Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 19, 1887, Page 5, Image 5

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rrrrr-ni irfiVfiV WTCTY\n.crn AV.T A TSJTT A T > V Hi
The Capital City Tilled as Never Before
With a Mass of HumAiity ,
Showing of tlio InHurnnco II us In ens of
V i the State During the 1'nst Ycnr
Supreme Court
Iilncolu News. .
ItnoM run jir.E'H r.tscoi.s ntmr.AU.1
The hotels of Lincoln have been
crowded before. They have cntcrlaincd
slate fair ; vlsllors and republican state
conventions. They have entertained the
combined forces of Miller and Merion
whenIho democracy has been convoked
at the capital city , and finally the city
has passed through many legislative BOS-
Hlons. Never before , however , have the
hotels had their capacity tested as t cy
have at the present time , the days in
which the legislature of the state is en
gaged In solecllng a UnllcJ State s sena
tor. The delegations that have reached
the city are from every section of tlio
state a delegation or sixty. coming
from Valentino and vicinity ; other dele
gations coming from the northeast cor
ner of the stale ; others from Cuinlng and
. Madison counties ; others from Valley in
' tlio northwest ; from Keith ami Dawson ,
from the Republican Valley country ,
while from the moro immediate vicmlly
of Lincoln , Pawnee , Gage , Johnson , *
Oloe , Dodge and oilier counlics have
fainy cniplletl lliohiselvcs of pol-
ilicians into the seething , boil-
steaming mass of humanity that
jams and crowds the corridors of the ho
tels and even crowd the capitol building
full when the attraction is that way. In
tlio catalogue of attendants Cans county
should not bo omitted , the county that
has been characterized as the headquar
ters for hogs and babies , the real porkers
and no rollecllon on the inhabitants.
From this county every Dr. Miller demo
crat is in the city In force , and this pecu
liar field of the doctor's never was moro
prolific. To analyizo all this great at
tendance would bo ono of the natural Im
possibilities , but ono safe conclusion to
roach , and which the oldest inhabitant of
these political headquarters recognizes ,
is the fact that never before have the people
ple of the stnto taken HUGH interest in the
selection of a representative of the upper
house .of congress. The crowd is ,
above all , a good uaturcd one.
and , as ono of the hotel
men remarked , are content to
bleep six in a bud and bo happy with
whatever accommodations can bo granted
them. Blows have not been passed be
tween animated supporters of rival can
didates but in ono instance , which speaks
t volumes for tlio peace and qtiiutness of a
thousand men who pack themselves TO-
nnlarily like sardines in a box.
has bccmo the historical third house , and
to the small and tipathctio crowd that
gathered at representative hall to listen
to the very common personal black
guardism of a man named Pcarman ,
there was no interest anil no amusement
furnished. Judge Sahler sat in the
speaker's chair , Mr. Stark , of Aurora ,
acted as chief justice , anil
the poet laureate of the elate
read Pearman's message. Not a person
of any prominence occupied a scat on the
floor of the house , and as quickly as
Poarman's laudation of thocountry along
the Hue of the B. & IU. in Kansas , and
liis llings at the men in public lifo was
completed , the niullonco departed with
out ceremony. They know when they
hail enough. There was a good deal of
disgust at the depth to which the pristine
glory of the third house has sunken , but
. in tins day and ape lifo is too short to
waste in the work of any house but the
ono legitimate.
The dill'cront insurance companies
doing business in the state have com-
incncmt handing in their reports for the
year 1880. These reports cover their sta-
tislics in business and form a valuable
comparison each company with tlio
ether , as wtill as showing the increase
und volume of business transacted in the
state. The reports ttius far received are
but a fraction of tlio tolal uumberpbut
those already returned show about an
average with the amount of Inisinesg
transacted by them a year ago , which
would leave the increase in business over
the Htato to bo compensated by the now
companies that during the year have
boon admittocd to transact business in
Nebraska. The following
Hied returns :
Company. Proms
conn , fire
Hartford Firo. . S8m03
Mechanics ,
Phllft. . . . 701.00
Orient 14,430.83
Phrxunlx. liait-
loril aj,005.55
Fire 8.05LOO
Gnmlto Stale ,
N. H 80.25
erk 4,731.45
Franklin Fire ,
riilln 5.C33.23
Court met yesterday pursuant to ad
journment. H. J. Wlutemoro and John
1 * . IJartman Jr. worp admitted to prac-
tico. Courtney vs Parker , defendant lias
leave to file briefs by Monday next.
Grunt vs Marshall , stipulated that judg
ment bo affirmed , unless judgment below
bo paid by February 20,1837. Stottnisoho
vs Lumb , refurcodischarged ; . J. l amb
withdraws as attorney. Ashby vs Green-
filiulo , plaintiff has leave to file amended
abstracts by February 1 , 1887. Ingram
V i * vs State , continued ; Moore vs Parsons ,
contmund ; Parker vs Grimes , continued.
The following causes wore argued and
submitted : Weeping Water vs Reed.
of the Iloldrcgo Building , Loan and Sav
ing association wore tiled ypsterday wilh
the secretary of stylo. The place of busi
ness is at Iloldrcgo. The stock of the
company is divided into S.OOO shares of
$200 each , the capital stock to be paid in
monthly installments , the association to
commenca business when 100 shares are
subscribed. Tlio following are the incorporators -
corporators : P. O. Hodlund , Kric John-
ton. J , R. Patrick , K , F. Longeo , R. T.
McGrow , I. E. Austin , K. Vfl Roberts ,
John L. Crossloy. J. A. Fredericks. Harry
Stern , W. J. Baldwin and \V. Ptllall.
of the B , & M. is evidently contemplated
bv the B. & M. railroad , as they hnvo
filed a certificate with tlio secretary of
state locating u line northwest from Cul-
berlson , Hitchcock county , through that
county aud Htiyws and Chase counties to
the state line. This brunch is in the
mliUt of the cattle country nnd is a
teedor evidently for their main Hues.
The capital stock is fixed at $1,400,000 ,
nnd the incorporators are George \V. \
Itoldrcgo , C. D. DormanV. \ . A. Iligglns ,
P. S. Kustls and J. O , Taylor ,
Savon f 1,000 Dnwsou county refunding
bonds have been received nt the ut.itu
houso. These are 6 per cent bonds , pnya-
bio on tlio 1st of April , ll > 00 , nnd drawing
interest from April last.
Work has recommenced nt the salt
well on the bottom , the depth now re
corded being 1,200 feet. Is'ow machinery
is now nsod nnd there is two weeks' work \
hi rcaniluj ; before they will commence to
go downward again. There arc no pres
ent pro.wcts ot salt expected.
E. M. Portcrllold , of Kearney , city en
gineer of that place , was In the rity yes
terday on a business visit to Commis
sioner Scott. Mr. Porlcrlield i't ' en route
to the firemen's convention at Columbus ,
Three hundred and sixty banks doing
business in Nebraska have filed their re
ports fw Uio year in compliance with
law. The number reporting last year
were 270 , a very creditable showing in
increase , and the reports for the present
year are probably not all in yet.
W. A. ftrcowald , treasurer of Richard
son county ; B. H. Fuller , treasurer of
Pawnee county ; W. B. McCartney , treas
urer of Keith county ; K. J. Roderick ,
treasurer of Gugo county , and A. D. Rob
inson , treasurer of Valley county , wore
at the auditor's ollico yesterday settling
with tlio state auditor. .
State Superintendent Gao. Lane was at
Omaha yesterday on a visit connected
with his olllcc. Mr. Lane is dropping
into his ollico work with the familiarity
of an old hand at the business.
TO TUB rntr.Jir.N'fl MEUTINO.
Yesterday afternoon the Lincoln dele
gation to the Stale Firemen's a socialion
departed for Columbus , Uio delegation
consisting of I. L. Lyman , water com
missioner ; W. H. Nowbury , fire warden ,
W. Austin and W. F. Ensign , delegates
from the department. The Lincoln del
egation was accompanied by C. Brcck-
onfcldl , chief of the Plallsmotith fire de
partment nnd Dan O'Rourko , the dele
gate from that city. Delegates were also
in tills city yesterday from Nebraska
City ami Kearnov cnroute to Columbus.
At the meeting of the city council
Monday evening tlio plat of A. G. Gus-
tin's subdivision was approved by the
council. A. Wrok.s was confirmed as
fireman at the waterworks , and W. H.
Dob.son as sewer inspector had his con
firmation laid o cr for a week. Sewer
work was reported as practically ended
for the winter months , nnd the proposi
tion to buy a patrol wagon for the use of
the city was sat upon. "
Yesterday a largo number of members
of the state board of agriculture arrived
in Urn city to altendtheir meeting , thai
commenced at ! p. m. A largo number
of delegates from county societies were
also arrivals to participate in the meet
ing. The business of the session will not
bo reached until to-day.
General Baggage Agent Marsland , of
the B , & M. , with headquarters in Ihis
city , has gone to Atlanta , Ga. , to attend
thu annual convention of baggage
agents that meets in that city the present
Business was rather lively at the West
Lincoln Block yards and packing houses
yesterday , the receipts being 1.200 head , ,
all of which found a ready sale among
the packers , the prices paid ranging from
§ 1.40 to $4.GO , a little stronger market
than that of the day before.
A good majority of the newspaper
.men of the state were in the capital city
yesterday , interested spectators and ad
vocates in the absorbing senatorial
Look out for Electric Luslro Starch.
Some ArmiHinK Stories of Xlioir Chnr-
itiiblo Originals.
Readers of "Nicholas Nickolby" need
not bo reminded of the "Chooryblo
Brothers,1' says a writer in Temple Bar.
Tlio originals were the Messrs. Grant ,
whoso extensive , if somewhat eccentric ,
benevolence was. well known ; to whom
DicketH was introduced in company
with Mr. John Morley , by Mr. W. Harri
son Ainsworlh , at ti dinner given by Mr.
Gilbert Winter in 1858. The srtirvivors of
tlio brothers used always to put a sum of
money in his pocket to give away in the
course of the day. A clergyman asked
him for a subscription.
"Put your hand in my side pocket and
you shall have all you can find in it. "
The parson did so and fished tip a sever
eign. "You are welcome to it , said Mr.
Grant , "only mind it is the only com L
have lelt. "
lie once asked the same clergyman at
dinner what his education cost him.
"A matter of 2,000. " was his answer.
' I'm afraid , " said the questioner ,
"education is not a good investment. ,
Hero you spent 2,000 on your education ,
and , as you toll mo , your curacy is only
150 a year. My education cost mo noth
ing , nnd I am making a good many
thousands a year. But I dare say you
will got some interest ; somewhere else"
looking upward "anil as 1 believe you
are in want of a couple of hundred
pounds or so , como to my warehouse and
I'll oblige you. "
But they were shrewd men , their
benevolence notwithstanding. A master
ono day wanted some work" done which
could only bo managed by a certain
skilled workman. Unfortunately the
man was given to drink. So n bargain
was struck , that , besides his wages , he
should hnvo gin and water ad libitum.
"Now mind " said the "
, master , "you
promise to drink tin what 1 llrst give you
before you touch a drop moro. "
As the work wont on the man asked for
his gin.
"How much will you start with ? "
"Sixpcnn'orth. "
"Now gin nnd water , mind you ; nnd
you must drinfc it nil before you drink
again. Hot or cold ? "
"Cold. "
"All right. Hero coos. Bring mo a
pail of water. "
It was brought , nnd into that the gin
was poured. The man was dumb
founded , but ho was hold to his bargain ,
and the work got done. As ho went
array sober , of course , and with his
wages in his pocket ho turned round
anu faced his employer.
"Master , " said ho , "there's no ono can
get the bettor o' thee but one , and that'a
til' ould chap hisself. "
Electric Lustre Starch makes collars
and culls look like new.
Dave and Al Burke , two collar makers ,
nro charged with wilfully assaulting C.
E. Rhinos. The latter procured n war
rant for the arrest of the two men yester
The most stubborn und distressing
casua of dyspodin yield to the regulating
and toning inllueuccs of Hood's Sardinia-
rllla. Try it.
Lieut. Andrews , of Boise barracks , is in
the city on his way His wito who
is well known hero as Maud Powell ,
the daughter of Major Powell , died some
weeks ago in Idaho.
ep red with strict regard to Purity , Strength , A'
aJthlulnoM. lit , J'jlc ' § Unking Powder eonti is
Quaint Scenes 'and Odd Phases of Life
Within Their Walls.
Absurd Fancier of the Kmpcror or
Morocco The Itiilnn of Famous
CarthftRC All tlmt Is lioft
of tlio City.
s , Africa , Dec. 1 , 1835 [ Special
Correspondence of the Chicago Tribune. ]
T o one unfamiliar with the habits of Afri
can rulers it seems strange to think of
the head of a somewhat extensive ouiplro
going from llio council room nnd the
cares of stale to find his recreation with
the toys nnd playthings of his nursery.
The present emperor of Morocco is a
curious combination of Moslem faith and
child-like simplicity. At times ho is n
monarch , managing the affairs of his em
pire , and "at oilier times n grown up
child , amusing himself with some now
toy that has happened to please his fancy.
Ho has acquired not a little mechanical
knowledge through his craving for what
is novel anil ingenious. O'uo room of hit
palace is said to contain a great number'
of machines , some very expensive , which
ho has transported from foreign countries
to his capital. They scorn , however , to
possess for him no utilitarian properties ,
for as soon as they cease to amuse they
are put asulo nnd stored away.
The most important seaport of this In
teresting ompcmr'H dominions is the city
of Tangier , six hours' sail from Cadiz , in
southern Spain , and only two and a half
hours' sail from the Island of Gibraltar.
No ono who chances to bo in cither of
these places should fail to run over to
this curious old Moorish town , where
scarcely out of sight of the English and
Spanish ( lags slaves can bo seen walking
in the streets and working in the Holds
just outside of the walls. It is only n
year ago that the regular slave market of
Tangier was abolished. To see men ,
women and children openly bought and
sold in the market place one must now
go inland to some of the interior towns
a journey which it is hardly safe to take
alone , but on which one should have ono
or two armed soldiers accompany him.
Of Morocco , Algiers , Tunis nnd Tri
poli the four Barbary states upon the
northern coast ot Africa , by fnr the most
Important is Algiers , and it owes its pros
perity to the infusion of French ideas and
enterprise which it received when the
French nation conquered it. There is a
marked contrast between this flourishing
French possession nnd its western
neighbor. The latter has changed little
within the last few years , while the form
er has shot ahead and developed at u
most astonishing rate. From various
cities ruihoads liuvo b'cen extended in an
easterly , westerly , and southerly direc
tion , and the last rails have within a few
months been laid which bring together
the lines of cast and west Algiers , and
establish connections between Gran nnd
Constantino. One is no longer depend
ent for transportation upon diligences or
boats , for the Jid of last November
through railroad sorvio between Oran
and Tunis was in operation and the first
regular through tram was started. The
rejoicing that took place at the time was
detracted from by the explosion of the
boiler of the locomotive that milled the
second train , and the loss of .several
lives. It was a curious sight , traveling
over this road a couple of weeks after it
was completed , to Inul Arabs , wearing
turbans and long , white robes , mounted
sometimes on camels or horses , but more
usually upon little donkoys.riding slowly
along beside the railroad tracks. Algiers
and Oran , the two most important cities
of Algiers , are modern. Constantine
is moro a relio of the past. There is little
tlo of Arabian architecture that is worthy
of notice. And by far the most interesting
scenes in Constantine are "outside of it. "
It is built upon a hill , and from the plain
below is u combination of varied scenery
that it would bn dillicult to find
anywhere else in the world. A deep gorge
with a high waterfall that is wild
and romantic , a miniature Colorado
canyon , a sandy plain , stoop and rugged
mountains , u tropical garden , and tin
old , walled city , rising up above a pre
cipice altogether ana visible at onetime
time unite to make a strange and beau
tiful picture. In the center of the town
in a largo building , which is roofed ,
though not walled , is the gram marketer
or board of trade. It might not inappro
priately bo called tin "open" board : and
while a great deal of business is done ,
there can bo no question whatever of its
perfectly legitimate character. There is
no buying of grain not yet sown , no
sales of grain to bo delivered some time
in the future. All the wheat , corn nnd
barly Is in plain sight piled up beside the
native Arab merchants , who measure it
out and pour it into the bags of the buy
ers , who carry it oil"on the backs of
horses , donkeys or camels. The board
opens very early in the morning , but
long before noon the traders huvo fin
ished the business of the day , and the
place is entirely deserted.
If that fierce old Honiun dcstructionist
Cato , with his interminable Carthage do-
londa est , could como for only a few min
utes from. Hades and see how thoroughly
Carthage has boon destroyed , ho would
certainly bo able to rest in pcaco until
the judgment day. There is aosolutoly
not ono stone lelt upon another above
ground ot that wondorlul old Punic city ,
that in ilsilay was the most important in
the world. The ruins oven have been
done away with , and all that can bo found
upon the site of Carthage are the cis
terns , great brick nrchud underground
Htructures , that in their decay show what
they must have been when the city was
in its power. An old Spanish fort occu
pies the place where once Queen Dido's
palace stood , nnu the sea has washed
away the land and dnslroycd the there of
the bay from which . /tineas stole away to
leave the fair Carthagonian queen
disconsohito und ready to die.
There is no spot in northern Africa
so impressive as the cqmpleta and total
desolation on the hito of tlio old Cartha-
genian capital. Situated a fuvv miles
from there is the city of Tunis , the cap !
tal of the country of thn same niuno. In
a commercial way it preserves little of
tlio I'lHunlahin glory. It is n few miles
( Mstant from the sea , and its trade is al
most entirely rotnil , nnd coulinrd to the
little shops which line the sides of the
narrow streets , and which , with their
chattorinir Arabian and Jewish proprio-
Inis , are the most intuiusting sights ol
the country. They are little square
boxes , some of them not moro than six or
eight feet square , and each has a little
square window or door The owner bits
cross-leggoU on the lloornnd all his goods
are within reach ot his hands as ho
smokes his pipu and quietly awaits your
purchase or your refusal to buy. Eltlioi
Rooms n matter of indlfitircnco to him.
Ono Hits down before him. nips the
little cup ot black coffee Illicit with
thick grounds which the proprietor
furnishes , nnd looks at everything
ho does not want to buy. Incidentally
ho picks up what he wishes to purchase.
It is much ( ho safest and cheapest way.
The Jews form a largo proportion of the
inhabitants of Tunis and devote them
selves to tradonnd money-making. They
live in a quarter by themselves , though
their shap.s are to bo found in the Inisi-
ness part of the town with thnso of the
native Arabs. The women arc largo nnd
voluptuous in appearance , and in the
eyes of the Israelite beaux of Tunis by
as muoh as they are4 * fatter
are they moro beautiful. The feu
turey of tbeso Jnwus&os are often very
lamlsomo. ! Scon in their finely on the
Sabbath : , they nro very attractive. They
Iressiii silks ot the most beautiful colors.
bt ut tUoir costume nt first strikes one as
the lopst bit incounilele. It consists of n
very tight Hitting pair of punts , ordl-
iftr'lly white , but black when the wearer
s In mourning , and n large , loose upper
Garment or sack , llus latter is of some
very bright color ami often beautifully
embossed in gold thread and varied-
olored silks. T. W. WV.NXES.
A Coward's Monument.
Atlanta Constitution ; A monument to a
coward !
Yes , that Is It.
One of Sherman's men , who was so
well pleased when ho came hero about
twenty years ago that ho decided to lo
cate permanently , says that in Brown
county , Indiana , before the war , there
was a great bin , lubberly fellow named
John Crlttondon , who was regarded in
school as the biggest toward in the state.
Anybody could run over John Crltten-
don. When the war broke ont the cow
ard joined an aitillory company. At
llarlsville , Tenn. , Morgan's cavalry
charged the buttery to which John Crit-
cndun belonged , and when the order
was given to retraat the coward alone
stood by the guns , and whtlo in the act of
oading a sabre thrust ended his lifu. His
jody was seiH to his home nnd a great
funeral took pluro. The cowaid had become -
como the hero , and a monument was
iruolcd to mark- his resting place and tell
ho stor.y of how lie died
Prof , Clias , Ludwlg Von Seeger
profosnrof Mcillclnn nt tun Iloyit Onlvcr ltn
Knliiht nt tlio Itiiyil Amtrlin Or.lcr of tlio Iron
CnmntKnlKht Commimlcr of the llovnl Hmnl tx
Orderof l ibolln : Klllcht of tbo Itnjril I'riml in Of
tlprofttin Iloil KiiiMoiCliOT.illor of tlia Logl- of
llonnr.otc otrj. a-iysi
"i.cmiu cos fcouA nunr1 TONIO snouti not bj
ootvfoundpil with thohonle of trinlir euro nll . Ill *
n nnnpnsoof tUo won ! A patent rornotly. I itm thai *
ouRhlyconrcriniitwltlilt * niatla of tiropiratlon mil
know It to he not only iPBltlmito pli irmnceiitlcal
> rodnctbut alsOTrortnjrof the lilffh rommondiitloni
thnsrocolvcdlnHllpnrtnnftho worla. It contiliu
c once of llccf , rnpn. Quinine. Iron nd Pull ivi ,
nrlilch nrnONiolvcd Inimrouoimlne Hp ai u imiiorlal
Invnlunhluto nil "ho rs Him tlown , Norrom. DT * .
JeptlcHlllom , Mnlnrlou * or nnlctuil Hltli vtcik MJ.
HerMajesty's FavorlHe CosmotlcGlycsrlaB
O Pd byTIernojMHlKhnc'stno I'rlnri" * of Wnloi
ondtho notilllty. For tbo Skin. Completion , ICru | >
lloni > , Clnnpn8HouninesnflOI. ! ! Of rtr
L.1KU1U CO'3 Uonulno Hrnul nolSHrs
guaruutcoil ttiuu boat aarsnuurlllalatliu marnoU
CAPITAL PR3ZE , $250 ,
"Wodo linrHliycortlfj'thnt sitporvHo the
irrniigcniuiuB fur nil the Monthly tuul Qunrtor-
y Irun lug-s of Tjio LoulBlnnn tituto lxttoiv
: oinptmy , und In person manuiro nnd control
tliodinwIiKfl thumsotvt'S , and tint tlio B.IIIIU urn
conducted with honesty , fulrno 8 mill In iood
' lalth toward all pnrtlo" , nnd wo niithorlzo the
. "ompnny to u e this cortlllcnto > vlth fiic-slin-
lo of our8lgnaturosnttnchodln Its ndrcitUo-
ruenls. "
Wotho unilorslffncil Ilfinki niul Hnnkor1 ! will
my nil l'rio * drawn In The Louisiana Stuto
[ . ( HtL'rlcs wliloh may bo irosuntcil lit our oouu-
tois. -
President LoulFlnnn N'ntlonnl Haul : .
PrcslJont Stuto Niitlonnl lliink.
Pi eslilrnt Now Oi loans Jff.tlonalUiiuk.
Incorporated In 1883 for" ) yonra by the lofa
laturc lor UUuciUlonnl nnd Cliurltalilo purposes
with iicnpltal of fl.OOJ.UOO to whlcli u rosofvo
fund of over $5. " > 0UH lias since boon ndded.
llynnovorwliolinlntf popular vote It frnnchl30
wns mudo n pnrt of tlio proaont Stuto Uoustltulion
UdODtodOooomborSd A. 1) . 187U.
The onIT lottery over voted on and cndorsod
by the people of uny stitto.
It never cnlo8 or postpones.
ItPtrmnd Blnnio number clrawmsa tnko pmoo
inonthlv. nnd the sfc.iii-nnnuul diuttlinrj ioau-
larly every six months iJune and Dorntnliur ) .
2ml Grnml liniwlnir , Clnsa It. In the Acudoray ot
Music , Now Orleans. Tuesday , February ttti ,
1SW7 , JiOlSt Monthly Drawnnr.
Notice , Tickets are 310 only. Halves , $5
Fifths 32. Tenths SI-
lOAi-mr.Pin/nor JICOOOO. . . , $1W33
iaiiwH > .piti7Bor _ io'noo"
Dinoo ! ! -JU.OO'O
20 PHIZ E or 1 , ( 0. HI.IWO
to r/w. .
lee " aw. , aoooj
zoo ' zoo. .
w ] 00. .
1,000 60. 00,03)
ArrnotiMATios rnirEs ,
100 Approximation prizes of f JOJ . , $10,03)
10j " " 201. . ao.ooc
IOC " " 100 10.COJ
2,179 Prtrosntoountmirto . . . . fKK.OOO
Application for ratoi to cluhi should bo made
only to th otllco of tbo compnny in Now Or
For further information write clenrif , srlTtni
full Jwidrefls. NOCKS Kipro-is Money
Orders , or Now York livelmnpo in ordinary let
ter. currency br express ut our oxpooso ad
Or M. A.OATTPniN ,
WasUlugton , D. a
Mile P. 0. Money Orders p yablo and ddroil
reifliterca letters to
NowOrloana Ln.
1' '
uivinu Hintv iiuiniiurit wilt tiriiw tl l nzu mi | i riit
tlioroloriiixKertlBliiB t > > Kiiunuiteo I'rUcs In thl Ixi
turr. or liolrtlni ; out nnr other lmp < < lbla Induce
inontn. nrfl fwlnillcrs.unJ onlilalui to docolvoanil do
fraud the unwary. .
'I lie Orliiinl aiitl iinly O oil ill lie.
Bfcfd and al R7i HelUMr nartri f wurthtr 'liiiltitloDi
tudlibenitbtc to LADIES. ' A k four Jkruslt tor
* ' 4 blf tn ttrr * ! l.niTl hTf An t ttki ao other , pr luvluiu 4e
( ta.nt > ri > w ui f r l rtlcuUr 1 I/lfrr bj return utall *
NAME PAPE.R. t hlrbntrrChrnilFal Co.
titfln 1v.ll url N/iuMrr , I'fitlutlib , i'a *
tlolil ' bj DruerliU errrrnUrVc. iik 'or " ( liloljc *
" '
On9/c TtWcrpn ( ntonlT ) art 't Im-rcry tnwnror
AlthoiiKh I was tmylniZft-B per ! , * for my
lenilln fto brand , my miltsTTru moro limn tuunty
the tlinos IIH liu O8lnco I r\ut \ in joiir'TuiiHlU'i
1'iinoh" 6ocl ! ar 1 could not hiuu bollovi-d U
i'ouis rojpootlvolyV.M. . M JMI.H.
_ _ _
Veins f ttu rcromm on > Hi u iu .
JJ'c ii'tsJi to clear out out' Kittlrc U'inlcr Slock this month If potslllc , and necessity requires that
our prices should bo very lou' ln fact so low Hint it will pity yon to buy winter aooiln XOJf as a mat *
tor of InrcKtincnt , thouah you may not absolutely need fficin until r.vf winter *
Our overcoats ami heavy suits arc goiny now at a nominal Jiyurc. They arc greatly cut in j > rlc < >
far below your expectations , ll'e don't say how much. What amount to when we say $20.00
Oi-crcoats reduced to f 12.00 ; or $15,00 Suits reduced to $10.00 ? 1'oa sec the good's , gel the in I
formation which we will giro and MJ-C your own judymcnt , I
The balance of our I'ca Jackets anil Tcsts'arc sclliny now for lest than the mere cloth would cost *
One ' lot we arc selling now for $7.00 which In of all wool Chinchilla nearer uftth flna Casslmcra
lining and sold before the reduction for $1V.GO.
Our heavy weight Gents' Furnishing gooas , such as Underwear , ll'ool Hosiery , Cardigan anil tTcr
sey Jackets , etc. , have undergone a general overhauling. 1'riceo arc cut right and left and should bo
taken advantage of before xltcs arc bitdly * > rokcn. 9
A.II goods imirl&eil In plain figures and at strictly one price. '
1 'I
Cor. Douglas and 14th sts. , Omaha.
O RA & H A
13th St . Cor. Capitol Av nu .
Chronic Ct Surgical Diseases.
liR. c.
Rixtcen > Lara' IIoiuluU anil 1'rlvato 1'raclice
IVo hnvo the facilities , npjnrntus nnd icmcillci
for the Buccifcsful trcnlmont of every foim of dip-
i osa rcnnlrhiK cllhtr mrdical or f tirglcnl trrntmcul
ami ln\itoBlUocomoniidln\cstl > ; tofortlicm8pUta
or corrc'ponditli . Lon o\trlcilrn | In trint
by lottar enables us to treat mauy calm
: nlfy without feeing them
wurru you CIKOULAH on Deformities nmi
Urncct , Club Feet. Curvatures of tUo Spiuo
Iiert ) E8 or WOMFH. I'llis , Tumors , Cancels ,
Catarrh , Bronchitis , lnh liition , Electricity , I'arnl.
yln , Upllepsj , Kidney , I'.ju , I ar , bkin , lllood aiit ]
ull eurglcnl opcrattone.
llntlcrlcs , Inlinlprfl , TtrnrrK , Trnfrra , nn' ]
nil I.IncU of Mtdlral nnd SurcUal Appllttuci > 9 , mail'
ufacturcd oud far inlu
The only reliable Medical Institute making
Private ' , Special f Nervous Diseases
from \\lmtevor cause produced , eucccjsfully treated
\Vo can remove Syphilitic uoltou frooi the
without mercury.
NowreitoratlTetrcstmPntfor ! o e of l l power
Cull nnd consult us or tend ntimu nnd pest-onki
r.JJrrasplnlnly written cnclutc Btamp , and \ie
will 'end you , In phln wrapuir , our
ro' < PaivxT * , PTEOIAI. AM > Ncrm/us Ji8i * r\
SEMINAL Ht-Er.MATonHiKni , InruiKs
or , SrrntLtt , ( loxouiuica * , Girr.T , VAiucocrt. ! ,
UlitNAny ORUANS , or s iuh'etory ef jour tajufor
nn opinion.
1'crtone unable tolelt na mny bo treated ot their
homtB , by correrpondcnco. Medicines nnd Instrn
manti sent liy mill or ipress SHCUJtliLY 1'At'IC
ED FUOM OIlSEKVA'nON. no mark * tolndlcnte
contents or ecmlcr. One person l interview pro
ferred If convenient. Fifty rooms for the acrom
madntlnn of patUnt ? Iloitrd nnd ntteudancu ui
rcaeonablo ptlcea Address nil J-cttcrs to
Omaha Medical and Surgical instltulo
Oor. ! 3thS end CaDltr.Uvo. . Of "Hi K n
Warranted abtolutely pure
Cocoa , from which tbeezcfiaof
Oil bu been removed. Itlat/irn
time I the Itrtnglh of Cocoa mixed
with BLarch , Arrovrrool orHng r ,
snd l ttiereforo far more ccoooiul-
eat , totting Itil than fne cent a
cup. It la dellclouii , nourlihlnf ,
.trenKllenlDg , easily digested , and
admirably odaftcd for Im&llda M
\rcll n * for pcrnon In health.
Bold by Croei-r * T rytthere.
BAKER & CO , , Dorclicsier , Mass ,
Will -ionil the ItRrjAni.E FOUTDNH
HOOK , IDC. , i'Ai/MJSTiiv. aso. AM throe , 400.
Voik City , r.icirmitly illiiatriitod.
Itccentlr Unlit. Nortljr
The Tremont ,
J. C. rn/.OUKAU ) SON , Proprietors.
Cor. i-th und l'H.s. , Lincoln , Nob.
> crJ j. blreot cart trom.boajs to nor
pnrt of tlia
J. If. W I1A1C1NS. .
Architect ,
-ai. 31 nnd < 2 , HKjlint Jj Ulock , Lincoln.
Nub , iimutor : onlltli bttout.
Ilree ier ol Ilrxailorof
Live Stock Auctioneer
ininle In nil pnit * of thu U H. * tfalr
rateit. Itouiu 3 , hi ui u lllock , I.tnuoln , Nob.
Galloway ami Short Horn ImlU forbulo.
Farm Loans and Insurance ,
rpgnrd to IOHUI soilcltel.
Itoom I , ItluharJs Uloclc , Liuculu , Neb.
Hiverside Short Horns
Of strictly pure Iliitos und Dutei Tripped cattle.
llurd nuiiiberd about "J btaj.
ramlllci roprotcntod : filberts , Crsggt ,
AtotuliB. Jtt'iilc . Itcsouf Sharon * . Most itoses ,
Knljratly Uuoho ic ; , Hat Crook VouulArl ,
1'bylllaud , I uuiis ami True I.o\re <
liulU lor ale , 1 J'uro Jlatuu Filoart.l Turk
Bate t CTUJIH. I lUjsoof buHion , I Voinu Mary ,
1 1'uto Crulok Phunk nnd othou Coinn and
InkuocttUo liorl. AdJrt . CHAS. U. 11UAK-
BON . tncoln , Neb.
\Vlitn in Mucolu ctop at
National Hotel ,
Andrei njood ulnuar to Ma j
FEDAWAY 1'rop.
Lawrence Ostrom & Co.
Is Death to 11 sumption ,
Blalarln , Sleeplessness ,
Chills and Fevers Or Iiisomnln , and
Typhoid Fever , Disslinulalluu ,
Iiuligostion , Ol Pooil ,
Dysjiepsiti. Ten Years Old ,
Surgical 1'cvcra , No Fusel Oil ,
Blood I'oisoahis Absolutely rura
Thla will certify . tint . I have examined the I1KM.K OK HOUUIION WHISKY , rooolved from Tj
HKNOiclMTlll'v.t Co.iind futinit thi ) iiinu to bj porfocily free from Finnl oil iinJ nil othur del I
ous , , Btiu tH ce9 aud strictly Iiuro . 1 choorfullr . . ro3nm'nnnd the . mind for Kainllrnnil Medicinal purpof
KornalohyDrUBKlsti. Wlno Morctmnti and J. I ( Irncora * IIAKNUM. ovary M. vlio. 1 > , I'rlen AnalrtlrilClinmliit Sl.Si nor bottlo. , IrfiuUvlllc , Kr >
B0nt to
LAWRENCE OSTROM & Co. Louisville , Ky
Wholesale and Distributing Agents , 4
RICJTAltDfiOX DltUG CO. , and
JtlLKV C DILLON , Wliolcsalc'Llfiuor Dealers , \Onia1ia. \
FamUtcasHpnlled by GLADSWXU 1111OS. a ) CO. , Omaha ,
, AND SHOES y/ *
We have been closed for one week on ac
count of the death of our greatly esteemed se
nior partnerMilton Tootle. Having now taken
out letters of administration on our firm bus-
ness , we are ready for spring trade with the lar
gest stock of goods ever opened in the west.
We guarantee to make prices to compete with !
eastern markets , and carry an assortment
ample for the requirements of the largest
trade. Soliciting your orders , we ar e ,
Respectfully yours ,
Makes and Sells
These Goods.
Millard Hotel Block , Omaha.
The C. E , Mayne Eeal Estate and Trust Co
Property of every description for Bale in all parts of the city. Laii'U ' for sal * la
every county in Nebraska.
Of Titles of Dnugl&a county kept. Alans of the city Rtato or county , or R y othof
iufonoatJoi ) dealtcU , turniiliod fn > of eliar # > upon up ) > licatlon.