Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 13, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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Advcrtlscmonts undcf tnlsfiesd , 10 cents per
j Sine for the first Insertion , " cents for oachsub-
icqucnt Insertion , nnd 11.50 n line per month
> "o advertisement taken for less than 85 cents
Jor the first Insertion. Boron words will bo
counted to the line ; they must run consecu-
tlToly and must be paid In advance. All adver
tisements mu t bo handed In bofora 2 o'clock
prn..oml undtr no circumstances wilt they be
taken or discontinued by telephone.
Turtles ndvertlilng In thc-u columns rml hir-
Ingtho answers aJdre'seil in euro of TUP. HIE
Kill plcn o n k for nchecV toonnblo thorn to get
their letters , ns none will bo delivered except
on presentation of check. All answers to ad
vertisements thnuld bo enclosed In envelope ? .
E OANS-l.onns I.uans.
Itcnl estnio l.inns ,
rollniorlnl loans.
( 'hnttcl loans.
Ixmg tlmo loans.
fihort limn loan1 * .
Money nlwnys on hand to loan on any np-
proved tecurltr.
ItivoMment securities houcht ami sold.
Omnhn Hntinclal K.tchnngc , n. w , cor. llitli
nnd llnrnoy.
Corbelt , Malinger. MIS
$200,0)0 ) to loan nn elt month 'to fix yonrs
tlmo tit lowest rules. W , M. Ilnrrls. rootn 0 ,
rreti7tir block , opp 1H ) 714J-28 *
H AHUIB& IIAimiH. ? KOS. 1/lthM. /
Money to louu on llrsl class stourlty.from
; MO upward * . 31
C2MO.OOOTO I.OAN at 0 per cunt. J. J. Ma-
P honey , IWjy I I'unifiin. Wd
[ CI'.NT Money.
1 H C. Patterson , 15th and llnrnoy.
$ .10,000 to loan. Sums 1500 nnd upwards ,
Lowest rntcs. Homls , room 3 , llarker block ,
. W. cor.16th _ nnd nirnamols. HOT
* 1\/rtSlTV / Mrnt mortJiiRe notes. The DoiiK'as '
J31. enmity hank will buy papeis Bfoured by
llrft moitt-'nijo on city realty. 730
GPiit : CiM'Money : to loan
( in-Kiiry tc lladlor ,
Itooms 1 nnd 3 , Hcdlck block , 320 8. IHh Pt ,
Tlf ONKV to loan , cash on mind , no delay. J.
i > l W nnil C. L. Siiilte | , 1413 rurnam St. , Pax-
Ion hotel bulldlmr. HIU
_ _
a'O LOAN Money Loans plnccd on tm-
liroved real cstatn In city or county for
] Now Unpliind Loan .V Trust Co. , by Uouilns
County bank. 10th and Chlrnuo sts. BIO
MINiv to loan on city and farm property ,
low rates , Stewnrt & Co. , Itooni. ) , Iron
Hank. b2 !
ONKY TO I.OAN O. K.Davis A. Co. Uoa
Ksttite uud Loan Agcnls tDO.'i I'arnam st
M ONUV TO LOAN On ical oetnto nnd oh t-
toK 1) I. Thomn * . 815
M I.OANii : > atC. ! ' . Hi-oil ACo'
oltlcfi , on furniture , pianos ,
personal protiorif of all Uliiils. lind nil other nr-
tides of value , without retnovnU ai'J ' S. 13th ,
ovorllliiKhnin'i Commission store. All bust-
ncHsstrli'tly ennlliloutlnl. 813
$500,000 To lonn on Omiitui eity property ntfl
percent. O. W. Dny , over lilla Doni-'lnsst.
MONKVtoloan tiy the undermined , wlio Imi
the only pioporly orKiinl7oil lonu BRoncy
In Omaha. I.onns of J10 to f 1,000 made on fur-
iiltiirc , plnnofl , or nnp , horsee , wngoii" , ranchln-
cry , &o. , without romovnl. No dolnyn. All
l iHlnos8 strictly confidential. Loans so mndo
that any part can be paid nt any time , cnch pay
ment reducing the cojt pro rntR. Advnncoi
mniloon line wnlohea nnd diamonds. Tprsoni
hould carefully consider wlio they nro dcallnir
tvllh , as mnny now concorni nro dnlly coming
Into ozlttenco. Should you nred monor , call
nd POO mo. W. J { . Croft , liooru < , wlthnoll
llulldlntr , IBth nnd Itnrnny . HIS
\\rANTI'O-A man with $75 nnd services to
T take > , ' , lntcro t In nil established bu i
ness. Will bimr Investigation. Address , C , 22 ,
A fiOOl ) chnnco for business mini. I'orsiilo
the besl ro'tminmt In tow n. TorinH rcn
goniiblo Aildiess C , IS , lleo olllce. 100-1C' '
" \\r AXTH ! > A business innu wants n f.1,000 or
' ' ? DCOO Interest in n uood paying leititlmnto
IniBliiess. Olvo full iloacrlptloii , Address A
-0. lloeollleo. Council lllutr ? . 184 17 *
\r > KXCHANOB A vlonn ftoek of clothliiir ,
- Invoice tl.10) ) . for > ? ooil notes , first morl-
u city property or Nebraska lands. . Address
J > . IL'O .V. ltli ( ! slreet. lill-l.'l
FOHTHAOi : Tliron stocks of mo rebuild So
forchea ] ) raw land. H. audit , box VO !
Sheimndonli , Tn. 017.17 *
rpo P.XCIIAXOR Merchandise fur farms mid
J wild land. C. J. Caswell , loom ID. Iron
Hank , OJCII
3J1OH SAM' New ptoek of Indies' furnishing
goods , together with More fixtures. Itusl-
ini-K In lull conduct -with good trade. Location
best on llownid fit. , occupying ' 4 Moro IiiP'iunro
ol fcolld brick. J. ! ' . Hammonil , 115 S. lCthst. _
'JjlOH SALH Tle irng ! to retire from business ,
J ? 1 olH-r my entlio Flock of ( icnoin ! Mer
chandise , ronslsling of Dry floods , Heady Made
Clolhlmr , lints nnd Caps , Hoots and Shoos , nnd
CSrocnrlcii. Would take Improved and unim
proved real estate In exchange lor part of
nmoiint. ( "nn show up n good record of busi
ness. Addicsslock box No. 7 , North Ilend ,
Neb. 327. J. 15.
T7 > OH SALK Or trnde for merchandise , 840
.1. ' neres of No 1 farm land near fJrniid
Island. C. .1. Cumin. 815
HOUSKS Lota.l'nrms.Liinnsm.onoyioanoci. . 3 , llaiker block S W. cor.
15th nnd Parna.n sta. Ml
T71OH 5ALK Hardware Ilusincss- otfer
J-1 our nhrlf nnd heavy hardware business for
fiilo , together with our lon'o and good will ,
liiidn Iiu-Rdst In thr city nnd location tlio best ,
llptlrliifr from the business rnuso for selling
The Ilttum Hnrdwiiro Co. , 1028 O St. , Lincoln ,
MHS. i : . IlflOPP.K. Trance nud Healing Mo-
dliim.N. W. cor20th and Cuss.
, 200J 13' _
I KHSON'AL Mrs. Dr. Niuimo V. Warren
chtirvojant , Mrdlcal and biislne-is Moilltnn
Kooni No. a , 121 Nuilh Ibth tt. .Unuilnt , Neb.
LOST A 1'tiRpup MX months old with iiuir
hnnu'S-i , Rtiaycd or i-tolou Irom Mllltml
Iiotol. Any liilin miitlon or return of tlm clou
illiberal rnwnrd will bo fivuit. Jolm .1. lloth-
uriiih'ton , Mlllunl hotel , 25'J ' III *
C'lOI.KN OH LOST Prom tfid and IxTnvmT
woith ttti on t-th lust. , n livur-coloreil Irish
Spannial di r , rumaikalily larto for the Kind ,
ill pi gill tinliisdflUeiy. . .I.C.IIe > rau. 222
"I OST-llrimllo Hull terrlor dog , Hot urn to
J-i D. II , Whci'liir Uriint
- , corner St.nnd Vir-
Klnl.i nv , and get ruwnrd. 21U 12
T OSTA ledger ; Under plo o return and re-
JJ coivo rounid. H. M. ( Ji-nlu * , UOi Douglas
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
IOST A Newfoundland pup do . about four
j motitlisuM. rimliir return to W. H. Aiiuin ,
t hermnn uvc , iipjiojlto Cane st , and claim ro.
v mil. I1M
Hiivr.S : : iTO .coiurnetorsmid
liiilldt > rii , hnvn rnmoieil liom 2-ld anil I.eni-
eimortlisis toS lUthbt. opi'Osite ' CostiKipolllitn
hoi el. 2J.-17 *
_ _
A lisOLt'TU dUoicc cheaply without pub-
. Unity , ilosorllon , all cuiitu parties In any
mate ; advice fieu. Address Win. WnlU , Oiolons-
liurtr. Now York. _ _ ill 15 * _ _
KINT Fqiinro riniio , fi uiontnir. A
lloepo. 1513 DouttlaP. CIO
INT : Ortuns , 13 per month. ilnpe ,
Douclas. ouy
37OII II15NT Morniio wanted in carload lots
; or loss at wniehoiifo , ior. Nicholas and 13th
Ms. , 1 . 1 > . fiwltch ut thnhoiifcu. I'or tonne apply
to ( ii'O. SchwarU , 51U South 13th tt. 1U1 1U
O HOItniAND-ln trp le.-toiih , . No ehiullnt : ;
kJ no posltlun ; rapid as speeeh. liutriietor ,
M cents. Tcrmus Shorthand liistltnto , Detroit ,
> lluh , Ib-J r 10 *
7Hlt KI'-NT-S Tiano moutoly.
Clairvoyant ,
M ADAM ALASKA , ClmtivoMUit and palmist ,
612 South ICth U K-l
TIOl'NDTho place to Bet the best oyaters In
- the city , blno points , New York counts
nnd clods nt Sliver Moon , cor , lUih und St.
Mary'6 avo. J , II. O'Neill , prop. Jlti j 17.
SALE A car lon'1 ' of choice fresh x ws
FOH springers just iirrlm.I from thudalry
fnimsof lei > a. BatorbiooK'ayanU , luth uud
Ciqiuve. Crone & t lloylos. 217 14 *
TjlOH SALK-Kurnlturo and household goods
J- complete ot -rooiu > uottagE ; parties giving
uj > housekeeping ; thenprent ; (6J Convent n.
l WW *
FOH SALK-A Xo. 1 road mare , fine bloo < lcJ ,
atron'tnble'ssale on January 10th at 4
o'clock near the postoiflco Omaha. 233 19
Fell Alr-Tlic rTirriitiiro of anew house ,
with nil modern convenience. ' , filled wii'i
boarders ; terms made onsyitbo reckon for fell
ing , Ill-health. Apply UOI Douglas it. 197 13 *
OH SAl.t-A : MeAllPitct Moreoptiean , In
good condition , cheap Address C. II. DaIs ,
box 751 , Omaha. Sf > 13 *
770HSALK-Fnrnlture complete for a fur-
1'nl he < l hou o ! B-roora houses can bo rented.
Inquire l&OS CUSS. KSJ ? * _
- In the clock
POHSALK-AnndiprtMlnccarti . , 25 Itco oHlco.
2H 11 *
Iron f ALI5 Tlio bo t bu ity In the world for
JL1 the Heal IMato IJuslncss , Columbus lluifgy
Co. , llll IlnrncyM. 2WI1
A good . " year old horse , lmrne s )
1 and btipity. liiifiulro nt 14QS Douglna st. W-
TTOH SALK OH THADr.-Ono . hand fide-
-U bar buirpy , ono 2d band phnctan , nr.o de
livery wugon. Choup. A. Hospo , 151.1toiiRms. .
751 ) i)0
: Tjpo-wrltor , JOO. J. IJ. llnvncs ,
UoxKtt , Umnhn. M7
SAM'-HnpIl Holler Damp I.o-if Cooler ,
Shannon Kilos , Letter nnd Hilt Piles nnt I'll-
IIIIT Cabinet * ami Transfer Cn"o , Indexes for
Ledger nnd n purposes. Imposition building.
_ _ _
oil HAI.I : Piirnituro nnil ion n ol sir-room
Rlroot , two blocks from Hod Cat lino.
T7UK SALU tneap. iron columns nnd win-
.V dow caps suitable for front on brick build
ing. Forpartlcul'irnapply nt thlsomro. fit
WAHV U-ttAXl ]
'ANTIID- Two brofid bakers. Smith & Co. ,
5IJ Main street , Council Illuirs. 2GO
S. 7th _ t.
\\TANTi:0 : Laborers and rockinon for Wy-
omlng. Albright's Labor Agency , 1120
I'arnam. 101
\\T ; ANTTD-.Men , woman , bovs , alrls to onrn
T $70 per month nt tholr o'vn homes costly
outfit nf Aninpli's , a pnoknKu of woods and full
Information for lee to help pay postiiRo , Ad
dress 11,0. liowoll A Co. , llmlund , Vt.IWflO
IWflO *
WANTKD News agent to run on railroads.
Inuiilio II. Th tmpsoii. Morris'Rmptoy-
ment Agency , South 10th st. 183 lu *
WANTIID-Agents to solicit family orders
for groceries in Omnhn uud surrounding
towns , on salary orcomtnlsslou. Address C , 15 ,
Boo olllce. 172-1 ! > *
WANTED-A legitimate druggist of seven
yenra oxporlenco nnd boat references ,
understands Iho business I rom proscriptions to
cutting ulnmnncl Immlllnirp.ilnta and oils , do-
slre portion In first-class rclnll or wholesale
house , pnmts nnd oil * or trnvnl , consultation
evenings Ifdoslrod. Address G ,12 , lli-o ollieo.
r.n-13 . *
"VAfANTViD First-class pardoner who under-
VT Mnndf * lawns itnd hot hnnso. Address Km-
ployer , 1' . O. , Omaha , with rofoienee-t , Ifi3 12
A\7ANTED 50 sober. Intelligent mon of goo.l
addrt" < 3 to try u lOo meal ut Norrls' res.
tmirnnt.lUI bliltliHt. 1ISJ
AOUNTS III the olty or country can innKo ? . " ' to
J10 n day selling our spoclnltioj. N. W.
Noveltycomimnv. 12J7 Fiirnum St. < 112
'ASTr.D rirst class lnuinlrcBS nt City
\v \
Hotel. 2J3 It *
IfANTIJD-GIrl lor general Housework.
> 2100 Farnnni. ' 237 II *
W IANTI'.O- Good ulrl for itonernl housework.
Jlis. George W. Hull , HOG South Sllli st.
23S 12 *
fANTKU Competent Klrl for poncral
T housimork. liUO Stitli st , uud St.Mary's avo.
Mrs , C3co. W. Hall. 247 H *
A llrst class little girl to take
euro of a baby at Oil S 18th st , .Mrs I.oul3
J Nedd. -OJ III
WANTKD Olrl lor.oneral ( houeework.must
be competent , Kood wages , small lamlly.
apply nt 2illi ! Knrnntii st. 2.71 13'
l7ANTiD : A female COOK at Commercial
> Hotel. 23.1 18'
\\7A.NTI.D-A competent servant ublo to
ti cook , In small family. Wages 51 to $5 ,
Apply l'J-1 rit. Murj's iivcntie. "M
"VSTANTKD ninlnir-room ( ? lrl nnd dlsli.
V > washer. Impure Miller'sHcstaurant , 1001
N. liith st. 2-Ji
\WAKTUD-At once , girl. 2718 I.r > avonworth.
\\7 AXTI3D A jfootl cook Must bo well re
TI cominendod. ( iood wtges. Jlrs. Morse ,
n o cor 20th and Diircnpott. 1'.I3:12
WANTnn-Iiifamllyora , llrst-elass Rill for
( ipunral liousowork. No oilier need ap
ply , at 1 0 Karnam Bt. 201 12 *
WANTr.l-20 Oirl. for I'rlvnto famllk 3 ; be t
wntre * . Omnhn Kmployment liiirean.IlU
north 10th st. , Capitol nve. 2U2 13
TANTRD A woman to loach Artistic Km
AV broidery at 10 0 CiUhorlno st. 201 11
irANTHD-GIrl , good cook and iaudreM , 202
V N 18th st. 1'Jl M'
WANTKD Immoi.lately. ( rood COOK ami
laundress at Ur. V. II. C'ulf man. 2jth ( and
St. Mary's avo. 1'J'J ' 1 . *
TANTiiD-Shlrt makers. Omahntihlrt lao-
tory,308N. Mtlmt. 17710
A competent uirl for l.itchcn
work. Mrs. Ito.iort 1'urvls , cor23nl and
St. Mary S ave , or211 So. 14IU St. 17812
WANTHD ( llrl tor ( tonernl housework.
Good wiuji'S to ciimjiolont Klrl. ! W. Soul It
Twonty-lllth street , bceond liouso south ot
1 .irnnm. 177 12 *
\\TATNKD A rnnijirtoiit hoiisekoepor who
i T is wlllliitr to do the housouork n.xcopt
washlnj ' , , 1U2U Catherine st. 121 14
W ANTHD A plrl to help with penornl house
work , ono who can KO homo to Hleop nt
, Impiire at 1714 Douglas ht. IK ; )
WANTii-nood : girl. Kngllsh or Oormnii ,
cook , washer and Ironer. InqulruTJ
Cacs st . UJ7
\7TANT1JD ! I'lrst-cluBS Laundress. Co/zon
Tf hotol. lUtl
WANTKD An oxperlrncoil nook In Final
family ; good WKL-es paid. Mrs ( J J Hunt
n w cor Virginia nvu and Grunt fit 72. >
\X7"ANTBn ( Mil for ironornl liouseworlt. No
T > 1'Jlb ' Capitol uvuniin. H7S
WAN'l'UD ' Ladles and ( fontlomen In city or
country to tnko lluht work nt their IIOII.OR.
fl.OO to J3.iUa ( day easily made ; work sent by
mail , no t'unvimlnt. . We imvo n iood doiiuuu !
for our work and furnish stonily employmont.
Aiidre , wllh stump , Crown Mltf. CO..21M Vine
m. . Cincinnati ( X 4.Vij-0 * _
\\TANTKD an Luiic * .v gtmts to ioirnloi&
i i ( 'raphy 1'rospi'ct irood for position when
rompctent ; address W. J. D. , Uoom 1 , Cronus
blk. Omaha. l.)7 )
\\7AN" ! HD A llrat class dross mnkor Jusi
from Now York. Would llko employment
In drat clues tiuiuhos by the Uny. Address C U
llooollice. 103 12 *
\\TANTIJD-A situation by n man of fifty
T strk'ily tenipurnto , a fair ivritur , uooil btis-
inets ability , considerable o < cporionco. iSlvtcim
jeaisnfl iintfldii salesman. ) Illk'li wn us nut
KO much an object as n cluinco lor advance
incnt. Addioss C'2tt , lei ) > olllco. 2JD 12 *
V\TAN'IT.I ) Ity a tniddlo nired lady n plauo us
' nurbo or Iljrht housowork. Call at 121
Cassst. 251 H
\ \ ' AN'I'r.D A irentlimian who bus had couald
it crnlilo uxporicueo in koepmtrbooks li\
double entry desires iimplovmont , Uood rufer
ent-os. Addrets C 10 Ilua ollleo. 168 js
IANTID ! Situation us iiureo by Cormiu
I Indy. liuiulrnHll S.Mhet. 10412 *
W ANTIiD Position us coachman by youni ,
lnirlH until. Al-o jfo < nl rldur. and t her
U'liablo. Addiusa 0 14 lice olllco
IhO 13 *
\VANT : j ) To lluy-a Dm , store In Omaha ,
> i or rent H 8UlttbIo : room to utart one. Address -
dress C 21 , Iloo olllco. 2J5 U *
\ VANfI.DToams , 309 S. lltli st.
> > | IOJ
' \\7'ANT To Iriulo good deslrnblo Omalia real
' rgtato for good driigetoru in Nebraska.
Address O2U. lieu ollicoOmaha , Neb ,
| 211 11
WAN'illD To buy tlvo to twenty acres In-
til Jo of or ni-itr Omaha. Clvo descrip
tion , price and lorms. Addiosj , C,20 , Iloo ollicc.
" \\7AM'U1) ) A furnishoit room for Binirlu
1 1 Ki'ntlonmtt. State price and location. Ad
dinsi II C- , lice olllco. 10
\ t7"ASTlD ! To lease for heavy stonttre
1 ' uruund floor , basement or ground wit )
trackHKC , cunvunlont buslnojs contro , aJ
dress. Hector S : WilUelmy Co. , city. W5 13
\ \ 7ANTKD J'urnbliod house In nloo location
l > 7toy rooms. U IS lieu olllce. 071
\ \ 7 AN'riUPo buy a housu and lot for
V \ } . , > ; or IWJ ca h. Addrc jj John Hojran
. c o
, . , „ . . . , oil rooms in ft flr < t nnt or
. . small outage , for light housekeeping ; 4 to
Broomwithin 12 Squares Millunt hotel. Ad
dress H , Millard hotel , Omnna , Riving price , lo
cation and convenienccj ! . 2QS-1J *
\\f ANTfib-To rent ifflvc-ncro farm suitable
for pardoning , located near city. Ad-
drcis , C. 23 , Ilco ollfcp. . . . * * * u *
\\rANTP.D-To rent ft 7 to 8 room house about
the midillo ot .lantinry. Address , H. 40 ,
Ilca Ollico , giving locitlon and term1' . 753
rent n larso unfurnlsheil
. . room with board for two , In private fam
ily , after 1'ob. 10 , w ithin 0 blocks west of the P.
O. Address C. li' ' , Heo olllce. 207
TVANTKD-A genlloninn to sliftro a room
' and expense otn SI2 room and flro. P.ofor-
mco exchange. Call openings or nddress027 ,
Heo. 23012 *
NTKD A young man de lms Instruction
WA the guitar from n competent to ichor.
Address H 41 , Uco office. 7fi5
\\f AN rGD-AroilorTop ilo k In icood comll-
Hon. Addri'S3 statin ? lonxth and price.
Cflsh , Hotel .Millard. fcM ill *
1J1OK HKNT 10-room homo with larer etntile ,
J- \ery rhcnpto right party. Marshall .V Lo-
licck , IMTarn'im. 221
FOH HUNT fi room cottiRe , No , mi 14th
street. Apply 1411 rnrnam st. UW 13
) HUNT An upper story 22x100 , has stair-
I7MH , elevator and alloy In rear. Suitable for
light storage. 11)8 rnrnnm street. 21212 *
oit Itr.NT 1'lno 0-room house , 2XH Davenport
port St. ' 1W 13 *
37 < OK HiTllv : 1'cb. 1st. ten rootn hou o ,
modern Improvements , 1" > mlnuleswnlk
froml' . O. On st car lino. Inqulra at 110 S
Dutmliiset. KO
TpOH HUNT-Storo311 N. 15th Bt. 60ii7 : *
FOlt I1KNT Cottairn , fl rooms , 21d and DOUK-
las. O. K. Thompson , S. W. cor. llth and
Ilarney sts. Wi
"I710H HUNT Nine room hou e , Usnscom
A ? plnee. Holler & Campbell , Hoom 1 , 1501. )
I'nrnnm street. lK'J-12
HKN'T House 10 rooms nil modern Im
provement * , aia N 12th. 174 12 *
H ItKNl' Sinnll houso.corJSevonteetith and
Dmcnportstreets. S L'Mitnnn. 170 _
ItBNT Nlco now brleit sioro room on
Cumliif , ' st. Splendid location lor dry goods
( lood s room dwolllnir on 15th st bet Jones
nnd Lcnvenworth.
n mom cottage on Charles st bet 23th nnd
2ith ! st.
We hnvo some nlco cltv property for snlo on
llbornl terms mid 20ncres of suburban projierly
In which there Is n hunraln.
Persons Imvlnir property for silo or rent will
do well to llt with us a * ivo liuvc imiillrles nnil
customers for proportv Innll p'xrtsnf ilia city.
Klnir \ Tcmploton , nt Citizens' bonk S.4iw Cum-
l Bst. I'1 13
YilOll itlJNl' lloiioi 4 rooms , oconior PhT
JL1 Shcrldnn nnd Howard ot * .
IIouso , rooms , all modern Improvement * ,
Ilnrney nnil 20th st * .
New brick gioro , north inth gt
4iiowBtorpno'ir Hnsciill's hotel , soutli ISth
st . ? 15 pernioiith.
llrlck wareliouso on It. 11. track nnd paved
3rd ptorj * Harkor btlllJingisth and Karnam ,
( ! 0 foetRiiunre.
C. K Mayno. l.'ith and Hnrnov. 227
T71011 HUNT If you want to rent a house , call
J on lionnwuft Co..opposite postollico , 533
HUNT A barn for I bend of horse * . In-
( llilro of M. ! ' . Martin. 837
Foil HUNT A nlco 5-room cottauo. by 3. T.
Peterson , 9. o. cor. 13th and Douglas.
TflOll IlKNT-O room house , city water , street
JLA cars , iy mile * Irom P. o : ? 2" > per month.
D. C. PattersonOmaha Natl bank. 7IU
Oll KKXT-Larco barn with water pr
logos. Apply ut 13H Clilc.iKO St. l)0a )
FOIl IlKNT 3 houses 10 rooms oich , with all
modern Improvomoiua , 21st and Hutu
Inquire of Dr. Paul , IMIi and Dodno. .114
f SutlalilTrior Johhliiv Ilouso.Soo-
ondnnd Third Kloors , 3vlOO ! with base
ment and elevator , entrance from Iront on
Doufilasst.aud entrnueoou rroundllnor from
rear to ' 'lovatur. Address A 3J , Iloo olllco.
_ _ 270.
Oll IIKN'T 2 now houses S. K. cor. llth nnd
IT Vlnlon. Inijulroon promises. _ sfti _
1T1OH Itr.NT Splondld basement SOrJI with el-
-t oviitor _ . _ I'.iiqiilru 2t'Ji Ciiiuliu ; Bt. 12J 14
l/Oll Hf.NT 'I room hoil o S. W. cor. 7th and
J ? Piiclllo. Iiuiulro M. 1' . Martin Z1J
FOR HUNT Slv new brick stores with bmo-
ii H. corner Illoventh and Howard : cholco
locntlon ; nil conveuleiiees. Leavltt Hiirnhnm ,
Itoom 1 , Crchfhton block. PJ7
> OH HUNT -Ouu nowcoltairo , 7 room * , f'M.
1 Throe new 2-story ho H > M , 10 , one ut f.i > :
welllocatod , all convoiren-m. Loavitt Hum-
bnmHoom 1 , CrcUhton block. 127
POK HUNT 50 ncro * aljouiin city north
west , suitable lor dairy or market Iranian.
Apply to Thoo. Williams , Ioo ! Olllce , UU Kur-
naiii. _ BH
TH < )11 KiXT Store 22iM ( , llll ) Jnetaun st _
A. _ 1 8" _
FOH HUNT Larse , sunny , south room with
alcove. All modern conveniences. K'I'J '
I710H HKJTC Nicely fnrnlslioil room , llofor-
Jenccs riiquired. 10J7 Douglas. 937 *
TjiOHTtl5 > } T"flTri'H. . trout , ollico loom , north-
-I ? wojt corner 10th und llnrnoy sts $40.0) per
month. 491
Toll HUNT A nrgo front chamber with
closet , gus , furnace and bath , 501 S. 20th st.
block north St. Mary's avo. 90'
Hl'N'T FnrniilioJ loom. A. llospu ,
H Douglas8t. _ ill I
HUNT 3 rooms unfurnlshol suitable
tor housekoopliu , 1017 N 2Jth st ; apply to
M. F. Martin. 310 Si5th."t. 40J
FOH HKNT Very desirable furnishol room ,
location contra ) , ISU Cup. HVC. 175 12 *
Oil llrTNTLiTfiio turnKlTeil and heated
room for ono or two gentlemen , 112 iier
month. \Vubstorstreet. . I35-13 *
F OlTuUNT rurnlsheil room. 711 N. Kith St.
1TOK7 *
' HUNT Pinnisliod room , sullnblo lor 2
IT'OH 1. Clionp. Ifll.i . Chicago t-t. 2PI12 *
FOlt HUNT Nicely furnished rooms with
llrst-class board. All modernconienienccs ,
24W ! Jones. Four blocks S. of Paxton hiitel.
! i.VI in *
HUNT ' 1 roims siiltablo for houso-
kooping. 711PaulUust. Hont , 31.1.0) .
( >
TT1OI n t K VT FiiriiHliotl room , furimceTcom"
- Iiortabln in coldest wonther , and gili. In-
qulrtiinjl Fdrnam. Ill
ITTot HUN'T 3 nlco newly paporel rooms
X' wntorlnklli'lion ; suitable for hotisokoi'p-
inir. 1'rlcii. 1U1.1 N. 20th at. Ajuly to
oi\nor , M. V. Martinilll : S. l.'ith ' st. ! ) M
1113KT Totrontlnnuin , a room , f 10 per
mi ) , 1713 Ciilllnniliu U4ii
HK.ST Nice winter rooms , 1001 Carnnm
201 13 *
Itr.Nl' ruinlshed rooms for housekeep
inir. Clioiip. StMl Wobstorat. 21115 *
FOH HUNT Handsoinoly furnislicil fron
loom ; iijo of bath ; u. u. cor. St. Mary'x
ave and I''lh ' ht. 214 It'
with ( Irst-class board
NT TaTfe-n furnished rooiTi wltl"
. board. Imiuiro 151 ; ) Howard. 0j-ii :
TJ10II HIN'T ! l-'urnlf > lied rooms , choice tabli
JJ board at 1121 I'ierco st 200-III'
"iilcdy luriiW.ed at rd
prices , from $ i. f 10 , II'fH a month cacti.
W > i South 18th 8tiiif-t , north St. Mary's avenue
upstairs. _ _ _ _
'IriOH Hli.XT-Sleopinc room" * , lurnUhol am
unfumUhudatd > JHowaf > 10ot.iith and IHh ,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
17 OII HISNl' uosh.iblo noA-iy ftirnishoi
I1 rooina for Kontlenioii. ( ius , bath and tiir
nocoheat. 2 i DodKO , _ 3JUJ15 *
IT luTvli NTc rooms at 1 1 Kanuin st"
onu block west of court huuset , > outh sljo.
_ < W
1 pOH HUNT Neatly I urnUhed looms , einalo
1 ordoiible , Itld ilowar I Street. 812
OTfHKN'F-NiccJy tnrni-hoil IronfparfoYsT
pormonlh 2Souiji ; 15th st. _ 2-9 14 *
J"OH J" 11KNT : i furnlshod loomsT 6tovus , ( 'iv
: and all conveniences ; f 10 , $14 and f\f \ > pc
month. IblB ruriuim st. 21114 *
HIJjTr UnfurnU'lif-d pirfiTr and liod"
room with closet , 6 blocks irom 1 . O
_ n , Hid I'urnam st. 2oD 13 *
If Oil HUNT l.urjtt ! front room , with
out board ; also day boarders wanted
1720 Ciisa . 24 : ! 1U
'ITIOHHKNT Three front rooms , newly fur
- * - ' nlihed ( soutii wlndoive ) , vnry cheap , ti
N Hthst. 31310 *
) ? OH HKNT-Furnlsho.-l hoiiie , ii > J lJodifO
J- ' cheap rent Inquire 107 North 12th st.
. _ 8S5U
POK HUNT Tour unturnUboa rooms
for honsokoepliii to am ill fitmllr , 10
cateo on ( ioorfla avb near btreot caw.surrouriu
lutrs pleasant and will rent ohoup to eu' > il
partu > srcfoieniiorequlreJ. ; AJJrou A , O-'i.lleo
ollico. "ij
[ Tion HRXT Klcrant rooms on tW > lcftr
-U line , bath hn1/gas , s. w. cor 20th ( in 1
Vcbstor. . _ _ _ _ I3J _
H Hr.XT-l'lensnnt furnished room , 1BI5
Cn. . MM 10 *
OH KENT KifnifthKd rooms for llffht homa
keeping , Ueenlofi tlock , cor th A Howard.
1 614
HRVT Ntiwlr furnished , hoate.1 front
room 2.MI Sff > fnry a ave. -frl
IrToil nKNT-LjU-Roclo.ant rooms.wllh closet
J1 Southfrotjc. Ulti Chlg.iTQ Mroet. 813
ITIOIMIKNTMk' furnished front room
J with piano If oD'irc 1. All modern conveni
ences. 414 N IVth street. POO
'iTlOllTfBSTSiflto of no ly f urHTjho l rooms
JJ In new house ; modern conveniences ! to
Bentloraon. 1W
lr Alini * IIAllIM8 ,
Uouso nnil lot. Mlewlld . f5.VKI
Lots In Kilby Place , liom fMO to . * )
lluslncss lot on Bnundors street . fi.W )
Lot. HllWdo . 1.71X )
Hmiscumrinco , ! lot , block 8 . 2,71(1 (
" " " IS . 2,250
" " " " . V'W '
Ujtsln Improvement ns oolntlon , $1,200 to : ) .500
lloii o nncl lot in Kount/o ft Huth's , cheap If
tnkcn In n few days.
I/its In Hnwthnine , Harris & Patterson's an
nex , Totter * Cobu'ft mid to South Omnhn nnd
Jotter's add to South Oiniilm. B50 14
i iinut > urnj"i nn uu mii > iiuii/m/iiiu uivii iiuii
on hljrh , healthy Knnmd. J. II , Uvuiit & Co. ,
ON .lanilnry 20lh Inti In AinflcM iiddltlon
will mlvnnec 15 per emit. Uuilnic tliu In
ter thus farther hnvo been sold nt from TIOO to
fMXJ on roinarknlilr paiy term : ! , one-cli-titli
en'li , the tinlnnco 110 per month. Surround-
injf properly Is from 50 to 75 per cent , hlirhor
HIMII thoto price" . 1' lot * remain uti'old. .1.
I' . HiiMimond , 117 South Sixteenth street , < -olo
agent. lO.'i
LOT , frontlnir 2 streets , 2oth nnd 1'aclllo , "
houses , J2fiOO. Ka v terms.
Host lot In Orchard Hill with n-roniu hou p ,
Imrn , well , cistern , fruit nnd slindu trees , Sl.iiOO.
S \V cor llth nndrnelflc , Cfl.vl3Inflnocotlngc8 ,
Lot fronting on Convent nnd 2li } | si * 1m-
ptovcmunts worth $1,001 , 2 housei. ell jnnd
cistern filter. fO.OUO. inny : terms.
6-room cottnw nnd lot , 2Sth nnd Charley
- ' . ) ) . $100 cn li , bnl IMRJ- .
N 12 cor ofl'tn nnd l.eavonworth , 2 house * ,
routfi for ? 7" > per mo , lot Rl\Btl , Iluo b\i \ lnos *
property , $12,090. Mead & Jamloon,31S S 15th
street. 24'J '
X ltUViiruboixntltiil , mid nitich lartror tlmn
in other addltloiu , Is the usunl verdict re-
( rardlti ; ! the ' . ' 00 lots In Alhriiht'n choice , 100
VAI.r.K\ ' ,
Our now addition.
Aero * ? too to f ; u.i per aero.
Noiir South Oinnha.
And hydlcato Hill.
Marshall A ; Lobock ,
103 150'J ' Knrn on.
Omi lot in 1'laln Vlow.900.
Slots , McCormlck add on l.eavonworth st ,
fu''WO lor both , ? , % uaih , balance tuuii.
Ouu lot , Illraoliiuiuii I'lnco , near Hanscoin
1'ark , 52.100 , one-half ca < h.
1 lot , Ilhnohnuirirs 1st mlit , near 17th * t$3COO.
one-third cash. Ualanco 1,2 nnd 3 yc > nr * .
Lots In l'ntrliik'8 addition , SV-00 , fbOO cilsh ,
balnneo 1,2 nnd il j ear * .
\Vu Imvc n nice ll t of Honth Omnhn properl/
on our hooks that onu can double tholr money
on in n xlinrt tlmo.
> ( nun on Chicago street , J2.0JO , 8 rooms , $ 00
sli , biilunco $25 pcfmonth.
Purk .V FowlenliVil Doualaa. 17(1 ( 12
MMltt IIOOM Is iihmenso In South Omaha
\ propcrtj , nnd AllTJght's Choice lends them
all. There Is not aJjail lot In this beautiful
property. * 100
HANSClW PLACrlluylng ! a lot Itffiaiis
com Place mcail ! ) a safe Investment nud
hirco profits \\iohavn a long list ot them In
nnd mound Hansaom Park which wo want to
sell to you now , before the spring advance.
Prices range fiom FLOOD to $1,000 , one-third to
one-half cash and some of them uru sure enough
bargains. _
, ; * firoL'ory & Iladloy ,
Itnoms 1 nild 3 , Jiodlck block , 320 S 15th st.
flSTItCTS Ol'TrRiF unTtitles to real ontalo
guarnntefd-1 Jlldland Guarantee & Trust
company , 130. ) Iju-nam st. 1'U f7
XI ) lots iii Hui llnzloii pluoo , Souili Oiiintiii.T.110
) U best addil1ohiVct offered. Prices J300 to
S'M per lot , cnsiv.cry u. J. 11. Kvans & Co. , 'solo
agi-nl' . ' " " * 211 14
AJrlM Iteal l t ttp Aiccnrr am sollnifr lota In
Ilnnscom park iiddHlon on full4 pilcusnnil
terms. You mo inrltcit tocomo mid see what
tliM iounil N , its location and surroiiiidlnus. If
joulMiynow yon will make the sprliijT nnd
hiuiimei ndvnncoand if you want a plaoo to
build u homo no better iilaco thnii llnnscnin
j > aik be found. It will pay yon to fully m-
vosli ate the merits of lluuscoin I'ark addition.
Como and do so lit j'our onille.t couvpiilonco.
Ames , 15U7 nunnmBt. _ 1R2 K ;
20th lots In Aln'tlold Aililitlon
will mlvmico 15 per cent Durlnir the win
ter thus far they hnvu boon vulil at trom 5)00 )
to fSOl on remarkably i > asy terms. < mo-ei-lith
cash , the balance $10 per month Stirroundlnir
property I. from W to 75 percent , hiurher than
these prices. 18 lots remain unsold. .1. 1' .
Hammond , UT South Sixteenth street , solo
nvcnt. litf
BUYAKKW of the o oloifant lots In At-
brliht'flClioiL'n and double your monov
before Mirlnur. Albright Is mnltluv lots ot
money for lots of people who piirehn.o from
him. Only a llttlo money roaulred to buy a lot.
" , DOOM Is Immense In Pouth Omaha
property , and Albriirlit'B Choice lends them
nil. Tticie is not 11 bad lot in this beautiful
property. 10U
F SALK Improved tarm , 101) ) acres , 23
miles from Omahi : , two Kood houses ,
barn , 209 bearing trees , $ J. . per ncrn. Illz udr-
triiln. Hull'A ; I'mklmm , No. 12i ) N. 10th ft. Hooiu
2 , Lincoln , Neb. C61ii _ ; * _
FOH HA LI.- Lots in HiirllriRton phvo , by all
odds the ben addition to South Oiniilia ;
f JO ) to f..00. .1. 11. Kviuig A : Co. , sole nirmits.
244 U
rpIIKY are beautiful , nnd much 1'irjrer than
-1 In other addition" , Is the usunl verdict re
Rardlntf tho200 lots In Albrliht's Choice. 100
ON.laiiUtti'y2ith lots In AInslloTd Addition
will advanuu 15 per cent Dm Ine the win
ter thus far they have bei-n sold at Irom $100
to toO ) . on remarkably oasv ternii , ono-cltrhth
cash , Die balance $ li ) per month. Surroundhitf
property is Irom M ) to 7. > per cunt , hinder than
these prlcoH. 18 lots lomtilii unroll. .1. I' .
Hiunmui.d , 11 * South Sixteenth street , sole
agent. liio
/ mnooiiY * ,
VJ MeinberaOmnhn Heal I'stato Kvclmiujo.
Hnoms 1 Mini 3 IteJditk Illock , 3M South
Fifteenth stroot.
Corner on Dodge nOvlK , improved and
reiitlns for flXi ; ( ( ) per year sf.W.OW )
Corner I3\l.t. . on 1'luventh street , near
South end of viaduct 1(1,000 ( ,
Lot filvli ) . ' , half block troin now union
trelRlit dooot situ , ( only $1.500 cash. ) . . . . 12.000
ll.irirallis In business property livall ii'irtt of
"busliie. s , " ami houses and lot , la Hunscom
IMaoo. Id
FOll SAM. TOO acres of line hind In Nnnco
poiiuty ; Jio per acre ; ono-lmlt rash.balaneo
easy terms. uCilOO tcolon 10th st. J-'O.O * ) ; U4x
It ! ) feet on lOili el , fliJ.rrX ) . II. W. llunlrnai
150U Fiirnam bt. 200-11 *
GIII5AT r.XClTHMiNTin : South Oiiinlin over
thu way ncriH tind lots In Albiltrht'H Choli'O
goliif. T olity-lwo lot. sold In ono day.
FOH SAM1 Sotnn of the best agricultural
land In Kastorii N'chraska nt $10 per tiara on
20 years'tlmo , ( I ] ) er imt Interest ami no t > ixo , .
Wrltcor eiill lor pnnKnilars. O. P. Davis fi Co ,
Omnha.Noh. 5U.-1
TPOn SAI.K-IArii'WO east fronts In Kilhy
JL ? plncollOOC.ieli A , I1. Tukoy , UOI Tai-
nnm j K . 2.l
lot , near cor. Suvar ! st , frontlnif or. _ . . . .
dors st. ami pttvert'st. ; olieap for ouih. .1. U
Hlco & Co. , ovjr Comjiiorclnl biulc. 7J5
" OMAII Allots in AlhrlgiTf'T'AiiTfux"
raio bargain. Hush it
ftOO PKU CiNT : pr'ont bus boon mudo since lust
' ' August by purchasers ot lots from Mr ,
Albright , In the- , u.dlitlon west qt AlhrUht's
choK'u. AlbrlKlu'A S clioioo beats thorn ull ant
don'ton fortfot It. li > J
RUSH & SKLIIY7-'I sl'itli , lmve"o-cluslve
ealo of cor. lot , I3hull'a uda. Oroat liar
ualu fiK.
2 lots. Orchard Hill , each l,0 < io
Ilu.nlltonrt. lot , burcuin. l.-'O '
Marsh's add , on Loa\unworth , per foot . , 10
rihcrman ave , I'uddock add , in it 7,000
Lowe'3 add , C. ft , blk O , monthly pay
ments 1,300
Lou 05 * add , lot 0 , U 0 1.04J
Ilu Inoss cor , Lesvomrorth , cast of Holt
line . . 2,000
llarnoy st uholifenlu district , 2. ft , to trade
Jor city Improved property.
llonsfl and half lot , X 2.'nd st $ * , ' - ' > '
South Omaha lou on monthly paymouts.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 7'J-l
ON January 2oth lots in Aln-P.old Adilltlou
will advance 1 , . per cent. Durlni ? the win
ter thus fur they liavo been fold at from ? liu
to f-0) . onreumrknbly easy terms , onoui-litl
cush , the liulunc-u f 10 per month. Surrounding
property 1. from nn to 75 per cent. hl.vher than
thusu prlees 14 lots remain unsold. J. F.
Hammond , 117 South Hxlcciith street , cola
ucut. lii
mOH SAI.R-An Improved farm of 3.0 ftcrct
. * - In Onfre county. NobrnskH. 10 mlles north of
Icntrlfc , and n miles Irom I'loneroil wtntion , on
1. Hy < : newS-rooro home , laro tiarn.woll ,
vlnil mill , orchard containlnir Uo tipple tree * ,
! W neres under ctiltlrntlon. WJ neres fenced ,
nrcocattlo < hp.l , waion shed , crib room for
,50-1 bti'hels ot corn , hojt aud CRttlo corrals.
ilenty of water for stock , larffo coltonwuod
srovc. 'nilsl oiioot the best farms In Onsro
pounty and n bniraln nt J10.500. One-thlnt
cft h , bnlnnro In 10 years at n percent Interest.
io trade fnrOmahn reale'tnlo , ono toani of
nrtre work horjcs , new eel double work harness
and new wacon.
Two bush.e < s loU SSt'l ft on Lcsivnnworth
street , cheap , JJ.OXl. lloitcr * Campbell , loom
Ij03 rnrnnm t. 210
Olll'.AT l.XCITI.MI.NlTn"S thTtn.iJ.a over
v tli > . way acrosand lots In Alhrlant's Cholco
nro golntr. Twenty-two lots sold In ono day.
F RE AI1S fHACT with every lot In HiiilT *
Solhy's aild. 783
Smith Omnhn over
V * the way ncrt < s and lots In Albright's Choice
nro eouij ? . Twenty-two lots sold In ono tiny.
J.rAVKyoii seen thorn ? If not , call on W. O.
* Albrlelit nnd KO out to South Oninha wll'.i
one of his nirotits to ln ppct the uia nlllcflnt
iropcrly known in Albrluhfs Clinieo. tOJ
C.OO IT.KCKXT pront IIRS been made since last
t Atiiftist by purcha'ors of lols fiom Mr.
Alhrltrht. In the addition wwt of Albrlcht'5
Choice. AltirlKht's Choice bc.its thorn all and
lon'tyou foritet it. 1W
ON .Intnmry COth lots In Alnsneld Addition
will ndanco 15 per cent. Hiirlntr the win *
: cr thus far they have oooi\ \ sold at from J10J
to $ 00 , on ri'intirkntilyoasy terms , ono-eiirlith
cn h , the bnlAiuM $10 per month. SiirroundlhK
lirnpcrtv Is from Mtu "it > er rrnt. lileher thnn
ihe n prlcm 13 lots romnln unsold. J , r.
Hammond , 117 South Sixteenth street , solo
iRimt. 103
"I70H PAl.i : Lot 01x13 ! foot on Davenport ,
J between lllh and lith stioots , with two
iioiipcsll10.w.2oojcisliiuvl ; lom < tlmo. In
Infldopt-opcrtvwo hnvo n l.irffo list of business
and ii'sMcnco lots first cln . l'tircha crs will
do well to see us baloro buying. Marshal .V Lo-
lieck,15W 1'iirnum. oal
pTA l.ts . In llurllnittnii plnco. Pouth Omnha.tho
* ) \J be t addition yet ollnrod ; prices HO ) to
? , " > 00 per lot. K.isy terms. ,1. 11. Kvans \ Co. ,
SOlO lUffllt ? . 211 II
rpIIU IIOOM Is Immense in Pouth OmtUui
1 proppity , nnd Albilttht's Choice lends them
all Tnote is not a bad lot In this beautiful
propel ty. 1UO
KOO PI5U CI'.NT profit has been tnndo since hist
J Aucii't bv purchasers of lols from Mr. the iiddltlon went of Albright's
cholco. Albrluht's choice boats them nil and
don't you lorKOt it. 10J
THIJY nro beautiful , nnd niuoh larcer than
In other additions , Is the usual verdict re-
Kiirdlnt' the 20. . ) lots In Albright's Choice. 10j
"ITlOlt SALK Two lots corner on Lowe avo. , In
JL West Omaha , 2 blocks B3Uth of l-'aruiim St. ,
both Iorf2,0u0.
Corner In llnnsoom 1'la o , 2 blocks from
street car. 1 block from church and school ,
i.'ornerlot on South IHth st. Cheap at Sn.lOi ) .
Heltcr& Campbell , room 1 , 159J Tarnnm St.
IIXCITCMnN'TIn South Omnhn over
the way acres and lots In Albright's Choice
are Kolnjr. Twenty-two lots sold in ono tlav.
TT AVKynti Been them ? If not , eall on W. (1. (
J L Albn lit and RK out to South Omaha with
ono of his agents to inspect the mngtiincont
property known as Albright's choice. 100
WILL III'Y a peed lot In Hurlmrton )
SHOJ ' , ' > mlle west ot packing' houses , near
lirnposiMl II. AM. . tlopot.
$ VX ) will buv tlm be t Inside lot In nurllntrtou
I'lnro , west of nil tlm unwholesome smells nnil
on hlirh , healthy ground. J. 11 : Uvatis .V Co. ,
eolo agents. 244 14
FOlt SAMS-BO ft. fronting on Dodge St. 3
blockaoaptof the poslolllco. A bargain at
S10.000 ; SIU.OOO cash. Marshall & Lobeck , 1.VJ3
L'tirnnni. 010
COO PUH Cl-'VT p.-ollt has boon iiiiuln since last
JL , Aiiirust bv purohasers of lols from Mr ,
Albright. In tlm addition west or Albright's
choice. Albright's cholco beats them all and
don't you loiget It. 100
\\7"iaro : nnthorlr.o.l to Invest (31,0) ' ) in Itn-
> i prorod iusldo proporty. What have you
to otter Wo iiionu business , Mead , V .lamloson.
318S.15th st. 67J
e ITY A mw ot tho-so i-lPirnnt lots In Al-
lioloio xprliir. ) Albruriit H miiklnir lots of
inonoy for lots of people wlio piirchndo from
him. Only a little money ro itilrcd to buv a lot.
BO\VLINll < ilSUV-Our ! ! now alditlon Is
west of Walnut Hill , on llninllton stroot.
lly solcctlnt ; lots at ? I5) ) for Inside uud $17 1 for
coiner' , you will make a if nnil Investment.
Terms 10 per cent cash and $5 monthly. No
rlinivolorsho'vlnif the lot * . Marshall A Lo-
bock , lliiM Karnam fi9 !
bpiiutllul , and inuciriiiriror tliiirT
. In other additions , is the usual verdict ro
iraullnjr the 200 lots In Albnuht'H Cl.olco. 10J
HOIJSns Lots.Farms.hands money tanned ?
Bonus , room .1 , Iliirkor block , S. W. cor. and rnrnnm stt. rM
ITA lols In llurlliiBlon jilnce. Pouth Omilm , Iho
' " best n-ldltlon yttolloron : prices SWOto
1501 per lot. * Ktxsy terms. J. II , llvnns A : Co. ,
BolouKnt ( . 214 14
BL'YAI'T.W of those elouaiit lots in Al
briKht'.s Choleo nnd tloublo your money
before Mining. Albrlirht is maklnir lots ot
money fur lots of people who purclitiso Irom
him. Only a llttlo money mpiiroJ to buy a lot.
rtOO I'KIl Cr.N'T i > rollt has been made slnco last
'J Aunust by ptirelmsors of lots from Mr.
AlbrlKht , in the addition west of Albright's
choice. Albright's choice boats them all and
don't you forxct it. 100
BUY A KIJW of those pleirnut lots In Al-
hriirbt's Choice and iloublo j'onr inonoy
before 'pilnsr. Albrljfht Is innklnif lots of
money for lots of people wno purclm = o from
him. Only n little money required to buy n lot.
ROLTIl OMAHA Sinn bnitltlful lot Al-
briuht's Annex , $ .VW : ? 5T down , bnl. fill per
month. Also 11 more , Sl.UJJ , ono.thlrd ensh.
Hush & Selby , 218 S. 15th. 7U !
rpim IIOOM U Innnenso In South Omaha
A prnpoity , nnd AlbrlKht's Cholco lends thorn
nil. Theru Is not a bad lot in this bcautif til
property. 100
rplIK IIOOM Is Immijiiso In Soulh Omaha
1 proterty ) , nnd Albright's Choice lotvls tlioiu
all. ' ( lioru Is not a bud lot in this bunutilil
property. 100
> II A : SHtllY'8 add. to South Omaha ,
lloitmlf ill lot * , only ifiO down. 71U
i ItUAT KXC1TIJJIKNT in South Oiimlin over
.J thu way acres and lots in Albrlitht'H Clioluu
Twenty-two lots sold In ono d.iy.
KM )
H AYH you seen them'II not , call on W , O.
AlbrlKht nnd U'O out to So-ah unmlm with
one or hisiisenn to inspect ihu
properly known us Albriirht's Cholco , 100
pHlIYnio beautiful , and miu-li larger than
in oilier nddlilonc , Is the usual verdict ro-
20 , ) lots in Albright's Choico. 100
rpnij IirKMisiminenson sotitli omam
1 Iirnpi-rty , and Allirltrht's Uholco leads then
all. There Is not a hud lot In this IjoiiMl
property. IOJ
TIJY A KP.W of those elegant lots In Al
IJ brltrht's Cholco anil double lour motif >
before sprlmr. Albright is innlilnif lols f
money tor lots nl jieopla who piirclniso Iron
him. Only a llttlo inonoy loiulred to buy n lot
FOHHALlI-r.ots In Ilurllnirton pUoe , bynl
oiltN the nu-t addition to South Oimiha
f.VJO. . J. II. IJvans k Co. , solij uyents.
211 11
FOlt SAl.K Lota In Ilurllnyton pliieo.bya
odds the best uiMltion to Ninth Onmhti ,
J , 11. K.itnsC'o. . , solo iiironH.
AHA III ! bnrjnln ; 40 acres ot laml very ohcni
In llnu.wurm southern cnmato. lor imr-
tioiilars nddiojs n 4'J Iloo ollleo , 7lSj 5
QOL'TII OMAHA -Wo have for s.iln two nyii"-
n dlento Ion f liJ73 OJ ouuli , llrst puyroent onlj
$100 , bal. monthly orouariorly.
Alia corner ami adjoining lot In Illock 25
f . ' . -to i I'lrnt payment , f'.v ) .
llo t lots In Hiisii .VHeluy'dndd f-Vono-tJiitl )
cnsh , balance monthly or iiuartorly , Abatnici
with every lot ,
AllirUhl's Annex lots tJ-JS to ? 5W , fW cash
balance monthly or quarterly.
Ku.ii Selby , 218 S 15th. 793
BUY A I'KW of those elo ant lots in Al
hrltfhl'B cholcfi and double your nuinoj
buforo uprhifr. Albright I * makliigr lots o
money fur louot people n'ho purcbiieo fruu
lilnt. Only u httlo num./ required to buy a let
HAY15 you soon thomi Jf not.rull onV. . O
Altirkht anduuoatto South Omiha wit )
ono of liU B cuts to inspect the mugnitlcon
property Vno n as AlbrUUl's cholco. 1UJ
AVI ! you si-en them ? If not. call on W. 0
H Albright and go out to South Onmhii wltl
onnof hit itKonIs to Inspect the mti tiltlcon
property known as'd CholUB. 1U-J
HAN K you goon thorn ? Jt not. cnl ) on IV. (5 (
Alhrurht antluonut to South Omaha will
ono of hlsiik-'unU to mspoct the
property known a * Albright's Choice. IOJ
, lIiATr.XCrrr.MliNT | : in South Omnhaovc ,
VJ the way acrogund lota in Albright's Cholco
j are ; oliiuT'wuuty two luts old in ono day.
[ TlOll SAM' For cn'olco linrsnin * In
-U nnil outMdo property It would bo to your
ndrantaeo to tipo u nnd look at our com | < lcto
1st Al o for quick sale list property with Us ,
ny for 30 orfO diiy ! > , nnd It will tie Mid.
Wo nro only Bolne to ailvortl o lmrR lrr .
Splendid noitfaln Wo linvn otcliil\i > control
torOOilajsof an Impmvoil ploco of prop-
crty.H minutes' w lk from p < tolTlco. one
block from paied utrcot. Will pay Sisaifl
per month and lot double In value in two
years for ? 13OC .
Vo will not ndiertl n nnj thing but genuine
larraln Cooitn-room hou o aid pnrt of cor
ner lot. f3,500 If sold eoon. In the heart of
the city.
Vo will not advertise anything but Rctiutno
laririiln Mncniflcent cornorlot on Vtirnam t ,
ptvemont , roilioouMy cheap nt $ lfi,0i > ) ,
t will pay you In look over our ll t. \\o\rlll
not advcrtlso nnjthlna but genu
ine birpalns.
1nchonulot § wo Imvo onn ot the beat 'Istsl
hn city , ctockilnlo & Mitchell , 151C HodRO M.
240 IS
_ _ _
T01lT.\I.IJ A3aprofnrm with hniiso , barn
A ? nnd crib , on the II. V. Hy. , and only one-
mlf mlle from a irood railway town , with
ohureliM nnd schools. 1'rlco ? 9,001 Apply to
l.oiils Dr.ulford , cor. 9th nnd Douglas , Omaha ,
Neb W3
' I MIISY nrobcniitlftil , nmi niiich Inrpefthan
JIn other iiildlltons. Is the usual vordltt 10
2.X ) lots In Albright' * Cholro. UK )
GKNlMNi : tl.VHdAlMS-Two corner lota in
llnrdottecourt , only 4 blocks Irom Saitn-
der's street ours. w. .M. llushmnn , Hoom U ,
Uiislinmn Illock , N Uoor 10th ami Douglas ,
' "
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I'd" _ _ _
: ; w > WILL IM'Y n good lot In llurllngt-m
$ lUicni mlle wo tof pnculng houses , near
proposed II. % V M depot
fMOmlll buy the best ln Mo lot In llurllngton
Plnee , west of all the tinwliclofimnn smells nud
on high , honlthy gruiiud , J. 11. Urnns V Co , ,
sole agoutis. 241 II
ON January 20th lots In Alnstlold Addition"
will ndviinec 15 per cent. During the win
ter thus far they tttiva boon fold at from f 400
to SSOO. on remarkably easy term ? , oniveighth
ca h , the balance JKI per month. Surrounding
property Is from 50 to 1 ! > per cent , higher than
these prices. IK lots romnlii unsold. .1. F.
Hammond , 117 South Sixteenth street , polo
agent. 105
HOIISKS Lots.I'nrms.Lands monnyloaimd.
llomls , room ! ) , HarKo bloeic , 3. W. cor
15th and Farimm "Is. Ml
. LOANS-II. H. Hall A
Co. 115 3. 15th at CIS
KOO PHH CUNT prollt .ins been nmdeslucola t
- > Atik'tt t by purclin ets of lols from Mr.
AlbrUht , in the addition west of Albrlitht's
choice. Albright's choice beats them nil and
don't you forget It. UK )
How Two Yoniiff Men K.\iccteil to
Mnlcc a Million in New MeMco.
There wns n llttlo town on tlio Atchison -
son , Topeka & Santa I'o railroad , says
this Hntto City ( Montanaterritory ) Miner ,
tlial is now n thriving , bustling metrop
olis , anil tlio county seat of tlio rich
county of Sooorro. Ninety nulcs distant
are the San Mateo mountains , in which
the celebrated Block range lies , with its
former mining metropolis , called Chlor
ide. Five years ago , at a point midway
between tlieso then baby camps , two
young men conceived the brilliant idea
of fortune , and at once put it into prac
tice. On the side of a clear stream of
mountain water at the foot of a lull that
shut oil'the cold winds of the north and
was sheltered by thosurroundinir hijls on
all sides they built a cabin and a chicken
hatching machine. Near tubes pr piprs
kept well heated by oil , they put in place
( i.OUO eggs tor incubation. During the
twonty-ono days necessary for hatch
ing they saw no one , and avoided
even the few Indians who passed
in solemn file through tlio trails
loading across the range. At night , like
the milkmaid in llio story , they counted
how many chicks they would hatch with
out the mother hens , how many would
die , and at what price they would sell
the remainder , when largo enough to
broil , to the hungry gold hunters who , it
was expected would swarm the new
town ol Socorro. the terminus of the
railroad and Chloride the future Bntto
ol JSow Mexico.
Every dollar these two pioneers lind
was invested in their grub , a , rude incu
bator , and many eggs , secured at great
cost and by various methods. They be
came nervous as the twonty-ouo days
passed. One morning ono ran breath-
loisly into the cabin , whore the other
was'wimng the tin plates used : it a "iried-
sowbelly" meal with an old poeket hand
kerchief , and cried out :
"They are coming , thousands of them
are coming. God in heaven , we're
rich ! "
I'latcs were dropped , anil lo the spring-
chicken machine both hurried. Sure
enough , there they were. Liltlo liens and
little roosters of very tender age , but so
bright and apparently happy that the I wo
boys fairly danced and made the moun
tain hollows ring with their songs. Hun
gry coyotes skulked on" , wondering what
the matter was.
Well , these two men were busy enough
then. Ninety per cont. of their eggs had ,
by the magic of oil and pipes , become a
brood of 0.-100 velvety little chicks that
looked to them for food , care , and cover.
It was wonderful how , m that wild land ,
these little birds thrived and grew. 'J he
percentage of loss was singularly small.
They became vigorous out there in the
mountain air , where were no poisonous
surroundings to cause sickness and death.
In a lew weeks thu two friends had 5,000
chicks that within ten days would bo
ready for the hotel and restaurant tables ,
They sat down and planned. They lilted
np with coops the wagon they had ;
thin * brought in the other her o from the
hills and ir.ailo preparations for two trips
weekly , ono of torty live miles to Socc-rro
ami return , the other fortvlivu miles to
Cliloridi ! and return , each trip going out
to bo loaded with "broilers" or "stous' '
and returning with greenbacks and gold ,
Never did two men feel more lighthearted -
hearted and apparently with bettor
Cannes. The 0,000 chickens had cost them
exactly ! . ' ! ( cents apiece to raise , einial to
$1,100. They had ' expended several
hundred in preparations for hatching ,
feeding , etc.
The day for the lir- day's marketing
came. Ono went with tins install
ment to the plaza ot Sueorro , Mlnlo the
other remained to watch , teed , and house
the Hock. Three days was the allotted
time for a trip. Only at the expiration of
the fourth did the wagoner return. Ho had
lo t inonoy on the cargo of "npring
broilers. " Next morning with 000 more ,
the other partner , boosting his sueei-is at
bargaining , started for Chloride , to bo
gone three days , I'romplly on the ovr-n-
fiig ot the third day ho returned , bring-
inir the chiekons with him ! There wu.s
not a human buing in Chloride oven the
cabins looked lonesome there. A council
was called. Jt consiited ot the men and
the chickens. The hut had lillju lo say
on the occasion. It was decided that
ono should go to .Socorro and try to con
tract the entire lot at cost , then , with
their original capital in hand , and swal
lowing thu loss of a season's work , they
would "strike out" for now Holds. Karly
next morning , mounted on I ho faster
hor-io of the two in camp , the partner
started. Reaching .Sooorro , ho saw Dial
il was unusually lull of people , and his
heart leaped with joy. In ten mintiU-3
after his arrival , however , ho heard aerlor
yelling "Kansas chickens , only 10 cents
n pair , or 20 conn apu-cu ! " Inquiry dis
closed the fact that the Kansas people ,
whore fowls are almost grown without
coal , had shipped uar-loiioi to t'aut mar-
hot. Tlm partner Kpolxu not a word to a
Socorro iiinn. Iteniouuling , ho rode bank
to th& "oil hatchery. " A short consulta
tion was held. It was determined to
hurry out of the country lent somebody
should como and take their horses. And
then ihc'o .young men tnrned loose in
tlioso mountains 0,000 line , fat spring
chickens , ready for the table , to become
food for the coyoios , hawks and foxes !
They inmla their way out bv degrees.
The writer met them months after in the
town of AlbiHintirqno , Harnadlllo county ,
a Now .Mexican metropolis aftorwurtl
and now. They wore saddened but not
subdued , Hoth went to vork for Charllo
Xoigur , ono of thu host-known and most
fiticcossful men in thut country They
urn both to-day at work in lUittu , un < l
doing well.
J rriiM.PomblpM. tiiumntNslInt
'only on lnlru > worlitrcnrr tlnir
AtonUnuout Jrifrfe < f ffapnttfo
fnrrtnt. BtlcntlRc. roiwfnl , bur blc ,
jfirtibl * mid refill * * . AtoU fraud * .
OTprtVOOOctiTT'l. Btnrt Ump rftrpkmphlet
Successors to Jno. 0 , Jacobs.
AM ) ri
olds tand 1107 I'arnatnst. Orders
lytolograph so.loitod ami promptly at-
ended to. Telephone No. 2 5.
To Soil the Host
Window Sash Locli
K\.or \ Invented.
Aconl * mtko M iiroflK. flrou
lilts tree. Stmpli ) tir null 1 ) ct > .
nillorion. Nobrnok'i.
.VT..r , . tUI : I Ml imp Tit
1 NKhirthKNBW IMfKomu
N NONLY'M * ' , rhi'1pwlft > ornr Mnwor
nui , iiillil , roothlKiriirtttiti of
' r through ill wrtk i > ttl , reiu r-
, , _ _ . imlWtnrouiMrrrcih , Klcctria
irrent " . Vrflrll InMmillr or wofoifMl S , ( HO IntKlh.
* Rlf t tnirTo fnientio rrfiII i.thfrl tti \ > > t t if itr-
nunf ntly turf il In Ihrrct month' H * l il i niphlvt 40. , im
TlioSar\Jon ClcctrioCo. IC9LiSallotl.C 1
State Agents
1'OHTHli !
[ { DUO'S. 1"
Omaha , Neb.
Olio \Rrnl ( Meronnnt onlvl w ntnl In rrory town for
I llko votir "Tninlll' I'uiich" plpraix vorr much
nnd Hh tobnvo the o.M'hiaUo niu In this place
mm will ilo nil I cnn to pnah them I bellnvo In
ndvortlplnn anil urn tiiUlntf imlns to itlstrlbuto
the circulars where Ihev will ilo tin most irooil.
0 V Mansllehl , Ohio.
tvim Hit n ni
Dnblllty , < to. .
OninproHnoc , SO. ni rtfu\ng. ruml '
ClflAIS EtCZ-iiL AQEHSr. 171 &tca Ct. .
Tlio Orl.ii > l niul Only < Ji-imliio.
SKf4 knd l RTf UclUtiU. 11r > T orwortltlo R Imltfttloni.
lnlltoni | ble w LADIES. A k Jour Drucul.t fi r
rlil.hintfr' "'iiiiJ l k no other , or lucloip to ,
fttiituim ) lo ui for ixtrllouUrt , n trtttr bj rrliirn niftll.
MAMP . . PAPER , ( ilchrftcr I'liriAlt-nl % > . .
I. A me. ' . .
5J/yMBl.11I1 / . .
, . < llmru > | | 1lljlh.i.B. | |
Hold br Uriilll'l * cvrrrnlnTP. Aik for "Clilfbc *
! * KnglUfi" 1'ennj roml 1'ltl * . T V -oth ft
ftinSBWIll send the HP.f.fA 111.15 KOHTUNn
ifluUTltM.liU , Kle.lOHIllVllON'8 ) DHKAM
1HIOK , 10c. , PAI.MIS'IHV All tlnco , 4k- ( .
Sl'.ltlAI. I.IIAKI.irr PI III.ISIIINd CO , Ilex
M12 , New York City. likwintlj Illustrated.
Men sitlTrrlni ; from f . „ t Vlcnr.
I\ r ii4 -lilllly. . cv
ll t-luptll .it. I'rriunlurn
_ _ lircil , , , ctc.rc ilihiprmnilii. ;
xt.l _ _ * * dli"crelloii oxcf PBOr overwork ,
tiC.i"r\nK * olil , , n Hluuiiioh
. * " ' <
fJl iiflUUCr.Ual n.l > vtlu >
* " ( Ak-noBn C HO l' " > i'li * i " W" BnoiiWl Iwrnd
liy Knllitr A ii ! fwt hi tlm Imnili
nl IhdrKntK. BJf llfptrtf wllh
liitoiniHtioll t r Tiltliutu Hll nitfii.
HARSIOM HEMEDY CO. 19 Park Place , New York.
MctitlonOinnhn Hun.
The only perfect subctltuto Mor Mother's
irillU. Invuuiihie Iri Cholera l.itnntum
nuil Teething. A pro-diHooteil rood for Dye *
peptlos , Coii3umptlvo _ , Convnloscant * .
Perfect nutrient In ull WnstlnK PlHenten.
Koqulroti no coollnif Our Uuo\r , The Care
nnd FoodlnK of Infants , mrUlml froo.
i. uoODALU > CO. , Doaton. Una *
Electric Appliance ! ttts sent on 30 DJJI' Trial.
\X7"IIO nro runVrlni : from KmiTOti * DUIIIITT ,
\ \ l."fl VirAUir , l.iCK of IlKi * ' . FOIUiiD ;
Vicon , Wi HM > Wk KNL4 ir . ( nil all tliuin illko er
of a 1'MsoVAi. NATUHB rcnullliiK fiom AuftLi
OTimn fAU9F.i. Hpwilv nlkf and romiilele rento-
ration Of | UALTHVlQOM nilMtl.llOUIiUUAIlAMI ID.
lliorfrau'lcstillscnvury ' of ihu MniicuithCi nlurj.
nEBTpREpj AUclImov
I'n'miLtuie itf uy. Mtrrouj
R W u evitry known itmwv ( , M * < ll o\ * tul H t < linplj
at If cure , wliiihhw will M. nil PRK iloliNfcl4iwHUlli ] ,
Aiiilrua..O. J 5UHON.I'ublSi.U u Jtux Cli J , Now Vutk" " "
Atltl S
I'or slxlcon your- , they liiivn sl'jtdlly
in favor , ami wllh eule cun&tiuitlx Itij
have benDiiiu thy .r.o t iiopi.Ur corset through ,
on * iv-c I nltixlHtntcs.
The l { , fl and H n urntJen are made In 811 OUT
JilhlllfM AMI KXTIIA I.DMVAIST ) , Sllll.lbll' fill-
all lltfiirfa , 'illo ( i quality , miulu of KnulUli
Cc-utllIs wiirrantod to Mour twluu uj lonif us
HlKhoit awnriis from nil the Wnr'il'g jrrpnt
I'altri. 'I ho liut ineaul teeelviMl Is tor I'ntsr
li : < ittii : ; of M Kill r , Irom Ihu lute r.vtioeHion
held ut Now Orleans.
\VMIlf Bi-oioi of imlonl. hnvo boon found
worthless , the prhifiplcti of tlio ( iluvu-l'ittmsr
have proved Invaliiiihlo ,
Hotallou urn aiilliorUnd to refund inonoy. if ,
on iJtamiuutioii , tluisi ) Cnrscm do not iirovo us
I'oit KVKUVWIlftuil
rupiwontt-H 8ALI !
PSl f-i l'KCC * Its OUUROS. und a new anil
ftKElJiT-tiai 8uciu-.lul Cintr.Ktyonr own
* " * homo hy ono who wlw ilcaf twenty elfht
ycurh Tiuatod by mo > t of the notud Hpuvlul-
| rt withiiiu Umullt : uurud hmuelf In three
luoiuhp , and bltiio then hiiinlri'iU ot othum.
1'iill partlculurn tout on nppl cut Ion. T , II ,
I'AUi ; , No. il Wfit JUl bt. , N i > w YoiU City ,