Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 17, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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* /-v * r * f T TV A T T . "V 'l5T7 < T71 . "RrfYVT\ V TAXTITAT > 'VT 1 T
| f * Glories of Paul do Ofissagnac and Henri
Homo ofilic Ilutnori of lite French
Dueling .S > ntpin Wlntly Journal-
Wliol nlk. AVilte
Troin the St. James ( Jayetto- The
French sennle Is about to bring In an
other bill for the suppression of dueling ,
vvlneh has lately become quite an epi
demic 'Iho law is not likely to succeed
Uncling is part and parcel of French
life Moreover , as practiced , It is com
paratively Imunlcss and ceilamly lias
nolhlnglodo with the decrease in Iho
populalion , which is now e.\creising the
minds of French economists. Tlio"nipet-
Ing'1 is arranged , Iho battle comes off at
Vesinct , St Cloud or elsewhere , one of
the antagonists gets scratched and Hie
seconds declare 'honor satislled. "
Of coiir * > o , Iho chances are not always
eiial. | One of the vvumors has generally
Mime advantairo over Ihe oilier , oilher in
blrenglh or skill Ono is big , Hie oilier
Miiall , one is nervous , llm oilier cool , ono
is Doling , Iho oilier old. In the limes of
the Valois vvldoh Mi-rimeo Iris so quaintly
depicted , the famous I're auClercs was
the favorltu rcnde/voii of duelists ; to
day they repair to the neighborhood of
bl Cloud , and ( lir.iud's eaban-t is re
placed by thi ) liestaiiiant do la Tcto
iSoile vvlipre wounded honor lluds lelief
in trullles and champagne. Occasionally
Iheie is a seiiotis fight and mortal blood-
shcil. but thuisl ; niajoiity ate allairs for
' 1 ho Irulli is , dueling is used bv most
I rcnelinieii as an advertisement It
lers llu ir v unly It is a cheap road to
glurv. To tight a duel and see their
names in print is the height of their am
bition , ll poses them in Hie eves of Hie
world. Needy journals unit needier
join nallsts resort to it to impiovo their
position , for a duel always inloresls Ihu
j'iench public. Some papers are accus-
lomed to put down duels among their
geneial expenses , thus A cm riajje , 50
f Lines ; swords or pistols , 80 francs ,
lunch , 50 francs ; total , 1W ) fr.mcs. Duel
ing , too , is a kind of passport into soci
wovti.v riir\rr. DPKMSTS.
A successful duelist i * petted by the
ladies ; he is a hero with whom llicy are
not afraid of indulging in the mysteries
of the alcove. No vt under the fencing
saloons and .shooting galleries arc
crowded daily , for although a scratch or
gra/e may not be M'i ions , it ib always
more honorable lo give than lo gel one.
The president of the republic patroni/es
llm noble art of I'esenme , ami weekly
loiiinanipnts by crack hands take place
at the KIhuo. Special rcpoiters , who
adopt high-sounding noins de plnine , aio
outraged to ii-lnlc tlie feats of these
knights. In this way Ihey cai n a terrible
imputation and escape being called out
bj timid novices. lint such sham D'Art-
agnails get unmasked in the long inn ,
and then Ihey have lo eat humble pie and
hide themselves till their shninu is for-
Of the duelists now living in I'aris
vvho'.e di'cds have created Iho gi cutest
sensation among the public , I'anl do
C.issagnaeand Henri Kochefort are con
spicuous , liolh have fought times out of
number. llocliefoit goner.illy guts
vvotmdcd , because he is too impulsive ,
but r.msagmc , liery as he is in thu trib
une of the chamber , is as cool as n cu
cumber , on tlie In-Ill , and is r.irply hurt.
This was tins case when they fought to-
get her. Jt was .1 loniarkable encounter.
C.issagntio s account of It to a ftiend is
worth giving : ' 'After a vain attempt to
fight in Helgium , where the gcndarnietio
kept on our heels we found ourselves at
last face to face outside of I'arig , near St.
Denis. It was the 1st of January and the
snow fel 1 in large Hakes. Kochefort
tiled and missed mo. 1 tired in reply.
Koehetoit fell. I thought lie was killed ,
for Ihu bullet struck linn just where I
aimed above the hit ) The doctor rushed
forward and picked 1dm up. Hut ho was
not dead ; instead _ of buinc piciced
tin ough ho had rccpivcd only u violent
contusion. The bullet had deviated , but
bow ? The doctors seaichcd and at
length found a medal ot the Holy Virgin ,
which some ft iciiilly hand had secretly
MJVVM in thu belt of Ins trousers and winch
had saved his life. "
htOltll S OI' 1)1 LI.IS1S.
Another noled duelist is Iho Comp do
Dion , a fivvoll Itotiluvardlor , who inllietcd
thu othci day an ugly wound on a jour
nalist who had written dhicspeetfiilly of
his appioachiiigmariiage lo.\lllo. M.usy ,
nn aclreas of the 1'ranc.iis. The count
funnel I. ) iefiied to liy conclusions with
11113 body not of noble blood ; newspaper
men in particular he dcspibcd Aurulion
Sclioll , one of the fuw luin.iining wits of
J'aris , nettled him in a chrotnquu. In-
blend ot sending Ids seconds to him Dion
wont to Hignon's , whore Sclioll dines ,
and Miinshed a soda-water hottlu on his
head. Nothing daunted , Sclioll contin
ued his waspish attacks , and goaded him
to Mich nn extent that Dion was forced
to put his nobility in his pocket anil call
him out. It was an easy victory , for the
count is an active , poweiful man , vvhuio-
as Sclioll is weak and slioit sighted.
Clcmcncpati is also a consummate
handler of Ihe weapons , but of late years ,
hiiico hu lias become the radical leader of
thu chamber , ho has given up dueling ,
and only tin us out when it is absolutely
nceu'i'-.iry. Andilcuv , the political cham
eleon , i another redoubtable antagonist
with .swoul and pistol. Ho nearly hilled
his man in His last encounter.
1 runeh dueling has its comic as well as
its tragic side. To mention only two
rases by woy of conclusion. Duga/on
and Di'ssessatls , comedians of the 1'tan-
c.iis , wont out ono day The former was
a big , fat man , thu latter small and thin.
The seconds handed thcmlho swordsand
jnsl as Ihe solemn "Alley mussiPUMl"
had been uttered , Dessess.irlb suddenly
eiieil out , "Stop u minute. My enemy
being more voluminous than 1 am , the
chances aio not equal , lot mo icstoro
the equilibrium. " And giavely taking a
piceu of el.alk out of his pocket ho pro
ceeded to mark a ciiviiinfuruueo on thu
chest of Duga/on. "Thure , " ho exclaimed -
claimed , "is a ring , all the blows outside
thai must not count. ' Duga/on burst
out laughing , and.torgelting Ins wrongs ,
thrpw his weapon down and shook hands
with Dpsscssiirts , declaring his honor
moio than .satislled , A duel in which
S.iinte Huuvu was ono of Iho principals
had a similar uniting. It rained cats and
dogs at Iho hour h\ed tor the mcpting ,
The author of tlio famous "Lundis" an
potued on the liuld with an umbrella in
/ one hand and a blunderbuss In tlie olher
" 1 don't mind buing killed , " ho said ,
"bul I oujoel to gutting wet. "
Tliu Panious rijjlu with Gcu , Shields
AVliluli Dili .Not Tnko 1'lnoe ,
Al every intorv low of the seconds ( ten
cralVhitcsidu \ deplored the bloodlhislj
disposition of his principal , ami urgpi
thai Mr Lincoln should nitiko the con
cessions which alone would proven
I'linenlablo losults , sajs the authors o
the "l.ifo of Lincoln , " vvriting in Iho
Century of thu fatuous Shields Lincoh
duel. These representations teemed lo
tivail nothing , how over , und tno parlies
after endless talk , went to Alton and
crossed the rherlo Iho Mitsomi shore
II sconipd for a moment that the hgh
must take placo. The terms had bpei
left uy Ihu code , as then understood n
thu west , to Lincoln , and hu certainly
made no Kiudgiug use of his pmilcgo
'he weapon ? cho en were "cavalry
irondswords of the larcest si7c , " and Ibo
ombatants were lo stand on either side
jf a board placed on thegiound , each to
ight in a limit of six font on his own side
1 the board H was evident that Lin-
oltt did not desire the death of his ad-
ersary , and did not intend to bo ma-
criallv injured himself. The advantage
norally was altogether against him
le felt intensely thu stupidity
of the whole allair. but thought he could
lot avoid it vvithoul degradation , while
o .Shields such a fracas w as a delight , It
came to its natural end by the inter * en-
ion of Iho usnal"gods enl of a machine , "
ho gods being John J llardin and one
) r English , and the machine a canoe in
which they had hastily crossed Iho Mis
issippi .Mr blnclds sullcred himself to
jo persuaded to withdraw his oflcnsivo
challenge Lincoln then made Ihe e\-
ilanalton he had been readv lo make
rom the beginning , avowing Ihe one
ellcr ho had written , and s.ijing tliat it
mil been printed < -oleli for political ef-
'ect and without any intention of injnr-
ng Shields personally
One would think tint , after a week
ae-eil in such unprofitable trilling , the
urtiei , principal and secondary , would
lave been willing to drop the matter for
\\eaiesurothat " \ Lincoln would
"lave been glad lo banish it from his
nemory Hut to men like Shields and
hitesidc , the peculiar relish and en-
ioymcnt of such an allair , i . its publicity.
Jn the ! ! d of October , tlieicfore , eleven
lays after the meeting , a public atten
tion seemed to bo ( lagging , WhUeMdo
wrote an account of it 10 the Sangamou
lonimil. for wliich lie does not iorgct to
> -ay : "i hold mv-elf ic-pon iblo' ' " Of
ioiir o he sci/es the occ.islon to paint a
icioie portt.ilt of hlnitclf and his prill It was an excellent story until the
icxt week , when Dr. Merr.vman , who
seems to bavo wielded a pen like a seal-
icl , gave a much fuller history of the
natter , which he substanliutcd by print-
ngall the documents , and , not content
v\nil that , gave little details uf the nego
tiations , which show either that White-
side was ono of the most grotesque br.ig-
g.uts of the time , or that Mem man was
in admit able wiilei of comic liction.
Among the most amusing facts l.o
nought forwaid was that Whitcsido ,
being a fund commissioner of the state , the risk of losing bis ollico by en
aging in a duel , and his anxiety to ap-
icar reckless and dangcro'is , and yet
u-cp within the statute and .save his
iry , was depicted by Merryman with a
Iroll fidelity. He concluded by charging
Wlulcside plainly with "inellieicncy and
vant of Knowleduo of those laws whieh
govern gentlemen in matters of this
Jnd"and with "tiding to wipe out his
'anil by doing an act ol injustice to Mr.
Lincoln. "
Three C's. Theio are tlirco c's
riic the childten and carry them oil' .
The tin co c's are coughs , colds , and
cioop. Mothers ! Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup
saves the little one's _ liveM
If men are sniveling tortures with
oothaeho Ihey should not Iry to smile
iiul look cool ami handsome. How much
vi'-erto the pain with a botllo of
Salvation Oil. Pi ice 25 cents.
The average catch of lobsters on the
Maine coast bus bucn 15,000,001) ) i cat ly for
thirty years.
Complexion Powder is an absolute
icccssity ot the telined toilet in this eli-
nate Pox/oni's ' combines every element
of beauty and puiity.
The grave and monncnt of Oliver Gold
smith in London ate in a condition of sad
AVerse 'llinn a Plrc Alarm.
Ono of thu most dreadful alarms that
an bo sounded in n mother's is pro-
luccd by croup ; dreadful , bccauto it is
{ no wn lobe dangot ous , the more dread-
"ill because the blc of aloveil one is in
"copatdy. Chambci Iain's Cough Kemedy
s a never failing hafogttiid against tliis
langerous disease. Its reputation as u
ireventative and cure of croup is fully
and i irmly established. In fact it is the
only remedy which can always be relied
upon , _ _
Hale and Uullock counties , Alabama ,
lave just joined the prohibition proces
sion. _
A. S. Clemments.Poplat . Springs , Miss.
vvtites : 1 have sull'eicd Itoin a severe
cough for several weeks , and was gicatly
relieved by the use of one bottle of Dr. J.
II. McLean's Tar Wine Lung Halm. 1 can
confidently lecommend it as an incom
parable remedy for tioublcs.
The original sealskin saeqiio nowiep-
rcscntii a stile altogethci out of fashion.
She has the complexion of a peach ,
Po//oiiiV Modic.ited Complexion I'owdcr
did it. bold by till druggists.
Boston is indignant because
the aitist , did not visit that city.
New York. Jan. IS MONEV On call
casj at3 > ( iS5 pei cent , closing nt S per cunt.
J'llIMK MKUCANni.E 1'AI'Kll 07 per
BTKiinxrt KxcirA\oi ! ] ) ull hut ( steady
at 4.bJK foi sixty cloy bills ; 14.60 for de
( lovnr.WMi.NTS ( jovcinmciit bonds were
dull but hU-aily.
biocKS 'Iho Ions e.xpectpil break In the
slock maiket to succeed the passaee of the
Inter-state eommcice bill came this mornlnir ,
but It waspoulmed to the opening , and thu
lirst faw minutes of tiailinir , during which
the loss In no one stock exceeded IK Pur
coiil. The opening was wcaic nt declines
Irom last evening's llguros , ranging from V
1i p r cent generally. After momentary
weakness in which St. I'aul was conspicu
ous , tlio entire mailci't began to rlsp , and be-
fern Iho cml of Ihu lust hour advances rang
ing up topper cent tesiilteil. After that
tlmo the maiket quieted down consttlciubly.
In the uf un noon prlceo ( .airgpil fiomouhat ,
but toward Up. m. the advance vvasresiimcil
ami Hie mat Ket closed ucllve anil sltong at
the highest prices of Iho day. The net re
sult ot the day's business Is that almost
everything on the nctivi ) list shows an ml-
vaiice.aml Richmond & \Vost 1'olnt h upi }
per cent.
V cent bonus. . . . 100 | C. & N. \ \ 112'f
0. b. 4V 110 prelotred. . liib
Now 4' * 1S7J ' 'N. ' "V.O - - -
I'aCliicfi'sof'W. ia.5 ( OrPBonTian. . . .
Central J'acitio. . 41 > ; I'apltic Mall
C. 4 A 14JKI' . 1) . &K
nitiieriea. . . . IM ir. p. ( J
C. I ) . AU . I'i7 Hock Island . . . . l'"i
UL. i.\V. . . . U'l1 * St. L. itb. F. . . . 8IJ <
1) . AU. O . B7U preti'rreil
Kne . ! U iC. , M.
preferrci ! . w.f preferred. . . 117U
Illinois Cfiitral VM'St. ' r. XO . 50k'
1. , 11..1 W . 173ii prefciml. . .
Kansa AToxis SU/iTexas , 1'acltio. .
Lnknhhort ) . . . OlJi'il'inon I'acllic. . . CO'i
L. AN' . . . . * f.l C\V. \ , St. L. *
Mich. Control . 1 > 114' ' prefenoil. . . KHf
Mo. 1'uclflu , . * 10s'Vpktein Union , TH'J
Nortliei n i'ae . ' 'T .U. . H. * K . 101 ;
pinfnruit . CO
* Ex-Ulx.
Oh fen co , Jan. is following quotations
ait ) thoM ; rlosinj ; tigurps ;
Flour Quiet anil unchanged ; winter
wheat nuur , ? 4.r.ifl.TO ( ; soutn
( it4.bO ; MIclitKan' soft sprint wheat ,
SJ.TOiil.r.O : MinnesotA bakers , SA7i ) >
4.yo ; pgti'tils. 54.M ) , low cratles 51.9XS
ii.l'r > ; ip flour , quiet at S3.ijuji.7U ! : lu battfls ,
ami 53.20 H.40 in facks.
\Vheat-\Vlipat wis only moncratply active
to ilav and closeit a traction lilclier ; rablo
Kilviics ninro f.noiublo .uul export clearing's
for thu vvpt'k ueiu the largest m a iiiimDer ol
jears ; clo inz ti urcs vveio : No. 'J cash , Ts's
rebiu.iry , Tb'h TS ic , .March , VJ-ed (
Corn Dull but steady ; cash. Wo ; Ft'btu
nry. so > teM > fpj ilarch , &jVi@ c ; May ,
Oats Dull but etcaily ; cash , 26 , ' c ; Stay ,
Kire 63 ? .
Harley f \o
TimottiysoeJ I'rlroi" , Sl.W.
Whlskv-SI.19. . . ,
Pork-Stronc wi l active ; cnsh. S12.w „
2.2,5 ; March , S12.15 ( U17 < j ; May , 12.oS@
horl clear lde . to . .
Hatter ritm ; creamery , 24 < 3rlc ; dilry ,
" "
"Cheese-Quiet bul Me.idy : full cream ejied-
larsaml flaH , I2v , . ns'4c5 joung Americas ,
sklm ,
Kees-s aic. , , . ,
Hides i hleady anJ unchanged : itrcen ,
heavy green salted. 7 > < c ; saltcil
bull MP. ' ' sailed IICM'JC
O'ic dry , !
Jllll , U4ls : * ll J f * * * * - '
Irv Hint , 1.5 < 314c : deacons , 25c each.
Tallow ho. icouniry , s4c ; > ° , 2 , s4c :
cake , 4c.
Shipment * .
Flonr.bhis 2.5000 2/.OJJJ
\Vlieaumi " . ( XXJ J > .W
Corn , nit . l.'AOOO
Hvp.bu. . . . . . . . . . . . : HOJ .None
Harirv.mi .
OSt. hotitfl. .Ian. 15.-Whrat-StP.ii1y : No.
J red , cash , S2\c ; March , MJfc : May , < X J
Corn T.nsvsNo. 2 mixed , cash , 3.5g3.5' < e ;
March , 3.1 J < c ; Mnv. W\c.
Oats-Steady ; No. U mlxcil , cash ,
Miy , t
Kvo OJ1 , .
Whlskv31.13. .
I'ofk-StiongatSia ; .
Lard-IllKhurnt Sa'A5.
Huiler rum and unihnnRcd.
Knt > H.-mClt ) , Jan. i5 WbPil-Sleailv ;
No. 2 rcil , rash , Tic bid ; I'elmmiy , 7'c
bid May. 71V71U ( < * . , , ,
Coin btcady ; No. ' ' , cash. SOJfc bid ; 1 cb-
rimrj , 3le * hid ; March , ! > 0' c.
Uats Nominal ; 'Js' ' c nsKcil February.
lilMTponl , Jan. 15. U' Klrm : do-
ninil liupiovlng ; holders olfer moileratelj ,
Corn ( Jtiiet and stcail > ; demand poor.
Now York. Jan. Spot n
shade lower , fairly active ; options opened
a shade lower ; later advanced JfG4' ' P , clos
ing Miauy ; receipts. 10,000 : oxpoits. i0i,50o ! ;
ungiadpil red , Vi5a0114c ( ; Vo. il red , l > l'.ii ( ?
'I'ic ' ; No. 1 led , tiV ! < OI fc , lalli'i. I. o. b. ;
Vo. Srcil , HJ 464'w ; In clevatot , WWf , f. o.
li. ; February closed al Kfc.
Coin Firm and iiulet ; options very dull ;
receipts iiXK ; ( ) ; cxpoits , : ungraded ,
7 > 4w4Si4c ; No. 2 , 4Tgl7Kc. ( in ulovalor ;
ls 4cdellveied ; February closing at 4bc.
Uals Less active ; rt-cclpts.S'i.OOO ; expotts ,
noiip , mixed wcbtcrn , y ) @ 37c ; vvliitowestern ,
I'ctroleum ble.nly ; United closed at 71p.
Pork-Firm andnulpt ; old mess , S1'J.'J5@
12.75 ; now mess , S1-.75.
Laid Hlulipi hut less active : western
steam , spot. 30.K ) .
Hutlcr CJulet but liim ; vvcstcin , 12ii' ( > c ;
l lgln creamerv , 32c.
Cheese Quiet and steady.
Kggs Kttsj but less active ; western fresh ,
Milwaukee , Jan. 15. Wheat Lower ;
cash , "S c ; Febiuarv'sJii'c ; May ,
Corn btemly ; No. 2 , : 5'4c. '
Oats-Lower ; No. 2. 20'4c. '
Kye-WpakNo. : 1 , We.
Harley Dull : No. 2 , ao e.
1'rovlstons Higher ; poik , January and
February , S12.05.
Cincinnati. Jan. 15 Wheat Strong and
tiinlii'i ; No. 2 red , M'rt.b.5c. , (
Corn lleavj ; No. 2 mixed. 375f@T'c- (
Oats Fair ilemand : No. 2 mixed , IiO c.
Hve Firm ; No. 2. .5U ( < iOJe.
Pork-Nominal ; i2.50.
Lard Strong at S t.40 f. . 15.
Whisky Steady nt S1.1H.
MlnnonpotlH. Jan. 15. Wheat Active
and lirm , largo shipping ordcis not Idled ;
No. 1 hard , cash , Febnmiv , 7'Jc ; Mav , bJ'8c ' :
No. 1 norlliern , cash , Februaiy , 7 c ; May ,
b2'Mc ' ; No. 2 northein , cash , Fcbiuaiy , 70c :
May , bO'Hc.
Flour btcady ; patents , 34.50 ® 1.70 ; bakers ,
S3 fiO ( < i.l.75 ,
Upceipts Wheit. W.OOO bu.
blnpmuuts > \ heat , 17,000 bu. ; Hour , 13,000
Chicago , Jan. ID. The Drovci'sJournal
loportuns follows :
Cattle Hecelpts , 1,000 ; shipments , 500 ;
steady ; shipping bteprs , 1X50 to 1500 Ibs ,
S4.40Q5 00 ; 1200 to 13.50 Ibs. S4 00@4.40 ; 050
to 1200 Ibs , S. ! IKKgl.OO ; - > tockcrs and feeders ,
S-.50iii.bO ! ( : ; cows , bulls ana mixed , 31.50 ®
! l.45.
Hogs KccclptB , 11,000 ; shlpmenti , 5,000 ;
strong ; lougli and mixed. SI.15@4.70 ; pack
ing and shipping , S4.50@4.00 ; light. SJ.S5
@ 4.f-0 ; skips , 8J ( fl@i.05. :
Sheep Keceipts , 100 ; steady ; natives.
S3.004.S5 ; western. 52.75(34.7.5 ( ; Texans ,
g2.25W4.00 ; lambs , per head , S4.00.5.50.
8t. l-ouls , Jan. 15. Cittle-Uaccipt3,400 ;
ehlpmpnts. : X ) ; strong ; choice heavy native
stecrsS4.30S4 > ; falrtogoodshipplngsteers ,
S.75Cir4.25 : ! ; nutcherB' steers , fair to choke ,
31.10 ( 4.10 ; fcederrt , fair to good. S2.jO@'J.40 ;
stockers , fair to good. SJ 00 ( < $2 ' .to.
Hogs Receipts , 1,100 ; shipments , 3,000 ;
active and a shade higher ; choice heavy
and butchers' selections. 54 55iSn.75 ; pack-
in ? , fair to good , S4.40&4.CO ; Voikers , me
dium to faticv , S4.800J4.45 ; pigs , common to
peed , S3.40 < 3.i.OO.
Kansan City , Jan. 15. Cattle Receipts ,
300 ; shipments , none ; stroncor : common to
cholcp , W.50M4.20 ; stockers , 82 r 0nZ.)0 ! ) ; feed
ing stcets , S1.00a.l.50 ( ; cows. Sl.50c33.l5.
HoL's Receipts , 5,000 ; shipments , 1,100 ;
steady nnd 5c higher : common to choice ,
' 1.10(114.05. ( _
.Satuiday , Jan. 15.
There wcie no fiesh teooipls , 'and there
were only n few cattle on the m.ukct which
had been lull ovci from the day betoio. 'Ihe
demand was good , and Iho maiKet sliong.
nvcijllnng wab sold and the jatiK were
cleaned. _
lll > K .
Tim receipts of hogs wore exttPiiiplv light
to day , anil at the H.imo time the demand
was good. The maiket opened active and
nt an advince ot 5ijlOc ( over j csterday's mar-
Uet. The pens wen ) cleared nt an eatly hour ,
and thuro was nothing left ovei.
Thoie were no sheep ottered on the market
and Ihcro was no demand for them , to speak
ot. _
11039 . im- . IK)0 )
I'revalllng1'rlcos. .
Sliovvlnetho prevailing prices paid for live
stock on this market.
Choice steers. 1350 to 1500 Ibs . 84.30@1.50
Choice steers. 1100 to 1300 Ibs . : t.75W4.tO :
liood feeders . 2.75 ? ! t.OO
( iiiod to choice corn-fed LOWS. . . 2.75tW.25
Fair to mer turn trass tows . 2.00MJ.50
Good to clioica Dulls . 2.00(83.00 (
Light nnd medium hogs . 4.35 4,50
( ! oed lo choice heavv fogs . -1.55 ( 4.0.5
( lood to choice mixed no.s . 1.
( loodtochoicHblieep . 2.75M.1.20
Fair to good aln-cp. . . . . 2.25012.50
HoprcHcntativo H.tlcs.
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. I'r.
M 12'J3 53'JO 10 . . U.3 S.1.10
> o. Av. I'r. No. Av. I'r.
1 . .J.N > 2.25 24 . . .1070 IJ.OO
10. . . . 1155 2.03
IlL'I I.S.
No. Av. I'r. No. Av. I'r.
1..1770 52.25 1 . . .1410 fe',25
HOOfl ,
No. Av. Sbk. Pr No. Av. Slik. I'r ,
SI. . . t J S4.5 5.U)1 ! ) KXJgl.W )
55 20.J 109 4.45 70. . . . 244 .CO 450
61 20 . . 4.50 75. . . .211 bO 4,50
CO . USS 120 4.50 M..207 1JO 4.5,5
l > i . 2GS 200 4.50 5'J..3I3 40 455
01 270 IM 4,50 50 . .3sl 120 | . ( K
4' . .277 ViO 1.50 50 . . .Ui5 40 4,0.5
.Showing thu highest and lowest nrlcps
paid for loads of hogs on this niitUtt during
the past swvou dijs and tor thu & .ime time
last month und last ) car :
Jan. Jim
eth 3fiO ft I 75 enow hlocUuil1 S iniclny
10th 30' it I 7,1 umliiy 4.10
lltli , J7i - ) < 3.1 M Vnnu . . lilnpkncl' . 4 10 .I'U
- -
mti a < ( To 1.5) )
Ulli 311 J 50 C61 ; 4 05 CM 40
Kill 3 > ri ( Al 10 < 'M tit oil
15th 4 00 < & { 15 4 15 5H 1.5
Bllipniontt : .
Show Ing the niimhcr of cattle , ho.-s and
blicip blujipcd from the yards dmins thu daj.
No. cars. lit , Dcst.
2 NV Chicago
3 . . . .Mil Chicago
All sales or .stork in this mirket are made
percwt. Iho weight unless otlierwlso stated
Dead hogs ell nl Jfc per Ib. tor alt wclglits.
"bkins , " or hogs vvelliliig le s than 1UO Iba ,
no value. J'regnant sows are docked 40 Iba.
and stats SO Ibs , by the public inspector.
Oencr l I'rottuoe.
Satard.iy , Jan. Ti.
37ie/otfoicin < ; prices arc for roiui/f low nf
produce , as inlil on the tnrtr ct forfdTtic ]
quotations on frnlt.1 represent tne prices al
tihtchiiutfltlconJorsnre ( IHoI.
I'.oos 'I he bulk of HIP tecclpK conststlntr
of fresh stock and held < lock , mixed , Is sellIng -
Ing at 'i'lttHc. btrlflly fresh and bright
stock thai has been candled and rcpockcd at
HIP commission IIOUSPS Is selling nt2.5c.
Hi iTKit The receipts are liberal and the
jleniAiid talrlj good. An occasional sale of
extra choice stock Is nindo as liUli as I''tiriOc. '
1ml 1 HIP bulk of the choice stock is .elling nt
17 ( < ns : : good country butter , ir ri7c ; fair to
peed , 1C ? : common , KKrf I2 > tc. : Fullereim Cheddars , sleol , IT c ;
full i ream hat'.twIns.l'iHi'jvoung American ,
He : fancy hwM. 14 r > ; Swiss , imported ,
8.V : hlmburgpr. i:3c : ; brick.Uirtllic.
1'ot nnv Ihpre Is no ileiu nd worth
mpiitloning. for lurkejsand the little stock
that Iscomini ; miets with very slow sale.
Dealers 1 arc fotccd to sell for what Ihey can
get , hence choice stock sells nt n wide range
of prices , the bulk nt Vif'c , with an occasional
sale al inc. Chickens are selling fairly well
atbc. with an orci lon.ilsalp nl Pp. ( .Jecso
nnd dui'ksaro selling nt by.ip.
IKvin-Di'cr , niiteloip ] , prairie chickens
nnd tiuall nrcout of > pa < oii , but as the law has
never been enforced thej ni c still loiind In tha
market. Deer nnd antolopn saddles , pur
ib. V'Uc ) : carrass. 5flOp ; jack rnbliits , per do/ ,
fc1 } 00 ; smill inbhils. 7f c ; iiralilo chickens ,
per doilftO ; nuail , < ln , Si J5 : snipe and
iilovcr , do , ' 1.2.5 ; UPO--P. do , S.UW , ducks ; mrl-
.nut , PPI dot > . ' .2ViM.VJ ; teil , do , fel.50 ;
miM-d. do , Sl.00yi2.00 ; , fc'J.OU.
nil celi'ty
Ovinss Very scarce and choice slocK
quotable at Sl.25@l.50 per hush.
li ) VNS In mine llbcial suiiplv and a little
lowci ; Callfoiniis. Sl Otol " , > \ dimicalic ,
choice clean. ? ! 50tfl.jO (
Ai'i'tns 'Ihe maiket Is \prv firm and
stocks arc verv small. ( holce Missoutl are
quoted at "l.OOOJI 50 , Michigan.e4.00rf4 50.
I'OTVIOI s 'I IIP trade is llmltpil to the sale
ol small lots , a few sacks at a time. Choice
stock --ells nt COe. i vnr.i.s Sweet potatoes. l"y Jcr-
sovs , pprlb. . IP ; iittnb.itras , pei lihl. , S-MH ) ;
carrots , 84 00 ; w hlte turnips , pci bbl , , t4 00 ;
parsnips , pei bbl , 6200 ; beets , per bbl ,
5-2.00 ; cabhigcs , pci Ib , .tUc.
Cm nn'Iho market H steady. Choice
stock per doWe : extra laige. per do,4Ue. .
Ov si i its Mediums , 20e : standards , 2 c :
lecls , 30 ; exlt.i selects , 35c ; N. Y. counts ,
iiAvnriinirs Capo Cod. fniicv , per bbl ,
812.00 ; bell and bugle , pci bid , 510.00.
II V\AN\S Hanntias , % cllow * , per bunch ,
S'J.OOy2.25 ( ; bnnniinscllowlaigo , pei bunch ,
: .5o@35t' .
LRMONS Messina , per box Sli.OO.
UUVMH.S Floilda , choice , 150yiJtO to box
35 00 ; do , 5 box lots , S4.75 ; Valencia , per
case , fcb.50 , Calitoinla Riverside , pes box ,
MAPI.I : Sro \ii-Strlclly pure. 50 Ib boxes ,
per Ib , 15c ; choice 5c bi Icus , 2.5 Ib boxes , per
Ib , 12c ; choice tvnny cakes. 25 Ib boxes , per
ID. 12 > < c.
ritovisiovs-llam. sugar-curpil , HMc ;
breakfast bacon , suuiir cured , boneless , 10'j ' ;
shoulders , ( > c ; clear sldo bacon , be : dry salt
sides , 7c ; dried beef , hams , lie ; dried beef ,
rpgular , lie : mess pork , per bul , $12.50 ; lard ,
.50 Ib cans , Fairbanks , q e : laid. 10 , 5 and 3
Ib pails , Fairbanks , 7 @ 7fc.
FI.OUII AND MiLi.siurKs Winter wheat
lloin , bi'sl quallly patent , 62.75 ; second
Itv , S2.25i2fjO ( : bct nualily spring vvncat
Hour , patent. S2CO@J70 ; w. J. WoMiau's
buckwheat ifoin. pei bbl , Si , 00 : do , double
sacks , 1 3.00pcr hundred ; \V. J. wclshan's
v i i < i nvriiiiiijt wu f onwi 10 " I'1-1 v' *
graham , SI.75 ; hay , in biles , S7.00per ton.
Grocer * ' tilnt. Medium. In bbls , SO 10 ; do , In
half bbls , (75 ( ; binill. In bbK S7.50 : do , In
halt libls.Sl.iri5 CRlirKlns , In bbls , 8 .00iito ; ,
in half bbls S17-i.
bvnui' No. 70 , 4 gallon KPRS , S1.20fll.2."i ;
New Orleans pcrcallon 3SC Jlfic ; maplu bvnip ,
half bbls , "old time , ' ' per gallon , 70u i gal
lon cans , ner doz , 810.00 ; half gallon cans.
pet doSr 50 ; quart cans , S"0u.
SrAiicn Mirror glass. 1 Ib , Cc : mirror
plebS , :1 : Ib , 5Jfc : mirror clo- , olb , o/c ;
( ! raves corn , 1 lb,0 > < fc ; Klngsfonl's corn , 1 1 ,
7c ; Kintjslord's clots , I Ib. 7c : Klinrsfonl's
irloss , G Ib. 7Kc ; Klncsford's pure , 3 Ib , 7Jfc ;
Kingsfords bulk. 4c.
Tow \ cco1'lug , climax. ; ! 9e : horseshoe ,
R7c ; star , 8ie ! ; spearhead , . ' ! 9c ; plin rlieldsick ,
COc ; gold shield , 34c ; merry war , 'JCc : J. T.
J. . 3 c.
CANNFDooiS-O ! > stcrMstandard , per case ,
Si.l.5f : i.'i5 : strawberries , 2 Ib. per case. 3 .20 ;
raspberries. 'J Ib , per case , S'J.,0 ; California
pears , per case , 34.50 ; apricots , per casj ;
54.60 peaches , pi - case , SS.OO ; white cher
ries , per case , 30.00 ; plums , per case , ? 3 03 ,
blueberries per case , 91. b.5 ; e K plums , 3 Ib
per case , 52.50 ; plncapph-s , 'J 16 , per case
S.20jt5.75 ! ( : 1 Ib niujkcrp ) . per doz , 81.10 ;
1 Ib salmon , per dor , S1.50rai.5"i ; 2 Ib goose ,
bctiles pprcase. SI. 75 ; 2 Ib string beans , per
case , 31.70 ; 2 Ib lima beans , per case , 51. ( W ;
2 Ib marrow fat peas , per case. 3i40 25U2 ; Ib
early Juno peas , per case. SJ75 : : t Ib toma
toes , SJ.20rro2.02 ! ; lh corn SilO2.ffli
DniF.D fiirrr jso. l quarter apples , r (
Cc : in evaporated boxes I2 > l@liic : black
berries. boxes. ll@HKc ; peaches , Salt Lake ,
li > ! > 0 , iu@ioijc ; pcachfls. evaporated , 15'fcc :
17c ; rasiibetric- , . now , 2.Jc ; curt cuts , 7
prunes , new.
buoAiis 1'owderett. 7e ; cut leif ,
05f ( 07 < ; pgranulatpa,0l ; ( , < 3fl'ap ' ; confectioners'
A , > 'H ( < ! O : standard oxliaC , ! 5lTC ( ( ' 5lVe ; extra
C. 5V@5Kc ; medium icilowyf@ \ > c.
COKPKPS Ordinary grades , I4' ' fl5c fal
nigr.Kc ; prime. r.KlC.c ( ! : choice , iOftlOHe ;
fancy gieen and jcllovv. 10fiil7c ; old rov-
crnmcnt Java , ' 'OQJOc ; Intcnor .lava ,
UOc ; Mocha , 22rg24c : ArlmcKlo's roistcd
20'p McLnuclilin's XXXroasted ' ' '
, ; roasted , -'O' c ;
Dtlworlli'8,20c : Itcd Cross. 20'4c. '
MA'irnr.s PIT caddie , 2Sn ; sniiaro cases ,
St.70 : mulpsiiuare , 31.20.
CANDV Mixed , native : stick. S tfflO' c.
CiiACKins darneiu's so > Ia , butter nnd
picnic. 5'ic ; crcams , .He ; ginger snaps , bc ;
citv .soda , 7 .
SiiAiN Kirk s snvon Imperial. S3.70 ;
Kirk s satinet. SI 00 ; Kirk s standard , fc.JOj ;
Kirk's white KiitHlnn , 31.00 ; KlrK'H whitecap -
cap , S0..50 ; donip , SAW ; washboard , SJ.10 ;
white cloud. SA5.
General Markets.
( Jrcon butchers , fiKfeiCc ; geecn
cured , "c : drv Hint. HWU'c ; dry salt , UdJIOe ;
crcen calf skins , uao e ; damaged hides ,
two thirds price. Tallow 'tjfe. ( Jreaso
Prime vvlilto , : ttfc ; yellow. 2 , ' c ; brown. Uf
.Sheep Pelts25a7.'x ( ! .
UKAvr JlAiinwAnn Iron , rate S2.0" > ;
plow Btcelspeclal cast SiCjcrucIblostccl.OXc ;
cast tools , do. 12@lSc ; wagon spokes , per set ,
su.ooc'ZHfiO ; luil" , per set , Sl.25 : jelloc- , ,
sa wed dry , 51.50 ; tongues , eacli , 8'ie ; axels
each , 75c : sauaio nuts , per Ib. H$71c ; coil
chain , pei Ib. r ( < ( l2c ; malleable , 7a'o ( | ' ; 11011
wedges , Cc ; crowbirs , fie ; harrow teeth , 4'c ' , ,
spring steel , " ! ( ii.VcHurden'R \ horse shoes.
S4,50Jltirden ; a mule shoes , $5.50. Dnrbpil
wlte. In car lots , SJ4.00 put 100 Ibs. Nails ,
rates , 10 to 50 , 32.50 ; steel nails , S3.05f.cJ 75.
Shot , Sl.M ; buckahot , Sl.K ; oilental powder ,
kegs , S3 50 ; do. half kpgs , J.2 00 ; do. rjuartcr
kegs , 31.50 : blasting kegs , 5..35 ! tuse , iter 10
fei t. Goc. Lead bar , i510
\AiivtsiiK' ' > Hatrels , per gallon : .furni
ture , extia , 31,10 ; furniture. No. 1 , Sl.OO ;
coach oxlta , S1.40 ; ( oaili , No. 1,51.20 , : Da-
mar , extra , 31.73 ; .lainn , 70c ; asnhaltiini ,
extra Me : shellac , 63.50 ; haul oil linisli ,
ijpiiUTS Cologne spirits. 1S8 proof , 51.17 ;
do 101 proof , SI. IS ; spirits , second iiuality ,
101 ptKf , 51.17 : do l& > proof. 51.10 Alrnbol.
Ib1 ! prooi , 5..20 nor v\lu L'allon. KoilMllled
whlsklps , Sl.OOaM.50. ( iln , blPiided , bl 50 ( < 4
' . ' .00 ; Kentucky bourbhns , S00(30 ( 00 ; Ken
tucky and Pennsjlvinla rjos , 3-.OOC < (0 5U ;
( loldcn Sheaf boiirhnn and no whiskies ,
51.1038 00 llraiidies. Imiiorti'd , S5.00fa50 ( ;
doiu > tlc , SI K0 3.0fJt , ( iins. imnortpa , S4 w
dompstlc , 81 2S < SSOO. ,
iinportcil. per Piibu. S'JS.OOifSi.OO ( : American ,
rci p. S.OOyflft.oo ,
J'AINTS ivOn , Wltilolead. Omalia.P. P. ,
7 > fp ; white lead , .St. Louis , pure , 57.75 ; Mar-
bellies green , 1 to 5 Ib cans , Uo ; 1 rencnme ,
en'cn seal , 12o ; Trench /Inc , red seal , lie ;
French zinc. In varnish usit. UOe ; r-retieh
/Inc. 75oprmllllon. : . jngllsh ; , in oil , 75c ;
red loc ; ro-o pimc , He ; \ ciiLtmn red , Cook-
Bon's , 254c ; Venetian red. Anifrlcan. l-c ;
red leid , 7'ic ; chromo jtllow , genuine , 20c ;
cliromo yellow , K , l-'c ; ochre , rochellp , Sc ;
ochrp , 1 rcnrh , 28ic ; ochto , Aiiierican ,
1' c ; Winter's tnlniral. 2 > ( , c ; Lehlgh blown ,
2 } < e ; Spanish brown , 2Xc ; I'rincu's rulncral ,
Dnv I'AiNTs-M'hlto lead , Sc : Trench sine ,
ICc ; J'nrl. winilnif. 2.V ; whiting , gilder- . ,
i-'J c ; whillng , com' ) , luc ; lampblack , ( Jcr-
nmiistown. lie ; lampblack , oidinury , be ;
Prussian blue , 55c , ultramarine , lSvandyK- ;
brovvn , 8c ; umber , burnt 4c , umber , raw , 40
sienna , burnt , 4c ; sicniu , raw , 4c ; pane
grten , cenulne , i5p , 1'arN green , cf'in-
niun , 22c ; rhroiuu green , N , Y. , iwe ;
Termlllion American. l-c * ; inutan
raw ami butnt umber , 1 tb cans , Uc ; raw and
burnt falenna , 12e ; vnd > ko brown , I8p ; to-
lined lampblack 12c- coach black and ivory
black. lOc ; drop binok. ICc ; I'rusaian blue ,
iOo ; ultramarine black. Ibc ; chrome grccu.L. ,
. . * Vi' S ? * Mlni1 &nd-shutter preen , L * M.
U. , ICc : P.iru Ktppn , JSc ; in titan red , IN ; ;
Venetian red , ft. ; 1u can. We ; American
rrnllllon , L. A 1) . , COc ; jeliow ochre , Bp ; IA.
* O. I ) . , ISi ; eood ochre. 1V ( : tiMcn
ilrvpr , Sc ; eralnlrig color , light oaR , dark o. k
wdlnut , chestnut ami n h. l.'c.
IJnt'osAM > iiF.Miru.o. Acirt , carbolic ,
J-H : ; sclil , lartarle , t < io' InUam copalln , per
" > , 'Oe shirk 6assifra . per tb , 10c ; calomel ,
per ft , 7c , plilnchonldla , ppr o40c ; chloro
form , per R , 4-p ; Dover 9 powdero , per Ib ,
Sl.S5ep : oni MK per Tt > , .s , c ; glycerine ,
pure , per Ib , 3 > c ; lead , nrotato. Per Jl > , Sic ;
oil , castor , No. 1. ppr c\l , $ I.50c ; oil ca tor ,
No. 2 , per cal , 81 40 , oil ollvp. PCT gal. , 31.40 ;
oil orlLMtinum , Wo ; oDlum , SJ.'JO : quinine ,
lA W. and H. .t S , , per oz , 70c ; potassium
lodldp , per tf. , SJ.75 ; sallcln , ppr or , 40c , sill-
phato morphine , per oz. SJ < " . ' > ; sulphur , rcr
lt,4c ; slrvchtiltip. t > rt oz , M.2o.
1 rut AMI SMNS 'Hie following prices
arpforprlmp , well himlled skins : Heavct ,
primp , clean per pound. S1..50M.500- . $1.2. )
-.00 , meaty ami iiiferlnr. ? 1 occtfl 25.
brown and irrl7/lv. S.5CW < s.oo ; rubs ua
jcarllng" S200'rf46o. HulKcr , 'AiifiOo. Cat ,
wild , SOOjiOc , domestic , black , lowIV : do-
mpstlp , sMinlrv rolortidi f. Fox , ipd , SI to
ttt W crosi. i2.00f.U ( X ) ; groy. 40 W , silver ,
SIOCCQIOTO. Flslior. ? 4 ( XVtAOO. OlterS4.00
( rfi 00 Martin. Sl.OOuM.7.5. , win-
tcr , Hrce , UV : fall , V ; l itts , lp. Mink , large ,
dark , 3.5 iIOo ; small and palp , TXtf-Mc. Kac-
POOH , largo primp , 40ni5 < V small and inferior ,
20c ? ruc. ) Suuiilx , POIIIIIIOII , 1.5o 2.V. Wolf ,
latge crp > , S 1 10 2.00. covoto or piairlp , 7.5ffl
IHP. ) Deer and antelope , wlnlpr. i er pound
l. " c , full and summer , per pound , 20c.
No.l Corn. s. 1. 3. 12 , Hand 10 ft S17.50
No. . ! " ' 12 ; 14 and 10 fl 14.7-
No.3 " " 12,14 and 10 tt ltt.50
No. * " " 1214aildlOU J2.00
IIIMKN'-lOSb * MI TIMill lf > .
u nu niu rt ID it'a ' n"jft
, . . . . in vine so in f j 17 ( w IH w ' 'i oo''i.oa
. . 10 50 111 50 10 fill IT llll Is 00 . * , - ' ( ) Si W
. IR VI in fin 10. VI17 ( MIS W 'Jl 00 21.10
Irt fill lOMI Ifl 51 17.b ( IS IKCJ-J.HO ! . 00
. . , ll ! fi i Irt W ) M WjIlT W \ * PO Z ! Oil W
'ill ' M ) Ifi M III r,0l7.KI | ( 1H ( XI MW 'M Oil
fKIt.lVO A\t > I'AUTftON.
1st com. , J4in Whjte Pine Partition .
' . 'J7.50
SdCom.V In. Norway Pine Celling' . . 14.00
No. 1 , 4 , fe 0 Inch , 12 and 14 ft. , rough. . 817.0C
No. 2,4 iVGInch , I'Jamt 14 ft. , rough. . . 11.00
A 12 Inch. . 4(1 ( C SrAOO
NO."I , com. 12 in. , s. i s.'ib''ISA lib ft ! ! ' . "Tiiou
No. 2 , " . . 1850
No. 2 " " "
, 1214ft 17.00
" " " " ir , ft ICO , )
snip rAr.
No. 1. plaln.Sand K ) inch S17.50
No. 2 , plain.S.iiul 10 Inch 15.50
i'osis-VvhTto Cedar , 0 In. , J s , 120 ; S In.
rs. ,
jards and
Omaha. s.20 ! pm
I J.cavo I Leave
U. 1' . BltlDUETKAINS. . .
* Kxcept Sinidny. :12 : am tflTittm : !
tConntcts with S. C. & , si's ' am * 7:3r.nm :
P. at Council UlulK ri" nm b.OOnm
| ( . 'omicctswitliMi. & , < Al nm
0. , C. t N.p. \ . , CM. . A : : . 'i7 nm * 10:00 : am
St. 1' . , C I ! . I , Jo 1 > . at :47iiu : : 11. 10 iiiu
Coimtil DlulTs. :30 : pm 1:00 : pm
IConiiPcts with AV. .St. : i7 pm 2:00 : pm
1 . iv I' , at Council Ulutls. , ' 7 pm J ! > :20pm :
I Connects with nil even ii.OOpm
ing trains tor Chicago at * 4:00pm :
Council HIiiHs. Trains :42 : pin
leave Oinali.i at Union 10 pm 5 : . < 0pm
Pacific depot , 10th and 12 pm | filOpm :
I'lcrco streets. ilO pm 7 oo pm
:47 : pm 8:15 : pm
55 pm
I Leave I Arrive
US Translcr Tr.inslcr
depot depot
C. H. I. & ! ' . : * 7:15 : am ltiir : > nm
"Hxrcpt bundai. y:15nm.5:2.5pm : . :
Monday. Ciopm ; * 7:00pm :
C. it N. VV.
All trains run dally. 015nm ; 0:15 : am
G40 ; p in 7:00 : p m
C. 1) ) . , t ( J.
All trains run daily. 0:35am : 9:15am :
G:3op : m 7,00 p 111
C. > i , A St. 1 * .
All trains inn dally. . 0:15a : 111 0-15 a in
G40 ; p m 7:00p : m
1C. C. St. ,1. it C. U.
* n\cppt Saturday , 10,00am 10in. " a m
tJSxcejit Monday. * b:55)in : ) ) 5JO ; : p m
W. St , U , t I' . \
All trains run daily . . } 200 ; pm ] 3.30 p m
S. C. .t P.
All trains tun daily. . . I 7:05a : m 9:35 : a m
1 i 0:25pm : ! bWpui :
Artists' Material ,
' ' " "
A. HOSI'E , , //7f
Artibls' Materials , I'iuuos and Orjjans ,
I..U Hunt-hill t-trrct Omaha
Agricultural Implements ,
\S lioli ealcIHnlc'r in
Agricultural Implements , Wngnns ,
Carrlauta aud IUiil | < ' Janet Hrec't , telweeu 9t !
mul IUIb.Oni.iliu l U
Ari icultnral Iniploinents ,
W'u < m , rcrriaiea , Ktc. , W'holoalo , O nan * ,
M co. ,
Jobbers of Hardware and Nails ,
Tinnare , Hhoot Iron , Ktc Agents for Iloiru bml
nnd .MUiol I'uwilcri o Ooinlin Nub
JtECTOJi ( ) WfLIlK'nMY CD. ,
Wholesale Hardware.
Western m-enu l r JblTerron 1-H'1 NMI ViMtl <
I'owdcrlu hnlrbanki Munilnril Hr-alet Cutuir
lUili und Unrnoy oronlis
l'AltUX,01EXD01tl'\i ' MA IlTfM
VV bploalo Dcalcft In
Atrriciiliurdl Inipleiuents ,
uf.ic * UU1 V03 , jOi aad Ml Jooci it
Butter and Eggs.
. Hnjersof 15uttor nnd . . „ . , . , .
rUfrlu < TAter unit Parking llonso , lltli n I 1earon
no-lhPI I 1' It. II IIM V , UnRli :
I Builders' Hani wart and Scales.
i/rir/'p 11'ti fr"p ' *
7' 111 > . .1CVlfll I.IJf4C/Alf
Btilhlors'Hardwnro.lScalo HopnirShoii
Xlochanlcs Toolmil Iluffnlo Peal , . Hit ) Ixnijlm ft , ,
, v OnishK , Neb
Boots and Shoes.
if IM.VSKll'JM
Mnnufactutrrn mid VV holcsMr Dealers In
Hoots nnil Shoes ,
Comi'lotf flofl nf Itiihl'or Hoods nlwnt ! on tisnrt
HU S iStlin Ownbi , Ni-b A T Au tln AKOIU.
jr. 7' co.
.lobben of Hoots nnil Shoos.
1111 tarrium ? t , Dumb * . Nih Mnmifnitor ) , fiimmot
Z. T. L1XDSEY { ' CO.
Wholesale Uublier HonN and Shor * .
Hub rd Oiled 0 lolhitu mil I tit licoti ,
l.nll'omor Uth niul lmnlfn
Apt. foi1 Anheiiser-Uush Ilrpwiiit ; Ass'n
Ppeclnl ttrimt Mmt llmlwcliirnml Vrliuigrr.
NTOK % a' ILEU ,
Laser Heer HroweiN ,
IWt North lth Mirel , Ornnlin Noh.
Butchers' Tools.
j.oris / / / : / /
3' Tools nnd Supplies
Ciulnut nf nil Vliiil * iilwny * In stock. 1315
Join si .Dinaliii
Building Material.
Dealer In All Minis of
Jlnllillnpr Mnlovlal at Wholesale.
13th Street nml Unliiii I'nclllc Trnok , Oiunlm ,
Coffee , Spices , Etc.
Onmlia CofTeo niul Spioo .Mills.
Tcft Goffrc'.Fploo" llnklni : Powdnr KlivorliuTCx-
tracts , I.imiJty Illuo , Ink ICir lll < IGlInrccy
Mrtpt.OniBhn. Neb
ES ,
Homo I'ofleonnd Spleo Mills M'f'K1 Co.
CiitroiMloTitorsntiit ' pko ( IrlniU'm , Maimfiiuuri rs
of lluklni ! Powder. I livurliitf hxtrn < .t Itlnlni ; . I ti-
' 1 n onuiiKi'Of imr 1 n iiiukiikCllomuUlciid Uoi-Kil
OulTect. HWI Howard H , Omnti'i. ' .Set.
John Eponetcr , Prop.
Manufncturcr nf < lnl\nnlrpil Iron nnd Cornloo. K3 !
Doilxii und 10.1 nncl 1US N , lUtli nt , immhu. Nub.
Mnniifiutnrcrn uf
Ornaiuoiital ( ialvani/cd Cornices ,
Dormir Windows , Hnnli.MunMr ( > klhtcti. ] J10S.
Kt i t .Onialiu.
C. Spccht , Prop.
aalvnntiert Iron Cornices , etc. Piiocftilmprovpil 1'nt-
cnt MLlHllcMcyllkht. WH iiiid&lu S litli Kt Oinului.
Jobber-1 of
Carpets , Curtains , Oil Cloths ,
Linoleum * . MH it I DBS. rte 1511 Douclns utriit.
Wholesale Curpi'ts , Oil I'loliis ,
Halting * , Curtain Coed , Flo. 143 1 1 iirnani Mrcct ,
nraalm Nub
Crockery and Notions.
Aeont for tlio Manufacturers nnil Iniportcrn of
Crockery , ( Jlassware ,
Lnnipf. Cliliinitjf , etc Onice , 317 lioulli 13th at.
Commission and Storage.
J ) . A. HUllLEr ,
roniinission and ilobbinp ; .
Hnttor , K kaanil I'roduco ConatKi mcniH pollc ted.
IleailqimrtorH for htitriowaro , llcrry lloxt B and
Urape llaaketn. 141 * DuiliiOhtreit.Omaliu.
r E YCKE Jt II OS. ,
Commission Merchants.
Frnlti1 , 1'roilucc and Provision * , Omnhn , Neb.
ir. E. urn DELL ,
Storaffo and Conmiisglon Jforclmnt.
tiptclnltles lliittor. KSK * , ChLrso , Poultry. Guuie.
Ojetors , Kt ? , l.ti H2vuutli tiilimriLt
Troduce romniHslon llerchants ,
Poultry , Hutlcr , Lump , I nilto , etc. 2-13 H HtUft
Onmlin , Ntti.
Coal ana" Lime ,
/ ' . 'jlfTLESTOJfE ifCO. . ]
Ilcilrn In
Hard und Soft Coil , ,
Offlco and yiM , lull and Mrliolafi im , Oinnlm , Neb.
OEO. r. l.AiiAoii lri * < r r. Onon\tAV , V Proa.
J A HUMiMUMM ) , fcec nnil'lrcni.
Joliliprm of Hard nnd Soft Coal.
WJ Suiitti 'i lilrlceiilh Strict , Omalin , Neb.
y ,0 CO. ,
Mannfitutnroi's nf Illinois White Mine.
And MilppcM of Coal nnil Cnkn , rciiicut , 1'lasur ,
IJinc. llalr. Uro llrlrk , Drain , 'llln niul Hnvter 1'ipi-
Oflicf. I'lilnn [ Intnl. ITanuim n , ( inmlm , .Sib
rl olcphonn hll.
Confectionery ,
/ / y > . FA y , f. cb. ,
iraiinfactiirinarConfectionprH ,
Jotibcrtof tiulli.Nutennil rival B. 12111 nruuiu SI.
Cigars and Tobacco.
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobacco ,
Uuni mul Ammunition. 21' , to221 H 111U it. , 1030 to
Iff.'i Knrn itu BI .Omitha Veu
Mnnnfuctnrers of Fine Clears ,
And VVbolmnli ! Drnlprn In l.ral Tobnrrni , NOJ US
HUil llONlUliitri til , Oiunlm.
WlmlHiialii lKlurj ) In
Clflfara , Tobaccos , ripen aud Smokon
Artlnlo1 ? .
AgontB for D. I.eMurt torr Jt Co , Finn Oat anil Hmol
an 1'olucocn , Mllw.iukaiVUooniln. . No.lll
a NortUSIitaaalbSlraut , Omtba , Nflb.
Dry Goods ,
M E. SMITH .1) ) CO , ,
Dry ( JoodH , Furnl8liiin'i oodH & Notions
HMand 11UI DuualHt cor Uth HI Omnha.Ntb.
Distillers ,
.UIUITF , Alcohol ani ] Pplrlli Impottcrt
and JoLbcriof vviianaml I l < iuor
WILLO } Y fjl' KICiti 1)1 STILUS *
CO. and ILElt > CO. ,
Importnm anil Johbcrrof Fine > Mnr iind 1 liiinrg.
bolo munilfHOMiior. lit Kl iirii'di'n Ytil Inrtl i Illl-
Irmuml liuiiui loltijunr > 111 ] llarnuyM ,
Dram Tito , Etc.
A. II. BAIKI. I'rrii JW Urnrri
ll.J.tMRfnv V.I'rej.nndH
THE I/.V/O.V lU'ltliAULW
Offlco 213 R inh it Omibn N ( b Mnchlnrry nnil
hupphti/or Mniiu'noturiD. Lmirnilirulii 'lilt.
hEl'l'UY , ( ; f/JOXE ,
Wbolcsale Dealeis in I'tirnlture ,
taniamBt Onialm , Neb ,
CIIA itLEs sin r
Furniture , JJe > l < lhiff , rpliolstcry ,
Mlrruri.cic. 1'M,1AU jiiid 1-10 Furnnm ft. , Ouintia.
Groceries ,
iMA-nov fiMiii.iifp co. ,
Wholcsnlo Orocprieq niul Provisions ,
_ No TIV.n ( TWamKllS lOlh M .OmMm. Neb.
a _ l ln nml 1 caTCnworlli sin , Omahn.
Hardware ,
u : j. iinoATcif
Heavy llanhvaic , Iron ami Stool ,
SprlotiNacon Mock , lUrdnuro lvimb r , < to. 13W
_ and 1311 llarnc ? ft , Omabit.
Wliolosalo Iron ami Steel ,
W enn And ( "arrlKRvWooil Stork , IleiiTf UaMwa
_ Kto _ J 17 dIJl _ 1 Mvornturlli ft , onmli i , .Neb.
, Itnmroo , Fiiriiiiceo , Tiles ,
MautKitntllrajf ! ( , eel lai and 1SU Varna
Iron Works.
lion Works ,
Wroiithl and J'afl Iron llnlMIni ! Work , Iron .
Hailing , Itpiim * find lilnlern. Meant ICIIIIIIKS , llrafi
Work , til nrinl miunilrr , Mnrlilnn niut Illachomllbj
% , 'orlr otureiui nVorks t I * It atulKihstiPot.
h II MiMlNM C Srll.tVAN.
OMAHA truti : , //'OA t ironies ,
Mannfactnror of
Wire ami lion Kailimrs , Desk Kallg ,
\MiidnH ( iiintil Hd tir " < liinit Win * ' 'Icn' Illo.
Ul N Hill Drill Mli ) mull | i | < | | | nttltult ll In ,
i.ons nitAn
Dealer in Lnmbcr. Lath , Ijimo , Snslt ,
Doors , \nr t * Corner * ! ! ! nml Douglas , ( Cornel
tithanil Don-la *
t CO. ,
Wliok' ali Lumber ,
814 P lllh-lroot ( lmnli , Ni > li t ( \ > lnltcr | , Maiugcr.
c. \ DHTX , '
rill niul rnllfon la trppts Onialm , Neb.
n\ cut A r ,
Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc.
Cor. fill nnd noiiElns it * , Omahit , Hat.
2' 7r. tIAlll'EYLl'Allilllt CO. ,
To Dcalurs Only.
OITloo , 140.1 Fanmni atroptOmnhn.
CUAS. it. Lri : ,
Ilarthuiotl Lumber ,
Wood Carpets und 1'arniiPt Flooring. Stli and Domini
Wholehalo Lumber , Etc.
IniportPd nnd American rortlnnd ( 'cminl Ptnt
Aitcnt forMllttankt'illilinnlp | ( i mint mid Hot
ynlncy Wlillpl.ltnt'
Lire Stock.
Of Omaha.
Limited. John 1Dord , Supprlntcrdent.
Litre Stock Commission.
31. JtUliKE ( ' .S'O.V.V ,
Live Stork Commission.
flno Iluilie , Mannpor
PnlonMockardss oiiialin. lolcpliono tb7.
SASAKI : , p < utii3y ,
Live Stock Commibsion Jlerchantg ,
Bblpmenta of nnv nnd nil klnilu of Htiick fulloltcd.
I nlon flock \nnln iliuutiu , Neli.
Millinery and Notions.
i. < ) itEmisfi > isii iTco.7
Importcra and Jobboro of
Millinery and Notions ,
nml IJI'i IlnrnPy Stit'et , Omnlia , Neb
Arxthvonlj Dlrett Impoitcrsuf
German & French Toj s Fancy Goods
In Nebriiskn. Clilcouo prices duplicated without ndd >
, Oiinilin.
J. T. JiOIilXSOX JfOMOlt CO. ,
Notions nnd Fiirnifihinj * floods ,
Mliimt 4IU B 'Icnth M , oinslm.
fJlfYAltJ * < ( TXC'i
JobbiTit In
Notions , Hosiery u nd ( J cuts' Furnishing
f ! oed s.
l nnil 1003 Kirimm ft Omnlii Noli.
Mnnnr.ictnreis of Overalls ,
Joaia rnnu.SlilrU , Kli1102 md 1101 Dou thin Street.
Ollllhl , Nell
Paper Boxes
, / . L.
Mannfaetiirer of I'njinr Io\os ! ,
BS.14th St . Oiunb ii Nubruiku. Ortloro liy ni
llcllcd ami will ruccl > e uroiupt attenllun.
Job Printers , Hlank Hook linkers.
And liook Ilinders. 1UI and 1W South louilLcntb
rtrtict ( JmiihiNib ,
Auxiliary Piiblisliern.
iio. Tro'i-iM and I'rlnHri bunpllos. Ul
( oiiih'1 wclftiiMr. 1 1
ri'Mr co. ,
Wholesale PnmiH | , Pipe , FittintrH ,
Etonmand Wuter Siiiiidlus llcaUiiu irtf rs f r Mast
b IUI * uninni t Oiiiiihit.
A. L. SWAf ! CO. ,
I'liiujm , Pipes and I'n lnos ,
Utcam.V lcr , Ilitlhrnr nml Mlllliik' Suppllct. Klo ,
iOO , Vfiiixt M 1 nrnimi m Dinali i Kth
UTfi. n'JSJ > TJAY.VAV ; aiurruMi *
nnllnilny VVIml Mlllsi rcnm nml VVMer Piippllei ,
i'luiiililni. ( , oi IK ItPllliiK UIIIK 'UK mul I'lilur-
nuui l , < inwh I H K I ( It ni 11 mnii.r.
' 111 < I'l" ' uufiu 'ID
Safes , Etc.
r. no YEK .D co. ,
Agents for Hall's K.tfo k Loclx C'o.s'
riro nn'l Iliuu r I'ront Hnfii , llinn l idtn , Vuulli
ana J II Work IQii l-nrntin ulreet Oiunlia , Nab.
Omnlia Safe WorKR.
Jlnniifnclurcriiof Prciind llarelarl'rnnrHnrr ] , Vnull
UuuiK.Juilurk.Miiituni unit VViru Work. Cor.
KllinnUJui ktun MB Uinchu Nab
Sasli , Doors , Etc ,
ilii Mnmifncliirorior
Sasli , Boors , IJIInda nnd
Ilionch oSitr ltu nJ | nM * t > , Oi-gtsNt' ' ' .
KiiHh , Door , Jilinils , iloiildins-fl ,
Hull I un I'ip'ir ito II/J1 Soulli 'lliirtiKiitb Sirogt ,
CJoiunii , > . t. A cniui lilu iluck { nuliilem'
CO. ,
Manufacturers , of Snsh , Doors , Blunts ,
Houlil'jiu rtalrVVorkimil Interior Ilonl VVooit Hn'ill
Jiut uvciilO. N , I. cur 8llini il l.ta towoiluai .
otnuliu , htb.
Wagons and Carnages.
The LcadiinrOarrlago Factory ,
lEbfAIll KIICP lU )
I Illl Iiud Q ttrnct Omiilin.