Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 20, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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The Combination Reported to Be Backed By
the Bank of Nevada.
Provisions Receive Pnlr Attention nml
n Stronger l-'ocllnjr Develops
The llojr Aiul Cattle Trntlcs
Slow General Quotation * .
CHICAGO , Jan. 10. [ Special Telegram to
tlieiUEH.1 There is no news now in the
wheat jilt Hint doesn't coma from California
or that Isn't ' about Callfornlans. This fore
noon the market was cold off on news that
there had been n rain all over California
from 11-100 to 75-100 of an Increase. Tlio
rainfall In California , even with last night' ) ) .
docs not much exceed an Inch for the crop ,
Avhetcas about clulit Inches is the usnal quan
tity. Two years ago , however , there was a
terrible- dry spell that caused the utmost
anxiety and which was not relieved until
January 85. As last nlcht's rain is ahead of
that date It Is cxuccted that this jear's crop
will be saved as that of 15S4-5 wa , hut this
talk of drought Is not by any means the least
sensational part of the California gossip.
For neatly u wcok It has been talked that
thetu v.asa bull cliqueIn wheat which was
backed by the meat Hank ot Nevada. This
gossip tins been Indulged In all over the
world , Ycsteidav a cable to Alex Oi-ddcs
said unequivocally that an wjcnt of the Hank
of > ovadi was a ulc buyer of wheat In Liver-
cool. 1'lic samu talk has tucii rife in New
York. Hero at Chicago It has been
EO explicit that Held. Llndloy & Co. ' *
big and persistent bu > lii has bcon set
down as for this California clique. At Now
York It has been openly talked of for a
month. Notwithstanding certain Improba
ble features about the story , coiHcrvati\o
traders arc cettlni : to bcllevo that thcru Is a
basis of tuith and that for tliu second tlino
scum California mllllonalio Is IOUK an Im
mense quantity of wheat and is working all
the markets of the world from Liverpool to
Han Francisco. Wheat was more active than
for several days , but trading was altogether
speculative. An Increase ( if over 2,000,01)0 )
buslielHon ocean passage , r.iirt In lower Cal
ifornia , lower prices In .New York and
weaker cables made holders uncasv and under -
der larKnolCeriiiKS jiriros wilted and closed
nlmost at thu lowest ot the ( lav. showing n
Hhrlnkageof Jifc. May opened at boo , sank
to b-l' ' c nnd closed at b-ljfc ; February sold at
7dc. down to 77Jfe ; March sold at "bjife. down
to 78V : April closed at TUJ c ; Juno sold at
b5JC ttOc. CTur receipts to-day were- exceed
ingly small owing to a snow blockade at
seven western points. The receipts were
1AOOO bushels anil shipments 07,000 bushels.
Corn was weak and prices lower. Trading
was fair , but tlieio appeared to be little new
biiblucss. The talk was ull bear
ish In sympathy with wheat.
I/mips unloaded quite fieely and on
the decline shorts covered. May opened at
Kl'fc ' , sold atUc , down toHe and rlosuil at
1 o'clock at il@-il&c , a ilrop of iCi ( > ' e trom
yesterday. July sold at 4@l'Jj4u Provi
sions rucchoti fair attention and a stronger
icolliu was developed on thu Unlit run of
IIOKH and theories that the supply In the near
luliiro would be short or anticipations.
OirerlngH of the product were lluht and
ns stronc local patties bouiMit he.ivily
pilces were easily advanced and rlosini ; sales
were Iflc higher for mess pork. U c tor lard
nndfic for short ribs. Me- t > ork forMav
opened at . sold at SliliKf312.l5 ! , np
to 8l'ii V < ; ( < 41'.i.t5 : and closed at tliat li uie.
May lard bold at 5-0.02Kij ( < 5.071 and closed at
the top. Short ribs sold at SG.liSQO.u-J for
May and closed at the top.
iiyc : p m. On the afternoon board wheat
was lather quiet , while corn andpoik weui
Inactive. Coin was Inclined to weakness ,
whllo pork was qulto stioiiK. There was no
outside news ot Impoitancc. May wheat
closed at M4C , Mnv corn at41cand May pork
nt Sl' ( In the last few minutes
Inrco quantities ot corn weie both bought
and sold atlie. .
„ CIHCAOO , , lan. 19. [ Special Telegram to
tlio UKB.I CAT TLIC. Trade was rather slow ,
considering tlio plentiful supply of stock.
Tlio fact Hint the receipts are about 1,000 less
tliitn for thu same time List week , with pros
peels that the run lor the remainder of the
week will show n much greater shortage , did
not seem to have thu effect of stimulating the
demand or strengthening prices , as trade , ns
before stated , was slow from the start to the
finlhh , with ordinary undeslr.iblo and com
mon class Blcers selling n shade olT. Big fat
cattle are hcarco nnd suesclllnz quite as high
ns nt any tlmo last week within a range of
SQJOc for such as will n\erago 1500 to 1700 Ibs ,
and nro well np In style niul quality. Nlco
handy little steers of 10'X ) to 1150 Ibs that
bell within a range of S3.So@y , ) nre making
nhout the same prices as last week ,
( iood to choice fnt cows nnd hellers nro
wanted. Canning stock is dull. Dulls nro
M'llliiK as well us anything else in low class
nutf-heis' stock. Business In thostockor nnd
frudvr line Is rntlier light. Fnncy. sr.y , @
& .M ) . Shipping steers , 1350 to l.VX ) Ibs. ,
JH.4X31.00 : : ICOJ to 1350 ! Ibs. , 84.00a4.40 : IttO to
1UOO Ibs. SH-iiO * ? ? ; ! . , Stockers nnd feeders
lower nt 5J-J.40W3.70. COWP. bulls nnd mixed ,
E1.70Q310 ; bulfc , § j.3.rx&M ; slop fed steers ,
e4.oo5l.ttloxas ; cows , 8i40 ( < iU.&o : htecrs ,
Hodfl. Trade was rather slow and prices
n shade lower on best heavy , with
peed to cholro light maklnir equally as
i etiong pi Ices as Tuesday. Thu latter class is
now selling proportionately higher than
heavy. A few- fancy heavy sold at 54.U06 *
4.05. and prime packers at S4.CO@4.K ) , with
medium and common at S4.40@4.50. Light
sorts bold at SJ.GO ® 1.73.
York. Jan. 19. MONEY On call
easy nt 3li ( 5 per emit , closing at 4 nor cunt.
PititiK MBHCANTILK I-AI-KU oc J7 per
BTKni.iNa-ExciiANors Dull but steady at
ti.cajffor sixty day bills ; S4.KOl'for ' do-
( JovEr.Nut.NT8 Dull but Ftcady.
STOCKS Thu stock maikot was again In a
waiting mood. The opening was gtmer.lly
firm , with chances from instovenlnu's ilgures
forsnmll fractions only. Four leadlnc stocks
wcro strong unit advanced mnUnially , fol
lowed by thu general list. The market was
Bomowliat heavy toward noon , becoming at
that time quiet , but renewed activity and
( .tiength was noticed atter 1'J o'clock , which
veto fuithur Increased In Urn List hour and
the market closed active and strong , gener
ally at toji Ilgures. Kvervtliinic is higher this
evening. Jersey Central Is np 4 , ' per cunt ,
1'UO U UCI3SIA _ It 1C U T.
ClilcoBo , Jan , 10. Following quotations
tiuthe-SUcIoaing ; ligurcs ;
Flour Continues nominally unchanged :
winter wheat Hour , 84.i'XiJJ.M ; south
ern. S4.U > 4. " < J : Wisconsin , S4 , > . ' 0
tf4. M ; Michigan fort spiinc ,
8a.70.44.SO ( : Minnesota bakers. S3.7tk < *
4 .so ; intents. 51.50fi-t.w : low sradea. Sl.UVrf
5.l ! 5 ; rje flour , quiet at 53.85 3.70 in barrels ,
end S3.i cta.4o In sacks.
Wheat-WeaTcorand lower.closingabout 7.c
wndor ycsterdaj ; cash,77i c ; Febtuary , 77 > e ;
March , 78 bc ; .May , Wic.
Corn Quiet-.UiictuatIonsromalnliic within
a We range. clt lng } ( o below yesterday ;
cash , a > Vjo { March , 5 15-lCc ; May , 4Ic.
Oats Wi-aUer and about HftfVo lower ;
cash , i57ic ! ; May ,
Timotbysced rrlmf , f 1.W ) .
Flnxsevd S1.02.
Pork Moro active ; opened tame nt yester
day's closing lieures , advanced 12KQ15C ,
settled hacK 5 < 37Jfc , * nd near close feu oft
2) ) < ' | 5cmore : casti , Sia.02) ; March , 812.50 ;
Way , 812.50t312.32tf.
Lard Quiet but comparatively Mcady ;
CA ! I Sj < ( a5j hUher ; cnsh , S0.47H ; March ,
JOA' : Mav , 8I5.G7K.
Bulk Meats Short rib * . SC.15 : shoulders ,
S4.TO@ : > .00 : short clear , SO..VX3C.55.
Butter Steady ; creamery , 23@30c ; dairy ,
Cheese Steady ; full cream Cheddars and
flnts , I2 > i i3c ; joung Americas ,
skims Sf
HldeJ Steady and unchanged ; Oreen ,
0 } < c : heavy green salted , 7 } c ; salted
bull , C' ' c : dry salted , ll@12c ;
dry Hint , i : 14c : deacons , 2'ic each.
tallow No. 1 country , sjfc ; No , 2 , 2 { c ;
cake. 4c.
Jterelnts. bhiprnonts.
Flour.bbM . i9.KX ! ) 10,000
WhCAt.B.1 . 48,000 3.000
Corn. DU . 170.000 tr.,000
Oat.o.bu . . , . 147.000 none
Ityr. bii . . . . 3.COO none
Unrlrv.ou . W.OOO 40.0JO
St. | jonl , .lnn. 10. U'liont Weak : No. 3
red , cash , 8ijS32.'ic ; February , WJ cS May ,
b7o.Corn Kasy ; No. 2 mixed , cash , 34 / ®
S5c ; February , iMl c ; .May. 37 ! c.
Oats Irregular ; No. " mixed , cash , 2i'c ;
May , : sO'.j'c. '
H\o .Nominally steady at 5c.
Pork-Firm at SlS.-i1 ; .
Lard -Steady at S0.20.
Iluitcr Firm ; cieamery , 21@COc ; dairy , 15
Afternoon Hoard \Vheat Weak and K ®
% 'e lower. Corn Easy and Jjc lower. Oats
J < ; c < 4 ? c lower.
Kansas City , Jan. 10. Wlmat Wcatrer ;
So. 8 red. cash , 71c May , T e bid.
Corn Wealcnr ; No. S , cash , : :0j : c bid ; Fcb-
run r v , ill e ; Mny. : ! l.Yft'UXe.
Ont.4 Nominal ; Sli o bid for Mny.
Now Orloixtia. Jan. ID. Com Firm ;
-IS349C. .
Oils-Quiet at SOc.
Corn .Meal Quiet niul sle.idv nt S2.W.
Hoi ; I'rodnets Easier and not quotnbly
lower ; pork , S12.0.Jf ! ; lard , icllned tierce ,
50.37 > f. |
Liverpool , .Inn. 10. Wheat Qulot ; do-
niand fallen off with good supply ; ted west
ern spring , 7s "d , nml lid p r cental.
Corn Quiet but steady ; demand poor.
Now York. Jan. 10. Wheat Cash lots
JfGWfcUNvorandlioavy options 5 l@lVc lower ,
closing heavf ; receipts , : ,000 ; exports 0(5.000 ( ;
ungraded red , UlOtyiJtfc ; No. H red , ttl'fe ;
No. licd.UcMtn ; red , 03 fc : No. 2 red ,
Itijicln elevalor , Ii3 ( < i93i/c nlloat ; February
closing nt ! Hc.
Cirn Spot Unit nnd very quiet ; options dull -
ruarv closing at
Oats Moderately active ; recrlp [ , CS.OOO ;
3,003 ; mixed western , 3C@37c ; white ,
Petroleum Firm : United closed at 72
Kgu's FlrniiTifnlr demand ; western. 2lK < tno.
Pot k Quiet and lirm ; old mess , 513.33 ®
12.75 ; new mess , S12.75.
Laid Moderately active ; western steam.
spot , S0.7.r.5.77'x.
nutter Quiet and firm ; western , 1230e ;
Elgin creamer : tJn _ _
Cheese Qniel and linn ; western flat , 11 ®
MU\7.iukoc. Jan. 10. Wheat Steady ;
cash , 77 < c : Fobttinrv , 77ji.Cc ; Mny , b3c.
Corn Ste.uly : No. 2. SOc.
Oats KlrmfNo.2. 2GKc.
Jlyo Weak ; No. 1 , 57/'c.
Barley Easier ; No. 2 , 60&c.
Provisions htcndy ; pork , Januarv.
J 1'J.WJ4 ( ; May , 512.SO. . v
Cincinnati , Jan. 10. Wheat Steady ; No.
2 red , M } < e.
Corn Kasy ; No. 2 mixed. S7@S7"i'c. "
Oats Steady ; No. 2 mixed , 'MitWOc. (
llye-Qnlet ; No. 2. Me.
I'ork-Kirm nt S12..W.
Lard-Quiet at St'.40.
Wldsicy Steady at 81.13.
Mlnncnpniln , Jan. 10. Wheat Unset
tled nnd wijak for futures , verv light offerings
ot spot ; No. 1 hard , eish on track , bOc ; .lanu-
nrynnd Kubiuary , TU' ' c ; Mav. SH'c : No. 1
northern , cash , 7'Jo ; Jan unrv,7h'4cMaystVe : ;
No. 2 northcin , casti 77u ; Januaiy and Feb
ruary , "fiijc ; Slay , blc. , .
Flour Steady ; nntcnts , f 1.501.70bakers ; ,
S3.Gia ( ( > 3.7.r .
Keceipts AVlieat , 20,000 bu. ; ( lour , 100
Shipments Wheat , 10,000 bu. ; flour , 14,000
Chlcnito. Jan. 19. The Drover's Journal
tenorlsns follows :
Cattle Receipts , 9,000 : strong for good ;
common lower : fancy. S.Ii.2V3.'i..I > 0 ; shipping
steers , SX : ! ! @ 4.tO ! ; stockers nnd feeders ,
lower at S'i40 ( : ! .70 : cows , bulls and mixed ,
Si.70 ( < tux : ) ; bulk , 82.2nQ2.bO ; Texas cattle ,
HORS Kecolpts , 10,000 ; 5c lower for heavy :
light , 5c higher ; rough and mixed , S4.20i ( $
4.75 ; packing nnd shipping , S4.70@4.UO ;
light. 554.00(34.00 ( : skips. 88.iOi.8S. ( ;
Sheep Receipts , 3.000 : verv weak ; natives.
S2.SO@4.l)0 ) ; western. 52.wvai.60 ; Tcxans , 52.25
@ 3.75 ; Inmbs. S4.COcaj,5.50. ,
Ht. Louln..Inn. 10. Cattlo-Jlucolpti' , 1,700 ;
shipments. 300 ; steady ; choice heavy nnttVe
steers , 34.ttWJ4.bOfair ; to _ oed sldn-
plngsteers , S3.W4.20 ; butchers' steers , fa'ir
to choice , S3.00@UO ; feeders , tnlr to good.
S2.00 , 3,4U ; stockers , fair to good. S2.00i ( §
2.b5. .
Ho. s lircelpts , 4.000 ; shipments , 2.10 ;
tictlvo and strong on all grades : choice heavy
nnd butchers' seleclioim , 5-5.753i.OO ; pack-
Inc. fair to good , S4.W@4.70 ; Yorkers ,
medium to fancv. 54.35 4.5'J ; pl s , common
to good , S3.70ai2. .
KnnNiin City , Jan. 19. CatllR Hocolpts.
2.000 ; shipments , 1,200 ; weak oxcupt > Jor
choice , which were steady ; common to
choice shipping , S3.MK34.M ; stockers , S2.00
C < ? 2.90 ; feeding steers , S3.00s3.iX ) ; cows , Sl.M )
iloir's Uoceipts , 0.000 ; shipments , .7X1 ;
steady ; common to choice , S4.15 ( < ! 4.GO.
Wednesday , Jan. in.
The recfllpts were heavi r than yosterdny
by n hundred head. ( ! . II. Hammond & Co.
wcro not on the market as buyers , which tact
taken together with the reported decline in
eastern markets , had the elfect of depressing
the market here. Thu market was fully lOig
I5c lower here on common grades of rattle ,
Choice cattle did not feel the decline as much
as common Block. The demand wns good
at thn decline- and there weto buyers enough
to tnka all the stock In at the prices. As it
was , there wns not \ery ninny held over.
The receipts were fully np to the avcino
to-day though not nearly as heavy as yester
day. In addition to the fresh receipts , there
were twelve or ( if teen loads lett o\er from
the day belore , which helped to swell the
nnmbfr in tlio yaids. The maikct was In
clined to bo a llttlo slow at the opening but
livened up shortly utter. The bulk ol the
sales wcro madu at about yesterday's closing
prices. Thu market closed active and
stronger , everything being sold.
There wcio none In and no demand.
Cattle. . j . 1,000
llo0'S . . . 2bOO
1'rornlllni ; 1'rlccn.
Showing the piovalllng prices paid for llvo
slock on tnis market :
Choice steers , 13V ) to 1500 lbs..S4.3W4.50
Choice steeis , UUO to 1SOO Ibs. . . 3,75@ . : ! 0
( lood ftiedcrs.T. . , . 8.75M3.00
( iood to choice corn-fed cows. . . . 2.7-Vui.oo :
Fair to meillum grass cows . 'iWXic-i.M
( iood to choice bulls . 2.1K23.00
Light and medium ho/s . . 4. 5 4.40
( ! eel to choice heavy hogs . 4.45U4.X ( ( >
Uood to choice mixed hogs . 4.40&4.50
. * v ICpprcscntativo Sales.
No. Av. Pr. yo. Av. Pr.
13 . . . IM S3.40 40. . . . lira 83.N )
i > 7 . . . 010 K.IW 10. . . . 1807 4.00
1H..10181 a'JO 1. . . 1250 4.00
18..10 J. ! ! . & 83. . . . 117 4.0J
VU,1I10 ! 3.70 IS , . .1SOI 4.10
1..1101) ) .1.75 IS. . .1171 4.SO
3..11M 3.75 KO..H-:0 4.45
3 . . .UOO 3.75 C0..18'JO 4.43
No. Av. I'r. No. Av , Pr.
1..1140 5285 4. . . . KB SJ.M )
1..1200 'i.35 1. , . . U.V ) 2.N )
, , . .10IJ S.40 ' ' 11. . . .1237 15.09
J..10I5 S.W 3..129J 3.00
38 . . .1010 2.75 1..1100 3.00
2--.1J15 3.75
No. Av. Pr. NoAv. . Pr.
2..1SOO 82.00 1..1610 S2.W
1..1300 2.25 1..1COO 2.00
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
1..1500 S2.75 1..1330 S3.75
No. Av. I'r. No. Av. I'r.
18..1194 S3.FO
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
. .1007 88.23 14. . . . 1018 S3.75
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. - Pr.
5. . . . 723 53.25
No. Vv. Shk. Pr No. Av. Slik. Pr ,
bl. .219 34054.25 1(5. ( . .2-.I9 . .54.45
70. .210 3-J9 4.X ! ) 54. . .COO IfO 1.45
C5. .323 200 4.80 C4. . .SSJ CO 4.45
43. .330 200 4.KO W. . .249 W ) 4.45
CO. .250 fcO 4.32 } $ 01. . .3 0 210 4.45
M. .215 M 4. 2 i 53. . .2CG W 4.45
04. .233 COO 4.V : > C7. . .201 KO 4.45
f.O. .281 24U 4.3.5 70. . .271 120 4.4"i
78. .UiG ICO 4.a'i CO. . .207 1UO 4.KJ4
78. .209 160 4.15 ! SO. . .201 240 4.47 } $
182. .252 4SO 4.S7J4 02. .291 20 4.47
71. .257 100 4.3 ; > < 01. . .2lU ICO 4.60
70. .252 W 4.3 ? > < 57 . .803 bO 4.50
73. .233 20 4.40 50. . .fiOU ISO 4.50
0 > . .aw 200 4.40 02. . .WJ 200 4.50
73. .205 120 4.40 (17. ( . .271 120 4.50
52. .ttW 120 4.40 03. .203 300 4.50
M. .250 120 4.40 50. . .ff.M . . . 450
00. .203 100 4.40 f.3 . .247 W ) 4.50
7J. .211 120 4.10 ft. . . : V3 . . . 4.r > 0
77. .218 . . . 4.15 57. . .315 40 4.f.0
70. .253 . . . 445 VI. . .2-11 240 4.50
70. .iG ! > 2J3 4.4 * . OH . .200 300 4..W
60. .844 200 4.13 02. . .215 . . . 4.51
79. ,2U ! 100 4.45 M ) . . .343 120 4.iV5
51. .273 40 4.45 6'J. . .313 200 '
( ] . ' . 851 UO 4 15 5'J. . . < U ) bO 4.57' <
( ,9. 80'J bO 4.43 41. . .415 ICO 4.CO
BO of 1'rlccs.
Showing tlio hluhest and lowest nrlce.s
paid for loads of hogs on this market dmiut ;
thu past seven days and lor the samu tiniu
last month and last year :
.tmi. ! Si7 Jim. ItbO.
1.1th 3.7i Jll.00 4.0 ; (3.1 T ) 3.M
Hthi 3.Hyt.m 4. 1 ( itl.eo
ir.ih , 4ou i.i : > 4.UV ( 1.03
lUtlil I.IK ) ® 4.0 Sumliiy 3.40 G.1.70
17th ll'.l'i > 4.4D ttl.O. ' . Sunday
IHIl 3.tO © I.12JI 4.15 QSI.O- ) > -
lOtnl 1 Sumlay : /ri J.40
All silos of stock in this market are inatto
percwt. live wei.'ht unless otherwise stated.
lead hogs sell at pfc per ib. lor all weights.
"Skins , " or hogs weighing less tlian lee Ibs.
no value. Prii itnnt sows are docked 40 Ibs.
and blags SO Ibs , by the public inspector.
Notes. '
& Hogs all sold.
Catt'o ' 10W15C lower.
Cattle receipts on the Increase.
Cl. W. Wirt , York , was at the yards to-day.
Hogs opened slow but closed active and
II. Lvnch , Uravton , la. , was In witli a car
of cattle.
Mr. Hhuinan. Corning , la. , was in and sold
a car of hogs.
Lobmau it Uothchlld bought thirteen loads
Of cattle to-dav.
SI Andy llaas bought 310 head of cattle on
to-day's market.
(5. II. Jlaunnond & CQ. bought 572 hos
averaging 83i Ibs.
HI Mr. Woods , a stock-man of Tekamah , was
a visitor at thu yards.
Harris & Fisher bought nine loads of hogs
on to-da > 's market.
Mr. Yaukiik , Council UlulTs , was in with
thico loads of cattle.
T. J. Parish , Kearney , was in and disposed
of three loads of cattle.
A. 11. Wiit , Alnslcy , Neb. , was In and
marketed two curs of hogs.
John Hanell was in with a load of cattle
for J. C. Welch , of Clarimla , la.
S. F. Story , Tekamah. was in with four
loads of cattle , his own feeding.
Shippers who are well posted repoit veiy
few hogs remaining in the country.
W. M. Willie , Tekamah , was in and mar
keted two loads ot c.utlo and three ot
Mr. Kiurine , a well known stock-man of
Council 131ulls was looking over tlio jmukct
Samuel p.iltnn , Hlllbdalc , fa. , camu In to
day with li\u lo.icis of cattle winch he sold on
the market. v
1) . A. Jones , Milfoid , Neb. , was in and
sold a load ot cattle and a load ol hogs. His
tirst trip to thu yards and he went away well
_ _ _ *
General Product * .
Wednesday , Jan. 19.
Tlic fiillowlim jtrlvcs nrofi > r iininil lot * of
print in c , < m Milil on tlic intirket f < HfjTlic
< liii > tutl < in i i frnttH icincKi'iit Ilic prices nt
wlitch ontxitlc oriicrx nicjllltil.
E.os. The mark 't continues about
steady. The bulk of the receipts re selling
at 8jic24c : ( , while some strictly tiesh stock is
sclliiiut35c. !
UITTIII. : Tlie bulk of the best country
butter Is selling at lOftiiSp with a few roles ot
extia choice stuck at lb ( < ? 20c ; lair to good , 15
@ 10 ; common. 10@W e.
Pour/ruY Tlieio Is no mateilal change in
the ir.arKet. Chickens , bfii'Jc ; tuikeys , ba9e ( :
geese and ducks tffilOc.
CIHISK : Fulicream cheddars , slLrcl,13 c ;
full'.Xe ; yoiin American ,
14c ; fancy Swiss , 14W15 ; SwKs , Imported ,
35e ; Limburger , 13o : buck.l4Gjl3e.
QAMIJ Ueer , antelope , prairie chickens
and quail aiuout of season , but MS thu law has
never been enforced theyaniritilltoundln thu
market. leer ) and nntclope saddles , jier
iarii.'Yierfot \ , Si2.102.
miveil , do , 31.50ii2.00 ( ; brunts , do , S2.00.
ad celery
VrjfliiTAiir.ns Sweet potatoes , F'y Jcr-
sevs , per Ib. . 4c : rutabagas , per bbl.'Si.K ( ) ;
carrots. 82.00 ; white turnips , per bbl. , fr2.00 ;
parsnips , per bbl. , 52.00 ; bocts , per bbl. ,
52.00 ; cabbages , per lh. , IIJ c.
Cni.r.nv The market Is steady. Choice
stock PIT doz. . BSc : extra largo , per do/,40c.
OvsTins : ireilinniR , 20c ; standards , 2vc :
selects , ao ; extra selecls , 35c ; N. Y. counts.
40e.OitANiinnniKS Capo Cod. faticv. per bb ) ,
812.00 ; bell and buiflc. per bbl , 10.00.
BANANAS Bananas , yellow , per bunch ,
S2.0032.23 ; bananas , yellowlargo , pet bunch ,
82.50(13.60.i ( .
i Messina , per box SO.00.
UKANGIS : Florida , choice , 150840 to box
85 00 ; do. 5 box lots. 54.75 ; Valencia , per
case. 58.50 California Uiverslde , pcs box ,
MAVI.K St'OAK-Strlctly jmre. 50 Ib boxes ,
per Ib , 15c ; choice 5c hi icks , 3 > Ib boxes , per
Ib , 18c ; choice penny cakes. 33 Ib boxes , tier
lbl2Xc. !
PitovistoNs-Ham , sugar-cured , HKc ;
breakfast bacon , siu-ar cured , boneless , luL , ;
shoulders , Oc ; clear sldo bacon , be : dry salt
sides dried beef hams 14o dried heel
7c - , ,
Pllira , IUi Ultui * UULiiuitin * vu i. i/vv , <
regular , lie : mess iwrk , per bul , 512.50 ; lard ,
50 Ib cant , Fairbanks , OjSc : lard. 10 , 5 ami :
Ib pails , Fairbanks , 7J < @iic.
Ki.ouit AND Jlu.LSTUi'KR \ \ hiler wheat
flour , be t nunlitv ii.ttunt , 52.75 ; second qual
ity , t2.2 > ( T'j,50 : be t ( iiialltv spring wiieat
flour , patent. S2.00@3.70 ; W. J. Wolshan's
buckwheat Hour , jier bbl. 50.00 : do. double
sacks , 53,00 per hundred ; W. J. Welslmn's
, .
' per cwt ; bcreenini' , 60Ci 75c per
ewt'homlnv ; , 51.50 : shoits , 70j per ewt ;
graham , 51.13 ; hay , in bales , S7.00j > ur ton.
Grocers' Jjlst. *
PICKI.KS Medium. In bbls , 80.50 : do , In
half bbls , 53.75 ; small , in bbls , 57.50 ; do , In
half bbls. S4.25 ' " ; e tirkins , in bblj , Sii.50Uo ; ,
In half bills' . 54.75.
Svnui1 No. 70 , 4-gallon kegs , 81.2031,25 ;
New Orleans pcrgallon 8i > di40o ; manlo syrun ,
half bbU , "old time , " per gallon , 7t ) 1 gal
lon cans , DLT doz , tlO.OU ; halt gallon cans ,
per do55.50 ; quart cans , S3.0u.
STAHOII Mirror glass , i jb , Cc ; mirror
11133 , II ( U. IT U , I\lli
Kingbfords .
CAXNF.utiooDs-Oybters.Ptandardper case ,
53.15 3.25 ; strawberries , 21b. per case. SJ.20 ; .
raspberries. 2 Ib , per case , S2/.0 ; California *
pears , per c.tse , S4.50 ; "apricots , per casj ;
S4.COpeaches , , S5.oo ; white chui-
rle.s , per cast30.00 ; p urns , per case , 83.05 ,
bluebell les pur case , bl.s'ig ; plums , 2 Ib
iH-rca e , e2.50 ; pliieaiiiih' ? , 2 Jb , per case
S3.2cXiM.75 ; 1 11) mb.'kertil. per doz , 81.40 ;
1 ) u salmon , per doz , S1.50 < ai.5 ; 2 Ib goose ,
benies , uerc.ibu. 1.75 ; 2 Ib string beans , per
ca-n ; , 51.70 ; 2 Ib lima beans , per ra&t ) , Sl.tW ;
2 Ib marrow fat peas , percasu. Si40 < 2 6'i ; 2 Ib
early June peas , per case. 83.75 ; 3 Ib toma
toes , SW So : ilb-coru 5'i 10 jfcJ.25.
DIUF.D FnuiT MO ! nuarter apple ? ,
Cos In evaporated boxes , iai c $ l3c : black
berries. boxes. llQUWc ; pouches , Salt Lake ,
1S30. 10@10Sc , ; peaches , manorated. 15Uc :
I7c ; raspberries , new , 23c currents , 7 ® ( 7H
prunes , new. 6V.H"c. .
St'OAHS Powdered. 7c ; cut lout
. . ,
i , . - > UrtOc ( : standartl extra C,5Vf < MKo ; extra
I c ' . 5 05Kc ? ; meillum yellow , 4 } < ® f
crnment Java , 20(3-'Cc ( ; 'Interior Java , 10 > * ' ( a
SOc ; Mocha , 2a 34c : rbuckta's roasted
SO' ' c ; MeLauehlln's XXXX roasted ,
DiJworth's.80c : 'ro
MATCHES Pier caddie , 2c ; Vquaro cases , .
51.70 ; mule.sutiare. 51.20 . _ \
CANDY-Mixe < l. tijUmTJ : stick ,
( inrncau'a soila , butter nnd
picnic. 5'c ; creamss c ; ginger snaps , buc ;
city soda , 7 .
, .SUAI'S Kirk's saypn Imperial. 52.70 ;
KlrKs satinet. 53.00 ; Kirk s standard , 53.05 ;
Kirk's white Husslan , 54.00 ; Kirk's white-
cap. 50.50 ; dome , S3.b5 ; washboaid , S3.10 ;
White cloud. S3.75.
Gcncrnl '
limns ( itecn butchers , 5Vv70c ( ; geecn
cured , 'c ; drv Hint. llWlu'c ; dry salt , OyMOc ;
green calf skins , IVWtfc ; damaged hides ,
two-thirds price. Tallow ; < Vc. ( Jrcase
Prime white. 3 < c ; yellow , 2 > 4C ; brown. ! /
Sheen Pells , 25@75c.
IIKAVY H.viinwAUK iron , rain J2.0. ' ) ;
plowstcclsnecIalcast,4)iccruclblostcolOXc ) ; ;
east tools , tfo. 12 ( $ lbc ; wagon spokes , per set ,
S2.0Di < t3.50 : hubs , per set , 51.25 ; lelloes.
sawed dry. 51.50 ; tongues , each , 8Uc : axels ,
each. 75c : squaii ) nuts , per Ib. Irt71c ; coil
chain , pel Ib. Oc fl2c ; malleable , "M'.H ; ; non
wedges , Ce ; crowbars , Oc ; hatrnw teeth , 4' < c ,
spring steel. 70U'c ; Uurden's horse shoes.
tl.M ; Uunk'ii s mtilo shoes. $ > . V ) . Uarbed
Who. in car lots , 51.00 per 100 Ibs. Nails ,
latcs , 10 to to , 52.50 : steel nails , S2.G5T ( J.7.\
Shot , 51.05 ; buckshot , 51.b5 : oriental powder ,
kecs , 53.50 ; do. half kees , S8.00 ; do. quarter
kegs. 51.50 : blasting kegs'4-S2. : ; fuse , per 10
feet. 05e. Lead bar , 510
\AiiNi8in : * Hanoi" , per gallon : j'urnl-
lure , extra , 31.10 ; furniture , No. 1. Sl.Of ) ;
coach o.xtia , 51.40 ; coach , No. 1 , 51.20 : Da-
mar , extra , 31.75 ; Japan , 70o ; a nhallnin ,
extra 85c : siiellac , 53.50 ; hard oil liulsh ,
SriiUT.s Colosnospiilts. iSS proof , S1.17 ;
do 101 proof , 81.1S ; spirits , second quality ,
101 proof-SI.17 : da Ifcb proof. 81.10 Alcohol.
IbS jirooi , 52.80 per wine tmllon. Itedlbtllled
51.10(33.00. ( Hrandles , Imported. S5.00.ys.50 . ;
domestic , Sl.tO : < 33.00. Gltn , Imported , 54.50
0.00 : domc'slle , SL3.Van.oa ChampaKiies.
Imported , per case , 52 .00(233.00 ( ; American ,
per-caso. SlO.OOiJSlO.tX )
TAINTS IN OnWhite lead. Omaha , ! ' . P. ,
7Ke ; whlto lead , St. Louis , putc , S7.75 ; Mar
seilles green , 1 to 5 Ib cans , 8c ; French zinc ,
crocn seal , 12c ; French 7inc. red seal , lie ;
French zinc , in varnUh asit. 80c : 1'rench
zinc. 75c ; vermllllon , EndHh , In oil , 75s ;
red. lOc : rose plnK. I4e ; Venetian red , Cook-
sou's Jfc ; Venetian red , Amcilcau. 1-jc ;
red lead , 7 ! < c ; ehromo yellow , genuine , 20c ;
chrome yellow , K , 18c ; ochre , rochelle , ! Jc ;
ochre , French , 2fc ? ; ochre , American ,
IVc ; Winter's mlni-tal. 8j c ; Lehigh biown ,
aH'c ; Spanish brown , SJfc ; I'Unco's mineral ,
"DUY PAINTS White lead , EC : French sine ,
12c ; Par ! ; , whiting. 8' u ; whiting , gliders ,
8c ; wlilting , com' ! , l' c ; lampblack , Uer-
manstown. 18c ; lampblack , oidlnarv , be ;
Prussian blue,55cnltramarine ; , ISc ; vandyk-
brown , tic ; umber , burnt. 4c ; umber , raw , 4o
Mcnna , burnt , 4c ; sienna , raw , 4c ; Pane
green , cenulne. 35c. Paris green , com
mon. 28o ; ehromo green. N. Y. , SOc ;
vermllllon American. Itfc ; inuian
law and burnt umber , 1 Itj cans , 13c ; raw and
burnt sienna , 12e : Vandyke brown , 13c : rc-
liued lampblack 12c : coach black and Ivory
black. lOc ; drop black. ICc ; Prussian blue ,
40c : ultram.ulne black. We ; chrome creen.L. ,
M. & IX , lOcj ; blind r.ud.shuttcr green , ii. , M.
t U. , lOc ; Paris creen , ISe ; Indian red , 15c ;
Venetian red , 'As ; Tuscan , 33c ; American
vermlllion , L. it I ) . , 20c ; yellow oclne , 8e ; L.
M. te O. D. , ISc ; good ochre. lOc : paten
drver , So ; cralnlng color , llcht oak , dark oatt ,
walnut , chestnut and ash. l"c.
IJuiJos.vNt ) ijiiKMioAi.s. Acid , carbolic ,
2c ; acid , tartaric , 58o ; balsam c < qaiba ) , per
, . Ucbark : sassafras. ] > er HJ , lOe ; calomel
oil oriiranuiim , SOc ; opium , 53.20 ; qiilnlue , '
P. it W. and K. .tS , , per oz. 70c ; potassium
Iodide , p r ll , 52.75 ; s.ilicln. peroz. 40o ; sul
phate morphine , per oz. SJ.05 ; sulphur , per
lb,4esti ; > chnine. neroz. Sl.8a
l 'rit AND &KiNb The following prices
arc for prime , well handled skins : Heaver ,
prime , clean per pound. S1.50@3.K ( ) : fall , 51.85
g'.OO ; meaty and inferior. S1.0C@1.35. Bear ,
brown and gri//.ly. S5.00ffS.OO ; fubs und
s S'J.OOTi4.0o. Jiudger. 5'C"OOe. ) Cat ,
wild , 20@0c ! ; domestic , blank , 10 ( < ol5e ; do
mestic , sundrv colors. 5@-c. Fox , ml. 81.00
01.25 ; cross , 2.00@4.00 ; L'iey. 40a50c ( ; silver.
SIO.OC ® 10.00. Fisher. S4.POJiO.00. Otter.S4.00
( Z0.03. Martin , SI.OOK1.75. Muskiat , win
ter , laigo , li'c ' : fall. 5e ; kills , le. Mink , laru'e ,
daik , : > 5ii40e ; small and pale , 15s2qe. ( IJac-
90c ? " Deer and Jintelope , " winter , Ver pound"
15c ; full and summer , per pound , 80c.
Dry tiaranor.
No. 1 Cora. g. 1. s. 12,14 and 10 ft 517.50
No.d " 12,14 and 18 ft 14.75
No.J - " " 12 , M and 10 ft 13.50
No.I " " 12 Hand 10 ft. . . . . . 12.00
t tjio nib | rtuo | njsa
2x4 . 10.Mlltl.50 HI.5Jil7.00 ItUWULOJ 21.00
i | 17.0J IKOO'L'2,00 ' 22.00
10. w , , 17.00 is.00 SI.DO ! 21M
2x10 lli.B'J law 1IJ.50 . . ! ° 2.CO iii 1U.CO 17.00118.00'i'.OO J.OO
* < -8T8 . . . . lll.Mir | > .fiO [ IC.fii | l7.0QliP.OO ai'QOii.'O OU
1st com. , yt In White . Pine Partition..533.00
2(1 t * * it . . n-t r.n
2d Com. % in. Norway Pine Ceiling ! ! ! ! HW ! )
No. 1 , 4&0Inch , 12nud U ft. , roush..517.05
No. 2 , 4 i flinch , 12 nnd 14 ft. , tough. . . 14.00
. . . , STOCK BOAIlDb.
A 12 Inch. 40 C 83.1.00 .
K 12 Inch " "
4U I ) 2350
No. 1 , com. 12 In , , s. 1 s. . 10. ISA 20 ft. . . 21.00
No. 2. " ' ' lj ( so
No1.2 , ' ' 12 A 14 ft 17.00
" 10ft 10.00
, , , ,8lnri T'Ar.
No. 1. plalii.Sand lu Inch 817.50
No. 2 , plain.B and 10 inch 15.50
PORTS Whlto Cedar , 0 In. , s , 12c ; 8 In.
rs. , Ui
\m \ mm isj CCOSCIL mm n
Clilcajro , ANrjtf Milwaukee ,
Ht. 1'ftul , Hinueapnlls , Cedar Rupi
Clinton , DiibuqticJ Davenport ,
Uocklslaud.FrcepOTt , fiockford ,
Elsrln , Jladiuoii , Janesrillo ,
lieloit , Wlnona , La Crossc ,
And all other Important polnti Eat , Nortbeatl
bncl BoutlaeaiL
For through tloUeti call on tlio Tloktt Agon
nt 1401 Fornum street ( la 1'aiton Hotel ) , or a
Union Piicltlo Depot ,
1'ullinua bloeuorsaorttho finest Dlnlnir Can
In the world are rue on tbg main liuci of the
01110400 , MILWAUKBB i 8r. PAUL HAiuwxr ,
tiad Torr attention ii paid to puisenuari bj
courteoni employes of tbe ooiupun/ ,
K. MII.LKU , Cjoneral Maunger.
, J. V. . TUCKEII , A6Sl tnt General Mannf tr.
A. V. H. CAiu-EMr.H , Goneial
Tloket Agent ,
OKO. M. IlKArrOHD , Asblstnut G uer J
rer and Ticket A ont
J , T. CS.AUIC , Uonerul Suporlatenlcat.
niniiwiii Ffiui the iiru.xiu.K .
UIUUTKU.KItlfk.UltUllVUUNslItiA.\l :
HDOIi.Hic. , I'AI.MIiSritV. 2'C. All tlin.o , 4'lc.
BJHIAL : I.KAFI.CT Vriiuhiuxu co .
-W2 , ; cxv Vork City. KlLvtuitly illustrated.
Arrive Leave
Omaha Omaha
Depot loth and Pierce sts.
Pacific Express 7:50 am . 8CO : pm
Denver Express 5:70pm : ' 10:25 : am
Local Express 11:00 : am 5:05 : pm
Except Sunday.
1) ) . A M. 11. 11. K.
Depot loth and Pacific sts.
Mall and Express 5:45pm : 10:00 : nm
Night Express 10:00nnl : 7:45 : pm
Lincoln 8:30 : am
O. H. fc Q. It. It.
Depot 10th and IVillicsK
Mall and Express 0:30 : am 0:00 : pm
Chicago Express 7:10 : pin l :30 : am
K. C.St. J. AC. U.
Depot 10th and 1'rtcllicsts.
Via PjalNmoulh 7:10pm : 0:20 : am
Lincoln Express 7:00 : am < S:45 : pm
Except Mnndiy.
Except Saturday.
C. St. P. M. t O.
Dcpol 15th and Webster st.
Sioux Clly Express MS pin 8:15 : am
"DancroftAccommodatlon 10:3 : Jam 5:45 : pm
* E\cept Sunday
.Depot 15th and Webster st
Day Kxpre. s , 0.25am llTlO am
Night Kxjiress , f.oo : pm : lo pm
llMnin : ) 0:10 : pm
Tit A INS. US Y'ds. Omaha
Except bnndav. 0:00 : am * 0:15nm :
Trains leavlnc U. P. de * 7:0 : > am 7:35 : am
pot In Omaha at 10:55 : a. * slOam : 8:35 : am
in. , 5:05 : p. in. and b:80 : p. 10:00 : nm
m. , and those leaving * 10:5iam :
Unions-lock yards at Go : : > ll:35am : 8:00nm :
a , m. and 10:51 : a. m. arc ] 2Xpm : : ) 305 ; pm
through passenccr trains : 3:3. : > pm 4:05pm :
all others arc regular stock 4 l.'li pm T > :05pin :
yaids dummy tialns be 0:15 : pm 5:25pm :
tween block yards aim S25pm ;
Omaha , s2Qpui ;
IT. P. 1
* K\cepl Sunday. I 7 12 am 10 35 am
( Connects with S. C. & * S l5am ! * 7 :35 : am
P. at Council ItlulK I u. 7b IK ) am
'jConnectswlthC.H. & > U ; , . .nilJC1 50 am
Q. , 0. & N. W. , C. M. , te * 10 :37 : nm * lt ) :00am :
bt. P. . C. K. 1. & P. nil 11 : l7nm' ' 1I 10 am
Council Muffs. | * i :80 : pm :00pm :
Connects with W. St. :37 : pm : oo pm
L. & P. at Council Dlulfs. ! 3 :37pm : 13 :20 : pm
IConnccts wlthalloven- :37pml : 3 :00 : pm
Ing trains for Chicago nt 5 :50pm : J" :00pm :
Council HIulTs. Tialns ! fi :42 : pm oo pm
leave Omaha nl Union 30 pm
Pnclllc depot , lOlh nud pm : iOpm
J'ietce streets. :50pm : : oo pm
10 :47jini : ) : l5pm
.11 :55pmi : :00pm :
:10pm :
| depot depot
C. K. I. & P. : ( 7:15 : am'lOl5am ' :
Except Sunday , 0:15 : a in 5:25i : > in
t Except Monday. 0:10 : pml 7:00pm :
C. & N. W.
All trains run dally. . . . . j 015am ; 0:15 : am
0:10 : p m 7 : ' 0 u in
C. 1J. & Q.
All trains inn dally j 0:35 : am 0:15 : am
0:35 : p m 7:00 : pin
C. M. & St. P.
All trains run daily. j 0:15 : am 0:15 : a in
0:40 : p m 7:00 : p m
K. C. SI..I. &C. 1 } .
* E.xc 'pt Saturday. 10:00 : a m 10:35 : a m
tExcept Monday. * : p m 5:30 : n m
W. St. L. & P. (
All trains run daily | 200pm ; 3:30 : p m
S. C. & P.
All trains run daily. . . . . ( , 7:05 a in1 0:35 : a m
i G:25pm : | 8f,0pm :
Omaha ,
Council Bluffs
And Chicago.
The onlr road to take for Dea Molnos , Mar-
5hn11town , Collar naplilg , Clinton , Dixie. Clilcn-
g-o.MIIw.iukao nnd all points onst. To tlio peo-
po ) of Notira-kR , Colorado , Wyoming , t'tah ,
Idiitio , NcMirtn , Oresron , WiiKhlnglon and Call-
fornln , H offrra Biiporlor ndvnntagos not iioesl-
blc by n7 other line.
Amonp a few of the numerous points nf in-
perioiKy rnjoyc-d by the pnlrons of this road
IjotwcoaOmiilmiind Clilcnso , fxio Its two trains
artnyof DAY COACIIRd which me the tlnost
thHt hiimtin nrt nnd 'ncriuiliy ' rnn crpatc. Ita
PAIiACR HMtniMKG OAKS , rtliloh nre module
of comfort nnd olounnco Its I'AnfXJH DKAW.
INO UOOM CA1S ! , tinBUrpn'Sfoilbv ' any. and its
widely oclolirnted 1'AI.ATIAL DININO CAUS ,
iho equal of whlrh rnnnnt bp fonnil elaswnere.
At CounM ] niutTa the trnlninf the t'nlon I'ael
flo Ry. connect In Union Depot with the of
the Ohlraffo fi Northwestern lly. In Ciilcngo
the trains of this line mnko close connrotloa
with thoBo of all onatcrn lino" ,
For Pntrolt , Colnmbiia. Indliimipolli , Clncln-
nntl , Nitwnra I'iil ! § . ItnfTnlo , 1'ltteburv , Toronto ,
Monti onl. Hoston , Nuw Vork , 1'Ulladolplila , Dul-
thnorg , WHsMlntrton and nl ) lolnts In tli on t ,
uk the tloiot iiKont for tickets via the
If you wish the -.ojommoddtlons. . All
Krkf't nirontsfoll tlckuts vm tlil line.
Ooneral Mannifor , GniiU I'nBs'r Atront
O W CBteinApt City 1'iijs At
This limb is on the lat
est improved plan. The
Best , Lightest and Easiest
to manage and tlic most
durable limb made. I
have hail thirty five gears'
experience wcarinnian- (
nfactnring and ruljiibting.
Will give special rates
_ Until March 1st. My
best limb for ? 0i. Former price flCO.
Circulars sent free
OH N. 17th St. , Omnlm , Nob.
Artists' Material ,
Artists' Materials , Piunos nnd Organs ,
U13 Donglni Mrcet , ( Imcln.
Agricultural Implements.
Wliuli-mlo Dealer IB
Afirrldilttiral Imiilciucnts ,
gt * tuJ Duiiyler. Jonei meet , fc t ftu Vith
mid lOtb.Onubn , Neb ,
Agricultural Imiilcnients ,
ic. , Wholei le , Om h .
LKK , FJtIKn td CO. ,
Jobbers of Hardware and Nails ,
Tinware , Shoot Iron , Ktc. Aeenti for How * bcalei ,
and Miami I'uwderCu. Otnuhnf'tib ,
Wliolesiilo Hardware.
Western fcnn for JcffetHtn f-ttPl N'nllt. AiKtln
1'owdvrCo , Kulrb nk HunJardcnle / . Corccr
lOUi and llHrnef . txnalia.
Wliolosalc JCdai ! la
Agricultural luipli'tuonts ,
i\'ug&ruana Ilugylct , 9)1 , M3 , WJ andWJ , Jocci it
Butter and sss >
Itnyers of Rut tor nnd E
RofrlRfrntot nd r rklne llouso. llth find
worth St , U 1ft. . K. Truck , OnifkhA.
Builders' Hardware and Scales.
UochantcV T < K > : > nl HnlTslo BAltt. 1406 IMusUi iu ,
Oniha , Neb.
Boots and Shoes.
Mmt rTM y jfA xn
ilnniifnctiuerxind WbolmleDealers In
Hoots niul Shoes ,
Comrlfte flock of ttubbor ( Jocils nlwMd onhttnd
.V'l ? . IJtli Bt.UinMia , Neb. A. T. Auilln , Agent.
ir. r. MOUSE tp co.
Jobbers of Hoots anil Shoes.
lilt Furnaui it. , OmnhA , N b. Mnniif ctorr. BummAt
ilrrcl , lloslon.
Wholesale. Uublier Her t < < niul Sh ORS.
Hub andoilodun Iblna mid Veil llooti , boutti
ICnttCorner Htli nnd
Apt. for Anlicuscr-Hush Hrcwinsf Ass'n llrnndo. t'nuit , lltxlweljor nnd KrUncrr.
Lnjror Hcer Hrcwers ,
1 North l ( h Mrael , Omnhn , Nob.
Butchers' Tools.
Hutchers' Tools ntiil
Jauingo Ciuluc ) nf. ' > l | V'1. ' " . ' * nlwnyiln "toclt. 121 !
Building Material ,
co. ,
Doilcrln All Kinds of
Huililliiff Miitoriul at Wholcsalo.
ISth Street nnd Union 1'iicltlo Tr.ick , Omiilm.
Coffee , Spices , Etc.
'co. ,
Omaha CufTco and Spice -Mllie.
. .IOotTc-oi , Fnlro . HnVInc rowder. KlnTOrlnc.
tracts. Laundry lllue. Ink , lltr. 1111 1C Ilitrroy
btrtot , Uuiaha. Nob.
Home Coffco mill Splco Milla MT'jr Co.
Coffco Roisters and Rplix1 Orlndir" , ilantifniturpri
of IlHiltiK I'u.vJor , I'luurliii ; lxtnict , lUuliiK. IIP. !
Tr ) onu c ( " of our l.ft jmrknuu Homo IJlcud llontted
Oolite. ItlU Howard t. , Dmnba. .Scb.
12AGLE cllxciS WORKS ,
John Kponotor , Prop.
Manufacturer of Onltunlrcd Iron and Conilce. 'SG3
Dodgouud 103 and 100 N.lOtli tU , Uuialia.Neb.
Mnnufacturcrn of
Ornunicntal ( Jalvaulzcil Cornices ,
Dormer Wlndotrp , V'limls.Mctnllot-kjllcb'.ttc. 310S.
l.'th it. , Uninhii.
C. Spcclit , Prop.
Galrnnltcd Iron Cornice * , etc. Bt > p < t't > Improved 1'at-
cnt.Mctallci-kylliilit. Mi and MO S IZlli H .Oni.ilia.
Jobbers of
Carpets , Curtains , Oil Cloths. KUIJS.
l.lnolrumt , JlHltlrns , Ktc. 1MI Dom'aslrcrl. ' .
.S' . A. OJtCIIAJiJ ) ,
Wholesale Caricts | , Oil Cloths ,
Mattings , Curtuln ( > oed > . Kto. 1U3 rumaui btrcct ,
_ Omaha. Nob.
Crockery and Notions.
W. L.
Accatfor tlie2iiinufacturci niid Importers of
Crockery , Glassware ,
Lompj , Chlmuc ) ' , etc. OHIcc. 'M South 13tU St.
Unialis , Null.
Commission and Storage.
" "
> . "Vir HURLEY ,
CoiiiiuiHC-lou and .lobbing.
Utittor , Ki.TBnnd Produce. Conilk't.mcnts ( ollcltcd.
IleHiluiirtcrn | for htonewnic , Iti-rry Uoxi a and
( ir.ipo lUstctB. 1111 Dodi'ctlicftUmnbu.
" " *
Commission Merchants.
Frnltf. I'roduCQ nnd 1'roTltlone. Oiiinba , Neb.
Storage anil Commission Merchant.
bpocinttln Butter. EKK * . Cht'eoo. Poultry. Uamo ,
DjMern , itc. : , Ktc. m Soutb ] < lll Hlrcet.
Produce Commission Merchants ,
Poultry , llutter , Clinic , riulti , etc. 223 B. Hthtt
Uninlm. .Ncli ,
Coal ana" Lime.
P. lILjfiTOXEC CO. ,
Dcalern In
Hard anil Soft Coal ,
Office and yard , Kih nnd Nlcliolar ! . , Omaha. Neb.
Vur' ( ' 1 elcLbiiiiu , ( X.7.
OEO. K. ijAiunir. Pr < > . r. r , OoonMAN , V. Pros.
J A. tiU.viihitLAND , hoc. nnd Trial.
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal.
203 ? imtli Thirteenth Street , Omnhn , Nub.
,7 , T. JOIiysOtf tC CO. ,
Manufacturei'R of Illinois White Lime.
And Phlppern of Conl nnd Coki > , Compiit , PluMcr ,
Unic , Ilulr. I'lro Ilrltk , Drnln , TUB und M > wvr 1'lpe.
ORIcu. I'uiton llotsl. Kunium et. , Uuuliii , .Nvb.
7'fAYc co. '
Confectioners ,
Jobbcra -I'lultk.Nuts und Cltraia. 1211 1 unmm St.
Cigars and Tobacco.
Jobbers of Cfp/ars , Tobarco ,
Ouna und Ammunition , 215 tU7il P. lltlin. , 1020 U >
II/.H Karnatn t.Oiuali-iNcti.
Manufacturers of Fine Cipnrs ,
And Wbolenle Ieupr | In I.cnf Tolwrrdi , NOB. 103
nnd IIP N. Mill Urci'l , Onintiu ,
Wliole ale I > o lon In
Clfftti's , Tobaccos , I'lpes aud Smokers
Ascntu for I ) . I.ol tor lorf & On. . rinfl-Cut nnd Hnislt1
njTobsccoj , vtllwuukaa , Wlicumln. No.Ill
t = 3 NoftU ilxtusnttiblMOt , Oinitin , Nab.
Dry Goods.
M. E. NMJTJf ,0 CO , , .
Dry floods , Furnishing Goods Notions
1103 Mid HOUlouulai , cor. lltliBt. , OmnliH.Neb.
OlitlllcrBorMquorr.Alrnlinlnnil Fplrln. Importer !
and Juliberxif Wlnciuail I.lquori.
CO. and JLER U CO , ,
Importorf and Jotterrnf I'lnnVlni > > nnd I.lqncn.
boleiounufnciurttriuf Keniiodt'i r. H Inrtin Jill-
HTH unit ; < oun'lo ' I kjunu. III ? llnrnojht.
Drain Tile , Etc.
A , Il.BAUEH.I'r" J-W IlKlirnni > .Hec.&Troai
U. J. CAlianK , V.l'ici. and bupt.
Office 213 R. Kill MMOmaha Neb Machinery nn
Huppllet for M nur cluring Cuinpiit Driln 'Jl .
Wholesale Dealci a in Furnltnrj ,
* t'aruam ft. , Omaha. Npb.
Furniture , Jleddins1 , I'pliolsh'ry ,
Ultror , etc , llCe.ISM and 1210 furnani rt. Omuba.
Groceries ,
Wliolosfllo Groceries ami Provisions ,
No . TM.Tirr. 700 nd 711 P. TPth St. Omnhn , Nth.
McCOttD , RRADY C CO , ,
Wholesale Grocers ,
Ulti nnd I.c > enwottti M . , Otnnfm.
jr. , r.
Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
Spring * , Wntron flock , Hardware I.nmber.tto , IJCt
and 1211 llnrncj it. , Unjaha.
Wholesale Iron and Steel ,
Wacon nnd Csrrlnco Wood Stoch , HO TT HardwM
jtlc. 13iandHli ) l.ea\pnworthft.Omatm , Nob.
Stoves , Kanpe ? , Furiinc H , Tiles ,
Uaiitlci , lirate * . llraiiK.oodi. lat and 1323 Knrnnm
Iron Works.
Iron Works ,
Wnneht nnd O t Iron null.llnp . Worlt , Iron Pt lr ,
llnllliiK , Ud.inm nnd ( llrdpri , Mcnm Knulticn , limit
\V rklinrral ITtmndrT , Mnehlno nnd ll'arkimltb.
\Vctt. Office an JWotka.U. I1. Itj.andltlhiHiPct.
K. 11. MrMANtlS. C. iTI.MVAN.
Mnniifacturpr * of
Wire and Iron Halllncrs , Desk Halls ,
Window OtttrdK , Klowor Stniul , Wlto Slern , lUc.
12.1 N. Kill. Order * hy tnnll promptly nltended to.
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sash ,
Doon , Ktc. Vnrd9-Cornertli nnd DounUs ; Corner
i'tli ' nnd Doiljl.u. i
Wholesale Lumber ,
314 9. lull street , Omnlin.NcK ] . Colpctior ,
c. y. DIETZ ,
13th anJ California Mreot , Omnlin , Nrb.
Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. . Etc.
Cor.Cth und nounlai Hi. , Oniulin. No1) .
To Dealers Only.
Odlcp , H03 rnrnnm itrcel.Oicnlm.
Hardwood Lumber ,
VTood Carpets and Parquet rioorliif. Dtli nnd DoualiU
Wholesale Lumber , Etc.
loiported and American 1'orlland Cement. State
Al'cnt lorMlhvmikoo llrdrnullc Cement and licit
( , 'uliic-jr Wliltol.ln'o.
Live Stock.
Of Omaha.
IJmltod. John P. Boyd , Suporlntcr.dont.
Life Stock Commission.
M. 21URKE < 0 SOXti ,
Live Stock Coiiiinission.
Goo. Ilurkp , Mannfcr 1
Union Stock Vurds , S. omnlio. Tolepl.ono 5S7.
Live Stock Conunission Merchants ,
SbJpmcnte of anr nnd nil klmlu of Stock tiollcttod.
Union Stock. Vnnl p. ( imshn. NeU
Millinery and Notions.
Importcri und Jobbcrn of
Millinery nnd Notions ,
1211 and I'.Ti Hnrncy St.oct , Omnlm , Neb.
- Arotliaonlf Direct luiportcraof
German & French Toys & Fancy Goods
In Nebraska. ChlcsiKO iirlecn duiilleutcd without udd-
Ini : frplclit. HT > riirntini Mrcet , Omahn.
Wholetalo Dcalcre In
Notions and Furnishing" Goods ,
t\\ \ und < ! > . - ) H. 'I'cnlh t , Omnhn.
Jobbers In
Notions , Hosiery and Gents' Furnishing
1005tmd 1018 I'arnnra tOmnhnNeb.
jranufactnrers of Overalls ,
Joai.s I'-intu , Hilrt > , ite. llWnm ! 1101 Don 'las Street ,
Oninhti , Neti.
Paper Boxes
, T. L. WILKIE ,
Mnniifaeturi'r of rapcr Uoxc < ,
68.llth St. , Oiuiitiu , Nobruikii. Ordenij \ lu
llcltcdand ulllraculreprampt attention.
.loll rrintcr.s , lilttnk Itnok MttUerg ,
And Uook lllndrni. ion niid Itrt Suutli 1'uuitocnth
Uruet.Omnlia.Ncb ,
Auxiliary Publishers.
DonleralnT/pe , l'r soi nnd I'rlntpra'hupplloii , 403
South Twelfth rUn-cl.
Pumps ,
\VhoIoKaloPuiuim , Pljic , Klttlnes ,
RtBamuii'l Wntcr Hiinullcj. Ili'inlriiiiirlrrii I r Mnct
KooitCo'aJuu < l , lllliurnam nl. . Omiitiii , Nob.
A . TT7rJiA NG cd7
Purap1) ) , 1'ljioH nnd Kiifirnc3 ! ,
Btcen. Wiitrr , ItMUny unit Jlllllni : hupiillpi. Klo ,
(80 ( , l ur.J'/-'t I'arniill n. , Oumlni , Kfb ,
J7. , S' . ir/Ar ENGINE nnd PUML *
HnlMdnv7lnil Millii r I en in mill Wiiter Pil |
jPluuiliInif ( fOiifc. llcillni : . lloio. 1'IS nnil .r.-U
uuiii m. , Omnliii. H. K Kulliui , MuiiUKir ,
J oil-phono KD.VIU.
Safes , Etc.
P. JiOYER M CO , ,
AROiits for Hall's Halo & Lock Co.s'
nnd llnru'ar ' Proof Hnfon , Thua Ix.clis , Vaultl
ork. Jttt ) l-iiriuia ilrcet Omuha , Nab.
Onmlui Kafo Works.
llanufflcliirtriof Flro und Ihirjjlarl'roufHufcs , Vnull
tiourn , Jnll Wiirk.Miutic-m und Wlru Work. Cur.
lllli nnd Jnckion rU . , omi. ha , N < b ,
Sash , Doors , Etc.
Sash , Doors , Jlllnds and Moulding ,
lliancli oSito.niu I-rJ , On ! . " , " -
ri' " * - tts , ; : -slj
G. LYMAN ' ,
, Duor , Jilinds ,
Dulldlnu Pirer , etn. 1' ' < 11 bui.tli 'Ihlrtpnntn Street ,
Omelia , Mil ) . A rnmpluiM ilock ut lluililt'ii ) '
Manufacturers , cf Sasli , Doors , Blinds ,
Uoiild'jiyi.hfnlr ' Work and Interior Hard Wood K'nlil '
Juttufeuld , N. K.ror Slli nnd I.ou > ou oltUbtn.
Omuha , Neb.
Wagons and Carriages.
The Lending1 Uurrluiro Factory ,
iKtTAlll.l tlHI lk.J ( )
li'-'J nnd llll ] > o > ljuHr | < t , Omuha.