Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 18, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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Advertisements under this he-d. lucenUpor
line for the Dni 'n'crtion ' , " cents for each sub
sequent lncrt'on. ' nnd J1.30 n line per month
No tultcrllscmont tnkcn for ICM > thfin 25 ccnU
for tie ! flrst Insertion. Stvrn words will bo
counted to the line ; they muft ri < n ton oru-
lively anil must bo paid In advance. All adver
tisements mi ) t bo bnnilol In bo'oro 2 o'elo k
pitn. , und tindrr no clrcum-tnnccs will the ) betaken
taken or dl < cotiilmic < l by telephone.
I'nrtits adtcrt'Mng ' In thc u olumnsrndhiv-
Ingthc answers nidre ! fd In care of Tin Ur.K
wlllt > lea"o nfk for n chceV topnnblethcm to get
tholr letters. M none will bo delivered otcopl
on mo'cntfttlon of check. All answers to nd
Vcrtiscinonts should bo enclosed In envelopes.
T OANS-Loans Loans.
Hcnl cstnto loans ,
C'ollaterlal loans.
Chattel loan * .
. Long tlin loans. ,
Rhort time loan * .
Money nlwnyg on hnnd to lonn on nny np-
proxnl fecurlty.
Investment securities bought nnd sild.
Omnbn Vlnnnclal Kxchungo , n. w , cor.
nud Ilarnoy.
Corbctt , Mnnngor. ? OS _
$ ZntfHl to lonn on six months'to fix years'
tlmo nt lowest rntPi. W. M. Harris , room C ,
Jren7or block , opp IM ) 7141 28 *
H "AHirisYllAHHIS. .120 S. IBth St.
Money to loan on first class security , from
J500 upwards. > 8t
$ 70WOTO LOAN nt 0 per cent. J. J. Mn-
honey , 1509 rarnam. BOO
1'KH-CUNT Money.
' II. C. 1'attcircon , nnd Hnrney. n,7
$ HO , ( ) ( ) ( ) to loan. Bums 7(03 and upwards ,
Lowest rates , llomls , room 3 , llurkcr block ,
8. W. cor. 16th iitiil I'lirimni els. W)7 )
MONhV Tlrpt mortirnffo notes. Tlio lloiiKlas
ooiinly hank will buy papers secured 1)7
llr t innrlKaito on rlty realty. 730
Gl'lilt Ci.NTMonny : to loun.
Orrpory ft llndlcy ,
Jlooms 1 and 3 , lledick ulock , 5iO S. IMh St.
MONBV lo loan , caih on tinnd , no delay. J.
W and IIj. . Bqujre , 111.J rarnnm st , Tax-
ton hotel hnlldlnir. bOJ
T < O LOAN Money Loans placed on Im
proved real cstntn In city or county for
New Diiiihitnl Ioan , V Trust Co. , by DoiiRlas
C.'oiinly linnk. Kth and Chlraifo sis. BIU
MONnv to loan on city nnd Turin property ,
low rules , Stewart & Co. , Uoora .1 , Iron
Jlnnk. _ _ _ _ _ ] _ l _
M ONBV TO I.OAN-0. F. Davis ft Co. Heo
F.statu and Loan Agents UJO'i Ftirnam at ,
ONIV TO 1,0 AN On real estate and ohTT-
tell. D I. Thomas. 815
MON1CY J.O\Ni : ntO K. Heed A Co 'fl. Loan
olHcs , on furniture , pianos , horpcs.wiiKong ,
personal prciporty of all kinds , and all other ar
ticles of value , without removal. 319 8. 13th ,
o\crlllnttham s Commission store. All hiisl-
nessHtrlctly conlMontlui. 810
( JriOO,000 ; To loan on Omahu city property at n
P percent. G. W. Day , over 1JI12 louRla st.
_ _ _ " ' "
MONHV to loan by the undersigned , who has
the only properly orirnnl/oil loan nicney
in Omaha. Ixians of $10 to $1,000 in nil o on fur
niture , pianos , orRans , horses , waffons. machin
ery , Ao , , without removal No delays. All
tniRlnoss strictly ronfldentlal. Loans so made
that any pan ran bo paid at any tlmo , each pay
ment reducing the eost pro rata. Advance *
made on fine watches and diamonds. Persons
should carefully consider who they are dealing
with , M mdny now concerns are dally romlnir
Into cxlMonco. Should you need money , call
and PCO mo. W. ] _ Croft , Itoom 4 , Wlthnell
Ilullillntr , IMh and Ilarne ? . HIS
Ii --BAIK A nlco llltlo restaurant and
boarding house , fixture and furniture
complete Will bo sold nt n burunln. Call nt
once. I * 1 * . Hammond , room 3,1522 Uoimlnsst.
IT10II SAM.- Lunch countordoln ( food busl-
J-1 ness. Cheap for cash. C , L , llanchott. iei : !
DotiKlai SSI IB
TpOIl SALI ! At a Imrvaln , Imlf Interest
Jin a Rood , 111 o weekly new spapcr In westoi n
Iowa. Sickness cause * QUO partner to retire
and will soil at u niicrltlco. A rare ohaiico for
mi uctlvo limn. Address C 43 , Ilee. 371:18 : *
TTIOIt HALE A Stock of Clothlnff , ficnts' Kur-
- * . ' nlililng-OdoiN , otn. . iroo.l . ns now , located
and dolnir n oed payIIIRbURinota In Omaha , on
forornliln terms. Invoice between $8,000 and
tP.rVXJ. Will take half In real estate or land.
Will sell with or without store Hxturos. Ad
dress nt onco. Address , 0,40 , lloo oOlco.
8J < J 17 *
k , T71OH SALKorTrndo A elenn stock of dry
' J- goods , carpets , shoes , will either soil for
cash or trade for land. For further particu
lars call or address 11. Kohn , Seward , Neb.
TllOIt SALU Lumnor yam and residence , lo-
-L catod In southwestern Iowa : ( food busi
ness ; irood reasons for gelling. Address C 41.
lien oilco. !
FOR Sf > M5 A druir store on Omnhn nnd tto-
publlcan Viilloy Hy ; stock small hut wol-
nsfiorto'l. avorace sale per month f27."i.0i ) : address -
dross C IS lloo olllce. 387 , 17
" 171011 BALK Meat marKet and tools , dolnff an-
JL1 oicc'llont business. I'luo locution. Ad
dress , C , M. Hco Olllce. Kfl 30 *
BUSINKSSCTlANCK AlTrst-oliiog incntihiu >
kotonupavod slreet. lluslnoss uull es
tablished. Dolnv ( rom fl.OOO to (1/iOO per
mouth. Terms reasonable. Imiulro Wledoman
i. Co. , 12lh it bet I'lirn.iin and Ilarnoy. 309 _ 0
BllSINKSSCIIANCK-StocK ( Irocorlcsforsjilo.
Nit better lacallan In Omaha , Kales now
avorngu (300 u day. Hush ic Solby , SIS S. 16th st.
A GOOD chance for buslnoiis man. For stile
the best restaurant In town. Torinfl roa
sonublo Adili os.s C , 18 , Hco olllco. 199-10 *
" \VANTii : ) Abuslnosa man wants a $ .1,000 or
T f jn.UOO Interest In n good paying legitimate
business. Oho full dusrrlptlou , Address A
20 , Iteeoinco , Council lllutfs. 181 17 *
TT > OH THADK Tluoo slouks of merchandise
J. for chonp raw land. H. mid 1U box WJ
Bhcnamlouh , In. 037,17 *
ITiO i\CIIANCiK : Meiiihundlao for farms uiid
J wild land. C. J. Caswoll , room 1U , Iron
llnnlr. UJ1 : il
POH SALK Now stock of ladies'furnishing
goods , togolher with moro tUturos. llusi-
ness In full conduct with good trade. Lonitlon
best on Howard St. , occupying ! 4 store In square
off olid brick , J , r. llummond , 115 S. liHlist. _
fiTjl _
I SALU Or triule for merchandlso , < 0
acres of No 1 farm land near Grand
d. C. J. Cnnan. b5 !
HOUSis.lxtsFarmsLanismonoyloaned. .
llMiilsrooin'J. Darker block a. W. cor.
Kith und Furnuisl * . > 'Jl
FOH SAliR-Ilnrdwaro Ilusmoss Wo offer
oiirshcir and heavy hardware business for
sic , together with our lease and good will ,
a-rnilo largest In the city and locution the hi-st.
Itetlrlng from the bnninima cniiho for Boiling
The llaum Hanlwnro Co. , 1023 O eu , Lincoln.
. -Mrs. Dr. Nannie V. Warren
clairvoyant , Modlral nud busliirsg Medium
Hoom No. 8,121 North lab ct. , Omaha , Neb.
1OST A Mx-mnnthg-oid gr.Aiio Ju n ) lioitur ,
* hod a small lopoon its luiok. Thu Undi > r
will bu llboially louurdcd for iufoim-tioii uf
her , Ht2tl8 ) Hurnuy st , 4iV17 *
LOs'f At chin ily mill In the dressing room ,
DUO \\bltu fcutlu fun , htindpumtod , wltj ;
apple blowouts. The ntidor will obllgo by loav
Ing at tlus olllco , lUj 23 *
IOST A laddltw hand satchel oontumliK' vnl-
J liable iiapei-s , A liberal loward will be
* * paid for Us rulurii to the residence uf AH D
MADAM Al.AKICA , Clararoyniit and paliubt ,
512 South ICth Bt. hoi
"IJIOL'ND-Tbo place to get Iho bobt oyt > tu In
J-1 iho oily , blue polnls. New YorK counts
mid trlocta nt Silver Moon , cor. lUthundSt.
Mar ; 'g are. J. K. O'Neill , prop. 414 j 17.
CMMMO.MIS , HKKVKS & TO .contractorsand
r ? builder * , Imvo remoi tnl liom 2.kt und Uav-
cnwoith sts tu 9 13th st , opi-oslto CostuopolilHii
hojol. ? JIl _
s per monto. ilo pc ,
_ ' _
MOiriMATj'Kb-l'urcbaso m.auy mortgage
on Improved Diijului rtul cstnto ,
at No. 21 1'reiuicr bloi _ ; op ; > Jy between 2 ami 3
v. m.
rpoit ItKST-Souaro montnlr.
JL1 lloipo , 15U DoutUs. CIO
Arnltivntor nnd Hoti'oXcpper. "
- L'tablljhed 18jears. Iippartmcnts i g-
rleulturnl , Uvo stock , boiisekecplne ( avaluntlo
collection of reiclpts In each issuel , nnd gen
eral miscellaneous reading , Including short
Merles nnd poetry , f-1.00 a year. Vnlunblo
[ irotulums f ample ropy free. II. P. Smith ,
I'ub , Hoomn , Wllhncll lllock.Omnho , Nob.Oil
HF Tlrt nnd chnnppst Rnd r.ost rplii\o !
watch repalrlnir In the city nt Frank .V Mm
A Co. . 520 lith street. aa 18
QlloHlifANh-Tn t.-n io on . .No binine ;
VJ nipo ltloni rapid ns ; > ecph Inslrilclor ,
W cents. I'criim's Shorthand Inatlliite , Detroit ,
M ich. 181 f M >
V you have property for snlo or rent list It
-with Wl o * 1'urniele , irl3 1'arnnm st , 311 IB *
quuro nano" IM montnly A
Hospo. 151.1 Douglas. . fill
FOH SALn-Mlsccllnneous.
1.20H I'bollcr.
10 H I * envlne and connection.
1 power meat ohoppor
1 sau iii.o stufTer , will pell nil or eopnr.ttcly ,
Geo.bchwanr , BI'J S 13th st 'J7. ' !
FOHSALH-StampIng I'nttorns cheap ! and
Rtumtiingdono to order. Mrs.J W. Mor
risons , 1505 Davenport 267 1 U
T'OH ' 8ALJ : flood horso. hnrno'S and dellv-
'orywugon Inqulro 15'2 ' 8-Filth st sn > 17 *
FH SALU A No. I road mnro , Tluo bloodeifi
nt constable's sale on January 131 n nt 4
o'clock near I ho poslolllco Oman a. L ! ?
YfiOH SAL'R Thu bo t buzgy In the worT < TTor
J-1 the Heal Kstulo Ituslnoa' , Columbus lluggy
Co , lll3HnriH'y st. 2cf11
IJIOHSALU A good fi year old her e. harness
L and buggy , Kuqulro ut UOS DouglBS BU VJ2
FOH SALU OlTHADlf One al hand sldo-
barbutrgyono 2d hand phnoton , ni.o delivery -
livery wagon. Chonp. A. llospe , 151.1 Douglas.
761 .1 .W
T.vpo-wrltur , JGO. .1.11 Ilnyncs ,
HoxOJj , Omaha. 607
711)11 ' ' .VI.K I'nrnitiiro and ioa p ol six-room
1 houpo , time on part. Call IVIO ! North 17th
street , two blocks from lied Car lino. 891
FOH SAI.K Cnetip , iron columns ind win
dow caps suitable for fronton brick build
ing. Fornarlloulirsapply at thlionVe. * 11
All otporlcntio.l rollcctor. nrit
tlaps rofcrpiicoiritiuliod ; must bo well
ncqualnteil with thestreots of Omnha and will-
intr to work onrly and lute. No use to npply-
without irllk eduo rofotonros. A moderate inl-
niy will ho paid and steady situation will bo
irlvon lothoritfht mull. Nebraska State I'lirnt-
turo Co. 4il 17
WANTKH < J cncrffotle men at once Apply
to r.cllpso Installmunt Co. , 1403 Dodzn st.
41&-II )
I'ANTUD A tlrnt class market gnrdoner ,
> Ilonsmnn tirothors , Lnkust. 422 13 *
. . . ) A No. 1 sign palntor. Address
with reference. 047 , lloo ollico. 410 20'
\ YfANTKD A younir man to do collectliiB
' and assist In onico. Address , fctutlnc ngv ,
refercnco and salary ovpccted , C 1 ! , lien olllco.
109 10
WANTKO boy or jouu ? man having n
( food her o and living In south part of
city , to carry n route on Dully Ironing lloo to
South Omaha. 1011
"ITTANTHD-A boy about II years o'd. ' at the
' 1 Nebraska Clothing Co. , cor. 14th nud
Douglas 4017
WANTT.n-20 male aircnt" , $ < to I' per day
onsilv made , ( 'all at r.lHliorn Valley house
and examine KooiU , cor. llth and Doluosts ,
407 17
rANTlID-Cunvnssors , npply 318 S 13th Rt.
\\TANTKD Two blackamlths who can do nil
' klnns of blacksmith's work. Lowry i :
JIarltoy , Fremont , rfob. ni227
\v - bakers. Smith & Co. ,
ulii pticot , Council Illulfs. 2CO
"llr ANTIJU-Mon , women , boys , tflrls to earn
IT ? 70por mouth nt tholr own homes costly
outfit of Riimplpo , n packalco of poods and full
information for 10t < to help pay postiiKO. Ad
dress 11 , C , Itonoll & Co. , Itutltind , Vt.103flO
WANTED SO sober. Intelligent mon of Rood
aildrces to try a lOo mcult ( Norrls * res.
taurunt , lOtSlBthBt. IM
AORNTS In the city or country can innnof. > to
$10 n day solllntr our Hpochiltiej. N. W.
Novelty company. 1J07 Fnrnam it. 012
V\7"ANTCD llollablo frlrl for hoiisoworK. no
> wushlnp , eusypliico , good wage < , best
references required. bJW S.21 sL 418 20 *
W ANTRS GTrffor gulferal housework , 22H
Uouirlaast. 121 18-
WANTr.l-Glrl for general hoiisewoik , 1313
Uodgo. 1-0 19 *
\\TANTED A Rlrl for penoral hoti'owork ,
> V nortltwostcor. 23d und bt. Mary's avo. Mrs.
Ilobt. Purvis. 415 1'J
ANT1ID A girl at Commercial Hotel.
4U 17 *
" \\7ANTED-Cook andlaundro suiust tiocom-
i > potent , K > oil wucros. Mrs. Mor.-o. N. K.
cor. 20th und Davenport. 400 18
WANTKD-lOORlrls for houso-work. Call at
122 Nortii 15lh street. 3S7 22 *
WANTED frlrl Must bo irood cook. No
other need apply. Good wages. 41 ra. P.
\V. GraySO-4 Uouiflas. 38517
WANTED A peed frlrl for general house
work , good wttK s paid. Apply to Mrs.
W. J. llroatch , 2120 Dodge St. 3S'J 2.2 *
\\'ANTED A girl to ooolc nnd do general
' ' liousowork. Southeast corner 10th and
Ilarnoy HIS. 327 17 *
W ANTED A second girl at H18 Loavonworth.
33717 *
" \VANTED-Goodglrl forg-enoralhousework ;
it references renurod , ! ; 2220 Farnam. 35017
W ANTF.D Two good girls Iramodlately for
goueral housowoik. Apply517 S 12th.
WANTED Colored woman chambermaid ,
good wages. Apply 1U7 X 12th at
340 17 *
\\TANTKD An elderly women to cook in
IT small family , no wjshlng or housekccp-
ng. 1020 Catherine-st. 3"J
ANTED -Second tsrl , 202 N ISlh st.
\\7ANTRD-A housokoi'por who Is willing to
T > do all the housework except washlnirti2U
South20lh ot. 61
WANTKD-Dlnlng-room girl and illsh-
wanner. Inquire Miller's Hcstaurant. 1001
N Hthst. 222
WANTUO-Oood girl , Knglish or Herman ,
peek , washer and ironor. Inquire 2J1J :
Caes sr. UI7 _
\\7ANTiD-Flr : l-claB3 Laundress. Coz/ons
T > hotel , U-lil
\\7"ANTKD An oxpericncod cook In small
> > family ; good wagon paid. Mrs U J Hunt ,
n w cor Virginia ao and Grunt st >
\ \ f ANTI'.D ( llrl for troucral housework. No.
' lUlh Capitol avoniio. _ C75
\\rANTii : ) rir t class help to 111 ! good places
i > lit hotela.rcdluurants stores ana pi Ivnto
fnmllos. Call or addrotia Omahu Heglsiry llu-
roau,2-'ON lUihat. 2 ) 19 *
\ \X A S TlTi > l.udlea nnd gonilomon In pTTy Ir
' i country to take light work at tholr
J 1 ,00 to fJ.OOa day easily made ; work sent bv
mull , no canvassing. Wo nave H good domund
for our work und fumUh stcuily employinont.
Addio s , with gtump , Ciown Mfg CoM Vine
St. . Cilicliiiiutl O. 4MJ.'Q *
A \ T A NTl'.D ! M ladlei .V gents to loTrn tulu-
i i gmphy l'roapi > ct irood for position when
compelonl ; address W. J. D , lluum 1 , Croiiiu
blk.Omuha 1 17
T\T . \ > Tii : > A reliable , eqber , No. 1 Tiook
i > keeper wHh bust ol icfnrpucco , wntih
Iil > u to obtain n siliiatlon Addre s O 40 , Hoe
ollico. 411 li *
\\7ANTKD-An oxponeneoit book-keeper of
11 25 wauls n pormununt iHisltion. Wholo-
pulo or real uHHto profurioa. llust ruferreneo
Addru sC 41 , lleo ollico. 400 ID *
\\rANTii : > SltuatTon by a competrnt no-
li pounlant.poripspondi'nt or fciileitman. Can
giro gooil lelerciicc. . Address C.H.I,2114
Cullfornlii stioot. 3SI2J *
\\ANl'r.-Siluution | in oltlco or store , by a
> i jnuiik- man of good churnctur : haveu
good education , am willing tn noikrcforoucfB
lurnUlicd Address I ! J , IIP South 13th st.
376 17 *
\yANTEU Situation as engineer , city or
* i country ; un do all repairs. Address
llox 1W , Muisiialltovui , lowu , elating1 terniD uud
location 31017 *
" \\7ANTHD Situatloa by n muldlQ-ngud man
i Ingruiiior lumber ; Uvo > uur * cxpuriunce
In tharffo ; good rvforonce. Addrebj 0 45. lieu
oil'.ce , 3j 17 *
\v 7ANTii-Au : unfnruiilica loom. Addrcaj
U 'fl , lloo o til i . 309 lb *
\v \ ANlED-Tobuy agooU Bnfe. Inquire tit
ANIT.D-Tcamg , 803 B. lltb , st.
\\rANTKD-Twopnrtlcs , husband nnd wlfeor
two gt-ntlemcn to oceupv front pnrlor ,
hO t room , newly furnished Hoard If desired
Location two blocks from union depot Hctor-
cnoos required. Address 0 31 Ilee ollico.
333 I ,
AN ! BD To buy tlvo to twenty ncros In-
FlJoofor near Omnhn Olvo descrip
tion , price nnd terms. Address , 0,39 , Hco o 111 civ.
227 _
\\ANTrD To rent n 7 to 8 room house nbout
> > tlio middle ot January. Address , II. 40 ,
Hco Ofllcc , giving location and terms. 752
AVANTF.D-t'ftrllos desiring help of nil kinds
' supplied nt Omaha Hcglttry liuroin , 20
N 16th a > 3. ' "
. _ _
T\7A"5 TKI ) A young mnn desires instruction
lV on the guitar from n compotenl teacher.
Addn s II 41 , lloo ollco. 7fii
-A roller top dc > li In good condl-
tlon. Address slallnj length nnd price.
Cash , Hotel Mlllnrd. 5C ) 31 *
roa UEIJT Konszs AITU Z.OTS.
IT OH HUNT llouso of ton rooms modern
L1 improvements , 1:0 od location , uhcnp. 1 1-
wln Da * Is , 15ai I'nrnain st. RCi 13
FoUTlBNV Klc < Tc ( > tt iro,7 rooms , No. Ir > JO ,
North luth < t. , W5. Inquire room No. 2 , Kx-
position hiillrllng , or address wllh city refer
cnco N. 8. Clark , lulsvlllu. . Nob. 2SI li *
HKNT 10-room house with Inrgo stable ,
.A ? very choip to right party. Mnrshnll ft Lo-
licck , lj/J Fnrn'im. 221
IOH HKNTIly Fob 1st. ten room house ,
J modern Improvements , 15 minutes wnlk
from P.O. on st ear lino. Inquire nt HO8
Douglus st. 140
TJ10H HEN ! N. 15UI St. B03 17 *
FOH HKVT-A birn for 4 bond of horsos. In-
qulro of M. I' Martin. 8J7
TT OH HI'.NT ATilce 5-room oottiiro. by'3. T.
-U Peterson , s. o. cor. 13th unJ Douglas.
I poll HUNT-Broom homo , citvwntor , street
cars , ! < miles I lom 1' . ( ) ; $ ii per mnnth.
D. C. PattersonOmnhn Nntl buiiK. 710
FOH ltr..NT-Lar o barn with water privi
leges. Applyjit 1818 Chlcauo st , IKW
Foil HKNTVCottaiio. n rooms , Sid and Doug-
las. (1. I ! . Thompson , 8. W. cor. llth nnd
Ilarnoy sts VW
FOintKNI'-Housn. t rooms , cornor"lihT
Sheridan nnd Howard ts.
House , U room" , nil modern Improvomcnls ,
Hnrney and 20lh sts.
New brick store , north Iflth st
4iiowstoreino r Hnscnll's hotel , eolith 13th
Bt . ? 15 per month
llrlck warehouse on H. n. track nnd pivod
3rd story Ilnrkor building , 15th nnd Farnnm ,
BO foetsiiuaro.
a P. _ M uyno. 15th and Ilarnoy. 227
FOH HUNT If you want to rent a house , call
on Itoniiwn A Co. , opposite poMolllcu ,
FOH If NT3 houses 10 rooms o-ioh , with all
modern Improvements , 21st nnd Hurt.
Inquire of Dr. I'jinl , lMh and Doiliro. .M4
r7IOH | HUNT SutUliio for Jobbing lloitso.Soc-
J ondnnd Thlnl Floors , aixltk ) with haso-
montnnd olovntor , ontrunco irom front on
Douglas st. . ami entrance onuroundtloor from
roar to elevator. Address A 33 , Dee olllco.
FOH HENT 2 now houses S. K. cor. llth nnd
Vlnton. lniiilroon | promises. 2. ' > 5
11KST 3 room house 8. W. cor. Tin nnd
I'acino. Intjillro SI. F Martin. 211
IT OH Hit N'T SIT new hrlck stores with huso-
' mentapornor Ulo\onth and Howard ; choice
location ; all conveniences. Lo.ivltt llurnhum ,
Itoom 1 , Crolghton block. OJ7
Tj > OH HKNr-Tiu7TuTw onta ( o , 7 rooms , * W.
Jn Throe now 2-story hous-js , $11 , ono at $ t" > ;
welllocatod , all ponvonloncos. Loavltt Hum-
humItoom 1 , Crolghtou block. 127
IilOH KINT m acres adjoining city nortii-
west , suitable for dairy or murkot irnrdon.
Apply lo Tiloo. Williams , lice Olllco , U14 Far-
nam. 81s
POIl HKNT-Stoto 22x ( . 1118 JnuKSOll St.7P3
roa. KEtJT
HUNT 'I ' hroo rooms , furnislioil or 1111-
fuinlshpd for housokeoiiing , 1512 Cnss st.
110 IS *
FOH HUNT Furnished roomsnl3o day dour-d
ors wanted at n0 Cuss st. 405 _ Jf
rTHMlKNT A i cry ilosiiTibloTurnlihci ] rocjiii
location bust In the city , 1811 Cupitol avo.
41. ) 10"
F I OH HUNT One , Iwo or thrciD looms , fur
nWiod , 2J1'J Cuultol avo. , cho.ip. 3.C ! 18
ELKOANTLY Furnished , warm front parlor ,
near business center , private house , 1815
Capital nvo , 5G8-21'
FOH KENT Cheerful room with ouourd , to
ccntlcmau only. I'loasunt homo. Terms
reasonable. References. KJ3 Pleasant st.
2Si ll-
OH IIRNT Lnnro. sunny , south room with
alcove. All modern conveniences. 1U10
Iodj0 st. b75
POH HUNT Nicely furnished room. Hofor-
onccs roijuirod. 1BJ7 Ionihi3. 037-
TT1OK HENT A artro front chumDor with
-I ? closet , KUS. furnaoo and bath , 501 U. 20th st.
block north St. Mary's avo. 3U (
f loTnuTNT FlTniTiFod room.T TlospoT
ir.n Ooiinriasst. 011
FOH HINT : .1 rooms unfurnlslioj suitable
for housokoopln ? , 1017 N 2Jth at ; apply to
M. F. Martin , 'J10 S ! 5th st. 10J
FOH HUNT Two foulh fronl rooms , slnulo
or en suit ; also front room , flrst lloor , wither
or without llro , 1612 Cai > 3 St. 35i-2tt *
FOH KENT .1 fiirnlshod rooms , stuvcs , pas
and all conveniences , cheap lor the wlntor ,
1818 rarnam. : S 17 *
F I OH KRNT- Two plbfisunt rooms. * 12 and
$ U. Fires Incluuod. 70J M 18th. 31017 *
FOH HUNT NUoly furnished rooms : board
if desired , 113 S 2Jd St. , bet Douglas and
F OH HUNT Furnished rooms nt 810 S , 16th
struct. 30.'l-20
FOH HUNT S very pleasant , newly ftirnHmd
rooms , 1 u largo front room with bav win
dow , 1 fliiiiillrDoiii , 0-j 1'armim bt. : il ! ) 19
FOH HUNT Klogant roomi on street car
line , bath ami gas , t ) . w. oor 2Jth and
Webster. _ _ 132
FOH Iir.NT rurnlshou room , fmiiuco , com
fortable In coldest uoalhor , and gus. in-
qulrol'.ici ' ratnaro. 111
FOH HUNT 3 nlco nowlv papiirod rooms ,
walorin kitchen ; suitable for housekeep
ing. I'l Ice , $12.50. 101 IN. 20th st , Apyly to
owner , M. F. Martin , 318 a 15lh st. U24
FOH HENT-Kurnlshed room. 711 N. lOlh St.
1SOF7 *
FOH HKNT Nicely furnished rooms with
Hrst-chiBB board. All modern conveniences ,
1409 Jones. Tour blocks B. of I'uxlon hotel.
\IM \ 18 *
1/10H HENT 'I rooms Hiiltatilo for housa-
J3 kuoplng. TlU'uciUast. Hent , f 15.0J.
OH HUNT FroliTpaTior" robinT'newiy
furnished. Gentleman and wlfo proforod
Locution two blocks from union depot. Itcfur-
oiicos required. Address 0 31 lleo olllro.
331 17 *
FOH HUNT Kloguut furiiisheil room , 1109
rarnam. Cull nt once if wanting a good
room , Holcroiicos required. 35817 *
TT1 OH HUNT 1'iont Habomcnt loom , uiitur-
K nljiicd.llltj. It-Ill Bt. 311-18 *
I ; > OH HUNT A HlPO , light basement. Inqulro
1 of Leslie \ Leslie , Kith and Dodge bis. Mi
FOH HKN'T-SleopIn ? rooms , ftirnlshel and
unfuriilshoil , at dJJ Howard but , btb und nth.
JjlOH Itr.M' Nlcorooms'at ISJl Furn im st ,
J-1 ono block west of couu housesoiith side.
1i i < OH HKNT Neatly furnblied rooms , single
1 or double , U18 HowiirJ Street. HI
ir > OH HKNT-rurnlshed rooms forlljh
-L kbojunir , noomor * Lioak , cor 6th V Howard.
I710H Iir.NT Hoems nlouly furnUhod at nil
-A prices , from } * , HO , 12 , $15 a month e.ich.
Wi fc'outh Ibth stri'f t , north St , Mnry'H luonuo
up stair * . 2U11Q
IT10H HK.VT Four unturnniied rooms
Jfor hoiiHekooplii ; to Hinill family , 10-
Ings pliasant and will rent cheap to good
parties : reference required. Addrojj A. Al.Mou
oltlco. 217
171OH HI'.NT Nlcoly furniihoj front loom
X' with piano If doslro 1. All moJurn conveni
ences lit N lUthstiuoL WJ
F ° " IHKNT o elegant roomswith closet
Eoutbfront 1416 Chicago etivot , tlio
F 1J HKST-Sulto of newly f urnljhoJ room *
In new house ; modern conveniences : to
19M Dodjip st. 20)
HAMMOND Vlftre ! sta four block ! south of
1'owlor's and aljotnlng J-iu-rs nddltlon
will ueforbala Monday Japunry 17. 11 is the
[ Int'H In bouth Omahu without exception.
1'rieea ( TuO and J'WO. ' Taey n ill all bo aold liikldo
of fourteen days. Hero is the best thanco to
n.ake money. These jots will be worth from
| I.OCOto l jQ In the spring. Theodore Ol on
< uid Jamcj Vcrc , 1'ioprlotorb , 2U 3. 15th struof
.T All WALL * LOrtECK" , 1.5 X ) Fnrnam street ,
L members Omaha Hflfi.t.tBto l'xchango ,
Corner of California nnd twentjthird streets ,
C8 x f > 0 feet , on y terms , J5.WO
House of eight rooms on Twenty-third , near
Cn , ( Ms 88 feet li cnMi , $ 'Am
KIht lots , Lincoln plfteo , one-thlrJ cnsb ,
( I7 > lo KM , \tf \
Four lots In West CuramtM , cnsy terms , $150
to $ w. fejf
Lots in Ml. pleasant nddluoncn y terms$2i5
'LotVJn Dowllng Green , chSh fl50 , or four lots
Acres i
Twos' ' ; ncre lots In llonllMl ] ( pnrk , $4'0.
Tnohu 5-actelotsln Spring Valley , J215 to
? 30ilU. 9 J
Also2' { ncrolots In samomlltlon.
All on rery easy terms.
A new hou e of nine rooms.bnth room , cellar ,
cistern , two uloem ea t of Sounder * fitieot
car line , f : > , WO , ono of thob it bargaltu In the
olti. * *
Wolinvo a laree line of houses and lots on our
list nnd InUlo buyers to call und no will show
the property Marshall & lX > bock , I&W Furiinm.
Tclophono 73. 41721
HAKOAINS-Lot Fii Lincoln I'laco
sontli front on Davenport st $4V ) . 1 )1 )
.till feet on'JOlh street , suntli ot Clark st. with
nice cottage f203. II. W , Huntress , iwj
1'nrnam st. 421-21'
FOH SALR or rent Hen notrl with fur
nlturo In Atkinson , Nob. Address A. J
Meals , O'Neill , Nebraska. a7. ' 17 * .
LINWOOi ) PAHK. South Omnhn : f > 0 lots sold
in t o weeks ; only onn-lcnth onsh. V. D.
Tanner * Co.iiKonts , lillfi Howard i\L 3.(317 (
HAMMON'Il Plaeo lots three blocks south of
Fowler's pncklnff houseand ndjolnlns' Jot
ter's ndd..will bo lor pale Mohdny.Inn. 17. It Is
the finest In South Omnlm without etccptlon.
1'rlres ft ( nnd ? < )00. ) They will nil bo sold lusldo
of fourteen da > s. Hero Is the best chnnce to
mnkomonny. Thopo lots will bn worth ftom
flO'tito 51201) In the spring. IhPOiloro Ol on
and James Voro , 1'roprlctors , 218 S ICth el rout.
3(7) ( 18
JA11IC AViXtJi : : .T > foot block from I.encn
worth , V-.Gio , ? 750 cash. Hush &
28Srth. 373
. ? - > annln-Iot 2-'xliO ( , with nvo
room house : ( jood well. $1,11)0. Terms onsy.
C'urrlo \ Volluin , exposition building. s1 1 ,
liurpaln ,
llargnln ,
Wolmvoltnow. flottho owner tied up to
J'eb. I , Never will bo another clinnco to .cl a
line homo like this so chenp ClotoMIl ( Jcor lane
n\o and tnku n InoK nt the splcndl 1 house nnd
pitumds theio Consider that thuy nru with
in one block of Rtroo cnrs , f-ehool nud church.
lon't ) let this opporlituily to procure n food
bnruain or handsome residence slip. Vrlco
f I.POO , fl.101 onsh , S1W May I. 1S37 , fJOOMiiy 1.
KS8. fl.-'OO Xov. 1 , l si. M. A. Upton * Co. . 1HW
Karnam. Telcphono 7.1. 25
HAMMilKl ) I'lnco lotsToiirTiro"cks mittr"of
Kouler'snnd mljolnlnir .let'or's nddltlon
will bo tor xiile Monday January 17 It Is the
lluel In Font h Omnlm without oxcentlon. I'rlccs
f 7UO and $ .W. They will all bo sold Inside of
fourteen iluvs. Hiiro Is the best ohaneo to make
money. Those lot * will bo worth from (1,000 tn
fl..liu In the ppilnjr. Thcnilniu Olson nnd
and Jnmos Voro , I'ropriotors.'Jl S l"ih stroot.
3T.I 13
No. 310 ftinthlfith St.
Lot , frontlnir - streets , sitli nnd 1'nclflc , "
hnnsei. ( Jiou 1'asy torins.
lle tlotlu Orchard Hill with B-room house ,
bnrn , well , cistern , fruit nnd shndo trees , HM)0. )
Iusy ! terms.
H W oor llih nnd raclflo,03vlK,3nnooottnifOS ,
Lot fronting on Convent nnd 24th sis Im-
piovomonts worth 51noS houses , city and
cistern water , JiJ.UJJ lingy lerms.
fiioorn cotln o nnd lot , 2Mh nnd Chnrlos ,
SW.OO ) , ? IOoash ) , balo.isy. '
N' Kc-or ofl'itn and Lcnvohworth , 2 houses ,
rent ! ? for ? 7ri per mo , lot ti'lxftfi , line business
property , f I..UOO. Mend & Jamlesor. , 31S S 10th
btrtct. 249
HAMMOND Place lots four blocks south of
I'owler's nnd adjolnlm ? Jottor's addition
will bo forsalo Monday January 17. It Is the
linubt In South Omiiha without exception.
Prices f 700 and * MX ) . They will all bo bold lusldo
ol fourteen du > s. Hero Is the best chance to
makomonoy. Thcsn lots will bo worth from
flOW to 81200 In the sprlnif , Theodore Olson
nnd Jiuncs Voro , 1'roprlotow , 218 9 llith stroot.
8'3fl 18
Our now addition.
AorosSlOOto flU'i per aero.
Near South Omaha ,
And Sydlcato Hill.
Marshall * Loboek ,
1K3 , , 1503 Karnam.
-THH ) SALl'-Ily llunchor , lull Taimim st.
i Lois in CluiK 1'liicc , cloao to Haiiscom 1'ark ,
$ Sr.Oofch.
2 wood lots In Dwlght & Lymau's , on corner ,
fl/Juu for both. -
ruil lots In Falrmountl,37) ) .
J'lno IOLS In I ostcr'd , near Smindors St. , $1 , ' , > 00.
Illmubuuph I'lnco. ono lot , 5-MOJ.
Hanscom I'laco , Klcuant Sots In blksO.8 , nnd
MeCoimlck's2dTwo lots on Loavonnoitb St. ,
$2 MO for both
1'rospoct I'laco , lal 10 , lllk lon llnmlltou St. ,
lloublo lot on California St. , chonp , f2HOO.
llecs' I'lnco , 75 leot front , on Park avcnuo ,
. .
Itodlck's 2d , on 25th st.l'lno lots. f2MO.
Sliiill's 1st , Largo lot , 2 houses , faces two
Streets. ? "i,200.
South Omnlm Syndicate , Ono of the finest ,
Yatcs & Hrod'p , I0"\107 , eornor , $2,000.
.And many more toonumoioim to montlon.
Also , nil the new additions to South Omanu.
List jour property with mo , and call before you
buy or sell. Uunchor , 1511 Fiirnam HI ,
OI 20
HAMMOND Place lols four blocks south of
lowlur'sand adjoining Jettor's addition
will bo lor sale Monday January 17. It is the
llnest In South Omaha without exception.
1'ricuti J700 and $ ' . ) JO. They will nil ho sold in ldo
of loiirteen dajs. I lory Is the bobt chaiico to
nmko monev. Theao lots will bo worth trnm
SIOOO to f200 ! m the sprlntr. Theodore Olson
nnd James Voro , 1'roprletois , _ ] BS15th street.
3 3 18
S NAl" 111 fopt , south front , on Furnnm
Btiout , by 130 foot deep , botwnen 2blh st.
and 2Mb bt. ruvluir taxes paid. 1'rico , $18,000 ;
fl.O)0cnsh ) , bal , 1 , 2,3 } cars. J. K. Hammond ,
117S. lillh Bt. X-
FOH SALR An improved farm of 320 uoros
in Ouge county , Nobruskn , 10 mlles north of
Iluiitik-o , and ! ) miles from 1'icKcrell Station , on
t' . P. Ky. : nowB-iooni house , lar > ro burn , well ,
wind mill , orchard containing 120 apple trees ,
130 acres under cultivation , m acres fenced ,
lariro cnttlo sliuil , wnvon shoil , crin room for
0'M bushels of coin , hog nnd cattle corrals ,
plenty of water for stock , largo cotton wood
( trimi. Tills IH ono of the boat farms in Uiigo
county and n bargain at flll.llM. One-third
cash , balance In 10cars at n percent interest
To trade lor Omnha real estate , ono team of
largo wont hordes , now sot double work harness
and now wuiron.
Two niiBlness lols 22x81 ft on Leaven worth
Btifiiit.choiip , f.lOJO. Holler A , Cumpboll , room
11,50'J Knrnnin "t. 210
Ilici way ucrus and lots in Altirlgnt'ri Cholco
lire going. Twenty-two lots sold In ono day.
II AVi ; you soon thorn ? If not. n.ill onV. . (1. (
Alhughl iind go out to South Omaha with
one of his agents to inspect the magnlllcont
properly known as Albright's choice. 100
500 PI5H CKN'T p.'ollt has boon maiio since last
August by puu'hosors of lots from Mr.
Albright , In the ml cl it Ion west of Albright's
choice. Albright's choice boats them nil and
don't you loigot It. lee
nil CiNT ; piotll has been made since lust
' Aiuubt by purchasers of lots from Mr
Albright , In the addition west of Albright's
cholca. Albright's caolco bents them all and
don't you forgot n. . , , 10) )
BlTYAFiw : of those pjognnt lots m Al-
brlgtU'ri Cboicoanl iloublo your money
bofoio spring. Albright lls making lots of
money for lots of pooplojyno purchase from
him. Only u little money required to buy a loU
1I10H SALI-.Soino ! of tho/host agricultural
-L' land In Kasloia Ni'hra-ik * tit ilO pur uoro on
20 years' tlmo , a pur pout Interest ami notuxus.
tt'i lleor call lor particulars. 0.1' . Duvls ft Co ,
Omulm , Nob. r 610JJJ
; > i
lot , near cor. Sowar-l at | ; frantliiif on Satin-
dors st. and paved ot ; chip for cash , J. U
Hico & Co , ovir Oommprul bsnk. 77i
OOl'TH OMAHA-3loi3inlAlbilghl's Annuv
tJ ar 22"ouch. A raie luir.'alii. Hus'i A :
Belby , 218 5.15th.
KUSII\SiLIIY,2l : S I Ti , bine oxrlimlre
sale of cor. lot , bhuU > add , Gicut llur-
gnln . , I flK.V )
2 lots. Orchard Hill , oaoh .V 1.000
Hamilton st. lot , bargain . . . l,2jQ
Marsh's addon Leinenworth , per foot . . 10)
Kherman moI'.uldock mid , us It . 7.0JO
Lowe's add , ul jt , blk O , monthly pay
ments . . . . 1,210
Lowe's add , lot A , h O . . . . 1OJO
llurlnos cor , Loavonworth , east of Holt
line . . . 2,010
Harney st wliole nlo district , 33 ft , to trade
for city lmirovcd | property.
House nnd half lot , N-'ndst ( . ' ,250
South Omaha lols on monthly pajmonU.7UT
500 1'KH CiN ; 1' prollt has been muilo slnco ladt
August by purchgstTS ot lots from Mr.
Albright , in the addition west of AlbrUht's
plioli o. Albright's choice boat ! them all and
donjljou forget it. 100
_ _
rkGQ PiilCiS"T : : profit h _ > been made since last
* August by purchuhors of lots fiom Mr.
Albright , In the addition wet of Albright's
Choice. Albright's Cnolco beats them all mid
don't you forget It. _ lull
uro hoautltul , utut much larger tlfan"
in other auditions. U the usual verdict 10-
jO lot * t AJbrlght's Choice. "U
& HAlLrY.
Members Omnhn Heal Estate F.ti hnngc ,
Itoom si k 3 , Itodlck Hlk. 830 S , 151 Ii st.
Corner on Dodgo.CfixlM. Improved and
renting for $3,00-J per tear . . . . $30,000
Corner on llth si. , 152x13 : : , nonr south
end or viaduct , . 10.000
ttjxIK. Improve I. hnlf block from
Union freight depot Slto ( only JIWO ensh ) 12,000
22x13.3-story brick business block , on
one of iho best streets In the city , rents
for $2(00 ( per year. Hnlf Interest tor . 9.XK ( >
Corner on 1'aolflo et. . Ofix&i , _ houses ,
renting for J < 0 per month . . . ? ,500
Corner Lentcnworth and l.llh , GCxBfl. 2
houses . , . , 12'JX )
finest 4 lots In Kllby t'laco . . . . txa
Thnrnoll's add , lot &ntU2,3 houses ,
renting for ? V ) per month COM
1-ot fjxl45 fronting St. Mary's nve :
this Is the best nnd cheapest building lot
in the mnikot ; term ? made to suit . . . . CSM
7-rootn house on Virginia nvo near
Lcavonworth ft , , east front , nlco homo , 3R00
Lot on Georgia ave , J. 1 , Itodlck's
sub 3,000
Knst trent , Georgia nvo , Haiisoom
place 2,550
West front , Georgia nvo , Hansoom
place 1,750
Hast front , Virginia wo , Ilnnscom
plnee . . . 2,100
West front , Catherine St. , Hanscom
place l.SOJ lot on 32d * t , Hnncom plnco. . 2.400
Lot Iblock 4 , Omahn Vlow.cornor . . . 1.0X )
Lots s and 9 , block s. Lincoln I'laco , cor 1,000
Vine lot In Sunny Side lw
Double corner In Dwlght * Lvmann's 1,200
llrnutirul lot , east front , Coburn's ndd , 2,000
Corner lot in Oak Hurst , a snap. . . . 1.P05
Hast front lots In Thomburg I'laco . . . fOJ
Iiots In subdlvof block 3o3t Omahn 1,500
Host lot in Ttlca Place ISM
lluslnosslots on Liavcnworth St. , nl
$ ? .lto . . . l.SOO
Wo Imvo lots to every addition to the great
rltvotOmnhn nt winter prices. Invest jour
spare chnnno In some of them before the
spring advance , and It will be sure to win.
Soulh Omaha ,
HiislncsslotsoiiN und2)lh st . . . . $1,500
Hiis'nosj lots on M O 1' st , nt S530 to " 01
Full Iots , < lxir4), ) and Silth sis nrar I1 1,700
Hosldotico lot * ir , every good nddllion.
Como nnd see us.
f'rogory S llndlny ,
Hooms 1 nnd 3 , Hodlck's block , 320 S. 15th st.
the way acres and lots In Albright's Choice
nro uolng. Twenty-two lots sold In ono day.
HAVIiyoii seen thorn ? " If mir , cull on VV. ( .
Alhrluht and an out to South Omnlm with
one of his niremiJ to Inspect the iiiaBiilllcont
property known ns AlbrlKht's Chinco. 10J
COO 1'Klt CUNT profit has been made slnco last
* i August by purcha-'ers of lots from Mr.
Albright , In the inlilltlon west of Albrl hl'A
choice AlbrlRlil's choice Ijc'atB them nil and
don't you lor ot It 10J
ffiKY \ iiriohoantlful , nnd mnoli liuirnr than
JL in other additions , Is the usinil verdict ro-
Knnllmr thn aw lota In Albright's Choice. 100
U.VOITi\IKN'T : In South Omaha over
" the way neres nnd lots In Albright's Cholco
Twenty-two lots sold in ono dny.
BEST barKnln In Omnlin ! 1 ten-room brli-H
housos.irns , nntor , tiath room nnd all modern -
orn Imiiiovcmonts In heart of clly. His to bo
| vi\ oil In summer , houses now rontlnc for f 100
per month , nud from gpi Ing1 JlbO per month.
Lot nlono will positively lie worth
S20.000 In two years lor nil now for fin days
Slrt.OOO : J .OOO ea li. InvestiKiitc. Stockdali- ,
Mitchell , irdll DodKO Bt. il ( 11
1 lIKi HOOATTF lininonso in South "oinirim
proierty , nnd AlhrlBht's Choice leivla them
nil I hero Is not n bad lot In thU beautiful
propqrty. 100
MISH & Sr.fjHY'S ndd. to South Omahn.
l > Heautllul lols , only $ V ) down , 701
GliriAT EXCITKMIINT In South Omaha over
the way acres and lots In Albright's Cholco
are Koliiif. Twenty-two lots sold In ono dav.
I.I AYR you soon thorn ? If not , call on W. O.
L Albright and n < > out to South Omaha with
ono ot his intents to Inspect the niiiBiuncunt
property known us Albright's Cholpo. 100
SOUTH OMAIIA-Wo have for silo two syn
dicate lotn f 1,075 0 , ) ouch , llrst pnymcnt only
f 100 , hnl. monthly or quarterly.
Al o corner and adjoining lot In Block 23 ,
$ .V01 ! rii-st nny miMit , S7M.
llcstlots In Hush .Si flby'aiuld. ; soOono-tdntb
cash , balnnco monthly or quarterly. Abstract
with every lot.
AlhrUrlit'R Annex lots SKU to f 300 , $ M cash ,
bal.uico monthly or ijuartorly.
Hush & Solby , 2188. lath. 793
GENUINE HAIlGAIN'S-Two corner loti m
Ilurdotlo court , only 4 blocks from Sium-
dor's slroot ours. W. M. llushman. Hoom 10 ,
liusbman UlocK , N 13 oor lOtU and Douglas.
HOUSES Lots.rarms.LBtirts money loaned.
Ilcmls , roomS , Uarko blooK , B. W. cor
15th anil rarnam sts. fi'Jl
rpim IJOOM Is Immense In South Orauhu
i property , and Albright's Cholco loads them
nil. There 18 not a bar ] lot In this beautiful
property. 100
AltsnicrSOKTITLKiind titles to real cstato
Ktiiirantord Midland Guarantee & Trust
company , 1505 Karnam st. 1'i.l f7
BUYAITAV of those eio ant lots in Al-
brlrfht'sChoice and double your money
before 8prluw. Albrlpht Is muklnir lota ot
money lor lots of people who purchase from
him. Only a 11 ttlo money required to buy a lot.
HAMMO.VI ) 1'lano lots tour blocks eolith of
Fowler's and adjoining Jotter's addition
will bo for siilo Monday January 17. It Is the
llnost In South Omaha without exception.
Prices $700 und $000. They will all bo sold insldo
ot loiirteen ditys. Hero Is the host chance to
make money. Those lots will bo worth from
MOOO to JUIOO In the sprlcf , ' . Theodore Olson
nnd James Voro , Proprietors , 2181315th street.
3R9 IB
FOH SALi : Two lots corner on Lowe ave , in
Wast Omaha , 2 blocks south of 1'iirnam St. ,
both for2WK ) .
Corner In Hanscom Place , 2 blooKS from
street car. 1 block from church nud school ,
f.MO ) .
Corner lot on South 13th st Clioap at T 1,103.
lleitor & Campocll , room 1,1503 Kurmim ht.
ONJanuary-Jth lots In Alnsllold Addition
will udvnnoo Vi per coat During the win
ter thus fur they Imvo been sold at from f 400
to JSOJ , on remarkably ousy term1) , ono oiirhth
cash , the balance $10 per month. Burrounilln ?
property Is rrom 50 to 75 per uont. higher than
tlicso prices. 18 lots romnln unsold. J. 1' .
HHinmund , 117 South SUtoonth street , solo
aio beautiful , nnd much lurffor than
. mother additions , in the usual \ordlct ro-
KBrdlni ; the 200 lots In Alhrljf ht'a Choice 100
rplli ; DOOM is ImmoiiHo In South Omaha
J. property , ami Albright's Cliolcn loads thorn
all. 'Ihoro is not u bad lot in this beautiful
property , 100
BUV A Fi\V : of these olex-ant Iota in Al
bright's Cholco and double your money
before spring. Albright Is imiklnir lots of
money lor lots ot people who purchase from
him. Only a llltlo money required lo buy u lot.
A HA HI ! bargain ; 40ucro of very ohonp
Inllno.wuriu suiithern eilinulo. lor par
ticulars address II 13 iloo oinco. T.'I'-JJS *
SOUTH OMAIIA-Mon beautiful lot Al-
bright's AnnoT , $5jJ ; $5) down , 1ml. flu per
month. Also it moro , tl.UJJ , ono.thlrd cash ,
HiiBh &Eclby , 218 S. 1.1th. 790
TIIR 1100M Is immon o in Soulh Omahn
property , and Albright's Cholco loads thorn
nil. 'I hnro is not a ba4 lit In tliU beautiful
pioporty. 100
BL'VAI'IJW of ihose elegant Ion in Al
bright's Cholco ami dounlo your money
bolero spring. Alhrlirht Is mukiiiif lots of
money fur lots of people who purcha o from
him. Only u iittlo money ro'julrod to LI.IV u loU
; oo
rPllRV are deiiiitlful , nnd much larger than
1 In other additions. M the iiHiml virdlctro-
gurdliigjho 2TXI lots In AllirlghfriC'liOlco. 10J
HOtI is Lots.l'iirms Lands money loiineil ,
Romis , room 3 , Murker block , 6. W cor ,
15th and Ftirnum MH , r/ (
BUVAFHW of thoao elegant loTi m Al-
bnglit's Choiuo and double your money
before spring , AlPrlirht U milking lots of
money for iota of people who purohaso from
him. Only u Iittlo money requiroJ to buy a lot.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
f INWOOlf I'AIIIC , South Onmhu ; tt ) lots sold
1J in two weeks ; onlj ono tenth e-islr 1" D.
'lannor & Co , agent ) , I'll" ) Howuid tt < 1-M 17
GHUAT IJXCITKMRXT in South Omubiiovnr
the way ucron und lots in Albright s Chuiuo
uro goint' . Twenty-two lots sold in ono day ,
FOH BALK For cnolco bargains In Inside
and outside property it would to to your
m1vunlare to see us and look nt our conniinte
lint ANu lor quick sale Hot property with us ,
SB ) for 30 ur M da ) e , and it will lie t > nld
Wouionnly uolnu tn udvoitl'o bargains.
Splond'd Ihirjaln-WH liuru eiclu ivo uonliol
lorGiidursol tin linprovuil pleuo of prop-
oity.5 inlnutW walk from imstoilk-e. onu
block Horn puvod etrcpt. Will puy II8J.CO
per month and lot double In value 10 two
yours for fH.iM ) .
Wu will not advertiEH anything- but genuine
flargala OoodO-room IIOUSB and part of cor
ner lot , fi.j'Jll If Bold soon , In the heart ot
the city ,
WO will not advertise anything but genuine
Bargain Muifniflccnt corner lot on Farnnra st.
pitvcmont , rodicously cheap at f ir > , mj ) .
It will | wy jou to look over our list , as wo will
not aavertlspunj thing but gunu-
ino tiaigulus.
Tn cheap lots wo have ono of the best lists I
the city , otockdule fc illtcholl , 15IB I > O < IKO t-t ,
xiJ Id
FOIl SAI.K AS-W-acro farm with house , barn
and orlb , on the t' . V. Hy. , nnd only one-
halt mlle from n Root railway town ,
churchns and pcnools. 1'ricfl ts.uOJ. Apply to
Ixiuls Itr.tdford , cor. 9th nnd Douglas , Omahn ,
Neb _ PQ3
fPIIR HOO.M Is Immense In South Omahd
J-proi > orty , and AltuUht'4 Choice leads them
nil Tncro U not a bsJ lot In this beautiful
property. _ luo _
HAVU you seen them ? If not , pall onV. . O ,
Albright nnd BO out to South Onuhi with
ono oT his agunts lo Inspect the mapnlllcpnt
properly known as AlbrjirhTs pholro. KM
HAVK you sncn thmu ? If not. call on W. (1. (
Albrighl and go oiil to Poulh Omahn with
ono of his nirciits to inspect the inngninccnt
properly known as Albright's Choice. 10J
HAY13 yovi > eo"nTirom ? irTTof. cnll onv. . Cl'
AlbrL'ht nntlgoout to South Omaha with
ono of his aironts to in pocl the magnificent
property known as Albright's Cnolca. 103
] 7 > UV A FR\V \ of those elegant lota tn Al-
- ' brlght't ) Cholco and double your money
before 'prlmr Albright Is making lots of
money for lots of people who purchase from
him. Only n Iittlo money required to buy n lot.
Till ! I1OOM Is Immense lit Soulh Omnhn
properly , nnd Albright's Cholro lends thoin
nil. ' 1 here is not n bad lot In this bonut.Cul
property. 100
aMIKYaro bciutlful , and much larger than
In other additions. Is the usual verdict re
gard Iiigjho20J lols III AlbrlBht's Choice 100 _
3 HUA17KXClf RMMNTIn Soulh"omalm over
3 the way acres and lot * In Albright's Cholco
nru going. Twenty two lots sold in ono day.
IINWOOD PAUK , South Omnhn : f,0 lots Mild
jt In two weeks ; only onn-tenth cnsh. K I ) .
Tanner .V Co , aRcnts , 1015 Howard st. 326 17
5M I'UU CI5NT protU"nas"tioerrnia"do since last
Auviist by purchasers of lots from Mr.
Albrlffht , in the addition west of Albrlitht's
choice. AlbrlKht's oholoo boats them all and
don't yon forgot It. 100
Can Civilization Ijonrn NottilnK Trotu
the IiullnnV
San Francisco Chronicle : Tlicro can
hardly lie a doubt that thorn is some
thing wronp nbont the Indian country.
Tlicro is not a jail anywhere within the
bounds of the Uhcrokco reservation. No
cpdtitry pun over bo at a high point ot
uivlli/atlon in wlilcli there are no jails
nnd nobody does anything to need thorn.
\Vo have always boon taught to look up
on Damon and Pythias as ono ot the
most boantifnl stories of friendship ami
honor. Listen to this from the ChoroKco
Indian and a > k yourself if it does not
give you a dilVoront opinion of him. An
Indian was shot for killing another man
homo tune ago. A stranger in the terri
tory happened to bo with the slionlVwhcu
the news came that the appeal had been
lost and the sentence must be carried out.
"Yes. " said the sheriff , "I'll have to
have the poor fellow shot. "
" Where is hof I don't see any jail. "
"Jlo'snt homo. "
"A prisoner under sentence of death at
"Certainly ; he's out on his word He's
boon nt homo tlireo months.Vvo got
nojails hero. "
"Well , you don't cxnoct him to como
and bo shot ? "
"Certainly I do. He'll bo hero tomorrow -
morrow , 1 sent for him. "
And the merry stranger laughed. Next
day ho was on hand to witness the
sheriff's ' discomfiture. Uut a few minutes
before tlio hour : i cavalcade appeared in
the distance , it was headed by a manly
young ; Indian and was made up of his
friends. They rode gallantly np and the
voting Indian surrendered himself to the
shoriii' , He went about the crowd , shook
hands with everybody , gave ono his sad
dle , another , and so on , until he
hail disposed of all lie possessed. Then
he scleeted his bosom friend as the man
to fire the fatal .shot , an honor his friend
esteemed highly. Ho took his place ;
pinned a piece of blue ribbon over Iis
iieart , the point the bullet was to taUe ,
and stood tip like a man. A few seconds ,
there was a shot , and ho was dead. 1
wonder if there is nothing at all the white
man can learn from theChorokco Indian.
Salvation Oil routs and Lmiishos al
bodily pain instantly , and costs only
twenty-five cents a bottle.
"A bull in a china shop" is out of place ,
but a bottle of Dr. Hull's Coutrli Syrup in
a china closet is in place. For croup ,
bronchitis , sere chests , and colds it is a
prompt and ellicaeious remedy.
A new telephone , it ia said , has been
invented which presents some strange
features. Instead of talking into a tele
phone , as at present , when sound is to
bo transmitted , there is a little button at
tached to the instrument , which is held
against the neck , throat , chest or top of
the head of the speaker , and the vibra
tions caused by the voice arc transmitted
"Oil ! Rutl Salivated II I in ! "
Was the actual exclamation of an honest
physician , spoken of ono of his patients
to whom ho had given calomel for the
cure of biliousness and a diseased liver.
And ho had salivated him for certain.
from which ho never recovered. All
thes distressing consequences are
avoided by the use of Dr. 1'iorco's
"Pleasant J'nrgativo Pellnts , " a purely
vegetable remedy that will not salivate ,
but Drodnco the most pleasinir ellect , in
vigorate the liver , cure hqadacho , dys
pepsia , biliousness , constipation a'nd
piles. By driigirisls. _
A tobacco journal says that when a
cigar maker gets right malicious and do-
sircs to do his employer great damage ho
gets to work on the best brand and then
puts a single Hair from his head in each
cigar. This trick is exceedingly dillicult
to detect and will destroy thn llavor of
every cigar it is applied to , with a far-
reaching injury to the reputation of the
brand. _
Captain Mitchell , of the bark Antoine
Salu , Now York and Havana trade , came
homo in May. entirely helpless with rheu
matism. Ho went to the mountains , but
receiving no benefit , at his wife's request
began to take Hood's Sarsaparilla , Ho
immediately began to improve ; in two
months his rheumatism was all gone ,
anil ho sailed in command of his vessel a
well man. Hood's Sarsaparilla will help
you. Sold by all druggists ,
The Maine agricultural collcgo ImHi.'iS
graduates and 10 ! ) students- this year.
The government endowment fund
amounts to ! ? K)1JOO ) ! , ex-duvcrnor Cohurn
having increahctl the fund by $100,01)1 ,
The htato appropriations an omit to
. J'JlS.Oie. and this .year's legislature will
bo asked to appropriate VJ7.H50 I
year's financial statement shows a heavy
Cvor Hxl'rtrot Ion
of the purest and best toilet .soaps made
by Colegato iS ; I'o. Ctishmere Jiouqnct the
_ _ _
The chtuaclerisJirs of several nations
have boon summed up in the following
r-oneiso form- The first thing a Spaniard
does on founding a eoloin i * to Imild a
gallows ; a Portuguese , to build a church ;
an Englishman , a drinking booth , and a
Frenchman , a dancing lloor.
From It. II. JJit y , Kdgowood , la . Dr.
iL 11. MoLoan's U mo Lung Halm is
the loading cough remedy here. U was
dillienlt during tlio past \\inter to kfi p a
mipply. In a c-iso xvineh euno ; under my
notic-i , it cll'i-clul a poinr.inent curs of
aathma of bovoral yon is' standing.
At Charleston.V Va. , a few cvi-nlngs
ago , Hiiunann Sliopo got tip for a driul.
ot watei and usml a glass in which his
son. had left a murblo. Ho was cun&Mcr-
ably earid ; us it loil.jJ down Ins IJiroat ,
ashowas iiru that ho hud nuallott'ula.
moiisu , or a lix/.arcl. or a snake. Ho was
much relieved when ho learned the
Kor Throne HUonsf. , , Coiij-hK , folds ,
etc. , ( jfTfCiual TOtlof is lounil In the u o of
"lli-owH'n llioncJiinl J'lociica " ijoiil only
in Moivs.
Nebraska National Bank
Pnld up Cnpitnl $250,000
Buryihib 40,000
11. W.'Vato" , TrosUlcnt. .
A. K. Tonrnllnriro President.
W. It S. Hughes , Uasliler.
\V. V. Morse , .lohn S. Collltn ,
11 , W. I'atcs , LowN S. Ucod.
A. K. Tonsralln.
THE J710N Jdy7T ,
Cor liMh nnd Faninm Sts
A Gincrnl Dunking Business Transacted.
N. wTHAHKis & Ca
nflMilQof Comities Cltlm nnd others of
UtJUtJu high grade bought mid mild. Kastcrn
oaioe 6 Devonshire ot _ lioslun. Oorrospoml-
State Agents
Omaha , Neb.
To Soil Iho Host
Window Sash Lock
Ercr Invented *
Auonts miiVc bin prollto. Clron
lurslrco. Hiiiniiln lir mull Met * .
ii.ii.VIIIICIAHK : ,
Kullcir.on. Nobrnnkn.
mOIl"1 " ° " < 1 the Hr.MAIH.K FOHTIlNIt
IIDOK.lOc. , 1'ALMISTHV , 2fx' . All tlileo , 40tv
SF.H1AL lr.Al'I.UT 1'1'ULIHIIIMI CO , llor
2042 , New YorU City , r.logitntly lllustrutl-d.
Successors to Jno. G. Jacobs ,
ttlio ol 1 stand H07 Farnniu si. Onlora
bytulocratili saioitoil nnd promptly at-
tcmlcd to , Tulcphoiio No. SS5.
HUtllled for
.llKillrlnal line. '
DK KDW 1 , WAM.IKQ. Siir
KBOII In Clil.f , Katlootl OiwK
of N J. , wrttw
"WnttcnUon "a uillrd tc
your KntMnno 31 dt MhUkpj bi
Mr. Idlur , DriisnUt , uf Irantoa
nit I liuio iltod n frvr totllM
wllli fur letter effort tbon naj 1
hnre had I am irconnnendinc
tnitr nrliel * In in ) pmrllce , nni
fiuil It > ory Kiitldacturj. "
Ii * Orniilx h i Ihf Hl ntlut *
Tac-ilmUo cf BU1 . on I" l- ' L
( Sole Acfol , for th U S )
31 R. 313 and 320 R.ico St. Pbiladebhia. Pa.
fjoodman Drnff ro.f > nr-l.Apon'sOmnl
I'orBlxtoon year ? , they have Btoidlly gained
in favor , anil with sales constantly Increasing
have become the most popular corset through
out the United states ,
The K , G and H II grades aiomndo In SHOUT
Mriiiiiu AMI KXTIIA LOM ; WAIST , eiiltulile for
nil llguros. The ( ] quality , made of Dullish
CoutllIs warranted to wonr twlco ILS long as
Illglioat awards from all the World's great
ralrx. The lul moiinl recoi\nd Is lor FIRST
DKOIII-.K or Minir : , from the Into Ixponltloii
hold nl Now Oi loans.
While scot OB of palonla Imvo been found
worthless , the principles of the Glovt-rittlng
lminved | Invuluublo.
llotiiilors are nulliorlrwi to refund money , if ,
on examination , these ( Morsels do not provoaj
ropiosontoil FOH SALE UVl'.HVWHKltK.
THOMSON , LANGDON & CO , . New York.
I have 9 roilttvfi r tn < 1r t or th nbnra ril je ; by It * tua
thouiinilnor cn > e > ollli > w rl klnl and al long ' ndlnic
bam brl > ncort < l lntlu tl , * tlrnnr lmnyrlth In It
UAIU.HTI < itll Kintiniin oin .triiini , nir r r. OUt pi.
tnu & V. V. ojaun. 1 > U. 'I. A. UUKUM , 161 Tout BU H. V
ntl/rnllavHi \ \ m * t TM | > I Attack andc
liti'unxrorufiirtalild ] wi M ) "illlMi fur KK.
| KH.rN.lleinK ukixlhrInhalitlon lt arllon l Im.
J inojiau , direct anil rrrluln. and n con , in Uio I
Snkoll In nil our l.l t.\H i A lnile trinl rim.
Jrlncui lluiinoitKiiiHIcal I'rirnbki
lot mir driip > ei > t , i.r ( > v rnxil Kimulu I
l r. ll.M'llU ' r
Carrying the llolglum Iloj-rJ anl ( Jnllud titatoi
iiitil , tuilia i > ury Htunlay
Beiwesn finf wsj-j ? & Haw York
finlou from UO to $ , ' % Kxcurslon trip from
1110 to flu Heooud Cabin , outwara , tli ;
prt'imldH5 ; excuriioii. tW. gtuornira nitscago
at low rains. Tutor Wrlvht A : Bens , Uouora
Agents , .5 Hroadwuy , Now Yortt.
Henry Pun It , UU I'uniumst. ; I'uuUon fa Oo.
1428 1'an i , 1 1 n st : D. O liC'iuu.i IXil I , uiiam
Dealers In general nu-fS
JOM Capitol Ave.