0 KHJ OMAHA DAILY' BEE : THURSDAY. JANTJAKY 20. 1887. THE DAILY BEE. COUNCiT BLUFFS St THURSDAY MORNING , JAN. 20. OFFICE , WO. 12 , PEABL STREET. Delivered ty rnrrler In any part of thceltrnt twenty ctnts per week. H.V. . TILTOW. - Uaniigcr. TKt.ErHO.NC3l DrfiKTfs Omcf , No. 13. NIGHT Eunoit NO.SJ. MINOH MENTION. N.Y.'Plumbing Co. Heavy suits cheap to order nt Rcitcrs , Permit to mnrry was yesterday , given to I'ctcr N. Unstrun nnd.Julia Kusnuissen , both of tills city. Everybody now carries a real estate map mid u fist of property. The cra/.c is Kcttinu ( ; rcat. The boom Is steadily in creasing. Another assembly of the Knights of La bor is to be orcani/.cd hero on Saturday , the meeting to be held In the hull of the Alddorn Woodmen. Ivy A. Uobcrson , daughter of Mr. nnd Airs. H. L , Hoberson dleil yesterday morning about 1 o'clock , Thn notice of the funeral will bu Riven hereafter. A runaway on North Second street yes terday resulted in the smashing of nn express wagon. Two girh who were passing across the btreet had a narrow cScapo from injury. The papers were recorded yesterday by which > ! . J. Hrown sells to Ntitlmn Mciriam , of Omnlm , thu south ninety Jcctof lot 1 , block ! ) , Bayliss' first addi tion , the consideration being $7,000. For sale or exchange for clear land , Council lilulia or Omaha property , n most promising aiu > fasluonablo trotting bred two-year-old stallion , standard tired Jtulo 0. Address P. H. Jiunt , llarlan , In. 'J'ho long looked for six columns of news promised to arrive here on the lirst of January fo the old grandmother's ube , seems to have not only been n long time on thu road , but to have inis-cnrriiul , as it apparently got delivered to the Even ing Herald ollice , the front page of that paper showingup full. llev. Dr. Phelps , of Cedar Rapid * , is expected to occupy the mtlplt of the Presbyterian church next Sunday , lie is Paid to be a very strong man intellectu ally , and popular socially , and it is in timated that he is to be called to the pas torate made vacant by the resignation of Kov. Mr. Dates. Lalng , the sealskin cloak thief , was willing to go over to Omaha with Con stable Edgerton , and there wait for the Cheyenne ollicor to como after him , but the ollicors hero concluded that if there was any reward for his capture , as it is reported there is , they might as well hold him here and get the reward. Constable Edgcrtou urged taking Laing to Omaha , on the ground that the prisoner was willinc to go , and had better bo taken while ho felt that way , and then once in Omaha thoVChcyonno ollicer would DO saved u trip to Des Monies aftnr a requi sition. _ A special fund for investment in good city real estate loans at lowest rates. Those intending to improve their prop erty for the coming demand can avail themselves of it by calling on Odell Bros , & Co. See that your books are madu bv Moore- house & Co. , room 1 , Everett block. Ccntorvillo soft-lump coal , ? 3.75 per ton , delivered , Win. Welch , 015 Main street , telephone. 03. Mukoncncc Cleared. The trial of Gporgo Washington Make peace , the attorney , has just been con cluded at Denlson , in Judge Connor's court. Makopoaco was charged with having received some notes for collection , sued them , and collected the judgments , nnd failed to turn over the money. Makepeace has been given a good deal of notoriety , and much interest was felt in this case. Dunlap parties were interested In prosecuting the case , and they urged County Attorney Lally to accept some assistance , offering themselves to bear the expense. The county attorney is said to have declined any such help , and as tlm defense was feebly conducted the state was defeated , nnd Makepeace was ac quitted. The conduct of tno case on the part of the prosecution has been rather severely criticized. It is said that the state failed to prove Unit Makepeace over received the money , or that any demand had been made for an accounting. Other essential features are said to have been carelessly omitted in making the proof. HAN8COM PAUK ADDITION. Surrounded IJy Improvements. The Handsomest IjoeiUlon and Most AccoHsltlo Uoily of tints For Snlo I Every facility is given buyers to inves tigate the merits of this beautiful addi tion , and that you may carefully investi gate its prices and terms as compared with surrounding properties , tlioy are freely and cheerfully shown to you. It is a safe prediction that lots in Hanscom Park addition will sell before the year is out for 200 I'Ell CENT MCWE TITAN present prices. Every buyer has this chance , and if you want n safe , sure and excellent investment secure one of these lots nt once. There is no bettor chance lomako money , and of this you can Judge for yourself when you see the ground.DON'T DON'T HE TALKED OUT OK IT but coma and see whether our statements uro correct or not. This costs you noth ing and if you have the courage to do as Others uro doing may make you some money. Mil. OKOltOK ItUDIO is our only authorized agent in Council HIuUs for the sak1 of lots in * JIANSCOM I'AltK ADDITION , bULI'Ilim SWINGS ADDITION , AM1S' I'J.ACK , IIII.I-SUAI.U , nnd nn unequalled list of bargains of all sorts. AMES' REAL ESTATE AGENCY , No. 1007 1'AHNAM STKUr.T , OMAHA , Nr.u. A Small I'lre. Just gat noon yesterday the lire boll Bounded and the department turned out to suppress the llaines which were burn ing up F. Brownold's retidenco , No , 14 ! Grant street. It was a story and a hall frame building , and was owned by the Kldor potato. The furulturoof the house was hastily removed and was not much damaged except by breakage. The buildIng - Ing was damaged to the extent of $350 , and was insured for f 100. The lire is supposed - posed to have originated from a defective line , and was discovered by Airs , lirown- old as she was-preparing the noon meal. Dr. llanchott , olllco No. 13 Pearl street ; residence , 120 Fourth street ; telephone Ko. 10. AlUbOlllC. Harmony chapter No. 2. " > , O. E , S , holds Its regular meeting at 7:30 : o'clock this ( Thursday ) evening. A full attendance is requested for the transaction of im portant business. There will also bo in stallation of ollicers. By order of the W. M. ] All my coal is weighed by Amy , the only authorized city woiglunaster , and guaranteed to hold out 3,000 pounds to the ton. Good soft c al at $3.00 a ton. N , W , WILLIAMS , BOTTOMS TO HOLD A lEtEE. A Vailely of Chatty Opinions as to the Ar- Crangemcnts. A RESIDENCE SCORCHED. Attorney Makcpcnco Discharged After Uclng Feebly Prosecuted The Park CommUnloncm Hold the UnR JUolncs lu Court. Comments on flic Ijcvco. * The tnlk of completing the Icvccrso ns to give absolute protection to the bottom lots is timely , au ± t il Is quito probable that it will result in actionbciiiK taken speedily. "Of course , " remarked one citizen in discussing the matter In a group yester day , ' 'no one expects nny trouble with Hoods. Six years ago thcro wits trouble , bttt that was considered as remarkable , and is not liable to occur again for a century. Still it would cost but little to make sure of It. Simple prudence would dictate that the luveo bo completed. Then there would be no show tor water under nny circumstances. It would bo worth the price of thu lovco just to calm the norvouF people who alwayssco some dire calamity coming , whether there is one or not. It would Do worth that just to stop croakers. "i know folks who stood on the other side of the river and looked over to tlio Hind' * , and insisted that the water was up to the Pacllic house. Everybody knows that is simple nonsense. There is no need of fear on account of water. Tlio day if past for Hint. The portion of Iho levco already done , the amount of tilling , the making of the now sewer ditcli , aud other improvement are such that no more trouble with water need bo feared. Hut then if there is anybody who is afraid let them go ahcad'and make the lovco. " If the levee is completed il ought to be paid for by those who own property in that part of the city , " remarked another. "Tlio city at larco is not directly inter ested and ought not to be taxed for it. Let the district which gets tlio protection pay for jt. They can afford to , for property is rising &o fast in value thcro that it would pay fora great many levees. " "The trouble Is , " protested one of the property owners affected , "that a large portion of the property i left expose 1 between the proposed levco anil the river. That is left out in tlio cold , or out in the wet , I should say , and that doesn't seem fair. Tlio Icvoo should bo Ijuilt clear ut the river edge , so as to take It all in. It ought to bo uuilt from where it now stops clear to the river , and then down tlie banks. " ' "That's nonsense , " suggested a scien tific observer. "In the ( irst plaeo you cannot make a lovco of tins kind at right angles to a current. The current would wash it away in a hurry. If you want to build a levco so it will stand you must run as nearly as possible the same way as the current. Then the current does not strike against it with full."force , but angling. The levee should start from whore the work now stops , and run at an angle towards the river , and then it should go southerly a liitlo ways back from the present bank. You can't make a levco right on tlio edge of where the sand bar is now. It wouldn't stand. So far as tlie property is concerned which is between the levee and the river , it would not be atlectcd in any way. It wouldn't stand any more danger ot a Hood than il does without tlio levee , and in cabo of a Hood it would not bo covered with anymore moro water one way than the other. Talk about cost. Why there is a propo sition made to complete the levee for $ ; J,000. That is a trifle , when you con sider the amount of property interested. If it costs three times that it wouia pay to put it in. Tlie Pnrk Fund. In the council meeting tlie other night Alderman Shugart remarked concerning the bill for curbing at ISayliss Park , that this should be paid for out of the park fund , and by the park commissioners. It was also intimated , as it has been at other times , that the park commissioners should pay for paving the streets ad jacent to the parks and that the money raised by a special tax for jrfirk purposes shonM remain in the hands , of the city treasurer , and not in the hands of thu treasurer chosen by the park commis sioners. There seems to bo some little friction between the city council or sonic of the aldermen and the park commis sioners. The fact is that for park com missioners thrco of the best citizens of Council BinII3 have been elected , men who are linancmlly responsible , ami who have the complete confidence of tlio pee ple. Hut moro tlian this the new law in regard to them is trained very strong. It provides that they shall give § 5,000 bonds each and to serve without pay. The idea of men giving such bonds tor the saku of doing work for nothing caused quite a laugh at DCS Moines among the legislators when it was introduced there , but His nevertheless a good law for the people. The law provides that these commissioners shall have exclusive con trol of tlio parks , and that they can use the funds for tlio purposes of improving the parks. They draw the money on orders signed by two out of three of the commissioners , and keep a record of all of their expenditures. It seems from the reading ot the law that the city council cannot control the money in any form , and has no moro to do with its expendi tures than any other citizen. The fund is not sullicicntly largo to bo used for paving , curbing and otlierbtrcet improve ments , "but if it was it remains with the park commissioners , and not the council , to say how the money shall bo expended. Tlui city council cannot vote n dollar out of the park fund , and hence there seems to bo no need of any special discussion In tlio council chamber as to how it is to bo expended. Kxtonslro arrangements are being made for the observance of Hums' birth day on the evening ot the 25th. The Caledonian club , organized by.tho lead- in : ' citizens of the place , have the matter in hand , and are arranging for n banquet witli appropriate exercises , and a dance to follow. The feast is to i bo replete with good things for both mind and body , and a happy time is assured all who attend. Those who are to bccuro tickets should do so by Saturday of this vvook , They can bo obtained ut J , T. Oliver's , or at Oliver & ( irahain , Arranscinonts are buing nuulo for en larging the market place nt the city build ing , the gtouiid now being too limited , It is1 high time that the city built some bert of a vault for the storage of books , papers and records. The safes now in the city buildings have not room enough for the books and records which are usea d&ily , anil thcroare many other val uable papers and books which are- stored around in various rooms and ollices. Incase -case of H lire there would bu a loss which money could not cover. A u protection to the interests of property owners , as well as the city at largu , there should be a liro-proof vault built at oncu. . . , Won't 1'ay Tor the Hum. The trial of the casu of Simon Kiso- man against the Hawkoyo' Insurance company , of Des Moines , began in the district co.urt yesterday , Judge Tliornell presided , tinil Judge Phillips , of DC * Mo'.nes , appeared for the company , while John N. Baldwin , of this city , was the attorney for the plaintiff. The facts on which the plaintiff seeks to establish his case are that In August , 1835 , L ) . McGin- niss went into the fruit , confectionery find cigar business in a one-story brick building on Uroadway. On May 15,18SO , the agent of the company , Mr. Hicks , in sured the stock for $1,000 and the fixtures for $200. On the 34th of the same month , nine days after iho policy was issued , the place caught fire , nnd the stock nnd fix tures were totally destroyed. Mr. Me- Uinniss tilled up the blanks furnished by thu agent of the company , and presented what lie deemed to bo n sufllcient proof of loss. He claimed that the stock amounted to ? 1,400. and the fixtures to fully $ ' . ' 00 , nnd therefore ho was entitled to Iho paymcut of the pol icy In full. The company insisted on his producing his books and papers , seas as to determine iir detail what his loss was , but he could not do this as ho did not keen anything butn blotter , and this with his bills , receipts , etc. . were de stroyed at the time of the lire. As ho was indebted to Mr. Eisoman nnd others , he assigned his claim against the com pany to this gentleman. The company claims that there was not stilllcient proof of the loss being as much as was claimed , and intimated in n very un pleasant way that Mr. McGinnisiS was in some way at fault for the lira oceuriing. There are somelegaljqucstions raised , as well as questions of fact , and the c.iso is to be hotlj contested on both sides. Personal l'nrnKi-iii1m. ] R Shoxvran , of Deni on , WHS in the city yesterday. Mr. James V. Ilodce , a prominent business man of Kcoknk. la. , is viiiting the family of \ \ ' . L. Hcdison. George Uudio , real estate and nego tiator ot loans , lio. 100 ? I'artmm street , Omaha. Bargains in Council Hlufls ami Omaha property. Electric door bolls , burglar alarms and cvisr.y form of domestic electtieal appli ances at the New York Plumbing Co. Stoves 1 Stoves 1 Stoves I i'or the ne.xt thirty days 1 will sell heating stoves at cost for cash only. P. C. DuVo The Royal Arcanum will give a scries of three parties in their parlors in Bono's block on the evenings of January ! 28 and February 12 and 22. The Bavarian ba.nd will furnish the music , and refreshments will be served at cacli party. Tickets can bo purchased from any of the follow ing committee : A. W. Rickman , O. D. Kiplinger , W. A. ( Jronowop , I. M. Troy- nor , Adolf Beno , James Patterson , T. E. Cavin. L. B. Crafts & Co. arc loaning money on all classes of chattel securities nt one- half their former rates. See them before securing your loans. Substantial abstracts of titles and real estate loans. J. W. k E. L. Squire. No. 101 Pearl street , Council Binds. Hard and soft coal , best quality all sixes. Missouri and Iowa wood. ( . ' . B. Fuel company , f8J Broadway. Tele phone 130. STUDYINoTTHE EYE. - "Where Problems to Ijnst n .Lifetime May He Spun. Do you over niakia study of eyes ? asks a writer in Mind and Nature for January. Not girls'eyes only nil eyes. Within that Tittle radius"of n quarter of an inch are problems to last u lite- time. Emerson iias well spoken of the eye that threatens like a leveled rlllo how often it is scon ! You need not visit c : > mps to find it ; the counting-room and the ollico contain it quite as oltcn , and sometimes it is scan even under crimps. But the threatening eye is not to bo confounded with the commanding eye or tlie wild beast eye. The last men tioned , iho most snvngo and inhuman of all , is scon chielly under the brows Hushed or pale from debauchery , and , according to circumstances , it lias a rest less or lixed glare. Then there is the cruel and treacherous eye. This is peculiar and rather less common. It is a cold gray different from the "intelligent gray" with n dark edge to the eyelid. There is none more thoroughly repollant. Sonic'times n yellowish , cat-liko eye looks at yon , saying : "I'll deceive you nt every opportunity. " Other kinds are the secretive dye , set so tar back that you cannot see its expression , the foxy , the critical , the loving , the sensual , etc ; . The list is long , but of all the most com mon is the lion-committal oyo. So fre quent is it that the eye is greatly over rated as a general index of character ; wo really form our judgment from the rest . .oLtho features. When you have well mastered the dif ferent kinds of eyes , then try to aeconnt for their dillcrenees on anatomical prin ciples. The components ot an eye's ex pression are certainly noU numerous. There are the color , di > grco of openness , movement steady or vacillating , etc. Can these material elements alone account for the wonderful transparency you some times nicety There are eyes which scnhi actually open windows in which the in visible spirit sits and becomes visible to the earthly sense of sight. Pointed Jtcinnrkfl. Chambers1 Journal : The character istics of several nations have been sum med up in life following concise form : The lirst thing n Spaniard does on found ing a colony is to build n gallows ; n Portugese , to build a church ; an English man , n drinking-boolh ; a Krcnchman. a dancing lloor. A cobbler visited one of the largest manufactories the ether day , jjnd for the lirst time in his lifo saw shoes made by machinery. "What do you think of thnty1' asked the foreman. "It beats awl , " was the laconic and significant re ply. A "sonniblu" woman , as Dr. Abor- netliy would have called her , was dis covered by n shy man , who mndo her a rather original proposal , He bought a wedding ring and sent it to the lady , inclosing - closing a sheet of note paper with the brief "Does it HtV" question , By return of post ho received lor answer , "Beauti fully , " It is related that Maknrt , the great Viennese painter , is even more taciturn than Yon Mohke , the man who is si lent in seven languages. An American who had been told that the bust way to get on friendly terms with the nrtist would bo to play chess with him at the cafu to which ho resorted nightly , watched his opportunity , nnd when Mak- nrt's opponent rose , sllpncd into his chair. At last his dream was reali/.cd ; ho was to spend an evening in Makart's society , The painter signed to him to play , and thu game went on with no other sound than the moving of the pieces , At last the American made the winning move , and exclaimed , "Mate ! " Up rosu Mnkart in disgust and stalked out , siyiug ; angrily to n friend who asked why ho Ion so early : "Oh , I can't stand playing with a chatterbox. " The expressions used by some boys and girls , if written ns pronounced , would look like a foreign language. Specimens of boys' conversation like the following may bo called short-hand talking : "Wfirejcgo last- night ? " "lladdor skato. " "Jerlind the ice luird'ukood * " "Yes ; hard- ' " " " "No Bill'n 'nougli. "JergoerlonoJ" ; Joe wenterlong. " "llowlato jcrstayY" "Pastato. " "Lommerknow wenyergoin1 , wonehcr ? I wantcr go'nshowyor howtu , . kato. " "H m , llcoodn' skate bettr'n you , IM sell out 'nqutt. " "Well , we'll trverae.e 'nsofyefcnn. " The well-known answer of the Greeks COUNCIL BLUFFS BOOMS ! CALL AT HARKHESS BROTHERS , And select your Dry Goods and Carpers before the prices advance , We are selling elegant Patterns Dress Goods very low to close tlie lot. Yon never saw IlhtcJt Silks so BLACK SILKS.Yon we arc now sell . ing. If 'cure closing ottt this entire < 1ci > ( trl icnt to room for our Incrctisal Carpet stock , antl arc comscqticntli/sclliny them off at extremely low prices. Ladies' ' and Arc belny closed ont very cheap. Von will sure money to sec onr Carpets and Jlttys before yon bny. Jf yoit want In- arain , Jrnssrls , I'cli-el , or Motinctle Car- a pet- , come and sec ns or write for prices. Onr rarlcty of Curtains , roiiyee * , Draperies , etc. , Is laryc and choice , and ire hare a full aesortmcnt of 1'olcs , Itods , lii-ass deeds , etc. Onr work is done by skilled workmen. Orders by mail receive prompt attention. Council Bluffs Iowa Harkness Bros , , Broadway , , MI 3M r - * r - * * - - - - Tanii M BSr lit OT g | W W Ui Farming I-inds in Iowa , Minnesota , Kansas , and ranging from $5.00 to 3.10.00 per acre. St-hool aud state hinds In Minnesota on 30 years' time 5 pur cent interest , hand Ihiycrs fare free. Information , etc. , given by * ra . TO . "T" . . yTT.cs . n'l-y.TT ! , No. 555 Droadway , Council DlulTs , Iowa , agent for Froidrlkson & Co. . Chicago. to the Persian king before the battle of Thermopylae was rivaled by tlie dispatch of Gen. SuvarolVlo the Russian empress : "Hurrah ! Ismail's ours ! " The empress returned an answer equally brief : "Hur rah ! Field Marshal ! " The message from Lord Charley Heres- ford to his wife from tlie fort near Mctemmeli was pithv enough ! "Quito well and cheerful. Privations have been severe , thirst , Hunger , battles desperate ; but things look better. " There are some quaint and pitjiy epistles on record. Qnin , when offended by Rich , went awav in resentment anil wrote : "I am at Hath. " The answer was as laconic , though not quite so civil : "Stay there. " Far better than the harsh treatment of medicines which horribly gripe tlio patient and destroy the coating of the stomach , Dr. J. II. McLean's Chills and Fever Cure by mild yet effective action will cure. Sold at 50 cents a bottle. Hank Deposit IJOUR Unclaimed. San Francisco Bulletin : Some time ace the attorney general brought suit against one of the ban Francisco banks to declare escheated to the state , money on deposit wliicn hnd not been called for during a given number of years and the claimant of which had anparenty disap peared. What might happen if such long neglected deposits were paid over to tlie state is illustrated in tlie following case : "In the Clny Street bank there was an account which represented 812.42 deposited between .March 18 and Septem ber 2 , 1801. The depositor and his book disappeared , it wvs ? believed , at abqnt this time , since nothing was heard from them for twenty-live years. But to-day the holder of the book appeared and had Jiis interest entered up , and withdrew his money , receiving the handsome sum of $149.07. SPECIAL NOTICES. Specln ! nrtveitlgoiiienls , sueh us Lost , ro.mtl ToLnnn.rar Sale , To Ilont , Vxint" , Ilonnllnir , eta. , will Imlnsoitua in this column nt the low raloorTnNCKNTSPr.il LINE forthollrBt iiiBor- lonmul i''lvoContal'er Line for cnchsubsoitiom instntiou. Lcuvo aUvcrtlsomunts : > t our ollico No. IS t'cal street , near lliomlw.iy , Council UlulTs. WANTS. "Jj > OH SAL" Choice , smooth , unimproved IfiO J ( icros close to liralnarii , in llutlcr county , NpliniBKn. Will ( ? ivo Iauro discount from present - ont vnluo for cnsli. Aildros' llimtuiK' . Kiinvun A Jones , Dnvld City , Nob. , or W. J. , llco ollico. Council Uluim , In. POHSAU2 At n bargain , " < J3 noiciiwltli line Improvements , ulv milcT oust of 'Jounull HUilIX 1'iieclow and nil the time needed. In- < iul re of T.V. . Vim Hciovcr , Council IlliillH. "IJIOH SALK IMneiismltli nnd WHROII t-Iioji. -L' Only one In town. Ilxccllrnt business. ( Joe 1 icnsoiiH ( or EC-Hint ; . Add less C. L. Miller , Ports- moiitli , In. FOIl HUNT- room hoiifip , $ T5. Tim live. , ojipOBlto thopailc. Sulllvnu A ; FiUtfornM. FOH HKNT A now two-story frame dwolllnir house , containing six room * , hull on hotli lloora , closets llh fill hod rooms , lartro collnr nnd peed ciMcrn. Lnll on M. 1" . llohrcr or Oilcll llros. & Co. POIl HUNT The ono-siory frame business bnlMInK , with -room I dwelling nttncli- mcnt , formerly occuiilt'l iis u cnnily fiiftory nnd known ni No. 110 youth Mnln street , ox- tonUliiB through to 1'onrl st. Apply to M. F. ItobrcrorOdoll Ilios. & Co. FOIt SAM5 Harbor shop , KOO. I location , irood reason tor eellliih" . A < Urosa II , lleo ollico. WANTKO A cottnito of five or six roomn , Ineateil convuniont to buslnuss ; Biniill family , no children. Address Crispy , " lies oltlco. WANTIIU--A hey with pony to carry Jloo route. FOIt HALK Old pnpora for sulu ut tbo Jloo olUcc. WANTKD I'HrtU-s intondlnir to bo married are wanted to or.ll nt the I'ryor'8 Dee Job oflico to uelocl their wcildln'ir curds. JOHN V. ST.VK JACOB SIMS STONE , & SIMS , L - - - - ' , , Practice in the State and Federal courts Itooms 7 and 8 Shiigart-Uuno COTJISTCIL BLj-CJinir'S W , S , HOMER & CO , X3 Main St.'Council ' The cheapest plnco In the city to buy CROCKERY , LAMPS , SILVER PLATED WARE , GLASSWARE , AN/- FINE POTTERY THEATRICAL WIGS , BEARDS , Paints ITC. The rincut 1m ' jiortcd l.lno of Goods Wctt of Culciiijo. Mi-s.C. L. Gillette's Human Hair Emporium No , 209 MainStreet.Council Bluffs , Iowa. * / > , FINE - FREUGH - HILUHERY , 1514 Douglas St. , Oirmhi. NEW IMPORTED STYLES OPEN. Ladies buying a $5 hat or bonnet , one fare will be paid ; ? io , louiul ( rip. MP.I.VIN SMITH. I. T. HOr.EIlTS. successions TO fvlcMAHQH & GO , Abst acts of Tills , Lwn and Rial Es tali Broker ; , Ho. 235 Mala St. purchased the"mostrclla' ble abstract bonks in , this coantf/- known ( ( s the "dfuMahon Abstract Jtoitks , " we arc now prepared to fur- m's/i. abstracts and ratnt-clfullu so licit the pafronai/aof all thoae desir ing correct , abstracts of title to lands and lots in I'ottatvattainio count u. HO , 236 MAIN SI1. , COUNCIL BLUFFS Mf. SCRUBS , - Justice of the Peace Office over American Exprets. R. RICE , M. D. , Or "thur Tumors removed without thoknifoordrAwlnirof blooJ. Ov r thnly yearn priicticnlcxJKrlonco. No. 11 I'eurl Bt. , Council Ulurfa. t37 ConsultutIon free. Horses and Mules For all purposes , bought and sold , at retail nnd in lots , Large quantities to select from. Several pairs of fine drivers , sin- glc or doMblu. MASOH WISE , Council lilufi'B. OFFICER & PUSEY , COUNCIL JJLUFFS , I A , Kstntllehcd 18JT s , JloiirnaU , < 'oimy ( niul Itiiuli WoritorAll Ii.fnitsa.Spuc * Inlly Prompt AlteniioiUo Mail Orders MOREHODSE & GO. Koom 1 Kvcrct Ulock , Council Standard Papers Used All styles of bind ing in Mugiulncs and BLANK BOOKS. IliF : .KKNtIJ3. 0. n. National IlaaU , M. K. Smith .V Co. , Citizens' liank , lcrf , WtslU if Ca , Hret National IJ.ink. tt II. Insurance ( k > , OUiteril'ujoy.Umikera.C.U CLAIM Your Presents That Were Given Away By Hsnry Eiseman & Go's ' Peoples' ' Store TO THE LUCK ! TICKET HOLDER At the Drawing Which Took Pltxco iu Their Store on the Evening1 of Jan uary 16th , 1887 The Sumo Being Done by n Committee of 1'romincnt Citizens. The di tribiition of prizes was by a committee ot citizens , and Iho tickets awarded pn/os are as follows : r No 28.731 , 1st prize Suite of Parlo rurniture. No. 5,774 , Sml prize Mahogony Bed Room Suite. No. 9,071 , 3rd prize Domestic- Sewing Machlnc. No. 10.135 , 4th prize Twenty yards ( lulncltgros grain Black Silk. No. 0.30' . ' , 6th prize-Seal Plush Cloak. No. 20.37H , , Oth prize Pair White Blankets. No. 7,002 , 7th prize Decorated Set of Dishes. No 22,033 , 8th prize Seal Skin Muff. No. 10,004 , ! > th prize A Paisley Shawl. No. 10,81)1,10th ) prize-A Heaver Shawl. No. 14,47.3 , llth pmo Suit Gents' Clothing. 'No. 27.507 , 12th prize Gent's Fur Beaver Overcoat. No. 11,810 , lilth prize Hoy's Overcoat. No. 22,011 , 1-Hli pri/c Hoy's Suit No. 5,101,15th prize Infant's Cloak. No. 22,818 , IGtli prize Hrass Parlor Table. No. 0,320 , 17th prize 50 yards "Iruit of the Loom" muslin. No. 27.11(13 ( , 18th pri/o Half dozen "Gold" White Shirts. No. 28,050 , lllth prize Silk Miifller. No. M.150 , 20th prize Linen Table Set. Table Cloth and Napkins. No. 7,704 , 21st prize A Twenty Dollar Gold Piece. No. 28,288 , 22nd prize Toilet Set. No. 20,835 , 23rdVize Doll. No. 8,0-11 , 21th prize Handkerchief Bov. . No. 20)71 ! ) , 25th prize Hand Hag. No. 5,022 , 20th prile Doll. No. 20,320 , 27th nri/.e Stand Cover. No. 30,070 , 28th prize Hotllo Perf inn er v. v.No. . 0,873. 29th prize Toboggan Cap. No. 21-tr8 , 30th prize Table Scarf. No. 5,530 , 3lst prize Splasher. No. 9,040 , 32nd prize Lunch Hasket. No. 27,518,33rd prize Hammered brass Umbrella Stand. No. 20.707 , 34th prize Half doz.Towcls No. 8,050 , 33'h prize Silk Umbrella. No. 28,835 , 30th prize Doll. No. 27,740 , 37th pri/.e Set Chillis' Dishes. No. 20,103 , 33th prize Brass Broom Holder. No. 5,105 , 3flth prize Silk Suspenders. No. 27,9.11 , 40th prize bilk Handker chief. No. 22,125list prize Doll. No. 14,0(5 ( ! ) . 42nd prize Half doz.ladios' Handkerchiefs. No. 8,110 , 43rd prize 15 yards Calico. No : 8,228 , 41th prize Hoy's Hat. No. 0,331 , 45th prize Hoy's Sealskin Cap. Cap.No. . 8,035.40th prize Painted Orna ment , No. S.fiOO , 47th prize Toilet Set. No. 27,413 , 48th pri/.u Doll. No. 27,709 , 40th prize Doll. No. 7,022 , 50lh prize Table Cover. No. 0,077 , 51st prize Hottlo Perfum er v. v.No. . 8,031 , 52nd prize Lace ILimlker- chief. No. 22,010 , 63rd prize Child's Lace lNo.r22,919 , filth prize Doll. No. 27,4ii ( , 55th prize Doll. No. 5,128-50tli ; pri/.e Tidy. No. 12,831 , 57th prize Table Scarf. No. 5,818 , 58th prize Doll. No. 20,827 , , 50th prize Mouth Organ. No. 7.200 , OOtn prize Imitation Steam Piano. No. 23,070 , Olst prize Hook. No. 22 , ! ) 15 , 02nd prize Hook. No. 20,053 , 03rd pnx.e Pocket Knife. No. 12,13 ! ) , Qltti prize Doll. No. 23,109 , 03th prize Doll. No. 20,101 , COth prize A Dr. Warner's Corset. No. 12,218 , C7th prize Shoulder Shawl. No. 8,730 , C8Ui pri/u Infant's Lace Cap No. 28,253 , 00th prize Infant's Dress. No. 20,125 , 70th prize Doll. No.20,048 ' , 71st prr/c Hand Hag. No. 21,032 , 73nd pri/.c Ladies' ' Com- ! " , , 73-d prize Silk Mufller. No. 10,002 , 74th prize Doll. No. 27,0i(0 , 75th prize Hook. No. 80,182 , 70th prize Hook. No , 23.418 , 77th prize Lunch Basket. No. 22,010 , 78th prize Pair Children's No. 7,002 , 79th prize Pair Hoy's Hoots No. 13,213 , 80th prize Lace Collar. No. (5,350 ( , 8Mt prize Doll. No , 20,100 , 82nd prize Jersey Jacket No , 7,540 , 83rd prize Suspenders. No. 5,158 , 81th prize Man's Gloves. No. 0.727 , 85th prize-Hoy'8 Skates. No. 10,508 , 8llh : pri/.c Girl's Skates. No. 28,004 , 87th prize Girl'3 Skated. No. 23,202 , 88th prize Doll. No 8,011,80th piizo Do'L No. 27,908 , 90'11 pri/n Doll. No. 0,0j5 , { (1st ( prize Doll. No. 14,215 , OJnd pri/.e Necklace. No. 25,0'21 03rd pri/.e Gold CulF Hut- tons No. 12,829 , 91th prize Locket . No. 27,892 , O.Vh prize Hreast Pin. No. 7,371.00th prize Sleeve Buttons. No. 8,21)3 ) , 07t' ' > prize Silver 'Ihimblo. No. 30,770 , 08 h prize Brwiht Pin. No. 13fcOa , tf. th prize Pair Kid Gloves- No. 0,015 , 100th prize Lace Hand- kcicluof. - Those tlio iHifiUna the luclty tick et * wilt please call , present the same antl rcclevc their presents as soon as possible. * PEOPLE'S ' STORE Xos. Hit , : tJC , HI 8 and WiO Jiroad- way , Council littijj'a. THE BEATON FUEL CO Will supply you with n cleaner mid better quality ot COAL Than any one In the city. A trial will con vince you. No 028 Broadway. Telephone 110. WHOLESALE AND JOBBING Kcoxrssa O.F COUNCIL BLUFFS. ACltlCULTVllA J , J. DEERE , WKI.LS CO. , \Vliolcsnto Agricultural Impleinants , si , lUo ,1'to. Council IHuiTi , lown. KEYSTON iTTl A'sUFAlTLMTl Js'U ' c67 Mnmifucttirorsof nn.l Dt-nlcisln _ i Hand and Power Corn Sliellors , Anil tiKcmiiu llnu of ilr t oln 9 ninluultuin tmpleim'inv. NOF. 1501 , 15M , IBM niul IIU7 South Msln Street , Council ll.uT ( . lonn. DAVID hKY & CO. , .lnbbm * ot agricultural Implements , Wagons , Buggies , ( Y.rrliXKOi" . mid nil kln.ls of ttirm Mnohlnorr- 1100 to ll * South.Mnln Street , Council UluiT * Iowa. CAlll'KTf > . COUNCIL BLUFFS CAKPKT CO. , Carpets , Curtains , Window Shades Oil Cloths , Cnrlnln Flituroq , tliiholntcry Goo Etc. No. 40J llromUray Council ! " " IOTIX. C1OAHS , YOHACCO , KTO. PEHKfiOY & MOOHE , Wliolofnlo Jobbers In the Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco S Pipes Kos. ZSMaln mid 27 1'onrl Sts. Council Dluffg , lovm SNYDER & LEAMAN , STOUAC.r * Fruit and Produce Commission Merchants. 23 , i4 ! niul ! 'ii I'cal St. , Council lllugs. I1AHLE , HAAS & CO. , Wholesale Druggists , Oils , Paints , Glass , Drug-cists' Sundries. Etc. No. 23 Mnln St. , nnJ No. 21 Ponrl St. , Council 7II L'I fH. O. WMJTTS , Wholesale California Fruits a Specialty Goncrnl Commission. No. 5U _ x Council Uliiffa. WIKT & DUQUETTE , Wholesale Fruits , Confectionery , COMMISSION , Nos. 10 niul 18 t'carl Si. , Council llliuta. KTO. HECK.MAN , STKOIIHEI1N & CO. , JJnmi'Hcttirors of and Wliolo nlo Doiloivi la n Leather , Harness , Saddlery , Eto. No. 625 Mnln St. . Council IllulTj , lown. ) HATS , CAI'S. ETC. METCALF BROTHERS , Jobbers in Hats , Caps and Gloves. NOB. : ) I2 nnd nil Ilromlwiiy , Council IllitO. HEAVY KEELLNE & FELT , Wholo'nla ITOD , Steel , Nails , Heavy Hardware , And Wood Stock , Council HlulTd , lown. 1IIUICS AN ! ) TAM.OW. J ) . JI. MrDONKM ) & CO. , No. F2fl Mnln Street , 1 ! : Council COMMISSION M33KCI1ANT.S , ANII ] > IAI : ius : i.v HIDES , TALLOW WOOL , ETC. COUNCIL HLUL'L'S OIL CO. , Wholesale Donlcra In lluininaling & Lubricating Olli EJTO. , E3TO. P.Thcodoro , AHOIIL , Council Illuirg. loir a. I.IJMISKH ETC. A. OVERTON & CO. , Hard Wood , Southern Lumber , Plllug , And Ilrd'o | ( Material Siioclnltk's.Wlioluanlo Lure tor or * ! ! Kluda. Oinco No. I'M Main St. , Council JJIuirs. L1QUUHX. SCHNEIDER & HECK , Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors , JOHN LINDER , Wholcsnlo Imported and Domestic Winos & Llquon lor fit Oottlisrrt'H Herb IllttorJ. No. 11 tlulnSu Council lilulls. L , K1KSCHT & CO. , Wholesale Liquor Dealers , Ho , 118 Uroadwny , Council IllulM. CBESTON HO USE The only hotel in Council filufib luving FJ re ElsosL e And all mo 'ern improvements. 215 , 217 and 210 Main st. MAX MO I IN , Prop. Star Sale Slate and Mule M , BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLU1'FSV 0 | > | iublto Dummy Jcpoc , B CO tsi c * * f ca P * p : s ct . . L4iJ i7 i | j irti. iii. Horses und ninlcs koju connantly on hand , for talc at retail or in car loads. Oilers promptly filled by contnu-t on thort notice. Stock sold on comniisMon. SiiLurnii As HOI.I.V , Proprietors. Telephone No. Ill Formerly of Keil Sato Ktablns , corner Ut. uvo and 1th street.