Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 17, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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    THE OMAHA DAILY 33EE : MONDAY , JANUARY 17 % 1887 . -.7- .
Atlvcrti'emonts under this to d , 10cent per
line tor the first Insertion , * ccntd for tnchsub-
tequont In crtlon.nnd J1.50 n line per month
No ndvcrlisemont tHken for Ites thnn ft" , cents
for the first Insertion. Povcn words will bo
counted to the line ; they mr t run eonseru-
tlvely nnd must bo pnld In advance. All ndvor-
tlecn.ents must bo hnmlod In before 3 o'cloik
p.m . nd inil r no circtimManccs will they betaken
taken or cllsfonllnfed liy Iclcphonc.
Turtles Advertirlntr In them < olumns nnd hiv-
Inr the answers i\i'dressiil In euro of TIIK Urn
wll ulenio nsk for a thcck foenablethcm to pot
their letters , us none will bo delivered except
on presentation of cheek. All answers to ad
vortfscmonts should bo enclosed In envelopes.
i OANS Jxjnns I/onns.
llenl estoto lonns ,
( "olhitrriiil lonns.
rhutttl lonns.
IXIIIK tlmii lonns.
Short time loans.
Money always on hand to loan on any np-
proved security.
Investment securities botitrht and sold.
Uninnn Unnncliil K.-icliiiiiRo , n. w , cor. 15th
nnd llnniov.
Corbctt , Manager. 80 * >
$ " 00XX ) to lonn on sir months'to six soars'
llmo nt lowest i ntei. W , M. Hnrrls , room B ,
I'rcn/iir block , opp 1' O 714J 28'
AIUIIB A HAUItlS. 3208. 15lh st.
Money to lonn on first class stcurlty. from
5WIO upwards. 2'JI
$ fXKW)0 ) ) TO I.OAN nt C per cent. J. J. Mahoney -
honey , HOT Kiirnain. MO
6 I'HIICKNT Money.
II G 1'nttorfon , 15th and Hnrnny. . " ' ,7
$ no. ( ) ( ) ( ) to loan. Sums tW > nnd upwards ,
Ixiwest rates , llomls , room 3 , Hnrker block ,
B. W. cor 15th nnd Fnnminsts TOT
MONI.V First mortgnife notes. The Douglas
county bnuk will buy papers scoured by
( Irst mortgage on city realty. 7iO !
IMJICHNT-Mutiny to loan.
( in-gory & Iliiillfy ,
Itooms 1 ami 3 , lledtck ulock , 320 S. ISth Pt.
MONI'.V lo loan , cash on ininil , no delay. J.
W and F. I < Squire , 141J Furnam su , Tax-
ton hotel building. SQ-J
flX ) LOAN Money Lonns placed on Im-
.1 proved real ostitto In city or county for
New Knglnnd Lonn it Trust Co. , by Douglas
County bank. 16th and Chicago sis. 810
RyfONKTtolonnon city and farm properly ,
' 1V1 low rates , Stownrt 4 Co. , lloom 3. hon
Jlitnk. 812
MONK ? TO I.OAN-O. K. DnvlskCo. lloo
Kstnto nnd Loan Agents ID05 Fnrnam st ,
MONI5V TO I.OAN-On real estate nnd.ohnt-
lels. D K Thomas. 815
MONHY I.ANii : ntC F. lleod iCo'B.Loan
otTlcs , on furnlturo , planoH , horscs.wngons ,
porsonnl property of all kinds , and all other ar
ticles of vnmo , without removal 319 8 13th ,
over Illngham's Commission store. All busl-
nessstrlrtly confidential. .618
$500,000 To lonn on Omaha city property at 0
percent. 0. W.Day , over 1.113 Do-glnsst.
MONKY to lonn by the undersigned , who has
the only properly organised loan agency
In Omaha Loans of $10 to 11,000 mndo on fur
niture , pianos , organs , horses , wagons , machin
ery , &a , without removal. No delays. All
business strictly confidential. Loans ro made
Unit any part can bo pnld at any time , each pay
ment reducing thn cost pro rata. Advnnco4
made on line watches nnd diamonds. Persons
should carefully consider who thovnro deallnif
with , as ninny now concerns are dally coming
Into existence. Should you need monov , call
nnd SOB ma. W. n. Croft , Itoom 4 , Wlthnoll
Building. Kith and Harnny. 813
BALK. Lunch counterdolnggood biisr
ness. Cheap for cash , C , L. Ilunclx-lt , 1321
Douglas 381 18
A STOCK of goods In exchange for real estate ,
city or country , clothing ; Invoices f 10,000.
HiUclior & Co. , Mlllnrd Hotel lllock. 370 in
i : At u bargain , half Interest
- in n good , llvo weekly neuspaper In wcstoi n
lowiu Sltkne'HS causes ono partner to retire
und will soil at n Rncrlflco. A rare ohancu for
nnnctlvomnn. Address C 43 , lloo. 370 IB *
T710H 8AI.I3-A Stock of Clothing , Oents'
-L nlslilnw OootH , etc. , good ns new , located
nnd doing u good paying business In Omuliii , on
favoinblo tcriiiH. Invoice between $8,000 and
* ' > , tyH > V/lll take hair In real estate or land.
Will Mill uIth or without store llntutos. Address -
dross at once. AtMrcss. C , 40 , lloo ufllco.
830 17 *
TTOH SALKorT/ude A clean stock of dry
JL ! goods , carpet * , shoes , will elinor soil for
ih or trndo for land. For further purlieu *
lira call or address H. Kchn , Suwnrd , N > 'b.
IjiOUSALI. Desiring to retire from biisincfisT
J- I olfor my entire stock of ( Iciiorul Mor-
chnndlso , ronfilstlng of Dry floods , Heady Made
Clothing , lints anil Caps , Hoots and Shoes , nnd
Groceries. Would tuko improved nnd unim
proved roul cstuto In exchange for part of
amount Can show up n good record of busi
ness. AddicbSlock box No. 7 , North Hend ,
Neb 327. .1.15.
FOIl SALK Lumhor yam a ml residence , lo-
cntoil lu southwestern lonn : good busi
ness ; good reasons for soiling. Address C 41 ,
lleo olllco.
jii. SALK A drug store on Omnhn and Ho-
j. publican Vnlloy lly ; Block small but viel-
acsorto'l. nvorago sulo per month $275 Oi ) : nd-
dn"sP4 ! Hooolllcp. 337,17
"T71OH SALK Meat mnrRot nnd tools , doing an
JL uxcrllont business , line locution. Ad <
dross , C , an , lleo Olllfo. 3.J3 20 *
B PhlNKSS ClfANCT : A first-class mcnt mnr-
liot on u paved street. Iluslnoss well 09-
tubllshed. Doing from $1.000 to $ ! .VM per
inimtli Tcrnm reasonable. Inqulio Wicdemiin
.V Co , , 12th st bet and Hnrnoy. 300 2U
Bl'SlNKSSCHANCl ' SloT lrocorlosfoTsTiuT
No bolter Incutlon In Omnhn Sales now
averugo ? , KMJ u dny. Hush it Solby , 218 S. Kith st.
"IT1OH SALK Or Trade A clonn stock of
Jwntchos , clocks , Jewelry and sllvonvnro ,
mid llxtiirtu. All In good condition , \\illlii-
'fo ubout f-,6X ( ) . Will sell cheap for cush or
. I Iraile for Omaha propelty. Address lock
box 40 , Hlnwntha , Kansas. 310-15 *
AIOOI ( ) clmnco for buslnoss man. For snlo
HID be'St lostuurunt In town. Tuims rnn
Btmnblo AddiossO , 18 , Hco olllco. 1'JJ-lii ' *
"IVAN'l F.D A bu lnohi iiiau wants n $ T.oiOor
T ) fii.WO Interest In u good paying legitimate
business , ( llvo full description , Address A
20 , llooofllce , Council muffs. 1S4 17 *
" OH TlTATlK-Tlireo stocks of morchnTidlso
1 for ohonp raw land. H. und 11. box KM
Shenundouh , lu. 937,17 *
MM ) KXCHANOK Mon-liandlso for farms und
J wild land. 0. J. Caawoll , loom lit. Iron
Hank , 9)4 ) : il
neil SALK Now stock of ladies' furnishing
. - . ' Koodii , together with piore lUtnres , Husl-
nos 111 full c'Ondurt with good trade. Location
boston Howard St. , occupying H utoro insquaro
/ uf solid brick. J , F. HninmouU , 111 B. loth st.
4 673
TjiOll SALK Or trade for morclmndlso , f.4fl
JJ ncrcs of No 1 farm land near Ornnd
Island. C.J. Cunun 815
HOUSKS Ixits.Fnrms.LaiKHmonoyioanoi. ( . 3. Darker block b. W , cor.
10th and Fnrnujietj. 59t
"Ij OH 6ALK Haidwnro HusinrES Wo offer
X' our shelf nnd heavy hardware business for
snlo , together wlih our lenso anil good will.
' ) radii lurKust In the rlty and location the best.
Hctlrlifg from the business rniifce for selllnir
The llaiini llnidwaro Co. , 1023 O St. , Lincoln ,
T : > F.ltSlNAL Do iiuwiuHuiioiHiliiei.olidE-ol
J voatclmlii(10 mid iijiv\ arils will buy ono
lit Frank A bpn.V Co 'g , g20a _ 14th st. _ 157 10
i 1 JKHSONAL Ladles' goKI wnti-hos only * 15 nt
-.1. Frank & Son .V Co.'s ' , 220 S14th at. 157 10
_ _
VyKIIPONAL-Soml gold spucTneTes oiifvls
_ - JL pair ut Hunk & Sou .V L'o.'e , 220 S. 14th ( t.
TKHSONAL Voucnn buy sllvorpluto wnro in
vvholuanluprlctii lit Frank i. bon & 4o't,220 )
B 14th it. 157 10
1 AllII'.HOSLY-r.It.umnly illnnraic. ! paper
J ji'iuonihlyi iiiepnri'd speclallv tor ladles , use
Valuable , imllspensililo , 3 months 10 els. (
months 21) ) cts , l > eariJete. Ladle's Journn
74 Luballu st , ChlcutfO. tSi lu
Til ATHIMONIAL pupor , pages. bouutlful >
J-iI llu | > triil ( > d , coiilaliii nmrly 400 ndvertlso-
monts fiiim hulles und Kontk-meu wnutlng cor
rospondt-ntf , i-ent ii months lor 10 t-U , 6 month
20cti ) . lieur-Scls. Addrei > a Helping Hand , 7U
La Sullu at , , Chicago , III 655 10
IJKIiSON'AL Jlrs. Dr Nannie V. Warren
c.'mrvoyunt , Mrdltal and bugmesa Medium
Room No. a , Kl North lOih ( L .Orniilm , Neb.
' 1 l &i l'ockvibo < ) k fontuinliiK About * 40. am
J- . impure , uu ibtli klrcvt bvtuvvn Djtiila
und Oasa ftrt'fts. llbcrul rtwntd lor rttarn lu
lllb N , Jith alruct. 11 P. KojitUo. M6' \
J unblo pfipers. A liberal reward will bo
-.lid - for Its ret irn to tlio residence of Alt D.
ones , No : il S. 1/th street. 40119'
M AI AM ALASKA , Clarnvojant and pnlmlst ,
rU South lfth st. K"l
. iJi'-Ono re-1 heifer in Tuttlo's sub-
division. Doc. ' . ' 4 , by O. F.Jones. .
Jan. 15-23 50
iriOl'NI-The plnco to KOI ho best oyster' In
-L' the city , blue points , Now Vork counts
nnd Sflects nt HlUor Moon , cor. 19handSt. ;
Mark's live. J. II. ONclII , prop. 413 JIT.
1MMONDS , lir.KVr.S & ro , contractfirs anil
builders , hn\o removed from 2VI nnd I.rnv
enwotth sis to S Utli st. oppojlto Oosinopolltnti
lotel. 2il-n
Foil KK > T organs , ja pur month. iTospoi
1613 Douglas. _ _ B09 J
ii tnblo board for dcslrnblo pnrtlos.
Apply 2217 Cnpltol mo. llofvrenues cz <
chanirtdj 20318
IjimiAOI'S-l'iirclifiBo money mortKiucs
on Improved Oninhnreiil c tntc , bought
nt No 21 Trcnzler block ; apply between - nml 3
p. in. 297
UUIISCHIIinior linker's dally report , S3 CO
1 ' per mo. 321 15
( VTUIIItAHKACttlllvntor ntnl llou okeopcr. "
IXalillshcd 18 vcnrfl. Dcpftttmctits-ng-
rlcultural , live stock , housekeeping ( nvalimtlo
eollcctlonof recolptH In each issue ) , and gen
eral miscellaneous rending , Including short
stories and poetry. M.ou n year. Valuable
iromluiiis SHtnpIn copy fri r. It. S. Smith ,
I'tib , Hoam ! ) , Wlthnoll lllockOmaha , Nnb.
" "
nnd""chrnjrst and most reliable
. watch rcpalrlnir In the city lit i'rnnk .V Sou
At Co. , 22 ( ) s lull street. 378 10
" \TOTICIJ-To nil real e tnto agents with whom
-L > 1 listed It I hnvo sold the north 31 feet of
lot 15 block 4. John 1. llcdluk's sub-division.
Jntues AOrllflth. 372.10 *
1 > AKiilS' : Dully Hcport or all transfers , Ae. ,
I J tlmt goes on rocuid , dollvoretluvory morn-
ng nt S2.00por mo. 32115
IF you bnvo properly for snlo or rent list I
with \ \ Iso .V Pnrmolo , 1,109 Fnrnam Pt. 3'XJ l 't
IJIIOHTHAND In ten lessons. No shading :
'J no position ; mpld as speech. Instructor ,
10 cents. Pci inn's Shorthand Institute , Dottult ,
Mich. 1BU110 *
moil ItK > T Pqiiaro Piano ,
L1 Hosoo 1513 DouxUs.
LF you have property for sale or rent list It
with Wise & Parmolo , 150J Farnnra st. 333 10 *
AHPOIjUTK divorces cheaply without pub
licity , rlosortion , nil caimo parties In nny
state ; nilvlcu free. Address Win. Willis , Ogdens-
blirir , NowVoik _ 114 15 *
JlOlt KI1NT Squnro I'iano iJ inonttilv. A
Hospo.l513IJoililas. Gil
D IAMONO iVcnrat stone , combination ring
und stud nt u'gioiit b.irgulu. Frunk \ Son &
Co. , 420 S. 14th street. 378 10
rDIUhSAFHTy UA7OK Only * 2 at Frank Si
LSon & Go's. , 'U S. 14th btreet. 37U 10
T NOW sell tno cnllgrnph on Installnionts , now
Is your chance to buy the best writing ma
chine on easy terms. 3J1 15
FOIl SAI.K A cnr loml of choice fresh oows
nnd springers just arrived from the dulry
fauns of Ionlu Dstcn Ijiook's yards , lUth and
Cup avo. Crone & Hoylos. 217 10 *
FOIl MAM : Solid gold , stem-winding Klgln
vvntchos , only f Jo. FruuK & , Son & Co. , 2 0
S. 14th 8U 157 10
FOll 8AIiK Miscellaneous.
19111 * engine nnd connection.
1 power me-iit chopper.
1 Biiusngo studcr , will sell nil or separately.
Oeo. Schwartz , 5l 8 13th St. 34'J 17 *
SAtn nrllllant 1'annant diamond oar-
rlm-'g. solid gold , only $ J.60 , at Frank * Son
&Co's , 2208.14th st. 15710
FOIl BAI.K-St.unpIng I'nttoins cheap ; nnd
BtainDliiRdono to order. Mrs.J. w. Mor
risons , 1505 Dftvonport. 287 F12
> OK SAIjK ( loot ! horse , harness and dellv-
1 crywngon Inquire 1512 3- Filth st. Bill 17 *
FOH SAIiH A No. 1 road mnio , One blooded ,
nt constablo's sulo on Jnnuiiry 1'Jth nt 4
o'clock uenr tlio postollleo Onmhiu 223 19
HALK The host buggy in the world for
the Itcnl Rstnto Ilusincss , Columbus lluggy
Co. , 1113 Harnoy st. SlOfll
F IOlt SALEOonulne diamond oatrlngs $10
nt Frank Ic Son & Co's , 220 8. llth st. 157 18
FOIl SALK A Rood fi year old horse , harness
and buggy. Enquire at 14118 Douglna st. I'U- '
TTIOIl SALK OK TUADK-Ono 2 < 1 hnnd side-
J-J bnrbUL'gy.ono 2d hnnd phnoton , ono de
livery wugon. Cheap. A. Hospu , 151J Douglas.
751 J 30
'OHSALK Tjpo-wrltor , 500. J. B. Hayncs ,
Omuha. M7
TT\OH SALl rurmturo and lease ot six-room
-I ? hoiifo , time on part. Cull 1202 North 27th
Ftroot , two blocks from Hod Car lino. K33
FOK SAI.K Cncap. iron columns ind win
dow caps suitable for front on brick build
ing : . Forpartloulursnpply at thlsofllco. 613
\TAN I'KDKxporlencod trnvoilng salesman
for Nebraska , lo represent u largo eastern
hosiery house Apply to Jiune-t 11. Itnymoiicl ,
Wind-or hotelLincoln , Nob. 37710
WANTKD A temperate. Industrious , experi
enced newspaper cunvnsspr. Ono with
ofllco experience preferred. Apply to W. S.
Scnvoy , ill south llth erect. 255 15
\\rANTKD A bright nud Intnllhit-nt young
man of about 18 to UKslst In a flno cigar
store ubout to bo opened. Address C m lice
olllco. 324 15
\VANTKD-A man 40 or CO roars old with
business ovporlenco , iinti u practical
knowlekgo of accounts , must bo steady nnd
tiimwnrthy in every wnv. Kusy nnd porniun *
lit woik for the right kind of a man. Address -
dross Iloston , euro Pnxton Hotel. 279 15
WANTKI ) Agents to Bollcit family orders
for groceries In Omnhn and surrounding
towns , on salary or commlbslou. Address 0.15 ,
Ilooolllcc 172-15 *
\\'ANTKD Agents to represent the National
'l Library Association , i\porlenced : Hook
AgentsTouchers nnd SchoolSuperlntondanta
preferred. The v\ork is much pleusautor thnn
iiiiivnsslng for books , nnd nnurgotlo workers
ean mnko from t'U to $ lfJ ( jior week. Address ,
vilth retoroneii.National Library As'ouintlou ,
IOJ Stuto St. , Chicago , 111. 272 15
\\7ANTIJD-A man to tnko euro of n pnlr oC
horrtes ami assist about the houso. Ap
ply nt U18 Fnrnham Bt. or Hunt's Crockery
store nt 12 in. Monday. 39118 *
A\'ANTKD A ( lormnn boy , not ov nr IB yours
V > of UKO , to leiun the linker's trndo at Paxton -
ton hotel. 3o.IO *
" \\7ANTKD ( i'od Agents to go on the lloud
T and Introdui-o th lireute-st Invention of
the Ago. 1) . K. Orungor.218 8. 10th st.VM
VM 18 *
AV ANTKD-Cnnvussers , npi > ly 31tS ) lilth st.
WANTKD llrldgo carpenters for Wyoming ,
Albright's Lubor iifc'ouoy , 1120 Furimni.
\\'ANTKD-Two blacksmiths who can do all
' ' kinds of blacksmith's work. Lowry
Jliirkoy , Fremont , Neb. 32227
\Y * ANTKD-Two brond bikors. Smith i Co. ,
1 fi ! ) Main streetCouncil Illutrs. 2GU
\\T ANTKD-Men , v onion , boys , girls to earn
' $70 per mouth at their o > vn hoiniM costly
ontllt of sample-1 , a pnt-knKo of goods and full
Information for lOa to help pay postage. Atl
dress H , C. Hoivcll & Co. , llutland , Vt.IWflO
IWflO *
' \\rANTKD 0 sober. Intelligent mon of good
i' address to ti > u 10o iiie-ul at Norrln' res.
tnurunt , 101 SIMM at. 153
AQF.NTSInthoclty or country nan inmcot5 to
(10 n dny selling our spoUltied. N' . W ,
Novelty oompany , UJ7 Furnnm bt. 813
\ \ . ANTKU-100 girls for hoU30-vvork.
la % orth 15th struct.
WANTKD-glrl-Miibt bo gotkl cook. Nn
other need apply , Qocd wages. Mrs. If.
W. Gray , 2024 Douglas DS517
\\'ANTKD Aoook und n-cond girl. Apply
11 Hum's crockery tloro , FJ18 Furnum M at
12 m. Monday 390 16r
girl for general house
work , good wages paid , Apply to Mrs
W. J. llrontth , 24215 Uod o tl. 3S > 9 2J *
\\TANTED A girl to cook nnd do genera
' ' liousowork. Southeast corner Hlb und
Hartley bis. U27 17 *
" \\7"ANTUD Steady young girl for small faui.
> > lly , work light. 1B2J N 22d and I.uVe.
SU 18 *
'AV'ANTKD-A second girl t 1418 Loavenworth
1 f tf)7 17 *
I'ANTKI ) ( ioodKirl foricenoralhousework
l re < frvucc6 rvtiulred ; 22UFurnuui , 3o'J ' 17
\\TANTKD Two good girl * fromeliotely for
IT general houenvork. Apply M7S 12th.
y4i ib *
1TANTED Colored worann clmmbcrnmM.
> good wages. Apply 107 N 14th M.
340 1 *
A\TANTKD-An eldnrly women to cook In
> I small family , no w.ishlug or hou < ekoop-
nir. ICIO Catherine si. J.'O
WANTKD-OIrl for general hnu eworkmusl
bo competent ! good vvcgcs1 small fnmlly.
Apply to O'Donnboo * ibcrfy , 15th St. . next
loortol' . O. ,86618
WANT nn-I.ndy copyist with knowledge of
look-kcepln r. C i . lleo onico. : BM6 *
\Y ' 'AMKD-Olrlfor Rcncrnl hou onork at
2114 California St. 312 15
UAN'l'KDI.aundross at Summit rcBtiuinini ,
1053 141 1 st , 345 liV
v AXTHD- Scandinavian illnlnfr-room girl
nt Hotel Uonninrk.flilSeventh street.
aw is *
WANTKD Dressmaker/ / " , Immediately , nt
Mrs. Hoy's,303 N 10th st , . Anderson block ,
rooms 1-2. 31216-
WANTED Oootl ( Tin for housowork. Cnll
nt IfllJ ChlcnRO st. 31415 *
\VANTKD-A female cook at the Atlantic
V > Hotel. South 10th st ! Scandinavian or
Gorman preferred. 317 15 *
17"ANTKD-A clrl for collar nnd cuff mangle ,
> nt Frontier Steam Lnundry,1512 Howard st.
305 15 *
w ANTKD-Socond Rsrl , 202 N 18th t.
311 17 *
WANTRD Smnrt , nollvo gill lo run button-
bolomnchlno. nt CnniloUl Mfg. Co. , 1200
nnd 120S Douglas St. , up stairs. 290 1C *
WANTKD A housekeeper who Is willing to
do nil the houseworK except washing,82J
South20th st. 201
ANTI.D DInlng-room girl and dish
washer. lnitilro ] Miller's Itcstnuiant , 1001
N. 16th st. 22.J
l/ANTKD-Shlrt milkers. Omahn bhlrt fnc-
> tory,308N. Iflthst. 17710
WANTKD-Clood plrl , F.ngllsh or Oorman ,
eook , washer and Iroiior. Imiulrc 2.JU
Cnss st. 047
_ _
VST'ANTF.D First-class Laundress. Co/.zens
V > hotel. VOtJ
WAN'TIID An experienced cook In small
fnmlly ; good wnuos pnld. Mrs Q J Hunt ,
n w cor Virginia nvc nnd Grunt st 725
WANTIJD Olrlfor ironcrnl housework. No.
191b Cnpltol nrcmio. 075
\\-ANTlJI ) First class help to fill good places
> in hotrls , tcstnurnnts stores und prlvnto
fnmllos. Cnll or address Omaha Registry Uu-
rcau , 220 N 10th st. 230 lit *
WAN'l ii : ) Ladles and gentlemen In city or
country to tnko light work nt their homos.
$1,00 to JJ.OOu day easily mailo ; work sent by
mnll , no canvassing. Wo nnvo a good demand
for our work and furnish steady employment.
Address , with stamp , Crown Mfg. Co.,2'.H Vine
at. . Cincinnati O. 455J.M *
' \\FANTI-O : io Indies & gents to loirn tolo-
T > graphy Prospt-ct good for position when
competent ; nddrcss W. J , U. , llootn 1 , Ground
blk.Onmlm. 137
An oxpononced book-keeper of
25 wants a iiornmnont position , wholesale -
sale or real ustato proferrod. llcst roforronco.
Address 0 44 , Doe o'.llco. 400 1U *
T\7ANTRD Situation as Stonogrnpher nnd
Type-writer. Address , MIBS Knto , 7193.
17th St. 20'J 15 *
WANTKD Situation ns clerk in hotel , huvo
had ton years experience. Hnvo no olt-
Jootlon to leuvinif city. Address 11 11,1818 Far-
num. 3J3 15 *
WANTKD A situation by a man of Illty ,
strictly tempernte , a fair writer , good bus
iness nblllty , consldurablo oxporlonco. ( Sateen
years ns outMldo snlosmnn. ) High wnges not so
much an object as n chance for advancement.
Address C 20 , Ueo olllco. 23H 16 *
"IX/'ANTF.D Sltuntlon by n compctrnt no-
countant , correspondent or Cnn
glvo gooil reference : ) . Address C. II. I,2111
California Ettoot. 38422 *
T\TANTKD Situation In onico or store , by u
' younir man of good character : huvo n
gooil education , am willing to woilcrcforonccs
furnished. Address CJ,41B South 13th st.
375 17 *
WANTKD Situation as engineer , city or
country ; run do all repairs. Address
Tlor 19tMursnalltown ) , lown , stating terms nnd
location. 31017 *
WANTED Situation by n nuddlo-agod man
ingrnlnor lumber ; tlvo > enrs experience
In charge ; good ref orcuco. Address 0 45. Heo
olllco. 3JS 17'
WANTKD A purchaser for flvo acres of
land to sub-divido directly between the
city nnd South Omnhiu I'nco J2tfOW. Addiess
P. O. llox 15J , Oiimlm. 261 15 *
W ANTKD An unfurnlshod room. Address
C3J , Ilooomco. 30'J-15 *
\\7ANTKD-Furnishod room "i privnto fam-
TT lly by ugontloman. lloforoucos exchanged.
Address , btatlng- locution , etc. , box 41 , city.
31)710 ) *
V\7 AN I'KD 25 young men to buy solid gold
> > wedding rings for $5 und upwards nt
Frank & Son Uo's , 220 S. 14th St. 157 iO
WANTKD A gentleman to sumo n room
nnd oxponao of n $12 room und llro. Hof-
oreneos exchanged. Addrjss 027. lleo. r.80-lii *
rx/ANl ED To buy a food safo. Inquire &t
1011 Howard St. 335-13
TyANTKD-Toums , 309 S. llth st.
\\rANTED Ladles wishing domestic help can
' < bo supplied by calling nt Kmplo mont
Hurouu , 119N 10th stand Cupltal NVO.
30.1 10
WANTKD To trndo 100 neros good land all
under cultivation In Ida Co. , Ion u for
horBos. cattle or Nolmiskn hind : unimproved
Nebraska land to trade for mcrclmndMo. U F.
Mostolloi. IHS15th St. 304 10 *
YVANTKD-Two parties , husband nnd wlfoor
two gentlemen to occupv fiont parlor ,
be t room , newly furnished. Hoard If desired
Location two blocks from union depot , llofor *
oiice'S roquli cd. Addiess C 34 lleo ollleo.
" \\TANTKD Immediately , 2 poisons to In -
' ' struct In book-keeping. J. H. Smith. 1H13
Chicago st. 313 1(1 ( *
WANT To trade good desirable Omaha real
i-stnto for good ilriigMoro In Nebraska ,
Address 020 , lloo olllcoOmahu , Neb ,
211 10
WANTRD To buy llvo to twenty ncros In-
sldoofor near Omaha. ( Jive descrip
tion , prlco und taring. Address , C,2l ) , Hco olhco.
WANTKD To rout u 7 to 8 room hoimo about
the mlddlo ot January. Address , II. 40 ,
lloo Olllco , giving location and terms. 752
WANTKD-To rent n largo unfurnished
room with bourd for two , In private Inm-
lly , after Fob. 10 , within 0 blocks west of the P.
O. Address C. 19 , lieu olllco. 207
WANTKD Parties desiring hulp ot all kinds
Huppllodnt Omahu Ltctrlatry Hurooii , 220
S9t 19
_ _ _ _
WANI'KD A joungmtindosiroH Instruction
on the guitar from u competent to.iohor.
Address H 41 , lloo otlluo. 705
" \A7ANTKD A roller top doait In good oomll-
Vi tlon. Address stating length nnd price.
Cnsh , Hotel Mlllard. eVI * 34 *
Foil IlKNT A ttvo room houso. Apply nt 1220
Furnam street. A Martin. 3 } 10
' OinrfiNT HOUBO of tnTi'ioom * , inodorii
Improvnmonts , good locution , cheap. KJ-
w In DnvU , 1609 Furnniu et. Ml 17
FOlt HKNT-Houso with I rooms , on Hickory
et south or llrownoll hall. Inquire 520 S.
13th st V. L. Vodlcka. 304 10 *
TpOuTtENT-Nlco cottairoT rooms. No. IS.'O.
-U North lltth ft , 125. Inqulro room No. 2 , Kx-
position ImllillnL' , or nddruns with city refer-
cncoN. S.OUrK , l/oulsvlllu , Nob. 2JJ 16 *
FOIl IlKNT 10-room house with largo stable ,
very i houp to right party. Marshall & Lo-
bock,15u9Fain.un. 221
FOIt HKNT-lly Fob 1st , ten room bouse ,
modern Improvements , U minutes vvalK
from P.O. On bt car llnu. Inqulru at 1408
Douglas st. 140
HKNT-Storo311 N. 15tu bt. COS 17 *
FOH HKNT House , three roorng. 1317 Chi-
carfiiist. 30) ) 15 *
OH HKNT For one ortwo gentlemen , a
nicely furolshed front room , 205 S. ssth et ,
291 15 *
F OH HKNT Tbreo nowfinely UnlsheJ four-
roomed cottages at South Omaha Apply
toW - . a Soavt-y , 111 South I4lu street. S90 15
F OH HE.NT-A bnrn for 4 hsid of horaos. In
quire of M. F Martin. 8,37
1lllKiT ! A nice i-room ooiuijo , by 8. T.
Poterjcn , a. o. cor. 15tti aaJ Dou.l&s.
IriOH HKNT-0 room house , city water , street
can , IM miles trom P , O ; I2S per month.
D. C. l' tterton,0m-htt Natl bmn. 711)
FOH UKST-Lars * barn with water prlrl
legej. Apply at 1919 Cblcn.0 4. Wi
FOH HENT-rottnTO.C roomj , fd nnd Done
la . 0. K. Thompson , 9. tW. cor. lltb nnd
Hnrnoy sts. * - ore '
Full lir.Nf Hon o ! 4 rooms , corner Phi
Sheridan and Hownnlsts.
House , 9 rooms , nil modern Improvements ,
Ilnrney nnd 20th sts. K
New brick store , north NttHj *
4 now stores neir Hascnll's vjhhtpl , south 13th
st , f 15 per month. Su. ,
Hrlok warehouse on H. H.g ck and pxvoJ
3rd lory nrker builJintr , lth anj Fnrnara ,
AS feet squnre. IV
jg. K MaynMTth and Ilarrtgy 227
171OH HKNT-If jou wnnt to rtntn bouse , call
Jv onHonawa.V'Co , o'poslt | l'ostolllce' . fi3j
FOIl HKNT--3 houses in rooms oicti , with all
inodorn Improvements , 21st and Hurt.
Inqulru of Dr. Paul , l&lli and Dodge 614
T7IOII HHNr-Putlablo for Jdbhlng House.Poc-
JL ? end and Thlrtl Floors , .TlxKX ) with Imso-
ment and elevator , entrance from front on
Douglas it. , nnd entrance on groundfloor from
roar to olovntor. Address A 33 , Hco ofllco.
. 270.
7OH HENT-2 now houses S. K cor. lllhund
. ' Vlnlon. Inivulrojm promises. 2S5
VOH HKXT--0 room house 8. W. cor. 7th and
L1 Pncino. Inquire M. F Martin Sll
Foil KKNT-SU new brick stores with base
ments , corner Klovonth nnd Howard : choloo
location ; all convontoncos. Loavltt llurnhain ,
llooml , Crelehton block. C2T
lj > Oll linxt'-Ononowcottauo , 7 rooms , JTJ.
JP Throe now 2-story houses , f 11 , ono nt W > !
welllocatod , nil eonvonloncos. Lonvitt Hum-
hamltoom I , Crolghton block. 127
1T1OII KRNT 80 acres ndjoinmir city north-
JL1 westsuitable for dairy or market irnrden ,
Apply to Thoo. Williams , Hoe Olllco , U14 I'ar-
num. 8M
F ) U UKNT Store 23 ia , 111(5 ( Jackson sL
"I710H IlKNT One , two or thteo rooms , fur
J.1 nlshed , 2213 CiiDltol nvo. , chonp. 312 18
71011 HRNT Ptirnlshod Trent parlor , with
- hent , sultubli ) for 2 gentlemen , also hull
rooms. 2011 Huriioyst. 201 1G *
FOIl HUNT-Ton irontlomnn and wlfo or two
gentlemen , slttlnir room nnd bed room ,
furnished. In ptlviito family with or without
bonnl. 318 N. lath street betweou Capitol Ave.
nnd Davenport. 374-ia *
OlFTtKNT-rurn hcd room , 1317 Chlciign
street. 371-lli *
ell UUNT Fiirnlshodioom nt 219 N. 17th
St. 342 15
FOIl Itr.NT To a gentleman and wife or two
gentlemen , slttlnir room nnd bed room In
u prlvtto family with or without board , 218 N.
IMh st. , bet Capitol iivo and Uuvcnport.
271 IB *
Foil HUNT 1'nrty who lives In nn eleven-
room hou o , with all mnitni n conveniences ,
such us KM , city water , would like to rent the
IIrat floor to u responsible pnity. Address ( J
35 lice. 318 16
IjMJIJ UKNF itoslrnulo nowiy rurnishod
1 rooms for gentleman. Has , bath nnd fur-
nacohout. 2225 Dodge. 30GJ15 *
F IOll 11F.NT I'liinlshod rooms for housekeep
Ing. Cheap. 20JI Webster st. 21415 *
ELF.OANTIA" Furnished , wnrin front parlor ,
near business center , prlvnto house , 1015
Capltnl nvo , 5U8-21 *
FOIl HKNT-v\n nlcove room with closets ,
bath nnd board In n prlvnto family. Sult-
nblo for man nnd wife , or two gentlemen.
Cholco location , llefereuces required. P. O.
box 274. 3 8 10 *
FOIl UKNT Cheerful room with aboard , to
gentleman only. Plonsunt homo. Terms
ronsoimblo. Kofercnues. 5351'lcununt st.
2 17 *
FOH HUNT Largo , Hiinny , south room with
alt-ovo. All modern convonlcncos. 1'Jin
Dodge st , 875
I71OII HUNT Nicely furnished room. Itofor-
enccsroquirod. 1007 Douglas. 987 *
1OH KljNT Largo , front , olhco room , northwest -
west corner 15th nnd Harnoy sts. $40.03 per
month. , 4'jl '
FOK IlKNT A nrgo front chum nor with
closet , gas , furnnco and bath , nOI S. 21th st.
block north St , Mary's uvo. 902
F " "blT "MTNT : FrirnT9hod room. A ! Hospo ,
ir.n Douglas st. ' 911
FOIl HRNT 3 rooms unfurnlshol suitable
forhousckoiipinir , 1017 NBOth st ; apply to
M.F. Martin , 310815th st , 40J
POH HUNT Two south front rooms , slnglo
or en suit ; ulso front roam , Uiet floor , wither
or without llro , 1512 Cuss St. 3520 *
orFOIt HUNT 3 furnished rooms , stoves , pns
and nil convenlcncos , cheap tor tlio winter ,
1818 Fnrmun. 3J3 17 *
FOH KENT-Two pleasant rooms , ? 12 and i
$14. Fires included. 702 N 18th. 34017 *
FOR HKNT Nicely furnished rooms : board
if desired , 113 S 2Jd st , bet Douglas and
Dodgo. 278
F OIMtKNT Furnished rooms nt 810 S , 18th
Btroot. 303-20 *
FOH HKNT 2 very pleasant , now ly fnrntshnd
rooms , 1 n Inrgo front room with bur win
dow , 1 sninll room , 2025 Furnnm bt. 3I 19
Foil HKNT Klogant rooms on street cnr
line , buth and gas , a. w. cor 20th und
Webster. 13.
FOIt HKNT Furnished room , furnace , com-
fortublo In coldest woalhor , and gas. In-
qulro 1921 I'm num. Ill
FOIl HKNT 3 nice nowlv puperod rooms ,
vvatorlnkltclion ; sultnhlo for hiiniokoop-
tng. Pi ieo. $12.50. 1013 N. 20th St. Apvly to
owner , M. F. Murtln,310 S. 15th st. 9J4
F IOlt HENT-Furnlshod room. 711 N. 1'Jth St.
13fiK7 *
FOIl UKNT Nicely furnlshod rooms with
Mrst class board. All modern conveniences ,
1409Jones. Four blocks S. of Puxton hotol.
953 18 *
11011 IlKNf 1 rooms suitnblo for houso-
koopbiif. 711 Puolflost. Hent , $15.05.
TGIOirilKNT Front ) iirlor bed room , newly
-I ? furnished , ( tontlemnn nnd wife profoio 1
Location two blocks I rom union depot , lictur-
onccsrcqulied. AddiossO 34 Ueo ollleo.
.T3t 17 *
FOH HKNT llooms for light hoimokooplng ,
liirnlslied or unfurnMuid.ouly four hlocKH
from lloyd's opera houso. Inqulio Ol'l S IDili bt
a)0 ) 16 *
FOH IlKNT-Two rooms , low rout , furnlturo
for sulo. Within two minutes walk of post-
onico C 37Ioo ! olllco. K5 10 *
Foil IlKNT Kleirunt fnimslied room , 1503
i'aninm. Cull nt once It wanting n good
room , llotoroncos required. ,15S 17 *
POH HKNT-Koom. fiinilahod , for 4 , or light
housekeeping , lot 1 Chicago et. 359 18 *
FOH IlKNT Front Hasouicnt rooms , unfur-
nlslied,111S. IBlh st. 35J-17 *
FOIt HKNT A nice , light bnscmcnt. Imiulro
of Leslie & Leslie , IGlhand Dodge sts. 308
II HKNT Pleusnnt furnished room , IB
CilSS. 251) ) 1C *
FOH IlKNT Sleopini ; moms , furnished nnd
unfurnished , atBiW Howard boi.8th und Dili.
F ° HKVT Nlco rooms at I Ml Fiiinnm bt ,
ono block west of couit housesouth RJO. |
IlKNT Noutly furnished rooms , slnglo
or double , 1418 Howard Street. SU
FOH HUNT Three front rooms , newly fur-
nUhecl ( gouln windows ) , very chonp. b4 !
N.17lhst. , 21110 *
FOIl IlKNT Furnished rooms for light houjo
keeping , Iloomors Lloek , cor othi : Howard.
' U14
FOIl IlKNT Itooma nicely , furnUliod at nil
prlens. fiom $ S , $10 , ? | 2. | 15 u month each.
KM South Ifcth btri-ft , north St. Mury's nvontio
upstairs. 21.1110
TT OII HUNT Nicely furnlsru-jit iront iiarlor
- - nnd parlor-bedroom. Flvo minutes VMilk
from pohlollko. Toi ms reasonable. le-.t ) loca
tion. 711 Sontli IPlli st. f 28(110' (
FOH HKNT Four uniurnlstiad roomi
for housukcoplng to sniill family , to-
cnted on Ueorglu uv o near Ktroqt cirs.surrou nd-
Ings pleasant and will rent chciip to good
partiesrotoronouroqulrod. ; A-ddrujs A 6-1lieu
ofllcu. c 247
TT\OH \ HKNT Nicely furm < t ad front room
-L with piano If deiliel All Awdorn convent-
eneos. 414 N lUtli stieot. IKM
FOIt HKNT-Togontluman , n room , SIO per
mol712Cnlltornlu. W48
FOIl HKNT Largo olognnt roomwith closet
Southfront. H16 Chicago Btroot , 810
17UH IlIJNT-Sultoofnowly furnishoa rooms
-L. In now house ; modern couvtmioncos : to
gentlemen. 1'JJl Dod/e st. ' -W
IfOIl SALK House 8 rooms nnd lot. Walnut
1 Hill at anarguln. Cuine < L Vellum , l'\ .
position building. IKMQ
J > KMEMUKH Uonsoa. 31S 18
MMIKljucst and Ile tadaltlon to South Omaba
i. ( iiover Stevens , 218 8. 15th et. 290 Itt
TTOH SALK-Twentleth and LaUq , two lots.
- - Terms ca y. Currlu and Vellum , Kxposi-
tlon Uulldiny.
VRMN..TON CI NTH ! will bo the lms > ino s.
pi Int wo t of tno Moe-k yards. Its lots will
have the greatest mo lii vnluo. Hook , solo
nhcnt , I50U Fnrnnm. 0 10
* "
the ground door. Hook 15UP J'lirimm.
10 18
HAMMOND Plieo low four Muck * south of
howler's and adjoining Jotter's addition
will bo for snlo Monday January IT. It is the
flnc tln South Omnhn without exception. Price *
f 700 and f W. They will all do old ) n ido of
lourleon d.ivs , Huro Is the bo t ihnneo to mnku
money 1 hc o lots will bo worth fioni f 1,000 to
fl.VOU In the spring. Thootloro OIHin nnd
nnd Jnraos Voro , Proprietors , 213 ! S lib street ,
359 IS
.rilt.lXC.TON CiXTRH-Only : 501 j anls from
J-f tlio gront packing houses nnd no nronm.
Sure to inrroisti In vnluo Immediately. Hook ,
soJtMigcnt. ltd rnrnnm St. 3A ) IS
SOl'TH OMAHA otniwo gldo nntt Honton on
the other , the t litst proportion In bur
fornveatmont , lnvtlirntr. : H8 id
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 813 1ft
TfToll SALi-Onlrnnt ( nnd ColfnT St. , nlno
1. houses with till inodorn Improv omonts. Tor
particulars apply to Currlo A. Vollum. Kxposl-
tinlttlldlns1. 3-i-j - 10
B UUWNOTOM CKNTitl.--Tho best mltllllon
to South Oinnhn. Tlio plnco to mnko
nulok , big proilts. llooic , goto ugont , ism rur-
imin. 380 in
MKAD Jt , IA.MtF. ' OV.
No. 3ln Sonlh tBth flt.
Lot , fronting 3 streets , 25tli nnd Pacific , 2
houses , J2.50J Kasy terms.
Host lor In Orchard Hill with 5-room house ,
barn , well , clstorn , fruit nnd slmdo trees , Jl.iW ) .
l.asv forms.
8 W cor llth und Pacific , 00x137 , 3 flno cottages ,
l'.ot fronting on Coiivont nnd 21th sti. Im
provements worth f.l.OAi. 2 house ? , city nnd
cistern nut or , * rtWM Kunjr terms.
6-rnoni cottngo nnil lot , -Stli and Cliarlos ,
Sf'I.OOI. J10J oiish. hill o.isy. .
N 13 cor of ] Mil nnd Ltmvonworth , 2 houses ,
rout- " for S7/ / > per 1110 , lot Ctxfttl , flno business
pioperty , $12,000. Mend & Jnmlusoi. , .IIS 8 15th
street. 249
KOUTH OMAHA-C.R. Mnyuo , solo ngent.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ al8J ? _
THKLntcM nnd llest nddltlon to South Omuhii ,
drover Slovens , 2188. 15th st. 3' < J 10
iTrilALL&CO. . 115 S. nth st.
Hn\oiOlots InOrclmnl Hill to sellstnely
or altogether , nt n burguln If taken pnnn. Also
n few lots in lloscrvDlr add. Cull curly. Stocks
of merchandise to sell or oYcliungo for Im
proved or unimproved land or Oranhn prop-
mty. 29 1 IB
S OMAHA-C. 11 Mnyno.solu iigcnt.
348 16
317 IB
_ _
LIST jour property with llunoher , 1511
Ftirnuni st. 2SJ 19
" "
OUl'll OMAIIA crir5luynoTsoToTigeiu. : 3H10
HAMMOND 1'lnco lot- - ) four blocks son'th of
I'oulci's nnd adjoining ,1'itloi's addition
will ho forsnlo Monday Juuunrv 17. ll Is the
finest In South Omnhn without exception
Pi ices 5700 nnd f 900. They will all bo sold Inside
of fourteen dnyR. Huro is Iho best chnnco to
n.nko money. These lots will be worth from
11,000 to S12uO In the spring. Theodore Olson
nnd Jnmes Vore1 , Proprlotors , 218 S. 15th strcot.
3U ( 18
BUHLINC.TON CKNTKll has more vnluublo
features thnn nny other addition to South
Omnhn. Hook , folo ugont 15)9 ) Fainnni. 3W 10
S OUTlTo > rAlIA-C. a Mnyno , solo ngent.
348 It )
IOUTH OMAHA C. i : . Jluyno , solo ngont.
> 34-i It )
EMI.MIIIU ; ; HoiHon. 318 10
BUHLINC : TON CUNTEH has not ono poor lot
In It. und Its location , next the It. & M.
station grounds , Insures Immense prollt to In
vestors. Hook , solo iigcnt , 150U Furnnm.
380 10
HAMMOND Plnco lots four blocks south of
Poulor's and ndlolnlng Jotter's addition
will bo for snlo Monday January 17. It is the
finest In South Omaha without exception.
Prices $700 nnd f'100. ' They will all bo sold Insldo
of fourteen dn > s. Here is the host chance to
mnkn money. Those lots will bo worth from
ftlliuOto JLiOO In the spring. Thc-otloro Olson
nnd Jnmos Voro , Proprietors , 218 S 15th stioot.
3H U 18
SOUTH OMAHA C.E. Mnyno , solo agent.
318 10
317 16
BUY Yourhomoln Ilurhngton Center nour
the great Industries of South Omaha. > ot
avoiding their aroma , and imiKo money. Hook ,
sola agent , ir > 'JU ' Fnrnam. 380 10
LIST your propeuy with liuncbor , 1511
Karnnm Bt. 2b'l ' 19
SOUTH OMAHA-C. L. Muyno , solo ngont.
348 10
HAMMOND Phicolots four blocks south of
I'nular'annd adjoining .lottur's addition
will be for sulo Mondi-.y January 17. It Is the
line-tit in i-oiith Omnhii vvlthoiit exception.
Prices J700 nnd * WO. They will all bo sold Insldo
ot fourteen tliijs. Heroin the best chance to
iniiko monoy. Those lots will bo v\orth from
? 10UOto fl''On lu the spring , Throdnro Olson
nnd Jnmcs Vore , Pioprietors , 218 S 15th street.
Si/I 18
BUHL1NOTON CKMBK. Tlio focal i > olnt
( Jotof the stock yards : In tlio near fu-
tin o the superior of South Omaliu. The plnco
tolnvi-st for big profit. Hook , bolo Urfont , 150'J
Fnriinm. 3M ) 18
THKVnrohouutlful , nnd much larger thnn
in other additions , ! * the usual verdict ro-
giirdlug the 200 lots in Albr ht'o choice. 100
SOUTH OMAHA-C. U. Muvno.soloiiuent.
348 10
HAMMOND I'lnce lots four blocks south of
Fort lor's and adjoining Jotter's addition
vvIII bo lor i > ulu Monday Jnnuiiry 17. It Is the
finest In South Omnhn nithoiit exception.
Prices $700 nnd $900. They will all bo sold Insldo
of fourteen du > s. llnro Is the best chnnco to
mnko money. Those lots will Im worth fioin
fllKOto f 12-w - in thu spring. Theodoio Olson
und Jnmes Vore , Proprietors , "IBS 15th street.
31)9 18
( JTII.L ANOrilKH and bolter-Hammond
> iiliH-o Is the safest liiventmoiit In
South Omahu as its proximity lo tlio packing
houses will mnko It business proper ) v. Snlo
eommonee-s Monday morning , Orovur filevuns
21S H J5th Mront , 3'KI ' 10
Our new addition.
Aoresf lee to $ .iri poraoro.
No-ir South Omiiha ,
And bydlcato Hill.
Mnrsunll .t Ixibcck ,
IB1) ) IMJ Fnninm.
FOH SALK-Ily llnnohor , 1S11 Furnuin st.
Lots InLluiK Place , close to Hunscom Park ,
$ Kri'e ' eh ,
2 good lots In Dwlght & Lymnn's. on corner ,
tl.2ut ) for both.
rulllotsln Falrraountl,3.'iO. '
Flno lots In 1-ostoi'n , near g.iundors St. , $1,900.
Illmobaugh l'lieo. : one lot , { .MOO ,
llanscom I'lnce , Klogant lots In blksfl,8 , nnd
Morormlok'82dTwo Iota on Loi'.vonwoitb su ,
52.fl ! ) for both.
1'rosnuct Pluoa , Lot 10 , Illk F , on Humlltou St. ,
f 1.700.
Double lot on Cullfornl.i st , cheap , ? 2tno ! ,
Hoes' Plnco , 75 tcot Irani , on 1'urk uviuiuo ,
Keillck'ri 2.1 . , on ' . ' 5th St. , 1'lno lots. $2,500.
Shull'd 1st , l.nrt'O lot , 2 houcus , fated two
st nets , $5,200.
bouth Omnhu Syndicate , Ono of the finest ,
Vnti s & llnod's , inrXll)7 ) , corner , $2,000.
And many moro too numerous to mention.
Also , nil the now additions to South Omnhu.
List } our property with mo , nnd en 11 before you
buy or cell. Uunchor , 1511 Furnnm i-t ,
3fi | 20
HAMMOND Plnco lols four b'ocks ' south of
lovvlor'sund adjoining JHtoi'g addition
will ho lor fliilo .Monday Jttmmrv 17. It is the
finest In South Omahu without exception.
Prices $700 and i'JjO. 'I hey \t ill nil bo eold in ldo
of lourieen dayii. Ho-o l the hu t chnnco to
make monoy. Thesti lols vtlll bo vtoith from
$ lCKMto $12(10 ( Hi the spring. Theodoio Olson
nnd Jiimes Vote , Propiletors , 218 S 16th struct.
! _ _ _ _ _ ! ® ? * 12
GHOVKIt hTKVF.NH , 21H P. 15th street will
hnvo on Milo Monday morning the Intent
nnd best addition to South Ouiuhu. It will
tnuku business property , 3'-Id
SNAP 115 feet , boutli front , on Fuinnrn
htieot. by 1.10 foot deep , between 2Mli st ,
aiid2Ulist. I'uvliirf taxoj paid. Pi ice , f I HIX)0 ;
J7UOcish , bal. 1,2,3 j card. J , F. Hammond ,
117 S. 10th Bt. 857J
JOlTrH OMA11A-C. K. "lajnc , solo agent.
HAMMOND PLACK The latest nnd best
addition to so th Omnhi. will bo placed on
fulo Monday morning These lotu me elo-
gixntly located and lying only three blocks from
Fowlor's packintr home they ore bound to
make bunntss lot * . Como early and gut your
choice. QroTCr Stevens , 21U S. lull ) etreots.
SOUTH OMAHA on ono sldo nnd Uenson on
the other , the two best proportion to buy
for Investment , Investigate. 348 IB
S OU'l II OMAHA-C K. Mayne , eold tureot.
A tlATNnV ,
Members Omaha Itenl Estate TC ,
Koomsl AJ , llcdlck llktXS. ) ) 15tlist.
Corner on Hodgo.fxHt.U. linproveJ mm Mpcr jcar . t 50,000
Corner on tlth si , 132x13. ! , near south
end of viaduct . 18,000
( Wxl. ! ' , Improvpil , halt block from
1 tilon freight depot slto > only f IWOcnsh ) 12.000
2ixl.tJstorv : ) brick business block , on
one of iho 'KIM streets in the city , rents
for $ ; iPO per vt-nr. Half Intoiest tor . . 9 , < X)0 )
Corner on Oslltornln st , Mxl32 , house
7 rooms , 2 torv , renting JIO . S.500
Oirnor on 1'ne tic st.,0flx32 , 2 hoinos ,
renting for J il per month . ? ,800
Corner LenvcnvTorth ami 15th , OGx&G , 2
houses . . . . 12t ll
rim-st tlot.sln Kllby Plneo . f > ,200
Thoriiell's add , lot ftttlU',3 houses ,
renting for $ V ) per month . 6,00)
Lot irixllo fronting SI , Mnry' nve !
Ibis Is the best nnd cheapest building lot
tn thomnrket ; terms mndo to suit . (1,300 (
T-room house on Virginia BVO nonr
I/onvonworth t. , cast front , nlco home , B.SOO
lot on Georgia nvc , .1 , L HedloK's
Sub . 8,000
Knst Iront , Oeorgm nve , llnnscotn
plneo . 2,2,10
West front , Georgia two , llnnscom
plaoo . 1TM
Knst front , Virginia nve , Hanscoin
plnce . . . . . . . S.100
West front , Cnthorlno st , Hntiscom
place . . . 1.MO
Dandy lot on 32il st , Han com plnca 2,400
Ileoldeneo lot , Cnthorlno St. , lllmo-
bniirfh Fl'icn . . . 2,401
Pnddock Plnco , corner on 10th st . . . . 3jtM
Lot 1 , block 4 , Omnhn V'lovv , rornor . . . l.OX )
Lots 8 and 0 , block 8 , Lincoln I'lnce , cor 1,000
Flno lot In Sunny Sldo . l.rnH
Flno corner lot In Potters' add . . 1,2.10
Double corner lu Dwlght A Lymnnn's
ndd . 1.100
Heniitlful lot , enst front , Coburn's ndd , 2,000
Corner lot in Onk Hurst , n snnp. . . l.Hl )
Knst front lots in Thoinburg I'lnco . . . ( flO
Ixits in sub dlv of block 3 , \ \ Ost Omnhn l.&OO
Host lot In Ullcu Plneo . l.S&O
Husluosslot ! ) on Lcnvcnworth st. , at
Wohnve lots to every nddllton to the grent
cltvof Omnha. nt winter prices , Invest jour
spnro chniiKO In some of them before the
spring ndvnnco.ntid It will be sure to win.
South Ouiulm ,
Htiilnosslotson N nndsith ft . flr > 00
llus'ness lots on M O Pst , nt KfM ) to . 7l
Full lots.WxbA'-Mh and Sdth sts. near P 1,700
Hcsldcnco lots u. every good addition.
Como nn-1 - see us.
< Jrepory A. II ad ley ,
llooms 1 mid 3 , Hudlck's block , 320 S. 15th st.
SOUTH OMAHA on 0110 sldo nnd Itonnon on
thoothor. tlmtvvo hen properties to buy
for Investment Investigate. 313 10
318 10
3 KNhON.
5 > 31710
'Til OMAHA C. K. Mnyno , solo ngent.
318 lu
I" 1ST your properly vrlth Huncher. 1611
JFurnam St. 2s9 19
OUTH OMAHA-C.K. Mayno , solo acoiit.
) 343 10
THOS15 wishing to soottro a good rallubln
cluirvovant nnd test medium should cullen
on the Indian clairvoyant nnd honlor. Ho Is
I ho seventh Mil of the seventh son born with
iiuturnl healing power , ho tells nil ubout lovers
nnd matrimonial affaire , ho nsks no questions.
Those vvishlnrf to consult him cull ut iblW Wob-
Bter street , between 15ih and ICtli streets
331-1C *
SOUTH OMAHA-C. H. Mnyne , eolo noont.
MS 10
QOITTH OMAHA on ono sldn nnil llonson on
f the other , the two best propoitios to buy
lor Investment. Invcstlguto. 343 10
SOLTH OMA1IA-C.K. Muyno , bolo ngent.
318 10
341 10
S OUTH OMAIIA-C. K. Mnyne. sole mjnnt.
348 10
KMKM11K1C IJonson. ' 318 10
9 . 31715
FOH SALE An improved fnrm ot 3.10 acres
in Ongo county , NobrnsKu. 10 miloD norih of
Hentrlcu , nnd 3 miles tiom J'leKei oil .Station , on
U. P. Ity. ; now8-iooni house , lurg" htm , well ,
wind mill , orchard contilnlnir 120 npplt * trees ,
130 ncros under cultivation. 130 ncres fenced ,
Inrgocattlo Klicd , wagon shod , criu room lor
a , ? ) ) bushels of corn , hog nnd citttlo corrnU ,
plenty uf water for stock , lurgo cottonwood
grovo. Tlil.-f Is nno or the best farms In ( Inge
county nnd a bargain nt flO.500. Ono-thlrd
cash , balnnco in 10 vcnrs at 0 percent Interest.
To trndo lor Omaha rcnl estate , ono team of
largo work hoiscsnow sot double work hnrnoss
and now wacon.
Two business lots 22\8I ft on Lonvonworth
street , cho.ip , f-t.OJO. Ileltor & Campbell , room
11Wl Fnrn.irn t. 210
OOUTH OMAHA-C II Mnyuo , solo ngont.
343 10
9 147 IB
SOUTH OMAHA C. 11 Miiynosolougont.
318 10
thn way norm nnd lots in Alriright's Uholco
nro uolnjr. Twenty-two lota sold In ono tiny.
CFlJTH OMAHA C. K. Mayno , solo uiront.
348 10
CJOUTH OMAHA on ono sldo und llonson on
\J \ the other , the two best piopoitlos to buy
for Investment. Investigate. 318 10
SOUTH OMAHA-C. K. Mayno , solo ngent.
318 10
SOUTH OMAHA on ono side nnd llensnn on
the othor.the two bust proportion to buy
lor investment. Investigate. 34810
347 10
S1 OUTH OMAHA-C. K. Muynosolo ngont ,
318 10
SOUTH OMAHA'S I.utnst nnd Host Addi
tion. Hammond Plnco Is the most ulegnnt
of all and from Its locution Is bound to mnko
business proporty. It will bo placed on Hale
Monthly morniuf * . Orovor Sloven's , 218 H. 15th
street. 39S-1D
SOUTH OMAHA on ono Hide nnd HeiiMm on
I ho other , the two host propurtlca to buy
lor investment , invostlgiito. HIS 10
SOUTH OMAHA C. 11 Muyno , solo agent.
ilia IB
FHKK AHSI HACT with every lot in Hush
Solby's udd _ 783
317 IB
SOUTH OMAHA-C. K. Muynersolo ugent.
1118 10
the way acres nnd lots In Albrlght'H Cholco
uio going. Tivonly-two lots sold In onu dny. .
SOUTH OMAHA-C. It Jluyuo , solo nuent ,
/ 348 10
itMKMHKIt HeiiBun. 348 10
SOUTH OMAHA on ono hldo and llonson on
tno other , the tv\o bodt proporth-i to buy
for Investment. Investigate , 34116
HAVKyou RConthom ? If not , cull on W , O ,
Albiiglic und go out to South Omnhu with
onnof hUugotuf ! to inspect the iiiaynlltcont
piope-rty known a ? Albright's Choice. 100
OOUJ'lFOMAHA cril'llayiifi solo ngont.
SOI'TH OMAHA on ono sldo and llonson nn
the other , tlio two host proportlia lo buy
lorlnveMnicnt Invostlgnto. 34810
500PKHCKN'Tpionthaabeun mntln since last
AugiiBt by purchiisors of lots fioiu Mr.
Albright , in the addition west of Alhrluht'H
cholco Albright'D choiuo boats them all and
don't you forgot it. 1W (
SoT"ni-7)MAHA-U K. Muyno , bolu uuciili
318 JO
rpHKV urn boniitlful , ami much larger thnn
X inotherudditloni , IK the UBiiul vonili-t re
garding the 2(1 ( } lots In Albright's Cholco. HKJ
CItKAT KXCITKMKNT In South Omnhu over
vjf the v\ny ucroi and lots In Albright' Cholco
are going. Twenty-two lots eold in one dny ,
SOUTH OMAHA on ono Hldo ami llonson on
the other , thu two be t properties to buy
lor Investment. Invootii-ate. 34810
RAVI ; you seen themr1 If not , null on W. O.
Alhneht and go out to South Umuhii with
ono of bis ugonta to inspect the nmtrnlllcont
propeity known us Albright's cliolco. 100
r * . < X ) PKH Cll.S'T pi'olit has been mndo Hlnco lust
J August by purchasers of lota from Mr ,
Albright , In tbo uddillon west of Albright's
cholco. Albright's cholco beats them nil und
don't > ou lorfc-et It. 100
S47 IB
LIST your properly with Hunohor , 1511
OOI'TH OMAHA on ono fcldo and lli-ii oii on
k > the other , thotTo ) bast propurtl > 'ii to lniy
fprluwjtuicnt , lin ustirfato. ats > 10
"too PKH CKNT prollt has bcert mide since livst
' Aunust by imroliasers of lots from Mr
Albrlaht , In the nddltlon wo < t of Albrlght'H
choloo. Albrlcht's cnolco beats them nil and
don't you forget U. 100
OUTH OMAHA-C , II Mnj ne ,
"IJI'VAFIIW of those eloirnnt lots in AI-
I ' bright s Chotoo nnd double your money
before spring. Albright Is making lots of
monov for lots of pwplo irno purchn o from
him. Only n llttlo money roqulrod to buy n lot.
1148 18
1710H SALU-Somo of the best ngrlmiTtitral
L latnl In Kusiorn Xebrusl.,1 nt $10 pur uoro on
2v ) years'time. B percent Interest an 1 no t-vxpt ,
Wi llcor P'tll for particulars. O. F. DavU , V Co. ,
Omnhn , Nob. MOJA )
SI7 in
. . SALK Two line out fronts * In Kllby
plrtcof 1100 each A. P IMkoy , UOI Fur-
nnm wi
S or I'll OM.VH V on ono sulo and ncnson on
the other , the two best properties to buy
tor Investment. luvo'tlRfUo. 111810
T > KMKMIliit ; llonson. G43 10
SOUTH OMAHA-C , K. Mayne , solo npont ,
348 10
HKAIjKSTATiil.\lt AtN-hioleolnislnoM
lot , nonrcor. Sewurl st , fronting ou Satin-
dors nt ami pnved sc. ; clioap for cnih. J , U
ItU-o.VCo. , oror Uommorcl'il litnk. 71)
317 10
SOUTH OMA11A-3 lot * in Albrluht's Anne *
at J22'i e it'll. A rare bargain. Hush A
Solby , 2183. IRIh. 78.S
SOUTH OMAHA-0. K. Mnyne , solo ngont.
! H3 10
ni7 in
nV.MiSMlir.ll Ilcnson. 313 10
RUSHASKr.llY,2l8 S 11th , hive oxrlllslvo
sale of cor. lot , Miull's add. Clrc'iil llnr-
Ijaln SlAV )
Slots , Orchard Hill , eioh I , 00
llnmllton st. lot , bargain 1,2,0
Mnrsh's ntld.on I.envonuortli. per foot. . . . 100
Sliorinnn nvo , 1'ailtlouk inlil , IN It 7,000
I.owo's ndd , C8 ft , blk O , monthly pay
ments . 1,200
I.ovuVsndd.lot fl , b ( J 1,000
lltisitiosnoor , Lo'ivenwoith , oithttif Ituli
llnu 2OCK1
llnrni'V st w hole-wlo district-o ft , to triulo
for city Improvoit propertv.
HOII-.O mul half lot , N 2'ud st $2,2SO
South Omaha lots on monthly puj monts.
SOITH OMAHA on ono hldo nnd llonson on
the other , the two be t propettlrs to buy
lor investment. Investigate. 31815
347 IS
S OUTH OMAHA-C. K. Mnyno.Bolo ngont.
348 in
FTOO PUitrRNT jiront has boon miiilo slnoo lust
O August by purchasers ol lots from Mr.
Albright , In the addition west of Alhrlght'a
t-holco. Albright's cholco beata them all and
don't jou forgot it 1UO
3(7 10
it .
500 IT.HCDNT prollt has been mndo slnco last
August by purchasers of lots fiom Mr.
Albright , In the aildlllon went of Alhilght's
Choice. Altirlght's Cholco beats them nil nnd
don't you forget It. 100
3(7 ( 18
SOI Til OMAHA on ono sldn nnd IJonson on
tlio other , the two host properties to huy
for Investment Invostlgnto. 34s 10
SOUTH OMAHA-C. K Mnyne , solo agent.
313 18
FOH SAL11 Lot 01x132 foot on Dnvonport , II th nnil 12th Ht.octs , wit U two
houses ; f 11,0 0(2,000 cash mil lonir time. In
liisluo property wo hnvo u lur o list of buslnrm
nnd insldonco lots first chisrt. Purchasers will
do well to sot ) us before buying. Marshal > V l.o-
bozk , 1503 Fnrnam. C93
KNSON. 34710
SOUTH OMAHA-C K. Mutiosolo ngont.
348 10
7MIF. 11OOM Is Immense in South Oninhi
propprty , nnd Albright's Choice lomls them
all. Thitro Is not n bud lot In this bcnutifu
proporty. 100
317 10
iSH fc SKiMlV'S ndd. to South
llouutlful lots , only $ V ) down.
SOU'I II OMAHA-C. 11 Maj no , solo ngont.
34S 10
317 10
GHUAT KXC1TKMKNT In South Oinnhn over
thu vvny ncrrH nnd lots In Albright's Cholco
nro going. Twenty-two lots sold In ono dny.
347 10
SOUTH OMAHA-C. II Muj no , solo ngont.
348 10
HA VK you soon thorn ? If not , cull on W. G.
Albright und go out to South Omiilm with
ono of | IH ngontH to Inspect the mnrnifloont
properly known us Albright's Choice. top
347 10
SOUTH OMAHA-Wo hnvo for silo two syn-
dlcnto lots (1,075 03 nuch , tlist payment only
Jioo , bal. monthly ortiunrterly.
Also corner and adjoining lot In Illock 25 ,
$2. . V ) . FliAt iymont$750.
lleit lots In Hush &Scrjy'Hndd. | ( .Wone tenth
cash , halnnco monthly or quarterly. Abstrixot
with every lot.
Albright's Annex lols J--ri to (590 , { 50 cash ,
bnlnuco monthly or niinrtorly.
Hush i. Solby. 218 S 15th.
B .117 10
OOTH OMAIIA-C. K. Mn > no , solo ucont.
) tHt 10
Iliirdottot-ourtjOnly 4 blocks from Sunn-
dor's street cars. W. M. llushmnn , lloom u ,
Uiishman lllock , N Koor 10th and
. ! 47 10
SOUTH OMAHA-C. K. Mnyno , uolo agent.
LIST your property with Uunelior. 1511
Fuinnmsu 3S'i9 ' ]
347 10
HOUSKS Lols I'armn.Lands monnylounod.
llomlR , room 3 , Hnrku bloc-K , B. W. cor
IMh ami Fnrnnm sts. M4
347 10
rpllK IIOOM U Immense In South Omaha
JL propi-ity. nnd Albright's Cholco lemlH them
all. Thuro Is not u bud lot lu this boiutlful
propmty. 100
317 10
AHSTHCTS OFTITLK nnd titles to real estate
guurautrod Midland ( Jiiurnntce A Trust
compuny , 1V)5 Furnuin Bt. Ulfl
317 10
I 1ST your property with Hunuhur , Hill
J Furnuin st. 289 IV
317 10
B1JVAFKW of th-HO Plojr'int lots In A | .
lirlulu'sChoice und doublii your monov
bofoiu ffirinx' , Alhrlght IK making lots of
money lor lotn of people who piircluno from
him. Only n little money required to buy u lot.
317 l
3(710 (
QOL'TII OMAHA- ! K. ifuyiio , solo UKomT
fj 34810
"IIW. SALK Two lots corner ou Lowe uvo , In
- IWn t Omahii , j UloultSH utli of F.irium ut. ,
both lor$2W)0.
Lornur in ao-n I'laon.'J blooxs from
street cur , 1 block from ( tinroll ami tsliool ,
V > ) rnor lot on South nth st. Cheap nt S'J.103.
Ileilur & Campocll , room I , 15 } ) Furnam St.
OUTH OMAHA-C. E. Mano. sole n ent.
UIB lit
ON January Jlh lot * lu Aliilli > l-i Ad-lltlun -
willudvunuu 13 poreo-it Dining1 tlo ( win-
trr thiik fur thuy IMVU bonn soul ut Itoin T4)l
to tyiU. on romur'KAbly cusy trniM. onu oitrhth
cnah.tliu baluiiCKtlO pennoiuii. Burroirndln
propurt ) 1s from . ' .0 to 70 pur f nt. lilghur thiiu
tliuso prlcan 18 lots remain UnsoM J , F.
Hnmmund. 117 tiouth Hiileeuth ( trecl , Holt
lltfBIlt IV