Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 13, 1887, Page 3, Image 3
THE CttlAHA DAILY BEE : TIIUESDAY , JAXTAHY 1SS7. THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS , War Gossip Ktcp * Many Bear Oper- 0 t of tte Market. LARGE TRANSACTIONS IN WHEAT Oats Pit in t'p and Close lllclicr Jlalfllni ; ofhnovr lllooknilc" Cause Hcnvjr I'.ecclpts of Cattle Hog4 lA cr Quotation * . CHICAGO puomrcn MAIUCIT. CHICAGO. J n. 1-2. fSpociat Telwtun to the HFK. ' Klrsl trades In wheat were at M'c. which w s tc lower than ye terdav's close. For qn'te awhile the inarki't hung nt on ml Me nd S4ke. Then It was ad- \an e ltjy shorts , who were rendered nerv ous by the war pnraraph In HK > press cables and who are penerally manifesting a deter mination to ( addle close to shore , Tnis war eossip has kept many bearishly-lnclined i ar- tles out ot the market nnd unsettled their lines , nnd while they have hesitated the legitimate situation has apparently under- cone a change for the better. Nevertheless l-ear leader' subjected the market to a * ea on ot quiet hammering all day. Trading wa not on a large cale. but among thu operators of minor Importance theie was a how of shorter risks and prepare for a possible reaction. The lowest at which May wheat old was M\c and tne hiehe-t ; > 4'c. 'Ihe bulk of trading vva at MS .jMVe and above anil at 1 o'clock the quoted price was M'.o , with Kcbtuar } selling' at 7 % and March at 7S-c. The 'tone of the market during the la < : half hour was one of moderate ( inn ness and the ranee of prices shows no clip nee from je-terday. Corn reacted a little tculav , the market show- me , in fact , some Independent strength. There was moie doin ; in future * than either < > f the two previous dajs there bciif.hta coed many ouUIde on hand lohuy Mav at 41 ; c , but the demand was larsely from some of the bis shorts. Itt-am covered a larse line tills mornliii ; . it wa said. This apj > eared to be about the only ren-on assigned for the more buo ) ant tone. The selling wa princi pally by loncs and aalnst corn. Xo disposition wa. * shown to put out short lines. The opening was easy at 4l\c for May. and after gradually vvorkiui : uj > to 4l\c there was a reaction to 4IKc- Quickly tne market hardened again , and between UrSOaml 1 p. in. worked up to 41'ift4l"ip ( , Tne la-t re corded transaction on tlf * regular session was at 41Jji\ but ju t alter the cons ounded and intil the crowd dfsiersed split b.d of 41l.'g 41 'tc were all that --Hers could obtain. I'eb- niar > closed at : Vc and Marcli at ' > > 4.c. May was bv longotid * the favnnte trailini ; month. The Ip. m. prices were a stn.n % c better than yesierda > 's closincu. . ts iirmed up ! .c and clo-ed at 5ot'c. 'I hat future -old at : ? < I.e s deferrfni fu tures were nominal. l'r' > \ \i-ioii- ere v\eak and lower. The-o was a rattling hre of small lotof pork and rib- from the very out set. First trades in | ork wereonabasis of Sll.OJVf for May , a loss over last ni ht of lir. Once the price K t down ti 511.--V2 lI.-'P-j , and once climbed to ? ViO" > . but most of the business was done at 11.W , 'rfll.W1 ; . During the last Iialf of the morninc'essmn trade was -lack , but ju't before the close a revival of activity inotett. . and at 1 o'clock prices wcre'sub-tantially the same a. thcxe mime at the oi eniu. . J'ork smferetl a net depreciation to the extent ot ! J'- - ] ivlard J > c.and rib-S' , ® : . The local f Iuu' is still very tx-arish , inpile ot which theie was roii'Iderable coverini ; by shortA ci od many -old in anticipation of m'-rea-ed re- ci'ii-ts. o ooner did the rx < ipts l et'in to show , as anticipated , there seamed to ensue a wild nisb toeover. a somewhat * in- KularcircunisUnce. The lone property that came on the niiuKt : to-il.iv vva in somewhat scattering lot * . The twoleadinc liuesovvneil by Uutchinson and Charlie Wright have not > > t been disturbed by the break , holders dis playing no anxietv to unload up to the pre-- ent writing. -.SOp. : in. Wheat , corn and poikhoveil .snmo improvement on the afternoon board. May wheat'old up to- . " c , closing at5c - . ' , c. Corn advanced ' /c , clnsins at 4io. May pork eloscil at S12.G ( > f , a piiu of lOc. CHICAGO 1,1 VE STOCK. CinrACo , Jan. li iSjxicial Tclesram to the UEE.I CATTI.K On January * 11XV5 , Chicaco received lC , ' . vj cattle , the largest number rweivcd in one < ia ) before or since. It was the result of the sudden raie of the siiovv blockade , which every cattle shipper .seemed to think would prevent everybody but him from getting to market. The re ceipts to-day were not so heavy , but the roads have lately ail been open and the bic and ex cessive run to-dav was simply the result of unxictj on the part of feeders to convert their cattle Into money rather than feed hiph priced com in such cold weather and take chances on any future advance. Lately there tasboen days when the cattle market was very stron ? , and many countrymen were in.-Iiued to think tne ndudleof tnis week a good time to be here. The market early was clutted , but not with choice stock , and even though there was a very heavy run here to-day the poorne.-a of < iuallty would indicate anything but an abundance of trocHl fat cattle in the country. Uurnu the week -ales have iKH'ii made at f.5.0 tt5.S ) for very inferior to very extra catt'e. bales to-day were made very un evenly , bids bclnz l&iciJJclowerand hardly any two sales belnzallKe on the ceneral averase , however , prices were aboht 15c lower than yesterday , the decline boln > : on iTini'iiou to medium cattle. Fancy and double extra.steers at fiCO and above cut no important tisrure in the marset. A car of fancy I6s3 Ib j-tecis old at SiEO. Shipping stev-rs. 1SW to 1 J Ibs S4.1-X34W ; IJtOto lva : lb > , saw .SO : 103 to liXO IbJiJOjJ : 'SV. : stocker * and feederstrone at SJ.40S n.0 : covvs , bulls ami miifil. il.V.iio 10 : bulK , fciliij-iTu : Te\a > cattle , Si--i j.1iV lloo The market was slow , dull and l < v 15e lower than tlie averace > esterdav clo-ini : dull , with a larKC numlter left in the hand : of both commission men and simulators. A few fancy heavy sold at S-4.7iXtt4.-0 , w : th : : oed packers t4.S.34CO. and common i3.7..jji.lO. Ll ht sorts , J4.c > 3 i0. T1NA.NCIAU Nf T York. Jan. 12 , Mover On call ea ) at iyi r-ercent. closlnc at 4 per cent , rums Mr.KCANriUE I'APCK v 7 rer oTERti.vo F.xciiA.vor.-Qu et and steady t t4.t2' ! for sixty daj bills ; S4.SC fer de- uiand. ( iovERXWiXTi Uovernment l > end > were dull but steadv. : ; Toc K . 'I he orninc of the stock market was weak. Kk-hmond < k \\e-t Point , which showed the largest loss , being down j per cent. ItuMness was dull , though prices con tinued steady for s short time , Hichmond A : West Point , 1 ovvi-ver , being notably strong. Hut th ccncnil market soon cave way and prices dcclincil t > elow the opening ngures. 'll'ere wa some improvement durtnc the alt rnoon and the market , Mpon the coverlne of shorts , tHvame niixierately active and ilcsiairon ? , close to the opening ngure * . STOCK * OX WA.U * ( TRRET. V cent bonds. . . . 1(0 ; c , A N. W. . U. b. IS' * l ! v * ' preferred 137 Kev * A in 'N. Y. C. 1I2V 1'kdfic C > of' , Ii3 , Oreeon Trail. . . .eutnu 4l > , I'aciuc Mall H v. , P. I ) . AT E . 151 I' . P. C 141 r. iJk Hock If land . t _ 134-j St. I- ? S. F 2 ; - jiref erred . Erie. . . S > ' . , C. , M. ASt. . P. prrferre-i . . 725. . , : preferred. llllnoi ! ) Central. i St. I' . AO. I. . B. it W. , i preferred. . . . 81U1 Texas I'Mcine. . . L A Moro . U1 Union racirie. . . SO" " , W. , . t. I-Jb I1. . SO".8 Mich. Central. . l < 3 I prwftrrel. . Wa.l'aeiac H 7 iVe wrn L non. -.8 * . .Notitem } ' c. . . S7 rO. . K.V. . X. . r A Kit KT. Chlcaeo , J n. 12. Follow ing quotations .e the Sau cl , * * iu * fisuTW. Flour Quiet. but firm and ua- changed J : nt-r wh > at nour , 4.2i : . s4.i34.-0 : Wisconsin. s4.i U -iii : pii Hift spr-.nt whtiat. - ' > 4 TOJ r tfnlj. f4.'A34.S' ' low c adM. S1.9V3 H" ' * ' , nc floM. quiet it 5i.VjAru In baneis. and S3 J > 'H.4U m arVj. \\hwit A. < eraicd lower j-e trnlar , early closing firmtr : cash , ro ; Kebnmrr. < t orn Mon - with a modrnite flnotoated witWn a mall ranee , ami t * er than yesterday ; sb , m c ; rebmary. SO , c : May. * ! e. O t Fiirly active and firm , with no de cided cbnoee ; Cash , ye ; Fetawtrr 2 * * < e ; 2Iay , 3f > Wc. live Unll &t W. H rlev Quiet at W. TinMM6j- I Prtap , $1. - 1.W. Flax ecd-S 1.01. Whlsky-il.U. Pork Aeti\c and nn < ttlnl : opened IftS 13Hc lower , advanced V 7Wc , Juter weokenod and eradnally rec l USitf IV. bJt ncur clo e rallied 7H w , wlih a Milt lurtlwr advaiKC of : . lPcr sh. Slt.Ci ; Kebrtwry. S11.07K ; Msy , Sli V. Lard Mo leralelv acllve ; rni l 9Vav * lower , clo < lnc le dy : cash. 5 .514 ! MArch , Jfi.40 : Mav. S .W. Hulk Meats ShmiMer * . S4 S'4.VJ : short > r. 56.4rf v.4.hort tlb * . SS'.M. HuSter ( julet ; creauierj , 24 < # Jtc : dairy , -Qi'et ' : full crwm cheddar . 12 : tliiM , U'i'81-J'Vr ; jouiif : Americas hires ll'a'jn c. Hides Meady and unehanred : Oreen. bull. ' iV-ic : 'dry $ \atled. ' ' 'll@tSc ; drv Hint , ! T * 14e : deai'ons. 3.V e ch. Tallow No. 1 country. ' > c ; No , 2 , 2t'c : cake , 4c. Itpoeltjt * Shipments. Florsr.bbU 27 ( W Sl.WO Wb.oat.bu > . ( ) Sl.rro Corn , ou sno.toj UC-X ) Ofiis.Du 141.00 74.KO Hye. bu 2.fOO l.0 47.0X1 c-2to3 St. l.oiiK Jin. li Wh * t Weak : No. 2 red. ca .h. S-2-c : February , s2Kc : May. . Corn Ire zul ( r : No. 2 mixed , cash. ' . 'tc : Febmatv. SJo ; May. SKc.'-lrri'Siiiar : No.i mltpd. cash , 27t" " § : Fobnnn- > ltc : May , w > fc. e Nominal ut " > Uc. Whiskv 51.13. Potk-Ka-y at S12 IS. l nl Ka y at 5'XIO , Hnttcr Stead.x ; ctuamery , 2 @ - . - : dairy , Afternoon hoard. Wheat Finn at higher. Corn -btroncat V e higher , t'nchanrcd. M\orn < iot , Jan. 12. Wheat-Dull : Cali fornia No. 1 , 7 < 7 iw7s ' 1 i-er cental ; red vve-iern viint r. 7s f > | r > ; 7s I'd. Corn-Quiet : old mixed , western , 4 - " d r r cental. Kan"a City. Jan. \Vlieat-We\ker : o. 3 red. ea-h. ftfc bid ; February , 7CV ; bid ; Mar. 77 ( bid. C. > rn steadv : Xo.O , ea h. SC\c ; February , 3PcMav. : .7 > c. Oats > o quotation- . New York. Jan. Ii Wheat Spot le-- active : options opened heavv. declined Vj@ ' .c. later ruled stronger , advanced K' ' " " e , c ! ' ; < mi : firm ; receipts R--.CO ) : exixsm. . - f"S'c : V1 red. We : extra reit. 93 * < c In ele vator. ' . .vc delivered : No. 2 red. tt-'c In ele vator. .O'4i .c > i4c delivered ; February closing a' ' . ' 'S'o. Corn Ca-h a shade lower : opt'ons a trifle better , clnsinc nrm : traae ver > ' liaht ; re- o'ip'41.01.0 : exports. S.C,0 : tinsrailed. 47tiJ 4-c ; > "o. 3. ! > in elevator : Xo. 2. 47- J7\c in elevator ; February eloMn : : at 4514c. Oats A < hade ei-ier and less active : re ceipts. 01.00 : exports , none ; mixed western , a tTc : white western. S4i \ Petroleum Firm : United cio-ed at 71-'c. E-s' Quiet and weak ; we-tern. S/a-'Hc. 1'orfc-Steady and fiuict : ; ne > 5 quoted at cl'iO > < Jlii'i for one-vear-old. hard Opened weak and closed firm ; vve t- etn stt-Riu. 'pot. 5j.07f. ! Itutter Firm and in fair demand ; western. l" ' < z--c : Klein orcamerv , rrc. ) t- Quiet but linn ; western flat , 11 < 5 MllwauUee. Jan. 12. Wneat F'nner ; casd , 7sc : Febnmrve : Aljj , s-l/'e. Corn Steadv : Xo. i re , c. Oau Quiet ; Xo. ti , 26' ' c. H > eteady. . Xo. 1. is\ Rue ! > Sieadv : Xo. 2 , i-c. Provision * U caKer ; pork , Januarj-.Sll CO ; February , SlLij-Jj. Cincinnati , Jan. 12. NVheat Firm ; No. 2 red.40. Corn ( ] uiet ; Xo. 2 mixed.SV. ! OAts-Firm : N . 2 mxe | < l. HOVjQSlc. l4rekTaiirat SU37 f1 ' " " I inl Firm at S'Vi" ' . Whl-sy Meady at SU3. ' Minneapolis. Jan. Ii Wheat Active and 'teadv. with lar e saleof Xo. 1 hard for export ; Xo. 1 hard , ca-h , 77'i'c : February , "so : Mav , i34e : Xo. 1 northern , ca-i. 7Cc ; ' northern , bakers , S3.yVJS.73. Kecelpta Wheat , icn , bn , ; flour. 2 ) bbK bhipmrnts Wheat. 2jo : bu. ; flour , l'\C\ ) bbls. _ LIVE STOCK , Chlcnco. Jan. 12. The Drover's Journal ieport . % follow > : cows bulls ana mixed. 5 3.40 ; bulk SilV32.0 : Texa- cattle , S2.i5 y S. * ) ; meal fed \"JO n's , 4.40. Hess Heeulpt * . Si.O.O ; slow at lC(31c ( lower , closine bad ; roiu-h and mixed. $4.0) (34.45 ( ; nackinp and thioplnc. 54.-IO@-4.:5 ; Hkht. S3.H > 14.45 ; skips giT5 3.00. Sheep Kecfipts. ,00 : slow and I0ai5c lower : natives. S2.V > g4.M ; western. 5 tOS 4.45 : Texans , S2 iiji.10 ; lambs , $1.0035.70. St. Louie. Jan. 12. Cittle Keceipts , 2/00 ; shipment * . 4 > f ) ; easier : choice heavy native btwrs , 84.2V34.70 ; fair to good shlptnne ttvr * , S3.'Oa425 ; Dutchers' st ers lair to choice. SXU > it4.00 ; feeders , fair to cood. SiCO'32.40 ; stockers , Jair to good. SiWjj " " ' ' 'H'OZ Hcccipts , 10.0CO ; shipments 0 ; dull at lOt'JlV : lower : clo-ed weak ; choice heavy and batchers' selections 54..V > S-i.70 : paoklnz. fair to u-ocd , ? 45 > 34.43 ; Yorkers , medium to fancy , 4.Cl.S5 ; pi-- , connnon to good , 3.10 4.10. Kanta * City , Jan. 12 Cattle Heceipt- " . 2.CO ) ; shipment. ' , none ; heavy h.ppin2 erades slow ; lUht shippinc and buu-liers1 stnttstMdr ; common tr > choice , SSlOjf4. ' 0 ; stocked. 82. < > 2.W : feetlin ? steers , SAW ( tt M : cow. SI . ' 3.10. ilo ; > Kcceipts. 1-VO ; shipments , UVXi ; weak and ! o\v at 10315c lower ; eouiinon to choice , SU&U4.M , OMAHA L1VK STOCK. \\edne-day.Jan. 12 , Cattle. Tlie receipts of cattle were heavier than they ha\e fceen for * wal months. Owiuir to the lieavtclecllne in eastern markets and the over -upply of stock , the market here was ! S.g-iOc lower. The market wa > flooded null butcher * ' < turf , specially with the poorer grades. There were al-o a Koo < 1 many \ery choice cattle in ; one load , which was the be t that lias bren seen in the > nrds in a Ions time , brought ; 4.CO , in spile of iht dt-cliue m the market. _ lings. The receipts of hess were hea.ier than yes- terda % by TWJ. The heat y run at all points and the rt'i'orttd decline in other markets had a depr > S ; > lue eaect upon the market here. The bujers were all on the ground but did not show much inclination to bjp. and the market oivued Mry dull anil slow. The marfcrt wa astroneldc lower than yester day's market. Ilcture the market ci 'ed ui'orlcvcrythln ; was sold , only a few losds being loft OUT. _ Sliecp. Tl.erewcrc scxeral loads in to-day , but th < > re was no market for them and they were re-shlpi > edeast. Thnre isery little eiicaur- ajumeiit fur a shipper to ship his shep here , as there U no ; demand enough to wake a ctead ) market. _ _ _ ItCCflpta. Cattle . "to . . . t'rovailim : Price * . Showing the pr\ ailing ] > rk-5 juU for i'.ve stook on this HMrkeU Ciibiec steers , law to l.VO Ib * . . rairto m < v min rrasscow > . o .l to fJsosw mills . l.tiht and medium how . 4Siiit .S5 C.osil to choice ( iced Ukciiotcvslieeu. . . , . . . . . * % . - - ' Itepfe ent.tiTO Sales. 5.1IU1 * . -\v- ? : .a Av Pr. 11 , 16 2.17 S4.W ' ' 11K .UM 'SwfB 1 < 1117 4.fO K . .l.Vfl S.7T. J * . . .111U 4.0 } 19. . . .lllfl S.W * 1 ' ' lH1 4.CU ' . .lit * aio SO. . . . * 4.1S l.'i 4.CU " ' ' 4.15 W. . 4.0J 1C".1SB 4.15 a. 4.W " ' 8 4. 0 I1400 ! IS. , . .1W7 4.W W..1.M4 4.W COW * . No. Av. IV. No. Av. IV. " ' II. . .1105 . 'IMS 10. . . t a S.OJ 10.S. . 14..1188 MO 8. 5..190) s.a ) 1. . .10DO 2,75 7..1904 S.S5 SO . .l lft 8.CO 3..1 1..1 No. Av. Pr. No. Av. IV. 1. . . . Si.'O I. . .into 2.25 2,75 S .1MB a.-j 1. . . 17CO 2.73 1. . .1710 S.M now * . No. Av. Sbk. IV No. Av. Shk , Pr. Si. . .172 1W 54.86 V5..2 1 > JO : .40 75. . ' * * ) 4/ST , f , * . . . . ] 40 4.40 7 . ' 4.40 72 . . 0 SOJ 42,1 02. . . . 'J 4.40 R151. . .2)3 ) 12" ) 4/O 5 * . . 2 3 ICO 4.40 151. . .207 4.40 .4 40 SO . . 10) 4.40 7l. > ? 40K 4.S5 S-J . . .279 120 4.40 . ? 10 : G8. . . .S.M 100S 4.40 02. .291 320 N ) . . .U 3 S ) 4.40 Co . . / VK ) 4ai J. . . -V4 KU 4.4.1 47 . . .St3 240 4.i ft4. . 4.4.1 OS . .2ss 1ft ) 4..V , fil. . 2M 4.41 70 . .2.iO IfO 4.41 . . 5BH 240 4.45 73 . .24' Irt ) 4..V , . .X'j ! 4.45 Irtft 74 . .270 \ft \ ) 4.S5 4' . . .352 4.41 70 . . . .t 4.R1 i7. . .31B 2 > 0 4.4.1 ft' . 2r 4-V , . .374 2-0 4.4.1 67 . . 2r.2J7 ICO 4.O SKI ! ' No. Av , Pr. No. Av. Pr. CO. . . Uancc of Irlce . Show ins the hizh ° 5t and lowest ) x Id for load * of her on this ru.uket durio ; thei > a-t-even ilavs and for the same time lasttnontli _ : i I > w. 14. . i Shipment . Showing the number of cattle , hoc * and sheep sinpt l from the yards during the day. No. cars. lit. De-t. 10 . N W . Chicuo 13 . Mil . rhicaco to . It. I . ChicAico siinr.r. 3 . it. i . chicaso 4 . .Mil. . . Ch-caso All Silas of sjok in thU market are made i ? rcvv : . live weight unless otherwi esiat l. Dead hos < sell nt ? 4'c per Ib. for all welcht- . "skinor ho s wei hins le-- than toj ID- . no valueProliant sows are doc' e.l 40 Ibs. and -ta'-S-3 Ibs , by the nubile inspector. .Note- . Hos lower. Cattle mfliket take- 'tepdonn. A. B. iiall , Creton , was in with a car of cattle. The decline in other markets force ; prices dovs n here. J. GihnoreVeepins Water , came in with tvvocar- cattle. Georce Smith , TeU.iuiah , was lookinc over the inartet to-day. Moti Xci on , llanington , wa < in with a load of butcher stock. U. C. P.obbins. Uili = dale. wa.- here with three loads ot cattle. It. B. ( inmine ! . Herunn , wa in and -old three loads of cattle. F. C. Dodre.'ood JJiver , came in with three load * of sheep. ( "lav j-l.itner. Council BlutT- , was over vv ith three loadof cattle. John Quinn. Wootl P.iver , was here and m.irkcted a load o ! hozs. .Io-cph Isou. WaVefield , was here and marketed a load of cattle. O. A. John-oil , dreenvvixxl. came In to-day and marketed a c. r of cattle. T. J.eatHr. . bdney ; , la. , was in with a lead of ca'.t.'e and a load of hoi ; ; . O. . wain to-day with two loadot c.ittle and a loid oJ hoe- . K. II. ( inbbieVakefleld. . was in and mar keted two loads of corn fe-l-sti-ers. K. P. Corbin. liiirllnzton Junction , Mo , was in and sold three loads of nos * . Willinn Fnizier. Wnsirfe , Neb. . wa = in with six carof cattle and one ot hoe * . J. E. Cioodell , V.'e-t > rn. Neb. , wa * in and oUl nve ! oadof cattle and four loads ot hoes. hoes.Mr. Mr. Snell , of bnell & Airnew. Ashland. waIn and olj three ! oids ot cattle and one load of h' - . F W. lilac ) : . Plattsmouth , a frequent shipper to the yards , \\as in and -old two cars of ho s. Mr. Wc-tervelt , Norfolk , came in to-day with a load ot hoes anil a load of corn-fed cattle which heold on thu market. There i * a srood deal of compl.tint made about the lo-s and delay ot dispatches sent from and received at the stock yards. The following were amen ? those having cattle in : J. .1. Ttacv , Wayiio , 1 load : E. H. ( tribble.Vakefield. . 2 loads ; J. H. Kernan , Shelby , 2ioad > : Guthne it Oskamp. Clarks. 2 loadO. : . Greene , Herman. 2 loads : J. C. Welch. Clanndo. 1 load : Mei-- ner A Taylor. Shclton. 1 load : J. T. ISoll. Mean. 1 load ; John Wa-'nt-r , Newton. 5 loads ; Uixon it Taliuad e. Kmerson , la. , 2 loads : C. H. Wasner , urooks , la. , 1 load. Amonc otherhav ing ho s on to-day's mar ket were the follow ins ; : F. M. liuren. strums- burs : : J. Y- Hunt , TAP llion : Morse Holers i Co. , North Benu ; P. D. Smith. St. Edward * . Gardiner. A. A. Co. . > inl > ner : F. C. Ulis . Howells : H. F. Simt son. lirayton ; O. Greene , Herman ; .1. H. Hlenkiron , Coleridpe ; O. UurpesjVeeDln < ; Water ; A. J . Spearman , springueld ; Allison .t B. . silver City : M. Urenier. iiinham ; 1 * Aikm , Clarinda : J. C. Welch , Clarinda : Morey .t D. . Clearneld : Stitt it Hrxant. Coin : St. Paul National bank ; Nicholas A H. , Ord ; D. Ander-on , Co lumbus ; w J. Davl , Dannebro ? : Fredrick * , V SOD. ( Jibbon ; Hno * MorrEvvinc ; H Ford. Bromtield ; Pollinil.t Hupp. Aurora ; Johns > n it A. . Hubbell ; Thomas A D. , Diller : F. M. Hilderbrandt. P.avenna : Ar- buckle A Co. . Villi ca ; I ) . K. lirabill. MasK - K > na , Ja. ; A. F. Okcy , Corninla. . : E. W. IJIack , Platfemouth ; 0. H. Wazuer , Brooks , Iowa. OMAHA i : MAHKIZTS General Produce. Wednesday , Jan. 1 ° . The following prlrei are ror roitnri lot * of pnxturc , a * sold on Ute Ionian. The quotations on frulli rcprc-ieni tneprice-i al vliUit mittlue orders arc nllct. Eon * L'nchanped snd steady at 24e fro strictly frestu Cold storage , slow sale at a discount , and pickled or salted not wanted. Ik TT , . ] ; Creamery , strietlv ctioice , solid packed. 27',4'iX' ; 1 and 'Mb rolls , 2ft > ie ; dairy rolls , choice , 17islv ; fair to Rood , 13 14e ; Interior crades , C 12c. CHKF.SE FuUcreameheddars.slnele , IS.c ; full cream tlatstwin > .i : > > c ; > oun - American , He ; fancy bwis > , u ris ; svvis.s , imported , 25c , I.imburb-er. I3c. brick. 14 MV. Poi I.TIIChickens , N .V : turke > ? , slow saleat U > 511e : ceeandduiks , ' . < ( slOc. UAMr As the sea-on for some kinds ot i frame and ven.on is now ! en-all ) over , the demand has dropi d oif considerably and j.r'.ccare ' not as hih nor as nrin a- , they iiavebeen. Deer and antelope saddles , r < ; r Ib , s Jc : canas- . $ & & > : jack rabbits , per dor , S3 Cu , siiiali rabbi7.V ; prairie chicken- . perdoz , ' } - * > , quail , do , il.25 ; snipe and plover , do , 515 : tee-e , do , S3.i ) , duckmal : - lanl , pt-r dot siiiiij ; teal , do , Sl.M ; unl. l. do. Sl.VsriCO ; brauudo , SiCO. IM- ; . > Vet > scarce and choice stock quotable at Sl.&gl.W pr bush. UK ijis-In more Ii ! < ral supply and a little 'ovver ; t'alifo-na * . Sl.70jl.75 ( ! , domestic , SI SO a LOO. Ai-rj.Ks The market l < very firm and stocks .ire verv small Choiet ; Missouri are quotaa at S4.Oai lit. MicJnsan , j .ujm.M. Por.v roi.s 1 he trade i > limitnl to Die sale of small lots , a few sacks at a time. Choice stork | | s at OOc. VKCETAUI.L Swwt potatoes , Py Jpr- sev > , per Ib. . 4irutabaw , per tibl , St 0 ; carrot * . S2u ) . white turnifs. | * r bbl. . i'i(0 : Kr-n.ns. i > er bU . S2 ' ; l-eU , jf U.1 , - & > . tb 2 b a. market ! > steady. Choice Uhi ; r doz . Me. eitr. larj-e , t rr doz.-Ue. H\sTKKS Mediums , 3X ; staudards , v < ; ts , 5x ; N. Y. counts , apcCod. fan v , pet . , * * naias , tcil'i , . j J. ' ; bananas yellow , Inrce , pci bunc/i / , Lr.Mo.vs-.Mes iua , per box S * . CO. UKANOK.rlor la , choice , 1.VXJ-J40 to t * x SI 00 : do. 5tx ' \ lot . 54.75 ; Valencia , p ? r eA e , $ . : * Califoinia HiversMe , pes oo\ , 54.75. MAPI K SfoXn-Strictly pure. ' ) Ib bo\e < , per Ib , 15c : ehoiee ' < brics . i' Ib twxe * . i-er ib. We ; choice p-'nnv caRes. 25 Ib boxes , per Ib , 12Ke. . SA.I in kRM'T Per S3 cal bbl $6.rtJ ; 16 cal. half bo ! S3.5J. Pttovi ioN-Ham , < upar-curn1. lll 'c : brekast twcon.saiar cured , boneles- . i shoulder * , "c ! ele r sule bacon , v : dry alt ' skie , 7c : dried bet. tif.Ti * . 14e : dried beef , reenlar. lie : mes ? pork , per bt > l. SliW : Innl. .Vlb ) vn , F.-ilrtwnts.6e : lard. 10. Sand 8 I Ib willFairbanks. . 7 > , 't7\c. I Kt.orn AXP Mtt.isit vr < \ \ Inter -wheat flour. Nt t qu llty ttent , 5i75 : second quit- Itv , S'AS * ri"0. bt nunlity tprinc wheat flonr. patent. ? im$170 ; W. J. WeUhan's buckwheat flour , per bbl , S CO : do. double s ek * . S.T.TOir hundred ; W. J. Welshan's No. 1. read } rais > d. fort > 2'Ib j ckaee < In case. ? 4.0 : do , twent ) 5 Ib tackaces in cao , 54.0 ; bran. 70c per cwt : chopped f ced. 7V ewt ; vThitP < x > rn meal. ' . V@5l.W : vello corn meal. o < rSO ? | > ercwt : scr * nin ; . IOa7oo per cwt"honilny. ; Sl.'jO ; shorts. 7tV ) r cwt ; erahatn. S1..1 ; hny. in bjle < . ST.Wivr ton. Grocers' M t. PIC-KIT. * Mnluiin. in bbK 56. V ) ; do. In half bbX 53.75 : siinll. In bbK 57 W : do. In halt bbK ; ehrklns. In bbls. SS.SO ; do , in half bll . S4.75. SYRfp No. 70. 4-eallon kez , Sl.WnUll ; New trlean ) < percalloii 3 < 4 < V. : maple s > tut > . half bbls. "old time. " per gallon. 7.i0 i e. lIon l- Ion can , r T doz , Sia ( J : half gallon can , I-er doz. S.1.50 : quart cans S-iO-j. > r VMCH Mirror glas * , i ih , Cc : mirror Clo < S 3 ! b.We : mirror closs Olb. C\c ; Graves corn. 1 Ib.O c : Klncsford' < corn. 1 in. 7c : Klne-forxl's clo-s t Ih. 7c ; Kincsfont' * cio s ' 5 Ib. 7 { e , KincsfotU's pure , 31b , 7'4 Kinssfords bulk. 4c. 'lon.vrro I'lue. climax. Se ; horseshoe , 57c ; star. JW > : rvathead. avpii ; > rhi > id r' < . & > c : pold shield. Sic : merrj war , 2- ' < : J. T. J. . S-'c. . . - * - . per e. . . blueberries t-rca-e. S1.-.1 ; e/c plums 2 Ib p r cn-e. 52..VJ : pitieapplf * . 2 Ib. per ca-e I" mh'ki.ei. per doz. Sl.tO ; " . - . 2.gi3 < > : black"- berries IKX S IK llKc : poaches Salt Like. IN-O. u tlo .c ; i-eachps. evaporated. llc : 17c : rasj.berries. nev % So ; cunents TSiJ ? ' . , prunes , new C\tH , c. MOAI : Powdered. 7c : cut loaf. . A. > . < a' ? : standard esinvC.j\'of-ltf ; extra P. 1 . iij'e : mcdiuin jellow. 4itg'C. CoKFhf Onlmarv erades 14'- . , i\"c \ fai ivaiv e : prnn . f.S' t'V : choice , I'V ir-Sc ; tancv snt'n and vcilow. ic > i5l7e : old rov- ernnip'it Java. J > 3-J > V : interior Java. W-j.a 2 > V : Mocha. 23u-4c : ArMi.'kle's rovMed 21'Ar ; Mel.auchl.trs XXXX roar.ed."Ouc ; I > il > vorlh s.-.Vc : Hod Cros- . - 4c. MATCIIE * Per caddie , -x , . , naare cases S1.70 : mule square. CA.NDY Mixe.1. ! ? lKc : stick. s' , 9S'c. CUACKKK Girnrau's coda. butter and picnic. 5 , c : er'tanis.-Sc ; singer snap ? , Hc ; citvOUT. . 7 . > oj.r Kirk * sivon imperial. S2.70 ; Km : s satinet. 53.CO ; Kirk standird , S3.0J ; Kirk's v\ lute Ku--ian. St CO : Kirk's white- cap. sav ) ; dom . S3.i3 ; vva-hboard , S.5.10 ; white cloud. S3. 75. HiAMI t-htv The following price ? are for prime , well tiaudltnlkins ; He.iver. prime , clean pert > onnd. 5t. * v30 :'i 2.01 ; meaty aim inferior. 51 Bear. brown and srizzlv. i-lO > a-.0 : cubs , ind jearlin.--- . SU < * 346ti. Bid r. % > . / < vCat. . wild..syjWc : dome-tic , black. H l > e : do- me-ti-- . -uiidrv color-- . .ViFov.Ved. . 31 10 @ 1J.1 1 : rrosi , tiWi ; ctev. 40aVvliver. . ? 10 t < SiOfO. Fl-lier. 54. < O < X < H Utter.i4.lO ( ,7fi CO. Martin. Sl.cniil.7l. Mu-krat , win ter. iarce. 1 < V ? ; fall.V ; kiu < , ir. MtnK , larse , dark , > 4Cc.mall ; and pale , IVS' V. Kac- coon. larce prime , 40.oOe ; small mdiufprior , y ) < : ? . Skunk , common , l" i"Wolf. . lar.-e crey. 5t.-V > a2..v ) ; coyote or prairie. 70 ® OX % Ueer and antelope , winter , per pound lie : fall ana summer , per pound , -Ve. General MarKett. mnr.s Green butchers. 5'ufo : seeea cured , "c : drv uint. ll l-'c : dry suit , tVil'V ; creen calf skins. ' iJOf ; damaged hides two-thirds price. Tallow Jiifc. Grea < e Pnine white , 3'c : yellow. 2-4c ; brown , 1s/ iheen Pelt2.1 ® 75o. HEAVY \unwABE iron , rate S2.W. plow sH.'Isr-ccUIcast.4-ccrueiblesteelr'h'c ; ; ca = t toolifo. . J2igisc ; vva-on spokes , per et , SiOXcav ) ; hubs , per set , : felloe- , sawed dry. Sl.M ; toncues , each , S.-c : als. . each. 7Sc : iuare nutr > -r Ib. l't < 7le ; coil chain , per lb. 0 ll2c ; malleable. 7 > .g'A : ; iron wedces Cf ! crowbar ? . & ' ; harrow teeth. 4 .c , spring steel. 7' Sc ; Burden's hone shoe-s i4.W ; Burden s mule shoes. S-1.50. Barbed wire , incar lots 4.00 t r ICO Ibs Nat < - , rate10 to W. S2.W : steel nails , Si 7' . Shot. Sl.V > : buckshot. SI.- . * . ; oriental powder. kei.52 50 : do. half kess , S2 < : do. quarter ke s. S1.V ) : batn ; kes Si35 ; fu-e , per 10 feet. H'c. Lead bar. SIS % AKXI HE Bairels perRaiton : r-urnl- ture. extra , 51.10 ; furniture. No. 1. SLW ; coach extra , 51.40 ; coach , No. 1 , Sl.M : Da- mar. extra , 51.75 ; Japan , 70c ; asphaltum , pxtra S-V : shellac , S3.M ; hard oil nnish , Sl.W Colocne solrits 1SS proof , 51.1 do 101 proof.51.1s : spirits , second quality , 101 proof , 51.17 : dn 3 proof. Jl.lC Alrnhol. IS ; proor. iiz > wr wine callon. Kedistilled whiskies Sl.fO1.50 , Gin , blended. il..V > 3 ? .C J : Kentuckv bourbou- , $ iO3'jCO : Ken tucky and l'ennslvania ires S2.CO.445u ; Golden Sheaf bourbon and rye whiskle-s Sl/rtaacnX Brandie.imported. . S5.C > iii'jO ; donif tie , Sl-Si > jr3.0) . ( iins imported. 54 W < aC.i > 3 ; domestic , Sl.2. ' a3f X Champagnes , Imported , per ca-e. Si3.CO ; 5.W ; Amencan , gio.U > , ctlR f i i'Ai.vTs jv On. White lead. Omaha.P. P. , 7K'c : whiW lead. ? t. Ix > u.s , pure. 57 75 ; Mar seilles creen. 1 to ! Mb can > . 2c , hrencn zinc , imvn seil , ! > ; French zinc rea seal , lie ; French zinc , in varni-n as-t. 'IV : trench zinc. 75c ; veruiillion. Knirlish. in oil , 7-V ; red. 1 < V : ropiiiK. . 14c ; \ enetian red. Cook- son's , 2' c : Venetian red. American , 1 c ; red lead , "Kc : chrome jellow , genuine.jOo ; chrome yellow , K. We ; ochre , rochelle , Jc. ochre , Jrench. 2'tc ; ocnre. American , IHc : Winter's inlni-ral. 24 < > : l.ehigh biown , 2Sc ; Spanish brown , 2c ; 1'rince's reineral , So- InPAINT * - White lead , = c ; French sine , lie : Par ! , wtiitinr. 2c ; whltlne. Jilders "Me ; whiting , com'l , tl4c ; lampblack , Uer- manstown. 12c ; lampblack , ordinary , x\ \ Prussian blue.v > e , ultramarine , l \andyic- ; - brown , sc ; umber , burnt 4c ; umber , raw , 4e fienna , burnt. 4c : sienna , raw. 4c ; Pane green , eeiiume , 2.V. Parl * pret-n , com mon.So ; chrome sreen. N. Y. , 20. ' ; vermillion Auiencan. lc : inaun raw and burnt umber , 1 S > cans , VJc ; raw and burnt sienna , 12c : Vandyke brown , I3c : re- nned lampblack I- ' coach black and Irury black. ICc ; drop black. iCc : Prussian biue , 40o ; ultramarine black , Iv , chrome creen , 1 . , M. * 1) . , l < 5c ; blind &nd shutter reen. L. . M. Jt 1) . , ICc , Paris creen , Iv ; Indian red , 15c ; Venetian red , c ; Tuscan. 2ic ; American vermillif.n. I * * D. , 20 ; ; yellow ochre. 2c ; L. M. i O. I ) . , ISj ; eood ochre , iCe : paten drver. S : ; eralnlni : color , llshtoac , datkoak , walnut , chestnut and ash. VJc. IUvo ; i HEMICAI. * . Acid , carbolic , 22c ; acid , tartarie , sic. baKim copaiba , per a , t'cbark ; > a safras. j r & , lOc ; calomel , r ? r & , 7-c. chlnclionidta , per oz , 40o. chloro form , per a , c ; Dover's powders , per tb , Sl.i5ep50ni ; salts Kr 2 > . 8 > 'c ; clycerine , pure , JT lb. 3io ; Irad. acetate , per & . 21e ; oil , castor. No. 1. pt-r l. , Sl.-Vto ; oil castor , No. 2 , per cat , ? 1.40 , oil olive , per cat. , SI. 40 ; oil orirannum. . ' > ; opium , $ < JO : quinine , P. it W. and H. ivcv j-er oz. TUe ; potassium Iodide , per a , Si75 ; salic.n. . r > er oz. 40c ; sul phate morphine , per oz. Sif5 ; tulphur , rf fi''lc ; stochnine. r ror.SL2i Drr l.uruuor. LOARtlS. No.1 Conu s. 1. v 12 , Hand 13 ft . 517.50 Nai " l$14and3ft . 14.71 No.3 " " 12 , Hand 13 ti . 13,50 Nai " H WHandlSlt . 12.W ON.tND TIUtiLKj. _ 'hft ' t ft is 218 Sis Iti l A. I" wlT.WI- . ItMt | 4 ' ' W.I IT.lV > l- rr.HJNo AVO 1st com. , j , in WbHe Pin < " I"anluon . . . .S.CiO Sd " ' * * k * * * ' ' ' > 7 ' j ) 2d Com. \ in. Norway Pine Cejlin- . . . . 14. ) fEXCIVO. No. 1. 4 Ainch , 12 an J It ft. . rojh , , .S17. No. 2 , 4 , t Cinch , 13iUJ U ( t. . rou b. . . THE RAIL\\AV \ \ TIME TABLES OMAHA. UNION PACIFIC , i . -'pot HXi ami Pieree-ts.1 PacltV Rswes * 7'Jam : pm Denver Kxpre&s ' ariOpro 10:35 : am * l > eal Express 110 am 5KB pm * hxept Sunday. | R A M. It. 11. 11. Depot Itth and Paclflc MS. ' Mail and Express ' r : < 5 pm 10 :0' : > m Nish ! Exprs * lOKViim 7:45 : nm Lincoln sM aln f. , V Q. It. It. IVpot 10th ami Pific $ t < . Mall and Kxpti-js flrtO pm Chicaco Express 7:10 : urn K. C.St.J. A C. H. Depot loth and Paeinc < Via Platt month JJOpm 9:90 m Lincoln Kxprvs * s s jm * Kxcept Mondty. * Kxcvpt Saturday. C. St. P. M. AO. . Depot 15th and Webster st. .Soux City Kvpn- , Unni-rof i Accommodation 10:3) am i45 ; pin Excent Sunday Missnritt PACIFIC. De | > ot l.Mhand Webster st. Da > Kxnrc's utO : am Meht Kxiiresj CCUt > m pie ; pm Lincoln Express ll.Vam ) nio : pm UNION sroi'KTAIJU. . > - Leave TICAlNSf. l'S Y'd . Oma a Except bundav. ! fi:09aui : * Cr : > am Tra-iis leavinc U. P. de7:05aui , : * 7:35am : | xtln Omahi at 10,5 : a.i * : IOam VWam in. , 5:05 : p. m. and : .t ) p.1 9Sflam 10-COani m. , and those Icavlnc * 10-M : am 10 : n am I" n ion tock v ard at 6 : W 11 : & am 2CO pm a. m. and 10 : * > \ a. m. are 20pm 3iflptn : throush i a' enier train : 3J : "ipm 4iOpm : aII other * are rrcular 'tnck 4 : 'V > pm * " > . 'V. ' pm > aid dutiiiuy train * be cl : > pin 5i"ipin : tween sti ck jams and i :00 pm Omaha. , I' . P. BltimJETUAINS. Transfer. Omaha. * K\cept Sunday. 12 am " ( * oiiiirct vvth"S. | _ C. 15 am P. at Cov.iKil " " 25 am : CO am . . 42 am " Q. . C. , v N.V. . . C. M. A- :37 : am Stv P. C K. I. A1' . at 47 am 11 10am Council HIcfTs , . :30pm : 1:00 : I > m ; Connecs ! with W. St.1 :17 pm 2 : < pm I. v P. at Conned nituls. ' :37 pm ; 2:20pm : | Connects with ail e\en- , : : " jim : ? : COpm inc tmin * for Chicaca at :50 : pm * 4 :03 : pm Council Hlnil . Train * 42 pm 5:00 : pm leavHOmalia at L'nion :10 pm Paoitic depot. 10th and :4J pm | C:10pm : Pierce s tacts. :50 : pm 7 .10 pm :47 pm ; : 1.1pm :55 : pm 10COimi : 11-lOpm COLNClh Leave Arrive COXXKCT1NG LINES Transfer Transfer , depot C. P. LAP. : 7:13 am ' 9:15 a 111 * K\cept > uadiy. 9:15 a m * " , riipm 'Except Mundny. ! 0:40 : p m 7COpm : C. A N. W. All trains run daily. . . . . J P:15 a m 9:15 " a 0:40 : p m 7 : C. U. AQ. . 9.Viam 9r.atn : All trains nin dailv CS5p in , C. M. v-c < t. P. . 9:15 a m 9:15 a in All trains ran daily ] 0:40 p in 7CO p in K. C. St .1. A C. B. * E\cept Saturday. 10:03 a m " S5 a ra * E\cept Mondayl * ; : " > 5 piu 5oU p m W. SL L. A P. i All trains run daily . . i 2CO ; pm 3:30 : p ru S. C. A P. All trains run daily 7Cs : > a m 0-C5a m 0-25pm , s:50pra : ESTABLISHED USED IN ALL HER 2001300 PAnlSOFTHE GOLD : WORLD nd Prle - bti : .rt\ir Cl.NCi : > ATI , I . si. .A. CHICAGO ORTH- RAILWAY. Oinalii , Council Bluffs And Chicago. Th onlj- i4 to tnke for Vet llDlnw. M r- lh Iltown. fexJar Ranlls , Clinton , Dirle. Chlca- ( ro. MilwuuVes ind all polnu c t. To th people ple of Mebra , Color io. Wyomlnir. Ct h. Idaho , XevblK. Oregon. vvasblnton and Call- forola. U offers superior kdranugej not fo ill- blc bjr any other iln * Amonir a few of the numerous polnti of la- periorttr enjnjed br the pitront of thl ro d tetwemOtnihinnd rhfcspo , are Its t P tru'mi ' r.darof DAV O IACHK5 "hich ar * the Unfit tnit hnrann urt and neenuity c/in creif. Its PALACE SLEEPING CARS -hlch ar rnodel of o-imfon and ele Ance 1U PARI/DK DKAVV IKG KOOVI CARS. unium&J eU br any. and 111 widely olebrnt l J'AI ATI AL UIXI.SC CAMS , the eoual of which cannot be found eluwhere. At Coucol HlufT * the trains cf the t'nlon Tad So RT. connect In t'mon I > epot with the * of the Chlr ro t Koribwei'ern Hv In Chlcayo the train i of thli line make close connection with tho'e of nil e tern lln < > S For Detroit , Columbus. Indlnnapoll . Cincln- nstl. Nlajnru Falli. nuffnlo. ntsburir. Toronlo , Montreal , lloston. New Vork. PhliidelphU. Hal- timer * . Waihinjrton and all loinu in the est , ask the ticket scent for tk ' * < < via the NORTHWE-TEKN. " If you with thn l > e t teo'EtnoJatloti . Afl ticket aeenti fell Kckr'f r-a thli line M nt'GHITT. E. P Wir 'OS . General M < U" rr , GenU PtJ-'r Asent Chloapl > . ' " WM. BABCOCK.Chloapl - , H. EOLLES , Gen. VSstltrnAFt ' ' > ' I' i Af. Omiha.Ne c- . OMAHA JOBBERS'DIRECTORY Artists Material. " " ' A. HOSPE , , TJt. , Artists' Materials , I'ianos and Organs , Ull I > cxIai Street CKctha. Agricultural Irrrltments. ' CHl'lHHILL PA UK EH , \V nvlciiie ! > ! < r 10 Agricultural Implement. * . Wagons , LfS'f.GEIt , tl M'ETC'A L P CO. , Agricultural Implement ? , Htc. vVbjV l * , n-uttt. J.EE , riilllD CCO. . , Jobbers of Hardware and Nails , T.Zfilt. thMt Iron. TcA. . < -.l f r IIo * btaUt , ao4 Mum Iu lfri .1 Oaiiri Sb JtECTOlt f WILHELMY CO. , Wholesale Hardware. Weiternertt fir Jeffw n MW ! .Silli Aaitli Vvvt tCe. t it > Dl . - > r < r'l -KI lorctr lOltl EJ liitl * ' . UC.b * PA / A/.v.o/J MAHTIS -.d fljr ; * i iottti U OSAKA JOBBERS' DIRECTORY Butter ard fg $ . Hnjers of Rntter nnd ntot nl Ps'-ki-c POIMF l t"i aui L worth Jt I r > U It. 1 t.l'tca1- ! Builders' Hardirart end Scales. irr.MnitA I Gfir TAYIOK. Bnilder'Hardware.tSc\leKepairthop ; ' Twit ant Bafalo 5ral < . 1Kb LK u . it. , * v l1a a. > 'tl. cflrf Shoes. lflilCAX IMS'if SKU bllOE COM I'A ST. Uicefaetcrert sod Wbi : f a'f IXicrt : In Hoots and Klines. p' * " tfr'k nf Kubt > r Co < xJ ni ari on band . lSib l.l'0 ! a. Ntb A T A tin. Atent. if. r. MOUSE ( p co. Jobbers of Hoots nnd Shoe . 111 ! ramaa > t. . OaatiK.Ncb. Manutartoiy.attncr ! tir et. Ko tnn. Z. T. LlXDSKYtf CO. nlp Hnbhor Honti an l Shooa. Rubt&dU licdv.ltbltc tc } ( l | Bictio lh i.tsU crnrr lllh rij I ' Bter. Apt , for Anlicujpr-Hitsh Urcwlnff Ass'n Br ad rvjit.ladw'if ) nj sroitz ,0 rr.Eif I.asror Boor Hrcwcr ? . 1MI Nor.h l : h 5ir l. l > maii. Seb. Buief-ers' Tc-ols. , s' looN nutl Sniip > of a < ! ttr > < 1 * l ji Ic itoi. til ! Building Material. " tiL i L I'M n ru co. , IVa r'n All K i-u of Unildintr Material ntVholp aI \ Ccffet. Spices , Etc. " c/T. ii'fK E 7sitos .FTvi. " . Omnlia C'ofTop niul Spice Mill . C- ? > pc-c * n-irc ) [ IVj dfTl ro ntEr- rrS'U , LauitfTr Hue ! Irl L'tr ! < : 1 > llurtjr < ; ATI : , COLI : i HoniP roffpcntul Spii-n Milb MTtr Co. C t * U jt tea d spjc * Grmtt ri JIannftrtu-cri nM km ; IV * der. Mi. ru * ht.r ct * . Him c. M < " - rrDec . oa rl 2 p iikic Hoiae Ulead lli > ft < 2 Cornice. J-AUL'E ciiityicis .lolin Kpeneter. Prop. ctorT ff O lTjnlieJ Ir"n and Comic * . 51 ! IH.OCB and 1M and l.i N. Ifta U l > miii. .Se > JU'EMTISG if JiOLTi : , Ji.ia facsorcr * of OrnaniPiital ( falvauireil Cornices. Dort&cr VVtcdo * ! I B&1 Meialu s f.i bl.ctc. S10S. In tt sat . WJSTEU\ C. Specht , Prop. tlT3nlz J Iron Cor-ii" " . etc. Ff t 'iffiproTfd Pat- * rt lKt lc ; stji.-lil. ! ! i.f ii.dilMtli.t < u ba. Carpets. OMAHA CA It PET CO. , J tt > r or Carpet * , Curtain * . Oil Cloths. Rues , IJro' tl33 . Vltttirfl Et. " 1511 D03C' I Str t. .S T. O It C HAITI ) . Wholesale Carpet * , Oil Cloths. i. Cumin Gr * i Etc. 1U3 ttrcara h omh& . s.f b. Crockery and Notions. Icpcrto.- ko'-y , ( ; ia sware. Lis-pi Ltcaeyi , fTc. C < > cf. : i ; gcutb ! Ith * t- Commission and Storage. 1) . A. HL'ltLEY , romniission anil Jobbincr. Battrr. E'and Prcxlacc CostU'CSCBt * folintcd. IlrJda'wurw for tf > ne rc. lierrj lloxrt oJ ( j , -e B\fie' . HU l o < JstirfUOm b . " PEYCKE liliOS. , Commission Merchant ? . Fruit. . IroJnce fccd rroTiiior.s. Oni&r-a S'cb. If. E. ItTDDELL , Stor tre ami Comrai3Sion Merchant , gf cl itr > Batt * . Erz * Ch i * Paollry Uase , itjit r Ktc. Ktc 111 soala ] 4tb ftrrcc Produce Commission 3Iereliant < , Pcroltrj , liutur. Case. K-oili. etc. m K. lf.6 it Coal ancf Lime. P. M ILESTOSE CCO. . , Puleri In Hard and Soft Coal , OCc ted jarJ.lfis ir.d .Victj..Uf Hi , O = lhJ. tar * Teleoboa. ( f. . Gro. r T.\IMOB. Prr * C r. Ooonuiv , v. Pr . J A r . , rKLiVD.sec. and'ittii , OMAHA COAL. COKE & LTMU COJfPASY , Jobbers of Hard nnd Foft Coal. ill * oul ! > Thit * ntb Street , Oauiha. N b. j. .r. , ro/ , p co. , Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime. ArS sinpj r. of C < 3l ra Cotf ' "futnl , I'i , l r Ijroe IU > r t ' Bncn Unic Ti * > id * etr I'lp * < > c-.r * Puton n It rtr > m .1 'i34\ca. > rt > Teptt * n * 'i Confectioner/ . r. 7 * . ifaunfictni ing : ( 'onfn Jobber * of I'.citi .Sctji ir.df'j" . * ' . . \ israaca 5t. Cigars and Tobncco , M.i.V M EYEl7 f CO. . Jobbers of Cijrars , Tobacco. Cant nd Amsun'tioa ' : ! itott3.c IHb it. . 1333 to IK. I tutu > i O3i n . .s > D WEST Manufacturers of P'ine Ci Wholto D i r ID Leaf T tietci Nci \'jt \ led. 13V ' 4th ilrret. Oaala. HOI'S EH , K WOOD LAST ) , vstioA.fti ! iN * > cr to Cigars , Tobaccos , Pipes and Smoker * ' Article ? . for n. t.ill nlor ( k < > > _ Flns-Tst ir.l Ssot ci Tos o . \H uia VTIiMatlo. Vc ,11 3 Monk jiit Orj Goods. ' jft 7r.s.ur7t'ro Dry Good , Furnishhifir ( inwls 4 KntJon § Uth St Distillers. D'itll ' ri of L.qii > rtleobil n > l Ft m it a Jo d riot VV.tKta WILLO H'HPJtlX CO. atul , C CO. , lB&creri % nd J&ttr rycf rice VTlcei s4 I'icor -u'en. ru' c . 'tt. f K CDdr K u Ir < J n Hit- lt-t ti J't i M ! uqanr , I U Ilircer M. Drsm Tilt. Etc. A. H. * i isv-n J w Hrr.roiir Sec.iT-t K. J.CiXfuX V l'r . ndtupu THE I'fO .V / / YD It A ULIC JJMAIS' TILE CO. . OS ! U c | uh 11 OaJbi .S > b Mictilcerr aoC harpl'i ( or iiiL.'jclu- ; C o > em Ura.o Tilf. furniture , , p .sro.v/ : , Wholesale Ifoah is in Furulture. rrt l Omati * . N . CIIA HLrs SHI I'l'.liICK , Furniture * , le < Mm < r , I p " Groceries , jMATO.V j , GALL IGHEH rT CO. , Wholesale Groceries and ProvWont , y < y V ; ardi | S Ctht. Patta X S McCOrtl ) . Jili Wholesale Omari Hardware. i' . . / . itnoArcif. Heavy Hardware. Iron and Strcl. Spring ! . < fxk. tnml r it. IX * M l.ll ll r.cT M ' .p Gtiutos ; Wholesale Iron and Moo I , Stove ? , Rnntro * , Kurnncoi. Tile ? . Uinlln , r tei. Bran f.oxj 1.31 at * k3 Karti Iron Wo-is. T'liAToy.r n Iron Works , PTrocfbt ard r t Iron lla'MlPi VYor * Irrr Main , lUliinc , Ilftr.K iml < . .trOpsitum r.ct r Hr n Worl. ( ivncril roundrr , Mrcb n * r.J II xktmllb Vort. OSreaaJ work .t" . r Kt c i'it tliccu r H M MAN-IS i M run AN OMAHA iriitE , t rnos u onus , Manuficturr t Wire and Iron KaUinirs Desk Hail ? , Wln < l > w iavi1 Vmrr ) < VV if sr , no. in V Hth ur l r. IT mill r ' 11 T atte dcrttcv. Lumber. LOl'rS UK AD FOll 11 , Dealer in Lumber. Lath , Lime. Sasb , DOOM. Ktc. Yinli-Cnratr'tb a i ! Ku.-I ftrn r Mb nr t IV.4 ' . CHICAGO Ll'MliElt CO. , V * holesale Ltuuber , SHE lltlntrtft.Pgtba.Ve ! . f fVlpciitr > l inter. C. .V. DIUTXt Lumber. Oaiai-a , Sttx Fit ED If. Git AY , Lnmbcr , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Ktc. C'.r.MS and l > onsla it ! . umaia > > . irOAGLASl ) , Lumber. 2' . 71' . HAltfEYLl'MliEJl CO. , To Dealers Only. ICJ rarr.tia " 1'eet.OtBarn CHAS. it. LEE , Hardwood Lumber , VToo-3 Cirt t and Parcacl Poorlc ; Kb acd Pctif Uj JO US A. II'A KEFTELD , Wholesale Lumber. Ete. Imported id American Portland Ocfni ? tat Accut loriiilwankee Hr.lri-j' c I CBCLt acd HeiX Lire Stock. UX10S-STOCK. YAltDS CO. , Of Omaha. United. Jobs r BonJ. SMplctcrdent. . Stctk Commission. M. Itl'ltKE tP SOS'S , Live Stock Commission. Geo. Barke , Jlanaser CrlnSt < xk lard , b unafca. Telephoned. SAfAGE < C GHEES' , Live Stock Commission Merchants , Etiprcccti c ! isr and al ! llndt of Slock tcie4tc4. ! LDlonStocl VarU. umaba , .N > lx Altlinerand Notions. I. OllEliFELnEIt tCCO. . , Importer * and Jobtcrt of } [ iliiuery and Notions , Inland KUHarner eet Omaha. J > b. fictions. a A 'Gooniticrr .0 cb. ; Ar thcon7 ! Wr t Icportenof German i French Tov s & Fancy Goods In Ntbraikx. rbic o p-1c * dcplic * d wt'tbcut tiid. IrctrrlcM l 'i ' > rtiioi firtet . . \VboSeue ! rietlc-i ID h'otions and Furnishing Goods , ' 4Xienl4OS ! Tentb st Omiba fTS'YAlt D , Cr SCHS'EJfnnr Jobtx > r a Xotion , Hosiery and Keats' Furnishing Good * . 13 > - nillti3 f roiro it Chnsb * Neb Overalls. Manufacturers of Overall ? , Jtan Pinn.Mitrti. Ktc IlCaod 11C4 IkoujUi M Uaiaba. Veb Paper Boies Maiiiifacturrr of Pniior HOXP . . bj rc > ilH > \ licited and mil rec ue prompt Printing. Job Printers. Hlank Hook JIakera. Aod Bocx liiudert ! > ac < 1 ICn So.tb i'ouitce&Ul ilr et Osartt Neo rAPEit Auxiliary Publishers. D * ! er i ' . ! * unl ITlntrrt i--jthT ciftriir : t , Pumps. cnritcniLL rnrr co. , Wholesale Pump1 * , Pipe , Fittings , fteanand ' .Saur bcpDllci lie * taartert f r Malt . . Jin Van > it alia 4 r vn ? i vrlt \ + \ , i. , > JJt l.vCr C /.t 1'inupF , J'iix1 * ) and F.ncine , EtE3. VViicr. Hiilntr Bnrt Jlilarjuprl o. Ela , Vn. .e-'trd I rn > m jit Ob > .Ntlt " ' " 'itTlSGlSKn" COMPANY. D > l ti * > rVVInJ II It Mum trd VV l r c"rr''f , Jau.bit ! > c iur4r liritinc ll" 4'5 rn KAI l r- c ci i .omnhs b K tc't-.r . y u nrr. Tclrpb . * .s0. ' . s. Etc. r. lioyr.ii j co. , Agent * fur Hall's Hafo < fc Lock fo.s' Hie and IJ&r ; ar Prnof S.-fi ) . T ro Itf'tt VaulU as4/a'l Wort. WJI tari- > 'ree : Omaha , N & . Omaha Safe Work' . llancfartureriof K re ted Dare arProofSafri , Vanll Ix r . ' 11 W' ri.'lmt er cd \ > ir Unit. Ccr. uhandja-kicr. ktJ llctba , X t > Snsh , floor ? , fc. _ -oU-tils M.ii.i-iurei > of Sa jh , Door-i , Hlinds and Mouldings , oMc * UiU a .i I < . - fut'at ' * Z7TJT771 . ; .oT Sash , Duor , Blindjlo'ildinsrs. . SalW.nj f > pr. i * J 3 ! - > * Ti 'tc. Street ' . E. t . S i. A romp1 ct c. x < ( Bu itll /.V MA.rrfA c rrnixo co. , Manufacturers , of Sash. Dears , Bl'flds , onU'At. U'r Wtrtasd Icur.r I' * d WCK J Priiik Jltus > r.a : X. t cur Sin i 4 Jx ec ft > Sli. O-tiua. . > t IVagtns and Carriages. A. J. / > /J//.SO.V , The Leading Uarriaco t jJBPa *