THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 12. . 1887. SPEOIAL NOTIOBS AeUcrtlFcmonts nnacrlliis boidTlOcents per line for the first Insertion , * cents for each sub- Beo.ucnt Insertion , and f 1.50 n line per month No advertisement tnkon for less than S3 cents Jor tlio first insertion. Seven words will bo counted to the line ! they must run consecu tively and must bo paid In ixilvanco. All adver tisements mutt bo handed In before 2 o'clo k p.m. , and under no circumstnnces will thoybo Uvken or discontinued by telephone. I'nrtits mhcrtiilnj In tlicsutolumns nnd hav ing the answers nJdrcMt-d In cnro of TiiEllris Trill i > lcMO R&k for n chocV to e > nnhlo thorn to tret their letters , ns none will bo delivered except on presentation of check. All answers to ml- vortfRomonts should bo enclo eil In nnve > 1ope . T OANS-lxmns Lonns. Ilenl pstnto lonni , rollnterlnl loans. Chattel loans. Ifinit tltno lonr-s. Bliort tlmo loans. Money ulwnjs on hand to lonn on nny np- prmpd security. Investment securities bought and soM. Onmhn financial U-tcliiingo , n. w , tor. 16th nuil llnrnoy. Corlictt , Mnnnfrer. C01 $ -100,0(10 ( to loan on six months' to fix } oars' tlmo nt lowest rules. AS' . JI. Harris , room 5 , J'roii/or block , opp I1 O 7HJ 28 HAltltIS ft HAUItlH , fGO B. 1Mb st. Money to loan on first class security , from JfiOO upwards. l $ rX)0OCOTO ) i/IAN nt 0 per cent. J. J.7tt honpy , 1600 Turn am. 7tt ) GPUHOKNTMonoy. It. C. 1'attoreon , 15th nnd Hnrnoy. fttt $ ; no.OUO to loan. Sums f 500 nnd upwards , Ixiwcst rates. Itomls , room 3 , llarkcr block , 8. W. cor. 15lh nnd I'arnamBta. rl ) TI/TO.N'LY / First mortgage notes. The Douglas UM. county bunk will buy papers scoured by llrst moitgngo on city realty. 7J GPUlt CUNT-Monny to loim. ( Jrogory A : Hiiilloy , Jlooms 1 and 3 , Hulick block , UiO P. 1.1th St. TV I ONF.V to loan , cash on nniul , nci delay. J. Ul. w.nndU.L Squire , 1413 Furnntn St. , Paxton - ton hotel bulldinir. KM TO LOAN Money Lonns placed on 1m- proxod real estate lu city e > r county for bJNew Ungluml Loun .t Trust Co. , by Douglas County bunk. Uth nnd Chicago t-ln. 813 MONKY to loun on city nnd farm property , low rates , Stewart It Co. , Itoom a. Iron Unnk. fiDl M ONKY TO I.OAN-0. F. Davis * Co. Hoa Loan At'unls 1505 Farnam st. M ONKV TO LOAN On real estate und teils. I ) I * Thomas. Ii ! MONKY TO I.OA.V-III sums of f2OiT ) nnrt upwards on Orst class ronl estate security. I'ottur * Cobb , 1515 Karimm t. t'J7 MONKY I.OANKlTn'toT' . Heed .tCo's.Loan oRlcs , on furniture , pianos , horsi-s.'wagoiia , personal property of all kinds , nnd all other ar ticles of value , without removal. ! ! 19 S. Uth , oor Illngham a Commission storo. All busi ness strictly conndontiai. ffiSOO.OOO ToloanonOmalm city property at0 P percent. O. W. Day , over 1312 Uouehisst. _ C-JO MONKY to loan by the undersigned , n ho has the only ptoporly organl/od loan agency In Omaha. JXMIIIP of f 10 to f 1,000 niado on fur- Dlturo , pianos , oigans , horRcs , wagons , machin ery , ic. , without removal. No delays. All business strictly ronfldnntlixl. Loans co made that nny pnrt can bo pnld at nny time , each pay ment reducing the cost pro rain. Advances mndo on flno watches and diamonds. Persons Bhonld carefully consider who thoynro dealing with , no many now concerns are dally coming Into existence. Should you need monor , call end sen me. W. it. Croft , Itooro 4 , Wlthncll llulldlng , IMIi and Hnrnoy. Co I BUBUTE33 OUAKCES. ACJOOD chance for business man. For side , ( ho best restaurant In town. Terms rou Bonablo AddicssO , 18 , lloo olllco. 10U-10 , - - ii A business man wants n J'J.OOO or . 9(1,000 ( inteirc lu u gee > d pnying logitlmuto business. Oho full description. Adelross A 20 , llooolllco , Council Ulna's. 184 17 * TO nXCHANr.B A clean stock of clothing. Invoice JI.10' ) . for good notes , first morl- K\ge. city itropnrty or Nebraska luiuls. Address , 1120 N. 10th street. 104-13 FOH TIIAOR Tliroo stocks of uiorchnndlso for cheap raw land. II. nnd H. dor WU Blionandoab , la , 0.17,17 * rjlO KXCHANOU Morchandlso for farms and J wild land. 0. J. Caswell , room III. Iron Ilank. 01111 FOll SALl'-Mrlckynrd on South llth st. J. I ) . Thomns , Oiiinhu. | j"10ll SAT , ! " Now stock of Indies' furnishing J goods , together with store fixtures. Husl- i ness In full conduct with good trndo. Location he t on Hewmdfit.occupjlng 'A ' store IIIFIIUHIO of seilld brick. J. F. Iluminonil , 11.1 S. 10th st. 0711 FOll SAW' Desiring to retire from husinoss , 1 otter my entire Htock of Oonornl Mor- chnndlso , cnnslstlug of Dry Ooods , Heady Made Clothing , Hats nnd Caps , Hoots nnd Stioos , and Groceries. Would talto Improved and unim proved teal eatnto In oxchiiogo for part of umount fun nhow up n wood record of busi ness. Address lock box No. 7 , Noith llcnd , Neb 827. .T. 10. POH SAI.U Or trade for morchandlsn , ( HO iicrcs of No i farm land near Orand Island. 0. J. Cnnan 815 H IOIISKS Lots.Fnrms.Lamisnioiioyionnoi. . Ilemls.rooni'J. llarkur block S. W. cor. join und rnrnii.ii sts. Ml FOH SALE Harelwnrn HusmPSR Wo offer oiirpbelf mid heavy hardware business for nle , togpthnr with our lease and good will. Trndn largest In thn cltv ami location the best lleitlrliig from the business raiiRo for Rolling The Ilauni Harelwnro Co. , 102s O Bt. , Lincoln. no i M Its. K. TlOOPi : rTrunco "nii Mo- dlum , N. W. corLXitb and Cuss. PEHSONAIMrs. . Dr. Nnnnis V. Warren clnirxeijant , tlpillml and business Medium f lloom No. 3,121 North ICth fit. .Oiuiihn , Nob. COS JjOST. OTOI.KN OH 1 OST From JIM nnd I.i-avcn- k worth bts on Mil lust , a llvoi-colored Irish Spaniiliil dog , reiimrkahly largo for the kind. Will pay MO fen- his doll vety. J. C. Itoynn 222 bsT-llrlmllo Hull ton lor dog , Hut urn to I ) . H. Whoi'ler , corner Orunt at.and Vir ginia uvo , und gtt rutrard , 2l'J ' 12 " OST A ledger ; Under plouno return nnd re J coivu rowuid. H. M Uoulus , HUJ Douglas at. sou IOSl A Newfoundland pup dog , about four J months old. 1'ludur ruturn to W. K. Anntii , Hhoiiiiiinavi' , opposite CurkBt , und claim ro. . AllrtOIiUTi : dlvorce-s cheaply without pub licity , dusortlon , nil e-aiibo parties In any stutu : ndvlcii froo. Address Wm. Walls , Ogduns- burg. Now York. _ 114 ! & _ ' " 'iTidlt itKNT Hqmiro Piano , $ i nioDttflv. A 4J lleiapo. ISnDougUs. 010 _ Puuiic.vr Oi'truns.ia per niuiifn ] & 13 Douglas ( JO'J ] 70H HKNT Stornvo w.intpd in carloiid lots ' orlops at wmuheiueo , cur , Nluhnlati nnd IDtti HH , U. P. switch ut thnhoiibo. Fortunns apply toeleo. Bchwarl/.ilDBouthlitlhtfl. Ul iu * " " " WIIISPKH to Ladles Only -I'oTTnnrrlod lillsa mill single blojsuiliiu by mall $1.UO WoM'iul noclrculais , 1 nunton Sc Co . 1MJ Monroe St. , Chlcagei , Hi , Ib7 11' QHOHTHNDIn ton lessons. No tluidiTig ; L > t fj no pi ltlon ; uipid us aiiocoh , Iii'iriictor , I'cinnraShuithaiid liibllliitu. Dotnilt , Hlcllf _ liKNr Niuuro I'luncT TiinibiiiiiTn A Hocpe.lDtrioUL'lu& ) OH Clairvoyant. to scenic n good rolhlble cLilrxeijaut und li t nuMI'im hliotild cal onllm Inillnn plulrvojnnl nod litnipr. Ho la the oventli MIII ol tliei fovcnth mn horn nltn liatui al houllug po or. Ho tells ml about lovers nnd inixtrlionninl ntlidre. ho u > .U < no unctions , The > Mi Hlshlnirlo consull bun inlint r > tt Wol > - tier Direct , beuwcen 15ih mid K'th e l l 1" > I H * ADAM ALASKA. ClauiTojnnt and palmlgt M Pouth lOlb et.N-l Tnot Nl-Tho phico lo vc' I'm heft oy lor ? Ii J.1 the city , liliiu poluii- , NOW Veux counts .undfi'locta lit t-llvor 'o- i , u > r. JUih und bt. Mury'fl nve. J , H. O Net i. i * M ) . 41bJ 17. TDK BALEinSCEXi'UASI'OUB. . _ "fT'Oll . . tlno bloode-d , SAI.K-A Ni . 1 mine , JJ nt iKinnublo'seule on January l"lli at i o'clpck ucur thy pusiolllcu. Cuiiucll UJuUb , > > 19 FOH AL"C-The furniture of n new house , with nil modern convenientflllfel wlin ) O rdorS ! terms made easy ; Iho rea on forspll- ng , ill-hpftlth , Apply U01 Douglas st , W 13 * SAI.E-Acnrloalol choice freshcows - and snrlngors just nrrtvpd from thp-dalry farms of lown. K ti'rb-ook'8 yards , 10th nnd 'npnvo. Crone A , Hoyles. 217 11 * PAl.F.-l'uTnltnre nnd hoii * > liolel pooel -U complete of fre > om cottnge : jinrtlos gtring up housekeeping ! cud prone tOJ Content st T7-OH BAT.n-Two full blooded Kmtll'h pointer Jpups , Importoil from F.ngland , Tiorth fi5 cnch , will sell for tli each. Inquire 150 * } . - - . PAfU A good n year old her e.harnc s and buggy. Hnqiilro nt HOS Douglas st UJi TJToTfpALI ? Oli'TMADK-Ono 2 < 1 hand sldc- Jbar buirgy , ono 2 < 1 hand phnoton , nt.o do- Ivory wagon. Cheap. A. Hospe , 1511 Douglas. 761 J W -Tjpo-wrltor , JW. J. I ) , llnynos , IloxiWo , Onmhn. M7 171OH SAMJ-Hnpld Holler Damp " .oaf Conlnr , JL1 Shannon Files , Letter aim Hill Fllos anil I'll- Ing Cnblnntsnnd Transfer Cases , Indexes for Ledger nnd n purposes. Imposition hullrtlng. 20 < JI2 _ _ Tjidll SA iiR Furniiuro ftnd tcino ot six-room JL' houpo , tlmo on port. Call 19M North 27th ftrcot , two blocks from Hod Cur line , E3) ) FOll SAI.I * Cnoap. iron columns nnd win- dowcnpasultahlo for front on brick liullil- Ing. Fornartloiilnrnapply atthlsofflpp. Ml ncr.p. 'ANTHD-A blacksmllli nt XX 8. 'th st. 22. * . 14 * \\7-ANTnn Laborers nnd rockmen for \Vy. 'i omliiff Albright's Labor Agency , 1120 I nrnam. 101 V\7ANTK A trontloman who has had consld- ' orablo otperlonco In kocpinp books by double entry desire" nninlnuncnu Oord rofor- onccs. AddiessU 10 llddolllco. 18311 * " \\TANTKD-ilon , nomoii , bovs , fflrls to earn 1 f70 per month nt their own homes costly outfit of samplo" , n packako of poods and lull liiformation for 100 to help pay postago. Ad dress II , U. Itonoll & Co. , Uutlund , VI.IMflO IMflO * WANTIJIt News apont to run on ralhoads. liiiiulro II. Tlrimpooii , .MoriIs' Employ ment Agency , South 10th st. ItU U' WASTI'D Atfonta to solicit family orders for groceries In Omaha nnd sin rounding lowns. on salary or commission. Address C , 10 , lloo olllco. 172-ir , WANTUD-A legitimate druggist of sovein 3 para experience nnd best refer ences understands Iho huslnessfiomproscriptions to cuttingglnssnnd handling pilnts nnd oils , do- 'Iros poslllon In flrst-clnss retail or wbolpsnlo hoiijo , paints and e > tls or travnl , consultation evenings If doalrod. Address 0 ,12 , HPO olltco. _ Fir. Hi * W ANTIJD Dorks , snlosmon , book-keopcrs and iisslqtiint olllcp help and an ) one poUnp position j of the bettor clnsa to call for lncos HI the Omaha llojjlstry llureau , 220 N 15S-111 WANTnu-rirst-class nardnner who under- stnnds lawns iiml hot IIOURO. Address Ilm- ploypr , 1' . O. , Omaha , with rcfcicnccs. ] ( )2 12 " \\fANTnu BO Fobor. lntclll ent moil of good i iiddiesa to trv n lOu meal nt Norrls' res. taurant , 101 S Kith ht. 1KI \\7ANTfiD-Two clffarmakors ; hand workmen - men ; union prleospnlJ. Apply to ft'o. ! K. Godfrey , Fremont , Nob. l 52 10 A OUSTS In the city or country C'xn mak.of "i to J10 n day selllnir our sponliillios. N.V. . Novelty company. 1207 Kiirnnm st. 012 \7A3ITED-PEaiAl.B HELP. WAwTKD A compptout survaut able to cook , In small family. Wages fltoj. ) . Apply l ! i tit. Mar > 's avenue. 22(1 ( WANTIU-llnhi Rlrl nnd dish- washer , liuiulro Miller'sKestuurant , 1001 N Kill St. 222 I'ANTUD At ouco , girl. 2718 Lcux'onxvorth. > 215 A good cook Must bo well ro- commended. Oood wtfus. Mrs. Morse , ii o cor 20th i'.nd Davenport los-.iu WANTUD-ln family of 3 , nrst-class girl for penoial housework. No ether npod ap ply , nt 1TOS Fiirniiin St. 201 12 WANTUD-20 Oiils for Private families : bo-t wages. Omaha Umploymcnt Huieau.llU north 10th St. , Capitol avo. 2)2 ) 12 rANTUD A xvonuin to tench Artistic I'm- broidery nt 102J Cntheriiio st. 201 11 wANTUDOIrl , good cook and landrcss , 20J N Ihth st 110 1. ) ' WANTF.D Immodlately. good COOK and lauiidioss ut Dr. V. II. Coif man. Sdthund St. Mnry'auvo. 11 > J 11 * " \X7ANTHD-Shlrtmnkors. Omnbiibhlrt fuc- V > torj'.IiOSN. liilhst. 177 10 \VANTUD A compctemt girl for kltcheTi * > work. Mrs Itnbcrtl'urxis , cor 23rd nnd St Mary s live . or211 Se ) . 1 lib St. 17S12 WANTUD Olrl lor trenural housework. Oood wages to competent girl. JIM South Twcnty-llfth Btieot , second hoiiBo south of rarnain. 17712 * TTrATNUD A competent housekeeper who V Is willing to do the housework cvcort washing , 1020 Catherine st. 12t U WANTUD A gill to help with general houao- work , one w ho can go homo to sl < * up at night , lii < | iiiro at 1714 Douglas St. I'M ' WANTUD-Oood girl , Ungllsh or acriiian , cook , washur and Ironor. Imiulre 2'U Cnss st. IL'L. ' WANTUD First-class Ijiiundic&s. Coy/ens hotel. ! J WANTUD An otpctlcncod conk in smiill fiunllj ; good wages pnld. Mis ( I J limit , n w cor Virginia no and ( irant st 7 " > _ LTANTUD Glil for vcnurul hoiibowork. No. 1U1S Capitol lucnuo. ( J75 WANTUD Ladles nnd gontlrmen in city or countr ) to take light work iitttielrbou.os. $1.00 to ( .l.tUix day easily raado : rtoik font bv mall , no canvassing. Wo nnvo a good donrind foi our work ami furnish sti-ady omployinont. Aildrosk , with stamp , Crown illjf Co .211 Vine Rt..Cincluimtl O. 4r.'iJJO * \\TANTUD 110 lliillurt .t gnuts to loifn tcio- t i graphy I'rospnct good for poslilon when compcteiit ; address W. J. 1) . , Hoom 1 , Cronus blk.Umahn. i : > 7 BITUA'PIOII WANTED. YITANTUD Situation us nurse by Oorman lady. Jniiilrn | IIB.IJtliBt. _ 10J 12 * WAN'l UD Position ns coacTimnn by young slnplomiin. Al-o good iMor. and thor oughly reliable. Address 0 It lieu olllco WAN'IUD A llrat class dross maker Just from Now Voik. Would like employment In llrst class familloa by the day. Address c in , Ilcu olllco. 10311 * " \\'ANTUD-lnterost or situation In real os tatu olllco by mini of small capital. C. 9 , lice olllco. m 10 * V/ANTiS. W ANl'l'.D -Tuams.SOa S. llth at. \\7'ANT To tradu good desliablo Omatia rcul i pstnto for gooil drug store III NobruaUu , AeldicbS 020 , lleo olllce.Oinahii , Ne'b , 211 10 " \\7"ANTUD A fnrnishod room for tlnirlo ) > geutlomnn. State price und locution , Ad drnes 1) ) ! > , l.'co olllcu. 1C7 \\rANTUD To lease for he > avy elornge- , ' ground Hoot , biisemnnt eir ground with trackage ) , oonvonluiit to Inisliioii contro , ad. eliesa , Hnctor . \ Willielmy Co , city. _ UJa la " \\TANTUD Fuinltluid IIOIIHO In nice location t > 7te > 'Jrooms. Ills lloo ollico. C7I " \\r.\NTUD Te ) "buy "o housu and lot for > C--Wlorfil.OOJciiuh. Address John Hognn , 1R80 Dongliisst. wto \\'ANT1'D A gentleman requires board nnd 11 lodginir with prlvulu family , Addi o s C. in , lleoollico. isu 11 * WANTED 1'loasantiy fnrmehcd. hunted room for two gems within ten blocKs of Fnmnm nnd loth ; notlo oxcce > dtun elolluri per moiitn Address 017 life olllco , Ib5 11 , \\'ANTKI ) To rrntii 7 to 8 room hou o ubout > thomlddlo eit Jnmmry. AiMiess , II. 40 , llpoOllie'o , givingloc'itlon and tunny. 7J'J WANl'UD A young man doslros Instruction outhcgnltur from u competent toauher. Addrt > t > s 11 41 , lioo O'llcu. ' 1K \\TANTKD -A roller top do k in germ oondi' > > lion. Aildruia otiitliitf loiuth und price C'nsh , Hotel Millurd. bti'i ill * AKD I.OTS. Itr.NT 10-room housu with lurt-o stiiblo , \e > ry choapto rUht paity. Mushall : .v Jxj beck , 1.V U Kutn'im , 221 HHNT-O room cott-ige. No , mt WtU trcot. Apply Ull Kurnani at. OT3 U I/UH Itr.S'T-Ijirpo dry bH8 mnnt Flno oblp- .L1 pm. fiulUtloj U It sldo-truok ut door. Axory Planlurcompanycor.ElKtith nnd Pncltio. K P. l > ay , ninnngcr. 6fi J 11 T7 > OH HUN r-7'room house. 611 Vjiglnla nvo , I * t block -from lreu't curi , | J3 per ninntU. licit McCuuJlUQ , Ull UuJ o. biO HF.NT An upp r story ff'tlOft , ha itntr- FOH , elevator nnd alley In rear. Suitable- for Igbt storage. Ills Farnam Direct. C1J 12 * " Oil llUNT rTnTe-roomTiouso , CMS Ufivnn port St. 1 < " 1 13 _ _ _ _ FO H HUNTlly7 > b 1st. ton room house , modern Improvomnnts , 1 mlnutoswalk from P.O. On st car lino. Inquire nt 1408 IJougliiS st. HO -H'Oll llKNT-Storonil N. lotti St. OOJ.'K * OH HUNT PottaiP , 0 rooms , Sid and Doug las. O. K. Thompson , S. W. oor. llth nnd Harnoy sts. 9 > J TJIOU HUNT Nine room house , Hansconi JL1 jilace. Helter ie Campbell , Hoom 1 , 15J3 Farnnm street. ISO-IS ' HUNT Hou o 10" rooms nil modern Im- IT'OH , 2U9 N 12th. 171 12 * TTUW HUN I'-Small liouso.cor' ovontccnth nnd JU Dal etiport si roots. S Ijchman. 170. 7 OK HUNT Kiirnl'hod or unfurnished , nlco jJ 8-toom heiusp , hot wiitor , bnlli , etc. , on Park nvc. The C. U. Jlnyno , H , K , VT. Co. 16.1 U * * 0ll linx'T N'IOPIIOW brick siororoomoii Cumlng st. Splendid location lor dry goods storo. ( Jood fi room dwelling on 15th st bet Jones nnd Lewemworth. fi room uottago on Charles st bet 23lh nnd 2.'th ' st. Wp have fonio nlco cltv property for silo on liberal terms nnd 20ncres of suburban properly In wht"h tli011) is n bnrirnln. Persons having propottv for sale or rent will onnlltollst withusns uo have tnmilrles nnd rnstoinoM for property In nil tiirtseiflho city. King .V Templcton , nt Citlrons' bank 210) Cum- Ing Ft 171 1,1 IT1OK HUNT House , 1 rooms , corner Phi L Sheridan and Howard sts. House , 0 rooms , all modern Improvements , Ilnrney and 20th sts. New brick store , north Iftth st 4 now stores no'ir HnsctiU's hotel , south llth st . ? ! * > ) > or month Ilrlck warehouse on ILIU track nnd pivod street ,1rd tory ll-irlcor building , 15th nnd Fnrnom , ( Wfcetsiiuaro. C U. Mm no , llth and Harnoy. 227 Foil HENT-If jou want to rent a house , call on lloniwa& Co. , opposite posteifllco , f > J3 F OH HUNT A barn for 1 bond of horsos. In- aulro of M. V Martin. 8 < 7 FOH HUNT A nlco R-rnntn cott'in. by S. T. 1'cturson , s. o. cor. 15th and Doughx * . 477 T710H HUNT 0 room house , city rrator. Bti-eot JL1 cms , 1'4 md' s trom I1. O ; $ Ji per month. 1) . 0.1'attorMOmaha ! ) Natl bank. 7IU FOH HENT-Larco barn with water privi leges. Apply ixt 1818 Chicago St. ! FOH -3hotnoilOroomsoioli , with nil modern improv'oinoiits , 21st anJ Hurt. Inqtiliu of Dr. 1'aul , Inth nml todi < o. M4 I OH HUNT ! i room house on rniirim st. hot. 1 18th and l'th. ' ) ( 'Ity and rlscoru wnlor , sheds andoutbullitlnvs : brick collar , t5J per month. J. 1Hammond. . 117 S IfHh st. 41D ifKN f SulTnhlnTorTotililnif lTous ' . m end and 'Ihlrd I'loois , UliliK ) with base ment and oloviitor , ontrauco Irom trout on Douglas St. , and untratipo on jrroundlloor from i cur -jlovator. . Address A 'Jl , lieu olllco. 270. J7 < OH HUNT 2 iio-v houses S. H cor. llth und 1 Vlnton. Imiulroem promUes. "M FOH HUXT-Splondld h'lsomentfls.'l with el- cxator Hiiqulro2l02Ciimliig st. 1211 POH HUNT 2 n-room lious-es , Ilidlou Ilros. , 15UI Douglas st. 121 10 11OU HUNT U room house H. W. cor. 7th and 1'nclllo. Inqutro M. V. Mixttln. 211 FOH HUNT Six new brick stores with busc- ments.corner Ulovonth and Howard : choloo location ; all conveniences. Loavitt lltirnham , Hoom 1 , Crclshton block. fti * Ti > OH HUN'r-Ononowcott'iao , 7 moms , SJJ. JP Throe now2 story ho.isos , ? IO , ono nt ? l > ; ocated , all eonvonloncos Loavitt Hum- hum , Hoom 1 , CrcUhton block. 127 TTlOi : I'.r.VT 80 auros nljouim ? city mm- -L' west , sultatilo for il'iiry or mnvkot uar.ton. Apply to Thoo. Williams , lloe Ollloo , 'JU Fur- num. ft1) ) * _ HUNT Sloro IJt'10 ' , lllfl Jackson st , 783 JTOJi ESMT KOOMS. FOH HUNT Lnr/o. sunny , south room with alcove. All modern conveniences. 101' ) Dodgost. TO "IT'OH HUNT Kurolsnod looms three blocks J from Hoydsopera house , Ml south 10th st. I71OH HUNT Nicely furnlstiod room. Holor- J-1 i < nccsreiiiirul. 10J7 Douglas. 0-7 * FOH HU.N'T I/irgo. fiont , ollico room , north west corner 15th an J Hiirney sts SIOOO per montlu 4J1 FOH UEXT A urge front clnunbor xvltli closet , gas , fiiriiucn I b.ith , fi'JI S. 2Jth ht. block north St Mary's i vo. ! )0 ) ! . HUNT Kurnlihud room. A. llospe , 1511 Dniighm st mi _ _ FOll HUNT 'I rooms nnfiirnlshol euit-vblo for hoiiacknpplii JT , 1017 N 2Jth st ; apply to M. F. Mnrtlli-lin h nth st. 40) ) FOH HKNT Two iiuturnishuil rooms for light housekeeping. bO'J Howard st , between Bth nnd Htli. 42. ) TflOH ItlJVr Unfurnished room , suitable for -L' olllco. Imiuiio Mis.A. Hicu , llusliiiuni blk , FOH HUNT Very elnslriible f tirmfrhv I room , leicitlon central , 1311 Cup. nxo. 17o 12 * 17 OK HUNT I.'iwo furnlsbe-d nnd limited I room for emu or t o gcntlcnicn , ? 12 per month. 11)10 ) Wobstur street. U5-I.I * FOH HUNT FuinMinel rooms convonlcntly located. Imiuiio I MM Cn-sst , 12010 F"OH HKNT-Furnlshod room. 711 N. isnn inth St. * FOIt IIUNT-riunialiud room , sultnblo for2 orl. Choiip. Illlll Chicago M. 21(112 ( * "TJIOltltl'.N'T Nicely funiKhiMl rooms with -U ( lint class board. All modern rout cnlt'iucs , 21/0 / Jones. Tour blocks S. of I'axton hotel. M'l 10 * 1/lOK HUHl' ' 1 ronma miltnhhi for houso- JU l.ooplnif. 711 PuclllDSt. Kent , 31BO ) . | ) | TTiOlt HRN'r Kitriilshoii ? oem , " fufuuco. com 4lortnbln in e'oldo t xvoutlier , nnd gus. In- quireI'.l'l ' Fmiiiuu 111 U1OH HUNT 3 nlco nowlv puipre-il rooms , watorln kitchen ; Hiiltiibln tor housekeep ing. PI ice , tu'.M ) . nn i Nuiii \ ( , t. Apyiy to oxupr , M. I' . Martin , : il S. 15th t. VII T71OH HUXT-Tei gontluman , u room , f 10 per OJ mo , 1712 Cullleirnlu. U4 f OH HF.NT Pleasant furnishu.l front pnilor I1 und bo.ird room for nuin and wife or gemtlomnn , lir > nlod room , warm and cold bath , Kill .Id floor Howard st , --124) ) II * HUNT Nlco xx Inter reiotns , 1901 Fnrnftin. 201 W * FOH KI'.NT ruinlshcd rooms for hoiisekcep Ing. Choixp. 20J1 WobaterMl. 214 Ifi * " \\rANTKH-To runt a lar'ii unfuinlslied > room with board for two , in private fam ily , lift or Feb. 10 , wllhm il blocks west ol tha P , O , Addri-ss O. Ill , Hou nlHco. 207 . 'UD Fiirnlshoil rooms In n Ilrft 11 it or email cotliigc , for light hou&dkoopliur ; 1 to 0 rooms , within 12 Piiuiiroi Mlllard hottd. Ad- drohS H , Mlilard hotel , Omaliii , giving price , lo cation and conveniences. 20S-1J * FOll HKNT I.iirgo furnished room with board. Inqulio 1'il't Howard. 20.Vii : > FOH HUNT Fin nlHhod r6oms , cholcn table board at 1 121 1'ierco bt adO-U * _ 171011 ilHNT-Hopms nlciily furiilahod nt nil -I' prlios , liom Si , $10 , * ! - ' . ? ! ' a month cucli. Mil riouth ll'th ' stri'H , north tit. Muiy'tmvenuu T71 I OH HKNT 81oophisr rooms. f4iriilshoil nnd JU unfuriilsliciJ.iUSjJlloH-anl but.Btli und lltti. 1(8 ( 1r Oll HUNT uoslr.iblo nowiy furnishol ' roonib for gnntlouon. : lias , balli nnd tur- nucobeilt. 222J Diidge ) . J.iCJI.'i * IpOH HUNT Nlco looms nt 1 > "JI Furirim st , J-1 ono block wuat of couit house,8outh sMo. em Ij > OH HUNT N'nutly furnished rooms , slnglo V ordoiihlu , lllb liowar.t Btmot. Mi 1 > OAUO and room fortxvo. 1C1J Capital uxo , J 7I 11 * Inoit HUN' l' Ulogunt rooms on atroot car line , uath anl a * s , s w. oor JJtU nd Webstur. _ K1J _ _ HKNT I'm iilehod rooms for light house plnu , lioomocd Hoc Is , cor otli \ Howard. " " _ _ _ _ . _ _ Bit OH IIE.N'T-NnwIy f urnlshud , boutoil front loom 2511 St. Mary s.ive. ' A FOll HUNT I.nrgo plo ant roonn.wlth closet _ Southfroiu 1110 Chicago etrcot , 818 " fTIOH HUNT N Icoly f urnislic"d front roe m J- ' with pluno if desired All molurn convonl- ciiccs. 4U N lUt hull cot , Ui > j T OH HUNT Four iinluniisiioit room ? -L ! tor hoiisekooplng to sin ill family , lo cated on Ooorgimnoiioarsuoutcarj.suri-ounn- Inira pleasant und will rent chettp to good pnrtirs ; reference required. Afldroas A , ftl.Uoo olUcu. 217 _ _ UM-SulUiotuetrly furnlshol Moon JIn nuw tin mo ; modern coawnloncosi to ceutlomou. lui Dodge et , ift ! ) ron , ON January 20th lots In AVnfUld addition will mix nnco 11 pt-r cent. During the wn- | terr thus far they nine boon sold nt from 1400 to t-9) on remarkably rftsy tor ns , one eighth cash , the balance flO per ijojith , Surround ing propetty is from 5i > to iTsflor cent , higher thnnthc o prices. 19 lots Wttmln untold. .1. I , Hammond , 117 South tflxWfcath street , * ole agent. f gj 1 MMtUY nrobonttlltul , anil much larger than L in other additions , Is thuwsuil xordlct ro. gnrdliiK the MOluts In AlbrkMls choice , 10J property fo ? > li > nt n sacrifice , R frontage of N ) ft liHn50 In depth em California st , bet ) th nnd dlst M , for g'-VOl , tl.nnornsh. bnlfineo 1,2 r.ndSyenu nt 8 per cent Intel-list , pajablo sptnl-annunlly. 'Ihcse lots lire fiom ni * too feet H.IHIVO grndn. In a ehotco lo- oolntv nnd fine location , otflj fl blocks from Creighton e.oMoirei and the Sncrod Heart Mboed for gnls ; within , ! blorksof the beautiful Mto purchased by the city , upon which will bo eire-cteil ono nf tlio largest nnd handsomest school hoii'os In Omnhn , 1J minutes' walk from him school , II blocks from n pax-ed street , upon xrlilch the street curs nro running oxory 7 min utes A discount of $100 will bo made to cnsh purchaser ; nn nbsrant ( will be gli'on showing ix perfect title. Win Vales triistoo 218 ' ' 'our now addition. Acres f KM to JflKJ per aaro. South Omnha , And Sjliento Hill. Mnrshixll Sr Lobofik , 1C3 1MJ I'urn.xm. LOTS VACANT in Plain Vloxvin > 1. * Slots , McCormick ndd on Leavonworth st , ff2'WO feir both , $ } ? } & ) cn h , bnl'im-e tttiiei. One lot , Illinohiiiigti I'laoo , near llnnscom Park , $2,10 : ) , one-hilt c'isli. 1 lot , Hlmobnngh's 1st add , near 17th st$3COO. one-third cash , balancn 1,2 nnd ; iears. Lots In Patrick's nddltion , $1,200 , f300 cash , Imlntico 1,2 and II years. Wo hnvo n nice list of Soulh Omaha proper/ ! on our books that ono can eloublu their money on In n short time. House on Chlpntro street , ? 2GJO , 8 rooms , SJOO cn h , lnlmico 523 tier mouth. Park .V Fowler. 1VDiiuglas. . 170 12 IIDOM Is linmonio In South Omahn prnpi-it ) , and Albrlirht'-t Cliolco leads them all. Thcro is not n bud lot lit this beautiful propnrty. 10) ) R7N1SCo5rT'ljiJBItuyliisr ix lot In linns- com I'l ice mi-itiH n snfo Investment and Inrso profits U'olmvo a lonrr list ol them In nnd around llninocm 1'nrk ' which wo mint to ooll to you IIOK , lipforn the sprlmr advnnco. 1'rlces lance from $1.000 to $3,0)0 ) , ono-thlrd to ono-lmlf cusli and some of thorn are sure onouih bargains. riropory & Hndlov , Itooms 1 and n. Hedlok block , BiO S 15th St. AIlSTItCrSOrTITr.r.nnl tltlosto real estate Kunrantoi'd Midland Guarantee & Trust company , IWi rnriinm si. 1'H f7 A MlIS llcnl list it" Aconcv are 'olllnir lots In f v llniitconi pnikndiJIMon on fair prlci" > iind terms. You am mvlto-l to como mill see what thlsirrouml l , its location and sutroiitullnirp. If j oil huv now } ou will niiikp the sprint : mid "Uimni'r advanconnd If > ou want npliiooto bullit a homo no bettor 1' than Iliuipcom paik can be found It will pay you to fully m- rodtliratu the merits ol llansrom Park addition. Como mid do so nt your eiullcst comntilpncu. Aim * , 1507 1'aniam st. 1 2 V. / " " ) , N J annity 20tTi"lots In Almflold Addition \7llliidvixiicuinporcunt. . riurlnw the win ter thin f'tr they have been fold at from ? IOO to WOion romaik'ibly enny turins , ono-piirhth cash , the lialaneo f 1(1 ( per month Surrnundlni ; piopnnj Is Irom 6'i ' to 7f > percont. hlirhur than thcsn prices. 18 lots roinnln unsold. .1. K. Ilaminond , IP SoutH Sixteenth sttoet , solo airent. KM l'P.W of these lots In A | . Inlnht' mid iltiuhlo vour monnv holotoiirmir. . Allirlcht I , mtxKlnir lots of moiiuy lor lot of pooplo\vlo | piirchnso from htm. Only n little money ioiUlit | < d to buy n lot. 100 Tlir. ItOOM l linnicnso In South Omnhn tiropcitnnil Alhinrlit's Clinlcn loads ttiom all. Thuto Is not a bad lot In this boiutlful piopurty. , 1UO FOIt SATiK ImproVud tar'ni , 401 acres , tti miles from l > m ihu , tno ? end house" , lnr o barn , 2JJ hearing tioo , SJ" > portion * , lllir bar- train. Huir & I'mUmm , No. IJiJ N. 10th t. Itoom a , Lincoln , Nob. ( Jfirt ! . ! rplllJYnro lieaullful , and much larjror than -I In other Is the Usual - additions. verdict ro- L'OO lots In Albrlirht's Choice 100 ON.Ianua.-ySOth Iota in Alnsflold Ad lltlnn will iidvunco 1.1 i > or cent During the win ter thus ; far they hmo boon Brtld at trom flOO to $ 01 , on remarkably easy terms , ono-ol htli oiisli , the h.ilanco f li ) per montU. Suiioundliic proport > 'is tioin SO to 7. > per cont. hlslier than tlipso prices. IS lots rom-iln unsold. J. K Hammond , 117 South Sixteenth street , solo lfi.1 GltiiOUV& : HADL'CV , MomhoisOmuhii Heal Eitnto ivchaiigo. llooms 1 nnd ailcddick lllock , JM South riftvuiith ftttoul. Conipr on Dodito ( li > \-l.'H. Improved and iuntlniriorlllil ( | > orvpnr. . . . ? : WOUO Coiner l.lJxlton Kloventh strt'ct. near South i > nd ol Mii'lupt . ' 0,000 Lot Wixia , ' , half bloclt Iroiniunv union ( oiilySI.HO oa h 1. . . 12,001 lliirjrnlnsln bi.oliip * * property In all onrts of "hiHlness , " anvl hoiisos and lota In llunscom Place. 1S1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , . "TTinit SAl.i ; 700 acres of line land In Nnnco -L county ; $10 pcriicro ; onu-liall ca"h.lialunro casv tcjms. ( , rxllJ , ) Ipoton 10th M. (2(1.0111 ( ; ! llx II ! ) feet on loth st , ? lfiV)0. ) H. W. Hiintrpss. 150 ! > rarnam st. SUO-H * IIIIAT nxciTKMr.NTin Ponlh Omnhn over the way iicio- . and lots la AlhilKht'.s Clioku Twenty two lots suul In ono day. 100 FOU SAU5 Some of the host agricultural land In Kastornobnisldi at $10 per tioro on Sn years' tlmo , r. per cMit Interest nnd no tixxus. Wilteor fall lor particiilurs. O ! ' . DavlR it Co , Omahii.Nob. r.IOJ.i ) _ H AVi ; you seen thnm' ff not. cull on W. ( J. AlhrUht and io out to Soulh Omnliit will ] ono of his iijroiits to Inspect Ihn iiniKiilflcoiit propei ty known as Alhrluht's Cliolco 10 , ) HAVi : you -.01)11 thnm ? It not. pull on W. fl. Allint'lit and k'ooiit to South Onvilm with ono of his ayeiits to inspect tliu pioportj known us MbrUlit'i Choice. 10) G HUAT F.XC1TI.MUNT in Poiilh Onmhn over the wit } iicrosmid lots in Allnlslit s Cholcu 'J'ncnti-tvvo lots sold in emu dny. 1W ( ' FOH SAI.U A"iJil : ncru furni with house , bnrn nnd prlli , on the I' . P. Hy. , und e > nly one- half mile Irom u good railway town , with e'huicliosaiid schools. Price S8'KJ. ) Apply to l.ouls llr.iillonl , cor. 9th and Douglas , Omaha , Neb. Ml rpllI'V mo iieiiiiiitifr , and iTiiR-irmT Tr than JL Inotherii'ldllions. ' h the iisiia1 vetdltt le- irarduitrtlio. , ) ' ) lots In Albrlpht'H Clioleo. 101 GEVIJINi : UAKRAINS-Two corner lots m Iliinlottocoiiit.only I blocks Irom Sinn- dor'sstieot U'irj. W , M. llushm in , Hoom lj ( , Uushmon lllock , N 12 cor ICth un 1 lou.'lm. 117 ON January -'Oth lots In Alustlold Addition will ndviinco r > per cent. Durlnir xlio win ter llius far they havn boon sold at from f 100 to$8i . on ipumrimhly may terms , one I'lRlnh ca htho Imlanco S10 potmonth. . Biirroundlui ; property Is from 60 to 75 pur cunt , hlirhcr thim these pilcea. 18 lots iiinmln unsold , J , F. Ilaminond , 117 South blxtecnth street , solo agent. IB'i I IIU IIDOM Is linmonsn in South Onmhn property , nnd AlbrUht a Choice loads thorn nil. Minro la not a bud hn In thU lni.iutifu property. 100 M'SII It BI'CillV'S ndd. rn1 ( South Omaha. I lle.iulll ul le > tn , only IV ) Ili vn. 7UI GIIUAT F.XCITUMUN'T In Potitli Onmhn ovnr the way nercs and lots In Albilght's Cholco arc going. Twonty-two lots bold In ono ijny UK ) J * I lot , nour cor. rtaw.irl st , treiutlii' ? e > n Bnun. elors st. ami pax-od at. ; oho | ! * ior cash. J. Hico.l Co. , ovar Coinniorciiiififii'i. ' 77i " 11 AVU you eeon ilium ? Ifiuu. o ll on W , O I i Albright anil go out to South umnha with ono of hlsngonts to Insppct 'Ilio maginflcont preiperly known ns Albrhrht'f ( Jholco. li > ) KUN'DALL'3 AIDITON-At ) junction of Snunelprsstreet and IJiilt Irfiie1 , Just put in inarkot. Will sell u foir tots olio ip. D Kondiill , rcB.W. _ _ cor. Kill und tulifoniijx si. 7'ri II rpllUV mo bcntitlfiil , itnil inipli larger than J. in eitlu'r additions. Is tuoiunnl xerdict tu- gariling tbo V'OJ lots In Albright's Choice 100 FOH SALK -Oood 8te > ck fnpif' , ; w ) ucroi , run. nlngxvuler , lix)0 ) coids ot bird wood .1.1) . Thumaij.Oiiiuha. 73J 11 * ' "plIU HOOM is linuionso In outli Omulm J property , and Albright s Cholco lends thnm nil. 'Ihcro U not a bud tut lu this bciiutltul properly 103 I1A1IU bnrguln ; 4' ' ) acres of land very cheap - " in linow.inn southern ciimuto. lor pur- tlculnrsaddross II JJ Hoe olU-o. 7 J2a * BUV A FIvXV of ibose olpguiuT lots In AT hright's Cliolco nnd eloublo jour money bpforo spring Albright Is milking lot * of money lor lots ot people who pincliasn from him. Only a little money ro iulro.1 to buy u lot 100 CJOI'TH OMAHA-Wohuvo for silo two , jn- IJelleatolotj fl,07JOc-uch , llrst payment only Jioo. iiul. moritmy or < iuuriorly Also coiner and adjoining lot In lllock 25 , J2. W ) Firt piiyineiiil , * 7M , I to , t Una In HnsiiSelby'iiudd ? .Wone-t < > ntb ciihh , b.iluote monthly or eiuurterly. Absfuct with every lot. Albright's Annei lots > 'ii5 to $ & , $50 cusli , lialiinco moiitbly ineiunilorly. . itU4UiBfclby,2186. JitU. TO ! T"flOR SAt.K-An Improved fnrpi of 3 acres 0in Oaco county , Nebr eka. 10 miles north of Heiitrlcp , nnd 3 miles from PloKoreil > tAtlon , on 1 . ' ' I1) ' ; ! npir8-roum honee , largo burn , veil , wind mill , orchard cent ilnlnc l apple lrcD , 130 ficres iitulor cultivation , nj acres fenced , mriro cittlc i she'd , anon shed , cno room for S.V * ! bushels of corn , heig and cattle corrals , plenty of water for stock , large cottonwood RTOVO. This U one of the best farms In Onto county and n bargain nt * 10.MH One-third cash , balance In 10 3 ears nt 0 percent Interest. To trade for Omnhn real estate , ono team of largo work horses , now get double work haruoss nnd new waeon. Two business lots 22tSJ ft on LoavrMiworth street , chonp , M.OJO. llellor i Campbell , room II , SOU Farnam M. 210 GUEAT FA'CRFMKNf firSomh mTUnTTrvror the ) wajucrns and lots In Altirlgnf' " Cholco nro going. Twenty-two lots sold In ono dnv. 100 Tf HKH Ansi HACT with every lot In Hush St J1 Solb > 'sndd. 7PJ GHKATflXriTUMKNTInSonth Omaha over the w.iy acres and lots In Albright's Cholco nro going. Twenty-two lots sold In ono elay. 100 HA"t Uyoit scon them ? If not , call on W. O. Alhrleht nnd go out to South Oinnhii with ono of his agents to Inspect the magnificent property known as Albright's Cholco. 10- ) SOUTH OMAN A 3 lots m Albright's Annex at t-SS-i oach. A rare bartxln. llusli A Solby.318 S. 15th. 7SS KOO PRH CF.N P protlt hns been made slnco last t' August by pnrchnsors of lots from Mr. Albright , In the addition west of Altirlcht's rhotco. Albright's choice beats them all nnd don'ton forget It. lee RUSH A SKUlVsis"aJ ; , bavo o\clu lvo sale of cor. lot , Shull'a ndd. 0 rent liar- pain fl.V.I 2 lots , Orchard Hill , each 1,000 Hamilton t. lot. bargain 1,2K ) Marsh's ndd , on l.einonworth , per foot . . . 101 Sheriimn ill o , Paddock add , US It 7,000 I.OWO'H add , W ft , blk O , monthly pay ments . 1,200 T.owo'sadd.lotO , b 0 1,003 Iii ! > lno 8corf Lioivenwoith , oust of Holt line 2.010 Ilnrney st wholcsnlo district , 23 ft , to trndo for city Improved property. House and half lot. N 22nd st $ . ' ,5oO South Omaha lots on monthly payments.7U3 7U3 ON Jnnunry 20th lots In Ain f1old Addition will advance 15 per cent. During the n In ter thus far they have boon sold at trom $400 toS'fl'Von ' romnrkably easy terms , onoululith cusli , f ho hnliiiiro ? 10 per inonth. Surrounding property Is from 50to 7 , * > per cont. higher than tlicso prices 18 lots remain unsold. J. F. Hammond , 117 South Sixteenth street , solo ntCiit. ! 105 500 PUHCUNT profit hns boon mndo Mneo lust August by purchaspis eif lots nom Mr. Allnlcht , In tbo iiddltlem west of Albright's Cliolco. Albright's Cliolco bents thorn nil and don't i ou forgot It. 100 ON January 20th lots In Alnsflcld Addition will niUnnco IB percent. Duilnir the win ter tints fur HUT hnvo been sold nt from $400 lojsijo , on remarkably easy forms , ono-clghth cnsli , the halnnco f 10 per month. Surrounding property Is from."into 75per cent , higher than these prices. IS lots remain unsold J. F. llnmmond , 117 South SMconth ttieor. solo ngout. * Ifij T7OH PAIjU Tot OU1H3 foot on Davenport , r bPtne-onlltli nnd 12th st'.pets , with two houses ; Jll.OOO.t-.O'JJ ' cash and long tlmo. In Insliio property wo have a largo list of business nnd residencelots llrst clnss. Purchasers will do well to BOO ns bolero buying. Jlurshnl .V Io- beck , 15D3 Fiu num. t'JJ T'HK DOOM Is Immense In South Omixbix propoity , and Albilght's Choloo leads them nil Tnero is not a bad lot In this beautiful property. 100 FTOO PUH CUNT prollt hns been mndo since hist - ' August by purrhusors of lots from Mr. Albright , In the uildltion west ot Albilgbt's choico. Albilght's choice bouts them all und elon't you forgot It. 100 LOT fronting 2 MieolB , " 5th und 1'iicillo , 2 houses , $2ffK ) ; casv terms. Ilcstlot hi Orchard Hill with fi room bouse , bnrn , well , cistern , f i nit and shndo trees , Jl.OOJ : easytoi ins. Lots' ' , 10,11 , U , 27 and23 , blocu 7 , Orchard Illll.vorychOMp. S. W. cor. llth nudracino , 00x133,3 flno cot- tancs , JS.OOO. Leit fronting on Convent and 24th fti. , Im- pioieinoiits worth MJ01 ; Z bousos , city and cistern wate > r , fiWOO , ensy terms. r.-room cott'igo and lot , 2tli and Chnrlos , ? 2"00. fill ) cash , but. ungy. Mead A ; Jumlosou , aiS S llth bt. 0 1 ' , nnil much larger thhn In enlicr additions. Is the usual voitllct ru- ( rurdliig the 200 lots In Albright's Cholco. 100 FOU SAljU Two lotscornpr on Lowe ave , hi West Omulm , 2 blocks south oC I'lirnum St. , both lorfX'.mu. Ceirour In llniiscom Tlaco , 2 WOCKS from PI reel cur. 1 block from church nnJ school , fi',101. e'ornor lot on Pouth 1.1th st. Cheap nt $1,103. licit or & CnmpDcll , room 1,150J I'urnam ht. 95'J ItUAT UXClTUMUNTIn South Omulm ever G1 r tliovny nciesaiid lots in Albright's Cholco uio going. Twenty-two lots sold in 0110 duv. 100 nAVHyou seen tliomV If not , e-ull on W. O. Allnlght und go out to Pontti Omnhn with one of bis ngeiits to Inspect thu iinigiiillcoiit propoity known us Albright's choice. 100 FKSAri-G8 ft. Tronting on Dodge Bt. 2 blocks east of the postolllco. A birgnln at SIU.OOG ; 110,000 cash. Marshall & Lohouk , 1VJ3 rnrrmui. Old 5m PEH'OUN I' profit has boon mndo sTTioeTlnst August by puiehnsors of lots fiom Mr. Albright. In Iho nddition west or Albrlght'H e'holcc. Albright's choice boats them nil and dem't jou forgot it. 100 " \\7nnronutliorl70.1 to invest JI1.010 in 1m- > i prove-d lusido property. What hnvo you toolfcr XVo moan Imslnena. Mead St Jumloson. 3I8S. 15th st. 572 pl'VAFUW of thoHo elegant lots in Al- JU * biivtlil's Choice ) und douljlo your money liofoii ) Fjuliig. Albright Is making lots eif moiioy fin lots of people who purch'iso from him. Only n llttio muiioy roiiulrcd to buv n lot. 100 BO\VIil.Ni. nuuvlou'r rrow iidiiTtion l8 wo t ofWulnut Hill , on Hiiinilton Ktioot. Hysolectlnglotsat f lV ) for Insliloiuid fl7'i for corners , you will make n good Investment. Terms 10 per cent cash and M monthly. No charge ) for showing the lots. Mnrstmll ff Iio- book.lWJJ''arimm 019 IIF.V aio beautiful , nnifiiiiloirlarger tnuTi fn either nilditlons. Is the nsiinl verellct ro- gnrdlng the 20 < ) lots In Alhrielifs Cl.olco. 100 HOIJSI'S Lots.Farms.Lands money lonnml , H'mis. reiom , ' ) . Ilurkor block , S. W. cor. 15th nuil Farnam sts. 594 BIJVAFUW of these olngant lots in Al- luigbt'H Cholco ami eloublu jour money before spiliig. Albright Is miiMug lots of inoiipy feir lotsof poojilo who purchase fiom nlm. Only u IIUlu money leouIroJ to buy u lot. 100 500 PUH GUN 1'profit has been made slnco last Aiiuiiitt by puichni'ors eil lots from Mr. AlbrUht , In thu addition west of Alhrlght's choico. Albilght's cnoico bents ihcra all and elon't j ou forget n. 100 K r.NDAI.l/B ADDiriON-Fronts Suundors St. on Holt I.lno. These lots mu < > t of no- ces ity Inarciiso rapidly In prico. Will soil a few lots at lo\7prli-os to got thorn stnrtod. I ) . Ken dull , res. S. W. cor. 17th uiU California st. _ _ " 611 _ JJITVAF1JW of these elegant lots In Af- J * bright' Clioico nnd double yeiur money beifeuo spring. Albright Is mnVliig lens of money for lots of jiooplo wlio purihusn liom him. Only u lllllo money rciiulred to buy n lot , 100 SOUTH OMAIIA-'Mnn boMillful lot At- brlsbt'8 Annov , SVJO ; $51 down , bal. DO jieir nionili Also ; ) moio , fl.UJJ , ono.thlrd cash. Hush \ Solliy , 2IS S. lfith. _ _ _ 7'J < ) THU HOOM U Immense In South Omulm propoity , and AlhiiKht'4 Cholco leads thorn nil. 'ihcio io notu bad lot In ibis beautiful property. 100 BUVAFKWeif thine clofant lots m Al- brlght'fl choloo mid double ) ynnrmonuv before HIM nig. Albright is making loin of money for lolaeifpeoio | | who pnrclaiso fiom him , Onlj iihttlo moiiuy ruijuhod to buy alut. HAVU you Keen them ? IfTmtTpnll on W. oT AllirUht Hml KO tn Soulh Omaha wjili ono of hH tigiints tei InsfK ct Iho ininrnlflcont properly knouu us Albright's choice. 10) ) HOI'hKi l < ota I orniB.I.RiKls inonm loatieJ. Homls , room a , llurku bloe , B. W. cor 15th nnd Farrmm ta. Ml KUAI. KnTATK AND LOANS-D. U. Hull & co , ir > s nth st ma ( TOO I'KIt CUNT preittt has been made since last ) August by purohiisers eif lota from Mr. Albright , m the addition xvesteif Albright's choice' . Albright's choice bents them all und don't } on leirue-l It. 100 SB. Physician and Surgeon , J.ATK OK CHICAGO. All chronic cases a EpeCIalty , Can bo steu ul olllcpdity or night. OttUX-Xo. CIS bcutb. laUi btrcut , Ouiulia , . , Sidewalk Nottco. XrOTlCK Is liercby given to the owner or - * > owiidroof tlio following r l citato In tha city of Omaha , to lay sidewalks In fremt of and Hdjolnlnv their property within IS days from thelSthday of January , 1SS7. Such sldownlks to bo oonstrncte < l and Inld In leoordane'o with plans nnd specifications on Illolu the otllco of tholloarlof 1'ubllo Work * , nnd In nccordnnco with icjolutlons adopted by the City Council OntltPtrpst side ) of CUh st , from thn north line of Hurelotte st. to the south line of Lake St. , 4 ft wldo. On thp ca t sldo of 19th st from tbo north line of nracc st. to the south line of Spruce st , , C ft wide. Hepnlrs on the north sldo of Capllil nvc , from the wet line of l.ith st , to the east line of Hthst. , fift wide. Heniilrs on thn oa t slilo of llth st. from the north line of Dodge st. to the south line of Capital n\o. Hepilrs on thp south ldo of Chicago st. from the \\rst line of l.llh st. to thn east line of 111 list. Ieits4.r. , II , 7,8U,10 , cast Sldo of ttJthst.blk 2l' ' " ' , nit wldp. l.ol 18,1V , 20 , east side of COth St. , blk 251'i.fl ft wldo IMS 1 . 17. IS , 10,20 , cast side of 20th st.blk 3 , KountJO'8 Hescrve , fl ftvlde. . 1/ot r . east side of 1 jth St. , blk 9 , Kountzo's Srel ndd , 0 f t idu. All of blk 17onst slilo 23th nvo. , Hnnscom I'lncp , 4ft wlelo. Tat H 7 , east side Ieavenworth St. , bet Sim ) nnd 2lth sts. . nit wide. All of ble > cks2 , 1,1 , 10 , east sldo 2Sth St. , Hmis- coni 1'laco , \ It wido. All lu on unst sldo 2Sth st , , Hccs t'lnco , 4 ft wide. AllllsononjtsMoCSlh st. .Tcrr.ico ndJ. , 1ft \\ldo. All of blk n. south nldo of Pacinc Pt. , linns- com I'laco , 4 ft wldp. Lot a < , east Sldo of Ooorsla nvo. , Heos 1'lacc , 1 ft wldo. IxitsSSi , 10 , cat sldo SJth st. , Hees 1'lnco , 4 tt \ \ 'do. ' 1,0(8 ( M , 14 , Ifi , 18 , 17 , IB , 10 , 20. 21,22,23,21 , pnM siU'2.niit.Mk2 , Hantcoin I'liioi' , 4 ft uldn. Lots ill , ni , : n , t , ; i7. inw ; , 40 , 41 , 4J , is , east eldu2'Mh St. . Tiirincu add. , 4 tt Ido. i.oisin. a-j , , in , yo , a ? , east atdo 2eth st. , lleo , I'laco , 4 IMMJo. Chairman Hoard of Public Works. Omaha. Jnmmry 7th. 1VO. _ J n O AKCHITKCrS AND lHMMUHS-l'lins ' JL nnd spceillcatlons urc polluted by the Hoard of Kdiicutlon of the School District of Oiualm.ueiunty of Douglas , elate eif Nohtnskn , until 5 o'clopk p in. Tuesday , Fob. 4th , lt 7 , for n 12 or in loom twosloiy nnd 1 > n > titnutu bilck school building to bo erected on the High School giounds in nn estltuatod co t of $ .iTi- OIK ) in ) for a two-sleiry and basement 12 ie > om brick school building to bo erected on the ) snuthuesi corner of2' < th and Wethster streets nt nn estimated e-oM of - > , WO W. nod for nn S roomntnl busnmont lirlck cchool biilldlujrte ) bo pie'Ctoil on tbo noithonst roinor e > f 2Ulh and Uiird.stieots.nt nn estimated co t of (20.000 tJ. ) The Hoard of Uducntlon olfors the lolloping piPinlums , leir the throe ) best plans te ) bo HP- lecte-d by ihom.feir tlio buildings on the High School ground ami 2Stu nnd Websur ( * trcots : IstPiomluni . . . tV ) 00 2d " . inn on aa " . 75 ) Piemliini for plans and cpeoltlenllems nilopttiil by the Hoard slinll bo consldoicd pint piiymunt If Riich buildings nro oie-cte'd The board reserves the rlirlit to reject any or nllplaui , and no money will ho piidlorrojoctcd phius. lly orelor of Iho Hoard eif Education. CHAHMM CONOVUll , Secret nrj- . Omulm , Dec. lull : 1RN3. ilicdiut Proposals for the Construction of Building .it Fort Bridger , Wyoming. IlBiDQUAllTr.HSDKI'XUIMBVTOI'TIIK Pl.ATTH , ) Olllco ot Chief ( jimrtorinastur. > ( limibn , Nob. , Jiunitio Ist.lBS ; . ) SUAI.UD IVoposiilx , lu tilpllcitto , subject to the UHiml umdllieins , will bo iecei\cd nt this olllco , ami by the post etmitcnnastcr ] , Koit llrlJgcr , Wjo. , until ono o'clock p. in. , control stnndnrd time , February 1st , 1W ! , nt which tlmo nnd places they will bo oponeul In presence of blildors , lor furnishing nil the materials nnd lubor lucess'iiy ler constituting tlio following buildlngH at Foil Itildgor , Wjeiinliig. vOno \ : Mil of liilantry bniracks , ono giiniel liouso , eme oil house , lllds nro Invited for biiUdingx cou- FtructPd ofstouo or I'ramo with stone Inunda tions Proposals may bu mndo lor ollher or all of the bulldlogs.pi ICP eif cucli to bostutcd sepainto- IHldH for material mid tor labor may bo itmdu Bopaintoly. I'roloioncu will bo gixem to nrllcius < il domestic production nnd miuuitncumt , con ditions eif prlco nnd iiunlltv bolng tiUid | , nnil such prolorcnco given to m Holes of American uiid manufiicturo pruducpd on the 'arlllo coast to tbo j\iont ol the consumption roijuhod btlio puhllo son Ion tlipro. Thogov- pimi'iit rponp8 thn right to le'ject any e > r all bids or pm Ifc thoicor. Plans nnd specilioatloiis \\lllibl.uik proposals ami ciicubir giving lull Infoimillion to bidilois may bo obtiiluod orox- nnilnoilnt this otllco and nt the Pe > st Qiinrter. niH8lo > < ) lllc < ' . I'ort llrldgorVe > . Unvolnpun containing pinposiilx to bo inaikod "Proposals foi Conbti tictlon ut I'ort llrlelger" mid nddrossed to the iinile'tslgiie-d or to the Poet Qunitci master - tor , Foil Itililpor , W > o. O. II. DANDV , Chief Quiiitormasler. junjiict Probate Kotlco , STATU OF NUIIKASICA. Douglas County , ss. : At u county court held nt the county court room. In nnd lor said eoiinty , .Innuury Gib , A. 1) . . 1837. Picsout , J. H. McCulloch , County .luelgp. In the mutter of the estate of Anna M A. Jolin-on.ilooeascil. On nuidiiigiuid tiling the potttloii of Wllllnm N. Johnson , pimliig thnl u coitnlii InMrtimont now on Illo lu this con it , nnd purporting to lie. the last will nnd tcstumontof Anna M. A. .lohn- hon , doL'oiHi'il , ho pioxrd , nllowoil und i > robiitod as such , und himself nppoiutcd executor thereof. eirdcrod , that February 7th , A. IX , 18S7 , at 10 oYlnck n. m , , bu u slgui'd lor tipiirlng said potltloii , \\heii nil p < < rons Intcrosle-d In hald innltiirlnuy uppeurnt u ceiiinty court to hn held , in nnd lor suid county , mid shon can so why the ] > rnurol : snld potltionetr hhould not bo gianted : and Hint notlrool the pomleiicy e > l hiilil pptltlem nod the lioiirlng lliereol , bo plvon to nil ticifions Intoic'-tcd In said matter , by publishing n copy ot tilts eider in tlm Omnhn Diiilyllco , H nowspuper pihite-d Insuid county , oncoe'iich week lorthrco succossivuwosl.s prior to tmld day of homing. IA true copy , ] J. II. Mcfui.r.ocii , J1I.1R-25 County Judgo. Dissolution Notice. rplll' ' 'oparlncihliip hoictoloro nvlstlng bo- 1 twccu l'iauk lleocbor mid Win. H. Klmbull , under the thin iiamo of Hci-chor&Co , bus this dny boon dissolved by inutiinl consent , Frank llrpi'lior iPiiininlng In the Ice hnrJiicES uinl Win. H. Klinbnll lomnliiiiig In the Hour huslnops. All outstiiinllng bills will bo collooli'd by Wm. H. Klmhallund nil elubWwill bopuldby the En inn. Om.ilm , Nob. , January 11.13S7. FHANIC nnnr-iinn , jinm w. it. ICIMIIAI , ! , . DIYIDEP MICE. Thirty-Three < 0 Oua ThlnlCM J-X ) J'tir Cent Dividend. In nililltlon to tliorn luctlon of the rnrrcnf icirlj ptiymonlH.aB cnnijmnMt irlth tliu nitcsr ImrcPil nndor llionlil Hrstmn of l.lfa ItiKiirnnio , r.lilch rititurtlnn rijii'il n(3A'll ( 1)1 vlDHNDnf morn ilian KI1-TV I'KIl CI.NT upori llioiu'Fil pruiiitnin pnld. Nullco In lli'niliilven ( H".it In uilitltlon in tha lifuic.MiM iisli : riMliicilnri , Ihu nmnuiil now to tliu croilllof nllpri'iiriit inmiilicri nf Um MITITAI , Hi 8iuvi : : FIIMI I.n n As-e > \TION who lioriimo nioinhors In IMI , anniill n ll\'lli.VI ) ) ) eirTiiiici'V.Tiiitnn AND ONI : TH inn I'KuruHr upon the ) KNT1IIK ASHICSSMKNT I'UHMIUMn PAH ) timing HID Ural nuinutiounlul ( ilvo tuarA'j porlod , MIrom I&SI in liiitl. liiclual\a , Hlilrli iiinoiinl Inn 1,0111 dui' | ) llii1 with nuil hold lir tliu e'UN'l IIAIi Till ST ( OJII'ANY UK M'.XV YllllK. in Tru te o tit thuHoftfTVn tuiitl of thU A nofl'ieinii ' imtl iipiihe'iililH unprovlitcJ In tlio conlru'-ialiolil by the uiomliuMuf tliu An oiiuUun liliWAIU ) II. HMll'KII , Prnslrtnnt , Mutual llfucrvd I unrt l.llu AfotlHtlun , K T. IlltX MAN , humility , HnnioOlliCO , 1'ottnr llullillni : W I'.irk How , N. v ! II II llMIIN > ONiiiulm Nuilonul Hum llullilliu , Ouncnil Aitiil. EDWAEB The Oracle of Oma'ia ' , hotter kiuwn as I'lio ' 3 1 U So u Hi lOthStrpct , Omihii , Nub , Maghtorof IMiinyMry nnj Condlcioniillst. Will , wlin tlio aid eif L'uuli onu'H ( liiurdlini Spirit , oh- tiuii I ir uii > onu a view In ilin 1'A l und Iho VHUSI'.NT , and on curium tonilltloii * In the Fin UHK. Dissolution Notice. TUB Him ol HJIOII lle'cd , \ Co lsdlffilve > d by innliinl coiiDUiil. Mr. 1/eiulaS ld > ud inlliits liom the Him , and Mr A. K Hceul is adiiilttPi ) , 'Ihu biiKlnphs will IIP contlnuud ut tliu phii'O nuil undcTthosuiiie' thin inline. \\eiihuiiktlippubliulot tlio llhorul iiatremago liiiiMntoro iccdvcd , and ro-pci If ully bohcll u Luiiliiiuiinco of the Mimei. Omulm , January I.lbbT. . , , vunN „ , , , „ , Jlld'.t I.r.WIH H. HF.KI ) , Noticn. MATl'F.ll of upplU'.itiein of L. V. Cinin foi permit to sell ll'iuorus ' dnikvUt. Nollco Is heietby giVPii lliut L V. ( 'ruin dhl iiiion thn 10th duy ot Junuiiry , A. 1) . I1) ' , Illu lilh uiipllc-ation ( o thu nucycr und oily council ul Omaha , for pcimlt to fell mult , hplut- neiiis and vinous ll < iuors.ut druggist , for medl- vlnal , mcicnuolcul mid eliumliMl i > ulpo > eiH only , ut No. 1 ' )7 ) , I.uko ntrrtt. llfth Wuiil. Oiniiha Noli. , flora tlio llth Uuy of Aplll , Ibbti , to the 10th day of Apill , lb . If Ihora bu no objection , rem /nstriincp. or pretttiht tiled itllhln two MccUh liom Jununiy lOlh , A. I ) . 18S7 , Iho Mild penult III be Kiantrd I , V ( IfL'M , Appllcuiil , J. U. SOL'TCUHO , City Clerk' . Ill IB THE RAILWAY TIME TABLES OMAHA. Arrho Unmhn UN'ION PACIFIC. Depot 10th ntul 1'lcrco sis. 1'.icllic Express 7SOani : 8M : pin Denver Impress 5SOpm : OsM nm * ljoe-nl Express 11:00 : nm 5V : ( ) pm * F.\copt Similar. H. , * M. H. 1U It. Depot loth ami t'acltlc sts. Mall ntul I'xpress. . . . . . . 10 : M am Night 1'xprifes 10:00ini : 7:45 : pm Lincoln 8:30 : am 0. H.vtQ. 15. U. Depot lOlh and Mnll nnd Pi'Mnm 0:00 : pm 7:10 : i > m 0CO : nra K. c. st. .1. * c. n. Depot 10th nnd t'Aclllo sts. Vln rintlitnottth 7:10 : pm P:30 : nm Llnroln I'Apros . . . . , , . . . ts45 ; pm "Kxcopt Mnndny. tlCxcept Saturday. C. St. 1' . M. , * 0. Depot 15th and Webster st. Slnuv City Express nm ItanuroftAPcotiiniuilatlon 10Wniu : ; pm * JCxtvtt ) Sunday M1SSOUUI PACIFIC. Depot 15th ami Wubstorst. D.iy 1" vpross 0.2" ) nm tl:10 : nm Nljjlit Kxnrcss. . . . . , . , ujOOiim1 tlo ) : pm Lincoln fixpruss 11 : M ) am UNION STOCK V'AIUVS JToixYiT' T.c.x\ TRAINS. US Y'ds. Onmlm * Kxcopt Sundav. :0fl : nm ; l.Snm Trams lenvlnir U. 1' . de * 7Wnm : : pot In Omaha nt 10V : > n. * 810am ; 8wnm : : in , , 5:0i : p. m , and 8io : p , lOiOOnm in , , and thosa len\lni ; 10:5lnm : lOi.Vmni Union stoekards nt 0:0il : 11 : { Until 'J : < Xpm ) n , in. nnd 10:51 : n. in. nn > 3:0.'ipm : tliiotiili pa scnpi'r trains : pm 4 ; 05 pm nil others are regular I : .S5 inn > AKipm ; ynids ( Iiiminy trains be (1:15 ( : pm ] 0:25pm : tween block yards nnd - 8:00pm : Omnhn. SjVO pin ! l.cnvo I "l.cavo IT.P. IWIDOKTKAINS. Trnnsler.'Onwlia. ' Kxcupt Sunel.iy. ! 7 1am 35 nm U'onnoctsvlth S. C. & * 8 :15 : nm iSiri nm P. at Council HlutK I 1 ( H ) am 'iiConiii'e'tswIth C. H. A-I UiWnin ; 50 nm Q. , ( \ & N. W. , 0. M. A- * ioi7nniilp : : : ( Hnm ) M. P. . (3. H. 1. & P. nt 11 ; -47 am 10 nm Council ItlulK * 1 : : iO inn : ( )0pm ) IConm-cltf with W. St. 1)7 ) pm : iw pm L. it 1' . nt Council lllulK : : i7pm : ' . ' 0 pin "Connects XX llh nil oven- : : > 7jim :00 pm Inu trains lor Chicaijo nt :5o : pm :00pm : Council BltilTs. Tinlns : itipm : UJ imi b-avo Omaha nt Union : l ( ) pm HO pm I'.iplllc etppot , 10th nnil : l'-i pin : lOpm I'lcice streets. iffl pm 00 pm : t7pm 15pm 00pm ' 10pm COUNCIb , I.t'ixx-o I Arrive KS 1'r.inslpr Tinnsfor ilppot elepot C. U. I. * P. : " 7:15 : n in tlilfiam : "Except Sunday. 0irm : in * S:3T > pm IKxcept Monday. C:10run7:00pm : : C. & N. * , V. Ojlrtn inC 0:15 : ix in All trains run dally j C > : lOpni 7:00 : i ) in C. U. & Q. All trains run dally. . . . j Pl : ! > a in 0:35 : p in 7:00 : p m C. 31. A : St. 1' . All trains run daily. . . . . j 0:15 : a in 0:15 : nm C-1U : p m 7:00 : p m K. C. St. .1. it C. H. * IXcppt Kntniday. I000 ; n in IO5aiQ : ! tExcopt Monday. * S:53pm : 5iO : ! p in W. St. J , . & P. All tinlnsrun daily. . . 200 ; pin 3:30 : p ui S. C. & 1' . All tiulns run dally. . . . . I 7:05 a in Oirwnm 0:25 : ] ) m 8:50 : pin THE CHICAGO SHORT LINE OF niu Chicago , Milwaukee & Si Paul Ry ! THE BEST ROUTE 'Km OMAHA and COOHCII. BLOfFS it E.A.ST. TWO TUAIN8 DAILY HUTWUBN OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFF3 AND Hllwaukeflt St. Paul , ilinnoapolis , Cedar Rapids , Clinton , Diibwiue , Davenport , Koclt iBlaml.Frcunort , Ilockford , El in , Matlisou , Juncuvlllo , IMoit , AVinona , La Crosse , AnJull ether Important points Kajt , Northetul und Bouihoast. For through tickets call on tlio Tlnk t Airan at HOI Fnrnmn Btroot ( In 1'aiton Hotel ) , or Union Pucllla Dopot. I'lillmitn hlcouorn und the finest Dlnlntf Cars IB tla ; world uru run on the mulu linen of tbo ClIlCAOO. illl.WAUKHi : St Or. I'AUf. IUILWAT , und * rery uttontlon Is pnld to pussoneori b/ oourteuni employes of the company. It. MII.I.KII , Uoncral Mamtgor. J. K. TUUKKK. Assistant Oonural Man f r. A. V. H.CAiti-h.NiKH , Qoiioral Piusenir r ad Tlokot Agent. UKO. E. HuArrnnn , Assistant General Pui o- rer and Ticket Agent J , T. CI.AHK , Uouorul Supurltitoudont. Poison tlio System with Dni s.Dr.Horno's Kh-ctrlc HcltC'iirea Diseases Without .Medicines. Will Positively furp Without MciliiMuo Pubmln ( boliiirk , lili | Imial or llmlin. NITVIIU * lie- lillltt I.iinituiui ) loiurnl ) llonlllty * KhniiiaiiUinii , I'ur * nlyoii. Niuiiil 11C'ii Ira. ll > iuus nt Hlilnir" . Hl > l- nul Oui'iiHi'4Toriil'l l.lxor ( ; .MH. Anlinm , lie-art 1)1- d'nsm Ujriii'iiKliLCiiinlipMlliin. Kryrli' lns , Inillfci- tldit , lini iii ni > , e'nlnrrh I'llon Kpllupfty , Akiio. W * ' lien H , KjilriHO u r.huu Uun , .Note tlio Kollowliitr who wore ( Jiiretl A J. HcMflini'l ' It H. l'.ir < cr , J. .M lln ! i'lt. nil un liouilul tin In , 1 ! XV. Knrnliiiiii. Auiuik'un Hiirf | < Co A ere gory , roiiiuitpal in imiutiiini Murk \ nntm C TOWIIM nil , t'ahntr HUIIHI I iiutld Dotjlo. IhuuriMit liuifC'iiiiin ( ui. euniiilly. of Ihu Inlcr-eii'lian H W. llinrlK ? > iirlii'l : ) H , M lliivlH Hiiii-liiiy Xiiii-rlcm Ilurcumuii. .1 I , Kin-HireraII Xliilinun i .1 C Miilth , Ji-wiir. HIM ulia.m H nil ol I'lilcicn ; ei XV llullun , M II . Moiiiiniilnnn , loHiii l.u'iiuul Milk ICMiiV k ( " ) . Ill , .lailtol.N .Miujy SiiorvU | ! ! , III null liuaaiiiili ul MheiH reipie-e-ntliu ni'iuly iivurj inwn In thu llnl' n. Aim Hn.'liliMi.ilu fiir luclii'a C'ull or icnil nainu lurlllurtmurt tjtiilnitui ) Open dully. uUa eirnind-iinil riinidiijii l.locirlo Sin oniorlon lr 9 unit all Xtuli > ( li'li * . Ilomirn of ( HUH * i OMIM mil ) * with iminyfilljiM'i * rolling oilhlei 4 Kim1' ' ! ! * with only U Ifi IK eli'iiiUdli * All my bili4 eoiiliilri Se \ tunieiati or ( niirrtcM hrneo h.ivu luur ttini * * the puwer nnil un nitlli i tolnttrli lly. lliiiu t couH Mini lionoit JHr.\VnMNHr.nValialis.avJiIcHiro ! ! ! ( { ) ( ! Invtnlor , I I Mnmiiiamror. Probate Notica. r N ibei uiiiiidi eit lliuoitiUf uf Jiinili oldein- - , ilocoiihcil. Neilleolri biiniby given , Unit the oroelllom of fald ilodahod ulll inpet the'oiitrlx of f > Kld ustjttei lioloni mu , county jinlk-o ol Dou lus eMiuiilj.Neibiusku.nt the couiitvuiuil loom , lu HUM ooniilon tlio HHIi duy ol March. lfH7 , em the ) ll'lhiluj ul' May , 1HH7 , nnil on Iliu lOlh duy eit .Iill ) , Ite7 , ut 10 o'clock u. in. ncli duy leir ihu purjio'-oof pie > uutiii/ the Ir e'luima leif ovnniliintiijii , ailjus-luicat und | | , JM nnci ) . Hir nionllirt aie > alleiuod lur e ine'llou to iiicMint Ilicir clalniH , anil ono lei llni mintiH to BUI I In Kind < ttnlt ) , liom Hip loth duy ot .Inn- limy. IM ) , thU neitueiulll bn ptiblMhu'l In U e Oinnha Dml ) lloei unco o.ieh ne'nk for four Meiukti Kiii'iuBfeiicly , prior to the lOtb clay of Maitli , 13 = 7. J. H. .MU'U ! r-orti , County