Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 12, 1887, Page 5, Image 5

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Proceedings of the State Supreme and Fed
eral Bodies at Lincoln ,
Sheriff Klkciiljnrrj- Obtains rx Ucqitlsi.
lion Porllio IlcftirtipTnMiirdcrer
A. Souvenir of Abrntintn lilit-
coin Capital
fntoM Tim nni's : t.ixcor.N
In United States court yesterday the
trial of Checnoy vs Llbby , a case brought
from Gngo county , was occupy ing llio at
tention of the court. This is u case In
ejectment , in which some $113,000 worth
of real estate Is involved. Tito facts show
that Clicenoy sold to Llbby , that pay
ments were mntlo for n time on the sale ,
and then censed ; that some time after the
liaymcnts were delinquent ; that the bal-
lance duo was tendered but refused , on
llio ground that the contract of sain was
violated. Tlio trial is to jury. J. L.
Webster , of Omaha , appears for the
plaintifi" , and Judge Davidson , of Tectim-
fich , for the di'fonso.
The jury in the case of lio.irdmnn
ngtilnst the Johnson County bank , that
\vai tried the day before , liled thi'ir ver
dict yesterday against tlio bank for
Yesterday morning tlio committee ap
pointed to draft suitable resolutions on
the death of General George M. O'Hrion ,
of Omaha , prcsentt-d tiicir report to the
court and llio resolutions were ordered
spread on llio record nnd a copy fur
nished tlio widow of the deceased. He-
marks were made on Iho passage of the
resolutions by Patrick O'llawes , Judge
W. II. Morris , Judge Dtintly nnd Hon.
T. M. Marquutt. 1'ollowlng arc the res
olutions :
To the Honorable llin Circuit nnd Dis
trict Courts of tlio United States for tlio
District of Nebraska , Eighth Judicial Cir
cuit : Your committee appointed by order
of llio court lo present resolutions upon
the deatli of General George M. O'llrien ,
n member of the bar of this court , submit
tlio following :
Whereas , In the mysterious wisdom of
Providence General Geomo M. O'Uricn hns
been called fioin earth , In Iho nilnte of a ripe
inniihuoil , In the bloom nml fulliiQsa of mntiiio
yearn , to that vale where htinmii cyo may not
penetrate , where the voices from the snore ,
whence Ids soul dcpaiteil , cannot be heard ;
nml Whereas , General Georco M. O'Hrlon hav
ing been n member of the bar of tills court
for almost n quarter ot a century , it would
seem niLTt , while humbly bowing In submis
sion lo the decree , tlmt some notion should
be tnkcu by Iho court nnd llio members of the
bar as a mark of our esteem nnd regard for
an nssoclnto who was n true man , a fearless
mlvociito and n warm fiicnd. lin it therefore
llcsolvrd , That In llio dcntli of General
( icorgoM. O'lirlcn the state has lost one of
bur most loyal nml patriotic citizens , the
Grand Army of the Kupnbllc one of the
bravest sons that ever took up nrms in ilo-
fenfio of n noble cause , the bar nn nblo lawyer ,
nml lintmuiltv n CUMTOIIS , loving Irlend.
Kcsolvetl , Tlmt wo deeply symimthl/o with
the widow nml family In their bereavement.
Kcfiolvod , That those i evolutions be .spread
nt Imgo upon the minutes of this court , and
n copy tlieicof transmitted by the cleilc to thu
widow nml family ol tlui deceased.
( Sigurd ) T. M. Mnirjuott , William II. Mor
ris , U. M. Rutlett. G. .M. LambcrUon , John
lil. Thureton.
Governor Thayer , as department com
mander of the state ( J. A. K. , has issued
the following general order to llio posts
in the state.
llr.Aixji'AiirKus Dnr-AiiTMr.xT OP Nn-
II1IAHKA , ( c. A. 11. , GlIANI ) JhLAXI ) , Neb. .
ilnn. 10 , Ibb7. It IH witli sincere Borrow that
tlio commander announces tlio death of our
comrade , Senior Vico-Commoiider Gcncrnl
Geo. M. O'Hrlen , which ecciurcil at his homo
in Oinalia Into Saturday evening. A true
] > alrlot , n gallant Hold lor , nn honored citizen
nnd true friend has nnsweied tlio last loll-
call. I'osts tin oiighout the department will
drape their chaitm nnd colors in mourning
k In evidence of lesjicct to our deceased com-
fl , Dop't Commander.
J. W. Livr.niNfmousi : , A. A. Gen.
: com IT.
The supreme court met nt their cham
bers yesterday and completed the call of
cases in tlio I'irst judicial dstriet. Mr.
W. S. Soimnors , of Beatrice , -was ad
mitted to practice and tlio following
cases were argued nnd submitted : Sav
age vs. Aikoiij Kurros vs. Atlioy ; Aspin
wall vs. Sabin , on motion , state ex rel ;
Francis vs. Dodson on demurrer.
The court adjourned after hearing
these case until Tuesday , the 18lh , when
the call of cases appealed from the Second
end judicial district will be ontercd
upon. The Second district being the
most prolilio in cases will bo given tlio
two weeks'tlmo following tlio call on
Tuesday next.
Yesterday Commissioner Scott was
custodian for tlio time of the now and
elaborate plans that nave been drawn for
two wings and engine rooms , etc. , for tlio
nsyltim at Norfolk. A bill hns already
boon introduced by Representative Kisloy
for tlio purpose of obtaining these now
bniltlinirs. C. O. Bates , of Beatrice , was
nt the commissioner's olllee yesterday
discussing plans for the additions to bo
asked for the feeble minded institute the
coming two years and plans are cither
completed or in preparation for buildings
nt tlio blind asylum at Nebraska City ,
thu deaf and dumb institute nt Oinalia
and the reform school at Kearney. Jiills
for these improvements are already be
fore tin ) legislature.
Sheriff Eikcnbarry , of Cass county , was
in Lincoln yesterday securing from the
governor requisition papers on the gov
irnor of Kansas to bring back to rfo
brnska Charles Jones , who on Christmas
day murdered bis brother-in-law. Patrick
Stewart , nonr tlio mouth of the Weeping
Watur in Cass county. A short time ago
tlio governor offered n reward of $300 for
' " " * ' ' " "
and . _
man at Olathe , Ivan. , to which point thu
shorin" departed yesterday to bring
back llio murderer to justice.
HI : WANTS A corv.
Colonel John Hay , who is engaged
upon the work of a lifo of Abraham
Lincoln , lias written lo Major Kleutscli ,
ot this city , for a copy of a letter written
by Mr. Lincoln in IBM ) to Colonel T. J.
1'iokett , then a resident of Illinois. The
major is very proud of his souvenir , nnd
hns forwarded a copy to Colonel liny ,
who will incorporalo it in tlio work that
ho is preparing , nnd meanwhile thu auto
graph letter , well framed , occupies n
prominent position in the wash room ad
joining one of llio private rooms at thu
liotisu lobby.
A largo delegation came in from
Pawnee City this morning , all interestud
in tuollolmoj'liiitlur contest.
Judge J. L. Kdwards , of Pawnee , and
Colonel U , 1) . Webster , of Omaha , are in
tlio oily ,
Silas Uecson , E. V. Warren. J. W ,
Poormnn and wife , II. L. Woods , J ,
L. Kmies and Max Kohn
jHJtuW | * * * n ww * * * * tt k * wui * com
prifcu Iho Otoodelegation arriving to-day
The ice men are busy with their har
vest. Kleven hundred thousand tons
will bo put up in this city.
The Women's Relief corps of the ( J. A
R. , located at Lincoln , anil which has t
largo and active membership , has insti
luled its otlieoM for the ensuing term
Mrs. Kmmn Manchpstei being the prcsi
dent selected for tlio term.
There was trouble at police headquar
tcrs Monday evening , tliu nature of whicl
ECOIUS to bo studiously kepi from Iho
public , as it is reported the trouble was a
Inniilr affair between the officers , nntl as
nil wrro at largo yesterday it is evident
: lmt no arrests or incarcerations in the
[ nil followed tlio rumpus.
Several Lincoln speculators bourrht
r.ii-ss pork six wcks ago at $10 , nntl rejoice -
joico over the sales this wcolc nt ? 12 OTi.
The packing houses nt West Lincoln
arc killing and packing sonio
twelve hundred uorkcra daily , and
would liandla morp wcro they in the
inarKct. The r.incing prices were from
$4.50 upward , tlio top touching f J.O. " ) .
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Clark , accom
panied by the parents of Mr. Clark , de
parted to-day for California , whore they
will remain during the remainder of the
winter months. Their children are at
present attendingschool ! on the coast.
Harry T. Dobbins , editor of the Capital
City Courier , was married to-day atates
City , III. , to Miss Mary L , . Highlands , of
that city.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Flormico delighted
n largo atidiencu nt the oncra house last
evening in the presentation of "Tho
Mighty Dollar. " Such favorites are they
with Lincoln people that they always at-
Unfit a crowdetl house.
Representative F. K White , of Cass.
has been selected by the speaker as the
loading democrat on tlio house committee
on ways anil means , which is generally
regarded thu leading committee.
Uur < pinllcd for l ltticr Sex. No Hctl
"Many special remedies for Unght's dis
ease and other kidney troubles are ad
vertised , but little attention lias hitherto
been called to one of the very best. L.vdia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is
generally supposed to ho a remedy only
for female diseases , for which il is well
known to be theono unfailing cure ; but it
should also bo known that it is equally
ellieacious for diseases of the male or
gans , nnd for nil kidney complaints.
Hero are n few testimonials : "My son
strained himself anil was miserable , Ho
could not stand upon his feet , and ho wet
the bod. One bottle cured him. " Mrs.
W. of North Wulpole , Neb. , writes : "I
have taken your Vegetable Compound
for the last year for a kidney complaint ,
and Hud it has helped mo so much' , after
the doctor telling mo thcro was no hell )
for mo ; it has almost entirely cured mo. "
Mrs. M of Fayetyille , N. Y , says ; "I
think tlio Compound has acted on the
kidneys moro than any other part of tlio
body. " Another lady says ; "My llttlo
girl has not wet the bed since I gave her
the lirst dose ; the lirst time in three or
four . "
_ _
'Tis vain to seek a powder Hint defies
detection , but 1'o/zoni's
use / to improve
the complexion.
How IilclitiiiiiK IH Kindled.
Science for All : It is no uncommon
thing for the electrical force emanating
from a cloud to make itself felt in at
tractions and repulsions many miles
away. Clouds resting upon tlio remote
hori/.on thus frequently produce percepti
ble efforts at distances from which the
clouds themselves can not bo seen , An
electrical cloud hanging a mile above
the ground acts inductively upon that
ground with considerable power. When
in summer-time tlio tetnncraluro of the
earth's surface is very great , tlio ground
moist , tin ; air calm , and the sky clear ,
very copious supplies of vapor are
steamed up from tlio ground under the
hot .sunshine.
Clouds , however , begin nt length to
gather in elevated regions ot the air out
of tlio abundance of the supply. The
free electricity which has been carried
up with tlio vapor is at lirst pretty evenly
spread through the clouds ; but after a
time , as the electrical charge becomes
moro and moro intense , a powerful re
pulsive force is in the end established be
tween the spherules of the mist , ami a
very high degree of tension is at last pro
duced at the outer surface of the cloud ,
where it is enveloped by insulating nir ,
until in the end the expansive energy
there becomes strong enough to occasion
an outburst from the cloud. The escape
of the redundant charge then appears to
an observer's eye as a Hash of lightning
issuing from the cloud. Such , in its
simplest form , is the way in which light
ning is kindled in the storm-cloud.
What powder will 1 use this warm
weather ? Why , 1'ozzoni's Complexion
Powder lasts longer than any other , and
is not fatickv.
_ _
Jtcal listnto Transfers.
Filed January 10 , 1887 , reported for the
11 O .Tones and wlfo to D L Thomas , un
divided 1A of lot 111 , Nelson's add , q c
"wililatn Olson nnd wife to Geono Jl
Paine , loll , block 13 , Lowe's 1st add , wd
Slr > V ) .
Lovl P McKenna nnd wife to W A lloiliclc ,
lot r , , block H , 8 1C Itocera' add , w d 51. MO.
Charles S Utenins nnrt wlfo to John V
Goad , west > tf ol lot.Sblouk 103 nnd east 3i
leetof noitlUl feet of lot 4 , block 102 nml
Houtli Ji of lot 4. block 1W , Omaha , w d
Iwiae Itubln nnd others to A S Billings ,
lot 18 , block J , I'lainviow. w d S'JOO. '
Flora Ktiuln nnd others to A S Hillings ,
lot 17 , block 2 , Plalnvlow , w d SOOO.
1 O Vales and husband to Klrklnn II Pnl-
iner , 50x120 feet beginning ntn point Ml'eot
noi th and 10 feet east of southwest corner o
lot 4. block 0. 1'ark PJnce , w d-81.000.
Allen E Kllby nnd others to Rose AIcRrldc ,
lots 1 nnd B , block 21. Carthage , wd-SbOO.
Allen K Kllby nml otlieis to John J Jfc-
Olveru , lots 0 and 7 , block BO , Carthage , w d
Union Pacific Railroad Co. to .1 A Horbach ,
trustee , part of lot 8 , block ! WO ; nlso lot B ,
block : KO ; also lots 5 nntl 0 and east of lot
0 and all ot lot 10 , block H07. 8 -
( icorije Armstrong and wife to Neal 0 An-
dorfaon , lot 3 , blocks , Armstrong's ' 3d ndil , w
d S'Jl.
Low W Ilill to Joseph ( larnonu , Jr. , lots
0 , 10 , 11. 12 , 13 , block 5. BeRgs & Hill's Sd
ndd nnd part of sw # ofsw # of no& 81 , 15 ,
15 , w d-0.000.
Anna McCormlck to Arthur Uomlnc-
ton , lot Sl.block 2Catnlpa 1'lnce. w d SI , 100.
W A L ( libbon nml wife to John F Fnlrluy ,
lots 31 and ! W , llnrlom Lane , w d S350.
Kilwnrd S Uoll' to Frank D Urown nnd
others , lot 10 , Clark'.s add , w d 84,150.
J J Loonoy nnd wlfo to Lewis Bcliroeder ,
north K of lot 1 , block 13 , KounUo's 3d ndtl ,
w d S'J.500.
Hilton S Lindsay to Krom Owens , lot 4 ,
subdivision , w d SbOO.
JiuiifS M Swotinnn nnd wlfo to II DGlb-
noy. lot IB , block ! , Thornburi : Place , w d
11 K ( Sates to Allen Koch , lot 7 , block 3 ,
Capitol 1 1111 ftild , w d-S7aoo.
\ VV lleiirlhan to Samuel Moilonson , cast
M of lot 4 , block 12 , KounUo & Ituth ndd , q
e S'J.
Phillip Cnsiuly nnd wlfo to 11 I Mattlco
nnd otlieiB. 17 ncros , 5. 14 , lit. w d-810,150.
John LlbblonndvlfotoLinhvli : lltunlbch.
00x100 foot , beginning at 50 feet south ol
the northwest corner of lot 10 , llnrkei'a nllot-
nioni ; also an alloy way , w d S.VW
Joseph Harker nmlyuo to Mrs L T Wil
liams , Ms 3 mid 4 , Parinenter Place , w d
8400.U F Troxel and others to Charles C Ilousel ,
north -W teet nndest 05 leet ol north H of
lots , block I'M , w d-810,000.
diaries C House ! and wife to Kdwln II
Shurwonil , north ] 4 of lot 5 , block I'M , w
d-SGO,000 ,
Augustus Knuntro nnd wlfo to Lewis
Kohroeclor , lot 10 nnd B7 , bleck S , Konut/e's
4th fulcl , w d-Sl,400.
1 Ilasonll to Kato O'Meare , 1 aero , 31 , 15 , 13 ,
w d-STOO.
Dmiuls Ctinnlnghani nnd others to Nelson
Ste waul , lots i ) nml 4 , block \Vashlngtou \
Hill , w d-81.000 ,
UT Maxwell nml wlfo to T 0 Hemlrlx. B.I
fuel next to east CO feet ot lot 7 , block 70 , w
\V A lj ( ilhhnu and wife to Joanna Wright ,
lots : i" ) anil "ii ) . Harlem Lane , w d S3.V ) .
\V L A ( iibbou ami wlfo to Anna M Vnn
buren. t'oto litilll.uite , lots 0 and 7 , block 8 ,
w d-SWO.
Kilwnul Pk'Uett to H V Bates , south 133
feet ot lot lit , Clark Place , w d-SS-W.
John 1 Kedlck nml wlfo to Graham Park.
ami ntlu'rs , nait ot lot 15 , liartlett's ndd , w u
Tlio Ileum Is Iiiimonso
inSouthOmalia Proportvnnd AI.HKUJIIT
dioici : loads them all. "TuKitK is NOT A ) > LOT in tills beautiful property.
OMAHA , Jan. 8. To the Kditor ol
tlio UEU : Touching different views on
courts martial , a few ttofds from
ono who has nerved a number of
years in the army nnd knows whereof ho
writes , permit meas a prcludo to
say , if tlio United States army had moro
gentlemen of General Crook nnd Colonel
Henry's ilk , nnd less of the kind dubbed
by onlistea men and in many cnses , 1 am
sorry to say correctly "gentlemen by act
of congress , " the department of the
Platte , nml I venture to say no other
department would hnvo any such show
ing as 78 per cent of its men tried by
courts martial.
For the remedy I would suggest to tito
powers tlmt bo that soldiers for slight
breaches of discipline should not bo run
to the guard house by some aspiring
corporal seeking eintilatlon.bul as Colonel
llcnrv says , and 1 am glad to see "sticks
to it/1 a friendly talk nnd n llttlo good
advise wtll do moro to elevate the young
soldier than bv &oins ; through n lot of
red tape assembly , a garrison court mar
tini for the trial of Prlvnto Brown , nml
such other prisoners ns may be properly
brought before it. The order always to
be in piopcr form says "properly" but it
Very often happens that the victim is im
properly brought before it just as Colonel
Henry nsscrts , and after thrco unfortu
nate nontenants have sat to keep them
out of harm's way , and learn tlio duties
of war in such cases made and provided
after mature deliberation and a certain
amount of annoyance at not being abloto
find the prisoner guilty they render their
verdict of "not guilty , " and after tlio said
Private Urown has had from ten to four
teen days confinement with a guard at
his heels with loaded rlllo ami lixed bayo
net trotting him round to clean out slops ,
sweep backyards , and haul coal , etc. ,
our young soldier is returned to
duty but has no redress , poor
follow , he is nwful clad to get out ,
I may sny the ninjorily of the young men
of our army to-day tire , as a class , equal
in intelligence and behavior to thu MIIUU
number of young men in any pursuit in
civil life. Admitting that from the sur
roundings they may , at times , iissuinu a
natural soldier dnro-devll. Is it lo bo
wondered at that after such treatment as
1 hnvo pictured that if ho remains in ser
vice he gets disgusted , goes from bad to
worso.gelting used to the court martini
farce and worries his term through or
else deserts. Certainly old soldiers nailed
with joy the epoch when tying up by tiio
thumbs , carrying n log or loaded knap
sack was done away witli by humane leg
islation , but of Into years in trying to
improve the morals of the army the court
martial system has undoubtedly boon
abused ns shown by the increased number
of trials until it is time lor Colonel
Honrv " nml officers like him to cry
"halt" " Why not give the soldier for
minor oflonses extra drilling during the
day. for six , eight or ten days ; take away
some of his privileges ns to passes , in
fact , do anvlhing but don't stop his j > ay ,
nml make Him do chores lor his superiors ,
who have by right of authority
vested in them the privilege of
sentencing him to this degrading pun
ishment. When officers of the army "go
it blind , " as that high f ancillary of the
army , the judtro advocate general of the
army is now doing , the country hears of
it , but poor privates gettliuir pay slopped
for what the boys call a soldier's crime
"nothing , " and nobody cares except
once in a while some ono like Colonel
Henry talks. Somehow soldiers are not
much given to prayers , but I happened
to overhear n couple of "boys lu blue"
discuss this subject and say a hearty
"God bless them" for Crook and Henri ,
with the true , if old , saying tlmt it is just
stieh men tli .t know how to lead nml
will have men to follow them in the
"deadly breach , , " should our republic
1 hope I have not trespassed too far in
throwing moro light on this subject , but
I feel it as a duty to old associations and
cannot be called to account for writing
this , my mind , to the Uii : : , which has
always been Iho soldiers , friend.
Stirring IncldoiitH Itconlicd by the
Death ol1 nil Imllnii Woman.
St. Paul .Pioneer-Press : A short time
ago an Indian woman , familiarly known
to the white people as Lucy , died in her
unpretending habitation alMomlola. She
was almost ns well known to the inhab
itants of tlio twin cities as the historical
"Old Uets. " Uy the early settlers she
was generally called "La-ti" ( her lodge ) .
and was the wife of the celebrated
Chaska , who saved the lifo of Major
George II. Spencer , late United States In
dian agent at the Crow Creek agency.
Dakota , during the outbreak of 1802 , and
who also saved the lifo of George A.
IJrackett , of thiscity , in 1604. Mr. lirackett
and Lieutenant Freeman , of St. Cloud ,
had left General Sibley's command for
the purpose of hunting antelopes , and
suddenly unexpectedly encountered a
party of hostile Sioux , who fired upon
them , killing Freeman. At this juncture
Chaska , who was a scout accompanying
the Sibley expedition , appeared upon tlio
scene. Neither could understand the
language of the oilier , but Chaska tinally
succeeded in making Air. Urackctt under
stand that the only thing for him to do
was to dismount , abandon his horse and
conceal himself in some tall grass near
by until night , when ho could emerge
from his place of concealment ami rojom
the command. Chaska then informed
tlio Indians that they had killed both
white men , and they soon took their departure -
parturo , after securing the horses and
equipments left by Messrs. Brackett and
Freeman. Mr. Brackott obeyed his in
structions and escaped , making hi.s way
back on foot to a supply camp which had
been established by General Sibley a
few days previously.
It will bo remembered that some 200 or
300 women and children were hold as
captives by the Indians , and wcro subse
quently released by Gononij Sibloy.
bonus of these unfortunates foil into good
hands ami were well treated , but the con
dition of others was deplorable , often
suffering from the pangs of hunger oven
while there was an abundance ot food In
the hostile camp. The dead La-ti proved
herself Iho friend of Iho captives , giving
them food , attending them when sick and
trying to cheer them up with assurances
that they would soon bo rcsloroil to their
friends. Chaskn demonstrated his friend
ship for the whites in moro ways than
ono , and at last laid down his life in the
the service of llio government , which was
engaged against his own people. The
heroie conduct of Chaska and the noble ,
generous deeds of La-ti during the bloody
massacre of 180'J will long bo remem
_ _
Why They Go "Iiitii Politics. "
Kt\o lort ll'uiM.
gyiho card of Mr. Hiintlngton in defense
of his late "adviser and agent" at Wash
ington , "Charley" Shcrrill , confirms the
general impression as to the facts in the
case. Mr. Hnntington says ;
The Central Paclllo company , by the neces
sities of its tail : , entered Into business rela
tions with thu KO\ eminent , by uhlch ques
tions were continually arising with Iho ex-
eculivo , judicial and leir'blatlvo ' branches ,
nml U was Mr. Shen ill's duly to Icam , re
port ami hee that the position of the company
icccUed no damage.
In fewer words , Mr. Sherrill was kent
at Washington to "look after the in-
torosts" of the Central and Southern
Pacillo railroads , Not content with the
enormous grants and invaluable priv
ileges which they have received from Iho
government , these great corporations
employ the highest grade of "skilled
talent" to "see'1 thai lliey "receive no
damage. " Wo tlo nol object lo Mr. hunt-
nijjiou's euphemisms for lobbyist. His
frank admission of his "fluent nnd nd-
visor's" business is the thing that will
most interest the public. Uho country
will understand from it \ \ hy it is tliat the
railroad kings are so much interested in
politics as to make ? 100,000 contributions
to party campaign funds. It makes the
work of their "ngcnls" easier to
have their tools nnd creatures in office
In the same line is the policy of owning
or controlling newspapers , which mng-
nates like Uuntmgton still follow. The
journalistic "nconts" also work at Wash
ington and "seo" that the public gets Its
news nntl opinions properly colored , so
that "the position of llio company may
receive no damage. " The lobby agent
is more useful than the journalistic agent ,
nnd Mr. Hunlinglon's defense of his Into
Washington ndviscr docs credit to his
-TLAVOna *
rrepwilwlth strict roRardtornrltv , Strengthnni
llealtbfulnesa. Ur.l'rlco'o Unking Powclercontaliia
Extracts , Yonitio , Lemon , utc.t llarocCoUdoualjr.
. _ eirA -mSr. frur *
Vnry fowppoplo know that the Rhrlnknge of Mente
roi te < l In nclonaovrn U from tlilrty-IHoto fort ? p i
cont. All mnntcontalnflpnveutr 11 % o purcflit.oCw&tf ! < t
nndr.nly tvscnty lliot'pr cfntotBilld ( nmtter , ntul tbg
lo thatlHinnile Hi tlio ronbtlnglnmnilo In thnntni o.
ration ottlia juice , which lutlio VITAI. TAUIor MEAT
Effect of the SOLID OVEN Door.
A TFS iwunil blrloln. mollum or wull lono. will b
niucrn to MX i > ouinlann < l four ounrua ot Uon > lcil
snout , nhovvinu n lonsof Uire pnnnun nntl tvelTH ouncei
of Julco.Millo tlui lot-H U.17K ticrccnt.oC thu tuti !
wclnht , It rliDK * thn cuoruoiu Lees or IfiFix 1'J-iJ
A TEN pound Birloln. inn.Ilum or wollxlono , " 111 Iw
reduced to nlno round * nml olcht oulicu pf Itonitwl
mint , tnonlnKii lusnot ouncea otjulco. \\hll
thlBlobnU llvo l > r cpuUut thn totiil nolaht. Itshowt
Uio Tory umall tosauK IICTHCEN run CLNT. or J uicu
SOLD IN KKBEASKA na lollows :
E. C. IlREWr.R , . HAV SrMNGS.
H. AIRD&CO . NEnnA5k-\CiTY.
W. F. Tr.Ml'l.inON. . NELSON.
j.J. McCAFFERTY..1. . O'Nutl. CITV.
j.s. UUK.I : . rLATTbMouTi ! .
1 A I'ADDFN&BON . Suii'KioR.
Askyour rctnllcr for the JnmcsMonn , S3 Shoo
Catltioni t-'oinu ( lualofl recommend In Interior
( roods in onlor to innKo n liirtior prillt. 'J'his Is
tlinOUIiilNAIiOSIino. Itownroof Itnlliitiona
which acknnnluiliro tliolr own Infrilomy liy lit-
tcinntlng to build upon tlio rc'iiutiitiou of the
None genuine unless bearing this S'.nmp ,
I Mntlo In riiitton , ConcrcsO and
ccllodln Di'iumi irv. COMIOIIT
mill Ari'EAKA.NCi ; . Apostnl u.inl
eent to u will brlnu you Infor-
Bintlon IIOIT tn KUI tliln SUoo 111
nnjr State or TorrlKirj- .
t. BJeaiis & Co. ,
41 Lincoln Street ,
noston ,
Our culcbrafxl fnctory produces n Inrsor
guiintlty of shoes ot this gnido than any otliur
factory In the norld. U liouFftnds who wcnr
tliom will toll you the reason jf you iu-k tliom
JAM KS MKANS * S3 S1IOK lor IloyS is unap-
proaclicil Jn Dunihllltr.
Full HDOI nf the above Shoe * for rnlobr
L. E A l > I N It J/r A I L , ii U §
lloccntlf Jiullu Newly PuruUbod
The Tremont.
J. C.KlT/.aiilAl : < D& BON , Proprietors.
Cor , tth nnd I'tjts. , Lincoln , Nob.
Ilnlci tl JO nor day , btruvt curs from housj to anr
part ot tlio c > tr.
Architect ,
und 42 , Itl'jbnrds Block , Lincoln ,
Nol ) . Elouitor onlltti btroet. '
Ilrportorol llroortorof
a Ai.i.o\vi r CATTI.E. FnoliT Hull * C A1TLH
Live Stock Atictioneer
hiiloj made In all jmrt.s of tlio U. 8. ntfatr
rates. Hooiu 3 , Htatu lllock/Lincoln , Noli.
Galloway und Short Horn bulls lor eulo ,
Tarm Loans and Insurance ,
Corrcanondi-noojn rojrnrd to loam solicited.
Itooin i , HltUrtrUj Illock , Lincoln. Nob.
Riverside Short Horns
Of strictly pure Hutcsand Hates Tapped cnttlo.
Iloril nuinucrj about iVJ head.
Famllios roproscntod : I'llbort' , Cra&irs ,
Acombs , Itenlcn , Haiti ot Shaions , Moss Hoses ,
KnlKlitly Duohusaes , I'latCrcokountf Marys ,
I'liylllsos , Ixiuiiua and'I rue l jvc-s.
Hulls lor ialu. 1 1'uru Hates Flloort. 1 Pure
Batus Crufevs. 1 Itoseof Blmron , 1 Voimif Mary ,
ll'uiu Crnlck Bliank and otnnri Coino and
Inspocttbo lier.L AdJiusa , CH.V4 M. 11UAN-
SUN , Lincoln , Neb ,
When in Lincoln ftop at
National Hotel ,
And vet u good uluoerfo "Jo.
Likes to be
And hoiv to do so at the
receives a favorable answer
at llic
1119 Farnam Street ,
Why buy a ready-mndo
Suit or Overcoat , when' you
can bujr fine
These Prices Hold Good
for One Week ,
$25.00 Moro'nt Tailor Made at f 12.00
80.00 14.00
35.00 10.00
40.00 18.25
45.00 20.00
50.00 n 23.50
CO.OO iin 28.00
C5.00 n ao.oo
75.00 85,00
$25 Merchant Tailor Made at10.00
30 " " " 11.50
40 " 14.75
45 20.00
50 " . 22.00
00 " 20,60
70 " " " 80.00
It Ofotiiij
1119 Farnam St
Lawrence Ostrom & Co.
la Death to Consumption ,
Hnlarla , Sleeplessness ,
Chills nml Fevers Or Insomnia , anil
Typhoid Foyer , Dissimulation ,
Indigestion , 01 Food ,
Dyspepsia. Ten Years Old ,
Surgical Fevers. No Fusel Oil.
Dlooil 1'olsoniiigr. Absolutely Turo
Till" - will rcrllfy tlmt t hnvo primlnc-rt the IlTCI.I.r. . or tloi'IlllONnimKV. . rpriMrp.t . from I.AV-
mM-EOSTlilMiACo.nmt Jimml thOKnniPln 1)0 > orl > clly free
i from find oil and nil other ilclrlurl-
ous sulisl.inccs and strlrilr pure. 1 clivcrfullr rronininiMiil ttiomm for rntiiltr niul MiMliclnnl .
„ - . . , . „ , . . , . . J. I1. IIAU.M M , M I ) . , \niltl"i'hpnii t. lioiilcrlllo iMirninoi. Kf.
Ini-Mlotiy DriioclnK WlnoMnrdinnUnnil ( Impart nrprywlip IMc-p ft 51 | > c r imilln.
iiuW,1 " " " " " " ' bu "OIU lo " 'r"1'1 '
LAWRENCE OSTROM & Co. Louisville , Ky
Wholesale and Distributing Agents ,
Oy , U'lntlcmttr 1i < in < " iv , \Onialia. \
J < "aninieNUwrttc < lbii ( UtADS'IONK JlllOS. CO. , Oinalia.
JT. . VLAUK 1 > 11UG CO. ,
Display at their warerooms , 1SO5 and 13O7 Farnam Street ,
the largest assortment of Pianos and Organs to bo found at
any establishment west of Chicago. The stock embraces the
highest class and medium grades , Including
Prices , quality and durability considered , are placed at the
lowest living rates for cash or time payments , while the long
established reputation of the house , coupled with their most
liberal Interpretation of the guarantee on their goods , affords
the purchaser an absolute safeguard against loss by possible
defects in materials and workmanship.
1303 it. 1307 PARMAM STREET *
Makes and Sells
These Goods.
Millard Hotel Block , Qmalia.
Hon. JamosK. noy ! , Ilrltr. ( Ion. Goo. Crook , Hon. ( luy C. ll'irlon , Hon. ICImer S. Oimdj'
lion. Jus A , CrolBliton , H. It. Calloway , JIsi ) . lluriiuiu Kouiit/.n , Ks > ] .
lOAtl ( ) 01' MANAfiUHS ;
Mr. Frank Colpotzer , Mr. J. 8. Colling , Mr. J. T. CJurko , Mr , N. Slielloii , Mr. .Ins Oiirnuiiu , Jr.
Mr. N. N f.'rnry , Mr. K. P. I'ock , Mr. Clement Clmso , Mr. .Ailliur Wnkoloy ,
Mr. .1. K. Wilbur , Sir. J , It. Lulnnor , Mr , W. M. Itojjuru , Mr. O. K. Dituol ,
Mr. H. 0. MuCluro , Mr. U. 11. Kotluiukor , I/loul , Kimiiun , Mum. Aliurciointilo ,
Ir..luutii9 ) lirnun , ,
rvimmlttoooti Press Mr. Cluipn , Mr , Itothnokiirnnd Mr. MuPlnro. fommllloo ! on ihn Miislo
nml 1'nwHin Mr. Criiry tuicl Mi. [ .olnnor. ( 'onmiKliio on Tlol.uiH anil I'rlnlliitr Mr. Duuol uuJ
Mr. McClure , Coimulttuu on HuliosUmcnU The iiuntlmixm of tlio ItoiuU tit
MIS..T. R. lloyd. Mrs. K. H. Dandy , Mrs. K. .lolmson , Mrs.V.H. Coffnriii ,
Mis. Jos. | Mrs. I'rod Nye , Mis.'J' . li. Klmlmll , Mrs. Tims M. Moore ,
Mm. 0 M Illlchcook , Mrs. J. A. Ciuiitliton , Mrs. H.T. Clurko , MJ-H. II. 11 , llrmlit ,
MIH. ( ico. W. Doiino , Mis. J. II. Mlllilnl , .Mis. 1 , M. llumictt , Mrs. John Ii. Bummer ,
Mis. II. II. Wood , Mif.,1 J , Ilionn , Mrs H. D. Mercer , Mrs It. ( ! . MiCluro ,
Mr * J. M. Mctuiilf , Mrs. Ah In Humidors , Mrs. A , H. llU ! > coiiil > , Mrs , W. V. Morse ,
MnkJ. N. II. I'utr.oV , Mrs O. N Doluo , Mm. J .1. llnriis , .Mih. llyron Hoed ,
MrH. Kicd Oniy , Mis. W. II. MoRord , MIH. 0,1'arkur. MIH K. M. Morsmiin ,
Mrs. W. (1 Sloun , Mrs. Ii. II , TOM or , Mis , ] ) . I ) , Clarke , Mrs G. W. Unliwir ,
Mrn , ( J. W. Mrn. e.T. frulili , MIK , OuoriMi Crook , Mrs. Natliiin Kliulton ,
Mrs , J.W. Morku , Mrs.V J ( 'oniioll , Mrs. K. 1' . Hounds , Mrs < 3 K. Vest ,
MM. 0 , II. D.imly , Mrs. Ii. W , V. KiMinun , -Mrs. H. It. Culluuay , Mrs K. Wiiknluy ,
Mio.0. H. Collins , Mrs. I , . 11. ( Irmly , Mis. llonry 1'iinili , Mrs. J. M Tliurslon ,
Mrs1. .1. ] ' Coup Ion , MM .1 , li Vt'olistcir , .Mis Win \Viilluou , Mrs. A , I * . Hopkins ,
Mrn O. H. David , Mrs. ( J , K , Biiniros. Mis. 1' . 1 , . IMrlnt ) . Mrs. N , Mtrrlain ,
Mrt. .1. W. HuMJfe'd , Mrs.J. A Ilortmtk , Mis. louls llruiliord , Mrs. J. A. WiikoncliI ,
Mrs H.I' Morse , Mrs O A II. McUmiloy , Mrs. K W. Dlxon , Mrs. . ) . H. llrudy ,
Mrs. 0 II. Downy , Mrs , Guv Mutton , .Mm A. 0. Powell , Mis , Jos HiirKor ,
Mrs Harm in Kountzc , Mis A. 1'oliick. Mis Thou. Mlllor , Mrs , H , II. Jones.
Mrs. 1'runk Colpot/ur , Mrs Ionian llioliiiidsuii , Sirs. J M. Kilily , Mrs. I' . 11. Wluaton ,
Mrs , A. . ) . I'oppluton , Mis. J.M. Wonlwortli , Mm.,1.1. DiLkoy , Mrs , M llolliniin ,
Mra. J. ( i Cowln. Mrs J. I * . MoCaguo , MID J.V. Detilso , Mrx. .Siiinui'l Iliirnn ,
Mis. W. A. I'tuton , Mrs. Ixjyl CMitor. Mrs. Clark Woodman , Mrs. It. H. Ginloril ,
Mrs. I' . C. Ilimulmugh , Mra O A HmiKluncl , MIH. Milton Kotfcib , Mrs. U'dtltl iniri
Mra. MuxMoyor , Mrs G. I ) , \V > utt , * liu..I. H. Cluikbon , Mis. I.W. Minor ,
Mrs. II. Uullugliur , Mis. K. llosuwntrr , Mrs. A. It. BtruuK , Mis/1' . K. Ilor ,
Mrs. O. II. Dorrunco.
Applications for tickets may bo made atSaxoDrug Store nnd Kuhu's Drug
Store and of Hie ISoard of Managers.
Gentleman and f , < ulicn.
Carrl.iifM will npp in cl > ) i < ni 'til fiut t. i'i rftt tl'drrcriiuinu n- : ; t tr ! UHi )
- . nlll form uinlor direction of tlio i > o llo olllcur In charge.