THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ! SATURDAY. JASTAKY 13 , 1887. THE DAILY BEE. COUNCUTBLUFFS SATUHDAY MOHNINO , , IAX. 15. OFFICE , flU. 12 , PEARL STREET. fit llvcrtd l > y cnnricr In nny purl of the city at tfl cnly ccnti per week. 11.f. . TILTO.V , Manager. E , No. 13. KlUIIT limiOK NO. 23. M1NUK MI3NTION , N. Y. Plumbing Co. Hnavy suits cheap to onlfjr at Hcitor's. A roller skating rink Is to bo started in tliu McMahon bluck. Tlio jury in the case of Hroxvn vsViso yesterday aftcrnooti returned n verdict lor the plalntill'for about $100. Permit to wed has been given James Winaiif and Marv Walker , both of this city ; al. o C A , Dullbck and Hell Weaver , both of this city. The meeting of the city council Mon day night will bo an interesting one , as the Tenth avenue project Is set for con sideration at that time. An Information lias bran Hied against T. C. Laing so us to hold him until more can bo heard from the Chicago authori ties , by whom ho is probably wanted. For sain or exchange for clear land Council IlliilU ) or Omaha propnrty , a most promising and fashionable trotting bred two-year-old stallion , standard bred Kule I ) . Address P. H. Hunt , llarlan , la The drawing of prizes at the People's store takes place this evening. There is much interest felt , as the are many anil valuable , and a large number of people ple have tickets. Kev , Air Kolrhonbach led the union meeting in the Presbyterian church last evening. The meetings have been of in creasing interest , and are doubtless re- Hultmir in miieh good. Next week there will bo like .services hold In the Congre gational church. A. J. Mumlcl is considering the advis ability of purcha lng property anil put ting up a store building in Silver City , for the of establishing a branch of his large furniture house. The plans are not definitely decided yet. Uapp & Allen are not going to vacate the place now occupied by them. I'lio place talked of as _ liable to bo occupied by J. Hrensdorf , is next door to Kapi > A : Allen , the .store recently occupied bv It. P. .Nlles with his wall paper establish ment. Hrinton & Woodman , who recently went trom hero to Siver City , and there opened a general store , are reported as doing a very largo and increasing busi ness , and prospering in all their ways. They are young men of push and business ability and will miecod if success is among the possibilities. There was a brilliant gathering at the Ico-skatmg rink on Fifth avenue last Jiight. There was good music , a goodly company of the best ladies and gentle men of the city , and all the needed com forts of arrangements wore provided for both the skaters and the lookers-on. In the district court yesterday the case of Heche vs the Kquitable Mutual Endow ment association of Waterloo , was on trial. ' 1 his i.s a case brought to force the company to pay for furniture bought by its agent Kandall , who skipped out and left the association as well as others mourning his untimclv mode of leaving with bills unsettled. It is stated that one of the teachers in the public schools was so certain that Colonel Daily was elected county judge , instead of county attorney , that'sho was going to pumsn'ono or tire pupus wno in- nisted that she was mistaken. The boy had to bring documentary evidence to keep the dust in his jacket. A big game is reported as having boon played hero Thursday night , in which one of the former ollicials sought to rcali/o enough money to enable him to move into Omaha with a flourish. Jn this lie was disappointed , however , and the amount of his loss is variously estimated from ? ! (30 ( to double that amount. The Came was watched by many eager eyes , and was the theme of talk yesterday among sporting circles. Sheriff Hainbow , of llarlan , was in the city yesterday , his mission hero being to got Frank Hinklc , who was recently cap tured at Portsmouth , Iowa , and brought to this city for stealing a horse near Miiuloii. llinklo escaped some time ago from the oHicora at llarlan , and they feel that they have a priority of claim upon liiin. Shorill'Hcol did not feel like giving him up.howover , and ho will bo held hero fora time at least. A young man named W. O. Pryor , ! ! ; ing at No. 1150 South Madison street , yes terday picked up a well-lillcd pocketbook - book , and loft it at Kisenmn's store for nn owner. It was soon claimed by : i young lady , a dressmaker , who had dropjtcd it , and who could ill allbrd to lose it. The linder is a mere boy , who is now out of employment , and whoso honesty recommends his ease to any one who can iitili/o his services. Such a boy ought not to be compelled to hunt long for work. Justice Ilnrncll has been presented by the Methodists with a beautiful cornet , as a slight recognition of his services in contributing to the musical attractive ness of the services in tlirt church. Under some circumstances it is well for a man to blow his own horn , and this seems to be one of them. In leading the congregation in the singing of inspiring hymns Mr. liiirnctt has made his cornet almost a necessity to the services there , and a more fitting present nor one more worthily bestowed , could hardly bo sug gested. The argument of the motion for a new trial in the Kdwards case occupied Judge Carson's time and attention yesterday. Colonel Daily , who defended Kdwards , made a strong argument in support of the motion , and did not complete the re view of the testimony taken in the trial of the case. He will conclude his argu ment this morning. Ho seems quite con fident that ho can sccuro a now trial for his client , but the publm would in that case bo no less convinced that Kdwards is a clover crook , who ought , for the pub lic good , to bo put behind the bars. It is reported that he belongs to a gang , and is so valuable a man to tlie others that they are furniMiIng him with every jiossl- bio moans of securing a release. As the major got clear of the charge of killing Hughes , the precedent may bo followed by the reloaio of Kdwards , who is looked ujioti as fully as hard a fellow , ( loorgo H , Hoard has about got his etoek in shape for removal to Omaha , and by the lirst of the coming month will fairly opened up in his now location over the river , having leased Nos. KI17 and IJIH ) Douglas street , near Fourteenth. Mr. Heard ha. boon in the wall paper and decorating business hero for bovon years Vast , and has established a reputation for carrying choice goods and tor the ar tistic skill bhown m decorating , Ho will continue to occupy his residence hero , and will so arrange as to accommodate Ids Council IHull's and Iowa customers as well as before , Ho proposes to put into Ills now store the largest and finest stock over shown njyi'st of Chicago , and to have greater facilities than ever for doing the best work. No man in this part ol the country understands better the needs of the trade , nor how to moot them , and for proof ot his really artistic work ho hits many evidences in the interior ot many houses and public building * in this vicinity. At the skating.rink this Saturday afternoon HAND CO.NCKltT. Admission. 200 , .IKE . FATHER AND LIKE SON , Young Haddock To Eater an Iowa Fnlpit and Fight For Prohibition. NFATUATED BY A WOMAN. Tom Itrooks Undecided "Whether To Shoot Himself or Drink Himself To Dontlt A Hey Tries n Cose In Court Sing "Hny , " the Merry AVclKlinmstcr. HaililocU'fl Hon. Frank C. Haddock , the only surviving f = on ol the late Rev. ( J. C. Haddock , has accepted a call to preach in the Method * istchurch at Hasloy , la. Mr. Haddock it aged about thirty-live years , lie Was graduated from Lawrence university , Appleton , Wis. , the same institution from which the writer , and also Mr. Jacob Sims , of this city were graduated. In collcac he took high rank , both In work and literary societies , and In the year * , since then he has ripened in scholarship , He was for a time encaged in editing a religious paper in Milwati- , and was afterwards ordained as a Methodist minister. After a short pas torate he accepted a rail to a Congrega tional church , and resigned to enter the law. In tlio legal profession ho gained no lit ! le reputation for a young man , aud especially as a law writer showed much ability. The tragic death of his father lias caused -ome change In his plans and life. He has been of late preparing a bi- ograithy of his father , and now lias do- cided .take t : up the ministerial work again aud succeed his father. He intends to cuter into I he temperance work with enthusiasm , and it has been suggested ( hat he take the pulpit at Sioux City , where his father was so suddenly cut down. The suggestion is , however , not to be followed out at present at least. lie will enter upon the pastorate at Haglcy at once. He has been received Into the Methodist church as an accredited minister - tor of the Congregational church , and \yill bo limited somewhat in his func tions , under the rules , until tlio regular meeting ot' the conference in the fall , when lie will be admitted to tlio Meth odist ministry in full. Cenlerville .soft-lump coal , fU.75 per ton , delivered , Win , Welch , 015 Main btreet , telephone ! ) H. L. B. Crafts & Co. are loaning money on all clashes of chattel securities at one- half their former rates.- See them before securing your loans. An Infatuated Yotinir Mnn. Tom Brooks was before Judge Ayles- worth yesterday , he being charged with having violated the conditions ot his bond , by which ho was to let Kmma Goodwin alone. I * , appears that Kmma was as greatly infatuated with him as ho with her until lately , when she evidently bidotraeked her allcction. Ho has coaxed her and thumped her , and will not give up the idea that she is through with him. She is now living in Stella Long's ' house , and after giving bonds and his word to have nothing to do with her , it is said that he still insists on bothering her. She states that he met her near the postollieo , and told her ( lint if she did not return to his arms he would shoot her and then kill hhnsolf. Someone , whom she thinks was Tom , throw a piece of iron through the window at her , and again a ltlO. O of O.JIll ACkLt > 'Al ri b t 4 > Lh * f.U. [ She also received a letter from him in which he pleaded for a return of her allections , and threatening to drink him self into an early grave if she did not ac cede to his wishes. Tom's folks _ arc very respectable people , and his aged mother is nearly heart-broken over his conduct. He msistson disgracing himself and bringing shame upon his own fam ily by sticking to a prostitute , despite the fact that the woman has tired of him , his friends have urged him to regain his manhood and the court has placed him under bonds and taken the most solemn promises from him. Judge Aylcsworth gave him a sharp lecture yesterday , but concluded not to lock him in jail any longer for the present , but to hold the case open , .so that if Tom docs not show speedy signs of being weaned ho may bo again thrown behind the bars until his infatuation is cured. Dr. Jlanchett , ollico No. 12 Pearl street : residence , 1'JO Fourth street ; telephone No. 10. _ _ Substantial abstracts of titles and real c.stato loans. J. W. & K. L. Squire. No. 101 Pearl street , Council Hlulls. A Hey Ijawyur. Yesterday the caseof ( iladwin , ch.ircrcd with a aultmg little Charlie Yaughan , son of the ex-mayor , was called up be fore Judge Ayicsworth. It appeared from the evidence that as ( iladwin was driving along Washington avenue a crowd of boys amused themselves by throwing snowballs at him. Ho became wri'thy , and jumping oft" his vehicle tackled the lirst lad ho could catch. Tlio victim proved to bo the little fellow named , and he disclaimed any part in the snow-balling. David Vaughan . another son of the cx-nmyor , conilucteu tlio prosecution , the jiul e tellin < ; him to go ahead and examine his witnesses if ho desired. The boy went into the case with all the case of an old attorney , and with all his native conllileiice. Ho snowed tip the faets in favor of liis little brother , and against the n rcssor , and came out of the trial with Hying colors , ( iladwin beinpr lined 1 and costs. Davids talked forth as proud as an.y boy with his lirst red top boots , and will probably bo BOOH knocking for admittaneo at the bar. Klectrle door bolls , burglar alarms and every form of domestic electrical appli ances at the Now York Plumbing Co. Pianos and Or ium. at No. 008 Hroadway witlt a full anil com- plolo stock of pianos and organs now and fresh from factory which will be sold re gardless of cost or time. Call , wo can Mtit yon. CV. . Kwors , manager. Tlio Market Place. The enforcement of the ordinance com pelling the hay and wood lisa ins to stand by the city buildings is causing quite a commotion. Only ono arrest lias boon made thus far for its violation , A complaint - plaint was filed against Stephen Dunn , but when the case was called up yester day , it was stated that all the otliclals wanted , and all the city wolgh-mastor wanted was that the ordinance .should be obeyed. They diil not ilesiro to prose cute the case , iirovulcd those engaged In this business would agree to abide by and obey the law. With this understand ing the rase was dropped. Those who violate it now that it is understood fully will be prosecuted without any such 1cm- cnoy being bhown. Such U the arrange ment made , and while there are many complaints and many protests , the market place will bo established for the present at least by the city buildings. Surd the Co'unty , The registers who served . for the special I'ity election are having hard work in petting their pay. The city paid one- half , and .left the Other 1mlf for tlm county to pay. Tbo couuty board claimed that the registry being made for tlio sole purpose of a city election , the county had nothing to do with it , and should not pay ito half of the c\poii'C3. ) . M. Shon , one itci the registers , who is also deputy county clerk , commenced suit before.Ins- tico Schtir/ for his pay , and yesterday was given a judgment for $20. This is the first of the case. * , but it is said that others arc to follow. ( icorgoHudlo. real estate nml nego tiator of loans. No. 150 ? Farnam struct. Omaha. | i Bargains in Council HltilVx and Omaha property. Stoves I Stoves I Stoves I Jfor tlm no\t thirty days I will sell heating stoves at cost for cash only. P. C. J ) > : Voi. . Found IIIn Diamond * . George ( lorstpachor again wears upon his shirt front the sparkling cluster diamond pin , which he lo l in his recent squabble in McAdam's saloon. Hert Forney , the bartender in the place , found it and restored it to the owner. Ccorgo still clings to the suspicion that an at tempt was made to rob him of the pin , but lie will not go into court to prosecute anyone. Thus the matter drops. Sec that your books arc made bv Moore- house & Co. , room l Kverett block. Hard and soft coal , best quality , all sixes. Missouri and Iowa wood. ( \ H Fuel company , 53'J ! ' Hroadway , Tele phone 1UO. At tlio "I'popln'H Store" this evening , 7.00 o'cloeKtho award ol the 100 grand presents will be made. A com mittee of eminent citi/ens will conduct thn exercises in tlio interest of the ticket holders and will see that each is fairly served. The numbers of the winning tickets will be published in the Sunday morning papcis and also on INionday. Delayed tty a Wreck. The Chicago & Northwestern passenger train due here yesterday morning did not arrive until ; ! : ! ! 0 o'clock in the afternoon. The delay was caused by a collision be tween two freights between Hoone and Clinton. No one was injured in the wreck. _ Sec the now meerschaums and the smokers' articles of all kinds at Moore A : Kiplinger's. Personal I'arnsraplis. L. A. Hees , a Hamburg prominent , was at the Paeilie yesterday. William McNelloy , of Kansas , is visit ing his sister , Mrs. S. Terwilliger , in this city.O. . O. C. Woodum and O. 1) . Woodum , of Plum Hollow , were in the Hlufisyesterday buying goods. Kov. .Stephen Phelns , 1) . D. , late presi dent of Coo college , has been invited to occupy tlio pulpit of the Presbyterian church on Sunday the 23d. Colonel C. R. Scott , of Omaha , has been in the city for a day or two engaged in the trial of a case in the district court. He makes his headquarters at the Pacilic. II. K. Seaman , "who was formerly a prominent book and stationery dealer hero and now located in New "York , is visiting hi * brother , W. T. Seaman , in Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Sims arc expected to return this evening from their wed ding trip , and will for the present receive their friends at the residence of Mr. J. E. Ilarkness. Mr. John Qtiinn , the ever watchful night policemen at the transfer , has re ceived the sad news of the death of his brother at Davenport , and has gone there to get the remains and bring them to this citv for interment. L. C. Baldwin , of this city , lias been chosen as the superintendent of the de partment of horses and mules for the state fair to be held next September. He is one of the best s tock men in the west , and tlio choice is a good one. Mayor lliley Clark , of Ncola , was in the city yesterday. Ho has made him self the idol of the school children , by a recent order giving them the freedom of the streets for coasting every afternoon after school hours. They all Imrrali for Itilcy now. J. T. Roberts , wife and son , arc stop ping at the Pacilic house until they can settle in their now home , the Into resi dence of W. It. Vaughan , who has gone to Omaha. Mr. Roberts is a valuable addition to Council Hlulls , and he and his will be gladly welcomed to the busi ness and t-oeial circles here. Yesterday Messrs. Odell Bros. & Co. sold the interest of F. M. Hunter in the Italian ! estate to William Saunders , of Omaha , by which Mr. Hunter more than doubled on his investment. The svndi- cato that purchased the Ballanl tract in tlio west part of the city was one of the lirst formed and tlio transfer was made about : November 1. This is one of the boom starters. Moore & Kiplinger keel ) the largest and best .stock of cigars and tobaccos in the city. Call and be convinced. Prof. McKniglit's free class in vocal and elocutionary culture will hereafter receive instruction in these important branches of educational art at the opera house dally at ! .25 p. m. The class had grown too largo to po accommodated in the Hloomor building , many having to stand for want of seats. The Phoenix saloon is to bo closed by the proprietor , Mr. Krnstdorf , who will store his goods until March next , when ho intends to open in Omaha. The gambling room in tlio rear of the Phoenix is to be removed tip stairs to tlio old quart ers. _ _ Salvation Oil should bo a companion of every traveling man. It extinguishes nam , whether resulting from a cut , a burn , a bruise , or a sprain. Chaucer says : "For gold in phisiko is a cordial , " For ail that sillier from Jioar. eno scold in the chest , Iniigtroiiblo , or bronchitis , Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup is golden "phisiko1 Price 25 corns. One of tlio most prosperous tobaccon ists of Poughkeopsio , N. Y. , displays in his j shop window a caril bearing the no tice : "No cigarettes sold to boys. " Sufferers from COIIJ | IB , Sore Throat etc. , should try "Jlruii'ii's lirnnchlal "Sun parlors , " or glass inclosed piaz zas , where invalids can recuperate , arc a feature of the lirsl-olass hotels in Florida Pure blood is absolutely necessary in order to enjoy perfect health. Hood's Sarsaparilla purities the blood and htrongthcns the system. The editor of the Ibervillo ( La. ) Demo crat gives Ills readers their valuable paper in the form of a half-sheet , all ho can af ford to give , ho says , to people who pay him only half they owe him. In the euro of severe coughs , weak lungs , spitting of blood , and the early stages of Consumption , Dr. Piorco's " ( iolden Medical Discovery1'has aston ished the medical faculty. While it cures the severest cough , it strengthens the gybtum and jiitnjks the bloml. By drug' ' gists , The Rutland Herald tells of a young man that went into a drug store in that town and asked for some rock and rye without any rock. B. V. Gilreath , Center Hill. Ark. , says : I have triedDrl J. H. McLean's ' Tar \Vino \ hung Balm , and unhesitatingly pro nounce it to bo the best remedy for coughs ami colits extant , COUNCIL BLUFFS BOOMS ! CALL AT HARKNESS BROTHERS , And select your Dry Goods and Carpers before the prices advance , We are selling elegant Patterns Dress Goods very low to close the lot. ncvci'mtw Jttttrk Sill ; * so those - ' noiv scll- < is n-c ( ti'e ll'c arc closhi/out ! Mils i-ntltr ttcitnrlincnt to make room / ' our /iirmiswf / CVn'/x1' / atorh't tnttl arc roiinctincntli/sclllmj them i > / ) ' ( tt extremely JM'/l'C.S / , ' Underwear , Etc , Are briny closed out very Von will wire money to are our and Knys before yon Inty. If yon want In- arain , Jlrnsst'ls , I'elret , or Moiinctte Car pet" , eome and see us or write for prices. . . , „ , . „ v is. 1'onticcs , Irai > crcsele. , Is larye andeholce , and . . . . . , „ , a full assortment of I'oles , Hods , Hrass ( , 'oods , ete. Our wurlt 1st done by nldlleil workmen. Orders by mall receive prompt attention. Harkness Bros. , Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa Farming Lands in Iowa , Minnesota , Kansas , and ranging from ? 5.00 to $10.00 per acre School and state lands In Minnesota on 31) ) years' time 0 per cent interest. Laud Htiyers fare free. Information , etc. , given by - - No. 555 Hroadway , Council Hind's , Iowa , agent for Freidrik.son A Co. . Chicago. THE QUEEN OF SONG. 1'nttl's Success In Mexico A South American ToutI'rolinlilp. . I'atti made her appearance in the CUy of Mexico last Thursday night at the Na tional theatre and was received with great enthusiasm , being recalled live times after one song and showered with rosc . The great theatre was packed , and the display of diamonds and superb toilets recalled tlio days of the empire. Patli will give the opera "The Harbor of Se ville Sunday night and one other con cert. The diva has been banqueted by Mrs. Diaz at the castle of Chapultepee , and will bo entertained bv the Jockey club at the race grounds. Her succe.-s in Mexico and the extension of the sca on there has made it necessary to cancel her proposed visit to Los Angeles , Und she will go Uirect from Mexico to San Fran cisco. Per some time past negotiations have boon in progress between Henry E. Abbey and Mine. Patti for a South American tour. The almost unexpected furor whieb her concerts have created in American cities .supplemented . bv a like cordial reception in the City of Mexico , lias convinced her that a tour through South America under Mr. Abbey's man agement would lie attended with results of a .similar satisfactory character , both artistically and linancially. Sig. Nieolim is also satislicd with the outlook , and it is said a contract for the South American tour will probably be arranged before Mine. Palti again appears in New 1'ork. SPECIAL NOTICES. Special advertisements , such HS Lost , Found 1o Loan , For Sale , To Hent , VSnnta , Donnllnir , etc. , will bolriBcrtod in thl8 column at the low rate of TEN CUNTS 1'Elt MNU forilioflist insor- ionnnd FlvoCentsI'crLlnororcachgubsoauoni insertion. Lcavo advcrllEouientH nt our ollico No. 12 Vuul struct , nuar liroadwur , Council llluffs. WANTS. FOKSAM : TlioBlunOard lucd fitiilllon , Har- voy Slur , by 1'ourson's Ainorlciui Star , by Feely's American Ptnr ; Ills ilnm liy Vornol's lllackliikwk , slro of ( Jreon'w Iliiehixu- . Will bo told for less monov tlmn ho will cnrn this FCII- son In the stntl Ho is found , kind , nml a line drlvor , eliiL-lo or double. Inquire of Wtido Cury , at the driving park , Council Hlulls. SALK Ctioice , sniDoth. unimproved ir,0 nciosclosotn iJrnlnanl. in llutk-r county , ttRka. Will Kivo larco discount from prus- ent valuu for casli. Address Ilurjlintr. Kiinyon .V.Ionos , David City , Nob. , or W. J. , llco olllcc , Council Bluffs , la. FOH SAJ.K At n bareuin , 2ii5 ncrosllli linn Iinprovcmcnls , slv miles cntt of Council Hlulls. 1'rleolow und nil tlio time needed. Jn- T. W. Van Sclovcr , Council Hlulls. "I71OU PAM' Illacksmllh and wag-on Miop. -L Only ono In town. Hx > : ullrit ! Imslnes" . Hood lOiieonsTor selling. Address C. U Sillier , 1'orls- inouth , In. TTIOIl HUNTrooin house , f35. First nve. , -6- opposite the park. Sullivan Kil/Korald. . FOH HUNT A now two-story frame dwelling house , containing si.c rooms , hall on both lloors , closuts nith all bed roomfl , lariro collar and Kood cistern. Call on .M. K Hohrer or Udell ilros. A' Co. POH HENT The ono-htory frame busmofls bulldlnir , with 4Toom dwelling attach ment , formerly occupied as a oamly factory and known as No. 110 South Main street , ex tending throuifh to 1'oarl at. Apply to M. F. liohror or Udell Ilros. A : Co. F Oil SAI.n Hiirher shop , good location , good reason for gulling , Address II , Ileo ollico. WANTED A cottage of llo or six rooms , located convenient to litiHlnoas ; gmull family , no children. Address "Crispy , " Hoe ollico. WANTKD-A toy with pony to carry Heo route. FUlt SAUi-Old papers for sale lit the Hoe otDce. WANTini I'arlles Intending to lie married are wanted to o.ill at the 1'ryor'a llco job olllce to select their uuddlng cards. JJII.V V. SI' I J JACOB SIMS STONE & SIMS , ATTORHEYS-AT-LAW , Practice in the State and Federal courts liooms 7 and 18 Shugart-Hcno lilo-k. : COUNCIL IBTjUIflfS WQ . X3 .Main , S7. , Council lilnffa. The cheapest place In the city to buy CROCKERY , LAMPS , SILVER PLATED WARE , GLASSWARE , r-ANO- FINE POTTERY. THEATRICAL WIGS , BEARDS , Tlio Finest Ini ported I.Ino of Oooils West ol ClilciiBO. Mrs. C. L. Gillette's Human Hair Emporium No , 209 Main Street.Council Bluffs , Iowa. FINE - FRENCH - MILLINERY , 1514 Douglas St. , Omaha. NEW IMPORTED STYLES OPEN. Ladicsbuying a § 5 hat or bonnet , one fare will Lc paid ; ? io , lountl trip. MKLVIN SMITH. 1. T. IIOIIRIITS. SL'CCUbSOIISTO McMAHON & GO , Jftstiacts of Title , Loan and Real Es - tate Broker ; , Ho. 236 Main St. jrat'inu purchased the."mostre1la' blc abstract books In this county- known as the "jreMnhoii Abstract Hooks , " wearcnow prepared to fur nish abstracts and respectfully so licit the patronarjeof all those desir- inij correct abstracts of title to lands and lots In J'ottaniattainie county. NO. 236 MAIN ST. , COUNCIL BLUFFS N. SCHURZ , Justice of the Peace Office over American Exprcts. n. K.ICE , M. D. , rnnrori Or otl"-'r Tumors rcinnvfil without ou//oc/ , | ,0 ) , , | | onlratTitiK or blood. Over thnty . yuais pructictilexpurlonco. No. II I'uurlSt. , Ciiuncil lllufl's. IBB''Consultation free. Horses and Mules For all purposes , bought and told , at retail and in lots , Large quantities to select from. Several pairs of fine drivers , sin glc or double , MASON WISE , Council lilullH. OFFICER & PUSEY , BANKERS COUNCIL 15LUFKS , IA. Ketnblislica 1SJ7 BOOK BINDING .Voiirmil * , C'uuiily au < l ISaiili Vt'orlt ol'AII Kiu l > a Spue- ially Prompt Attention to Mailorders MOREHODSE & CO. Hoom 1 Everct Ulock , t'ouncil Ithifls. Standartl Papers L'sisd. All styles of bind ing m Magazines add BLANK BOOKS , ltKFEUI NCi.Si : C. n. Nntionnl Hunk , l. i : . Smith Jc Co. , Citizen * ' Hunk. Hccro. Well * H Co. , Urdt National Hunk. U . Inaurunco ) . , OUiccr&l'usey.Uunkcrg.CMI 3 viaia liaalt , : D tlic OriiuhiK Tnkos IMnco n tlm Mnimniitli Store < > T Henry Klsrmtui Co. , In Chnrgc of n Committee or Oltl/.cno. Kor overj two dollar's worth of poods luirchnsud , you will rwolvo a coupon tiekot , KOOI ! for onu rtiam-o in the follow- Inn ( .irmtd 1'rct.rnls . to lie given away by its on iliinunrv Iflth , 1SS7 : l-'IKST I'lUXK-Onn - sulto of Parlor Knrnituro , consisting of sofa , tt'li'-a-toto and tour gnu" ! easy chair * , all uphol stered In assortot ! shadi's of ult atit silk plushes , worth iJl'.Vi. SECOND 1'Ul/Jv-Ono Mahopony Hi-d liootu Suilo. consisting of Ueilsteiul , Dresser and Wash Stand of elegant linish with beveled la s , worth $1 < K ) . THIRD IMUZE-Ono of the very best six-drawer Niekol Plated Domestic Sow- in Machines. Tlio very bc t nmchino In the United Stale * , worth $ ( M.X ( ) . FOURTH 1'HIXH - Twenty yards ( tiiinett best jrros grain Hlaek Silk , cost ? i,00 ! per yard , worth * i0.00. ! ' K1F rH'PUlXIOne : elegant S al Plush London Dyed Cloak , to bo mmlo to order to lit the lucky ticket holder , worth ? 00.00. SIXTH PlllZEOlio pair of the linest While Hlankets made by the t'ioneor Woolen mill , of California , worth $10.00. SEYENTII PltlZK-Onn Heantlfiilly Decorated Dinner and Tea Set , consist- iiiK of 0110 hundred and forty pieces , worth if fi'.OO. KUJ1ITH PKlZE-An Elegant Seal Skin MnlV , worth sJM.tX ) . NINTH PRIZE -A very line Paisley Shawl , worth ( M.A ( ) . TENTH PRIZE Ono An era Heaver Shawl , worth $ ! ! 0.00 , ELEVENTH PRIZE One Centlcman's Suit of Clothing , made of Imported Worsted , guaranteed a line lit for the winner , worth fXi.OO. TWELFTH PRIZE- ( Jeiitlcman's Fur Heaver Overcoat , worth $ : i.00. ( ) THIRTEENTH PRIRE-Uno Hoy's Overcoat , lor a boy between the ages of tl and 1(1 ( yearrt , to liu chosen by the lucky party hol'dimr thu ticket. Worth $15.0(1. ( FOURTEENTH PRIZE-Ono Hoy's Suit , for a boy between the ages of ! t and 1(1 ( years , to be selected by the winner. Worth iJlfi.OO. FIFTEENTH PRIZE-One Elegant In fant's Cloak , worth $1K ( ) ( > . SIXTEENTH PRIZE-Ono Elegant Hrass Parlor Table , worth $10.00. SEVENTEENTH PRIZE-One piece of r 0 yards "i'rnit of the Loom" muslin , worth if 1.00. EIGHTEENTH PRIZE - One half doxen of the very be t Celebrated " ( Sold" wliito Miirts , of which wo are the exclu sive agents , worth $ ! > .00. N1NTEENTH PRIZE-One Fine Silk Mullier. worth ! ? 5.00. TWENTIETH PRIZE-Ono Linen Table Sot , constating of Table. Cloth nml a Napkins worth $10.00. TWENTY-FIRST PRIZE - A Cash Present of a Twenty Dollar Gold Piece. No. 22 One Toilet Set. No. 21 ! Ono very line Doll. No. ! U Ono Handkerchief Ho * . No. 2.1 One elegant Hand Hag. No. SO Ono large Doll. No. 27 Ono Stand Cover. No. 28 One bottle line Perfume. No. Slt ! One Toboggan ( Jap. No. yo-Ono Table Scarf. No. 31 One line Splasher. No. oX'-One line Lunch llasket. No. 33 One hammered brass Umbrcll tuiul. No. 04 Ono-hnlf do/ , line Towels. No. . ' 15 One Silk Umbrella. No. 3 - One line Doll. No. 37- One set China Dishes , suitable for little folks. No. 03 Ono Hrass Hroom Holder. No. 3'J ' Ono pair Men's Silk Suspend ers. ers.No. . -10 Ono Silk Handkerchief. No. 41 One nice Doll. No. 42 One-half doladio's line Linen Hand kerchiefs. No.13 Fifteen yards Ucsl Calico for a dress pattern. No.11 One Hoy's Hat. No.15 One Hoy's Sealskin Cap. No. 4(5 ( Ono line Painted Ornament , No. 47 One Toilet Set. No. 48 One nice Doll. No. 4-Ono ! ) tine Doll. No. 50 Ono elegant Table Cover. No. 51 Ono Hottlo Perfume. No. 52 Ono Lace H.tndkeruhief. No. 50 Ono child's line Lace Collar , No. r.lOne . elegant Doll. No. .W One elegant Doll. No. 50 One Tidy. No. 57 Ono Table Scarf. No. 58 One line Doll. No. 59 One .Mouth Organ' . No. 00 One Imitation Steam Piano. No. < ! 1 One line Hook. No. 02 One line Hook. No. ( Jll-Ono Pocket Knife. No. 01 One line Doll. No. ( W One line Doll. No. 00 One Dr. Warner's Corset. No. 07 Ono Shoulder Shawl. No. 08 One infant's Lace Cup. No. ( ! ! ) One baity Dres.- , . No. 70 Ono large Doll. No. 71 One Hand Hag. No. 72 One lady's Companion No. 7-Ono ! ) Silk Mullier. No. 71 Ono largo Doll. No. 7J5 Ono line Hook. No. 70 Ono line Hook. No , 77 Ono Lunch Has > kct. No. 78 One pair children's Shoes. No. 7-One ! ) pair boy's Hoots. No. 80 One lie : : Laeo Collur. No. 81 One largo Doll. No. 83 One Lady's Jersey .Jaekot , No 83 One pair Gentleman's Sus penders. No. 81 Ono pair Men's Gloves. No. SS-One pair Hoy's Skates. No. 8(1 ( One pair Girl's Skates. No. 87 Ono pair Girl's Skates. No. 83--Ono line Doll No 811 One fine Doll No. UOOno large Doll No. ill One largo Doll No. 02 Ono Necklace No. 1)3 ) Ono pair Gold Cull" Hutlons No. 91 Ono Locket No , 05 Ono nice Hroast Pin No. 0(1 ( Ono pair Sleeve Huttons No. 07 Ono Silver Thimble No. 1)8 ) Ono line Hroast Pin No. 8'J-Ouo pair Kid Gloves No. 100-Ono Lace Handkerchief Total value of presents. ? 800 , With every ? 2 purchase you rocntvo a ticket , also a ticket for every Jadditional ? 2 purchase you make. Hold your tickets until .January 15th , iaS7 , when the fortunate numbers will bo announced anil invited to call unit re ceive their presents. HEM EM HER. You have to pay nothing \tra for your purchases. Wo guarantee to hull you goods cheaper than any other house in the wcat , and befit stock to select from. MAIL ORDERS. All orders by mail will receive prompt attention , and tickets for the free gift distribution will bo forwarded and enclosed with your purchases , the same as if you were present in person. These distributions will bo made with every fairness , and you may depend on it that the lucky numbers only will receive their presents. No tickets will bo Issued to the em ployes of our house. . . . , . . . Customers only will rcccjvo the bono- 1 Call and see the above mentioned pres ents now on exhibition in our mammoth store an'l convince youreclf. Respectfully , IlWfiiv Eisr.AUx fr Co. , People's Store , Nos. 314 , 810 , 318 aud 320 Hroadway , Council THE HEATON FUEL CO Will supply you with a cleaner aud better quality ot COAL Than Any otic in the city. A trial will com viucc you. No 02S Rrondway. Telephone 110. WHOLESALE AND JOBBING KCOTTSEJ3 OJF COUNCIL BLUFFS. Tl 'HA J , UUKHU , WHLLS & CO. , Wliolcsnlo Agricultural Implements , Biggies , Cnrrltiffrj , Itto , Kto Council llliUTo , Inwn KCYSTON'ir M ANrtH.'ACTUIllN ( ! MnmifiU'titri'rsof niut Denture in Hand and Power Corn Sliollers , .And UHOIIOIH line or llrtt elms . Nog. 1801,1531 , I.Wi nml tftl * ? n\\i\i \ \ \ Main StroM , _ _ Council llniK , lonn. DAVID HKADLKY * CO. , Mnnu fi 3 nn t .lohlint sot Agricultural Implements , Wagons , Buggies , rjirrlsirp * . nml nil Kln.U of Harm Mnchinorr. 1100 to Hid Soutli Mnln Street , Council UlulH , tOTH. COUNCIL ni.UKKS CAIU'KT CO. , Carpets , Curtains , Window Shades OIICIotliB , Curtnln Klxftm > < , UnlmMtoi-T I'oo ' Ulc. No. 405 Llromltrnr Council Illuir * , lo r iv. < , jw/urvo , w/r. I'KKKHOY & MUOUK , Whok'snlo Jobbers In the Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes Nos. 28Mnln iinJ 37 1'oiirl Sts. Council Illuirs , Intrn. SNYDKK & LKAMAN , PTOKAC.K Fruit and Produce Commission Merchants. ! 24 : ; and ! . ' < > I'cul St. , Council IlluflV. HAKLK , HAAS & CO. , Wholesale Druggists , Oils , Paints , Glass , i ) ' Bnnclrlfs , Hto. No. 22 Mnln St. , and No. " 1 1'unrl St. , Council Illiiirn. rwrrs. o. W. 1HJTTS , Wholesale California Fruits a Specialty Qoncrnl Commission. No. fiU Jli iul\v h Council HliilTa. ' WHIT & DUQUKTTK , Wholesale Fruits , Confectionery , -AND- COMMISSION , NOB. in nml 18 1'cnrl St. , Council lllmr * . HARNESS. ETC , liECKMAN , STKOllBmiN & CO. , JInim'nctiircrs or nml Wlinlosala Dmlori In Leather , Harness , SaddlerEtc. , . No. Ko Main St. . Council lllutfr , Iowa. /MTS , CAl'X. ETC. MKTCALF miOTHKKS , Jobbers la Hats , Caps and Gloves. NOB. 312 iinil .111 nrnailvray , Council Ilium. UK AW JIAIintt'AHE. KBKLIXK & KELT , Wholewln Iron , Steel , Nails , Heavy Hardware , Woodstock , Council Illiilfp , loun. llll iS : AND TAI.I.CMV. ] ) . 11. JlcDONIII.I ) .V CO. , [ Kslnljlldhccl 1W.J No. B2I ) Mnln Street , : ! : roiuii'H lllnlTi. AND UK ( Mini IV- HIDES , TALLOW , WOOL , ETC. COUNCIL KLUKFS OIL CO. , WholcBiilo Doatcra In lluminating & Lubricating Oils Ganllu 2CTO. , E3TO. P.Tlioortoro.AKont , Council lllntfj. Town. LUMIlCIl I'lMNO K'K. _ _ _ A , OVKRTON & CO. , Hard , Wood , Sonthew Lumber , Piling , . AodltrlilKO Mnti'rliil SpPulnltlnft.Wholo-iHlo l < ula ter or all Kliiiln. OIUco No. I'M Mala St. , Council llluirs. lawn. H'lKES LIQUUUH. SCIINKIDEU & HECK , Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors , JOHN LINDEIt , Wholesale Imported and Domestic Wines & Liquors for St. ( iotthard's Horn IllltcH.No.U Main tat. Council HIiiUj. L. KIHSCIIT & CO. , Wholesale Liquor Dealers. No. its JlroaJ way , Council CRESTON HOUSE The only hotel in Council Jiltift"i > having re Esoa/pe And all mo 'crn ' ' improvements. 21H , SilTand'siO Main st. MAX MO11N , Prop. Star Sale Stables and Mule Kafds , JJHOADU'AV . . , . . COUNCIL ULUM'.S , UWIUX jJlloU | f = u _ . _ _ Horses and mules kept constantly oa hand , for Bale at retail or in car loads. Odors promptly filled by contract oa short notice , block sold on commission. SiiM'TEic A : , Proprietors. Telephone No. 11-1. Formerly of Keil Sale Stables , corner Ut. ave aud 4th btrcut.