THIS OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , JANUARY 10 , 1SS7.TWELV1 < ] PAGES. 1 > ETiPONAf-I.ndlos' gold trMr.hei only tlS at _ _ * rank &jon ? * , 220 S. 1 1 Hi st. 157 16 ID EHSONAL-SolufRold f prcUclcV only $3 li X pair at Frank & Son A ; Co. ' , S20 a llth ft. 1ST 10 KRSONAI/ You cnn buy llverplato ware nt . wholesale prices Rt 1'rnuk & Son A Co's , 220 Bt. 167 18 1 AWKSONLY-nioimntly illustrated paper J-/fmontlily ) prepared specially for Indies. Uso. Vnluable. mdlsponslblc , 3 month ) 10 cts , f months 20 cts , 1 yenr 25 > c.ts. LnJios JonrnR 1 Til.agalloBt. , Chicago. 853 1U _ TV I ATHIMONIAL paper. If. pages. beautifully J * ' Illustrated , contains nearly 400 advertise ments from Indlei nnd contlomcn wanting cor respondents , pent 3 monthi Tor 10 cts , fi months 10 cts Iycnr25cts. Address Helping Hand , TO LnSnllosl.rhlcngoIII. TO 10' Mr * . Dr. Nnnnie V. Warren X clnlrrotnnt , Medical and buslnrss Medium Jtoom No. 3 , 121 North IGtu st , , Omnha , Nob. 608 LOST. IOST Pncketbook contnlnlng about $10 nnd J pnpors , on If.tli street between Douglas nnd Cii'SPlrootK , liberal reward lot- return to 1118 N. Ktli etnict. II 1' . Koontro. 301 1C * Clairvoyant. M ATAM ) AtiAHKA , Clararoyant and palmist , 612 Botlth IGtli St. 881 I OUND. T OUND The place to Kot the befit oyster ? In - the city , blue points , Now Vork counts nijd Meets nt Silver Moon , cor. linli ami St. Mary's avo. J. II. O'Nolll , prop. 418 J17. S1MMONDH , IIKKVis : .t CO.contrnctors and bulldeis , have removed from I < 1 nnd I.env- einvoitli sts to 8 13th tt. ojiposlto Oosmopolltan hotel.a .l7 > IINT Organs , f per tnoiiUi. iloppe , 1613 Douglas. COU _ _ _ IHSTci-iM table Tioard for do lrabto parties. Apply 2.M7 Capitol live. HeforonecR ex- 1'urcliaso iniini'V MOIITOAOKS on Improved Omaha real e tate , bought ul No. 21 1'ten/ler block ; apply b.t\\eon2iind3 ( D. in. 2U7 fc'VTiilllASI\A : Cultivator mill llousokeopcr. " J- > i : < > tatll lied 18 years. Departments tip- rlciilturnl , live stock , liotiBOkeoplnir ( n valunUo collection of luiulpts In each IBSUO , and KOII- oral mlpccllaneoiiH reaillnir , Includlnir short Htorles mid poetry. fl.UO n your , \iilunblo promliims. Sniniilo eony free. II. H. Smith , rub. , Itoom ( I , Wlthncll Illock.Omulm , Neb. 311 ' | Mlr ] llist ami clfeiipi" < t nnd mo t""rtliablo ; I watch repairing In the city nt I'rnnk \ S in k Co. . 220 si ltd street. 1)78 ) 18 NOTICK To all reiil estiito ajrents with whom I listed It I Inivo gold the north in feet of lot IS block I. John I. Ucdlck's auD-dlvMon. JauiesAOrlirith. : I72.1 ( ; II' you have property for ealo or rent list I nlthlso iVl'iirmolo , IftOU l-'iirnnm fit 3SO lut SHOItTHANn-In ti'ii lessons. Nti Mitulini ; : no position ; rapid as Hiicocli. Instriietor , TiO cents. I'ennirsShortliand Inatltute , Dctiolt , Jlleh. 18D I 10 17U > ll KKVr Pqtmro Piano , $ i montnlr. 1BU1 IUO IK j on have property for Ralo or runt list It with Wise .V I'lirinole , IM'J I'lirnam st. S'.tl ' 10 * J1l > lCKINTmro | I'lano I'J uiontnly. A Gil FOB BALr-MISCELLANEOTJa. DIAMOND l"r carat stone , coiiihlnntlon iinif anil stud lit lOriciit bargain. 1'rnuk \ Son A : Co , ' 2JS. llth street. ! ) T8 1 J Son & Co's. , 220 S. 1 Ith street. FOH SAI.I2 A car load ofcholco freshe'ows nml springer * just arrived from the dairy fat ms of I own. Kstcrbiook's yards , 10th and Cup nvu. Crone \ lloylcs. 217 HI * FOIt SAI.r.-Sohil cold. RtemwlndltiKKlKln watches , only $ .tj. Frank At Son & Co. , : MO S. llth st. 157 10 FOIt SAI.K-Ml ! > collancoug. 1.2011 I'lioiler. 1 tl II r uniflnu and connection 1 power meal chopper. 1 MUISIIKJ siuller , will neil nil or separately. Oeo. Sehwartrd'J S tilth bt i4'l ! 17 * SALK llrllllant riinnnnt diamond ear- Iron . milld Rold. only f'U 0 , nt 1'rank & Son & Co's , 220 S. 14th st. 15710 FOH BALK-RtainpIng Patterns cheap ; and stiininlngdono to order. Mrs. J.W. Mor risons , 1005 Davenport. 287 F 12 ij LSAIit-2 flood horse , harness and elullv- I1 Inqulrol5l2 S'Flltlmt. Silt 17 * I1FOH SALK-A No. 1 road mare , line blooded , at constable's sa'o ' on January llith at 4 o'clock near the postollico Omaha. 223 19 Tj HH SALTS The best buggy In the wen Id for X' tin- Heal Kitnto Business , Columbus Mil ; Co. , 1113 Hartley st. 2IOM1 TTlOlt SALKCionulno diamond earrings ? 10 X ? at Frank & Son .V Co's , 220 S. Uth st. 157 10 "IJ10H SALK A good 5 year e > ld horse' , harness X' nnil buggy. Kniiilro | at 1108 Douglas st. IHJ2 OH8ALU OK THADK-Ono 2d hand side bar buggy , ono 2d hand phaetem , one de livery wagon. Cheap. A. Hospc , 1513 Douglas. 751 J 30 rr OH8ALI2 Tj po-wrlter , $00. .1. 11. Hayncs , X ? IloxK. ' ! . Omaha. W7 FOK SAl.r. Furiiiiuro nnd ICIIPO ot six-room houeo , time on part. Call 1202 North 27th etroet , two blocks from Hod Car lino. 8'J.l FOIt HAIji : Cneap. iron columns ind win dow caps suitable for front on brick build Inff. Forpnrtlouliirnapply nt thlHofflco. 61'J WANTKD-WALI1 HELP. \ \ 7ANT12IKxporlencod traveling salesman T T lor Nebrnskii , to represent n largo eastern liopiory bonso Apply to Jinncs H. Itnyniond , Windsor hotel , Lincoln , Neb. 377 10 "IXJANTKO A man to take earo of n pair of TT horses and asnlet about the boiibo. Ap ply at 1318 Fainliam 6t. or Huin'ti Crockery store at 12 m. Monday. 3'Jl Hi * 1\"ANT12D A ( lOriann boy , not over IByenrs T T of ago , to learn the linker's trade at Paxton - ton hotel. 35'MG * WANTF.D-flnod Agents to go on the Komi and Introduce the ( ! ieate < st Invention of thcAgo. 1) . 12. UnniKur,218 8. luth st. IttJ 10 * vv'ANTKDCanvasserfl / , apply 318 S 13th 277 st. W ANTKD Ilrldgo carpenters feir Wyoinlnif. Albrlgbl'8 Labor agency , 1120 Farnam. 307 \\/ANTKD Two blacksmiths who can do nil TT kinds of lilnokhiinth's work. Lowry A : Mnrkoy , Fremont , Nob. 3-227 VV I'ANTP.D-Two broad bakers. Smith Ss Co. , 62J Main sure ! , Council Illulfs. 2IM " \\TANT12D Mon.womon , boys , glrlii to earn TT $70por month at their own hoinea.costly outllt of samples , n packako of goods and full Information for lOo to help pay postage , Ad dress H , C. Howcll & Co. , Itulland , Vt.IPOflO IPOflO * \yANTUO M fobor. Intelligent men of good TT uddrcbs to try n lOomeal at NorrK res. tnurant , 101 SICthst. 153 AGKNTS In the city or country can miiKoj-3 to $10 n day soiling our Hpoclultio * . N. W , Novelty coinnanv. I2J7 F.inmm fit. BI2 WAMTED-FEMAI.B HELP. " \\7ANTltD-100glrls for house-work. Call at > 123 .North 15th street. ! IS7 si * \\rANTKl ) ' glrl-Mttbt bo jrood cook No TT other need apply. Good wiigt'S. Mrs. F , Gray,204 Douglas 3bB17 " \VANTI2D A cook and second ( rlrl. Applj T i Hum's ciockcry noro.lUia Fiiruam kt. nt 12m , Monday. S'JO ' Ifi1" VITANTKI ) A good girl for general hougo- TT work , good wages paid. Apply to Mrs Vf , J. llrontch,2420 Uodgo tt , Bsy \\'ANT12D A girl to cook nnd do genera TT hoiibowork. Southeast corner 10th an Ilarncy ids. 327 17 * \\7ANTI5D-Steady young girl for smnll film 1 > lly , work light. H123 N22d und Lake. 33J 16 * " \A TANT1JD-A second girl at 1116 Lcavcnwortb T > 3J7 17 * \\7ANTI2ll-nitl for general houseworkmus T > bo competent ; good wagesi binall family Apply to O'Domihoo & Shcrly , Uth St. , no\ door to P. O. EiJL ! \VANTI-2D-flood girl fortrcnoralhousovvork f I references requlie-d ; 2220 Farnam. a'iO 17 \\7ANTKD-Two peed girls linmexllatoly fo TT general housewotk. Apply517 SISth. 341 Ib * WANTHO Colored woman chambermaid > I good wages. Apply 1U7 N Ulh 6j. UTANTKD-An elderly women to cook In tiiimll famllr. no wt.lilnn or hautokccp Bg. K'-'O Cnttifiinc U. ' i-"J w AS'TKD-Second psrl , 202 N 18th t. WANTKD Pmnrttnctlve girl to run button- hole machine , fit Cnnfleld Mfg. Co. . 1200 nnd 120S Douglns fit. , up stmrs. 2W 16 * WANTKD A nou okcrpor who Is willing to do nil the houseworK ciccpt wn8hln < r,82U outh20th st. Ml W „ girl nnd dl h- wn ticr. Inquire Miller's Kcstnurnnt. 100J 16th jt. sa \\7ANTI2D-Shlrt makers. Omaha bhlrt fae- J > tory , H08 N. 10th st. _ 177 10 "VVTANTKD-Oood girl , Kngllsh or Ocrman , T ' rook , wnehor nnd Ironcr. Inquire 2-12- Cassst _ _ 47 _ W First-class Laundress. Cor/ens hotel. tUJ _ WANTKD An experienced rook in small family ; peed waire pnld. Mri U J Hunt , i w cor Virginia ave nnd Urantst 723 _ yiTANTKI ) Olrl for ironcral housework. No. llUhCnpltol avenue. _ C75 _ \V ANTil : > I'lrst class help to till good places TT In holds , restaurants Mores and private fninlloa. Call or address Omahu llegl'try llu- ronu,220 N ICIhst. 2W 1'J * _ ANTUD Ladles nnd gentlemen In city or country to tnko light work nt their homo * . fl.00to f3.COit dny easily made : ivork pent by mull , no canvnislng. Wo IIHVO a Rood domnnd for our work and furnish steady employment. Addrcs' , with stump , Crown Mftf. Co .ailMno it..Clncllinntl O. . > _ " \\rANiT.D SO Indies A Rents to 10 mi telo- Y > cranhv Prospect good for position when com letcnt ; address W. J. 1) . , Hooni 1 , Crouns ilk.Omaha. ; ) SITUATION WAHTED. \ IA.N J'l.D An experienced book-keeper e > r T T 25 wants a poriiuinenl position. Whole- palo or renl u tnto iiroforred. llest refcrrencc. AddrcHsC 44 , Hoe olllco. 400 1U * " \\rANTKD-A situation by n man of fifty , TT slrlctlytcmiierate. n fnlr writer , good bus- IIICEB ability , conilderablo oxpot loneo. ( Sixteen years as out Mile Riilcsmnn.l High wngcs not HO much nn eiblect as a ehnnco for advancement. Address C 20 , lleo olllco. 230 10 * \ \ , 'ANTiiSituation : by n compctrtit nc- eountant.eorre.sponilent or snle.sman. Can frivi ) peed relerenccd. Address C. II. I,2114 California street. 381 22 * ) Situation In olllco or store , by n yoiinir man of R-ood character : ha\on peed education , am willing to noi k ; reforcnccs iurnlshcd. Address O J , 418 South luth st. 375 17 * WANTI3U Situation as ciiKlncor. city or country : can do all ropaha. Address llox 1:111 : , Mnrsnalllown , Iowa , statltiK tcrniH nnd location. 31017 * MlaCELLAHEOtlS WAHTS. \\rANTii : Situation by u middlo-aKcd man TT In Kralu or lumber ; llvo years etporleneo In thar oood ; ( rcfercnco. Addtess 0 45. lloo ollleo. 3J3 17' U'ANTKU rurnlshed room in private fam ily by n ircntlcnmti. References exchanged. Address , btatlng location , etc. , box tl , city. V\7AN'IT.I > 23 younir men to buy colld ( fold > i wedding rimrs for $ . " > nnd upwards ut Frnnk & Son Co's , 2JO S. 14lh St. 157 10 WANTIJD A Kcntloman to shnro a room and expenao of n 112 room and fire. Hor- prcncog enuhnnKUil. Aeltlrjsg C 27. lice. rSff-lii * W ANTED"To"buy a Roodlslife. Iniiulro at 1011 Howard St. 3115-18 AV AN I'EDTeams , 309 S. llth st. 189 " \\fANTED Ladles wishing ilomestlc help cnn be siiinlled | by calllnir at Kmploymont Iluroau , HUN IGth stand Capital ( .ve. .ve.3fl3 10 WANTni ) To trade IfiO ncrea KOOI ! land all under cultivallon In Ida Co. , Iowa lor horpcs , cattle or Nebraska land : unimproved Nebraska land to trailo lor merchandise. ' F. Mostoller , 114 S 15th St. 302 18 * \VANT121)-Two parties , husband and wlfeor two Kcntlonien to oocupv Iront pallor , host room , newly furnished Hoard If desired Location two blocks from union depol. Itotor- enees required. AddicssC31 lleo olhco. 17 * " \VTANTii : ) Iminciliiitoly , 2 iioraons to In - ' T Btriict In booU-keoplnsf. J. 11. Smith , 1013 Chicago St. 313 1U WANT To trade Rood desirable Omaha renl i-Etnto f < ir Kood driitfstoio In Nebraska. Address C 20 , lleo olllcoOmaha , Xeb. 211 10 WANTHIl To buy live to twenty acres in- Bldooforncar Omaha. ( Jive descrip tion , jirlco and Icrms. Address , C,20 , Ilcoollice. \\7ANTF.D To rent a 7 to 8 room house about TT the middle eit January. Address , II. 40 , ItceOllico , Klvhii ? location and terms. 752 WANTI20-TO rent a lariro unfurnished room with board for two , In private ) Inm- Ily , after Feb. 10 , within 0 blocks west of the 1' . O. Address C. I1. ' . Iloo eilllco. 207 WANTUn-I'nrtlos deslrlnp help of all kinds Hupplicd at Omaha Itcgistry Ilureau , 220 N IBth 2113 I'J WANT ! ' . ! ) A younir man desires Instruction on the KUltnr from n competent teacher. Address It 41 , Hoe oflico. "K \\7"ANTEI ) A roller top desk In oed condl- TT tkm. Address stating length and price. Cash , Hotel Mlllard. tfVI 31 * TDK UEWT HOUSES AND I.OTS. FOIt HI2NT A llvo room house. Apply at I20 Fariuim street. A.Martin. 3bO lit I7IOII HUNT House of two rooms , modern X ? Improvements , KOod location , cheap. IM- wln Davis , 150'J Farnam st. 381 17 FOH HUNT House with 4 rooms , on Hickory fit pouthof llrownell hull. Inquire 520 S. 1'lth st. V. L. Vodleka. 301 10 * T71OH HENT-Nicocottnife.7rooms. No. 1520 , X3 North r.'th ' Bt. , J25. Inquire room No. 2 , Ex position building , or nddress with city refer ence N. 8. Cliirk , Loulsvillu , Neb. 203 18 * FOH HKNT 10-room house with laruo stable , very cheap to right party. Marshall & Lo- bock , 1&U9 Farnnm. 221 FOIt HKXTlly Feb. 1st. ten room house , modern Improvements , 15 minutes walk from P.O. On st car lino. Inquire ut 1408 140 JU HUNT-Storo311 N. 15tll st , fX)5.17 ) * FOH HUNT Cottage , fl rooniB , 2-Jd and Uoug- Im. G. K. Thompson , S. W. cor. llth nnd Harnoy sts , 1 W oil HKNl' Honso , 4 rooms , corner Phi Shcridnn und Hownrd sts. , 9 rooms , all modern Improvomcnls , Hnrnoy and 20th Ms , Now brick store , north ICth st 4 now stores near lliiscnll'a hotel , south 13th Bt , ? 15 nor month. Brick wnrchouso on It. It. track and paved etrect 3rd ptory Darker building1 , 15th nnd Farnam , B8 feet Biiunro. C. K. Mayno. 15th nnd Ilivriioy. 227 TT1011 HI2XT If you want to rout n house , call X ? on lenuwii& ) Co. , opposite postotllcu , 53J Oil HKNT A barn for t head of horses. In- F ijulro of M. F. Martin. 8i7 TTUMl HKNT A nlco 5-robm cottage , by 8. T. X : Peterson , s. o. cor. 15th nad Douglas 477 it HHNT-B room house , city water , street cars , I'i inllos trom P , ( ) ; $25 per month. 1) ) . C. Patterson , Omaha Natl bank. 71U FOH HKNT-Larco barn with wntor prLvl- leges Apply nt 1818 Chicago st. IKM FOH HKNT--3houaos 10 rooms each , wilh all modern Improvements , 21st and Hurt. Inquire of Dr. Paul , IMh nnd Dodge , 14 FOH Itl'.NT Sntlablo for Jobbing Houso.Sec- end and Third Floors , 3.xUO ) with base- montand elevator , ontrunco irom front on Douglas St. , and entrance on groundtlnor from rear to elevator. Address A Ul , lleo olllco. 270. 1OK HKXT 2 now bouses B. 15. cor. llth and Vlnton. Imiulro on promises. 215 . . . . HKXT 9 room house S. W. cor , "tn and I'nclllo. Imiulro M. F. Martin. 813 FOH HKXT Six new brick tore with base ments , corner Klovonth nnd Hotvurd : choice location ; all conveniences. Loavltt llurnhum , Itoonil , Crelghton block. OJT tjMlll HKXr-Ononow cottavo , 7 rooms , J3J. J1 Three now 2 story housed , < 10 , ono at $ 13 ; welllocntod , all convenlonooj. Loavitt Hum- Ininilloom 1 , Crelvhton block. 127 Foil m\T-so aoios a Homing city norm- west , suitable tor dairy or market giirJua. Apply to Theo. Williams , liua Ollico , 'J14 F. r- luun. Kl * KUNT-Storo 22x00,1110 Jackson St. . 183 rou 110:01 KOOCIS. F HKNT OneTtwn or llirvo looms , fur , 2-'I'J Cuuitol nvu. , cheap. S'M 18 "JJ10H HFXT Furnished trent parlor , with X ! heat , aultablo lor - fc-enilcmcii , aUo Iril rooms. 2011Hiirnoyj > t. ji'L11' * HKXT-Tou gontloiuun un < I wlfo ? r two gentlemen , Bitting room and bed room furiilbhud. In piIrato family with or wntioni board. 318 N. Ibth strcef between Capitol A > c. and Davenport- 374-16' F oTT HKNT-Furu hod room , J3I7 Chicago street. 3'MC * ELKOANTI.V VnrnlsTied , wftrm front pnrlor , near business center , private hoitse , IHIft , MS-21 * CApltRlaveJ _ OH HKNT-An nlcovo room with closets , F bath and board In n private family. Suit able for man nnd wife , or two gentlemen. Cholco location. Hefcrcnccs required. P. 0. X.x 274. 3810 * _ FOH HKNT Cheerful room with tbonrd , to gentleman onlv. 1'loasnnt home , Terms reasonable. Hcferenccs. 535 Pleasant ! . 17 _ i OH HK > T Lnrgo. sunny , south room with 1 nicovc. All moJcrn conveniences. Win Dodge St. _ 375 " "r OU Itr.NT Nicclv furnhhoil room. Itofor- X ? enccs rco.inred. 1607 Doturlas. _ B37 * IjlOllllKNl' Large , front , olhco room , north- X ? west corner 15th and Harney sts. J40.0J per month. 491 1I1OI ! HKNT A nrgo front chamber with X ! closet , gas , furnnco and bath , 501 S. 20th st. block north 8U Mary's nvo. WU . . HT2NT lurnsliod room. A ! FTospoT 1511 Dnuelnsst. Oil OH UKNT 3 rooms unfnrnl ho1 F for housekeeping , 1017 N 20th st ; apply to M. F. Martin , ! IIO 3 IMhJt. 401 FOIl HUNT Two pouth front rooms slnclo or en suit ! nlso front room , ( list lloor , wither or without tire , 1512 Cii s SU ! W-al ! * _ _ s"TT ; f urnTiliod room * , stm os , ens nnd all convonlcncos , cheap lortlin wlntur , ISlSJ-'arnani. _ JJ ! _ "iriOH Itr.NTTwo pli-asnnt rooms" , f 12 and JJ f4. ! I'lros Included. 702 N 18th. 3)0 ) 17 FOinilTNT" l < i7cTyurnished rooms ] board If dealt oil , 113 S KM St. , but Douglas and Dodifo. 278 F OH Itl'.NT-Furnished rooms nt 810 S. ISth Street. 303-20' "I ? OH HKNT 2cry pleas'iiit.noMly furnished X"ioomsl n largo front room with bav win dow , ! small room , 2023 Farnam st. 3in ID FOH HKN'T Klogant rooms on street cnr line , b.Uh and gm , s. w , cor 20th and Webster. . 1U ! FOIt HKXT Furnlshea room , furnace , com- fortalilo In coldest weather , and gas. In quire 1021 Fainnni , 111 FOH HKNT 3 nice newly papered rooms , wntortnkltehcii : suitable for housokcop- inir. Pi Ice. $12.50. lolii N. 20th st. Apyly to owner , M. F. Martin,31BjVI5th it. Ml TTioit HF N'l' r'iiriilsTioirrooiii. 714 N. 10th Ht. i * iniiF7 * "T710H HKNT Nicely furnished rooms with X' first-class board. All modern com enlenccs , 110 ! ) Jones. Four blocks S. of Paxton hotel. 93118 * HIINr 3 ronma sultablo for house keeping. 711 I'ncllloSt. llont , 8l5.0J.oi "IjAOH HKNT Front parlor bed room , newlv X ? lurnlslied. (10111101111111 and wlloprofeiod Location two blocks from union depot. Heler- cncos required. Address 0 31 lleootllco. ; at 17 * POH lU'.NT llooms for llcht hoiisokeoplntr , furnished or unturnlslied.only four blocks from Lloyd's opera house. Inquire Olt : S KUh st 3:10 : IB * FOH IIRNT Two rooms , low rent , furniture for pale. Within two minutes walk ot post- olllco C 37 lleo olllco. 825 K. " 1710H HUNT I2loirnnt furnished room , 1" > 03 J. rarnam. Call at once it wnntlnir n irooj room. Itofercncos rciiiiirod. i > 58 17 I71OH UI2NT lloom. liirnlshod , for 4. or Unlit X ; housekeeplnj ; , liil. ) Chlca o st. : > 5U 18 * FOH HUNT Front llascment rooms , unfur nished , HIS. 18th st. 3-.I-17 * FOH1M2NT A nice , llorht bnsomrnt. lnitllro | of Leslie & Leslie , 10th and Dodfto sts. 308 FOIt HKNT I'leasaut furnished room , 1815 Cass. 250 IB * FOH HKXT Sleeping rooms , fnrnlshol and unfurnishedatSJ'JHoward bot.Btli and ! ith. _ FOH HF.Nl' Nice rooms at 1S21 Knrmim Pt , ono block west of coutt housesouth side. CM OH Itl'.NT NciitlV furnished rooms , single or double , 1111 * Howard Street. 812 FOH III2NT Three fiont rooms , newly fur nished ( soutn windows ) , very cheap. 811 If. 17th st. 2 10 * Foil HI2NT Furnished rooms for light house keeping , Itcemors block , cor SthA : Howard. "I71OH HKNTHoems nicely furnished at all X1 prices , fiom $ s , $10 , 512 , $15 a month each. 600 South 18th btreH , north St. Mary's uvonuo uii stairs. 2iiftO : TT\OH \ HKNT Nicely furnished front parlor X ? nnd parlor-bedroom. Five minutes walk from postollico. Terms reasonable. Host loca tion. 714 South Ibth at. 280 10 * T710H HKXT Four unfurnished remms X ? for housekeeping to small family , lo cated on aeorgln nvo near street cars.surrounu- Ings pleasant nnd will rent cheap to good pnrticsroforonco ; required. Address A. Kl.llco oflico. 247 POH HKNT Nicely furnished front room with piano If desired. All mojorn convonl- Miccs. 414 N I'JtliBtieot , 000 FOH HKXT To gentleman , a room , $10 per mo , 1712 Cnllfornla. U48 FOH HUNT Largo elegant rooins.with closet Southfront. 141 Chicago street , 810 FOH HENT Sulto of newly furnlshoJ rooms In new house ; modern conveniences : to gentlemen. I'J-1 Dodge st 2KO FOU SA.I.B-KOU3C3 X.OTS. FOH SALR House 8 rooms nnd lot. Walnut Hill at atmrgaln. Cuino A : Volluin , lix- pOBltlon building. R KMI2MI1KH llenson. 318 10 K Latest and Best addition to South Omnhn Graver Sto\ous , 218 S. 15th st. 3UO 18 TTIOIl BALK Twentieth nnd Lake , two lots. X1 Terms easy. Currio and Volluin , Kxposi- tlon llulldlng. 383.18 SOUTH OMAHA-C.K. Mayne , solo agent. 313 IB [ 71OH SALI2 Lut In Itogor's addition , houso. - burn and well all In good condition , cheap , lurrlo At Volluin , Exposition liuildlng. 3SI-1B FOH HALI2 or rent llent hotel with lur nlturu In Atkinson , Neb. Address A. .1. Meals , O'Neill , Nebraska. 375 17 * UNBON. B 31718 20UTH OMAHA C.K. Mnyno , tolo agent. J 318 10 LINWOOI ) PAHK , South Omnhn ; 50 lots sold in two weeks ; only ono-tonth cash. F. 1) . Tanner \ Coagents , IBI5 Howard st. 320 17 PAHIC AVKXDK-3.1 foot block from Leaven- woith , * 2OJ5 , f750 cash. Hush & Seluy , 218 B. 15th. 373 CORN Kit lot on Nicholas st. . nonr llth. A $4,200. Hatcher A : Co. , Millm-d Hotel Illock. 3JO 10 fill U' Latest and llopt addition to South Omaha. X Greivcr Stevens , 218 S. 15th St. IR'fl ' 10 A HKHIDKNl'Kon Hamilton , near Irene St. , $4,000 , Hatcher V Co. , Mlllurd Hotel Illock. 370 10 JOUTH OMAHA-C. K. .Mnyne , solo agent. ) 318 18 SOUTH OMAHA on ono sldo and llonson on the other , the two best properties to buy for Investment , Investigate. 31S IB FOltSALK-bargaln Lot 2IH > , with llvo room house ; good well. $ 1,3J. ( Terms oasy. Currio & Vellum , u.\position building. : ibn lots in Shlnn's addition , block "M. " cheap. Hatcher A : Co. , Millnrd Hotul Illock. 370 10 rplli : Lfttcst and Host addition to South Omt Ini. X Gro > cr Slovens , 2H S. 15th at. 3J016 \ \ " " K have several lots on South 16th st. ( 'all Tl lorprlcoand tornin. HalchorA : Co , Mll lard Hotel Illock. 370 IB r.-l ACIIKS Just t-ontheif Hock jardp , i-U.OOT. JfJHatclior XCo. . , Mlllard lloeel Illock , 37u 18 UOL'TH OMAHA-C. K. Jlayne.soloniront. r ? 348 IB > OH ti.VLK 17 llnrgaln , llargnln , . . . . . „ Ilmvnln. Wohnvoltnow. Got thn owner tied up to Feb. 1 , Novel- will bo another clinnco to LCI u line home like this so cheap Cotoi : ) ! ! ( ieorgia n\e ml tnkoalook at thosplondll hoiifo and grounds there" Consider tlmt they are withIn - In ono block of street cars , school and chinch. Don't let this opportunity to procure n good bargain or handsome rosutenco tllp. Prlco $4soo , $2.10) , J.VW May 1,1 s ,7 , $700 May 1. 1W8. $1,200 Nov. 1. It-si ) . M. A. Upton \ Co. . IWJ 1 urniiiu. telephone 73. L"5 ritlli : Uitost and Host addition to SouthOinnhiT. X Orover Slovens , 218S 15tli tt. 8W13 FOl'H lots on Hurdetto ft. , corner Snundors et. , * 2tuO. Hatcher A ; Co. , Mlllard Hotel IjlocU. a' ° la O OUTII OM AHA-c7l2. M ay no , solw uiren t. O 348 1(1 ( BKNSON. 31716 CJOl'TH OMAHA oh 'one efdc U"id'llen4on"on > j the either , thu two t > cst. properties to buy torUivt'stmciu , iuvcstufiitc. . t43 10 HL1NGTO $ CV.NTFH will I'O ' the bu lne Bl \ o lOf the "lock .Minis. Its lots will hnve the greatest rise In value. Hook , solo 1503 Fnrnnm 30 18 L1PTON PtiACR. SOt TH OMAHA Lols on the ground lloor. Hook 150'J Farnnm. 30 16 HAMMOND Tlnce lots four blocks south of Fowler's nnd Mjolnlng .letter's addition will be for snlo Monday Jnnunry 17. H Is the finest In Fouth Omaha without exception. Price's $ TUO mm $ W. They will nil bo sold Inside of fourteen days. Here Is the bojt ehanco to make money. These lots will bo worth from $1,000 to $1.VOO In the sprltur. Theodore Olson and nnd Jnrncs Voro , Proprietors,21SS 15h street. 30-.I 13 BrHLINOTON CHXTKH-Only 500 ynrdsfrom the Kront packing houses and no nromn. Sure to Increnso IIM nine Immcdlntely. Hook , solo agent , UO ) Farnam st. 380 111 ' OMAHA otitiwo sldo nnn llrn on on SOI'TIl the other , the t lust properties to buy for Investment , Investigate. 348 10 C OUTTT OMAI fA- . i2.3uvynosolongrnt. D 313 18 _ I Ao"H PAL2-OnOrnnt ! nnd Colfnx St. , nine X ; hotifci with all modern Improvements. For particulars apply to Currio .V Volluin , Kxposi- tion lliilldlnir. W.i 18 B niljIN < ITO CI2NTr.ll.- The best audition to South Omaha The place to mnko quick , big prollts. Hook , sole agent , I.VKI Par- num. . ' 180 10 KAI ) A : , IA.MIi ; e N , No. 31B South IMh St. Lot , fronting 2 streets , 23lh and Pacific , 2 houses , $2,500 Kasy terms. llest lot In Orchard Hill with R-room hou p , barn , w ell , cistern , fruit and shndo trees , ftuOJ. llnsy terms. S W cor llth nnd Pacific , COxlSi , 3 fine cotlanos , $ ! ) , imn. Lot fronting on Convant nnd 2tth sts. | m- preivoinents worth tl.'Kii , 2 hmisuj. city and cistern water , $ aox ) Kusy terms. 5-ronm eotlago nnd lot , 2 < th ntul Chnrlc , 2.00. ) , $100 cnsh , bal easy. N K cor of Fitn and l.eavenworth , 2 houses , rents lor $75 per mo , lot BHflil , line business property , $12,000. Mead & Jamlcson , 318 S 15th street. 2i ! Ol'Tll OMAHA-C.K. Mayne , Jolo ngent. .1 318 10 Tilll.atcMiind : ItcM addition to South Omaha , ( iiover Stevens , 218 S. 15thi. . 3' ' 10 ' ir IIAI II & co. , its s. r.ihliti . Have TO lots In Orchard lllll to sell slnirly or itltoirothur , at a bargain If taken soon. Also n few lots In Itoservoir add. Call early. Stocks of merchandise to pell or eixchanire for Im proved or unimproved land or Omaha prop erty. 231 10 OUTII OMAIIA-C. K. Miiync.s 318 10 INSON. : B 347 10 BL L 1ST your property with Ilunolier , 1511 I'ainam st. 2b'l ' 1(1 ( II OMAIIA-C. K. Mane , solo agent. 31810 " " "T2N ON 34710 HAMMOND Place lots tour blocKs south of Fowler's nnd ndjotnlnir J"tter's addition will ijo for pale Monday January 17. It Is Hie Illicit In South Omaha without exception. I'nces $71X ) and $ ' )00. ) They will all bo sold Inside of fourteen days. Horois thn best chance to money. These lots will be woith fiom 11,000 to M2t)0 ) in the pprlnir. Theodoto Olson and James Vcre , Proprietors , 218 S. 15th street. tt ! ' 1H BrilLlNOTON CINTIK : : bus more valuable features than any other addition to South Oinnha. Hook , solo ajfont 15J'J Fainam. 3sQ hi SOUTH O MAHA--C. 12 , Mayno , solo ajrent. 318 10 OCTITOMAH A C. 12. M , ifis 1U IJUMKMDKIl Hoiii-on. 318 10 BritLlNOTON CKXTI2H has not one poor lot in It , and its location , ne.xt the II. > V M. station giounds , insures Imiiieiisn prolll to In- VOMOIS. Hook , bolo agent , 150U Fin nam. HAMMOND Plneo lots four blocks south of Fowler's and adjoining .letter's addition will bo for sale Mondu > .Inniiary 17. It Is the llnost in South Omnhi v/lthout ovceptlon. Prices ? 700 and f'JOO. Tlicy will all bo sold Inside ot lourtoen days. Here Is the best ehanco to make money. Those lots will bo worth from f 1000 to $1200 in the spring. Theodeiro Olson and James Voro , Proprietors , 218 a 1Mb pi root. 3t0 ! 18 COUTH OMAHA-O.I2. Mnyno , sole agent. r NSON- B Yourhoinoln liiirlmgton Center nei'r BUV great Industries ol South Oninhii. jot avoiding their uroniii , and nniKo money. Hook , polo agoiu , 15011 Farnam. 3M ) 10 IlbT your property with Hunchor , 1511 J Farnam St. 28'l 18 _ OOUTH OifAHA C. h. Mifyno , tololigont. HASlMOND Pluco lots four blocks south of Fowler's and adjoining .letter's addition will bo lor tale Monday January 17. It is the finest In South Omaha without exception. Prices ? 7l)0 ) and SVOO. They will all bo xold Inside ot fourteen days. Hero Is the be t ehanco to make money. The n lots will bo worth Irom $ IOOOto (1200 In the t-pring , Thcodoro Olscn and James Vorc , Propnetois , 218 S 15th street. sen 18 ritLlNCiTON CKNTlTlT.- The focal point west of the stock yards : In the near fu- line thesuporiorot Snuth Omaha. The place tolmcst lor big prollt. Hook , tolo agent , 150'J Fnj-iKim. ilK ) 10 BE.NSON- 347 10 rpHKVare beautiful , and nnicli larger than X mother addition' , Is the usual viirdlct re garding the 200 lots In Albright's choice. 100 B I2NSON 3(7 ( 18 QOUTH OMAHA-0. 12. Mavne.Boloagent. D 318 IB _ HAMMOND Plncolots four blocks south of Fowler's and adjoining .letter's addition will bo lor Milo Monday January 17. It Is the finest In South Omaha without exception. Prices $ TOO and S'JOO. They will all bo sold inside ol lourleon days. Hero is the best chance to mnko money. Thopo lots will be worth from $ lKUto ( $12iiO In the spring. Thcodoro OUon and James Voro , Pioprlctors,218B I5th street. 3ui ) 18 CJTILL ANOTHKH and bettor Hammond 1 place Is the safest investment In South Omaha as its proximity lo the packing houses will make It business proportv , Sato commences Monday morning , Urover Slovens 21hs 15th blioet. : IB SPUING"VAM.KI" , Our now addition. Acres f > IW ( to t'.tX per aero. Near South Omaha , And Sydlcato Hill. Marshall At Loboclc , 188 15')3 ' ) Farnam. FOH KALK-Ily lluncher , 1511 Farnnm st Lots InllnrK Place , close to Iliinscom Park , $8rOorcli. 2 gnod lots In Ihvlglit & Lyman'e , on corner , ? I.2i ) forbith. l-'uiIlotRln Pnlrmoutit , Jli.V : ) Fine lots In roller's , near fcaundors St. , $ I'JDO. Hlmobaiigh I'lnco , ono lot , $ . ' ,100. llanscorn Place , Klegnnt lots In blksO.H , nnd 10. McCormlok'g2 < lTwo lots on Lcavonwoitb St. , $2.3JU for both , Piosiioct Place , Lot 10 , Hlk F , on Hnmiltou St. , $1.700 , Double lot on California St. , cheap , $2,300. Heos' Place , 75 ieot fronton Park avenue , $0.tlijO. , Hedlck's 2d , on 25th Ft. , Fine lots , ? 2,5TO. Miull's 1st , Largo lot , 2 houses , laces two EtrectB , $5,200. South eJmahn Syndicate , Ono of the finest , fl.050. VntcsA Hood's , 105x107 , eornnr , $2,000. And many moro lee numeioiis tn mention. Also , nil the new additions to South Omaha , List jour property with mo , and call before you buy or fell. lluncher , 1511 Farnam st. ' \ : ; il ! 20 HA M MOND'l'Jacololg four blocks south of I'owlcr'&and ndjolnlng Jcttor's addition will bo lor fiUa Monday Janunrv 17 , It Is the lineal In South Omaha without exception , Prico.s f 700 and f'JJO. ' They will all bo Bold liifrldo of lourtoen days , -llo-olatbo bo t ehanco to mnko money. Tln'solotb will bo worth Irom $100)lo ) $ l2iKi tn the spring. Thcodoro Olson and JamcH Vore , Propiictors , 21s .S 1Mb street , : tr.'J 18 /1HOVI2II STIJVKXsi , SIB P. 15th street will V Imtuciiifealo Monday morning the latent ninl best addition to South Omaha. It will rauko business propoity. 390-16 SNAP IPi I ( MI , south Iront , on farm street , by 1:10 : tcet deep , between Sfctli . . . . mid 25th st. Pnvlnif taxes paid. Price , $1H)00 ( ; S7..0cush , bal. 1 , 2,3 } cnrs. J , F. Hammond , 117 S. I6thst. 3' > 7 KC l'TlI OMAHA C. K. .Mayne , tolo agent" lilSltl HAMMOND PLACK-The latest and test addition toHOilhOimihr. will bophu-ol on Monday morning. 'Iheso lots aio olo- ( "OL'TH OMAHA on ono Bldo and llonson on k the other , the two best i < roiiorUea to luiy .lor Investment , Investigate. 3IH IB " "OUTII OMAIIA-O 12. Maylie , fold ogent. Utilfi r * HADLKY , -J Members Omaha Heal r.ftafe rxchnnpe , Hooni ! < t-3 , Hpdlck Hlk , 820 S 15th st. Corner on Dodffe.Mxl.t ! . Improved nnd renting for $3.0UJ per jour . . . $ 30,000 Corner on 11th St. , 132.X13. , near south end ol viaduct . . . . . . , . . , . . . . . . 10,000 Mx13. , Improved , half block from t Idem freight depot site ( only $ ! 500ensh ) 12,000 22x132,3-story brick business block , on one of the best streets In the city , rents f or $2100 per > ear. Half Interest tor . . Corner on California ft. . S0xl32 , liousa rooms , 2 story , renting $10 ? ,500 Coiner on Pacific St..GflxS2,2 house. ' , renting for $ 0 per month ? ,500 Corner Leavcnworth and 15thf C\60,2 houses , 12,000 Tlnest 41otsln Kllhy Plnco 6.S09 ThoineU's ndd , lot 5'lxl ' 2,3 honfcs , renting for $50 per month C.OO ) Lot tVixUA fronting St. Mary's nvo ; this Is the best and cheapest building lot .n the market ; terms made to suit 6.SOO ( -room house on Virginia nxo near Leavenworth st. , east front , nice home , 3,800 Lot on ( Icorgln nvc ( .1. 1. Hcdlck's sub 3,000 Knst front , Georgia n\v , Hanscom place 2,250 West front , ( icorgln n\o , Hanscom place 1,750 Kast front , Virginia nve , Hnusconi place 2,100 West front , Cnthormn St. , Hnnscom place l.WO Dandy lot on H2d st , Hanscom place. . 2,101' ' HcMdcncc lot , Cathorlne St. , llliuc- baiuh Place 2,10) ) Pnddock Plnco , earner on 16th st 3,500 I/ot 1 , block 4 , Omnhn Viewcorner . . . 1,0X1 Lots 8 nnd v , block 8 , Lincoln Place , cor 1WW Fine lot In Sunny Side l.vw Fine corner lot In Potters'add 1,250 Double corner In Dtvlghl .V l.ymtum's ndd 1,200 Itrniltllul lot , east front , Coburn's add , 8'XX ' ) Corner lot in O.ik Hurst , n simp l.NM Knstfront lots In Thornliurg Place . . . 00 I/ots in sub dlvof block 3 , \ \ est Omahn l.MH ) Host lot In t'tlpu Place 1.250 Dullness lots on Lcnvcnworth St. , at $ Mlito 1POi ) WV have lots to every addition to the gient cltveitOinnhn nt whiter prices. Invest jour spiiro clniiiKO in some e > f them beloro the spring advance , and it will be jure to win. South Omaha , lluslness lots on N and 2'Uh st $1,500 Iliis'nt'sslotson M o Pst , at $510 to . 7m ) Full lots0xiro,25th ! and 2 th sts near P 1,700 Hesldonco lots u. every good addition. Come and oo us. < lregorv & Hadloy , Hooms 1 nnd 3 , Hedlck's block , 320 S. 15th st. SOUTH OMAHA on one sldo and Itenson on the other , the two best pioportlos lo buy fur Investment. Investigate. 318 IB 1KMKM1IHH Heiisein ] 313 18 KXSON. B 317 10 _ gOUTl OMAIIA L12. . Mayne , sololiTgiMitr 31818 L 1ST your propony with lluncher , 1511 Fninamst. S" > i IS ) UOUTH OMAHA-C-i : . Mnyno , solo niront. wlshlnp to secure n coed rellublo cluirvojatit and ti-nt medium should call on the Indian clairvoyant and henler. Ho ia the poxonth son of the seventh son luirn with natural hoallmr power , lie tells all nboiit lovers and matrimonial nllalrs , he asks no iiio-tions. | Those wl-hliif | to consult him eall at 15)8 ) Wob- ptor Mroot , between 15th and 10th streets 33MG * S OMAIIA-C. 12. Mnyne , Mile niront. SOl'TII OMAHA on one sldo ami Uunson on the other , the two best propeities to buy lor Investmrnl. InvestiKato. 31810 U OL'TH OMAHA-C. ll Mayne , sole iik'cnt. 'KXSON ' I 311 18 AIIA-C. K. Mayne , sole awent. 34S IB 10 317 15 TTIOIl SALI2 An improved inrm ol' 3.0 aeres X ! in Gage county , Nebraska , 10 mlloa noitli of Iteatiice , aml3 miles from Plekerell Station , on P. P. Ity. ; news-room house , largo barn , well , wind mill , orchard containing 120 apple trees , 130 acres under cultivation , lit ) acres fenced , large cattle phi d , wiiiron shod , crin room for U/iO ) busliuls or coin , hog and entile corrals , plenty of water for stock , hirjro cottonwond grove. This Is one ot the best farms In ( Jn 1) county and a bargain nt $10.503. ( Ino-thlrd cash , Imlnnco In 10 jcars at 0 per cent Interest. To trade lor Omnhn ical estate , ono team of largo work horses , now set double work harness and now wauon. Two business lots 22x 1 ft on Lcnvonworth ptroi't , cheap , $ IOJO. Hotter & Campbell , loom H.50'1 Karnnm st. 210 ; TTH OMAHA C. K. Mayno , solo ngon * . 348 18 HNPON ] B 34710 iOUTH OMAHA C. 12 , Mayno , solo agent. 318 10 GHKAT KXCITKMKN1' In South Omahn over tin' way aorus and lots In Albright's Choice nro going. Twenty-two lots sold In ono dav. 100 OUVH OMAIIA-C. K. Mayno , solo agent" 318 IB SOUTH OMAHA on one sldo unel IleiiFon on t hoot heir , the two host ptopertlos to buy for investment. Investigate. 3'H IB UOUTH OMAIIA-C. U Miiyno , solo agent. p _ 318 111 SOI'TH OMAHA on ono side and Henson on the eitlior. the two tie l properties to buy lo r liuestment. Investigate. 34810 _ _ 347 18 SOL'TII OMAHA-C. 12 , Mayno.solo agent , 318 10 _ OIJTH OMAHA'S Latest and llest Addi- tlon. Hammond Place 19 the most elegant of all and from its location Is bound to make business property. It will bo placed on pule Monday morningOiovor Steven's , 218 S. 15th street. 390-18 SOI'TH OMAllA on ono side and llenson on the other , the two best properties to buy lor Investment , Investigate. 348 18 S O UTH OMAllA C."i2r lay no , t-olo agent. 31818 _ FHKK AIlS'l HACT With every lot in Hush & Solby's add. 7B'J _ BKNSON _ 3ri7 IB OOFTII OMAHA-C. 12. Mayno , solo agent. O 318 10 GHKAT KXCITKMKNT In South Omahu ever the way acres nnd lots in Albright's Choice aio going. Twenty-two lots sold in ono day. 100 S OUTII OMAHA C. K. Mnyno , BOO | nirent. 318 10 SR R KMKMIIKH llcnson. 318 10 ' OMAllA on ono hl.lo . and llonson on SOl'TIl the ether , the two best properties to buy for Investment. Investigate. 31810 I2XSON. B 31718 HAVKyou scon them ? If not , call on W , G. Albright and go out to South Omaha with ono of his agents to Inspect the iniignillcont property Known us Albright's Choice. . 10J S i C. K. Mayne , tolo agent. F3 31818 SOUTH OMAHA on ono side nnd llonson un the other , the twei best properties lo buy forlino-lmrnl Invetttfgato. 348 IB 5 001'TH : CKNT piotlt has boon made since last August by purchasers of lots from Mr , Albright , In the addition west ot Alhrlght'a choice Albright's cholco boats them all and don't you lnrgot It. 11IJ SOUTH OMAHA-C. 12. Mnyno , bolo agent. 3IH 18 fpllKV are beautiful , and much larger than X In other additions , Is the usual vurdlct re garding the "JH lotri In Alhrlght'B Cholco IUO rHllAT IJXrmvilHST In South Omaha over V.I the way ncros and lols In Albright's Choice are going. Twenty-two lots sold in ono day , 100 KOl'TII OMAllA on ono sldo and llonson on tt.o other , the two best properties to buy for Investment. Investigate , 34816 " KNSON. 317 JO HAVKyou seen them. ' It not , call on W. ( i , Albiiyht and go out to South Omaha with onoot his iigents to Inspect the tnagiilllcoiit property known us Albright's cholco. IUO 5"Mf PI2H CKXTp7otlt him hccnTnadii since liTTl August by purchasers of lots from Mr. Albright , In the adibtlon west of Albright's choice. Alhrlztit's cholco boats them all and don't you forget It. 100 BKNSO.N'i 317JB LIST your propeity with II u nolle r. 1511 Farnum tt. 2-9 19 17 KMI2MIIKK HciisoiK Sisla OOI'TII OMAHA on one eldnund Oensnn on ' the other , tuotwo b st vitipurtks to buy for iiuc-otiiicut , luvfiiiffitcjii 10 , 00 PKH CF.XT profit hn been raide ? lnco last 'J August by purchasers of lots from Mr Albrlfiht. In the addition west of Albright's choice. Albright's caolco bents them nil and don't you forpetn. 100 'OtTH OMAHA-C. F. Mayne , sole fluent. TirVAFr.W of the > 30 elec-ant lots in AI- J' bright' * Choice on.l double your money befoto spring. Albright Is making lots of money for lots of people w no purchase from him. Only a little money required to buy nlot. B 1INSON. main FOH SALK Snmo eif tlto best agricultural Innd In Kiisiorn Xebraska at $ b ) per ncro on 20years'linofl percent Interest ami nettnxets. Wi Iteor call for particulars. O. F. Davis .V Co. , Omaha , Neb. 510J20 T.NSON. B ni7 in _ " _ _ P.uTlf rive line e"n t fi-om * In Kllby plneofllOUeao ! ! A. 1' . Tukoy , 13JI I'nr- nam g.11 _ Sot * I'll ClMAII \ on ono ldo and Henjon on IMP other , tin' t o best pioportle < to liny tor Inve'tlnent. Inxestlsratu. ! 1IR 111 lrrUMAtA-C. K. Muyne , solo anenU > j : i4s to T i\ i , ISTATI : : ntto.v i x-rimioo bu ine s 1 1 lot , near cor. Pownrl st , frontlnir mi faun- dor.s su ninl pixved at. ; uliuitp for CM.1. \ . U Hire At Co. , ovjr roiiuuorpl'il ' buiH. _ 775 .117 111 _ R "orTiroMAHA-3lot in AlbrK'ht's Ail n o x af * ' oiieh. A rare bargain. Hush Ai Holby.SlSS. 1,1th. 7HS * 101'Tll OMAHA-C. l' Mnynp , sole mrent. 318 111 11 1IN8ON. 347 10 IMi.MiTiu : : : iionson. ais'To" R ITSII iVSKMIY.SIS S 1.1th , have exclusive sale of cor. lot , Shull's add. ( lient liar- pain $ l.svi 2 lots , Orchard lllll. each l.tHfl Hamilton st. lot , bargain l.-VO Maish's udd.on teiuon ortli , per foot. . . . ID ) Sherman avu , I'.uldock mid , Us it 7,000 l.owo's add , Ml tt , bile O , monthly pay ments 1,300 I.ouo'sadd , lot 0 , b t ) 1,000 llit'lne-s cot , Lc'ivonworth , cntt of Holt line 2,000 tinmen" st wholesale district,23 ft , to trade for city linpioved property. House and hulf lot. N'2'nd t $2,3M South Omaha lots on monthly payments.7U.I 7U.I OPTII OMAllA on one side and llen on on the other , the two bo M piopeitles to buy lor investment. lno-tiKiito. 318 15 B1 3.7 . IB UIUTH OMAIIA-C. 12. Maync.oolonnent. 5 318 10 rroill'KHCIINl' profit has been niiulo since last - > AimuM by purehaseis ol lots from Mr. AlbrlKht , In tlio addition west of Allitlk'ht'H cholto. Albrlitht's cholco bents thorn all and don't you fowl It. _ 100 317 10 ( XOO I'F.IICF.NT prollt has been made Rincc lapt ' ' Auniist by puruhasors of lots fiom Mr. Albright , In the addition west of Albright's Choice. Albrlnlit'H Cnolco beats them all and don't you fornot It. HH ) B I2NSOX. 317 ' OMAHA on one side and llenson on SOI'TH the either , the two best propeities to buy for Imoslmonl. InvehtlKiito. Ills I" JOUTH OMAHA-C. 12. Mayno , tolo nccnt. 313 10 TJMDIl SALi : Lot 01x131 feet on Davenport , r between llth ami 12th sfnets , with two houses ; 5 ll,0'Jif2,0IJ ' ) ( c.iBh anil Ion ? time. In Inslno property wo have a large list of business nnd residence lots llr t class. Piirchasors will do w ell to fcei > us botoro bnylntf. Marshal At Lo- beck , 15 * rarnnm. CUU n.N'fcON. 31710 B S1 LOUT11 OMAIIA-U. 15. Mayno.solo agent. 318 10 TMIK IIOOM is Immense In South Omaha JL property , and Albilglit's Choice lends thorn all. There Is not a bad lot in this bcautilii propo rt y. 100 12NSON. 317 10 KUSH & SK/jIIY'S add. to South Omaha , llcaiitltul lots , only $ VJ down. 7U ! lOt'TH OMAHA C. K. Mayne , solo agent. 318 IB B 817 10 GHKAT KXCITKMKNT in South Omaha over the way acres and lots In Albright's Choice nro going. Twenty-two lots sold In ono day. UK ) BKNSON. 347 IB SOUTH OMAIIA-C 12. Mayno , solo agent. 318 10 HAVI2 you POCII them ? If not , call on W. G. Albright and go out to South Omaha v Ith ono ol his agents to inspect the magiullcent properly known as Albright's Choice. 100 B 317 10 OOUTII OMAIIA-Wo have for S'llo two syn- r5 dlcnto lots $1,075.03 each , llrst payment only $100 , bill , monthly or qiiarteily. Also corner and adjoining lot In Illock 25 , $ J.I01 : Flifct payirient , $750. Hdbtlots In Hush .tSelby'sudd. $500ono-t < ! ntli enhh , balance monthly or quarterly. Abstract with every lot. Albright's Annex lots t22. " > to $500 , 1 50 cash , balance monthly or quarterly. _ Hush & Selby.218S 15th. _ 712 KXSON. 317 18 S OUTII OMAHA C. 12. Mayno , solo agent. 318 IB GKNUINH HAHCiAIN8-Two corner lols in llurdettocourt , only 4 blocks from Sunn- dor'BMicolcnrs.v. . M. Ilushtnan , Itoom 10 , Uiishnian Illock , N leer 10th unJ Douglas. BI2NSON. 317 1B _ SOUTH OMAHA-C. 12. Muyue , solo agent. 31818 JIST your property with llnnchor , 1611 Farnnm i-t. 38'J 1 ! ) B 12NSON. 317 IB He IISIS Lots.KnnimLands monnyliinnod. llemlfl , room 3 , llarko hlocK , B. W. cor 15th and Parnainsts. f/Jl B KNSON. 317 10 rpllK IIOOM U Immense In South Omaha J property , and Albright's Cholco loads them nil. There Is not u bad lot In thla bountiful property. 101 BKNSON ] imiB _ _ AII5THCT.S OFTITLK and titles to real cstuto guaranteed Midland ( iuarantce It Trust company , 1501 Fnrnnm bt. I'M f7 BKNSON. 31710 31710 LIST your property with Hunchor , 1511 Farnam nt. 2b'.i 19 15NSON- B 317 IB UYA FI2W of those elegant lots III A | . brlght'sChoico and double your money bofoii ) Miring , Albright is making lots ot money for lots of people who purchase from him. Only a llttlo money required to buy a lot. B KNSON. .147 10 KNSON. B 31710 iOI'TH OMAIIA-C. 12. Mayno , solo ngont. 31810 FOH SAL12 Two lota corner on Lowe nvo , in We'st Omaha , 2 blocks south of Farnaiu bt , , both fort-.OUO. Corner In Hiimonm I'ln o , 2 blocks from sirci.'t car , 1 block from church aud scliuol , $2.HH. Corner lot on South 13th st. Cheap nt $1,100. , ltclter& Campbell , room 1,15JJ Furnutn St , UVJ BKNSON. 347 10 SOUTH OMAHA C. U. Majrie. solo uirent. 318 ia ON January 2Jth lots in Alnstlold Addition will advnnoo 15 per cent During the win ter Unit fur they have beonsnid nt Irom $11)0 ) to $ bl ( i. on remarkably easy terms , erne eighth cash , the Imtiinw 510 per month. Surrounding property ia from 50 to 71 per cent , higher than tht-Bo prices Jb lots rcinnin unsold. J. F. Haiumorid , 117 Bouth Sixteenth 4 tract , sole * 1C5 SAt.K-i.ot In llnnseom Plnco fronting the park . . . . Cornerlot In Howcol's Ste'ddtu' ndd * l7W House nnd lot on Doduo St. , Insldo prop- city . . . , 3,100 One very nno onst front lot , "Hnw- tliorno . . . . 1,4008 Another choice lot , llnwthorno , . . . . . . ' A fottth front lot In Orchiml lllll MO Lots in Park Plnco . , 1,050 1 Ten ncres for s' lo nt n bargain nnd on ea y terms the HCIKOII Pnrehaso l.COOl Twenty acres on Military Hond , adjoins Tl II ? I'lltk , lO.POJI If * ou have any properly j on want ? oldlli It with un ; It will icoche careful nltoittlon. J. K Plerson A Co. , 1508 Pnrnnm,2d lloor. OMAHA C. 12. M n } no , soio aeent. 34S 10 _ V me'beautiful , nnd much larger than ! in other additions. Is the usinil verdict rev I lots In Albright's Choice. 100 1 > 15XSO.\ . ! H7M _ OO O.MAli.\-C. . Mayno , ( oTongontT" 31818 Snrril OMAHA on ono sldo and lloiixon on the other , the two lu < t proporlle to buy I for lnvt tniont. liuestlmite. 318 in rplll ! 1IOOM ! > ImmeiKn In South Omalml I propertj.nnd Allulirht'sCholon leails thoinl all 'Iheto Is not a bad lot In this bountiful | property. 10J _ SOI"I'II OMAHA on ono cldo and llon ? n on I thpolher , the two bi t pnpcrtles to buy f for Investment. ImoMlpntp. HIS 10 B 317 10 it1 * HoiiPOIi. 8480 \ 1 1'Y A IM'AV or tlinsn clcpnut lots In All - l > lirlKht's Choloo and double > our money before Fprln ? , Albrlirbt l maklnt ; lots oC money tor lots of peoilo | who purchase from him. Only n llttlo nuMtey required to buy a lot. 100 SOfTH OMAllA C.'lCMa.Mio , Mile intent. ; ii8io OKX80N. 3(7 ( 18 COI'TII OMAllA on one Mdo | mid llensou on t > the other , the two be * ! ptopertles to buy tor lim'stment. Investliialo. ! ll 10 A ItAKl ! bargain ; ID iti-res ofhind vorvclionp In Himwarm southern edmate. lor par ticular address U 111 lleo otlli'u. 7isJ2S : * R 348 10 RSOl'TIl SOl'TIl OMAIIA-C. lJ.Mnvn6rfcoUT irent. 318 lit S"orrn oM.\iTA-Mi ( t HeliuTTfiiT "Tot XP brluht's Atinin , $ " ) ; fft ) down , Iml. Jill per month Also 3 mote , ? 1.UJ , ono.thlrd cash. Hush \ Pelby , 818 S. t'.tli. 7W H1 318 1U rpH12 IIOOM IH Immenxo in South Omnhn X iiropoily , and Albrltrhl's Choice leads them all. 'I'hi'tu In not a bad 1'Jt In this beautiful property. 100 H.N'SON. 317 18 _ JOrt'H OMAHA-C. 12. Mayne , goloniicni. BI'Y A FI2W of the o cleuniit lots in AI- bilulit'fi Cliok'o and double your money nl'oro pprlntf. AlhriL'lil Is making lots ol' money for loin of people who pureh'Ko from him. Only u little money iciiulred to buv n lot. ; oo 31718 rpIIKY are beiiutllnl , and much larger IharT I In either additions , is the usual verdict ro- 200 lots In Albright's Cl.olco. 100 tKMK.MIIKK llenson. 3U > IB H oils is Lots. Km niH.i.nmls mnnoy loaned. Ilomls. room 3. Marker block , S. W. cor. 15th nnil Farnam sts. .I'll CJOt'TH OMAHA-C. II. Mnynu , Hole iigcnL VJ 318 10 BI'V A I'I2W ol these oli'sant loti m Al bright's Cholco and double your money before spilng. Albright Is making lots of money for lots of people who purchase from him. Only a little money ieiiilroJ | to buy a lot. > KMI2MI1I2H llcneon. 348 10 LIN WOOD PAHIC , South Omiilm ; 50 loin sold In two weeks : only ono-tonth cash" F. D. .ji Tanner > V Co. . agents , 1(115 ( Howaid st. 320 17 & \ BKNSON ] ' 317 10 UOfTH OMAIIA-C. K. Mnjno , t 318 III _ SOI'TH OMAHA on ono side and Itvnson on the other , the two be-t properties to buy lor Investment. Investigate. 84810 GHKAT KXCITKMKNT in South Omnhiiovcr the way ncros nnd lots in Albright's Choice nro going. Twenty- two lots sold In ono day. _ _ 100 T71OH 8ALK 1'Vir ciioleo biirgnins In InBTdo -L' and outside propinty It would bo toyour ndvnntage to see us nnd look at our complete ilsl. Al-o for quick sale list piopcrty with us , pay for 'M or M da ) s , and It will bo sold. Wo aio only going 10 ndveitlho bargains. Splendid Itnrgaln-Wo have oxcluclro controller lor DO iluvH of nn Improved piece of prop erty. 5 minims' walk from postollico. ono block I rein paved street. Will pay SI8J.OO per month nnd lot double In vnluu in two yoatf. tor $18,000. Wo will not adxcrtlpo mi } thing but genuine bargains. llargnln Cioodfi-room house and pnrtofcor- nerlot , ? 3,500 If sold soon. In the boariot the city. Wo will not advertise anything but genuine bargains Hnrgaln Mairnillrcnt cornerlot on Fnrnatu st , Iinvumont , redieously cheap at 1 15,000. It will pay you to look over our list , as wo will not advertise anything but genu ine bargains. Inchonplots wo have ono of the best lists 1 the city , otockdalo & Mitchell , 1510 Dodge st. 240 18 B KNSON. 347 10 'I71OH HALK AiUn-ncra farm with housebarn X1 and crib , on the IJ. P. Ity. , and only one- half mile from a good railway town , with churches and schools. Price $8HOO. Apply to Louis Ilradlord , cor. Otli and Douglas , Omahn. Neb. 00,1 K F.M1CMI1KH Ilonson. 048 IB rilllKV nro beautiful , and much liirpe < r than X In other additions In the usual verdict re garding tho"JiHI lots In Albrlk-bt'H CliolPO. 10) ) KXSON. B nni8 rpHK DOOM Is Immnnso In South OmiOia L propeity. and Albilght'ri Choleo lends them all Tliero is not a bad lot In lulu ' " " " > property. _ ICO li KMKMIIKH llenson. 348 10 _ HAVK you seen them ? If not. call on W. (1. ( Albilght and go out to Bouth Omaha with ono of his agents to Inspect lliu magnificent properly known as Albright's choice. 103 T ) 2MKMHKII llenson. 318 10 HAVK yon soon thnmV If not , call on W. 0. Albright and go out to South , Omaha with ono of his agontH to Inspect the mugnlllconc property known ax Albright's Choloo. 100 KNBON. B 347 10 HAVK you seen thorn'It not. call on W. ( t , Albright and go out to South Omaha with ono of liln agents to inspect the magnificent property known as Albright's Choice. 11K ) KMKMIIKH llonson. 248 10 BUVAFF.Wof IhoKo elegant lots m Al bright's cholco and double your money before spring. Albright IH nninlnif lots ot money for lots of people who purchase from him. Only a llttlo money requited to buy n lot. KNSON , B 31710 Till ! IIOOM In Iminnnfio In Bouth Omaha property , and Albright's Cholco loads them all. There Is not u bad lot In thla beautiful property. 100 > J'.MKMIIKH Ilenson. 318 10 rplIKV nro beautiful , and much larger than X In otheir addition * , is the usual verdict re garding Iho200 lots In Albright's Choice. 100 KMK.MII2H ) Iicnson. 318 IB KNSON. 31718 GHKAT KXCITBMKNTIn Bouth Omnhuovor the way acres and lots in Albright's Choke uro golnj ; . Twenty-two lot j sold In one day. r 1N\\OOD PAHK. South Omaha ; ffl lots told \j In two weekn ; only omi-titnth cash. I' 1) . Tanner U Co , agents , 1C15 Howard bt. 8 0 17 K KMKMIIblt Ilonsou. UlB 10 500 I'KH t KNT prollt > nis been made fclnce last August li > purchasers of lots from > ( i , Albilght , in the addition wcel of Albrlvhl'M cholcii. Albrights chulco UentB them nil iiiui don't j oil iorxct it. IV )