Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 20, 1887, Image 1

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The Senatorial Situation at Midnight Gives
No Pointer on To-day's Eesnltt
Tlin.rBton Dolna Put Forward For tlio
Nomination How tlio Vote Stood 2
Yesterday I , lent. Oov. Slicdd's
Outrageous Action.
The Kltiintlon Last
LINCOI.N , Neb. , Jan. ID. | Special Tele-
grain totlio Hir..J : At midnight no definite
conclusion can bo roaclicd ns to tlin outcoino
of to-morrow's ballot. A majority of Van
Wyck's republican fi lends are still determ
ined to stand with him out of caucus. Seven
or eight mcmbcia who Imvo from llio outset
been very restive , and seemed only to dcslro
to no through the form of supporting
him through one or two ballots , nro
likely to KO In with the nntl-
Viui Wvck republicans , which may glvo
them within three or four votes snMlcIont
to elect to-morrow If they tiEico upon i\
man. There Is no doubt Van Wyck would
Jiavo been elected to-day had It not been for
the outraecous action of'thu lieutenant gov
ernor and the Irandnlunt adjournment
ordered by thu presiding olllccr before thu
nctnal icsult of thu first ballot had been do-
As usual the pcoplo liavo been deceived
and misled by attorneys who wcro In the
habit ot serving their corporation clients
rather than the masses. The iccord made by
BOIUO of thu members today will not likely
bo forgotten by their constituents.
The general Impression to-night Is that the
caucus will nominate John M. Thnrston ,
How these who came hero to elcot Van
Wyck will explain thulr vote for thu polit
ical attorney of Iho Union 1'nclllc remains
nn enigma. The excitement tip to this hour
runs very high all through the city and gen
eral confusion prevails , with numberless ru
mors. Anil-Van Wyck eavesdroppers wcro
discovered In a dark allov below the hall
where thu Van Wyck "con fcicuco Is now In
Fosslon and routed. Tickets have been
) luted for the joint session to bo held In the
opera house to-morrow.
Itcflitlt of tlio Vote.
LINCOLN , Neb. , Jan. 10. iSpcclal Tclo-
prnm to the lJii : . ] The following was the
ballot taken In the joint convention at noon
to-day for United States senator :
c. ii. VAN WYCK.
Calkins Dallard Marshall
Duras Hat ret Matthlcson
Hlgglns ( CassBlck ) McUrew
Casper Cameron Kewton
Fuller Ciaig Ovcrton
nigginsC'lfx ( ) Dempster Jtussell
Ki'ckloy Klsli-y Satchell
Llnlngcr Kwlng Slater
Bobbins Fuller Tingle
Schmlnko Gallon ! Underhlll
Spnck Gilmore Watson
Sterling Harrison Wetherald
Trschtick Helinrod Whltinoro
Wolback llorst Wilson
Wrlnht Jeary "Voiin , ;
Andres Lord Bailey
llarlan 19.
Ilrown Linn Sne.ll
Abrulmmson Alkcn Andrews
Dabcock Cope Diller
Fenton ( lieen Randall
Trusdell Yntzy 14
Colby Conger Holmes
Lindsay McNamar Bowman
Fox Kinney King
McCann Norris I'emberton
Peters Sweet WaiUIuw
Wilhelmscn Wilsoy 17
Bcntly Frantz J'uchs
Garvoy llaydun Kelncrs
Knox Lafta McKcnna
Miller Rler Simms
Smyth Sullivan Traei-f
Turner Tyson Vcacli
Heartwoll Ilrown Cole
Crane MInnl-5
Burnham Moore Raymond
Shamp CaldwcII JJlekinion
Keglcston LcIsveld-8
Boncstccl 8lierwln Vandemark
( iiimhlo Schwab 5
Simaiick , Woienwcber and Wright voted
for J. htorllnn Morton.
Agco voted for Dundy.
Kent and Melklejohn voted for Reese.
Majors , Nlchol and Thornton voted for
Ellis voted for Judge Broady.
Balrd voted forThurston.
Alexander voted for Majors , McConanghy
voted for Nauco. and Nowcouibcr votud for
Tlio Joint Convention.
LINCOLN , Neb. . Jan. 10. [ Special Telegram
to the BKK. ] From the caucus chamber to the
state house was tig pathway which tlio legis
lators collectively and singly trod this morn
ing. A meetlngof General Van Wyck's forces
was held at Red Ribbon hall at 10 o'clock , and
Senator Llnlngcr was chosen as leader In the
joint convention. Forty-two were pres
ent. Harmony prevailed and despite the excit
ing events of the previous evening confidence
reigned. A meeting of the anti-Van Wyck
( nominally termed "straight" ) crowd , was
held at Masonic temple In the morning and
that there was a great deal of dissatisfaction
and caustic disagreement was Indcated
by the look of uncertainty on tlio counte
nance of the most prominent and aggies-
bl\o of tlio corporate proteges , who in
the hallowed name of the "Grand old
party , " have been endeavoring to drlvo
Van Wyck's friends Into a caucus which
would have as Us only purpose the cncoin-
pnHsment of his defeat.
The liitll ot tlio house of representatives
was actually a mass of eagci , listen Ins : ,
closely watching , uncomfortable , perspir
ing humanity on the steps of the ros-
turn , on the windowsills , bqimtlcd on the
lloor. standluit up and hanging to the gas
biackets , Illllng the aisles , lobbies and gal
leries , peering over the shoulders and cov-
etly watching for a better chance to see and 1
hear. iMilly two thousand Ncbraskans , 1I 1I
thlid of whom weio ladles , were gathered I
within the spacious hall. About one thou
sand tickets of admission wore Issued , and
fully double that number succeeded In
obtaining admission through Ingenious do-
Ttccs. The result was that even if tlio opera
liotibo had been secured , as was at a late hour
this morning contemplate ! by n joint lesolu-
lion of the t-onate. ( hut biilllclont accommo
dation Mould not have been afforded.
At noon tliusenute was announced and the
senators tiled In , accompanied In many in-
sUnces by their wives , so that the chairs
allotted them were tilled and the crush
and crowd became the more oppiossUe.
Ho great was the pressure for place of any
kind that chairs that had to bu resetvcd
lor the senate weio recovered fiom the
ciasp of adventurous spectatois with dllll-
cuily. Two chairs which wcro obtained J
with considerable double by tlin sergeant
at arms of the house for use of ( icivuriior
Tluocr and wltu weio also dlscoveied
to bo non estand the goNuinnrand lady 10-
tiled In no llttlu vexation. But even gub-
I'limtoilat dignity and e.lnims to precedence
availed but little In thu taco ot thn caper
for sumo place or any place in
which to sit or stand.
Amid this contusion thn rap of the givvcl
ot the lieutenant governor caused Itistantan-
eons ( inlet , and the seea-taiy ot the R-nate
< ] > ealied the roll of that body. The loll ot the
r house \\asnlso called , and when U was con-
eluded Lieutenant Gou'rnor Sliedd said :
"Under the provision of the statutes
of the United Slates governing the
( ilectlon of United States senator , tins kvls-
1 ituru Is nnur imembled In joint convention
lor Uiu purpose of selecting a senator for tlm
t'USuliiK tlx > ears. Too secretary of the sen
ile will read , tlio Jourusl ol the senate , giving
the vote for United States senator taken on
Tuesday. "
Speaker Uarlan said : "Tho clerk of the
house will read the journal of the house. "
Prior to the balloting , Gad Slaughter whis
pered hurriedly to the lieutenant governor ,
who said : "As there scorns to bo a desire to
clianucotes the clerk , after the roll call for
ballots , will eall the roll a second time to
allow members , if they so desire , to change
their votes. "
The ballot was takcn.and the Joint conven
tion waited for the second call for changes.
A do7en members looked anxiously towards
the chair. Several others passed to and , fro
among the desks.
Mr. Miller of Butler roe to Ills feet a mo
ment after Gad Slaughter had handed the
footings of the ballot to Lieutenant Governor
Sliedd , and that tiicky olllclal. with a rap of
the gavel , to announce the voto. Ho
had scarcclv uttered tlio llrst word before n
do7on members were up. Mr. Miller de
manded to know why the roll had not been
called for changes , ami insisted on its being
done according to agreement ,
oliedd declined to so order or to put any
motion to that effect , and ruled Miller out of
Llnlnccr , Tzschuck and a dozen men were
on their teut at the same time and shouting
for recognition from the chair. The uproar
partially subsided when tltu lieutenant gov
ernor said : "It Is too late. The eliah has
announced the vote. "
Mr. Colby of G.i < ? o moved that the joint
couM'titlnn adjourn.
Mr. Llnlitgur , who had been standing
thioiighniittho entire proceedings , excitedly
said : "Mr. President , I liad thu lloor and
I do not propose to have this convention
snapped up in this way. 1 want fair play.
1 on announced that the roll would ho called
again and jott have not declared thu result
as tlio gentleman heie has said , All wo ask
s fair play. I Insist upon tills \ote upon ad
journment going on record , and call for the
ayes and nays. "
Representative Watson "Tho point of
order that Is being discussed is that thu chair
announced that the clerk would call the roll
and announce tlio vote , when the members
would have an opportunity to clianeo their
votes , and tlin gentleman from Butler rises
to ask the privilege of changing his vote ,
when ho was unable to get a reply or iccog-
nltlon from the chair.
Thu Chair " ! desire to state again what I
formerly said : If tlicio seemed to bu a desire
to change the vote in older to avoid confus
ion , thu chair would have the clerk call tlio
roll again. No ono asked tlio privilege to
ehango his voto. The chair waited irom live
to ten minutes , while no one changed Ills
vote , t supposed that it was lully under
stood. "
Senator T/.scliuckpolnllng Ids nngei at the
president , said : "You said 'I shall have the
roll called over acalu and If thcro is a desire
of any member to change his vote the oppor
tunity will bo offered. ' "
The Chair"Tho question before the house
Is upon tlio motion to adjourn. "
Tlio ayes and nays wcro called for. during
which Senator Linlnger sprang to his leet
and , turning to tlio legislators , shouted :
"Voto It down ; vote It down. "
The motion to adjourn until noon tomorrow
row was carried 71 to (11. (
Repiesentatlve Riuf of Hall , as ho voted
"No , ' exclaimed : "Ticason to the peoplehas
entered this house , hence 1 vote no. "
Dm ing the voting the Hist enthusiasm
which found vent In applause was when Sen
ator Wilglit asked to have his vote changed
Irom Moulton to Vnn WyckJind was quickly
followed by Senator Wolbaeii , who asked to
have his vote changed fiom George L. Miller
to Van Wyck. This enthusiasm was again
expiessed when , in the roll of the house , the
name of Andres was called and ho said :
"Mr. Piesidunt.l wish to explain my voto.
As a democrat 1 think 1 have douo my duty ,
and as a ropiesontnvoof the labor vote of my
constituency. 1 therefore decide to vote for
Charles 11. Van Wyck. "
The vote on adjournment was generally
taken as a test or the strength ot tlio Van
Wyck and anti-Van Wyck elements , and tlio
call of the roll was watched with bieathlcss
interest. The announcement was thoshinal
for a series of yells from the railroad strikers
which sounded as if pandemonium was lot
loose. Every capper and tool of the rnihoads
screamed In ccstacy and the galleries and
floors pionptly adjourned to the gin mills
and lobby ot the Commercial hotel to ex
change congratulations and proclaim Van
Wyck's "deatn blow. " General Van Wyck's
friends had tought manfully to push the con
test and their failure was generally icgardcd
by tlio opposition as foreshadowing defeat.
That Despicable Trickery.
LINCOLN , Neb. , Jan. 19. [ Special to the
Br.E.l Every fair minded and disinterested
spectator of the Joint convention says the
same thing that Chairman Shodd exceeded
his authority and prevented the convention
from expressing Its will. The arbitrary and
despotic rulings which permitted an adjourn
mentof the convention have excited most
Intense indignation. Tills is intensified by
the hickory which wns practiced by tlio
chairman , and the whole proceeding Is do
nouncud as a political con lldouco game of
the basest stripe. But it has proved a boomer
ang. To tlio honest legislator , who has been
tilled for weeks with stuff about his duty to
tlio " old " Shcdd's
"grand party" action Is
revelation of what despicable tricks the anti-
Van Wyck forces are capable , and the wave
of sympathy for fair play and a square
deal which has been raised by tills chicanery
bids fair to carry Van Wyck into Ills scat to-
moirow witli a splendid majority.
Another unquestioned plcco oC almost
bald-headed attempt at coiruptlou en me to
light to-day. Two democratic senators in
formed the BKK correspondent that they had
each been offered SU.OOO for their votes for
an anil- Van Wyck candidate. They refused
the bribe and refused also tovilvu : tlio names
of the parties who have approached them.
It Is believed that the money was ollered by
parties who shielded themselves under secret
organlration confidence.
An inetluctiml attempt to obtain a caucus
was again made by tlio anti-Van Wyck seg
ments tills afternoon at * o'clock. About
thlrtyiivovero present , but they agreed
upon nothing.
Representative Miller , who Is n respected
nnd leadluc member of the democratic side ,
keenly fcc-ls the Insult which was thrust
upon lilm by Chairman Shcdd to day , and ho
will go Into the joint convention to-moirow
with such a backing of ids political associ
ates that the arrogant lieutenant governor
will do wull to mind Ills n's and q's or he will
bu taught a lesson of a lifetime.
Just at tills moment theantiVan Wyck
hoodlums , heelers and bribers aio outwaidly
chuekllng over the adjournment to-day as a
sharp parliamentary trick. Inwardly they are
.still shaking with the trlght which Repre
sentative Miller's request to changu his vote
gave them. It was a clo o shave. Hut they
are like horse thluvoi the justice-meeting
vigilantes have lifted once tiom the mound
nnd let down again to give them a chancu to
pray. To-inonow they will all go up higher
than Hainan It the signs do not l.ill.
No IliiHllions Transacted.
LINCOLN , Jan. 19. [ Special Telegram to
the BIK. : ] The senate and house simply met
this morning , but transacted uo business , and
after the joint convention each adjourned to
11 o'clocic to-morrow , The house had a red-
hot light over adjournment , and It would not
have taken place , but tor tlio statement that
tlm Grand Army wanted the use of the repre
sentative hall to decorate for the Logan
memorial services , which will bo held this
Plenty of Protesting lit Indiana lint
No Kleotlon.
iKniANorous , Jan. 19. The legislature
to day took two undecisive ballotsjor United
States senator. The negotiations began yes
terday looking to the holdrne of but ono
joint convention were continued during the
morning and between 11 and 13 p'clock an
agreement was reached which resulted In the
choice of a presiding officer. Under this
Agreement the senate at 13 o'clock 'proceeded
to the hall of the house and President Smith ,
of the senate , called the joint convention to
order , hpcakcr Sayro retaining possession of
the gavel. Representative Deblock nomi
nated David Turpo for senator and the iiom-
Ination was seconded by Representative Par
ker. Senator Huston did i& similar service for
Geucial Harrison aud was seconded by Rep
resentative Griftlths , Tlio labor candidate.
J , M. Alleu' , \\i\t nuuiluateJ bjr Representa
tive Glover , seconds , by Representative Rob
inson. A ballot was then taken , which re
sulted as follows : Whole number ot votes
cast , 150 ; nece suy to choice , 70 ; Turplo re
ceived 75 ; General Harrison , 71 ; and Allen ,
4. Under the agreement adopted It was stip
ulated that the members should bo permitted
to freely enter protest , which should bo
spread upon record. Availing themselves of
this privilege , the republicans protested
against Senators Smith , rirannauiin and B.
Mc.Donald being permitted to vote. Senator
W. M. McDonald ( vTllo was unseated on Mon
day ) offered to vote , but not permitted to
do so. Tlio democrats protested against Sen
ator Kennedy's vote. Of tlio house members
the republicans protested against tlio vote of
Bcasly , Harrell , Jowutt , Mety.ccr , Mock ,
Shields , Stull and Barno. and thu democrats
enteicd piotests against Dlckerson and asked
that the name of Meajthre ( the un
seated honso mcmbur ) bo called. They
piottsted against the votes of Mackay.
Line ) : , Ackermati and MeCren , and
offered that of Lloyd , the conteslor against
thu latter. They rilf-o piotostcd n gal nit Iho
votes of Senators Dunn , Shrayer and
Thompson , and ollered the votes ot the con-
tcstors , and finally entcied a piotust against
all the republican senators. After tlio an-
lounccmunt of the Hist ballot thu republl-
ans moved to adjourn , which was dotealed
70 to 71 and a second ballot was
rdorcd. It lusulted similarly to the
rst , and the convention adjourned
.utll to-moirow. Tim lieutenant gov-
tnor-elect appealed upon thullooroC the
ouso during thu mornlne and was piesunt
urine the joint convention , occupying a
cat among the senators. Uo made no at-
empt to violate tlio restialnlngoider issued
gainst him by Judge Ayers. SheillT King
vas present , hut it was understood ho hade
o intention ot sorvlng a writ on Robertson ,
nd It Is claimed he did not have such a
iaper In ids possession. Tlio capltol was
ensely packed before and during the joint
jonvontlon , and largo nrowiN assembled In
he stieets outside , but no disturbance of
uy kind occutied.
In Illinois.
SiMiiNortrn.D , 111. , Jan. 19. Tlio two
ouses met in joint session In the hall of the
louse of icproseiitatlvo at U ! o'clock for the
lurposo of hearing the announcement of
estei day's vote for United States senator.
. 'oily-eight senators and 111 representatives
tvcro present. The journal ot both houses
nc read the speaker announced that a
lomparison of the two showed Fanvcll had
ccclved a. majority of votes of botli houses ,
avlng received thirty/two in tlio senate , and
cventy-oight In jho' house. Ho therefore
eclared him elected to fill tlio vacancy In the
United States senate. A committee consist-
ngof Senators Chapman and Johnson , and
tcpresentatlves Fuller , McMillan and Crafts.
, veru appointed to cscoit the senator-elect to
, ho hall. Fanvell delivered a short address
hanking tlio elcctois for the honor cou-
'crrcci nnd speaking warmly ot the cause ot
abor. At the close of his address , Governor
Oglesby was loudly called for and his appear-
ince on thu platform called forth prolonged
Veering , lie responded in a slioit addiess ,
ivarmly commending the choice of the as
embly for the United States senate. The
assembly then adjoin ned sine die.
In tlie house the joint icsolution from tlin
jcuato to bo concurred in by the
louse expressing the approval of
tlio general assembly of the patriotic
iction of tlio federal house ot rcptosentatlves
n adopting the luport of the committee on
.nvalid pensions was adopted by a unanimous
voto. The Logan monument bill was ru-
lortud back as properly einrossed , and a
.hlid leading called for. A motion to sus-
jiciid the rulus tor a third readinz was lost.
A joint resolution was Intioduccd by Senator
Utawtord expiessing thu sunsu of thu gcuoral
assembly that a convention to lovisc : and
amend the constitution of the state is neces
sary , and that the question of calline such a
convention bo submitted at tlio ncxtgeneiai
election. Bills were Introduced : By Sena
tor Strattan , to revise the law concerning tlio
circuit courts , and hx tlio time for holding
the same ; by Reavill , to protect stock bieud-
crs within the state ot Illinois. Dwyer pre
sented a bill to prevent the employment ot
children under fourteen years ot age , except
In certain eases , In factories , shops and
In Hew Jersey.
Tnr.NTON , N. J. , Jan. 19. In the house
this morning tlin contested election case of
Walter Jones was taken up. A scene of
great confusion ensued. Tlio democrats pro
tested against a certain ruling of thu
speaker and stopped the proceedings by yell
ing at ttie top of their voices. Threats were
made to pull the speaker from tlio chair.
While the jelling continued wes were sent
In all diiections to bring in absent demociats.
Finally , when all the absentees wcro brought
In. the noise ceased and Walters , democrat ,
was declined entitled to the scat aud was im
mediately swoin in.
The committee on contested elections ,
which had a republican majoilty , was dis
charged and ono with a democratic majority
appointed instead. It will have tlio contested
election case of llalnes vs Hinley to con
sider. McUurmitt , democrat , moved to de
clare the speakershlp vacant. His colleagues
thought tins unwHo and the motion to table
was carried. McDcrmitt declared that ho
would not now vote with the democrats for
senator. It is not thought , hownver , that ho
will persist In this resolution. With Walters'
vote the demociats will have thirty-one votes
out of sixty-six In the house , and their nine
votes in the senate gives them forty in all for
the United States seimtorslilp. This is ono
short ot the number necessary to elect. They
expect to get the needed one from the labor
contingent. Thu liuuso then adjourned lor
the week. _
" In New 1'ork.
Ai.nANV. N. Y. , Jan. 19. The two houses
ot thu legislature met at noon to-day in
joint convention to elect a successor to
Warner Mllleras United States senator. The
thst ballot resulted as follows : Total votes
cast , 14S ; necessary lor a choice , 75 ; Miller ,
4 : $ ; Morton , : ; Hiscock , 11 ; Weed , ( U. Tlio
joint convention then adjourned until noon
BOSTON , Jan. 19. The legislature mot In
Joint session at noon and resumed balloting
for United Slates senator , The first ballot
resulted as follows : Dawcs , 70 ; Loiu , 53 ;
Ribinson , 63 ; Collins. Uj ; scattering. 1 ; ab
sent , 4. Another ballot was then taken , re
sulting as follows : Dawes , Ibl ; Long , 25 ;
Collins , U ; Robinson , r.3 ; Russell , l.
In "U'cst Virginia.
CuAiu.rsTON , W. Va. , Jan. 19 , The demo
cratic caucus to-night nominated Senator
Camden to si'ccecd himself as United States
senator troni this state. There are titty dem
ocrats in tlio legislature on joint ballot.
Camden received thirty-soveu votes on thu
'lirst ballot , _
In California.
SAcnAStiNTO : , Jan , 10. The legislature In
joint convention to-day elected George
Hearst United States senator. The vote was
as trllows : Hearst , democrat , 05 ; Vrooman ,
republican , tti : Uartson , repuMlcar , 1.
In Bllchlgaii.
LANSING. Mich. , Jan. 19 , The Joint con
vention of the House and senate met at noon
to-day , and having canvassed the vote cast
yesterday In separate sessions , declared
Francis B. Slockbrldge elected United States
In Delaware.
POVKH , Del. , Jan , 19. In the Joint session
of the two branches of the general assembly
at noon to-day Gcorgo Gray was formerly
dec'Iaied re-elected United Slates senator by
thuvote of yestcruay. which was unanimous.
In ajirmesotn.
ST. PAUL , Jan. 10. The loIslaturo In
Joint session elected 0. K. Davis United
States senator to succeed McMillan.
In Maine.
AUGUSTA , Me. , Jan. 19. At noon to-day
Eugene Halo was declared elected United
States senator from thu 4th of March next.
' In Connecticut.
HAnTKoitD , Conn. , Jan. 19. The two
brauclac oi ; the Jv iU ) ; lire met In JoluJ as
sembly at noon and the election of General
llawley as senator was formally declared.
In I'cnnsjlrnnln.
llAiiiitsnt'no , Pa. , Jan. 19. The legisla
ture assembled In joint session to-day and
M."S. CJuay was formally declared elected as
United States senator.
In Missouri.
ST. Louis , Jan. 10. The two brandies ot
the legislature In joint convention to-day reelected -
elected Senator Cockrcll to the United States
Iltecook Wins In Now York.
AMIANV , N. Y. , Jan. 19. The caucus of
the republican members of tlio state legisla
ture met again to-night for the purpose of
selecting a candidate for United States sen
ator to succeed Senator Warner Miller. At
two previous caucuses four ballots had been
taken and the caucus proceeded to the fifth
ballot. The candidates weio Senator Miller ,
Lovl P. Morton and Congressman Frank
Hiscock. 1'na ballot resulted as follows :
Miller. 40 ; Morton , .TO ; IHscocV , 11. This
was ono moio than Miller had before re
ceived , Rea. who was absent bufoie , voting
for him. From that point to tliosuventconth
ballot theio was no cliaime. On tlio seven
teenth ballot Morton's followers went over
i a body to Jllscock nnd tlio vote
tosd : Miller , 40 ; Illscoek , 47. This would
a\u nominated Illscoek had It not been do-
Idcd by a combined vote of tlio Morton and
llscock men when the caucus llrst met that a
iaoilty | of all tlio republicans-elect to both
mtses loity-elght votes should bu ro-
lured. On the eighteenth ballot lllscocl :
gnln reeehed the solid'Morton vote , and
'lost changed fiom Miller to Illscoek , thus
ivlng him the necessary foity-eight and
omlnatlngliim. Other changes from Miller
o Hiscock made thu final result of thu chili-
ecnth ballot : 11 iscock , GO ; Miller , 43. The
Iiolcc was made unanimous. Tlio noiulna-
Ion is equivalent to an election , as the repub-
leans have a clear maiority on joint ballot.
The cause of the sudden break on the sev-
nteentli ballot from Morton to Illscoek was
ho fact that after the Sixteenth ballot Krwln
vlthdrew Motion's name in favor of Ills-
ock. A scene of great excitement ensued ,
lotions for a iccess were made and with-
rawn sexeral times and Senator Miller's
rlonds made stiouir appeals to thn Morton
nun to vote for Miller , but without effect , as
ho seventeenth ballot showed. When. In
lie eighteenth ballot Forest changed to Ills-
ock It became evident that the struggle was
i\er and great cheering for Illscoek ensued.
July oiioiopubllcan member of the legisla-
uru was absent.
vtchmoml Terminal nnil Jersey Ccn-
trnl the licnilliiK Features.
Niw : YOIIK , Jan. 1 ! ' . [ Special Telegram to
.he BII : : . I Richmond Terminal was washed
iip 2 per cent shortly after the opening to-day
nut civcn a very strong appearance. The
advance , however , did not hold , notwlth-
itanding the bull talk which the active trad-
ng and appircnt strength biought out.
loom traders detected the cllquo selling at
; ibout 48 and quickly broke tlio price to 47.
Jersey Ceutial was also advanced 2 per cent
by cllquo manipulation , but outside of Rlcli-
uond Terminal and Jersey Central the mar
ket was almost dead. The story that the di
rectors of St. Paul & Duluth contemplated
ssulng to common stockholders u stock dlvi
dend of 40 per cent to represent dividends
passed durlnir the last live years caused a
smut in St. Paul & Duluth. No authorita
tive statement could bo seemed In the
matter and In consequence thn report did not
receive much credence. Lake Shore and
TrunK line stocksvcro heavy on icportsof
rate cutting on business east-bound from
Clilcago. Hocking Valley broke 1 per cent
and , In fact , about all tl'o stocks uot actively
supported by pools declined a. fiactlon. East
Tenncss e securities were sold elf on the the
ory that the load would now bo managed in
the Interest of thu Richmond Tuiminal com
pany. At noon the maikct was dull but linn ,
coal stocks being especially stionu on the
prospective settlement of the strike among
coal nandlcitt. It was rnpoited that the Tttily-
Cobln and Tliomas-Brlco parties had
joined their forces and would make an effort
to bull Richmond Terminal , Reading , and
Jcisey Cential. Tlio advance was aided by
some heavy buying bv shorts. The strength
of coalers , however , changed the complexion
of the whole maikut , which closed strong at
about the highest point of tlio day. Tlio
total sales were about 270,000 shaie.s.
AVolf JluiitliiK ill Illinois.
CHICAGO , Jan. 19. A special to the Dally
News tiom Oakland , 111. , says : To-day ovci
1,000 men and boys gatlicicdlhcio and pio-
eeeded to organize a giand limit for wolves
in Sargant township , Douglas county , live
miles noitb ot this city. Tlio hunt had been
advertised through various newspapers in
the vicinity for the past two weeks. The
scene ot tlm limit was the largo pastuiool
Andiow Gwynn and a number of other
farms. Tlio Gwynn estate contains
: ! , ( X)0 ) acres and on its west side
Is bounded by the Ambrow
river and hills. For the past year
wolves have been destroying sheep and hogs
In the vicinity , as many as t\\cl\e wolves In
a pack buing sighted atone time. Four dif
ferent lines under the charge of as many
diU'eicut captains wcro oruanl7cd. Then the
hounds , some 300 In number , were tinned
loaso. No ono was allowed to carry fire
arms. Thu sport soon commenced and in
earnest , Tlio "haying ot tlio ! > oo hounds
could be iieaui all over thu township. The
lirst two wolves started up , ran to llio easl
Hue and weio quickly despatched by the
dons , aided with clubs In the hands of the
hunters. A gang of five- more wolves
were next flighted. Throe of these were
killed on the north line , ono on the northeast
line , tlio remaining ono of the five slipping
tliroiiL'h tlio northeast Hun and escapeda the
hunteis would not allow the do.-s to uet oni
of the circle. Three moru wolves were stlncd
up by men on the west line in the hills of
Ambrow. They ran eastwaid only to qulckl.v
meet their doom at thu hands ot tlio dogs am
clubs. The remaining t\\o wolves caiiuht in
the chase were stlried up near the center o ;
the circlu In thu big pastuic. Ono was killed
aiidtliootherhndlycilppled [ and biought to the
city. Thn hunt was unlveitially deulaied a
grand success. Not an accident happuiici
during tlio day.
Awftltlne Congressional Action.
CIIICAOO , Jan. 19. Tlio committee of
managers of the Western Passenger associa
lion met to-day aud effected a compromise 01
all disputed points. Thu main question a
Issue was tlio demand of the Wabash that I
should bo allowed to make the .same rate pc
mile irom St. Louis to Omaha as Is chaige <
by the Chicago roads Irom this point. Tins
was arranged by ullbwlnz the Wabash to
make a rate of 311.75or ) a difference In their
favor of 75 cents. Agentnal meeting will bo
called when thu fate of the inter-state eom
, mcrco bill Is decidod. Action will then betaken
taken either to put the pool Into effect or , I
It should become a law , substitute a tiaflic
agreement. In the meantime the truce ro
gardiriR the maintenance of rates will con
A Ilaiilcrapt Arrested.
PEOIIIA , 111. , Jan. 19. Gcorgo W. Gay , pro
prietor of a number of W cent stores , through
out the west , who recently failed for nearlj
3100,000 , was arrested hero to-day for obtain
Ing goods under false pretenses on a warran
sworn out by Lands , Owen & Co. , of Chicago
cage , who charge that Gay boueht goods o
them on credit attur he had sold the Wichita
store , representing himself to bo still proprl
etor ; that he bought poods on ciedlt for hi
Peoria and Springfield houses after lie luu
made an assignment , Gay was taken to Chi
cajro to-ulfht.
Two Tough lirothors I/ynclictl.
NKKDLES , Cala. , Jan. 19. News was re
colvod to-day that a man named Hawos she
and killed J , II. berry , a saloon 1st , at Flags
tolf , Ariz. , this morning for Interferlni ,
In a quarrel between IIawes , hU-brother am
another man in the saloon. Half an hou
after tlio murder twenty citUens captured
tlio two brothers and .shot them dead. Berry
Is known as a peacetnl. respectable man
The liases brotheu uro disreputable.
The Belief That Ho Will Head tlio Inter
state Commerce Commission.
. 'dnnimls' Hill Made n Sjicclnt Order
Kor Next U'cck My the Senate
1'ostofllco CoinnilUco
t News.
Morrison to llo I'rovtded For.
WASHINGTON , Jan. 19. ( Special Telegram
o the UiK.-Kvcr : ] > body thinks that Colonel
lorrlson will be appointed elialiman of the
ommlsslon to bo appointed under the
Cullom Inter-stato commerce bill. The bill
oes not s'o Into effect for sixty days after Its
pproval , which will bring thu time about the
rst of April. Morrison's Irionds , without
onstiltlng him , have suggested his appolnt-
icnt to the piesldunt , who iccelved the sttg-
nstlon with great favor. Tlio trlcnds of
cnator Conger will also put In a recom-
icndation for him , and ho Is likely to tecelvo
tie appointment. Tlio bill contemplates the
election of two republicans and three demo
unts , and It would not bo surprising If the
epubllcans weio Conger and McMillan , and
ho democrats a southern and eastern man ,
vlthMoirlson as chairman. The commls-
loneifi will reside In Washington , although
hey will havu somu traveling to do , and will
ceelvo salaries of 87,500 and expcnses.wldch
s a good deal better than the pay of a con-
jrussmati .
KIIMUNDS' rosTAr. Tin.r.ouAVii IIU.T , .
The senate postoflico committee to-day
ook up the bill Intioduccd some time last
esslon by Senator Kdmuuds , providing tor
ho establishment of a telegraph service In
onnectlon with the postoflico dcpaitment.
t provides lhat the secietary of war bhall
auso to bo constructed muter the direction
if the engineers of the United States army
our trunk telegraph lines , with blanches
xtcndlng wheiever It may become ncces- be operated under thudliectlou ot the
postmaster general. 1'rovislon Is made for
condemnation pioceedlugs to secure a nglit
ot way and tlio authoilllcs are permitted to
iso all appliances for telegraphy , whether
latented or not , by paying a tair compousa-
lon for tliu ame. Thu committeu made the
> ill a special order for next week.
1 asked Mr. Randall what provision the
committeu on appiopriatlons Intended to
uako icgaidinc the Mexican pension bill ,
which passed the house Monday and now re-
itdres only tlio slgnatiiiu ot tlio president to
become a law. Ho suld : "Wo were discussing
lhat subject 111 the commlttco on appiopria-
lions this mornlnsr , and tlieio were availety
of opinions expressed as to the amount that
would bo necessary to meet the disbursements
necessary under the bill. It was my opinion
that wo would have to appropriate from
Sl-VKW.OOO to 818,000,000 for the lirst year , but
othuis seemed to think that would not be
sulliclciit Holman insisted that it would
require 8 0,000,000 at least tor the liist > ear ,
and , of course , the amount necessary will
increase as the claims for pensions under the
bill aie allowed. Mr. Matson , the chairman
of the pensions committee , who reported the
mcasuio , claimed botore its passage in a
soeech that 84,000.000 would be sulllciunt tor
tills bill and 5 0,000 for tlio other. Thunder
nnd Mars ! U will be nearer 540,000,000 , and
as for the S&O.OoO estimate , that will not pay
the claims in my town. "
Tlio congressional gamblers aio a good
deal dlsappolnteoTAt the effdcfcbf thw resolu
tion they passed yesterday on the stuck mar
ket , They expected the passage of the resolu
tion to investigate the affairs of the Union
1'acillc ftaliway company , carrying with It as
It did the defeat ot tlio tunding bill. , would
knock oil the stock several points , and sold
short wltti that expectation. Many of them
ha\o been slioit lor sunn : time and wanted to
cover , but thu stock icslstcd tlio blow in a
manner that suipiiRcd them , and now some
other scheme must bo invented to send It
down. Thuio Is no piospect of the resolu
tion being passed by the senate. If , will Wr"
ceive no attention overtheie.
Speaking ot the pioposed reduction of In
ternal lurenuo taxes and the duty on sugar.
Kcpiesentativc Stuible , of Iowa , said to-day :
" 1 am sttongly opposed to removiiigall tax on
tobacco or making any considerable reduc
tion tlicreot. lint tobacco lias come into such
general use among tlio people as to approach
more nearly to articles commonly classed as
'the ncccssaiics of lite. ' His not a neces
sary ailicle of consumption , and can never
piopoily he so denominated , but it ontcis
largely into consumption among thu pcoplo
and to such an extent that It seems to me ,
from thu standpoint of a legislator , that a 10-
ductlon of the present tax mav bu mailo
without doing injustice to tlio pcoplo of this
country Kcner.illy. With rcteiciico to tlio
removal of the duty on sugar , I prefer at this
time to expiess no opinion as to what my
vote shall he it a proposition to put sugar on
thu tree list or tnatciiallv reduce the rate
of duty comes up for consideration. "
A boaid of survey consisting of Lieutenant
Colonel Amos Heckwltli , assistant eommls-
sarv general of subsistence , Major diaries
W."Fostcr ; < jmiitcniiastcr , and l-'list Lieuten
ant Thomas S. S. Mumtord , Thirteenth In-
lautry , has been oidercd to meet at St. Louis
to lix the responsibility for deliclences dis
covered in tlio stoics received from Phila
Colonel Robert S. Lamotte , Thirteenth In
fantiy. has been ordeicd to Kort Winsate ,
New Mexico , for dutv witli hlsreclment.
Major Utilities A. Wikoft , Fonitccnth in
fantry , has been orduied to the Uup.utment
of the Columbia.
Second Lieutenant E. S , Avis , I'ifth ' In
fantry , lias been granted leave for tlneo
iiioiitns mid ten days.
Kirst Lieutenant A. J. Slocum , Seventh
eavaliv. has boon oiduied to Jeifeison Bar-
The leave ot First Lieutenant Wlllia n W.
Tyler. Thirteenth infantry , has been ex <
tended one month for disability.
1'ensluns gianted to Nebraskans to-day :
Rachel , mother ot David I' . Ralston ,
Schuyier ; Jas R. Davis , Tekamah ,
Thu followlnir for lowans : Mmy , mother of
David Tarry. Alula ; David Carmuan , Medl-
apolis ; Kli Uiyant , Cuntefvillu.
Mrs. James F. Wilson and daughter , of
Iowa , and Mrs , Charles S. Maker , of New
York , assisted by MKs Hlackford , will re
ceive to-morrow at No. C2J Thlitcenth btieet ,
The following Iowa postmasters were
Coido county , vice Maitha L. I'litnam , re-
nuncil ; Kdwaid N. Brynn , Apton. Van
liuren county , vice L. M. Me.ranee.reslsned ;
Wm. Thomnson. Woolstock , Wiight county ,
vice Eliza Mlddleton , removed.
Thirty Thousand Tcxans DcHtttutc.
AUSTIN , Tex. , Jan. 19. A special commit
tee appointed to Investigate as to tlio sulfurIng -
Ing from drouth prevalent over a largo bec-
tlon of the state submitted a report to the
legislature to-day , The report states that In
this region at least SO.OOO persons are , or
soon will be. absolutely destitute and who
most possibly subsist without Immediate
assistance. The committee recommends an
appropriation of 8109,000 for the immediate
relief of the sutlcrers under euch prominvs as
may bo deemed beat until tlio ciops can be
grown , Action on the rcpoit will be taken
Four Olllccrn Murdered ,
FoitT SMITH , Ark. , Jan. ! . Henry Smith ,
acting as a posse , United SUtes Deputy
Marshal John Phillips , and two guards ,
names unknown , were imudered In their
camp at liufaula , Indian Tenitoiy.last night.
No paitlculars of thn alfalr have been re
ceived. Marshal Phillips and party were In
the territory sorvine writs and arreaUui. violators
lators ot tJJe Un tva State | Jp .
KiiRllsh I'licllNts Think Illn Accident
AVill Use Him Up.
Iroji/rfji | ( ? ( J557 liv Jiimfd Hordon HcnntltA
LONDON , Jan. 10. iNorc York Herald
Cable-Special to the lUr. : . ] A cable dis
patch was received hero to-day from New
York giving the news ot the accident to
Sullivan and of Ids light with Cardiff having
resulted In a draw. 1 Immediately took the
dispatch to the oflico of the Sportsman and
showed It to ono of the editors. The news
soon got about among the frequenters of the
oftlcc , causing great Interest and excitement ,
and the geiieial oxpieaslou made was that
Sullivan's day was over.
1 next visited a well known rmclllstlc lon-
dezrous in Newman stiect , ott Oxford street ,
where 1 expected to find many professors of
thn manly art , but only amateur boxing ic-
hearsals were In progress. 1 was told that
( iiecnhcld was In the countiy near Ulrmlng-
ham resting , and that Jem Smith , with
Charley Mitchell , the son-in-law of Pony
Moore , was in South Shields on Tyne , where
thu two were giving tills moining a boxing
exhibition ; also that Jack Kulfton and his
tuother D.ivid , weio giving an exhibition to
night at Card I if.
1 next visited a public hou o called the
Horse and ( Jrooin. In N'ual street , near Covent
( Jarden theater. It Is much frequented by
pugilists and Is kept by Jack Ma sey , who
fought Knlftpn about six months ago. I
showed Massuy the dispatch , llosald : "Very
likely the accident Is a similar ono to that
which oecimcd to mo in my own
tight with Jack Knlfton. The
cause of my defeat was that
thu lingers of both my hands were driven
back upon my wilst bones and tendons. "
Massey then drew up his slco\es and showed
two great swellings on the wrist bonus , and
how the lingers had been Injured , "But ,
bless you , " ho continued , ' 'I'm all right
again. Sullivan will come around all light
In my opinion. "
1 said 'llut ' you have not tiled to fight or
box since then ? "
"Oh , yes. A month after I was healed 1
had a glove bout for stakes with Coddy Mid
dens. AVc fought twenty-three roundswhich
lasted an hour and a quaitor , when the "bob
bles" Interfoied. But I was winning. 1
found that ilie Injuries did not Interfere with
uy play 'of defense or attack. I am
giving boxing lessons the same as
ever. Of course , the American medicals can
besl tell the cll'ect of the accident on tlio
> owcr of Sullivan's working time and tlio
'orco of his blows. But although such mls-
mps are rare , there are Instance hcrcs where
ho vigor of the bones has been restored.
It Is lucky for Sullivan and his friends ,
hough , 'hat terms had not been arranged be
tween him and Smith and both mado. "
'I aftcrwauls talked with several boxers
and pugilists , but they are not known
enough to bo author.t-dively quoted. All the
tromlncnt persons are to-night out ot the
city. However , the majority i talked with
sympathised with Sullivan. They wcro
stiongly ot the opinion that such an acci-
lent must destioy the flexibility and tree
play of the defensive annalthough the bones
might bo icknittud and this would prevent
Sullivan lemalning the champion or hero-
alter tiying conclusions with Jem Smith or
anyone else. "
THE 1 > KA1)1/V 1'ANIO.
Scenes of Horror at the Hebrew Tlie-
ntor In London.
Jan. 10. The hall In Prin
cess street , Spltalfield , where the
ilatal panic occurred last night ,
Is a favorite resort for Jews In that part ot
London. Last evening the place was
ciowded. Duii'igtho proeicss of the play
a man and woman wcie lighting outside and
near the main doorway-of the hall. Tlio man
used violence and the woman screamed. Her
crjoBMs heard by a passerby who mlsundur-
fffiod It an I died , tire. Tlio woman's
-rsci-eams and cries of fire were heard inside
and cieated a panic , the audience numhciina
500 , using In a bodv and rushing pell moll
lei the enhance. The manager of tlio He
brew dramatic club Was on the stage when ho
peicci\cd at oncu theio was no good reason
for It , and did all In his power
to allay tlio excitement and to alloid
all possible facilities for exit tlio
the people. Thu hail lias a number of en
trances and all weio thiown open , and ho
called on the people when they would not
lemaln to divide and use all the doorwavs ,
but they paid no attention to him. The
wholn ciowd made tor the main entrance. It
happened that among tlioso who llrst icachcd
itere a number of ciiildien and women ,
who wcro oveiboriio by strong
men attempting to pns * by them.
As the \\omeii and cliildeun fell at the ilooi-
way as stumbling blocks , they tripped up tlio
others who weio ciushed down hv the Iiantlc
ciowd. Se\entcen corpses were found tnsldo
of the theatre near the door. They were all
torn , ciushcd and ills-figured. It wa found
that of the dead twelve weio women , three
weio boys , ono was a gill and the other was
a man.
The hall to-day resembjoR a disordered auc
tion room. Broucn iurnllme , crushed toys ,
children's hats , broken bottles , oiange peel ,
actors' wigs , shreds of clothes , lln scattered
over the tlwor. There are many blood spots
on the chairs ami lloor. Ileio and thcro
ghastly knots of hair clinst to thn furniture.
Bodies were found at the bottom ot tun
stone stairs Imuiint : tiom the pallety. Hero
a horrible struxclo took place between the
front of the crowd rushing Irom tlio main
lloor and the leaders of the throng which
rushed down the callciy stalls. The dead
lay mostly in two opposing row.s , the feet of
each row close to these of ttio others , ono
row of heads lying closu to tlio gallery stair
way , ( hn other towaid thu opposite of the
hull. The faces of the dead are dlt-toiled
with asonl'/U'J exprshlons. The clothes aio
completely torn tiom thu bodies of somo. A
llttlo gltl , slnco identlhed as Kva Marks , was
found lying at thu bottom of thu pllu
dead , her lower limbs bate , , the
upper part of her dress torn
to slucds. hlio must Imvo lought haul
for Hie. Ipaau Levy , a veneiahlo Hebrew ,
was lound among tlio dead. His wile's body
lay opposite. Beside her lay a llttlo hey
whose pants and stockings weio torn to
hlneds , A man named HauisOoIdbcigsays
lie went to tlio gallery of the hall , accom
panied by his wife and family. During tlio
performance borne boys , In order to tet a
butter view , ellmbed up tlio gas nlpes tlxet :
along tlio walls. This started the leak. Some
one .shouted. "Turn off the meter , " just as
an actor on the stage made some crv of alarm
Then tlio people In the gallery lose am
rushed headlong down stairs. Goldberg's
wife WHS trampled to death. Hlssix-yeai-oh
son jumped down on the heads of the mass
below and escaped by rnnnlnir over tlimr
heads. The managers am not to blame lor
the disaster. The passage from thu hall to
the street entrance Is tun feet wide where the
strugglu occurred , and the door swings boll
ways. Theio are several minor exits lion
tlio gallery , three besides the staircase , The
disasteraroso not tiom the crowding of the
pas > ase , hut tlio frantic efforts ot tlio people
to foice their way down thn ciowded stalls
Thu men and women In liontcio dnvei
licaiiloiu' into tlio passage , where they me
tlio excited occup.ints of the pit , and theio
was a hopeless block.
Tliolr Charred Hoinalns Hurled.
CI.IVII.A.VI : : > , Jan. 10. Tliofuncialof fou
of the victims of the Baltlmoio t Oliir
wreck at Republic , O. , on tliotill lust. , wa
held to-day at Republic In the town hall
Eleven clergymen ofliciated. Thousands o
people weio in attendance and thu Masonic
lodges of all the surionndlnz towns \\eie
represented by delegates , i'lie bodies buried
were those of David Uber , ( Jberlln , I'.i. ; .i.
S. Gardner , Mcclmiiicivllle. la. ; fiank 1 > ,
Bowman , Lanaik , 111. , and ' 1 homns Pembor-
ton , Payne , O.
Tho.CoalUaiHlleiV Strllce.
Nnw YOIIK , Jan , JO. There Is po change
In tliestilkoot coal liandleis. Tlio enmiid-
niesha\e men at wrnlc and ante tbut thu
bacii of the Etilkols broUeu.
Long Debate in the Honso on the Inter
State Oommcrco Measure.
Rdimtnda Itcports thci Hill to the
Scunto to Protect the ( lights or
American Flwhlnj ; Vessels
Otlior Legislation ,
WASIIINOTON , Jan. 19. In tlio morning
hour the house resumed consldciatlon of the
resolution setting apart tho'-mtli of January
forthocousldeiatlon of the Blair education
No action was taken on thn resolution
and at the conclusion of tlio morning hour
the hou < io lesumed consideration of the con-
fetoncu icporl on the Intel-state couimctco
bill. i
Mr. Dunham of lIllnoK addressing him
self to the lung and shoi t Until sections of tlio
ill ) , expressed his Inability to undeistand IU
iiuanlng and his disbelief that anjbody eiso
indeistood It. Its Intelpietatlun would ha\o <
o bo left to thu com Is. It thu inllroadsweroj
oiccd by thU hill to raise their tlnouch
ates. tlio section of country in which no'
ived would sustain thu greatest Injury , for :
t would bu moio dilllcnlt tor the fanners of :
hat section to piaco their gialn pioducts In.
European markets In coiiiulitlon | ) with tlio ;
grain products of Australia. This bill was
letter than nothing , and while he thought It- '
vas Inconsistent In place.s , in the absence ot
anything butter hu would vote for It ,
Mr. Uyuum ol Indiana would vote for the
bill , but with some misgivings.
Mr. Gucntlinrof Wisconsin congratulated ?
ho people thai at last congress was to p sst
an ( nter-stiito commerce bill. Its passano j
would insplie them with renuwcd coniidunco'
n their repioscntatlves in congress. Tlm
> a sago Ot tills bill would bo the greatest
lumph 1)19 ) public had achieved fornmny
Mr. Nelson ot Minnesota favored the
Mr. Weaver of Iowa opposed the Dill. IIo
md heat till supported tlio ituacan hill , hut
ho bill now presented was substantially tlm
'nlloni bill , which thu honso had once ionised
'o pass. The theory of the iiutidlng bill was
o do as llttlo lor llio people as possible and to
render these sections which i elated to the
rights of the people as obscure and tin Intel- '
iiriblo as human liivunullv rould makn them ,
I'ho people had been demanding tlio Reagan
'Ml and they had been fed on ashes. They ,
lad asked tor an egg and weie glvun a scor-
liion which would sllmr them to death.
Pending fin liter debate the matter went
over.Mr. . Woilhlncton of Illinois , from the com- <
mltteoon public buildings repmted a bill ]
lor Iho completion of a public building at Ncv
braska City. Roluited- committee of tho' '
Mr. Outhwaito of Ohio offered a resolution ,
which was refeired to the committee on Pa-
ciliu tailroads. that the secietary of tlio treas
ury bo requested to inform the house ot.
representatives thn sums of mouuy which1
weio owing to tliu United States on the llrst.
day of Januaiy , 1SS7 , from thu Pacllic mil-
loads that have received aid from the gov-
einmcntand what \\ill bo the result to tlio'
treasury and the ITect upon debts IT
thu house hill No. H.liW ( funding bill ) should !
become a law aud Us provisions bu complied'
After an Inulfectital altemnton tlio part at *
Mr. Cilsp to obtain a night session fordfbnto
on thu confeienco rupoit on thu Intcr-stato
commerce bill , thehousuadjouiiicd ,
. Janw 19. jur. Edmunds ,
from tlio committee on foreign relations , re-
Doi ted n olll to authorize the picsldcnt ot
the United States to protect and defend tlio ' -J
rights of American lishing vessels , American
trndliu vessels nnd other vessels in ceilaln
cases , and for other purposes. Ho said he
liad also written a lupoit on the subject
which ho liad been directed by the commlttco II
lo submit to them. A little later hu gave notice - ,
tice that lust as soon as the bill aud report ) !
weropiinted , so that senators could oxamlnu ,
them , he would ask tlio senate to take up tlio
till , and niocecd witli It and dispose of It at'
the cailiost possible day.
Mr. Mltchull of Pennsylvania , from the
committed on pensions , tuported back favor
ably the house bill for thu iclluf of depend
ent parents and honorably discharged M
soldiers nnd sailors , now disabled and dependent -
pendent on their labor for suppoit. He gave 4
notice that to-moirow morning im would ask
tiiu scnatu to take It up and consider it.
Tlio presiding ollicor jnes.cnted tlio re
sponse of the seciutaiy of the
treasuiy to Iho icsolutlon lelatlvo to the
Indebtedness of subsldl/ed Pacific railroads.
Kefeiled without reading to tlio Judiciary
On motion of Mr. Vest the senate bill an-
thorl/lng the constiucllon ut a bridge across
the Mississippi river at St. Louis ( between
the ICads bridge amPthu mouth of thu Mis
souri liver ) was taken up and pasaed. Mr.
Vest said the object of the jieoplo of St.
Loins was to elect a practically Iruu brlrtgo.
Their cxpcileiice In the lecent strike had
taught them a lesson which they could never
lorget when all transportation across ttio
river was stopped excupt by ferry.
Messis. Allison , Plumb and Gorman wer
appointed conlerees on tlio army uppropilao : ll
tion bill.
On motion of Mr. Thompson , and'after a
speeches In its favor by Messrs' ' . Hoar nntT
Conger , tlio semite bill approptlatlng SUOO.UOO i
to expedite the completion of tlio Charleston
jetties ( appropihdion to bu avallablu Immedi
ately ) was passed.
Mr. Kdmunds presented a icport from tlio
committeu on loieign relations on the subject1"
of liblicrlus. Ordeied printed.
Alter executive session tlio senate adjoin - ;
join nod.
FlHliory mil.
WASIIINOTOV , Jan. 10. The bill reported' '
by Senator Kdmnnds to-day horn the com- 'i
mltteo on foreign iclatlons to protect thn
rights of American hshlng , trading and
other vessels , ami Aineilean iishprmcn , pro
vides that whenever the piesldent of thu
United Stittesshall bu satlMicd that Amur- t
lean vessels and crown visiting In the watein
or pot IB of the lirltlsh Dominions In North ' i
Amcilca aio denied or abridged in any of tlio
privileges .seemed them by tlio treaty law , or i
are unjustly vexed or liarrahKid in tlio enjoy- '
inent of such rU'lits , or hlull bu prevented i
liom purehii'iliig sujipllus as provided for 1
by tieatv , In any ot sueli eases , It bhall bn
lawtnl lor him at hlu discretion to U.siio u
pioclamation denying vessels and crows of
the Itiitish Dominions of Noith Ameilca any
entrance to tlio watois , poits or places within
the United States ( vessels in dlbtrcHB ex-
eepted ) , and may ( juallfy the llmitor re now
bitch inoclaiuutloli fiom time to time as hu
may deem necehbarj to a full and just execu
tion ot tills act. Vessels violHiIng Micli
piocl.imatlonHsiiall bofoi felted totliu Unlteil
States , iindKiieh lot luituro Khali bu enforced.
I'eisons violating thu provisions of this act
may bo lined not to exceed § 1XXI ( or impris
oned not exceeding two yeais , or both ,
Thu rupoit of thu Fenato committee accom-
panlng the bill coiibti lies the tin co-mile limit
111 th etreaty to mean tlueu milen tiom Hhoro ,
IrrespeetUu of headhuids. Kcfenlng to
Canadian legltlitlon which permits numerous
magistrates to deal \\itli hel/ures ot Amer
ican vessels accoidlng to tlmlr variom con- r
centlons ot thu law , ( lib committee siy.s :
"Jlad It been Intended to iiauass and cmbar-
tas Amuilcan tishlngand otlicre Mls , and
muku It impracticable for them to enjoy tiielr
treaty andotiiui common iUhtH. Mich legis
lation would have been put purely adapted t <
thatiiiid. "
'i'he rommltteo gives a staiement of the
Ki'Umo of end ) of thue - , ela by thu Can-
aillnii goveinmout and conclude.s. that llio ?
light to lisliitliln tlueo miles of ttio Domin .
ion bhoiea U ot uo practical \ftlue to Amer
ican tibheimen.and lliat'there is no necessity
whateter for Ameilcan lishirnien to rcsoitlo
Canadian watei.-flor lialt. It uasaUo pioved
lietoin the committee that except In case ot
diMiess U was ab > ouituly injiiiloua to tlioli
picuulary luleie tb lur A'.ueiicau v