Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 17, 1887, Page 6, Image 6

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DtllTtrcU br rnrricr In nnjpnrt of the city nt
twenty tints per wttk.
H. W. TILTO.V , - - - Mannecr.
UcMKrPS Omcr. . No. 43.
NIUIIT Ktmou No. S3.
N. Y. Plumbing Co.
The city council meets tliU evening.
Heavy suits cheap to onlur nt Keiter' ' ?
Thu fourth of the I'all Mull serins of
hops occurs next Thursday night.
T/io / luncral of William Qiiinn took
place yesterday afternoon ami was largely
Only three out of the Hr t twenty-one
pd/es drawn at KKeinan's liavu been
called for ,
A blacksmith -1ioj > was yesterday
robbed of sonic tools but the thieves \\cro
not catured. ] )
( icorgo ISndio won the ninth prize at
the KKeman drawing. It was u Paisley
shawl valued at sfO.j.
Complaint is made that the Direct lamp
at the corner of Second and Vine streets
Is not limited lately.
The Tenth avenue ordinance considera
tion having been postponed until to-
n'urhl , that matter may come tip before
the council ,
, J. J. Shea , county clerk , received the
fixth pri/c , a pair ot line \\hiti ; California
blankets , wortli ! ? IO , at Kiseman's draw
ing Saturday night.
Claude Tenvilliger is to open a roller
Hkating rink in the third story of the
building formerly occupied by Messrs.
Groncwe ; ; A : SchoentKen.
John Ja.Frainey hays in regard to tlio
ltii : : , liut never mind. .So long as
John Jay doesn't cans himself what ho
gays otliers ounht not to care.
I'asMsiigi'rs on the incoming trains
from the east last insht report a heavy
snow with iiiite | a drift and plenty of
wind , which delayed the trains.
To-morrow evening at Messrs. Hart &
Haas' ice rink there is to bo a promenade
concert. The freuuenei of the concerts
are increasing : anil the patromiiru is bu-
coming very liberal.
Among tlio > o booked as drunks at the
city jail who will be brought before the
police judge this morning are James
( Jrillin , C. Hrown , It. Uobbs , William
Walker and a few otliers.
The union meetings , in which the Dap-
list. Presbyterian. Methodist and Congre
gational elnirches have been joining will
be held this week in the Congregational
church Kvoryimdy is invited. The
meetings open eacli evening at 7.30.
Frank Wagner , a brake-man on the
Northwestern , and Engineer Hall had a
ouarrel over the queil'ion as to whether
tlie engine had enough coal on to run it
to Council ItlulVf , at Westsi'du on Friday ,
morning , and Wagner is now laid up with"
a fractured leg.
It is stated that a certain young man is
liable to be horsewhipped if lie is found
in a certain location trying to become
acquainted with school girls hereafter.
The young man in question is a plugger
in a gambling hotiio , and has enough to
do to take care of his mustache.
The ollicers have recovered all the
proneily which was stolen from the
Jk'cntele hotel Saturday evening , and
U illiani Paxton , tiie colored porter , is be
hind the bars. The overcoat of Louie
Buchtclc was found behind a pile of lum
ber yesterday morning , where I'tixton
sent the ofllocrs to search for it.
Abe Lincoln post < T A. H. has decided
to engage Miss Kmily Hvans for an elo
cutionary entertainment at an early date.
She is said to bo excellent , but after the
hliui patronage given the entertainment
by that prince of imiwrsonators , IStir-
bank , it seems a discouraging outlook
for one who has not so wide a reputation
in that line.
Colonel Daily , as chairman of the com
mittee to prepare new rules for the gov
ernment of practice in the district court
of this county , has reported the same to
tlie court , with a rcaiu t to have the new
rules spread nnon the minutes. Judges
Carson and Thornell favor them , but
tlioy will wait until tlio two other judges ,
Deemer and Loofhoiirow , have Mail an
opportunity of passing upon them.
Thu new hospital stalled by the
Christian women is now fairly opened.
It is located on Williamsstreet , but a few
blocks from Broadway , and is under tlio
jnatronage of Mrs Dougherty. Hesides
the rooms lilted for the living of the
matron and her daughter , there arc three
hospital rooms , prepared for the care
and comfort of patients. This has been
ti great need in Council lilulls , and now
it Is so that if a stranger ii injured or
taken ill while in the city , he can bo as
sured of homelike care.
Tlio sermon delivered by Kev. (3. ( W.
Crofts at the Congregational chinch yes
terday morning , was concerning General
John A. Logan , whom he entitled ' ' 'Die
Christian Hero. " He did not seek to
preach a memorial sermon but to draw
certain lessons from tlio life of the dis
tinguished man , Unit IIIH hearers might
prolit thereby. He pictured the traits of
character which made Logan so beloved
and esteemed. Ho urged his hearers to
cultivate these same traits , and that they
were as worthy and precious in the life
of n humble man , as in the life of tlio
greatest and most honored. A diamond
was a diamond whether sparkling in the
necklace of a princess , or buried in the
dark soil of the earth.
Tlio case of C. A. Itcobo against the
K < | iiitublo Mutual Life insurance com
pany , of Waterloo , is to bo taken up
ttgafn to day. In this case Mr. Iteobo
seeks to make ( lie company pay for fur
niture purchased by the company's agent.
Itandall , for lilting up the ollli-o. Kan-
dull camn here with a great nourish of
trumpets and cut a llguru. After throw
ing money each way and running heavily
In debt ho suddenly disappeared , and ( lie
report ot his sudden death at Kansas
City followed , It seems that lie sent the
telegram himself , or caused it to be sent ,
for ho wn * afterward * , seen alive ami
hearty , but he has not returned. There
were numerous creditors , but the com
pany claims that Kaiulall was simply
Working on commission , that ho had no
authority to contract such bills , and that
the creditors must look nKowhero for
their pay , as it wa HandaH's personal
matter. The case is being lought along
the linn of technicalities and every step
is being contested sharply.
The probability , at least the possibility
of another terminal line to Council
lilufl's , is being discussed by those inter
ested in tin ) progress and prosperity of
the city. The new line refonvd to is the
extension of the VanWert line , which is
really the Toledo , 1'ooria it Wassaw.
'iho location of the line is not deter
mined , or at least not announced , but it
hinted that it will probably cross near 01
nt Crcaton , ami then run directly to this
city. It is said that a corps of engineers
will bo on this line between now and the
middle of the no\t month , In case of tlio
line being as rumored , probable , there
might be some show for a friendly riv
alry botweou C'reston and this city as to
securing thn location of tlio shops. The
Nonpareil , whoso editor , Mr. hiteadman ,
Hvrs at Crcston , in its editorial yester
day , after stating the nbovo fact's sug
gests tliut Creston will probably bo the
favored loc.ition , as It is deemed to pos
sess a better ireopraphical position , It is
dilllcnlt to see how a better point than
Council BluH's could bo chosen , nnd
probably the suggestion in Creston's
favor results from a huufablo feeling on
the part of Mr. Stcaduiiui of loyalty to
bis old home.
Lnl f\\l\lu \ lllu LJJlJvlllJO
Raw Beef and Oysters Now In Style For
Thumped Ejos.
The Medley Hey Hnyfi It Wns All nil
Acolilcnt Points Personnl Hits
of Nr\\ft l-'rom All
tlio U'nrds.
No Ijrcrlics Need Apply.
The appearance of a porcelain jar ,
marked "Leeches1 and standing in
chilly proximity to a frosty window in
the front of one of the city drug stores ,
attracted thr attention of the BBI : man.
"Isn't that a rathercold berth for leeches ,
Charlie ? '
"No , not so very cold , for them don't
happen to be any leeches in that jar. Wo
don't keep Iceehof , any more. TiicroiiTd
to be quite a trade in them. Fellows
would come in witli a big eye , which
some other fellow had given them , and
they would want to haye it taken down.
We would sot a leech at work on them ,
and he would MMHI fetch out the blood ,
ami 3 on wouldn't know that the eye had
been hit. "
"Why don't you keep them now ? "
"Itecattsu it doesn't pay. U e used to
have some good leeches. They were
foreign-bred lollows. Imported. Why ,
they cost IH from seventy-live cents to a
dollar apieceIt is a good deal of work to
look after them. Sometimes they didn't
have any victims to work on for a long
while , and we had to feed them. We
used to get pieces of liver for them to
liractice on , so that they wouldn't get
hungry and discouraged. Witli all tlio
care given them every now and again
one of them would die. We only charged
a dollar or so for putting one on. After
one had tilled himself it was a horrible
job to empty them up ready for another
case. Sometimes they would die , and
then it didn't pay. Pirhaps you got : i
dollar for the Use of the leech , and that
was about what it cost , to say nothing of
having kept it and cared for it. Wo had
one old veteran. It seemed as if nothing
would kill him. lie was a caution. The
greatest sucker I eor saw , for'lie worked
jn t tor his board , when ho was wortli a
good deal more than that to us. 1
wouldn't dare say how many times we
u-ed that -tame leech. Did you over have
a leech put onto you ? "
"The I5ur. man thought he had hail a
good many leeches at him , but not any
of this sort.
_ "Well , " resumed Charlie , "the sensa
tion is nothing disagreeable but the
thought of it is what frisrlitens people.
and tlio sight ot it is sickening. One
evening 1 remember it well a giddy
M > rt of a girl came in hero with one eye
done up in great shape. She said she
had got hit and wanted to know what
could be done about it. She said she'd
give five dollars if we could li\ it so that
she wouldn't have a black eye. tor bhe
was going nway somewhere and she
wouldn't have a black eye for anything.
She fairly begged. Well , we told her we
could lix it all right , but we didn't tell her
how. She seated herself in a chair , and
we got tlie old veteran out of the jar
tlie big fellow 1 was telling you about.
The big leech was quietly put on her eve
without her knowing what it was. Ho
went to work with a will , and when lie
had got well lilted up did you ever see
one that way ? They are horrible. Well ,
just as he got about as largo as ho could
well be and was about ready to drop oil' ,
one of the boys , juit for the fun of the
thing , took a hand glass and held it up
before that girl's face and let her look at
it. She keeled over as though she had
been knocked down with a club. Fainted
dead away. 1 didn't know but what she
was dying or dead. It scared me nearly
out of my boots. Wo fetched her too
after awhile , but I'll warrant you could
not get that girl to have another leech
put on her eye if she had to carry it black
fora year.1
"What do they use now in place of
leeches ? "
"Oh , a variety of things have taken tlio
place. Leeches have jrono out of style
.somewhat. For black eves beefsteak or
oysters are more in demand. " .No , it
don't pay to keep leeches. "
'H Sillo of the Slide.
The other day a boy named Medley
was arrested and his friends state an in
justice was done him , as ho is thirteen
years of age \ \ hile the Payne boy was
aged ten ; that the two boys were coast
ing ; starting from opposite directions ,
they collided. Walter I'ayne was s-liglitly
hurt but has not been laid up , as one
would infer from the 15ii : : article , nor
was he struck by the Medley boy.
I'ci'i-onal ' .
- 1'nrncrapIiR.
C. Bonn , of Burlington , is at tlio 15eeh-
Fred IVterson , of Davenport , is at the
W. A. Simnson , of Hoiso City , is at the
W. L. Itukor , of liinghnm , is a guest at
the Ogdcn.
II. ISlcCaw , of St. Louis , is a guest at
the Itechtolii.
M. Franklin , of Chicago , is registered
at the Uechtclo. '
C . A. Smith , of Woodbine , is a guest at
the I'acigc liou-e.
H. H. Skinner , of Kminetsburg , is n
guest at the I'acilic.
tieorgo Hlder , who has been seriously
ill is somewhat hotter.
J. F. Kv.ins is to spend the coming two
months in Los Angeles , Cal.
Mr. and Mrs II. 11. Libby , of Lodge
1'olc , Neb. , aic at the Ogdon.
L. X. Gallup , a well-known .stockman
of Kniofeoii , is at tlie Ogdon.
James 11 William ? , of Warsaw , 111. ,
Is registered at tlio I'aeilio houso.
Fred. M Loomis is so far recovered as
to bo able to receive his many friends ,
Miss Clara Uebbington goes to St. Joe
on a visit tlie latter part of the week.
Miss Sid. Albright , of Fort Madison , is
visiting her slitur , Airs. W. W. Dear
CJN..J Swanson and ( Jcorgo llutchinson
leave this evening fur Macon , .Mo. , on a
business tiip.
Mrs. Dan J'arrcl , family and Miss Mary
Desmond , of ( ilenwood , dined nt the
liuohtclo yesterday.
Mrs. Wadloigh of Clinton , and her two
daughters , the Miss < > Pauline and Min
nie , are visiting Miss May Haas.
L. Simmons , special agent of the
Singer machine company , came in oil'
tlio road and spent Sunday with his fam
Miss Matio Williams , who has been
visiting her friends , Mr. and Mrs. ( icorge
Parks , loft for her homo at ( ilenwood
Jast evening.
Mrs. Phil. Armour who lias bien at
Sioux City for two months nast in the in
terest oC Christian hciunco returned
homo yesterday.
Mrs (5oorgo ( W. JIarbin , of Waterloo ,
is visiting her husband at the lieuhtolo ,
who is here attending the tnul of liecbo
v KqultaHo Insurance company , of
Charles Hau han luxs returned from fi
trip through Kansas and Texaa. Ho re
ports Wichita as still booming , nud there
ho found Major Marshall , formerly of
this city , pro jiciing and ha ; py.
Kev. A. K. Hatc < < anil family leave this
week , probably Tuesday , for the east ,
Mrs. Hate ? , whoso health is poor , will
take treatment at a Mxnitarhim. Hov. Mr.
Hates will engage for the present in a
new branch of Y. M. C. A. work. They
leave behind ihem many friends in Coun
cil Mulls.
Centenillc soft-lump coil : , fl.Tfi per
Ion , delivered , Win. Welch , 015 Main
street , telephone lifl.
L , H. Crafts & Co. are loaning money
on all clashes of chattel securities at one-
half their former rates. See them before
securing your loans.
Dr. llanchett , olllco No. 1 ! ) Pearl street-
residence , 120 Fourth strecti telephone
No. 10.
La t evening a man whoso name could
not bo asceilained , while walking south
on Sixth street near Mynstor ha.l his eye
badly lacerated by the limb of a tree
which was laying across the street , the
tree having been cut down and allowed
to remain there.
Substantial abstracts of titles nnd real
iMalo loans. ,1. W. it K , L. Squire. No.
1U1 Pearl stieot , Council Ulntl's.
Klcctric door bells , burglar alarms and
every form of domestic electrical appli
ances at the New York Plumbing Co.
Pianos and Oceans.
W. W. Knnball , of Chicago , hasoiiencd
at No. ! i''H Broadway witli a full anil com
plete stock of pianos and organs new and
fresh from factory which will bo sold re-
gaidless of cost or time. Call , "ivo can
Milt you. C. W. Kwers , manager.
An old man was yesterday walking up
Broadway in the middle of Ihes-trcct , try
ing to follow the car track , lint being too
full to keep the line was placed in jail
until a friend went his sccunty for ap-
jiearanco before tlie judge this morning ,
lie was then taken to his home on South
First street in a hack.
George Itmlin , real estate and nego
tiator ot loans. No. 1.107 Fariiam street ,
Omaha. Bargains in Council Blull's and
Omaha property.
Stoves ! Stoves ! Stoves ! i'or thn next
thirty davs 1 will bell heating
cost'for cash only. P. C. Dr.Vo
Sec that your books are made bv Moore-
house A : Co. , room 1. Kvercit block.
Hard and soft coal , best quality , all
si/.es. Missouri ami Iowa wood. C. B
Fuel company , 039 .Broadway/ Tele
phone 130. _
Tlio Tenrs Time Klowcd Amid tlie
CliiHti ol' Arum.
Atlanta Constitution : Was it murder ?
A group of ollieers stood in an Atlanta
bookstore one sultry afternoon in ' 01 , dK-
cussing the execution of a batch of de
serters. Jt was just , before tlio icge. Sher
man was on the other side of the Chatta-
hooehee , and as the ollicers talked the
the .sullen boom of cannon every now and
tliou interrupted their conversation.
Hut was it murder ?
This question was uppermost in my
mind as i libtcpcd horror-stricken to tlio
running talk around me. It had been re
marked that one ol the deserters who had
been .shot an hour before was a youth of
" 1 felt rather sorry for the boy , " said
the captain.
"Oh , it's all right , " observed tlie major.
"Discipline must ho maintained at any
cost1 put in tlie general.
"Yes , of coui > e , " assented tlie captain.
"Beyond a doubt , " was the major's
"Hesides , " said the general , "ho was
no longer a boy. He was a soldier , and
when he deserted lie know the cense
quences. "
' Just so , " echoed the other Mmultanc-
ously , but their faces wore a cloudy look.
The general pickx-d up .Jomini's "Art
of War , " and spoke of it as a greatly
overrated book.
'What is tlio price of it ? " he inquired.
"Fifteen dollars , " replied tliu book
"You sec , gentlemen , " said the general
"how those cormorants take advantage ot
our misfortunes. Fifteen dollars for a
book worth lifty cents. "
The military men all glared at the
1)ooksollor , who wisely said nothing.
"Yes"said , the cuptain , apparently re
suming his talk , " 1 was never so alVeetcd
in my life as 1 was when 1 saw that little
fellow shot. "
"Did ho Hindi ? " asked the major.
"Not a bit. Ho was very pale and his
eyes had that faraway look peculiar to
men wno are looking death in the face.
he stood it like a hero , never trembled ,
and had his wits about , him to tlie
last. "
"Died instantly , didn't ' ho ? " asked the
"Yes. Four balls through the hcait. "
"So much the better , lie did not suf
fer.1' And the general nicked up Mahon
on "Field Fortifications. "
" 1 heard that the boy belonged to a
good family , " said the major. "He ran
away from homo , joined the army and
fought bravely. His desertion was moro
of a little escapade than anything else. "
"If Sherman was not pressing us so
infernally hard"interrupted the captain ,
"he would have been let oil' , but the court
martial just rushed things through and
there was nobody to look after the boy. "
Boom ! Boom ! thundered the cannon
over the hills at the front.
"Why ( should anybody look after
him ? " interposed the general. "We
must look alter the army and its difcip-
lino. "
Hoom !
"The fact is , " continued the general ,
"matters have reached a point where wo
must make an nxumplo of every man who
fails to do his duty. "
" 1 admit it.1 reiilled the captain , hut it
makes my blooil run cold to bluughter
mere boys , "
r Tim general tucked 'Jomini's "Art of
War" in hi.s pooketand paid tor it. Then
ho turned around and cleared his throat.
"Now listen to mo,1' 1m baul jmpres-
blvoly. "You certainly will give mo
credit for the average amount of kind
ness , sympathy and human feeling. Yet
cannot agree with you about that de-
orier. According to ail accounts ho was
a sensible hid. lie know his duty as a
Koldier. Ho know that if ho deserted ho
would bo shot. What did ho do ? . When
the enemy was marching on , threatening
this very city , endangering the existence
of the confederacy , he sneaked oil'to the
wouds. Homo .say ho was going to see
his mother. It does not matter. Ho
was a deserter. If wo .spared him others
would have to bo spared. The army
would be donuirali/cd. Desertions would
bo the order of the day. Wo had to shoot
him as an example , it could not bo
avoided. Now , let us drop the subject. J
know that 1 am right , and 1 should like
to see any one stand up and say that 1 am
wrong. "
Hoom ! boom !
Thcwavo ot thunderous sound rolled
o\er-.thc whole city , and * people stopped
to listen.
Just then a light wagon covered
with dust and evidently from the
country stopncd in front of the More.
Two women alighted and came in. One
was quite young , and the other , who was
old enough to bo her mother , leaned on
her arm.
"Itiuc you an evening paper ? " the
young woman asked the bookseller.
lie handed ono to her , and the old
woman , arranging her spectacles ,
glanced nervously over it.
"Yes. it is truu that thcro was an exe
cution here to day , " she whispu'ud hur-
rludly to her
Hoom !
And select your Dry Goods and Carpers before the prices advance ,
We are selling elegant Patterns Dress Goods very low
newt' saw JilacJi .S///.s / so
BLACK SILKS. ts flume we < ivc now scll-
Tlr arc closinu on t tlitu entire ilfi > nflnicnf in
iintlcr room foi' our Inwunwl Carpet aturlt , and
< > ! ) ' at c.r/i'rmc7j/ /
Blaiilds , i'oinlbitilk ' Lais' ' and Misses' ' Uiidcnvcar , Etc
AIT elusnl enl very cJicap.
fe Yon it'ilt sure moncjto see our C <
W and llni/s before 1/011 bit if. If lion want In-
! a { jrain , Jirnssels , I'elret , or JtiMjnettc Car-
; rN , come and see us or ii'rite for prices.
'of ' Curtain * , /Vrnj/n-s Dranerlcs , etc. , Is larne and choice , and
wetiavea fall assortment of 'j'o'cs ' , Itods , lirass floods , etc. Our work is
done by skilled work men. Orders by mail rcceirc nromnt attention.
Harkness Bros , , Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa
Farming Lands in Iowa , Minnesota , Kansas and ranging from $ .1.03 to
i-ilO.OO per aero. School and state lands in Minnesota on 80 years' timu 5 pur
font interest. Land IJnyers fare free. Information , ele. , given by
No. 555 Broadway , Council HlulVs , Iowa , agent for Froidriksoii & Co , , Chicago.
For some reasons the ollicers relapsed
into an embarrassed silence. The major
with his index linger commenced drawing
fortilications on a map of Georgia. The
captain looked moodily at the lloor. The
general pulled Jomini's "Art of \ \ ar"
out of Ins pocket and then thrust ii back
"Oh , mercy ! " exclaimed the young
woman in a low tone , "those people told
us the truth then. "
. "Oh , my God I My poor murdered boy ! "
So wild , unearthly anil piercing was
the cry that every man in iho room
fctartcd in alarm.
The old woman had fallen back in a
chair gasping for breath , with her face
as white as a sheet.
Her companion gently fanned her until
she laid her irray heail on her hand and
sohbed aloud.
Turning to tlio sympathetic and silent
spectators the j'oung woman pointed tea
a paragraph in the paper and haul :
"It was her boy her only sou. Tlio
paper calls it military justice. We call it
inurdcr ! "
The general gradually moved toward
the door. His head was bowed and his
haniis trembled. As soon as ho got out
side he walked olT at a rapid pace. The
major made several ineffectual attempts
to build a strong redoubt with his linger
tip on the map of Georgia , but suddenly
collap > ed and abruptly bolted. Iho cap
tain remained. He brought the old
woman a class of water , and fanned her
while he listened with a sad but kindly
lace to the young woman's story.
it seems that the boy's mother lived
thirty miles in the country. Vague re
ports readied her that her son was in
trouble , and she rode in with a neighbor ,
arriving an hour or two after the u.xccu-
tion. i caught tins much of it , and then
an eager desire seized me to follow the
example of the general and major. As I
went out of the door I looked back. The
old woman was silently praying , while
the tears ran down licfwitlie'red cheeks.
Her friend looked down upon her with
pitying eves , and the captain had one
hand over his bronzed face. The big guns
continued to boom all that afternoon , but
I dia not hear them. I had something
else to think of.
FOKSAU : The stimiliin ! lirei ) stiilliou , Hnr-
voy Htur. by IVarsou's Amerluiin Star , by
Scoly'Hinuilcnii Star ; his diun by Veinol's
lllucklmwlt , Nh'o or Orcon's Hnshiuv. Will lie
Folil for less money tliun ho will earn this son-
eon In tlio stud llo IB Found , kind , and u line
drlvor , BlnL'lo ni doulilii lixpilro of Wiulo
Ciirynt the driving junk , Council lllnirs.
FOlt SALi ; Choice , smooth , uiilmprovnl 1M )
uotohcloso to Ihnlnarcl , in llutlcr count ) ,
Nolirn'-kii. Will Rlvo liirfro discount from jirus-
ciit vnliio for ciisli. AildioRs Iluntmir , I'.niiioii
\.Tones , Dnvld City , Nob. , or W. J. , lice ollloi- .
Council UlnCTs , la.
FOHSA1.K At 11 tiirKiiln. tt nciosxvllh line
Improvement ! ) , HX | miles un-t of Council
llhitlH. I'ric-o low und all the time iR'i'dcd. In-
ijniroofT. W. Vim fclovcr , Council lllulls.
T710U SAI.K Illncksmlth mid wiwon shot > .
-L Only ono In town. Kxcollont luiHlnoss. Hood
ronnoiiH tor sellintr. Address C. l > . Miller , Ports
mouth , In.
F OU HKNT- room house. Jltf. First avc. ,
ojio8ltotliuinrk. | | Bulllvan .V
FOIt IlENT A now two-story frame dwelling
IIOIIBO , containing BU rooms , hull on tioth
lloora , closets with all hud rooms , \nrito \ colhir
mid ( food olstern. Call on M. 1' . Holirer or
Oilollllroa. ACo. .
Fill HUNT Tht. ono-Biory frfttne business
Ijnliaintr , Itli 4-room dwollliiK iittncli-
mont , loimorly oecunltd MS u candy factory
mid known an Mo. 110 South Mnln street , ex-
totuilnif throimh to 1'earl at. Apply to M. F.
ItobrcrorOdoil Ilios. tt fo.
T OIl SAIiH llrtrherPhop.wood location , wood
J-1 reason for 6iilllntf. Address II , Heo olllco.
A cottaifo ol flvo or six rooms.
TT locatoil convenient 10 Inifllnrss ; miinH
family , no clillJrun. Addrostf "Crispy , " Dee
olllcc. _ . _
WANTii-A : hey with pony to carry Jieo
F OH SAI.U Old papers for ealo nt the lloo
" \\rANTiU : rartlt'8 Intondlnjf to ho married
i are wanted to call at the 1'ryor'i tlto job
ofllco to select thcWwedillnif carde.
I'ractiuo in Iho Sfato and Federal court *
Hooms 7 ainl 8 hu art Huno lilonk.
W , S , HOMER & CO ,
Hi .Main St. , Council Jiloff * .
The chcapiil pltico In the city to huy
IhoVlnoM Tin
ft" " portpil Mno of
* Oooils West of
Mrs.C. L. Gillette's
Human Hair Emporium
No , 209 Main Street.Council Bluffs , Iowa.
1514 Douglas St. , Omaha.
Ladies buying a $5 hat or bonnet , one fare
will be paid ; Sio , lound Irip.
mm & ROiEHTs.
ilst ) acts of Title , Loan and Rsal Es
tate Broker ] , No. 236 Mala St.
JIavlny piircfniKctJ tlic most ret la'
Me. abstract books In flits count/- ;
known an tha "jrcMalton Abstract
Jlooks , ' ' we are n ow ] ) repa red to fit r-
nisli abstracts and respect full if so
licit the natronaf/eof all tliose deslr-
inf/ correct abstracts of title to lands
and lots in I'ottatvatlamic county.
SSffl ! & B BTS ,
Justice of the Peace
Office over American Express.
B. BICE , M. D. ,
Or other Tnniora removed without
the knlfoordrawlnsr of blood.
Over thuty practical .
years experience.
No. 11 1'oarlSt. . Council llluffs.
\f Consultation froo.
Horses and Mules
For nil purposes , bought anil toltl , nt retail
and in lots , Lnrgu quantlticb to select
fioin Several pair * of fine drivers , sin
gle or do'ible ,
Council Hlulid.
Kstflblislicd J637
* , .Inurnali , Cuiinly and
I nnli Work of AH KliiiU aSpcc.
Prompt Atlentionjo Mail Orders
Room 1 Everct Ulock , Counuil Hluds ,
Standard Papers Used M styles of bind
ing in Magazines and
O. h. Notional Hank , M. 15. Smith & Co. ,
CltUcnj' Hank. l > eprc.VrlU X Co. ,
UrstNatloiuil IJank. C. . Inpurancp to ,
Officer &t'u5eynunkc , O.U Suviugii IJauV-
Your Presents
That Were Given Away By Henry
Eisfiman & Go's ' Peoples' '
At the Drnwinp Which Took Place in
Their Store on the Evening of Jnn-
unry ICth , 1887 The Snmc Boinp
Done by ix Committee of Prominent
The distribution of prl/rs wxs : by a
committed ol i'iti/.i'n , : nul tlio ticki-N
nwnnlcil nri/vs : iru ns follows : r
No ' 'H.7I1 ! , 1st nrizu Suite of IVlo
No. 5.771 , Sml prize Mahopony HIM !
Hoom Suite.
No. 11,1171 , ! ! nl pnxc Domestic Sewing
No. 10ltri ! , .ttb pri/p Twenty yards
( iiiim'ttucros groin Black Silk.
No. ( t.JiOJ , oil i itri/.u Seal I'lusli Cloak.
No. 'J0i7it : , , Oth pri/.o i'air White
No. 7ODi , 7th prize Decorated Sot of
Dlshc. " .
No. ; > 2,0W ; , Sth prize Seal Skin Mu IT.
Mo. 10,1101 , Htli pri/e A Paisley Shawl
No. lO.P'.tl ' , 10th prize- Hcavor Shawl.
No. M.-ITJ , lltli piix.o-Snit Gouts'
No. ? , 10th prize ( tent's Fur
Heaver Overcoat.
No. 11,8111 , Will prize Hoy's Overcoat.
No. 22,011 , 14th prize Hoy's Suit
No. . pri/.u Infant's Clonk.
No. 22,81 , $ , 10th prize Hrnss 1'arlor
No. 0,300 , 17th prize 50 yards "l-rnit
of the Loom" muslin.
No. 27.i'.i218th : pri/.o Half do/.en
"Gold"Vliito Shirts.
No.2i'oO ' ( ) , tilth pruo Silk Muffler.
No. 1 l.loll , 20th nn/.o Linen Table Sot.
Ts.Dlc Cloth anil Napkins.
No. 7,701 , 21st pmo A Twenty Dollar
Gold Piece.
No. 28,28 $ , 22nd prize Toilet Set.
No. S0,8lo : , 2Jrd ! prize Doll.
No. 8,011 , 21th prize Handkerchief
Hov.No. . 20,07-1 , 25th prize Hand H.\ .
No. 5,1122 , 2tth ( prih > Doll.
No. 20a2U , 27th nrize Stand Cover.
No. yo,07i ) , 23111 prize Uottlo Perfum
er v.
v.No. . 0,873 , 20th"prizc Toboggan Cap.
No. 21,1.18 , , : iOth prize Table Scarf.
No. 5,5:10 : , lst prisr Splasher.
No. il.iMO , 32tid pruc Lunch Basket.
No. 27,518. ! ! 3rd prize Hammered brass
Umbrella Stand.
No. 20.707 , 34th pri/e- Half doz.Towels
No. 8,050 , U.V h pri/.c Silk Umbrella.
No. 28,8:15 : , yoth prizeDoll. .
No. 27,710 , 37th pri/.e-Set Chillis'
No. 20.1C3 , 38th pri/.c Hrass Broom
No. fi.1i5 ! , 'iOthprixc SilkSusponderc.
No. 27,00110th pri/.c Silk Handker
No. 22,125list prize Doll.
No. 1 1,0(10. ( 42nd prize Half doz.ladius'
No. 8,1 li ( , 48rd prize 15 yards Calico.
No. 8,22814th prirc lioy'h Hat.
No. 0,331 , , 45th prize Hoy's Sealskin
Cap.No. . 8,035 , , 10th prize Painted Orna
ment ,
No. 8,000 , 47th prize Toilet Set.
No. 27,443 , 48th prize Doll.
No. 27,700 , 40th pri/.c Doll.
No. 7.022 , 50tb pn/c Table Cover.
No. 0,077 , 51st prize Bottle I'erfum-
erv.No. . 8,031 , 52nd prize Lace Handker
No. 22,010 , 53rd pri/.c Child's Lace
No. 22,010 , 51th prize Doll.
No. 27,401 , 55th pri/.c Doll.
No. 5,128,50th prize Tidy.
No. 12.H31 , 57th prize Table Scarf.
No. 5,818 , 58th prize Doll.
No. 20,827 , 50th prize Mouth Or/ran. /
No. 7.200 , 00th prize Imitation Steam
No. 23,070 , 01 st pri/e Book.
No. 22,0-15 , , 02nd prize Hook.
No. 20,053 , , 03rd prize Pocket Knife.
No. 12,133 , ( tltn prize Doll.
No. 2S.1CO , Orth prize-Doll.
No. 20,101 , 00th prize A Dr. Warner's
No. 12,2)8 ) , 07th prize Shoulder Shawl.
No. 8,730 , , C8Ui pri/.t Infant's Lace
'NO. ' 2S.283 . , 00th pri/e Infant's Dress.
No. 20,125 , 70th pri/.c Doll.
No. 20,018 , 71st piT/e. Hand Hap ,
No. 21,032 , 72nd prize Ladies Coin-
! "
! , , 73rd prize Silk Muffler.
No. 10,00. , 71th pri/.o Doll.
No. 27,01)0 ) , 75th prize Hook.
No 30,182 , 70th prize Hook.
No. 23,4 18 , 77th prize Lunch Banket.
No. 22,010 , 78th prue I'air Children's
' *
No 7.002 , 70th prizo-l'air Hoy's Boots
No 13,213 , 80ih pri/.o Lace Collar.
No 5,350 , 81st iirize Doll.
No. 20,100 , 82nd prize Jersey Jacket.
No 7,510 , 83rd pri/.e Suspenders.
No. 5,158 , 81'h ' prize Mini ' Gloves.
No. 0,727 , 85lh prize- Hey 'H Skates.
No. 10,508 , HOlb prize Girl's Skates.
No , 28,001 , 87th pri/.e Girl's Skulus.
No. 23,20i , 88th prize Doll.
No 8DU,80Uipiize Doll.
No. 27,003 , iKKh prize Doll
No. 0,057 , ! M pri/e Doll.
No 14,215 , 02-id pn/.e-Nccklaco
No. 25,02 , 03id pruo Gold Cull Hut
No. 12,829. filth pri/r Locket
No. 27,802 , 05 h pn/c Breast Pin.
No. 7,271 , OO'.li nn/.e Sleeve Huttoni.
No. 8,2)3 ! ) , 07t' ' > pri/.e Silver Thimble.
No. 30,7)0. ) 08 h prize Breast Pin.
No. 13.MIO , W.Jth in/.e Pair Kid dlovefl-
No. 0,015 , ri/.u L.icc Hand-
kerelnef >
Tlione tlie littldiiiy I lie lneu tiel-
cts milt nleaic call , ju'enenl tlie iine
ami i-eeiere tneh' ni'cwnta as teen at
JVby. UJ f , HJ < i , 31ft and , 'iXO
way , Council
Will supply you with n cleaner ami belter
quality ot
Than any one in the city. A tiialill con
vince you.
No G2S Hroadwny. Telephone 110.
Agricultural Implements , Buggies ,
Cnulnirps , Vto , Itto Council MliilK low * .
MnmifiirturnrRof unit Dcnlcr * In
Hand and Power Corn Shollars ,
A tul HKCMOIH linn or lr ) t ola < 9 iinili'iiU < iin
Nos. 1501 , 155) ) , l.W , nnd l.-.lV Imilli M ln Pltoot.
_ T _ Council ItiiilTs
Mnniif'rsnn Uobliois of
Agricultural Implements , Wagons , Buggies ,
r/iri / Ing ) , * , nntl nil kin la or Farm Mnohlnrrr.
1100 to Hid South Mnln Street , UouniMl 11UIT | ,
Carpets , Curtains , Window Shades
Oil notlip , Cnrtnln Tlitiirps , UnliolMorr Ooo
Kto. No. 405 liroiulirar Council UlnOfj ,
Wliok'fnlo Jobber , ) In the
Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes
Ko > . ESMaln nud 27 1'oHrl Stg. Council Ulultn ,
Jowa ,
Frnit and Produce Commission Merchants.
! 2,2 ! uiul "il I'oal St. , Council IlluflX
Wholesale Drnggists , Oils , Paints , Glass ,
ts' Bnndrli'ii , IHc. No. Z ! Mnlu St , nnfl
No. 21 1'onrl t. , Council Illlltr .
Wholesale California Fruits a Specialty
CJoncrnl CommlPFlon. No. 6U llionilirur ,
Council IllufTs.
Wholesale Fruits , Confectionery ,
Nns. lflmi < l 18 1'earl St. , Council Uliurs.
Mnmi'ncturora of and Wlmltunlu Ooiiloriln
Leather , Harness , Saddlery , Etc.
No. IS5 Mixln Pt. . Council Uliilfa ,
//.47'S , CAI'S. ETC.
Jobbers in Hats , Caps and Gloves.
Noi.313 nnd 3H nrondwny , Council
Iron , Steel , Nails , Heavy Hardware ,
Anil Wood .Stock , Council Illnirs , lo\v .
I ) . JI. McDO.VIil.D .t CO. ,
No 31 Mn'n ' Slrrcl , : : Council llluffi.
AM > lliAHl.S ! IN
Wholesale Donlurs In
lliirainating & Lubricating 01U Gasollu
E3TO. , E3TO.
S.ThPodoro , AKDHI , Counell HlulTfl. Towa.
Hard Wood , Soutaora Lumber , PlliQg ,
Audllrldiro Material SnoclHltlca\VlioliuaIo IjUin-
br ol all KlntlH. OlHco No. I'M ilaiu at. ,
Council Illulfa. lowu.
Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors ,
Imported and Domestic Wines & Liquora
A tout for St. nolthftrd'R llnrb III ! ten. No. 11
Mrtln St , Council Illuila.
Wholesale Liquor Dealers.
Ho. 418 llroiiJiniy , Council Illutri.
'J'lic only hotel in Council lluT | ( liavini ;
e Esoa/pe
And all : > iu'ern iinprovcmcntc ,
21fi , B17 and iil ! ) Main tt.
Star Sale Stables and Mule Ms ,
Ojijiusllu lluimux Ji put.
} L
_ K
llorcs und mules kept constantly on
hand , for sale at rctajl or in car loads.
Odors promptly llllwl by contract on
short nolicu. Stock sold on compilation.' jc < v JioLnr. Proprietors.
Telcphoijo No. 111.
Formerly of Knil Sale Htnblfi , corner
lit , avc : iu < l 4th street.