Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 20, 1887, Page 2, Image 2

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resort to Dominion ports or waters , tor the
llmo tnkon In surh departures for the cod or
halibut grextnds was n loss both of time nnd
money. The committee llnds thnt , from n
conitnfrclnl standpoint , It is often n ad-
vantnimfor , American \esscls with cargoes
to ptiMffnt Cnnndlnn ports wliero there nro
railway connections with the states. In this
respect the lack of recipiocal legislation on
the pnrt of thfl Dominion government is
found to bo disadvantageous. The commit
tee. In conclusionrommcnds the passajo
of the bill ns reported ,
nncij < Yui-i > orr.
Annrctilfit Spies' Mnrrlngc V.'lll lie
Htnpnoil lly tliu BlicrlfT.
CiifAoo , Jan. 19. [ Special Telegram to
the Iir..J ! : It has been definitely decided that
the contemplated marrnto ! of Anarchist
Spies to the young JIIss Van Znndt , which
was to Uko place in the county jnll tomorrow
row , will not occur. The decision of the
sheriff to not permit the scandalous alfalr was
confirmed this morning. After an Interview
the sheriff had with Jtr. Leonard Swett , who
1ms recently been retainer ! as ono of the coun
sel for the condemned men , Mr. Swott In.
formed the sheriff that It was his duty to pre
vent the cci oniony , ns It would bo an outrage -
rage upon decency. Tills was In direct op
position to Iho course ot Captain William 1' .
Black , of the counsel for the anarchists , who
has apparently been nbettlnff the mei.illt-
anco. The Intimation wns given In the dis
patches last night that the sheriff would In-
tcrposo and this wns confirmed this morning ,
when orders were Issued to permit no ono to
see the condcmnt-d seven. JIIss Van Zandt ,
accompanied by a sister of Spies ,
nppcarrd In the criminal court building
about 10 o'clock this mornlng.but on attempt-
In * ; to enter the jail they were slopped by
the guard. JIIss Van Xnndt then consoled
herself by sending in a note to Spies. Sheriff
Mntson sajs that ho piohlbits the ceremony
simply on the ground of public decency be- bis prisoner Is condemned to hang.
Justnsttoon , hondds. as the supreme court ,
either by ordering n rehearing or by any
other move , makes It piobablo that his pris
oner will not bo executed , lie will withdraw
any opposition to the marilngo la "Jfurdur-
ers Bow. " For the present , however , nnd
so long as tinre appears no hope for Spies to
escape the haiuniiin's noose , the sheriff an-
nouiipcs that he will prevent n ceremony In
the jnll. Ho docs this , hit savs , solely out of
roznrd for public propriety , just ns ho would
prevent a marriage at the poor house among
the Inmates there or nt the insane asylum
among the Inmates there.
The relatives of JIIss Van Znndt , and the
young woman herself afterward , had an In
terview with the sheriff and decided to relin
quish the Idea of a tnnirlngo nt present.
Spies was risked hnw tin regarded the order
of the shciiir and said : "Whatdo I think of,1
the order ? Why , 1 ro nnl It ns boltvg only
on n par with the treatment I have received
Blnco I was nrre.stcd. Then they
wanted to Ijncli 1119 and they have
Jcept up the persecution over since.
There Is nothing like the despotism
of tno petty olllcinls who have lived on the
poiqulsltus of their positions for jenrs.
Carter Harrison Avas rlirht when ho said that
such actions would shaku every throne In
Europe. The shcrih elves orders as though
lie were thucinr. In iuct , the czar would not
carry his despotism to such extremes as does
bhorttf MutBon. "
Ono of the proprietors of a dime museum
saw Miss Vnn Zandt this morning nuu
offered her 83,000 to appear at his place for a
week. She refused the oiler.
K > Mr. Leonard Swott , In spoaklntr about the
matter , said : "I nm not interested In the
mnrrlago of August Spies , but 1 nm retained
ns counsel of Mr. Spies In his caao Bonding
In the supiemo court , and 1 Imvo a deep In
terest In his behalf In that matter. 1 nm
very jealous of his defense , lam opposed ,
however , to people marrying nnd botniridvon
in marriage on the road to the wallows. "
Pirrsiiuuo , Jan. 1U. Jlrs. Arthurs , aunt
of JIIss Van Xandt , was hcen by it reporter
tills afternoon. She said that sliu had just
halt nn hour previously received advices from
Chlcauo of the sheriff's action. The lady ,
who looked like ono who had suffered great
mental distress , said that she highly com
mended the firmness and manhood of the
ChicagoolHclul , adding that cvoir tor Miss
Vnn Xandt she thought that it was the kind-
list and most consldeiato thing that could
have been done.
CHICAGO , Jan. lD.- Tie | story Is told this
evening that a younir woman In men's
clothes attempted to visit Anarchist Spies In
lull , but was discovered nnd left hastily nnon
being threatened with arrest. The sheriff's
deputies are said to bo taking measures to
checkmate a plan to smuggle A justice of the
peace Into jail with JUss Van Znndt , and
while the friends crowd around have the
raarrtago ceremony performed through the
bars of the "cago" wliero the prisoners go
to see friends.
A Lively Tiuulo With the Croirlmr
In tilmorlck and Donegal.
Dum.iN , Jan. 10. Exciting scenes were
witnessed yesterday near Caherconllsh ,
County Llmerlcktho occasion being the evic
tion of Edmond O'Grady , a tenant on the
Gabbott estates. O'Grndy and about twenty
of his friends proceeded to the upper story
of the house , cut nway the staircase behind
them and stationed themselves nt the windows
dews , The evicting party soon arrived nnd
stormed the house with sledge hammers and
bayonets. Ladders were placed ngalnst the
walls up which policemen nnd bailiffs
swarmed , but the defenders throw boiling
water on their assailants and hulled the lad
ders to the ground. The attacking party
udvancod repeatedly upon the house
and wore as otten repulsed. The
contest lasted fully tlueo hours.
Ultimately a hole was cut in the upper floor
through which some policeman crawled ,
wlillo otheis coveted the occupants of the with rifle. * , tnrcatening to fire it the
tdluhtost hostile movement was made. The
eviction w-as then effected and several persons
were arrested. During the excitement crowds
of people gathered about the house and
cheered the defenders. For this display of
sympathy thoy. were repeatedly charged upon
by the police and vlgoiouslv clubbed. A
number of policemen and citizens were In
jured in the affray.
O'Giady and fifteen others arrested near
Cnhcrcoiillsli were brought before Mag
istrate Plunkett at Limerick , chaued with
offering Illegal resistance to the authorities.
They w > ro discharged.
The shorln" and a force of police from
Qwei'dorc. while on their way to evict ton-
nuts nt Bloody Foieland , County Donegal ,
ycstoidny found the road blocked with ( in-
men so granlto boulders and were obliged to
proceed on foot. The blowing ot horns and
ringing of bolls brought tocether largo
crowds ot peasants who threatened the po
lice with violence. The police uiadeastra-
tegifl move around the , base of the mountain
by tlio son , but bcouts on the mountain top
cave the alarm and the peasants , cheering ,
rushed down the mountain sldn and blocked
the iiassaunA constable threatened the
crowd with his _ taton. ThU was
n signal for a shower of stones from
excited peasants. A desperate fi-'lit ensued ,
tn which five policemen were badly wounded.
A priest \\lio was present finally succeeded
In calming the people , and they allowed the
police to piocced. A tenant named Gal-
lugher wasi'vli'tcd , but for various reasons
the pollro loft the other tenants undisturbed.
In many cases they were unable to Identify
the cottages from which the occupants wera
to bo evicted. Meantime the peasants carried
Gallagher back to hla house , kindled a fire
nnd reinstated him. The priest then per
suaded the people to allow the.police tore-
LONDON , Jan. ill All the nnwspaporshero
publish an outline of the new conspiracy bill
as U wa clven In yesterday's Stnudaid. The
Pall Mall G.niotlQ dodarus that the pretence
of applying the new law to the United King
dom U the thinnest veneer , a make-believe ,
dei-e.lvlm : no ono. The Gazette continues , :
"Tlio bill is Intended for Ireland alone.
As the coercion bill for England nud Scot
land. It will receive the most resolute opposition
tionTlm St. James Gmotto considers that
Iho measure can do no mlsclilof.
say * , U absolute in Irulend.
Consolation For King William.
llKiiMN' . Jyu. 19. The upper house of the
Ptusstan diet unanimously adopted an ad
dress to Emperor William expressing the
\\tlllngiiC3sof the Prussian people to vote
the means necessary for defending the Ger-
raaiv empire.
Tlio Flood Itcoodei.
COIINWAU , Out. , Jan. 10. The water lias
fallen three feet nnd Is still receding. All
danger of another Hood Is now peat for tha
Meeting of the Society at Dos Homos and
District Reports Read ,
Proceedings of the Jllllcrs , Horticul
turists mill Other State Associa
tions An Unglnccr'H Fnlnl
Jump Nobrnsltn News.
A Colil Wntcr Convention.
Dna Moi.vr.s , In , , Jan. 1 ! ' . [ Special Tele-
cram \o \ the Bnn.j The State Temperance
alliance bt-gnn Its annual meeting hero to
day. Hon. J. A. Harvey delivered the presi
dent's address and the principal work of the
day was dp.volcd to hearing reports from the
different congressional districts on the pro
gress of prohibition and general discussions
thereon. Those reports varied In tone from
0 conditional open saloon to that of abso
lute prohibition. Thus the report from DCS
Momcs county , which inclndcs Burlington ,
stated that IIvo btewcrlcs are running. Forty-
flyo Injunctions Imvo been granted , but the
sheriff has failed to close the places. The
work has boon done almost entirely by the
law and order league. The supervisors
grant licenses to all applicants nnd both
connty and city authorities wink'at viola
tions of the law. On the other hand , Louisa
county reported no saloons , breweries or dis
tilleries ; there Is very llttlo drankcnness ;
court expenses are very light ; druggists gen
erally obey the law ; the work has been done
by the law and order league.
Jlr. Marshall Judge , who represented the
second district , appeared to have had n pretty
haul time as a reformer. Ho described his
experience In trying to onfoito the law at
Clinton , wheiu ho filed applications ngnlnst
tinrty-thrco saloons. Ho said : "None of
the notaries were willing to swear mo to the
applications. I flually wont to the county
clerk and under threats of prosecution if ho
refused to administered the nflldavlts. Judge
Lellengenco decided that the buyer was ns
ctillty ns the seller. We appealed In another
case with Hayes on the bench. Wo were
present with forty witnesses. Hayes went
oil to a horse race and so refused to try the
cnsc. Finally 1 seized $175 woith of beer.
Judge Hayes in this case told the Jury that
the law should not bo enforced and thocaso
was dismissed. At length a conspiracy wns
formed nmnng the liquor sellers to kill mo.
1 called on tlio alliance tor protection. Just
ono of the members went to the court room
with me. When 1 left the court room and
took a street car for homo the saloon keopeis
assaulted mo. One ot them had a Icnifo and
\\hen ho took me by the throat i shot him In
the arm. I was arrested and loilged In jail.
That night the mob assailed the jail and tore
It down. Three hundred temperance people
stood aiound and saw ono hundred whlbky
men do this work. "
This livening a public meeting was held In
the First Bautlst church , which was ad
dressed by leading temperance workers.
Bloinorlul Services.
LINCOLN , Neb. , Jan. 10. [ Special Tele
gram to the Buu , ] Memorial services to
General John A. .Locan were held In tlm. hall
of the house of repicsontatlvcs this evening.
Governor Thayer presided and paid an elo
quent tribute to the dead soldier and states
man. Judge Amasa Cobb gave nn Interest
ing personal sketch of Logan. Colonel
Webster , ot Cential City , and Patrick 0.
Ilawcs also spoke at some length and
pulog)7cd ) the Illinois general and senator.
TheUnlversity Cadet band nnd the Arlou
Glee club rendered pleasing music. A portrait
trait ot Lof an was draped In mourning nnd
enveloped in tlie folds of the American Hag ,
A largo nudicuco was present.
Mysterious Horao Fatality.
BI.UK HruiNGS , Neb. Jan. 10. [ Special to
the lir.n.J II. S. Barnum , Overman hero ,
has lost four standard bred two-year-old
colts the past few days , nnd another colt will
probably dlo. No ono can determine the
cause except that It Is congestion ot the
stomach In some form. Sotno think it pois-
onlni' , while others sav that It Is a now
disease. Tlio best of care has been taken of
them nil winter and they were In line condi
tion. Mi. Barnum has about a dozen more
colts and ho Is greatly alarmed at the disease ,
ns his colts are nil standard bred trotters and
pacers. _
Ilawkoyo Horticulturists.
CirAni.ns CITY , In.Jan. 10. [ Special Tele
gram to the BKE. ] The state horticultural
society is now holding Its annual meeting
hero. Tlio president and other prominent
members wore snowbound on the way and
unable to eet through at the opening , but a
good meeting was held nevertheless. Vice
TreMdent WrogK read a puper on "Experi
mental Horticulture. " S. F. Garden read a
report on "Forestry. " Koports from the dif
ferent districts weioreceived and there was
a general discussion of tlio subject of ' Frauds
or Tree Aeonts. " The horticultuiists of
northern lowaaie especially well represented
in the meeting.
The Engineer Killed.
DBS MOINRS , In. , Jan. 10. | Speclal Tele
gram to thoBEC. ] A Uonwick special says
that an accident occurred on the Northwest
ern road n tnllo north of that city yesterday.
A Hanger car running a special was derailed.
The engineer , Ed Leo , leaped from his en
gine and was killed. The lircinnn , Kclloy ,
was severely Injured. The conductor , who
was riding In the cab , had presence ot mind
to seize the lever and reverse Uis uuglno ,
teen stopping U without further damage.
Iowa Millers.
DES HOINES , la. , Jan. 10. [ Special Telegram -
gram tothoIEE. | The Iowa State Millers'
association met this morning In the city
council chamber. 'Iho object of this organi
zation Is to keep the millers posted on the
methods and the best qualities of grain to
handle. The officers elected were : Presi
dent , J. J. Snotiffor ; vlco-prenldont , K A.
Uonslgney ; secretary and treasurer , J. U.
Lord. A branch organization the Iowa
Mill-Owners' MutualUoneilt association
met this afternoon and tiansactcd the annual
Nipped From a Train.
Cor.UMiius , Neb. , Jan. 10. [ Special Tele
gram to the UEK.J A young man giving the
nameot Henry Miller , ot Dtibuquu , la. , waR
taken from the east-bound Denver train this
morning by our chief ot police upon n chare ®
of stealing a uold watch from Grand Island.
Shurlll Wudgcwood , of Hall county , camu
and Identified Miller and icturuud with his
Arrosteil Far Ilorso Stealing.
Nr.uiusicA Cir ? , Nob. , Jan. 10. [ Special
Telegram to the UKE. | The sheriff of Bow-
nrd county arrived In town last night and
arrested John Mulllreovy on the warrant
sworn out by ono Whltcford , of Howard ,
charging Mclllreevy with Jiorse stealing.
The accused stand ! ) well In business circles
and was chief of police several years ago.
The Kiromon Adjourn. .
COLWMIIUS , Nob. , Jan. 10. [ Special Tele
gram to the 15KK.J The Firemen's associa
tion finished up tnelr business to-night. The
next annual convention will bo hold at Platu-
mouth and the tournament at Kearney. An
onteatalnmont and ball at the opera house in
honor of tlio lireiiion is In progress , with a
largo turn out by the cltUons.
Various Meetings.
CF.DAK KAVIDS , la. , Jan. 19. [ Special
Telegram to the UEK. | The American Poland
China Record association , the Farmers' Mu
tual Ltfo Insurance company , the Hlo Grande
Mining company and the Tornado Mutual
company are all In convention to-day , The
old officers were ro-elected.
Decided to Itomaln.
KEOKUK , la. , Jan. 10 ( SpeclalTclesram
to the DEB. ] ThU mornijig thp extensive
wholesale dry goods firm of Irwin , Phillips &
Co. , decided to remain m ICeokulc uotwItU-
staudlofi flattedng offers to more elsowhera.
They have organl/ed a Joint stock company"
with S1V,000 ) capital and when It Is paid up
will build n largo business block la the spring.
Donth of An low/i Plonocr.
DE * MOINI : ? , la. , Jan. 10. [ { special Tele-
cram to the Um.J A Montezuma dispatch
announces the death of W. C. Shcploy.super-
crlntrndcnt of farming In the Navajo Indian
agency in Arlrona , nt the agency near
Albuquerque. His remains will be
brought back to Mnntenima on Saturday.
He was appointed to his position in 1S > and
litst November ho returned to Iowa nnd took
his family back with him to spend the winter
in Arizona. Ho was n pioneer In eastern
low a nnd well known In that part of the
state. na _
Tlio Consul nt Online IVnnts to Pl lit
n CnncrGflAtnnti ,
Nr.w YOIIK , Jan. 10. [ Special Telecram to
the HEE.I A Washington special says :
When It was reported last Juno that Cuthbrt
U. Jones , ot Loulsann , was appointed consul
nt Cnlla.s , Congressman J. Floyd Klnir , In a
published Interview , was quoted ns speaking
llchtly of tno mother of Jones , In the famous
Jones-Llddell feud. King denied the cor
rectness of the Interview and for n time the
matter rested. Later , Jones published a
scathing letter to King , who replied By
chnrjilng Jones with being nn assassin , nnd
disclaiming fmther controvcisy with him.
Last night the two men met In n barber shop
In Wlllnrd's hotel. King was watting for
his turn In a chair. Jones nskcdof the em
ployes If King owed nny money there nnd
advised the shopkeeper not to trust him , then
wont over to where Klnc was sitting nnd
opened n convorsntlon with the congressman
by speaking disrespectfully of his father nnd
mother nnd using nn offensive epithet about
thu prison to whom ho was sneaking. To nil
this abuse King made no reply. Jones re
peated his language nnd said that ho
stood ready to prove all that ho had
said. Still King remained motion'
less nud silent. Jones becoming
more cnrrtucd nt the extraordinary manncrof
King , laid his hand In n seml-mcnaclni ;
manner uuon the face of tlio Louisiana ! !
with the hope of provoking him to resent the
Insults ho was heaping upon him. But there
was not n response. There Is scarcely any
comparison between the two men In physical
power. Kinc is n powerfully built man ,
\\elghlntr perhaps 25 pounds , while Jones is
n small , thin , wiry , nervous llttlo fellow , who
will tip the scales nt about 141 pounds. Jones
said to-night that ho had made every attempt
to provoke Kins ; to a tiirtvt to n finish. "I was
not armed , " continued Jones , "and never
carry nny weapons. King lias Injured mo
nnd the good name of my fmnlly , and nil 1
nsk is nn opportunity of reaping'satisfaction ,
1 Imvo tried every possible way to oauso him
to resent nbusc. 1 have given him every
chance , but ho is too much of a coward to
meet me. "
ins MUST rioiiT.
WASIIINOTO.V , Jan. 10. [ Special Telegram
to the BKII.J It Is rumored this morning
that Congressman .1. Floyd King , ot Louisi
ana , who was assaulted Inst night by Cuth-
bert B. Jones , will challenge the latter to n
duel. As King made no elToit to resent the
uibiilts heaped upon him by Jones , it Is a
question whether he hastily nerve or courage
to Invite him to meet him upon the Held. It
is piesuinnil , however , helllbo forced to
ticnt , as the Insult was made so public last
night when King refused to notice the semi-
slap In the face , and would make no icply to
the abusive languaun by Jones. Tlio latter Is
Inclined to the belief that nothing moro will
como of It , Friends of King sav he must
cither light or leave the capital never to re
turn. Not to Hunt they say means nn ac
knowledgement of what Jones said.
nival Nown Agencies.
NEW YOIIK , Jnn. 10 , [ Special Teioarram
to the UEH. ] Wnll street was dlstiubed and
afterward amused bv the contioversy be
tween the two rival news agencies yesterday.
This special dispatch from Hoboken was
published by the Klernan's agency : "Big
riot just begun ; police powerless ; over five
hundred strikers attacked near hero. " The
other agency Immediately retorted with the
following notice : "Do not sell -stock on
Klcrnnn riot news at Hobokon. Ho has
been stealing our news , and wo put up thn
job. There is no riot. " The reply was ex
plained further by the statement that the
dispatch was sent from Iloboken on account
of a suspicion that previous mes
sages had been sent out by
Klernan's nccncy a llttlo In
ndvanco of their recnlpt by Dow , Jones A
Co. The matter was placed In the hands of
lawyers by Dow , Jones & Co. . with instruc
tions to bring suit against the Western Union
company for recovery of damages , while the
rival agency seriously contemplates suit
ngalnst Dow , Joncs& Co. for libel In spying
that It had stolen news. William P. Sulli
van , ot the KlPrnan aitency , said ; "Wo nay
the Western Union company a large sum o"f
money every year for just such news. Our
contract Is explicit , nnd wo depend largely
upon It. News of the riot at Iloboken was
received In the usual course of business. "
Ioynl to the Hnlser.
Bnnr.iN , Jan. 10. The text of the address
of the upper house of the Prussian diet to
Emperor William Is ns follows : "Your
majesty Is the creator of the Prussian nimy
in its present form. By the heroism of this
army nnd'Ils allies you restored the empire
to Its former might and splendor and main
tained the peace of Kurope many years. The
present political of the Kuropoan people I8
In many respects strained. Wo may 500
Germany unexpectedly Involved in war.
Wo arc deeply moved that you were not
spared the grief of seeing the unacceptable
limit placed on the army bill. Such proced
ure Is contrary to usage based upon repeated
compromises and led led to the dissolution
ot the relchbtng. Wo assure you of our en
tire joyful supnort and our gratitude for
your faithful solicitude tor the tinny. Wo
are conlidont Prussia will consider no sacri
fice too heavy which will avert danger from
the fatliiHland by maintains for it an effect
ive defense. "
A "Warning to liaKCOKO Smashers.
Pirxsnuiio , Jnn. 19. The baggage car at
tached to the Now Tork limited westbound
express was almost blown to pieces near
Altoona last night. Daggngemaslcr Harry
Mlugus picked up an ordinary trunk and
throw it upon some other baggaga when an
explosion occuried which blow the roof off
from the car nnd scattered the baggage.
Mlngus was quite seriously injured. The
trunk Is supposed to have contained dyna
mite. The trunk was owned by n minor
named John Kagman , who denies that the
trunk contained any explosive. Ho U under
arrest The bauifngo was transferred to
another car and the train proceeded west.
Tiio Astrologer on Trial.
NEW YOUK , Ja'n. 19. Astroloeer John Do
Leon , who was recently arrested charged
with sending youns girls to Panama for im
moral purposes , was placed on trial to-day on
nn indictment for kidnapping , The chief
witness was Stephen Honsall , n reporter , who
woiked his way into Do Leon's confidence.
Ho testified that Do Leon told him ho had
sent 400 girls to Panama in ten months nnd
never heard from them nor had nny trouble ,
nnd said. "Dead girls. Ilka dead men. tell no
tales. The sporting life and climate dowu In
Panama soon carry them oil. "
Tlio Cnse of Ir. MoOlynn ,
NKW Yoitir , Jan. 19. [ Special Telegram
to the UIR. : ] To-day's World says Arch
bishop Corrlgan yesterday received a cable
dispatch from Homo Instructing him to per
manently suspend Dr. McGlyuu ,
XIoy rtcllovo Mrtj , nmniona Sana.
WASHINGTON , Jan. 10. In the Kmmons
case to-day Dr. Lovojoy , of this city , and Dr
Godding , superintendent of thn government
hospital for the in&ane , testitled that they be
lieved the defendant to be perfectly sane.
Will Danoo For Charity.
WASHINGTON , Jan. President and Mrs.
Cleveland will visit Baltimore next Monday
evening"for the purpose of attending the an
nual charity ball to bo given at the academy
of music. They will return to Washington
Not Allowed to DUcnsfl the Matter.
NKW YOUK , Jan. 19. A pastor in a Catho
lic cuurch of this city , to-day told a reporter
that every priest in the diocese had been pro
hlbltea from discussing any phase of the
MeGli an cose in public by the arshblshop.
7 " ,
Frenchmen Mnd at : ilie Minister's Tala
of the SJego of Paris.
* ? -
How Hio IjCjinflin Wru Mnilo n , G t"
in nn I'osJofllcojFor n Money Con *
slilorntlou Wnslilmrno
- iilr. .
Makes nfCflini > lct' Denial ,
Nr.wYom ; , Jan. * 19. ISpcclal Telccram
lothoBEB. ] A Paris special to tlio Times
says : "The publication In Scrlbncr's Mapa-
zinc of ex-Mlnlstcr Washburno's "Uemlnls-
cenccs of the Slego and Coniniuno of Paris , "
has created n peed deal of Indignation In
Franco and the Figaro says "Mr. Washburiio
shows very llttlo sympathy ior us , " which
may bo fairly accepted as describing tlio gen
eral Icellng here. In retaliation for what
tlio French consider as uncalled for Insinua
tions In tlm "reminiscences , " Mr. ( Wash-
biirno's record as minister of the United
States In Paris during the slope of tlio city
has been overhauled and some of the stories
told In connection with his action durlnu
those troublous times , 1C true , do not re
dound exactly to hts credit as n diplomatist
ol a friendly power , The most comprotuls-
Iric of them has been told by I'rlnce do
Wittgenstein , who was military attache to
the Kusslan legation In Paris during the
siege , and who occupied the sanio relation to
the French and German armies as a bond ot
communication that Wnshburno did. The
prince's stoiy Is well worth lopeatlng ; It
only to give Wa hburno a chance to contra
dict It or to Include It In the next batch of
"Hemlnlsconccs. " Before and during the
siege of Paris Prlhco de Wittgenstein , who
Is husban'd of Princess do Mlngrelc , had his
olllclal residence at 120 Champs Elysces. Uno
day , he says , t\\o ladles appeared .nnd do-
lUciod to Ills valet two letters , accniupatilcd
by t\\olouls. Thr letters wore addressed to
relatives ol the l.ullos In the provinces and
the Kusulan geuuial waa somewhat niton *
ished when his valet uiespnted them to lilin
with the gold. Ho began to sniff n mystery
but It was Insoluble to him until the following
day , when the ladles appeared airnlii and
asked tor the return ot the letters and money.
They tola the prince that tlwy had made a
mistake. They had been Informed that he
made of himself a Kind of German postolllco ;
that ho exchanged letters dally with Ver
sailles , nnd that on payment of 20 francs
( about S4) ) hit used his facilities to foiward
letters tliiouch tlio Gorman lines to the
provinces. ' 'But , " said the spokesman ,
of the two , "no have made n mistake. It
Is in the rue dc Challlo at the United States
legation that letters mo taken. " The prince
sajsthatlio retui ned the letters and money
and decided to si'o If the story of the women
weru title. Next day and for seveial days
after , ho sent letters and 2' franc pieces to
the legation presided over brMr.Wtishburiio ,
who pocketed the louls ana sent forward the
letters. Washburno , It Is asserted , look no
pains to llnd out \\hat the letters contained ,
and for nil ho knew Information to the Ger
man commanders bcbiccing Paris of the con
dition of tlm dcfonsoiirileht have been sent
out dally through his profitable postollico.
How much money ho. made by this thiltty
but scarcely diplomatic stroke ol ! business
nobody but himself knows , out for the truth
of the story Prince d6 Wittgenstein stands
ready to vouch. <
CHICAGO , J .in. ID.-MSpecial Telegram to
he BEK.I On bolrtjr snown the above nrtl-
cle , Mr. Wnshburno said : "Tho whole story Is
false Irom Ijuzinnlnv'to ' end. I did not know
Prince do Wltteens'tein nnd have never seen
nor heard of him before. 1 can only say
that the story which Is attributed to him Is
utterly false and Infamous In every icspect.
There Is not a scintilla of tiuth in the nr-
tlclo. " Washburno further baid : "It was
my misfortune to bo minister to France at
nnd ilurine the Franco-German war , and I
am clad to know which was conceded on all
hands that 1 discharged mydutles In n satis
factory manner. All. the statements which
have been made about'niy forwarding letters
lor the French and others arc utterly false
and Infamous. During nil those troublous
times I was very guarded In my neutrality ,
and there have never been any complaints
made against mo. The statement thai I for
warded letters outside of Paris which hail
been sent to the legation with money and
that I kept the money Is false nnd Inlimous
in every resoect. "
Clerks and Recorders in Session.
CHICAGO , Jan. 10. The association of
rircultcleikinml , recorders of the btato of
Illinois met yesterday morning in the oliice
of Henry lleelt , clerk of the circuit court.
The object of the association Is to secure
legislation to the effect that more certain col
lection of costs and fees In litigation , to en
able clerks to collect fees in advance , to
establish a uulfonn rate of taxation In
ceitnlu cases not heretofore provided for ,
and to Improve and slmpllty other
matters connected with circuit clerks
and recorders ofllccs. The following
gentlemen were appointed n committee on
rules : E. F. L. Iloutenbere , Logan , countv ;
Henry Host , Cook ; E. 11. JJowman. jr. , Itock
Island ; J. A. Hover , Livingston : T. J. Guiy-
1)111 ) , Shelby. In the afternoon the report of
the committee on rules was read by Kouten-
bergund adopted by Iho convention. The
icport was simply on the older of business
nnd Clcik Elbort , of Cook , made a motion
that the rules governing legislative
bodies bo made the rule of tlio
convention. Carried. Clerk McArthur , of
Meicer , moved that gentlemen at present
holding oftlco bo continued for two years
and polling the motion declared It carried
unanimously. The convention then went
into committee of the whole with Clerk Gil-
bur of Cook In the ehalr. Clerk Fossett of
Uoonn said It was the duty of the association
to nuikor. uniform Inw-In legard to ndvanco
fees. The great trouble was too many law
yers In the legislature who opposed any
Mills that made them pay fees in advance.
Colonel Scrlbnor of Cook said he
had drafted a resolution on the death of
Gunoral Logan , It was fitting , ho said , that
the association should take some action on
the dcnth of that gentleman , who had begun
his public life as a clerk of Jo Davioss county.
Tlio resolution was adopted by a rising vote.
Ho then read his bill authorizing iccotdcr.s to
keep abstract books , which would bo pic-
seined to the present leglslaturo. Colonel
Scrlbner's bill was referred to the committee
on legislature when appointed. The conven
tion adjourned until 10 o'clock to-morrow.
National Hoard ofTradc.
WASIIIXOTO.V , Jan. 10. The National
board of trndo met hero to-day In seventeenth
annual session. Fifty delegates wore pies-
out. The officers elected for tlio ensuing
year were ; Presldmrt/'Frodorlck / ' , Fraloy , St.
Louis ; vice presidents , one Irom ouch body
represented , nmnngflvthom are Goer o II.
Howe. Chicago ; K. ri Bacon , Milwaukee ;
John It. Goothich , Milwaukee Mtuchants' as
sociation ; Joseph M.'fDulph , Poitlaud , Ore. ,
and C. N , Felton , San Ftanclsco. A lesolu-
tlon was adopted iirclng the passage ot tlio
national ndultcratlonlMt for tlio prevention of
nilulti'iatlons in food. A resolution presented
by the Chicago boardof trade , reapprnving
the general terms ofl ( ho ton a to inter-sUto
commeico bill , except the lung and short
haul clause , were referred to a commlttou for
further consideration and report.
A resolution was Adopted memorialising
the bureau of statistics to take stops to se
cure moio accurate dStilns to the condition
of the growing crops ilnoughouttlie country.
A resolution was pre'p ted by the Cincin
nati chamber of commerce asking con
gress to makit the central system
tno lawful standard crain measure In
this country. A resolution was
also adopted asking congras.3 to provide an
eiiuitalilo and uniform national bankrupt
law. and favoring the passage of that bill
which had already passed the senate. A
committee WAS appointed to momorallzu
congress on the subjeet. The prevailing
sentiment was that It was best that the Inter
state commerce bill bo passed oven with the
long and short haul clause In , leaving the
necessary modifications to be made at th
nSXt bBaSlOU of COllgrCSi ,
President Adams' Argument.
WASHINGTON , Jan. 10. Charles Francis
Adams , president of the Union Pacific lUill-
road company , and Judge Dillon , his coun
sel , appeared to day before the sub-committee
of the house Judiciary committee to- make ar
gument upon the resolution Introduced In
the house last session instructing the attor
ney general to prosecute the president nnd
directors of the Union Pacific railroad for
Iteutnc S-WKOOO at ono time and 50,000,000
nt knottier of trust bonds In violation ot the
law , nnd nUo for declaring a dividend In the
presence of the floating debt , nil these nets
nlloped to be In violation of the statutes.
Adams made a brief statement to the sub
committee In which he did not deny the
facts , but declared the action of the company
was tnkon In pursuance of legal opinions
given by Its connect. Judge Dillon will tile
n written brief , nnd as its examination will
requite so mo time , n report from the subcommittee
mittee Is not expected before next week.
General llnzon'H Fitnornl.
WASHINGTON , Jan. 10. The funeral of
General W. U. Hazon , late chief signal offi
cer of the army , took place this afternoon
from St. John Protestant Episcopal church.
Tlio services were conducted by Hnv. Dr.
Leonard , rector of the church. A throne ot
distinguished pcoplo attended , Including
Secretary Eftdlcott , General Sheridan and
many prominent officers of the nrmv ana
navy. Interment was In the Oak hill ceme
tery with military honors. The c cert con
sisted of n battalllon and bittcry of thn Third
artillery , n company of marines nnd n do-
t.icliinciit ot enlisted men from thn signal
service. By direction of. the president the
war department was closud at noon to-day
as a mark of respect to deceased ,
Destructive Firo.
ALT.TA.NCI ; , 0. , Jan. 10. A big Iho Is racing
hero , the loss already amounting to mom
thnn 8100,000. At 10 o'clock this morning Six
brick buildings had been destroyed nnd the
fire was still raging. Telegrams for help have
been sent to Canton , Salem nnd other towns
Bitrrounding , as It Is tearcd morn buildings
will b burned before the ( lames can bo ex
The tire was extinguished without further
damages. Six three-story business blocks
were burned and two others badly damaged ,
The loss will bo about § 110,000 ; piobably two-
thirds covered by insurance ,
Itcvivlnj ; Old Varna.
Urm.iNGTON , Vr. , Jan. 10. The Free Press
this morning prints the full text of a letter
written July. ISO I , by General W. S. Smith
to the late Senator Foote , n small poitlon of
which was published In the September num
ber of the Century magazine. In the letter
General Smith charges ( Grant with In
toxication nnd suricptltlously pioenrlng
liquor , and Intimates that General ( Slant 10-
lli-ved him from the command ot the Klgh-
teenth coips to please General Duller and
fiom fcarthut General Duller would expose
his ( Giant's ' ) Intoxication.
A l''oiil
NYACK TUHN PIKE , Jan. 10. "Tommy"
Danforth and "Jack" Hauling fought to n
finish near Jiyack-on-the-lltidsoii early this
morning. Danforth won on n foul In elovnn
rounds. Harding fought well for six rounds
nml then his heart failed him. In the second
lonnil ho nearly "knocked out" Danforth by
n rUht-hand cross-counter. In the eleventh
ion ml Harding Intentionally fouled Dan
forth and the latter was glvou the purse and
Tlio Lojinn
WASHINGTON , Jan. 10. Captain George
K. Lemon , of Iho National Tribune , has 10-
celved to date , 547,000 lor the Logan fund ,
which , added to the amount collected In Chicago
cage , makes the total SfilO.OTiO. The mortage * .
etc. , against General Logan's propaity so far
ns ascertained , amount to $30,000 , ami hence
nftnr these debts are paid there will bo but
530.000 left for Mrs. Logan.
llllnolH Mlncru in Reunion.
SPUINOIMKI.D. 111. , Jan. 10. The State
Miners' convention continued in session to
day. The committee on legislation recom
mended the passage by the legislature of the
bill now pending in relation to weights and
measures nnd tiucks nnd providing for
pioper ventilation nnd escape from mines.
The association was addressed In the after
noon by Governor Ojlesbj.
WASHINGTON , Jan. 10. The secretary of
the Interior has doclded'tho Louisiana swamp
land cases , lovcrslng the opinion of the com
missioner general of the land office. The
secretary ndontj the opinion of the attorney
general , deciding that the state Is entitled to
Indemnltv after the passage of the act of Sep
tember , IbTtO.
IVorklnfjmen Forcibly nisnuroo.
AI.II.VNV , N. Y. , Jan. 10. The working-
men's assembly itot Into such a row to-day
over the admission of certain delegates that
ono member drew a revolver , and It became
necessary to call In a squad of policemen to
keep HID peace >
The Nicnrnjrunn Canal ,
WASHINGTON , Jan. 10. In the secret ses
sion of itnosHiiato to-day the Nicaragua ! !
canal project was under consideration. No
conclusion was icached ,
Nebraska and Iowa Weather.
For Nebraska and Iowa : Snow followed
by fair weathoracoldor with a cold wave. .
Signal Observer Pollock's condition
was reported as a trillo loss critical than
it was yesterday.
T. L. Kimball , trnllio manager of the
Union Pacilic , lias gene to Chicago to at
tend a mooting of the Colorado Tool as
Cards Imvo been received In this
city announcing the \vedding of W. C.
Cisco , formerly of this city , to Miss
Kmini : L Tlui.yor , of Ciiwker City , Kan
sas. The ceremony occurred at the latter
place , wliero Mr. Cisco is now residing ,
on Jan. r . Mr. C. is wull known hero ,
having formerly bovn a clerk in" C. S.
Raymond's jewelry store.
Thn 1'iiKillst ShowH Why Iho Admin
istration In "Naw Gortii. "
Minneapolis Tribune : "Opinions of the
administration , " observed Senator Mc
Donald , of La Crossi ) , in the rotunda of
the Westyesterday ; afternoon. "Yo ? , J
have heard : i good many expressions ot
borious opinions on tiio iidininiHtration ,
but none that aninsud mo moru than the
rathur trunk ono made by Iho pugilist ,
John L. Sullivan. "
" \ \ hat was that ? "
"Well , yon know this combination of
pugilistic lights that has been traveling
around the country. Well , wo had thorn
down in La Crosso. As an especial honor
1 waft invited around to see thorn. A
ratlior slick , wily fellow a kind of a gon-
tinman pug or pugilistic dtulo you
might call him Pat Sheedy bis name
was did most of the talkln/r. / A litho
graph of Prcbidunt Clovuland and his
wife hung ever the bar. "
" 'Straiigo , ' feaid Sheedy , looking attho
picture iri a rolluctivu way , 'strange what
changes the whriliglg of time brings
about. '
" 'Yes , ' I assented.
' "Many is tlm time , " Mr. Sheoily
wont on , 'that I have sat ever my toddy
with ( Jrovur Olovnland. '
" ' ' assnutiid. 'llu's follow
'Vos.'I a good ,
I guess , and would enjoy it even now. '
7 | 'Naw. '
"It was a big , rasping voice that spoke ,
and turning , I confronted Mr. Sullivan ,
the champion pugilist of America.
' "Naw , I tell vees he's u wheln , ho Is.
I knows a whelp when I sees him , and
he's a whelp , I eay. '
" \Voll , T didn't ' see lit to dispute him.
" 'Wlii'.t does lin do for tlio diimenitic
parly , I'd like to know' the great pugilist
" 1 ventured to suggest tlmt it w.\s the
president's duty to carry out the laws of
the country , and that oll'uubivo paitUitu-
siiip would luuo to go. "
" 'Humph , ' said the champion , 'I tell
you ( Jlovolaiid'a a whelp , and you bet
your life 1 can spot a whelp when I sues
one. Look at half the democrats in Now
No. he ain't. He's no good , I tell you
am ! what 1 say I cun back up , anil dun l
you forget it.1
"Anil J didn't feel that I had the time
toilLsptitu hliu.
List of letters romniiiltiR uncalled for
In tlio postofltco for the \fcck omlhiR
Deo. 1 , 1SSO.
Koto Parties cnllinR for Iheso letters
Mil Dlcnso say "Advertised , " Riving the
dnto at the head of the list , and hiqurcl
for sanio at the "Ladles' Delivery \ > in-
dow. "
To nvoul mistakes have your mill addressed -
dressed to street and number.
Adams C P Alcorn K E
Anderson Jb'D Allen O U
Arnold 1) Arnold P
Archib.xld J Alcorn J
Ayers J Akolt J 0
Adams J Ahcrn J
Alexander J W 13 Aiulcrsun W A
Adams W It Aiding Mr
Anderson T ( J
HcstO 11 llullock I ) K
Itory HO Hums 1) A
Duck 1) U JJui'chnor CO
llo aii C P Itartlioloiuow 0 E L
Uarnes V O lleslyOIl
Itaglcy 0 I ) lllom U11
lllsliop c K llluo I
llodd U h HlacK A M
Maxtor A UcJtel A ( J
HOWOM A lllu-f or 1) P
lioattto . ) lionlnoC L
ItochrodtO llcrglerC. ,
Unison S HoonstraJ U
Ueiy \ Dragon lj
Jteckor L Hr.uhy b II
Itmld liurnam J
H.illoy J
Uurcess H V Item inr and mcs II
Ithinkonhnkcr J Koliin 11
Aastlnn 111 lioylcs W M
Itonncll W It Hums Win
IJlolclPldt Wm Haker W O
llcita W Unhdii W
Honnctt W llencdict mr
U.irtlett M S Hoyd M h
Hack-as N Uieodon O
Houio 1 * Hcattio U
Io/ovlt7. ! S Hornliim S
Jltaldl08 Huckuer T
Jltaldl08Block Til
Ooneland A Caals < on A
Cioft A UarponterA H
Clawson V II Cole V V
Coltrim U L Combs C
Couklu P CuUuiton C O
Cornish 0 K Cole 11 K
Coster UV \ Chcovur O 11
Crabtrco J O Ciirll A
Chamberlain P J Conncrvey IK
ChMincny L ii J Cudtuoro J
Chnso K Cm tor J .i
Cimoll.l W Clnrk J U
Connor Win dimeter &
CnmpW L ClmndlerMlJ
Chambers if Curtis M
Craven W CrmpO
Coin P Gates U S
Carter SU. Coo in ad t S J 3
SU.Clark T W
Boalc A C Dnrmnn E J
llu try II Dormnnsky A
Dahlstrom F 3 IJiostO U
lel | 1) O Derry E I !
Doollttlo & Co Dunalmc J
DiiSKan J Dalton (5 W
ll.\on J VV DoddsJ A
Donahue L Drlskcll L
Duber JI Davenport MB
Donehue M Dchcck N
Darch S le ) Forest CS
Kllegant D Kills I ) W
Kmerv ( } Kiihrcnhard O
Ktrasor 1' I'Miubiook L
Eastman W H
Fargo & Co Fulton O
Fowler Cl Fcrciison J B
Fisher J Fen ell .J
Fiala V Flircloth W J
FitchV \ 11 Foster 11
Firgenson b
Gadd F H Griffith E
Grantlmm C F Grossman C A
( JhuringC GI Ill-It U
Cullfoino U f Gilson A
Gardner B F ColdHlioro Ti
GelstJ CloUilon J II
Gross W Gilkey H C
Grantor W O ( iiunonwalct Wm
( ircon J Gle.ison 1)
Uarveyrm Gliiies Wm
Gnlbralth \ E ( ioruian P
Gaivoy T
Hcude I W 1) HOOPOS E (1
llarntso F C -Hamilton F B
Holmes C B Hartshorn E S
Haveily 11 Hartmnn It
Hackcthorn 11J Hnbanks G
HuntF Harrull D
llairan C H Hnub H
Herman A HoiiPll AJ
Hufihes O L Hu.h-sFP-a (
Uaynes GB HuntF
Henderbon F JI llclgstidt 0
Harvey A E lloui J
HoicttJ A Jlerloy P
Hart P llultman U
Heeler O B HaabcKnard M S
llnmllb M E Hanson M
Hoidelbrrger W U lli'sur Win
Hoiton .1 Usirmon J E
HartJB Hayes J W
Irwlu C
Joidon U Johnson U W
.tones W U Jackson J
.Inckhon J Jester J M.
.lann C Johns , ) b
Janseii J A Jay D M
Jordan D B Johnson G N
Johnson H L 3 Jones A J
Johnson A I ) Johnson C W
Kiiohns 11 Klnghan G U
KinBsioy F KoicHky F
Keiidli ; C Krnbs E
Krone J L KiathkvJ
Kocisp J Oiiapp J II
KlinkJ Kennedy J P
Klnner J Kirbv W
Kinif P Kellty'P
Lat P Kearns S J
Lemorton A Larson A C
Ixmg A Loury O W
hue U B La rnr C H
Lorenc F Lilly C A
Lot J Lnldlow I )
liiewrenco L Lehman J R
Lamnr J II Lawson J
Lelioan M Lean JI
Jjowery M Lung N P
Alooro J a Myers J JI
Jlonson J Mulplty J W
ilurphyJ G Moony II
Jilortord F A JIuiihlor F
MaiiKoId E Martin M 0
Alondy Jl V M tiller MM
Moore 11 * " JloodpH H
Allison J Melsnor J W
MlncrJ Q Jlaxln J
Miller J Malone J JI
Miller J Jlouow J A
Maun J Jlahonuy. ) U
Mooru A Murrav C
Miller 0 A 41 aim C E A
Morris 0 F Moiso W H
Merion * Win Mm row T
MasserhrhmidtT Jlelklcjohn Wm.
Miller W E JlnrvclV U
Alonroo Wm JIuyer P V
ilncek C Jlonrou P
Miller I'D Mi'dlson 1' 0
Milne S A Mm tuns It
McLauKhllnWM MeGinty P
McGaw V O Aloilnllun K
McCluIn A J Mi-earthy W
McKi'i'ver II JlcConal E
JlcCollock V S Mc < ii > u G
Me.MorrisJ A -Mi-Doniill J
ilcCiay J McFudiicn J
McLean J 11
Nordblum S Nichols T W
Jsolbon J 1'
NoithnmJT Nethaway K IS
Nonlin C A Kelmniiii .S
Ovorton J Oman ; Win
Ot\vr \ Wm Olmstcad It S
O-'lushy Wm 0'G'unuor W T
O'Hean M
( Pi-vtoii J
Petti-rsim J I ) PiperJ
I'oesch L Potter 0 F
PIplaA Banner 111
1'iiilt K.M _ PliiKboin It
ileltcoJ Jtockafiuld O
Kauck J V Itiuhards J
itcwti UoihrsJ C
Bowo J W
livnn J F llobclimann J
Komlliooil E JI JtoburU AE
Itobinsrin A Klch C
ItussoH D Itobjiison II
Uoblson J Uutlud u S C
Iti-nneit W II
SalUzman 11 Shrnhcril J.U3 .
SlglJ hehni-clilath J
Scott J A .Swt-i-ney J C
KamtK-r/ Hkov 11
.Smith J M tioull F
Slilqilltt F hiuwaitEO
Swires 11 Sheldon lr K II-2
hpeais Kd .Smith V It
.Sheldon F B htllt * F L
Smith F Mhi-lly G II
Starr L .Spencer L Jl
Bohva lma M .Shaw D A
Stephens C A Slono C B
StuphcnsnnC .Smith A
Smith A J Schmidt , 0
.SchwurlK W .Stoiii'diihl A U
Sherwood G G hlfwiuil ( i
Sherwood G hiiilth G S
Spellman N Spuiicer N A
.Sleen S M Sharkoy II
Shi-wan It .S nford K K
Sanden U Selectman U '
Sttvcrlcn P Shrw T B
Scott W
bchnat W J
. Teals J
t * * lift * t *
Thlcsson M Tanner n F
Teniplcton D 0 Thourn .M A
Tnrant X J Thompson S A
Tcuipleton P Tnrgchs T'
Tllornton W T
uttj-3 Ureelnnd J J
VnnKppsL VraiiK Jl T
. . . Vai'aui 0
Wolth , ) Wclfo .1
Wnrlng.1 P WyrarJ
WhltoVI W WileyIB
Wheat Icy T WolrF
\Vnllpr P r B Wesley F
Wheclan E Willis JI T
Woi coster H J Wells H L
Wilson A J Wilson A L
WpoiijnrdW" W Whltcomb A
Wires K S AVntts K A
Westerea.ud 0 Weeks O
Welsh P Wedloh-h P V
Welch P AWclbore Wclrick * Co
Wclbore S
"Voting J E E y VongJ
York Wm Yates \V M
, 2
: < < LIST.
Allen Jtrs W W Albln V
Anderson C IL Audicws JIrs 3
Alllcn JlrsN Allen Mrs A
Allen A 0 Albrccht A
Anderson E Anderson J
Boyd mis.I Blown J
Borccson S P BnulleyM
Booth mrs A 0
Brad way mis E K Broadhcad E
Hell mrs 1 me U BJortren S
Bnrno li Burns mrs JI J
Bishop mrs Jl A Bl.ick mrs ( }
Boll mts Bcoiiclmrd mrs 0 It
BarnJile mrs A il.irns J
Hrndloy 1 , 0 Bays mrs E
Barker mrs A Biunctt urs : M
Bain mrs J Bower mis E
BialgmtsJ II ( 'took mrs G
Cooper mrs F Chrlstoy 0
Chrlstalnson mrs J Cowing mrs S
Clark mrs W 11 Clarksim JI
Colin 1 Carroll mis WJ
Carlson A Caitei mrs L
Caipontnr L Cannon mis G R
Dotignetty B E Duncan mrs S
Dickinson mrs M F li.iytnn mrs F O
Duntzer M D.xvis mrs L
Day mrs LM D u mon mrs II
Evans A Ely J
Eliimn T Elliot mrs J
Felcher A Ferial 0
French mis I M Fear N
Franco r Fioelkn ti
Fisher P Flood 1C
Faust mrs L Ft'irlll mrsE
Geurln mrs L Gordon E
Green S GiochouskoM
( iiegor miss Gr.iyson mrg L
Gieun L Gianholm U lj
Glthcns E ( ilopsy mrs Jl
Grston E
Henry Jt Hollenbeckmrs M
lluntoon A Horst mrsC
Hoch E U Hoiton mts A
Harry Jl S Hauls S
llaivev mrs I ) J Haydcn E
Halo inrs Jl S Hawkins mrs I
Hcnfry inrs T
Jones mrs M Johnson 1
Johnson M J * Johnson miss N
Ki'lley L Kcrr JI
Kcrrlpp mis H Keogh JI
Kuccli mis A Kenni'dy mrs D
Kluuo C Koch M A
Kimball mrs LB
Lambert mrs F Luw K
Lurbak mrs Lo\utinrsF
Linblad 1 Laplmm mrs F
Lang mrs J F
Jlpad mrs C Muiray mrs A
MiiientA Molllu E
Merle uirs E ,1 Jluckor inrs J K
Jlolllni ; mrs T Jlouror inrs C B
.Miller L Mitchell mrs F
JllllprJ Jllllurl ,
Jlason mrs S Jlarslml mrs K
JIaish 1) JIarierum U
MaonJIE Jlulhans miss
JInnon uirs E Jloyeis miss F P
Jllles U. McGuIre mrs N a
McKcuzIo mrs
Xlchols L Nichols A
Newell Jl Nunn mrs J
Noidstrom mrs J Norman mrs E
Nash mis W F
Oloson II Oitcherd JI
Otis mrs T
OMtouko JI O'Connor JL
Pesck P Pedursnn mis P
1'etcison S Pheiilo A
Pedersen M I'ritclmrdson inrs WO
Person E 1'acard C A 'J
I'almer mrs J Q1'arsons mis A J
1'arsons mrs H
Qunckenbush E Kedlield E
Kichnus JIA Kvan mis I ) J
Biissoll uirsj II Kumsi-y mrs II
Itoburts mrs G A KollliiKS mre E
llobcrls nn-s A Itogcis mrs S
Roberts Jr ItossmrsSJ
Italian C Kalston mrs S
Richards mrs A C
Skinner mrs L Snowdun V
Schnosko mrs E Smith .M A
Smith N U Sharp mrs JI L
Shovarmrs J Saver JI
Hull van mrs JI Suiter mrs JIP
Sullivan S Suchbcrt mrs S
Swans > son II Sal Hit
Sobergu JI Search N
Schlncko Jt Sharp E
bchlslci-1 JI Schlmle mrs J J
Schulzo L StelToy mas C A
Spellman N Stevens lj
Siamck A SICyro mrs J
Schuyler mrs C Saniuclson I
Scott mrs C
Tiornoy C A Ti Ipp mrs J
Trent mis L Thomas mis J 0
Thomas mis L "Thuiman JIS
VlK H "Vock mrs A
Vealo K Van Amain K
Wilson mrs A Wilson mrs J
Wllcox A Wilson mrs E A
Wilson 1 K Williams II *
Whitney A Wead mrs E D
Wceins JI Wall miss
Warcham uirs Wocek H
Wallace mrs E A YatP.s G H
C. K. CouTANT ,
Addisou Jones appeared in Justice
Anderson's court yostordiiy nnd com
plained that Constable Ilouck , in serving
an ulUichmcuthad taken goniu of hsirop- ! |
crty. Thtiiittaclimuntlmil bcoiificrved by
Ilouck on cno of JOIICH' tonantx named
Ilorlofson to satisfy a mort'ijo ! claim
held by John .loliiihon. Hy mlstaku
Ilouck took some hoii.sohnld goods whlnh
belonged to the landlord icstend of tha
Could not Walk.
.Mr. tlmrlu.1 Josopli , 110 I.nntlon ; fit. ,
San l-'rancbeu , Cal , , i > ayi : " I Rpralni'd my
unklu no badly I could not walk unit trim
utmost iivcrj ililni ; known , wltliout nilliif ,
when unoduy a Irlunil ud\l ei ! inu to u
St. Jacubs Oil. I did f > unclva - * i < c dllj
and wonderfully cured , "
Juiniiixl Ilotircon Curn.
" Jlotb ICKI wcruoiirocanelitln Imtwccn
riM , njvciiilylirulnlni * thrin"iui > ii IIr M ,
W. Johnson , of thn DutniltMidi , llronrc
Co , "und my Injurloa WITO rdlo > o. | li ;
tlio use nt hi. Jncobs Oil TMt reuioJjr
ult > o luiud 1110 of a > jit.ihaiJ uiiUlo. "
Cuuld h'cnuoly JIuvc.
lloitnton , Toxin
Jlr. Wm. II Coylo , thief of 1'lre Do
iiartmenl , s.'iy-t : " 1 scvemly Injiiruil
uy u falling wall : coiilil wurri'ly inutu ,
lly iihlnc M. Juciiln Oil , my laments dU
ap'A.artd nnd I wa cnnxl.
An Injured li.iuk Uurnl.Knnin
Knnin ? City , Ho
Mr. I'rank II. nroolm , Kx-mninger ol
'Him i , wilto * : "I MucipH In ln iTt in )
latrli key , whan my foul sllpix-a from
under mo and I fell atrlklnv thu mnsll
of my back IUTO.SI nn iron railing I win
iclmiilly Injiiruil and my I'.uU ' nut swnl
Ion and dluolon l ; liubdht Jacob ) Oil Lhnui unil wni j.rcmn.tlyciuud. "
Criiftlird U ml urn
lilt 1 Sim-nth St. , ulvlllo , Kyulm
Whlli : helping to I'unuMiu liainu Ijulm
lni { o ( tliu i lly Itullway CV , It IUI ovir
mo , KCDthiK mu tu the Rromvl
my t.nk. I wan carrli ' 1 linmu
on a ktrutcli'T , nml tint dm torn uttcmlcl
nm two wiekH , when myvlfu | M > rx'ja'lt < l
mo to usu bt. Jrfioln Oil , anJ tha | > alu
tvus soon uujiu uiillndy
- nuowjn. :
FJtl.'E ritOU Ol'XATKS ANI > POISON , -4
ATDClUUltTB * MI t > AIH .
XUUCIUUr < . < A.ruuiiJ.UCO :