THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY JANIJAKY 15. 1887. Oumha Society's Indulgence in Pleasure That Profits " Sweet Oharit ) . " THIRD ANNUAL CHARITY BALL. The Soolnl Krcnt of Uin Winter nt ttic Imposition Itnlldlnc Lmst Night The Guests Tlio Costumes , Utc. TliotClmrlty nail. Tlic charity ball is nn event of tlio past. All that remains of the Rrent social affaire o ( the season is a happy memory of tlio hht/onry of banners anil lloral festoons , of the soft harmony of measured music , of the Intoxicating mazes of the dance , ol the pleasures of the banquet feast the o and more of kindred thoughts. The third annual charity ball , it Is safe to say , was fully up to , if it did not sur pass , the high standard set on the two previous occasions. Fiom beginning to end , the nll'ulr pn scd oil' with : i dash and eclat. All details were perfectly ar ranged. Nothing was left undone which would conduce to the cotnfoit and en- jovnu-nt of the guests. As a consequence quence tlifio was nothing to mar the pleasure of the occasion. And if any one did fall to enjoy himself or herself , no or BIO ) must indeed have been hard to please. Until another year shall roll ui omul and bring a recur rence of this occasion , which is now firmly founded as an annual event , it is safe to say that the exposition building will hardly contain such a scene of splemlor , gayety and joy as was to bo witnessed last night. Society was out In full force , with its silks , satins , and broadcloth and diamonds , and disported itsolt upon the canvassed lloor , with a keen relish for the pleasures of the occa sion. And over all hovered the spirit of charity kind and frcc-heartcd "tho greatest of these. " Tllli IXTliitUOR. How tlio Halt Ijooltcti The Decora tions. The Interior of tlio hall looked llko a smalt section of fairy-land. Lighted up by n thou sand gaslights , which Dickered and Ilared with the measured cadences of tlio iimslo , the decorations showed tip to splendid ad vantage. The committee had worked hard In decorating the vast Imll , but they felt amply repaid for their labors , by the ntlons of surprise and dcllifht which \\oio to bo heard everywhere. Uunnurs , lings and festqons In endless pro fusion creeled the eye In all directions. On tlio sides of the music Gallery on the north were diapcd sou'ral larco tlaes which completely covered up the vvoodwoilc. Shields , nrenst-plntcs and arms pinned to the Rliles of tlio gallery , added to the mat Hal aspect of this lentnrc of the decoiatloiis. 'lwolarjo , twenty-flvo feet In length , liiini ! luiui tiin galloty at either end. Immediately In front of them , rcstliur on a laisud ulallorm , weio t\vo can- Jions. Hanked on either side oy stacks o nims and HnKS. The cannon and guns were brought tiom Kort Omaha , and were those used in tlio actual seruco. Over the entrance on tlio houth Fide was festooned a sixty-foot Hair , which was fathered In the middle and tied up by cord. Lnrno hhloUU covered with the stnisand stripes , were placed above and below tlio flag.A . A lieautlfnl feature of HIP decoiatloiis was n large white sl ti , hum ; with Icstoons , and Iiearmg in coloreii letters tlio word "Ohai ity. " Tills was suspended tiom the root , exactly In the center ot tlio Imll. At both ends of the halt wcro hung mammoth Chinese umbrellas , to which wcro np- jieniied smaller umbrellas , lanterns , pagodas , etc. Alone the sides of tho. icallery at lircKiilnr intervals wcro placed tlio Unas of the various nations. The immense rat ters were shrouded by long , uayly coloio'l festoons , which added much to the effects of the decorations. Tlio lloor was laid with lengths of canvas , which lind been carefully sewed together and stretched. The canvas Is said to have been the largest over laid west of Chicago , beiuu 117 foot In length and CC feet In width. Uo\\s ofclmlis wcro placed around the canvas , which was In the torni ot a long ellipse. Con trary to expectations tlio canvas lloor was lemarkably easy to dancoon. To the spectator looking on from thn gallery - lery the scene was one to bo remembered lor a lllutlmo. The moving Huongs of beautiful and haiisoinely dressed ladien and of gallant and stylishly attired gentlemen , the billllant decorations , lighted up by the streaming tongues of llame.s fiom a thousand gas jets , all blended Into a sccno once witnessed , never to bo forgotten. The committee Is indebted to the following for assistance In piocurlng decoiatloiis : llondmmrtois of tlio I'latto , Kort Omaha : .Signal Service. Union 1'acilic headquarters , Itepubllenu PiihlishlngCompany , S. P. .Morso &Co. , N. II. Falconer A : Co. , Chas.ShivorIck , .1. C. Klllott , Jteigcll .t Koseu/.welir , Deuoy it Stone. Kiiimct .Monument Association , Jlcniy Lehman , ( irand Union Tea Company , .1. II. K. Lehman , Swiss Singing Society , Jiohoinlan Turnnrs , Max Mover & Co. , Col lins , Cordon Je Kav , Mi . S. li. Jones , A. llospe. < ! . 11. As.1. S. Collins , II. Thleleoard , Louts Holmroil. C.V. . Wnddoll , posts of ( i. A K. , St. B.irnalias Chinch and American District Telegiaph. TUB B1USIC. A HclJKlitrul Kent in o of tlic nvcn- IIIK'S Pleasure. The musie was rendered by the Musical Union orchestra in the delicacy of stvlo for which organisation is famous. Prof. Harry Irvine was the leader , and acquitted himself admirably. The o who are competent to judge say that the selection of dancing numbers was the llnost ever heard in Omaha. The orchestra was composed of thirty musicians , The programme was opened by the rendition of tlio Fcst march. ' 1 ho grand march was led by Mayor Hoyd and Mrs. Wheaten , with ( Wheaton and Mrs. Hoyd as the second couple. The various evolutions were performed admirably , thanks to the careful directions of promplors , who stood at either end of the hall. About 400 couples pailioipated , most of whom danced the following numbers of the pro gramme. After the grand mnroli vvns over a short intormUiion followed. The dancers Ihen formed in Kits for the lanciers , the various figures of which were gone through with to the inspiring strains of Krminio. " Following thereupon the programme , as outlined below , was car ried out. Not until half paht onu o'clock this morning did the tender cadences of "Homo , Sweet Homo" measure the Hy ing foot stops of the merry throng. The lull programme was as follows : Fest Mnreh Stelnmnn Lnuccis "Krmlnlo' Tohaino I'olba "lltltMi Patiol" Fred tor Llnder Qunilrlllo "Vngnrles ol youth" lioettger WalU " , Sho\v * i * > of Cold" Waldlonfol l.iinccrs "Luek In Lovo" Wclngniten Wall"Tim KOMJ of Arabia".Tusclner Laueers "Hocaocio" Supple Intermission. Overture .Martha" 1'lotow Miibleal Union Otchcstin. AYnltz-"liolden Mvrtlo" Pnlirbneh quadrille "Klks' Favorite/ Keeknr Jallop-"llnpnv Thought ! , ' ' Kllenbcrg ScholtUfho-'TreUy as n Hutterlly" Itoss \Vau-"iruiluio" \ ! : WIeirand l.nncois "Pilnctt Methii'-alem" MO.SCJ JU'dley ( inlop , PulKa. Walt * , , . , . . . . . . . . "Home , Sweet lioiiio" At tlio intermission for supper the beautiful overture from "Martha" by riotovv , was rendered by the orchestra. THIS CUlSSTa. A List ortlin I.uillcs and Gciitlomcit \\lio vVoro I'l'cscut. Mrs. Adams , Mr. and Mrs. \ \ ' . K. Annln , NTS. Apucl , Uenver. Mr. and Mr . W. F. Allen , .Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Adlcr , Mrs. Alk-r , Mr. Oca W. Ames , Mi * . lk rln | , Mr. nnd MrA , 11. K. lliuket , Mrs. HeddUou , ills , llrucker , lit , uuU Mrs. John Uoit , Mr. uudMrt , Chat. Urown , Dr. and Mrs. Ur6\vn , Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Hurkcr , Mr. and Mrs. , ) . K. Hoyd , M. Jlryant , Mr. ana Mrs. J. J. Brown , Mr. find Mrs.V. . U. Uennctt , Mr. nnrl Mr . W. N. Habcock , Mrs. A. lienham , Mr. and Mrs. II. U. HrlKht , Mr s. limner , Dr. and Mrs. Bur roughs , Mr. and Mrs , 1) . S. Uiurlgor , Mr. ami Mrs. Ellis Uicrbowcr , Mr. and Mrs. ISco. UogK , Mrs. , Mr. and Mrs. Louis Uradford , Mr. and Mrs. J. .1. Hum ? , Mr. and Mrs. 0. T. Hranch , Mr. antt Mrs. K. K. Cutler , Mr and Mrs. J. It. Clarkson , Mr. ( ieoreu Cnntlcld , Mr. and Mrs. II. ( . Clarke , Mr. and Mrs. D. O. Clarke , Mr. nnd Mrs. William Cobarn , Mr. and Mrs. K. K. Collins , General and Mrs. Cow In and dn-ichter , Mr. and Mr * , h. H. Chapman , Mrs. 0. W. Clcavclnnd. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Calm , Colonel and Mrs. Curtis , Mr. and Mr * . Colpct/pr , Mr. and Mrs. .1. C. Crawford. Mrs. ( Icncral Crook , Mr. nnd Mis. llichard Currier , Mr , and Mrs. C. 1C , Con taut , ( leoigo Downey , C. III. Dewcy , Mr. and .Mrs. O. 11. Dorrancc , Mr. and Mrs. Dnvls , .Indite and Mrs. Doane , Mr. and Mrs. I * . J. Drake , Mr. amiMis. . llarrv Dcuc ) . Mr. and Mrs. 1) . D. Davis , Mr. and Mrs. C. Dictz , Mr. and Mi . S. Diindy , Miss Annie Dunham , Ulllo Dlvon , May Dtindy , Miss Doviuo , I'liiladclphla ; Miss Dickey , Mr. and Mrs. Prank livvltitf , Mr. and Mr > . llobcrt iasson ; , Mr. and Mrs. Kdily , Mr. anil Mrs. llunry I.stahrook , Mr. nnd Mrs. X , U. falconer , Mis. J. S. Fisher , New York ; Mr. and .Mrs. J. A. Pul ler , Mrs , W. T. Kltcli , Mr. and Mrs. T. l-'ltz- matulcc. Mr. and Mrs. Hen Callndicr , Mr. and Mis. ( i. .1. Ullt'crt , Mrs. ( Jiidlcy , Mr. and Mis. D. II. ( lOodmaii , Mr. and Mr . Citiygcr , Mr. and MisV. . I ! , ( iooilall , Mr. and Mis. Joseph Uainc.tu , Mrs. Gold- mnlth , .Mis. 11. llabkcll , liotieial and Mis. Ilauklii" ! , Mr. and Mrs , K. A. Houston , Mrs J. Meatli , Mi. nnd Mrs. C. S. lltt'itlns , Mr. and Mrs. 1 * . C. lllmubniiKh , Mr. and Mis. O. llnlncs , .Mr. and Mrs. C. O Harlnti , Mr. anil Mrs. M. llellman. Mrs. llallcr. New York ; Mr. and Mrs U , II. llurribon , Mis. II , II. Hudson. Mr. and Mrs. Heath , Mrs. ( Scarce llelmrod , MLS. llcmv , Mr. and Mrs. F. I , . llallor , Mrs. Howell , Mr. nnd Mis. A. P. Ilopkln < < . Mr. anil .Mrs. W. 11. Hams , Mr. and Mrs. P. K. Her , Mr. and Mis. H. 0 , .Ionian , Mi. nnd Mrs. , ) no. Jenkins , .Mr. and Mrs. Goo. A. Joslyn , Mr. and Mr * . Henry James , Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johnson. Mrs. Jones , Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Kcnnnrd , Mrs. M. A. Kcan , Mrs. Kellclstross , Mr. and .Mis. D. Kaufman , Prof. Knnpp , Boston : Mrs. O. J. Kenjon , Air. and Mis. T. L. Kimhall , Mr. and Mrs. KirkcnUall , Mrs. W. W. Lowe , Mr. and Mrs. K. U. Lowe , Mr. nnd Mrn. D. S. Lntulor , Mr. and Mrs. ( S. 11. Leslie , Mr. and Mrs. K. L. Lovejoy. Mr. and Airs. M. 8. Lindsay , Mr. nnd Airs. J. 11 , K. Lehman. Mr. and Mrs. G.V. . Llnlnger. Mr. and Mis. F. J. Lance , Mrs. Laurence * , Coun cil HluiTs : Dr. and Mrs. Lee , Mrs. S. N. Meallo , Mr. nnd Mrs. James Mor ton nnd sister , Mrs. Mnish. Mr. nnd Mrs. 1. W. Miner , Mrs. K. C. Mc.Shano and daugh ters , Mr , and Mrs. C. li. Moore , Mr.s. Miller , Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Moncll , Mrs. ( S. 0. Mor- rcll , Mr. and Mrs. Moriu Meyer , Mr.andMis. Adolph Me > er , Mr , and Mrs. Max .Meyer , Captain and Mrs. Maisli , Mr. and Mrs. W. li. Mlllnul , Mr. and Mrs. Louis Mendelssohn , Dr. and Mrs. McKcnnn , Mrs. McShnne , Mr. nnd Mrs.V. . II. .Mutter , Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Merrlaiii , Lieutenant and Mrs Mollory. Mr. nnd Mrs. S. P. Morse , Mr. nnd Mrs. J. AY. Morse. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Mctcalf , Mis. McCnskcllMr. . ami Airs. C. S. Montgomery , Judgn and Mrs. Neville , Mr. and Mrs. Fred o. Mr. nud Mrs. Ficd Nash , Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Miles , Mis. O'Lcary , Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Parrotle , Mr. nnd Mrs. A. J. Popple- ton , Mr. nnd Mrs. Goo. Pritehett , Mr. and Mrs. Hob Puivis , Mr. and Airs. W. L. Par- lotte , Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pundt , Mr. nnd Mrs. D. C. Patterson , Air. and Mrs. Gco. Paterson , Air. and Airs. A. Pratt , Airs. Percl- val , AIis. Paddock , Airs. Power , Air. nnd Airs. It. Al. Patterson , AIis. J. 11. Patterson , Air. and AIis. Churchill Parker , Kll/nbeth Ponplcton , Allss Puser , Council lilufTs ; Mabel Pratt , Lillie Pratt , Air. nnd Mrs. William Paxton. Air. and Alts. Lyman JClclianlsou , Air. and Airs. O. 11. Kothaker. Air. nnd Airs. K. S. Rood , Airs , licnde , Air. and Mrs. Edward Koscv\ater , Air. and AIis. A. T. Kcctor , Airs. liyron Heed , Air. and Mrs. O. N. Uninsev , Air. nnd Airs. Louis Itanpko , Air. and Airs. C. S. linyinoiul , Dr. and Airs. Somers , Airs. Alvin Saundcrs , All. and Mr. K. II. Stowe , Airs. Seckill , Logan , In. , Air. and Airs. P. AI. Snyder , Air. nnd Atrs. II. A. Simpson , Mrs. KlKgs , Air. and Alls. T.V. . Stevens , Airs. W. A. Sharp , Air. and Airs. A. H. Smith , Air. and Mrs Simpson , Mrs S T Imltli , Mr a a Airs. Thomas Swobe , Air. aim Mrs. E. 11. Sherwood , Mr. and Mrs. N. Shclton , Airs. Stecii , Air. and Airs. Joseph Southard , AIis. Straight , Mrs. Stewart , Air. nnd Airs. 1J. F. Troxell and mother. Airs. Trcman , Air. nnd Airs. John Tanner. Mr. nnd Mn > . L. Thomas , Air. nnd Airs. AI. A. Union , Air , nnd Airs. C. D. Woodworth , Airs. Wood , Judge nnd Airs. VVnkoly , Air. and Airs. G. D. Wyntt , Mr. nnd Airs. William Wntlaco. Airs. C. Woolworth , General and Airs. Wheaton , Air. and Airs. Woodnrd , Airs. Woodworth , Gcneaal and Airs. Webster , Mrs. Westerdoll , Mis. Yates , Air. and Airs. C. E. Yost. Alisses Kllea Armstrong , Nettle Berkley , Knte licntley , Noith Pintle , Allss Hums , Allsb Hrandeis. Li//.io Urown , Miss Dennett. Aliss Hidues , Uullnlp , N. Y. , Alda liorlln , Alagglo lirovvn , Emily Uutterneld , AIIss Han- scrmnn , Aliss Chambers , of Kansas City ; 1C. Harker , Aliss Hutterhcld , Allss Hishoii , Lilllo lirunei , Aliss Darker , Annie Hoyco , Alar aiot Hoyd , AInbcl Urown. Lillie Jirown , Aliss Bishop. Aliss liioun Knte Chase , Agnes Clark , LI//lo Cnulield , Minnie CInike , Llz/lo Callahan. Fnnnio lilulTs ; AlihS Ada Ho cll , Allss Hoaclnnd , IncHnskell , Annie Haskcll , I'.iniim Hnng- Jand , Allss Hunt , AIIss Hall , Blniicho Hefi- man , Aliss Hanscom , the Allsscb Holmes tlio Misses How ell , It. Hamilton , Alamlc Josslvn , Ella Kennedy , AIIss Kitchen St. Joe , Af iss Kninlit , .Miss Lehmci , Aliss AIcDovtell , Coun cil UIulls , AIIss Aliller , Aliss McLnln. Irene ami Jennie Atoorc , Aliss AlcClinteck , Ainy Mnnsticld , Alinnlo Alegeath , AInmlo Alonoll , Aloars , AIIss Aliller , Miss AlcCormlck Allss Jennie AlcClel- lan , Jennie. Alegeath , Aliss M'c.Meiminy , Julia Odlrer , Alay Perrv , St. Joe : Alabiii Pratt , Nellie Peek , Keokuk ; AIIss Hciulnc- ton , Allss Itoedcfci , Alinnio Klch- artls , Lillie and Alay Jtlclinrdsun , Stella Itosewnler. Aliss Itamsny , AInrv Stcvons , Xelllo Sackctt , Council lilulTs ; Aliss Someis. AliuKle bwllt , Onriie Spoouur , the Alisses Shenrs , Allss Somers. Aliss .Sliaip , Alnry Sherwood , Alattlo Sharp. Miss Stevens , Maggie Swift , 11. 1C. Thomas , Ida AI.Thomns , Allss Vnll. Nlctor White , AIIss Wakely. LIda Wilson , Alnculo Wilson , I.eaven\\oilh , Aliss Wither , thi ) Alisses W.idloinh , or Clin ton , la. ; AIIss Wilbur , Hertha Yost , Lieutenant Abcicrnmblc , A. Al. Aklns , Itichnid liorlln , D. P. Henedlct , Harry Hiuk- ley , A. W. Hroek , Air. liiirgcit , U. 1) . Itutler , F. D. Urown , T. J. Ucrry. , K. o ! Hniton , C. C. Chase , Willie Calm , CoIonolC. S. Clinso , W. H. Ciary , Nato Craiy , Hnrry Ciemcr , G. S. Alvcrsou , D. .1. Collins , 0. Cr.iwford. Herbert Cook , Clms. A. Clark , 0. K. Collins. Ed Cornish , II. 0. Colin. , ] . T. Clark , G. C. Cnt- llu. L. Child , W. E. Clark , J. II. Cumber- lidne. A. J. Cornlsli , Lincoln. A. Davenport , HnrlfiiKton , Will DIckey , Luther Diako , HiuhCh , Laurence ll.iy , H. Hitchcock' F. Lvmnn , , lnlius Alevrr , AI. A. Alauln , Joint AlcClintook , HaiivMooro , H. S. Alclntosh , O. P. AlcCarthy , JV. II. Almlord. I ) . 1) . Alul- Alincr. J. H. Ncll on , O. AI. Olhou , T. AI. Orr. D. J. O'Donahoe , W AI. Pike. 15. Patrick , II. D. Pike , J. 11. Porter , James Hicharnson , Clark Itedlck , 1. It. lUmswalt , H. H. ItolUns A. L. Iteed J. , , . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . \vr * tr\iinrt n \\r i > i. i..i. A .I i > .i. .iiuiiii , j.t tii ou\m-i , u.j , iiiiiuuis , u it. Tnvlor , Air. Volluui , Lieutenant Wilson , J. S , Woodbmn , Colonel C , JVH \ ou , COSfUMUS. Some of tlio Notable Dresses of the Airs. F , H. Lowe , a bride , were ono of the haiiiUomebt toilets , a heavy white satin en train \\ltli pc.irl front , \\hito rosua and diamonds mends , Mrs. D , O. Clnrk wore n rich black satin visiting costume with heavy Jptted liont. dnik red bonnet , diamonds. MUs E. It. Armstrong More a st > llah bottle cieeu velvet , relieved with Mikado jcllow Y bluped corsage , Ulumoudi. Airs , W. W. Lowe lobkcd stately In black velvet with blue and white head dress , blue fan. diamonds. AIIss Uussle Tremnlno wore \hlto cash mere combined with peacock blue velvet , dl.v AlrsTl. W. Atlner wore n stylish rostmno of Mark satin with front and panels of blnck nnd vMilte brocade , diamonds. Atlss Annie .Southard , cream wool cotdcd and bronze plush , pink roses and Illy of the valloy. Airs. Dr. Brown , of Fort Omnhn , were n handsome reception dress of lawn colored bilk en train diamonds. Airs. General Hawkins wore n vlsmnc dress of black gros grain , red velvet bonnet dlnmondo. Mrs. Annln , heavy blnck gtos grain heart shaped corsage. Afiss Kichnrd on. pnlc blue silk. Mrs. Strantr. rich blnck silk trimmed with cut jet natural tloweisniid diamond1 ! . Airs. Collins were a strikingly beautiful costume ot blnck velvet en train with front of while flowered velvet nnd point lace trim- mines A' shaped corsage , dlamondsi.ind bo- quct of white toses. AIIss Collins wore a green velvet with pink brocade front , diamonds nnd of ro es. Airs. Hjroii Heed wore biovvtt silk and bio- cndo with point Inco nud dlnmonds. Aliss Dicker , \\ldto caslimete with satin. AIis. Heal , becoming blnck lace dress with jets tiatund Honors. AIis. Carter were a strlkluc dress of helio trope velvet entrain , with heavy pink bio- endolront , sleeveless and pointed corsage beautifully trimmed , diamonds. AIIss AlcAIennmy , becoming blnck silk dress with hrond pink sash , sleeveless cor- sauc nnd Incc llchti. Airs. Klrkctulnll were a noticeable dress oC cream satin en train , tlio side panels covered with embossed ted rwes diamonds Airs. General Ciook looked well 111 black velvet ami point lace , diamonds. AIis. Hondo were blnek cotdcd silk en train , sleeveless and pointed coisnge , dia monds. Alr.s Will Itedlck wore palo clnk sill : com bined with nnlcst u'rceu , dlnmoiids. AIIss Hums woie white silk combined with ( lowered silk. Airs S. P. Alorso wore nn elegant pink bilk en tialn , dtnpcd with lace , diamonds. Airs. Keller wore pale blue mohe , dia monds. Airs. Hallcr wore cream satin en train with bodice of garnet plush , diamonds. AIIss Lake were a uretty blue silk covered with tulle , sleeveless corsace , roses. AIIns Ida Sharp wore Krcen satin with fiont of eronm nnd creon striped plush. AIis. C. S. Hnymond wore black satin en trnlu vvitli pink Iront covered with lace Hewers - ers , diamonds. AIIss Carrie slovens , of Council Hind's , looked well In pink satin with fteiit of ( low ered silk , garnets. Airs. Appcl , ot Denver , were an elegant cream satin en trnlu , with pearl pnssamcn- teric , diamonds. AIIss Shears w010 a pale green dress with striped front drapery , diamonds. Airs. G. I. Gilbert vvoio a handsome blnck satin en train , trimmed with cut jets , roses. Airs. IHinebaiiKh wore n reddish brown hllk combined vvitli a grayish mlxtuio en train , diamonds. Airs. Hitchcock were a red silk dicss covered with white lace draperies. Airs. Albert Calm were a pi ctty black lace dress with jet sleeves , diamonds. Airs. Estabrook were a white silk tilmmed with passamcntetio and linishcd with pom pous. AIis. Edholm were a pretty white silk , sleeveless , vvitli ostrich fitirnituics , dia monds. Aliss Ijnms were a stylish dress of blnck tulle with striped corsage , sleeveless nnd pointed. Airs. Atorlt/ Meyer , white silk with crystal pnssnmentcrle , diamonds. AIIss Almy woio black lace over a green silk front and can led a lai ge boqttet of fei us. Airs. Dr. Lee , blnck satin and lace blight- encd with red. Airs. 13. 11. Snow were pink satin nnd bro cade linishcd with pearls. Airs. Hnnlson were urcen plush combined with white satin covered vvitli led roses , diamonds. AIIss Bennett wore white cashmere covered with lace rulllcs. Aliss Woolworth were blue silk cut low. Airs. Hnrrlger were n pretty white surah dress trimmed with cut jet , diamonds. Aliss Luna Dundv were a lovely golden plush dress , diamonds. AIIss Dundy were n visiting costume of green mile nmi uonnut , inamoiitls. Airs. Love wore n yellow silk with tulle front , jetted sleeveless corsnue , diamonds. Airs. Aletcalf wore pink silk en train com bined with plush , diamonds. Aliss Clara Brown were a white lace dress w itli black velvet corsagy. Airs. E. S. Dundy , jr. , were a black velv et with pink trout , diamonds. Allbs Someis were a pale green silk and pcails. Aliss Aliller woie white silk , pearls. Aliss AIcLane , white silk with black velvet bodice. Airs. Wakcllcld wore pale blue cnshmcic nnd lace. AIIss Perry , of St. Joe , woio cream satin and pearls. Airs. ColpaUcr were a very hnndsomo Inv- cndcr bilk cu train with iridescent trimmings diamonds. The Alibscs Wadleigh , of Clinton , In. , wore respectively a bllver gray satin on tiaiii. witli cor.sane gnrnltured , vvitli pink roses and diamond mend ornaments , and a lavender satin witli elaborately trimmed purple velvet bodice dia monds. Airs. J. K. Clarkson wore a hnndsomo white brocade en tialu witli brown velvet bodice. AIis. Hospevvoio a pictty lemon silk and natural llowcrs. ' Alts. AUK Piatt were n heavy black silk with blnck and vvhltoiihisli , diamonds. Allss AInbcl Piatt woie blue silk and natu ral tloucis. Aliss LHa Alexander were a white dress with beaded trout ; natural llowcrs. AIIss Florence Gnrllck were a white lace dress over pale blue silk ; pearls. Aliss Jones , ot Council Bluffs , were a pretty light blue bilk en tiain gninltuicd with daisies. Albs Ofllccr , of Council Bluffs , wore pink silk en train with front ot tulle tutted w 1th choiilllrt ; ostilch tips. Airs. Thuibton were n rich white molro with heavy cmbioldered liont and passnmcn- tcries ; diamonds. Airs. I ) . Kauirman were white silk with elaborate penil trimmings ; diamonds. Alibs licntley , of Noith Platte , wore palo blue hllk. the front picttlly ttimmcd with points tipped with pom poms. Airs. Suobo woio white silk and point lace combined \\lth red velvet ; diamonds. AIIss Fitch wore a lavender dcml-tollct and white lint. Airs. H.'O. Patterson wore a cream wool diess with Ineo HOIIIHCS , ilowers. Alihs Oakley , of Lincoln , were flowered bilk and cnrilimere , pearls. .Miss Lohmer were hion/o fntin nnd Inco. Airs. Gntncnii were n white .silken en train with gninltures of lace , dlnmonds. THIS KUl'l'KIt. A Bounteous Spread in the Annex The MOIUI. A canvas sijn { ; spread on the cast pal- lery announced to the hungry "Supper in the annex. " At half past 10 o'clock thn doors of the entrance from the main room wcro thrown open. Couple after couple filed In and in a short time the seating capacity was full. The tables , twelve in number , were ar ranged in transverse rows the width of the building. They wcro manned by : i largo force of waiters , gathered from the hotels. Seven hundied hungry persons were waited upon with quickness and dispatch , in treat contrast with the wretched service on former occasions , As only ! iOO persons could bo seated at once , the tables were tilled three times or more , The spread was in ehargo of Mi * , lial- dull' , who , though ho Imd taken the con tract on very short notice , furnished a supper which was in full harmony with other features of the occasion. The menu , without being tin July elaborate , was thoroughly good and served in a style which shows Balduti'to bo a master of his business , The menu wus as fol lows : Cafe an Lalt Vienna Breads Chicken Croquetts Green Peas Allegretto Cream Fancy Cakes Macaroons Kisses A report of this feature of tlio nflair would bo incomplete without mentioning the statue , in miniature of ISartholdi's Uodde s of Liberty. The figure stood ten feet high on u lofty pyramid of frosted cakes , in its uplifted liand wus a small torch , which beamed merrily upon the throng gathered about the tables. The of tl o "U withsmilax and stood in the center of the room. _ A rinanclnl Succc ; i. The financial success of the brilliant event Is assured , although to what extent It Is Im possible to nscorfriln. About one thousand tlcket wcro sold. ' Thn expenses will not ex ceed 3000. leav ln a net fund of about S-yio ( ! , which will be disbursed In the usual manner. A Lntly Co * itcr Hns Her Skull JCrttsliocl. A coasting party mot with an accident on I'opulcton avenue last night that will result fatally to Miss Annie Matscn. A number of young people were coasting at the junction of Popploton avenue and Twenty-second strcot , when ono of the traverses collided with a cab that was crossing the street. Two young ladies , Miss Hannah Alatson and Miss Gertie Sawhill , were seriously hurt. Miss Alnt- sen's skull was crushed and she received other Injuries that will result fatally. Miss Sawhill was very seriously hurt. Medical attention was summoned. Miss Matsen was sinking rapidly at a late hour and was not expected to live until this morning. AX ornunit sTAimui ) . Policeman Muilililo Seriously Wounilcri by n Time. At 2 o'clock this morning Olllcer Dan McBride went into the Union Pacilie hotel on Tenth street to arrest two men who had gone into the lodger's apart ments evidently with burglarious intent. The oflicor caught the two men and started down the stairs vvitli them when one of the thugs , named .fames Nolan , drew a knife and stabbed the ollicor in the nock , barely mlssinir the jugular vein nnd inllicting a dangerous though not fatal wound. Nolan and his partner , Tom llayncs , wcro arrested by Ollicer Ormsby and lodged in jail. Ax Kvcttlnc Kunnwity. Mrs. P. J. Kirkcndall and Mrs. J. S. Brady met with a startling accident ycs- tcrdaj' atlcrnoon. They were out for a sleigh ride and when passing the corner of Twcntv-third and Farnam streets the horse became frightened and upset the cutler throwing the ladies out but fortu nately both escaped injury. The animal then ran down l-arnam street , a part of the time on the sidewalk to the l'a\ton house corner where the runaway collided with Air. J , T. Clarke's sleigh throwing Mr. Clarke and his driver out. Tlio col lision upset Mrs. Kirkendall's horse , and in the fall a broken shaft was driven into the animal's side inllicting a fatal wound. Commercial The members of the Nebraska Travel ing Men's association are circulating a petition to the general baggage masters of the various lines of railroads , asking that no storage' ' bo charged on the bag gage of commercial travelers Irom Sat urday noon until Monday noon. Accord ing to the present rule the traveling men are compelled to pay storage on their baggage every time they slop for Sunday. The nioyolo Kaco To-Night. More than usual interest is being taken in the bicycle races that will take place at the exposition building to-night. The friends of K. N. Bullock are sanguine in the belief that with a start of three- fifths of a milo he can defeat Dingley in a twenty-flvc-milo race. The boy's race will bo an exciting one , ami the amateur race an excellent exhibition. The races will doubtless attiact a large attendance. Notice Omaha Council No. 1 .Jr. O. U. A. M. As arrangements could not bo made to change the night of meeting , a regular meeting of the council will be hold at G. A. U. hall on Saturday evening , January 15. Business of importance. Members rcqcsted to be present. By order J. lio. SMITH , C. PB. DUXLAP.R. S. "They Arc ncnutlfiil. and much larger than in other Addi tions , " is the usual verdict regarding the 200 lots in AumiGiir's CHOICI : . Bttiltlinu I'crinltH. Superintendent Whitlock issued build ing permits yesterday as follows : Joseph Dayton , 1 story frame cottage , Bur- dotte , near 3lst . § MO Union Pacilie Ity. Co. Iramo oil noiiso neai tracks . 0f,00 Two pcimits aggregating . 87,000 Great Excitement in Sot'Tii OMAHA over the way acres and lots in AI.HIMCHT'S Cnoiri : arc going. Twenty-two lotssoldin one day. IlrcviticH. Police business has been unusually light this month. The bank clearances yesterday amounted to ifaitilS7.-2. ! The internal revenue collections yes terday aggregated $10,220.-U. Permit to wed was granted yesterday to 11. S. Maine and Miss Allio Kitchie , both of Omaha. Mrs. Sarah J. Paynter , proprietor of the Occidental , began an action in Jus tice Borka's court yesterday to secure a board bill of $27 against J. II. Johnson. Kdholm Ai Erickson commenced suit before Justice Borka yesterday to get possession of a piano that had been sold by them to Charles Kohlmcycr. The plaintills alleges that Kohlmeycr has tailed to make the required payments. Manager Bandlo.of the Omaha Base Ball club , retntncd yesterday morning from Chicago , whore ho went sec about engag ing some now players. However , ho did not succeed in securing any "nhenomc- nons. " The location of tlio base ball ground has not vet been determined upon. The Sweaxy property on Twenty- fourth and Cass .streets will possibly fit ) secured. It is oll'ercd at a rental of $0,000. Absohitely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of purity , strength and wholesomeness. More economical than the ordinary kinds and cannot be sold in competition wiib the mul titude of low test , short w eight alum or phosphate powders. Sold only 'n cans. Royal Making Powder Co.,409 Wall street , New York. SATISFACTORY , Jffariny completed out' annual inventory , we find that altJiottyh the perccnfaye of profits was far below t/ic Icyltiinatc avct'titjc. , yet tlte ciior- tuoies voJinne of trade trlticlt tvehave enjoyed , walscs t7ie roan It very sat " tsjttctory. We tJicreforc taltc jtlcusni'C iti annottnciiiy that we will hold * * * WEiijILTjJr SAJuJES of all our rcinainuty winter stucJi at a stitl greater reduction in prices until it is entirely closed out , GUIS AT OVJEMCOAT SAX.J8. The worst of the winter is still to come , for many lony days the mercury will horcr around the zero points HER ® I ® YOUSi GREAT OZ'POllTUNITY. Cotnnicnciny iojlaij we will close otit ourcnfircline of Overcoats a nil Ufstcrs for 3Icn } Jioyx ana" Children atlcsstJian half their real value. Every article is f/iiarautccd to be precisely as represented and wJtutevcr yon may purchase from its , for yourself or friends , in tlte city , or out of the cifyif not satisfactory in jit , style or price he 'money will be cJicerfully refunded witJiont ashing to ex- cJiangef'or other goods. All goods marked in plain figures and at strictly one price. Company , Cor. Douglas and 14tli sts. , Omaha. VA 3 and 4 , Ounnlng am Hall , 524 S , I3fh St. Is the New Annex to South Omaha. TEN MINUTES WALK from the STOCK YARDS Large lots just placed on tlie market. They are for sale and will be sold cheap * Now is the time to buy. Best chance for investors on the market. See that you don't get left But secure one of these beautiful lots at once. Lots in Randolph. Place will double in price at once. Call on Evans &c Johnson and get Prices Lots in Randolph Place are for sale only by Evans & Johnson and Selden Rooms 3 and 4 Cunningham Hall , 524 S. I3fli Street. rim SAM : . A Initio number of roconloil Poiulieron nnd Chdobtlulu titulllulis. Alto Homo llioil i-'olls livery minimi piinriintooil u lireuler. 1'ilco ? rcusoniililo mid tuims ens-y. Ournnck hns htcn solcttoil with rolinencB to both inilUliliinl morlt nmi podhHce. A lurjro nmnfoor of our Blnlllons ro iiccllnmtert nmi ColiH of tlielr jat tun ho tliown , Yoik U on tlio II. i. M. K. It. , two hours' rlilo est of Lincoln. Tor cutu- BBUNER & BBJBZEE' Taxidermists Doftlcrsin gcncuil na tural hlttory ami mil- feoum supplies. Artifi cial eyes , Knissos. oto. Custom work of ml kinds lll receive , prompt intention. Capitol Ave OMA A , C.S. RAYMOND . . , RELIABLE JEWELER , Watches , Diamonds , Fine Jewelry , Silverware . , The largest stock. Prices thn lowest. Repairing a specialty. All work warrantj * rd. Corner Douglas and lOth streets , Omaha Licensed Watchmaker for the Union I'uclfio Kuilroad company. HOW TO ACQUIRE WEALTH. > o HLANKSI iiKJ i > iiy.isi : JVJKV : : VIIAH oviu A MILLION IMSTHIUL ni : > . 5IOKI3 THAN ONH Dlt.VVVINO A .MONTH. TWO mcAvu.M.s j.v rjintituAitv : , TIII : IST AM SOTII , Only $300 iequircd to secure on Royal Italian 100 francs gold bond. These bond participate in 225 drawings , four drawings every > e.n and retain their original \uluc until the year 1914. 1'rucs of 2,000,000 ] ,000,000 , f 00Wf , ( ) &c franct.ill be sides the certainty of receiving back 100 francs in gold , j on may win 1 times a jear and so come into possession of a fortune. We oft'ei these bonds 101 ? 2 00 , monthly iitttnll- mcnts as long as our supply lasts , . . . . , { With only ns HrM piiyniuiit you mil fccuro 0 Ilnripean irnvrimnont bonds , M hit li ors drawn 1C thnui miiiiiully with pil/tmuiiounlhiKlo o > ur S. tutrw nmil. , Imlimco on nu y iiiuntliljr lii'tuHiiiiinla hulo liuestiiu'iu ot unplliil u ilio lm tu < l ini/iuy inm.t lit pnlil buck nn < l tunny chV ) t8tovilnul > lKi | . rUe _ _ Mono > cinbc will1yiMWV.fti lilir , money order or "V fxpruuJ , uud iu rutuiliU1I t u toiuuidudllio lioiuN lor lurlliui Iiiroriiiiillon , I'ull on ndiliosd , | [ iitll.HAM < IMi tOMl'A.NV , 005 Broadway , New Varlt. . n. TUeso Uonda me not lottery ttcieta , and tliu siUo Is IttroUv jjcjiuUtei ) . Illy tuw ol Ibi8 > .