Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 17, 1887, Page 2, Image 2

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intra mrAHA DAILY. BSE : MONDAY. JANTTA UY 17 : ' 1887.
Fads Tahcn From the Report of the State
Ec.ird of Dental Examiners.
The Miimberfl Hot Uji tlio Tins nntl
Klcut Tliclr Own Director
A Man's Mrutnicss
I own
Town Dcnttstfl.
l > KsMni.vr" , In. , Jan. 1C. [ Special to the
Uii : . | Iowa has not by nny means turned
Its professional Interests over to nny such
system of supervision as the hurcaucracy Hint
once worried Franco , but nevertheless thcro
nro n good many departments of business
interest Jinder state supervision. Hesldes
the. doctors and liuvycts and druggists ,
nro the dentists , nnd the anntul icport of the
state board of dental examiners contains
some IntcrestlnK figures since the last report
was niailo to the governor. The board has
cranted twenty-three licenses to practlcu
dentistry on ncrount of diplomas of gradua
tion and six on speelat examination. The
total number of dentists licensed to practice
In the state Is -in-'i-M" of whom nro regls
tcred as being engaged In the practice , when
the law went Into elfcet , Ilfty-iilno were II-
rcnsvd as graduates , anil thirty-seven upon
oxamlnatlon. There nro now sixty Iowa stu
dents In various colleges studying dontjstry.
nii\Noiiis : AH wiiiE-iiti.Mit : < < .
Tht' meeting of the Slate Agricultural soci
ety In this city thu week was a great
event lo tlio rural members Interested. The
chief Interest sooiued to center In the election
of directors , ( hero being some four or live
whoso terms expired nt this time. These
who Imagine that the brother fiom the "back
dlstilcts" doesn't know anything about poli
tics and the wny to "sot up the pins" lor a
convention , Is ll.iblu to bocry badly loft.
There was n case In point at tills time. One
of the dlrectois whoso term oxplrcd was K.
C , Webb , o.f this city. Hu had served some
years , and it was understood was
not particular about n ro election
nnd M > Mr. Is no lira ndt , n
public spirited and popular clti/.eii also of :
this city , was put lorwaul for tlio placo. The
county boclcty recommended
him for the place , every new.sp.ipur In thu
city endorsed him , the business men held u
meeting , nnd declared that De.s Molncs
would never rival Chicago , New York or
Omaha unless Mr. Itrandt was elected ; men
women and ehlldien cried "glvo us Jimndt
ere peilsh , " and it was supposed tlmt in
response to this spontaneous and universal
demand Isaac would walk Into the directory
without touching his feut to the ground. Did
he ? Oh , no , ho didn't. Thu wilv granger
was too much lor the combined political tac
tics of the newspapers , the business men. the
DolHInlutis , the r.illronds , the on tire city and
county that had clamored so loudly tor
liraimt. The oilier fellow with nobody to
back him but his old associates in the direc
tory and In the society was re-elcctod , nnd
Isnnc was left The grangers had set up the
pins against him , nnd nil the scheming of the
city iolks couldn't save him , nnd
ho was bo\ten tl.reo to ono. .Maybe tlio rural
member doesn't know anything about poli
tics , and then airaln maybe ho does.
Men can bo mean , mean as dirt it they
want to. Alewdajsngon man with his
hand nnd his nrm bound tin In n sling went
Into several drug stores accompanied by n
boy. JIo n.sked tor a small amount of liquor
foi medical puiposes , nnd elaimed to be tin-
nblo tqsign his iiitmo to the application as
required by law , but requested tlio boy to do
BO for him. After ho had thus gone to several
drugstores , thu druggists were next snr-
Vprised with notices tlmt stilts had bern comA -
; A inencod against them for selling Imuor to a
A minor , nnd proof was ottered that the slgna-
l S turo to the applications was tlmt of the boy
, j nnd not thu mnn , ns they had supposed. At
Dt < the same time some of them received letters
sxi ; to iho ellect tlmt tor a consideration
. . , , tbo boy would leave town nnd the
. ' suits would bo dropped. Then the black-
lu | mailing character of the wholoprocedlng be-
nnicamo apparent , nnd the druggists have taken
. v measures to protect themselves , nnd punish
the rascals who lm\o uttompted such de-
Bpicablu measttrc.s.
The people who llko to gossip and see
mountains In molehills weio greatly dis
turbed ono day last week when It was learned
that the governor had closed to the public all
doors to the executive olllcoa save one. All
sorts of comments were made on tills Innova
tion , nnd homebodv attempted to see some
thing dreadful In the fact till the explanation
was learned , nnd now everybody is witiMiod.
The executive chambers , four In number , nro
all connected with tlio governor's private
room In the contro opening Into the looms of
his ehiof clerk nnd of his pilvnto secretary ,
oacli of the rooms opening into the corridors.
Heretofore tlio public had been accustomed
to enter nt each door and attack the governor
fore nnd aft , giving him no chance whatever
lor privacy when ho deslrwl It. Ho might
bo occupied with callers , and so Instinct his
private secretary , when somebody would bolt
in upon him from the clerk's room nnd vice
versa. So to avoid nil confusion hu hns ar
ranged that the public , to whom ho Is always
accessible , shall come to his room through tlio
olllco of iho private secretary. That Is all
there is to it , and the people who were afraid
that democratic simplicity had her
whlto wings niul Down away from Iowa aio
now satiMied tlmt slid will lonmin n whilu
Thnro is n little talk In olliclal elides nbout
the appointment of a member of the ralhond
commission before long , ns Commissioner
.McDIII's term oxplros on the 1st ot April. The
element In southwestern Iowa tlmt hns
undertaken to run state nll'nlrn of Into Is re
ported ns opposed to McUill's ro-
apimlntmnnt nnd united for one J. 1 * .
1'Jlck , of Taylor county , ono of the
men who heliied to defeat Colonel Hopbutn
for congress last fall. Is'o just complaint can
bo mini o airalnst Commissioner .McDill , nnd
no valid reason can bo given why ho bhonld
not bo reanpolntcd. lie has served but ono
term , but has made a very superior otlieinl.
nnd by his careful httttly of railway problems
him fitted himself for treat nsofnlne.ts to the
people of the Plato whose Interests he hns
faithfully soived. The governor has not yet
given nny Intimation ot his Intentions , hut It
IH goneially lelt that he will reappoint Mr.
.McDIll , nnd thu people of the state would
vury coidlally rntlly tlie aopointimmt ,
The governor lm < rented n largo family res-
Uluncu a tow doors from thn eapitol nml will
Ixulu housekeeping In a few dins , llo has
been boarding nt tlio Richmond during the
past year , and Ins family have been with him
only a pint ol Urn time. The people of the
city aio clad to know that ho has taken a
house here , ami w ill bring such n welromn ad
dition to society as his accomplished lamily
will be.
A Innny inchhmt has Just come to light
widen an old gentleman living near nulling-
ton doesn't think so funny , The pustollicu
ollidulsero m'.stllieil recently on locoivinsj
titnleginm telling them tint It a largo en
velope came to them addressed to the com-
inls.sloner of labor .statistics , they should
liolti Uns "it vtiiti n li.tiid. " On the next
tialn eanuj the old gentleman himself who
explains that a tow tUjs ago ho lecelved u
series of blanks puipintlng to Imsenl out by
the commissioner of labor statistics nnd ask
ing him to Ull them out with certain duslred
inlormatlon. He did go. and Mioilly alter
returning thu blanks learned that n neighbor
had been swindled nut ot SIN ) by snmo
Blmtps who had gotten him to till up blanks
ns he thought similar. About the snmo time
ho lead In Ins county paper \\nrnlng tor
people to look out that they ueto not swin
died by tilling up blank ! ' , nnd then ho was
fiiire that hu had hlmsolt been taken In. .So
ho came hero post hatu to stop
Uie Hiipposed swlndlo , nnd head oif
the supposed villain , ( ireat was his enrpiiso
tole-nrn thatthn sender of the blanks was
Hon. K. It. lltitchliib. commissioner of thu
labor biiieau , who had applied lor .some such
lumidc.s ; > intoi million ns to Iho number of
bands hu umplo > ed on his faun , thu mimu < * ref
of hums they worked , the wages they ro-
cehcd , etc. The old gentleman lelt for homo
glad to iiml that ha hadn't signed nls name to
u 1,000 unto ur SOIIHI other sindie , but fuel
ing jut tleularlycboap that ho had been so
easily fooled , _ _ _
Weekly Crop Summitry ,
CIIIC-AOO , Jun. 10. The Farmers' Heview
lias thu following weekly crop bitminnry :
Tiio general tenor of the reports I torn the
winter wheat states coiitiulK's to bo favor-
Eblo for seeded gram. Fourteen Ohio couu-
Mbs tuska letlirr.s thb week , and ell are of ft
'avornble ' character. The'fields ara well pro-
, cctcd with snow , nnil the plant looks very
inilthy. Similar report * are mndo from
lldrtcen Indiana counties with ono excep
tion 1'ikchlch reports ft nninbor of
fields showing severe Injury from freezing.
Hight Michliran ronnlles make a uniformly
fauirablo showing. Reports were re
ceived this week from twcnty-
Sdven Illinois counties embracing one-
third of thos growing winter wheat.
All but live of thr < < u report thp winter wheat
outlook ns favorable. Keports from ( . 'lay
Franklin , llardln , l.aurenco nndavne
counties show that wheat has been fio/on
and that licldsnre covered with frozen sk-i't.
In litteen Kansas counties the ptospects for
growing grain Is considered fair to good ,
while Harper , Kyon and I'awneo counties
report tlio craln ns looking badly. .Nino
\Vlsconsln counties repoit the wheat outlook
ns generally favarablo. Hog cholera is pre
vailing with considerable virulence In Illin
ois and Iowa , and prevails with moro or less
violence In Missouri , Indiana and Ohio. In
Jolui'on county , Iowa , the hogs are dying in
\ ctytfo \ : numbers.
Tlio Ilimlnoss Mappotl Out I''or Ilolh
llrnnclica tlio Coining Week.
WASHINGTON , Jan. W. The untinishcd
business of tlio senate Is thn bill providing
for the creation of agricultural experiment
stations. This measure nnd the bill prohibit
ing members of contrress from acting as rail
road attorneys are u.xpected to consume most
of the time of thosonato not devoted to ap
propriation bills and to secret sessions during
the coming week. The army nnd pension
appropriation bills nro on the calendar ready
for the consideration of the senate and the
sundry civil bill Is expected to bo brought out
of committee In season for act Ion before the
end of thn week. The c.xocutlvo cilomlar of
nominations reported from committees Is
said to bo a long one , but it is thought a few
of the cases will provoke discussion. The
conference report upon the electoral
count bill , which Is likely to
bo brought m > for action Monday
or Tuesday , will probably not consume
much timo. Tlio Jirst business befoio the
house to-morrow will bo Mr. Townsund's
motion to pass the bill to limit the jurisdic
tion of United States courts In patent cases
nnd protect innocent purchasers of patents ,
widen was under discussion when the house
adjourned nn the last "committee suspension
day. " When this motion is disposed of
Chairman Matson , In behalf of the Invalid
pension committee , will move to suspend the
rules nnd pass the bill tor thi > relief of de
pendent parents and of honorably discharged
soldiers and sailors who are now disabled
and dependent. If the opnoitunlty olTeis
to-morrow KldriiUe will also request
the house , under a suspension of the rules ,
to pas.s the Mexican pension bill.
In the morning hour of Tuesday the com-
mitto on Pacihc railroads intends to call up
for action the resolution providing for an in
vestigation of the books ot theI'.icilic rail
road company. His probable that tlio house
will also be asked to act upon the conference
report on thu inter-state commerce bill on
the same day. When these matters nro dis
posed of there will bo a stiugiilo for the floor
between the river and harbor committee ,
with Its appropriation bill ; the agricultural
committee , seeking consldciatlon for the
pleuio-pnotimonia bill ; the nival committee ,
which will press the bill for thu recognition
of the naval bureau ; and the 1'acilic railroad
committee. In charge of the funding bill.
The postolllce appropriation bill will bo re
ported to the Itouse early in the week and
may bo placed In antaconism with the meas
ures already referred to.
Artists' materials , now and comnlet
assortment. ( Jummings & Ncilson , 1118
Fiirnum street.
Important Notice.
All uncalled for pictures left to be
ftmnod : it Koso 15ros ; vrt store during the
year 1833 and during the lirst ( i months
of 1880 , will bo sold lor the value of the
[ ranies unless owners of the pictures cull
for them nt once.
Albert Holhory , the portrait artist
whoso studio is in tlio Arlington block , is
crowded with work , and his woik merits
thn success he is reeuivins : . A crayon
portrait of the Into General O'Brien ,
made from a pencil fakotch after deuth , is
pionotinced to bo very life-like.
The South Carolina Way.
ATT.AXTA , Ga. , Jan. 16. [ Special Tele
gram to the BIK. : ] News has just reached
lioro of the lynchlnz ot n youtu negro named
iloncrlef in Meriwethor county who has been
the principal In tlireo felonious assaults upon
women , The last of these was committed on
Friday evening. A party of white men pur
sued him all night and captured him batur-
day morning when ho was turned over to a
constable , who started with his prisoner to
Greenville , the enmity seat , \\hon on the
outskirts of the town Muiicflof was sei/ed
and held by llvo masked mon while the others
took the ptisoner nnd swung him up to the
nearest tree. Them is great excitement
among the negroes of tlio county , who
tnlnk thu cilmliial should not have been
lynched. -
Catarrh Cured
Catarrh is a very prevalent disease , with
distressing and offensive symptoms. Hood's
Sarsaparlll.i gives ready relief and speedy
cure , from the fact It acts through the blood ,
and thus reaches every part of the system.
"I suffered with catarrh fifteen years. Took
Hood's Sarsaparillaand I am not troubled any
with catarrh , and my general health l < i much
bettor. " I. W. J.U.U3 , X'ostal Clerk Chicago
& St. Louis Kail road.
" I suffered with catarrh C or 8 years ; tried
many \\onderfu\ cures , Inhalers , etc. , spend
ing nearly ona hundred dollars without bcncllt.
I tried Hood's Sarsaparllla , nnd was gieatly
Improved. " Itl. A , AUBEY , Woicoster , Mass.
Hood's fitrsnp.irllla U characterized by
three peculiarities : 1st , the combination of agents ; 2dtho proportion ; 3d , the
process ot securing the acti > o medicinal
qualities. The result Is n medlclno of unusual
strength , effecting cures hitherto unknown.
Bend for book containing additional evidence.
"Hood's Sirsaparllla tones up my system.
puiltH'i my bloou , bharpeusiiivappetllo , aim
fcems to mnko mo over. " J , r. TuoMfSOX ,
JlcgUtcr of Deeds , Lou ell , Moss.
"Hnod'fl Banmparilla beats .ill oilier * , and
Is north Its weight In gold. " I. lUiutlNuroN ,
130 luuli Street , New xuili City.
Hood's xSarsaparilia
Bold by all druggists. tlslxfor5. ; Made
only by C. I. HOOD & CO. , Lowell , Mass.
IOO Doses Ono Dollar.
Poison tln > hystom with Niiiiscatin ?
.IIorno'H Electric licit Cures
Without Medicines.
Will Positively Cimi Witiiout Medicine
, I > r | H'iirlaOmi tlimtlun , Kry lpulu < . ludlcci-
lion , liiuiotvncr , Cutitrrli , l'ilo , U | > llup > 7 , Atuo , Lu-
betes , llj'ilrocn o Kxhauitluii.
Note the Followiiifr who were Cured
A J. lloieliin.l . U S. I'aruor. J , II. 11/islott. / ull on
boMclof tiali ) ! U W. Kurnhaui , Araerlosn hipr.Mi
Uu i A liri'uoroommlmlon luurclmnt. Murk \urdi ,
C 'JV nu'n l. [ 'uluiur lluuui lluJJ Ujb ! . tlia ir > ' "l
linrtoumii ; I'ul. I'oiinpllr.of the Inter -ocean , 8 W.
lUrrlii J > ; irlo : < t ; 8 , M. 1UU , brcratarjr Amorlrta
llur ociian ; J. Kbuaitirur.Dl Ma-llson - M i J-0. bmltti ,
loirour UIMmllJun ft .nllot Chiwiiii. | ; ( W. llflljo ,
M. 1) , Murmuntiiwii.low ; I-emuol Milk , Kanxukeo ,
111 , JmUel N , Murrr.N'perTllltf , IIU und liuuilreJi
of others reprnxiiiiluK IneHrlr etvrjr town In the
I'nlon. Alia clectrlo Uilt * for Uctlei. Cill or ( And
Btauiu lor lllnblratoj catalo ua , Open dallr. nl o
evcnliiiin and huuda ) Eloclrlo B.uiniarla | < ( rnn
uiiUaU Mulolldlii. lloKuca ot bojiut cuiupaalai with
manyulUtct. llla ; wortUlaii Kuiili , wlili ouljrtlo
lifelonicnU. All mr lielti rdiuta 1 cloiutmu or
tatiurtei , nenco hare four tliuui tba iioifpr iiud
auuntltr or electrtcltr. Hone > l gooJs onJ heat t
{ ulUitftrtho mono
IcTentpr ( 1'toprHtor itnd U iiuaelurer.
Dotnociacy is Decidedly Ua-Democrntio in
Washington Society Circles.
Ijlncnlti Wlio Scouted Kornis Arthur
AVIio Adored Them Governor
t ) Dilemma Con-
Shrill establish
Social Precedence.
NEW VOHK , Jan. 10. [ Correspondence
of the HII ; : , ] Tlio population of the
Unituil States is more tluui lifty millions ,
and out of thuso 1 suppose only n few
thousand arc aware Hint a codu of pro-
ccdonco prevails at Washington , as vigor
ous as at St. Petersburg or St. James.
The sturdy democrat , who nuvor dlnus
with senators or cabinet ministers , would
stand amazed if ho know tlio disputes
about rank and place which sometimes
asit.-Uo these exalted dignitaries ; while
the Kuropcnn diplomatist , accredited to a
capital where he has been told that the
pompous otiquetlo of courts was long
ngo discarded , must fool himself quite at
homo when ho I'mds the company elab
orately arranging itself according to its
degrees. Evorywhcio el o in the "Great
Republic" the most accomplished and
iU tincu ! ! u < d circles are content to dis
pense with tliisausumption of the prerog
atives of aristocracy. The hosts dispose
their guests in such order as they plea e.
'Iht'.v may honor the stranger , or the
newly married , or accord to ago or great
personal distinction of whaiever sort , a
special recognition ; but , after this , there
is no preteneo of determining the relative
position of individuals. In a gentle
man's house all gentlemen and ladies are
equal in riiicago or Hostoi : , or i'hiladel-
phia or Js'cvv York ; but in
the representatives of democracy are as
un-democr.itic as the couriers or chain-
bnrlains of Vienna , or Madrid , or Home.
Some of their etiquette is doubtless
handed down from thodavsof the fathers ,
and especially from the father of his
country himself , who JiKPtl ceremonies
and titles and runic , and though a very
staunch republican politically , was not
at all a democrat socially. Ho stood on
a dais when ho received , and the bow that
was made to him was not very diU'ciout
from the obeisance ollerod to European
sovereigns of the sterner sex today.
But .Jollerson had been in Franco and im
bibed the notions of the French demo
cracy on llic.M ) points. Ho believed in
equality as well as liberty , and there was
little ceremony in the executive presence
in his time , iliiman nature , however ,
is very human : n.d the later
presidents and presidents' wives , ami
.senators , and judges , and cabinet minis
ters , with their wives , likud to assert
their own peculiar dignity. Then , too ,
the diplomatic corps assisted to leaven
the lump of radicalism , anil the Scripture
tells us that a little loavcn goes a very
great way.
Jackson , it is true , turned back the tide
that was betting in favor of forms , but
Van Huron was as courtly as Jackson
was uncouth , while Buchanan had been
to London and seen the queen , and Mis
niece. Miss Lane , had presided over his
establishment ; their inlincncc was all on
the bide of ceremony. Jiut after all , it is
not the presidents nor their families who
regulate the ollicial society of Washing
ton , but the next grade of functionaries
judges , senators and cabinet ministers ;
and these functionaries were as punctili
ous under Lincoln , who scouted forms
It is they who establish the code of
precedence , under which they precede.
According to this code which , like the
British constitution , is unwritten , the
president and his wife are first ; then the
vice president and the chief justice , but
nobody is quite certain which of these
are ahead ; it is often neck and neck be
tween them going into dinner and cau
tious people don't invite them both on
the same occasion , for fear of storms ,
Next are the associate judges of the
supreme court. though sometimes
the speaker steps in and claims
a place among them or even
before them. Then como the
senators and cabinet ollicors , between
whom the fiercest rivalry lias raged from
time immemorial. Tlio cabinet people
seem to themselves and to the world
( but not to tlio senate ) , to bo the govern
ment ; every now and then they call them
selves "tho court circle ; " they are of
course the ollicial family of the head of
the state ; they can dispense a good many
favors ; their receptions are more crowded
than senatorial parties ; they consider , or
at least their wives do , that they should
precede the senators and the senators'
families , especially since
has become heir presumptive to the dem
ocratic throne. Unt the senators are very
conscious of the dignity of their position.
They represent sovereign states ; they are
not elected by the people , and were meant
by the fathers to counteract the popular
element. They were intended to bo the
nearest approach to an aristocracy that
our form of government allows , and they
remember the intention. They call them
selves the upper house , they ratify
treaties , and above all they confirm or
reject the nominations of the president ,
oven those of envoys and cabinet minis
ters. Power in Washington is moro im
portant than anything else , and the sen
ate possescs moro power , at least in the
way of appeal , than the administration ,
So the members assort thcmoclvcrf.
Originally , it is baid in history , the sen
ate was a very dignified body its mem
bers were returned for many successive
terms ; they wore men who belonged to
the old Colonial aristocracy which held
itsclt aloof from , and above the pcoplo
as distinctly as the landed gentry docs
to-day in England. The tradition of this
has descended ; much of the dignity , it is
true , lias evaporated , but the recollection
of the personal consideration still lingers
and the women of the family make the
most of it. It is amusing to watch some
ot these Indies. Many arrive in Wash
ington knowing nothing of the social
usages that prevail there ; ignor
ant of the very meaning of
precedence ; not nwaro that pcoplo
over go into dinner in any peculiar order
or with any significance. They wear
high bodied gowns and unfashionable
gloves when they first ( Jinn out and make
their husbands put on yellow cravats to
"look like other men. " Hut all this
changes in a single season. JJcforo the
end ot the llrat session they learn to get
their gowns from Paris and their gloves
from -whoever is tlio most the mode ;
while about the etiquette of visits and the
place they insist on at the table they arc
as inllo\ible as if they had boon born at
the white house and never boon out of
sight of the eapitol. Governor Morgan
told mo
that shows how much the tenatorial
neophyte has to learn. Ho had to be governor -
ornor of Now York and of course famil
iar with public and social life in Albany
and elsewhere ; but when ho became sen
ator the question of precedence was en
tirely now to him. Ho gave a dinner at
which Seward , then secretary of state ,
was present , as well ns Sir Frederick
llruco , the Jhitish minister , and
Mr , Tassara , the Spanish envoy ,
Tassara was the senior , or dean ,
ai iris called , of the diplomatic corps ;
havingservrii longest at Washington ; and
bv the rules established at the Congress
of Vienna tlio question of precedence is
seitlcd among diploumiats according to
the seniority of their survieu at any Dar
ticular court or capital. Governor Mor
know nothing of this rule , and
when dinner was Announced lie asked Sir
Frederick'tako out Mrs. Mor
gan , "But 1 can't do that"said Sir Fred
erick , "It is Tiwara's right. He is the
dean.1 'Tshawl exclaimed the gover
nor , " 1 don't card who is dean , England
is n greater country Jllinn Spain , ami you
ought to go bcforp fi Spaniard. " Bruce
in Ids diliemma appealed to Stnvard and
Seward went up , toMonran. , "My dear
governor you nnifit let Tassara take out
Sirs. Morgan or hc'Jl write to Ins govern
ment and the whole state department
will bo in trouble' " 'In order to avoid an
international nhiUiro the governor
yielded , and the ' ili ' lomatie rules vtoio
These rules , however , arc often disre
garded , if not unknown , among many
who fancy themselves familiar with the
etiquette of precedence in Washington.
1 have seen
among the diplomatists shall always
have precedence in American houses ,
and give it to Americans over otiier di-
polomatists in their own. Their first
duty is to the country to which they are
accredited ; but only the other night at
a ball at the British legation , the two
daughters of the minister danced the co
tillon with members of other legation ,
instead of with Americans ; a for which
his Excellency would have been called to
account at more than one European
court. But he probably thought the
Americans did not know the rules , and
his sin would be undetected ; which was
hardly fair , , for the diplomats usually
assume to know and practice
all the etiquettes and to set an example
to barbarous republicans. But how aio
wo to learn , if our teachers are at fault ?
Not only in America , but elsewhere , I
have observed that diplomatic squabbles
are continuous. The envoys cither do
not know their own code , or perpetually
transcress it , and then some one else
complains. The rules are supposed to
avoid the necessity for discussion , and
moro than one or two. or a do/en Eng
lish aristocrats have said to me : "How
do you Americans manairo without pre
cedence ? 1 .should thit.k there would bo
a constant ililTiculty.1'
But it is the rules that make the dilli-
eulty ; they don't obviate it at all. No
trouble on these points ever arises in
America except at Washington ; but the
capital is the scene of inces
sant wrangling about etiquette. Mr.
Thornton , when ho was British minister ,
once said to mo : " 1 wish it was the es
tablished rule that under nil circum
stances , I was to go last. If the matter
were settlcdi that would bo my place , and
I should bo satisfied. " But what an
undiplomatic sentiment I Most ministers
would have desired to bo always first ,
and their wives , certainly ; but last !
shades of Vutcl and Hugo Grotis. what
a heresy I
The remark of the minister and the
lamentable uncertainty of preccdcpce in
Washington , suggest an idea. Why
should not congress regulate the whole
all'air , and settle the places of the
It is true tlio constituents might think
there was no reason tor degrees among
men or women , oven fenators and judges
and cabinet members' and their wives ;
( the poor representatives hardly aspire tea
a place in the line at all , and as lor army
and navy ollicers , they are beneath men
tion ) . But the mnitcr might bo argued
on the stump , and the people educated.
The public opinion , I fear , is not entirely
right. Americans rs yet do not admit
that these who hold place or power for
two or three years are so much higher
and bolter than the rest of the world ,
and there arc circles where to bo a poli
tician is a decided disadvantage. Some
pretentious fashionables pretend to look
down on a man engaged in the n flairs of
the nation , just as English nrristocrats
look dowd on these same fashionables
because the.y are engaged in professions
or in trade. The iieod of a proper senti
ment is pressing. The masses iiiuft bo
elevated into an appreciation of the
rights and rand of their rulers.
If a written cede weio enacted we
should bo able to set an example to for-
ei < : n aristocrats , who base precedence on
real rank , and defend jt as a part of a
sv.stom , a necessary adjunct of nobility.
Wo could show that it may be founded
on the most short-lived grandeur and un
substantial consequence ; that it requires
neither distinction , norcharactcr , nor at
tainment , nor ago , which in certain
spheres are supposed to reasons for social
deference -but only rotation in ofliec.
Like Joga's pnrso , "twas mine , 'tis yours ,
and may bo slaves to thousands.1' But
above all wo could definitely extend
I'jtr.CKDF.N'Ci : TOvivis. : .
TJio English , whom I mention because
they arc so generally acknowledged as
models for our bocial study the English
scorn the idea of a prime minister's wife
having rank because of the otlieirl posi-
sion ot her husband. Mrs. Gladstone fol
lowed every peeress in the land when Mr.
Gladstone was at the head of the govern
ment , and oven the wifq ot the Archishop
of Canterbury gees behind the wife of an
inferior bishop who happens to bo nobler
by birth. JJut wo should give the wife of
judge precedence forever over the wife of
a senator , and entitle the wife of a cabi-
ncnt member to the lirst visit from ovciy
American woman not in the government.
Then there would be no moro Now i'car's
disputes at the white house ; no one could
ask "whogavo these ladies the place they
demand'or "To what ofiico were they
elected or appointed ? " As it is , thcao
questions are embarrassing , and the
ladies should bo relieved.
The rank of the widows would of course
be determined , and the place of the sons
of senators , and the sons' wives. Thcro
is a mighty task before the legislators ,
and 1 fear a still mightier before the po
litical orators. For the question must bo
introduced at every public meeting be
fore the elections , and the people must
bo taught exactly the degree of respect
they should apportion to those who want
their votes. The voters' wives must
learn what tlio senrtors1 wives expect
from them , and then wo shall know
whether the system is popular. Till then
I withold my opinion. ADAM BADKAU.
Mendelssohn & Lawrio , architects. I ) .
L. Shane , superintendent.
Sao Grammercy Park juul Purchase at
onco. Wilde , lleal E-tate ! Agency , 15W
Farnam , j \
Smoothest , Prettiest'1 and Best ground
in South Omaha BurTmgton Place J.B ,
Evans ite Co. , Solo Ago'nts.
Coal Best quality l lown Nut Coal
$1.00 Contain te Squires , 213 S.1JJ th st.
lii'c , Nlchol At Co , lton.Ktato | Dealers
Oiler for sale the following bargains :
51) acres in South Omaha adjoining Al
bright's Annex.
( I lots in Brown Park. W50 each.
House and lot , lsladdsto South Omaha ,
? 3,000. ;
U warehouse lots on IJi , P. R. II , , two
blocks from paved street , $10,000.
ao.\00 foot on Howard bet. 10th and
llth. * 0W)0. )
171 feet on Leaven worth , $75 per front
ICO feet on South 20th , ? 35 per front
Business block on 10th , $13,000. This
property pays 8 per cent on 122,000.
100 feel on Uodgo and 20th , ? 10,000.
14 lots in Leo's addition a blocks west
of the Mo. Poo. depot , monthly payments.
See Grammorcy Park , and Purchase at
onco. Wilde , Koal Eslnto Agency , 1512
Rodger's Knives , Spoons and Forks In
largo variety at O. L.Erickson & Co.'s,313
N. 10th , bet , Capitol ave , and Davenport
street. Masonic Block.
Prof , Chas , Ludv/ig / Von seeger
prprp"prof Moitlclno t the lloyM UnlrcrMtn
llonor.olo. , ptc , KiT s
"i.itiiuu cos COCA niJKr TONIO ho M not t
Pon/oiinctt-c ] with the lionla of trn tiy PiironlU. HH
In nocnaeof the wnnlt | > stent n'moilf. I ra thor
oughly eonTor nnt with Us mole of invpnraUon ntul
Vnowll to ho nut onlr n locltlimto phiinnaepntlctt
product , but nl'oirorlhrof tlin huh coiumemtillom
lthn reclvoJln sll imrUof th miiM. It oontiiiu
p > nc < ) of Itoi-f , rwH. Qnlnlnii , Iron find Oll'ifi ,
which nrodlMntved In mire genuine SinnljU ImporIM
Crown Shprrr. "
Invnlmhloto nil whonro tlun Down , NBrrom , IH *
Pcrtlc.Mlllom. MnlnrloiH or nfllctoil with nonk kU-
nej .
HerMaJesty's Favorltle CosmeticGlycerlno
UK-rt hj ItprltoydlHIahntmtho Princes of Wloj
niultho nobility. 1'or the Skin , Compluilon , Kmi *
tlon Chnpnlnt.llniiKhnc .IIUJ. Of drnseln § .
LIKIIIO CO'S ( Iciinlno t > rrMp or. nr | i.irlll\li
Kuamntood ttbe lieu burtaiiatlllnlullio nmrkou
It produces Practical Sesutls in Balling an
JloactlDff never before attained in. aay
Cooking Apparatus , and will
Mulionin teosettlhcds-of Ccslnc ?
In , ( hut nil Tumi Hnkrd or ItosMoJ.flioul.l bn eciVM
In trrtbntr freely mimltic * ! totlio oven. 'JUU Isilou ?
by dUconllne the clcwe oven door heretofore u p < I. nn I
ml ktltullna for It a door routntntna n slioutuCMi
tiBuzn ticanrnft largo tlio noor Itself.
Throuch this Oauzo Door the air freely
Circulates , facilitating thaiinxwiof cooklnir.antl
tiroduclni ; food tlmt 1" unmiiinlli'l In flavor ntnl iiu-
frltlon.nml actually cookoclwitli lira cou uici > tloa ot
fuel thin In an even with n uorml uoor.
ltsnnk 9 mionorinou * eavlnglu tbowolgnc ofment *
Italsoproducos Inrfjor Loaves of Bread ,
rPnulrH * Icsri nUtmllon from the cnok , nn l i > romotc
iLe health of the family bjr the fiflUUUU QUALITY
or taz rooo COOKED IN IT. _
Mr.n. JUnr H. WiLcn , Toucher DnmonttaKcpnnmy.
Iowa fctnto University , nj-B ! "Mjrdelltx-rnMiiiilKnient
in that theovon of thn Unnco , n comiiarod with ether ,
in not only more oquilly linntwl In ovury rart front n
iroli n > rear hut nil it result of Ita Buporlorxonttutloi
ILofooil r'acod ' thoroln Isbettorcookcd.MlillnroUln-
Inffe wpetpr flavor * and n Inrscr i ror > ortlnnof Its best
Jufcm. 1 llnd , nlv > , thntthocoinnnipUon off nil In tliu
ItaotfO 19 much low than uuy other lor turno work , "
SOLD IK NEBRASKA as follows :
VJCA 1 It .
This limb is on the lat
est improved plan. The
Best , Lightest and Easiest
to manage and the most
durable limb made. I
have had thirty five years'
ufacturing and adjusting.
Will give special rates for
_ , _ the next (50 ( days. My
best limb for $05. Former price $1CO.
Circulars sent fiee
Dr. J. S.
Oil N. 17th St. , Omnha , Nob.
TjioH SAl.i : f.ot In KoKor'B addition , lioilfo.
JL liiirn iiml noli idl In KOOI ! condition , chciip.
Currlo & Volliim , Imposition lluildlnjr. : ! s.l-0 |
171OH SAMJ or ront-lli-ft notrl with fur
X nlturo In Atkinson , Nob. Address A. .1.
iloals , U'Xoill , Nebraska. ai.'i 17 *
317 10
O UTlFojl A HA O.K. iluj no , solo nifont.
LSWOOD I'AHK. Kouth Omiihii ; SO lots sml
in two \\cckc ; only ono-tontli vnsti. V. 1) .
Tnnnor & Co , ngonts , lilin Howard st. ( YM 17
I > AUIC AVr.N rji : : n foot block from U'livcn-
i\ottli , SJ.fl.'o , S7W unsli. Itusb & Solhy ,
18 S. IBtb. UTJ
ACOHNKIt lot on N'luholiiH st..noar llth.
81,3)0. llutchur it. Co. , Milliinl Hotel Illouk.
are IB
rplfi : r.nte'tmiil llostmlilltlon lo South Omaha.
JL ( Jiovur Stovona,218 S. J5th st. 11 % 111
AHiSIIKNCIon : ! Hiunlllon , nnnr Inmost ,
St.WO. ilutcber & Co. , Mlllurd llotol Illock
SOUTH OMAHA C. li ilnyno , solo lurnnt.
Ulii 10
SOI'TII O.MiMIAon onn Rlilonml ItoiiKon on
the ether , the two boat proportion to buy
JOT Invuatmont , Invustignto. ; 3 10
F OHSAI.R bnrKnln I-ot 2i\lU ! ) , with Jlvo
room lioiiso ; good well. 91,11)0. ) Terms onny.
Cnrrlo It Vellum , oxpositlon bullilitu1 IWi 17
lots in Phlnn's lulilltlon , bloolc "il. "
Hutuhurjc Co. , .MlUitrU llotol Illock.
U7U 1U
li : l.rUost and lie t addition to South Onn ha.
Oroor Slovens , U'lS H 15th Rt. I6 ) in
" \\TICIiavoBuvcrullnt8on Bouth Iflth st. ( 'nil
t for prlco nnd terms. llutchur & Co , Millard -
lard Hotel nioi-k. an IB
C"AritlS ? Jiistfouthor ftocknriln , * 0,0 T.
OJJjIntthcr&Co , Jllllaid Hotel Illock. 370 ID
S OOTH OMAHA-C. E , llujno.solonaont.
ata i > i
lliivfaln ,
Ilarenln ,
Wo huvo It now. Got tlio owner tied up lo
I'ob. I , .N'uvur will bu itnotbfir uhiinco ton'tii
line homo lUo thlseo ( 'hoap Onto Mil ( lOorKla
n\o ami tuku u look tit the splondl I IIOIIHO nnd
Kroundi there Consider tlmt thny nro with
in ono block of street mrg , t-ohool mid church.
Don't lot this opportunity In pioeuio u wood
bin yum or luiideoino rpsidonui blip. I'rleo
fl,800 , | 2. < U1 rush , J.VX ) May I. IBhT , I.OOMay I.
ma , fL'-tw Nov. i. ibxi. M. A. Upton i. Co. . laj'j
Knrnuni. 'lelephono 7J. " 5
Fniin latest undllestiuldltlon to SoutliOninhn.
jL Orovort-tovcns. 218S l&ttiet. BJI ! 18
FODKIotson llurdotto Et. . corner Suunder
6t , f-.HKJ. Hittdier & Co. , Millard Hotel
Illock. 370 10
SOUTH OMAHA-C. II Mayne , solo npont.
H4tt 1A
OMAHA on onn sldo and Hanson nn
SOUTH , iho two bust pru | > uitlci to buy
forluvtstmont. luvoatii'nto , Ml in
VSlots ' '
Slots , McCormlck add on l. avcnwortU et ,
t2fM tor both , f 1'jyjcusli. baluuiu lime.
One lot. HlmobuuBt ) I'iuce , near llanscora
Part , ? -ILO , one-half cnsb.
1 lot. Hltimbautrh'a 1st iidrt , nrar 17th et. J3.COO.
H cash , Lalnnco 1 , i and 3 y iir
4I/ta ) In I'iitilck's uUJIliun , JKW , JUoOoash ,
babiiu-o 1,2 und U yrura.
Wo htive a ulc&iiat of South Omaha property
on our books that QDQ can Uoublp thuir inooe-y
n bhort time.
fe an L'blcn o street. t'-.CCO. 1 rpouit , CO }
-K-rmonta. -
"TTiOlt SAI.K-ixit In Hnnscom 1'laco
-L1 fronllnir the pork f ? , ; > )
Corner lot in llool ! > A StobblnV mid , ] , ? 63
Ilotuo nnd lot on Dodge St. , ln Mo prop *
, , orty 2.1W
Ono \try lluo onst front lot , "Haw-
I homo' . 1 , < M
Another choler lot.Hnwthorno , 1,20
A potith front lot In Otclurd Hill C'.0
Lots In I'nrK I'lnoo 1.050
Ton ncros for snip nt nhinrninnnd on
enoy term * npnr thn llen rm I'lircliito l.TOO
Twenty neres on Military Uoftd , ndJoltM
Telt/1'aik . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,00(1 (
If > ou hincnny properly vn-.t wnnt sold , list
It with us ; It will lecoljo riroful nttcntlon.
.1. K 1'loMon vV Co. , lfM Knrunuu''d Uoor.
UOfTH OMAHAMJ. i : . Mnytio , soionirput.
rPlllSV nro benutlfu ) , nnd much Inr or than
1 in ether nddltlou . N thn tiiunlonllct ro-
Rniillnc the COJ lots lit Albright' * Choice llM
1 iliXSOXi
J ) SI7 10
C OV't H OMATlA-l'"irMH"ytroTsbTtMuTi'tiT ;
.TIP 1(1 (
SOfTII OMAHA on ono sldo nnd ! lpn oti on
thoolhcr. the two bo t propcrtlo * to buy
for InvMtinoiit. ItuoMlpnto. 3H 1(1 (
'I'M 113 11OOM I * Immenoo In south Oinnhn
I property , nnd Alhrlnht' * Cholpo londfl tUnm
nil. There Is not u bad lot In this bountiful
properly. _ _ inj
SOUTH OMAHA on ono sldo nnd llen nn on
tlmotlior , the two bp < t pnportlpi to buy
forin\ustmc'nt. lnvpslltnto. 3ls IB
; il7 18
IIMIMIHII : ; ; iiunson. 34310
BtlVATHW of tlinio olpffdiit lots In Al-
brlRlit's Cliolcn mill doiihlo 5 our tnoncy
liofoto sirlnir. | Allirlirlit U initkln < loti of
money for lot * ot pcnplr wlintiiirclutsn from
him Out } ' a llttlo 11101107 roiiiihecl to tiny u lot
" OL'TH OMAHA 0. i : . Slaj uo. tolo niront.
; ute <
! 14T Id
OMAHA on ono sldo ninl llniiion on
O tliootlicr , tlio two bu t propurtli's to buy
lor liucstiiioiit. Invcstliriito. ats Ifi
A HA HI' bargnln ; 40 ncru1) of liiiul very uhnnp
In llno.wiirm southern uilnmto. lor par
ticulars adilroBS U 13 lloo olllcu. 7jW ! *
iKMKMIlKH llonson. 1)13 ) 18
S Ot ( I'll OMAHA C. U MIIVIIO , t-olo iicc
OOIITII OMAIIA-Mon bofiutlfiil lot Alt -
t * brluht's Annex , $ " > )0 ; S.r > ) ilow n , bid. 510 per
month. Al oil moio , fl.U.IJ , ono.third ru h.
Hush A-Sulby. 818 t < . IStli. 7U )
TyilMomint iiuusoii. ais 10
: 1IOOM Is liniiioiiao in South Oinnhn
property , iiml Allirlcht's Choice IciuU tliom
nil. I'huro la not a baJ lot in this beautiful
tiropoity. 100
HIT in
SOUTH OMAHA-0. 13. M.ijno , niloaircnt.
ais in
ITYAI'IiW of thiMo cloir'vnt lots m Al-
brlKtit'B Cholcn iiml iluublo your inonor
lioforo pprlnff. AlbiUitt Is iniiKInx lots of
iiionoy for lots of ponplo who imrclriao from
him. Only n llttlo iiionoy roiiiliuil | to buv n lot.
; oo
I HIIV nro bountiful , niul inuph lurBOr ttinn
In other mlilitlons. Is the ustml verdict ru-
Rnrdlni ; thuOtf lots In Albright's Cl.olco. 10J
] ' 'MI1
HOUSK.S l.ota.Knrms.lJinds money loaned.
Hcmla. room ! ) , llurkor block , S. W. cor.
15th nml Fiirnnm Bs. 5H4
OUTlToMAIlA-C. li Jlnjnu.soloiiKOiit !
: us in
BUVAVT.W of tboso elegant lots in Al-
bntfht's Choice nnd iloublo your money
buforo aprlnir. Albrlirht is miiklntr lots of
money for lots of people ho imroluiso fiom
him. Only u little money icquhoJ to buy n lot.
_ _
IMIMIHU : : uonion. ; MS 10
L1NWOOI ) I'AIUC , South Otiiiiliu ; BO lots Rilil
In two wcoks ; only onn tunth rush * I' 1) .
Tanner & Co. . ujronts , 11113 lloniml t. : t3 17
t 317 10
S OITJ'H OMAHA C. 13. Jtiiyno , solo niriMit.
' OMAHA on ono aide nml Iiunson on
the ether , the two bo < t proj > crtios lo buy
lor Investment. Investigate. 913 10
GIH3AT KXCITI3MI3NT Hi South Oiiiiilni over
tlio way ncros nnd lots m AlbrlBht'8 Choice
nro BolngTwentytwo lots sold in ono day.
317 IS
OIl'SALK A&M ncro tnrni with house , burn
nml crib , on thn U. I' . Hy.und only ono-
drill mlle from n KOOI ! railway town , ultli
ehurchos nnd sctioola. 1'ilco $3UOJ. Apply to
Louis Ilr.idford , cor. Oth nnd Douglas , Oinnhn ,
Neb. ail
H'.MRMIIRU Iloneon. It )
"IjlOUBALK 1'or cnolco bnrjrmiKi in Insldn
-I ? and outsldo property It would botoyonr
ndvnnlniro to HOO us and look ut our comjilelo
list AlMj for < | iilck sale list propoity willing ,
say for 30 or W days , itml It will IJD Mld. )
Wo nro only voimr t ndvottlso ImrKnln * .
Sjilondid IlnrKnln Wo Imvo oxelu lvo rontiol
lortjfl diiys of itn improved plooo ofiirop- mlnutovnlk ! from nostolllco. ono
block from paved street. Will piiy SI8J.IX1
pur montli nnd lot double In vnluu in two
jeiirs lor flS.O K ) .
Wo win not udxcrtls" nnythiug but Rcntitno
Ilnrjrnli ! fioodfi-ioom hou o nnd part of for-
nor lot , $ .i/X ) It Fold Boon. In tlio houti of
tlio city.
Wo will not mlvortlso nnylhlns but
Mnimiflcunt oonmrlot on rnrii'im hi ,
pit\oinont , rodicoiiBly chonp at tlr > , i ) l.
It will pm j on to look o\'itr our list , as wo will
not ml vert Iso unj lliliii ; lint KCIIU-
luo biuniins.
Inohonploto wo huvo ono of thn host lists I
tlio city , otockdalu < L Mitchell , Ifilt ! Dod u st.
lllV mo beiiutlful , nml much Inrjrer than
In olher iiddlllciii" . M the muni vcrdli t 11'- . lots In Albright's Clmli'O. 101
) ItOOM Is lmmon n In Honth Oinu'm
pioperly , and AlbiUht'i * Choloo luuds thorn
nil. Tnuro Is not u bad lot In IhB beautlliil
proiiorty. _ 1CU
l > KMi.MIIUU : Dunaon. UI8 IS
HAVi : you Been thorn ? If not. eiill on W. 0
Allirurht anilironutto South Omslni wlih
ono of hli < uirnntti to Inspect thn mi
property Known us Albright's uholco.
I > IMIMIIHH : : iionson. uis in
HAVIyou soon thorn ? If not. tnll on W. O.
Albrli'ht nnd go out to Houth Omiihii with
onn of bis ui onts to Inspect tlio mngnineunt
propoity known 113 Albricht'A Choico. lot )
_ .
H AVH you seen thornIt not. mill on W. O.
AllnlKht nmlKOOiit to South Omiihii with
ono of hU nirontH to inspect iho miiKnlllfont
property known /\lbrlilit'i Ctioluo. JOI _
O IMI : : UIII : ilcnTon. uis 10
B UVArnWof thuso Glojiint lots in Al-
btljrht'g cholcti and double your money
before hprlnar. Allirlcht Is mBKhiB lois of
money for lots of people whn pnreh.iso fiom
him. Only a llttlo money ni'julioJ ' to buy n lot.
; 1IOOM U lininonso in .South Omalm
Till , and Albi itfht'N Choice loud j thum
all. Thuro U not u bud lot lu tbU
rpHKV nro beautiful , itti'l ' muoli lur ui- than
-I lu ether additions. Is the iiaual vurdict ra
ganlliiv the'M lots In Anirlalajs hoii. ! * . _ 1 ( 0 _ _
Iienson. UI8 la
HXOITUMBNT In .South Oinulmo.'or
GUKAT un < l lots In Albrlulu' * CnoleH
are jjrolns. Twenty-two lotj sold lu onu diiy.
JN OOD I'AllK.Pouth Oinnlui : fin lota &oM
j In two weeks ; onlv nno tenth cash. 1' O ,
Tunnor i : Co , agents , 1015 Howurd bt. S'i6 17
Iloiisom S W
PTOO I'J'.U CENT prollt Jas boon since ln t
O August by purchasers of Iota from Mr.
Albrlflit , in the nddliion wnt of Altirleht'c
cUolco. Albright's cbulce beatj them ull uud
don't you forjfotil. IW
Sil tinted within blocks of
Iho Lip'oii & Fowler packing
houses , and within 15 blocks of
the now I ? , & M. depot.
All the lots are very ( in' . Prices
On Easy Terms
" \Vc \ also luivo ! i few choice lots
left in Coiner & Archer's addi
tion.Have sold very rapidly , and \
arc increasing in value every day.
People nre buying these lots for
homes , consequently they will
prove a good investment to any-
Wo nlsoluuo
In all Parts of the City ,
" \Vhich \ will be worth double that
amount within a year , milking
several hundred per cent profit
on the ctibh invested.
Lumber Yard
A splendid location for n whole
sale lumber yard , as the J ? . R.
company has L > 0 feet right of * .
way each side the Ir.tclc , iiltbrd-
ing excellent fauilities for load-
ins or unloading.
A fine opening for a brick yard
adjoins the addition.
Improved and Unim
proved Rroperty.
Call and sec ns before
iiiK eLsewhere.
Situated within 5 blocks of llio
Walnut Ililllpjiolon the Mili
tary rat'l. ' Hanson's slrcoL railway -
way will l > o comjiloti'il anil run
ning within 0 months. Prices
from ? 300 to ? SOO. One tenth
cnili , ) ) iil easy twin. These lots
will be worth 8 00 as hoon as the
street car.s are running' which
are guaranteed to be running
within 0 month ? .
flllcdick'sHlock. ' .
1509 Farnam St ,