Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 13, 1887, Page 5, Image 5

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Officers of the State Comply With the Law
in That Regard.
Two New Hnnklni : Concerns Incorpor
ated mid Amended Articles KitedI
- Uy the Carter White Ijcail
Works Lincoln News.
There wcro a number of oflicial bonds
filed with the secretary of slate yesterday ,
noticeable among lliem being tlio bond of
,1. H. Ager , of Ord , Valley county , who Is
Mr. Babcock's appointee as secretary of
the railroad commission. Mr. Ager's
name is unknown to fame as yet in stale
mailers or In regard to special fitness in
regard to the position , but as the commis
sion is a feeble infant , absolutely without
power , prestige or the first elements of
worth so far as the public Is concerned ,
the matter of appointment is of little
question in any event. Secretary of Slate
Laws has evidently not made his appoint
ment , yet , and It is apparently an open
qiic.slion yet whether Judge Mason will
Jin retained , Gore rovarnlshed Into life ,
or a new man entirely be named for the
place. The bond filed by J. ll. Ager is
in amount $10,000 , by himself and
Messrs. P. Mortcnsen , Thomas L. Harris ,
T. R. Llnstonand J. F. Colby. Charles
Uusehow , roappomted to the commission
by the attorney general , has filed nls
bun.I in the prescribed amount , with F.
Piirnger , James MeNevy , F. C. Busoliow
and O. C. Case as sureties. Amoug the
state ollluials who have filed their bonds
are Joseph Scott , commissioner of pub
lic lands aud buildings , bond for -$50,000 ,
with Joseph Scotl , U. C. Downing , John
J. Barllell , Wallace A. Downing , F. G.
Keens and F. SiviU as thu signers ;
William Loose , attorney general , bond
SoO.OOO , signed by William Leeso ,
Claudius Jones , Joel Tishuo and S. C.
Langworthy ; George B. Lane , superin
tendent of public ! instruction , bond
$ .TO,000 , with the following signatures :
George B. Luno , C. W. Minniea'P W. D.
llallor , Theollaller , A. Castollar , S. B.
Taylor , V. G. Lanty , Alex Hood , Milton
B. Wild , John Dulaney and C. T. Hoggs ;
II. A. Buboock , auditor of public ac
counts , bond $50,000 , signed by II. A.
Bahcock , George W. E. Dorsoy , William
11. H. Stout , C. W. Moshor , P. Mortens-en ;
Thomas H. Benton , deputy auditor , bond
same as auditor , signed by himself and
George W. E. Dorsey , C.V. . Mosher and
E , C. Babcock.
There has been filed with the secretary
of state articles incorporating the Bank
of Tobias , the commencement of busi
ness fixed for ttio 1st day of 1'obru- '
nry and to continue to a like date 1007.
The capital stock of the bank n fixed at
$ - . > r ,000 , , divided into sharos'of $100 each.
The indebtedness is limited to two-thirds
of the capital stock , and the following
named are tins incorporators : W. O.
Soiithwick , William Burke , L. E. South-
wick , S. F. Nuncimaker , John Aius-
The Hamilton Loan and Trust com
pany , of Kearney , Neb. , has also filed ar
ticles incorporating their com
pany , which will do a general
loaning and banking business , dual-
ing in real estate securities
mid bankable paper. The capital stock
of the company is § 100,000 , one half to bo
p.'iid down and ( he balance April 1 , 1887.
The slock is divided into shares of $100
each and the indebtedness limited to two-
thirds the amount. This company will
commence business February 1 and con
tinue until ll.y ? of the same date. The
incorporators are J. N. Beach , Brooklyn ,
N. Y.\ \ Charles II. Wheeler , Brooklyn ; F.
W. 1'opple , Ptissiae , N. J.and E. Wright
Nelson , ot Ivoarney.
y. The Ctirtor Wluto Load company , of
Omaha , illed amended articles , increas
ing Iho amount of thuir capilal stock to
§ . ' 00,000 , the shares ruiiiuiuiug as before
at $100 each.IN
IN suntEjinconiT.
A few items made in supreme court
not incorporated in yesterday's report
previous to adjournment were as follows :
Roargiimont ordered in the case of Bis-
null v.s Fletcher , error from Harlan
county. Motions for rehearing were
overruled in the following cases : John
G. Fritct al vs C. Grosuocklans. error
from Holt ; George V. Kay vs George
Nell , error from Gage ; Nebraska City vs
Itathborn , error from Otoo. The follow
ing doc slon in u case ot the past year
was als filed :
Tan Every v.s I'Mtz rrald. Error from Lan
caster enmity , liover.sed and remanded.
Opinion by Cobb , J.
Books of account , are receivable in ovi-
deuce only whnn they contain charges by
one party against the other , and then
only under thu circumstances , and veri-
lii'tf in the manner provided by the stat
A peculiar case was quickly disposed of
in United States court yesterday in which
Kichard Hainforth , now living at Hast
ing ! ) , was brouglit into court lor an of-
iimso against the government committed
Iwt'iity years ago. Al thai time tlio gov
ernment found thai n lieutenant in the
army by that name was deficient in hjs
account with the government , and this
ratio was now brought by the United
States district attorney under instructions
from the treasury department. Richard
Rainfurth , however , quickly proved thai
ho hail never been in tliu army and was
in England at thu time of tliu alleged
shortage , clearly establishing au alibi
and a rase of mistaken identity. Rain-
fortu states that he has heard that a
cousin of his , buariug the same name as
liinisulf , but whom ho has never mot , is
Homowhuro in Ibis country in the regular
army , and ho is evidently the party
Daniel McCarthy was yesterday con
victed in United States court of suborna
tion of porjuiy , but has nol yet been sen
tenced. McCarthy's crime was in getting
alVulavlts , false one ? , in Omaha Unit wuro
used in the United Status court at Kuo-
link , la.
The usual number of civil eases , mo
lions and arguments were heard In this
court yesterday , and an important rail
road ease in which the H. & M. is intur-
rsieil , was the call for the afternoon ,
The following resolutions were yester
day prepared tor publication and for
warded to thu family of the late General
Guorgo M , O'Brien of Omaha !
Soi.iiins ) : IN N HUH ASK A Circular No. l :
Jt IN with sincere Burrow that we announce
to the Iowa solilleia residing in Nebraska tlio
death of our estcomcd comrade Cultural
( iuorgu.M , O'DrlonJatocoloaulot tlio Seventh
Iowa cavalry.
U'tilln wo bow In humble Rubinlsalon to
the will of oursuiireiiiuOoiiiiiiaiiiU'i'-in-Clilul' ,
\vlio suiiimoni'd our I'omnuto to Ids hist filial
-muster wo deeply feel our loss for him. As a
ill/tin , a soldier and a coinradii lie wax
alwavs true to that which manhood honors
nud which chariu'tt'rlzed the trim comrade.
\V , S. UANDAI.I. , President.
HAIIKY S , IloTOiiKiKS , Secretary.
The annual meeting of the Nebraska
State Historical society , now in session
in this city , while not largely attended
- T has called a goodly number of the
' pioneers of early days to the capital of
the state that thuy saw in its infancy.
The opening mooting was devoted to thu
annual reports ot the iillbrent | oihcor * ,
the secretary reciting Uio roceipl of many
valuable' works-Scoured the past year by
donation and purchase which -now
form part of the archives of the
society. Equally Haltering was the
report of the treasurer for the past year ,
whim showed a balance on hand of over
$ W,000. The oflici-rfl elected for the com
ing year weror President , Robert W.
Furnas of Brownvlllo ; vice presidents ,
Lorenzo Crounso , of Fort , Calhoun ; J. M.
Woolworth. of Omaha ; secretary , George
E. Howard , Lincoln ; tnasuror. I1. H.
Gere , Lincoln ; directors , J. Sterling
Morton , Nebraska City ; Irving I. Manatt ,
Lincoln I ; Mrs. Clara B. Colby , Beatrice-
John A. MacMurphy , Wnhoo ; Henry T.
Clarke , Omaha. At the first cvcnlnc ses
sion of the society lion. J. Sterling
Morton was not presrnt with his paper ,
but the venerable Iladloy 1) . Johnson ,
now of Utah , presented a paper that was
very highly appreciated. Last evening's
session was hold at Representative hall.
J. B. Strode , who baa just completed
two tcrma as district attorney in this ju
dicial district , will rcmovo hfs law oftleu
from Plattsmouth to Lincoln tno coming
week and cuter upon the practice of law
In this city. Mr. Strode , as prosecutor ,
made a great many friends in Lincoln
who arc pleased to hear of his coming.
Among the recent improvements for
West Lincoln is the establishing of a meat
market in that suburb for the accommo
dation of local residents. Fred Fisher is
the man who ( ills the long felt want and
will help feed the new town.
In the report of house proccedlnss an
error crept in which gave Fuller , of Gage ,
tlin credit of moving the committee on
township organizationwhen Mr. Kenney ,
of Red Cloud , is the man that did the
business and has been made chairman of
the special committee.
D. 1' . Clark , a former resident of Lin
coln , now of Arnimhne , is in the capital
citv and will remain through the session.
Ex-Attorney General Dillworth was
among the visitors at the state house yes
Tim regular monthly reception of the
Y. M. ( ' . . A. was hold last evening at their
reception rooms.
An lownii Koljbetl.
A verdant German , named II. Unwohn ,
yesterday evening caused the arrest of
Both Kearn on the charge of highway
robbery. L'nwolin ' is from Eagle Grove ,
la. , and on his arrival in Omaha yester
day was mot at the depot by Koarn , who
filled him full of Omaha tanglefoot and
then robbed him of $ ' . ' 0.
OWKN'-llATKS In Omnha , January 8,1SS7 ,
Mr. Alfred S. Owen atid Mrs. Emma 11.
Bates , both of this city , at : 0 North
Twentieth , by Kov. A. F. Sherrill ,
Kent Instate TrnnHt'cr.s ,
Filed January 11 , 1837 , reported for the
BII : : .
Anna K Shaw and husband to E if Fraud ) ,
lot 10 , block 15 , Central I'ark , wd 81,500.
Win J Wnaroner et al to John B Kvans , lots
JO , 21 and S.1. block ' - ' , Fowler 1'lace , wd
Win J Wagoner et ol to Thomas W Black-
bum , lots 0,10 , IB , 10 , block U , Fowler place ,
( ! co W 1'erk and wife to AmosT Brown ,
lots 5 and 0 , block S , Oxford place , wd
Phillip Oassady and wife to 1 S Ilascall ,
0--s acres In , 14. u , wd-S5sr,3.
Isaac S Ilascall to the public , plat of
Jim-Huston place , pait of 5 , M , II ) dedication.
Lewis Schroder and wife to James N Swet-
iiain , lots M unit 17 , block 8 , Kouiilzc's 4th
add. wd--S4.feOO.
Win I'rcston and wtfo to II S Kolllns , lots
in 1'rcston and Williams add , wit 30,000.
.John W Loiinslmry mid wife to I'ldllip
Swoboda , lots l'J and 13 , block IB , lianscoin
place , wit 81,03. , .
A KKilhyetal to Patrick Cunningham ,
lot fl. block ' . ' 0. Carthau'C. wd S173.
( } Anna MeCormlck to Nulsll > eli5oii tt al ,
lotsiia and 4 , block S , Uatalpa place , wd
Ulias McUonnlck to Nols 11 Nelson , lots ! J
anil o. blocic ! 5 , McCormlck's d add , wd
T. 0 Brunei' ot al to A F Campen , lots 1 , S ,
3 , il. 7 , s anil 0 , Morse and IJrunner's place ,
wdS7i.r : > o.
Michael B Donnelly to F W Lascntlne ct
al. CO.xl-0 feat in lot 4 liaguu's add , wd
S.OOU. :
Win K llawley etal to Clias D Dnrman. lot
I , block . Exchange place , wd 8723.
James V Sweeney to Krank Brown ct al ,
lot 15 , Clark's add. wd 84,000.
John A lloibacli and wife to Caspnr Stl-
bolt , o ' V ot loUU , block 4 , Parker's add , swd
JfjOO. ;
L v'Morse et al to James Casey n 41 feet
lot 1 , block r. . K V Smith's Hild , wd-Sl.BO. !
( icor o W Hall and wlfu to Joseph K Sogai .
\v CO fetit , s 1"8 fret lot 7 , Johnson's add , ar.wd
Calvin V Klkin and wife to Ncls Clove , lot
C , block E , wd-8700.
Win T Booth and wife to New York Life
Insurance company of Now York city , all of
lots ! i and 0 , block 117 Omaha , dei'd 835,000.
UcoV Ames and wife to Matlo ( Ireen. lots
II. 15,10 aud 17 , block 7 , Ilanscom park , wd
S'.J , < m
W LSi'lbyet al to 1'atrick ( Jrady , lots 11
and l'- ! , block 1 , Hush and Solby's add to
South Omaha , wd S700.
John K Otteiistuln to O N Hainsny , lots r >
and 0 , block 5 , Patrick's 1st add , wd SIJ.100.
S E ItoKars and wife to Win I * Monroe , lot
10. block 10 , S fi KozarH' add , wdS'J.OOO. .
U C Patterson ct al to Nels J Larson , lots
10 , U and VI and part of lot 14 in block 1 of
P.ittPi-Kou's fiib , wd gsr.0.
CJ Coswell and wlfo to 1MV Banford ,
lot s , block I , Potter's add to West Omaha ,
wd Sl,2r > 0.
Chas Applcton and wife to llobt A Wallace
o Yt lot 13 , block 4 , Improvasso add , wd
Omaha Heal Estate and Trust company , to
Jacob Williams , lot G in Uise's add , wd
Ijlnolcum Goes.
The linoleum , which has been on the
Jloor ot the bar of the district court lias
boon removed , and in a few days will bo
supplanted witli Brussels carpet. The
linoleum was found lee noisy and will
hereafter be used in other parts of the
buildling. _
The funeral of LillioMcCluro , daughter
of J. A.MeClnre.fourteen years of age , was
buried yesterday afternoon , at 3 o'clock ,
from the residence of her parents , north
west of the institute for the deaf and
Personal J/nrnRrnphB.
V. S. McCLwhy. business manager of
the Sacramento ( Cal. ) Boo , spent yester
day in Omaha on his return from a busi
ness trip to Chicago , Ho left for Sacra
mento last evening.
Mrs. Guy C. Barton and family re
turned yesterday from au extended tour
of the Pacific coast.
Proptrad with strict regard to Parity , Strength , and
lluauhfulaeaa. Jr. 1'ncu'u llaklog Powder contains
ionliIJiae.Alutaorl'liojiJhat <
i , Ynnllln , temua , utc. , Cavw i
No Chock to ttio Growth oT South
Omnha The Sjtullcuto tmndfl
Ajjnlti Placed on the Market.
The founder of nncienl Homo Rave
way to excusable passion because his
brother joked him about tliu height of its
walls , which ho could leap over. The
City of Ihu Seven Hills has nevertheless
become n central point of Interest for
the entire world , and its name will figure
in every history until the hand of the
last hi.-itorian shall have written the ever
lasting "Finis" for his racn. In much
the same way men made fun of Omaha
and its shortcomings when mud was
king , but now scu It rising like a crea
tion of the conjuror's ninglc wand.
It has often been heard from croakers ,
who arc to be found in every city , that
Omnha was not to meet the expectations
of its founders , but not only has It far
surpassed them , but to-day casts the
shadows of its loftier spires imon-anothcr
city that has sprung up by Its side.
Surely South Omaha has had : i most re
markable record , and yet it seems
scarcely to have started in the
race it Is running with its
older sister. When tno svndlcato
three .years ago , bought up tlio most
beautiful farms in the richest county of
Nebraska and established the Union
Stock yards in the center , they were
building butter than they knew. Now
ho busy yards lire surrounded by a
magic city whose people liavo biiilt'for
ihomsclvcs homes aim homos thatdottho
liillsldeji in every ilirecllon and have
changed the once quiet little valley to n
bceno not less beautiful for being full of
bustle ami activity. For two years , however -
over , the finest portion of all the tract
owned by the syndicate hns not been
available. These lands have all been
platted and will to-day bo placed on the
market , the exclusive agency for them
laving been given to C. L. Mayno , muter
ivhoso control some of the most valuable
and desirable properties in the city and its
'iiburbs liavo been developed. . This is
lews that will bo eagerly read by those
nicrestcd in the welfare and prosperity
of South Omaha , and of this city itself ,
is the two will soon bo built logollicr
mil become ono. As overv ono knows
the laud now for the flrsl luno open for
iMirchasers is the fairest of all that fair
ract originally bought by the syndicate.
That il will cause a general rush in that
lirection no one can fora moment doubt' .
The building sites are without a superior
n all the suburbs of Ihocity. Mr. Mayno
ighlly considers that lie has never taken
lold of any real cstalo lhat promised lo
meet with such general public favor and
to give such satisfaction in return. It
seems to be without a single fealuro that
is other than desirable. The IncKicst and
inosl propitious event that has been re
corded for the city in many months is
this opening up of South Omaha syndi
cate land to the public and the boom be
ginning will result in increasing the
value of every foot of ground between
the slock yards and Iho Omaha post-
Mr. Mayno has his plals all finished
and they can be seen nt his oflico at any
time. Thuy will show some of the finest
evidence lots anywhere , ' which will bo
n great demand for aristocratic man
sions as well as the comely cottage of the
workir.gman. No time should bo lost in
ixaminiug into this matter , and certainly
10 one can afford lo lose so fine an in-
Yuslmeiit as is hero offered.
liavo You Seen Them ?
If not , call on W. G. ALIIUIRHT and go
oul lo SOUTH OMAHA with ono of his
ige.nts to inspect the magnificent prop-
Park Vain PoHtofllco.
The residents of Park Vale , a hamlet
jcyoiul the city , and in the vicinity of
ilarrin & Fisher's packiuir house , some
time ago petitioned to have a postolllco
established at the place. The residents
ire quite numerous , and buing just be
yond the cily limits cannot liavo their
mail delivered by the city carrier , and
yet the distance is too great lo como and
0l it at Iho tioslollicc. No word lias yel
been heard from Washington concerning
the matter , but yesterday a letter was
received from the assistant postmaster
general at this ollicu directed to the post
master at Spring Vale , ana this makes
some pc.opla feel Ihal Iho new ollico has
boon established.
"They Are Beautiful ,
and much larger than in othur Addi
tions , " is Hie usuallvardict regarding Iho
200 lots in ALiiitKriiT's CHOIOI : .
Three Feet of Ice.
A bursl waler-pipo in front of Dr.
Amelia Burrough's residence on Dodge
street , a week agoflooded , that thoroughfare
faro as far us Sixteunth struct. In the
ditch nearest Leslie & Leslie's drug
store there is three feet of ice , and a
heavy coating of the same rests upon the
walk. This thaw promises to make
pcdoslriunism unpleasant at the place
mentioned , and threatens damage lo
property. Mr. George Leslie yesterday
morn ing was looking for a city ollicial to
avert the danger.
To the Public.
The South Omaha Land Syndicate
Having appoinlcd mo solo agent for their
lots in South Omaha , I am now prepared
to show my friends and patrons property
thai will undoubtedly double in value
within a year. The prices have boon
placed remarkably ecasonable , the lorms
easy and the rate of interest 7 per cent.
Those wishing lo purchase lots in Iho
wonderful llttlu cily can get prices and
plats at my ollico. Salesmen with con
veyances ready at any time to show the
properly. C. E. MAVNK ,
Nw. cor. Fifteenth and llarncy.
BOO Per Cent. Profit
has been made since last August by pur
cia ! ers of lots from Mr. Albright In the
addition Wesl ot Ai.mimiiT's CHOICE.
The county commissioners liavo de
cided that hereafter the heads of all
county departments shall receive their
books and stationery from the county
clnrk , ami through him must Jo all their
advertizing , a record of which the latter
will keep lor reference.
Grout Kxoltemcnt
in SOCTH OMAHA over the way acres ami
lots in ALUIHOHT'S CHOICE are going.
Twenty-two lots soldjn ono day.
South Otiiulia.
The prices on lots in South Omaha have
been fixed at $ ' 250 to il.OOOj terms very
easy , deferred payment * at 7 per cent interest
terost , Now is the time to get lots , while
they are cheap. Call on C. K. Mavno
northwest corner of Fifteenth and liar
noy for plats and prices.
fircnt Kxaltcinont
in SOUTH OMAHA over the way'acies and
lots in ALHHIUHT'S CHOICE are going.
Twenty-two lots sold in one day.
Drcvilict ) .
The Concordia society will give a mas
querade ball at Masonic hall on Febrnan
Custodian Jordan of the postofllco
bulldjng' , had ashes put on thu slipper. )
llagstouca at the corner yesterday mom
The thermometer yesterday moming a
o'clock registered 00 dcp. above zero.
There are prospects of a cold wnve.aml
he signal service predicts a tlrnn of about
. ? 5 ilcif. tn the next thirty-two hours.
W. L. Helphroy , one of the best known
raveling men in the state , tin * accepted
a portion with the ncwlirmof | J'cnrosc &
Charles Ilcaton was arrested last even-
ng charged with the larceny of an over
coat from a colored man named Martin
on Tenth street.
Miss Marv Alexander , a resident of the
Sandwich Island ? , a daughter of one of
ho early missionaries lo that country , is
n the city , the cuost of Mr. and Mrs. J.J.
Keiibcn Smith , a young man about 18
vcars of nie ? ; , died suddenly on Monday ,
it 1-lSO Fifth street , and his remains were
'orwardcd yesterday morning to Van
Meter , la. , by Uarrelt iV llcafy.
Wild minors were in circulation about
I o'clock yesterday morning to the efl'cct
hat a light had taken place nt SI or/ &
Iler's brewery , in which a man had been
milled. Siftetl down it was found that
; wo employes of the brewery had been en
gaged in a drunken brawl , and that no
one was injured In the least.
Mr. K. A. Houghton , member of the
wholesale lirm of M. E. Smith &Co. , gave
a complimentary dinner Tuesday evening
lo their traveling men at his resilience , 70(1 (
North Nineteenth street. Among those
present wcro George M. Tracy , Charles
Jl. O'Hrien. Frank H. Daniels , , lohn P.
Heal I , Charles II. Morris , Harry H. Lodor
aud M. W. Kayloy.
1. ( t. Taylor , who owns the house occu
pied by May Fuller , on Eleventh and
ledge ) streets , Tuesday commenced suit
in tlio county court to get possession of
the property on the ground that the
woman has forfeited her lease to the
properly by keeping a house of ill-repute.
On Friday night the happy homo of A.
Criiiekshank was darkened by the death
of his eldest son , Alex Kraut Crulek-
shank , aged 14 years. The little fellow
liatl been ill only about a week with
typhoid fever , and the cruel blow was
sudden as it was bitter. Services were
liold at the f.unily resilience at 2 o'clock
| ) . in. . Now Year's day , ami the mortal
remains interred In Highland cemetery ,
i'hu sympathy of the entire community
goes out to the family In their bereave-
incut. [ Pasadena Star.
Another Ilicyclo Evont.
Ed Bullock , the young professional
wheelman of Omaha , has challenged
Dingley to a twenty-five mile race , and
the challenge has boon accepted. The
race will take place on Saturday night. *
Dingloywill give Bullock six laps or
three fifths of a mile the start. This will
make the contest a close and exciting
one. In addition to the professional race
Lhcro will also bo a boys' race for two
miles and a five mile amateur race.
Knlr nml Imposition Ofllccrs.
A meeting of the directors of the Fair
xnd Exposition association was held last
opening in Secretary AVhoolcr's ofllco.
Jhurchill Parker-was elected president ,
Itiehard Kitchnn vice president and Hugh
G. Clark , treasurer. The election of secretary -
rotary and tlio.cxecutlvo . committee was
postponed to the -1st hist.
Not Ri ( Hothcpy.
The friends of Ed llothciv desire it
stated that he was in no way implicated
in the rumpus at Fallen's road house on
.Tuesday night , as lias been published.
Fd Hothory was at the opera house
when tlio trouble happened.
Johnny MeClellan , who is responsible
for the row at Fallen "a road house on
Tuesday night , was arrested last night ,
charged with shooting with intent to kill ,
lie will be given a preliminary hearing
The rafllo of the Laughing Girl oil
painting at Turf Exchaniru will take
ulaco at 8 o'clock Thursday evening ,
January 13 , 18ST. _
A T lo of a MurdiT a Century Old
Found in n Musty Tonic.
In a dark corner of the I'itt burg law
library , says the I'ittsbtirir Dispatch , are
piled a number of old and musty volumes i
of legal law , but little used , tlio science s
of obtaining or delaying justice having
advanced since they" were authorities.
While looking through one of these books
Friday , Librarian i' . G. Digby discovered ,
neatly folded , a time-stained sheet of
vellum , inscribed in ancient Dutch char
acters. The document is apparently an
ollici'.il transcript of a criminal trial at
Haarlem , in Holland , in 1707. A free
translation of the manuscript , divested of
le al verbiage , brings to light a ease of
circumstantial evidence , which resulted
disastrously , not only to the accused , butte
to tlio city of Haarlem.
Godfried Yoho , a Westphalian boor , or
clown , was pursuing his way to Amster
dam in search of more profitable em
ployment than Ills own country allbrdcd
at that period. It happened that the
party of immigrants with whom ho had
traveled slopped to drink at a wayside
tavern in Haarlem Wood , where ho soon
became so completely intoxicated that
they laid him under a tree asleep , and
left him to gel along as he could when he
became sober.
Great was his terror ami inexpressible 1
his ama'/cuiont when , upon awaking , the )
poor wanderer saw about him a number
of men dressed in blue and wearing sil
ver hiked swords , and hearing himself
accused of having robbed and murdered
a merchant. Greater still was his horror
and afVright on seeing that the blade and
hilt of his knife were besmeared with I
blood : that his right hand was bloodyand I
that In his pockets was found property
which was known to liavo belonged to thu
murdered man. 1I
Thu terror ami confusion ho manifested 1i I
wcro naturally interpreted
as unequivo
cal proofs of guilt. His protestations and i
supplications were alike disregarded.
His county anil his poverty combined to
render him a subject of reproach anil de
rision , for the indigent German laborers
were subject to insult and wrong in Hoi
After many months of close confinement
Yoho was broght to trial , The compan
ions of the accused , appeared in his be
half , and they proved that ho was dead
drunk and neither able to stand nor walk
when they left him in the wood. Tlio
public prosecutor contended that ho had
arisen in a state of fren/.y , had robbed
and murdered tie | merchant , and , being
unable to proceed , hud staggered back to
tlio tree , and was thurotakon red-handed.
The result was that Yoho was condemned
to die , anil after having been tortured to
make him confess his guilt and accom
plices , but without success , was be
The fate ot the poor German had long
been forgotten when , upon a gantr of
desperntu robbers and murderers being
detected in Golderlund , and just as thuy
were led out to execution , two of them
confessed the crime for which Godfrieil
Yoho had suffered at Haarlem.
The criminals , In their joint confession ,
stateil that as they were waiting the ar
rival of a merchant in a herborg.or inn
in Haarlem. Wood , who they know
would puss along near about that time
on his way from Loinmor to Amsterdam ,
they noticed the German boors anil the
very drunken state of ono of them whom
the rest of his comrades left dead drunk
under an oaken treo. After they had
murdered the traveler and plundered his
person , events which took place only a
very short distance from tliu spot where
the unfortunate Yoho lay asleep , ono of
the banditti suggustod the horrible ox- staining his hands , his tear-
mould , and his knife with the yet reeking
ROff" of tlio slain , and putting Into hU
pockets a forv of the least valuable
trinkets found upon the merchant. The
wretches were so hardened they
were present at the execution of Yoho
and watched the death of their victim.
An appendix to the document stales
that the facts of the case coming under
t lie notice of the slaats general , the au
thorities of Haarlem wcro hold to liavo
hern guilty of culpable negligence In not
ferreting out the real criminal. The cilv
was , thi-rofore , lined 10,000 guilders anil
lost the privilege ot evermore having its
own executioner.
Dr. Hamilton Warren , Eolcetlo Physi
cian anil Surgeon , Room 8 , Croumo
block corner tilth Capitol avenue
Dayaud night calls promotl r atlantad I o
Rodger's Knlvrs , Spoons and Forks in
large variety at 0. L.Etickson & Co.'s.UI'J '
N. IGtli , bet. Capitol ave. aud Davenport
street. Masonic Block.
Illttitrntoil Art Ijcctnre.
Arthur May Knanp , of Boston , will
begin his course of lectures on Art In the
Unify church to-morrow night at 8
o'clock. A slight change In the pub
lished programme will Im made , anil the
tirst lecture will bo on "Nntiircand Art. "
1'attl's Album.
Pall Mall Ga/ello : Autograph collect
ing Is one of the most harmless as well
as ihe most , interesting of hobbles , and
when n celebrated person takes to keep
ing an album of anlouraphs a collection
of mete than usual value Is likely to be
the result. It is not generally known
that among others who share this weak
ness is that greatest of sinners , Mini ) .
Adrlina Patti. For many years past no
friend of any distinction has boon nor-
milted to pass tlin threshold of the prima
donna until ho or she has written a few
words upon Mine. Patti herself or upon
some otluT subject of interests. Tliu
consequence is that the signatures of al
most ever notability both in and ouUsido
the musical world are to bo found in ono
ot hcralbums , while , besides these are
many letters of well known composers
and musicians which Mine. 1'atti has had
prosontud to her or has liursulf purchased.
Of these are letters from Mo/.art , Beet
hoven , Chopin aud other illustrious ones.
Many extracts could be given from
thcpo albums : wo will now , however
merely give the following , which
wo trust the gifted soiurstress
will forgive us for publishing.
The first is from Kossini , and is dated
February 10. 1801. He writes : ' "Tis an
easy and pleasant task which you liavo
set me namely , to jot don at random
a thought or two in your album. There
are then three things which 1 shall over
do first , admlro yon personally ; sec
ondly , marvel intensely at your talent ;
and lastly be unto dentil your most faith
ful and grateful friend , G. Rossini. "
Meyerbeer is much more formal and stifl.
"I beg of you , ho writes , "to accept this
as a tribute of my respectful homage and
my profound admiration. " Berlioz on
the other hand is characteristically witty.
"How am I to tianslato oportet puti ? It
has been variously rendered , you know.
Pedantic scholars would have us believe
it means , 'Sufl'uring is the lot of man. '
Not so say the jolly monks ; opovtol pati
is simply , 'Bring iilther ( npportuz ) Iho
pate , ' while with a still nearer approach
to truth I with all true lovers of music
and sontr , say it means , 'It is impossible
to exist without Patti' ' "
In the attempt to swim the Niagara whirl
pool rapids is no more reckless or danger
ous than to trifle with disease which each
day secures a stronger hold and hastens
the end of liffi. Thin U ] . oiully true of
rheumatism , nciualgia , sciatica and ner
vous hcndnche , winch though perhaps
slight at first are extremely dangerous and
readily secure a firmer grip until at last
the agony is unendurable and sudden death
brings re'lief.
Thes-c diseases can be cured by the u e
of Athlophoros which , in connection with
Athlophoros Pills , never fails when prop
erly used. Read Ilie following from ihose
who have tested it :
John S. Kbiincdv , Spearville , Kansas ,
savs ' : "Nearly two .years ago , four bottles
ol'Athloplioros cured me of
and I have had no return of the old com
plaint since.
Mrs. A. Newton , wife ot ex-Mayor
Newton , Dcsmoincs , loxva , says ; "I had
been a great sufferer for yearsand bad rein
edics , but nothing would do what Athlo
phoros did for me. Athlophoros took the
stillness out of the joints of my fmgcre ,
which I had been troubled with so long.
Murray. J.Cochran , Denison , Iowa , says :
'It is now two years since I used Athlophos
ros , and I have had no rheumatism since.
At the time I used this medicine I was crip
pled so that I had to use crutches. My knees
were swollen so that I had to cut my pant-
in order to wear them ; my arms were Mill'
at the elbows ; part of the time I could tint
feed nybelf. While in this condition , I wa
advised to take Athlophoros ; which I did.
After using a few bottlts , I was completely
Every druggist should keep Athlonho-
ros mid Alhlophoros Pills , bul where
they cannot bo bought of the druggist
the Athlophoros Co , , 123 Wall st. , Now
York , will soud cither , carriage paid , on
receipt of regular price , which is $1 per
boltlo for Athlophoros and 60c for Ihe
For liver nnil Iddnoy disowned , ilypoi > Rla.ln-
digestion , wcnUno-s , norvoiia MobilitydHiiuiH ,
of wnmun , constipation , liouluolio : , linpiiru ,
blooJ.olc. . Aihlnplioros I'llls uruiiiieiiimlled ,
I h o r fToiulra romtdj'or ihe'iiboTt'illwuo ; by iti nio
tboutandt or nwon of the woril kln'l and oMoryj iltiidlnff
L TO been cured , lodaertt itrnnir 1 * mr fRlth In lueflleacy
thut 1 will lend TWO Mir B , lojtth r with * VAl
UAHI.KTIKAT18Eouthl ! < lle i ! > .tn i > J tutrsrer. IJI er.
jrtts 4 1'.O.mJJteu. til. T , A. BLOCUU.IH rootlet N. IT
M OMB rATAIlllll. Thonrratnrman
lu-nicdyt ap ltltocure , 1'roarample
package anil book for 4 crnli In . . .
k II , MCDIOAL CO , , iuit : Hampton , Conn.
Ilocenlljr Hunt. Newly KuroljlioJ
The Tremoiit ,
J. C. KIT/.OKllALI ) A 8ON , I'mprlotori.
Cor. ttli nml I'Su. , Lincoln , Nob.
nmoilUV ) pordar. btrcat cur > frora.hoiuj to anr
Architect ,
Offlcf-3t. 31 and 42 , Hluharda lllock , Lincoln ,
Nob. Kluvatoronllth ttrect.
llroodorat IlroeJcrof
Live Stock Auctioneer
ftilo * made. In all imrU ( if tlin U. H. ntl'alr
nit us. Itoom U , Klulo lllouk , Lincoln , N'ob.
Ualloway and Short Hoin liulU for said.
Farm Loans and Insurance ,
Correepomlencu In n 'Hrd to Ion en HollclloJ.
Itoom < , HicliarJj lllouk , Llnuolii , Xub.
Riverside Short Horns
Of slrictly piiro Ilatun and Hates T.ipjiuJouttlu.
Until nuni hers about UO beail.
represented : f'ilberts , ,
, ltuiilu < c , Kosoof Bliarotuj , Mus Hosu ,
K'nlL'litly JluL'hessos , I'lnt Crook Voun ? Jlury.s ,
, Louuna aud True l/ovu .
Hulls lor t.ilu. 1 J'uru Ilutes HIDort. 1 I'uro
Bate Cmgvt. 1 Hoioof Hhuroii , 1 Vounv Mary.
1 1'uio Crulek Khanlt and olhors. Come uml
Inspocttho'herJ. Address , CHAS. M. ItUA.V
BUN , Lincoln , Nob.
U'hoii in Lincoln Mop at
National Hotel ,
Aud jrel u aooJ uluuor f o'a. .
'a.FEDAWAV I'rop.
1 ' ALL
Trade Mark.
The most remarkable remedy known to the
world for the treatment of
Catarrh , Asthma , Bronchitis , Hay Fever , Croup ,
Neuralgia , Headache , Deafness , Eye Diseases ,
Ulceravion of the Lungs , Colds , etc ,
Prove Our Assertions , Viz ;
o >
- * O
'i' ' LITTLK ///T.SAC'/JX
! y Giving Home Testimonials
Read Them , They will Astonish You
OMAHA , Nun.Jim. . 4 , 1SS7.
Cilrbollc Smoke null O > ,
OonlliMiion : I wluli to ovprogs to you 1113' full-
oil coiiimomliitiou ol' ( lip merits ol' yoiirSinolco
Hall. It JIIH cni'fd my ciiturrh coniploti'ly. 1
lio'ipvi' ft to bollio irroatc-it ilisoovory
ol tin ) HKC. ( ! lvo iiiosomoof yourclreulurs utiil
1 wil ( llsiflbuto tlioni on the road I'myou. .
Very trillV. A. S. COST.
Traveling nlosmiui Clitlfclilll I'ump Co. , 1111
rnrnam street.
O.MAIU. NKIL , nuil. 27 , It SO.
Cni-liiille Smoke Hall Co. ,
( jpiiilomcMi Voiirvaluiililo remedy , 'Tiirliollo
Smoke , " us applied tlinuiKli your Carliollu
Sinokn llnll. luvs uccti u > : oil In my family nml
nits alloiiloil liniucdlntn rellof triim lioiwli'olu' ,
colds anil catarrh. In pioperly npplluil.1
consider It a Hpt'cltle tor tliesu complalnls , and
1 bollove It lll euro any dl easn of tlin nmuus
lucinliinno that can be readied by mhnhitloti.
Vrmrs truly. < ' . II. KdltllV.
Trunk Maiiufiiclurt-r , HDD Douglas street.
O.MAII \ , Xii.Iim. : : C , Itw.
CiirbolH ! Smoliii Hall Co. , Onmhi : , Null. ,
( ientloniLMi I have nted your CnrliDliu Smoke
Ilnli lor colds unit hoin tluoat nud lliul It ID bean
an Infallible remedy for such troulil.M.
Voora truly. 1)11. A. S. IIII.I.INCS ,
S. i : . Cor. Doilfcoiinil
OM tn t , N'in. : , .Ian. C , 1ST.
Carliollc Stnoltt * Hull Co . Omnlm , Null. ,
( lontloniun Vour Cnrhollr Smolco Hull Is hi-
deed \vuudurliil rcmody. H lumoiirccl me of
a very sovnro unse ofratarrh ami throat lion-
lilo , from wliloli I linvi * sutlureil for sometlmo.
If ihUslntemont wlllbi > ol' any sort'lcn to you
use It us j on see proper. Vours trulv.
i'1 ' w.r A i i.i.i' ) .
Postal dork L . 1' . It. It Itoslclfiico 101 N. l.'tli
street. -
OM.liit , 3 , 1837.
Carl'OlIu ' SinoKo Hull Co. , Omaha , Noli ,
( ii'iitlemi'ii llavhiK-.siilli'red with ralarrh for
many yearf , I huvu tried almost overv roniedr
and have lull hula I'allh lii'Mmtoat iiiedlelnoR.
Annul u month nio IMI I huluoed to tiy one of
} our SinoUo Hulls and rnu lioneslly Ray thai I
liavo received moro liemitll Ironi the use of it
limn anything I liavo uM'r tried. 1 liolluvo It
will entirely cine me. Your * very truly ,
rori'iima Ileus 1'rhilliwCo.
c *
Ilo.Onios llctvn'sOi'i-.ut IloL-si ; . Jan. C , 18i
CnrholloSmoki' It.ill Co. , Omaha , Null. ,
Urntlemeii Seplujr your remedy advprllped
in tlio iH'ou'iiiiiniKM nl1ci'.Fli'rn tliuutors. 1 | iur-
dniBPil a t.'arliol'o Hinoko Hull , when your niton-
cy tlrst started hero. I urn pleased totitato that
It lias iiiovixlellcfi'lve in curing hail col ! M nml
untiirrlinliiili-ullnDS 1 foiislilur It u nondorful
ron.eily. Von aio ill liberty to ut-o this as yon
ace proper. Very truly yours.
K. K. wmTMOIliTreasurer. :
OM tn.t. N"in.iui : ( 10,18 .
Ciirholle Suioljp IIill Co . Oninhfi , M'b ,
Ueiils WD lia 'o linlli u-.o < l inur vnliiiible rom
cdy , Cm hello SmoUi ) Hull. lor u.ittirrli , and wo
tire pleiisud totiite Hint li hits proved ollectlvo
iueurinb'us. Vours Hilly ,
nill-XloitV * IIAlir.HV.
Jdal I'Nmto Agents , iUU f. 1'ith si.
Ol'I'll'UOK l-'IX'IIKItfc NlX. I
WllllaniK lllouli. OmahaNeb , Dee SI , lsgl ( f
Ciirliolle SiiinKn Hall Co ,
Gentlemen I hinnberu a coii liut : snllorcr
from iiciito eaturrh lor Ui ycnr.s and have Hpout
hiuidrcil ! * of dollar for ri'llet. Nolliinir him Hlv-
cii mo such MitiMtiu'lloii IIH jour Curliollo Smoke
Hull. It itiroidimnx'diiili' rellel. I liavo aim )
tided It for sleU hor.daehe w.lli liein'llt
Vours truly , ( IISO. i : . Klt-'CIII'.ll.
The Carbolic SmnJw Jtall . * t < nnls on tin mini inci'lts. II lin * I'ri'ctwl iln
own inaiiiiiHent oJ'iH'uitu' , Otln-r rrinmltcnuir < ; follinrntl in Ili
and uitjn-owliiiiitt : < i # ncnr tin : oi'i < tin < it an tlu'iam , but Illir tin-
leaf they .toon ; w s away and Icauo no / / / / / / / / / ( / < / / / < < / / . rJ'ls/ftntCi ;
in liehifi inti'tMliimil tliriiiifiliout Ilie United Mate * intl tlto , <
i-oiniin-ndallonK liai-c folltniicil mln-n'i'ci' it luin limn it-uteri.
No liont < elii > ll flnntld In ; nrltlnnit a "tiiiioke Itntl' ' us it. mill t'.ni'C fold
in ( If'ti't'ii minute * If'tttlM'n In time. 'J'o all who mill In hi1 tlic trotiblu to
call nt our ojjlic tec oj'cr
A Free Test
Sent by mull on receipt ofi , and -i ccnliifni'i > oxl < if/r.
Carbolic Smoke Ball Company ,
Jttioins J and V , / < Yc scp Jtlocl ; , / > j > . / * . O ,
Display at their warerooms , 13O5 and 13O7 Farnam Street ,
the largest assortment of Pianos and Organs to bo found at
any establishment west of Chicago. The stock embraces the
highest class and medium grades , Including
Prices , quality and durability considered , are placed at the
lowest living rates for cash or tlmo payments , while the long
established reputation of the house , coupled with their most
liberal Interpretation of the guarantee on their goods , affords
the purchaser an absolute safeguard against loss by possible
defects in materials and workmanship.
I30S 4. 1307 FARNAM STRECl
Watches , Diamonds , Fine Jewelry , Silverware
The largubt stock. Trices the lowest. Uuiiulrlug ujspocltilly. All work warraul-
ltd. Curnur Douglas aud 15th struuU , Oiualii
LiccnscUViitciimakor for the Union Pucljio Hailroad company.