3.50 ; quail , do , SI. 25 ; snipe and
plover , do , S1.25 : geot > o. do , S3.00 , ducks : mal
lard , per doz , S2.'ir-T2.50 ; tc-tl. do , 81.50 ;
mixed , do , S1.MM2.00 ; brants , do , S2.00.
VKOBTAiir.Kb Sweet jKitatocs. F'y , ler-
sovs , peril ) . . 4c : rutabaca.s , per bbl. , S2.00 ;
carrots. S2.00 ; white turnips , per bbl. , 5:2.00 :
parsniits , per bbl. , S2.00 ; beets , per bbl. ,
S2.00 ; cabbages , per lb.tKe. :
CnMiitv The market is steady. Choice
stock per doK5c : extra large , per doj,40c. :
OVSTHIIS Aledliuns , 20c ; standards , SJ'-c :
selects , 30 ; extra selects , 35c ; N. V. counts ,
40c.CKANHKIIIUKS Capo Cod , fancv , per bbl ,
S12.00 ; bell and bugle , per bbl , 810.00.
KANANAH linnnnas , > ello\v , ] > or bunch ,
S2.00@2.25 ; bananas , yellow , laigc , pci bunch ,
5'J.50f ? ( 3.5C' ' .
LEMONS .Mcsslnn , per box SO.OO.
OitA.Nii > Florida , choice , 150ft240 to box
S5.00 ; do. 5 box lots , S4.75 ; Valencia , per
case. SS.50 , Calitornia Hiverbide , pes box ,
Q J Vf
* '
MA'ri.r. SroAn Strictly pure. 50 Ib boxes ,
per It ) , 15e ; choice 5c bricks , 25 Ib boxes , per
Ib , 12e ; choice p.'imy caltcs. 25 Ib boxes , per
] b. 12Xc.
Pitovisio.NS-Hnm , sugar-cured ,
breakfast baeon. .siuar. cured , bonel
sliouiders , Oo ; clear side bacon , 80 : dry sal
, ,
Hour , bestiiialitv ] patent , 82.75 ; ( .eeond iiual-
Itv , S2.2Xii2.lX ) : best nuallty ainnu' ) wlieat
Hour , patent. S2.0@2.70 ( ! ; W. J. Welshan's
buckwheat lloiir , per bbl , SO.OO ; do. doub o
sacks , S3.00 per hundred ; W. J. Welshan's
No. 1 , ready raised , forty 214 Ib packair.cs In
case , S4.50 ; do , twenty 5 II ) packages in case ,
S4.50 ; bran , 70c per cwt : chopped teed , 75c per
cwt ; white- corn meal , .WcQSl.OO ; yellow corn
meal. 80&iWe ! per cwt ; scieeniiiL' . 5075c per
cwt ; hominy , St. 50 : shoits , 70c jicr cwt ;
gialmm , SI. 75 ; hay , In bales , S7.00perton.
Grocer * ' r < l t.
PinKi.ns Medium , In bbls , 50.50 ; do , In
half bbls , 83.75 ; small , In bbls. 87.50 ; do , in
halt bbls. S4.2.V cghrklns , In bbls , StJ.50cdo ; ,
in half bbls. S4.75.
SVIIUP No. 70 , 4-gallon krgs , 81.20@1.25 ;
Nnw Orleans pcrcallon 3b ( 4Gc ; maple syrup ,
halt bbls. "old time , " per gallon , 70" i gal-
Ion cans , ner doz , 810.00 ; half gallon cans ,
pcrdo ? . 85.50 ; quart cans , Sli.0u.
STANCH Mirror glass. 1 Ib , Co ; mirror , a Ib , 55fo : mirror gloss , Gib , OJic ;
Ci raves corn , 1 fb.OHo ; Kingsford's corn , 1 ID ,
7o ; Klnesforii'a gloss , 1 Ib. 7c ; Kingsford's
doss , Olb , 7Ko ; Klngsford'a pure , 31b , 7 fc ;
Klngsfordsbulk , 4c.
CANNED CiooDS-Oystcrs.standard.pcrcaso ,
5H.lBOi73.U5 ; strawberries , 2 Ib. per case. 32.20 ;
raspberries. 2 Ib , per case , 82.20 ; California
pears , per case , 84.50 ; apricots , pcrcasj ;
S4.GOpeaches , per case , S5.00 ; white cher
ries , per case , 30.00 ; plums , per case , JTJ.05 ,
blueberries per case , 81.b5 ; e'e plums , 2 Ib
per case , S2.50 ; pineapples , 2 Ib , per cnso ; 1 Ib mackerel , per doz , 81.40 ;
1 ID biilmon , per do81,50(31. ( . 5' > ; 2 Hi goose ,
berries , per case , 81.75 ; 2 Ib string beans , per
case , 51.70 ; 2 Ib lima beans , per case , 81.00 ;
2 Ib marrow fat pens , porcaso. ; 2 Ib
early Juno peas , per case. 82.75 ; 3 Ib toma
toes. J.UOfiW.SOB ib.coin S2.10@2.25.
DniEi ) Fni'iT > 'o. 1 quarter apples ,
Oc ; in evaporated boxed , 12K@l3u ; blqck'-
bcrrles. boxes , ll@UKc ; peaches , Salt Lake ,
18bO , I0@ioi6c ; penclies , evaporated. ! 5 } < c :
17c ; jaspbcrHes now , 23c ; curicnts , 7@7 > < i
prunes , new. OVWKc.
SuoAits Powderea , 7c ; cut loaf ,
S Ordinary grades ,
; prime. lfi < QiOo ; cholco ,
fancy grnen nnd yellow , 10 ( < l7c : old cov-
ernment Java , 'JOM2Co ; interior Java , 10K ©
2c ) : Mocha , SSfaUJc : Arbuckle's roasted
20' ' c ; McLaughlln's XXXX rotsed , 20j4c ;
Dilworth's,20c : Rod Cross. 20'4e. '
MATCiiES-Per caddie. 23c ; square cases ,
51.70 : mule square , 31.20 ,
( U.vnv Mixed. U UW stick. 8 ? @ 9 c.
CitACKEiis-Ciarniiaii's soda , butter nnd
picnic. s c crtatns.bKc ; ginger snaps , 8 > $ c ;
ciiy soditf - ' >
, bOAi's Kirk s snvon Imperial , S2.70 ;
Kirk s satinet. 53.00 ; Kirk s standard , 83.05 ;
Kirk's whlto Russian. SJ.OO ; Kirk's white-
cap. 80.50 ; dome , S3.b5 ; washboard , 53.10 ;
Whltq cloud. 53.75.
General MArknts.
HIDES Green butchers , 5 } @ 0c ; geccn
cured. ? c : drv tilnt. llt U'c ; dry salt. OGtlOc ;
creen calf skins , Offl'j' c ; damaged hides ,
two-thirds price. Tallow JJ c. < 5rease I
Prime whlto , 3s < c : yellow.2ifc ; brown , lf *
Sheep Pelts. 25&75c.
HABUWAHE Iron , rate 52J05 ;
plowstcclspeclrtlcast.4'c ; < niclbestcclOKc ! ;
cast tools , do. liaise ; \\aiton spoktS per set ,
S2.00c < i3.'X ) ; hubs , per set , Sl.'W : telloes.
tawalilrr , Sl.50 ; tonftues , each , BOc ;
S4.00Uurden'8 ; mule shoes. $ V50. IlarbtM
wire. In c r lots , 84.03 wr 100 Ibs. Nails ,
rates , 10 to 50 , 82.50 ; steel nails S3.G5frt2.7S.
Shot , 81.03 ; buckshot , { oriental powder ,
kegs , 82.50 ; do. half kegs , S2.00 : do. quarter
kegs , 81.50 : blasting keg , 82.30 ! fuse , per 10
ct.G5c. Lend bar , 816
\Ait.N-isiiEP-liairels , per gallon : nirnl-
ture , extra , 81.10 ; furniture. No. 1 , 81.00 ;
coach o.xtra , 81.10 ; coach , No. 1,91.20 : Da-
mar , extra , $1.75 ! Japan , 70c ; a plinltuin ,
extra & ' ) c : shellac , S3.M ; hard oil tinish ,
SrintTs Colozno spirits , 1S3 proof , 81.17 ;
do 1C1 proof. S1.1S ; spirits , second quality ,
101 proof. 81.17 : do IbS proof. 51.10 Alcoliol.
IbS proot , S2.20 per wine trnllon. Uedlstllled
whiskies , 81.OOviU.50. ( lln. blended , si.5o ; $
R.OO ; Kenttickv bourbons , S2.oo 0.00 ; Ken
tucky and Pennsylvania ryes , ;
( lolden Slieaf bourbon and rye whiskies ,
Sl.Vgsoo. ) ( Urniulles , Imported , S5.00iys.50 :
domestic , 81.SOviJ3.oo. ( Sins , Imported , 84.50
( < ? 0.iX ) ; domestic , 81.25 ( 3.00. Champagnes ,
Imported. Per ca e , 828.001333.00 ; American ,
perca n.S10.00yJ10.00
l'AiN > IN OtiWhlto lend. Omaha , ! ' . P. ,
7Kc ; wluto lead , St. Louis , pure. 87,75 ; Mar-
pelllcs green. I to 5 Ib cans , 2c ; Frcncn zinc ,
crcen seal , 12o ; French zinc , red seal , lie ;
French zinc. In varnish nsbt. 20c : French
7lnc. 75c : vermllllon , Kiit-llsli , In oil , 75c ;
chrome yellow , K , I'-'c ; ochto , rochelle , 3c ;
ochre. Kieneh , 2c ; ochre , American ,
l"ic ; Winter's mineral. 2 0 ; Lehlgh blown ,
2 c ; Spanish brown , 2Kc ; I'rlnco's mineral ,
! ) C ,
Diiv PAINTS While lead , Sc : French sine ,
12c : 1'nrli whiting , 2ke ; whiting , tllders
" } { whiting \ , com'l , I'jc ; lampblack , tier-
manstown , I2e ; lampblack , oidinary. t > o ;
Prussian bltie,5.cullramarlne ; , Ife ; vandy kr
brown , 8c ; umber , burnt. 4c ; umber , raw , 4o
sienna , burnt , 4c : siennn , raw , 4o ; Pane
gieen , ireuulno. 2T > e. Paris green , com
mon , 220 ; chrome green , N. Y. , 20o ;
vermllllon American , l c ; innian
raw and burnt umber , 1 n > can * , I2c ; raw and
burnt sienna , 12n : vandyke brown , te : ! : re-
tined lampblack I2c- coach black and Ivory
black , lOc ; drop black. lOc ; Prussian blue ,
40c : ultramarine black. 18c ; chrome irrpen.L. ,
M. & 1) . , lOc ; blind r.nd shutter green , L. , M.
it D , , IGc ; Pans green , ISo ; Indian red , I5c ;
Venetian red , flp ; Tuscan , 22c ; American
\eniiilllon , L. & D. , 20c ; yellow ochre , 2c ; L.
M. > te O. D. , l c ; L'ood oclire. lOo : nnten
drver , So ; ixralnlng color , light oaK , dnrk oak ,
wnlnut. chestnut nnd nbh. 12c.
DIIUOSAND MIEMICAI.S. Acid , carbolic ,
S2C ; nclil , tartarlc , 5'io ; balsam cojialbn , per
" > , ' .Oc : liark sassafras , per Ib , 10e ; calomel ,
per Ib , 7c ! ? , chlnchonldla , per oz , 40c ; chloro-
iorm , per U ) , 4'-c : Dover's powders , per Ib ,
S1.25epsotn ; salts , per Ib , } { c ; glyceilno ,
pure , peril ) , lltlc ; lead , acetate , per tb. 21c ;
oil , castor , No. 1 , per gftl. , S1.6Uc ; oil castor ,
No. 2 , per gal. , 81-40 ; oil olive , per gnl. , 81.40 ;
oil orlL'niuium , 50c ; opium , $3.20 : nuinine ,
P. A W. nnd K. * S , , per oz. 70c ; potassium
Iodide , per tb , 82.75 ; sallcin. per oz , 40c ; sulphate -
phato morphine , per oS2. . ( > 5 ; sulphur , per
ll > ,4c ; strychnlno. neroz. 81.20.
I'Tus ' AND aiiixs The tollowing prices
aic for prime , well handled skins : Heaver ,
prime , clean per pound. S1.50@3.00 ; fall , 81.2 , ' )
5,2.00 ; meaty and Inferior. S1.00@l.25. Hear ,
tirown and grizzly. 55OOfiTS.oO ; cubs nnd
.venrltniM. Si.OO 4.fJO. Ilntlgcr. WJfSfiOc. Cat ,
wild , 20@40c ; domesitic , black. lUtjgl.'ic ; do
mestic , .sundry colors , 5@sc. Fox. red , Sl.(0 (
M1.25 : cross , S2.00@4.00 ; greylOgMc ; silver.
SIO.OL' ® 10.00. Fisher. 54.00 " 0.00. OttcrS4.00
( < ? 0.00. Martin , 81.006jil.7S. Mus-krat , win
ter , huge , lUc : fall , 5c ; kitts , le. Mink , lame ,
dark , : t510c ( ; .small and pale , 1520c. Jtnc-
rnon. laige prime , 40gi50c ; .small and Inferior ,
20fT'iOe. Sl > unk , common , 15'i25c. Wolf ,
largo giey. 81.60 2.50 ; coyote or prairie , 76 ®
OOc. Doer nnd nntelopo , winter , pound
13c ; full and summer , jier pound , 20c.
Dry Lntnoor.
No. 1 Cora. s. L s. 12,14 and 10 ft 517.50
No.2 " 12 , MandlOft 14.75
No.3 " " 12,14 and 10 it 13.50
No. * " " 12 Handle ft 12.00
12 ft n ft 10 ft ta ft 20 rt n a ft
2x4 ' 16.50 16.60 in.w 17.00 18.0021.00 21.00
2x 10.50 10. I0.5U 17.00 IH.OO'2-.MK ' ) J.OO
2x8 10.W ) 10.50 18.50 17.00 ] ( Mn.S1.00 ! 21.00
2x10. 1(1.50 ( 10.&U 17.CIO i8.oo 22.00 sawn
2x12. 10.50 IO.M 17.00 18.00l22.00 , 2-J.OO
4X1-KX8. IC.Mt i nnn 17.00 18.002000120 00
1st com. , J4'in White Pine. Partition. . . . 833.00
2d " " " " . . . . 27.50
2 < 1 Com. ? in. Norway Pine Celling. . . . 14.00
No. 1 , 4&0 Inch , 13 and 14 ft. , rough. . . 517.0J
No. 2 , 4 & 0 Inch. 12 and 14 ft , , rough. . . 14.00
A 12 Inch. s. Is. 40C . 830.00
It 12 Inch " " 421) . 23.50
No. 1 , com. 12 In. , s. 1 s. . 10. 18 & 20 ft. . . 21.00
No.2. " " " . . 18.50
No.2 , " " ' 12 it M ft . 17.00
" " " 10ft . 10.00
snip LAF.
No. 1. plaln.Sand 10 inch . 817.50
No. 2 , plain , 8 nnd 10 inch . 15.50
Posrs White Cedar , 0 In. , Xs , 12c ; 8 In.
rs. , ujjfq. _
OF riiU
Chicap.MilwaukeefiSiPaulR'y . '
Chlcaflro , AND Milwaukee ,
tit. Paul , Minneapolis , Cedar Runidi ,
Cliiitoo , Dubuque , Davenport ,
Eock Island.Frccport , Bockford ,
Elgin , Madlsou , Janesvilio ,
Ucloit , Winona , La Croasc ,
And all other ImpoitHnt polnti Kail , Norlbeail
und Southeast
For through tloketi call on tbo Tiokot A oa
At 1401 Karnam street ( In I'axton Hotel ) , or
Union V cIUo Depot.
Pullman Bloopers and tbo finest Dining Cart
In tha world are run on the inaJu llneioftlio
and ererjr attention li paid to paiseogeri (17 (
cx > urt oni eraplojei of the company.
li , MU.I.KU , General Jlnanuor.
) . Y. TUCKKH , AssUtant General Mananr.
A , V , H. CAHi'KNTrii , Oonoral rass nu r ud
Ticket Agent.
OEO. K. JluArronn , Auslstant General Pajsao-
Kir and Ticket Attont
J. T. CAiitc , General Superintendent.
Ask your rclnncr for tup JnmcsMcans , S3 Shoe
Caution ! Homo UenJorp recommend In Infei lor
iooils In order to maHu A InrKer pro lit. This la
ttio OHKJINAI , * 3 Shoo Duwnrool Imitations
\Uilcti acknowledge tljHr own Inleiiority by at *
tempting to build upon the rcpuliition of the
None genuine unless bearing this Stamp ,
For Gentlemen , ti O CIT/tX1 !
< ptS dXj.\JJu
Made la1 nuttnn , Cnncreis And
celled 111 1)1 liAiiiiirv'CO > IIIIIT
und AcrrAn\NCE. A | i < mtul ainl
I'Dl tou will bring yuu Inror-
unllon bow to ft Ililu Shoo In
utj Ute or Territory ,
J. .lleiim Ac. Co. ,
1 Lincoln Street ,
Iloston ,
Our relcbrHUd factory produces n Inrpcr
quimtlty offcliouBot ILib griulo than any other
tnctory in the world lliou and nho wt-nr
thorn will tell you tlio rmeon If yuu usk them
.MMI.b MHAS'h' V SIIOK lor 1JO)8 it unup-
preached In Durability
Kull lines nf l he above Shoes for talc br
1.1 : A i ) i \ n i : T A 11. iJ K s
Nebraska Land Agency
General dealers in real estate and real es
tate mortgage , 1505 Farnam t.Omaha
Arrive I ] < ra\o'
Uninlm | Utnnlia
Depot 10th and Pierce sis.
Pncllic Express 7:50 : nm SM : pm
Denver Kxpress. . . > : 0 pm.lOiwo am
'Local Express 11:00 : am 5:05 : pm
Except Sunday.
H. * M. 11. II K.
Depot loth ami Pacific sts.
Mall am ) Express B :45 : pm 10:00 : am
NUlit Express 7:45 : pm
Lincoln S:53pm : : & > am
0. . * Q. H. U.
Depot lOlh ami IVIIlc sts.
Mall and Expats 0:20 : am f > :00 : pin
Clilcaco Express TUOum U:20 : am
K. C. St. J. A C. .
Depot 30th and 1'acllic sts.
Via I'latNmoulli TitOpm 0:50 : am
Lincoln Express ' :00nm : 18:45 : pm
Except Monday.
t Except Saturday.
( \ St. P. M. vt O.
Depot ISlli and Webster st.
Klnux City Exprt'83 SMS pm 8:1.1 : am
* Uaiiiioft : Accommodation 10:30 : am & :45 : pm
* E\i'ptt ) Sunday
Depot 15th and Wcustcrst
Day Kxpies * 11:10 : am
Niu'ht Express , 0:00 : pm1 0:10 : pm
Lincoln Express. . . . . . . . . tl.Vnm : ) 0:10 : pm
UNION STOCrfYAHDS Leave l.cavu
TKA1NS. US Y'ds , Omaha
Except btindav. ; 15am
Tiams IvavhiK U. P. t * 7:05am : , : : i5am
pot in Omnlia nt 10W : n. : : i5am
in. , 5:0.'i : p. m. and 8:4JO : p. Ii : : t0am :00am :
in. , mid these leftvlnq * 10 : Miun : .Vi am
rnlon stoclt vntds at tl:0ll : 00 pm
a , in. nnd 10:51 : n. m. arc ( )5pin )
tlnoiu'li passrncer trains : 05 pm
all ( itliersarclogular block
yaids dummy trains be 0l5pm : : ' . ' , " > pm
tween stock yards and :00i : > m
Umalia , : 'JO pm
I Leave I Leave
LT.P. HIUDOETKAINS. TransterJoinalin.
* E.xccpt Sunday. :1'J : am
tConnccts with S. C. & ; ir > am
P. at Council UlulTs. ; 5 am 8:00 : am
.iComicctswtthC1. R & : ! ' . ! inn j8)0am :
( J. , ( \ A : N.V. . , 0. M. A : : )7 ) am 10:00am :
Ht. P. , C. H. 1. & P. at :47 : am 11. 10 am
Council Hluirn. So pm 1:00 : pm
( streets.:1'J pm
U A P. at Council mutt's. . ' 17 pm
IConneclH with all oven- ; 37pm : i:00pm :
lui ; trains lor Chicago at ; M ) pm * 4:00pm :
( . 'ouncll HluiTs. Trains ; 4'J pm
loavn Omalm at Union :10 : pm
Pacific depot , 10th and ; 42 pm | 0lOpm :
Pierce streets. M pm 7UO : pm
:47 : pm 8 : 15pm
M pm 10:00 : pm
This limb is on the lat-
fcst improved plan. The
Beet , Lightest and Easiest
to manage and Ihe most
durable limb made. I
have had thirty-five years'
experience wearingman
ufacturing and adjusting.
Will give special rates
, Until March 1st. My
beet limb for § C5. Former price $100.
Circulars sent free.
611 N. 17th St. , Omaha , Nob.
Council Bluffs
And Chicago.
Th only road to take for Dei Molnes , Mar-
ihnlltown , CoJar Rapids , Clinton , Dixie , Ohlca *
f o , MllwBiilieo and nil points cast. To th people
ple of Nebraska , Colorado , W/omlnr , Utah ,
IdahoNevada , Orofrnn , Washington and Cali
fornia , It offora superior advantages not poiil-
ble by any ether line.
Among a few of the numerous points of lu-
perlorrtr enjoyed by the patrons of this road
botwcnn Omaha and Chlenro. are lt two tnilma
n day of DAY COACHES which are tlio tlnost
Uint hiirartn art and Ingenuity can create. Ill
FALACB BI.RBI'INO CA118 , which are mod U
of Ofimfort and elognnco , It * PA HIXJH DltAW.
INO ROOM CAHH , unBurnaiBndbr an/ , and III
widely e lehra ca PAI/ATIAL IININ(1 ) ( OAHB ,
theMual of which cnnnnt be found elMwhoro.
At Council llluffs the trnlmof the Union I'aol-
fie Rr. connect In Union Depot with thoKe of
the Chicago A Nnrthwcitorn Hy. In Cbloacro
the trains of this line rnuko close connection
with thone of nil eastern linns
For Detroit , rolumbui , IndlnnapollR , Clnoln-
natl , NlafHru Fulls. Iluffnlo , J'UtBljurfr. Toronto ,
Moiitrenr. Uoaton , Now York , Philadelphia , Hal-
tlmor * . WRihlnirton and nil r lnts In th enit ,
ask the ticket acent for tlcknlo via the
If you wish the host r.c'jommoJntloni. All
tlcknt nifontspoll tlckulB vmthls line.
M nrnuiTT. n. r. WILSON.
( Jcnornl ManflPcri "nnl. 1'nss'r Atront
c"lca0illl- |
l > WtbtciiiAtrt Ulty 1'iiu Aft
Artists' Material.
A. IfOSPE , JR. ,
Artists' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
1113 Douglas Mroet , Omaha.
Agricultural Implements ,
\Vholcsalo Dealer In
Agricultural ImpleinentH , Wapona ,
CarrmfC'i ) and llupiiles , Jones street , tttwotn Vtli
and lOtb.Onmha , Net ) .
Afirrlcultiiral Jiiilements ) ) ,
Wagon , Carrlarfc , lluggles , Ktc. , Wholesale , Omsha.
Jobbers of Hardware and Nails ,
Tinware , bheol Iron , Ktc. Agents for IIow hculoi ,
und illmul I'owderCo Ornulin.Ni-l > .
Wholesale Hardware.
Western airentt for JefTerton Hi'i'l Nails , Austli
Powder Co , } olrl > nnk btandsrd hralce. Corner
10th and Ilaruer. Omaha.
Wllolctale Healer * In
AjrrlciUinral IntpletnentB ,
iVagOni and llunglcs. ' .01. 'M , W5 and ' .07. Jojaes st
Butier and Eggs.
Buyers of Hut tor niul Epjfs.
RefrlirerMfir ami 1'noMng House. Itth nnd l.tattn-
* cr i St. , r r. It. It. TrauH , Omaha.
Builders' Hardware and Scales.
Buildcrs'Hanlwnro AScalo llopnir Shop
Mechanics' Tools Add Iluff Ui Solo. KM Douiiliis sU ,
v Omohn , Nob.
Boots and Shoes.
t .v HANDis is ir
llntiufnctiircrs n < l Wholctnlo JJflalers In
Hoot H and Shoes ,
CotnplMo flock of Itubh.r floods 1w ji on hand
SOU S. IStbst. , Oninliit , f < tt > . A T , Auilln , Aitont.
w. r. MORSE < e co.
Jobbers of Boots and Slices.
1411 I'arnam t , Omaha , Nb. Mnnufaclory , Summer
street. lloMon.
Wholemile Itttbbor HootM and Shoo s.
flub audOlloJ Clothing anil foil lloots , South
KnilCorncrlUM niul Duuxlns.
Apt. for Anheuser-Hush BrewhiR1 Ass'n
Special ltr ml . K.i lIlmwpl | crnnd Krliineer.
Iiacrer Heer Brewers ,
Vat North l th Street , Omiitia , Neb.
Butchers' Tools.
or/.V HELLER ,
Butchers' Tools and Supplies ,
! au ncc ( 'using ) of nil klmN nlirajj In Block. 1215
Jones Ft.UiJiihn
Building Material ,
Dcalorln All Kindt of
iiuildluir Material at Wholesale.
18th Street mid Union t'ncltlo Truck , Omiilm.
Coffee , Spices. Etc.
CLA jTifiTJuiosry co. ,
Omaha Coffco and Splro Mills.
Tom.OofleOii.Splee * . linking Powder. FlnvoilnitlC-
tract * , 1-AunirY Illuo. Ink , ICie. 1I1MO -
StreetOmaha , Nab.
Homo Coflt-e. nnd Splc.o Mills M'f'ar Co.
Coffco Hoislcrs and Pplim OrlnUori , Manafai'turcra
of llaklnc I'owdcr. KltvorlriK Kttrnrt , lllnlnn .
Try OBO can of our ! rackngo Home Uleud llo
OotTee. IiODUonurd rt. , ( ) mnh . Nfb.
John Eponctcr , Prop.
Manufacturer of Onlvnnltrd Iron and Cornice.
Itodgeaud 103 and 10& N , 10th nU , Omaha , Mrb.
Mnnnfacturcm of
Ornamental Galvanized Cornices ,
Dormer Windows , Klna'r.MotallcbkyllKht.ctv. 310S.
12111 ft. , Ouiaha.
C. Spccht , Troj ) .
Oalvanlied Iron Cornices , etc. fliii-rt'r Improved 1 > B
cut MctnllcJ-kyllelit. U undMO S. r.'tli M.iiiulm. )
: T co. ,
JobberK of
Carpets , Curtains , Oil Cloths ,
I.lnolpiunn , MattlngB , Ktc. 1511 nouilai
A' . A. OltCJfAltl ) ,
Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths ,
MtUlngfl , Curtain Goods , Ktc. 1113 Karnam btrcet ,
Oniaba , Neb.
Crockery and Notions.
Agent for the Manufacturers and Import era of
Crockery , Glassware ,
Lamps , Chimneys , etc. Office , 317 South 13th at.
Omaha , Nob.
Commission and Storage.
Commission and Jobbing.
Duller. Eggsnnd Produce. Coinlcr.menis solicited.
Ueadquiirtcn for Htoneware , Jlerry lloxes nnd
lirnpo lli > sk u. 1(11 DodfCBtruct , Omalm.
Commission Merchants.
Fruits , Produce and rrnvlilons , Omaha , Neb.
w. E. itrnnELL ,
Storage and Commission Merchant.
Bpeclaltlrs lliittor. Km * . Cbecso , Poultry , ( iiime ,
Oj-Btere , Ktc. . itc. 113 South iltli Direct.
Prodnco Commission Merchants ,
Poultry , llutUT , Gnmc , Kinlli , etc. 0 ti. HtUet
Oiniihn , Neb ,
Coal antLime. .
'i\ MILESTONE CO . , " " *
Dealers In
Hard and Soft Coal ,
Office and yard , 1Mb and Nlcholn * sin. , Omaha , Nob.
Varrt Telephone , M7.
Oao. F. IjAnAnn.Prrt. r. P. aoonwAN , V. Pre § .
J. A. Hl'NliKltl.AKD , Hoc. nnd Treas.
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Con I ,
209 Pontli Thirteenth Strret , Omaha , Neb.
, T. , T. JOHNSON P CO. ,
ManufuctnrcrR of Illinois White. Lime.
And Shippers of Coal and Coke , Ceniont , I'Uater ,
Umo , Hair. Mre llrlck , Drnln. Tile and Sewer Pipe ,
( inico , IMiton Hotel. Fanmm > t. , Omnha , N b.
> . p. FAY M CO. ,
Mannfactiirlnpr Confectioners ,
Jobbers of Kull , Nuts and Clgaie. 1211 Kurimm BU
Omaha ,
Cigars and Tobacco.
" " " ' '
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobacco ,
Ouns unit Ammunition , 215 to 221 P. llth St. , I02Q to
m < Karnam St..OmahaNeb.
Manufacturers of Fine Cigars ,
And Wholesale DcuUirs In Leaf Tobaccos , Nos.108
and HON. 14th alri'rt , Omaha.
S'llole8aln I > pnlor In
Cigars , Tobaccos , Pipes and Smokers
Agents for D. LeMonlorf 4. Co. , Kino-Out and Smok
nrTobaouni , Mllwaukae , Wisconsin. No.lU
c = t NorttiSliteeatbStraot , Omtha , Nob.
Dry Goods.
M. K. HMITIF < t > CO , ,
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods & Notions
11(13 ( and 1104 Dou/las , cor. llth HI. , Omaha , Nob.
Distillers ,
Distillers of Liquors , Alcohol and Pplrlts. Importcro
and Jobbers of VVInovnil Liquors.
CO. and JLlUlt l > CO. ,
Importers and Jobborc of Fine Wines and Manors.
bolKmanufdOlurtmof ICeuiiPdjr'ii Kait India lilt-
UTS Riul Domes'lo l.l < iunri > . 1)12 ) Harncr M ,
Drain Tile , Etc.
A. II.SAI m I'rrs l.W IlEnronn.Hcc.&Tfoas
II. J.C'AnFoN. V.l'rei.nndbupt.
Tin : ir y / o y n YD it A ULIC
Office 21 } P llth Ft. Omaha. Neb. M-ichlncrranC >
fur Munufnciurliirf Ccmeni liruln Tile.
Furniture ,
Wholesale DfaU-iB in Furniture ,
Furnam St. , Omaha , Neb.
Furniture , Bedding , Upholstery ,
Mlrrors.ctc. 120tj , 1203 and 1310 Furnsm. t. , Ornuba.
* " ( JDV
PAXTON , GALLAGJtuir.p co.t
Wholesale Oroccrlos ntid Vrovislons ,
Kc . TW.707TOPnmltll S. 10th M.Omnhi. N b.
MCCOmy , jtRADY.t : co , ,
Wholesale Grocers ,
Uln nmt t.csTenwortli fU.Ora m.
Hcnvy Hardware , Iron ami Steel ,
ifoii Stork , ltrdn r < i Lumber , rtc. 1K
* ml lilt turner M. ,
Wholesale Iron niul Steel ,
Wucon rid 0 rrl o Wood Stock , llcnr
Ktc. 151 ? nnd 1310 Lcnvcniturth ft.Onrr , Nob.
Stoves , llntige ! * , Kumnees , Tiled ,
Uantlcf , < ; f t , UrntsUrxHK 1,31 mid 133.1
Iron Works.
Iron Works ,
WroMcht nm\ Oust Iron iliillilltm Work , Iron Pt lr ,
Itnlllui : , llmni * nnil ( llnlrri. Mpnm Kiiplne * . llrM
WotX , ( lim > rnl Foiiinlrr , Mrrhlno nml ll'ncUtmiU
\fot * . omrc nnJ Works , t' . I * . lly.mullttli Mieet.
I' . 11. MiMANUS. { M'1.1 IVAN.
Miimifictiiri'rs of
Wire and Iron Kailliujs , Desk Unite ,
Window ennui * . flower SlnmKVlro lens , Ktc.
V N OMPM lij niMI | ironiitlr | nUi'mloil Hi.
Dealer In Lumber. Lath , Ijtnie , Sasli ,
Doors , Ulo. Ynnlii-Corner "III nm ! Poiinlnsi Corner
' . 'III niul Dm
Wholesale Lumber ,
Bll S. lull Urccl.Omnlin..Vcli. f . ( 'olnclicr. Manager.
C. N. D1ETX ,
13th i nd California Mrocti , Omaba , Nrb.
Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc.
Cor.Oth and Douglas sts. , Omaha , No' ) ,
To Dealers Only.
Office , 1(03 Farnam streetOmahn.
Hardwood Lumber ,
Wood Cnrpats and I'arquet Flooring. 9th and Donilaf
"Wholesale Lumber , Ete.
Imported and American 1'ortlnnd Cement. Btata
Auvnt forMllnauken llrdraullc Ccuicul und Host
( Julncy While Lime.
Live Stock.
Of Omaha.
Limited. John F. Boyd , B'lperintcndont ,
LJvt Stock Commission.
Live Stock Commission.
( loo. Ilutke , MannKor
Union Stock Yards , S. Omiiha , Telephone 6BJ.
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
Shipments of nny nnd all klnda of Stork polloltcd.
Union Stock \ardii. Oumhn , NcU
Millinery and Notions.
Importers and Jobbers of
Millinery anil Notions ,
121.1 nnil 15151 Inrnoy Pt. cct , Omahn , Neb.
Are the only Direct Importers of
German & French Toys & Fancy Oootls
In Ncliniskn. Chlcnvo iirlccn < lunllcnt d without mid *
Ing freight. 1(15 bHrniiin Hlrcet , Onmlm.
Wliolcenlo Donlcrs In
Notions and Fiirninliliip ; Gootls ,
Ml nnil 4CI5 S. Tenth Mt. , ( imuln.
Jobbcrn In
Notions , Hosiery and ( Jcnts1 Furnishing
( JoodH.
inorand 100S Karnain nt .Omaha , Nob. l
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Jeans I'linU , HhlrtB , Ktc , lien and 1101 Douiliis Strcot.
Oiniihn , Neb.
Paper Boxes
, T. L. WILKIE ,
Mniiiifactiirer of Paper Hoxcs ,
69.11th HI. , Omiih n , Nobnmkn , Orders l > r luallsa
llcltudund Hill recelre prompt ntluntlon.
Job Printers , Blank Hook Makers ,
Aod Hook lllndrra. UK ) and 10H Kouth 1'ouiteootb
street. Omaha , Neb ,
Auxiliary Publishers.
Dealers In Trpo. rro es and I'rlnters' Supplies. Kfi
Wholesale * Pumiis , Pipe , FlttiiiffS ,
Bteamand Water Kunpllos llrndiiunrtcrs fur Malt
KoostCo'iKioixU. nil l''nruani n , ( Iniulm , Neb.
Pumps , Pipes and Engines ,
Btcuin.Viitcr , llallvtay und Mllllnu Kupiilles. KW ,
i30 , iC.'und ic't ' l-Hrnuiii m. , Oniiili.i , Neb.
f/TS. WINJ * Ttf < 17NE and PUM1 *
Unlladny Wlml Mlllii rtcnni and \VMor Hupnlloi ,
Vlumblniloi > d > , HoltliiK , I line. IMS nnil VM tut-
naui St. , Omaha , H. K. Feltnn , Munuucr ,
Ucluplinno No , VIU ,
Safes , Etc.
Afifonts for Hairs Hnfo k Lock Co.s'
Flro and HIIIK'SF Proof Knfos , Tlmo Ix > cki , Vaultl
jandJallVor . llrtl Fnrimm Hreei Onmbii , Neb.
Omalia Kafo Works.
Manufacturemof Fire and llurclnr rrnofHnfrs , Vnull
Juor , J.illVi > rkMliuticr uml Wlru Work , Cor.
Hill ami Jackson Kl . , Oiuitlm , Neb ,
Josh , Doors , Etc. "
Wlioloala Manufacturers of
Snail , Dooi'H , ItlindH niul Mouldings ,
Ilranch officeiilU na liarO tit..Oraahs , . eb.
G. F , I A'MA N ,
SitHh , Door , Jilliiiln , MouIilInpfH ,
Dulldlntr I'aper , vie , IU01 Suulli Tlilrtuunth KtroeL
' i.K'ib , Acniupli-iu totkut Uulliler * '
Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
lulr\Yorknml InU'rlor Hard Wood Klnlih
U. N. 1 ! ( or. Btli nnd lCttVCU oilUHtB ,
Omaliu , Ncb.
Wagons and Carriages.
Tlio Leading Uurriugo Factory ,
( KKIAIll ISIICIl K'i8. )
KCI9 iiixl 1111 Doilk'u tltccl , Omulm.