Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 18, 1887, Image 1

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The Opposition to Van Wyck Unable to
Bcalo the Ramparts of His Strength.
A Compact Force of Torty-six Eopublicans
Pledged to His Support.
A Compliment to Him and a Slap nt the
Omaha Herald ,
And Behold the Scenes Which Wore Enacted
Ten Years Ago ,
AVlint Then ConHtltutcil I'lircmid Uu-
( lolllcd Democracy Viewed From
Two Hlahtlpolnts DoliiRS In
the JjfKlslntiiro A
Dnrk Muln.
The Hotintorlnl Contest.
LINCOLN , Neb. , Jan. 18,1 a. in. [ Special
Tclogiam to the HnK.J The developments to
night Indic.-Uo almost with certainty the re
flection of Senator Van Wyck , despite of nil
( ( forts ol Ids opponents In the field to con
centrate nnd break up his republican sup
port. The conference of Van Wyck icpub-
llcaus , which met at U p. m. , numbered forty-
two members. Four others | who had not
jet reached the city \\ereunavoldably
absent would have made n compact fotco of
forty-six , which Is within two votes of n ma
jority of all the republicans In the legisla
ture. After a stlning speech by Senator Van
Wyck. tlio mcmhms arranged for an orff.iul-
xatlon and pledged themselves to meet Tues
day night for mutual confRience. It Is now
generally conceded that Van Wyck can win
either In or out of caucus.
ConsJdciablo depression Is manifest among
Ihu opposition forces , but the railroad
crowd will doubtless make another desper
ate onslaught within the next twenty-four
The bummers , strikcis and stool pigeons
have been reinforced during the day by sev
eral carloads recruited from every section.
The draft upon tlm Hurllugton road lias ex
tended to all classes on Us pay roll , from
roadmtstcr down to superintendent. The
town-lot syndicate Is also well represented.
The pressure npon members and efforts to
corruptly Inlluenco their action have aroused
a treat ( of resentment from men of all
parties. Some action will probably bo taken
to-morrow to put an end to the bold and
criminal Interference with the legislature.
Tlm democratic members held u confer
ence lost night , nnd after considerable discus
sion came to satisfactory v-.e.rstandinE.
Jt was agreed by all present to cast ono ballot
lor n democrat , and the choice fell on ,1.
Sterling Morton. This preference was
largely Inspired by tlie prevailing disgust at
the course of the Omaha Herald before and
blnco the present campaign opened. Tlio
compliment to Moi ton Is not at nil displeas
ing to more than threc-fouithy of the demo
cratic membership of the legislature. Alter
to-morrow's ballot each democratic member
will bo free to vote his own choice in joint
convention. Complimentary day will pass
without much significance except as It will
bhowtho iclatlvo strength of Van Wyck's
opponents In the Held.
t The presence of Thurston has cre
ated n good deal of talk ns to his
becoming a dangerous daik horse , but
few credit the boom wltli any great strength
nt this hour. What may come towards the
Inst no one can tell. It Is currently reported
that the real cholco ot thu U. & M. road lb
Mnro.nett , and whllo his candidacy has been
kept carefully In the back ground , nnd Cobb ,
Laird and I'addock have been warned up ,
the scheme Is to drop all these candidates at
the proper moment nnd center them on
Marquctt , who also expects , If necessary , to
be able to rally n few democrats to make sure
of his election.
Tlio senator of the United States will bo
elected In the hall of the house of represonta
lives , and tlio opera house will not bo se
cured. A member of the committee on nr
rangcmcnts said : "Tho hall of the house Is
largo enough for the senators and rupiesenta-
lives , aud the gallery will accommodate all
jpectators who have enough dcslro to watch
tlio proceedings to como early. Wo sco no
reason nhy the opera house should be runted
nt315 n day simply to accommodate lobby
ists , who would endeavor to pack the and-
Hoi him and calleik's. "
Itloh null Uiioy Heading.
LIKCOI.X , Neb. , Jan. 17. Yesterday's Her-
Utl , and Indeed till the Hoialds ( I. o. ) of
Omaha , for tlm past six monthslm > o been ad
monishing the democrats to form no "un
holy alliances" with the Van Wyckers In the
Kcuatoilal contest ! that the only possible
way under heavens to met it tlio respect and
esteem ol Ihu democintlu party is for over )
democrat to die nobly lu the demociutludltcl
lighting for a caucus nominee ; and that to
vote for , or even think of voting lor Van
Wyck would be rank heresy , etc. , etc. Sucl
billlinnt scintillations from the constantly
burning rromethiau lites of the Omaha HIT
aid have piorapted us to unearth Irom our ex
changes ot last bummer some epistles whlcl
at this tin e must be rldi and incy leading to
the advocates of pure and iiudeided democ
racy as they now appear upon the scene of
action under the coiiimnnder-Iii-clilff of the
Omaha Hciald. Itead ttio subjoined opbllcs
and then say if consistency U uot n Je\u'l ;
\VASIIINUTON \ , Jnn , iM , Ib77. My Dear
Docloi : Fairly and squ.uely 1 deem It my
duty to tell you how much 1 regie t to l > rar
that you eor upon any pretext favored the
re-election of Mr. Hitchcock to the Unitei
btatt'3 beiiato. At first 1 Indignantly denlei
the statement , alike upon your goo <
judgment and your character ns a gentleman
lint evidence hns been piled up so high ton
now I do not deny , but only ii'gret nd de-
nouiico the bten us one , wholly unjuatluahlo li
nuy light vrhlch lab yet have been ftblo to
sco It.
"The tecret which 1 cjcpcilenco la sincere.
Miring nearly n quarter of & century I havo.
n all places , and at all times , been ready and
acllo to defend you as n man of sincere
onvlcllons and robust fidelity to principles ;
ml now to hear , to bave thrust under my
nose the proof that you you who personally
nnd publicly and so often and vehemently
enounced Hitchcock ns n "briber" and n
brlbee , " n scoundrel , a squirt , a rascal had
> ndeavored to give him "sixteen votes" for
he United Statc.s gpiiatorship makes me sick
3f the very sound of the word "sincerity. "
' 'Of course j on may say this Is iiono of my
Hislncsi , but it Is my business Insofar ns n
clll/en of thostato " I Imvenn Interest In the
: onservntlon"of good government , nn inter
est In pure public morals nnd n reasonable
inxiety to see the best men In cither patty
achieve success.
"Hint Hitchcock was defeated I ntn qulto
ngreenbly surprised , nnd the overthrow of
lint gain ? who hurry upon his skirts for pelf
s nery clgnntlc gratlucatlon.
"Tho icconventloii nnd materialization of
n county democratic pirly which died by Ilm-
tntinn last fall , for the purpose of obtaining
i communication to the effect that the domo-
'ratlc delegation from Douglas should pros-
Ittito themselves to I'hineaa W. Hitchcock
vas nn cxttaonllnary proceeding , and Hon.
J. H. Hrown did himself credit b > itsdenun-
elation. It seems now that the only nim of
lolltics nboiit the end of the Union I'nclllc
end is to advance the objects of tliat corpora-
.Ion nnd thu section of the state Immediately
.rlhutary to its line. Them Is no political
iirinclplo potent cnutich to confront the de-
: nnnds of tlm rotten and superciliously
iiiinnged confederation , anywhere to bo
round , it seems , amone tlio newsoapersof
hit democrats in notthern Nebraska. JS'ow ,
I ' do not complain at all nt tills , only In to
'arns ' It lenders the organisation of success-
'ul .stateopposition to republicanism Impossl-
lie , It Invites and thu Invitation Is liable
sotnu day to bo accepted sectional organiza
tion , recaidless of party lines south of the
I'hitte liver. As the editor of thu Herald , It
eeins to mn you cannot afford to denounce
lemocrats merely because they refused to bo
lollveicd over to vote for Hitchcock , for an
maglimry local benellt which Ids election
ccms to promise Omaha. As I wrote you
some days since , U. 1 * . A I' . W. II. cannot
forever rule tiiu state. Asking no party fa
vors , seeking no mere partisan place , 1 give
vou myOKI , that hcioaftcr at all times , and
n nil places proper 1 will light all coalitions
> y which skunks are to bo named nosegays
aud men like Hitchcock to bo made United
States senatois. Nevertheless your friend ,
J. : : ) MOIITO.V.
To George L. Miller.
OMAHA , Jan. 27 , 1S77. Dear Mr. Chief
lusticc : 1 have received your tlrado ot the
Mth Inst. IfTsitttng as a high court of Im-
H-acnmunt on my personal nnd political
'haractcr , you have gotten through t&king
testimony , tlio plea of "guilty" may be out of
order , but 1 will enter It to let you continue
o question tlio credibility of witnesses In
the case to whom you are so ready to listen.
On tlio eve of leaving for Now Yoik , 1
simply say n few things in answer to your
brutal and insulting letter of the lUtli.
1. The madness which you denounce as
wholly unjustifiable" 1 uphold as wholly
B. It had no local significance , nor was it
instigated or animated by any local Interest
! ! . My part In this matter cost mo more per
sonal regret and sacrifice than you ever have
lor the democratic party In your life. 1 only
acted when , In the discharge of my duty to
my party nnd country , I was compelled.
I. For further Information go nnd talk
with your commande'-In-ehief and mine ,
and also witlil'elton.andUarnuni.of Connec
ticutind you may know enough to bo utterly
ashamed of the outrage you have committed
upon a man who. if uot your Deer , is at least
entitled to decent respect which he proposes
to compel hereafter if our relations are main
My character as a gentleman Is In my own
keeping nnd it cannot bo broken or destroyed
t > y slanderers , no matter bow they may bo
triturated through the sifting process by
friends. 1 stand upon my Integrity and
convictions , upon my responsibilities nnd
rectltnJo of purpose , nnd 1 do uot ask yon
or any other man to approve my action who
renders judgment withoutn hearing nnd pro
nounces sentence upon tlio same terms. All
I add is that if 1 bad failed to do what I was
ordered to do under all the circumstances of
ho case as I alone know them , I would have
been a traitor to the democratic party.
1 apologize to myself for saying so much
In a leply to a letter which deserves little
inoro than contempt , nnd If yon feel like tnk-
Inen share In the apology I freely give you
the option. Tiuly yours ,
GEO. L. Mn.i.Kit ,
. Jan. 31,1877. Dear Doctor
Your confession of having been R party to
n conspiracy to re-elect Hitchcock to the
United States senate from Nebraska has
been received and lellectlvoly read. You
plead guilty and attempt justification by de
claring that you were "ordered" llko one of
old , by the Lout , to make a sacrifice ; that tlio
order came to you fiom "my ana your com-
mandcr-ln-chlef" and , from "Harnum of Con
necticut" and from "I'elton. " Now whr did
they desire the democrats of Nebraska to
send Hitchcock to tlm United States senate
again ? And who made them masters of tlio
judgment and conscience of tlm editor of the
Omaha Herald'As lor myself 1 have no
comiimndcr-ln-chlef over my convictions of
ilzht ; ! acknowledge no dictator either In
New York or any where else who can "order"
my political course , and I have too much re
spect for the ability and Integrity of Mr.
Tildrn , to whom 1 suppose you allude when
you speak of ncomiuunder-in-chlef , to bellevo
tor a slnelo moment that ho over "ordered"
n coalition so foul nnd rank ns tlio ono
which wns requited to return Hltcfi-
cock upon thu senate ; nor um I
ready to entertain with affectionate credulity
thu statement that either Senator Harnum or
Colonel I'elton could have "desired , " "sanc
tioned" or "ordered" the turning over to
Hitchcock for his re-election to tlio senate ,
either all or n part of the democratic vote.
Evidently you have been "conlidenced" or
"bull-dowl" Into the attempted perpetra
tion of n blunder or a crime. "Herormers"
ceitalnly cannot cousldeiatuly vote to icturn
to the senate of tlio United Stales men whom
the "reformers" themselves have said anil
ro-sald , demonstrated and re-demonstrated ,
first became senators thtough corruption KC.
vlloand bribeiy so bold as to have offended
tlm decent element In all parties. No theio
Is evidently uomo mistake in your statements
us to orders. And you hud better quietly en
deavor to ascertain who bamboo/.led you Into
the demented condition of crcdulty which
caused you to write mo that our leaders
"ordered" n union , n coalition of democrats
with rotten radicals , to raise Hitchcock again
to thu senate.
Tliat hot wrath with which you addressed
me Is entirely oveilooked by me , and no ex
ception taken to tlio vigorous manner In
\\hlch you anil your paper mnkn fnces nt me ,
Thu past Is secure , thu present Is under con
sideration , nnd tiio future belongs to nothing
human by any certain title.
Fieely suggesting that you have been
hallucinated nnd meekly wishing that yoi
may vet bo fully lestored In mlniL
Yours tenaciously ,
To Geo. 1 , . Miller , Omaha. Neb.
The above letter , after baying been re
ceived by the good doctor , w as re tinned to
the writer thoicof with the following inscrip
tion upon the. envelope. :
Hespectfull ) loturniid to tlio proprietor as
Immaterial. Gio. : L. MII.J.EK.
in the Senate.
LINCOLN , Neb. , Jan. 17. [ Special to the
Uni.i : The senate reconvened promptly at 4
o'clock with the largest attendance of spec
tators ot the session present.
Mr. Melklejohn of Nance presented n pe
tition signed by COO persons praying lor th <
enactment of a law for the bettor protection
of women ,
Mr. Fuller of Woyno presented n petltloi
from thu people of Madison county prayine
for the enactment of n law granting the prlv
liege of municipal tsulfrace to women.
Mi. Wright of Seward presented a stiulla
Mr. Conger of Sherman offered n resolution
to provide a homo for disabled and Indlgen
soldiers and mail tiers , and moved that a
special committee on soldiers' homo bo np
pointed , which was carried. Mr. Presldeu
appointed the following tocouipososucii com
mlttee : Messrs. Conger , Calkins , Lindsay
Holmes and Sbqrvln.
Mr. Schmlnke of Otoe ofTcied a lesolu
tlou that the committee oil privileges an
lections bo ordered to count the ballots cast
t the election In the Third senatorlnl dls
rlct for the Incumbent and for the contest-
nt , and report the result with the othtr facts
11 the case at the earliest tlmo possible , nnd
lint when such report Is made the contest-
nt be allowed thirty minutes to open his
ase by himself or counsel and the Inciim-
jont bo allowed ono hour to answer , cither
n person or by counsel , and that the con-
esiant then be allowed thirty minutes to
Mr. McNnmar of Dawson objected , rals-
ng the point of order that nil resolutions
mist llo over ouo day befoiu any action 13
Mr. Colby of ( lao offered n resolution
Ixlng the oillcers of the senate lo v horn sub
ordinates should report.
The following bills were Introduced :
Hy Meiklejonn To require railroads to
ndopt some automatic brnUu for freight cars
vlilch would make It unnecessary for brake-
ucn toco between tlio cars to couple them.
Hy Melklejohn To amend tlm compiled
statutes and to provide for a state board of
iqualiintlon to consist ot one member of the
ward of commissioners of each count v ,
Hy Melklejohn For tlio recovery of money
on judgments.
Hy Mooto For relluqulshmeutof title on
certain real estate held by John Ulllispio.
Hy Colby To prevent tlio kllllnir of wild
animals between January land October 1.
Hy Snell To fix n penalty of not less than
SKK ) for gambling.
Hy bnull I'o compel county clerks to keep
a book of original entries.
Hy Snoll To fix n penalty of not less than
SSOO for criminal libel.
Hy Moore For the protection of conctrot-
ors ' nnd others in securing pay tor labor per-
Hy Moore To require clciks of the dls-
.rlct court to keen an Incumbratico book al-
.vavs open for inspection.
Hy Fuller To regulate policies of Insur
Hy Fuller rrovldlnc that school lands
shall not bo taxable until right to them shall
nave become absolute.
The rules wore suspended and senate files
Nos. 10and 11eio oidcrcd engrossed nnd
read a third time.
Under the order of bills on second reading
Mr. Llnlnger'sbill Incorporating metropoli
tan cities came up. It now trees to the prin-
: er. and the committee on municipal affairs
will soon consider the bill widen interests
! ) iuahn far more than any other measure yet
to be Introduced In the senate.
A Session of the Third House.
Ltxcoi.K , Neb. , Jan. 17. [ Special Tele
gram to the HEK.J The third house session ,
which was held this evening In representa
tive hall , was n tame and flat atfalr. John
Sahlcr as speaker , and Squatter Governor
I'earman In his message , were equally stupid.
The message was made up of covert innuen-
: lees against men ho dislikes , vulgarity , rub-
lilsli about northwe.stein Kansas mid a boost
for Jim Laird for senator. Of the audience ,
which was large enough to have deserved a
pleasant treat , fully one-half became dis
gusted and withdrew before the pioccedlngs
A Dark Mule Starts.
Neb. , Jan. 17 , [ Special Tele
gram to the HKE. ] Colonel K. Moses
Suavely , states attorney for lied Willow
county , departed to-night for Llncolu on re
ceipt ot a telegram from Uepublican Valley
mcmbcis who are booming the distinguished
attorney for senatorial honors as n dark
mule. Ex-Senator Dolan and dclecation
also left to-night In chaige of the colonel's
Two Conventions Prolmble.
AXAi'GMS , Jan. 17. [ Special Tele
gram to the UKK.J Judco Ayres , of the cir
cuit court , this morning sustained the motion
of Green Smith , president pro tern of the
senate , for an Injunction restraining Lieu
tenant Governor Robertson fiom attempting
to usurp the functions of the plaintiff. The
decision is favorable to the democratic plain- ,
tills all ulon ? the line , the court holding that
ho bad jurisdiction , overruling the motion
for continuance and taking the view tliat the
election of llobertson was invalid ana un
constitutional and therefore the defendant
has no nirht to preside over the joint conven
tion on Wednesday for the election of United
States senator. Kobertson will appeal at
once to the supreme court and the decision
will possibly bo reached before Wednesday
noon , the hour for the joint assembly. Mean
time there Is much speculation us to the Inten
tions of tnc republicans. It is still supposed
that there will bo two joint conventions wltji
Speaker Sayre , of the house , presiding over
tlio republicans and Smith over the doino
New York'H Senatorial Contest.
Ai.nA.xv , N. Y. , Jan. 17. The democratic
Jcgtslatire caucus to-nightagrccd upon Smith
} il. Weed , of I'lattsburch , as its candidate for
United States senator on the first ballot. In
the republican caucus the first ballot tor sen
ator resulted as follows : Senator Warner
Miller , : Hon. Levi P. Morton , 35 ; Frank
Uiscock , 1U ; total. 01.
Second ballot-Miller , 41 ; Morton , TO ; Ills-
cock , II.
Hetoro the vote was taken It was decided
that n majority of all the .senators and repre
sentatives elect , or forty-eight , should bo
necessary to a cfiolco. The caucus then ad
The HlinoU fje lfilnturc.
111. . Jnn. 17. The general
assembly convened this evening at 5 o'clock.
Senator Cochran introduced n joint rcsolii
tion In the senate embodying the thanks of
thu general assembly to Senator CuIIoin for
his victory achieved In the passage by the
senate of the Inter-state commerce bill. Hills
were Introduced by Senator Curtis ptovldinj ;
for an appropriation of 31,71)0 ) tor the ex
penses ot lemoving flags and trophies to ( lie
now mcmoilal hall : 840,701 to pay the Illi
nois national guaid lor services rendered In
St. Clair and Clark counties ; 810.000 for ex
penses of the same organization tor the vcar
ending June 80,1SS7 , No business wnis trans
acted in the house.
Now Jersey's
TnKXTtw , N. J. , .Ian , 17. In the senate
to-nlglit William 1) . Edwards , democrat , of
Hudson , Insisted upon his right to bo sworn
In , Secretary Heading refused to recognize
him and ontei tallied Senator Griff's motion
to postpone organization till Thursday after
noon nt S o'clock. This motion prevailed
and tlm senators separated. In the assembly
n resolution was presented by Matthews ,
democrat , requesting tlm Now Jersey lepio-
smitatlves In coimress to urge the passage ot
n law lor the election of United States sen
ators by popular vote.
Henntor Gray Kcnonilnnteil.
Dovini , Del. , Jan. 17. At the legislative
caucus this evening George Gray was nom
inated for United States senator by acclama
tion. He will be elected to-morrow ,
An Antl-CanaiHnii mil.
WAfiiiiXdTO.v , Jan. 17. Mr. Uelmout , of
New Yoik , Introduced In tlio boost ) to-day a
will to protect American vessels against tin
warrantable and unlawful discrimination In
parts of Hrltlsh North America. The bll
authorises thu president to prohibit vessels
bearing the Hrltlsh fla ; ; and coming fiom
such ports from entering ports of tlm Unitei
States or fiom exercising such privileges
therein as he may define. It also authorises
thi ) president to foibid entrance b > land fion
thu provinces ot HritUh North America o
all merchandise , also ail cars , locomotives
or other lolling stock of any railroad com
pany cluirteicd under the laws of said pro
A MIchiuuii Jtllizard. t
DKTUQIT , Jnn. 17. A heavy snow storm
with u high west wind , set in at Sheboygan
last night. The snow is drifting badly and
Is four or live feet deeo In places , St. Josepl
is experiencing a blizzard which Is urowim ,
worse hourly.
Defaulter lloko's Case ,
MorrniKU. , Jan. 17. Before the full bencl
of Counsel O.I' . Davidson mad
an application for leave to appeal to the ful
bench on behalf of Hoke , the I'L-ori * bank
defaulter , Judgment willbojUven to-morrow
The New Invalid nnd the Mexican Bills
Pass the Honec ,
Itcfusnl Uy tlic Hou c to Tnlto tip the
lnter Stttto Commerce Hill
Jlncli Other Ticclflptloii
Uoth Uranclics.
\ \VASIHNTITON- . 17. Under the call
uul n-fcried :
Hy Vlndlay of Maryland ( by request ) To
nako gold and slhx'r coin Jointly local
enilor ; to authorize the Issue of legal tender
ertlllcatcs for half gold coin nnd half silver
coin , and to provide ti fund for redeeming
rcasury notes , and that the coin reserves of
latlonal tianks shall bo held one-half In gold
coin and one-half In silver coin ,
Hy l.overlnc of Massachusetts Granting
n pension of Sii per mouth \ValtcrWhlt- -
nan. ( hovering states that Whitman has
nado no aprllcatlon for a pension , but that
ho bill was Introduced at the request of n
number ot the poet's friends In Massachu
Hy Hermann of Oregon Proposing a con-
stltutional amendment for the election ! of
United States scnatois by the people of of'h
Hy Anderson of Kansas Calling upon the
attorney general tor Information as to the
ocal autboiity under wlrich directors of the
Union Pacific rallioad company consolidated
lhat with the Kansas '
company I'acllic com
pany and the Denver Pacitle railroad com
pany and icorganizod the sauio under the
name or the Union 1'aclllo railway company.
The call ot states having been concluded ,
Mr. Townsliond of Illinois called up as un-
linishcd business the motion to suspend the
lilies aud pass the bill for tlio piotectlon of
Innocent ptucliascis of patented articles.
Mr , Crisp of ( icorgla , however , as n matter
ot privllepo , called up the conference report
on the Inter-state commerce bill This action
on his partaumsedthoantagouism of friends
of the patent bill , which were booked to fol
low It ; and Anderson of Kansas raised the
question of consideration against the confer
ence report. The house refused yeas 113.
nays consider the Inter-state commerce
conference report , and the house piocccded
to vote on Mr. Townsend's motion. The
motion was lost yeas 80. nays 150.
Mr. Matson of Indltaia , on behalf of the
committee on Invalid pensions , moved to
suspend the rules aml.uabs the bill for the ro-
liel ot dependent parents and honoiably dis-
cnaiged soldiers and sailors who are now dis
abled and dependent upon their own labor
for support. The total number of persons
who \\otilil be beuelitted by this second sec
tion was estimated at sniu" > , and the annual
cost to the government would not reach
Mr. Warner of Ohio said this bill was
rather a pauper bill than a pension bill.
Mr. Springer of Illinois lavorcd tlio bill as
a fair and conservative mcasme.
The bill was then passed. Yeas , 179 ; nays ,
It provides that , in considering pension
claims of dependent parents , the fact and
cause of death , and the fact that the soldier
lett no widow or children having been shown
as requested by law , it shalfbo necessary
only to show that such parents are without
other present mcaus JftV support than their
own manual labor or ( gfnvr' utlons of others
not legally bound for tpnll support ; provided
that no pension alloxvdi under this net shall
commence prior to its passage. Section a
provides that all persons who served three
months or morn in the military or naval ser
vice of the United States In any war In which
the United States has been encaged , and who
are now or who may hereafter bo sulTcrlng
from mental or physical disability , not a re-
sultof tlielr own vicious habits or gross neg-
llconce , wnlch Incapacitates them for tlio
performance of labor to such a degree as to
tender them unable to earn support , and who
aie dependent upon tholr dally labor for sup
port , shall , upon male I nc duo proof of tlio
tact according to such rules and regula
tions as the secretary of the interior may
provide in pursuance of this act , bit placed on
thellst ot Invalid pensioners ot the United
States and be entitled to receive for such
total Inability to piocurc their subsistence
by dally labor Sl'J per month ; and such pen-
hfon shall commence from the data of Hie
tiling of ttio application In the pension otllco.
Tills act shall not apply to persons whose
disability was incurred whllo engaged in
military service against the United Stoles.
Mr. Eldicdco ot Michigan , on behalf of the
committee on pensions , moved that the inles
be suspended and the house concur In the
senate amendment to the Mexican pension
Mr. Brag'j of Wisconsin opnoed the bill
bncauso it covered every substitute , every
bounty jumper and every scalawag that went
Into tlm army.
The motion to suspend the rules and con
cur In the senate amendment was agreed to
yeas , 343 ; nays , 0. The bill now only re
quires the president's approval to become a
U provides that a pension of S8 per month
shall be paid to all surviving ofllccrs and en
listed men , Including marines , militia and
volunteers , of the military and naval services
of tlio United States , who , being duly en
listed , actually served sixty days with the
army or navy of the United States in Mexico ,
or on coasts and frontiers thereof , or en
route thereto , In the war with that nation , or
were actually engaged In battle in said war
and were honorably discharged ; and to such
other olllccrs and HoldiCM and Miilors as may
have been pei.son lly named In any resolu
tion of congress for any specific servlo In said
war , and biirvlvlng widows of .such olllccrs
and enlisted men ; provided that such wid
ows have not removed ; provided , that every
such ollicer , unlisted man or widow who Is
or may become sixty-two years of airo , or
who is or may become subject to any disabil
ity or dependency equivalent to homo cause
prescribed or rccoznUcd by tlio pension laws
ot tlio United States as suflicient leason for
the allowance ot pensions , shall he entitled
tothobcnelltsor this act. Hut U Mmll not
bo held to include any person not within the
rule ot ace or disability or dependency Herein
defined , or who Incurred such disability
whllo In any niannet- voluntarily ontraged In
or aiding or nbeUlnu the latu rebellion
against the authority ol the United States.
WASIIINOTON , Jan. 17 , 'J'ho select com
initteo on tlio centennial of the constitution
reported a resolution that it is expedient that
the centennial anniversary Inauguration ol
the constitution bo celebrated in Apill , ISbf ) ,
by an address to bo delivered betoro the prcs
Identot the United ijUitefiand the two houses
of congress by the chief justice of the United
States , to which the representatives of for
olgn governments shall be Invited , and that
the occasion be further celebrated by suitable
civic and military observance , the details
thereof to be settled herealtPr. Adopted.
Mr. KdmunUacalled attention to tlio bill
Introduced by him and rofcred to thu post
oflico committee providing for a government
system ot postal telegraphy , He wished the
committee to repoit favorably or unfavorably
so h might get the judgment ol the senate
upon It.
Mr. Sawyer offered a resolution Instructing
the attorney general to InvcutliniUi the judg
ments and awards against the United States
arising under the act of March 3 , lty5. to aid
In the-improvement of the Fox and Wiscon
sin riveis and ropoit the liability of the
United States theiefor. Adopted.
On motion of Mr. Sawyer the senate pro
ceeded to pass the pension bills on tlm calen
dar. Forty pension bills ( principally house
bills ) were passed , and the pension appropri
ation bill ( appropriating 375,000,000) ) was
taken up and passed with only immaterial
The army appropriation bill was then taken
up. The bill was passed with a few unim
portant umemlmi'iit ? .
The senate bill to establish agilcultural ex
periment stations lo connection nitu
cultural colleges was taken up as unilnlshcd
Mr. Ingnllscharacterized the bill as exceed-
nply crude nnd ImpcrfecM
Mr. Vest said thnthocotild uot understand
he difference between this mcastirn nnd the
Hinir educational bill except that ono pro
vided for gentral education and the other for
agricultural education. Thu objections to
lie Ulair bill applied with equal force to this
Mr. Duller said that ho could sco n wide
llstlnctlon between this bill ( which ho fa
vored ( ) and the Blair educational bill. If
: oncre s wcio going on questionable ground
j 10 ] preferred to go In n direction would
bo beneficial to the farmer * .
Without notion on the bill or on any of Iho
pending amendments the senate adjourned.
Jlrs. KminnnV Asylum
WASHINGTON , Jnn. 17. Mr * . Kmnious'
continued her story , beginning wllh her ox-
pcrlcnco nt thu Hloomlnedale asylum. When
she wns taken there Dr. Nichols wns absent
nnd . , did not return for nearly n month.
Meanwhile Hrown had tried to make her
j . : ako medicine which she believed was doing
lierlinrm. She snid Hint vshllo In the hos-
P [ she tried to forget or not to hear the
shrieks of people who were really mad. So
she tried to nmusc nnd help thu poor people
about her. "That , " she said , "wns called n
wont of appreciation of my position. No ,
llI wns not because 1 did uot want to go mad.
llo helping to nmuso others I could foiget my
own troubles. " "At night , when 1 wished
tie sleep , " she went on , " 1 heard the slnleks
tic lhoo who were really mad nnd then 1 de
cided that I must have sleep or go mad my
self. " She said that the lights tisiul to be put
out at 0 o'clock. In older to have something
to occupy her mind she leal nod to write In
the dark. She used lo wiito little stories
nnd ovety kind of nonsense that came Into
herhond. Mrs. Kmnions then cave an ac
count of her removal to the HrltNIi hospltnl
at Providence , her icleaso and her icturii to
Washington ,
WASHixriTO.v , Jan. 17. Among the bills
Introduced In the senate to-day were : Hy
Senator Allison , to authorize tlio construc
tion of a bridge across the Missouri river nt
Sioux City , In. , by the Chicago , St. Paul ,
Minneapolis it Omaha railway company ; by
Senator Walthall , authorizing tlio secretary
of the treasury to cause the removal of the
national quarantine station from Ship Island
to some other island In the gulf , or In such n
pass In the Mississippi delta ns may bo
designated , by tlio board appointed for the
purpose , and nppropiinline S45.0UO to cover
the necessary expenses ; by Senator Cockrcll.
to authorize the construction of n high , level
brldeo over the Mississippi nt St. Louis. In
the house Mr. Llbby of'lriiiila ; offered n
bill granting pensions to dependent iclatlves
of members ot the life saving service who
lost their lives in rescuing the crew of the
German shij ) , Elizabeth , lost on Hie Vlretnla
beach Januarys ; by Delegate Voorhoes , of
Washington territory , n bill authorizing the
taxation ot nil railroad property in the terri
The New Civil Service Rule.
WASHINGTON , Jan. 17. Tlio president has
approved the amendment proposed by the
civil service commissioners of the rule giving
the commission authority to appoint boards
of civil service examiners. These are the
central boaid , composed of seven members- ,
whoso duty it Is to examine and mark all pa
pers of examination for entrance to depart
mental service ; special boards , to mark pa
pers ot special examinations for classified
service ; supplementary boards , to mark pa
pers of supplementary examinations ; local
department boards , for examination In states
anil territories ; custom nnd poHtstl boards , tenet
net in connection with examinations relating
to those scjyjce.s. The amendment defines
the duties and responsibilities of each board
and gives tlio commission power to change at
any time Hie membership of any bouid of ex
The Semite Favors Homo Knlc.
WAsmxr.TOX , Jan. 17. It is stated that
the nomination of Clmilcs W. Irish , of Iowa
City. la , , who was designated during recess
to be surveyor general ot Nevada , vicu C. C.
Pownlnir , suspended , will ccit.ilnly be re-
poited and acted upon adversely. Tlio senti
ment of the senate In favor of homo nile ,
especially In organized states , is strong.
They Are Not AnurolilHts.
WASHINGTON' , Jan. 17. The International
union of bricklayers and masons , which has
been holding its convention in tills city dur
ing the past week , adopted a resolution pub
lishing the fact tliat the union does not
afllllatu with any orcanlzation governed by
principles advanced by socialists , anarchists
or communists , or any oipini/.ition opposed
to sustaining the laws of the United States.
Ho SftTB the Union l > nclllc in AiixloiiH
to Be IiivostiKiitcil.
UOSTOX , Jan. 17. President Adams , of the
Union Pacific railway company , has ad-
diessed a letter to the chairman of the bouso
committee on Pacific railroads , in which he
says , alter referring lo the newspaper state
ments that the house ol representatives is
now considering the expediency of an In
vestigation into the past lilstory and money
tiansactlons of tlio Pacific railroads prelim
inary to n final adjustment of the financial
relations between those companies and the
government , that It has also been asserted
that the companies will ntrlvo to avoid such
Investigation. Ho then says : " 1 do not
want the position of tlio Union Pacific upon
tills point to be misunderstood. Whllo as a
matter of business expediency the company
Is not anxious to reach n final settlement
with thu L'ovcrninuut. It does not fear nny In
vestigation ot Its affairs which may be or-
dcied. It will do nothing to prevent or
avoid one. " Ho asserts that during tlm
last fifteen years the Union Pacific laflway
company has been mine frequently and
thoroughly Investigated than any other bus
iness corpoiation on eiuth , and that so far as
ho has been able to discover there is nothing
connected with its affairs or its history
which conitresi nnd tlm country docs not
know or cannot learn from the limited rec
ord. Hofuitlicr says that thu present man
agement only ask tliat any InventlL'atlon hail
may bit entrusted to man of diameter , standIng -
Ing nud inteJIUenco , to tin * end that it may
put a stop forever to those vague and
dalous assertions which aio now made the
pretext lor fuithor delays , affording infinite
possibilities lor stock inlnipidntlon ,
The Dow haw CiiiiHtltiulonnl ,
Cixrix.NATJ , Jan. 17. Senior \ Sons ,
wholesale liquor dealeis , brought suit In the
supcilor court recently to test thu constitu
tionality of thu Dow liquor tax law and it
applicability to wholesale dealers. The ques
tions were decided by the court to-day declar
ing the law constitutional and that it applied
to wholesale dealers. There ur < t about sixty
dealers In Cincinnati intuirstcd in the ques
tion and they propose to carry the cases to
the supiume couit
American KociallstN niul HlNinarclc.
Niw : YOIIK , Jan. 17 , [ Special Teleciam
to the HKH.J The German socialists of this
city have let everything else yu lor the pres
ent to ralso § 5,000 to lizht Hlsumrck , They
procured 81,000 at a meeting yesterday , but
will work hard to raise another thoiiMuid lo
Wednesday , so as to get It over to German }
as quickly as possible to bo used In electing
men opposed to Hlsmarck'g army bill.
Eli > lu Dairy Market.
CHICAGO , Jan. 17 , The Inter-Ocean's Kl
Gin , HI. , special says : "On the board o
trade to-day regular sales of ' .10,010 pounds o :
butter were made at 80fJ'i2c. with plenty tin
sold , which was freely otfeied atuOu witlioir
puichiisers. Nocheese was sold.
Insufficient Appropriations.
WASHINGTON , Jan. 17. The secretary of
thu treasury estimates deficiencies In the ap
propriations for thu maintenance ot the KO\-
eminent for the iiscul year 1&7 aud prior
} CarS pi'f'rormtlnp S'J.'JSO UQO.
llenrfl Get I'osiesulou of the Street
nnd A DlK Drop
Yoiuc , Jan. 17. Special Telegram to
ho HER , ] London CAUIO In higher this morn
ng and served to make n very strong open-
nc here. It was , however , claimed that the
advance on Saturday was manipulated In
mlcr to make foreigners bellevo the inter
state commerce bill was rezarded In this
Country as n bull argument. London specti-
atots , It was stated , were fullvnllvo to the
mportauco of the bill to C.inndlnn rends ,
nnd were prop.ned to bull Canada Pncllio on
the piojpcct ot Its getting n latgcr shnro
if transcontinental business than hcietoforo.
Itlchmond Terminal led the matkct early In
ho day wllh an advance to 53. Heavy
realizing stopped the advance nt this point ,
nnd befoto noon cnnled the prlco down
neat Ij4 per cent. The break In this stock
seemed to demoralize the \\holo list. It was
ircucdthat the Inter-state commerce bill vtas
certainly n poor factor in the mnrKct. and
would bo full sooner or later. The temper
Jccamo very boaiisli as the day advanced. and
nil the room traders turned sellcis. Prices
steadily melted away , and at noon the list
w. s 1 toil pur cunt lower than at the open-
Ing. The stilus to noon wen ) 1S.lXH )
snares. At u meeting of itlchmond
1 ermlnal directors the Issue of tour "haresof
Itlchmond Terminal common stock for one
share ot Hlchmonn & Dniivlllo was author
ized , tlio total Ifsuo of stock amounting to
S10OCO,000. An l.isuo of10,000 shai es of stock
on account of the K'tst Tennessee road , re
cently puichasod , was also autlioil/ed. mak
ing n tot.d ot iinw stock amounting to
314,000,000. , A committee was also appointed
lo arrange for a collateral tiust loan which
would Involve n floating debt. The announce-
umnt of tlm issue ot now seem Itii-s broke
lllchniond Terminal 7 percent , Hast Tennes
see dropped Sporcent , and them was a gen
eral rush to drop holdings of all kinds af
fected in any way by the Richmond Ter
minal deal. The big Issue of new securities
by the lUcfiuinud Terminal company wns the
principal source of weakness In the market ,
which just boloie the close weakened still
fuitlier on reports tliat conservative houses
rat used to take orders In It except for casli.
It was leportcd that an injunction had been
obtained to prevent tlm Issue ot new Klch-
inond Terminal slock.but this pioved untrue.
I lie market closed weak at about the lowest
prices of tlio day.
Dr. Moaiyun'fl Supporters Up In Arms
AxuliiNt Ills Deposition ,
X.KW VOIIK , Jnn. 17. About J500 of the
Into parishioners of Dr. McGlynn , the sus
pended pastor of St. .Stephen's church , { 'ath-
eied n'uo'jt tlm building tills evening In re
sponse to n call to express sympathy with
him nnd resolutions were unanimously
passed , many of those listening to their
love for the deposed priest , the outrage to
their feelings occasioned by what they con
sidered his unjust ttcatment , appointing n
committee to wnlt upon Archbishop Corri-
gen to request hi ? reinstatement nnd pledg
ing themselves not to contribute a penny
to the suppoit of the parish while
presided over by tlio new rce-
lor. Dr. Donnelly , or until Dr.
McGlynn is icstorcd to the pastorale. A meetIng -
Ing ot Catholics and others not members of
St. Stephen's iwrMi was also held In Cooper
Union to endoifO Dr. McGlynn and the
huge auditorium was crowded 'to its utmost
capacity. The im-flting was under Hie
auspices of the Central Labor union ,
which is clnelly made up of followers
of Honrv GCOIKO. Addresses weie made , in
which It misstated that Dr. McGlvnn had
been made u victim of Tammany Hall ; ob-
lucliugto foreign iute-ilereneo In our polit
ical affair.sand quotinc from Catholic writers
ot other days to .show that the land
theories of Heiirv George and Ur. Me-
Glynn were not now nor Catholic.
A long sciles of resolutions were passed
reciting in pienmblo the causes which
led up to the s isppimlon ol Dr. McGlynn ,
and conttnuiiif : "As Catholics , loynl to our
and its Highest interests , we protest
most emphatically aualnst any attempt to ex
tend ecclesiastical authority in the sphere ot
politics , and uldlo cheerfully yielding full
obedience to the authorities ot the chinch in
matter * ot rtiliglnn , we emphatically deny
the right of pope , 'minacanda or tirrliblshop
to prescribe for American Catholics , lay or
cleric , what economic opinions they
.shall cxpiess , or what line of
political action tlieji shall pur
sue or abstain tioin ; and wi ;
denounce any attempt to Inllunneo ecclesi
astical penalties upon an citl/en ,
lay orcleiieal , for political .speech or action.
As to thodragglmr of icllgion Into politics , Is'both scandalous In the church and
dangerous to tlio principles ot Ameilcaii
freedom. The icMilutlous also pledge him
all the suppoit In the power ol the meeting ,
bothmoinl and miteiial.
The Trenty AVlth Ohlnn.
NEW VOIIK , Jan. 17. [ Special Tele
gram to tlie Hii.l : The Sun's Washington
special sajs : Secretary H.iyard has com
pleted and will send to the senate , It is said ,
early next week , a draft of a treaty with
China. Hrlefly , the treaty provides that the
importation ot Chinese coolies into this
country shall bo .stopped by moans and pic-
cautions to be adopted by both governments
with equal care. No American laborers are
to bo allowed to enter China. American
merchant and missionaries are to bo I idly
piotectcd. Tiie Chinese minister says that
Ills government has come to recognl/e that
his countrymen will never adapt theuisclviB
to this country , and will nnvur assimilate
with Amcilcans. Such being the case noth
ing but harm to both countries can te.suit
Irom their constant Influx here , and the
ti"atv is iiiiidn on the pait ot China with tlio
utmost chei'
TlioTimes says that the treaty vtill not
.sloptMiilgintlon fiom Hong ICon , ' , which cm
only biulonc by thu assistance of tlm Hiltish
A Suit For Vulimhlo fj.-irul.
WAMii.voroN , , 17.-The house judic
iary committee to-d ty listened to aigumi-nts
by McCagg , Trumb ill , and Mr. Thompson ,
itipri'sonting the state of Illinois , on Kepii--
buntatlvo Adams' j lint resolution directing
the attorney genera to Intcivcnoon behalf
of the United Stutet in a suit now pending
In the Illinois circuit conit , between thu
state of Illinois and tlm Illinois Central rail'
road , for the purpose of settling and pro
tccting the rights of 'Im United States on tlio
lake front ol Chicago , as well as for tlio
purpose of pie.surving the rights of state and
city in tlio property. Triimhull ropicscntcd
the lailroad company , and amned that the
United States uus not concerned In the hint ,
having ceded the land in question to the statu
In IK'U ! . He also took thu position tliat Inter
line nee by tin1 government would ho a viola-
lion of tlio tights of stall' , The nigument
will b < 3 continued to-moirow ,
Four TrnwpH Hurncil to Dcndi.
LOUISVII.I.I : , Jan. 17 , At'-J:15 : a. in , to
day as a special Iri'ifrht tram of nineteen
cars loaded \slth cotton was pulling into , Ky , , on the line of the Che.supcaliP ,
Ohio & Southwestern railway , one of the
carb wns dhcoveifd to bo on fire. Jt was the
lilteonth car fiom the engine. The engineer
backed the tiuin onto a bidu track to iixtin-
gulsh tlm flames , but they spread to other
cars. While removing the dcbiis of the
butncd car , four dead bodies , chuiied beyond
recognition , weie discovered. Tlmy vmo
supposed to have been tramps , but whethei
\\liituori-lackitisimpossibloto tell. The
car was lucked and the men must fiavu fil
tered tluougti the window.
That Omnhn Foundling.
CHICAGO , Jan. 17. [ Special TMernm : v
the HKK. ] Miss Kdna Stearns , of Om t
was anestc'd last night for complicity In U.o
baby bciapcd mentioned In yesteiilaj'.s dit > -
patches. The boy , Miss Mcains said , be
longed to her sister , who Is but littcen
old. Shu claims to tinvo understood Mi. * . '
uirisuu nanted ( bebaby. . 1
The Two lionils Toll tlio Motive For Thdr
Horrible Orirao.
Mints or Ijynclilnc Which "Will Proba *
hly Not llo Carried Out riio
Authorities Prepared I-'or
Details of the Dooil. CITY , Neb. , .tan. 17. ( Special
o the Hti.j--Although : : It was evident that
ho detecthcs liixil obtained iv cnnfo.sslon finiu
luiTiunii nntl Hull , tlio Dunbar vtreekers , jet
so silent Is the police system of ( ho Missouri
'nclllo ' , full paitlculnrs could not bo obtained
mill Chief Furlong , of St. I.ouls , wasposlod.
I'lio substance of tlio prisoners' confession la
low known to bo as follows : They salil that
nftcr lo.ivlnt ; llio Mollntt saloon at Dunbnr , as
irovlously mentioned by leh-firam , thny went
0 tinII. . Ar M. tool sh.Mity nnil obtained a
'iaw-lminincr and \uench. Thu Missouri
I'aclllc track was then visited and after hard
> \oik the rails weie toiuo\od. Itrequlied a
.onjier tluio than they expected , and they hail
lust finished when the south-bound
train appealed. They lan through the
coin Hold , leaving tholr tools
and weio the p.irlles si-en by the trainmen
and others. Alter re.ichlng tlio house ol John
llullumn , brolhorof ouo ot tlio pilsoneis ,
thuv icturnud with htm to the wicck and
spoke to Captain WIKon , tlio conductor , hut
went bacK again to the liirm house and re
mained until moraine.
now TIIISV sqvnAi.r.t ) .
Tim accident hud linidly happened hoforn tlio
telegraph had tlio Missouri rnclllc detectives
at work and two prominent opoiators from
Kansas Oity wore on the grounds. AH
county and city olllccrs were bound to secrecy
at once. Tlnnsday night they appealed nt
the Grand I'.vcltUi hotel aud Sliorill McCa 1-
liimot Otoocountvnnd the county attorney
Mdely broiulil llutlman to their room.
Hit made n full coutcsslon laylnc
tlio Ilamo forlhoorlRlu and leadeiship of
the plot on Hell. Alter rigid eioss-qnustlnn-
ing he was i'turned to lull and Hell brought
In. Tlio storv of the latter corroborated that
of his companion. Hothngieed tliattho ob
ject was robbery , as they ImU hcaid that n
large muountot money was on the express
car that night , and being haul up they deter
mined torieck tlio train and skip tliu coun
try. They said they nuver belonged to tlui
Knights ot Labor , had no acquaintance with
and no suite against DeWltt. the engineer ,
and the muiderous result of ther acts never
ciossed tholr minds , as thuy weiohnlt drunk
when tin ) agioi'iiieul was made. Hell s.ild
that whllo removing the rails lie wanted to
Kivii the job up , but llultuuui forced him to
WHOTlir.Y Aim.
Hell is well known hero especially on ac
count ot his making this cltyiiis ; heniluu.irteis
for prolonged sprees , lie rents a small place
near L'nadllla and on .lanuaiy t * , ( ho Sunday
piccoding the awful crime , ho came to Ne
braska Cltv aud stalled at oncu on a "big
drunk. " Iluirman lives with his biother
John , In thu vicinity of the wreck , about a
mile from Duiibar. Ho was lliill'ii ficqucnt
companion Immediately before tlio wreclf ,
although It Is said they were not Intimate *
before. ? lle was at one tlmo a Drakcman on
tlm H. & M. railroad. Tuesday , January 11 ,
a farmer named liogers had a light with Hell
In Moffat's .saloon over a chattel moitgago ho
held on Hell's team. Hullimm took the hit
ter's Part and as a cnnseriuunco of tlio low
Hogers and Hell were arrested and the saloon
bv order of tlm city marshal. Hall
and subsequently Hell and lluff-
l started on tholr fiendish worK.
Intended to place obstructions
on Hre track , but tlio sight of thu
tool Iiouso changed this plan and the door
having been broken open with n stone tlio
hammer and wrench were secured. Hotli
men are younir and athletic , nlthotik'h .show
ing the marks ot dissipated lives. They are
intelligent and while giving their statements
wcie not In the least unnerved.
Tlie people of Olon county , this clly and
especially the -section of country immvdhitely
surrounding the place wheio tlm wreck oc-
cnned an * greatly excited and lynching bait
been seriously talked of in some places ,
now that It Is known confessions have been
made. Sheriff McCallum is tully prepared ,
however , to tliwait any such attempt and an
lar as our citizens arn concerned tlioro Is but
little fear but that the law will takn It.s duo
and proper course. Tim matter has
been the chief topic of conversa
tion on tlio stiects and knots of people
have gathered to discuss it on th'i cornels.
Violent action towards the prisoncis Mow-
in or is not talked of at all. All this In tact
has rather tended to dlsabifo the public
mind of illegal action and at the same tlmo
giving the authorities a piactlcal hint that
they must bo extra vigilant in guarding their
two prisoners. Shcrllt McCallum and bin
associates know tills very well. Sunday anil
.Sunday niirlit every thing was quiet licie ami
will undoubtedly nmialn so until the judicial
aiithoiitlus mo called upon to exaiuino the
Tlio Wreckers In .lull.
NmitAsicA Cirr , Jan. 17. [ Special Tele
gram to the HKI : . | Huffman and Hell , the
supposed ttain wreckers on the Missouri
1'ncllic railroad , are still In the county jail.
Tlio county attorney Is nt thin tlmo In Lin
coln and the HKI : reporter could not Inter
view him .is retards the reported confession
ot tlio accused , hut it is dnnled by some that
tlmv have inudo a confession , yet It ta
believed by the majority that tl'oy
havo.k The authorities area keeping * > ft
quiet from lear of a lynching party. Hell In
confined In the same cell will ) Hhelloiiborgcr ,
while Hiillman occupies a sepaialo cell. AC
this writing uvmythlng In quiet but should
the people of this county become convinced
tliat tlioy are the guilty pintles little time ,
would be lost In piiiclmslng aiopu in punishIng -
Ing such n teniblo crime.
Condition i > F ( 'linnnwllli.
KANSAS Cirv , Jin. 10. ( Special to the
Hii.J : : 'J'ho express mcssonger , Chen-
owltli , who , it wns thought , was fatally in
jured in tlm Iunbar ) wieck , shows symp
toms of recovorv. Although terribly bruised
and battered , his attendant and physicians
say that unless HOIIID unlooknl for change
takes pluco ho will.soon bo up and mound.
Af fHforluncH Never Coinn Kingly.
KANSAS Orrv , Jan. 17. ( Special to tlm
Jlii.J : : The most active worker In securing
tlio arrest of Huffman and Hell , the Migsouii
I'acllic linln wieckers , uas ,1. W. Dalby , di
vision superintendent ot the ronil , Jlo was
on tin ) Ill-latcd tiain and icmnlned In the
vicinity until Friday night. On leaching hh <
liomo in Kansas City Satuiday ho lound hl.i
who hciluiiHly 111 , having been overcome by
the news of the disaster , and knowing that
her husband was on the train. To ndd to
Mr. Dalby'h trouble , onu of his chlldiun li
lying at the point ol death.
A Dakota Legislative KHII DOM. | |
ST. I'AL'j. , Jan. 17. A Hismuick npeclal tn
the I'loncer Press says u sensation wai
caused In tlio house of leprc.seiitatlves thla
afternoon by u motion to icconslder thu
iidoptlon ol the teport of the committee on
niles and the discovery that a combination
had bcon formed ln-tween eighteen ot tlm
north Dakota members and seven from tlm
south in opposition to Ihu combina
tion hacking Speaker Ciosso. Such a
combination would control the houso. It
object Is said to bit the ntmoval ol Chief
Clerk Eakln aud Sergeant-at-Hrms ] { oor-
patigh , tlio jtasK.iKO of ; i bill for tlm icmoval
01 tlm 1'nlted States couit fiom VanUton
nnd Mitchell and tlm establishment ol a r < > -
term Hcliool at I'lunklnton , Tin ) com mi of
Si eil > r Orosso lias occasioned coiibidciablo
dls-atlrffnctlon oven among soum southern
incmbeih. Tlm atleinoun v.u" tnl.eti up n'ith
lilibiisteilni ; motions.
On ft MKhliiii of.Msr ' /
. ' < Jan. 17. Mian OUo B r.
Ice. president of thu American NalicnalPe'l
Cn < * association , will go this wceit 1-jTeitn
In iliu'atiL'iitu tlm condition of thu HuTetti *
IKJIII tlui Tcxiitt drouth last year. l.ojr ! mu
ht.c to iiiii l > c'i > ,000 and ( o Is U-.i