I THE OMAHA DAILY BElfJ : WEDNESDAY , JANUARY .10 , 1887 , Advertisements under this ho il , 10 cents ret line lor the first Interning ctnls for oacli nub- noqucnt Insertion , wid $1.50 n line per month No fyhortucmont taken f < , r IMS than 25 oonl for tlio fltat Insertion. Seven words will bo counted to the llnoj th y mn l run eonsocru- lively find mint bo paid in ml wince. All adver tisements mu t bo hnm'c-1 In before 8 o'clo-k pm..tmd under no circiim tanoc * will they betaken taken ordl ronUniie < l Iry telephone. I'srtic ndvcrtidng In tlicsuiolumni rnd hir * Ingtho answers nJdrc cd In cnro of THE HER win r > lcn o nsk for n check tamable them to got their letters" " , RS JIOMO will bo delivered except oa wrcfcntntlon of check. All answers to ad * vcrtlsotnonti should bo enclosed In envelopes. TO Z.O.U1uoxin. . T OANB Loam Loans. llrnl ratnto loans , Collntorlnl loans. Chnttcl lonns. Ixmg tlino lonns. Bhorttlmo lonns. Money nlwnys on hnnd to lonn on nny ap proved security. Investment securities : bought nnd gold. Uninha Huanclal Exchange , a. w. cor. IKlh nnil llnrtioy. Corbctt , Manager. 803 $100,000 to loan on fix month * ' to six years' tlmo nt lowest ratoi. W. M. Harris , room G , I'remor block , opp 1'O 714J--J8' " AllIUS * IIA1HII8. 320 8. 15th st Money to loan on Ilrsl class security , from JWXJ upwards. 94 $ MOnoo TO LOAN nt 0 per cent , J. J , Ma- honey , 15091'arnam. 800 6 I'EIICENT Money. H. U , I'attorson , 15th and Ilarnoy. 3'i7 ? T 3OOOO to loan. Bnma 1600 nnd upwards , P Lowoot rates , Homls , room 3 , llnrkor block , I. W. oor. 15th iniil Knrimmstg. Hff- MONLV rirst mortifiiBO notes. Tlio Douglni county bank will buy pnpnrs seournil by flrst morlKaifo on city realty. 7SO Gl'KK OUNT-Monoy to lonn. Ori'irory A Ilndlry. JJooms 1 and 3 , Kciiick ulock , ! Ku 8. ISth St. 80S MONEV to loan. ca1i on hand , no delay. J. W , nnd E. L. Bqulre , 1413 Farnnm Bt , Par * ton liolel building. 09 TO LOAN Money Loans placed on Im proved real estate In city or county for Now England Ixinn & Trust Co. , by Douglas County bank. ICth nnd Chicago sU. 810 MONEY to loan on city nnd farm property , low ratca , Btowart It Co. , Iloom o. Iron Hank. 812 M ONETf TO LOAN-O. F. DlWls .V Co. lloa Kstato nnd Loan Agents 1005 Furnam st ; 811 nroNKV TO LOAN On real estate andch.it * IfL tols. 1 > L. Tlio in as. 815 " * ONEY r.OANI.0 at 0. F. Hood * Co's.Loan ofllcx , on furniture , pianos , homoswagons , personal property of nil kinds , and nil other ar ticles of value , without romovnl. U1U 8 13th , over lllngham'B Commission store. All busi ness strictly confidential. Bin tgriOO.OOO To loan on Omaha city property BtO P percent O. W. Dayovu M'2 ' Doug'nsgt. ' HIT MONEV to lonn by the undersigned , who has the only properly orgnnl/od lonn agency In Omnhn Loans of J10 to $1,000 mndo on fur niture , planes , organs , horses , wagons machin ery , tto. , without romovnl. No dolayn. All business fctrlctly confidential. Loans GO mndo that nny part can bo pnld nt any tlmo , each pay ment reducing the cost pro ratn. Advances mndo on flno wntchcs nnd diamonds. Persons Bhonld carefully consider who thor are dealing with , no many new concerns are dnlly coming into existence- Should you nooJ money , call nnd sea mo. Vf. n. Croft , Iloom 4 , Wlthncll IlullOIng , ICth nnd Harnny. HIS DUBIUES3 CHANCES. FOH SAL15-A llrfit-chiss restaurant and bnkory , located In the best Business part of Omaha. A llrst-elass buslneen to mnko monoy. FolN voryolioap now. Sickness cnuso ot B II ) ( T. Address 1 * . O. llox 2I2 ! , Omaha. Nob. 4 5 10 * T710H SAIjT ? Doardlnirhouso fixtures mid fur- J nltiiroeompleto. Will bo sold nt a bargain. Call attlio Lmilule hotel , 212 South lOtli st. ' 459 SI * FOR BATjll Cheap , two oyster nnd chop hotiBOH. Inqulro of V.O.Beuvor A. Co. , room 13Moyuiblock opposlto postolllco435 13 * \\r-ANTKD My npcntlomnn of Inriro city noT - T T qiiaintanco. n partner In real estate hu l- nn'.s with soinn prrsonnl ovperlunco. Aildross with references , CM , Iloo oillco. 411 10 * 1710H SALK. litinoh countordolnggood Iinsl' -L ness. Choiipfor cash. C , Jj. llnnthott , isti DouKlna 38118 fjlOHSALE At n bargain , half Interest J in n goo 1. llvo weekly ncusptipcr In westoi n IOWIL. SlekncHii ciiusos ono pintner to rotlro and will foil ut n sncrlflco. A rnro olinnco for tin active man. Address O 43 , Iloo. 370 18 * FOR BAI.RorTrade-A clenn Block of dry good : ) , cnrnctf" , ghocs. win olthor sell for citali or trade for lnnd. _ For further partleu- lura call or address U. Kohn , Boward , Neb. 33921 Foil SALn Lumber yaraand residence , lo cated In 5outhwostorii IOWH : good busl- ncrs ; good reasons for selling. Address U 11 , lr ) < > oillco. Ii\OH \ SALK Meat market and tools , doing an- 1 oxccllunt business. Flno location. Ad- dioss.C , : w , llea Olllce. 333 20 * Bt'HINKSa CHANCE A Urst-chus mcntmar- koton apavod atrcot. Iluslnoss well es tablished. Doing from 81.000 to $1VW per month. Terms roasonnblo. Inqulro Wjedoman A. Co. , ISth gt bet Fnrnam and Ilarnoy. ! Wfl 20 Bl8INisSCIIANOn ! : StocK Orocorlosforgalo. No bettor lacntlon In Omaha. Sales now nerairo fIWO a day. Hush & Bolby , 218 S. 15tli st. 270 M10 KXCFIANOK Murehandlso for farm * und J wild land. C. J. Caswcll , room 10 , Iron Ilimk. 931 : il 171011 SALE Nirw stock of ladies' furnNiliig X1 Koodn , together with storellxturos. . HUH- | iicwj III full conduct with good trade. Locution best on Howard et , occupying M store In square of solid brick , J. F. Hammond , 115 & 10th st. U73 FOll BALI ! Or trade for morchandlan , flirt ncroa of No 1 farm land near Gniml Island. C. J. Canan. 815 HOIJSKS LotsFarmflLnnns money loaned. Ilomls.rooiu U , Darker block S. W. cor. 15lh and FarniiJuU. CM FOIt SALK Hardware Husinoss Wo oiler our shelf and heavy bardwnro business for sale , together with our lease and good will , amdo liircost In the city and location the best. lletirlnir from Iho bUHlnets caiibe for eelllnir Tlio llaum Hardware Co. , 10-a 0 et. , Lincoln. C01 Dr. Niiniuo V. Wiirrcn , clairvoyant. Medlial and buslnojj Medium Iloom No. 3,121 North ICili ct .Omulm , Nob. 60S JiOHT. LOST On Kid et. , bot. Hurt and Capitol avo. . Hod 1'urso corlainlriT f 10 ( ir f 30. Hot urn to JI8S. lithat.or"10d Hurt , uurtt'utrownrd. 439 IU COST A f umalo pujr dogA liberal reward > for return to roum > 0 , Iron bunk , 400 1U J * ( )3r Hod plush purse between Omaha Nat'l J b ink niul ( ietty'K , uith noino money mm child's Uld K'OVOS ' ; return to this ullloo 456 1B T OST At charity ball In the dunslnir room , JLj one \tliliu fiitln fun , hatulpamtod , with apple lilosMiniH. The llndur will obilgo by leuv- liif at this oiiii-o. 40s aa * I OST A laddioj li.incl siiteluil containing viil- j imblo iinptnr ) . A liberal reward will bo 5Hid for its return to the residence of Alt 1) , onus , No. lllfl H. icth street. 401 1U * Clairvoyant , M ADA M ALASKA , Cl.uuvoj nnt and palmist , 513 South 101U gt Kill \\r S. HAMMONU , a phMriiuicistof7 jonra' > > experlenic , tins opened up a drug More sts OX. IMS et. will Uoup puru drugs , inedl- elm H , fniiiT nnd toilet nrtlclt'ti , blauU bookg.etc. , l'irid-it.int ' | | u specialty. Uivo htm a culL /lt ) IlKNT UrfftuistZ per rioppe , 1613 Olfl _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A f OHTO Afl nS-l'urchnio money mortgages j > L on Improved Dmaha real estate , bought tit No. " 1 1'renzior Ulock : sppljr between a and U " P. m. _ _ _ JW _ kVTKIUtASK A Cultivator and Housekeeper.1' > 1 > Ii tnbllshod 18ear * , liopnrtniunts-ng. ' rlriilturul.livo stock , hoiuckeepnig < a volunLlo collrutlooof riHolptij m each issue ) , nnd gou- crnl inlicelliincous rending , Including short ttorle * < uiJ poetry. tl.OJ a y nr. Valuuble rt < n In m * . Sample copy free. H. K. Smith , ? iili. , Iloom J , Wl'.biwll lllockUfAt.la , Nct > . OIt UKNT-SnnarQ piano , ti monthlr. lloaro ir.1.1 Dongli * . CIO _ \tfb-Tn terT lessons. No shnding ! nopo'ltlon ; rapid as peeoh. In truetnr , M cents. I'ornin'a/iliortlmtul Institute , Detroit , _ _ _ t W _ 11'jou barn property for unlo or rent list It with W iso iVrarinele , 1609 rornnm . 371 16' TTWUKKNT s q jnro Tjuno" J moritSlr/ J-1 HoMWJ.lMSlioutflns. Ctl _ tJAXr i I poll SALE Stamping Pattern * clunps'nnd 1 stamping done to ord.T. Jlrg J W. Mor risons , 1005 Datonport 37 IMS POH PALE A No. 1 roa < l tnaie , flno blooded , . nt con'tnblo'milio on January Iffth nt 4 o'clock near the postolllco Omnbn. S2J 19 TTOIllFATn-Thn ben bug > y In the woridTor J-1 the Heal K Into lluslncss , Columbus Iliiggy Co. , 1113 Harney st S.6M1 T71OH SALE A gOfMl r > year old liorso , barnc s U and buitgy. liiiqiilru nt 1403 Douglas st W3 > fl"8A7E OK TllAlTE-Ono 2d hand side * barbuirgy , ono 2d band phaeton , or.o de livery wagon. Cheap. A , Ifospo , 151.1 nonolns , rTiOHSAT.rTypowrltor , JOO. J. 11 llavncg , X1 lloxoa , Uniftliiu M7 " 1711 m S.Vl.i : I'liriiunro and lca n nt 8iT-room JL1 hoiiso , tlmo on part Call 1202 North 27th Mrect , two blocks from Hod Car linn. 891 TTIOIt SACK Cnoap. iron columns nnd win- -U dovrCAPailltablo for fronton brick build ing. Fornnrlloulnrnnpply nt tills office. 6H CUI. ? . i7AM l.D A young man of SO , one familiar with the snddlci y hardware business pro- ferrod . Omaha Saddlory.Co. , 1207 Douglas. 4(0 ( 19 \ \ 7ANT15D-Ayoiiiig man to work In collar T shop. Omaha Bnddlery Co , , 1'07 Douclns. 469 ! W ANTii-A : bright Intelllgentbov fiom Ute to 13 right away 1717 fatMary's avo. 451 18 \\rANTKD Drivers nt the City Steam Latin. V > dry. 458 18 WANTED 3 onorgotlo men at once. Applv to lkllpao : ItistfllmentCof , U03 Dodao st Vi rANTKD A flrflt class market gardener , IT Ilensnuin Brothers , Lake st. 432 3 * ITW ANTI5D-A No. 1 sign painter. Address with reference , O47 , Iloo ollieo. 410 20 WANT15D A young man to do eolloellng and as lst In oillco. Address , stating ago , reference and salary expected , C 18 , Hen ollieo. 103 18 " \\7ANTr.D A boy or young man bavin ? u IT good horse and living In south part of city , to carry n route on Dally Evening Ileo to South Omaha. 40 1 \V ANTKU-Canvnssera , apply 318 S liith st ' ' ! i77 \\TANT1JD Two blacksmiths who can do all klnns of blacksmith's work. Jowrr & Markny , Fiemont , Neb. ! K227 VtrANTRO- broad bakers. Smith fc Co. , 6il Main otroot , Council lllillTs. 200 , women , boya , girls to earn ? 70por montli nt their own homos.costlv outllt of unraplu" , a pnckako of goodn and full Information for 100 to help pay postage. Ad dress H , C. Howcll & Co. , llutlund , Vt \\rANT12D BO sober. Intelligent men of good i address to try n lOc uical at NorrlV rco. tain-ant , 101 Slf.thst. 1C3 AGENTS In the city or country can inilKoJ" to 810 n day selling our spoelalttoj. N. W. Novelty oomoanv. 1207 Farnnm fct. 613 WANTHD-FEKAX.X U31-P. W ANTKD A good strong girl as washer In laundry at Windsor . " \ \ ANTED Competent girl for genonil bouse- i' worK. Apply to Mrs. George W. Hull , 000 south 2fllh st 441 17 * . . 17ANTED- girl for gcnoralhousowork.Ifill > California Gt. 44021 W" - ' . ! book folders at C. F. Whitney's bindery , 1121 Farnnm st 417 20 WANl'Kl ) A gooa dro 8tna'tor to work In filiop at Chu-k'rt , Neb. ; must bo good cut ter and litter. Address C 61 , Uco oillco. 455 19 * WANTKD A wood cook nnd Inundcrss , nt Dr. V. 11. ColTman's , 2fitb and St. larys o ; good one , none other m-ed apply.4fiO 4fiO 21 * WANTKD Two'good glrli.one for Hrsi , one f or second w oik , at 2511 bt. Slury's nvo. Apply- MW S. lllth st. 4M 20 \\7ANTCD-A neat girl to do plain washing > und to nsslst in second work , at 310 N ICth St. 415 20 * W ANTKD-Compotont girl for general housework. 1U03 Kurimm. 4-H 20 \trANTED-IloUablo girl lor housoworK. no i washing : , easy place , good wages , best references required. 8WV4 s.21 st 418 20 * ANTKO-GIrl for general housework , 2214 Douglas at. 421 ls WANTEa Irl for general hausoworlc , 11113 Dodge. 420 IS ) ' \1TANTKD A girl for gonnral housework , northwest cor. 23d mid St Mary's avo. Mis. Hobt. 1'urvis. 415 19 " \\7ANTKD-Cook andlaundross.inugt DO com- i > petent , good wages , ilrs , HoWe , N. C , cor. 20th and Davenport. ' 409 IS WANTED 100 girls for hotiao-work. Call nt L J North 15th etroot. 387 22 * WANTED A good girl for general house work , good wagss paid. Apply to Mrs. W. J. Uroutcli , 2120 Dodge 6t 339 2-i * WANTED Two good girls Immediately for general housework. Apply 517 S 12th. \\TANT12I > An elderly wonron to cook In TV small family , no washing or housokoep- ng. IO'Q Catherine st. , UJl WANTKD A housekeeper who U willing to do all the housework except washing , 82J South 20th st -i51 WANTKD-Dlnlng-rooin girl nnd dish- washer. Inquire Jltller'u llostaurant , 1001 N. ICilk bt. 222 W ANTED-Oood girl , English or Herman , rook , washer and Irouer. Imjulru 2-U . _ 0 7 W ANTKD rirst-class Laundress. Co/zona hotel. M3 WANTED An experienced cook In sinull family ; good waxes paid. Mrs UJlInnt , n w cor Virginia uvo and Grunt st 725 WANTED-OIrl for ironeral housework. No. ISIS Capitol avenue. 875 \\rANTED-Klrstclnsj help to nil good places if In hotels , lestuurnnts stores mid prlvnto fanillo" . Call or address Omaha lloglstry Ilu- roau,220N10lhiit. 21W1U * WANTKD Ladles and gentlemen In city or country to tuko light work attnolr homoi. fl.OOto fJ.wu day easily made ; work sent by mull , no canvassing. We mvo n good demand forourwvork nnd furiilsh stendy employmont. Addrctl With otutnp , Crown Mtg , Co ,2'll Vine st.Ciucmuntl O. 455JJO' VITANTKD 30 ladles & gouts to loirn tolo- Tl giaphy. 1'rospoct good for position when competent ; address W. J. U , , Iloom 1. Crouns blk.OmHhn 1.17 HITUAVIUJI WANTED. \ \ ' ANTED Mlddlo-naud ladv , Ocrman.wlshcs > i plnco to liiKiicarn of children : ICMC of city fiiftTcncod. Addreeu U 63 , Hue oillco. \VTA > Tr.D A reliably , BObor , No. 1 bar- i T keeper with bout of rcfercncea , would like to obtain a situation. Address 048. lluo ollieo. 411 > \\7ANTKD-An expononeed l > ook-koepor of 11 26 wants a permanent position. Wholo- cale or real ustatu prolarroJ. Host ruferrunco. Addrossa44 , Jlee ollieo. 400 1U * " \\7ANTED--SlttiaUon by a competent ae- M countant , correspondent or salnsnun. Can plio good referenced. AdJresi U. II. I,2111 California snoot. US ! 22 * V/AKTS. man lToard In n prl- viitu family , not a boarding house. l nUhrolorence. AdUr s 0491Ieo. 4JO 18 AIT , 7ANIBD To purohuso an osinhlUihed lob IT pilntintrbui > liioi > s In Oinnhn. In writing give full purilculnij , UuKincsu must bu upon to IrmstfcaUuu. Addrena 0 60 Hceoltlca 43J & * \v 7ANTKD-Anunfnrnlihed room. Address 0 S3. Heo olnce. DO ? 18 * V\ ; ANTED To buy a good Bate. Inquire at Vt _ l ll Howard Bt. JS35-U VXr'ANl'llDTuuiusTsOS 5. llth st \\7ANTKD-To rout a I to 8 room house about \ > t ha uilddlo ot January. Address , U. IS , ll o Office , giving locution and term ) . 153 WANTHnvrobuytUoto twenty ncros In. vlduofor uoar Omaba. Olvo deecrlp- tlon , price nuJ terms. Address , CIj , Uoo oOiea \\7ANTKD - -oilor top desk In Bool coudl- I > lion. AddroM statlu ? lensth and price. CRih , Hotel MlllurJ. 6SJ Ut * "l\rANTrT-Pnrilo deslrlnu help of nil kinds > > supplied nt Omaha licglstrr Uutoau , SIO I ! th SMO _ A yoiiiig mlm i onthogiiUflr from n competent toii"hor. Address 11 41 , flee o.llco. ItllHT-HOUSES AND 33 FEET on Dolce n good as nrorner ; casli tS.nriO : 812,09) for n few days fl. M. Cooper , 1J03 Fnrnnm. 438 SJ I FOIl IlENT The lower story ofn now house 4 rootrn nnd il cloints , large kitchen and cellar , porch , furntico. hot and cold water , gns electric boll * , inquire 207 S 23d st near Fnrnam 443 19 * I poll IlENT 1'urnlMiod linnso , convenient to r. I1 , depot 1'nrtlcs iloJiro otic room nnd board.0 W , Iloo onico 401 Hi * _ ITloTfllENT Six room bouse with burn , J13 JL1 per month. Corner llth and Vlnton. In- lie on proml = o . 4.11 17 < on IlENT House of ton room . modern JJ Impro\-oment , good locution , cheat ) . L'd- wln Davis , 1JOD 1'arnam st. flCl 18 lE"KT-Nlooeotti\iro.7rooni , Vo. I5.V , -E North lilth st , ? 25. Inquire room No. 2 , position building , or nddrosl w' " " " - - cneo N. S. OlArlr , Louisville , Neb. POH HCNT 10-room liouso with largo stable , ery cheap to right parly. Marshall .V Lo- beck , IM'l Farnim. 221 FOll IlKNT-lly Fob 1st. ton room homo , modern Improvements , 15 mlnutci walk from P.O. On st ear lino. Innuiro at 1103 Douglas st. 140 F OH IlENT A barn for 4 hotd of horse' . In quire of M. F Martin. 837 _ F H llHNT Anlco 5-room cottage. hy s7T ; " Peterson , s. o. oor. 15th and Doutflai. 477 FOll IlENT o room house , city water , street cars , 1H miles Horn 1 * . O ; 125 per month. D. C. PattersonOmaha Natl bank. 710 Foil ItESTLarge barn with water prlvl- _ _ leges. " Apply at 1818 Chloaito st W3 F OU TlE"NT Cottage. 6 room * . Sid nnd Doug- Ins. u. K. Thompson , S. W. cor. llth nnd Hartley Bts. 033 Foil IIKNT Ilousn , 4 rooms , corner 1'hl Hhorlclnn nnd Howard sts. Hoime , 0 rooms , nil mo Jem Improvements , Ilnrnoy and 20th Rts. Now brick store , north inth Bt 4 now stores nnir lluscnll'e hotel , south 13th st . Sir > per montli. tlrlck wnrehotiso on 11. IL track and pivod street : ird story Harltor building , 15th and Tarnum , CO feet square. C E Mrtyno , ritli and Ilarnoy. 227 POH HKNT-lf joii want to rent n house , Ki'Jrail on lonnwn& ) Co. , opposite postotllce , Ki'J ' FOll ItnNTBhousos 10 rooms oich , with all modern Improvements , 21st and Hint. Inquire of Dr. 1'aul , 15th andDodxo. 514 HKNT-Rutlalilo for Jobbing Hoiise.Soc- - end and Third Floors , 81100 with base ment and elevator , entrance from front on Douglas tt , and entrance an iroiindlnor ! from rear to elevator. Address A 33 , Iloo ollieo. _ [ _ 270. _ KENT D room houao 8. ST. cor. 7th nnd Pacific. Inquire M. F. Martin 21'J POH IlENT SIT new brick Rtoros with hnse- rnentBcorner Eleventh nnd Howard : choice location ; all conveniences. Loavltt llurnhnm , Iloom 1 , Urulvhton block. 627 KEN f-Orib now colt-lire , 7 rooms , ? 3J. Tluoo now2-story ho isos , J40 , ono ut $ tj ; welllocatod , nil convonloncoa , Luavltt Hum * hiimltoom t , CroUhton block. 127 FOll KB NT 80 acroi adjoining elty north west , suitable tor dairy or market irarden. Applyto Thoo. Williams , Hue Ollloo , 914 t'ur- nnm. S1.S FOU > T Store 22x00,1110 JacHson ot. 783 JTOH SJSaT KOOMS. "TTIOH ItENT Unfurnished looms , t4 to $7. X1 Inquire SOD S.2'd street. 47021 * KENT Two nicely furnished fiont rooms fornmn andwiro BO J N loth. "nTlEXT Ilootn with board , ldT3 Dodge ! 4B3 24 * F 'i.iTf KENT-FronTroom wHTilrns roir2 gPiH i' tlomon , SU a month. BSI S. nth. 410 20' 77OH KENT Front room with gns for ono JL3 gentleman , ? < ] a month , CM S. 11th ft. 41U 20' FOll HBNT ItooTn" , 7o llr < t-cl.i'is parties ; loforonces exchanged. Mia Clark , 'IIB N. 15th st 411 . ' 0 * FOU IlENT Parlor bed room newly fur nished lor two gentlemen ; iiHo one neatly furnished room on second lloor , pilV'lto family. Apply HinsKarn mi street 423 19 TjlOH KENT Furnished rooms witli board in JL1 ptivato family for two ladies. 414 North 14. 4IJO 18 * FOR KKrfT Varnished front piirlor. S per montn. 8- " , ' Bout hl&th street. 423 T3' ' FOll HUNT Two elegantly furnished looms , 1013 Howard street , second lloor. Apply roi ml. * J101 "tjlOIl llKNT Three rooms , furnished or un- J-l furnished for tionsoKconltig- Cans at. 4tU ! FOR ilKNT Furnished roomsnUo day board ers wanted at 1720 Cuss st. 401 2H * FOll IIKN'C A % erydosir blo furnished room location best in the city , 1811 Capitol live. 413 1U * T710II KENT Ono. two or three rooms , fur J3 nlshod,2 ' 19 Cnoltol nvo. , cheap. 802 18 ELEGANTLY Furnlahed , warm front parlor , near business center , private houso. 1015 Capital uvo , C 8 21 * ITIOH IlENT Nicely fnrnlsliod room , ftofor- J onccs roiuirctl. 1097 Douglas. 037- TJ1OU HUNT A MHO front chamber with JL' closet , gas , furnace and bath , 501 S , 20th at. block north &t Mary's ovo. DOJ H HUNT Furnished room. A. llospo , _ _ Ifil3 Dougliia st Ul FOR UENT 3 rooms iinfurnl liot stntiblo for bousokocplnr , 1017 N 2,1 til bt ; apply to M. F. Martin , 310 S 15th st 40J FOU KENT Two south front rooms , sln lo or ( in suit ; also fiont room , Urst lloor , wither or without lire , 1512 Cass sr. S5J-2B * IlKNT Nltcly furnished rooms ; boanl If desired , in S 2JU at , bet Douglas and 78 ' F OH HENT-Furnlshod roomu at 818 8. 18th stroot. 303-20 * FOIt HENT 3 very ploasint , nonly furnished rooms , ! n largo front room with bay win dow , 1 small room , 2025 Fiirnnm Ht. 310 19 "IT1O11 HENT Klosrant room on street oar JL1 line , bath anl gits , a. vr. oor 2dth and Webster. 132 TTtOlt lilt N'T Furnished room , furnace , com- -L' fortable In coldest weather , and gas. In- qulroli)2 ) Farnaiu. 111 FOR HENT 3 nice newly paporoJ rooms , watorlnkitchen : suitable for housekeep ing. Price. $12.50. 1011 N. 20th st Apyly to ow nor , M. F. Martin , ntO S , 15th st 924 ilTHENT-Furiilsliud room. 711 N. 10th St. 138 F7 * T710K HUNT Nicely fuinlihud rooim with Jnrst clues board. All inoiliirn conveiiloncoa , lin-l Jone.4. Four blocks S , of 1'axton lintel. OM 18 * TMOIl KENl'-T rooms sultablo for houso- J.1 kooplns. TllI'ttolQust. Kent , I6 OJ. F IOH HKNT Kront llasomcnt room , iintur- nlslied.lllB. Ibth st. ail-la' F OHIIIJNT A nleo.llRht biisemrnt. Innuiro of Loatlo & Leslie , loth and Jo < l u bts. JUS FOll llUN'T-SIoaplnir rooms , funilshoil and uiiruriflflboU , at aw Howard bot. th and Oth. HO F IOH KKNT-Nlcoioomsat 1821 Fiirnnm st , one block wo3t of court housesuuth slilo. lj > OIl IlKNT Xoatly furiiUhoil rooms , Blngle D or double , HIS Howard Sti cot. Kli IT'OH JHJNT furnished roouu forllfc'ht houao J- keeping , Ileomors tlot'k , cor dth & Howard. CII Oll llKNT-Koems nloelvfurnlUed at all piice. , fiom fi , tlO , $1 ? , 115 a month cuclu iOtS South ibtii titre t , north St. ilury's uvonuo 213110 T7\0ll \ HBNT Four unfurnished rooms J-1 for housekeeping to sin-ill ftimlly , lo- onted on ( loorgln nvo uonr street carssurround- Intrk plrD aut and will rout cheap to good paitioiireforuocuroiulrod. Addrusi A , OJ.Uoo olljco. 217 TTlOll IlKNT Nicely furnnlio'l front room JJ with piano if doslroJ. All uiodorn conveni ences. 414 N mn street. BOO I710R RENT Larne ole ant roomswith closet J ! Bouthfront. 1413 Chicago streot. bia HKSt-Sulto of newly furnished rooms ia now house ; modern convotileucos : to Rentlemen. liui Uodxe et. 30) gQB O ilHA leal estate better than Kovernuent baud * . Tull lat ga 4tU gtroot Just otr luss with IniDimeiaentB , runts for $76.0) pc uiuath.tlO.OOJ. , \ Ulliou&Co. . U KUSH & BELllV'flld.t to South'OrnimT Ueautif ul loti. oalJO down. ' 7V1 HAMMOStil'lneolon tmir blortc south of I'owlor't nnd Bdlolrifif : .1- tier's addition willbfori ( ale MomlnyUVinrv 17. H M the flno t In South Omaha Ithout exception 1'nees 700 and JTOO. They w Ii mi bo sold inside of fourteen da } . Here is thr > best chaneo to n.ako money. ThP o lots win te worth frfim fn the cpri * . ' . 'themloro Olson and James Vcre , Troprloto * , Sis 3. 15th itreot' R IW'J ' 13 rnilB OHO\VTH of our Jploj. H U dimcult -L to tpall/o the rapid rtrldes In population nnd we.ilth which owr busituss center * are makmp In all parts of thij roimtry , Theio Is ono example which mnytpethapi uhc some Idea of the wondoriiil prof ie s ot many of our cltlc . In HW ) . Diiluth , MltiR-xotn , had n popu lation of : ) , VKHcrson ; It now 1ms over AiVu ) In isrsthoro were not a do < cn hou < cs on ttio present site nnd not over n hundred poi < on . \ \ lien Diilutli built ill first ( train elevator It was looKedupon asiiolnir aiiHSV > f re t toiimrlty. Itnnwh s over twinlv * ( Uvators. which will accommodate over l"OU01n'1Oini ' no q of wheat , At a tire the other di\y nearly tialt a million dollar * ' worth of property was do troyo.l lit thH elty of vcMerday. 11 I ? not o many year npo when Oinirro mnn 1'roctor Knott | < okcil fun at what ho culled this " /cnlth elty of the nn'itltml sea < ( . " Tnero would bo no point to that Joto now. tlutthlt l only one en'o nrnonff many. The prowthof fct. 1'aul , Minuoapoll , Kansas City , lienver , Oiiinh.i atiJ twenty other plaoo * which mlirht bo named H alee oiniallr marvellous. Wo are wltne < s lnir to-day nn omlirrntlon to the West and Northwest ( rreatcr than any Known to our history. Hut this prtiuinfr of population over the Mississippi nnd the ilisfouiils not ehecklnjr the prowtli cf ourContr.il and KnMorti States. The old hives of population continue tnrfvuirm. Now Vork this year will ndd more to its population than other pievlolM twelve month1 ; In Its hl tory and the addition to our numbers and wealth will bo lareor next j car than this. t < lint , ofconrse , the phonbmenal tfiowth Mn the west , and strniuroly enough , the only city which seems to fuller Is Chicago. Of couri-o that onternrlsliitr city continues to crow , and pniw rapidly , but the country tributary to It Is beltiB : circumscribed. It lm < lost iti monopoly orttincialntrallle , and It w 111 soon bo tic lonirer the Kreat lumber or jirovuloii market. Armour and the powerful beef packers Uneaten to clmnpe their bit'ltiep1) ) to localities nearer where the herds tire trrown , In the lutiiro inn pro portion of frraln nud droesfd moat sent directly easilrom the rivals of Chicago will become greater anil uroiitor. Ttio pro tlio ot Omaha Is established and there Is no dancer that It will rctro nido. To fcnslblo nnd intelll ont Investors and gpoulat- orawotleslro to say that , whllo wo aim to bend every nerve for the advancement nnd building up of Omaha , wo do not lUUcrtiso mid boom ] ! oniflii < county inrm lands , laj ! nc them out In cltv lotifi'5 miles north , wo t , south ami east to Coiinoll Illuirs , as porno of Omnlin'o Heal Ustnto men are undortaklmr to do , but otfcr you 1.030 lionutltul lots In SO dlrTorcntnddlHons from " to : i)4 ) miles from postolllco nt fiom ? " 00 to $50) on your own terms , In which to invest your money with some doirroo of sutlsfnctlon. Wo call jour attention ton few of our inxldo bar- pains Unit uro worthy of Investigation , in special column of this paper under bonding that Omiilin Heal rstato Is hotter than povern- mnnl bonds , llospoetfitllv. .1. ft. lllco Sio. . , Iloom fl , over Commercial Nut'l llink. H'J 19 B inAIN-MIddlo one-third block 34 . with 11-room lionso , modern Improvi- , incuts ; one-halt ciish , ? n,5li1. ) A nlco east front on IMh and Hurt streets , that will bo paved this your. A uplendld homo for eomu ono. Ooor e > l Cooper , 150'J ' rariiam Bt. _ 437 ' . ' : ) Oll SA F Dargnln , llnrgnln , narirnln. Wo have It now. Oot the owner tied up to 1'eb. I , Never will bo another elinnco to wet a Hue homo like tills so ehe.ip Go to Kill ( icnrpiu axonnil take nlook at the Aplnii'llI ' house und ground * there Consider that they are with in ono block of street CUM , school and church. Don't let this opportunity to inocuio n poml bar&am or liandbomo rnsldoniu slip. 1'rlc-o J4.SOO , ? 2.40D cash , I.VW May 1 , IhVT , J700Mity I. 1SS8.MO \ Nov. 1. 1B89. M JlUpton A : Co. . 1503 I'arnnni. Telcphono 73. SP5 OMAHA real estr.tobott6r than povoriimon bonds. Thirteenth street , 40 feet fiont on llltli stfeot between Dodpo mid Cajiltal avenue , with Improvements woith ZIo.'iOO. ' f.iGOO ; : W ) loot front , South inth street , Im- pio\edIOOOJ. J. L. Hlco A. Co. , over Com mercial b ink. 412 HAMMOND Place lots four block * south of lYmUuisiind iidjo'iilni ' ? .lettnr'g addition will bo for silo Monday January 1 | It la the tlne tin South Oinnlni without exception , l'ric"S JTOO ana f'WO. 'I hey will all h sold Irtsido ot fouitoen d'lys. ' Hero Is thule t ehnnen to make monoy. These lots will bo worth fiom f 1,000 to fl.-'OU In the spilnir. Thporlom Ol < on and and James Voro , l'ropriotor3,21S S Till street son is MHA1 > & .TAMItOON , No. 310 South inth St. Lot , frontitlR 2 atroots--B.itli nnd Paclllc , 2 hoiisog. 52tt)0 ) l'iwy terms. llest lot in Orchard Hill with 1 room bouse , barn , wc-II , cistern , f vult uiul shade trees , $1,009. Kasy terms. S \V cor llth andl'uclDe , CJil'JJ , 3 flno cottages , Lot frontlnson Convent and 24th sts. 1m- provomonts worth $ IOU2 hotisos. city mid cistern water , SJ.UJ ) Ilasy tonns. 5-room cottnpe and lot , -Stli and Charles , 2.00) ) . tlOO cash , liiU u.iey. N Bear ofl'itu and Leavonworth , 2 bouaos , rent for $ " . " ) per mo , lot BJXOrt , line business property , Sl-,000. Jlcad It Jauttuson , 313 S I5th street. 249 OMAHA real ostatu better than covcriimont hoims. lliislners propoily on I'lirnnm Btrcot , 57 foot front , with Improvements worth f8,000 , ? ir > .raO ; 44 foot front , with improvements worth $20,000 , fiiD.OM ) ; CO feet front corner. SJO.OJO. .1. L. HIco & Co. , over. Commercial National bank. 442 HAMMOND I'lace lots four blocks south of Towlur'a ami adjoining .letter's addition will bo for snlo Monday January 17. It is the lluost In i-outh Omulm without exception. Prices 700 nnd 59CHI. llioy will all bo sold Inildo of fourteen days. Hero Is the bent ohanco to make money. TUosn lots w ill bo worth from $1000 to t 200 In the Hiirliik" , Theodore Olsen nnd James Voro , Proprietors , 218 S 15th stroot. SO'I 18 SVHISO VALLUV. Our now addition. AurosSW ) to JHJ3 poraor J. Near South Omaha. And Sydicato HliU Marshall .V Lobco'f , 1C3 . I.W1 Farnam. TmtJll SALH-Hy llniiohor , 1511 Furnam st JL1 Lois In ClaiK Place , close to Hanscom Park , $8Vor ) eh. 2 peed lots In Dwlgbt & Lymau'8 , on corner , { J.2JO for both. Full lots In Knlrmounl , fl.tCT , Kino lots In I nster'8 , near Sniindors St. , SI,000. Hlmobfiuirh PHeo. one lot , $ . ' ,103 , Hanseom Pliice , Ulogant lots In blks 0 , H , and 18. MeCormlck's 2rtTwo lots on LeRVoiuvoitb St. , 83.3 W for both. Pionpoct Pluoc , Lot 10 , lk ! ! I' , on Hiiinlltnti st. , 81.700. Double lot on California st , cheap , J2.MO. Ilees' Place , 7/ / > foot Irout.on Park uvunuo , JB.O'X ) . Hodlck'sSd , on 2Sth St.Fine lots , t2.m ShuH'slst , LarKO lot. 2 houses , tacert two streetH , I V-'iX ) . South Omaha Syndicate , Ono of the lluost , SLOW ) . Vatrs & Heed's , 105x107 , cornfv , ? 2,010. And many moro too numerous to men ! on. Also , all the now additions to youth Omuha Lint j our property with mo , and call before you buy or ecll. lluncher , 1511 I'lirnain nt , Mi in OMAHA real estate better than Kovcrnmont bomla , Two beautiful Washmston hiumo lots , S VJiO. J.LHlco &Co.,6oliuueiii9 , 4U FOH SALK An improved fiiim nf 'J0 acres In Qngo county , NolirnuKii , HI mlles north of Ileatrlco , uud.'l imloH from Picket ell Station , on I' . 1' . Hy. ; nowB-room house , larjfo barn , well , wind mill , orchard eontiilnlim 19) ) upplu trees , KJJ acres under cultivation. II ) norea tcncod , birirooattlo Rhodwa ou shod , mn room lor . ioU of corn , hojf mid eutilo oorrals plenty of water for stock : lurtru coltonwood KTOXH. ThUUotioof the linU farms In OHIO county and n barpnlu at' flO.f.OJ. One-third c.ish , balaiica in 10 > ears t < lJILT cunt Interest To trade lor Omaba real estate , ono team of liinta work hoiecs , now sot doutilo work liarnuai and now waunn. Two liuBlness lots 22xStrft on Leaveiiworth slrei-t.clioap , fJ.OJO. Hultun.'A ' ; Cmnpboll , loom 11,60'J FarminiBt. _ _ _ _ „ _ _ 21U Foil HALV5 ? omo of th f bT > st agricultural land In i'.ialorn Nobr.uk ) ut til per t'.nui on Slyonre'tlmo , fl pnruoiit linorest mul Writeor call for particulars ! J O 1' . UavU&Co , Omaha , Nob. : 510JJ ) SOUTH OMAHA--3 lots AlbrliilU'd Annux af . . ' - > ouch. A r.iro bargain. Hush & Belby. 2183. I5tli * , * 1 _ _ ' " USIT S"SJi L I IV,2lH S IMh , litiM ) ojoluslvo KiUcxjf cor. lot , 6hul4i | add. Great liar Bain . LX . * lWi ) 2iots , Orchard Hill , onoh . 1'JCO ' Hamilton Mt. lot , bargain . 1,20 Marsh's add , on Loavonuortn , per foot. . . 10) Sherman ave , 1'addock ad ) , us it . .Ir. . 7,000 Lowe's mlJ , 03 ft , blk o , monthly pay- monta . 1.2TO I.owo's add. lot 6 , b 0 . 1,000 Huslnoasoor , Loavonworth , cast of licit line . , . . . 2,000 11 urnoy at wholesale district , U ft , to trade foroity linprovoil property House and half lot. N Mnii st . * f,253 South Omaha lots on monthly payments. GKNUINK UAKGAIN'a-Two corner lots m Dnrdottoiiourt , only 4 blocks from B.iun- dor's street oars. W. M. Ilushinin. Hoom 10 , Uuehman lllocK , N K cor IttU nnlOoujln. HOUSKS Lots.rarms.fjitjag money loaned. U inl * . roomU , Uurk blocu , a W. cor 18th and Fnrna.m BIS. IM A USTHC1H Oi'TJTLE una titleto real ustato Kiiarautoiul Mid.'aud Guurautoei Trust company , 1W3 Furnatn bt. ITS fT AHAHU barKoin ; 40 acres of land very cheap In flnowarm aouthurn climate , lor par ticulars Hdilrcsj B 43 U D oint'o. 73 > * GtifcrtOUY * H intrY , Members Omaha Heal Kstnto rxehnnffo , llooni * ! * 3 , Itedlck Illk , SM S 15th St. Corner on Doiljro.CflxlSJ , Improved and rentliiK for M.oou per year , $ 83.000 lornoronllth sv , lSxl32 , near south end ot viaduct . - . . . . . 160CO 44x13- ! , Improved , half blook from t tilun frelelit depot site ( only fnoiXlcash ) 12,000 2-xldJ , < i-Mory briok business block , rn ono of the best streets in the elty , rents for SJIPOpcrjcar. Half Interest tor . 9.0JO Corner on I'nolflo stOSxS2,2 house ? , rcntlne for J5j per month 8JOO Corner Lcavcnworth and 15lh , C8x60,2 bouses , , 12(00 ( flucst41otsln Ullhy Plnco' 6'AK ) Thoinell's ndd , lot MxM.,2 nouses , rontliDr fwr Ka per month , . , . , . . . 6,003 Lot ( asm fronting St. Mary's ave : this Is the best and cheapest building lot in thomarkct ; terms made to suit o.'OO i-nmni house on Vlrplnln ave near Lcaienworth st , east front , nlco home , 3.SOO hot ou Ucorglti ave , J. 1 , KoilicK's sub 3,000 Ktist trout , OcorRln ave , Hatisoom place 2,250 West front , Georgia n\o , Hnnsoom pliee 1,7M Kast front , Vlrtflulu nro , llnnscom plnco S,100 West front , Cnthorlno St. , Hanscom place . , , , . . . . . . l.FOO Dandy lot on ! )2d ) st .Hanscom place . 2,400 Iiot lihlock 4 , Omnhn Viewcornor . . . 1OW Lots Sand IN blook " .Lincoln Place , cor 1,000 rino lot In Sunny Side l , M Double vnrnor In Dwlght jr Lvmann's 1,200 Itrnitttrul lot , enst front , COburn's add , 200 Corner lot in Oik Hurst , n snap L O ) llast front lots In Thornhiirif Plnco. . . . IW ) Lots In sub dlvof-block 3 , \ \ rjt Omnhn l.MO llest lot In I'tleii Place 1.2JO Iluslnesslots on Lcavenworth st , nt IfOlto . ' . . . 1.800 Wo have lots to every addition to the great cltvof Oimlui nt winter prices , Invest jour Fpuro chanuo In some of thorn befora the spring iulatico , nml It will bo sure to win. Soutli Omaha , Ilnslness lots on N niul 2 thst JI.VH ) Ilus'ui.sslotsnn M OPst , at f5)0 ) to . 700 Vull lotsrixUiO,2Stli ( and 2lth ( sts near P 1,700 llesldotioo lota in every good addition. Come and see us , nreeorv it Hadlny , llooms 1 and 3. Hcdlok's block , 3208. ir.th st BUST baiitaln , In Omaha J ten-room hrick housesuus , water , buth room and nil mod ern improvement ! ! In heart of city. It In to bo paved In summer , bouses now renting for f 100 per month , and from spring JltO per month. Lot nlono will positively bo worth f 20,000 In two yrmrR , for all now for ft > days $18XXI ( ; JS.HK ) cash. Investigate. Slockdale St Mllclioll , 161B Dodge at. 414 ! ! _ _ OM MIA real estate Is bettor than govoin- mont bonds-lluslnos ? proportr on Snuti- dors st . 87 ft , front flO.OJO : rri ft. front $7,750 ; f > " ft. liont lmpro\oil. Sfi,50fl ; paved In trout , Cft ft. front by 1S2 to 23d st. JO.UOJ ; fiO ft. Iront corner Improved Srt.lOJj f > 0 ft corner 15.7W ; 0,1 ft trout , eor. allofi.OJ ) ; 12) ) ft. Iront flO.OOO ; 121 front $1,3X1 ; B7 ft. front , comer , ? 5rrfX ) ; 50 ft. front 11,500) ) B'l it. front 8I.SAO. J. L. lllco A. Co. , room fl , over Commercial Nat. hank. 412 SOUTH OM-VIIA Wo have for silo two svn- dlento lots $1,075 03 each , Hist payment only f 100 , bill , nionthlj or iiinrlerly. : Also corner and uJloliiliig-lot In Dlock 25 , t 'M I Til st 11 iy men t , S7.VJ. Ite.tlots in Hush .VSeluy'aaild S531ono-tJnth cash , balunto monthly or quarterly. Abstract with every lot Albright's Annex lots f225 to $301 , f 50 cash , balance monthly or ounrtorly. _ llUbh & _ Sulby , 218 S JJjlli. 70J HAMMOND PinroTots lour blocks south of Fowlor'B and ndjoliilliK Jotter's iiOillllou will bo for enl Monday January 17. It Is the finest In Soulh Omaha vlthout ovceptlon. Pilcus f700 and SUOO. They will all ho sold insldo ot foilrtoon dais. Here Is the best chance to mnko money. Those lot * will bo worth from tKIOOto 81200 In the spring. Theodora Olsen and James Voro , Pioprletors , 218 B llith street. UUU IS FOR SALK Two lota corner on Lowe no , In WcetOmnlm,2 blocks south ot rnvnaui st. both for $2,000. Corner In Ilansnom I'luoo.S WOOKS from street e.ir. 1 block from church nnd school , J2.100. Corneclot on South Iflth st. Cheap nt $3,103. Iteltor'&CampDoll , room 1,1533 I'tirimm St. U.V ) ON January 2)th lots In Alnsilold Addition will iulvimo 1) per cent During the win ter thus fur they IIHVO been sold nt Irom S1U1 to $ SO , on rem-irkably casrtoims , ono-olghtli cash , the baliinoo S10 per mo nth. Surrounding property is Irom N ) to 7 > per cent higher than thosB prices 18 lots lomilu unsold. J. I" . Hammond , 117 South Slxtuenth street , solo agent lt'.5 SOUTH OMAHA M" t beautiful lot Al bright's Annov , $550 ; foO down , bal. f 10 per month Also. ) more , ? lOJO , ono.tlilrd cash. HusUjS : Selljr.21 _ - s. 15th. 7U3 H7)DSTf L6t .T'nrm8.Lands money lo'anod. Ilomls. room 3. Unrker block , S. W. cor. Ifith nml rnrnam sts. 504 Hi"O OMAHA HKALF.3TATF.S Ur.Tl'UH THAN COVKIINMKNT UONDS-Comor lot on Nicholas st. with track on alloy 8lrjQ3. J. L. lllco i : Co. 442 FOU SALH For cnoloo bargains In tnsldo nnd out.sido property It would bo to your advaatago to BOO us anil look nt our complete list. Also for quick sale Hat property with us , snv for 30 or BO days , nnJ It will ho sold. We are only uoliiir to advoitiso bargains. Splondld Itar nin Wo Imvo ovclii-lvo control tor 00 days of nn Improvud ploeo of prop- orty.5 mlinite 1 walk from voatoillcn , 0110 bloi'k from paved streot. Will pay SI83.00 lior month and lot double In value m two years for 313,010. Wo will not advertise anj thing but gcntltno bnrgnlns nargaln OoodO-room house and part of cor ner Int. 3,500 If sold soon. In tlio heart of the oity. Wo will not advertise anything but genuine nnrgiiln-Miigniflcentonrnorlotron Fnrmim st , pnvomont , redicoiisly cheap at Sin.oO' ) . It will paj you to look ever our lldt , 113 wo will not advertlao anj thing but genu ine bargains. In cheap lots wo hnvo ono of the beat lists I the city , otockdalo & Mitchell , 1.11 G Uoilgo at _ 240J8 _ FOll SALi : A 3J3-ncro ! farm with hnuso , barn and crib , on the U. P. Hy. , and only one- hull mlle from n good railway town , with chuich'jinniUelioola. Prlco 58.UOJ. Apply to LoulH Ilr.nlford , cor. Oth and Douglas , Omaha , Neb. 90) ) f INVVOOD PAHK , South Omaha ; Kfl lots sold \-i In two weeks ; only ono tenth cash. 1' 1) . Tanner & Co , nsrontf. lfll. > Howard ft 38 ! 17 OMAHA HKAL HSl'ATR IIF.Tl'RIl THAN ( iOVIiUNMLNT IIONDS-Lots In Hilloko adilltlon.U miles north on ICth ttreut , on level ground , no poor lots 200 to iWO until Feb. Iht. one tonlli down bal. to bint. J.UHIco.V Co. , Solo Agi'iitd. 442 ( J A. SLOMAN , Ural Kstnto , O 1512 Fainam st , room 2. A line of choice Inshlu property lit priees ivhleh are not liitliiti'd and which will provo both Bale and prolltalilu investments Douglastt bet 20th and SIdCGxKU 8 8,010 Fnriinmst liel20thanir.1d.22.xiK ; , . fl,50Q riirnun st hot 20th and 2)d.50il3J ) Jfi.O 0 'I'urnam stcorln.loroino park s.fKK ) Fnuiiim at 31st LMxl.lj 15iniO Kiirnnm st near211 h. HSxlM IH.OOO West Omaha lUxlS7 , flno alcht 10,010 Loivenwoith eor 21st Improved 12,503 Howanl bt near 10th , n.lxwl (1M | ) Li-avcnw01 111 fit npai Holt Line , 103x127.W Leaieiiniirlh st MIIMK pluuu coinur 2UO : CiiBsi-t near 28tb,6 > vliO ! ' 1.600 Ilarnoy Ht. nciir UOth , 174x10 , Improved. . 3.1,000 loth bt nuar Vlmluct , 40x120 4,000 HiiPinchs lol , South Omaha ! , < / Ilnsino slot , faonth Oinahii IWO lleillord Place , lot 11 , block II 1,100 Tuttlo'flsubli nuivs , . 'J"M Aeros In Lakeside J.1V ) to 400 Loin in .loromo Park , I'.nst Frontu , near Furnam Htroct , . . . 1,500 Lots in Wnkoly add. near cimnlngfautory iKfl Fiiriuun sr. , cor. alloy and II. Front Zfin Choice lota iu Oiehnrd Hill ? 700 to 800 MAIISHALL . ' . LOIIHCK' , liw Furnam street , mombnrs Omaha Hen ) ICstiuo 1'xrliniign , Cornel of Ciililornla and Twont.third ttrecls , Ort x M feet , ou < y tnrinn , Jtl.WX ) Ilouso of oluht rooms , on Twenty-thiiil , nuBr Casri , iylx feS feet 't cnsli , J-i.ttX. Kl < ht lots , Lincoln place , olio-third cneli , S475 to ? . > , ) Four lots in Weft C'immlius , easy tornu , tlW to gJOO. Lots in Mt. llonsant uddlt'on , easy terms , tjOO : totJ75. Aeros Two 2'4 ' ncro lots Iu llonllold , per iiero , $100 Tnolio fi-acrelotsiu spring Vulley , 2ri to ? 30 < fl. AlenU'i aero lots In simoaddltlun. All uii very uis > terms. A now lioiiMiol nine looms.bnth room , collar , cisturii , two blorhs can of BnundoiD mrei-t ear line , $ " > , WJ , onuoftliu boat bat gains In tlio \Voliavo n largo line of houses and lots on our lltt and Inxlto buyers to call and wo will show thcpropcity MariUoll& Lohook , 1403 Fftrniua. 'o 'J. 41721 niWO HAHQAINS-r/Jt In Lincoln Place -L south front on Duvcnport et f 150. Lot 3) xlSlfoct on20lh street , south of Clark it. with nice cottage | 2CO'3. H. W. Huntress , 1&09 Farnnm st. 42i-Sl TfAMMONI ) Place loU four blocks south of -11 Fowler's und adolnmg ] Juttei-'a uddltlun will bo lorsnle Monday Jnnunrr 17. It Id tlio tiiii'Bi iu foutli Oui.iha wltbnut oxceptloti. Prices J703 nnd f'JJO. They will all bo sold JnslJe of lourtccn day * . Ho-o Is the best ehnnco to mnko money TheeulQtd will bo worth from $1000to 8I3M in the spring. Theodore Olson and James Vore , Proprlolors , 21b315th street. liS'J 18 O MAHA real estate Is bettor than govern- inunt bqnds Klgbt beautiful lesUlunue loti opitfi ito Kount/o Place In ( lltoa1 ud * tlltlon 4700 to SBJO each , Just pUeed on tbe market J. L. Itica Jc'C . , wluatftuta. Hi "O AMMONTi flai-o lots three blooks do\ith of * L Fowler's parking housoand adjoining .let ter 9 add .will bo for jnlo Mondnyi Jan 17 It Is the finest In South Ornnlm without exception. 1'riecs f .00 nnd $300. They w 111 nil bo sold Insldo of fourteen days. Hero Is the best chfinco to mnkc money. These lots will bo wtrtb ftora $100toU\r ) In the spring. Theodore Olsoa niulJnrncs Vore , Proprietors , 218 S 16th street 8t 19 1)AHIv AVF.NUlxViTeet block from I < "ivon- worth , t3,0.'o , $7W t-nsb. Hush * Sclby , JISS ir.tb. 373 An Rn1nr Cl 1'otinilry. Yrstonlay there wtxs n very Iniportnnt nipotinjj of the stock-lvoldors of tlio l'nx ton & Viorllng Iron works , at which the oltl directors am ! oflleers were ro-olooteit It wniilcohlcil to incrcnsn the stock from $30,000 to $73,003 , nnd Inter , if required , the latter flmiro will bo raised to $100,001) ) . This spring the foundry will bo cniurgcd , txnd with that already construelud , bo positively the largest foundry west ot ChicaRo. This addition will bo TovlfiO foot , and has been designed by Mpiullossohu < Ns Lawrlo. Tlio ground luljoluinjr necessary for its const uiutioii was purchasud yesterday. "Shall our clrls wlnsllot" Of course if they stro'-igtheti their lungs by takitig Dr. Hull's CougrSyni ! | ) . "Wlion heatlaclie joins nouralgl.i , then comes the tug of war. " A wise general marshals his torces , clmipes with a bottle of Salvation Oil , ami tlio doughty foe lies cringing in tlio dust. nitr Butt JIIss 15. V. McCnitnoy commenced suit yes- tculnyiiflci iKion ng.ilnst Apncs llerlln , A. 11. Dnknr and some twenty others for nn nc- countlntr , etc--growInK out of tliotMiisact- lens ot ttic Iinu of K. K. McCartney & Co. AVhnt "Olii rltz" Snld. It was an aphorism of Frederick the Great's that "I1 acts nro divine things. " An untllsmttcd fact is that Dr. I'ierco's "Uoldon Medical Discovery" is the most powerful liver vitalizor extant , nnd by its eliarautcnstio and searc-ldng action "will euro dyspepsia , constipation , dropsy , kidney disease , sick headaelio , and other imilmiics wliieh , popttlnr opinion to the contrary notwithstanding , are directly tracealilo to a diseased condition of the liver , by which its work as purilier of the blood is made complete. All druggists. Hroko Her Pins. Yesterday inornlnir ns the overland pascn- ecr \\aspa8siiiKtlio Union elevator on Its way to the west , two crank pins ol the en gine SOI broke almost simultaneously. , The train as slipping on the tinck , nnil the oncl- nror let tlio satul lly and the next Instant both pins , ono on each side , broke , allowing Iho connecting rods to drop to the KIOIIIU ) . Tlio train was dalaved ono hour nnd llvo minutes while another engine was boiu ; ; pro- ciued. The llniifiliaxvout-Clinso Muddle. Lesbla Uhase , ilniiKhter ot S. O. Cliasc , both of whom appear In the llaughawont muddle , went on the bond of the latter for bts appeal nnco before .luilgo Ik'rka , on the SSth instant to answer Dr. 11 nuilin wont's complaint or assault with Intent to kill. The old gentleman is nlleired to be sick In bed. bed.Vesterday mornlmr , the doctor filed n com plain t against Miss Chase setting foithdnmrcr to his ptopeitv Irom the nttai'ks of the latter. She was put under g200 ! bonds. Don't try to got through washing day without Electric Lustre Starch County Apportionment. County Superintendent Uruner Is busy nuiklng the apportionment of money duo to all the school dl ti lets In the county. The amount available is 819,371.67 which comes from Iho state nppoitionmcnt , special tax , liquor license , fiiu-h , dog tax nml twltTof es- tr.iy.s. One-foiirlh ot this niiiouiit Is bolmt divided equally among the dlstilcts , while the remainder will bo divided per capita. Air. Humor will complete his wotk to morrow. In making the assertion that Pozzonl's medicated complexion powder is entire ly free from injurious or deadly poisons wo do it upon the authority of a , thorough chemical analysis. It is one of the oldest face powder. ) in American market , and is used in the famalics of some of our most prominent medical men who Imvo per.sonallv acknowledged to the propric- or that they not only considered it harm- ess , but cat'eemed it highly bonolicml in very respect. Sold by all druggists. Deputy Grcho Slcfc. Deputy Slierlir Gicbe , whoso regularity at hisoilice. when in town and not othciwisu engaged. Is llko that of the sun. Is seilously blckat liouiu Irom nn nsgrayated attack of pneumonia , lie has been prostrated slnco last Frltlaj- , and Is now but slightly Im proved. Persons who lead t } life of exposure are subject to rheumatism , neuralgia and lumbago , nnd will Jinu a valuable remedy in Dr. J. II. McLean's Volcanic Oil Lini ment ; it will baniah pain and .subdue in flammation. Carpeting. Sheriff Coburn Is having n new inrruln carpet ot beautiful design laid upon the iluor ofhlsoflice. It makes his quarters look like a patlor. Ills old carpet , It Is whispered , has been dropped In County Clerk's 7 > 'eedlmm private olllue. THE FA.TC&KT. GAUZE OVEN DOOR It produces Practical EosullB In BaWngacc Coasting never befors uttulned In any Cooking Apparatus , and will olsing Ii , tlint nil I'ooil linked rr Itonitcd , ( houl i hi ennlted in frukliKlr frpeljrnJmitt'xI to the oven. U Mi IB Jon > LrilUcurdliizlhoclosiomu dr > or heruuifnri ) mej. uii I uUtltutUiR far itudoor uiutalnlna n eluaol VSiro Gaute nearly AI larcenstim doorit clr , Tlironxh thla Cauzo Door the nlr freely Circulaten , facilitating tbe iirocesi of oooUnR.uml proiluclng fcwil that in unnqtwllnl In tlmor uml nu- ritlunuu.l nctaull/cookj J lh ! If * con.iuoptioa ot Jue tbun In im ojen with n clo il door. uunnorraoiH sarlngln thuwvljlit nrrooiit. Zt also produces larger Loavec of Drnud , roaulrm Icon olUiuliun frura the cook , en'i pmuintw H.u liealth uf the f rallr t > 7 tbo tvtJJluoii 4U4I.ur oa true roon oooago in IT. OPINION Or AN EXPERT. JIB. JlAnr II , ViELtil.TciailifrDonieKtIoKconorar. Io'tithtot l' ' lTerntjr.i > in ! "M/u lil > rratfl Ii tunt Diooruii of Ihu lUnrn , mcoinjuinxlwiui MIKM , ii no : enl ; mora eijunllr | ieal a In cvtrr i < rt-frpnt M tll ui teir Imtiunruultof Hi nui rlor iinlilBlIon DmlauJ plkor'HIiiTein il talUrrnokoJ.whilurelnlu. a > w > t > rtlnror , nd n larmr pmi.ortlonof inl 'jt ic . Illcikliothnttlieuiu unittloiiuf fuellntulii Uu. 1 uucb Its' tliao any otlivr lor ( .LIUO watt , " BEND FOR IllUSrilATED CIRCULARS AHQ PBICE UST EXCELSIOR MFC CO. . ST. LOUIS. CHAETEIl OAK STOVES and RANGES are EOLD IN K BBASKAa tollowa : MII.TON ROGERS & bONS . OMAHA. V. KENNKY. . COIUOH. DALLAS & LUTSON , . HASTINGS. I' . C. IMEWKR , . HAY bfRiHcs. H AIKD&CO . NEBKMKA CITY. W K. TKMI'UnON . NELSON. filUKUbVANT &SON , . ATMNSO * . ill & . . , . . . . . . . CIIADWJM HAUSE. I.UUKER& WELCH , . .Coiuni > u . OI.US DKOS . IIH.A : , TANNHLL&SWr.r.NUY , , . I'AIBHUXV. GlTITLEfc FAOEU. , . FKAKKLIK. N I JOHNSON. . . . . . , . . NOKTII I1&.OP. J J McCAFKEkTY , , . . . O'Nmit CITV K HAZLEWOOD. . . . O : toiA. J. S. UUKK . I'tA rTSuaUTH. A. PEARSON. . , . SIKHUNC J O CKKLN. . STt.OM6i.Wnu. 1. A. PADUCH A SON . SLUIIISR TIMMEK1IAM trilAKLK . VM > oi - Nebraska National Bank OMAHA , NEBRASKA. Fnld up Cngltr. ! . , . $260,000 Surplus . . , . , . . < . . . .4O,000 il. W. Yntos , rroolrtcnt. A. K. Tounlin'iro Prr.Mdont. W. II S. HtiKlics , Cashier , \V. V. Morse , Jolin S. Collins , 11. W . Yates , I.owli S. Ucod. A. K. Ton/aim. BANKING OFFICE : THE IttON HANK , Cor 1'Jth nntl Karnsun SU A Gt.icral Hiinkimi JUismess Transacted. NT. W. HARRIS & Co. HAJTKKKS , CIIIVA GO. nnijnQ Of Counties , Cities ami otliorsof MUllUOlilghgi ado bought anil sold. KaMorn ofnoo 03 Devonshire lU Uoetou. Correspond * eneo solicited. CAPITAL , - - - $400,000 SUIIPLUS , . . . . 40O.OOO Account * of Hanks , Rankers nnd Corporations - rations solicited. . Our facilities for COLLECTIONS nro excellent niul w'c re-discount for bank * when balances warrant It Hoston is a Reserve City , and balances with us from b.inksnot ( located tit other Re serve Cities ) count as reserve. We draw our own Exchange on London and the Continent , and make Cable trans- lers and place money by telegraph through out the United States and Canada. Government lioiuls bought and cold , ami Exchanges in Washington made for Uanka without extra charge. We have a market for prime frst-cla ! Investment Securities , and inyite proposals from States , Counties and Cities when is suing bonds. We do a general Hanking business , and invite correspondence. AHA P. 1'OTTEU , President. .TOS. W. WORK , Cashier. Poison the System with Nauscntlnsr Driips.Dr.Horno's Klt'ctrlc Holt Curca Diseases Without Medicines. Will Posilivoly Cure AVitliout JIcuMcliio Note tlio Following who worn Cured A..1. IIonRlind.lt.a IMrker.J. M. Hnslott. nil on bobnl of Irmlu ; IS. YY. Kiirntmm , Ami'iloUii ICvproai i'o : A Orrtrorr , pammlmlun mi-rcliinil , stock Viirafc IXTown-end. I'nlmur llotni * ; Uii'lil ' Uoblo , thoitrnni Imntenun ; fi > l. L'onnclly , of tlio Inter-Oociiii , H. W. llnrrli WlErlost. ! S.M. D.1TI * . Sccrolury Ainertom * , Hor-onmiij .1. L Shoiaror.'JJl Mintl .on H ; .1.13. Smith , Juwolcr.lnMadlnon pt.nll iiTOhlc ijn ; u. W" . Helljf , M. 1) , Mormonlownjow ai Lemuel Mlllc , ICriniinkGft , III , .liulKol.N MurrrNni > crvllli > , III. , imrt hundred * of utlicrn rupr Mnllnu ! "Jiunrly every tnwn In thft Union. AUo nlBjtrlc linfts for Injio" . C ll nr > c < a4 ptnmp for Illiiitrnted ontJilOKue. Opnn dully , uliQ ovcndiL'i nnil Sunilttyv Kloorlo Sui JOn-orlos Ire * niul nil .Mule Hell . lloirnruof liosu * cnniiMiilOM wlin HKinTullnncnolllntt worllilej unmls , wllli only fl to H element * All my luilti uintuln il cl inonli 01 hiittorlcs , tipnco huvo four tlmo the prtw r nnd almntlty or clcrlrlclty. Ilonesfnnol * niul honrn n.'illnKT Ilio mnltn. D11..I - W. HORN K , I ! ) L Wubiihs-iiv.Clilcajro Inventor , 1'roprloturnod MRtiufiieturar. h DRS.S.&D.DAVIESON . . . , 418 IiAWJCKNOB 8TKICKT. IKAiViEt : , > - C'OI.OIlAItO , Of tne MisBOuii State M"scutn of Anato my , St. Louis , Mo. ; Univcrbity Collcga Hospital London , Giescn , Germany and New York. Having devoted their atten tion SPECIALLY TO THE TREATMENT OF Nemos , Chronic and DISEASES. More especially those arising from impru dence , invite all bo suffering to concspond without delay. Diseases of infection and contagion cured safely and bpf edily without detention from business , and without the use of dangerous drugs. Patients whoso cases have been neglected , badly treated or pronounced incurable , should not fail to write us concerning their symptoms. All letters receive immediate attention. u3 ? JUST PUBLISHED _ And will he mailed KKEK to any address on receipt of one 2 cent stamp , "Practical Observations on Nervous Debility and Phy sical Exhaustion , " to which is nddcd an "Essay on Marriage , " with important chap * tcrs on DISRATES op THE lyn-KODUCTivH Eli ORGANS , the whole lorming a valuable med * ical treatUe which should he read by all ' young men. Address DIES. K. At n. DAYBr.SOJV , 448 E uivrviii'o St. , Denver. C'ol. 'frJMflieEiirs To Bull Ilio llmt Window Sash Lock Eor liiventpil. Agents male IU profits. Circa l.imlrou. hHinplu hy mall Dels. 11.11. WIIKKMUK. 1 Kulluriun. N.lruBkn , \ IlyDr , Snoillkor'n motliod NnopHrnton No 1'alni No llvtfiitlun from bU9lnoi < , Ailuutuil to children usMull an vro n poojile Ihunlred * uf uutoxnipli eitlmonluU mi tile. All hiilnu | ilrlutlx coundaa Uul. COXhlJl/rA'lION' KllIJK. ! ! ' . N. I . < " < > 1 > B , ItOoiuO Mil DouuliB tOiuulu , Nob. A fit jour lotiillir for too Jniiiosiioans , S3 Shoo Caution ! Nunoileiilcrari'uomiiiL'iidliiinlendr poods in order U ) mutui u Jaruur prollt. This I * tlinOIIKilNAr.fJBIioo lluwiiroor Imltatlotil which BuLnowkilcro their own Infi jloiity by aU loiniitinjf to unlltl upon the rtpulution of the original , None genuine unless bearing this Stamp , JABES MEANS' Tor tiouUonien , $3 SHOE , ! Mndn In Iluttnu , ftmt nnJ 1.1(0 , JIEST IJ\IV hi.IN KllCl- CL-lltdln DI'IIAIIIIIIV , ClIHKKi'l mill Arn Alt i a t. . A iiosul rjrj ent to in lll tiring ymi Inror- mutlon linw Id not lUli Kliuo Iu uuy tit'ilu ur Territory. Co. , U Lincoln airuci , Hostuu , llnsi. Our colehrattd factory produres a Ian/or finintity | of t.lijfs ol this ( rnido ( Imn uny otiiur luttory Iu the world 'i liousands irho wear tliem will toll you the reuwm if ynu iiak tlit'iii. ' J V.MI h .MI.A.VV t v SIIOU lor lioyx i8 uimu. 'A piouclio-J In Durability ruil Hum nt Hie au TO Miaai for tula by i , : ; A in \ < ; n s : 'r A i i , d K s ' IIHJUJIIOU ( ' 'llll. U. H. Tnifii Nri ctflnl n t 4 cf T * ilk ! l * ri n , IlllAI .Wer uui Ucbintr , l -oi i IllrSUI UI , Uun , Ix .l nit. _ . . . . . . 111. dt.OO n