THE OMAHA SIXTEENTH YEAE. OMAHA , FRIDAY ftlORNIKG , JANUAKY 21 , 1887. NUMBER 217. GONE INTO CAUCUS. Republican Tricnds and Foes of Van Wyck Begin the Great Battle. STRUGGLING FOR SUPREMACY. The Old Han Leads All Competitors in tbo Number of Votes , NO ONE SECURES A MAJORITY. Ballot After Ballot Taken Without Any Definite Result. EXCITEMENT RULES THE HOUR. A Resolution Tallied to Hold the Choice for Senator Over To day A Secret Uallot De feated The News Upto-1 A.M. The StniBcIc In Caucus. LINCOLN , Neb. , Jan. SO. ( Special Tele gram to the Uii.J : : At midnight the Van Wck forces , forty-four strong , proceeded from their hall on Twelfth street to Masonic temple and went Into caucus with the anti- Van Wyck republicans. The whole evening had been occupied In conferences between committees from both wings. The final determination was , as It is un derstood , that the Van Wyck men vent Into caucus under no conditions , neither asking nor consenting to any restric tions upon a full fair and fieo expression of the will of the majority of the republicans In caucus , and only demanding that the vote on nomination should be viva voce and recorded , At this hour ( t2Xa. : ! ) in. ) a crowd of fully 200 men Is gathered In Masonic hall while the caucus Is In session In the ledge room. No one except members and candidates were admitted to the caucus. The Van Wjck men are very strongly organized , and the fact that they are all reunited has given ex traordinary strength to the belief that they will neither bo outgeneraled nor out voted. rillST fATCL'S IIAI.I.OT. 1:30 : a. m. The first balllt on joint caucus Is just now announced as follows : Van Wjck 44 Weaver IK I'addock 10 Cobb 9 Thurston G Scatteilm : 5 Firm iiALi.oT 2:20 : A. M. Van Wyck 38 I'addock 22 Weaver 10 Cobb 5 Balance scattering. The second , third and fourth ballots could not be learned. - HIXTIl llAI.LOf 2:30 : A. M. Van Wvck 42 I'nildock 20 Weaver 10 Cobb 7 Thurstou 1 A motion to adjourn was tirst (2 ( a. m. ) voted down and another ballot ordered. HKVKNTII Il.VLLOT 2:15 : A. M. Van Wck v 40 J'nddocK 22 Weaver 18 Cobb 8 Thayer B Scattering 0 lUOHTlI IIAI.I.OT 3 A. M. Van Wyck 40 Weaver. 19 Cobb V 10 Laird 2 1'addocK 2. ) Scattering 1 A resolution was then Introduced to the effect that If no nomination bo made bcforo adjournment of the caucus , no election of a United States senator will bo made to-day. A hot debate ensued and Caldwcll Is now (3:10 ( : a. m ) speaking. Robblns Is replying to Ualdwell In n con- vlncinir argument. 3:15 : a. m. The resolution has Just been tabled and Dempster has just made a motion that after another tilal vote a secret ballot shall bo taken. NINTH IIAI.I.OT 3:20 : A. M. VanWck 40 Cobb 4 Weaver 21 I'addock 17 Laird Thin ston 10 Whltmorels In the chair. A motion to adjourn at-i a. m. was lost. TINTH : IIAI.I.OT 3:30 : A. M. Van Wyck Weaver I'addock I'lmrston Cobb Thajer Majors , The motion for a secret ballot was lost , iwii.Krit : IIAI.I.OT I A. M , A'an Wyck 38 AV'ea\or 1 I'addock 1M Cobb , 0 Jlailaii At this hour the caucus Is still balloting. of Vrste.rdny'H Ilallor. LINCOLN. Neb. , Jan. 20. [ Special Tele gram to the Iii.j ) : The following Is the re sult of the joint ballot taken at noon to-day tor United States senator : AMA.SA conn. The Joint Conrcntlon. LINCOLN , Neb. , Jan. 20 , [ Special Telegram to the Unn.J The house was called to order by Speaker Harlan at 11 o'clock and the scs- ionopened with prayer by the chaplain , ho uncertainty as to the place of holding ho Joint convention rcllescd the pics- lire up to 11:20 : , when the lloor , lobbies and ; allerles commenced to assume the ciowded ondition which characterized ye tcrday'.H esslon. As the roll was being called the tide ) f humanity grew and choked the pa age A ays both up the stairs and down. Stricter ibsetvanccs of the rules were made by the loor-kccpcr and no one obtained admission .0 the tloor of the house except those in the possession of an unquestioned passnort. The ijuestton as to the place of holdmz the olnt convention was decided by the house rotlng to remain tn Iho hall of rcprcsenta- Ivei. This was regarded as a significant ae on and wosconstrued by the A'an Wyck men o bo a irreat point In their favor. At 12:10 : came the announcement : "The mnorable , the senate of tlio state of Ne braska , " and the senators tiled In shoitlv afterward. It was some time before the sen ators could be provided with chairs , and an order bvLleutonaiit-Uovernor Shedd to tnat iflect was with diniciilty compiled with. iVhcn , at 12:15 : , the perspiring and wcdged-ln uass of men and women subsided Into quiet at the rap of the chairman's gavel , there was nearly as great u crowd as was to bo seen at he same hour yesterday. When the voting on the first joint ballot was completed , a hasty computation showed .hat General Van Wyck had iccelvedfiTvotes , or only 10 less than are nccessay for election , ihecrs broke out and were repeated twice over. When lioprescntatUc Smyth changed to Van Wyck , and when soon attcrward both lamblo and Schwab also changed from Munger to Van Wyck , and the vote for the icople's choice was swelled to CO , only 7 ess than needed , the enthusiasm became umnltuous , mid continuedforsomo minutes , lesplto the vigorous rapping of the chairman. Alter the roll-call ltepresentati\o Miller rose and said : "It was announced In the lousejesterday , In order to avoid confusion , hat there would bo given to those who dc- slied to do so a chance to change their \otes. Now , I cannot say that 1 desire ' : o change my vote to-day , but there may bo .hose who do desire to do .so , and in order Jiat every member of this convention may know the sense ot this oody , the course to bo [ iiir&ued should now be determined. " The chair : "I will state to the joint con vention that there is a misunderstanding as to thu statements of the chair yesteiday. Thn chair Is very positive , ( no\er more so in Ills life ) as to thn exact woids uttered , lie Is aware , however , that a lar o portion of the members misunderstood it , but without any Intention of dome an injustice to anv one. 1 think that in the list ot faults that has been charged to myself , never has that of falsehood been charged , and that the chair stands simply on the proposition that having in his own conscience positive knowledge as : o the words. " Having stated that 'act that ho could not In self i aspect and In right do otherwise than lie did , and lo-dav , In Older that the chair may bo fully understood In tlio matter , ho stated that it is the usual couiso of legislatures where only one or two desire to change their votes no confusion would arise and in a majority of legislatures , where there seems to bo quite a largo number rising and desiring to chance their votes , it in Im possible for the clerks to keep a correct ac count and the usual custom is that in that case the chair direct the clerk to call the roll ocaln , simply for changes , those desiring to chanso doing so , those de siring not to change to say nothing. Now , to-day the chair will follow this course that unless there should seem to bo a large num ber desiring to change their votes if they will rise one at a time and announce their change they will bo rccogul/ed , giving the clerks plenty of time to make changes with out , mistakes , but if a largo number should arise , causimr confusion , then the chair would direct that the cleik should call tlio roll. Now there will bo ample time alter the vote Is cast for any ono desiring to change to do so. Watson of Otoe In order that wo may not have any misiindcrstandlni ; an on yesteiday with the president , It should bo fully under stood that when the senate toll is called any of tlio senators desii ing to change can do so before the call ot the hous'c. The lieutenant Kovernor The chair would dt'clde that they can do so at any time before the vote. Is announced. Miller ol liutler In order to bring this thing to a vote I move you that after the liist call of tlio senate and the h < v so that should hero bo any member who deiins to change his vote ho may have an opportunity of doing so. Carried. The Chair The second lecall will bo for changes. Those dcsliing to change will say nothing. The senate then pioceed to vote , after which the roll wan called a second time , during which Mr. Smyth , of Douglas said : " 1 would like to make an inquiry before the clerks proceed. If , when tlio roll is iccalled for the purpose of changes , if membeis fail to change then , will they bo peimltted to chance alterwaids befoie tlio vote is announced ? " The Chair Any member can change at any time before the vote Is announced. Llnlnger of Douglas That applies to sen ators as well as members. Thu Cimlr Yes sir. Tlio balloting then pioceedcd without further Interruption. Upon iccall tor changes , when the naiuo ol Smyth , of Doug las , was reached ho arose and said : "Mr. President. I desire to change my vote , and in doing so 1 wish tlio privilege of saying a wonl of explanation. As a democrat upon thu lloor of this house , 1 would like to see William Munger the next senator from this state , llo Is it man of clear mind , ptuo , talented , one who would icpiesont this state In the senate of the United States In a man ner that would bo entirely worthy ot thu people ple of this state , whoso lenresentatlvo figure , whoso nianlv wortli and Intelligence \\oiild bo an honor to us. Mr. 1'rcsldent. 1 think that It lias come to that point wheie It Is luumssl- bio to get such a man , therefore , pledged as I am , my constituents demand that since we cannot ha\n a democrat I must change my vote to the Hon. C. II. Van Wyck. " This speech was greeted with tremendous applause utter which Hcprescntatlve Camblo changed his vote from Munger to Van Wyckandwascloselyfollowed by Iteprcsont attve Schwab , who did likewise. Anotiiri outburst of applause ensued at this juncture but no other changes followed. Senator Cnlby , of Cage , moved that the Joint contention do now adjoin n. Jjliilnger , of Douglas , mined to amend that a recess be taken until 2 o'clock p. m. A spirited discus.slon ensued upon the mo tion and thn amendment , The latter wa lost by an aye and nay uito ot M > ti ? : i. The question reclining on the inoilor to adjourn to 1'J to-morrow , a rising vote was demanded , Thuchairaiinounccd thomntlor to adjourn carried , whereupon the tiimultou outburst was deafening. in thoBcnnie. LINCOLN , Neb. , Jan. 20. [ Special to HEI : . | The senate met at 11 o'clock , Mi Calkins patented a petition from clti /ens of 1'lerco county asking for a law giant ing the pilvllcgo ot municipal suffrage t women. A hill was Introduced providing for th D payment of salailes of county attorneys by f warrants isnticd b > county clerks , payabl a quaiterly , Mr. Colby olTcrc-d a resolution that the joint convention be held to dav In the opera house. , ilm house concurring , which waa adopted , The senate then took a recess for ten min utes , after w hlch a message trom the house announced that that body lefused to concur in the resolution , At 11:50 : the senate proceeded to the house to L'O Into joint convention. urrains to the seuatu chamber tbo , senate adjourned until 11 o'clock to-morrow morning. _ In the House * . LINCOLN , Neb. , Jan. 20. | Spcclal to the llr.E. ] The house met In regular session at 11 o'clock to-day. Mr. Watson , from the special committee to whom had bcon referred the resolution of the senate selecting the opera house for the joint convention , reported that the committee was unable toagrco and recommended that the house should take action , Mr. Smyth moved that the house should re fuse to concur In the senate resolution. The motion prevailed upon a vote by acclama tion , Mr. Tlnglo Introduced a resolution In sub stance as follows : Wheieas , It U rumored and generally be lieved that railioad companies In the state of Nebraska are In the habit of giving rebates and drawbacks on fieleht charges to favored Individuals In violation of the law forbidding such discrimination ; Krsohcd , That a special committee of live bo appointed to investigate such reports ; the committee to nave power to require witnesses to ajipcar before them and compel them to testily , anu compel the production of papers ; and that noiallioad official summoned as a witness shall be exempted from ( lie obligation to testily bcloro such committee. Mr. l-'ullei of dago county objected to the Investigation of rumor * , and moved that the resolution bo tabled. The motion to table prevailed. Succeeding the joint convention the house adjourned until 10 o'clock to-morrow morn- illU' . The following bills wcro Introduced Just previous to the joint convention : lly Dempster To provide for the disposi tion ot unclaimed moneys In the hands of county treasurers , collected as penalties on delinquent taxes. Hy bulllvati For the relief of the city ot Columbus apnropilatitig 50,000 expended In sinking a well. Ilv Uarrett To provide for fees of county treasurers for collecting and accounting for moneys on leases and sales of agricultural and educational lands. Tlio following senate bills wcro read the first time and oidered to the second reading : For the protection of girls under the ago ol fifteen years and to amend section 12 of chapter 4 ot tno original code and repeal said original section. Memorial and joint resolution urging upon congress the passage ot the Intei-stato com merce bill , IIIIls Introduced in the IllinolH Honso Indiana Proceeding. ciPitixoriuLn , 111. , Jan. 20. The follow ing bills wcro Introduced iu tlio house : Hy llosklns , to amend the law relating to warehouses and Inspection of grain ; by Jones ot Crawford , to restrict cities and towns in granting licenses to dram shops ; by Jones ol Sangamon , provldlm : for liabil ities ot coiporatlons for damages to em ployes ; by Jvcyscr , appropiiatlm : 3800,000 for Improvements at the insane hospital at Kaukakeo and 5255,000 annually tor ordin ary expenses trom July 1 , 1S87 , nntll the con clusion of the tirst quarter after the next gen eral assembly ; by Kcyser , In relation to con vict labor , providing for the employment of convict labor In behalf of the state after the expiration of existing contracts and for the quarterly payment of Inmates of lefornm- tory Institutions engaged in manufacturing articles for general consumption trom which board , lodging and clothing shall bo de ducted , and the balance bo paid to the fam ilies or dependents of such inmates ; by Mc Millan , providing for the publication ol school books to be used in public schools and annropriating S-W.OtH ) for material required for the manufacture of Mich books ; by .Lit tler , conveying the locks on the Illinois and Michigan canal to tlio United States ; by Mc Millan , to provide for the construction of an industrial school for girls ; by Smith ot Mor gan , a bill to appropriate SK.t,400 to the Insti tution for the education of the blind at Jack sonville ; by Wright of Moigan , appropriat ing STOVJ50 for the institution lor the blind at Jacksonville. The Logan monument bill was called up bv Representative Fuller tor third reading , and a division taken upon Its passage and the bill passed on a vote of no veas to 11 nays. A resolution was introduced by Collins pio- vidhm tor the appointment of a committee of seven to investigate thu charges of reported Iriegularities against the trustees of the sol diers' and sailors' home at Qulncy , and le- port to the hotiio whether the charges were of such a nature as to demand an investiga tion by tlio legislattite. The lesolution was laid on the table. In Indiana. INDIANAPOLIS , Jan. 20. The legislature met In joint session at noon to-day and only one vote was taken , standinir as follows : Turple , 75 ; Harrison , 71 ; Alien , I. The ses sion was very tame , and was not marked by Incident ot any kind. ' 1 he democrats held a caucus tc-night and decided to stand by Turpie. The report Is current , however , that Itoblnson , the green back-labor member , who ictuses to vote lor Turple , and who holds the key to the situa tion , may at some stage of to-moi row's pi o- ceedlntrs , cast his vote tor Governor Gray. It tills Is done It is believed the democratic vote will co to Giay , and ho will receive the lull Bovontv-six votes. It Is understood that a sticnuoiisolToit will bo made to-morrow to terminate the contest. Snwycr AVIII Ho He-elected. Mn.WAUKr.E , Jan. 20. At Madison to night the caucus of the republican members of the lolslatuio ; unanimously rcnomlnatcd riilletns Sawyer , of Osnkosh , for United States senator. Assemblymen Kuebor and Senator J'ettlbono ( Independents ) attended and voted for Senator Sawyer. The demo ciats nominated ex-Congressman John Wlnaiis , of Jonesvllle , on the second ballot. The fust ballot gave him 11 votes , G. M. Woodward 12. J'eter Deuster 4 , Jo eph Vllas 2 , Judiro J. K. Doolittlo 1 , Peter Doyle 1. Two labor pally representatives attended the caucus. The election In joint convention occurs next Tuesday , when Senator Suwjoi will be re-elected , theie bolus a joint icpub- llcan majoilty ot thlity-eeven. In .N'MV Vork. AI.IIAXV , N. V. , Jan. 20 , At noon to-day the legislature met In joint session anil elected Illscock as United States .senator to succeed Warner Miller. Tlio vote In the as sembly was : Illscock , 72 ; iWeed , 60. In making up the vote In the joint convention Hiscock received 01 and Weed C2. Hearty ap plause giteted the announcement of thu re sult of tlio vote by Lieiitonantant Governor Jones. Adjournment was then taken until Monday morning , No Shortage In the Accounts CoLUMiifH , Jan. 20 , M , Gieen , ex-vlco president and general manager of ttio Coluin bus , Hocking Valley and Toledo railroad , tur nlshes a statement to the 'Associated pros stathm that the rumor about a shortage in the accounts ot that railroad was absolute ! ) false. _ Hoi UT ned to Work. Niw : YOIIK , Jan. -About WK ) employes ot Lorillard , who have been on a strike , re turned to work to-day on the old terms , ant It Is thought the factory will be lunning right in a few days , In Now Jerhcy. Tiir.MON , N , J. Jan. 20.Tho sonalo mel this afternoon and adjourned until to-moi row moinlni ; . The democrats mad' ' no at tempt to atlect an organization. _ A Very Dangerous Fire. Niw : YOIIK , Jan. 20. Fire broke out thi : afternoon In a four story double building a 175 and 177 Canal street , occupied by th < 1'luunlx furniture company. In thu rear o the burning building was a big Hat wit ! 1,300 tenants of all nationalities. The soreai ot thu flames was so rapid that four vvorkmei on Die tinner lloois barely escaped with thel lives. 'Iho loss oil bulldiug and stock IU - I- about5Wooq , \0 DOUBT OF ITS PASSAGE , A Largo Majority Predicted in the House For the InterState Commerce Bill. ACTION TO BE TAKEN TO-DAY. A. Well-Known Southern Flrc-I3ntcr After the Hlood of Congressman King of Louisiana Wash ington News. A Blfj Jln.jorUy Predicted. WAMIINOTON , .Inn. so. [ Special Telegram otho Uin : . ] The house to-day arranged to oto on the inter-state cointncrco bill to-mor- ow morning hrmedlaloly after the reading ftlio Journal , ( leneral debate was contln- led to-day and to-night , a special session laving been ordered for this purpose. As the tending question is upon the adoption ot the cport of the conference committee tlioro will > o no delay In settling the fate of the bill , 'ho adoption of the report carries with It the passage of the bill. No doubts are enter- alned about the result and the majority for lie bill Is likely to bo large. run KINO-JUNKS now. lleprotcntatlvo J. Flovd Kin ? , of Louis- ana , who has been shying clear of Yashlimton almostaycarforsomcreason not veil knownand who vvhtlo In this city was hallenged by Cuthbed liullct Jones to llgnt % duel eighteen months ago , publishes a card his morning glvinc his version of the affair vlth Jones in a barbershop hero on Tuesday jvcnlng last. Ho denies that Jones struck ilm , but admits that Jones , who was nccom- > aiiledby his brother , Uttoied for some mo- nents the most olfenslvo and brutal language iiicli as an assassin would employ when coking an opportunity to commit minder inder the disguise of tlio law , meanwhile oc cupying advantageous positions twelve or lit- ecu feet opart. King dcclates that the Jones biothcis entered the barber shop to get ilm Into n villainous trap ; that Cuthbert Jones held a cane In ono mud and kept the other hand In his hln > ocket ; that ho was mcnanccd by deadly nirnoses and had he ( King ) been aimed vould have felt justified In destroying Jones , lie declares that Jones father and elder irother were lynched for murdering General Slddcll. ot Loulsanaand that ho ( Jones ) es caped the penalty only by flight , and that Jones is now attempting to get him In an ciubrogllo for the purpose of murdeiliig him , ils excuse being that ho ( King ) lias spoken .inkindly of Jones mother , when in fact , it s because he refused to get him a consulate. It Is believed that the feud will end In inirder if one of thu parties does not leave lie city. Jones showed a friend the other lay a coitplo of Insurance policies and minted out with pride a clause which makes .ho obligation to pay binding where the in- huied alter a jear tiom the issuance of tlio policy , suicides or Is killed iu a duel. The friends of Congressman King Insist that he shall light Jones. Thev say that ho : annot affoid to pcimlt Ills reputation to rest .inder the stigma ; that Jones has insulted ilm repeatedly , and ) iis honor is at stake. 1'heso friends are a great deal more sollcitlous about Mr. King's honor than ho is limself , He Is not a 'lignum ; man , although 10 claims to b a rebel brigadier. Congress man Joe Wheeler , of ' 'Alabama , and ex-Con- iriessman Van 11. Manning , of Mississippi , lave taken charge of the case , and have in formed Mr. King that he must cither light or leave town. He will probably"do the latter , lor the next time Jones meets him ho will have to dodge bullets.svjk , . , „ > . . * - sun.vit IIEKT A.NII AcnaiiuM. The agricultural approprlotion bill Is ready to report to the house , Iho only feattuo of the bill ot special Inteicst Is that relating to the appropriation heretofore made for ex perimenting In the growth of the smrar beet ind sorghum. The committee does not be lieve that the results accomplished in this di rection jiiitily fuither expenditures and they liuvo therefore declined to icnew the appro priation for this purpose. Last year the sum appropriated was S04.000 , of which 804,000 weie expended la the development ot sorghum ghum In the west. Tlio creator poitlon hav ing been expended In Kansas , the bill leap- proiiilates the unexpended balance ot ISO.OOO anil moyides that this amount shall be ex pended in making experiments with the sunar beet and sorghum in the southern states. states.I I > IMOCIIATS : AFRAID roil VIIKIINIA. Discussing the senatorialstituples Mending In various states to-day , .Representative Crox- ton , an e.vconledeiatoaiid one ot the most piomincut democrats In the Yirginia delega tion , said : "Unless the tax is lemoved oil of tobacco , and the Blair educational bill Is passed the icpiibllcaiiH will elect a man to succeed Senator Riddloberger ot Yirginia as sure as a successor is elected two years heneo. The passage of these measures Is tlio only tiling po .slblo to keep Virginia and North Carolina out of the republican lanks in issb. " There is not the least likelihood of the suc cess ot either measure mentioned , owing to dissensions in thu democratic ranks in con- IOWA AND NKIlllASKA PRNSIONKIIS. Pensions were gianted to the following Nebraskansto-day : Kll/.abcth Munder. widow ot William lllckman , Lincoln ; William M. Hlckman , Lincoln : Andiew J. Ferguson , Scottrlllo ; David Drancher , Vork ; Calvin Custor , York. The following lowans WPIO granted pen sions to-day : William C. Homer , Ceneva ; Charles W , Davis , Perry : John M. Johnson , Koit Madison ; William 11. Walker. Valloria ; Theodore Jtryan , Washington ; Lewis C. Hamilton , Montrose ; Amos Ladd , DcKidb ; Levi T. Stewart , liurllncton : Jame.s W. Nel son , Wood\\aid ; Lafayette J { . HaveJy , Kel- lei ton ; Alex C. Mains , I'anora : James 1'ugh , Atlantic ; ticoige Fra/ier , Dos Moines. Mll.lTAItY JIATTKHS. First Lieutenant W. W.Tyler , Thirteenth infantiy , has bcun gianted one month exlen- Mon otiick leave. 1'irnt Lieutenant Heibcrt J. Sloctim , Seventh uavaliy. is oulcred to duty at Jelfei- son banacks , MIssoiul. First Lieutenant FinnicTaylor , Foiiilconth Intantry , who brought Captain James Ken- nlngton. ot tlio samu regiment , to the Insane asylum here , has been ordered back to Van- coin er barracks , Wyoming terrltoiy. Army furlongs nuthoilzed : Sergeant Charles M. Dav s , company 1 , Sixth Infantry , Fort Leaven w 01 th , thirty days : Hlacksmlth Geoigti A. Hrown. troop L , Fifth cavalry , Fort Itlley , Kansas , foui months , with pei- mUsion to go abroad. ' Army leaves granted' Major Jamrs ( illless , quartermaster. Fort Leavemvorth , until January : iU ; Captain Aithur McArthur , jr. , Thirteenth Infartlryt f ° rt Lcavenworth two months ; Captain Loon A. Matlle , Eleventh Infantiy. Fort Abiaham Lincoln , Dakota , one month extension. Captain Chandler I'ekln , First artillery , witii Captain Charle I , . I'owell , corps of en- ginccis , Mas been do' ' tilled by the seeretaiy of war to act in eon. unction with Major J. Cablll JJreckeniliie , , lui surveyor ) general of " Washington tenitdry , in deciding" upon the lines that separata Iho treasury department lighthouse ( -rounds and the military reserva lion ot Fort Caibvnt the mouth of the Co Iiimhla river , In Washington territory. It Is a \e.\cd question of jun dlctlon. I'OSTAJ. CIIANOIS : , The name of the postolllcc at Arcola , Monona county , Iowa , was changed tn Turin and ( ieoige S. HUbeo appointed postmaster , vice A. A. Davis , resigned. The iiamoo , ' fiiu postotliceat lllllsboioimh , Henry county. > wa.w ; as changed to HilUhoro. The following Nebraska wMuuiMeis were appointed to-da ) ; Gee , ( i. Keith , Fairview , Lincoln countv , vice Jas. N. lieckal , re signed ; S. .S. 1)vKun ) > , Jdnu'gold , cjuntj , vice Chas. Jl. Cliaptmin , rcslgne < l. CAPITAL HllllU'S. Mr. Kountze , of Kountzo Uros. , bankeis , of Omaha , Is here. KiriiS. IIa\\ley has boon appointed dls- burslnt : asent ot the public buildings ut Ne braska CJtv. J. Hart llrewer , who rcprnsented the Trenton - ton , N. J. , district in the 1-orty-sevuuth and Forty-eighth congresses , is In tlio city in at tendance upon'tljo iwtteis' convention , as ho is larwly interfiled In this branch ot ttade. According to i ttateiut-nt by Mf llrewcr , the product of the United States in plain and decorated ( artht'in aie for the Avas > upwards of , IKW,000 , and the tlons for the same peilodwero about S7.000- 000. Of domestic product Trenton turned out one-half and the remainder was manu factured In other parts of the country. The present convention has nothing to do with selling or making prices , but to put business nn legitimate , competitl\p principles nnd to look alter dcslrctt tarilf legislation by con- gross. _ _ > _ _ _ House. WA IIIINOTOK , Jan. 29. The house passed a resolution calllnc on the secretary of the treasury to Inform the house the sums of money which were owing to the United States on the 1st of January , 1 7 , from the 1'aclhc railroads. The object of the resolu tion Is to get the opinion of the treasury de partment as to the effect of the passage of the house funding bill. The following committee reports wcro sub mitted and referred : From the committee on territories , a bill for the admission ot the state of Wash- Incton. From the committee on foreign alTalrs , for the suppression of the opium tralilc. House calendar. From the committee on library , for the completion of a monument to Mary , mother of Washington , at Ficdericksbtirg. Commit tee of the whole. . From the committee on acrlciiliuro , author izing : the commissioner of agriculture to make a special distribution of sued In the drought-stricken section of Texas. Commit- teoof the whole. At 2 o'clock the house resumed considera tion of the conference report on the Inter state commerce bill , and an undcrstandinc uas arrived at by which a session was ordered for to-night for this discussion of the report , at the close ot which session the question will be considered as ordered , and i\ vote on the adoption of the loport taken to- moiiow mornliiir. Mr. Dibbloof South Corollna favored the recommittal of the bill to the conference committee. Mr. Hraxg of Wisconsin declared his op position to the bill and his determination to vote against it. If congress provided for the appointment of persons who were to con strue this law it would force railroad capital into the political can\as.s in order to secure. tno election of a man who would bond his knee ] to the whip of the railroad companies. Therefore lie regarded the bill as a danger ous exercise of power. Ho opposed the bill also , because it contained tlio long and short haul fcatme. Mr. Long of Massachusetts snoko In favor of striking out the fourth section of tlio bill. In tnct It would be just as strong without It. Mr. Warner of Ohio and Mr , Holman ot Indiana suppoitcd the conference report and then the house took u recess until 7:150. : There was a small attendance of mciubeis In the house this evening. 1'ho debate was renewed on the Inter-stato commeico bill , and Mr. Itowell of Illinois replied to many of the criticisms advanced against tlio bill , aiguing that the courts and commission would ) ia\c little dillleulty in placing a proper inteiprctatlon on the provisions ol the measure. Mr. Henderson , referring to the objections to the long and short haul clause , said ho did not believe that the commercial interests ot 00.000,000 people should bo controlled and regulated solely by thn divided Interest of a lew men. If any of the features of the bill proved huitful they could DO amended when congress met next. Mr. llcpbuin ot Iowa said to-day there was no stntute which con trolled and limited the giecd ot railioad cor porations. This bill gave something to rem edy the evil ; and it was unwise for a man to starve bucauso he could not have the fullness of the repast that he would choose. After further debate tln > house adjourned. Senate. _ _ * j WAsiHH-OTON1 , Mr. .Hoar called. no the conference report on the electoral bill , which was agreed to without further discus sion and without division , and then the senate at 1 o'clock went Into secret session. When the doors reopened the senate ad journed. _ ItEl'OUTS ON NOMINEES. AVhat the Senate Committee Flmln Cdiiccrninc Ilcccnt Appointees. WASHINGTON" , Jan. 20. In relation to the nomination of Frank V. Motio to be postmaster at Odebolt , Ja. , in place of T. If. Dennett , suspended , the postofllcc committee reports that nothing appears in the papers Injuriously rcllecting upon the peisonal or oltlclal character or conduct of the Mispctided oilicer , whoso suspension was undoubtedly Induced by political considera tions. In iclatlon to the nomination ol Samuel L. Harvey to bo postmaster at Cen- treville , Ja. vice Kugeno C. Haynes , the post ofllcc committee sa\s the suspended olllccr Is a disabled soldier , liavine lost an arm In thobervico of his ciuntiy. llo was on elll- cicnt postmaster and gave qreaf satisfaction to the patrons ot his ollice. There aie no charges and his suspension was purely pai- tKan "and in violation ot the law giving dis abled soldiers piolerencu In appointments to civil ollices. " lint ho infoimed the commit tee that he did not deslio to resist the con tinuation ot Ids successor. Hence the nom inee is favorably reported. In connection with the confirmation of Samuel 1) . Leavltt , to bo collector of customs at 1'nssnmaiiuoddy , Me. , the senate publishes two documents , ono calling attention to the tact that Leavitt was convicted of smuigllng between Ibfio and INK ) and another allidavit ot Leavitt showing that upon advice of counsel he paid the costs and marshal's tees to avoid litigation , tlio basis of the suit being the taking away from his ollice by another man of a pound of moiphlne. Many Continuations. WASHINGTON , Jan. 20. The senate has confirmed the following nominations : Postmasters 1C. S. Jturus , HIIIsboroiiKh , 111. ; J. Ciilbertson , Delavan , HI. ; S. S. Jack , Decatur , HI. ; K. Smith , Cairolton , 111. ; J. M. Swarl.sman , Savannah , HI. ; J W. Toler , Carbomlale , 111 , ; ( ! . C. Scilnceon , Hello I'lalue , la. ; 1' . II. Kceainoy , Waukcsh , Win. ; J. J. Fieiich , Sparta , WIs. ; It. McCregor , Hiver Falls , Wis. ; C. Xillcr , Sheboygan , WIs. ; F. D. Jay , Klmwood , HI. ; M. K. Cunningham , ( Jihson City , III , ; K. Uilirgs , Koodhousc. 111. ; S , L. Harvey , Ccn- tio\ille. Ja. ; F. V. Motle , Odebolt , la. ; J. S. ticello , 111 , : W. C. Jtich , Anna 111. ; M. J. Ilriggs , Dodgevllle , la. It. W. Itoss ot Jill- nols , recorder of thu general laud olllco. Col lector ot Internal revenue , S , II , Calhoun , district of Nebraska. J. li. Caldwell , ot In diann , deputy second auditor of thu treasury. W. 11. Webster , of Connecticut , chief exam iner of the civil service commission. F. A. Jecde { , assistant solicitor of the treasury. W. L. McCinnls , chief justice of the tmpicmo court of Wyoming. 1' . 11. Leslie , ot Ken tucky , governor of Montana. The Cabinet Dinner. WASHINGTON , Jan. 20 , The president's dinner to his cabinet , the first of the series of state dinners this season , took place to-tilcht , Thuhlto house was brilliantly lighted and decorated for the occasion. Mrs. Manning and Mrs. Yllaa occupied places at the right and lull resi ctively of the president , while at Mrs. Clo\eland's light was the becretaiy of state and at her leit the sccietary of the treasury , The other members of the cabinet , ( icneral and Mrs. Sheridan and several sena toissvero present. Mrs. KmmoiiK' Alcoholic HnhllH. WASHINGTON , Jan. 20 , In the JOmmons case this inoinlng the cross-examination of Dr. W. W. Uodding was continued. Ho re peated the statement that Mis , Kmmons Is ot sound mind , "Do 3011 consider Mrs. mons an Inebriate"asked Juror I'orry. "No ; hardly that ; but alcohol lias had a marbcd elTeci on her hysterical temperament. " Dr. Lincoln was then called to the bland. Ho bello\cd Mrs. Kmmons was killing herself by bl6 IniluJcence iu stimulauu , - TI1I3 ri.SIIEHIKS DISPUTE. Kngltah Preii Comment on the. Ijfttcst IMinso of the ( JiH'Mlon. fiiJiiinr * ( ? onlon IknnrfM LONHO.V , Jan. 2) . | Now York Herald Cable-Special to the llr.n.l The action laken by congicss In the Canadian fisheries llsputcs has bcun to attract much attention liere. The ( itQUO , commenting on the sub- ect , says : "Tho latest phase Into which the question of the fisheries has entered may bo said to be In some respects more acute than any which [ has recently preceded It , > ot only does tlio foreign atfatrs committee of the American house propose n policy of nctUo retaliation , but It supports that policy by a reeitu ! marked by a vciy Irritated , not to sav unfriendly , tone. " After ob eivatlons touching the bill and the resolutions , the ( Hobo concludes : "If the nartlcs to the quarrel con lined themselves to : hesimple point at Issue , the limits within which the lespectlvo jurisdiction of the two governments aio to ho coullncd , there should 1)0 ) no great dillleulty In hitting upon a \ \ . \ media which would reconcile the conflicting claims and smooth dow n unnecessary asper- Itkvs. " The Kcho , which Is owned by an Inlluen- Hal member of parliament , sajs ; "If trouble with the United States U to bo a\olded , Loid Salisbury cannot too soon turn his attention to the iMictles question. " No\t , referring to the action of the Dominion , It concludes : 'The ' American people will not submit to cociclon of this soit , and It should bo Lord Salisbury's object to rcrsuado the government of the Dominion to modify their attitude. Possibly Lord Salis bury lias no lore for the gieat republic , but that Is no reason why ho should not endeavor to iciuovo differences which exist between It and the Dominion and this country. " THE JimiljEIS RACES. Amcrlonii Yachts to Ho Allowed the Fulleot Competition. JfvS7 btf Jarnr * Gordnn llcnnttt. \ LONDON , Jan. 20. [ Now Yoik Herald Cable Special to the Ur.E.I The committee of the Hoyul Thames Yacht club held Its weekly meeting this afternoon and unanl- mou Iy passed the following resolutions : Itesolved , That all American , colonial and f01 olgn yachtsmen shall enjoy the honorary membership of this club during their visit to ICngland In thn coming season. Secretary Scoxcll said to your correspond ent : "I have iccelved a letter from a man in the war ollice to-day stating that ho had by thn cable this morning been requested by a yachting friend of his In America to ask mo whether center-board yachts will bo allowed to compete in our jubilee laces. I showed the letter at the meeting which Is just over to Major Kmest linllor , who liist started the jubilee race. He said : 'Certainly , contoi- lioard yachts are to bo allowed to compete. ' Perhaps there may bo some doubt In America , " added Secretary Scovcll , "as to our course around the United Kingdom. All yachts may , If they like , go through Pent- land Firth , between tlio Orkneys and the north coast of Cathncss , and down throuen the Minches , between the Hebrides and the main west coast of Scotland. Uesldcs this , In the run up the channel , they may , if they prefer it , go through the Solent and round by Splthcad without going outside tholslo of Wight. Tlio only restriction Is they must , however , keep the mainland on the port side. " _ _ _ _ _ cttllnc the RulBnri'nn Droll. VIENNA , Jon. CO. Negotiations for a set tlement of the Bulgarian question are prog ressing favorably. They are mainly between liusslaAustria and the porte on one side and between the porto and tiulgatia on the oilier side. The basis on whie'i ' they aio being conducted is tnat the Jiulgarian tegeiicy shall reUn when satislaetoiy assurance is given residing a candidate tor tlio vacant throne. _ The Italian Nnvy. LONDON , Jan. 20. The Italian govern ment has boucht the national line steamer America at'd will convert her into an armed ciulser. _ To Mobilize French Troop * . PAIIIS Jan. 20. ( it-ncral lioukriger lias decided upon a test moblll/atlon of one army coips , to lake place in tlio spring. National Capital MiKCollany. WASHINGro.v , Jan. 20 , The secictajy of the treasury to-day tiansmitted to congress thn estimates of appropriations lor del laying the expense of collecting res'cnuo Irom cus toms lor the next IKcal year. Tlio total amount of thn estimate is SO. 10,871. Mr. Miller ot Texas to-day introduced a bill to amend the laws relntlug to national banking associations , which embodies the recommendations of Comptiollcr Tienholm on tills subject. Senator Vest , from the committee on com merce , to-day icpoi ted tax onibly the hill to extend the provisions of the low allowing all imported merchandise consigned to interior ioits ) of entry to be Immediately transported In bond to such ports without appraisement or delay at the 01 Iglnal port of arrival , and to such impoited merchandise as may not re quire appraisement , when not consigned to such Interior ports , but which may be under cettain specific conditions leconsigned by tlieoiiguml consignee. Kepiesentatlvo Miller of Texas to-day in troduced in the house a bill lor the lellef of dopoiitois in the FrcPdiimns' Savings bank. The bill appropriates 81.000,003 for the icliel of depositors in the bank. Tlio a' . > ( cultural appropriation bill as pro- naicd by the committee Jeaxe.s out the item 101 soightim experiments , A National Uf Hloclc Exchange. CHICAGO , Jan. 20. The oiganl/.ation of a national livestock exchange Is the object ot the convention of live stockmen who as sembled at the stock yaids this afternoon , Thirty-two delegates , mainly irom St. Louis , JCansas City , Omaha and Chicago twuro pres ent. Klmer Washbiirn of Chicago presided and C. J . Jlakor was made seciclary , W. I1' . Moore , of Kansas City , A , Wiiggoner , of Omaha , lius Coy , and W. ' 1. Keenan of Chicago , and W. J. Jtioderick of St. Louis weioappointed a committee on icsoliitloiis , and U. Ji. Boise , of JCansas City , A. Wagfoner. ot Omaha , Klmer Washbiirn and I ) . C. Waggoner , ot Chicago , nnd J. < ! . Casa , of St. Louis , a committee on bv-laws. After addresses by A , S. .Mercer , ot Chey enne , and ( ! . H. Swill , ot Chicago , a resolu tion was adopted petitioning congress to at once pass the mcasinu now pundini ; in both houses known as the "Miller bill. " The resolution atlirms that the proposed enact ment would give speedy and permanent ie- lie ! Irom the exlstinif depression in ( lie live stock industry resulting fiom phmro-pneu- monia contagion. The convention will probably be In session several days. IllinolH Court Clerics. CHICAGO , Jan. 20. The circuit eouit cleiks' association resumed its biennial ses sion to-day in Judge Anthony's court loom. AH concurred In thlnkiiu lees should bo charged tor releasing inoitiragus. Colonel W. S. Scribneraml J. H. ( iilheil , of Cook ; C. F , L. Uutenberg , of Lo0'an ; T , M. Hull , ol Dli nage ; G. A , Avery , of Jo D.ivlesi , and M. Jl. Peterson , of Duie.ui , worn appointed ex ecutive committee. Tno following weiu , ip- pointed committee on legislation : Alexiiiulei MeArtmii. of Mercer ; D. Diistin , ot Do Kalb : llenrj JJe-sl , J'atrick Mcdutli and Tliomab.Scnnott , of Cook ; A. S.V. . Hawus. of Vermlllion ; D. A. Conover , ol Will ; K J. Sensor , ot Ou'lo ; Jolin Fltz.'eruld , ot Tiuwell ; H. K Ulvere , Kdgars W. It llndgo , of Clark , nnd T. J. ( iraybill , nf helby. 'J'lio comnntteo was iiistinoted to receho ullsugeitii ( ! > ns 1'iom members of Hits association and toha\epii- ) paced for introduction Into the legislature a bill embodying changes desired In the law cleiUs' fees , ealarlc , etc. SNOWBALLS AND BULLETS , Boys Pelt Pinkorion Guards With the Former ami Are Dosed With tbo Latter. ONE LAD INSTANTLY KILLED. Konr or the Shooters Arrested nnd ThreatH of Iiynchllif ; M rule A Mother Murdcra Her Children and Hnngs Herself. A Deadly Kraoni. Jntisr.Y CITY , Jan. 20. At about 5 o'clock lo-nlsht while a party of boys vero playing In nn open lot adjoining the yards of tlio Delaware , Lackawanna.t Western railroad company , a fracas occurred between the boys and Pltikcrton's men , and Thomas llogan , si < cteen years of age , a looker on , was shot and killed by ono ol Plnkerton's men. The boys weie Jeering the Pinkerton men who were stationed In the company's yaids to" piotect the propel ty. Occasionally they mined a shower of snow balls and other mis siles at tlio men. At length the leader of the Pinkerton men stepped up and or dered the boys to slop thiowlng missiles at them. The boja did not obey , nnd almost Immediately ttiree sharp cracks of icvolvcra rancout and llogaii-tell dead. Tlio excite ment was Intense and the lookers on lied hi eu'iy dliectlon. The leader ot the strikers , as soon as ho could get his men together , ordered them back to their hcadqiiartcis. Inspector specter Lange immediately collected a num ber of witncs us of the shooting and marched the Pinkerton men oil ) In lliullo then ordered the witnesses to Identify the men who shot. They at once selected Patrick Shceby , Daniel Cahlll and Samuel A Nell Irom the line and Identified them as the tluee men who Hied at the boys. The Inspector examined their revolvers anil found every chamber loaded. The men were taken to police hcadQuaitcrsatm held. About U o'clock to-nlirht the iiollce arrested Murphy Morianty , one of Pltikorton's men. as another of the bhootlsts. Ono of his eyes was horribly discolored and swollen where ho had been struck with a snowball. Another of t'inkerlon's men had a tootli knocked out by o Miowball. The ball that struck Hogun pierced his brain directly above the light eye. Tlio strikers fathered In toice around the city prison , and to pro vide aeainst any contingency Iho four pris oners were taken out oiiuat a time and iin- observed conveyed to another station house. IIOUIUUIiU TUU'MS A Mother KtllH Her Thrco Children nml IlanuH Hei-Holf. CI.IVII.AND : : , Jan. 20. A horrible mur der \\as committed hcto this morning ; between 7 and 8 o'clock. Yaclar Cabalek Is a well-to do carpenter living on In- dipmdenca street near the city limits. Ho has had employment nil winter and Ills old est sou has worked with him. This morning heand his son went to woik , shoitly after 7 o'cloik. The mother , Antoinette , had been out of temper at the breakiast table , and had refused to talk with her husband. Directly after bie.ikfast she sent her llfleen- year-old son , Henry , to tlio grocery stoio near by , and still another son to thu milk de pot. When they returned they could not get Into the house , ( iolng into the backyard they found James , thhtcen years old , In a water-closet bleeding from slxtcon wounds In his left side. Ttiey has tened away nnd called their . older brother , who had gone away with the father and returning the three boys forced an en trance tn the house. They dlscoveied Tonyt the eight year old girl , bleeding from a dozen cuts in the s'de. ' On the Moor neat by wcro Mamie , 5 years old , Antoinette. : i yeais old , and tf Illie , : i months old. all dead from dreadful stabs near the heart. A bloody pair of sheais told the 'story. The mothei was tound In the cellar hanging from a ratter , dead. She had killed her thrco children , mortally wounded two othcis , and had then suicided. The two clilldieu who weio still alive were moxed to a neighbor's house , but thev will die. No cause for the ten Ihle deed is given. Tlio husband doca not think his wife insane. The two Injnied ehlhlien , James and An- tlonetteero removed to a hospital where the doctors say thov will smely die. Each was stabbed thirteen times. The shears wcto nine inches long. The bodies of the three dead children and the mother weio re moved to the moigue. No inquest will bo held. The coroner and doctois believe tlio woman cia/y. Cabalek was a drunken fellow , although he woiked and with ills son earned S75 a month. A Train Jtohlier'H itald. MAIISHAU. , Mo. , Jan 20. [ Special Tele gram to the HinJ : A bold attempt at train robbery ot the St. Louis train on the Chicago it Alton railioad took place last nlu'lit thico miles cast of Independence , Mo. The train was brought to a stand-still by a violent pull Ing of tint bell coid. The biakcmanand con doctor lushed through to the forward p.ut ot tlio tialn to ascertain the eauso ot the stop ping , when thev were ( lied upon by a man Manding on the front platform of the .smok ing car and oideicd back Into the car. They Imicly escaped injury by dodging back into tlio car. The engineer was also tiled upon , but not injured. Four or live shots woio liicd by the man. The would-be loltber and mindeier lumped from the cai and escaped in thodaikness , It Is believed ho expected to bo joined by confederates when hostopped the tram , and lindlnc himselt alone , con cluded to make good his escape. Cold Illonded Murder. WiiniPi.AiNH : , N. Y. , Jon. 20.-Wllllam 1C. Mead , aged twenty-sown years , was mur dered In cold blood about 10 o'clock to-night , being shot thioiiiih the head while btandlnz on the sloop of his father's store in this vil lage. Two men were seen running away Irom the stoie. Immediately three police men gave chase and overtookthem. . The tugitlvns then turned ami lan back towaids the vllhik-o and hid themselves under a lingo stone luldge which spans tlio Jliown river. but when found they Hied wiveral shots fit the olllceiH , and when about to be taken shot themselves , and both mo now dead. The muidered man lea\es a wile and child. No motive for the minder can ho assigned. Krlj'htinl Holler Kxploslon. CiiifAfio , Jan. 20. A Hpeeial to the News from Vlncetincs , lud , , says : A boiler In n saw mill owned by Jackson Noirls , In Davics county , three miles from Washing ton , exploded with tearful effect. Nouls and his twojrrown sons , Frank and John , and William Me.Ates , wore killed outright , their bodies being terribly mangled. Thu mill and machinery were totally wrecked , Portions of ttin boiler were projected 100 feet. Noirls was aged hlty-livo and leaves a wife and two childien. McAtes wasslnule , us were both thu sons of Norrls. The boilei was old ami It was Intended to replace it with a new ono In a lew dayu. lielmont'H Illiifl1. TnitoN'io , Out. , Jan. 20A special from Ottawa , Out. , says the olliclals ot the fish eries department here look on Bcimonl'n hsheihislilll asa tame of hliitr , and say It Is a pooi return tor six month's free use of Canadian lisheiles under pionusu oi the president < 'l the United .Stale * , that the fish- eiies commission would bo appointed at the nTixt meeting ol congiess , which piomho was not catried out. Klonmslilp Kohl to Italy , NEW YOIIK , Jan. 20.The reported sale of he steamship America to the Italian govein- ment | s couth mud. Thotcims of tlio sale are piivat" . but It is leported to bo 1500,000. \Vilh the exception of the Anchor lino' Mcamei City ol Homo the America WAS ono of the finest era Its in tlio liautAUiiutlc bin lie.