Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 13, 1887, Page 6, Image 6

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CtllUKd by carrier in nnypnrtof the city nt
twenty cmlB per week.
U. W. TH/TOX , Manager.
ncpiicrpsomci ! . No. 43.
NIGHT Kmroit No. S3.
N. Y. Plumbing Co.
Heavy suits cheap to onlor at Roller's. '
Tim district court was grinding away
on civil cases yesterday.
There are now twenty-four rcgistereil
jiliysiuians in this counfy ,
Mrs. Carl Hartwcll , of Hardm town-
shit ) , died Tuesday morning.
Tim saloon injunction cases arotocomo
nit before JudgoTliorncll on Monday.
"Ranch No. 10 , " which was booked for
to-night , has cancelled its engagement.
The , funeral sun-ices of Mrs. Maria
Kcoly , wife of Hudd Ki'rly , worn held in
Strcotsvlllo Tuescluy. Ruv. J. Fisk olllci-
Some of tlm clerks in the freight do-
H.irtnu'iit of the Chicago , IJiirllngton &
Quiiioy liavu been laid oil'on account of
the slacking up of business.
The Royal Arcanum party la t evening -
ing , like Its predecessors , was a very en
joyable one , and the gathering was com
posed of the best people in the city.
Thu talk about Lake Manawa 1ms
already set in. If the season is at all
favorable , there will bo oven livelier
times on the bunch than last summer.
W. H. Ware Is said to have madn the
chips My at the last meeting of the Mod
ern U'oodmon. He is a pleasing speaker
when fairly aroused on a favorite theme.
When will the new bridge bo built ?
Folks got tired of the question. Thero's
an ice bridge now between the two cities ,
and it's free , as the new one ought to bo.
1'or sain or exchange for clear hind
Council llliilU ) or Omaha property , a
most promising and fasldonablo trottinir
bred two-year-old stnllion , standard bred
Rule ( ! , Address P. H. Hunt , llarlan , la
The Married Ladies Progressive Eu
chre club will moot this evening at the
residence of Mrs. ,1. , J. Itrown , No. " ,10
Seventh street. Mrs. V. A. Conovcr will
assist in entertaining.
Three vagrants were yesterday the
breakers ol the solitude of the police
court , which has been of late one of the
dryest places in the city for news , the
tinoplo having all reformed since Now
Reforo property becomes more valu
able First stree.L should bo opened to Ban
croft sl'rcot. Those interested in prop
erty in that vicinity could well afford to
stand a largo share of the expense of the
Another now enterprise is to be added
to Council lllulls. Charles Adolf is get
ting the needful apparatus for the manu
facture of rubber stamps of all sorts. He
will have the factory fairly started in
about a week.
The grand concert at the Fifth avenue
Ice skatinm-ink proved so enjoyable and
so delighted the largo number of ladies
and gentlemen gathered that it has been
decided to hold a similar entertainment
on Friday night.
On Tuesday evening Mr. and Mr.s.
Frank K. Le\1no , No. 220 South First
street , entertained a narty at progressive
iMichre. There were live tables. Mrs. C.
L. Copcland and Mr. Hiohard Turnbnll
were awarded the prizes.
The board of trade has postponed its
election of officers until February 8. At
that time it is cxnccted that the reports
for the past year will bo ready for presen
tation , and some intorcstinir questions
brought up for discussion and action.
James Lee , or Quinn , as he was known
hero , is to have his trial at New Albany ,
1ml. , next month. Ho seeing quite confi
dent that ho will bo acquitted. Such is
the information gleaned from a private
letter written to some of his friends hero.
A move is to bo made to have Bancroft
street paved Ltlio coming season. The
order would have gone forth last season
had it not been for a hitch in regard to
sewerage. It is now thought that this
will bo arranged and tlio paving pro
Yfistorday the wires of the American
District Telegraph company were broken
by someone carelessly shovolinsico from
the roof of a building. This will explain
why some of the calls of patrons were
not answered.
J , C. Mitchell , the union ticket agent ,
corner of Broadway and Main streets.
can give all needed 'information to those
dcsinnpr to go to the great ice palace and
carnival at St. Paul. The Sioux City it
Pacilic will soil tickets for the roumf trip
at $11.20 , good for six days , the sale to
commence on the ICth and continuo to
the 12th.
Kobokali lodco No. J ) , 1. O. O. F. . has
Installed the following ollicors for the
ensuing term : I ) . S. Bronnoman , for N.
( J.jMrs. John Dougherty , V. G. ; Airs. K.
1) ) . Kdgorton , treasurer ; Mrs. J , M.
Matthews , secretary ; J. M. Matthews.
warden : Miss Lizzie Hacor , conductor ;
W. 11. Campbell , I. IT. ; Mrs. Ed. Walts
O. G. ; W. Slead , 11. S. to N G. ; Miss Bar'
bar.-i Anderson , S. to N. ( J. : Airs.
Chris Straub , K. S. to V. G.jMrs. 1) . J.
Gates , L. S. to V. G. ; Mrs. James Spare ,
chaplain. Mrs. W. 11. Campbell.
Several important deals in real ostalo
are pn the point of beir.p complolcd , but
rumors of such transactions creep out bo
fore the parties concerned nro ready to
glvo the public the facts , and such ru
in ors in their exaggerated form often
jsorvo to interfere with deals which would
otherwise bo closed. When men are
making a trade of Ibis sort ( .hoy do not
Inform the public of every stopJas they
are taken. It Isn't business , and to sat
isfy the curiosity of the public would
often defeat tlm very purpose sought to
bo accomplished. The reporters are
asked many times a day why llio papers
have not announced Kiioh and such a sale
and what truth there is in such and such
n report. Just as fast as any transfer is
complete the public will bo informed
promptly. Tlio same is true in regard to
other enterprises being worked up , the
public statement of the exact progress of
which woulu hinder and often injure.
Confidence and patience arc needed.
P'J'oni Brooks was brought before Judge
Aylosworth , charged with having again
been distunmijr tlio peace of the young
woman with whom no seems to bo so in
fatuated. The matter was continued
until this afternoon at'o'clock. . Follow
ing Ids ouso came a similar one of Harry
Johnson , who also sneins to have hard
work to follow tlio instruction of the
court ami keep away Irom the woman
with whom hu is always quarreling.
Jnilgo Alycsworth concluded to let him
go , if ho would promise to clear rijjht out
of town , and stay awavfrom tlio city and
from tlm woman. Ho promised , ami
went , the police having instructions to
bring him in should ho bo found around
tlm city. Judge A vies worth is getting
tire.d of thc. o sort of cases , and suys if 1m
has got to make his court one merely for
tlm purpose of weaning such fellows ho
wants to have them got as far away from
tlio women as possible , and recommends
George Rudio. real estate and nego
tiator ot loans , No. 1507 Farnam strtmt.
Omaha. Bargains in Council Bluff * ami
Omaha property.
Stoves ! Stoves ! Stove's ! . .tor the next
thirty day.s 1 Will .sell hOHIimi stoves ; it
cost for cash only. . P. C'liVou
° AV TT1P Tit f'PT'O
Love Laughs at Locks and Bars , and the
Knot Happily Tied.
The .Marshal to Mnkc tlio Hay ntul
AVooit TcnniB Move On Tlio Cun
ning Factory and ttio Election
ol' Officers ( Jorspnclicr's
Diamond * Still Missing.
Ilay Thorn !
The oilier evening at the council meet
ing Iho city woighmastcr . S. Amy ,
called attention again to the causes ot
complaint us to the treatment ho has received - '
ceived at the hands of the city govern
ment. A rather hot discussion resulted ,
and during the progress of the same Al
derman Shugart ralhcr laid the fault
upon tlio .shoulders of City Marshal
Guanella. That olllcial did not take It
easily , and claimed that ho had boon but
following the will and wish of the coun
cil. The city marshal hasconcluded that
if the city council want to have tlm en
forcement of the ordinance strictly , ho
will undertake it , and ho will at once
commence ordering the teams away
from Main sired , where tlmy have boon
in Iho habit of slundinjr. Tlio altompt to
make the hay ami wood loams stand by
the eltv buildmtrs will doubtless call out.
another protest from tlio business men on
Main street , near the juncture of that
street with Pearl. The marshal proposes
to clear himself of all blame in the matter -
tor , and will buck himself up by the fol
lowing ordinance and resolution :
"He it ordained by the [ common council
of the citv of Council Blutrs that suitable lo
calities bo designated by resolution from
time to tune by the council for standing
room for wncons loaded with hay and wood ,
offered for sale.
"It shall be the duty of tlic city marshal to
order all such loaded teams to the localities
designated , ami any person refttslm : to com
ply witli tlm provisions ol' this ordinance
shall bo ndjtidccd utility of a misdemeanor ,
and on conviction shall bo lined not leas than
S'J nor morn than SID. "
On April 5 , 1SSI5 , tlm following resolu
tion was adopted on motion of Alderman
Shugart :
"Itesolveil. That hereafter the grounds bet -
t woe n the city buildlilg and tlio jail ! > o used
ns a bay and wood market , and that the
sujmilntemloiit of markets and tlm city
marshal see tliattheordinance and resolution
ol t'.io ' council bo enforced. "
Moore & Kiplmgcr keen the largest
and best stock of ciirars and tobaccos in
the city. Call and be convinced.
Sec tlm now meerschaums and the
smokers1 articles of all kuds ! , at Moore tfc
Tlic Now Pirn Alarm.
Tlm cold weather has caused some
delay in getting tlm new lire alarm sys
tem -.iml police call completed. To-day
was tlm time sot for a public test , but tlm
system will not be ready for such a test
tor a week to come. There has been
some talk about the company having the
contract not having yet filed its bonus , as
provided for in tlm contract. It has boon
urged , apparently by those anxious that
another company should have the con
tract , that the city is running a great
risk. If the company should not tile its
bonds , the city would bo In a bad Shane ,
as the city lias expended several hundred
dollars in getting ready for it , and it
would oc that much out of pocket , etc.
There lias been considerable of this kind
of stuff whispered about , and doubtless
some good citizens have boon made
nervous about it. It appears that
the company having the con
tract is preparing its bonds , and
tlmy will be liled before tlm city is asked
to pay a cent , or accept tlm work. It
also appears that what the city has expended -
ponded time and money upon has been
the poles and wires , ami even if the com
pany should back down completely ,
throw up the contract , lly to Canada or
commit suicide the city would lose noth
ing. The poles and wires are as gooil for
one system as for another , and could
easily .bo used for another system. Besides -
sides that , the company has property
enough hero to secure the city for any
claim. In fact there seems nothing to
the gossip but an attempt to annoy , and
as such the motive can easily bo seen.
Tlm city seems to bo not in any dauber
as yet , and there is plenty of timq yet before -
fore any of the interests of Iho city will
bo in jeopardy.
Hard and soft coal , best quality , all
Bi/.cs. Missouri ami Iowa wood. C. It
Fuel company , GU9 Broadway. Tele
phone iyo.
See that your books are made by Moore-
house & Co. , room 1 , Kvcroct block.
An Kxpenslvo Spree.
The squabble in which George Ger-
spnclmr lost his $500 diamond pin was
looked into yesterday by Judge Aylcs-
worth , and Ed Bates and Kobort Couly
were discharged , tlmy being booked for
dislurbing the peace. . The court found
thai ( iconic Gerspacher was Iho disturb
ing element , and the only one * to hlamo
for Iho row. Ho was lined the usual
amount. Tlm search for tlm missing
diamonds has not resulted in finding
them. It is now claimed that the pin was
taken in the saloon before the squabble
on tlio sidewalk. The appearance of
Gcrspachor's shirt front indicates that
the pin was torn out of the linen , instead
of havimr beeomo loosened and dropped.
Gorspachcr has bad tlm cluster pin for
six or seven years , and it is emi which
would easily bo recognized bv many.
Tlm loss of il makes George's last spree
rather an expensive one for him.
Dr. llanclmlt , ollico No. 19 Pearl slrcnt :
residence , 120 Fourth street : telephone
No. 10.
Substantial abstracts of titles and real
estate loans. J. W. & K. L , Squire. No.
101 Pearl street , Council lilulld.
Can Can In the Hind's.
Tlm Council HI nil's Canning company
has elected olllcers for the ensuing year
us follows : President , Samuel Haas ; vice
president , II. 7 . Haas ; treasurer , George
A. Keelinoj secretary. D. W. Archer.
These , with tlm addition of C. L. Haas ,
form Iho board of directors.
Tlm business of tlm tirst season proves
lo bo satisfactory , considering every
thing , and the enterprise promises to bo
a permanent success. It lias be-on de
cided to Uoublo the capacity , This will
necessitate more machinery and some
additional building. The company has
already begun contracting for ltd next
t-eason's supplies and if circumstances
are favorable tlm coming year will bo a
much busier one than tlio past.
Klcclrlo door bells , burglar alarms and
every form of domestic electtical appli
ances at the Now York Plumbing Co.
Cupid Will llnvo Ills AVny.
A little bit .of romance is reported as
being connected with tlm marriage of
Air. Bert Myers and Miss Margaret Gar-
rity , both of ,1'orry , la. , .which wont was
.briefly chronicled in yesterday's BIK. :
The homo yf the .young , .lady is iibpu (
three miles from Perry , anil Hurt , who Is
n fireman on a Milwaukee passenger en
gine , has been paying special attention
to her for some time. The parents of the
girl protestctl , and finally forbade him
coming near the house. Their meetings
after that were at tlic house of a mutual
friend , but another ob laclo stood in
cupill's way. Hurt was a Protestant ,
while- the maid was a Catholic. The bar
rier was done away with by Hurt joining
the church of the maiden's ' faith. On
Monday night last she was attending a
party a't Perry , and the young man ar
ranged to thus mnot her , and they to
gether came to this city. Kcv. Father
SlcMenomy was called on to tie the happy
knot , and the next train born Mr. and
Mrs. Myers back to Perry , where the
young man had a neat little cottage al
ready prepared for their home.
. L. H. Crafts & Co. are loaning money
on all classes of chattel securities at one-
half their former rates. See thorn before
securing your loans.
Arc They tlio Diamonds ?
Late last night n number of diamonds
wcri ) found on Hroadway , near where
George Gcrspaeher is supposed to have
lost his cluster pin. They were not in
the setting , but were scattered near the
walk. J\'ino in all wore thus picked up ,
and they were deposited in the safn at the
Crystal saloon for .safe keeping until this
morning , when they will probably bo
identified by the owner. They am sup
posed to be the stones which were in
tiorspaoher's pin , and in that case were
probably knocked out of the setting in
the sculllo. This lind will relieve the un
pleasant suspicion that some one stole
the pin.
Pianos anil Organs.
W. W. Kimlmll , of Chicago , has opened
at No. 828 Hroadway with a full and com
plete stock of pianos and organs new and
fresh from factory which will bo sold re
gardless of cost or time. Call , we can
suit you. U. W. Ewers , manager.
Personal Paragraphs.
G. W. Cullisou , of llarlan , was at the
Pacific yesterday.
II. il. Williams , of Gleiiwood , was at
Hechtelc's yesterday.
D. A.Farrnll. sliorilV of Mills colinty ,
was in the IlltitVs yesterday.
( tcorgo II. Webster , an 'attorney from
Kansas City , is at the Pacilic ,
Frank Shinn , of Carson , was among
the legal lights in court yesterday.
Willoiigliby Dye , the well-known Mace
donian merchant , was at the Pacific yes
P. Lacy has gone to DCS Moines to at
tend a meeting of tlio St.ito Firemen's as
II. N. MoCircw , of Denison , was in the
city yesterday , lie is just recovering
Irom a brief but severe illness.
A. P. Uass , of Randolph , ono of tlic
most extensive farmers and stockmen in
Western Iowa , was among these at the
Pacilic yesterday.
A. W. Street , who is temporarily
located at Beam , Nob. , spent Tuesday
night with his old friends lioro , and Jolt
yesterday morning for Sioux City.
Will lluntington , who was until lately
in the land ollice of the Union Pacilic , is
now presiding over the lodger of Wirt &
Duquette's wholesale house. lie is a young
man of excellent business ability and
habits , and will doubtless make himself
valuable to his employers.
J. T. Coleman , of lloxic , Kan. , stopped
over here as the guest of Charles Adolnh ,
at Hcchtele's , and yesterday proceeded to
Cincinnati , where lie Is to take 10 ininsoii
a worthy bride. Mr. Coleman is an en
terprising young business man , and is
principally engaged in milling.
Mr.s. II. C. Hammond and familv , after
spending a day here as the guest of Mrs.
J. M. Flaglor , left yesterday for Jacksonville
ville , III."to there take up their residence ,
Prof. Hammond , former superintendent
here , having taken a position as teaohr.r
in tlio institution tor the deaf and dumb
at that place.
Ccntcrvillc soft-lump coal , $3.75 per
ton , delivered , Win. Welch , ( Jlfi Main
street , telephone ! ) , ' { .
Not a Genuine Note.
In the case of Johnson vs Ed. Stocknrt
tlm jury retired about ! 5 o'clock yes
terday afternoon , ana last night about 0
o'clock returned a verdict in favor of the
defendant. The action was brought to
enforce the payment of a note of ! J"i ( )
given in 187-1. Iho defense was that the
note was a forgery.
Our ProjjreHH.
As singes arc quickly abandoned with
the completion of railroads , so tlm huge ,
drastic , cathartic pills , composed of crude
and bulky medicines , are quickly aban
doned with the introduction of Dr.
Piercc's "Pleasant Puragative Pellets , "
which are sugar-coated , and little larger
than mustard seeds , but composed of
highly concentrated vegetable extracts.
Hy druggists.
St. John liana Very Small Following
Iliuh IjIcciiHO Wanted.
Chicago Tribune : 11. F. Gardner efFort
Fort Scott , Kas , , who is at the Palmer ,
said to a Tribune reporter yesterday that
St. John , the apostle of prohibition , had
a very small following in Kansas just
now. Kansas , Air. Gardner said , was a
republican state , and if had very little
tiso for a man who owed every position
in life to the republican party and who
then turned around and sold it out.
"St. John , " said Mr. Gardner , "owes nil
that ho is to tlm republican party , and
his action in joining hands with its enemies -
mies lead Iho people of Kansas , or Iho
majority of them , to think that it was
money or something else that induced
him to do as ho did. 1 am not
a prohibitionist , although 1 voted
for it , but our experience shows that
high license would bo the proper thing ,
To bo sure wo have got rid ot barroom
loafers , but people living in the towns on
tlm border go to Missouri and bring over
all the whisky they want. The drug
stores furnish liquor to the mou who go
before the probate judge and got a cer
tificate that the applicant needs liquor
for his health. This is a good thing for
the judge , as ho sets fi conls a certificate ,
but tlm practice ) is tlm evil of the prohi
bition law. Tlm rich men , or high
toned class of drinkers , do not patronize
the drug stores , but have their wines ,
brandies , and ales furnished from sources
outside of tlm state and sent to their
houses. Prohibition might amount to
something if there was a national law
prohibiting tlm manufacturing of alcohol ,
until then prohibition in Kansas will bo
a failure. "
From Robert Muth , Davenport , Iowa ,
Tlm only modicum that relieves my wife ,
who is alliietod with Asthma , is Dr. J. H.
McLean's Tar Wine Lung Balm , its cf-
feels are quick and give perfect relief ,
Notluo to Contractor * .
rpHK tlmo I'or rroulvlnw liliN for lilnnks.
.1. hooks mul atutlDiicry is hurobr uxtcnUoil to
12 o'clock Jaiiiiiu-y l..lli , 1th * .
llhuiKs for lilils cui lie foiuul at tliU ollico.
lly order of tlio Hoard.
( . ' . ! > . NCKDIIAM. County Clorlc.
Onmlm , foj. ! , Juouury titli , 1S 7. jT-IU-li
Dissolution Notice.
rplir. coimrlnerMilp tiorctnluru oxlstlntr bo-
J twi-on Frank llpcolirr unit Win. II. Klinluill ,
under tlio rlrm miiuu of Hcrclior .V Co , Inn llila
day boon ilusulvi-il bj mutual t-onei-nt , Trunk
IliM'chor riiniuliilii In the lee iiuMucss unit Wm.
U. Khiilmll icmiUnlnir in ttio tlour Inibhu'tti.
Al.l outstumUiijf bills will liu vnllvutfU by
Win. It. ' Klmlmll.iinilull dfbtiniU bu mild by tint
OiiMlm , Noli.j January ll.lfw * .
And select your Dry Goods and Carpers before the prices advance ,
We are selling elegant Patterns Dress Goods very low
to close the lot.
You ni'vri' n < ti < > 111 < tck Ntlks ,10
dint ] ) on llntfc ice arc unit' ttcll-
U'cttrr cJoxhiy ant this ntthr neintrhiirnt In
tnakc room/'or our Inrrrnscil C < n'i > c ( nlork , mid
. * cltiiiy tlicin off at
' ' Underwear Etc.
L/UUIW / dim 1' , .
Ire belnn daunt out very
1'on will sure innnru to sec ouv
and ft f/.f lirfnrc jimi Inijf. Jf unit wnttt fn-
f/"f ' JlriiNttflu , r 7rror Mwiucttv ( "nr-
pet * ! fume uml see its ni' write fur prlri'ti ,
of Cnrtdiiift'o f/rr. , /J vij rr/ex / , etc. , i Ini'tic tnul clinlcc , ttntt
'ii full itssnrlinrnt of J'nlr * , Hods , Itraan tlondu , ctr. Onr work is
done l > u skilled workmen. Orders l > y inall rewire protiiitt ttfti-ntlon.
Harkness Bros , , Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa
Farminp Luiuls in Iowa , Minimsota , " Kansas , and ranging from $5.00 to
§ 10.00 pur ncro. Si'liool anil state InntU in Minucsotti on 30 yuars' tinm 5 per
cunt interest. Land Buyers faro free. Information , i-tc. , glvon bv
No. 555 Broadway , Council BlullH , Iowa , agent for Frcidrikson it Co. , Chicago.
OK ruu-
Chica'y - '
} m mm aid COUNCIL B LOFTS ot
Chicago , AND Milwaukee ,
St. Paul , Minnciinolis , Cedar Knpida ,
Cliutou , Iubuiio ( | , Davenport ,
Rock laland.Frceport , ! Rockford ,
Elgin , Jlailison , .Inncsvillo ,
Beloit , Winona , La Crossc ,
And all other Important points Eaut , Northern
mid Boutbeusu
For through tickets onll on'tho Tioktt A-fan
nt 1401 Knrnnm ptruet ( In I'nxtou Hotel ) , ur a
Union Pacific Depot.
I'ullinnn fciuotiora und the finest Dlnlntr Can
In tbg world are run on tlio mixlu Hnca of Hit )
and Tery attention Is paid to pmsougora bjr
courteoni employes ol the compAnjr.
U. Mn.I.Hlt , Ouncrnl MnnriKor.
3. F. TUCKEH. Assistant Guneral Man ecr.
A. V. B. CAHi-KNTKit , General Pu66 nfor and
TloUotLgnnt ,
OEO. B. HEAFFOHD , Assistant Qeaeral
Jf r and Ticket Agent
J. T. CX.AHIC , Gunernl Supertnteudeat.
)01' ) t'iroBchfrroiB ' or bifl
ju.cclcf. . m y U | i rrftlly
, . . .
n. . .
CRAYONS. Sfndforuur \vlllu.u.l J
g''OuM. tollenltli. " Al ulut recrecj ,
the civialc Agency. 174 Puit.m HI. , N. Y.
Speolnl ndvorllscmcntH , fuch 03 Lost , Found
To Loan , For Sale , To Kent , ftnnts , Tlonrdlnir ,
etc. , will botnaertod in tlila column nt the low
ratoofTK.VClCNTSl'HIt LINE forthunrst ln ot-
lonand i''lvo Cents 1'cr Line for cncli suliso-iuunt -
Insertion. Luaro ndvurtlsomcnts nt our olllcn
No. la I'eiil etrutt , ilroailwnjr , Council
TTIOIISALK At iiburBiiln. LV."j ncrusM-llh line
-L1 Improvements , nlv miles un > t of ' 'oiincll
lllullH. I'rlciilow and all tlio tlmo ncrilcd. Jn-
quire of T.V. . Van J-cIovcr , Count'll lilinls.
TJ1OH SALK Illacksmllli and wnifon hlioji.
JL' Only ono in town. Kxccllont lU lnes > s. Duod
reasons lor fcolllng. Address C. L. Miller , Ports
mouth , la.
EOU UKNT 0-rootn IIOIIBO , $35 , First nvo. ,
opposite tlm park. Sullivan & Fit/Koralil.
FOH HI-INT Itoom , with board , for two
Kentg , or mun and wife , . .No'M franklin -
lin St.
1J > OH SALK My roisidonco iiropurty on Illiill'
. Bt. between Willow und Mlth iivcnuc ; also
linrbu and buggies. A. K. llatrn.
FOH HUNT A now two-story frame dwelling
hoiiHO , containing mx rooin , Hall on both
lloore , closets with all hod rooms , large cellar
mid good cistern. Call on M. F. Kohrcr or
Oilcll llroa. ACo. .
P.H ) HUNT The ono-biory fratno bUHinecs
building , with 4-room dwelling attach
ment , formerly occupied as a candy fititory
and knoirn us No. Ill ) South Main street , ox-
terming through to 1'earl Bt , Apply to M. F.
ItohrororOdell llros. iV Co.
FOH SALK llurliorchop.gooil location , good
reason for selling. Address II , lleeollice.
WANTKD A cottugo of llvo or six roomx ,
located convenlont to IjiiHlnuss ; email
family , no children. Address "Crispy , " Jleo
olllrc.W ANTI5D--A boy with pony to carry Hoe
FOH HALK Old papers for Bale lit the lloo
WANTKD l'artii'8 Intending to bo married
are wanted to call t the I'ryor'g lloo job
office to select their wedding cards.
Practlcu in thu State and Federal courts
Jtoointi 7 und 8 Sliu art-lluno liloik ,
, , ,
V.V .Main St. , Council Wit/ } ' * .
The rhoapcst place in the city to buy
u - = , . .
§ 8& Tlio Finest I in
ported I.lno of
( Joocls West of
Mrs.C. L. Gillette's
Human Hair Emporium
No , 209 Main Street. Council Bluffs , Iowa.
1514 Douglas St. , Omaha.
Ladicsbuying a $5 hat or bonnet , one fare
will be paid ; Sio , round Irip.
Abstracts of Title , Loan and Real Es
tate Broken , No. 236 Mala St.
purchased tlic "
Me nhstrmtt. books in this coitnty-
linnwn ns tlio "JfnMttJinn Abstract
Jlonl.-s , " ivcnrcnow prcixi red to fur
nish abstracts and / so
licit the patronaycof all those desir-
inff correct abstracts of title to lands
and lots in Pottamattainic connti/ .
Justice of the Peace
Oflice over American Express.
H. BICE , M. D. ,
rnn/ane Or othorTtiinorh reiiiovt-d wltliout
liQnceUt tno knlf0 orilrnirlnh'of tilood.
Over thirty yearn practical experience.
. No. 11 I'eurlBt. , Council IJlulTs.
Ctr"Coii8iilluton ! froe. _
Horses and Mules
For all purposes , bought and cold , at retail
and in lots. Large qiiantitieit to select
from. Several pairs of fine drivers , sin
gle or do'tble.
Council IlliiU's.
Kstttblishcd 1S17
H , < 'ounly and
ItitnU Work uf All CtlixN n.Sec-
Prompt Attention ] ! ) Mall Orders
Room 1 Kvorct Block , Council Hlufls.
Staiidunl I'ajitTH Used All hlyloi of bind
iny 111 Miijjunines and
O. II. National Iluik : , il. 1" Sinlth & Co. ,
C1II/.CIM' ilnnk , Henri- , Well * Af Ca ,
'Irtit National Hunk. C. II. Iii'UMiice ( X ) . ,
OlBocrfi l'Ubuylluiiker , C.ll Savuigi
To Be Given Away By Honrj Eiseman &
Co , 's People's Store.
On ilniuinry 15tli , 1HH7 , CoitMstltis of
Kurn It lire , Chlnnwnrc , Clotlilnir ,
lllnnltctfl , Tnlilo Mnon , Notions
Money , Silk JM-css 1'at-
Kto. , Htc.
For every two dollar's worth of goods
purchased , you will receive a coupon
ticket , good for ono chance in Iho follow
ing ( irand Presents to bo given away by
ns on January loth , 18S7 :
FIRST PllIHH-Ono suite of Parlor
Furniture , consist'inn of sofa , tete-u-tetn
and tour grand easy chairs , all uphol
stered in assorted shades of elegant silk
plushes , worth sJl'-M.
SKCON1) PUIXK-Ono Mahogony Bed
Room Suite , consisting of Bedstead ,
Dresser and Wash Stand of elegant linish
with beveled glass , worth $100.
THIRD PRIXK-Onu of tlm very best
six-drawer Nickel Plated Domestic Sew
ing Machines. Tlm very best machine
in the United States , worth iflM.OO.
FOURTH PRIXK Twenty yards
( Juiuett best gros grain Black t5ilk , cost
ja.OO per yard , worth $00.00.
FIFTH PU1XKOne elegant Seal Plush
London Dyed Cloak , to bo made to order
to lit tlm lueky tleket holder , worth iffiO.OO.
SIXTH PRi/.K-Ouo pair of tlm liuest
White Blankets made bv tlm Pioneer
Woolen mill , of California , worlh $1(1.00. (
SHVKNTII PRIZK-Oim Beautifully
Decorated Dinner and Tea Set , consist
ing of 0110 hundred and forty pieces ,
worth $ iW.)0. ( )
EIGHTH PlUXE-An Elegant Seal
Skin Mil If , worth sfMOO.
NINTH PRI/K-A very line Paisley
Shawl , worth SlW.OO.
TKNTIL PRI/F. Ono Angora Beaver
Shawl , worth ? ! ! 0.00.
ELEVENTH PRIZE One Gentleman's
Suit of Clothing , made of Imported
Worsted , guaranteed a line lit for tlio
winner , worth $ : ! . " > . 00.
Fur Beaver Overcoat , worth ifltO.OO.
Overcoat , for a boy between the ages of
II and li ( years , to be. chosen by the lucky
party hol'diiu' tlm tieki't. Worth if 15.00.
Suit , for a boy between the ages of ! ! and
10 years , to bo soleeted by the winner.
Worth ! ? ir..oo. .
fant's Cloak , worth $10.00.
Brass Parlor Table , worth if 10.00.
no yards "i'ruit of the Loom" muslin ,
worth $1.00.
dozen of the very best Celebrated "Gold"
white shirts , of which wo are the exclu
sive agents , worth < ! ) .00.
Mutller , worth $ ri.OO.
Table Set , consisting of Table Cloth and
a Dozen Napkins wortlt $10.00.
Present of 'a Twenty Dollar Gold Piece.-
No. M'-Ono Toilet Set.
No. 21 ! Ono very line Doll.
No. 21 Ono Handkerchief Bov.
No. 25 One elegant Hand lias.
No. 2(1 ( One largo Doll.
No. 27 One Stand Cover.
No. 28 One bottle line Perfume.
No. 2 ! ) One Toboggan Cap.
No. SiO-One Table Scarf.
No. ai One line Splasher.
No. 32 One line Lunch Basket.
No. yy One hammered brass Umbrella
No. M One-half do/ . Tine Towels.
No. M Ono Silk Umbrella.
No. IW-One line Doll.
No. ! ! 7 Ono sot China Dishes , suitable
for little folks.
No. ; t8 One Brass Broom Holder.
No. y9 One pair Men's Silk Suspend
ers.No. . 40 Ono Silk Handkerchief.
No.II One nice Doll.
No.12 One-half dox. ladio's line Linen
No. 4 ; ) Fifteen yards Best Calico for a
dress pattern.
No. 44 Ono Boy's Hat.
No. 45 Ono Boy's Sealskin Cap.
No. 4i ( Ono line Painted Ornament ,
No. 47 Ono Toilet Sot.
No. 40 Ono nice Doll.
No. 411 Ono line Doll.
No. 00 Ono elegant Table Cover.
No. 51 One Bottle Perfume.
No. 52 One Lace _ Handkerchief.
No. 51 ! One child's line Lneo Collar.
No. 51 One elegant Doll.
No. 55 One elegant Doll.
No. Oil-One Tidy.
No. 07 Ono Table Scarf.
No. 58-Ono line Doll.
No. 59 Ono Mouth Organ.
No. 00 Ono Imitation Steam Piano.
No. 01 One line Book.
No. 02 Ono line Book.
No. ( ill-One Pocket Knife.
No. 04 One line Doll.
No. ( M Ono line Doll.
No. ( ill One Dr. Warner's Corset.
No. 07 Ono Shoulder Shawl.
No. 08 Ono infant's Lace Cap.
No. ( ill Ono baby Dress.
No. 70 One largo Doll.
No. 71 One Hand Bag.
No. 72 One lady's Companion
No. 7a-OnoSilk Mnllior.
No. 74Ono largo Doll.
No. 75 Ono line Book.
No. 70 Ouo line Book.
No. 77 One Lunch Basket.
No. 78Ono pair children's Shoes.
No. 7Ono ! > pair boy's Boots.
No. 80 Ono line Lace Collar.
No. 31 Ono largo Doll.
No. 82 Ono Lady's Jersey Jacket.
No 8t : One pair Gentleman's Suspenders -
ponders ,
No , 8l Ono pair Men's dloves.
No. H5 Ono pair Boy's Skates.
No , Wj Ono pair Girl's Skates.
No. 87 Ono pair Girl's Skates.
No. 88-Ono line Doll
No 8 ! ) Ouo line Doll
No. 90 One largo Doll
No. ill One largo Doll
No , 92 Ono Necklace
No. 9 : } Oim nair Gold Cull" Butlous
No. 91 Ono Locket
No. 95 One nice Breast Pin
No. 90-Ono pair Sleeve Buttons
No. 97 Ono Silver Thimble
No. fl8Ono linn Breast Pin
No. 8'J-Ouo ' pair Kid Gloves
No. 100 Ono Lace Handkerchief
Total value of presents. ? 800.
vt ith every f2 purchase you receive a
ticket , also a ticket for every ludditioual
? 2 purchase you make. .
Hold your tickets until January 15th ,
1887 , when tlm fortunate numbers will bo
announced and invited to call and ro-
ct-ivo their presents.
You have lo pay nothiiiK extra for your
purchases. Wo guarantee lo Hell 3-911
{ roods cheaper than any- other house in
tlm west , and best stock to select from.
All orders by mail will receive prompt
attention , and tickets for the free
L'ift distribution will bo forwarded
and enclosed with your purchases , the
bamo as if you were present in person.
These distributions will bn made with
every fairness , and you may depend on it
that the lucky numbers only will receive
tlieir presents. , , , . . ,
No tickets will bo issued to the em
ployes of our house. .
, Customers only will receive tlm bone-
Call and see the above mentioned pr s-
c-nts now on exhibition in our mammoth
torc > and eunvinou yourself.
Respectfully ,
HINUV : Elaf.MAN fcCo. ,
Peophi's Store ,
No * . 311 , 810 , 819 ami' 3.1" Broadway ,
Will supp'y you with a cleaner nnd bcttci
quality of
Than any one in the city. A trial will con
vince you.
No fiS llroadwav Telephone 110.
Agricultural Implements , Buggies ,
Cnrrlnircs , Klo , Kle Council Illiuts. lowft.
Manufacturers of ntul Hunter * In
Hand and Power Corn Shelters ,
.Ami nKcnnrii line of llr.t t olt : s nirrteulltltn
Nog. IK01 , 1WI , ism nttd I.VT ) outh Main Slroel ,
_ _ _ _ _ Council lliWN. limn.
Mnnnr'M nil I .lobtmrt of
Agricultural Implements , Wagons , Buggies ,
Oirrl B < " > . mid nil klivU or Kurin Mnohlnorr.
1100 to 1110 Soutli Jlnln Strsot , Couuoll Illutfi.
Carpets , Curtains , Window Shades
OIICIollis , Cttrlnln Kixturoa , Iliiltolntci-y flee
Ktc No. 105 lron.lnrny ! Council llluin ,
PEUE(50Y ( \ MOORE ,
Wholesale .lobbcM In the
Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes
Nos. ZSMaln mid i7 I'oiirl S'.s. Council UUnr * .
Fruit and Produce Commission Merchants ,
i2 * " ' ! - ' " l' " ' > l rtt. . totincll muff * .
Wholesale Druggists , Oils , Paints , Glass ,
Druggists' Smiilru1 * , Kti . No. ! . " Mnln St. , ntul
No. I'l 1'onrl M. , Council It I ml a.
O. W. 11UTTS ,
Wholesale California Fruits a Specialty
General Comml ? ; on. No. 5U llr mln r.
Council HhiiTa.
Wholesale Fruils , Confectionery ,
NOB. in itnil 13 1'uarl St. , Council IllnlTx.
JlHtiufftcturorq of RttJ Wluip | nln Donlnnln
Leather , Harness , SaddlerEtc. .
No. K5 Mnln rtt. . Council lllulte , low * .
//.t'/'S , CAl'S , ETC.
Jobbers in Hats , Caps and Gloves.
Nos. ai3 ntul all Hmiiitwny. Council HlutM.
JfW.ll'V IIAIllHI'.tllK.
Iron , Steel , Nails , Heavy Hardwars ,
Anil Wood Stock , Council HlnCTd , lown.
I ) . II. MoDONKI.O .V CO. ,
[ KKtiiblMiiM IV.i. ]
No. fijn Mnln Slroi-t. : : : Council IHufTVi.
Wholcanli ) Doalun In
Humiliating & Lubricating Oils
E3TO. , H3TO.
P.TIicoiloro.AKont , Council UUUTa. lotrn.
I'lhlXO ETC.
Hard Wood , Southern Lumber , Piling ,
Amillllcltfo MulorliU .ii > neinlli"SWlmlinul I.uiu-
b rol nil IClnila. Olllco No. I'M Malu St.
Council Illiiira. Jovviu
Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors ,
Imported and Domestic Wines & Liquors
/or St. Conlmrrt'H Hurl ) Bittern. No. II
Main til. council llluUs.
Wholesale Liquor Dealers ,
No. 410 llrouilwiiy , Council Illnirx.
The only hotel in Council Dliin't having
And all 1110 "ern improvement * .
215 , J.M7 and SI ! ) Main st.
MAX MOHN , Prop.
Star Sale Slables and Mule Yards. .
Oppoblto Ihnuiuv Dupot.
Horses und inuli * k jil coiihtantly on
hand , for salu at retail or in ear loads.
Odorrf promptly lillotl by contract on
short iiotico. Stock sold on commission.
SHU TIH : & Hoi.i-.r , I'roiu-iotonk ,
Tclophonit No. 114.
Formerly of Keil Sajo Staljles/.corucr
hi. ave and ith .stroul.