Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 12, 1887, Page 6, Image 6

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CrllTCrcd bjenrrltr In nnr pnrt of the cltj M
twenty cents per week.
11 , W. TitTer , . . . Manager.
Titr ; PHONES !
BcfixrssOmcr , No. 13.
NIUIIT EuiTon No. 33.
N. Y. Plumbing Co.
Heavy suits cheap to order at Kcitcr's.
The lloyal Arcanum party this even
Union meetings arc being held nightly
In the Presbyterian church ,
The literary and social of the Y. M. C.
A , was well attended last evening.
One vagrant arid two drunks made up
the business of the police court j'ostcrdaj1.
The cltj' council Is to moot next Mon
day night and the Tenth avenue project
will probably come up at that time , it
having been laid over until then.
Man led Yesterday afternoon , at the
Hoycro house , by Dr. K. 1) . McCtearj' .
Mr. 1'rank A. Kast , of Omaha , Neb. , and
Miss Maggie Andeivon , of Johnson
countj' , Iowa.
The inquiries for real estate in Council
IHufls arc steadily Increasing in num
bers , and there arc more actual trans
fers than for any like period in the his-
toiy of the citj' .
Its now expected that 1) . H. Kiclrcr ,
who rcccntlj' purchased property on
Main street running through to Pearl ,
will in Iho silting put up a line olhce
building on this site. '
It seems now that a move is to be made
to complete the levee , so as lo instil o ( lie
Jlats against anj' possible llood in oven
the worst of high water times. Good en
gineers say it will not cost to exceed
the sum of fr ,000 lo finish tl.o work al
ready bcmin.
'Iho colored preacher , Mr. Brown ,
still remains vorj- sick at his homo on
Vine street south of First street. He has
been sick for the past ten wcoks and the
or tire family are in great need. Hero is
an excellent chance for the charitably in
clined to bestow help worthily.
Permit to marry was yesterday issued
to Fra'ik A. Kasl , of Omaha , and Maggie
Anderson , of Johnson , la. ; Tonison 1) ) .
French , of Davenport , and Adeline U.
Fuller , of this city ; Jotgen Gibson and
Katie Hansc , both of Mindeii , Bert
Meyers and Margaret Garrity , both of
The Ninth street bridge is reported lo
be in a dangerous condition , theie being
a bad hole in one ol the approaches by
which horses arc liable to fall and bo in-
juted. Tne city has no danger sign up
and nothing to indicate thai it is not in
good condition for the use of teams. A
chance for a law suit.
It seems conceded Jthat the
assured. Yet there are many who hesi
tate about investing in property until the
actual work of construction begins.
These hesitating ones will lind their
timidity to bo covtly , tor as soon as work
begins , anil Ihc spring boom is in its full ,
they will not be able to bujr ucarlj' as
cheaply as now.
The meetings of the Salvation Army in
St. .loo have been so disturbed bv loughs
that the 3 ouii' ' lady in charge has sent
for Captain Henry DeLong , of this citj' ,
to come down with some of his muscular
Christianity. He has answered the sum
mons and will spend a few days there
straighlening Iho boys out and making
them ashamed of themselves. lie can do
it if anj' man in the army can.
Giwgo lioispachcr claims that he
lost hi > > f500 diamond pin in a .squabble
yesterday , or was robbed of it. George's
story will be taken with allowance , as he
showed on the trial of the "Major" that
ho had such a poor memory that ho
probably cannot tell whether ho had his
diamond pin on vpstonluy. A man who
cannot remember who it was that shot
down Hughes within a few feet of him ,
cannot be depended on for remembering
much about a pin anyway.
Electric door bells , burglar alarms and
every form of domestic electrical appli
ances at the Now York Plumbing Co.
For sale or exchange for clear land
Council BltiH's or Omaha property , a
most promising and fashionable trotlruir
bred two-year-old stallion , standard bred
Kule 0. Addiess P. B. Hunt , llarlan , la
L. B. Crafts & Co. are lo ining money
on all classes of chattel scent ities at otic-
half their former rales. See them before
securing your loans.
PinnoH and OrgniiH.
W. W. Kimbnll , of Chicago , has opened
at No. 028 Broadway w ith a full at.d com
plete stock of pianos and organs now and
fresh from factory which will bo sold re-
car dlcss of cost or trine. Call , wo can
unit you. U. W. iJwers , manager.
Mrs. M. S. Covvles , of Valley , Neb. , was
at tire Ogderr j'esterday.
Col. W. F. Sapp yesterday went to liar-
Ian to attend a case in Judge Deomcr's
court there.
Ed Stone , formerly private operator
for W. H. Burns , left j'esterday for Pony.
la. , wheio ho assumes the position of
train dispatcher.
N. J Swanson , of the Swanson Music
company , rs more musical than ever now ,
an eight-pound girl baby having put in
an appcnvanco at his homo yesterday
morning ;
Prof. b. K. Milleur and Prof , Clement
Ilersehell aimed last night from Lincoln
and will locale hero for the balance of
the winter. They belong to Prof. Mo-
Knight t > corps.
Center villo soft-lump coil , $3.75 per
ton , dollveied , Win. Welch , 015 Main
Btrcct , telephone ! ) ! ) .
George Hudio , real cstalo and nogo-
tialor of lo ins. No. 1507 Ftirnam street ,
Omaha Bargains in Council Blulls ami
Omaha proper ty.
Ito-elootocl ,
The stockholders and directors of the
Council Blulls Insutance company were
in session Monday and Tuesday. The
old olHcots follows
as wcro-ro-olcctcd :
lion , W. F. Sapp , president ; John
Reinuirs , vice president , J Q. Anderson ,
Becrctaty ; K. P. Pitch , assistant secretary
Henry Andoiaon , treasurer , 1) ) . AlborUon ,
assistant Ireasurcr : Hon. W. F. Sapp , F.
L. Shugart , John Hormers , H. G. Wecch ,
F , M. ( jtiult , J. Q. Anderson , directors.
Dr. Hanchott.olHco No , 13 Pearl street ;
residence , 120 Fourth street ; telephone
J o. 10.
Substantial abstracts of titles and real
estate loans. J. W. & E. L. Squire. No ,
101 Pearl aircet , Council Blttlla.
rrnnk Lovlno'rt Prizes.
The following numbers wore awarded
the premiums Monday night. The first
prio. No. 1313 ; second , 1203 ; third , 1035 ;
fourth , H)37i ) , lOlO.soyenlh
821 ioighlh , 1100 ,
Hard and soft coal , best qualltj1 , all
lies. Missouri and Iowa wood. C. B
Fuel company , 530 Hroadway. Tclo-
phpno iyO. _ _
Sco that j'our books are made by Mpqro-
house & Co. , room 1 , Everett block.
Ho Wine Several Happy Victories Among
Young Hearts ,
Klect Ion of Council lilinTa Insurance
Company An IntcrcRtltiR Claim
of rorijorj Notes IVonr
All the Wards.
JlHAItT AM ) HAM ) .
Last evening at 8 o'clock the HOT. T ,
J. Mnckay , rector of St. Paul's Episcopal
church , joined in marriage , at the house
of the bride's parents , No. 83 North
Seventh street , Mr. Ira F. Hcndricks and
Miss S.Ella .SmtOt.
As the couple , who were unattended ,
entered the parlors Miss Lou Smith ren
dered the wedding march on the piano ,
and after taking their position in the
front parlor the ceremony , which was
with a ting , was performed in the pres
ence of a number of ft lends.
'Iho bride's wedding gown was very
handsome and made entirely by herself.
It wns ol cream satin , with entire frant
r.nd side bieadths hand naintcd with wild
roses , back ot which was cut on nrinccsso ,
of cream silk , demi-train. Veil of tulle
and diamonds.
After the ceremony the newly wedded
couple rccived Iho congiatulations of
their friends and with thorn partook of
Tlierewcieiiumorous presents , in which
wore included those from the groom's
emploiers , Messrs Henry Ei-eman &Co ,
aKo from the clerks of the establishment.
The groom Is a gentlemen well known
in this city , where no lias resided for the
past llfteen jeara. He is a son of 'Squire
ilcndilcks. and has been in the employ
of Henry Liscman iV : Co. for a long while.
The mido is the second daughter of
Mr. and Mrs , Janius Smith , ami has re-
bided here the past eight cars and lias
many warm fnencs.
The newly w eildcd couple went directly
to their neu homo on Washington a\enue ,
between Sixth and Seventh street , last
night. _ _
o'R Diamonds Gone.
Yesteiday afternoon there was a lively
little time on lower Broadway , in which
George Geispacher , the man whoso for-
pottery has made him so famous in the
recent murder trial , was the cltief actor.
lioboit Conley , who was also a witness in
the trial of the "Major , " was also mixed
into it. Ed Bates , formerly the city
jailor and deputy marshal , in some way
became involved. During the melee
Gerbpachcr lost the diamond cluster pin ,
which for so many years lias giaeed his
shirt front. This diamond pin is a
beauty and is doubtless worth the puce
set upon it by lite owner , ? r)00. ) After the
bquabble , in vyhich Geispacher was
thrown to the sidewalk , lie missed the
urn , and then began to accuse
Hates of having stolen it.
Conloy joined in on Gorspaclicr's side.
and ed that the responsibility for
the missing pin rested either with Bates
or Bob Bin ton , who tends bar for Mo-
Adams , and who seems to have been in
the vicinity. While they were squabbling
over the fiesh eausu of dissension the po
lice wcie called. Gerspacher , Hates anil
Conley were taken to the police station ,
and locked up on the charge of disor
derly conduct. During their temporary
stay behind the bais Geispacher was uar
ticulaily aggravating in his talk to Hates ,
and the wonder is that Bates did not
pummel him. Ho could hardly have
been blamed for doing so. Gerspacher
twitted him of having been formerly the
jailor , and now in jail himself The olli-
ccrs hunted about the place of the squab
ble in the hope of finding the pin somewhere -
where , but without any such results.
The Sims-Squire
A special telegram to the Br.L states
that the expected marriage of Mr. Jacob
Sims and Miss Anna Squire toolt place
at high noon jcsterday at the residence
of the bride's mother. MrM. . Sqiinc. at
Ottumwa , la. The ceremony was per
formed by Kev. Dr. Clcland , of Keoktik ,
formerly pastor of the Presbyterian
church in Council 1 ! lull's , and a warm
personal friend of the parties. The invi
tations were limited to tue immediate
friends and relatives , and the arrange
ments were as devoid of display and os
tentation as they were characteri/ed by
elegance and t'ito. The home was beauti
fully decorated , and the details in all re
spects befitting the importance and joyfulness -
fulness of the occasion. The bride was
dressed in steel blue surah and plush ,
with garniture and real lace , and
cairicd a beautiful bouquet. The gifts
were numerous and rich , and even tiion
were bul faint expressions of the kindly
feelings of the many friends. Among
the = o present from Council HltuTs wore
Mr. and Mrs. J W. Squire. Mr. E. L.
Squire , and Mr. and Mrs. T. W. MeCar-
gar. The newly wedded ones took the
afternoon train for a brief southern and
eastern tiip , expecting to return to this
citysoon to take trp their residence here ,
where they will be most heaitily wel
comed. Iho bride is a sister of the Squire
brothei. s of this city , and lias spent most
of her time hero ( luring the past eight
years. During that time she has been
assistant principal of the high school , and
has ueen considered one of the most val
uable teacher * in the whole corps. She is
a lady ot culture , and has been a leader
in the literary societies as well as in social
circles. She graduated at the Uoekford
female seminary , and has since been a
close student , and constantly adding to
her accomplishments.
Mr. Sims is also a gentleman of well
known culture , having added to a
thorough collegiate education a close
study of the law. in the practice of which
ho has developed into ono of the fore
most attorneys in the state. He lias won
many friends as well as a lucrative busi
ness in this city , and ho will bo doubly
welcomed back hero with her whom ho
has thus won.
Moore & Kiplmger keep the largest
and host stock of ciirars and tobaccos in
the city. Call and bo convinced.
See the now meerschaums and the
snroKors' articles of all kinds at Moore &
Kiplinger's. _
AVns It n Torcery.
In the district court yesterday the case
of Johnson vs Ed Stookert was on trial ,
Judge Thornell presiding. The case Is a
peculiar ono. It is a suit to compel the
payment of a note of $350 , purporting to
be given in 1871. There seems to bo some
mystery as to who Johnson is , as he docs
not appear in court , and there seems to
bo little information to bo gleaned concerning -
corning his identity , The defendant
claims that ho never gave arry such note ,
nud that his alleged signature is a for
gery. Exports were put upon the stand
for tire purpose of establishing it as such ,
An nllidavit was presented signed by the
sister of Mr. Stockert. assorting that she
had had the note in tier possession for
three years past , but it docs rrot appear
why action was not sooner brought. Tire
case is attracting considerable interest ,
and the evidence is being watched
Stoves ! Stovoa I Stoves I i-or thp no\t
thirty dayd 1 will sell heating stoves at
cost for cash only , P. C. DuYou
Common Experience of n Tourist on ft
Train In NCM York Stntc.
Down in New Vork state , says M Quad
In the Detroit Tree Press , there Is a rail
road called the Homo , Watcrtown &
Some Other Place railroad. I believe the
some other place is Ogdensburg. Last
summer the occasion required that I
should use this line of road for about
sixty miles , and 1 left Homo ono morning
feeling at peace with all mankind , The
conductor came along in dttotrmo to take
up the tickets , and 1 made it a point to
ask him if he were on time. 1 didn't care
a copper whether we were two hours
ahead or two hours behind lime , but I
wanted to exhibit a friendly spirit and
lot him know that 1 was interested in his
wclfaic. A pas'entrcr who won't show
his hand to a condtietorought to be made
to lidc in the baggage car. Ho uttered a
grunt in reply to my question and passed
on. If he was lee overworked ami lieart-
broken to utter a yes or no that was not
my fault. Ho put a grecu ticket in the
baud oi my hat to show that L was a cash
passenger , and I went to sleep to dream
that a mad populace was about to hang
Jay Gould because ho didn't pay his rail
road conductors a salar.v of $5,000 a
"TicKct ! " yelled a voice in my ear.and
T awoke to find the biokeii-hcattcd con
ductor towering above mo.
"What do jou wantv"
"Your ticket "
"Gave it to joii an hour ago. "
"Where's > our cheek1
"In my hat. "
"See here , young man , " growled the
broken-hearted conductor , "J want jour
cheek or your fate. "
The check was not in my hat. It was
not in any of mj lour teen pockets It was
not on the or the lloor , nor above nor
beneath the earth. It took ten minutes
to satisfy the overworked conductor of
this tact.
"Hut 1 had it , " 1 persisted.
" 1 douut it. "
"Don't v , on remember of my asking
v.oti , when vou took my ticket , it wo were
on time ? "
"No Mr ! If I Irrd ever been asked such
a question as that I should have suiolj re-
niembured it. "
"Tins man hero niiiit have seen my
ticket.for 1 saw him looking into my wal
let. "
"You are a liar. " promptly responded
the passenger , wiio had the "seat behind
mo."And you limit cither pay your faro or
get oil' , , ' added the conductor. B
"Look here , old fellow , 1 bought my
ticket in the regular way , handed it over
according to the rule , and the fact that 1
have kept my seat for sixty miles is evi
dence that jou received the ticket.
Don't ' make a side show of join-self about
the cheek , which lis but a bit of card
board , anyhow. 1 have alwavs sjmpa-
thi/ed with conductors as a poor but
all icily honest set of men. 1 feel that
jou are ovcrwoikcd and overburdened ,
and that you arc many times the object
of unjust suspicions. When 1 make rnv
will I shall remember at least twenty-live
conductors to the extent of . '
" 1 want that check ! "
"I haven't got it. "
"Then 1 want jour fare1 !
"I have paid once. "
Ho reached up and sci/cd the boll rope
and demanded :
"Will jou pay ? "
"Not to-day ? "
lie pulled the coid and the train came
to a standstill in about aquaitur of a
"Now then , olTwith you ! "
"Yim'll Imvo to put inn oil I 1'vo paid
my faio , and if I go oil 1 want a show for
a bint for damages. "
lie beckoncu for the brakeman. I
have alwavs sjmpathj/ed with the brakemen -
men as a class , believing them to be gen
tle-minded creatures who suilered and
eiidmed simply to keep trains tunning
for the convenience of the public. The
brakeman came ami the pair lifted me up
and helped me down the aisle and
dropped me oil among the daisies. I sat
down on the grass and as the train
moved oil'the conductor remarked :
" dodge on me
j'ou'll get badlj- thumped ! "
I sat there for twenty minutes and then
the rear end of the li.irn as it backed up
came into view. It stopped opposite
me and the conductor came down and
"Mj' dear sir , I beg a thousand par
dons. We found j'our check under the
beat and have comeback for you. "
Then 1 had a cheek ? "
"You-lid. "
"And I am not a dead beat ? "
"I'll shoot the man vyho says j'ou are. "
"Hut you put me oil' and 1 want dam-
ago-5 liom the company "
"S.ry , tlon t do it ! You'll ruin nip. I've
got two children sick with scarlet fever ,
a wife who is bed ridden , a mother who
needs rnv support , a father "
I got aboard and the train wont on.
The man who had called me a liar begged
my pardon , the brakeman wanted to
adopt me for his own .son and a do/en
passengers came to shako hands , and saj'
that my magnanimous spirit would
surely bo rewarded in heaven.
Do not disregard a Cough ; it is often
the symptom of the most fatal disease ,
bronchitis and consumption , use Dr. J.
11. McLean's Tar Wine Lung Bairn. 25
cents a bottle.
Spurious 'Tlorul Tributes. "
London Truth : I am glad to see that
there is a proniinciammito in Vienna
against "lloral tributes" to stage artiits.
Occasionally tlioj * are spontaneous , but
as a rule they are cotton up allairs. I
remember being behind the scenes some
years ago when a ladj- , who was then
( anil deservedly so ) a "stage queen , "
was acting. Her husband arrived with
some twentj' or thirty bouquets and a
Jiuiro basket of llowcr.s. Tire former ho
distributed among the door-openers , the
latter ho ] ) | aeed in the orcheslia. At the
end of the lirst act the bouquets were
thrown , but no soonoi was the curtain
down than they were picked up and
taken back to tbo door-openers to
bo tin own again at the end of
the next act. When the play was
over the D.iskot of ( lowers wns sol
emnly handed up from the orchestra.
This same actress was once playing the
part of a boy. A bouquet was thrown to
her while the heroine of the piece was on
the stage , and she had to hand il to the
latter in accoidanco with stage etiquette.
No sooner , however , had the curtain
fallen than she asked for the bouquet.
The heroine declined to civo it up , ami
said that perhaps it had been thrown to
her , "But there 13 a ring in it , " cried
the boy. "Well , " said the heroine , "per
haps the ring , , too , was for mo. " In the
end the boy had to explain that the bou
quet and the rrng were both her own ,
aud that she bad told her husband to
throw them to her. She had contem
plated drawing the ring , cornrn publico ,
out from the bouquet with guileful sur
prise But her husband had muddled it ,
and thrown her the votive oiler ing when
the heroine was on the stage.
A llanrtHomo Xmas Present.
No one In Chicago will have a more thor-
oiich and nereeable Xmas suiprise than
ClmrlesO. Kkholm , a JOUIIK Swede , art am
ateur , living at 15J Townbond street. Uo
Imd been notilicd that his ono-lifth ticket In
the Louisiana State lottery , that drew the
l'ii t Capital Prlzo of bTO.OOO , In the N'o-
vemher iliawlu ? was successful , and In duo
tlniu Uii ) 815,000 was placed In his lianas.
This luck came to the light door , as with
this money Mr. Kkholm will complete his
art studies. He la full of praise of the liand-
soiaowav ho has been treated by the Louis
iana State Lottery company , and his lucl
comlnc just tniforp Christmas makes it doubly
grateful.-C7ileuoo M * < Zcllung , Dec ,
' .
. , , Jtcu.
And select your Dry Goods end Carpers before the prices advance ,
We are selling elegant Patterns Dress Goods very low
to close the lot.
3ou never Mtw Jllach SlllMfo
BLACK SILKS.3ou na those ice arc now acU-
ll'c nrc clntltif/ out thin entire iltnai'tincut to
CLOAKS.ll'c room for onr Increased Carpet * loch ; and
. arc consequently tclllnij them o ] ) ' at e.rfi'cwcf// /
lon > j
Blankets , Conifoilafe , Ladies' and
Arc licliiif closed ont vcrif cheap.
You will nave money to ncr our Carpets
ami Jitifi * before i/on Intif. Ifiioti iratit fn-
yraln , lirn ety , Vi'lrel , or Car
pet" , come ( tnd nee tis or H'rllc for prices.
Our variety of Curtain * , 1'oiiaeet , Jrapcrlc , etc..s tarf/c ami choice , and
ice hare a full atorti enf of I'olci , liodi , ttwss Good * , etc. Onr icork is
done by lilted tcorh-mcn. Orders by mail receive prompt attention.
Harkness Bros. , Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa
Ml IB H LA * Ml IB UM IBMWH Mi § * * * * * > " " ' - -
rarnrlnc L-iuds in town , Mlnneioln , Kansas , and ranging from $5 00 to
5,10 0(1 ( per acre. Sehool turd state lands in Minnesota on 30 years' irrno 5 nor
eerrt inlerest. Land Bujew fine free. Information , etc. , irhen by
E3. 3P. jJ .ST3 , ,
No. > " > Bioadwav. Council Bluffs , Iowa , agent for Freidiik en & Co. , Chicago.
Pniior Collars null Cuffs.
"Paper collsus anil culls mo becoming
jiomilar ag.trir , " s.iid a Fulton streel
luioord.isher to aii'tioiter of Hie Brook
lyn Iv.iglo. In lale jourq il was eon-
Milorcu vulgar lo wear lliein , but now
Ihey are alleeted by all classes ofocictjv. .
1 have many wealthy customers who will
we.rr nothing else. They arc niosilv
elderly gentlemen who h-ivo boon edu
cated lo the idua from ho > ltond and are
loath to discard thu stjlu of linen worn
by Iheir daddies. Paper collars have the
best sale in Ihe i districts. Farmers ,
if they wear eollais at all , ell'ect paper
ones. A linen collar is almost unknown
In some parts of the eounlry , particu
larly in the west. Of late 1 have noticed
thai many joung and dressy men wear
p.iper linen , and more especially in
warm wealher. Paper collars conic
cheap. Some aie woilh nioic than
otherAn excellent quality carr bo
bought for 25 cents a bohich con-
lams inn collars. Cuff's cosl Ihe same
for n box containing Jive parrs. In hot
weather paper colhus me luxuries to
men \\Iio perspire freely. They c.xn bo
changed as ohon as desiied , and arc
uomparalhcli cheap when ills lakcn in
to consider alien that a bov can be pur-
ch'ised at about the b line pi ice as would
be paid for one linen collar. But few
men can tell nnper collars at a glance
Some brands make nearly as good an ap
pearance as linen. Celluloid collars and
cuffs aie now seldom uoin. Some
atro they were Msry popular , but only in
hot \\ealhcr. False , or paper bosoms ,
Imvo also almost wholly disappeared. "
In Ihc euro ot bo\ ere coughs weak
lungs , spilling of blood , and Iho e.nly
stages of Consumption , Dr. Pierce
" ( Jolden Medical Discovery" has aslon-
ishcd Iho medical faculty. While it cures
the sc\ crest coughs , it strengthens Iho
syslem and pitrtjics the Hood. By drug
Special mlvirtlficmonts , such M Ixist , Fo-ind
Tol.onn , Tor Sulu , To Kent , V ants , Ilonidlinr ,
etc , 111 bolnsortoi ] la this column nt tlio low
rntoonr.N CENTS PlIltUNK forthoniPt ln or-
Jonnnd iltoCcntal'ci Llnoforcnchfubsoiiuont
Insurtlon. I.ciivo acUcrllsoincnts nt our ollico
No. U I'cnl strcLt , near IJroaitway , Luuntll
"TTIOIt S\MJ At Hliiiifriiln , "HI nciosllli line
JInipimcincntR , H\ ! miles LII-I of Council
Illnllb , 1'iitolou nnil all the time ni'i'ili d. In-
cju.iu of 1. \ \ . Vnn hilo\ciCiiiuiLll Illullt- .
"TJIOK SAIjK III ickBinllh nnil uncoil t-liop ,
JL Only ono In to\\n. Kxccllont buiino'-H. liooil
10 iflons for ttllliiKtlilic s C. I. Mlllci , 1'orlb-
mouth , In.
FOIl HUNT ( ( room liouso. $ Ari. Vlrst inn. ,
opposite thoputk. fciillUnn A. KIl/KOrald
OH HT.NT Itooin. wllli boanl , for two
Kun'.e , or man and Milo , .No 120 1'rank-
< OH bAIJI My rotiilonto nnipcrty on Illnlf
Ir Bt. liotui'cnillou nnil 1 iltli IIM.IIIIC ; ulso
borfu nnil bUKKltrt. A. K. Ilntcs.
FOIl HUNT A now two-Ftory frunipilnclllnir
liouso , contnlnlnif six rooms. Hall on both
lloois , clo'cls vsllli all bed rooms , lart'O ci.'lliu
and Rood cistern. Call on > 1. lHolirir or
Oilull llroB. A Co.
PJH HUNT The ono story frame busini'SS
bnlldlni ? , with 4-room dwcllliiK nttiicli-
raont , formerly occujltd ) us n cnnily fnctory
nnd Unown na No. 110 t-oulli Main eticot , ox-
tondltitr throiiBh to 1'onrl st. Applj to M. F.
HobrcrorOdoll Ilroa. \ Co.
FOR SAMi-lbirborBhop.Kood location , pond
reason for soiling. Address II , Hue ollico.
WANTKD A cottniro ol rtve or six rooms.
located convenient to IniHlnugs ; miml !
family , no children. Addroes "Crfbpy , " Ilco
olllcc. _
WANTPJ tjoy with pony to carry Bee
OK HAli : Old jmpoig for ealo nt tbo lleo
WANTii : ) rnrtlf * intending to lie married
nru wanted to pall at the Pryor'u lleo job
onico to select their n cddlm ; cards.
Practice in the Slate anil Federal couits
Kooms 7 and 8 Shu ait-liuno
. . ,
Hit Main St > , Council Jlluffs.
The tlicnpoEt place In the city to buy
The Vines ! Im
I irt < d Line of
( Jooils Wust ot
Mrs. C. L. Gillette's
Human Hair Emporium
No , 209 MainStreet.Councit Bluffs , Iowa.
1514 Douglas St. , Omaha ,
Ladicsbuvlng a § 5 hat or bonnet , one fare
will be paid ; $10 , round Irip.
Abst.acts of Title , Loan and RealEs-
tata Brokers , No. 236 Main St ,
Jfarlnn purchased
Me abstract booki in. tliii count y-
known at the "JTcMalion , Abstract
wearenow prcparcdio fur
nish abstracts and respect fullii so
licit the patronaijeof all the > < e detlr-
inf/ correct abstracts of title to land *
and lots in I'ottawattaniic county ,
Justice of the Peace
Office o\er American Cxprcts.
"R. , M. DM
ntliupTuinoM lomo\ocl ulllioilt
Ovur tlintyUHIH iirncticnloxpcrioiiLu.
No. 11 I'carl Si , Council
| 3r"Con8Ultutl < iri flue.
Horses and Mules
For all purposes , bought and sold , nt retail
and in lots. Large quantities to select
fioin. Several pairo of fine drivers , bin
gle or do'tblu.
Council Iluls. ! )
UEtRbllehcd 1807
Jotii-iiaU , C'oiinly ntid
lEaiili WurU or All Kin tl a Spec
Prompt Attentionjo Mail Orders
Room 1 Kverct Block , Cotinoil
Standard Tajicis Used All stales of bind
ing m Muga < : inus aud
O. H. National IlanV , 41. E. Smith A. Co ,
Cllizont' Hunk. Deere , WUU tc Co. ,
> 1ret National Hank. C. 11. Insurauca ( > j ,
t > iUcer&l'u8erUanker9C.U ( Savln a Uaak.
To Be Given Away By Henry Eiseiuan &
Oo.'s People's ' Store.
On January tOlli , 1887 , Consisting of
Furniture , Clilnnxvnrc , Clothlnc ,
innnUol * ) , Tutilo Iilncn , Notions ,
Money , 811k Dross Vnl-
terns , Utc. , Ctc.
For every two dollar's 01 Ih of Roods
purchased , you will receive a coupon
ticket , Rood for ono chance in the follow *
injx Grand Presents to bo given away by
us on January loth , 1837 :
KIUST i'UIZn-Oiirt suite of Parlor
rmnlturc , consisting of of.i , totiKi-teto
nnil lonr crnntl easy chatts , nil uphol
stered in assorted shades of elegant silk
plushes , worth f 135.
SKCON1) ) I'lUZK-Ono Mahocony Hod
Hootn Suite , consisting of firdstoad ,
Drover and Wash Stand of elegant llnis-h
with beveled clussorth f ItM ) .
T1IIH1) ) I'KIXK-One of the very best
six-drawer Nickel Plated Domestic Sow
ing Machines. Tito very best machine
in the United States , worth fOr > 00.
FOURTH PKlZn - Twenty yards
( iiilnett best jjros gr.iin Black SilK , cost
? a.OO per vard , worth fOO.OO.
PIP nri'KIHK-Om' elegant Seal Plush
London Dyed Clonk , to be made to older
to lit the luekv ticket holder , worth * 00 00.
SIXTH PlUZH-Onepairof thn finest
White Hlankets made bv the I'ioncer
Woolen mill , of California , woith 1000.
SnVKNTH PKIXK-Oiio Heautifully
Decorated Dinner and Tea Set , consist
ing of ono htinthctt and forty piece ? ,
\voith j-.V..OO.
iiiiril : ; PUIXiAn : lllejrurt Seal
Skin Mull' , worth &W.OO.
NINTH PUr/.i : A very line Paisley
Shawl , worth Wi 00.
THNTH PUI/n Ono AnKor.i Ik-nvor
Shawl , worth fltO.OO.
, KLnVKNTII PUIXIC One ( lentlenmn's
Suit of Clolluini , made of Imported
Worsted , guaranteed 8l fmu ( it for the
winner , worth fT ! 00.
TWELFTH PK1/E A ( Sentleman's
Fur Ih-avei Overcoat , worth $30.00.
T111KTKI.NT11 1'luUIi '
- Ono Hoy's
Overcoat , for a boy between the afjcs of
8 and 10 ears , to uo cho&en by the lucky
party holding the ticket. Worth ? 15 00.
, FOUKTEI&TIl IMll/n Ono Hoy's
Suit , for a hey between the ages of ! l and
10 j'ears. to be selected by the winner.
Worth f ifi.OO.
FIFTEENTH PKlXi-Onc Klogant In-
fant's Clonk , worth $10 00.
Urass Parlor Table , wotth flO.OO.
SEVENTEENTH puix.i-one : pieee ot
CO > ards "truit of the Loom" muslin ,
worth tlOO.
do/en of the very best Celebrated "Hold"
vyhite sliirts , of which we are the exclu
sive agents , \\orth f'l ' 00.
Mulller , woith $ 'i 00.
Table Set , consihtiuir of T.itile Cloth anil
a Do/en Napkins \\orth $10 00.
Present of a Twenty Dollar Gold Piece.
No. 23One Toilet Set.
No. 23-Ono vorj fine Poll.
No vl One Handkerchief HOY.
No 25 One elegant Hand Hag.
No. 20 One largo Doll.
No. 27 One Stand Cover.
No. 28 One bottle line Pet fume.
No. 2l ! One Toboggan C.ip.
No. 30- One Table Scarf.
No. ! U- One fine Splasher.
No. W One line Lunch Basket.
No. 33- One hammered btas > s Umbrella
No. 34 One-bait define Towels.
No. 35-Onc Silk Umbrella.
No. 30- Ono line Doll.
No. 37 Ono set China Dishes , suitable
for little folks.
No. 38 Ono Hrass Hroom Holder.
No. 39 Ono parr Men's Silk
era ,
No. 40 One bilk Handkerchief.
No. 11 Ono nice Doll.
No.12 One-half do/s. ladle's line Linen
No. 43 Fifteen jards Beit C.ilico for a
dre s pattern.
No. 45 Ono Hoy's Sealskin r.ip.
No. 4i ( One line Painted Ornament ,
No. 47 One Toilet Sot.
No. 18 Ono nice Doll.
No. 40 Ono line Doll.
No. flO One elegant Table Cover.
No. 51 Ono Hotlle Perfume.
No. 52 Ono Lace Handkerchief.
No. 5t : Ono child's line Lace Collar.
No. 51One elegant Doll.
No 5i ! One elegant Doll.
No. 50 One Tidy.
No. 57 One Table Seai f.
No. S3 Ono line Doll.
No. 5 ! ) Ono Mouth Organ.
No , 00 Ono Imitation Steam Piano.
No. 01- One line Hook.
No. 02 One line Hook.
No. G'J One Pocket Knife ,
No. 01-Ono line Doll.
No. O-i-Ono line Doll.
No. 00 One Dr. Warner's , Coiiet.
No. 07 Ono Shoulder Shawl.
No. 08 One inf-mt's Lace Cap.
No. OU-Ono Inby Dress.
No. 70 Ono large. Doll.
No. 71 Ono Hand Hag.
No. 72 One lady's Companion
No. W-OneSilk Muffler.
No. 71Ono large Doll.
No. 75 Ono line Hook.
No. 70 Ono line Hook.
No. 77 Ono Lunch Haskot.
No. 78 One pair children's bhoci.
No. -Ono pair boy's Hoots.
No. 80 One li'io I/iee Collar
No. 81 One largo Doll.
No. 82 Ono L-idy's Jersey Jacket.
No 8'J One pair Gentleman's Sus
pender ? ,
No. 81- Ono pair Men's Gloves.
No. 81- Ono pair Hoy's Skates.
No Bit-One pair Gnl's Skates.
No. 87 One pair On IN Skatei.
No. 88Ono line Doll
No 8 ! ) One line Doll
No. 90One largo Doll
No ! )1 ) One largo Doll
No. U J Ono Necklace
No IVJ-Ono pair Gold Cull Buttons
No. 1)1 ) OiHiLooket
No , 05 Ono nice Hrea t Pin
No ! WOno p.iir Sleeve Button ?
No 117 Ono Silver Thimble
No. l > 8 One line Breast I'm
No. 8'J One imr Kid Gloves
No. 100 One Lace Handkerchief
Total v aluo of wvionts. f 800.
\ > ith every- purchase > ou receive a
ticket , nUo a ticket for every ladditional
$2 nurcha'-o you maVo.
Hold your tickets until January Ifith ,
188V , when the foitunatn numbers will bo
announced and invited to call und re-
cuivo their presents.
IU.MIMHJH. : : :
You have to nay nothing e\tia for your
purchases. We guaiauteo to soil .jou
U'oods cheaper than any other hoiito in
the west , and best htook to tolecl from.
All orders by marl will leccivc piompt
attention , and tickets for the fiee
gift distribution will bo foiwatded
and enclosed with your puieh ises , the
same as if you were present in poison
These distributions will bo made with
every farrness , and you imy donend on it
that the lucky numbers only will receive
their presents.
No tickets will bo issued to the em
ployes of our house.
Customers only will receive the bone.
Call and see the above mentioned pie- , .
ent.s now on oshlbilion In out ni.inimoth
store and convince yourself.
Respectfully ,
IlKSiir ErsKMAN & Co. ,
People's Store ,
Nos 311 , 310,318 and 320 Broadway ,
Council Mulls.
Will supply you Ith a cleaner and better
quality of
Than any one in the city , A trial \\ill con *
% luce you. ( <
No G2S Broadway. Telephone 110.
DKnitK , WKLLS & CO. ,
W holc nlo
Agricultural luiplemonts ,
, fto ,1'to Council llhUTi town.
KKYSTONF : MA uf'AClTjltN { ( ; COT
Mnnufnotitrnrsof nnil Dcnlois In u
Hand and Power Corn Shelters ,
And nKunurn line of l\it \ clnss nciluiiltint
Nos. 1S01 , Wt , IMS ( uuli i7 Poutli Mnlii Slroat ,
. _ Council ll.tilts ton a.
Mnnttf'is nn I .Inhlton ot
Agricultural ImplementsWagons , , Buggies ,
Ciirrliiffofi. nn.t . nil klmli of Turin Mnolilnmr.
1JUO to Ilia South Mnln Stioot , Council Illiufi ,
Carpets , Curtains , Window Shades
Oil Clothe , Curtain Klxturon , TJphcildtoiy Ooo
Ktc. No. 105 llroailnay Council UlulTj ,
- >
IMKK : < ; OY & MOOUK ,
\Vholten1o Jobbers In Iho
Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Plpos
Nos. ESMiiln aud 27 I'oarl Sts. Council
Fruit and Produce Commission Merchants.
2.S4 1'oul St. , Council
Wholesale Druggists , Oils , Paints , Glass ,
Diiifi-lllsts' Sundries , Ktc. No. S2 Mnln St , nnJ
No. 211'tmrl ? t. , Council Illiura
O. W. BUTl'S ,
Wholesale California Fruits a Specialty
OoncrU ComintRdon. No 5 Li
Council IlliUTi
Wholesale Fruits , Confectionery ,
NOB. in mid 18 Pearl HI. , Council
llnuu'nctnrorB or and Wlinlc mlo Donlonl'i
Leather , Harness , SaddlerEtc. .
No. Ko Mnln St , Couiioll IIIuId , lown.
Jobbers in Hats , Caps and Gloves.
Nos. .llJnnd lit HrondHny , Council
Iron , Steel , Nails , Heavy Hardware ,
Wild Wood block , Council llluCTri , loirn
I ) . H. McDONKM ) A. CO. ,
insliibllaliuil ! * > . )
No MO Mnln Slront , ; i : Council lliiI | ( > .
Wliolomilo Dealers In
llurainating & Lubricating Oil5 Gasrtlu
ETC. , H3TO.
F.Thcodorc , AKUIII , Council Uluirc. Town
Hard Wood , Southern Lumber , Piling ,
And Hrldiro Mntorliil S | > ilnlti : | H.Wholuislo
bur ol all Kind * , uirico No. I JO Malu tit. ,
Council llliiire Jovrn.
Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors ,
Imported and Domestic Wines & Llquon
.incut forSt. Gotllmid'H llorb IHltiTd.
lliilnbt. Council IllutU.
Wholesale Liquor Dealers ,
No. ilS Jlroiiiiiviiy , Council lllulfM
The onli hotel in Council lilulU
And all ino'crn
lilfl , iil ? and 210 Main t.
MAX MO1IN , Irop
Star Sale Staliles and Muldards ;
OjipohHo Dummy Ittput.
1 t/ VSs.
fe * m
s § .
Horses and nutlcb kojit oon-tatith on
hand , for Bale at retail or in ear loud * , .
Odurs jiK'Hiptly Itllod by eontuiel un
bhoit nolico Stock Bold on coinmissloiu
iSiiuTi it iV Hoi.m , 1'ropiictois
Telolioii | ( ! No. 111.
Foinioily of Kcil Sale tjtublca , collier
1st iuounU'lth btruct.