Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 13, 1887, Page 8, Image 8
8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY , JANUARY 13. 1887. j1 A MISSOURI PACIFIC WRECK. Unknown Miscreants Derail a Train at Dan bar , THE ENGINEER KILLED. Otlicrs Injured Full I'nrtlculnrs of tlio AfTnlr A ShootliifAfl'rnynt the Itonil House Jlljjlnvny Uoll ) crj' Other Local. A Dnstnrtlly Deed. News was received in this city yesterday til n tcrnblo acclilcnt which occurroil Tuesday night at , Otoe county , Neb. Neb.The The Missouri Pacific express bound Bouth , which IcUOniahant ! ) :10p. : in. Tues day in charcc of Conductor Wilson was wrecked near that place at 11:30 : Tuesday night. The engineer , James DoWitl , of Wynmlolto , Kan. , was instantly killed , the drop-lever having been forced clean through his body. Tlio ( Ircinan , Frank Denier , was slightly injured , and the express niessriigor , Frank Chcnowith , re ceived injuries from which ho will prob ably die. All the cars were thrown troin tlio track unit some of them badly wrecked. Tim baggage car was thrown a distance of 800 feet. None of the paiscnircrswcro injured although till were badly shaken up. In the sleeper were Judge John I. Itedick , William A. Uedlck and some other Omniums bound for St. Louis , but none worn hurt. The cause of the accident was the re moval of two rails. That it was premed itated there is no doubt , for the location is on an embankment lust near thn cross ing of a stream one mile west of Duiibar and just before the train came thundering ajong two men were seen run ning away from the place where the rails were removed. ' Two crowbars were found near tlio scone of the wreck , together with seine other lools which had undoubtedly been used in removing the rails. These tools were of the sort used on track repairing work , and it would appear from this that the wreckois were railroad men. Attempts have been previously made to kill Engineer Dewltt by derailing tlio locomotive of which ho had elmrge. The last time the arrival of n freight train ahead of Dowitt's train saved him from almost instant death. The wreck was immediately cleared , and all trains passed on time. No arrests have been made as yet , although the authorities have commenced investigation and in tend to push matters to the bitter end. There are many rumors current as to the motives of the wreckers in perpetrating such a fiendish outrage. There are many who believe that the deed was cceoin- pljshed by men who are enemies of the Missouri I'aeilie road. Others hold that the wreck was the work of a cang ot rob bers , who hoped to plunder the dead and dying. The theory which most generally obtains , however , is that enemies of En gineer Do Wilt derailed the train in the hope and belief that , as subsequent events showed. Me would be killed. Every effort will be made to run the dastard miscre ants to the ground. FA III AXD K.Yl'OSrriO.Y. Directors Chosen lor tiie Knsuinjj Ycnr Tlio Scoretary'H Ucport. A meeting of the stockholders of the Omaha Fair and Exposition association was held at the board ol trade rooms Tuesday afternoon. Three hundred and Bi.xty-ono of the five hundred and live shares wore represented by tl.o owners or their proxies President Jo eph Gor- rcnn , jr. , occupied the chair. The min utes of the last annual meeting wore read and approved , after which Secre tary D. 11. Wheeler read his report for the year ISSli , a carefully prepared doc ument from which the following re- capitualalion shows the financial coinli- ion of the association : rno.M ALT. souiicr. " . Poll nnd pilviletfes . : ! , .w-)7 ) ! ) Hunts of grounds nnd buildings. , . . O.V\iO : State rent . -17r.50 Entrance money in sliced purses _ U.WG.OO Admission ut croiinds . lo.reui.'ii Admission on Ity. , coupons . l'Mt. r > In tiT-Mato exposition . 1)51.00 ) luter-nalo exposition loaned money ii-pald . -171.40 Insurance ncct. of biillilliif-s de- st i eyed . 1 ,7P 0 00 .Miscellaneous soiuees . ll.Hfi AbSe.'Sinents . 7.775.00 Total . ' . S3ISOt.ltt i\riNi : : > irmns. : Agricultural premiums . 5 fi. Kneed regular purges . 7iiJ. : ! : Speed special nurses . ! ! ,500. I'crnmtient Impiovcmcnts . 7,710.71 OtlierexpuiUitmcs . 11-U7. < U Total of orders drawn . ? ! { 3-l81.8,15 Hal. cash , liin. 1 , ittefl . S 71:1.1 : ; ' . ) Jtecoived In IBM ) . JII.NU.UJ Total . SWiM.71 ! ! Doliclt to be paid In assessments or otherwise . § CK)7.H ! ) Totnl amount at unpaid assosiiiunt ll.Oij.bO Total assets . 814,4 ID. 10 The sebretary's report also contaiiu-d an item to the ulloct that N. J. Jaokman is indebted to the association in the sum of ? SIO. ! . The secretary's report was adopted and placed on lile. The association then selected tlio following - lowing directors for the ensuing year : ( \ F. ( iooilman , J. II. MeShano , c'inirehill Parker , J. J. Hrown , Kiuhard Kitchen , D. T. Mount and II. ( i. Clark. A vote of thanks was extended to the retiring olllcurs. OOUNTY SIIICKKI.S. Xho Amoiiul ofThoiuTlint Will lo He- ( lull IM | Tills Veiir. The county cominis < ionurs have been looking into tl.o future with a view to do- tormininghow much moiioy will bo re- quircil for the proaent year , The result of their inquiry is the following estimate of expenses ; Couits nnd court axponsns . $10.000 Jail expenses , Including Im.ud of inls- oneis . , . 17,009 Assessors and county oillcers . -j.MXl Comity uouriai in , Including luol . 10,000 City poor , . . . 1j000 ! ) Hooks , blanks , btutlonery and siinpllus 0,000 balnrius county commissioners and mipeiintomtont public lustiuctlon , jamtois , envlneer , suivoyor , etc . . . JUXK ) Coroner , coiouor's jmors and wit nesses , Insulin board , BUS and luel tor romi house , water , lepalis , printluKandtianspoitatioii . 12.MX ) KlnlbhliiK retuliilitt ; wail , Eradlnt' , pr.1.1' ' " ! : . biilcwsSlcs , . Duti'iidim : inlsoueis . , , lcw County nttorni'y . S w-5 Coupon bond sinking 1 nnd . f > uooo Koatl lund Hrldu'Q I mid liifunufuntl. . . , FOOT WOKK. Charles Spencer Hobs n Grander anil li Arrested. Charles Spencer , a noted tough , was arrested yesterday morning on a complain nrcforrcd by Jacob Krb , a granger from Ames , Iowa. Krb says that ho came out of the Fa mous restaurant , on Eleventh and liar- noy streets , about 'J o'clock yesterday morning , when howas se.iy.ed by a man .from. behind , who hold hisanus , while Spencer robbed him of ; \ pocket-book coistaiutujj $20.X ) . Ofliucrs Dcmp-ey and White were soon on the scene , and arrested .Spencer , not , however , before ho had thrown away the purse containing the monoy. Spencer's accomplice could not be found. Judge Stonbcrg gave the prisoner n brief hearing this morning and committed him for further examina tion. tion.Spcncnr , as already intimated , is a no torious character. Ho had ju t served a term in the county jail for attempting to conlidenco a boy from Iowa , lie is a i > al of Eddie McDonald , who had a liana In the robbery of a lady at the St. Paul { Jopot last week. "They Arc Ucnntinil , and much larger than in other Addi tions.1' is the usual verdict regarding the 200 lots in AuutwiiT's ( "noioi : . Hnvo You Hccn Them ? If not , call on W. 0. AuutmiiT and cro out to Sot'Tit O.M MIA with olio of his agents to inspect the mngnllicent prop erty known as Auimoiir's CIIOICK. TIII3 CliiVltI'1 Y ISAM ; . Details of Ai'rniiRciiieiits The Sup per. The managers of the charity ball an nounced ycsrerday contrary to previous statements printed , that supper would bo served by HaldulV & Co. in the annex , at a charge of 75 cents per plate. This will give more room than would bo afforded by the north gallery. The trrand march will not be at all difllc.ult or intricate in its ligurcs , and , as it will bo led by experienced dancers , no one need hesitate to take part in it. A member of the committee stated to-day that the tickets am .selling rapidly , and the indications are that tlio space al lotted to dancing will be , if anything , too small. It is hoped that the patrons of the ball will arrange to reach the exposi tion building not later than 8M ; o'clock , as dancing must commence not later than 8:15. : The programme will bo one of fourteen dances , with probably two or three extras. Prof. Harry Irvine will lead the music. Merchants Hotel , Omaha , Nat Hrown Prop. $ 'J perday. Cor. 15th and Farnam All btrcel cars from depot pass house. Great Incitement in SOCTII OMAHA over the way acres and lots in Ai.mtir.iiT's CHOICI : are going. Twenty-two lots sold in one day. * THIS BAPTIST UMVEUS1TY. An Kfl'ort Mndc to Secure Its Loca tion Here. Members from three Haptist churches of Oinaliamet , Tuesday night in the First Haptist church to consider the matter of locating'a first class .sectarian college here. Grand Island has oll'ercd the state Baptist authorities $ ' .20,090 to secure the school , Fairmont $15,000 , Nebraska City $50,000 , and Ashland 'fiO.OOO. Lincoln , it is said , is holding off ami will make an oiler ex ceeding that of its Methodist brethren , in bccnring the location of the Methodist university. A committee was appointed to wait upon Omaha business men and see what can be done toward securing subscriptions. The committee is com posed of A. S. Churchill , chairman ; L. D. Holmes , A. S. Woods , J. S. Kichard- son , A. M. Clark , J. II. Diimont , J. H. Howley , J. W. Harris , M. G. MoCloud , Dr. E. T. Allen , W. P. Seward , O. N. Powell , J. L. Webster , S. F. Henry. J. 11. Sherfey , Pr. E. E. Wormsely , W. T. Seaman , G. ll. Angle and J. 11. Sunder- land. Tlio riooni IM iniinensa IN Soi'Tii OMAHA ritoitinrrv , AND AT.- nitioirr's CHOICI : I.KADS THP.M AT.T , . Tuniti : is NOT A UAO i.or IN THIS VUL ntornuTY. fSrciit K.\cltcmont in SOUTH OMAHA over the way acres and lots in Ai.miioiiT's CHOICI : are going. Twenty-two lots sold in one day. A nuclielor's Farewell. Sir. Sol. Hergman , one of the young men in Max Meyer's store , is to bo mar ried on Saturday next , in Milwaukee , tea a youg lady named Flora Heller. After the marriage botii Mr. olid Mrs. IJorg- mun will return to and reside in this city. Hy wsfv of dissolving tlio bachelor relations which had long existed between them , Julius Meyer tendered Mr. Ucrg- man a btippor at his rooms , corner of Farnam and Twellth streets. There was a delightful spread and an abundance of all kinds of beverages , all of which con duced to a very pleasant timo. Amoiijr those present bc.side the host and guest were Messrs. S. P. 1'isher ' , S. Oborfeidcr , M. Oberfolder , S. Schlesinttor , 1. Schiff , A. 11. Gladstone , A. Calm , F , Silberstein , A. Meimbisrg , Aug. Schaefer , J. Wise , J. Kobinson , C. Goldsmith , A. Mandelberg , Max Meyer , 'S. Uindskoff , and Morita Meyer. _ Ilnvo You Seen Them ? If not , call on W. G. AI.IIIIICIIT and co out to SoL'Tii OMAHA with one of his agents to inspect the magnificent prop- 'orty known as Ai.uninirr's CHOICJ : . The Itoom In IN SOUTH OMAHA ritoi-Kiirv , AND Ar- miir.iiT's Cnoic'i : I.JADS : TIIP.M ALL. TlIIIlIi : IS NOT A HAD LOT IN THIS IfllAUTJ- I'L'I. I'KOl'KUTV. liiinlin Yesterday morning two immense con solidated enirincs recently' purchased by the Union Pacific , wont west to take hold oftho mountain trade. They were num bered ia05 and iyo . The boiler stands about six feet highand there arc two aper tures to the lire box , which spreads out remarkably wide at the end. They have two cabs , one immediately over the boiler and the other at its end. The first is intended for the engineer , Hie next for the lireman , who is almost prevented by the heigh' ot the boiler from looking ahead. They have ten wheels , with eight connected drivers and are intended to burn slack coal , They will bo n.sed in the moun tain region , and it is claimed that they can do twice the amount of work done by the most powerful of the old time engines. "Thoy Are Beautiful , and much larger than in other Addi tions , " is the usual verdict regarding the 800 lots in Ai.intiiiiiT's CHOICI : . The Jloom ib Immense IN SOUTH OMAHA i-nornuTr , AND Ai.- HitKiiiT's CHOICK UADS : TIIKM ALL. THIIII : : JSNOT A HAD LOT IN THIS m\u- : I'fi. ruoi'Eifrr. Monday Muht'M .Music. Julius Meyer , manager of the Musical Union orchestra , stated to a reporter to day , with rcfoi' nco to the brenlc made by the orchestra at the .Herrmann per formance Monday niclit , that Harry Irvine was not present as loader ftm ! hence was not responsible for the mis take as some person ) unarmed , Further more , ho .said on Monday night , the or chestra was compelled to play for halt an hour , during the dissolving scones In total darkness , The. music being new to the loader it was impossible for him to remember correctly all the cuo.i nnd hence lie was hardly responsible for tiio mistake that was mtido. The llonm is Iimneh&o IN SOUTH OMAHA rnoi'KKTV , AXO Ai.- iiiuanr's OIIOICK' LKADS THEM ALL. TliaiK IS NOT A BAll LOT IN THIS 11EAUTI- KUL \VOHSI : THAN CONVICT ij.vnoii. Grave ChnrRos ARK I list n Horse-collar Contractor. The union horse-collar makers are up in arms against ono D.ivo Uurke , who has a contract for making horse-collars for Marks & Co. They say he Is robbing the skilled collar makers by a very slick scheme. For instance , ho will get the amount of monov duo for wanes from the firm at regular prices and only pay his men reduced prices. It is alleged that he has two men working for him now at ? 3 per week each to buckle collars , when a good mechanic would not do such work for less than $2.oO per day. Several collar makers who have talked with a HKI : reporter say that the contract svstcm operated by Hurke is a greater hardship on mechanics of this class than convict labor. They also assert that besides beating the men out of from 25 cents to 50 cunts a day , Hurko has a brother named AI em ployed by him who acts as a "plugger" or ropor-in of strancc collar makers. To make matters worse both these Uurkcfl are saiil to bo Knlirlits of Labor , and Dave is said to have ruined the collar making business in Kansas City , Mo , , and Lincoln , Xeb. , before coming hero They want all honest mechanics to keep away from Htirku. HOO Per Cent 1'roflt Ins been made siuco last August by pur chasers of lot * from Mr. Albright , in the addition west of ALUIIIUHT'S Cnoici : . ALIIUKJIIT'S Cuoirn HHATS THIM : ALL AND DON'T ior rounr/r ir. Great Incitement in SorTH OMAHA over the way acres and lots in Ai.mumtr's Cnoici : are going. Twenty-two lots sold In QUO day. I ) 13UTSUJUiJl CIjUU. It AVill He Opened In Style On Satur day Nc.xt. On next Saturday night another club will bo formally enumerated among the social organizations of this city. It is that of the Deutscher club , the organization of which was chronicled in these columns some months ago. Since that time the several committees have been making ar rangements for the opening by the way of getting suitable quarters and putting them in style and condition in keeping with the projectors and object of the club. The quarters scoured arc in Germania hall , on Harnoy and Eigh teenth streets , the upper lloor being en tirely devoted to the puruoscs. In re modeling and refurnishing between $3,000 and $4,000 have already boon ex pended , and the result is a suite of rooms which will bo considered a source of pride by the Gorman citizens of the town. The opening of these rooms will take place on next Saturday , when admission will bo had by invitation. Buy n Few Of those elegant lots in ALHH1GHTS CHOICE and double your money before spring. Albright is making lots of money for lots ol people who purchase from him. Only a little money required to buy a lot. Have You Seen Them ? If not , call onV. . G. ALUKIOHT and go out to SOUTH OMAHA with one of his agents to inspect the magnificent prop erty known as ALIUEIGHT'S CHOICI : . Omaha C. Jj. S. C. The following is the programme ar ranged lor the Cliantaiiqna entertainment on next Friday evening , llth inst. , in the board of education rooms , corner Six teenth street mill Cililil nVilllllO : 1. OncniiiE Kxcicises. 2. "Warren " with Hastings , Map Exercise , C. J. Itoberts. 3. Hound Table Talk. "India and the East India Company. " Led by O. 1' . Seward. iiici.s : : < 5. 4. "Authors of To-day , and Their Hooks , " (5. ( A. Joplin. r . Extemporaneous Speeches , by .Members. 0. Class Kxeicise , irom .January "Cliautau- nuaii. " Twentv-llvo questions each on "Warren IIabtlagb"and the "The Christian HcHcIon. " 7. Kssav "Sir Walter HaleiKh , " Miss Hcttie I toad. 8. Jioll Call with Quotations fiom Late Autliois. 500 Per Cent Profit lias been made since last August by pur chasers of lots from Mr. Albright , in the addition west of ALititioiir's CHOICI : . ALHKIOHT'S CHOICI : ur.ATS TIIKM ALL AND DON'T you FOIIRKT IT. Buy a Kow Of those elegant lots in ALH1U GUT'S CHOICE and double your money before spring. Albright is making lots of money for lots of pcoplo who purchase from him. Only a little money required to buy a lot. A Flooded Track. Yesterday morning the Union Pacific track in the vicinity of tlio Union elevator was Hooded with water. The Hooding wns occasioned by the bad working of the pipe connecting with the meter , through which the water runs for supplying loco motives at this point. The improvements in connection with this .supply station this year have cost nearly $2,000 and yet satisfaction has not been obtained. Ilnyo You Scon Them ? If not , call on W , G. Ai.niiir.iiT and go out to SOUTH OMAHA with one of his Agents to inspect the magnificent prop erty known as Ai.niiir.HT'a CHOICI : . "They Are Beautiful , and much larger than in other Addi tions. " is the usual verdict regarding the ! iOO lots In ALIIKIOHT'S CHOICK. s' DIIIICC. The second annual ball of Douglas division No. 5 , uniform rank of the Knights of Pythias will be given in Kess- lor's hall this ovoninir. The proceeds - coeds will bo applied to the purchase of a banner , Tlio division has placed the management of the ball In competent bands and tlio belief is entertained that the affair will bo a grand success. "They Beautiful. and much larger than in other Addi tions , " is the usual verdict regarding the yoo lots in ALiiniGiir's CHOICK. fiOO Per Cent Profit has boon made slnco last August by pur chasers of lots from Mr. Albright , in the addition west of ALUUHHIT'S CIIOICK , ALiiitionr's CHOICE HEATS THEM ALL AND DON'T vou roitr.ET IT. Charity Ball Horns. Loans of Hags or ether decorations by tlios'j wlio have them will bo much ap preciated by the managers of the charity ball for decorating the exposition build ing. These may ho sent to the store of Charles bhivoriok , on Farnam street , and will bo fully insured. The Boom Is Immense in South Omaha Proport vaml A i.iiitiij H T1 CHOIUB loads thorn all. "THEKU LS NOT A IJAD LQf In this beautiful proporty. Buy > i Kew Of these elegant lots in AUWKIIIT'S CHOICE and double your money before spring. Albright is making lots of monov for lots of people who purchase froniliiin. Only a little money required to buy lot. u _ _ _ _ , Bohemian Turner1 , The renowned Hphemian turner , Cliarlos Stulik , is still in town and will main hero until the 1st of February. He is duvoUu < j bis time to the local , turuer socielj' , and umtar him the mem bers are making excellent pro gress Mr. Stulik goes to St. Louis when ho leaves this city , and after that will visit several other promi nent cities , by which time the grand na tional excursion to Prague , Hohomia , \ \ \ \ \ take place. This will bo taken part in by Hohumians from all parts of the country who will charter n steamer for the going and returning trip. not ) Per Cent Profit has been made since last August by pur chasers of lots from Mr. Albright , in the addition west of AI.IIIIIOIIT'S CIIOHM : . Ai.inimiir's Cnoin : HEATS THEM ALL AND DON'T \Ol" fOIIUKT IT. Buy ti KoW Of these elegant lots in ALHRIGHT'S ' CHOICE and double vour money before spring. Albright is" making lots of money for lots of pcoplo who purchase from liim. Only a little money required to buy n lot. _ Hecs Publishing company. Articles ol incorporation of this coin- Buy a Pew Of Ultimo elegant lots in ALHHIGHT'S CHOICE and double your money before spilug. Albright is making lots of money for lots of people who purchase from him. Only a little money required to buy a lot Prom .Inpau. , T. E. Preston , of the Chicago & North western railway ollico , has just received an excellent crayon-ink portrait of him self , drawn on white corded silk. The work was done in Jaimn and is for that reason a curiosity ns well as work of art. Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel ol purity , strength and wbolesoincness More economical than the ordinary kinds and cannot be sold in competition wi'h ' the mul titude of low test , short weight alum or phosphate powders. Sold only in cans. Royal Haking Powder Co.,4GS Wall street , New York. ARTIFICIAL LIMBS. This limb is on the lat- fest improved plan. The Ucst , Lightest nnd Easiest to manage and the most durable limb made. I have hail thirty five years' experience wcarintf.'inan- uf-icliiring and adjusting. Will give special rates for the next ( JO days. My best limb for ? 0 > . Former price $100. Circulars sent free Dr. J. S. CRAWFORD , Gil N. 17th St. , Omaha , Nob. MS. & DDAVIESOl 4 IS rjAWKI' STIIKKT. j > i\vi:0t ; : , - Of the Missouri State M"ficum of Anato my , St. Louis , Mo. ; University College Hospital London , Gicscn , Germany and New York. Having devoted their atten tion SPECIALLY TO THE TREATMENT OF DISEASES. More especially those arising from impru dence , invite all so buffering to correspond without delay. Diseases of infection and contagion cured safely nnd speedily without detention from business , and without the use of dangerous drugs. Patients whose cases have been neglected , badly treated or pronounced incurable , should not fail to write us concerning their symptoms. All letters receive immediate attention , tSJUST PUBLISHED * And will he mailed FREE to any address on receipt of one 2 cent stamp , "Practical Observations on Nervous Debility and Phy sical Exhaustion , " to which is added an "Essay on Marriage , " with important chap ters on DISEASES OP THIS KiPROIlCTIVE : OUOANS , the whole lorming a valuable med ical treatise which should be read by all young men. Address ims. s. A ; D. I > AVIIOV ; , 1-18 L.uwruiifu SI. , Denver , Col. GERMAN ASTHMA CURE tly ri'll I CURE FITS ! vr > m jcur < il < loiiot in an niorely tonop o mf"r time and lli n I.M . o tliera return ratn. I rnonn a l ail leal ru I h TB lu Jo Ih6 rtlienio of FITS. BHII.Iil-aV 01 FALLINU BICKNESd * litolnns tuiilr. Iwtiraiit nif reinody to cur lha woril ca ei. llLC aia uttjArw have failed In no r aaon i IT cot linw re Ivlnr it cum. * > " ! at BUM li > r a trratlio ami a Fro Bottleolmy luUlllble rtmedr. j | > o Ei | > rmand I'ost OlUco. II cniiiyoii ruitlilni ; " " " " ' ' ' " ' ! I wlUrure vou. * AJare.i I > r. II U , BOOT. Iiil-mlfcL. hnwYurl : , Nebraska National Bank OMAHA , NEIJHASKA. Tnidup Capitol . $250,000 Surplus . 40,000 II.V. . Yates , President. A. K , Totizalin , > 'ipo I'rcFlilnnt. W II S. Hii hus , Cashier. \V. V. Morse , . 'olmS. ' . Colliin. li.W. Yaios , Lewis S. lleeil. A. R. Toti ili . BANICINO OFFICE : TIIJB IRON KANK , Cor 1'Jtli nntl Fiiruani Sts A Ut.-cral IJaiikinii Husincss Transacted. & CO. A ( iO. nntl otlioraof . Ki = tcru olUca eSDovonsblru bU Uoaton. Correepoii'J- ' eco bOlleitcd. Hitviny completed ottr fntntuti invpMtori/t wejinfl that aJtJioityh percentage of profits was far below the Icyititnate arcraf/ef yet fJic enor mous voJ nine of trade tt'/nctt wehctve enjoyed , niaJscs the result vert/ sat * tftfactory. FFe tJierefore taltepleasure in annotinciitff that tre will hold lV$2JtJIiiI'Jir SAJLJ28 of all our rcntaininy winter stools at a still greater reduction in prices until it is entirely closed out , GR13AT0VJERCOAT SAXJ8. The worst of the trinter is still to come , for many long days the inercnry irill hover around the zero points HERE IS YO37H GREAT OWVIiTUNTTY. Commencing today we will close out oitr entire line of Overcoats and Ufsfcrs for 2fffen , Hoys and Children at less than half their real value. JSvery article-is guaranteed to be precisely represented and whatever yon may ptircTtatse from us. for yourself or friends , in the city. , or out of the city , if not satisfacfory in jit , siyfe or price t7ie money will be cJicerfnlly refunded without asking fo cJtangcfoi * oUtcr goods. All goods marked plain figures and at strictly one price. v I Cor. Douglas and 14tli sts. , Omalia. Star Line Currying tlionolfrltim lloynl nnrt United Slntoj Miill.biilllntf uvory frmmtluy Between Antwerp & New York TO THE RHINE , GERMANY , ITALY , HOL LAND AND FRANCE. I' AND WIN'MIL Snlon from JfX ) to $ T" . Excursion trip from fill ) to $12i. Second Cabin , uiilwriml , SI" ; prepaid , S13 ; oxcur < lcm. $ ' 0. Stocrntra imssinro nt low rules. I'otor Wrlitlit & Sons , Oonora Agents. 55 llroadwny. Now York , iiiMiry 1'uiult , 1218 Minium st. ; Paulson t Co. IIX'S i'lmmm bt : 1) . t ) Kircunm IIL'I r.un.Mn O M A H A 13th St. , Cor. Capitol Aicnuo , roil THE THBATMCNT OP AIM , Chronic St Surgical Diseases. UR. KloWlENAMlY,7Prop > : oor. Sixteen yuurp' llDKiiiml and I'riviitu Practice H' llio fncilUicnpimrotup nnil rctncdUs for the bticccss'nl ticnlment of < nory form of ill * . i as rtqulrlii ) , ' clllier medical or Riirilril ; : I rent mini , And Imltonll tocnmeniid InvcetlpiUr irtluinei IUM m correspond \\lth UK. I.nnjj expcrlrucu In ( rout lim onsen by leller cniblfn IIH to treat many tnsis iclontiflinlly Itliout poeini them WltlTi : KOlt CIUCI'LAR ' on Deformities nnd Hrnce * , Ulub Toet , Curvatures of the Spine DisBAins iiv WOMPN , Pile * , Tmnnri" , Caiifer" , I'ttarrli Hronchitlc. Inhalation I'nril- , . , Klectrklly. - yl , Epileiiny , Kidney , Kyr , ] ar , hkln , llloud un < ] nil curslcal operations , Hnltcrlrs , Julmlorn , TtrnrrH , Trillion ) , nivl nil lilndn uf Mrdlcnl and .Snrglcul .Appliances , inuu iifiiclnrcd and for iilc The only reliable Radical Inst.tulo mal.lng Private , Special t Nervous Diseases rA Sl'fcriAl.TY. AM. CO.VTAMOfS AND III.OOD DISRASKS from uliatovercaiipuirodiifed , iicccsfiillylrenltil V.'o cm reinovu .Sji > fillitic pulton from lliccystem ulthuut mrrcnry , Now restorathc treatment for loss ofllnl power AU , COMMUNIOATION8 CONI'IUU.NTIAI. Call and consult 119 or pond name nnd post ninrc tulilroM plainly writtuu cncloso eluuip , nnd nt lll nend yon , In plain n rapper , our PRIVATE CIRCUL/p / TO MEt ? UPON I'nltATB , filTCUI. AM ) Nr.UVnUS IlBBi ) ) > r.\ HcVrNAL WrAKNKBK , rJl'EIIMATOIIHIIcEA , IsiPOl UN- or , Si I' , OuMGiuiiKKi , ( ii.r.r.T , VAIIICUCEI i : HnilCTUItH , AND AUi DlfCA'tES OV THE (1KNITO- L'iuM nr OnuANi , or teiiilh.fctorv of your case for an opinion. J'ersons unahlp tel lt IIB may bo trailed nt tlirlr homes , by lorreHpondence Aledleine'iaiid Jiistrti inentK scut by mall or pxprcogSECl'lirfiY I'Al'IJ ii : ) ntOM OIlHIvHVATION' , mi iirirki to liulicnli' contents or eender , One porumml intenleu pre ferrrd If coiuenlent. Fifty looms for tin' a-com mndiitlon of patients Itnird nnd ailendancc at reasonable prices Addn s all IA Itera to Omaba Medical and Surgical Institute , Cor. 13th SI , ant : Caollol Avn , . OMAHA. NEB. .Sicrlnlli li. tilled fur . Mcdleliml I KU. THE BIST TONIC ! UNCOUALEDIor CONSUMPIIO V/ASTING DISEASES and GENERAL DEUIUIT. PERFECTS DIGESTION DB T.DIV I , WAI.I.1NO , fur gran In Chief , .Natlouul Uuari ( if .V J. , Willis " } lv ulliMitlo.n nai railed U your Ki-.titiMie Mult \ \ hl.koy | jj Kr Ijilor Ilnif plit , ill Trrnlcm and I liuUkoJ u few lioltlei nllli far Lttter ftlict than ny ] hate liail I urn recominendlnt jour arllrle la mjr | nucllc , uuc Hud It terjr lalliUclul ) . " BEWiSB 07 IISITATI5H3. rt-J'Ikf ( IrnnlDt I i the fUcullull a KI&NEII L ttr.Miri.SUN E.SNERKo ( Ko ] H nll fjr lint ; 3 ) 316. 818 and 320 Race St. . Philadelphia. P * . DniK Co . ( Joul Aj-oiits , Omah Nchrnskn. A Inri" ' number of IT ordod I'crelicron nnd Clydoslalo riiulllnns. Al < i Homo HUM ! roll * I.vcrj iitinuiil Kiniruntood u Inocilrr. 1'rlces i easonaldeund Uiinsiiy Ourtloi-K linb liutn Bdoitul with rrldcnis u > butli liulitliliinl nitivlt un < l iicdwtw. A luriro ul our Stallions . ro uccllimiHil mid lolls of tliolr i-t i-un In ) Miowii VorU Is on tlio II A. M. It. It. , two hours' rldo wi-st of l.iiuolii. I or uatu- lojufs und further tiiloriiiH lo iHd < lro3S nv a r.viUfUAcii , York , TOOTLE HOSEA & CO. , ST. JOSEPH , MO. WHOLESALE DRY GOODS , BOOTS AND SHOES , We have been closed for one week on ac count of the death of our greatly esteemed se nior partnerMilton Tootle. Having : now taken out letters of administration on our firm bus iness , we are ready for spring trade with the lar gest stock of goods ever opened in the west. We guarantee to make prices to compete with eastern markets , and carry an assortment ample for the recuiremeiits of the largest trade. Soliciting your orders , we are , Respectfully yours , TOOTLE , HOSEA & CO , A magnificent display of everything useful and ornamental in the furniture- maker's art , at reasonable prices. HOW TO ACQUIRE WEALTH. NO in.ANUS : IIH ; i'ni/.is : ! I < : VIKV : vi\it : OVKIC A TIIM-ION iisTiiuirTii : > , nioici : THAN ONI : nit.\\VI.NC A MONTH. TWO MKAWIMiS IX J'l.llKKI.'AiV ; , Till ; 1ST AMI ! ! OTII. Only $ ' 3.00 it-quircil to secure on Royal Italian 100 francs gold homl. Tlie e bonds participate in ! i2fi diawingf , four drauings every year ard lelain their original value until the year I'.MI. ' Priyei of 2MIII ( ) ( ( ) ( ( 1,000,00(1 ( , 500,000 &c. francs will-be drawn , be sides the certainty of receiving back 1011 francs in gold , you may win1 times a ear and so come into possession of a fortune.Yo oft'er these bondb lor 200 , monthly install ments as long as our supply lasts. Wlllionly tJ. ( i ns llrsl payment you ran = ornro 0 Miirfipnan ( rnvcrniiii-iit linn In , w"il 'li nrn drnwn 1C times inimmlly uilli | iri/'Siiiii < iiiiilliir ( ID en cr U'.U m.njj IIIHI-KH , lial.inuu tin tsj nionllily InHiilliuonls Sale linoMiiiont ol ciipltul UN tiniiucMol inline ) inii > t lie piild had. iiml iniiny cliiini'fs to win u liltf pi-l/n Miiiniy am licM'iil liy nMitiril Icllor. iiiiinu ) onlrr 01 liy OAin | 8 , and in ri'turn ' Mill liKliiruairludtlii- I'eir lurihur inloriiialloii. t-ull on mlilicdi , III Itl.lN IIA.NMM. ( OMr.N305 Droadway , Mew YorV. N It Thosi ) bonds aio nut Inltui-y tli-Li'ts , and the e.ili- it , li-Killl ) | ii-iiiilliL > d. ( II ) IUHMI ! | b7h ) . HIMEBAUGH & TAYLOR DEALERS IN ICE TOOLS. Carving Knives and Forks , Pocket Cutlery. Scissors in Cases , Skates , Etc. The C. E , Mayne Eeal Estate and Trust Co N. W. COR. 10th AND HARNKY , OMAHA. 1'iopnrty of every description for sale in all part * of the oily , hands for sale 'H every county in Nt-hraskii. A COMI'LKTK SET OF AHSTUACTS Of Titles of Doughm county l : pt. M is ol the city litato or county , or any ether information dcsirctl , furnished free of charj-u upon application. & BS.S5SBE' Taxidermists Dcalorsln pcneral nu- tniul lilftory uiidnui eeum Kiipidin < ! Art ill rial 0103 , Brus e . i-to. Ciistoni ( nk of all kinds "ill rocolvi prompt niu-ntlon. ( " Ciipitol Avc , OMAHA , NKHHASKA E. T. ALLEN , M. D. SIM : * SAM.ST , Eye , Esr , & Throat KooinV U'lliiatn lluiltlinB , cor. Jd ) ( anil Uod C bit. , Omaha. Mo.uraS to L' 2 to 4 anJ 7 to 8 p.