THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; WEDNESDAY , JANUARY 10 , 1887. THE DAILY BEE , COUNCHTBLUFFS WEDNESDAY MOKXINU , JAN. 10. OFFICE , WO. 12 , PEARL STKEET. Delivered l > y tuirlcr In nnypnrtof thocltj-iu m cnty ecnta per week. H. W. Tn.TOf , Manager. TKM'.rHONESt Omcr , No. U. UTOIt No. 23. MINUK MI3NTION. N. Y. Plumbing Co. Heavy suits chcnp to order nt Rcilcr.s The mercury got down In the tnoiitli ngtiln yesterday tint ! hung about live de grees uulow. The fresh batch of saloon Injunction cases wcro to have conio Up Monday , but v Jinvn bcun postponed for n week. Everybody is Invited to attend the union meetings being held every evening this week in the congregational churcli. No decision has been rendered by Judge Carson in the motion for a now trial in the case of Edwards , convicted of for gery. It Is reported that JJon Marks is to erect an olegiiiit residence on his prop erty whiclr adjoins Luke Mntiuwa this coming season , The German Catholic ladies and the Catholic Knights itro to give a party in the hull over Brown's drugstore , on Main street , January 27. Mr. and Airs. Hen Marks have decided to bell their liandsomn Vine street Drop- ertv and remove to thuir farm , which adjoins Lake Manawa on thu oast. The band concert at the rink last even ing drew a goodly sized company to that popular pleasure resort. The ice was in excellent condition , the music good and nil seemed to be merry. In the district court , Judge Thorncll presiding , the case of Hazard vs the City is now on trial. This is : i suit to re cover d.uuagc to : i valuable horse injured by reason of u hole in the street. It is stated upon good authority that Mr. Stone , of the well known furniture house of Dawoy & Stone , Omaha , is ar ranging to purchase the Marks property on Vine street for his own residence.v A convenient blackboard has been nddcd to the appurtenances of the dis trict court. On this board are bulletined the assignment ot cases , the number of the case on trial and the number of the case to follow. The Presbyterian church has passed very laudatory resolutions concerning Hov. Air. Ilnlcs , who has tendered his res ignation as pastor of tne church. The sentiment oNthcso resolutions will bo en dorsed by many outside thu church us well as those of his own Hock. There will bo a goodly number of Council Hind's people leave hero Friday night for the ice carnival at St. Paul. The tickets are only $11.20 for the round trip and can bo obtained of J.C. Mitchell , the well known agent. Tlio parly will have a jolly time without doubt. It seems that the 'number of Council Mlnll's people who arc to start for St. Paul next Friday evening to attend the ice carnival are increasing as the time draws nigh. A number of ladies are to be in the parly. The tickets for the round trip are $11.20 , good for ten days. Several business men of Omaha have been quietly looking over the city with a view of purchasing * residence property , Inul it is reported that onc.of the gentle men at least has decided upon n location and will erect a costlv homo , provided the present owner , who resides iu the east , will give satisfactory figures. In the case of C. E. liccbc vs the Equit able Insurance company , of Waterloo , la. , the j'iry has returned : i verdict in favor of Mr. Bcebo for the amount claimed , $158.80. This claim was for furniture furnished the company's agent , Kandall , who fitted up an ollieo here , and then skinpcd , leaving the company nml others in the hole. The company claimed Hr.ndall had no right to buy fur niture on the company's credit , as he was simply working on commission. Those who have been taking the direct road to Omaha across the river have been accommodated in the past by the presence of a little bridge across a ditch , just after rcachinir thu other Hide. Lately this bridge has disap peared , having been taken away by somebody for some purpose , anil its absence causes sad inconvenience to those using this road between tlio two cilii's. It is nil that an empty vehicle can do to get over this place empty , and loaded vehicles have to seek sono other route. A special fund for investment in coed city real estate loans , at lowest rates. Those intctiHing to improve their prop erty for the coming demand can avail themselves of it by calling on Odcll Bros , & Co. See that your books arc made by Moore- house & Co. , room 1 , Everett block. Ccnterville soft-lump coal , $ .1.75 per ton , delivered , Wm. Welch , 015 Main street , telephone 93. Give It Ui > . The following : .query is handed in as having been received by a Bin : reader , who , in his perplexity , brings it to this oillco for an answer : DKsMoiNKS , la. , Jan. 14 , 18S7. I notice thnt tie ! price of gna In your city Is 54.M ) per 1,000 feet ( with discount of DO cents ) nnd the price In Omaha Is 82 per 1,000 feet (25 ( cents elf ) . Will you please let mo know why this reinarkiibUi ( inference should exist In tlio price of pi3 at these two cities , whcro the cost of production must be about equal , or outfit to bo nearly so. XX. L. II. Crafts & Co. are loaning money on all olussuH of chattel somiritlcs at olio- half their former rates. Sco them before iccuring your loans. Dr. iNnchutt , oillco No. 12 Pearl street ; residence , 120 Fourth struct ; telephone No. 10. f All my coal is 'weighed by Amy , the only authorized city woighmastcr , and - guaranteed to hold out 2,000 pounds to /the ton. Good soft cval at sJU.fiOu ton. N. W. WILLIAMS. A Costly nit of Tnncuo. Some time ago Mrs. Ahny brought suit ngainst Charles liaughan , an old resi dent also , claiming trom him $10,000 dam ages for having called her a "huzzy" and EOIUO other tantalizing names. The suit is sot for a trial in the district court to-day , but it is reported that the matter has been settled by n compromise , by which Mr. Bnuglian pays her $75. Substantial abstracts of titles nnd real estate hmtfe. J , W. & E. L. Squiro. No. 101 Pearl street , Council Blutls. Hard and soft coal , best quality all * izcs. Missouri and Iowa wood. 0 , 11. Fuel company , C3J Broadway. Telephone - 130. phone _ _ George Hudio , real ostuto and nego tiator of loans , No. 1507 Farnum street , Omaha , Bargains iu Council Hhill's and Omaha property. _ Dissolution Notice. The flnn of Van Brunt , Thompson & Co. , is thU day dissolved by mutual con sent , F. E , Van Brunt anit George W , Thompson retiring. AH claims duo the above lirm are payable to Henry Van Brunt . F. E. VAN HKUNT. GKO , W. T HKMIV VAN BJSUNT. Council 'Bluffs , Jan , 18 , 18S7.- "SETT THE DROOK PLACED Af LAST Laing Arrested and Promised a Trip Back to Ohejenno. THE ALDERMEN ACT STRANGELY Points From the Police Stni-s A DR ! Drop In the 1'rlcc of n Plcco of Tongue A Oi > 8 Query. The Council Acts Qticcrly. The city cots n per cent of all the money taken In on the city wcighmns- tcr's scales. Although the city allows private scales to hnvo the use of its grounds and be located in the best point in the city for money making in this line , the city gets not $ 1 from It. It allows pri vate parties to lake tlio revenue which belongs to the city wolglinmstcr's ofllco nnd tlio city gets not 1 cent. The city wcighmaster simnly nsks the council to arrange Its ordinances so that puhllt ! weighing shall bo done by him and his deputies , and the city to get its lawful per cent of the business , Some of the aldermen refuse to do this , thu only excuse being that they do not want to interfere with anybody , and had rather let the city losj Its lighlltil revenue than llurt anybody's feelings or get Into n law suit. U is .strange that this peculiar ton- should be exhibited , but perhaps the prtnpeet of near approaching elec tions may account in part. With many it matters notsomuchas to the personal wishes or the personal dis likes of Air. Amy. or of others directly in terested. Citizens at largo , having no feeling in the matter , do want to .see tU o council so act us to secure to the city every dollar of revenue due it. They also wiint lo have the public given every possible protection. who have to depend on ihecertilicato of some weigher \v\\on \ \ purchasing commodities , have the right to expect that the city weighniasler Is the party to. do such weighing and issue such ccrtilieato. Some of f'o city council are acting very strangely about the matter of the city weighing. They do not seem dis posed lo make any move in the matter or pay an.y attention to the petitions of the city weiglunaster for duo protection to his ollieo. The fact is the people elected Mr. Amy as city weighniasler lor a period of two years. It matters not whether the people made a wise choice or not , or whether ho is a democrat or a republi can. Ho is the city weifrhninstor , and as' such is entitled to an attentive hearing and a fair consideration. As long ago as last spring ho called the attention of the council to the fact that while there was an ordinance regulating the weighing and compelling persons to use the city scales , there was no penalty named for violation of this part of the ordinance. It was there fore of no use to try and enforce jt. A man with a load ot liny could have it weighed wherever lie chose , and if ar rested and found guilty of violating the ordinance , no punishment ootild bo af- lixed , as no punishment was named in the ordinance. The council expressed informally a desire to protect the city scales and compel persons to have their produce weighed by the city weiglimaster instead of by private parties , but when an ordinance was presented to cause an enforcement of the ordinance , they killed it. The ohicf cause of complaint on the part of the city weighmastor is Lhnt a worthy man , Mr. Ilonn , has es tablished scales at the junction of Main and Pearl streets , the scales being lo- oated on ground owned by the city , and the street being used as a market place , and the proceeds of this arrangement are going into the pockets of private parties. Air. Amy claims that if anyone is to use the city's property , and is to linyo the advantage of the site , the city weiglimaster ought to be given the pref erence over a private person. It is also claimed with a great deal of force that the city is losing a revenue which it ought to nave , and to which it is entitled. Any ono can refuse to buy unless the seller will agree to weigh on the city scales , but few want to enter into any such controversy with a .single party. The duty seems to rest with the council to regulate the question of weighiirg , and the aldermen ought not to shirk the re sponsibility. The public may bo getting honest weights , but having elected a man for this yer.y purpose , to ensure the hon esty of weights , it is natural that they should ask the council to have him pro tected In the exercise of his duties , and held responsible for them. Just why the city council should year after year ignore this matter , and allow the city to be deprived , of a revenue which rightfully belongs to it , is beyond explanation. The city weiglimaster oilers to have the scales moved to the location on Main street , now occupied 1)3' ) private parties , although owned by the city. Alderman -Shugart pays ho will consent to his doing so if he wants to , but ho wants the city weighmastor to do what fighting is necessary in the courts to get the private senlcs moved oft" from city ground. It docs not appear that Alderman Shugart is willing , either , to have any penalties allixcd to the ordi nance so as to have it enforced , nnd thus compel the public lo use the official scales. Hundreds of dollars are lost yearly by the city , but that seems to cut no liguro. The position taken by the council is a , mystery , and especially so when oven the mayor , from the moment ot his taking the oath of oillco , has kept reminding the council of its duty nnd urging its performance. The city attor ney has also advised a like course nnd prepared needed ordinances nnd resolu tions , but these , too , have been ignored. It looks as if there was more to this af fair than appears on the surface , nnd that some secret motives must be deep down beneath. Electric door bells , burglar alarms nnd every form of domestic electrical appli ances nt the New York Plumbing Co. Stoves ! Stoves I Stoves ! I < or tlm ne.xt thirty days 1 will sell heating stoves at cosl for cash only. P. C. DuVo 1'olluo I'olnterH , One drunk wuj lined In police court yesterday. Business in that line still runs light. Two small boys , sons of prominent citizens , wcro brought before Judge Aylesworth yesterday charged with shooting within the city limits. The boys had a revolver with which they had been shooting at n lamp post. The judge read the law to them , nnd figuring up the maximum hue , and adding thu costs , made them realize cash hole in the lamp post might cost them $ ! 15. At that price a shot the sport seemed rhther dear to the lads , nnd they were about ready to die broken hearted at the prosneet of ever getting oven with the world , when ho soothed them by giving them n chance to go home nnd consult with their parents. If the parents can dcvuo any way by which thu boy will stop the practice of shooting , the case will proba bly end hero. Complaint is made that Arthur South well stole four hides from George Drake s slaughter house , nnd sold them for his o\cn profit. Yesterday there were sovernl Omaha officers scouring the city in search of two fellows wanted iu Chicago. Ihe two were found roaming about Omaha about ! l o'clock yesterday morning nnd arrested , There being nothing known against thorn at the tlmo they were discharged by the fudge before whom they wcro brought , but an hour later a description of them was received , with a request to have them arrested and bent to Chicago , they being safe blowers. The men had'gono , nnd the officers had a dreary search around this part of the countrj't but to no avail. An hour too lato. Placing n Crook. About the lirst of the year the police arrested a young man who was tryinc to sell n $200 sealskin clonk for a few del lars. The fellow was taken in on sus picion , nnd since then the ofllccrs have been hunting for the owner of ilia cloak , BO that ho could be successfully prose cuted. No tidings of any such cloak being stolen could bo learned. The fel low gave his name as I.nine , and said that the cloak belonged to his mother , who was waiting at the transfer while he could rnlso some money on the garment , but no such woman could bo found at the place named. In order to hold the fel low ho was charged with vagrancy , and sent to jail for liftccn days. His time was about up when word was received from Chicago which indicated that he was wanted thuro. While holding him for further instructions from Chicago ollicers , it was learned that ho was wanted at Cheyenne. Constable Edger ton , of Omaha , received information from Cheyenne , giving a description of the cloak and the fellow. The facts of the taking were thai the fellow was in a notorious house kept by May 'West ' , in that eitv , nml during an apparent frolic , put on this cloak , saying he "guessed ho would go out and throw n lilllo style wilh it. " lie stopped out of the house , and didn't return. Edgerton came over hero yesterday with a descrip tion ot the man and thu cloak , and there being no doubt thai ho was at last placed , he was given over to Constable Edgor- ton , whom he agreed to go with to Omaha , and there await the arrival of the ollicer from Cheyenne. Tin ? follow says he will go back without any requisition. Although he is known here as lining , he is heller known as Charles Hay. He formerly was a resident of Omaha , and used to sell papers for Barkalow Bros. Ho got behind with them about $00 , and his brother , who was on his bond , had to pay the shortage. Since then lit tle has been heard of him , until now when he turns up in this unpleasant situ ation. JF- Personal 1'nrn graphs. W. B. Oaks , cashier of the Silver City bank , is in the city. Mrs. T. J. Maokay is going to St. Paul next Friday evening to attend ihe ice carnival. * . S. P. McConnell , resident partner of the Chicago lumber company , has gone to the ice carnival at St. Paul. F. Peterson represented this city at the national convention of the Danish brotherhood , held last week in Burling ton. ton.Dr. Dr. Wall left last evening for Plymouth county to perform a surgical operation on the jaw of Alex Arns , who has a can cer. cer.Miss Miss Ncllto Abbott , daughter of E. J. Abbott , was taken suddenly and scri- ouslyill Monday night , but was yesterday resting easier. Mr. Mortimer Meoly , manager of the business of J. A. Fink & Co. , hardware and agricultural implement dealers at Coin , la. , was in the city yesterday. P. II. Dempscy , of Rochester , N. Y. , is in the city , and now represents Laut/ 15ros. ' soap houso. having been placed in this territory to till the vacancy caused by the resignation of Hudio. the rustler , who has gone into the real estate busi ness. IIANSCOM PAKIv ADDITION. Surrounded By Improvements. The Handsomest Location nnd Most Accessible Ilody of Ijots For Sale 1 Every facility is given buyers to inves tigate the merits of this beautiful addi tion , and that you may carefully investi gate its prices and terms as compared witli surrounding properties , they are freely and cheerfully bhown to you. It is a safe prediction that lots in llanscom Park addition will sell before the year is out for 200 I'EK CKNT MOlti : THAN present priqes. Every buyer has this chance , and if you want a safe , sure and excellent investment secure ono of these lots at once. There is no bettor chance to make money , and of this you can judge for yourself when you sue the ground.DON'T DON'T in : TALKED OUT OK IT but come and see whether our statements arc correct or not. This costs you noth- inc.and if you have the courage to do as others arc doing may make you'some money. MIL or.oitoi : nuDie is our only authori/.ed agent in Council IjluHs for the sale of lots in ' H'ANECOM TAUK AUDITION , faUU-HUU SHtlMJS ADDITION' , AJIKS' I'LACi : , - IIIM.SDAI.K , and an unequalled list of bargains of all sorts. AMES' REAL ESTATE AGENCY , .No. 1007 FAUNAM STUIIT : : , OSIAIIA , Nin. : Chance In Crystal Hall. George E. Harrington nnd Fred Carleton - ton , under the firm name of Harrington & Carlcton , have hought out Henry Wagner's Crystal hall , No. 400 Broad way , and will in a few days lit it up in liner shape than any place of the kind in this part of the west. Gcnrgo Harrington is well known popular and controls a largo trade through his extensive circle of friends. He has b.een in this business for years hero nnd lately has been located at the transfer. Fred Carleton is well known in Omaha , where for three years past he has been with l ittlo & Thompson in the "Palace. " The now hrra will spend money in making4ho Crystal hall n little ' iwlaco and stpck'ing it completely , and in few days will have the business fairly opened under the new management , The Ice Itlnlc. Last evening the ice rink , corner of Seventh street and Fifth avenue , was the scone of n merry party of skaters. The ice was in line condition , nnd the ther mometer had raised to K > ° above zero , sego go that it was quito pleasant for those who sat and looked on ns well as the throng of skaters. The accommodations inside the house are not up to what they might bo , as when the concerts are Jield there is so largo a crowd , but on "ordi nary occasions lha house is sulllclently largo enough. There are many ladies in the city who can be classed as line skaters , and under the gleam of the oleo- trio light thu sight is well worth seeing if one cannot risk themselves on skates. S. E. Dow , son of Judge Dow , of Dow City , was the most fortunate ticket holder out of the 83,000 , and the ticket. No. ! S,731 , which was awarded the suite of parlor furniture valued at $123 , nt the Eiseman drawing , was held by him. Stella Long won the infant's cloak. Many of the best prizes remain yet to be called for. The young people of the Baptist church will in the near future givn a war song concert. The exact date and further details will be published later. The crook Wilson , wanted in Omaha , was captured hero last night by Officer Heudrickd. The money consideration for the trans fers of real estate yesterday amounted , to COUNCIL BLUFFS BOOMS ! CALL AT HARKMESS BROTHERS , And select your Dry Goods and Carpers before the prices advance , Wo are selling elegant Patterns Dress Goods very low to close the lot. yon never saw Dlacft Silks so BUCK SILKS.yon as those we arc now sell' Jl'c arc closing out ihls entire jlcparl tncnt to fA'c room for our Increased Carpet stock , and arc consequently scll'iny them off at extremely low Ladies' ' and closed out vcr\i \ cheap , You will utti'c money to sec our Carpets and Units before uou buy. If you want In- ( iraln , Jtrusscts , t'elrct , or Motntctic Carpet - pet ? , conic and sec us or write for prices. Our variety of Curtains , Poitiers , Draperies , etc. , Is larne. and choice , and u-c have a 'full assortment of Poles , Hods , llras * ( loads , etc. Our worlt is done by skilled workmen. Orders by mail receive prompt attention. Council Bluffs Iowa Harkness Bros , , Broadway , , l iriM B m | | | y § n MMMV vm mm m m * j- - - - - Farmino- Lands in Iowa , Minnesota , Kansas , and ranging from ? 5 00 to $10.00 per acre. School and state lands in Minnesota on 30 years' time 5 per cent interest. Land Buyers fare free. Information , etc , given by OP. 2 ? . j.A.sT , No. 535 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa , agent for Fn'idrlksen & Co. , Chicago. An Important Catch. About two weeks ago the ollicers hero were noli lied lo bo on the lookout for Thos. O'Malloy , whoso parents live here , but who has been night clerk In the Metropolitan hotel in Gordon City , Kan. , from which place ho skipped with $300 In silver belonging to the notch Last evening Captain O'Brien captured his man at the Kink saloon on Pearl street. O'Mallcy has confessed the whole affair. A SAD SIOll'v. A Women Tortured Nine Ycnrn from tlio Iiicouipctciicy of Physi cians. Keller nt Lmst. Mrs. T. , a lady residing in a country town m Indiana , tells the following pain ful story : "I had taken treatment from physicians for about nine years nnd had neycr received any permanent relief until I took your Compound. I thought 1 never should get well aiid cried a good deal of my time. A year ago tins Summer 1was confined to my bed and room for live months , under the doctor's care. I at last made up mv mind to quit him and try your compound , and with what a joy ful result ! Oh ! I feel so glad that 1 tried it and so sorry that I did not get hold of it nine years ngo. " Tlio foregoing is from a letter to Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkham , and sufferers by taking her Vegetable Compound may escape the writer's re gret for years wasted in hopeless agony. SPECIAL NOTICES. Special ndvortlsoments , such ns Lost , Found ToLonn , Tor Snlo , To Kent , Vinnts , Honrdinsr , etc. , will bolneortod In this column nt tlio low mtoof TEN CUNTS I'HK LINK forthoflrat Inscr- lonund Flvo Cents Per Line f or encli subsequent ineortlou. Leuvo advertisements nt our oillco No. 13 I'eul street , nour llrotulway , Council llluns. WANTB. FOR HKNT A B-room house , No. 214 Stuts- man street , by J. W. Dnmon. LOST On .Innunry I''tli , on llrondwny nonr KiKht street , n sealskin cup. Suitable re ward. C. A. , Ilco cilice. FOH SALR The Btnndiird bred stitllioii , Ilnr- voy Stnr. by I'oiirson'a American Star , by Scely's American Stnr : his dttin by Yomol's Ulncklinwk , slro of Green's Hnshaw. Will l > o eold for less money than ho will cnrn this son- son In the stml. Ho is sound , kind , nnd n line driver , elnsrlo or double. Inciulio of Wudo Cury , ( U the driving park , Council HUHTc. TP.OH SALK Choice , smooth , unimproved 100 .U acres close to llrnlnard , in llutlcr county , Ncbruslm. Will Rive lawo discount Irom pri'9- cut \iiluo for cash. Address limiting , Kunvon .V.Tones. David City , Nob. , or W. J. , Ilco olllco , Council HliilTs , In. FOH SALK At n bargain , SiiTi ncros wllh linn Improvements , hlmile's east of Council llluirx. I'rlci ) low and nil the tlmo needed. In- qul ro of T. W. Van Sciovur , Council Ululls. FOR PALTi Illnclismltb nnd wngon shop. Only ono In town. Kxccllcnt bushier. Hood roisons lor sellhiK. Addiess C. ! < Miller , Ports mouth , IIL F 1011 HKNT- room house , M5. First nvc. , opposite the pnrk. Sullivan & Fitzgerald. FFOH FOH HUNT A now two-story frame dwelling house , containing six rooms , nail on both Moors , closets with all bed rooms. Inrirc collar and good cistern. Cell on M. F. Kohrer or Odoll llroB. Sr Co. FU HKNT The ono-Btory frame business building , with 4-room dwelling attach ment , formerly occupltd as n candy factory mid known as No. 110 t-outh Main street , ex tending through to Pearl st. Apply to M. F. Hohror or Odoll Ilros. & Co. FOH SAU-Harbor : shop , good location , good reason for soiling. Addrois H , lleoolllce. WANTKD A cottiigo of fire or six rooms , located convenient to ImslniisH ; small family , no children. Addrosg "Crispy , " Hoe olllcc. WANTKD-A boy wllh pony to carry Heo route. HAI.K-OM papers for ealo nt the Hoe FOR office. WANTED Parlies Intending to bo married are wnntod to cull at the Pryor'g lice job office to select their wedding cards. _ j , JOHN V. ST.N'B - JACOB SIMS STONE'fe SIMS , Practice In , the Stito : nnd Federal court * Hooms 7 and 8 ShuKavt-Bono Blo-k. ) W , S , HOMER & CO , X3 Main St Council Muffs. The cheapest l'l ' co In the city to buy CROCKERY , LAMPS , SILVER PLATED WARE , GLASSWARE , -AND- FINE POTTERY THEATRICAL WIGS , BEARDS , Grease Paints ITC. : The Finest Tin jiortud Line of ' * Goods West of Clilcnfe'O. 3&rs.C. t. Gillette's Human Hair Emporium No , 209 Main Street.Council Bluffs. Iowa. FINE - FRENCH - MILLINERY , * 1514 Douglas St. , Omaha. NEW IMPORTED STYLES OPEN. Ladicsbuying a 85 hat or bonnel , one fare will be paid ; Jio , round trip. MKLVIN SMITH. I. T. ROTIEIITS. SUCCESSOIIS TO McMAHON & CO , Abstracts of Title , Loan and R al Es tata Broken , No. 236 Main St. purchased thc"most rctla' Me abstract books in thin count i/- knowit. as the "AIcMahoii Abstract Jiooks , " wcarenow pre-parrdto fur nish abstracts and respect/ i/ so licit the patronage of all those- desir ing correct ( distracts of title to lands and lots in l'ott < twatta > nle county. NO , 236 MAIN ST. , COUNCIL BL OFFS N. SCHURZ , Justice of the Peace Office over American Express. B. BICE , M. D. , Or other Tumors removed without lne knlfoordrawlmj of blood. Over thirty years practical experience. No. 11 Pearl Ht. , Council llluffs. Consultation frca. Horses and Mules For all purposes , bought and cold , at retail nnd in lots. Large quantities to bck-ct from. Several pairs of fine drivers , bin glc or do'ible. MASON WISE , Council Bluff's. OFFICER & PUSEY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , I A , istablishca : 16J7 t , Join-null , County mid IlanK WorJt or All IUutl nSiicc > fully Prompt Attention ] ! ) Mall Orders 10REHOUSE & CO. Room 1 Kvcrct Block , Council Blulls , Standard I'ajii'ra Used All Mylcs of bind ing in Magazines and . BLANK BOOKS , HEPBKENfHSi C. n. National JJu.ik , M. U. Smith if Co , Citizens' Ilank , Ucrre , \ \ elli fc Co. , Vir National Hank , C. II. Insurance Co. , OUlcori Vu8 y.Uankcrsau Bayln.-a CLAIM Your Presents > That Were Given Away-By Henry Eiseman & Go's ' Peoples' ' Store TO THE LUCW TICKET HOLDEB At the Drawing Which Tools Plnco in Their Store on the Evening of Jan uary 10th , 1887 The Snmo Being Done by n Committee of Prominent Cltizonsr The distribution of pri/cs was by a committee ot citizens , and tlio tickets awarded nri/cs are as follows : r No. 28.791 , 1st prize-Suite of Parlo Furniture. No. 5,771 , 5nd priac Mahogany Boil Room Suite. No. U.07J , 3rd prize Domestic Sowing Machine. No. 10.135Ith , prize Twenty yards Guinctttiros grain Black Silk. No. 0.5M3 , mil pri/.e-Soal Plush Cloak. No. 20,37U , , , OtlL prize 1'air White Blankets. No. 7,063 , 7th prize Decorated Sot of Dishc" . No 22,032 , 8th prize-Seal Skin Muff. No. 10OI ! ) , Illh pri/.e--A Paisley Sliuwl. No. 10,801 , 10th prize-A Heaver Shawl. No. MW , llth pii/o-rSiUt Gents' Clothing , No. 27.007 , 12th prize Gout's Fur Beaver Overcoat. No. 11,819 , ilh : ) prize Boy's Overcoat. No. 22,0 1 , Mth prize Boy's Suit No. 5,101 , inth prize Infant's Cloak. No. 22,818 , ICtli prize Brass Parlor Table. No. 0,320 , 17th prize 50 yards " .bruit of the Loom" muslin. No. 27.3H2 , 18th prize Half dozen "Gold" White Shirts. No. 28,030 , lllth prize Silk Muiller. No. Mir > 0 , 20th prize Linen Table Set. Table Cloth ami Napkins. No. 7,704 , 21st prize A Twenty Dollar Gold Piece. No. 28,288,22nd prize Toilet Set. No. 20,8:15 : , 23rd pri/e Doll. No. 8,0-11 , 21th prize Handkerchief Box. Box.No. . 20,071 , 25th ! prize Hand Bag. No. 5,1122 , 20th prile Doll. No. , 27th prize Stand Cover. No. 30,070 , 281U prize Botllo Perfum er v. v.No. . 0,873 , 20th prize Toboggan Cap. No. 31-lli8 , 30th prize Table Scarf. No. 5,530 , 31st prize Splasher. No. O.iilO , 3Jnd prize Lunch Basket. No. 27,518.33nl prize Hammered brass Umbrella Stand. No. 20.707 , 84th pri/e Half doz.Towols No. 8.05H , 33'h prize Silk Umbrella. No. 28,8.5 ' ! , 3Jih ( prize Doll. No. 27,740. 37th prusu Set Chllds' Dishes. No. 20,103 , 88th prize Brass Broom Holder. No. 5,1(55 ( , 30th prize Silk Sntiirmlcrs. No. 27,0.11loth pri/e Silk Handker chief. No. 22,125list prize Doll. No. 14,0ii12nd ! ( prize Half doz.ladics' Handkerchiefs. No. 8,110 , 43rd prize 15 yards Calico. No. 8,228 , 44th pri/o Boy's Hat. No. 'J.331 , 45th pri/c Boy's Sealskin Can. No. 8,035 , 40lh prize Painted Orna ment , No. 8,000 , 47th prize Toilet Set. No. 27,443 , 48th prize Doll. No. 27,709 , 4'Jth ' prize Doll. No. 7.022 , 50lh prize Table Cover. No. 0,077 , Slit prize Bottle Perfum er v. v.No. . 8,031 , 52nd prize Lace Handker chief. No. 22,019 , 53rd prize-Child's Lace Collar. No. 22,910 , 51th prize Doll. No. 27,401 , 55lli prize Doll. No. 5,128,50th , prize Tidy. No. 12,831 , 57th pri/.e Table Scarf. No. 5,818 , 58th prize Doll. No. 29,827 , 59th prize Mouth Organ. No. 7.200 , O'Jth prize Imitation Stoiini Piano. No. 23,070 , Olst prize Book. No. 22,945 , 02nd prize Book. No. 29,053 , 03rd prize Pocket Knife. No. 12,133 , Oltn prize Doll. No. 2rflC9 , OSlli pmo-Doll. No. 20,101 , 00th prize A Dr. Warner's Cor.sct. No. 12,218 , 07th prize Shoulder Shawl. No. 8,730 , 03tli pri/.e Infant's Lace Cap. Cap.No. . 28,253 , 09th prize Infant's Dress. No. 29,125 , 70Hi prize Doll. No , 29,918 , pir/e Hand Bag. No. 21,03. ! , 72nd prize Lailit'8r Com- panion. * No. 28,312 , 73rd prize-Silk Muffler. No. lO.tidi , 74lh pri.oDoll. . No. 27,9110 , 75th prize Hook. No. 30,182 , 70th prize Book. No. 23,4 IH , 77lli pri/.e Lunch Basket. No. 22,010 , 78th pcjzc Pair Children's Shoes. No , 7,002 , 70th pri/.e fair Hoy's Boots No. 13.213 , 80ih prize-Lace Collar. No. 5,350 , 81st prize Doll. No. 20,190 , 82nd prize Jersey Jr.cko t No. 7,51(1 ( , 83rd prize Sijsponders. No. 5,158 , 8Hh prize M.m's Gloves. No. 0.727 , 85th prizeBoy'j Skates ; No. 10,598 , HO'h prize Girl's Skates. No. 14,215 , Wild pn/.c Necklace. No. 20,022 , 93rd pri/.e Gold Culf But tons nsNo , 12,829 , 9Hh prize Locket No. 27,892 , prize Breast Pin. No. 7,271.90th prize Sleeve Buttons. No. 8,293 , 97t' ' prize Silver Thimble. Nf , 30,779 , 98 h prize Breast Pin. No. 13fc93 , 9 ith prize Pair Kid Gloves- No. 0,015 , 100. li urize Lace Hand- kcichiefi ii thr lioldlny the lucky tick ets wilt pledge call , pivHcnt the. same and rrclei'c their presents an noon as possible. PEOPLE'S ' STORE , Xos. HJJ , : tJH , iilfi and U2l Jiroad- way , Council JSlttJJ'a , THE BEATON FUEL CO Will supp'y you with n cleaner and better quality ot COAL Than any one in the city. A trial will con vince you. No 028 Broadway. Telephone 110. WHOLESALE AND JOBBING KCOTJSHS OJF COUNCIL BLUFFS. DEERE , WELLS & CO. , Wholesale Agricultural Implements , Bn&to , Carriages , Kto , Kto. Council lUutTd , town. KKYSTONi : MANUKACTUUIXO COT Mninifiicturcrsor nml llrnloraIn Hand and Power Corn Melljrs , .Ami riKOiioni linn nf Ili-jt elnss iiKrluulturivf . . Itntiteim'nls. Nos. 1501,1W1 , l.Ytt nml IM7 ? o ith Jlnln Street , . CouiielMl.tiiK IOWB. DAVID BHADLKY it Cp. , Mnntif'fs nn 1 Jobbori of IgricQltnral ImplementsWagons , , Bnggles , Cnrrlupps , nnd nil kinds of Farm Mnohlnprr. 1100 to 1110 South Mnln Street , Council Ululfi , lo ? n. . ' ' . . C.t N/Vv'7' * COUNCIL BLUFFS CAKl'KT CO. , Carpets , Curtains , Window Shades Oil Clollig , Curtnln Fixtures , tlpholntory flee Elo. No. 103 llrontlwny Council UlulTa , Iowa. ClfMHS , , B7V. PliKKGOY & MOOUR , Wholcsnlo Jntibors In Iho Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco S Pipes Nos. ESMaln nuii 27 1'cmrl Sts. Council IOWH. CO.W.l//.s\s/o.V. SNYDER & LF.AMAN , STOUAOn Frail andPfOdace Commission Merchants. 23 , 21 nnd ! 1'cill St. , L-onnoll HltllH. „ HAULE , HAAS & CO. , " Wholesale Druggists , Oils , Paints , Glass , s' Sundries. Etc. No. 22 Mnln St , nnJ No. It 1'onrl sF. , Council IJluiru. O. W. BUTTS , Wholesale California Fruits a Specialty Gonornl Commission. No. 813 Council \VIRT & DUQUETTE , Wholesale Fruits , Confecttonery , COMMISSION , No3. 10 nml 18 Pearl St. , Council HlulTa. IIAHNESS. KTO. BECKMAN , STKOHBHIIN & CO. , Jfmiu'ncttirors of ami Wholoinlo Dontorjlii Leather , Harness , Saddlery , Etc. No. t25 Mnln St. . Council lllniri , lown. HATS , CAl'S. KTC. METCALP BROTHERS , Jobbers In Hats , Caps ani Gloves. Non. 312 nnd .111 Itromlwuy , Council lllulTj. UK A VY HA 111)'A \ \ ItE. KEELIXH & FELT , Wholesale Iron , Steel , Nails , Heavy Hardware , And Wood Stock , Council IllulTa , lown. v 1IID1CS ANI > TAI.I.OW.v D. H. MuDONKU ) .V CO. ( KntMbUslJC.I 18.H.J No. f2Q Mnln S'rcel , [ s : Council IllalTs. ANII IIIAI.IIIS ; : IN HIDES , TALLOW WOOL , ETC. OILS. COUNCIL BLUFFS OIL CO. , Wholesale Dealers In llumlnating a Lubrlcatia 01U G ) Uu E3TO. , KTO. B.Thcodoro.AKunt , Council Illuirs. Iowa. LUHUEH KTC. A. OVKIITON & CO. , Hard Wood , oataera Lumbar , Piling , Amlllrlilgo Material Special ! I H.Wholusalo Luuv Uer or ull Kinds. Oillco No. 130 Mnlu St. , Council lllulTa. Iowa , SCIINKIDKR & BKCK , Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors , JOHN LINDEIt , Wholrsalo Imported and Domestic Wlna ? & Liquors forSL Rotllmrn'a Herb Hilton. No. U Mnln at. Council Illulls. L. KIRSCHT & CO. , Wholesale Liquor Dealers. No. 118 llroadway , Council GBESTON , HOUSE The only hotel in Council lilufi't. having FJre Esoa/pe And all mo 'crn improvement ! . . 215 , 217 and 21U Main et. _ MAX MOIIN , J'rop , Siar Sale SlaMes and Mule lards , BROADWAY , COUNCIL HLIJH'S , OppoUlo Dummy Duput. B CS3 Horses nnd mules kept constantly on linnil , for salu : it retail or in cur loads. Oders promptly Hlled by contract on bhort noticu. Stock hold on commission. SIILLTKU it HOLE IT , Proprietors. Telephone No. Ill Formerly of Kuil Snlo Stables , comer Ut. uvo uiul 4tn hired ,