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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 13, 1887)
THE OMAHA DAILY JREE : THURSDAY , JAXUAEY 13. 1887. , THE DAILY BEE. PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING. Dnllr oroml.ii ? Edition ) Including Similar Her Onn Voar . . . . . . . . . . * 10 01 ForSIr Montln . fi no rnrTIirwj Mnntlii . SM Tim Otnnhn Hwminy llis : , nmllo.l to nny iulJro % Ono Year. . . 200 CMMTM omrr. No.miv mt FARVAM STRKITT. Nnv VIIHK nrrtrr. . IUMIU < v > , TRIIH-NK lltTii.mvii. WAMtlMltOX OmCK , NO. 513 FOUUTICNTII StllCCT. All communication1 ! relnttwr to news muled- ! torlal mnttcr ibwild bo ed'lressod to the iut- TOH OP TUB HKK. nusiNrflsr.irrrcitM All l > ii lno < alottur < ami remittances thould bo aiMi-OMoil to TII it lltB rtmt.isniMi I'OMI-ASY , OMAHA , Hrnftn , chocks nnil po toflk-o orilors to bo mailo payable to tlio onlr at the coin puiiy , THE BEE PDBLISHUTCOSPJIST , PROPRIETORS , E. UOSKWATKIt , Eniroit. TIIK DAlIiV HUB. Bworn Htntcincnt of Circulation. Stnte of Nebraska , I D County of Douglas. fs < Sl ( Jen. II. Tzschuck , secretary of Tlio Hco Publishing company , docs solemnly swear that the ncttinl circulation of thn Dally lice for tlio neck ending Jan. 7lh , UW7 , WHS a ? follows : Saturday. Jan. 1 r > ,075 Hiiwlnv. Jan. B 87.11)0 ) Monday. Jan. U KUK1 Tuesday. Jnn. ! iio."i : Wednesday , Jan. 5 1.VW5 Thursday , Jan. 0 i : , : i "S Friday , Jan. 7. Kt7r ! : A vcrncc C3.02fi liKO. IS. T/SCIU'CK. ' .Subscribed and sworn to before im- this 10th day of Jammty A. 1) . , 1SS7. N. P. Kr.iu ISKAM Notary Public. ( Sro. IS. Tzsclmck. hcliiR lirst duly sworn , deposes nntl sa > that lie Is secretary of the IH'O Patilhldnicompany , that the actual av- nraeo dally circulation of the Dnllv ISeo for the month of January , 18S < 5. was 10.tf8 : copies , for Kubrimry , IHbd , Kf59.j conies ; for Mnich , Iswi , H.KJ7 copies ; for Apill , l brt , la.liu copies : for May. 1VA 12,439 copies ; for Juno , IbbO. 12,2'JS coulee ; for July , ISbO , 12tl4copies : ; for August. lbN3 , 12,454 copiesfor : Seplciiilirr. 1880 , 13.030 copies ; for October , Ibsfi , I'-V.IS'J copies ; for November , 18SO , 13,849 conies ; tor December , IbbO , 1:1,237 : cooies. Qio. : IS. TZSCIIUCK. .Sworn to and subscribed before mo this 1st day of January A. 1) . 16S7. (8KAL.J ( N. P. FKII , . Notary Public. "Kvintv one for himself" is the motto of Van Wyck'a opponents. Kvcry vote for the people's choice is the motto of Ihe general's slrong and well organized fol lowing. Tinincouslics of Iho scimla chamber are said to bo much improved. They have not been Improved sullioiontly to echo the whisper of tlio man at Lincoln who thinks Van Wyck's election doubt ful. TK.VNKSSKI : democrats refuse to caucus on the senatorial issue. They deny the necessity with an overwhelming demo cratic majority. This is the view which Nebraska republicans will lake of a sim ilar question. A I'Kwmoro railroad systems in Omaha ought to bring ns competing elevators. Omaha lias no grain market because she is bound hand and fool lo Iho clovalur monopoly which prohibils competition u u and builds up other cities at the expense of our own. i IF lawyers could decide the senatorial issue there would bo a hallelujah of praise in legal circles oycr the certainly of Iho outcome , Hut the bar and the democracy combined cannot ride that dark horse under the string. There can bo only one result of present conditions. CIIICAGOAXS are becoming disturbed over the amazing growth of Omaha , St. Paul and Kansas City. Omaha ca.i stand Iho disturbance. She is becoming a little fluttered herself over her own remarka ble advancement and the prospects so temptingly hold out by the fulure. Nebraska is a greal slate and she is build ing up a great city on her eastern border. And the foundations are as yet scarcely laid. THE UHE'S news service at the state capital speaks for itsolf. So do the bills from the telegraph company. But it is money well expanded. The UEK has for years led all rivals because it was cer tain to secure all the news without regard to the cost of collection. The public is sure to reimburse genuine enterprise which exhibits itself less in self-pun'ory. than in serving faithfully a largo and a growing constituency of intelligent readers. Tun methods which are being adopted by the bulldozers and railroad shysters in Lincoln to rope in and compromise country members of the legislature are too disreputable for open discussion. Pri vate gambling rooms , dissolute women , gilded gin mills and smooth-tongued rakes are all being used to fasten the chains of railroad terrorism upon rural legislators and to entangle thorn in the not of the men who have banded togolhor to defeat General Van Wyck's election. The editorial correspondence of the Uii : ; which appeared in yesterday's edition of this paper will prove an eyo-openor to the good people of Nebraska. It will bo scarcely loss ot a disclosure to a number of well-meaning but rather green gentlemen - men in Lincoln who for a week past have boon overwhelmed with kindness and at- tontlons without understanding fully the motives of their would-be benefactors. A FOT recently developed in connec tion with one of the president's Maryland appointments is interesting as an illustra tion of the way in which senators take advantage of tlio star-chamber system to make "senatorial courtesy" efl'eotivu. Senator Gorman , of Maryland , is the most insatiable patronago-soeker in the country , and was successful in getting a number of his political hcnler.s in position while the administration was still young. Hut it happened that tha president ap pointed a Uallimore , man as supervising inspector of steam vessels who was not lu favor with Gorman , and whom the senator found ho could not control. The appointee was capable and personally worthy , but when his name went lo the senate at the last session Gorman suc ceeded in having tlio nomination "hung up" until the session was over. Ho then endeavored to induce tlio president to appoint a man of his recommendation , but Mr. Cleveland had by this time had ! > / enough of Gorman and declined lo regard f bis wishes. A few days ago llio nomina tion was again sent to the senate , the inspector meanwhile having made an excellent record , and tuaro is some in terest to see whether will bo 8E ln able to make "senatorial courtesy" available to defeat the nomination. Such facts show the wrong , and ttio danger as veil , of the system of considering tip- hoprotsession. Pliotogrnphj- Under the above heading the St. Louis x * fnnocral discusses in a WaMnng- ton special the stale doilgo which the opponents of Senator Van Wyck have been attempting to use in the senatorial canva 3. This plan , which was thought to have had some effect in defeating Senator Winclom in Minnesota , consists in photographing the entire block In Washington in which the senator resides - sides and palming it ofl' on his constit uents as a picture of the "Insurious palace" which ho makes hh homo In the national capital. In order to gild the lie the publio are confi dentially informed that the senator paid SS'.OOO for this regal structure and that here In his off hours ho lolls in oriental magnificence attended by a retinue of colored servants and inhaler the perfumed incense from softly play ing fountains. We arc sorry to dispel this charming Illusion , but the paper referred to has al ready accomplished the easy feat. It says ; "This house is an eligible one , stands on a corner , with other substantial structures close up against it on cither side. The photograph was taken from a diagonal point , and not only shows up Van Wyok's corner in good shape , but makes it appear as if two or three houses ad joining belonged with it. Indeed , one unacquainted with Washington architec ture might got the idea from tlio photo graph that the reform senator lived in one of those piles of brick and mortar called in other countries a palace. Mr. Van Wyck paid ? ,17OCO for the alleged $200,000 mansion presented by photo graph to the criiical eyes of the Ne braska legislators. If the senator wants them ho can have allidavils from all the neighbors within two blodks that there is no style about him. Warm evenings it is one of the interesting sights of the local ity to see the senator hatlcss , coatless and vcstloss , with his 'gallusscs' dropped down , and in his stocking feet , sitting out on Iiis front stoop , just as ho would do at homo in Nebraska. " So passes the glory of the roorback. The Proposed New Department. The house of representatives on Tues day passed the bill creating tlio depart ment of agriculture and labor , with but 20 votes recorded against the measure. The bill provides for tlio consolidation of the bureaus of agriculture and labor inlo a department , ollicercd similarlv to the existing executive departments. Tlio chief of the new department would be known as the secretary of agriculture and labor , and would have an assistant secre tary. A diusion of the department would bo under charge of a commissioner of labor , whoso duties are prescribed and consist in part of collecting informa tion upon llio subjccl of lauor , its relation to capital , hours of labor , rates of wages , co tof production of articles produced , earnings of laboring men and women , means ot promoting their malarial , social , inlclleclual and moral prosperity , and Iho best means to protect life and prevent accidents in mines , workshops , factories and other places of industry. Aulhorily is given Iho socrclary to inquire inlo causes of discontent that may exist between employers and employes within Iho United Stales * The measure appears lo DC very thorough and comprehensive in its requirements and regulations. This legislation is Iho outcome of a number of years of agitation during which the inlorests involved have been steadily growing in extent and im portance. Wo do not recall the time when Iho proposition was first made to create a department , instead of a bureau of agriculture , but the mailer has been urged upon the nl- tcntion of congress for at least a score ot years. Yet until within tlio past two or three years it received little favorable consideration. It is not unlikely that the later concern shown in the matter by congress is largely due to the increased itilliionco exerted by the labor interest of the country , which demands to bo more prominently identified with the govern ment than it has been , or perhaps could bo , under present conditions. There is no sound reason why there should not bo such a department as the bill in question provides for , and if its creation will pro mote the prosperity and welfare of the great interests it would represent in the government , us may fairly bo assumed , that is sulllcient answer to any objections lo Ihe legislation. Agriculture and labor are the foundations ot the national pros- perily , and it is : i wisa policy that pro vides the largest and most liberal means for obtaining an accurate knowledge of their condition and requirements , and gives them such a place in liie oonsidera- lion of Iho government as will assure them equal attention with all other in terests , Franco and olhor countries of Kuropo have always pursued this policy , and if the results with them have atlohled its wisdom there can bo no doubt that they will do so with us. Those Democratic Votes. A word as to General Van Wyck's de pendence upon democratic voles , about which so much ado is made by the rail- rogue republicans who shed tears of sorrow row over the mere thought that a repub lican should think of accepting proU'ered assistance from the opposing party. Sen ator Van Wyck entered the canvass as a republican candidate with a thirty years' record of service to republicanism. He is as nnnli of a republican to-day as ho has been for three decades. Ho will bo elected as his own successor by republi can votes , llnl ho will not and cannot decline any assistance to his candidacy coming from members of the legislature elected to ollico by republicans , not be cause they wore republicans or demo crats , but because they were willing lo defeat men set up by the railroads to defeat - feat the people's choice. Whatever democratic support Van Wyck receives will be given him bucauso the men who cast the votes come from constituencies which pledged their members in advance of election to his candidacy. Such votes will bo in obedience lo Uie lawful de mands of representative government , which should always bo superior lo llio dielales of a partisanship which cannot advance party interests , and ads as an obstruction to the general welfare. IHsuiarol : and tlio The opening ot the German roiehstag or imperial parliament on Tuesday af forded another remarkable evidence ) of tha dictatorial power which the great chancellor wields over the united father land , iioforo his autocratic will constilu- eneied must bend and decrees of political parties vanish at the word. The question of adding 41,000 uieu to tlio Govmaii.anay and continuing the seven years' term of military service was under discussion , with the radicals and clericals strongly in opposition. Uismarck blnflly dU- daincd extended argument. His speech was a protracted threat and not a portion of the debate , liaising his voice so that it rang in every portion of the hou o ho boldly declared that if the measure should not bo passed as it came from the government direct "without the slightest alteration , tlio relchstag would bo dissolved. " "Tho strongih of the army , " dolmnlly proclaimed Iho chancel lor , "shall not depend upon changing majorities. Do not cherish such fantastic ideas. It is quite impossible lo make a parliamentary army out of an imperial army. Wo do not intend to let the de fense of Germany depend each time on the vote of parliament , and if you do not enable us , by passing this bill quickly and intact , lo increase the army to suit what wo consider necessary for the security of the country , we shall prefer to continue the discussion with another rciclistag. Wo shall no longer submit to n long dis cussion. Wo must have certainly. You will oilher pass the bill or wo shall be obliged to turn to others who will give us this certainty. " liisnmrck and tha government fully appreciate the importance of the con stitutional crisis which might bo pre cipitated by Iho defeat of the miliiary establishment bill. The support winch Windthorst has received from tlio people in his opposition to further additions to the great burden ot an enormous stand ing army is signilleant of the growtli of liberal sentiment in Germany. The government understands clearly that a refusal lo enlarge its standing army in a time of general uneasiness with threats of- war filling the air and rumors of great continental disturbances permeating the diplomatic almosphero of all the courts , would betaken taken as the beginning of a policy of dis armament and of tlio subordination of the military power to the ndcds and in terests of peace. Such a policy inaugu rated by Germany would work a revolu tion in the tillairs of all Europe. It can not come while "thn man of iron and blood" rules with mailed hands over the destinies of the fatherland. But time and an educated public sentiment will certainly bring it about before many years have passed. Tlio strain on llio country caused by the present condition of affairs is too serious to bo borne much longer. The tension must yield. Not n lloml ) . The name of MeShano , which was ex pected to prove a bombshell in llio sena torial contest , fell with a dull thud in the open field. It failed to explode. The fuse was too long and the pow der wet. The predicted havoc did not follow. Mr. MeShano will not bo a can didate of more Hum passinir moment. The complimentary vote which will fall lo his lot will no doubt bo pleasing to his sense of personal esteem , but it will not increase his political importance any more llian the complimentary votes given to.ft doxen democralic candidates in sen atorial contests gone by have ad vanced thorn in prominence in their own party or in the state. Volleys tired in the air may tem porarily disturb the atmosphere. It is still a mooted scientific question whether they accomplish anything more than this. This is all that the MeShane boom can be expecled lo accomplish. The chances of Ihe congressman from Iho First dis trict for the presidency as the successor of Grover Cleveland , arc scarcely .more remote than his prospects for success in the senatorial race. A republican would run more show of an election in the Shoe string ; district of Mississippi than a demo crat in the 'Nebraska legislature as at present constituted. It is absurd to argue the contrary. The McShauc boom is a skyrocket , not a bomb. tlio Situation. The disposition recently shown by the Canadian government regarding the fisheries issue seems very certain to greatly aggravalc tlio situation. It is in line with Iho policy which members of the government had some time ago fore shadowed , but which it was not be lieved would bo seriously undertaken or would receive the approval of the crown. The now statute , which is ex treme in its provisions , and is believed to contravene the rights under Iho treaty of 1818. has however received the assent of tier majesty. Thus backed by the home government there can bo no doubt that Iho Dominion authorities will at tempt to rigidly enforce the law. Under it they are empowered to seize American vessels whenever and under whatever circumstances they are found in Uritish American waters within the three-mill ) limit. Kegardless of whether a fishing vessel shall have committed or intended to commit any illegal act , if wilhin three miles of the shore the Canadian ollicers are required to seize the vessel , run her into Iho nearest port , search her and ox- nmino her ollicers under outh. It is the intention , ns some lime ago announced , to increase the Dominion licet of cruisers so that every mile of the coast can bo carefully watched and guarded. That nothing will bo omitted by the Canadian government necessary lo carry oul to Iho fullest extent its polioj ot hostil ity in this matter , now that it has the sup port of Ihe home government , may safely be Inferred frsm the course already pur sued. Notwithstanding the fact that throughout this controversy Canadian fishing vessels have been permitted to enter and freely u o American ports along the New England coast , that they huvo boon protected by the government in such entry and use , and have not been re quired to pay any other fees , charges , taxes or duos than have been imposed upon the vessels of other governments similarly situated in short , have been and are still aeeorded the fullest hospitality and privileges thn Dominion of Canada , in the language of Secretary Manning in a communication to congress last Mon day , "brutally excludes American fisher men from Canadian ports , " Treaty rights , which allow American lishing vessds lo enter Canadian ports to obtain certain supplies , have boon defiantly ig- nor.ed and denied by lha Dominion au thorities , who have shown the most ag gressive and hostile spirit. The now statute will give them grealcr soopo for llio exercise of ihis spint , and Ihe tisscul of her majesty relieves them of any restraint thuy may have fell be fore. The zealous cruisers of Iho Domiwion will moat certainly streldi thcjr authority to the farthest limit. The practical con' sequence , if they are pcrinlrtcd lo carry out their purpose , will undoubtedly be to render it extremely hazardous for Ameri can fishing vessels to fish in wsitors Im mediately outside the three-mile limit , or indeed anywhere on the Urilish-Amer- lean coasl. It is evident that the situ ation demands of this government a linn and decided stand , to the end that at least treaty rights shall not be longer de nied. The president has authority , under the act of Juno ID , 1830 , to suspend the commercial privileges allowed to Cana dian fishing vessels which the Dominion denies to American vessels , and this should bo promptly done. Uoyond this il will bo tlio duty of congress to take such action in the matter as will assure to American vessels adequate protection , and It will bo a grave omission if tha present session is permitlcd to end with out doing this , Tin : promoters of the so-called Ameri can exhibition which It is proposed lo hold in London next year do not appear to bo managing the preliminary arrange- meiils in that straightforward way nec essary to command confidence. Doubtless - loss Mr. Wnshbutno and some of the others who have been placed in ollielal positions are acting , ns far as any action is required of them , In good faith , but there are indications that the project Is not entirely free from speculative fea tures in the interest of a few individuals. It seems , for example , that some parties have been making an improper use of llio name of Ihe president in connection with the enterprise , an exposure of which was recently made in a dispatch from Lon don. Whou the project was at the form ative slago Mr. Cleveland allowed his naiiio lo bo used as one ot the honorary vice presidents , on tlio supposition lhal Iho exhibition was to bo a distinctively American affair , but learning subse quently that its character had not been correctly represented to him withdrew his name , of which public announcement was made. Recently , however , the Kng- lisli public have been informed that the enterprise has the endorsement of the president , the purpose being to commit this government to it , which suggests some scheming. An American exhibi tion hi London miirlit bo a good thing , but to accomplish the best results it must not bo a speculation for the benefit of any special interests or any sofc of men. The distrusl already thrown on the proposed exhibition is likely lo prove very damag ing lo it. NEXT to John L. Sullivan , Van Wyck seems lo exhibit more strength than any one who has recently visilcd these parts. rKOMlNENT PKltSONS. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ j Emma Tliuvsby Js spending the wiuler in Parts. ' Wllliain and Cert < cius ] Vaiulerbllt have each given 81,000 to the Logan fund. Governor Ames , of. Mivssachuselts , has four Harvard graduate on Ids stall. Senator Mnhonc will KO into railroad building when he retires from the Semite in March. tlr. Schllciunnn is ascending the Nilofaml examining ruins. In llio spring ho will bu- Biu to excavate In Oiete. Steve S. Uroitlc. Iho llrooklyn bridge jumper , says ho has had enoimh ol tlio jump- Ins business , and ho has become a horse trader. Eviovernor ( Ciirtln will retire from con gress at the close ot this fces-lon , and will devote lilmscir to pieparliit ; data for a his tory of Pennsylvania's pait In the war. The Marquis of Quccnsbcrry , who is bolus sued for divorce , once proposed to substitute In the marriage rllual of Iho Bngllsh church tor the words "Whom God hath joined lo- Kcther lei no man put asunder" llio words "Whom Iho government or nalme may put asunder let no man attempt lo Keep to gether. " None Better Tlmn Van Wyck. IrMi 11'oiW. The Nebraska legislature has .the selection of n United States senator In place of lion. Charles II. Van Wyck , but wo doubt if lliero is abellcrrcpresi'iilattvc of the people's In terest to bo found in the state. Itself Proud. Attim'ortli JVctrs. The Omaha IJnu published a sixteen page paper on Sunday and gave a summary of the improvement In the city for the past year , a loviovv of the business done , and made a very excellent showing of the proud city , and did Itself pioud ns a newspaper of enterprise and ability. _ A Perfect Kiioyolopedia , J'lalnvlew Gitzctle. Last Sunday's edition of the Omaha Daily Dm : contained sixteen pages of interesting leading matter. It gives a perfect encyclo pedia of Omaha'sbiislncssiUHl Improvements during the past year. * * * That Omaha Is to bo the metrouolls of Iho Mlssomi river Is almosl a cerlainly , and we believe that It will be , not many years hence , a rival of Chicago. . Speak witli n Sweetoncd Tongua. Ilttr ) > er' llntar , If nnvthliiL' unkind you hear Do not , 1 pray you , It repeat U hen you that some one chance lo meet ; For Mich news has u leaden way Of clouding o'er a sunny day. Hut if you something pleasant hear A bent someone you know , my dear , Make haste , to make groal haslo 'iwera well , To her or him Uie same to tell ; For such news has auoldon way Ol lighting upn cloudy day , STATK AX1 > TI-UUUTOKY. Ncln-nska Jottings. Grand Island has a silo in sight for thu proposed Baptist college. The board of education of Hastings has adopted plans for a ' ? 2QOGOI school. The H. & M. pay-car distributed a wad of 30,000 in Platlsmouth this week. NorfolK voters will wfcstlo with a streel railway franchise on the 35th. Lo the poor Indian < } f tlai Omaha va riety is hustling for doj * m.l'ullcrton . , Valley county voters ha'yo authorized an investigation of the coiujty records. The onergclio business > inon of Crete have subscribed U.tUt ) toward establish ing a largo creamery. The Klkhorn Valley road'is ' peeling the bark oil'tho Klkhorn river atCrowell and packing il up for summer drinks. Ihislings hai invested in an "Owl club , " strictly masculine. Their wives will swing the "ould" club as Usual. Fremont is pcrtecling plans lo haye several streets paved nou summer , pro vided the legislature grants anthoriiy. The vigilant "never sleeps" of Plaits- mouth jailed nine municipal otl'ondcrs in December. Twenty-six dollars wore ex- iracled , The Fremonl Herald challenges any re publican in the state to duplicate Con gressman McSliane's contribution to the Logan fund. The Hroken How Times , democralio Irom too to polished crown , is a Into ad dition to journalism. George W. Trufruu is the chief. * The Fremont Herald says : "Whitinoro , ot Douglas , bright ami iit-'ryy , - ' chair- man of the railroad committee ot ( ho house. This squints a little towards Vim Wyck. " OA little rivalry among the. dealers in corn m Norfolk sent the price up to 2(1 ( cents. The dinners husked cents of tlio middlemen's margin. August Vogt overloaded with Grand Isltuul beer and slocumbcd in a snow bank , Ho was found by section men and tenderly thnwod out. A peddler of bogus silverware was ar rested in Geneva last week. Ho loaded tlto pantry of a rustic Gorman wltli glistening ware and relieved him of800. . Alma C. .Johnson , an evil minded girl of tiftecn , has been sent to thn reform school from Grand Island. She had be come so thoroughly bad that her parents invoked the law in the hope of reclaim ing her. Tin1 scientific cnb in the oflleo of the Croighton Pioneer tested the nllinity of bcn/.ino and a hot stove. The liolo in thereof roof through which the youngster Van ished has been repaired and printers are expectorating on a new ashpan. lames Clark , a stranger in Grand Island , retired to a room with a bottle of strychnine , determined to kick a tlirco by six liolo In a cold unfeeling world. A doctor ami a stomach pinup stayed with him all night and sharpened his appetite for breakfast. | Town lit ! MIR. Tlpton laid out $25,000 In now buildings last year. The tax levy in Wapollo county amounts to $211,04 7. Kcokuk has laid t lie foundation of a In state fair. Two Taina county Indians received ? 17IHH ) from the government the other tiny.Tho The total lax levy of Mahaska county and Oskaloosa for all purposes is $1S1- ! 3U1..11. The number of business failures re ported in Iowa for 188(3 ( is ; )78 ) , or seven teen more than for the j ear 1885. Donkey parties are the latest social crar.o in Burlington. Participants wear their cars Mowing and sport a paper tail. After waiting and snfl'oring a great in convenience for many long , weary years , the people of Ottumwa are to hav > anew now and elegant union depot early in the spring. On the 15th will occur the silver wed ding anniversary of liishop and Mrs. Perry , of Davenport. It will bo duly and generally observed by the friends of the couple in the state. The school enrollment last year at Hello Plaino numbered 010 , with an average daily attendance of 410 , employ ing eleven teachers. Two new brick schools were added , costing JW.OOO and accommodating 000 pupils. Governor Larrabco reports the follow ing number of inmates in the dillbrent state institutions : Orphan's home , Davenport , tWl ; penitentiary , Fort Madi son , ! J81 ; penitentiary , Anamosa , 287 ; insane - sane asylum , Ml. Pleasant , 058 ; insane asylum , Independence. 7K3 ; feeble-minded institute , Glenwood , 285 ; girls' reform school , Milchellvillo , 125 ; boys' reform school , Kldorn , U31 ; deaf and dumb asylum , Council HliiIVs , 201) ) ; blind asylum , Vinton , 100 ; normal school , Cedar Falls , 2t ( ( ) ; state university , Iowa City , over COO ; agricultural college , Ames , UOO. Dakota. Canton claims a population of 2,000 , Rapid City has marketed $10,000 park bonds in New York. Two members of thn I'apid City band tro/.oto their instruments while parading recently. They will sin < r in a nasal key till the poultice heals their mouths. During the past year there have been 570 initiates into the Odd Fellows , ' lodges ofDakotathe ; order now numbering 2 , ' .155. The number relieved was 121. The total revenue of the lodges in the territory is ? ; 57)5.85. ! ) ! ) Griggs county has a 8.10,000 court house that was creeled over two years ago , but not a term of court has been held in it. The only hope of putting it into practical use lies in the bill for two additional judges to become a law. The roadway up the hill to the ceme tery at Rapid Cit.y is as hard to climb tlieso slippery times of peace as Iho route ii ) ) the golden steps. When men started on the 8th inst. to prepare the grave for a funeral Ihey found it impossible to reach the summit of the hill and were forced to turn back. _ AVynniutr. The Advertiser is Iho lalcst paper in Douglas. Kvanslon lias opened a temperance library with 7-17 books. A warehouse and contents in Cheyenne was destroyed by lire last week , causing u Ios of $5.000. The Uurnctizing works at Laramie have closed down for the season with a record of 121,21)8 ) tics singed and satu rated. Twenty-six hundred sheep belonging to Mr. Herberts wore burned to death in a corral near Lie Siding one night last week. The haystacks in the corral caught lire , destroying fences , sheds and lloor- ing. The herders were unable lo drive the frightened herd from the doomed structure. Two cowboys fresh from the range squared oft"at twelve paces for a duel in Cheyenne. The artillery was raised and ready tor the word when one of the com batants suggested that they take a farewell - well drink. They accordingly adjourned. much to the disgust of the reporter who had a "scoop" on edgo. Montana. The assessed valuation of Helena is ! ? 5,250,000. Missoula county has 1,010 children of school ago. The real estate transactions of Lewis and Clarke county for 1830 aggregated over $8,01)0,000. ) Miles City improved to the extent of about $280,000 in 1830 , and Ho/eman about iflOO.OOO. The Union Pacilic has also cut its pas senger rales to 5 cents a mile between liuttu and Ogilon , with corresponding re ductions all along the liuo , Kx-Treasurer William Kemp Roberts , of Lewis and Clarke county , has been pardoned by Governor llousor. Ho was soul up for two years for stealing county funds. Last Week the Granite Mountain Min ing company paid another dividend of 25 cents per share , aggregating $100,000 , and making a total of dividends thus paid to date of $1,700,000 , or $0.75 per share. _ _ Work A ain. Work is again pcoareaslng satisfactorily upon the foundation of the Merchant's National hank , after the cessation caused by the late culd weather. The pile driv ing is again in operation , and Contractor Coots is put lint , ' up his frame to erect the super.-tructuro which will enable him to work at thu place all the winter. Jierkn'H Work. Richard F. Pierce was arraigned ycster- duj afternoon before Judge Hcrka charced wiih burgliiri/ing the warehouse of A. J. Abrams , on the corner of Thirteenth and Dodge streets. M. Matc/vlaeh was committed to jail because of his inability to provide bonds to the amount of : iOO to keep the peace. Postal Inspector. Inspector V/uterUury. of the postal de partment , dropped into town yesterday morningon his way cast. It is under stood that he has some interesting information mation , which , however , ho wishes now to conceal. ABRAHAM LINCOLN. An tutorritinit Story of Ills t.K'c ns Uccnllcd by nn Old I'l.iymalr. ,1. II.P. in the Heairico ( Nob. ) Democrat crat- Abraham Lincoln is so dear to thu Ainctionn heart , that every incident of his early life that throws light on the character of his childhood is a matter of publio interest. The Century publica tion of his authorized lifo is awakening new interest in that direction , The his tories whet the wish for more , and we gladly listen to fragments fro \ living memories whenever found. The follow ing arc the recollections of a very old lady , of the long ago when "they were boys and girls together.1 She evidently was not familiar with written histories of the great statesman , and care was taken not to inform her of their contents , that the statements might bo her own recol lections , pure and simple. How it was obtained may bo of some local interest. On Wednesday last , trom the Omaha day train , 1 stopped oil'at Hrock , in No- malia county. From dark lo midnight I was unemployed. Hearing that the Hap- lists wcro having a revival at their church , I went there. 1 was somewhat astonished to see and hear Attorncy-at- Law Walker , of Wymoro , in the pulpit , bringing "life and immortality to light. " After services , I met Mrs. Scare , an old lady late of Krownvillo. who says she was a child playmate of Lincoln's. She had coino to church near half a mile alouo in the dark over the rough fro/.en roads. I asked her lo tell mo about Lincoln. She said she would if I would go homo with her , and 1 went. I give as exactly as I can , her own language and form of ex pression , using tlio lirst person in which she spoke : " 1 always called him Abe , and his father Uncle Tom , because his father's second wife was my great aunt. Mj aunt's maiden name was Sarah Hush. Uncle Tom sparked her before cither of them were ever married , but ihoy didn't make a match that time , and slio mar ried Johnston and Uncle Tom mar ried Nancy Hanks. Abe and 1 were both born in the same county in Kentucky. 1 don't know the name ot the county , but it was adjoining llardin. 1 was born at Eli/.abcthtown and Abe was born at Rolling Forks. The lirst time I ever saw him was when Uncle Toincamo to mnrrv Aunt Sarah. Ho brought all Ins children" , being Abe and two little girls. Abe was the oldest. My mother says 1 was but two years old then , but she must bo mis taken , because I recollect Tom and Abe and his iwo sisters coming lo marry Aunt Sarah and taking her away vvitn them to Indiana. My name was Hotta Ann Neighbors and my mother's name Elizabeth Uadloy. Our folks followed Uncle Tom out to Indiana , whore wo all lived pretty much together. Abe was always very still and odd. Ho never had much to say. \ \ hen still , there was al ways a sad , dreamy look in his face. Uncle Tom was some that way , but not so much so. Abe was the stillest boy I ever know. Ho would sit oil1 alone with his sad , dreamy look , and seemed to bo in a big brown .study. 1 never saw him mail in my life. It was so long ago that I can't recollect many particular things I saw him do. Ono linio 1 saw him got nearly killed by falling out of a grape vine swing in the wooiis. The rest of us swung lirst , and then wo all got him in the swing , and ho was so big that it broke and ho fell and his head bled aw ful. We rushed about him to help him , and he talked so funny that wo liked him belter than wo thouglit wo did. "Our time I saw him pull two boys apart that wore lighting , and start up"a latk about something that made them all laugh like ovorylhiug , and Iho boys called him Old Peacemaker. They had another regular niclcname for him , but I can't think of it. I never saw Abe readmit in Indiana , and don't think he could road before ho wont to Illinois , un less it was easy words. Our family went lo Illinois lirsl with sonic ot the Hunkses , and Undo Tom with his family lollowed. At that time both Abe's sisters wore dead. Ono died young and the other had Just married a short time before. In Illinois Abo's slop-brother , John John ston , gave the family lots of trouble. He was a wild drinking fellow , and would got into all sorts of scrapes. I never knew Abe or Uncle Tom lo use cither whisky or lobacco , and this looked very odd in both of them. I never know Abele lo be in a quarrel or a light of any kind. ' Never heard that he was a good'lighter or lifter. I lo never felt big , and didn't do things to show oil' : neither did Undo Tom. Everybody liked Abe and believed everything ho said. I never ho-ird of cither Abe or Uncle Tom ever being accused of a mean thing. Abe was no hand to spark the girls. All the young fellows could best him at that. He seemed to care nothing tor tlio girls. His slop-brother , John , was difibront. "Heforo tlui liluek Hawk war , when Abe was away Iroin home , llio report came thai ho was killed in a dud at St. Louis. Uncle Tom was overcome and said he had no child , nor urolhor , nor sislor , anil was the last of his family , and fell to the ground , full of iiriof. After that 11 report came that a follow wanted to light a duel with Abe , and Abe gl all Iho men on his Hide , and they sot up a job to scare the fellow , and loaded the pistols witli paper wads , hauled out to the grounds a collin ready to put into whichever one was killed' . They fired and Abe fell , and the oilier fellow look to his hods. They put Abe in the collin and hauled him oil' into Iho woods , and ho got oul and tho.y buried the collin. "Abo was about a head taller than Uncle Tom. Undo Tom , though , always said that Abe got his height from llio Lmcolns , because his mother was only common si/.o. I guess ho was riglit about it. for the Hankes were not tall lolks. Abe looked very much like Undo Tom , and I guess he did luke mosl from his people. They both had dark com plexions , and when sitting still they both looked sad and solemn , but Abe the most so , even when a boy. and , from what thoysny , when Uncle Tom was young he cared more for llio girls than Abe over did. did."Abo "Abo and John wont to the Black Hawk war together. After that Abe was never at home much , and I don't know much about him only what ] heard. I have heard thai nil his children are dead bill oni ) boy , and I don't know whom hois or what ho is doing. " Ity this limo wo hud reached her house , where she lived entirely alono. There was an old fashioned loom , such as the pioneer women used in weaving the wool of the sheep into .jean.-1 for tint men folks , and linsoy mid Jlannel for the women folks. The loom was up , and in it u half woven rag carpet. She insisted on my taking the chair with a back to it , while she look llio slool. Some neighboring women allhc church mis.iinghor , slopped lo see if she had golton homo safely. She was trying lo think IIP Abo'j every day nick-namo for mo , \ \ o wore seated side by side with the cook stove on one side and the loom on the other. She broke out in a roaring laugh and told them .she had a beau. "OLDKATrHIFUL. " Ono or the Unmnrlcablo OeyHcrs oT Vi'lliiwNtone J'ai'lv. Letter in Sun Francisco Chronicle : Old F.uthfiil , the pot goyscr ot thu upper Imiin , is situated only a few rods from the hotel Von hoar it spluslung in the night , and , if you liave kept your n-.oEon- ing , can actually lull llio Jiouriu > is so regular in his notion. Never was a geyser better named. Once ovury sixty minutes , without fail , he assorts liimself. The month of Old Faithful protrudes oomowhal , as if ho wore always ready lo qiout. His is a generous inouili , six foot by two , and twelve feet above the loytl of the pkucatij but tha face of him is distended , as ( f fixed In the act of blow < ing , and the slope to the lips covers an area of 1 15 by 215 feet. Von may walk up to the mouth of Old Faithful and look down his throat if you like. There is nothing visible but a passage full of water. You may drop in a handkerchief or a bit of cloth and watch it become saturated and sink from view- then you can walk a few rods away and sit down under the bushes , and , If it is near the hour of eruption , your wisest way is to do this immediately. Not that there Is any particular danger in delay , for oven had Old Faithful begun operations there would bo time to run out of roach ; but it is so pretty to watch him at a safe distance , and then it Is only from a distance that one gets any idea of the height of the geyser column. Now , by looking at your watch you will note tnat it is time lor the old fojlow to begin ; ho does not vary ten minutes one way or tlio other during the four and twenty hours. With watch In hand you listen for the prelimi nary rumble. There it isl A kind of choking sound in his throat and a moanIng - Ing as of intestinal disturbances ; this is followed by a splutter ami a slopping over that is llkft a futile attempt. For a moment you lose conlidoneojyou begin to fear that his day is over for every geyser has his day , and sooner or later { hat day comes to an end and this eruption is bound to bo n failure. His reputation is at slake , and he knows it , for after a half-do/.on aborlivo discharges abortive when compared with what no has done and can do when ho is in good form , but such as would make fame and fortune for a spring outside of the Yellowstone re- irion after fuming , and fretting , an catching his breath , and retching for three or four nunules ho nets mad , and bangl ho is on" , with a column of water that curls outward on every side in a magnificent capital and veils itself in clouds of whirling vapor. Higher and higher it climbs , as if endeavoring to outdo himself. You see he is redeeming hiR iutation , until al last its topmost ware seems actually to catch an a/.uro beauty from the sky and to leave part of its diamond dust aloft , there to bo ab sorbed by the sunshine. In live minutes I'o is satisfied ; ho has exhausted his en- Ihusiasm and his resources at tlio same moment , and ho qulolly , but majestically , and with great dignity , subsides with an audible sigh , llo steams vigorously for a hltlo while and pants as from sheer fatigue , but shortly he is as quid as if ho had never done anything out of the com mon , and ho does it so easily and -so naturally that it is hard lo uelicvo that ho has. has.Just Just before the eruption llio water in Old Faithful's throat stood at a tempera ture of 200 degrees Fahrenheit. Now it is down to 170 degrees Fahrenheit. That litlln freshet yonder is the surplus , the overllow from Ibis .small mouth , now hastening lo the river in the head of the valley. Hero is the handkerchief you dropped into the geyser before the erup tion. It has boon thrown thirty fool from the lips of the crater ; had the wind boon blowing il might have lodged fifty or 100 feet farther away ; it looks a tangled skein ; but for the knot you tlioiiglilfully lied in it perhaps there would not have been threads enough of it loft logolhor to warrantidontilicalion. Notwithstand ing the regularity with which Old Faith ful attends lo his duties ho is seldom Uyieo the same in appearance. The slightest wind sweeps tlio descending water to a considerable distance and spreads it in many a graceful and beauti ful pattern ; sometimes ho resembles a colossal ostrich plume of the most daz zling whiteness. The real feather is not lighter or more susceptible to Iho in- tluenco of the winds. There are many ? within range of Old Faithfui. Sometimes it seems as if u rivalry must exist among them , for one will start elf with a grand llourish. and no sooner has U urot under good headway than another , which perhaps has been anxiously watch ing for some hours and seems to be ob stinately refusing to do its duly no sooner does the one call for admiration than the other bursts magnificently upon the sight and fairly outdoes itself in Iho brilliancy of its action. A Hitr Shovel. The Union Piicilio has rcceiv cd a new steam shovel , which it sends out lo work to-morrow at Duncan , in this stato. It is one of Iho latest and most approved pat terns. working with a piston and a num ber of oilier dey ices. It will bo under Iho direction of George Meyer , one of the older shovel engineers in the employ of the company. company.'f 'f rm Its. Superintendent U'liklock issued build ing permits yesterday as follows : N. O. Drown , 2-story iraine dwelllnc , 20 Cass slreel . 81,800 James Klclinnls it Co. , 1-story shop , Eighteenth anil .Masoa sliculs. . COO Two penults npr rcpnlhifr . § 2,800 An Amputated Ilml > . Yesterday morning Dr. Galbraith went to St Joseph hospital and amputated one of the limbs of William Fit/.gcrald , Iho man who was in jurcd a few days ago by bav in g a box ot glass fall upon one of bin legs. The patient is doing as well as may bo expected. niinlNlei'liil Matinc. Rev. C. W. Savidge , pastor of the Seward - ard street Methudist church , was married yesterday to Anna L. Hloor , in Mansliold , Ohio. Ho will return wdli his bride on Friday and a reception will bo held that evening at 11M Saundurs street. A Good Increase. The sales of stumps in llio postoflico during last month amounted to $12,120.88 , and of envelopes $2I5M.10 ! , The former figure is an increase over thai of Novem ber of $1 , OGO.ol , and the latter is ulso un increase of ! j-227.15 over the sales of the same period. Ilrolco Her \Vrlnt. Mrs. Mary Hurley , of No. 818 South Twenty-second street , who foil on the sidewalk on Howard street Saturday and broke nor wrist , is gelling along as well us could bo expected. Dr , Holl'man in attending her. The groal populaiitv and success of Salvation Oil , the great pain-duotroyor , have made It a target for counterfeiters. liny llio genuine. Price 25 cts. "Died of ammonia , poor follow , " said Mr * . Parlliigton , on learning of a frieinl'ri death from pneumonia. " 1 believe- hhoulil have died , too , but for Dr Hull's Cough Stirrup. " Dr. Hull's Couyh Syrup she meant , of course. A New Kiroiiian , John Taitgert has been appointed a member of the engine company number thioo. Ho went to work yesterday. Sufrnroi'M from UoiiuliN , Rorn Tlirnnt , elf. should " ' , try "llruivn'i Dlstriot Court. Yesterday morning Me } or K Itnupka filed an attachment ugulnm William Butt , amounting to 324 Wi. The KlrHt Ituou As tlio season advances , the iniiiu and aches by which rliuiimatidin mnlics itself known , are experienced after every ox posure. It is not cliiimed thai Hood's Sarsapanlla in a spooilio for rhuumalifcin wo doubt if them H , or can be , uuch a remedy , lint lha thousiimU beiiufitted by Hood's Sin : > upirlllu : , warrant u.s in urging others who suffer from the rhnu- mruism to UK < . it before the ftrdt keea